Glazier Buyers Guide

44 | 888-755-6427 [email protected] National Strength and Conditioning Association Buyers Guide


Glazier Buyers Guide

Transcript of Glazier Buyers Guide

Page 1: Glazier Buyers Guide | [email protected]

National Strength and Conditioning Association

Buyers Guide

Page 2: Glazier Buyers Guide

Section 1: Athlete Development 3 Camps Combines Leagues Nutrition Training

Section 2: AuDio & viDeo 9 Cameras & Systems Headsets Instructional Video Recording Equipment Video Editing Video Exchange

Section 3: AwArDS 15Section 4: FAcility 17 Bleachers & Seating Field Maintenance Lockers Scoreboards & Game Clocks Sports Surfaces – Turf Storage

Section 5: FunDrAiSinG 19Section 6: teAm equipment 23 Apparel & Uniforms

Gloves Helmets Mouthguards Pads Reconditioning Team Dealers Trainer Supplies & Sports Medicine

Section 7: trAininG equipment 33 Practice Equipment

Shields & Pads Sleds & Dummies Weight Rooms & Equipment

Add your company to the Buyers Guide – Contact sales@glaziercl

tABle oF contentS

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Section 1

Athlete Development


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[email protected]

Monterey, CA



Coach ing Books & V ideosATHLETE DEVELOPMENT

Coaches Cho ice i s one o f the wor ld ’s p remier pub l i shers o f ins t ruc t iona l ma te r ia l s f o r coaches a t a l l compet i t i ve leve ls . Founded in 1997, Coaches Cho ice o f fe rs an inven to r y o f over 2400 t i t l es tha t fea tu re severa l o f the most we l l -known coaches in the i r spor t .

The under l y ing miss ion o f Coaches Cho ice i s to p rov ide coaches w i th the too ls and resources tha t they need to he lp ensure tha t they a f fo rd the i r a th le tes the pos i t i ve exper ience tha t they deser ve . Ever y Coaches Cho ice p roduc t i s backed by our reso lu te commi tment to h igh qua l i t y and except iona l cus tomer se r v ice .

Coaches Cho ice i s suppor ted in i t s ques t to p roduce p roduc ts tha t fea tu re cu t t ing-edge in fo rmat ion and ins igh ts by i t s s i s te r company, Hea l thy Learn ing , as we l l as i t s in te rac t ion and synergy w i th i t s key par tners , inc lud ing ACA, ACE, ACSM, AMSSM, G laz ie r C l in ics , IHRSA, MFA, NATA, NFLCA, N IKE COY C l in ics , TGCA, and THSCA.

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[email protected]

Washington, D.C.




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[email protected]

Colorado Springs, CO



St rength and Cond i t i on ing Tra in ingATHLETE DEVELOPMENT

The Na t iona l S t reng th and Cond i t i on ing Assoc ia t ion i s the wor ld leader in de l i ve r ing sc ien t i f i c , peer- rev iewed research about s t reng th and cond i t i on ing . Founded in 1978, the NSCA has been ser v ing i t s members by b r idg ing the gap be tween sc ience and app l i ca t ion . The NSCA br ings toge ther a d i ve rse g roup o f p ro fess iona ls f rom the spor t sc ience , a th le t i c , a l l i ed hea l th , and f i tness indus t r ies , and has an ac t i ve vo ice in the communica t ion o f news and deve lopments in the f i e ld o f s t reng th and cond i t i on ing .

National Strength and Conditioning Association

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2 A DAyS FOOTBALLProducts: Online Training [email protected] 631-766-5560Centerport, NY

ADVOCArEProducts: Nutrition & 800-542-4800Plano, TX

ATHLETiC rEPuBLiC - COLOrADO SPriNGSProducts: Athlete [email protected] 719-661-0390Colorado Springs, CO

BiGGEr FASTEr STrONGErProducts: Athlete Training & Coach Certification Practice Equipment, & Weight [email protected] 800-628-9737Salt Lake City,UT

BODy BOSS FiTNESSProducts: Workout [email protected] 678-221-4358Atlanta, GA

CHAMPiONSHiP COACHiNG SySTEMSProducts: Football Coaching [email protected] 719-964-2111Colorado Springs, CO

CHAMPiONSHiP PrODuCTiONS Products: Coaching Books & Videos [email protected] 720-301-4293Ames, IA

COACHES CHOiCEProducts: Online Training Videoswww.CoachesChoice.com888-229-5745info@CoachesChoice.comMonterey, CA

COACHES OF iNFLuENCEProducts: Ministry [email protected], CA

COACHMEProducts: Playbook Diagramming [email protected] 503-544-6775 Wilsonville, ORCOMPLETE QBProducts: Quarterback [email protected] 877-231-1435 Brooklyn, NY

COrE POWEr - FAir LiFE LLCProducts: Nutrition & 575-308-3532Dallas, TX

FOOTBALL uNiVErSiTyProducts: Football Camps & [email protected], NJ

GAMEON SPOrTS NuTriTiONProducts: Nutrition & [email protected] 901-484-8256 Wimberley, TXClinton, MD

GAME CHANGiNG iMAGE LLCProducts: Goal, Planning, & Record [email protected] 918-289-3392Jenks, OKGrEATEr METrOPOLiTAN yOuTH FOOTBALL LEAGuEProducts: Youth Football [email protected] 240-475-1624Clinton, MD

KAGEN WATErProducts: Water [email protected] 310-486-5939Inglewood, CA

KiCKiNG WOrLDProducts: Athlete Training & [email protected] 619-564-1333San Diego, CA



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LiNEMENiNC CAMPSProducts: Football [email protected] 925-759-0709Brentwood, CA

