Global Team Case Paper Final

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  • 8/8/2019 Global Team Case Paper Final


    Managing The Global Workforce

    Spring 2003

    Prof. Randall S. Schuler

    Group work project

    Comparing the HRMS between U.S.A. & Hong Kong


    Fang Yuan

    Kai Chi Huang

    Chi Young Hwang

    6th May 2003

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    I. Introduction 4

    II. Overview 4

    III. Factors External to the Firm 5

    a. Country Culture/Valuesb. Labor Marketc. Level of State Involvementd. Openness of Societye. Industry Structures Typef. Legal Regulations, Political Practices, Tax Policyg. Conclusion

    IV. Factors Internal to the Firm 16

    Types of workersOrganization StructureAssumptions about peopleTechnologyVision, mission and values of the firmNature of ownership and Management

    V. Human Resource Polices and Practices 19

    Work systemsa. Staffing Recruitment, Selection and Socializationb. Development and Trainingc. Governance Systems, Safety and Health

    Rewards-Direct and Indirect Remuneration

    HR policy and Practice Effects 23

    d. Employee Assignmente. Employee Competenciesf. Employee Behaviorsg. Employee Motivation

    VI. Relative Value of Multiple Stakeholders 26

    a. Stockholders and Investorsb. The Organizationc. Customersd. Employeese. Strategic Partnersf. Society

    VII. Linkage to the Business 31

    a. Linkage to the Needs of the Firm


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    VIII. Transfer of HR Policies and Practices 32

    a. Barriersb. Facilitators

    IX. Conclusion 35

    X. Reference 37


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    I. Introduction

    The goal of this project is to compare the Human Resource Management System

    (HRMS) of Hong Kong with that of U.S.A.. This project will base on Schuler-Begin

    Model (spring, 2003), and will use U.S.A. as a benchmark to see if there are any

    difference and similarity in Hong Kongs HRMS. By using this comparison, we would

    like to improve the understanding about Hong Kongs HRMS, so that U.S. companies

    can have a reference when they want to establish functions in Hong Kong. We expect that

    the key difference will lie in the culture values and the concept on HRM.

    II. Overview

    Hong Kong is located in the south of china. Total area is 1,902 sq km, six times the size

    of Washington DC. Occupied by the UK in 1841, Hong Kong was formally ceded by

    China the following year and became a British colony. Pursuant to an agreement signed

    by China and the UK on 19 December 1984, Hong Kong turned back to China as the

    Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China on 1 July 1997.

    Although just a tiny dot in map of the world, Hong Kong, the worlds freest

    economies and an international modern city, is not just a dot in map of the world

    economy. According to IMD World Competitiveness Scoreboard 2002, while the U.S.

    maintained the top position, Hong Kong dropped back from 6 to 9. Since the U.S.

    economy is the weatherglass of the world economy and there is a tight relationship

    between Hong Kong economy and world economy, you may see from table below that

    many indexes of two areas, like unemployment rate, industrial production growth rate

    and GDP real growth rate, are very close.


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    (2001 est.) Hong Kong USA

    IMD ranking 9 (2002); 6(2001) 1(2002); 1(2001)

    GDP - per capita:

    purchasing power parity$25,000 $36,300

    GDP - real growth rate: 0% 0.3%Unemployment rate: 5.2% 5%

    Inflation rate

    (Consumer prices):-1.6% 2.8%

    Industrial production

    growth rate:

    -9% -3.7%

    However, Hong Kong and the U.S. are at two sides of the Pacific Ocean, there will

    be definitely many differences in all aspects of the economy, society and culture. We will

    compare the external and internal factors to firms of the two areas first, and then focused

    on the HR issues.

    III. Factors External to the Firm

    Country Culture/Values

    Since the non-interventionist approach taken by the HK government provided a freer

    environment for cultural tendencies to predominate. HK firms will act more like HK

    Chinese and Western firms more like westerners in Hong Kong. ( Shaw, et al, p.23) Here,

    we mainly compare the Hong Kong Chinese firms with the U.S. firms.

    Culture Dimension Scores

    PD = Power Distance; ID = Individualism; MA = Masculinity; UA = Uncertainty

    Avoidance; LT = Long Term Orientation


    USA 40 L 91 H 62 H 46 L 29 L

    Japan 54 M 46 M 95 H 92 H 80 H

    Hong Kong 68 H 25 L 57 H 29 L 96 H

    China 80 H 20 L 50 M 60 M 118 H


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    Hong Kong

    According to Culture Dimension Scores, compared with the U.S., Chinese

    organizations are mainly influenced by cultural characteristics: high power distance,

    collectivism, high-uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation.(Hofstede 1980,

    1997) If you pay attention to the difference between China and Hong Kong, you may find

    Hong Kong is mixing the eastern culture and western culture gradually. That is exactly

    the unique characteristic of this eastern international city.

    We will analysis the differences of culture values between two areas one by one:

    a) Hong Kong: high power distance, less equal in relationship the U.S.: low power distance, more equal relationships

    Holt (1998) indicated a culture high in power distance such as Japanese and Chinese

    cultures, most their people at the lower levels would accept their subordinate status, and

    respect formal hierarchical authority. These people seldom violate chains of command or

    openly question decisions by their superiors. On the other hand, people who live in a low

    hierarchical society such as Americans and Canadians have less power distance between

    each level. In an American company, higher managers normally will be more willing to

    share their authorities to subordinates in decision making, and to leave certain latitude for

    disagreement (Holt, 1998, p. 347).


