See the Disclosure Appendix for the Analyst Certification and Other Disclosures. GLOBAL 16 SEPTEMBER 2004 STRUCTURED CREDIT RESEARCH Structured Credit Products GLOBAL Ratul Roy (44-20) 7986-9003 [email protected] London David Shelton (44-20) 7986 9607 [email protected] London This report can be accessed electronically via: FI Direct Yield Book E-Mail Please contact your salesperson to receive fixed- income research electronically. Trading Credit Tranches Taking Default Correlation out of the Black Box

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Structured Credit Products GLOBAL

Ratul Roy (44-20) 7986-9003 [email protected]


David Shelton (44-20) 7986 9607 [email protected]


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Trading Credit Tranches Taking Default Correlation out of the Black Box

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Structured Credit Products GLOBAL

Ratul Roy (44-20) 7986-9003 [email protected]


David Shelton (44-20) 7986 9607 [email protected]


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Trading Credit Tranches Taking Default Correlation out of the Black Box

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Citigroup Global Markets 2


Executive Summary............................................................................................................................... 3

The Credit Tranche Market 4 Very Strong Growth in Tranche Trading ............................................................................................... 4 Importance of Default Correlation in Tranches ..................................................................................... 5 Problems with Traditional Correlation Measure.................................................................................... 6 Skew in Default Correlation 7 Further Flaws in Tranche Correlation .................................................................................................... 7 Correlation Skew is like a Volatility Surface......................................................................................... 8 Skew is Market’s Risk Preference ......................................................................................................... 10 Investor Risk Appetite May Scale Across Markets ............................................................................... 13 Greeks: Managing Correlation and Delta Risk ...................................................................................... 15 In Summary: Why Skew is A Better Model .......................................................................................... 18 Trading Opportunities for Investors 20 Tranche Correlation can still provide Insight......................................................................................... 20 Convergence in Correlation Skew in Markets ....................................................................................... 21 Pricing Off-Market Tranches ................................................................................................................. 22 Conclusion and Future Agenda 24

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Strong market growth makes understanding correlation critical

Greater market confidence and a search for yield have led to strong growth in the trading and investment of credit tranches. Not just that, we think the degree of leverage now is higher than ever, partly due to more investors getting comfortable with taking equity risk in a low default environment, and partly due to growth in structures leveraging mezzanine tranche risk, e.g. CDO-Squareds. Understanding how tranches behave is therefore even more important.

Traditional tranche-specific correlation has shortfalls

For a tranched investor, default correlation determines what share of the portfolio credit risk stays within a tranche. The street has converged to a common model for portfolio credit risk (Gaussian copula), but no single value within the Gaussian copula framework can explain all index tranche prices. Instead, participants quote tranche-specific correlation. Further, the absence of any pattern among the various implied correlations makes pricing of non-standard tranches difficult. In addition, for many tranches, two correlation values lead to the same price. Many investors are looking for a better model.

A Base Correlation-Skew model breaks portfolio into several equity tranches

A Base Correlation Skew model (“Skew model” in short) breaks a portfolio into a series of equity tranches and treats a mezzanine, e.g. 3-6% tranche, as analogous to spread product, in this case as a spread of two equity (0-3% and 0-6%) tranches. By bootstrapping over losses implied by index equity and mezzanine tranches, we can iteratively find a set of correlations (sometimes expressed as a multiple of a common Base Correlation) that reprices the series of equity tranches. The Skew curve that we obtain expresses the market’s risk preference for losses at different attachment points. Supply and demand at various tranches influence the shape of this curve.

The Skew approach has multiple advantages...

We believe there are multiple benefits of the Skew model: the ability to reprice bespoke portfolios and tranches, the ability to capture the market’s risk preference, e.g. “fat-tails”, and better risk management tools. Price movements in the 3-6% iTraxx tranche have been better predicted through Skew approach, and, non-standard tranches can be correlation-hedged using a combination of liquid iTraxx tranches – which is much more difficult in Tranche Correlation.

...though Tranche Correlation can still occasionally be useful

Tranche Correlation does have some benefits. It is simple. For commoditised index tranches, it provides a quick barometer of periodic price movements. But in our view only the Base Correlation Skew model gives a coherent framework for understanding market movements, and only the Skew model provides a robust method for trading bespoke tranches. Unlike Tranche Correlation, it provides an unambiguous picture of the market’s perception of a portfolio’s loss distribution and gives investors an opportunity to trade default correlation. In most cases, therefore, we think investors need to start thinking about the Base Correlation Skew approach.

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16 September 2004 Trading Credit Tranches

Citigroup Global Markets

The Credit Tranche Market

Very Strong Growth in Tranche Trading The last few years have witnessed tremendous growth both in credit derivatives, and in tranched credit products referencing pools of corporate credit risk. Usually the reference pools backing these tranched products are pure corporate default risk; more recently, mixed reference pools of corporate and structured finance risk have become popular through synthetic ABS CDO vehicles.

Tight corporate spreads in today’s markets have provided a further stimulus to investors’ demand for tranched products. Earlier this year, fears were raised that spreads were too tight for investors to take levered corporate risk. If anything, the figure below shows investors did the opposite. Global issuance of synthetic CDOs is running at comparable levels to those of 2003. Investors have been more willing than ever to leverage up, shown by the line in Figure 1 that tracks this measure by taking the ratio of value of tranches distributed to the notional referenced in these structures1. This is partly due to more investors getting comfortable with taking equity risk in a low default environment, and partly due to growth in structures leveraging mezzanine tranche risk, e.g. CDO-Squareds.