NSCA - NATiONAL STrENGTH AND CONDiTiONiNG ASSOCiATiONProducts: Strength and Conditioning [email protected] Springs, CO

PAriSi SPEED SCHOOLProducts: Athlete Training & Coaching [email protected] 973-420-7528Sparta, NJ

PErFOrM-X SPOrTS TrAiNiNG iNC.Products: Athlete Training & Practice [email protected] 720-945-9295Denver, CO

PLATFOrM ATHLETiCS, LLCProducts: Online Training Program [email protected] 585-233-2064Weston, MA

SPOrTSLABProducts: Playbook Diagramming [email protected] 415-298-0011Castro Valley, CA

rAiN HErOiC LLCProducts: Training [email protected] 312-350-7125Chicago, IL

uNiTES STATES MAriNESProducts: Combat Fitness Test [email protected] Washington, D.C.

ZijA iNTErNATiONALProducts: Nutrition & [email protected] 479-430-0822Alma, AR



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Section 2

AuDio & viDeo

Cameras & SystemsHeadsets

Instructional VideoRecording Equipment

Video EditingVideo Exchange

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[email protected]

Auburn, GA



Headse ts & V ideo Equ ipmentAuDiO & ViDEO

CoachComm, LLC i s the es tab l i shed leader in p rov id ing s ide l ine communica t ion so lu t ions to a th le t i c p rog rams na t ionwide inc lud ing communica t ion and v ideo equ ipment and i s now prov id ing communica t ion equ ipment in to the b roadcas t and l i ve even t marke t . CoachComm is the w i re less s ide l ine communica t ions p rov ider f o r 95% o f D iv i s ion 1-A co l l eges and thousands o f h igh schoo l and sma l l co l l ege p rog rams across the count r y. Based ou t o f Auburn , A labama and founded in 1991 by Pe te r Amos, CoachComm par tners w i th indus t r y l eaders and o f fe rs the bes t s ide l ine communica t ions equ ipment and coach ing too ls ava i l ab le on the marke t today. For more in fo rmat ion , v i s i t

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[email protected]

Lincoln, NE



V ideo Ed i t ing &V ideo ExchangeAuDiO & ViDEO

Hud l i s an end- to-end, web based, in te rac t i ve v ideo ed i t ing sys tem fo r your team. You can cap tu re your team’s v ideo and use coach ing too ls to ana l yze and wa tch i t secure l y on l ine . Hud l keeps you connec ted w i th your team th rough tex t , te les t ra t ion , and vo ice no tes on the v ideo . You can scou t your opponents w i th r i ch tendency repor ts .

Hud l i s more than jus t v ideo ed i t ing . I t ’s a comple te l y cus tomizab le coach ing too l des igned to work w i th any spor t .

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[email protected]

Valparaiso, iN



Cameras & Sys temsAuDiO & ViDEO

AboveTheF ie ld Spor tCams was o rgan i zed to marke t an a f fo rdab le end zone camera sys tem so tha t any h igh schoo l f oo tba l l p rog ram can ob ta in th i s inva luab le coach ing too l . AboveTheF ie ld Spor tCams o f fe rs a fu l l y por tab le , ba t te r y opera ted , remote con t ro l l ed camera sys tem tha t i s ava i l ab le in f our mode ls : Economy, E l i t e , A l l Spor ts , and A l l Spor ts Wi re less . P r i ces s ta r t a t $3 ,200 fo r a comple te Economy sys tem and range to $5,295 fo r an A l l Spor ts Wi re less Mode l .

The Economy mode l i s a bas ic no- f r i l l s mode l tha t inc ludes a s tandard de f in i t i on camcorder. The E l i t e mode l fea tu res a H igh Def in i t i on camcorder and cus tom powder coa t ing in schoo l co lo rs . The A l l Spor ts mode l fea tu res a fas te r t i l t /pan head tha t i s su i tab le no t on l y f o r

f oo tba l l end zone app l i ca t ion bu t a l so mid- f ie ld fo r soccer, baseba l l , and any o ther spor t so a schoo l ’s en t i re a th le t i c p rog ram can benef i t f rom v ideo the un ique van tage po in t o f Above The F ie ld . The A l l Spor ts Wi re less mode l adds a w i re less remote con t ro l sys tem tha t a l l ows the sys tem to be opera ted f rom anywhere – p ress box , s ide l ine , dugout , e tc . - up to 1 ,000 f t . away f rom the camera .

S ince launch ing in 2011, AboveTheF ie ld Spor tCams has so ld end zone camera sys tems to schoo ls in 12 s ta tes inc lud ing severa l S ta te Championsh ip teams. Le t AboveTheF ie ld Spor tCams he lp you “See A l l You Can See !” w i th a new end zone camera sys tem in 2013!

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[email protected]

Narragansett, ri



Headse tsAuDiO & ViDEO

Techno logy – Today and Tomor row

In 1961, Por ta Phone Co . c rea ted the f i r s t por tab le w i red coaches communica t ion sys tem. Now, 50 years la te r we a re con t inua l l y s t r i v ing to deve lop new and super io r w i re less techno logy fo r today ’s demand ing coach ing env i ronments . We a re ve r y p roud o f our revo lu t ionar y COMSTAR “A l l - In-One” dup lex headse ts tha t e l im ina te the need fo r cos t l y cab les and be l tpacks . They a l l ow up to 23 coaches and more ta lk ing pa t te rns than ever be fo re .