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    b) Hong Kong: more collectivistic the U.S.: more individualistic

    American cultures look up to personal achievement, innovation, autonomy, and

    individual heroes. The individual achievement is highly valued, and any individual with a

    great ability will gain the best profit in a company. Being progressive and creative will be

    appreciated by this culture. In contrast, Chinese cultures in Hong Kong would emphasize

    more on group harmony, social order, people relationships, and loyalty and group

    reputation. Individual contributions would not be valued if the contributions are against

    to the group interests or goals. Being conservative and careful sometimes would be

    necessary for keep harmony in a collective society.

    How dose this culture characteristic impact on the HR? Lets use Job Satisfaction

    for example. Vertical collectivists may view having good job alternatives as an

    opportunity to reinforce their loyalty, whereas individualists may see the same situation

    as an opportunity to express their independence and ability. (David Thomas, Kevin Au,

    2002)Another example, the US managers were more likely to adapt individualistic career

    tactics to achieve their career goals than were the Singaporean managers. The Asian

    managers did not value collectivist career goals and tactics more highly than did the US

    managers. Among the Asian managers, the younger generation was more individualistic

    than the older generation. (Ann Arbor,1995)

    In fact, the culture difference is most important to Human Resource Management.

    Collectivist cultures have a preference to work together and share rewards more than to

    strive for individual recognition; sharing responsibilities, helping each other and learning

    from each other; and a greater belief in mutual trust and respect. These beliefs suggest

    different methods of recruiting, selecting, training and rewarding staff in Hong Kong

    compared with the U.S.. (Kim Shyan Fam, Bill Merrilees,1998)


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    e) Hong Kong: seek rules appropriate to a situationthe U.S.: prefer abstract universal principles

    Westerners prefer abstract universal principles; East Asians seek rules appropriate

    to a situation. Bicultural people, like those in Hong Kong with its British and Chinese

    history, show thinking patterns intermediate between East and West. That's a model that

    workplaces might do well to emulate, says Prof. Nisbett: The more cultural diversity and,

    hence, thinking styles in a workforce, the likelier it is to see problems clearly and solve

    them. We also believe that the diversity is good to a firm and a society. Although it is not

    easy to mitigate the culture conflict, the different thinking may bring new ideas and new

    technologies. However, it is also a difficult problem to HR people.

    f) Hong Kong: display thrift and perseverancethe U.S.: display personal steadiness

    Long term orientation, known as Confucian Dynamism, is defined as the extent to

    which a culture values personal steadiness, stability and respect for tradition as opposed

    to thrift and perseverance. (Kim Shyan Fam, Bill Merrilees,1998) Confucian teachings

    have a profound influence for most Asia countries. The Confucius philosophy has

    become many Asians beliefs in their life. Redpath and Nielsen stated (1997) that

    Confucius values include thrift, saving, persistence with slow results, adaptation of

    traditions to a modern context, acceptance of unequal relationships, and a concern for

    virtue rather than truth. These characters make Asians become very different from

    Western people. If apply Confucian thought into modern organizations, the bonds of

    loyalty will help reducing the conflict between management and labors. (Lieh-Ching

    Chang,2003) But, the loyalty of the employees must come from a continuous concern and

    reward by the organization (Hill, 1994).

    There are also some unique Chinese Culture values that are predominant in Chinese

    society and cant be easily translated to other cultures.


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    * Unique Chinese Culture values

    a) Face: plays a particularly important role in Chinese culture. With extreme care taken

    to maintain ones own sense of personal and public integrity and the integrity of others in

    social interaction.

    b) Guan Xi The best English word for it is probably connection. Guanxi refers to

    the status and intensity of a relationship between two parties. Persons who share guanxi

    usually have some characteristics in common such as the same birthplace, lineage,

    surname, school or organization.

    c) Harmony, Confucian philosophy emphasizes harmony, suppresses overt conflict,

    and inhibits confrontation. The doctrine of the middle way is a social ideal of


    d) Yin Yang, the main principle of Taoism thinking, is the merging of concepts or

    elements that are extremely opposed into a unified harmony.

    Labor Market

    a) The composition of workforce: In Hong Kong, most workforces are Chinese, so

    Chinese cultures and philosophies are prevailed. The U.S. shows its diversity here, but

    the predominant ethnic group is white.

    b) Education level: the education levels of the workforces of both two areas are pretty

    high in the world. In fact, skilled workforce is the main element of countrys competitive

    advantage. However, in terms of equity of social rights between male and female,

    education proportion for instance, Hong Kong is lagged behind the U.S. but still better

    than most of Asia countries.


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    c) Unemployment and high skilled workforce shortage: Two areas are both facing a

    little high unemployment and a high skilled workforce shortage. Hong Kong even has to

    cope with Brain drain resulting from the takeover of HK by the Peoples Republic of

    China in 1997. To avoid the uncertain of future, many high skilled workers and managers

    left Hong Kong just before 1997. Although some of them is coming back gradually since

    a stable takeover, Hong Kong government began a training program to educate local high

    skilled human resource.

    Hong Kong The U.S.

