GLENCOE… · E. Manifest...

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Transcript of GLENCOE… · E. Manifest...

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Presentation Plus! The American Republic To 1877

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Chapter Introduction

Section 1 The Oregon Country

Section 2 Statehood for Florida and Texas

Section 3 War With Mexico

Section 4 California and Utah

Chapter Summary

Chapter Assessment

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Chapter Objectives

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• Explain why large numbers of settlers headed for the Oregon country.

• Understand how the idea of Manifest Destiny contributed to the nation’s growth.

Section 1: The Oregon Country

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Chapter Objectives

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• Understand why problems arose betweenthe Mexican government and the American settlers in Texas.

• Describe how Texas achieved independence from Mexico and later became a state.

Section 2: Independence for Texas

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Chapter Objectives

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• Explain why Americans began to settle in the Southwest.

• Describe how the United States acquired New Mexico and California.

Section 3: War With Mexico

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Section 4: New Settlers in Californiaand Utah

Chapter Objectives

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• Understand how the hopes of getting rich quick drew thousands of people to California.

• Describe how the search for religious freedom led to the settlement of Utah.

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Why It Matters

The United States was made up of people who had emigrated from many places inthe world. Many Americans remained on the move as the United States extendedits political borders and grew economically.

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Guide to Reading

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Manifest Destiny is the idea that the United States was meant to extend its borders from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

• joint occupation

Main Idea

Key Terms

• mountain man

• Prairie schooner

• emigrant

• Manifest Destiny

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Rivalry in the Northwest

1. In the early 1800’s four nations claimed the Oregon Country=U.S., England, Spain and Russia.

2. By 1818 on the U.S. and England jointly occupied the Oregon Country.

3. Mountain men opened the road to Oregon. (Rendezvous/trappers/traders)

(pages 356–358)

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Oregon and Manifest Destiny

1. 1st Americans to move to Oregon came in the 1830’s.

2. The 1st large scale trip took place in 1843.

3. Dr. Marcus and Narcissa Whitman were early missionaries to Oregon. ( Killed by Native Americans because of a disease issue. )

4. Oregon Trail=2,000 miles---Great Plains, the Rocky Mts., the South Pass and along the Snake and Columbia Rivers. ( Prairie Schooners/Conestoga Wagon )

(page 358)

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Oregon and Manifest Destiny con’t.

1. The fertile Willamette Valley is where most of the Americans settled. ( 5,000 Americans/700 British )

2. Manifest Destiny made a call to annex Oregon to the U.S. and drop British claim to that land.

3. James K. Polk (Democrat) versus Henry Clay (Whig) in the 1844 presidential race. =“Fifty-Four Forty of Fight” slogan. (Polk wins)

4. A compromise between the British and the Americans leads to a division line between the United States and Canada at the 49th parallel.

(pages 359–360)

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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. a meeting

__ 2. the possession and settlingof an area shared by two ormore countries

__ 3. the idea popular in the UnitedStates during the 1800s thatthe country must expand itsboundaries to the Pacific

__ 4. a frontiersman living in the wilderness, as in the Rocky Mountains

__ 5. a person who leaves a country or region to live elsewhere

A. joint occupation

B. mountain man

C. rendezvous

D. emigrant

E. Manifest Destiny

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Checking for Understanding

Reviewing Facts Name the four countries that claimed parts of the Oregon Country.

The United States, Great Britain, Spain, and Russia claimed parts of the Oregon Country.

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Reviewing Themes

Economic Factors How did the fur trade in Oregon aid Americans who began settling there?

Fur trappers and traders served as guidesto lead parties of settlers west.

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Critical Thinking

Making Generalizations How did the idea of Manifest Destiny help Americans justify their desire to extend the United States to the Pacific Ocean?

Many Americans believed that it was the destiny or mission of the United States to spread freedom by occupying the North American continent.

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Analyzing Visuals

Picturing History Study the painting on page 359 of your textbook. Do you think it provides a realistic portrayal of the journey west?

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Informative Writing Imagine you and your family are traveling to the Oregon Country in the 1840s. A friend will be making the same trip soon. Write a letter telling your friend what to expect on the journey.

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Guide to Reading

Texans won their independence from Mexico and asked to be admitted to the United States.

