Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

ntl AAa ' LABO q.UltSnOI XI 1.'J ut .PHIl.I PP IN ES B7 Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. A fha.l. au'bat t'ed to the F•. oul tv o,f the , ... auai. Sohool , Unl.el"s.l t1 in Par'lal , hl1'llllluUlt or Re qull"e- aents tor the Degree of 01 Art, MU.waukJ!lft, '1'Gon,.11l Jan......." 19'" "

Transcript of Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

Page 1: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

ntlAAa ' LABO q.UltSnOI

XI 1.'Jut



Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S.

A fha.l. au'bat t'ed to the F •. oul tv o,f the , ... auai. Sohool , Marq~.tte Unl.el"s.l t1 in

Par'lal ,hl1'llllluUlt or Requll"e­aents tor the Degree of Ma.'~

01 Art,

MU.waukJ!lft, '1'Gon,.11l Jan......." 19'"


Page 2: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

f6,BLE ,2[ QONr1t;~!8 ..

PRJ-:;J'ACI •••• !II' .. Jt ................ '-. , .. ... . It ' ..... ., •• ,. ...... ... . ~ " ••••• ill • .. • 1..... e:

Ohapt,r -<'me

'The frlar,.. Land Under Spain ••••••• 0 ••••• 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • • a .. 14

OhA~1(tp . "o

b tent ot the'I' Lfi,nd • • ~ 00 • • ••• • 0 •••• , 0 0 , ••••••• ~ •• 3.& - 21

9be~!e%" Three

!h. Sohuraan and!aft CommIssion Report!l •.. 0 •••••••• ••• 22 .. 30

Cbapte~ four

A' toJ' St Ateltftanehlp •• 0 ••• 0 ••••••••••• 0 . ' • • •• 31 - 41

Chap"1" Fl .... -Leglala!lon Open. tht Wa,. tor Aoqu1ll1t1.on ot the

Ir-1 flJ" 'La-ft48 .... ' .......... I. ~ • .. •• ,~, • • • ... • ~ • • .. .. it • . , • • 4.2... 1'1

QM2t~r Slx

DlspO,al or the Fr1ar Land. o. 0 •• 0 '0 • 00 00 •• • 00 • • • ~ • • •• &2 - 60

. Ap,penU ••.• , ..... .. . IIIJI '. ' •• " '. , ... 4t -•••••. , . . ........ t •• *' ,. . • _ . .... ! '. , ~ • Ii • ·6.1 - 80

,JlBt..IOOJlAPIfr • ill •• ~ ... .. .. II_ , 4 •• , ... ... .... ... ............. ' . ' . _ • • B.l 88

Page 3: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -



or the man, pJ:tQ'blf)ma attendlng the tl:"Aftalt,tonrl'O. Uhe

Spald .• h to .f'..mer-l,()Qfl ruie 11\ the Phl.11pp lrt,; lalAnt13 . JUme

we~e~Q"'. p1".ea~, ng th~n th:(l'G~ lP'oWlng ,out of 'he oQutrpYe".,.

l"&l..a.'lV&t to the t rt, fif,' oWl'\f1):'sb1p ot liWge as'at.a . r111p180

10Gu.rgtllts, l}lelt'platnlng t.he db.en.lon of tnenaUve.

fUhJlg11ed .ueh g'ea~ 91pltloano$ tQtho pO$stJad&n 'Dr the

trIal'" or th~,,~ l arge h$QlenQ,ll that 't" .. prefHt!!lttltlY •• of the

er10an .gQYf!:t'nment .~X'e le4 to pl a oe att exaggerated .mpha.ltS ••

upon the netjC! tor ali lIt«a~alnt~ •• ttl'l!l~nt.

io lengthening of perapeQ'tlYtt oan m1ft1.1&. tbe

oo-rnplexl'1 ot o,eS0t1At10n8 1Vht CJh :r .. ,,,1'.4 in the t.panstel" of

the 'f'r1801'' .... o.·''.4 lAnds In the Phl11.pp\ne Al'ob1pfflago to

publia o.wner.hlp. Fo~ ;ll~ United 5tat!!Ul wlth 8. tradltIon ot

de&ool'atl0'tlt'Utlon •• a oolonlAl legat)J' of P~ot6et(Xnt

antipathies, And a na-tlonj,l t:e1ftPtlli"a .. ntr.l\ovtn.~(l tor

ettlo1"no1 1n getting th1.nglJ dClRe to be taotld w1th the

proM .•• or t·~V1'Qul.tln, ~ GOlOnlal po110t t~,. SO'ltu!'nanoe ot

• l'tH')l)le., .~uu.tom.d tOF o"t1'" tnr.& h1lndrtta ,6a,..,0 a

Spanlah oolonlal patt.~n ,I'.ptoea.ntlng 'he varr antIthe.l.