    Ethnic groups: Chinese 95%,

    other 5%

    white 77.1%, black 12.9%,

    Asian 4.2%, Amerindian andAlaska native 1.5%, nativeHawaiian and other Pacificislander 0.3%, other 4%

    Literacy: definition: age15 and over has everattended school

    total population: 92.2%male: 96%

    female: 88.2% (1996 est.)

    total population: 97%male: 97%

    female: 97% (1979 est.)Labor force:(2001 est.) 3.44 million 141.8 millionUnemployment rate: 5.2%(2001 est.) 5% (2002)Labor force - by major


    wholesale and retail trade,restaurants, and hotels

    31%, financing, insurance,and real estate 13%,

    managerial and professional31%, technical, sales and

    administrative support 29%

    d) high labor cost in both two areas From the graph below, you may see both areaslabor cost is very high compared with developing countries.




    0.60 0.97 1.45

    Hong Kong 11.41 --- 17.44GERMANY 28.40 30.98 36.15San Francisco 35.85 39.91 46.10New York 50.00 64.00 75.00


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    Uns kille d s kille d



    Hong Kong

    the U.S.(SF)

    Level of State Involvement

    HK has long practiced a policy of positive non-interventionism. HK government has

    centered its policies on training and development activities. The emphasis on training

    represents one area of intervention in HR practices on the part of the HK government.

    HK has very little legislation to control the relationship between employers and

    employees, and labor unions have long been little importance or strength in the colony.

    HK governments policy towards business regulation has been one of less is better.

    (Shaw, et al, p.25) However, during the finance crisis 1998, the Hong Kong government

    intervened the local stock market.

    Although the U.S. is also an open society, the U.S. government intervened the

    economics according to its economy polices sometimes, mostly protecting the

    competitiveness of the market.

    Openness of Society

    Hong Kong is once again rated the world's freest economy by the Fraser Institute of

    Canada in its Economic Freedom of the World: 2001 Annual Report. Hong Kong won

    credit for traditional laissez-faire economic policies and for its decision to reduce its

    stockholdings. The annual report -- which is drawn up in collaboration with The Wall

    Street Journal -- assesses countries in a range of categories, from trade and tax policies


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    to inflation rates and government regulation. (Joy Hilsenrath, 1999) The one-country-

    two-systems principle guarantees its continues development as a free and open society,

    with an independent judiciary, strong anti-corruption infrastructure and capitalist way of


    Industry Structures Type

    Hong Kong: tourism, banking, shipping textiles, clothing, electronics, plastics, toys,

    watches, and clocks.

    USA: leading industrial power in the world, highly diversified and technologically

    advanced; petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals,

    electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber, mining.

    Most famous industries in Hong Kong are tourism, banking, shipping. With its

    status as an international city and financial center, Hong Kong's banking system is well

    supervised and stable. Given Hong Kong's place as a major player in the global financial

    world and as a gateway to China and much of East Asia, many international firms operate

    there. To strengthen its position as Asia's logistics hub, Hong Kong has continued to

    improve on its customs, seaport, airport, warehousing, freight forwarding and other

    logistics services. . With this mixture of elements, HK has successfully created a business

    environment almost unparalleled in the world - and the leading logistics firms in the

    world have chosen to move their cargo through here.(Gordon Feller, 2002)

    Legal Regulations, Political Practices, Tax Policy

    a) Tax Policy Low tax policy is a main competitive advantage of Hong Kong. As an

    Asian financial and trade hub, Hong Kong has long promoted its low tax rates --

    including a 16% flat corporate tax and the top salaries tax to 16% from 15% -- to draw

    foreign investment and talent.


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    The tax issues of structuring inbound and outbound expatriate contracts in Hong

    Kong center on the test of location of employment.Hong Kong has a territorial basis of

    taxation. For Hong Kong salaries tax purposes, an employee will be considered to either

    have a Hong Kong situs employment or non-Hong Kong situs employment. This section

    considers employees with a non-Hong Kong situs employment who have been seconded

    to Hong Kong for a specific period of time. (Ian Love,1999)

    b)Legal Regulations Hong Kong's legal system is separate from Mainland China's, and

    English common law prevails. The judiciary is independent of the legislature and

    executive and over the last 17 years Hong Kong has developed into one of the world's

    major arbitration jurisdictions following the establishment of the International Arbitration

    Centre in 1985.

    Recent legislation in Hong Kong has greatly extended employee protection in the

    SAR. Employers are now required to take into account a significant body of employment-

    related legislation, mainly introduced in the period 1995 to 1998. New measures include

    the following: Anti-Discrimination, Privacy, and Pensions.

    c) Employment Laws The following are the key labor laws in Hong Kong (Hong Kong

    Labor Department). Basically there are only basic laws that protect the basic

    rights and benefits of labor. There is no law against age, race, or religion

    discrimination, no laws on unemployment insurance, no laws on collective

    bargaining, etc.

    The Employees' Compensation Ordinance Disability Discrimination OrdinanceMandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance Sex Discrimination OrdinanceEmployees Retraining Ordinance Trade Unions OrdinanceFamily Status Discrimination Ordinance Labor Relations OrdinanceThe Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance. The Employment Ordinance

    USA: National Labor Relations Act 1935 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964


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    Fair Labor Standards Act, 1960 The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970The Equal Pay Act of 1963 the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990The Employee Retirement Income Security Act 1974

    Conclusion (The Competitive Advantage of Nations)

    According to Harvard Business School's professor Michael Porter's highly influential

    paper - "The Competitive Advantage of Nations" economies gain competitive advantage

    through the development of industrial clusters of efficiently interlinked firms and

    supporting services. Hong Kong has been able to build up such clusters in a wide range

    of business sectors including finance, technology, tourism and professional services,

    thanks to an array of advantages outlined below. ( Dominic Jones, 2002)

    Hong Kong

    1. the world's freest economies2.

    low taxes3.