• Tejano

Main Idea

Key Terms

• barricade

• decree

• annex

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1. Florida was transferred

from Spain to the U.S.

in 1821.

2. The territory grew and

eventually became the

27th state of the Union in


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1. Empresarios brought American recruits to northern Mexico. (Texas)

2. Stephen Austin carries out his dad’s dream and brings 300 Ameican recruits to Texas. (Old Three Hundred)

3. Settlers needed to learn Spanish, become Catholic and follow Mexican law. (American recruits ignored)

4. Santa Anna becomes dictator of Mexico and doesn’t allow anymore American migration into Texas. ( Infuriates Texan settlers )

(pages 362–365)

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Texas (con’t.)

1. American/Texan victory at San Antonio spurred Santa Anna to declare war on the Texans.

2. “Remember the Alamo”---the defenders of the Alamo (Davy Crockett, William Travis and Jim Bowie) held off Santa Anna for 12 days giving Sam Houston time to recruit and train a Texan army.

3. With the aide of the Tejano’s the Texan’s declare themselves a free and independent republic.

(pages 365–367)

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4. The sneak attack by the Texan’s and Tejano’sat the “Battle of San Jacinto”, (April 21st, 1836) ends the war and gives Texas their freedom and independence. ( Treaty signed May 14th, 1836 )-”The Lone Star Republic”

5. Texas becomes the 28th state under the

leadership of President James K. Polk

the “Expansionistic President”-----

“The Lone Star State”

Texas (con’t.)

(pages 365–367)

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The Lone Star Republic

1. In September of 1836 the Texan’s select Sam Houston as its first and only president on the new republic.

2. President Jackson refuses to annex Texas as a state in 1836. ( Slave state issue )

3. Debt and border skirmishes and conflicts with Mexico marred Texan history.

4. James K. Polk annexed Texas into the union as the “Lone Star Republic” (state) on December 29th, 1845

(pages 367–368)

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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. a person who arranged for the settlement of land in Texas during the 1800s

__ 2. a Mexican who claims Texas as his home

__ 3. to add a territory to one’s own territory

__ 4. an order given by one in authority

A. Tejano

B. empresario

C. decree

D. annex

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Checking for Understanding

Reviewing Facts Name the four things that American settlers agreed to do in exchange for receiving land in Texas.

American settlers agreed to learn Spanish, become Mexican citizens, convert to Catholicism, and obey Mexican law.

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Reviewing Themes

Geography and History Why did Northerners and Southerners disagreeon the annexation of Texas?

Northerners objected because it would add another slave state to the Union; Southerners favored it for the same reason.

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Critical Thinking

Analyzing Information How did the fall of the Alamo help the cause of Texas independence, even though it was a defeat for the Texans?

It helped the cause of Texas independence by gaining time to organize and motivating Texas rebels.

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Analyzing Visuals

Sequencing Study the map on page 367 of your textbook. Place these battles in order, starting with the earliest: Gonzales, San Jacinto, the Alamo, Goliad.

In order from the earliest, the battles were: Gonzales, Alamo, Goliad, and San Jacinto.

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Descriptive Writing Look at the painting of the Battle of the Alamo on page 365 of your textbook. Write one paragraph that describes what is happening in the picture.

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Guide to Reading

American settlement in the Southwest led to conflict with Mexico.

• rancho

Main Idea

Key Terms

• ranchero

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The New Mexico Territory

1. Area between California and Texas in the early 1800’s was controlled by the Spanish.

2. When Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821 this territory became the northern part of Mexico.

3. To boost (+) its economy Mexico welcomed American traders to the territory. ( William Becknell/Santa Fe Trail ) Led to Manifest Destiny=an attempt to acquire New Mexico.

(pages 369–370)

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California’s Spanish Culture

1. Spanish explorers and missionaries were the 1st European settlers in California. ( Chain of missions )

2. Missions were disbanded in 1833 and became large farms and cattle ranch’s. ( Ranchos-Rancheros )

3. Trading and whaling ships as well as mountain men opened up California to American settlers.

4. President Polk offers to buy (twice) California and New Mexico, but was refused by the Mexican Government. (pages 370–371)

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War With Mexico

1. Annexation of Texas in 1845 worsened the relationship between Mexico and the United States. ( Border dispute on boundary between the U.S. and Mexico- Rio Grande/Nueces River.