ot all 'h& •• lJafl1.ofJ.ll1 A..,)'108" Motpounda. lr.UI Ii talk

~batJ1'.qUlf;1~ 18()re tbab .. 4loe1". ".,e •• f\,blp . '!'hat the

adju.'aent waIJ .treated with 10 11'tle h'latlon and so d1.pat'~b 1. 9. tJlilbUte to tbn 0011\).,. of the ... n .be)

lreotfd the ••

. . ~

Page 4: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


lh •• ardh 8tudy ot the problems relating to the triar

lands, 11\ the Phl11p111n.e lela.nds. Bit thd olcpe e of' the $p.aA1s1\ '

.'-mel"lnan WU" iha.s oilly %"ocentl, ol~lllt.,a the at ter'l'UQn 'Qt

atudent.lot history . An e)tho.ust1ve .tudy of" the problem

1I\l8't ."It u.pon d,OOl.une-nts still una,v8.11able. !hough flO

expeotation o~oontr1'butliig ~o tn~ ~xo~ll ... nt lnta,r'PJ'etatlon

Of tbe problem made by 1»)" . ftaill.l11rd in 111 8 doot,orAl

d.1s.ortatlcR is here entel'ta lned , 1t 1. hopeil that sQltle

addl'G1ons or faots "at bellt8de to the .tpry ot the

aoqula1tlon -.nd more partleularly tQ the aooount ot the

dl.poul ot 'tbe ,ee lAna."

Chiet attentlon has 1>."n 111X-flotea toward the soc1al

and eoc/lQml0 problema arising tr'()1ft the triar,e' possess1on

ot l arge l.ude4estAt •• ; an,d, '0 the proJeot$4 modes or

tt~:ttllRlli t bee-fi problem. t ogether wi ill t he many

" .. it1ca$lons (it new experienoe, into whlal1 the Al'IIer1t1a.n

aoYernlllen.t wali OAl't'led in proo •• s ot et'tp.<Qtlng the

aequid tiOR and dls'Pesal ot thes e 131\<1s . ''1'h~ 6~udy makes

ftO pre'ten810ns to be1ng, •• a.1uattyeln onaro;oter, 'but

prote •• e, rather to narrate in greater detAil thQn has

l'utl'etotGre been done: the OOU1"se of "'rent" tltt.~nd.lng tbe

purohase and gale at the f1'tiar esta tes .

'fbe niter "1she~ to tlutnl Pr o HeX-bert l1'. :Alae tor

hla oonatruoUve gu1danoeand (}c-ltlelslI, 1n directing the

.1'1 tln.g of' th1. 1;h .819 . A word o f appreeiat.1on ls a180

due to Fathit,r Raphael • • Hamilton and Dr . Leo Wearing,

tbe other members of the oommitt •• •

':,..' ,,~~ ~

Page 5: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


Tl\e Friars ' L-andtil tl'Ad.,. 8J)61n. .(

The l\'ole 0 " ,lUI:, B-Pfln1 sb trl ,i\~' 1n the Id .• t Qt'1 of the

Phl11 PJ}1ne Islandtl begin$ W1 th Legal!fJ)l ' " oo'nqu".t t)'t tbe

1,$,16n4. t Oi" Spllln ln 1566 tor e,mongtbe th1:'tte h'andr.d, and

eighty ilpanlard,s"ho llCJOOP!Pfulled Lep.p1 walri h1sklnalfUilt\.

t/r4antta.. an A,ug\llJtlft1ant~l {lr. When 1n 1&71. l..epspl 'a

Gonq,uoeta ba4 slltendti/i1 tQ th •• l te ot thfJ prt!t.~nt 01', of

knl1& fUld plAns fQ~ .. fUtt,t:lentilnt .ere liJ ~1nB MAe An

AQgustlnl.n Q,huroh and IImna0t"~ figured prollflnerl'U, 1n 1 tb., l,i)!'t.rpose<t !ill8tn .