Figure 1. Global Issuance of Synthetic CDOs and Average Leverage — Issuance in Billions of USD and Leverage in Times










Jan-03 Apr-03 Jul-03 Oct-03 Jan-04 Apr-04









Average leverage(Right Axis)

Notional referenced(Left Axis)

Tranches distributed(Left Axis)

Source: CreditFlux, Citigroup

1 While this is a simple measure it does have limitations. By only tracking notionals of

tranches and pools, a virtually riskless 97-100% tranche would appear to have the same

leverage of 33 as a 0%-3% tranche. It would be much better to track the changing market-

wide Credit01, the tranche-specific spread-sensitivity, which does differentiate between the

97-100% and 0-3%; however, we do not believe accurate industry-wide data exists.

Investing and trading in credit tranches have seen strong growth

catalysed by greater market confidence and a

search for yield.

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Despite the growth in the market, many investors remain on the sidelines, concerned by the “black-box” nature of the product. In particular, default correlation, which is an important parameter in pricing credit tranches, seems opaque to many investors. Index tranche trading and the prevalence of a common street model for portfolio credit risk (Gaussian copula2) has helped to start taking default correlation out of the black box. By quoting prices on standardised tranches of standardised portfolios, participants can trade and hedge default correlation positions separately from their spread and default exposure. Further, as confidence and the number of participants in the product have increased, tranche bid-offer spreads have shrunk.

Importance of Default Correlation in Tranches Why are we so concerned with default correlation? For a tranched investor, default correlation determines what share of the portfolio credit risk stays within a tranche. Using the industry-standard Gaussian copula model, we show below two excess loss distributions (i.e. the vertical axis shows probability of loss exceeding values on horizontal axis) for the same average default probability but for two different correlation assumptions (10% and 30%)3. The importance of correlation can be illustrated by putting oneself in the shoes of a tranche holder who has 8% subordination (i.e. 8% equity below their investment). The second portfolio, with 30% correlation, would imply a much higher loss for this protection seller, and therefore require a higher premium to be paid in compensation. Higher correlations imply higher losses for senior tranches, and lower losses for equity tranches.

Figure 2. Impact of Correlation on Portfolio Loss Distribution

Source: Citigroup

2 See, for example, “A Copula Function Approach to Credit Portfolio Modeling”, David Li,

Jerome Connor and Alex Gu, Quantitative Credit Analyst, Citigroup, May 2003.

3 True default correlation measures the degree to which default of one asset makes the default

of another asset more or less likely. These numbers, however, are the asset correlation inputs

in a Gaussian copula framework for the construction of a joint distribution of survival times

of credits in a portfolio and, although closely related, are not exactly the same. Nonetheless,

we will follow the industry standard of calling these parameters default correlation.

Index tranche trading is starting to take default

correlation out of the black box and bring

greater market transparency.

Default correlation measures how the

average credit risk of a portfolio is distributed

across specific tranches.

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Given the importance of this parameter, investors are justifiably concerned about how it should be quantified. Unfortunately, while the index tranche market has brought some welcome transparency, it has also evoked many important questions.

Problems with Traditional Correlation Measure It is ironic and concerning that no single default correlation value explains all tranche prices. It is as if different tranche participants at different levels of risk attachment have their own view of the portfolio loss distribution. Figure 3 shows the correlation variable for each tranche that matches the respective tranche premia using a Gaussian copula framework. Senior risk takers, e.g. the 12-22% tranche, are asking for a higher premium, with correlations around 30%, than would be appropriate for more junior tranches. On the 3-6% tranche, meanwhile, correlations are far lower than on the other tranches, at only 4%.

Figure 3. Correlation Factor Fitting Tranche Prices

5-Year, 20-Sep-09 (42.5bp) Correlation (%)

Bid Ask Bid Ask

0-3% 27* 28.5* 22.4 21.3

3-6% 170 177 4.0 4.1

6-9% 71 75 14.9 15.4

9-12% 42 46 21.9 23.2

12-22% 19.5 22.5 29.7 32.2

Source: Citigroup *Points upfront + 500bp running

We started the discussion with the leveraged position of tranche participants and the impact that default correlation has in the riskiness of any tranche. Yet, we find that the market standard model of calculating the implied Tranche Correlation is raising rather than answering questions. The inconsistencies shown above in correlation levels are to say the least non-intuitive. Supply and demand might cause small differences in traded correlation levels, but there is no reason to think that at different points in the capital structure correlation levels should be more than double the levels for another tranche. We would argue that these inconsistencies are not a problem with the market but rather, evidence of a flaw in the traditional Gaussian copula model.

No single correlation input in the market standard Gaussian

copula model can explain all index tranche


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Skew in Default Correlation

Further Flaws in Tranche Correlation The index tranche market, as we have seen, shows a different implied correlation number for each tranche when one fits the tranche expected loss implied by the traded tranche price as a share of the total overall portfolio loss. We have also seen that there is no simple pattern to this “simple” tranche correlation number. For example, 0-3% is trading at 22%, the next tranche up is at 4% and then correlation rises again to 15% for the 6-9% tranche.