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21ST CENTury GAME FiLM, iNC.Products: Cameras & [email protected] 847-636-9501Schaumburg, IL

ABOVE THE FiELD SPOrT CAMSProducts: Cameras & Systemswww.AboveTheField.net219-405-0151AboveTheField@Hotmail.comValparaiso, IN

ADVANCED COMMuNiCATiONSProducts: [email protected] 724-337-1400Lower Burrell, PA

ALL SPOrTS CAMProducts: Cameras & [email protected] 760-728-2293Fallbrook, CA

BurKCO SPOrTS ViDEOProducts: Video [email protected] 617-910-6023Milton, MA

COACH COMMProducts: Headsets & Video Equipment [email protected], GA

GrANDE SPOrTS ELECTrONiCSProducts: Cameras & Systems & [email protected] 254-548-4723 Waco, TX

GriDirON COMMuNiCATiONSProducts: [email protected] 281-829-0421Houston, TX

HME ELECTrONiCSProducts: [email protected] 714-420-6713Buena Park, CA

HuDLProducts: Video Editing & Video [email protected], NE

iNTErACTiV SPOrTS TECHNOLOGiESProducts: Digital Whiteboards & Coaching [email protected] 404-403-4868Duluth, GA

PEACHSTATE AuDiOProducts: [email protected] 770-945-1028 Suwanee, GA

POrTA PHONEProducts: Headsetswww.PortaPhone.com800-233-1113custserv@PortaPhone.comNarragansett, RI

TPS iNTErACTiVEProducts: Interactive Coaching [email protected] 770-609-7473Marietta, GA

ViSuAL SPOrTS NETWOrKProducts: [email protected] 203-483-6889North Branford, CT

VSN PHOTOGrAPHyProducts: [email protected] 610-685-9501Sinking Spring, PA



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Section 3


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iMAGE MAKEr 4uProducts: Awards & Goal [email protected] 816-324-6627Savannah, MO

NEFF COMPANyProducts: Apparel & Awards [email protected] 937-316-3450Greenville, OH

SPOrTSTAr ATHLETiCSProducts: Awards & [email protected] 713-290-8989Houston, TX



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Section 4


Bleachers & SeatingField Maintenance

LockersScoreboards & Game Clocks

Sports Surfaces – TurfStorage

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ArMOur rACK SPOrTS STOrAGE SyS-TEMProducts: [email protected] 770-231-1790Acworth, GA

B SPOrT CuSTOM LOCKErSProducts: 419-302-2844 Elida, OH

ByrNE & jONES SPOrTS CONSTruCTiONProducts: Sports 314-567-7997St. Louis, MO

COLEMAN CONCESSiONSProducts: Stadium [email protected] 770-434-7704 Smyrna, GA

DELuXE ATHLETiCSProducts: Facility Construction & Sports [email protected] 888-DLX-TURFMarietta, GA

DiCKENS TurF AND LANDSCAPE SuPPLyProducts: [email protected] 615-300-3125Nashville, TN

KiFCO, iNC.Products: Field [email protected] 931-212-2464 Rock Island, TNMEDALLiON ATHLETiC PrODuCTS, iNC.Products: Sports [email protected] 704-660-3000Mooresville, NC

PErFOrMANCE SurFACES, LLCProducts: Sports [email protected] 405-463-0505Oklahoma City, OK

PLAEProducts: Sports [email protected] 404-645-7900 Woodstock, GA

VECTOr CONCEPTS, iNC.Products: Sports [email protected] 972-399-1303Irving, TX

ViCTOry GAME CLOCKSProducts: Game [email protected] 334-332-9527 Roanoke, AL



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Section 5

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[email protected]

Stanwood, WA



FuNDrAiSiNGFundra is ing Ser v ices


Adrena l ine Fundra is ing works w i th a th le t i c p rog rams across the na t ion deve lop ing , des ign ing and promot ing a cus tomized fundra is ing p rog ram. We s t r i ve to equ ip p rog rams to meet the i r f i nanc ia l goa ls by ra i s ing more money in l ess t ime.

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[email protected]

Lincoln, NE



FuNDrAiSiNGFundra is ing Ser v ices

I t ’s t ime to le t Hud l make you money. Wi th Hud l Ins ider Accounts and Campa igns , you g i ve your team’s suppor te rs someth ing they ac tua l l y want and use the funds however you ’d l i ke . Turn on Ins ider Accounts and inv i te fami l y and f r i ends to buy the i r own Hud l l og in fo r access to your team’s game f i lm. Who’s inv i ted , wha t they can see , and the purchase p r i ce i s a l l up to you .

You can a lso use Campa igns to send messages to those same fans , co l l ec t wha tever they choose to dona te , and thank them on beha l f o f the team - a l l w i th in Hud l . I t bo i l s down to ra i s ing more money than you cou ld be fo re w i th less e f fo r t than you thought poss ib le .

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1ST TEAM SPOrTSProducts: Fundraising [email protected] 888-878-0014 Manassas, VA

ADrENALiNE FuNDrAiSiNGProducts: Fundraising Serviceswww.AdrenalineFundraising.com888-621-5380maguallo@AdrenalineFundraising.comStanwood, WA

AMEriCAN yOuTH SErViCES, iNC.Products: Fundraising [email protected] 602-469-9988 Mesa, AZ

ENTErTAiNMENT EXTrEME FuNDrAiSiNGProducts: Fundraising [email protected] 248-214-4673 Troy, MI

GO NFPProducts: Fundraising [email protected], MO

GrEEN BEE FuNDrAiSiNGProducts: Fundraising [email protected] 724-342-2190 Sharon, PA

HuDLProducts: Fundraising [email protected], NE

MCM FuNDrAiSiNG, iNC.Products: Fundraising [email protected] 888-774-5889 Broad Brook, CT