1 ~~.~, - ,---~ , -----------~--'--, -~-

VI . Qarne.1"on FOl"bee. _ ,!ltt" Ph!llPJ?ln. I.iand,. 1* 30 .. 3"1. . . - .. "- ( -

DuP1ns the YIt,ar& tlult toll.owed, the conque.' all

e:rp edl,tl. on., reaonll'1g the Ph111ppln •• tl"O. Spatn or M'dl00

brought IlGtlle l'e})refUmt at'l , ••• of tbe f'l'18.i" o'rdM'jI . In 1.&77

th& F.ranol*o_na arrl •• 4 ., the telandl . In 1581 ~embere

of th., J."ultOJotJ,ep Gatlle followed 'b1 ~. VQa1nlo'-'''tI 1ft

168"1 , 'be Reooleto. in 1606, _11. Paull.t4 1.,ft l~. the , . . . . .. _. a Ca'PuQh1n~ 1n 1816 'M<i tbe Bel1ad1otlne. 1n la9ts.


2 · . . " .. ' a-port at tn,e R'bt)'~'Q.aA_'iS"Qn. P.b~ua27 26, 1901,

8"""".,1>00. 192, $6'~GOne;., 24 tJe8t4.(BP. No. 4(40), 62-95.

Slno. onl,- thrite ot Ihese or4ers w.~ In.ol •• a 1ft th,

eon'ro •• rtT •• ,1" 'be t2tlarti' larad!!, ooR41.def'ntlQn tOIf'

wrpoQ •• 'Or t.Me pape~ w111 be 11111 'ed '0 th. Do.l,MQ4IHt,

;': ...

Page 6: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

• ~h. t\ugU8tl1't,1.Htl$, and, t he ROQolfltoa f or WltJht)f1 Allg!J,~t:\ntM~ ..

a brar\ob <ilt tbeQlael~ olt'd,el". Tb~~. wet'''' 1'.:11.6 throe. order. " wh·o ,~1) lana; ht)ld1n~e beoame .. n (1)Jeot ot en.,. and l"ou.,d the

enml "yo o,t til., VUlpine> ln3UJ"g(lln:tB.

InY(') lv~d 1n th., tai'l'ji}o}')ullU"l ty 1'1a1 ted upon the .ft1U"8

wer~ thl Fra no1l!J"9.rflS , U.~ewllile., not becau • • ot their' IUltuC •• ,

tor t heir rul,., tG:r'bade.tltolr p08ftesdngland tb~ Inoome

pi.lJil'PO iUhl ~rld 'btll" hul.'{U 1n the le18nd. We!". lite1 t1td to

the houses actWl-ll.y u8.Qd 'bt the 01.'4el" together "1 th tl\e

Qbupohel! u,.,4 to't"deV() t lona l Pur-POIl.Ii , 3 \'lI",,, b"()atlfU' they, aa . ' • 1 "

~i'e8tblOl\1 of Father Vl:n eafi6,Fran","s.o&n l~QYlntJlal. l'b,1d ... 68.

"' f , -, 1 . ....

well alt thff. llGsali\,, }~u~uat"nt~n8. ant, l\ ,q$l e:tu. Y;~Jl'~

14e:nt:ltle<'i':l"-,tb Gpt.l.nisb t'ule 'in the \814n4&.. fh11J os

part1Qularlr tru,lt Qf the Ci;ttlt\l4e t~\faJ!'d h"lara serving 'In

th. vU.l Ag~ pa.i~l ahee tht'ough()ut til. l$lnruts t 8inO. in 1Uln1

\"'1.11age8, tu<tywe:t'l! the 0711,. Sp~ttllll"d$ and Mn, l"out1tle

dut les of t\~m1 nl;tratl(')tll 'iII'<i'l:"fli' d.,legate4 to them. 'i'hen ,t(JIo ,

the Spnnl ~h i)iov.rnment, 1n. l'f.;o.op1tt,.<>:n or thn lU~l"vlG~ 1'iI

r ende:r{)t1 by the rli'lal"S:, paid th~l'I, a _all annual .11pend:

ranglng r ,rom *600 1n ttltt ftl!a l.l 'PAri.eme. '0 11200 in ite'x1.aan

. iHi"7 1n the l.Af'gftl" pal'l ,she~." ft. ~tl'.ftd l\J!l()\ to

'73. 4' •• tlrtmnt of )"Ilther Lobo. AugusUn18 P.~Ylnol ·al ., 1b,d.,

t ··, -

-" ---" --~- - ' .- . . -~"'--- --' iii " ' ~. ~ ...

,~200 wall pald 1n ()nly ,,,no .... ' •• 1.,. pat'ltlho·" 1n Ille ".. . . I)

~rohlpelago .

