Global feats of inspiration in touch article reflexions extra magazine 2015

Reflexology Plus The Meridian Way Making Connections for integrated health and wellbeing. Louise Exeter



Transcript of Global feats of inspiration in touch article reflexions extra magazine 2015

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Reflexology PlusThe Meridian Way™Making Connections for integratedhealth and wellbeing. Louise Exeter

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Global  Feats  of  touch  by  Louise  Exeter“Your  expectations  determine  what  you  see  and  experience.  If  you  look  forward  to  success,  being  attuned  to  this  will  lead  you  to  see  and  experience  it”.  (1)

I recently watched a TV biography on David Weir,the 4 times gold medallist at the 2012 Paralympics. This brought to mind the event’s inspiring legacy of achievement. It also reminded me how exhilarating it had been to be swept up in this very special international event and be enveloped by the sheer joy of the “all for one and one for all” experience. (2)

As the crowd witnessed and shared in the successes and failures of individual athletes and teams, there was definitely a collective adrenaline rush and a sense of global emotion in support of the competitors, whose determination and commitment in their quest to overcome, trust and follow a dream through participation was acknowledged and applauded.

We  can  all  do  with  a  little  inspiration  at  times,  to  lift  our  spirits  and  motivate.

As I reminisced, this programme’s theme effortlessly entwined itself with a feature I’d read earlier that day in Reflexions Magazine which invited personal reflections from members to celebrate 30 years of reflexology - my thoughts sped away from inspiring athletics towards inspiring reflexologists! Those whose dedication and innovation to the sphere of reflexology have particularly influenced, inspired and redirected the course of my own reflexology work since I first qualified in 1993!

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Bring in the Danes!

With this in mind, I recall a sequence of firstclass workshops from Denmark’s DortheKrogsgaard and Peter Lund Frandsen’s TouchPoint. In Denmark, reflexology is more main-stream than in the UK, so Dorthe and Peter’svisits bring a different national perspective and expertise to their clinical workshops. I always leave refreshed, with something ‘new’ yet tried and trusted from their own experience i.e. a reflexology gem to add to my repertoire. In fact, over the years, I’ve become a bit of a Touch Point ‘groupie’ and I am grateful for their contribution.

From the land down under

Sometimes,  inspiration  comes  in  a  sudden  flash,  like  a  bolt  out  of  the  blue,  informing  and  motivating  our  lives  and  work.

I’m sure many reflexologists hold treasured memories of their own reflexology ‘magicmoment’. My eureka moment came manyyears ago at a workshop in 2003 with MossArnold, from the Australian College of ChiReflexology. It remains with me still, alive andbuoyant! We’d been exploring exciting touch techniques and body mapping; extending treatment parameters through Moss’s creative system. At the end of this workshop Moss said words to the effect: I’ve given you the tools, now run with them, go out there, explore, be creative, ... put your own stamp on them’. It was a special and transformative moment for me. After all the time that’s elapsed since then,

I remain exhilarated by the dynamics of Moss’ Chi-Reflexology system and its winning combinations, which revolutionized my treatment journey.

Hoist the Flag!

The domain of reflexology continues to blossom, which is so motivational and energizing! Consequently, it’s great to feel just as passionate about the genre as whenI first embarked on training 20 years ago.At that time, I recall, many people were bemused by the mere word ‘reflexology’!

Initially, this lack of awareness created something of a P.R. challenge. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise though; encouraging myself and colleagues to pluck up courage and don ‘reflexology ambassador’ hats! If people weren’t coming to us because they didn’t know what reflexology was, we needed to get out there and spread the word! We walked the walk and talked the talk through various presentations, emonstrations and workshops. Using different body-health themes, we invitedthe public to explore the language of the feetand hands with us from reflexology perspectives; and to appreciate them aspotential doorways to better health andwellbeing.

It’s rewarding to think that step by step (along with many other reflexologists) we’ve collectively contributed towards greaterreceptivity and awareness of reflexology.Importantly it’s confirmed to me Barbara andKevin Kunz’s adage that the ‘feet don’t lie’! (3).

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If your feet could speak what would they say?

Someone whose knowledge and experiencekeeps me entertained and informed throughthe language of the feet is Eunice Ingham. Ireturn to her books: Stories the Feet Can TellThru Reflexology and Stories the Feet HaveTold Thru Reflexology for reference andgrounding. Although Eunice’s work goes backto the 1930’s, I hope she’ll never be viewed as‘archive material’! I interpret her work as thefoundation building blocks of reflexology:paving the way for the theraphy’s evolution.She was aspirational and successful – both forher patients and the acceptance ofreflexology as an alternative and complementary therapy. I am grateful for herwork and example. She inspires me still.

The Changing Face of Respectability.This could also be said for the Association ofReflexologists, whose dedication to raisingstandards and practice of reflexology over theyears has been so beneficial for the theraphy’sethical profile, credence and publicperception. This has definitely benefitted meas a therapist and continues to support,particularly via Reflexions Magazine, diverseeducational programmes and group get-togethers. Working on a one-to-one basis aswe do, the Association has importantlyprovided a sense of community – 30 years ofwhich we are currently celebrating

Back to the future!Looking back to one’s therapeutic roots to goforward in the present can provide acontextual frame-work for movement,direction and effectiveness. Returning to myEureka moment in 2003, I realize, from thebenefit of hindsight, that Moss’s generouswords were, in essence, a pivotal directive formy future! What a lovely gift!