Nor is the inexplicable pattern of correlation the only problem with the traditional Tranche Correlation model. In many cases, this model fails to give a unique correlation value for a given spread level. Two correlation values fit the 3-6% tranche as shown below i.e. it is not clear whether one should use the higher or the lower number. Moreover, as the figure shows, a premium much higher than 300bp for the 3-6% tranche at the portfolio spread of 43bp can never be explained by this approach.

Figure 4. Premium of 3-6% Tranche as Function Of Market-Standard Tranche Correlation for iTraxx=43bp

Source: Citigroup

If the Tranche Correlation pattern is really as skewed as Figure 3 shows, it is hard to know what correlation number should be used to price, say, a 4-7% tranche of the index, let alone a tranche from a bespoke portfolio. The pattern in Tranche Correlation does not shed any coherent insight into how investors view risk at different points in the capital structure, and so it is difficult to make comparisons between different portfolios, different maturities, and different risk attachment points within one portfolio. We believe an alternative framework is required.

Tranche Correlation is implied from the specific

tranche price but is not unique.









0 20 40 60 80 100

Simple Correlation (%)




Market price

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Correlation Skew is like a Volatility Surface Given the problems we have highlighted with Tranche Correlation, we propose a different way of looking at the market’s risk appetite at different parts of the loss distribution. We would like to find a model that has an economic explanation and is able to explain the market data, e.g. the relatively high risk premium that we have seen demanded by protection sellers at senior tranches. We take our cue from the equity or FX option markets where two features are widely accepted:

• No single implied volatility in the Black-Scholes framework explains different option prices at different strikes and maturities; however the market accepts the framework as standard and extends it by using a “volatility surface”.

• Call/put spread options (options that have a payout between two different strike values) are priced as a difference between call/put options struck at the two strike points. The implied volatilities used at these strike points are given by the “volatility surface” seen in the market.

We therefore propose a ‘Base Correlation Skew’ model that does just this – it treats a mezzanine, e.g. 3-6%, tranche as analogous to spread product, in this case as a spread of two equity (0-3% and 0-6%) tranches. Equity tranches are analogous to single strike options where the underlying payout to the protection buyer is the portfolio loss.

Quoted index tranche premia provide information on the losses implied by the 0-3% and subsequent mezzanine tranches. As a result, by summing over the losses of mezzanine tranches, we can calculate the loss distribution curve for a series of equity tranches at increasing attachment points (0-3%, 0-6%, 0-9% and so on). We can then iteratively4 find a correlation that reprices each subsequent equity tranche while satisfying the constraint that the mezzanine tranche is priced and also holding the correlations calculated for each preceding equity tranche fixed. We illustrate the calculation for the 0-6% tranche in Figure 5: as the calculation shows, a correlation value of 27.6% at the 6% attachment point we can reprice the 3-6% tranche. Similarly, we would iteratively calculate the Correlation Skew at the 9% attachment point given the Skew at the 3% and 6% points, and the 6-9% tranche premium.

Rather than looking at the absolute correlation number at each attachment point, investors sometimes look at the correlation as a multiple or fraction of an underlying arbitrarily-chosen ‘Base Correlation’. For example, if we chose this number to be 25%, the default correlation at the 3% attachment point would be 79% of this number, and be 110% at the 6% attachment point. Note that the choice of the underlying number would not affect the slope or skew of the default correlation between the 6% and 3% attachment points.

4 We use a bisection method to perform this calibration. Unlike the multiple solutions seen in

Figure 4 for mezzanine tranche correlation, the bootstrapping method produces a unique

correlation for each equity tranche attachment point given the monotonic relationship

between tranche premium and correlation.

A Correlation Skew approach looks at

mezzanine tranches as spreads between two

equity tranches.

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Figure 5. Correlation Skew and Loss are Inter-linked: Correlation at 6% Attachment Point

Inputs: iTraxx = 43.5bp; 0-3%=28.5points (upfront) plus 500bp running; 3-6%=195bp

Step 1: Calculate 0-3% correlation (equivalent for Skew and Tranche Correlation)

Correlation = 19.7%; LossPV = 13.6mil (1); Annuity01*=101.1mil (2)

Step 2: Calculate 0-6% correlation iteratively

Trial Correlation Loss (3) Annuity01 (4) Premium 3-6%=

[(3)- (1)]/[(4)-(2)]

25% 16.6mil 233.9mil 226bp

31.25% 15.6mil 236.2mil 148bp

27.6% 16.2mil 234.8mil 195bp

*Annuity01 is the change in present value of the premium leg due to a 1bp change in swap

spread. Breakeven premium for zero-upfront tranches is equal to LossPV/Annuity01.

Source: Citigroup

Figure 6 shows an example of the Skew calibration applied to iTraxx and contrasts this with the market-standard Tranche Correlation. Notice most importantly how different the levels are, especially at the 3-6% tranche. We have already highlighted the problem of Tranche Correlation for this risk level. Also note, how for the Tranche Correlation approach, the bid-offer lines cross: this is to do with the different sensitivities of the equity and mezzanine tranches to correlation when measured using this approach. We will revisit this when discussing correlation risk.

Figure 6. Market-Standard Tranche Correlation and Base Correlation Skew Method for iTraxx Tranches

Market-Standard Tranche Correlation Correlation Skew at various Equity Tranches









0-3% 3-6% 6-9% 9-12% 12-22%










3% 6% 9% 12% 22%



Source: Citigroup, 13 August 2004, iTraxx Europe (mid) =42.5bp

Deriving a Correlation Skew is equivalent to

constructing a loss curve for a series of

equity tranches.