    3. an unrivalled regional location4.a skilled workforce5. clean government

    6. world class infrastructure7. the free flow of information8. government policy of non-interventionism9. the rule of law.

    The U.S.

    1. the leading national exporters2. the top business services3. world leadership in many sophisticated industries4. the vast amount of arable land and reserves of natural deposits5. the highest productivity rate of workforce

    6. strong infrastructure supporting business7. basic scientific research and R&D Dept.8. less government intervention in market9. highest economic-stability10. the power of unions is relatively less


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    IV. Factors Internal to the Firm

    Types of workers

    Hong Kong is known as the City of Life and its residents embrace all life has to offer -

    they work hard and they play hard. The Hong Kong workforce, famous of its high quality

    skills and experience, has many competitive advantages as listed below:

    1. Multi-lingual ability: English; Cantonese; Mandarin

    2. High educational standards: nine years of free compulsory education; government-

    supported adult and workforce education programs (such as Continuing Education Fund)

    3. High special skills: finance, logistics, e.g. According to a spokesman at WestLB,which recently expanded its banking services in Hong Kong, because: "we could findpeople with the right mix of specialist finance skills relatively easily in the local labourmarket.

    4. As Hong Kong has so many leading global firms based there, what the Hong Kongworkforce also has is the experience of working in an environment with very highcorporate standards.

    5. Because it is an international city, Hong Kong workforce can easily accept foreign business practices and cultures distinct from the local culture, and its high ethical


    Compared with Hong Kong, the U.S. workforce has its own unique characteristics:

    1. Higher education rate2. Higher diversity3. Highest productivity rate of the world4. High skilled workers coming from all over the world

    Organization Structure

    Chinese business organizations have underdeveloped structure: work responsibilities are

    poorly defined; standard procedures are not common; staff and line units are

    undifferentiated. There is a tendency to unify or concentrate operations; in that, although

    they work within a larger chain of activities, rarely do they operate the whole chain by


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    vertical integration. The organization concentrates on one main line of activity or

    workflow, which inevitably will affect the organizational structure.

    Compared with Hong Kong Chinese firms, the firms in the U.S. have a modern

    developed structure, especially emphasizing on work responsibilities defined in job

    descriptions, detailed standard procedures. The firms have different management level:

    superiors, junior managers, senior mangers, and top management, which have their own

    responsibilities and tasks.

    Assumptions about people

    Li- Wealth Ethic. From a Western perspective, the Chinese have been seen as valuing

    money as religion. In many proverbs in China, you can see how people value the

    money, like with money you can get the devil himself to do heavy milling work for

    you. In fact, Chinese emphasis on material values mostly based on the human need for

    security in a potentially threatening environment. Money is often looked as the shelter

    against the hostile environment. In the United States, wealth is also important, but it is

    often looked as the symbol of individual success.

    Ming - Admiring the reputation or status in public or organization. This is another

    important value in Chinese society. In the U.S., the society more emphasis on equity, and

    creativity is encouraged by society.

    Zhong- Based on harmony needed in Chinese society, loyalty is looked as a personal

    moral character.

    Xiao- In Chinese society, taking care of parents is looked as a good moral character.

    To take care of parents is a good reason of absence or changing job in Chinese society.

    The society cant stand a person who didnt support parents but show much tolerance on

    low job performance because of heavy burdens for supporting parents.


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    The U.S. has strongest basic scientific research in the world, and also in the top position

    on investment in education at elementary level. The R&D department is well developed

    in American. Although too far behind the US in technology and development, Hong

    Kong has been provided an opportunity to use technology to improve systems and make

    business more efficient.

    "Hong Kong wholeheartedly embraced the concept of a knowledge-based

    economy," a Hong Kong government official says. "Ensuring that we had the

    infrastructure and the educational focus to become Asia's technology center became a

    priority for the government."

    Hong Kong government leaders several years ago decided to invest in purpose-built

    infrastructure like the Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) and

    the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology. The recently opened Science Park dedicated

    to world-class applied research and development in electronics, precision engineering, IT

    and biotechnology. The construction of Cyberport, which is aimed at attracting a strategic

    cluster of information technology companies and professional talent, adds to these

    credentials in 1999. (Patrick Burnson, 2002)

    "We have our own vision," HKSAR's chief executive, Tung Chee Hwa, said in a

    speech given that year, "and that is to make Hong Kong the hub of innovation and

    technology in Asia, and particularly for China."

    Vision, mission and values of the firm

    Hong Kong implicit objectives

    In Chinese corporations, organizational objectives are implicit, based on the thoughts of

    the leader that are interpreted into purposeful action. The Chinese organization operates


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    according to directions and instructions from a highly centralized power base. The boss

    does not normally keep his opinions open. The subordinates are constantly trying to guess

    the thoughts of the leader. (Jan Semler, 1997)

    United States - explicit objectives

    The organizations vision, goal, long-term objectives and performance assessment criteria

    tend to be transparent. Employees are pleased to share the norms, values and experiences.

    Nature of ownership and Management

    As a result of these cultural characteristics as well as the typical small size and family-

    owned nature of Chinese firms, Chinese businesses in HK are typically characterized by

    centralized decision-making and control systems, loose organizational structures,

    paternalistic and autocratic managerial styles, nepotistic succession processes, intuitive

    planning, and personalized linkages with the external environment.