POPCOrN PALACEProducts: Fundraising 847-801-1900 Schiller Park, IL

PuSH THE LiMiT, iNC.Products: Fundraising [email protected] 609-203-1311 Columbus, NJ



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teAm equipment

Section 6

Apparel & UniformsGloves


PadsReconditioningTeam Dealers

Trainer Supplies & Sports Medicine

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[email protected]

indianapolis, iN



TEAM EQuiPMENTAppare l & Un i fo rms

Welcome to L IDS Team Spor ts , where your p rog ram is our f i r s t p r io r i t y. The miss ion o f L IDS Team Spor ts i s to p rov ide cus tomers w i th the h ighes t qua l i t y spor ts un i fo rms, cus tom appare l , f oo twear and equ ipment a t a compet i t i ve p r i ce , wh i le p rov id ing unpara l l e led cus tomer se r v ice . L IDS Team Spor ts i s a fu l l se r v ice team dea le r o f fe r ing cus tomized spor ts un i fo rms and appare l , f oo twear and equ ipment . Spec ia l i z ing in cus tom screen p r in t ing and embro ider y, L IDS Team Spor ts has bu i l t a na t iona l repu ta t ion fo r p rov id ing c rea t i ve and qua l i t y cus tomiza t ion s ince open ing i t s doors in 1990. Whether you a re look ing fo r spor ts un i fo rms, to c rea te a fundra ise r o r se t up an on l ine sp i r i t shop , the L IDS Team Spor ts knowledgeab le sa les fo rce w i l l conven ien t l y b r ing i t s p roduc ts and p rog rams r igh t to your door.

L IDS Team Spor ts i s your one s top so lu t ion .

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[email protected]

St. Louis, MO



He lmets , Pads , P ro tec t i ve Gear, P ro tec t i ve Appare l


Rawl ings Spor t ing Goods Company, Inc . i s an innova t i ve manufac tu re r and marke te r o f spor t ing goods wor ldw ide . Founded in 1887, Rawl ings i s an au then t i c g loba l spor ts b rand , t rus ted by genera t ions o f a th le tes f rom the baske tba l l cour t , to the baseba l l d iamond and the foo tba l l g r id i ron . Rawl ings ’ unpara l l e led qua l i t y and exper t c ra f t smansh ip a re the fundamenta l reasons why more a th le tes choose Rawl ings , and why Rawl ings i s the Of f i c ia l Ba t t ing He lmet and Ba l l Supp l ie r o f Ma jo r League Baseba l l ®, the o f f i c ia l baseba l l o f M inor League Baseba l l™ and the NCAA ®, and the approved baseba l l , baske tba l l , f oo tba l l and so f tba l l o f the Na t iona l H igh Schoo l Federa t ion ®. Rawl ings Foo tba l l p rov ides coaches a comple te foo tba l l so lu t ion . Choos ing Rawl ings g i ves a coach the ab i l i t y to ou t f i t h i s team wi th foo tba l l he lmets , shou lder pads , team un i fo rms, ba l l s and accessor ies th rough a s ing le o rder.

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[email protected]

Elyria, OH



TEAM EQuiPMENTHe lmets , Je rseys ,Pads ,

Recond i t i on ing Ser v ices

Founded in 1929, R idde l l i s a p remier des igner and deve loper o f p ro tec t i ve spor ts equ ipment and a recogn i zed leader in he lmet techno logy and innova t ion . One o f Eas ton-Be l l Spor ts Inc . ’s mos t we l l -known brands and the Of f i c ia l He lmet o f the NFL®, R idde l l i s the lead ing manufac tu re r o f f oo tba l l he lmets , shou lder pads and recond i t i on ing ser v ices (c lean ing , repa i r ing , repa in t ing and recer t i f y ing ex i s t ing equ ipment ) . Fo r more in fo rmat ion , v i s i t our webs i te a t h t tp : / /www.r idde l l . com, l i ke the R idde l l Facebook page , o r f o l l ow R idde l l on Twi t te r @Ridde l lSpor ts .

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[email protected]

Spring Grove, iL



Deca ls , Appare l , Un i fo rms, Fundra is ing Ser v ices


For over 40 years , Spor tdeca ls® has been the leader in f oo tba l l he lmets deca ls . Why? Because we con t inue to innova te wh i le o thers wa i t f o r our l a tes t ca ta log to copy us . Bu t tha t doesn ’ t te l l you WHY you shou ld make Spor tdeca ls® your on l y source fo r he lmet deca ls and more !

The “Top 10” l i s t on the cover o f our newes t ca ta log on l y te l l s par t o f the s to r y. As the manufac tu re r o f your deca ls we use up to four d i f fe ren t p rocesses so we can g i ve you exac t l y wha t you want ! No o ther deca l company can p roduce deca ls us ing such a w ide va r ie t y o f p roduc t ion methods .

High-Def Deca ls? No Prob lem. We can p roduce deca ls w i th l i t e ra l l y no p i xe la t i on . We’ve been se l l i ng HDHD H igh-Def in i t i on He lmet deca ls® fo r over 7 years now!

True Meta l l i c ’s? No p rob lem. We have 2 d i f fe ren t p roduc t ion p rocesses to accommodate meta l l i c des igns !

Overs i zed Deca ls? No p rob lem. We use 1 o f 2 p roduc t ion p rocesses to c rea te overs i zed deca ls to f i t your exac t he lmet make/des ign .

Chrome and t rans-Chrome Deca ls? No Prob lem. We have a va r ie t y o f chrome and t rans-chrome deca l s tock !

Mat te F in i sh Deca ls? No p rob lem. We have many s tocks ava i l ab le to p rov ide you w i th the look you a re s t r i v ing fo r !