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Skew is Market’s Risk Preference The correlation skew, we argue, expresses the market’s risk preference for losses at different attachment points. The loss distribution and the correlation curve are intimately linked: our bootstrapping method in Figure 5 explicitly derives the correlation skew curve from the expected loss of the tranche that is implied by its market spread. The method also allows us to build up progressively a loss curve and a correlation skew curve for equity tranches at all index attachment points (3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 22% for iTraxx). We can then interpolate to price tranches at any attachment point and thickness.

What do changes in the shape of the correlation skew curve mean for participants? We represent this pictorially in Figure 7, which shows the impact of a changing correlation skew curve (right diagram in Figure 6) on the expected loss of each tranche. The circles represent the size of the expected loss of three hypothetical tranches of different seniorities (increasing from left to right), which start off with similar expected losses. The vertical axis shows increasing correlation, and the grey bar shows the correlation in the three tranches. A horizontal bar means that all attachment points have a correlation equal to the base correlation, i.e. there is no skew. We show two types of changes: the top row depicts changes in expected loss for a change in the absolute level of the base correlation across the capital structure while still remaining flat. The bottom row depicts changes in expected loss in situations where the correlation skew curve develops a positive slope for only part or the full height of the capital structure. A lowering of correlation at the junior tranches (either through a parallel shift downwards or a steepening of the grey bar) tends to move out risk into those tranches; in contrast an increase in correlation through a parallel or steepening move increases the expected loss of the senior tranche. When the skew curve is positively sloped throughout, as in the sixth “Smile” scenario, losses are pushed out from the mezzanine into the equity and senior tranches.

If there was no skew, it would be as if there was consensus on the “true” correlation among defaults of individual credits. As we know this is not the case – in particular, today’s skew, shown above in the right diagram of Figure 6 resembles the sixth “Smile” scenario, and illustrates the relatively high risk aversion of senior, e.g. 12-22%, tranche holders.

The Correlation Skew is an expression of the

market’s risk aversion at different attachment

points of portfolio risk.

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Figure 7. Correlation Skew as Loss Redistribution among Tranches

Base Case Low Flat Profile High Flat Profile

Equity Skew Senior Skew Smile

Source: Citigroup

Supply and demand will change the profile of the skew, and, therefore, the premia for all tranches. Until recently, the market was dominated by substantial demand from ratings-driven institutional investors to sell protection to dealers on tranches typically between 3% and 9% attachment points. These tranches attract investment grade ratings and offer higher spread than similarly rated corporates. This demand for one part of the capital structure puts pressure on tranche premia and creates a “Smile” scenario where mezzanine tranches are priced to lower expected loss. Other factors also influence the skew. Hedged tranche investors wishing to take default risk and positive carry through equity and junior mezzanine tranches but keen to hedge spread movement by buying protection on senior tranches also contribute to the Smile (by bidding up the protection cost). Institutional investors wishing to hedge their cash portfolios, also by buying senior tranche protection, have a similar impact. Similar to the apparent risk aversion at senior tranches (expressed through higher premium and therefore positively sloped skew curve), investors also seem to demand higher compensation at equity tranches. Investors view portfolios as carrying much more idiosyncratic, and less systemic risk, than senior tranche holders. Broker-dealers too can be part of this group – as a hedge against their long protection position through transacting with investors, many dealers have sometimes been keen to sell protection at these tranches to hedge their correlation risk. In skew terms equity tranches tend to be priced with lower correlation than would be true otherwise: this contributes to the “Smile” effect.

Supply and demand changes will impact the

shape of the Correlation Skew.

Size of Tranche Expected Loss Correlation Skew at Tranche Attachment Points



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To illustrate the impact of a change in skew on premia, we take two skews – one based on recent iTraxx prices and the other hypothetical, which we call “Thin Tail”. We call it so because even though the iTraxx is at the same level (42.5bp in our example) the senior tranches of the Thin Tail pricing are at much lower premia, implying that the probability of high losses is low relative to the risk of high losses implied by recent iTraxx tranche prices. Since the 0-3% in both are at the same level, this means that in the Thin Tail scenario, the expected losses of the senior tranche are now contained in the mezzanine tranche which must therefore demand a higher premium. The pricing and correlation skew of the two scenarios are compared in Figure 8. For completeness, in addition to our Base Correlation Skew levels, we also include the traditional iTraxx Tranche Correlation. Note also that a 364bp premium for the 3-6% tranche is possible in this theoretical scenario, unlike Figure 4.

Figure 8. Premium and Correlation for Equity Tranche at Different Attachment Points for Two Portfolios of Same Spread (42.5bp) But Different Skews: One iTraxx Based, and the Other Hypothetical

iTraxx Market Skew Hypothetical Thin Tail Skew

Attachment Point

Premium Correlation (Tranche)

Correlation (Skew)

Premium Correlation (Skew)

3% 28.5* 19.8% 20% 28.5* 20%

6% 177 5.6% 28% 364 13%

9% 75 16.2% 34% 56 13%

12% 46 23.4% 38% 13 13%

22% 22.5 32.1% 46% 2 13%

Source: Citigroup; * Points upfront + 500bp running

We have already shown in Figure 5 that loss and skew are intimately linked (skew is derived from the losses implied by the tranche premia). We should therefore expect that the two different skew curves (Market and Thin Tail) in Figure 8 show different loss distributions. We illustrate two measures of comparison in Figure 9 – one, the cumulative losses at different attachment points (left diagram) and two, the probability of losses exceeding different attachment points (right diagram).