    Compared with Hong Kong, most of firms in the U.S. are partnership (private). The

    management characteristics are list below:

    -Less centralized or decentralized-making and control systems- Tight organizational structure- Democratic and collective decision and managerial style- Rational planning- Credit systems linkages each other in the society

    V. Human Resource Policies and Practices

    Work Systems

    Work in Hong Kong is conducted more on a craft production system base. Although

    there are still some industries using mass production system manufacturing, many of


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    them already move to mainland China because of low labor cost comparing with Hong

    Kong. Employees in Hong Kong often host multiple works in one job. In recent years,

    Hong Kong tries to introduce lean production system to companies, such as TQM.

    However, it still does not have significant success in this land because of culture and low

    empowerment. Even though Hong Kong has started empowering some property

    management employees, it has not been perceived as a viable management style in Hong

    Kong for some considerable time. (Yip, J. S.L. 2000)

    Comparing with Hong Kong, work in the United States is more conducted on the

    mass production system base. However, in recent years, many manufacturing firms have

    moved towards the lean production model. The United States has tried TQM. The idea of

    empowerment in US is not big problem in a company.

    Staffing Recruitment, Selection and Socialization


    Many Hong Kong companies are small firms. They are often held by family business.

    Therefore, employers often hire people who are their relatives or someone they know.

    However, the ways foreign companies hiring people are very similar to firms in United

    States. Generally speaking, in 1950~60s, firms in Hong Kong more hired temporary or

    part-time employees. In 1970~80s, many big companies lost temporary employees;

    therefore, they tried to hire more full-time employees. However, after 1997, because of

    economic downsizing, companies tend to back hire more temporary, part-time, or

    contract employees to reduce labor cost.

    US companies use many ways to recruit employees. In recent years, companies

    also use internet to hire people. Because of economic downsizing, companies do not have

    strong desire to hire new employees, especially those who just graduate from schools.


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    Internal flow:

    There is no limitation of overtime working hour policy. Therefore, in recent years,

    because of economic downsizing, Hong Kong firms tend to make people work overtime

    rather than hire new employees. Long time workers increase, and working hours per

    week also increase. There is also no limit in overtime using in the United States.


    In Hong Kong, not many companies have job security plan. Because many of companies

    are small or medium enterprises, there is few chances transfer employees to other firms.

    Companies can also layoff employees whenever they wish to but have to follow a set of

    rules to pay the employee the long service fee. In recent years, the turnover rate also


    Many firms in the United States have job security plan. The employment security

    is often held or negotiated by unions. Non-union companies also have job security plan to

    try to attract talents. Companies in US can layoff employees at well, but it is often limited

    by union negotiation or laws. The external transfer of employees of one firm to another is

    not practiced in the United States.

    Development and Training

    External Education system:

    Hong Kong has strong education standards. People have to get nine years compulsory

    education. Hong Kong employees often have high special skills. However, because of

    economic downsizing, to improve competitive advantage, Hong Kong government has

    focused its policies around training and development activities.

    Although in United States, people also receive elementary and secondary

    education, there are not so many people carrying enough skills in workplace. The


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    elementary and secondary education system does not provide much skill training. Non-

    degree training is widely used. However, because of culture characteristics, receiving

    external education is more like individual business in the US.

    Training within the firm:

    HK firms provide higher levels of in-house training and formal orientation programs.

    However, there are not many plans about employee development.

    In the United States, there is still low expenditure on formal and informal training.

    The resources are disproportionate. Professionals and managers receive more training

    than skilled crafts or production workers.

    Governance Systems, Safety and Health

    Hong Kong is a highly laissez-faire society. Government does not tend to intervene the

    market or business activities. Therefore, Hong Kong lacks many basic labor laws such as

    minimum wage, or overtime limitation. Union in Hong Kong, unlike that in US, is very

    weak. There is no strong union relationship, and unions have very little abilities to

    influence business policies or negotiation.

    Government in the United States does not intervene the market very much, but

    compare with Hong Kong, U.S. government still has some degree of influence of

    companies. The United States also has more labor laws to protect employees. Unions also

    have strong influence to companies, but the influence is decreasing.

    Rewards-Direct and Indirect Remuneration

    In Hong Kong, the base pay is performance based pay. There is no minimum wage

    limitation. Employees focus more on cash received instead of benefits. The more

    important benefit is private medical insurance. There is no clear pension plan or support

    system, until year 2000. Hong Kong does not have supplementary unemployment.


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    Reward systems in Hong Kong tend to link progression to identifiable incremental

    amounts and staffs often receive similar increases.

    In the United States, the base pay related more to workload. There is minimum

    wage limitation. Employees focus more on benefits or bonus rather than base pay.

    Therefore, companies often offer better benefits or reward systems to attract talents.

    VI. HR policy and Practice Effects

    Employee Assignment

    Functional flexibility:

    Hong Kong: High functional flexibility. There is high worker commitment in Hong

    Kong. It is easy to move employees in or out of organization.

    U.S.A: Low functional flexibility. Low worker commitment in the US makes workers

    unwilling to be flexibly deployed, low competence makes them unable to be flexible, and

    presence of deployment limitation makes it impossible to be flexible.

