Global connections - Projects and Ways to Connect

Global Connections: Projects & Ways to Collaborate Theresa Allen Technology Teacher/Coordinator @tdallen5


Flat Classroom Live Presentation in Hawaii July 25, 2013

Transcript of Global connections - Projects and Ways to Connect

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Global Connections:

Projects & Ways to Collaborate

Theresa AllenTechnology


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"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so


― Helen Keller

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Why Global Education?

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In the Beginning

Google ReaderSkypeFlat Classroom

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Fr. Brad BakerPastor, Cathedral of St. Raymond, Joliet

Cathedral of St. Raymond

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2010 ProjectsSites

• Flat Classroom Projects

• iCollaboratory

• Kidlink

• iEARN Learning Circles

• ePals


• Global Hero Voicethread activity

• Quest Atlantis

• Monster Project

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Digiteen Project


Founders:  Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis

Goal:  Global Citizenship, Collaboration, EducationFrom the Website:  • The Digiteen™ Project is a global hands-on project for middle and early high school

students, (typically Grade 6-9, 11-15 year old) which was founded by Julie Lindsay (now in Beijing, China) and Vicki Davis (Camilla, GA USA) in 2008. 

• This project studies digital citizenship with students researching current topics, writing a collaborative report on a wiki, and performing and documenting offline action educational projects to promote effective digital citizenship at their local schools. 

• The purpose of the project is to educate on and promote effective Digital Citizenship and responsible online choices as well as immersing students into an educational community for learning and collaborating.

Project runs Sept - Dec and Feb - May

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A Week in the Life


Founders:  Julie Lindsay and Vicki Davis

Purpose:•To join Elementary School classrooms globally with a view to exploring what

life is like in each country through discussion, sharing and collecting multimedia to create final products together. (Julie Lindsay)

Students will be in small teams taking pictures and videos of what life is like.  They will share photos and experiences on Edmodo and wiki.

Teachers and students will create a final project using a Web 2.0 tool that combines all media.


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Founder:  Bonnie ThurberWebsite:

Purpose:   To share and build engaging projects and activities for their students using Google’s Web 2.0 tools and resources and Moodle's management system in a safe, private environment. 

Grades/Ages (K-12)Some Projects:  • Scariest Stories and Fall Poetry (Oct)• What I Am Thankful For (Nov)• A Day in Our Neighborhood (Jan)• Poetry Sharing (Apr)• Moon Over Us (Oct.)

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The Global Monster Project(with 4th grade teachers and Art teacher)

Founder:  Terry Smith

Website: in October

• Elementary classes from the United States and around the world collaborate in this standards based project. 

• After choosing a Monster part, each class writes a description of that part. • After all descriptions have been sent in, each class builds its

own MONSTER using everyone's descriptions from a table.  Kids get deliberate practice in collaboration to construct their class MONSTER. 

1. ARMS - Jenny Kopp's Class, Miriam School, St. Louis, Missouri: Right: bony 2ft  arm; Left: shorter, chunky 1ft arm. Right arm has a bracelet made of skulls and cross bones. Both tie-dyed, sharp pointed, funky spiraled tattoos, bendable, hairy, slimy scars. 

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2010 2011 2012

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Hero Voicethread Project

Founders: (Argentina) Marta LaVista and Alejandra Quaglia

What type of person comes to mind when you hear someone talk about a"Hero"? What qualities do they possess? What deeds have they done? How do you think one becomes a Hero? 

Students write about a hero and share in the Voicethread.


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iEARN Learning Circles


About:   iEARN Learning Circles projects are highly interactive, project-based partnerships among a small number of schools located throughout the world.

Projects:• Computer Chronicles• Places and Perspectives• My Hero

Elementary grades

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Virtual Vacation

Website:  Theresa AllenAbout:  In a small group, create a family vacation that includes one

destination and at least two attractions.

Tools Used:• Google Docs• Skype• Google Maps/Earth


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Quest Atlantis


Coordinator:  Sasha Barab

About:  "Atlantis Remixed (ARX) is an international learning and teaching project that uses a 3D multi-user environment to immerse children ages 9-16 in educational tasks.  ARX combines strategies used in commercial games with lessons from educational research on learning and motivation."

Purpose: •engage children in a form of transformational play  •online and off-line learning activities•storyline inspiring social action


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Edublogs PLN Challenge(Personal Learning Network):

• making connections

• building relationships

• sharing expertise

• free!