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Figure 9. Cumulative Loss and Probability of Excess Loss for Two Different Skew Curves

Cumulative Loss (mil) at Different Attachment

Points for iTraxx market based skew, and for

hypothetical Thin Tail skew

Probability of Loss Exceeding Attachment Point

for iTraxx market based skew, and for

hypothetical Thin Tail skew







0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10%

Thin Tail










0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10%

Thin Tail


Source: Citigroup

Investor Risk Appetite May Scale Across Markets If our premise of skew representing risk preference is true, then we should find some relationship among the few index tranche markets in the way investors view risk. Take for example the correlation skew seen in the 5-year and 10-year European iTraxx markets, and in the US CDX markets. At first glance, the skew curves are divergent, as shown in Figure 10 below, which compares the 5-year and 10-year European iTraxx indices, and the 5-year iTraxx and US CDX indices. All three indices show a positively sloped correlation skew curve, much like our ‘Smile’ scenario, of Figure 7 but there are differences in the levels. For almost all attachment points, correlations on 5-year iTraxx are higher than those on 5-year US CDX and 10-year iTraxx. This seems reasonable, because the same attachment point on 5 years represents a more senior point in terms of expected loss (since expected loss over 5 years is lower than over 10 years). Similarly, expected losses in the US CDX are higher at each attachment point due to the higher spreads, implying more default risk. Hence if risk aversion is greatest at the most senior attachment points (and therefore, willingness to pay for protection for these low-probability default events) then it is fair that a senior tranche holder of the 5-year iTraxx is at a higher correlation position that one in the 10-year iTraxx (because higher correlation means higher premium for the senior tranches).

The Correlation Skew can be compared to

another when one adjusts for the relative


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Figure 10. Correlation of 5Y Eur iTraxx Skew with 5Y US CDX, and with 10Y iTraxx, 8 July 2004











0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%










3% 6% 9% 12% 22%

5Y Eur

10Y Eur

Source: Citigroup

One way to test whether skew corresponds to risk aversion is to see if the differences in the correlation skew curves narrow if one somehow adjusts for the differences in default risk between the portfolios. We do this in two ways – first, by scaling the attachment point by the ratio of spread (as a proxy for default risk), and second, by the ratio of expected loss. The correlation seen at a specific attachment point for a high-risk portfolio must be compared with the correlation seen for a lower attachment point for a lower-risk portfolio. Only by doing this are the two positions placed at the same level of risk aversion along one common portfolio. For example, the 6% attachment point for a 10-year iTraxx should be compared with 4.2% point for 5-year iTraxx if the 10-year spread is 35% more than the 5-year (the common portfolio being the 5-year iTraxx for this comparison). On doing this, we find some convergence, as shown in Figure 11 below.

Figure 11. Correlation of 5Y and 10Y Eur iTraxx and 5Y US CDX, Rescaled to Spread (left) and Loss (right)









0% 10% 20% 30%

5Y Eur

5Y USD10Y Eur









0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

5Y Eur


10Y Eur

Source: Citigroup, 8 July 2004

The convergence that we have shown above when scaling portfolios based on their risk is certainly very appealing and leads to credibility to our view that Base Correlation Skew represents the market’s risk preference at different risk attachment points. Historical data on index tranche trading is relatively short, however, and we will comment on this relationship in future publications.

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Greeks: Managing Correlation and Delta Risk Now that we have established that the Tranche Correlation and Base Correlation Skew methods are different ways of looking at the loss distribution of the mezzanine tranches (and we have argued for the more rational stance of the Skew approach), it will come as no surprise to see that risk measures from the two approaches will show differences.

Skew Model gives more reliable spread sensitivities

The first dramatic result concerns spread sensitivity especially at the junior mezzanine 3-6% tranche. Even though both the Skew and the Tranche Correlation models reprice to the same tranche price, the risk measures can be different. Tranche loss is a function of both portfolio spread and correlation. Moreover, the ratio of the tranche expected loss to that of the portfolio determines the “at-the-money”-ness of the tranche protection. For example, as the probability of portfolio losses recede because of tightening spreads, the mezzanine tranche starts resembling the senior tranche. With increasing spreads, the behaviour is more like equity. The 3-6% tranche sits at the crossroads of two very large jumps in Tranche Correlation (see left diagram of Figure 6). When one uses the Tranche Correlation approach, a change in expected loss of the tranche can shift it into very different correlation territory. In contrast, the Skew approach creates a smooth curve (right diagram of Figure 6) without these jumps. Figure 14 shows that the Tranche Correlation and Skew methods give very different profiles of change in present value of the 3-6% tranche with respect changes in portfolio spread. Since Credit01 is the slope of the curve in Figure 12, one can see that the two approaches present different numbers. As a consequence a risk taker who wants to position for convexity by doing a long tranche-short single name Credit01 neutral trade is presented with two different hedge ratios.

Figure 12. 3-6% Tranche Present Value with Respect to Spread Using Base Correlation Skew and Tranche Correlation Methods








-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Spread Change (bp)


Tranche Correlation

Correlation Skew

Source: Citigroup

The Tranche Correlation and Correlation Skew models give different

sensitivity measures for tranches.

