Global Mission 2010 Presenter Date Location. Accompaniment = Together.

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Transcript of Global Mission 2010 Presenter Date Location. Accompaniment = Together.

  • Slide 1

Global Mission 2010 Presenter Date Location Slide 2 Accompaniment = Together Slide 3 Together In Mission Slide 4 ... for the sake of the world Slide 5 Slide 6 Accompaniment = Together Faith Mutuality Respect Challenge & Encourage Slide 7 Slide 8 Slide 9 Slide 10 Slide 11 Slide 12 Slide 13 Slide 14 Decentralized Centralized Everybody doing his/her own thing Central Command & Control The Global Mission of the ELCA Slide 15 Decentralized Centralized Everybody doing his/her own thing Central Command & Control The actions of ELCA synods, congregations, and individuals contribute to a commonly agreed-to whole The Global Mission of the ELCA Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 Slide 19 Global Mission Events Slide 20 Slide 21 Haiti January 2010 Slide 22 Church-to-Church Relationships Slide 23 Accompanying the Global Church: Leadership Development Slide 24 Accompanying the Global Church: Missionaries Slide 25 Accompanying the Global Church: Grants and Support Slide 26 Lutheran World Federation Accompanying the Global Church: Relief and Development Companion Churches & Other Partners Global Mission $13.2 Million World Hunger Slide 27 Lutheran World Federation Accompanying the Global Church: Relief and Development Companion Churches & Other Partners Global Mission $13.2 Million World Hunger Slide 28 HIV & AIDS Lutheran Malaria Initiative Slide 29 Slide 30 ELCA Global Mission 2009 Budget vs. Expenditure 92.4% 99.9% Slide 31 ELCA Global Mission 2009 Program Budget Revenue (excludes World Hunger) $13,501,368 Slide 32 ELCA Global Mission 2009 Program & World Hunger Budget Revenue $27,085,655 Slide 33 ELCA Global Mission 2009 Budget Expenditure by Program $27,085,655 Slide 34 ELCA Global Mission 2009 Budget Expenditure by Activity $27,085,655 Slide 35 ELCA Global Mission 2009 Total Expenditure by Funding Source $31,783,939 Slide 36 ELCA Global Mission