    Financial flexibility:

    Hong Kong: Low financial flexibility. There is no easy way to adjust the wage bill in

    Hong Kong because money is the main point to attract and remain talents. Although in

    recent years, many companies in Hong Kong freeze employee salaries or even reduce

    them, it is still not a long trend in Hong Kong.

    U.S.A: Moderate financial flexibility. Although U.S.A. firms can flexibly adjust hours

    and employment to adjust the wage bill, adjusting wages in regard to individual, group,

    or organizational performance was not a common practice. The decentralized bargaining

    structure provides a degree of compatibility of the wage bill to the economic performance


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    of a particular plant or firms, but the flexibility is offset by the multi-year union

    agreements that tend not to be sensitive to economic change.

    External numerical flexibility:

    Hong Kong: High external numerical flexibility. Firing or layoff employees in Hong

    Kong is easy and common. Unions are very weak in influence workforce policies.

    U.S.A: High external numerical flexibility. There are few limits in the United States for

    employers to increase or decrease the size of their workforce. Unions are unable to

    challenge managerial layoff, plant closing, and subcontracting decision.

    Internal numerical flexibility:

    Hong Kong: High internal numerical flexibility. It is easy to adjust working hours in

    Hong Kong since there is no low to limit working hours or overtime.

    U.S.A: High internal numerical flexibility. Longer work weeks, low paid time off, and

    low absenteeism in international comparison give firms more hours from workers.

    Overtime is highly used.

    Employee Competencies

    In Hong Kong, although people have to receive nine years compulsory education, there

    are only few people get high education because Hong Kong does not have many

    universities, and training high skill people is its main purpose. However, because of

    environment change and high education workforce from China increasing, Hong Kong

    government believes that it has to retrain its people to improve the competitive

    advantage. Therefore, Hong Kong government has focused its policies in training and

    development activities.


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    In United States, people also receive elementary and secondary education, but

    they are not prepared enough training to work. Many companies complain employees do

    not have enough skills to deal with their jobs and have to make some programs to train


    Employee Behaviors

    Employees in Hong Kong often have short-term commitment in companies because of

    cash mentality culture. On the other hand, the trust between employees and employer is

    high since many small firm employers use relatives or someone them know.

    In United States, mass production system in international comparison produced a

    work force that was more satisfied but less committed than their counterparts in other

    nations. Employees do not trust employer as comparing with Hong Kong people.

    Employee Motivation

    The main attraction to talent in Hong Kong is salary. Employees are willing to make their

    personal lives sacrifices for making more money. In recent years, because of economic

    downsizing, it is hard for companies to increase wages to remain people; therefore,

    companies sometimes use the economic crisis and high turnover rate to retrench


    Although it is not a good economic time, in United States, there are still not many

    employees willing to sacrifice their personal lives for earning more money. Better

    training or development programs and flexible working hours motivate people more than



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    VII. Relative Value of Multiple Stakeholders

    Stockholders and Investors

    Traditional Chinese investors in Hong Kong share the same cultural values as the

    Chinese employers. They focus on quick returns, low equity, spread of risks, and trust.

    Actually, Chinese employers seldom allow those investors or stockholders to interfere

    with the business management process. They and their family members and friends

    usually control most of the stocks. Thus, according to an article on the International

    Financial Law Review in 2001 in London, although corporate governance standards for

    Hong Kong businesses has long been regarded as having one of the highest in Asia, it is

    still generally lag behind those in major financial centers such as New York and London.

    Basically, the stocks listed in the Main Board are not required to announce their earnings

    quarterly as in U.S.. The CEOs are still not need to be accountable for wrong financial

    reports. The Hong Kong Exchange, which controls the listing process of all the stocks in

    Hong Kong, is being accused of having conflict of interest in listing those stocks.

    However, the government is working on more protection of investors interest. The

    formal Security and Futures Ordinance will soon be effective by 1st April 2003

    (Securities and Futures Commission).

    Of course, USAs corporate governance system still has its own problem in the

    selection of the board of directors, which Hong Kong cannot solve too. However, USA is

    working on tightening the governance system.

    The Organization

    Traditional Chinese employers focus differently at the different stage of business. When

    entering a market, they use the low margin/ high turnover tactics to compete for market

    share and to build up their cash base. At this stage, employers only see money, no matter


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    how low the margin is. After having a financial base, employers start to pursue an

    opportunistic strategy of exploring and exploiting business opportunities. Their foci are

    short term, fast cash turnovers. Eventually, certain Chinese enterprises arise after

    accumulated certain profits. In this stage, the employers will be more responsive to local

    economic policies. Most Chinese enterprises invest in four main areas of business:

    assembling and manufacturing, real estate, banking, and trade expansion; known as the

    Golden Diamond. These enterprises manage through tight control by family members

    because trust is the most important criteria in their management philosophy. Non-family

    members are promoted based mainly on the trustworthiness of the person. Overall, the

    Chinese employers in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia have been seen as valuing money

    as religion. (p.165-173 Selmer Jan). Thus they will not pay employee well and will not

    invest much in training and development. A survey of 53 middle level managers of a

    local Chinese bank and 2 local Chinese manufacturing factories proved that (Chow, Irene

    & Chua Bee-Leng 1993).

    On the other hand, foreign multinational companies bring in their own

    management philosophy which emphasize their responsibility to the shareholders, the

    employees and the community.


    Customer rights improved significantly after the establishment of the Consumer

    Council. Though still not the same as U.S.(Hong Kong customers cannot return the

    purchased goods easily), customer rights and needs are highly respected by the producers.