Where to go from here?Inspiration leads to progress and progressleads to evolution! There is so much out thereat the moment in reflexology terms. Greatnews, but it can also seem a little overwhelming (which course to do next?)particularly for the newly qualified. I think thisis where the benefits of allowing time,consolidation and personal discernmentcome in. We are all different and there is alovely treatment menu to select from.

“Your  expectations  are  the  steering  wheelthat  determines  the  direction  that  you'llgo.”  (4)

Hand in Hand with TCM 5 Elements:

“It  is  important  for  me  to  note  that  we  nevertreat  diseases  or  symptoms,  we  always  treat  the  whole  person.”  (5)

Our bodies want to be ‘heard’ but frequentlytheir messages have to compete and areinvariably over-ridden for too long. I findworking with TCM 5 Elements transcendsbody-language treatment barriers. Theyprovide the ‘sign post’ for seeking outimbalances, redirecting the flow of energy(Chi) and re-establishing a harmonious‘dialogue’ through the dynamics of touch. Nojourney is the same with reflexology: “Whereattention goes, energy flows” (6)

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Feelings equate to body ‘messengers’ e.g. pain,numbness, inflammation etc. but ‘feelings’ canalso equate to emotional imbalance. We canfeel ‘sore’ mentally as well as physically! Wecan run, jump and skip mentally andemotionally (or not) as well as physically. Wecan aspire (or not) spiritually and physically.When we are in balance, our thoughts, feelingsand actions are for the most part in harmony.Life is good!

“  If  you’re  feeling  out  of  kilter,  don’t  know  why  or  what  about,  let  your  feet  reveal  the  answer,  find  the  sore  spot,  work  it  out.”  (7)

Working hand in hand with a TCM 5 elementsfocus ( nature’s metaphors for integratedhealth and wellbeing) helps me as a reflexologist to detect energetically what’spossibly “out of kilter” emotionally; to assistthe client with understanding “why or what”lies behind the expressed symptom; to “findthe ‘sore’ spot” mentally, physically oremotionally; to work it out”!

The global network:“All for one and one for all”! The achievementsof one can inspire the many. Recently, this wasso bravely demonstrated by Davina McCall’sepic challenge in aid of Sport Relief. There are,of course, two sides to reflexology ‘coinage’.By this, I mean giving and receiving: on oneside, we give treatment and client receivestreatment. On the other, the client gives usopportunity and we receive the challenge! Forboth it can sometimes be a case of littlesuccesses leading to a bigger success asfruitful rapport is steadily achieved.

I don’t know whether Fatboy Slim has ever hadreflexology, but I think his musical wordsapply: “We’ve come a long, long way together,through the hard times and the good. I haveto celebrate...I have to praise you like Ishould!” (8) I am grateful to the collectivewisdom of others from around the world –

those whose ‘specialisms’ have inspired andinformed the rich tapestry of reflexology indifferent ways; thereby enabling those closerat hand to help each other. I am grateful, too,to my clients who have so often inspired methrough their fortitude to overcome seriousillness or shattering life-experiences and I haveso often found that ‘little things mean alot’!

“Everyone  deserves  the  best.  I  see  and  expectwonderful  things  and  that  is  what  Iexperience.”  (9)

Congratulations and Happy 30th Birthdaywishes to the Association of Reflexologists –just think of the accumulation of reflexologyexperience and wisdom that can be realized inthe worth of a single reflexology treatment!


1. Doreen Virtue Daily Guidance from your Angels2. Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers3. Kevin and Barbara Kunz “My Reflexologyist says... Feet don’t lie4. Doreen Virtue Daily Guidance from your Angels5. Quotation: Hanne Marquardt6. Energy quotation by James Redfield7. Eunice D Ingham, Books: Stories the Feet Can Tell Thru Reflexology8. ‘Praise You’, Fatboy Slim.9. Doreen Virtue Daily Guidance from your Angels10. Royalty Free Clip Art from 123RF Stock Shots and Microsoft

Louise ExeterDip. Reflexology. ECRA., Dip. Chi-Reflexology (Dist), Dip.Facial ReflexologySorensensistem™

Louise can be contacted louise@reflexologyplus-

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A Wellness Links Reflexology Workshopto members of the public in 2010

Louise  Exeter  –  My  little  reflexology  story-­board:A  selection  of  Reflexology  memories

Moss Arnold (head of the Australian College ofChi-Reflexology) treating Louise (see A

Maestro’s Touch in Reflexions Sept. 2013)

Peggy (AoR North London Area Group), Louise & Louise.

Mario (AoR North London Area Group)& Louise.

Audrey & Louise at AoR North London AreaGroup at an Introduction to Chi-Reflexology

Workshop in 2011