Co lo r Match? No Prob lem. We can match ANY co lo r you need!

Fan tas t i c a r twork? No Prob lem. Our exper ienced s ta f f o f 15 fu l l - t ime a r t i s t s i s ready to qu ick l y make your deca l v i s ion a rea l i t y !

Ca l l us today and ge t s ta r ted ! 800-435-6110

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[email protected]

Baltimore, MD



TEAM EQuiPMENTAppare l & Un i fo rms

I t s ta r ted w i th a s imp le p lan to make a super io r T-sh i r t . A sh i r t tha t p rov ided compress ion and w icked persp i ra t ion o f f your sk in ra ther than absorb i t . A sh i r t tha t worked w i th your body to regu la te tempera tu re and enhance per fo rmance.

Founded in 1996 by fo rmer Un ive rs i t y o f Mar y land foo tba l l p layer Kev in P lank , Under Armour i s the o r ig ina to r o f per fo rmance appare l - gear eng ineered to keep a th le tes coo l , d r y and l i gh t th roughout the course o f a game, p rac t i ce o r workou t . The techno logy beh ind Under Armour ’s d i ve rse p roduc t assor tment fo r men, women and you th i s complex , bu t the p rog ram fo r reap ing the bene f i t s i s s imp le : wear Hea tGear ® when i t ’s ho t , Co ldGear ® when i t ’s co ld , and A l lSeasonGear ® be tween the ex t remes.

Under Armour ’s miss ion i s make a l l a th le tes be t te r th rough pass ion , des ign and the re len t less pursu i t o f innova t ion .

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[email protected]

Vernon, CA



TEAM EQuiPMENTAppare l & Un i fo rms

A4 i s one o f the f ines t manufac tu res o f team spor ts appare l in the USA. Based in Sou thern Ca l i f o rn ia , A4 has been in bus iness fo r 45 years , and invo l ved in team spor ts fo r over 20 years . Foo tba l l i s one o f the b igges t spor ts tha t i s d i s t r ibu ted amongs t the bes t team dea le rs and spor t ing goods s to res in the US, and Canada. The p r i ce po in ts on sp i r i t packs , and a l l pe r fo rmance wear a re the bes t in the indus t r y. Fo r a comple te look a t wha t A4 o f fe rs in Foo tba l l and a l l spor ts , l ook a t

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A 4Products: Apparel & [email protected], CA

ADiDAS TEAM SPOrTSProducts: Apparel & [email protected] 760-839-6493Escondido, CA

ALL PrO TEAM SPOrTSProducts: [email protected] 410-335-9804 Baltimore, MD

ALL TEAM SPOrTSWEArProducts: [email protected] 816-682-6237 Kansas City, MO

BiG GAME ATHLETiCProducts: Team [email protected] 503-703-4310 Wilsonville, OR

BLANCHETTE SPOrTiNG GOODSProducts: Team [email protected] 203-929-6331Shelton, CT

BrAiN SENTryProducts: Helmet Impact [email protected] 240-541-5050 Ext 201Bethesda, MD

BrENT’S uNiFOrM FACTOry - PrO LOOKProducts: [email protected] 210-889-2341Gilbert, AZBSN SPOrTSProducts: [email protected] 972-406-3413Farmers Branch, TX

CiSCO, iNC.Products: [email protected] 410-325-4800Baltimore, MD

CONTiNENTAL ATHLETiC SuPPLyProducts: Team [email protected] 800-544-5564Gridley, CA

DESTrOyEr GrAPHiCSProducts: [email protected] 616-240-1998Middleburg, FL

DiCK’S SPOrTiNG GOODSProducts: Team [email protected] 412-576-2378Newport Beach, CA

DOME HATSProducts: [email protected] 904-874-7622Jacksonville, FL

DyNA-CLAWSProducts: [email protected] 615-620-8720Brentwood, TNEASTBAyProducts: Apparel & [email protected] 715-261-9119Wausau, WI

EXO-ArMOurProducts: [email protected] 970-217-0240Thornton, CO

FiT ATHLECTiCS Products: Apparel & 435-232-2300Hyde Park, UT

FrEELAP uSAProducts: Timing [email protected] 925-461-5990Pleasanton, CA

GAMEBrEAKEr HELMETSProducts: [email protected] 949-485-9323Agoura Hills, CA

GLADiATOr MOuTHGuArDSProducts: [email protected] 215-221-6399 ext 0Philadelphia, PA



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Glazier Cl inics Buyers GuideGlazier Cl inics Buyers Guide31

GTM SPOrTSWEArProducts: Apparel & [email protected], KSj&H SALES/SCHuTT SPOrTSProducts: Helmets & [email protected] 404-427-4769Woodstock, GA

KAi ATHLETiCProducts: [email protected] 949-697-7338Mesa, AZ

LAZEr GrAPHiCS iNC.Products: [email protected] 269-926-1066Benton Harbor, MI

LiDS TEAM SPOrTSProducts: Apparel & [email protected] Indianapolis, IN

MAjESTiC 360, SFC, LLCProducts: 702-458-7000Las Vegas, NV

MArLOW SPOrTS iNC.Products: Team [email protected] 301-568-1800Forestville, MD

MCDAViD iNC.Products: Protective [email protected] 630-783-0600Woodridge, IL

MErCury SPOrTSProducts: Apparel & [email protected] 845-558-2111 West Nyack, NY

METrO ATHLETiCProducts: Apparel & [email protected] 612-414-7006Edina, MN

NATiONAL GriDirON 365Products: [email protected] City, MD

NATiONAL SPOrTS APPArELProducts: Apparel, Helmets, Pads, & [email protected] 714-279-8777Orange, CA