    Any business malpractice will be reported immediately by the Consumer Council.

    However, the Consumer Council does not have any authority to penalize any unfair

    business practice or malpractice. It can only provide advice to legal departments. Good


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    quality products, service, low tax rate, and low price have made Hong Kong known as the

    Shoppers Heaven. This has become a major attraction for tourists from China,

    Southeast Asia, Japan, and Western countries.


    Most of the employees are emigrants of coastal cities of mainland China. They share the

    same culture values as the traditional Chinese employers. They are also very materialistic

    because money is the only way for them to move upward. They are very hard working,

    even though they do not earn much. They focus on any opportunities that help them to

    move to better economic conditions. They work either for better income or better learning

    opportunity. Thus, they move more frequently until they open a company by themselves,

    or until they earn the trust from their boss so that they can get into the senior management

    circle. They have high entrepreneurial drive to get something of ones own. One of the

    reasons for them to act in the above manner, is that they are much less protected than the

    Americans. Traditional Chinese employers will take any possible advantage over them.

    Unions are very weak in Hong Kong. Fringe benefits are low. There is no minimum

    wage. There is a limited amount of social security which can barely protected the aged,

    the disabled, and the unemployed. No protection over retirement, until 1999 the

    Government pass the law forcing all employers to have a retirement plan some what like

    the defined contribution plan in U.S.. These conditions make them more self-protected,

    less likely to cooperate, more flexible and adaptive, and tries to get something of ones

    own. Conditions are much better in foreign companies and they attracted a lot of talented

    people. However, Paik, et al (1996), confirmed that middle and senior level managers in

    the multinational companies still have a significantly higher entrepreneurial value than

    managers in similar cultural country like Taiwan and Singapore. A survey done by Chiu


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    K Randy, et al (2001) showed that the five most important compensation items to attract

    employee in Hong Kong are: basic salary, merit pay, year-end bonus, annual leave, and

    mortgage loan. The five most important compensation items to motivate employee are:

    basic salary, merit pay, year-end bonus, profit sharing, and annual leave. These reflects

    Hong Kong employees values. Whereas in US, employees are attracted and retained by

    train & development, flexible work schedule, above market pay, competencies, and group

    incentives (American Management Association 1998).

    Strategic Partners

    It is unlikely that there is any strategic partnership exists in traditional Chinese

    companies. There might be strategic partnership among family members and friends


    However, in multinational companies, according to Allix, Mark (Nov 1996),

    employee survey is an important tool for them to assist their decision making in different

    area like customer service, benefits, employee satisfaction, etc. He found that both staff

    and management would be benefited from the employee survey. According to a study, by

    Wimalasiri Jayantha S. & Kouzmin Alexander (2000), which compares the difference

    between Hong Kong companies and U.S. companies in the application of Employee

    Involvement (EI) program, Hong Kong companies are much lagging behind of U.S.

    companies in terms of the use of EI programs. Statistics in that study showed that Hong

    Kong companies are less enthusiastic about the result of EI on productivity and quality

    improvement. Most of them believe EI is helpful to boost morale and motivation only. A

    mistrust between management and employee is significant in Hong Kong companies as

    only 1 per cent of Hong Kong companies were willing to share financial information of

    the company to over 60 percent of the employee. Whereas in U.S., 76 per cent of the


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    knowledgeable workers to come to Hong Kong. There is an obvious trend that

    government will intervene more through training and legal governance, to help

    employees. On the other hand, Hong Kongs low tax and open trade policies, less

    regulatory restrains, better business supporting environment, better geographical position,

    and a better communication with the West, are still attracting foreign investors. Hong

    Kong is still on the top of the most competitive city list. Unrestrained access to

    international information and westernized higher education have made Hong Kong

    citizens learnt how to combine the Western culture with the Chinese culture. Foreign

    companies value systems and management philosophies are more readily accepted by

    the Hong Kong Society. Hong Kong Government will continue to attract investment,

    while protecting citizens rights to a reasonable degree.

    VIII. Linkage to the Business

    Linkage to the Needs of the Firm

    In traditional Chinese family business, HR is the least invested management function.

    Decisions are made centrally. HR department functions as personnel department. Linkage

    to the needs of the firm is made through following the big bosss instructions.

    However, for organizations not managed by traditional Chinese values, such as

    the semi-governmental agent, Housing Authority, outside consultants had rate its HRM

    system, in 1999, as good standard which involved alignment with corporate strategy,

    implemented according to objectives and schedule, and has high employee satisfaction.

    According to Voigt Kevin (Nov 2000), Hong Kong HR managers had recognized

    that if they cannot become a business partner and working on high order works like


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    planning for a companys human capital need, their survival will be a problem, as already

    been proved by certain HR managers who were forced to leave their job.

    According to Lam Simon S K, & Schaubroeck John (1998), there are basically 4

    kinds of needs of the firm, in relation to HR planning in Hong Kong. The most welcomed

    one is the HR planning for the control purpose. The second is the HR planning for the

    coordination purpose. The third is for the communication and strategic impact purpose.

    The fourth is no HR planning. From this, one can see that the purpose of the systemic

    application of HR function is not the same as US. In US, it is mostly for the supporting of

    the business strategy. In Hong Kong, it is mostly for the traditional control and

    coordination function.