2. Mexico refuses American offer ( $30,000,000) to buy New Mexico and California. It also announces its intention to retake Texas.

3. The U.S. provokes a Mexican attack by crossing the Nueces River into disputed Mexican Territory. A battle takes place which leads to a declaration on war. ( May 11th, 1846=Mexican-American War ) (pages 371–374)

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4. Polk developed a 3 part plan to win the war:

A. Drive Mexican troops out of the disputed territory

and secure the Texan border.

B. Seize New Mexico and California.

C. Capture Mexico City ( demoralize opposition )

5. All three parts were completed by Sept. 1847. General Zachary Taylor completed part #1, General Stephen Kearney completed part #2 and General Winfield Scott part #3.

6. During the war California declares it’s

Independence=“Bear Flag Republic”

War With Mexico (cont.)

(pages 371–374)

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7. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the

war in February of 1848:

A. Mexico gave up all claims to New Mexico and


B. United States paid $15,000,000 for the Mexican


C. U.S. acquires the Gadsden Purchase ( lower New

Mexico and Arizona ) in 1853 for $10,000,000.

War With Mexico (cont.)

(pages 371–374)

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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. Mexican ranch owner

__ 2. huge properties for raising livestock set up by Mexican settlers in California

__ 3. to give up by treaty

__ 4. Mexicans who lived in California

A. rancho

B. ranchero

C. Californios

D. cede

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Checking for Understanding

Reviewing Facts According to the Mexican government, where did the border between Texas and Mexico lie?

The border between Texas and Mexico lay along the Nueces River.

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Reviewing Themes

Culture and Traditions Why did the Spanish establish missions in the Southwest? What happened to the mission land after Mexico gained its independence?

The Spanish established missions in the Southwest to colonize and convert Native Americans to Christianity. Some land was given to Native Americans and the rest was sold.

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Critical Thinking

Analyzing Primary Sources Explain the meaning of this sentence in your own words: “If the people [of California] should desire to unite their destiny with ours, they would be received as brethren [brothers].”

The United States would welcome California into the Union.

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Analyzing Visuals

Geography Skills List the battles that appear on the map on page 372 of your textbook in order from first to last. Identify whether each was a Mexican victory or a U.S. victory.

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Science Settlers traveling west encountered new wildlife, vegetation, and landforms. Choose one region of the west and investigate as a traveling scientist would. List plants and animals you would see there. Write a report summarizing what you have observed.

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Guide to Reading

The lure of gold and the promise of religious freedom drew many settlers westward.

• forty-niners

Main Idea

Key Terms

• boomtown

• vigilante

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California Gold Rush

1. Gold was found along the American River in California in 1848. ( Gold Rush=49’ers )

2. Boomtowns grew up overnight=vigilantes developed for protection and merchant prospered.

3. The Gold Rush expanded trade, shipping, agriculture and other mining needs in California.= ( Population soared )

4. California becomes a state in 1850. ( Bear Flag State ) - Compromise of 1850 -

(pages 375–377)

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A Religious Refuge in Utah

1. Mormons ( Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints ) were the 1st non-Native American settlers in the Utah area.

2. Joseph Smith was their 1st founder---from New York to Ohio, then Missouri, Illinois and finally Utah.

3. Brigham Young found a haven for the Mormons in the Great Salt Lake area ( desert )

4. Utah Territory was part of the Mexican Cession and became a state in 1896.

(pages 377–378)

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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. a community experiencinga sudden growth in business or population

__ 2. person who takes the law into their own hands

__ 3. people who went to California during the gold rush of 1849

A. forty-niners

B. boomtown

C. vigilante

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Checking for Understanding

It was a free state, so the Southern states objected to it becoming a state.

Reviewing Facts Why was California’s entry into the Union delayed?

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Reviewing Themes

Groups and Institutions What steps did Californians take to apply for statehood? When was California admitted?

Californians wrote and approved a constitution, elected a governor and state legislators, and then applied for statehood. California became a state in September 1850.

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Critical Thinking

Predicting Consequences How might the history of California have been different if the Gold Rush had not happened?

Possible answer: Without the surge in population, California probably would not have become a state as early as it did. Fewer people would have settled there, so the economy might not have developed as rapidly.