NEW LOOKProducts: Apparel706-570-8084Columbus , GA

PHOENiX TEAM SPOrTSProducts: Helmets & [email protected] 602-619-9200Phoenix, AZ

PrEP GEAr HEADWEArProducts: [email protected] 800-279-7060San Clemente, CA

PriME TiME SPOrTSProducts: [email protected] 704-425-8029Concord, NC

PrO LOOK SPOrTSProducts: Fundraising Services & [email protected] 805-709-5755 Arroyo Grande, CA

rAMBOWProducts: [email protected] 320-354-3628New London, MN

rAWLiNGS FOOTBALLHelmets, Pads, Protective Gear, Protective [email protected] St. Louis, MO

riDDELLProducts: Helmets, Jerseys,Pads, Reconditioning [email protected], OH



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ruSSELL ATHLETiCProducts: Apparel & [email protected] 719-260-7130Colorado Springs, CO

SAiPHS iNCProducts: [email protected] 201-206-7018 Winter Park, FL

SCHuTT SPOrTSProducts: Team [email protected] 217-324-2712 Litchfield, IL

SGH COMPONENTSProducts: 317-809-0392Brownsburg, IN

SiEGE SPOrTSProducts: [email protected] 913-953-8400 Kansas City, MO

SPALDiNGProducts: [email protected] 800-772-5346 Bowling Green, KY

SPOrT DECALSProducts: Decals, Apparel, Uniforms, Fundraising Serviceswww.SportDecals.com800-453-6110Sports@SportDecals.comSpring Grove, IL

SPOrTLiNE TEAM SALESProducts: [email protected] 303-421-6751 Arvada, CO

SPOrTS STATiON, iNC.Products: Team 708-429-0500 ext 106Tinley Park, IL

SPOrTSMANSProducts: Team [email protected] 800-537-5318 Johnstown, PA

STADiuM SySTEMProducts: Team [email protected] 800-708-0059 Canaan, CT

SWiVEL ViSiON LLCProducts: Protective [email protected] 951-318-7637Orange, CA

TEAM EXPrESSProducts: Team [email protected] 210-348-7000 ext. 4810 San Antonio, TX

TEAM rEBEL SPOrTS DirECTProducts: Apparel & [email protected] 866-969-3330 Deerfield, IL

TEAM SPOrTiNG GOODSProducts: Team [email protected] 651-558-6218Marshfield, WI

THE EQuiPMENT GuySProducts: Team [email protected] 614-738-3007Grove City, OH

THE GrAPHiC EDGEProducts: Apparel & [email protected] 888-294-7779 Carroll, IA

THE LiDDLE SPOrT SHOPProducts: Team [email protected] 816-229-3606 Blue Springs, MO

uLTiMATE TEAM SALESProducts: Apparel & 303-909-5890Arvada, CO

uNDEr ArMOurProducts: Apparel & [email protected] Baltimore, MD

uNEQuAL TECHNOLOGiESProducts: [email protected] 512-417-0000Kennett Square, PA



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trAininG equipment

Section 7

Practice Equipment Shields & Pads Sleds & Dummies Weight Rooms & Equipment

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[email protected]

Alpharetta, GA



He lmet CoversTrAiNiNG EQuiPMENT

With a l l o f the recen t concuss ion and head in ju r y head l ines , coaches l i ke you , want to do ever y th ing they can to p ro tec t p layers ’ heads . The Guard ian i s a so f t -she l l he lmet cover adds ex t ra p ro tec t ion to foo tba l l p layers ’ heads and reduces the impac t a head takes in a h i t . By reduc ing the impac t the head takes by up to 33%, maybe jus t maybe, you ’ l l p reven t a head in ju r y.

Wha t i s the Guard ian Cap?

•One-s i ze f i t s a l l so f t -she l l f oo tba l l he lmet cover tha t comes in 4 co lo rs :b lack ,red , s i l ve r & camo

•L igh twe igh t (7oz ) ,wa te rp roo f and insu la tes in ho t & co ld wea ther up to twoanda ha l f hours

•Lowcoe f f i c ien t o f f r i c t i on tha t won’ t to rque the neck•Sc ien t i f i ca l l y tes ted in l abs and on the f i e ld• POCVentures w i l l cover your he lmet war ran ty i f the he lmet manufac tu re r

re fuses to rep lace i t , c i t i ng Guard ian™ usage as the reason

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[email protected]

Farwell, Mi



S leds/Dummies & Prac t i ce Equ ipmentTrAiNiNG EQuiPMENT

S ince 1968, foo tba l l coaches have t ra ined you th , h igh schoo l , co l l ege , and p ro fess iona l champions by mak ing Rogers A th le t i c f oo tba l l t ra in ing s leds and dummies an impor tan t par t o f the i r p rac t i ces . Foo tba l l p rac t i ce d r i l l s on Rogers ’ equ ipment he lp coaches teach p layer fundamenta ls , wh i le p ro tec t ing the i r a th le tes by l im i t ing the amount o f l i ve con tac t . Our b lock ing and tack l ing s leds , o f fens i ve and de fens i ve l i nemen chutes , and foo tba l l dummies g i ve your p layers the con f idence to p rac t i ce w i th game-day aggress i veness . F rom goa l pos ts to cha in c rew se ts , we supp l y a l l your f oo tba l l f i e ld equ ipment to g i ve your s tad ium a p ro fess iona l l ook . Rogers ’ you th foo tba l l t ra in ing equ ipment — inc lud ing you th s leds , you th dummies , and you th chu tes — sa fe l y teaches new p layers the bas ic fundamenta ls o f f oo tba l l .