;' .;.

Page 7: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


5Tes,tlmoill 'Of th~ fU"oh{}t tilic l1' ot Man110., lbid • • 103 .

F - N . • ~ .~ .•

" Hoat1! 1;;1 ,of tht! natt ye s t .rlIUlr {l Spaih f ound ttxp1"f!l$1:Jlon

1n hOI!'lUl ltT t owtlrd t he tN,arsf a· reel1n~ preva.lttnt 8;f.llOng

th08t'J who led tht! ~~vQl' ll ~e.ther th8,n among thn masaea ot

' , .. a _. , " J

"'It,timon)" .(;).f FQtne.r ,A:rAta , RI~oleto l>r oVlne1oJ. , ·~b:S:d"" 8 2 .

A J "io L ~

t'heh1eto~y o f the l and hQldlnga or the frllU:"$ hat! ! 'eft

roo'''i 1n the e41'11 1)*,1"10d of ooO"upatlon by the e l'll t e 111M.

The Spo;niaJ."d3 found t he Fl11plMa 1n a Bta.t e Qt oul ture

krdft1"ln, on th$ nClit'llidl0. 'the IH)l')\llD.~lon 1n the 1 s1ftno$ o.t

the tl. of the: oQinq\ulIt;'t W~fJ rilPAl".e ant.'i thllll" 'ltfJ~\"te:t"e not

united undttl" a nr great ohlettaln ot' king, but e.lloh 11l{UV'l ttual.

Yl11age -a,s M independent 6QVe1:"Jlunt.? Ht!lMt't, th~ ()onquelt

, . 0 . 'o~be8. op~. olt •• 38 ..

tor OpR,1n Mel t he ghJ:" •• ealmpllfle(1 . Only 1n

'tUn(la:nAo and the 5ulu .a.~C)hlpe.lngo dUt tbo ol1rl.lIt1an

mi,d.onarl.,s ettQount;,l' dlt t l oultl' , tor h(u"~ the ttor~ Q had

eQraQ.d U'oMIDm&danl ttlA . 8

. tt L - j _

8 1 .. 14. , 39 ..

The llo1dnlo~n Pronnola;l <J..el.~ed beto:re th$ 'att

C$tillll.doIU ttL&nd lIJ.(itt 1n tbe beginn1ng tree. " SOnu;ti mfl8

ohul'ohea wttl"e buIlt on l'Uld 'b!)lonS1Rg to the tOVins . Deed,


Page 8: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


tot" t h0S0 pr()Dt'irt,i, as. wh~t'e·t'H) V'111tlt,l;'fJ ehur()h~. "leNt bun t

'IlhU'S r&1.1lt1 ve11 unknt)\'!n . flndel\" ~n:nl 'h YJ't11e tho 't"ftln.tlon,.., "

allip bet Wftlln abu'r'Qh and state w~'re ao eloe~lY' ! <iltntl ne~ .. that ~ltl~s tOf' ahU2"'nh l tlnds liIat' e tdlc,.,edto t"'~· $t w1th the

(frOWB. Thle }'Jt'o'b,lem ot aGQUl:'ttlg to tho oh~r(,;h tl tltHJ f tlt!'

oUllrob propert1ftfawaf$ one ()'t th.e probl ,eallG Whi0h ~~e:nt'l'o 'nt~d

ths Ta ttOomm1,g:;lon , 9 'but 'beoaUBft th$ ltlnils h.d.d bY.' the

9In,,~rtt<j~~;-~-~~ thE! s coret(ir-, o~ \!flir . E1 1hu R.C)ot ~. to Gov,rnQr lfl ltOW8;l't! 'l"tttt 1n t116 Uatter of' t he 'Pu~ohlllile ot tlle hl&1're ' Lauds ~n the l'h 1l1ppl1HUI,/nepOl'Yt of th" .

, ~o()r!t;Arlot rIal" tU\d nUX'.e~~ ,Ohi a ra . 190.~ , X, AppendllC n.e,35.