    We do not find articles talking about actual steps to achieve Strategy Human

    Resource Management in Hong Kong. Where as in USA, advanced theories as well as

    practical company examples have all shown the importance of Strategy Human Resource

    Management, and the practical steps of achieving SHRM (Kaplan R.S. & Norton

    D.P.2001, Becker B.E., Huselid M.A., & Ulrich D. 2001, Ulrich D. 1997). Actually

    according to Nkomo (1986), there were already about 15% of the Fortune 500 companies

    using formal HR planning in 1980s.

    IX. Transfer of HR Policies and Practices


    Hong Kong

    Base on Begins (1997) model, Hong Kongs key barriers lie in the culture values, and

    the short term visions of employee and employer.


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    Traditional Chinese work values in immigrants from coastal cities of mainland

    China can be a barrier for accepting the applications of new management philosophies.

    Cases of failure to transfer TQM concept to Chinese companies are analyzed by Chiu

    Randy K.(1999) and Kirkbride Paul S.(1992). Among the key reasons, two are related to

    the traditional characters of the manager and the employee. One of the key reasons is the

    managers reluctance to delegate authority to subordinates. The other is the employees

    traditional passivity which causes them less likely to make suggestions, or to initiate

    change. These are supported by Hofstede Geerts (1994) culture analysis. Hong Kongs

    culture scores are: Power distance (68), Individualism (25), Masculinity (57), Uncertainty

    avoidance (29), and Long term orientation (96). Where as the respective score for USA is

    40, 91, 62, 46, and 29. According to Hofstedes analysis, high power distance means

    more centralized decision making, and low individualism means more likely to follow

    group consensus and less likely to initiate change by individual. MTR, a subway in Hong

    Kong, has to invest a lot in cultural change before successfully carry out TQM(Tang F.Y.

    Sara, 1992). According to Paik, et al (1996), in designing performance appraisal system

    in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, there was significant danger to assume that same

    system can be used across these three places, even though they are classified by Hofstede

    Geert (1994 ) into the same culture cluster. Paik, et al (1996) suggested that a key reason

    for the barrier to transfer the appraisal system is Hong Kong managers high

    entrepreneurial value system. This entrepreneurial value tends not willing to delegate

    authority to subordinates. This will block the transfer of any employee involvement HR

    systems, as we had mentioned before.


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    On the other hand, Wimalasiri Jayantha S. & Kouzmin Alexander (2000), showed

    that the major barriers for Hong Kong companies to adopt Employee Involvement were:

    short-term performance pressure, lack of tangible improvement and resistant

    management culture. Together with our previous analysis of the employer and employee

    values, we can foresee that short term vision also hinders the acceptance of new HR



    According to Begin (1997), the key barriers for USA exist in the historically bureaucratic

    organization, the highly integrated HR system, and the short term vision of the


    As mass production concept was already deeply built in USAs organizations,

    changing to leaner and cross-functional structures is difficult. As Begin (1997)

    mentioned, if USA has to transfer HR policies from Japan or Germany, she will have to

    break up the whole HR system and rebuilds it.

    Companys short term vision is hinted by the Wimalasiri & Kouzmin (2000)

    article showed above, where the major barriers for employee involvement programs

    were: short-term performance pressure, lack of long term strategy and lack of tangible



    Hong Kong

    For Hong Kong, westernized higher education, unrestrained access to global information,

    bilingual ability in both English and Chinese, non-intervene, training and development

    focused government, and Returnee from oversee helps to link the western culture and


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    knowledge with the local culture and practices. This is a key factor that Hong Kong tends

    to accept new HR concepts more easily.

    Also, multinational firms tend to bring their home-country HRM practices with

    them when they set up operations overseas. This is an important facilitator for Hong

    Kong. There is likely to be a process of imitation taking place between local and foreign

    firms. Foreign firms may be seen by local firms as having HRM Practices which are

    state-of-the-art, and thus worthy of imitation ( Shaw, et al, p. 26). The less integrated

    and traditional HR practices in Hong Kong is also another facilitator for accepting new

    concepts because they are easy to be broken down and rebuild a new one.


    .For USA, their strong research power helps them to analysis different types of HR

    practices in the world. The big companies have the financial power to try these new HR

    practices and share the experience through the academic institutes to other companies.

    Also, the global competition forced USA to try better HR practices in order to keep them

    ahead of the competition. Traditionally, USA has a better diversity concept and the

    government is more focused on diversity, as compare to other advanced countries. This is

    also an important facilitator for USA to adopt new concepts in HR.

    X. Conclusion

    On the whole, there is an interest finding. Hong Kong has two sub-cultures: traditional

    coastal Chinese culture and foreign company culture. This finding is important for U.S.

    companies who want to form Joint-ventures with Chinese family business and for those

    who want to open their own subsidiaries. No matter how, as we have predicted, the key

    difference between Hong Kong and U.S. lies in the high power distance, low


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    individuality, low uncertainty avoidance and certain unique Chinese culture values like

    face, Guanxi, Zhong, Xiao, etc. This difference causes significant difficulty in

    the transfer of more advanced HR concepts in U.S.. To overcome this difference,

    considerable amount of cultural change is needed before a U.S. company wants to

    implement its new ways of Human Resource Management.

    On the other hand, Hong Kong has a less well developed organization structure as

    well as a less advanced and integrated HRMS. However, this makes a change to the new

    system more easier. Together with Hong Kongs traditional emphasize on training and

    development, and her historical experience on both the East and West language and

    culture, once the culture issue is solved, new HRMS can be easily accepted.


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