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We believe the sensitivity predicted by the Correlation Skew is more correct. The market, in fact, quotes Credit01s in relation to index tranche trading, which are closer to the theoretical values calculated by the Skew framework. In Figure 13 below we compare the spread-sensitivity (Credit01) of the two methods by predicting the change in the daily 3-6% tranche premia from the change in the iTraxx premia, knowing the tranche duration5. A hedged investor would have performed better in general with the Skew model. The very recent divergence has, however, shown that model improvements can be made in our understanding of portfolio credit risk.

Figure 13. Actual versus Predicted 3-6% Tranche Premium Change with Tranche Correlation and Skew





































Actual Predicted-Tranche Correlation Predicted-Correlation Skew

Recent Divergence

Source: Citigroup

Skew Model gives unique Loss Exposure

As a tranche risk participant, one is anxious to know about the probability of loss exceeding various attachment points – in particular, the lower attachment point of the tranche. Here too, the two approaches provide different results. We note that the implied probability may be obtained by differentiating with respect to either the high or the low attachment point of each mezzanine tranche. However we have two possible observations for each attachment point – the tranche below and the one above the point. For example, if we consider the 3% attachment point, we can obtain the probability of losses exceeding this level by either differentiating the 0-3% tranche or the 3-7% tranche. Since in the Tranche Correlation approach the two tranches are priced using very different correlations (see Figure 3 for example), we obtain 2 sets of different results for this and higher attachment points (see Figure 14 below). We also see quite different values to those we get based on using a Base Correlation Skew approach of single correlation per equity tranche. Notice how the Skew approach produces the widest probability of extreme losses by having the fattest tail for losses exceeding 30%.

5 Predicted change in 3-6% Tranche = (Change in iTraxx Spread) Multiplied by (Credit01)

Divided by (Tranche Duration)

Price movements in the 3-6% iTraxx tranche have

been better predicted through the Correlation

Skew approach.

The Tranche Correlation model gives two solutions for the

probability of loss exceeding any

attachment point.

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Figure 14. Implied Probability of Losses Exceeding Various Attachment Points





0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Tranche Method (High Strike) Tranche Method (Low Strike) Skew method

Source: Citigroup

Skew Model allows accurate Correlation Sensitivity hedging

The street is used to thinking of correlation sensitivity as change of tranche value by changing the simple Tranche Correlation by 1%. This is a relatively substantial change for the 3-6% tranche (which trades at a low Tranche Correlation) and much less for the others. In the Base Correlation Skew framework, the correlation sensitivity of each mezzanine needs to be considered in terms of two or more buckets of equity tranches whose attachment points correspond to the upper and lower attachment points of the mezzanine. A seller of 6-9% mezzanine tranche protection is exposed to the short the 0-6% and long 0-9% part of the correlation skew curve. If the skew curve moves in parallel then the net sensitivity is just the sum of the two numbers.

Correlation bucketing is a powerful way of looking at correlation risk. It aggregates a portfolio of tranched products – index and bespoke portfolios – into various parts of the correlation skew curve and suggests suitable correlation hedges. Tranche Correlation is not as robust because there is no underlying relationship to describe the correlation behaviour of different tranches. For example, it would be unclear as to what hedges would be appropriate for a non-index tranche, e.g. 5-9%. In contrast, as shown in Figure 15, which illustrates the sensitivities to the different buckets, this tranche has sensitivities to the 0-3%, 3-6% and 6-9% tranche correlations.

Non-standard tranches can be priced using the Correlation Skew curve and correlation-hedged using a combination of liquid iTraxx tranches.

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Figure 15. Sensitivities to Correlation Using Two Approaches for 4 iTraxx Tranches (each EUR 30 mil)

Tranche Correlation

Skew (Parallel Move)

Correlation Skew Bucketed Risk

0-3% 0-6% 0-9% 0-12%

0-3% 214,723 219,467 219,467

3-6% (131,000*) (27,087) (204,301) 177,214

6-9% (73,952) (4,137) (172,678) 168,541

9-12% (41,606) (48,652) (167,465) 118,813

5-9% N/a (17,014) (63,025) (125,957) 172,171

* Average of 188,000 and (450,000)

Source: Citigroup

Likewise, one can derive a term structure of correlation. Since indices are increasingly quoted for several maturities, it is possible (and consistent) to imply a separate correlation skew for different maturities, thus ensuring that the pricing of a seven-year trade (for example) is consistent with both the skew at 5-years and the skew at 10-years. One can think of this as a line somewhere between the two curves in the right diagram of Figure 10.

Finally, remember that a Skew approach is merely a framework for looking at mezzanine tranches as a payoff between two default strikes. It makes no assumptions about the Copula model used (Gaussian or otherwise). We can also take a general correlation matrix, which may include different sectoral and subsectoral correlations and apply the skew to the entire matrix: the most simple choice is to rescale all correlations by the same skew factor. In this way we can still calibrate the market skew whilst capturing more of the name-specific detail.

In Summary: Why Skew is A Better Model We think the Base Correlation Skew Model is a more robust way of looking at the well-established investor risk profile that the Tranche Correlation model shows. We have four main reasons. The first advantage is purely practical, and relates to the pricing of non-standard tranche attachments. Given the jumps in Tranche Correlation, we have no insight into the value to be used for a tranche that spans, for example, part of two index attachment points. As we have illustrated, by being able to relate skews across a range of portfolios through their risk characteristics and maturities, one can price and hedge customised tranches of bespoke portfolios.