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[email protected]

Farwell, Mi



TrAiNiNG EQuiPMENTWeight Rooms, Prac t i ce Equ ipment ,

S leds & F loor ing

Pendu lum Equ ipment a l l ows a th le tes o f a l l s i zes and leve ls to ta rge t and max imize the bene f i t s to musc le g roups more smooth l y us ing b io-mechan ica l l y co r rec t mot ion . Work ou t a th le tes more sa fe l y w i th less s t ress on the sp ine and the body ’s more f rag i l e j o in ts w i th Rogers Pendu lum we igh t equ ipment .

You can see the d i f fe rence . You can fee l the d i f fe rence .

No wonder the most se r ious a th le tes , f rom pro fess iona l f oo tba l l p layers to Amer ica ’s e l i t e mi l i t a r y f o rces t ra in w i th Pendu lum.

Pendulum Equipment

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[email protected]

Littleton, CO



TrAiNiNG EQuiPMENTWeight Room & Tra in ing Supp l ies

Advanced Exerc ise Equ ipment (AEE ) i s the na t ion ’s l a rges t L i fe F i tness and Hammer S t reng th d is t r ibu to r w i th 25 sa les consu l tan ts in 11 s ta tes . Headquar te red in L i t t l e ton , Co lo rado , AEE covers the h igh schoo l , m idd le schoo l and co l l ege marke ts in S Ca l , NV, NM, AZ, UT, CO, WY, KS, MO, OK and AR, o f fe r ing comple te f i tness so lu t ions fo r a th le t i cs and phys ica l educa t ion .

As a fu l l se r v ice p rov ider, AEE d is t r ibu tes fo r over 30 d i f fe ren t manufac tu res and o f fe rs comple te so lu t ions inc lud ing Consu l ta t i on and Des ign , Equ ipment Recommenda t ions , Cad Convers ions , 2D & 3D layou ts , Leas ing Opt ions , and Ser v ice & Preven ta t i ve Ma in tenance p rog rams. Wi th ever y th ing f rom we igh ts and f l oo r ing , to racks and p la t fo rms, AEE i s your one source fo r a l l o f your a th le t i c and spor ts per fo rmance needs .

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[email protected]

Houston, TX



Weight Room & Tra in ing Supp l iesTrAiNiNG EQuiPMENT

Bu i ld ing the bes t s t reng th equ ipment means pay ing a t ten t ion to de ta i l s . A t P roMax ima, our p roduc ts meet the h ighes t s tandards in the indus t r y. You ’ l l f i nd our Equ ipment in Hea l th C lubs , Un ive rs i t i es , H igh Schoo ls , Ho te ls and Med ica l Rehab fac i l i t i es th roughout the Un i ted S ta tes , and as an approved GSA Cont rac to r, we ’ve he lped our se r v ice men and women s tay f i t th roughout the wor ld . S imp ly pu t , P roMax ima se l l s the f ines t equ ipment fo r the bes t p r i ce and g i ves you an unbea tab le va lue .

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[email protected]

Marietta, GA



Speed Tra in ing , Tra in ing Supp l ies , Tra in ing AppTrAiNiNG EQuiPMENT

SpeedTracs i s the lead ing p rov ider o f Team Speed & Ag i l i t y Deve lopment p rog rams and equ ipment . SpeedTracs t ra in ing i s imp lemented on your campus, by your coaches , and fo r your en t i re team to t ra in toge ther us ing s t ruc tu red d r i l l s w i th p rog ress ions . SpeedTracs i s f o r a l l schoo ls , a l l spor ts , ma le and fema le a th le tes . Our sys tem inc ludes p ro- leve l cur r i cu lum, por tab le SpeedSta t ionsTM, and Spor tsTracsTM, our web-based spor ts per fo rmance t rack ing so f tware fo r coaches and a th le tes .

Our p rog ram prov ides coaches w i th p ro- leve l speed and ag i l i t y deve lopment techn iques , deve loped by Mas te r Tra iner Loren Seagrave , emphas i z ing the deve lopment o f “ fas t tw i tch” musc le f ibe r. SpeedSta t ionsTM are por tab le , and can be used in the gym, the we igh t room and on the f i e ld , a l l ow ing a th le tes to t ra in on the sur face they p lay on . Each sys tem comes comple te w i th a l l gear f o r t ra in ing , and mu l t ip le Team packages to choose f rom to meet ever yone ’s needs .

Produc t descr ip t i on : Each SpeedSta t ionTM has 4 s ta t ions fo r t ra in ing- Jumper, H ip /Ham, Change o f D i rec t ion , and Upper Body s ta t ions . Each SpeedSta t ion can t ra in 8 a th le tes a t a t ime. Gear inc ludes 2 jumper bungees , 1upper body band (heavy res is tance ) , 2 h ip f l exo rs w i th ank le s t raps , 2 2” pa i rs o f ank le s t raps , 2 change o f d i rec t ion bungees (8 f t ) , 3 Tw i tchbands , and 3 be l t s . F ie ld gear k i t s a re ava i l ab le w i th our Team t ra in ing sys tems, o r f o r add i t i ona l purchase .