• available 24/7

• global network of educators, administrators, professional

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Global Read Aloud(with 2nd-3rd grade teachers)

Goal of Project:  To share the read aloud with other studentsTeachers and students read the story during the same time.  Students use Edmodo to share what they've learned and connect with other students.

Teachers use email and skype to communicate with other classrooms.Blog:  globalreadaloud.blogspot.comWiki: runs the program:  Oldschoolteacher  jyk730  MarilynP  Chris Francik  Gill-Ville  Mrs Ripp aka @pernilleripp

Grades 1-3  read Flat Stanley and Grades 4-7 read Tuck Everlasting. The project ran from  Sept 19-Oct 14, 2011.

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Mystery Skype Project(with 5th grade teachers)


Coordinators:  Caren @[email protected], Patti @[email protected]

About:• Ongoing project• Teachers sign up and find other teachers to skype• Students create clues about their state; varying levels•  During skype call, students ask questions or share information about

their state - guess after• Quick, easy

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The Landmark Game(with 5th and 7th grade teachers)

Website:  Terry Smith

About:• Classes select 9 clues of a specific landmark and send to

coordinator.  • Clues given out 3 at a time for 3 weeks.  • Students  use clues to find landmark from classrooms over the


Begins:  February, each yearElementary students

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Student Blogging Challenge

Coordinators:   Sue Wyatt, Sue Waters and Ronnie Burt


Purpose:  "The challenge is about getting students to blog and develop a world wide audience while doing so rather than just their teacher and classmates." (Miss W)

All ages/grades K-12

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Founder:  David Mitchell


Purpose:•   Four schools would work together focusing on one blog each week.

 Three of the schools will comment on one blog and then move to the other group's blog the next week until all four blogs have been visited.

All grades/ages

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K-2 Building Bridges(with Kindergarten teachers)

Website 2013:

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Global Classroom Project(with 2nd and 3rd grade teachers)


Founders: Michael Graffin and Deb Frazier

About: Vibrant online collaborative space and global network. Helping teachers and students explore new ways to connect, share, learn and collaborate globally.

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Writers Club(with Language Arts teacher)

Website: Rob Sbaglia

About: Students have own blogs where they can post and share. They can join and create groups, make connections, and participate in discussions.

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Diamond Poetry Project

Students draw something they like and create a diamond poem for the image. They upload and share their work and they comment on other students' works from around the world.


Project Run by: Kidlink


Soft, Feathery

They soar high above the world.

Canary, Parrot


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Draw/Describe Project(with Art teacher)

Students write a description of their face, head and what they like to do. The description is shared with a student who draws what they read.

Project Run by: Kidlink

Hi my name is Abby I am a girl.I have blue eyes that are round,I

also have big eyes. My hair is dirty blonde and straight,it is a little wavy

at the bottom, and ends at my shoulder.I have no bangs and my

hair is parted in the middle. My eyebrows are normal and dirty

blonde and my eyelashes are long. My teeth are straight.I wear no

jewelry and no braces.My ears are small but normal.I love to play volleyball. My favorite color is


Portrait drawn by a student from Russia


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ConnectionsSkype/Google Hangout

- Hello Little World Skypers group- Global Classroom Project group- Mystery Skypers group- Kidlink groups- Flat Classroom Project group- EVPD group - local Joliet Tech teachers

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What is a Global PLN?

How do I meet these teachers?

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How to Build Up Your Global PLN• Skype groups• Blogs• Wikis • E-mail• Youtube• Ustream• Google Hangouts• Twitter• Facebook• Podcasts (• Virtual Conferences• Edmodo

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•Find Your Passion•Be Open•Be Available•Try Something NEW•Take a Leap!

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Places for Global Projects• Flat Classroom Project

• Global Classroom Project

• Kidlink

• iCollaboratory


• ePals

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Examples of Projects• Landmark Games• Mystery Skype• A Week in the Life

Project• K-2 Building Bridges• Virtual Vacation• Quest Atlantis• Draw/Describe• Crazy Crazes Project• Edmodo Pen Pal

Project• Christmas Around the


• Global Read Aloud• Diamond Poem

Project• Global Monster

Project• Moon Over Us Project• Hero Voicethread

Project• Digiteen Project• iVote• Quadblogging • Student Blogging

Challenge• iEARN Learning


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Professional Read A must read for all educators

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Pillars of a global classroom

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Contact info

About Me:

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

School Website:

School Blog:

Skype/Twitter Name: tdallen5This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.