The second advantage is that the Skew approach captures the market’s risk preference – an example being the risk aversion at senior tranches manifested by relatively high premium for low risk probability. These risk preferences, commonly termed “Fat-Tail” or “Smile”, can be represented, however, by other analytical approaches, e.g. the Marshall-Olkin copula, which will exhibit different loss distributions from the Gaussian copula.

There are multiple benefits of the Skew


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The third advantage is the uniqueness and range of correlation values particularly for the 3-6% tranche. We have seen that at today’s iTraxx index and tranche levels, the 3-6% tranche has two solutions for Tranche Correlation. Further, the maximum allowable premium for this tranche given today’s index spread is limited irrespective of the Tranche Correlation used (see for example Figure 4 where the maximum allowed premium for the 3-6% tranche was a little over 300bp). In contrast, the Skew approach only has one solution and as we have shown in Figure 8 can have solutions higher than this limit.

The last and important benefit relates to risk measures. It has long been known that the spread sensitivity of the 3-6% tranche as predicted by the Tranche Correlation approach over-predicted risk. The market also quotes the spread sensitivity for this and other tranches in addition to premium – it does so by quoting the Delta of the tranches as a multiple of the underlying iTraxx index. The quoted Delta for the 3-6% tranche (currently 6.7) is close to what is predicted by the Skew approach. Likewise, the correlation sensitivity for the tranche is better expressed by the Skew approach for the reasons we have described above.

That is not to say that the Skew model is the final word on the subject. Part of the success, or otherwise, of the model is the level of detail in the assumptions that are used. Common instances where greater detail may be useful are the use of individual spreads for all credits instead of an average spread, and characterisation of the default correlation between credits as due to several, and not just one, i.e. systemic, parameter. As presented in this report, we have not found it necessary to implement a multi-parameter model for default correlation between credits, but this is one of several adjustments that can be accommodated within the Skew framework. In many instances, e.g. less diversified portfolios, we would recommend such additions. We have also just shown instances, e.g. in spread sensitivity of the 3-6% iTraxx, where the Skew model had good, but not perfect, predictive power. And, finally, as in any statistical model of portfolio loss, complete reliance on credit spreads and market-implied default correlation is not the best strategy if other information on individual credits, e.g. bottom-up credit analysis, is available.

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Trading Opportunities for Investors

Tranche Correlation can still provide Insight Having spent most of the last section singing the praises of the Correlation Skew approach, it may come as some surprise to hear that we think Tranche Correlation can be useful in identifying relative value opportunities. Where there is little change in portfolio credit quality, e.g. composition and spread, Tranche Correlation provides an attractive shorthand for changes in risk appetite across different attachment points. Thus, for example, as shown in the left chart in Figure 16, Tranche Correlation moved out significantly on the 0-3% tranche from its low levels in late 2003 as greater participation from the hedge fund community was able to satisfy the natural axe of broker-dealers to buy protection at this tranche. Conversely, as market participants have started to view the senior (9-12% and 12-22%) tranches as an efficient and levered way to go short6, the Tranche Correlation for these tranches have also moved out. Deriving the same intuition from the correlation skew is less convenient – as the schematic representation Figure 7 shows, increasing risk aversion for the senior attachment points (i.e. higher premia) is a function of both the level and steepness of the curve. The right chart in Figure 16 shows that this is the case by looking at three dates. Two features can be observed – first, the absolute correlation level at low attachment points was indeed the lowest late last year, and second, the curve is indeed at its steepest now, i.e. risk has moved out currently from the mezzanine tranches to the equity and senior tranches (i.e. the sixth scenario in Figure 7). From a Tranche Correlation perspective, this would mean a lowering in implied correlation of the 3-6 tranche, which is what we see in the left diagram as well.

Figure 16. Evolution of Tranche Correlation and Base Correlation Skew















0%-3% 3%-6%

6%-9% 12-22%








3% 6% 9% 12%



Source: Citigroup

Often, though, the relationship between Skew and Tranche Correlation is not that obvious. As a quick illustration, we show in Figure 17 how a change in tranche premia by the model Credit01 (for a 1bp move in iTraxx, Scenario B versus A) has left the Skew curve unchanged, but altered each of the Tranche Correlations.

6 See “Bull and Bear in a Boxx”, Arvind Rajan et al., Citigroup, February 2004.

For standard index tranches, Tranche

Correlation can still be useful in providing

valuable trading insight.

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Likewise, a change in the premia of a specific tranche, e.g. the 3-6% without any change in iTraxx (comparing Scenario C with B) will change only the Tranche Correlation of this specific tranche, but leave the others unchanged. In contrast, since the Skew curve at each attachment point is bootstrapped from all the junior tranches below this point, such a change will affect the Skew curve across all attachment points.

Figure 17. Tranche and Skew Correlation

Actual (A)


Full Delta Move (B)


3-6% offer down (C)




















0-3% 24* 18 18 25* 17.9 17.9 25* 17.9 17.9

3-6% 115 5.4 28.3 122 5.2 28.3 117 4.8 28.9

6-9% 52 16.4 34.5 56 16.5 34.5 56 16.5 35.1

9-12% 33 24.1 38.7 34 23.8 38.7 34 23.8 39.4

Source: Citigroup *Points upfront + 500bp running

Convergence in Correlation Skew in Markets If investors share our view that the skew curve represents relative risk preference then participants can put on trades that will profit from greater convergence between two markets. We made this case in an earlier publication7 suggesting that investors position for convergence in correlation skew on the 10-year Eur iTraxx and US CDX converge. This convergence had already happened in the 5-year Eur iTraxx and US CDX, but had yet to be seen in the 10-year maturity. The recommended trade was to position for convergence in the most liquid tranches – in particular to buy protection on the 6-9% iTraxx versus selling protection on 7-10% CDX (the same idea could be expressed through other tranches e.g. 3-6% tranches of US CDX and Eur iTraxx). Figure 18 shows one skew convergence scenario and the P&L impact on the trade. Clearly the most obvious downside for the trade would be if the European tranche became even more expensive relative to the US tranche, causing the spread difference to widen. Since then, however, the skew did converge resulting in a profit.