Ohuroh tor rellg1oua , edth.H:4.tlonalan<1 oha:rlt1,ble instltuUong

• • ~e nev.r fJ. burning 10 6110 Qt' eQfl·tFU'V8t'(1Y' , eK~epf; in$otar AS

'the oontilt04tlon Ina.urou".n.te-d by ,A~;ll'Pu..t in h1a ~shlQm trQrD

tbeohut'oh wau llono&1"hed , plan :s homth~ "ut~et or 'thv~

1n" •• U8atlon lQoked tOlftti.t"d the tttliJiJ 1n ;ne nrune

or theblahop ot the dlQC)ltaf) &8 the 61et,gmtaost l,n ft;O()ovd

wIth the pre,ilttoe In the United 8t at(u M tl aarttettble to the

repr •• entRt'tVfJ t.l of the Ohur~ .. l() ( J . , s. - r -

10 pnlU.pplne Gommi .dOA; nepol't , 114.

fhat the .p10tu,turn.l htn(\B h~ld b)' the thll"ef! or ders -

DoJ!llnloMfI, 1\ugu.,Unl3.nw , and R.e l)o16t:o.$ - t l\"GM #h1~h an

lnoQme lil'fM~ <lor! v.a wers tor the . Oli t par' pUli'ohtt 'e4 11'0,8

eVidencea in the tos,·tll&Gn, given b1 l'epre.Bent.at1 vee of the

or derlJ betore tne faft: OOllllDl-..1on, 11 and l~~w in the 11- ~---~- - . -~---~---~. '~ -~ -- '-~- .- .. .. -----... ~-~- ---~~-~ ... - '-,--~,

'X'bi d . , 75 .

Page 9: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

eX4m1nB.ttottot t.ttle~ eal'"rletl fnl"Wat'd. Unde~ o:P1,e:r0 Of the

P~111f)p1 J!l8COnud.~ 1I! ,lQn bY' 'th law firm at 081 ;Pan Ol"t i 1!;il t1'1 _ . 12 Flscher .

12 ' .lttb A,.n~fll ~b111:pp11\~ Cc>mmlsGl on, fle~()r,,~. 1n

~~11~~1 RepC}p,~ ott.;h!! i!Iar l)e})tl.r t l!llont ., 1904,. I , ~L~~ .

' , ~ .-."



:tn sQ.fll.e t.natancQ.a t h" lIUl<l3h.a(~ been beque.sts ()~

$Q.d.o:wme-ntR as for exa~p1.e . t 'hft QPl.g1.nal 61"ftnt t op ~he Oolleg.

of San JOStl; 1n 1606 wall trow tn~l';litll te of Govel"'nru' Jrtg'U~ron

'0 ~bQ Je .. ul t ~nthe1"f.t 13 't,,~t for themr}s't part .. lnvflH~t1gat1on

' 13 .. . GAl) J·o~e Co!l t.r,g:(l' OBiGIH T. n. 'l>a~dQ de WQIf-iif'A !! !!

vth aeotov of' at . Tholliflj lJ ; ~l DOJ;n"-nla.t£ni the Holy Ap1.HJt(~11~ QAtho1.10 ChtU'oh WUIf f'ftJ}r6~entltd by 'he Arnh'bl ti1hop of Uanl1a

lli tbtl .4poat ol!o D~l~1tn'te ; tll.., Arlilibl~}\o-p 'Or 1'le.w OrJ~ et1t'i$ . Ph11~pplna CQl'll!!lllJslon. i!!port , 1901 . ~-31.

r evi;a1.ed tbe:t t he trttU"fl .f lan(lg bAd hlt'1t'i tl.oqutret'l t h,,'oueh

purt))-,u~ .e , ilsve-rend Jose L'obo , :Fr cvtnclal of th~ Augu.sttn:tan

OPdfi" , " estl,,\.,d tbl\t 1f "'(tr'1 fa'" pleQ"fJ (0.1 l and) h l!t\t" e~r

be,,*, glven to tbfl' eO!"Por u,t 1-0n .,,14

. $ q • • ~ • -14 ~ . . . f !hld., 76 .. _ H" __ n~ __ _

. . " p+ " $ " f !J" " - , ', - ".IfI!I L" _.-., ___ ..... __

R.t~:t"~.nQQ t tl 1l.h.~ lddt1 h1tld by the tl111.U:~i; np,., !!'M'lS 1n

Phl11l/P1 Qonl.~ory aSIIQ.l"ly "''' t1'il4 .nol~ttla.t1~~1

,=-dmtnl lJlt'«ltt ,on ot i\l'"eht)1..t1bo}) Oellltu\ohQ 1.n le9?, . At tlW;t

'U., thQ Rrql;ibllthoD 1s !Jald t o have oQnQ(Jd,d the rlght or "he 01.,11 author! t1ft" to ln9V&G~ &1.r lal\d t i llsa . Whe

