GLAST Large Area Telescope: Overview and Management Issues William E. Althouse

GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001 GLAST Large Area GLAST Large Area Telescope: Telescope: Overview and Management Issues William E. Althouse Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford University LAT Instrument Project Manager [email protected] Gamma-ray Large Gamma-ray Large Area Space Area Space Telescope Telescope


Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope. GLAST Large Area Telescope: Overview and Management Issues William E. Althouse Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford University LAT Instrument Project Manager [email protected]. Overview and Management Issues. Outline - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of GLAST Large Area Telescope: Overview and Management Issues William E. Althouse

Page 1: GLAST Large Area Telescope: Overview and Management Issues William E. Althouse

GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

GLAST Large Area Telescope:GLAST Large Area Telescope:

Overview and Management Issues

William E. AlthouseStanford Linear Accelerator CenterStanford UniversityLAT Instrument Project Manager

[email protected]

Gamma-ray Large Gamma-ray Large Area Space Area Space TelescopeTelescope

Page 2: GLAST Large Area Telescope: Overview and Management Issues William E. Althouse

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

Overview and Management Issues


Technical status, baseline development status

Status of MoAs

Action items and recommendations from Feb. review

Cost estimate

Page 3: GLAST Large Area Telescope: Overview and Management Issues William E. Althouse

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

Technical StatusTechnical Status

• All LAT and subsystem (level 2 and 3) requirements documents reviewed

– Level 2 docs signed off and under configuration control

– Level 3 docs signed off after SS PDRs (before LAT PDR)

• Three major subsystem PDRs completed

– Tracker, ACD, Calorimeter

• Remainder scheduled for this week

– Wed: Mechanical Systems

– Thurs: Electronics, Data Acquisition and Flight Software

– Fri: Instrument Operations Center; Science Analysis Software

• Balloon flight successfully completedBalloon flight pix ...

More pix ...

Balloon flight data ...

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

Baseline Preparation StatusBaseline Preparation Status

LAT status8/14/01

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

Status of MoAs between SU-SLAC and Status of MoAs between SU-SLAC and

collaborating institutionscollaborating institutions

• GSFC/LHEA IPO action

• NRL IPO action

• UCSC/SCIPP signed

• U Wash signed

• CEA/DAPNIA & IN2P3, France; NRL Pending NASA/CNES LoA

• Royal Inst. Of Technology & Stockholm Univ., Sweden; NRL signed

• INFN, ASI, Italy Pending final approval from ASI

• Hiroshima Univ., ISAS & RIKEN, Japan; UCSC/SCIPP signed

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

From: Bonneville Richard <[email protected]>To: "'Peter F. Michelson'" <[email protected]>Cc: "'Joubert Martine'" <[email protected]>, "'Grenier Isabelle'" <[email protected]>Subject: RE: GLASTDate: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 12:39:03 +0200 Dear prof. Michelson, I am pleased to inform you that our science program committee has issued a very positive recommendation about the French participation to GLAST. The official minutes are not available yet, but I already know the rough content. The CNES support for 2001 has been secured and we are presently writing the file with the detailed budget request for the following phases up to launch. The recommendation of the committee (together with the efficient lobbying of our partners from the French research institutes) is the green light that we needed. Best wishes _______________________ Richard BONNEVILLECentre National d'Etudes SpatialesDirection des Programmes et des Affaires IndustriellesDélégation à l'Etude et l'Exploration de l'Univers

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

Action Items from 2/13 ReviewAction Items from 2/13 Review

1. Notify DOE/NASA when project will be ready for a Baseline/PDR Review

2. Approve Implementing Agreement and MOU

3. Issue draft LAT Management Plan for comment

4. Conduct a DOE/NASA Baseline/PDR Review


o Pending

Draft available on web since Jan. Issues settled, estimate 8/31 comp.

Scheduled for 10/29

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

Management Recommendations from 2/13 Management Recommendations from 2/13 ReviewReview

• NASA and DOE should complete the agreement that establishes the Joint Oversight Group as soon as possible.

• Complete and approve a Project Management Plan as soon as possible.

• NASA and DOE should agree on guidelines for reporting on and reviewing the project that do not burden Project Management with duplicate requirements.

• Develop an integrated, resource loaded schedule and cost estimate.

• Develop better means of communicating within the collaboration and with subsystems.

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

Improved Communication ToolsImproved Communication Tools

In addition to internal technical reviews and many weekly meetings:

• Collaboration meeting 8/1-2; next planned for spring 2002

• Quarterly SSAC meetings

• Developing comprehensive project website

– Focus on project documents:

• Controlled drawings and specifications

• Studies, design descriptions, presentation materials

• Weekly IDT meeting minutes, issues and AI lists

• Self-serve by local and remote LAT participants

– Project calendar

– Future: improved participant database

• Improved visibility into processes

– Monthly Project Controls meeting to discuss cost/schedule variances and corrective actions

– Training for document posting

– Future: CCB process, risk management, …

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

• IPO Project Staffing– Added 3 FTEs to system engineering– Added I&T Subsystem Manager, I&T Engineer

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

Issue: Cost EstimateIssue: Cost Estimate

• Changes since 2/13 review:

– NASA FY02 funding for LAT reduced $3M

– Launch delayed 6 months

• Estimated impacts:– LAT integration delayed 3 months– LAT cost increase: $5.8M ($2.5M DOE, $3.3M NASA)

– E/PO scope increase: $1.4M (NASA)

– Japanese funding profile for Si detectors

• SLAC to fund $1.5M in FY01/02, repayment in FY04/05

– All cost estimates revisited “bottoms up”

• Current estimated DOE/NASA cost = $100.2M (escalated $, no contingency)

• Funding:– Current approved funding = $114.6M ($35M DOE, $79.6M NASA)

– Japanese repayment for Si = $1.5M– Pending formal approval = $2.5M (DOE, for launch delay)

TOTAL = $118.6M

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

Cost Estimate (con’d)Cost Estimate (con’d)

• Excluding FY00/01 cost (incurred), E/PO and Japanese “loan”:

– Contingency = 23% ($118.6 – 20.3)/($100.2 – 20.3) = 1.23

• Insufficient reserves

• Budget meeting 8/15

• Target estimated cost = $94M

– Target contingency = 33% ($118.6 – 20.3)/($94 – 20.3) = 1.33

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GLAST LAT Project DOE/NASA Review of the GLAST/LAT Project, Aug. 14, 2001

Cost Estimate (con’d)Cost Estimate (con’d)

• … But a $6M cost reduction, which will be tough enough, isn’t the worst problem

• Funding profile problem in FY02/03

– Estimate cost for FY02 = $24.1M– Available funding for FY02 = $21.7M -$2.4M

– Estimated cost for FY03 = $27.2M– Available funding for FY03 = $29.9M +$2.7M

• Problem has persisted since proposal