We think Base Correlation Skew framework will continue to be useful in identifying further such opportunities as investors now have a common metric to compare various tranches and portfolios.

7 See “US Europe 10 Year Correlation Trade”, Matt King and Antoine Pain, Citigroup, 29

July 2004.

Following differences in Correlation Skew

between markets can lead to profitable

convergence trading opportunities.

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Figure 18. Scenario for Skew Convergence to US-Europe Average, and P&L for Trade, 28 July 2004

Current Scenario P&L


3-6 460 476 16.1

6-9 216 240 23.4


3-7 662 649 13.8

7-10 327 297 29.5

Source: Citigroup

Pricing Off-Market Tranches The way dealers price tranches of bespoke portfolios necessarily reflects observables in the tranched market, i.e. 5-year and 10-year Europe iTraxx and US CDX markets. This represents only two portfolios, five tranche attachment points, and two maturities (a total of twenty combinations). Broker-dealers have to use this data set to price tranches of a wide range of subordinations and thicknesses belonging to bespoke portfolios of all hues. Two common assumptions that are made are that default correlation between individual credits is uniform and independent of the specific sector, and that correlation skew between portfolios scale to the expected loss (as we have illustrated with some success in Figure 11). A third assumption is also sometimes made, often as part of the so-called Homogeneous Large Pool Model, which treats each credit at the average portfolio spread and ignores any barbelling in spreads. The set of steps that dealers often follow is

1. Calculate portfolio expected loss using individual spreads, using the bid or offer side of the market depending on whether protection is bought or sold.

2. Decide on a correlation skew proxy, using either the US or European markets based on the regional portfolio composition.

3. For trade maturities that do not correspond to the index, interpolate a skew based on the 5-year and 10-year points.

4. Scale up or down the index skew based on expected loss differences between the index and the transaction portfolios following the argument in Figure 11.

5. Calculate the tranche premia and risk measures using a portfolio loss model.

Investors and the street may view the value of

bespoke portfolio tranches differently, and

execute trades accordingly.

NA vs. EUR 10YR Skew. (Scaled to Expected Loss).27-July-04







0% 5% 10% 15%





EURNAFuture Level

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Of course, some participants may continue to price using the simple Tranche Correlation model. Equally some participants may choose to use average instead of individual spreads. What this means for the risk taker is that there may be some relative value arguments either for or against certain bespoke transactions. Take, as an illustration in Figure 19, differences in risk measures that emerge if one uses the individual credit spreads for a portfolio (the curved lines) versus modelling each credit at the same average spread (the horizontal lines). Depending on model choice, someone executing the trade on a delta (credit spread) neutral basis will place somewhat different hedges.

Figure 19. Credit01 for Tranches Using Actual 225-Name Portfolio Spreads versus Using Average Spread







0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Credit Spread (bp)








Source: Citigroup.

Looking at the correlation skew in bespoke portfolios approach can lead to other trading opportunities, including exploiting any cheapness in default correlation. For example, if a participant is able to buy protection on a lumpy, low diversity portfolio at levels that are cheap because the quoted spreads (and implied correlation) are more in line with the implied correlation observed for tranches of the higher-diversity CDX and iTraxx indices, then there are relative value arguments to do the trade. The participant can hold the position outright, or hedge the position against spread movements by selling protection on other tranches or single name credit swaps. By taking the latter route, the position would then be primarily on default correlation; any mark-to-market gain in future can be monetised by unwinding the trade.

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Conclusion and Future Agenda

The growing liquidity and emergence of indices in the credit tranche market has opened up numerous trading opportunities for participants. Key among the new developments is a better understanding of one of the important factors driving tranche price and risk – default correlation. We believe the approach that we describe in this report – a Base Correlation Skew approach similar to the pricing of currency and equity spread options – is better able to explain observable tranche prices and risk compared to the previous simple Tranche Correlation approach. The Skew approach also has advantages in being able to make comparisons across markets.

We urge investors, however, to use both approaches as they seek to exploit trading opportunities in the market. Tranche Correlation does have some benefits. It is simple. For commoditised index tranches, it provides a quick barometer of periodic price movements. But in our view only the Skew model gives a coherent framework for understanding market movements, and only the Skew model provides robust method for trading bespoke tranches. Unlike Tranche Correlation, it provides an unambiguous picture of the market’s perception of a portfolio’s loss distribution and gives investors an opportunity to trade default correlation.

While the approach discussed here, a combination of Gaussian copula with correlation skew, has enabled a better understanding of market’s risk preference at various tranche attachment points, this is not the final word. We have shown instances, e.g. in spread sensitivity of various tranches, where neither model has perfect predictive power. Alternative copula expressions for joint distributions of credit default, as well as introduction of additional risk parameters, e.g. global catastrophic shock, are analytical variations that we are currently exploring. We will come back to you with these in future publications.

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