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Analyzing Visuals

Graphic Organizer Skills Study the cause-and-effect chart on page 377 ofyour textbook. Are each of the effects of the westward movement positive? Explain.

Possible answer: Westward movementwas not good for Mexico or the Native Americans.

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Art Boomtowns sprang up almost overnight as gold seekers flocked to the West. Draw a scene of a boomtown. Include a written description of the activities that took place in the town.

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Checking for Understanding

__ 1. person who went to California during the gold rush of 1849

__ 2. a person who arranged for the settlement of land in Texas during the 1800s

__ 3. a Mexican who claims Texas as his home

__ 4. a person who leaves a country or region to live elsewhere

__ 5. Mexican ranch owner

A. emigrant

B. Tejano

C. empresario

D. ranchero

E. forty-niner

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Reviewing Key Facts

What agreement did the United States and Great Britain reach about the Oregon Territory?

Both agreed to set the boundary at the 49th parallel.

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Reviewing Key Facts

Why did President Jackson refuse to annex Texas?

He did not want to upset the balance of slave and free states.

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Reviewing Key Facts

Why did some Americans think that making California part of the United States would strengthen the security of the nation?

If the United States was bordered by the Pacific Ocean rather than by a foreign power, the threat to security would be lessened.

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Reviewing Key Facts

Explain the two main causes of the United States’s war with Mexico.

The United States and Mexico disagreed over the location of each country’s borders, and many Americans felt that it was the United State’s destiny to expand throughout the North American continent.

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Reviewing Key Facts

Why did merchants earn such large profits during the Gold Rush?

Miners coming to California needed food and supplies. Merchants could sell these goods for high prices because the miners had nowhere else to buy them.

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Critical Thinking

Analyzing Themes: Geography and HistoryHow did the war with Mexico change the U.S. border and its land holdings?

In the peace talks after the war, the United States gained California, New Mexico, and Texas, with the Rio Grande as the new border between Texas and Mexico.

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Critical Thinking

Comparing How did the negotiations between the United States and Britain over the Oregon Territory differ from those between the United States and Mexico over the Southwest.

The United States compromised with Britain. They went to war with Mexico and negotiated terms after defeating them.

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Geography and History ActivityStudy the routes of the western trails shown on the map below. Then answer the questions on the following slides.

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Geography and History Activity

Settlers had to cross the Rockies and Cascades to reach Oregon’s Pacificcoast. They had to cross the Rockies and Sierra Nevada to reach California’s Pacific coast.

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Region Which mountains did settlers have to cross to reach Oregon’s Pacific coast? California’s Pacific coast?

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Geography and History Activity

The Oregon Trail began in Independence and ended in Portland.

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Location In what city did the Oregon Trail begin? In what city did it end?

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Directions: Choose the best answer to the following question.

Test-Taking Tip This question is a good example of cause and effect. Think about other times in history when people have discovered something of value in an area. What effect did this discovery have on people’s behavior?

The discovery of gold in California led to which of the following?

A discovery of gold in the Black Hills of the Dakotas

B increased western expansion and foreign immigration

C annexation of California as a slave state

D war with Mexico over the independence of California

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Standardized Test Practice

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Which defender of the Alamo designeda knife that still carries his name?

Jim Bowie designed the bowie knife.

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Explore online information about the topics introduced in this chapter.

Click on the Connect button to launch your browser and go to The American Republic to 1877 Web site. At this site, you will find interactive activities, current events information, and Web sites correlated with the chapters and units in the textbook. When you finish exploring, exit the browser program to return to this presentation. If you experience difficulty connecting to the Web site, manually launch your Web browser and go to

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Economics As an additional incentive for American settlers in Texas, the Mexican government promised protection from lawsuits filed in the United States for failure to pay debts. Such a large number of bankrupt families decided to take the opportunity to start over that vacated homes with signs reading “Gone to Texas” became a familiar sight throughout the South.

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Civics In 1845 American forces provoked Mexico into an attack, which allowed President Polk to demand and obtain from Congress a declarationof war. A similar event occurred 119 years later when United States ships may have provoked a North Vietnamese attack. This event led President Lyndon Johnson to demand and obtain quickly from Congress a resolution permitting the United States to fight without the constitutionally required declaration of war. To prevent this from ever happening again, Congress passed the War Powers Act in 1973.

