Glion Campus Life Newsletter October 2015

Glion Institute of Higher Education | 1 CAMPUS LIFE NEWSLETTER EDITION #1, OCTOBER 2015 National Day Events Have you ever thought about how important diversity is at Glion? CLLs from Glion are organizing “cultural moments” exploring different aspects of international diversity, for example: food appreciation, language exchange and club events with a shisha, to name a few. The Glion community is very proud of nurturing successful relationships with people from all over the world - it is beneficial for students to obtain these cultural awareness skills that are so important for the hospitality industry. Through these events students will be immersed in the culture of a different country every time! Check out the boards and come with a smile! Project led by Anastassiya Misnikova & Loic Pinilla. Hotel Visits Olympiad Games The Olympic Games event aims at having fun activities with a mix of students and staff while competing between nationalities. The event will take place on Wednesday, November 4 th on the Glion campus. Check your emails for more in- formation and don’t miss out on this opportunity to defend the colours of your country! Project led by Manon Dijols & Nicolas Sclavo. The main mission of this project is to provide students with a basic overview of how hotels function allowing opportunity to discover different and original concepts, such as the Whitepod ( Two other visits will be organised with the hotel “President Wilson” based in Geneva and the “Montreux Palace”. We believe these visits will give students a broader vision and help them to choose their internship. Project led by Narjisse Bensaid & Dylan Tissot & Ryosuke Sakai. GLION CAMPUS PROJECTS



Transcript of Glion Campus Life Newsletter October 2015

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National Day EventsHave you ever thought about how important diversity is at Glion? CLLs from Glion are organizing “cultural moments” exploring different aspects of international diversity, for example: food appreciation, language exchange and club events with a shisha, to name a few. The Glion community is very proud of nurturing successful relationships with people from all over the world - it is beneficial for students to obtain these cultural awareness skills that are so important for the hospitality industry. Through these events students will be immersed in the culture of a different country every time! Check out the boards and come with a smile!

Project led by Anastassiya Misnikova & Loic Pinilla.

Hotel Visits

Olympiad GamesThe Olympic Games event aims at having fun activities with a mix of students and staff while competing between nationalities. The event will take place on Wednesday, November 4th on the Glion campus. Check your emails for more in-formation and don’t miss out on this opportunity to defend the colours of your country!

Project led by Manon Dijols & Nicolas Sclavo.

The main mission of this project is to provide students with a basic overview of how hotels function allowing opportunity to discover different and original concepts, such as the Whitepod ( Two other visits will be organised with the hotel “President Wilson” based in Geneva and the “Montreux Palace”. We believe these visits will give students a broader vision and help them to choose their internship.

Project led by Narjisse Bensaid & Dylan Tissot & Ryosuke Sakai.


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“Speak loudly and clearly - the microphone has stopped working!”. This is just one example of how the Master of Ceremonies helped me develop. In the preparatory weeks I was told that an MC requires a high degree of forward-planning and organization. She or he must be able to come up with a current topic and questions that strike up conversations to trigger interest of both the audience and speakers. As the guest speakers have their own personal stand-points, an MC must also be able to allow everyone to raise their points. Finally, an MC should have good knowledge of the chosen topic area (Finance, Tourism, Hospitality or Luxury) and must be ready and prepared to catch interesting and relative points raised during the conferences. I myself was unaware as I embarrassingly

found myself watching talk shows and mimicking people’s body language: keeping shoulders straight, never showing my back to the public and not crossing my legs. I admit that each time I looked at myself in the mirror I instinctively began talking and rehearsing. Despite my initial nervousness, on the day of the conference itself everything progressed swiftly. I also had the chance to network with incredibly competent professionals over lunch and coffee breaks. Furthermore, I was assigned a mentor, with whom I can consult on every step of my career search. Overall, I highly recommend this experience to any Glion student as it can serve as a jumpstart to their future careers. Fabiana Maiorano - SGA Vice President

Master Of Ceremonies (MC) - Industry Innovation Panel

This year Glion launched a new project – The Master of Ceremonies Challenge allowing four students the opportunity to hold four workshops with industry leaders. Mike Everard, Graham Hart, Fabiana Maiorano and Emilie Picalausa were the ones who discussed the latest trends and asked the most vital questions in the spheres of tourism, hospitality, luxury and finance.

We are pleased to share with you our new Glion History Walls that are located in Skyline in Glion and in the Academic Center in Bulle. The History Wall will take you into the past by showing, through interactive screens, the history of Glion from 1962 until present day! The official inauguration of this Wall will take place during Glion’s Cultural Fair event.

Glion History WallThis year the Glion Cultural Fair will be held in the Skyline on October 28th from 19h30. At the same time we will celebrate the official opening of the Glion History Wall. Come and join us for a fun and culture filled evening!

Glion Cultural Fair


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Join us for a variety of activities - coming up soon:

+ Basketball & Volleyball Battle of campus in Bulle + Pub Quiz + Annecy visit + Verbier ski day

And many more, check your emails and notice boards or contact Kevin Nosten: [email protected]


What’s coming up

Thanks to all those who participated in Health week. It was a great success! Maintaining a healthy life-style remains a challenge throughout our lives and it is important to make use of all the possible resources available. Perhaps you made a new move on the Wii fitness stand, had a fresh juice, picked up a stress kit, got more sleep, checked your lung capacity or found a new physical activity. Good for you! Let us know if you would like any follow-up support and if you didn’t get a stress kit, please stop by as we have more of them.