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[email protected]

Fergus Falls, MN




Revo lu t ion i ze the way p rac t i ces a re conduc ted w i th a newly innova ted sys tem des igned to teach A l ignment , Ass ignment , and Techn ique s imu l taneous l y : The U l t ima te Scr immage Sys tem (USS) . Fu l l y u t i l i zed , the U l t ima te Scr immage Sys tem wi l l be the most used p iece o f equ ipment on your foo tba l l f i e ld o ther than your foo tba l l . The on l y p roduc t o f i t s k ind , i t has been c rea ted fo r the bene f i t o f O f fense and Defense ; thus , i t s ve rsa t i l i t y makes i t a h igh l y des i rab le add i t i on to ca tapu l t you in to a w inn ing foo tba l l season. I t i s meant to rep lace the a rcha ic use o f garbage cans , cones , o r “human dummies .” The USS has a l ready become a s ign i f i can t par t o f p rac t i ce fo r p rog rams in 11 s ta tes . Vars i t y coaches a re t yp ica l l y us ing the USS fo r th i r t y to n ine ty minu tes per p rac t i ce , be fo re tu rn ing i t over to the i r JV, JR . H igh o r you th teams. The feedback f rom coaches has been ver y pos i t i ve ; the fo l l ow ing i s a t yp ica l comment about the USS.

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2ND WiND EXErCiSE EQuiPMENTProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 952-544-5249Eden Prairie, MN

ADVANCED EXErCiSEProducts: Weight Room & Training Supplieswww.AdvancedExercise.com800-520-1112aeeinfo@AdvancedExercise.comLittleton, CO

ALL AMEriCAN FiTNESS EQuiPMENTProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight 662-419-9312Tupelo, MS

ALL AMEriCAN irONProducts: Practice Equipment & [email protected] 815-289-9792Loves Park, IL

ALL PrO EXErCiSEProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 800-525-2739 Plymouth Township, MI

BENT irON PErFOrMANCEProducts: Practice Equipment & 513-218-3989Brookville, IN

CrOWN SPOrT SALES, iNC.Products: Dummies & [email protected] 704-965-9586Winston Salem, NC

DirECT FiTNESS SOLuTiONS, LLCProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight Rooms [email protected] 847-721-2249Mundelein, IL

DyNABODyProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight Rooms [email protected] 865-379-9898Maryville, TN

FiSHEr ATHLETiCProducts: Dummies & Sleds [email protected] 217-832-8588Salisbury, NC

FOuNDATiON FiTNESSProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 503-866-8157 Portland, OR

G&G FiTNESS EQuiPMENT, iNC.Products: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 585-475-9918Williamsville, NY

GiLMAN GEArProducts: Dummies & Practice [email protected] 800-243-0398Gilman, CT

GuArDiANProducts: Helmet Coverswww.GuardianCaps.com770-667-6004sales@GuardianCaps.comAlpharetta, GA

HAMMEr STrENGTH & LiFE FiTNESSProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 800-634-8637Arlington Heights, IL

HEALTHSTyLES EXErCiSE EQuiPMENTProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 303-366-3324 Glenwood Springs, CO

HEArTLiNE FiTNESS SySTEMSProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 301-358-4350 Gaithersburg, MD

KiNG STrENGTHProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 228-731-0916 Denham Springs, LA

LEGEND FiTNESSProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 865-992-7097 Knoxville, TN

MATriX / MAGNuM STrENGTHProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 703-623-2932 Scottsdale, AZ

MATriX FiTNESSProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 626-975-8777Temple , CA

MiDWEST COMMErCiAL FiTNESSProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 847-274-0234 Hinckley, IL



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POWEr LiFTProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 800-872-1543Jefferson, IA

POWEr SySTEMS, iNC.Products: Practice [email protected] 865-862-7878Knoxville, TN

POWErDriVE TrAiNiNG PrODuCTS, LLCProducts: Practice [email protected] 512-940-8888 West Lake Hills, TX

Pr FiTNESS EQuiPMENT iNCProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 405-312-2981 Edmond, OK

PrO iNDuSTriESProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 800-875-5448 Franklin, MN

PrOMAXiMAProducts: Weight Room & Training [email protected], TX

PuSH PETAL PuLLProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 952-679-1207Burnsville, MN

rAE CrOWTHEr FOOTBALL & STrENGTHProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 800-841-5050 Rock Hill, SC

rATTLEr TECHNOLOGiES LLCProducts: Practice [email protected] 928-301-6223Cottonwood, AZ

rEADy FiTNESSProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 404-550-3544Cumming, GA

rOGErS ATHLETiCProducts: Sleds/Dummies & Practice EquipmentWeight Rooms, Practice Equipment, Sleds &[email protected] Farwell, MI

SPEED TrACSProducts: Speed Training, Training Supplies, Training [email protected], GA

TiTAN STrENGTH FiTNESSProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 877-418-9511Ellisville, MO

THE TuG - COMPETiTiVE ACTiON SPOrTSProducts: Practice [email protected] 612-669-3158Edmond, OK

uLTiMATE SCriMMAGE SySTEMProducts: DUMMIESwww.UltimateScrimmageSystem.com320-224-1868uss.danka@prtel.comFergus Falls, MN

uSA FiTNESSProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 888-669-6090Cudahy, CA

WELLNESS SOLuTiONS, iNCProducts: Practice Equipment & Weight [email protected] 540-349-9080The Plains, VA

WiZArD SPOrTS EQuiPMENT, iNC.Products: Camps & Practice [email protected] 888-964-5425 Anaheim, CA



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uNEQuAL TECHNOLOGiESProducts: [email protected] 512-417-0000Kennett Square, PA

uNiVErSAL ATHLETiCProducts: Team [email protected] 623-878-1900Peoriz, AZ

uSA rECONDiTiONiNG AND CLEANiNGProducts: 973-340-8282Garfield, NJ

VB SPOrTS, LLCProducts: Pads248-225-0763Waterford, MI

XENiTHProducts: [email protected] 978-328-5280Lowell, MA

X-GrAiN SPOrTSWEArProducts: Apparel & [email protected] 563-583-4103Peosta, IA




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