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Cattle on Mexican ranches were raised mainlyfor their hides and fat, which was used in candle making.

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Mountain Men


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Mountain Men Fur traders placed ads in newspapers to recruit men for trapping. One ad called for a hundred men to work for one, two, or three years under the leadership of an army major.

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Oregon The following quote from a Missouri farmer gives one man’s reasons to pack up and head to Oregon: “Out in Oregon I can get me a square mile of land. And a quarter section for each of you all. Dad burn me, I am done with this country. Winters it’s frost and snow to freeze a body; summers the overflow from Old Muddy drowns half my acres; taxes take the yield of them that are left. What say, Maw, it’s God’s country.”

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Sam Houston Sam Houston aided his country well. He was elected governor of Tennessee and was a United States senator from Texas for 14 years. Serving later as governor of Texas, he is the only man ever elected governor of two different states of the Union.

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Words from Mexico

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Texas The name Texas comes from a Native American word, texía, meaning “friends” or “allies.” Spanish speakers changed it to tejas and English speakers to Texas.

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Words from Mexico Bronco, corral, and rodeo all came from Mexican vaqueros, or cowhands. The Alamo was named after cottonwood trees that grew nearby.

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Understanding Latitude and Longitude

Why Learn This Skill?

Your new friend invites you to her house. In giving directions, she says, “I live on Summit Street at the southwest corner of Indiana Avenue.” She has pinpointed her exact location. We use a similar system of lines of latitude and longitude to pinpoint locations on maps and globes.

This feature can be found on page 361 of your textbook.Click the Speaker button to replay the audio.

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Learning the Skill

The imaginary horizontal lines that circle the globe from east to west are called lines of latitude. Because the distance between the lines of latitude is always the same, they are also called parallels. The imaginary vertical lines that intersect the parallels are lines of longitude, also called meridians.

Understanding Latitude and Longitude

Lines of longitude run from the North Pole to the South Pole. They are numbered in degrees east or west of a starting line called the Prime Meridian, which is at 0° longitude. On the opposite side of the earth from the Prime Meridian is the International Date Line, or 180° longitude.

This feature can be found on page 361 of your textbook. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information.

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Learning the Skill

The point at which parallels and meridians intersect isthe grid address, or coordinates, of an exact location. The coordinates for Salt Lake City, for example, are41°N and 112°W.

Understanding Latitude and Longitude

This feature can be found on page 361 of your textbook.

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Practicing the Skill

Analyze the information on the map on page 361 of your textbook, then answer the questions on the following slides.

This feature can be found on page 361 of your textbook.

Understanding Latitude and Longitude

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Practicing the Skill

This feature can be found on page 361 of your textbook. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers.

1. What are the approximate coordinates of Fort Victoria?

The approximate coordinates of Fort Victoria are 48°N and 125°W.

2. At what line of latitude was the Oregon Country divided between the United States and Britain?

It was divided at 49°N.

Understanding Latitude and Longitude

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Practicing the Skill

This feature can be found on page 361 of your textbook. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.

3. What geographic feature lies at about 42°N and 115°W?

The Great Salt Lake lies at about 42°N and 115°W.

Understanding Latitude and Longitude

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Whose Destiny?

After viewing “Whose Destiny?,” you should:

• Be familiar with the term “Manifest Destiny.”

• Understand the effect that U.S. expansion had on neighboring Mexico.

• Be aware of the ongoing impact of the war with Mexico on the relationship between the United States and Mexico.


Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Click in the window above to view a preview of The American Republic to 1877 video.

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Discussion Question

At what point did cordial relations between the countries start to break down?

Whose Destiny?

After offering land in Texas to mostly American settlers, the Mexican government in 1830 began placing restrictions on the number of Anglo-Celtic people who could move into Texas.

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Discussion Question

What happened at the Alamo?

Whose Destiny?

General Antonio López de Santa Anna surprised the United States by leading a winter campaign. Santa Anna’s troops arrived at the mission of the Alamo in February and defeated Texas rebels.

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The large, white canvas tops looked like sails; a schooner is a sailing ship.

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The stables were inside the walls for convenience and protection.

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The Gold Rush attracted people from many nations.

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