Health Week Clean Up DayThis month was the National Clean-up day in Switzerland. 70 Glion students from Bulle & Glion decided to make ac-tive contributions to the community by responding to this great concept of making the world a cleaner place. This was a fantastic incentive from Bulle CLLs and Glion volunteers who received nothing but positive feedback and admiration from the public. This type of voluntary activity reinforces our positive relationship between students and the local community.

The Health and Wellness Team is happy to announce the start of a new pilot project on the Glion Campus! Seven new student “Health Ambassadors” have been chosen from the student body to represent students’ health concerns and promote a healthy lifestyle. They can also offer peer support to fellow students concerning health-related needs. Keep an eye out for them around campus!

Health AmbassadorsThe Club is happy to celebrate your birthday by providing you with different take-away packages, check it out!Feeling hungry after dinner, take-away food is now available in the Club until 19h30.

New in the Club

Glion merchandising is now available in the new shop that is situated in the lobby of Bulle campus. Come and buy your Glion hoody!

Glion Boutique

Keep in mind that a large screen is available in the Hub after 17h00 for the Wii and several other games. You just need to ask the security agent.

The Hub - Let’s party after 5pm

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On September 15th Glion Institute of Higher Education hosted its 5th annual symposium as part of its MBA Key Concept Series on the Bulle campus. This year’s event showcased “Perspectives on Business Ethics”.

Guest speakers were: + Paul Dembinski – Observatoire de la Finance, Geneva + Wes Wierda – Partner Hobeon + Carmen Romero von Banga – CauseDirect

MBA Key Concept Series

On September 25th Glion was honoured to welcome the Industry Innovation Panel members. Twelve Industry leaders introduced the hottest trends and freshest insights from the hospitality field.

Industry Innovation Panel

On September 29th and 30th, leading companies offered workshops in Hotel Industry Analytics (CHIA), followed by certification. Participants were trained in:

+ Hotel Industry + Analytical Foundations + Hotel Math Fundamentals + Property level Benchmarking + Hotel Industry Performance Reports

Train The Trainer Session

Congratulations to Alisa Krotova who won the 2nd place at the Hospitality Innovation Summit held in Amsterdam at The Hague Hotel School! Top hotel schools competed this challenge set by CEOs of hospitality related groups in Europe.

Hospitality Innovation Summit

Get a real insight of Glion’s MBA and Postgraduate Programs. Taking place on the Bulle campus, the home of our Postgraduate and MBA students, the Insight Days will give you a chance to understand the whole package, including courses, applied learning, industry relations, career development, professional connections and the Alumni network.

When: 13th November 2015

Glion Insight Days

A very important day for hundreds of students! Glion Graduation Ceremony will take place on December 11th, 2015 in the 2m2c, Montreux. We look forward to seeing you there!

Graduation Ceremony

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Margaux has just finished a three week “cyclosportive”in as many of the European mountain ranges as possible. She single-handedly took care of accommodating 1’500 cyclists in 250 hotels across three countries. Just when you thought the Integrated Project was a logistical nightmare... now there is another project coming… Up next is the same event to be held in the Rockies and other smaller endeavours such as the Geneva Marathon and the Volvo Ocean Race.

Ann has moved from tour management back to event management, working in London for a very small start-up (you wouldn’t have heard of it!) called “YouTube”. She is the first event manager within the YouTube team ever. She takes care of all the logistics for YouTube events in Europe. The highlight so far will be organizing YouTube’s presence at the biggest Finnish YouTube fan festival (15,000 people daily!) including taking care of the YouTube creators as

well as all fan engagement. Up next is helping to expand and lead the event manager position into a full-blown events team in 2016.

Ann and Margaux have come up with their first business endeavour in Mallorca. Inspired by an unexpected speedboat adventure; they have decided to open up their own boat adventure company. What is the Unique Selling Point (USP) you might ask? The answer is simple: Cocktails. Ann and Margaux very quickly noticed that the boat they were on did not provide any alcoholic beverages to counteract seasickness and hence have found their niche in the market! Margaux will man the boats, Ann will take care of happy hour… anyone care for an adventure?


Ann Margit Sepp & Margaux Michel ESE AlumniFrom Lausanne to London

Created with his brother and sister-in-law and manufactured in Italy, Sasha Prost has launched the fashion line, 8Js. Derived from the first letter of formula one drivers first names in the 1960-1970 like Jo Siffert, Jim Clark and James Hunt and eight (8) to signify infinity in remembrance, 8Js proposes elegant menswear town clothes all with a subtle reference to the racing lifestyle. With plans to expand point of sales across Asia, 8Js is currently sold in Bon Génie, Geneva and in Harrods, London.

To Mallorca

Sacha ProstESE Alumnus launches a fashion line

To find out more visit

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F A C E B O O K . C O M / G L I O N S W I T Z E R L A N D

T W I T T E R . C O M / G L I O N N E W S

Y O U T U B E . C O M / G L I O N C A S T

F L I C K R . C O M / G L I O N

B L O G . G L I O N . E D U


Glion Institute of Higher EducationRoute de Glion 111 - 1823 Glion sur Montreux - Switzerland

T. +41 (0)21 966 35 35 - F. +41 (0)21 966 35 36

Glion Institute of Higher EducationRue de l’Ondine 20 - 1630 Bulle - Switzerland

T.+41 (0)26 919 78 78 - F. +41 (0)26 919 78 79