question Qr t1tle lnam~otlon "iJ',(U not , h~~ev~r, t he domt MJtt

Page 10: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


i3l;U~ 1n the contr.{l\,,~"'sy teH'" tdUH\ a ntemnrl t\ l Pl"4!sf.tnte4 b,

t ht;\' rrl~'t\ t o t he 1n.n~ of ~'Pal,n l ~r\ to th~ ttrul!!pelu,1ofl 'Of

eQ"l~l!ll (.u.t1.oal v1F.>.lt at1on . whlen ~as th~ r(l~l h.~\h~ . the

.n'tlre Atls lnmptl'ot'1rm or the land tltlp.9 ;,lInn

15 ' t),I'Q r~ 11 ,,4, •

tg l - I ," ,f' - " fi ttM -_ . ..


Cl\QJ;"l •• Ounn1ngliam, flltoolesllultlolil. '1181 tati,otl in th~ Phl11,p~ia~ !!\ ; II 1n B. ~cr~", 8 5' 4ltld Merb"rt 11: . 'aol ton, The , tl.~Qo,!!n . ,",f) III ~,t;orl, ,B27, .. 229 .

s.vortt!jI' ,. bel,tet that the q,u~~i t1.on ()f tnt} rr1ar~ '

f.l3tf£te tt, :oem:dned a :uve- one foX' th" gQ"i'u'n1ng otfl e lfi.l$ of"

tbe Cl"Q1rn ,11&' be bad from a 8tatftm~B' aUbt41,ttea. by

Frana •• ,co Le3llE1;ro ae Vie.IlA \tho held the poet ot t'1 ~Q81 in

Man11n to,. tbft M.lle ye4l' a pf'lor to hla r~turn to Uadr1d.

'rbis ' "tat.meAt under dat«* 01 JUly 10, 1. 716. rec:lte~ thh

ral,.,t1v«l l ·.Moftl4tftot ~h. or1)wn aAd ot the .Q01"81aeU.o~1

estate 1n th~ PhIlippines flbowltH~ an lnoom., or 182,,&29 pesos

antI 6 1:·0111&9 to~ the eQ01~Hiln st1.Q~1 efltu.t$ tl In e)t«t&8 a or the

klng ' f! reo@lp'. Ann at')tlolutle,8 ""1 th thla 1}el"t1 oftnt , Q·Qllfl'lent:

.. li.a81S1d~1!1 ~hat whioh 18 tor 1I1'1J:"lt'Uftl

4(~min;la1fr.4t1on . the ral1g1o\IS Qt"d~r8 Ut the8~ 1slands t"8oel,.. ",nQrmou'/f fttIl,QW'l#' Q.t "on"1 $ver1 ,ear trom tbe p~oaoed$ of );loilsee, .lD111n , l"ruiQh.e., and other 'P1'"Qpt'!,elS wlu 01\ they POUQtU8: hwe and in ~.x."oog t~J:" they Of)U~Qt SOIl!' rftnt ~ th",tal'e .x:ol'lU'tant tor the oul tl 'Vatetl 1.,,4_. exaotlng II(U·., thu tbe1ti'lfent1 [.»41" c t)nt or actualvahtQ Dr "Ci'tti l and" . ,If e

IS " ''l'l\1$'rAna1~l~1Qn t!-om thfl Me 1n tb.-e L::.\1.Wtu·d E. N,ler

Qtll lf.O'lo11· lBqu:nted in fJl'ltntt H. 81411" tll'\(l J~m'ft J\. . Ro'ber;.4on,ed • • I 1'ho F} If!l~n('\8 , 149:~ .. lage( L.91.

, 4 , . P _ , . ~

- .. r , -":. _____ ...,.-- .... - .... ---...

fUno., 1fhl! sta.tesf' nt relu'Uve tQ tho ord.(Pl"~ 1. a

Page 11: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


g.114er:'all'~t,'oft In, !)Qtl't"Autw1tb "tit, tl~t'e8 I1r.,lllmt,.4 '01"

,11-, c,oolfBh,Ruetll tlft,t1 ,orown, l'e"enuo.e, the 1"ttpO!'tttttl atl'Y,

to ~.n,,.t$ r.nny btl"" Men move 4Jtmnatio tban ,f1GOtU,a l.J ltU,

the a1enl,tl0&lrl :f~o1i tot this study 1. the t"qUfJnt /


r.t'ef"en~ea t~ thl'J! ti~lall"a. lO:Md ln Qttl1)lu.l eommuh1oa"0J18,

alwe1s wUh l nter-preta.tlv •• ,mpna.'lR' dli".oll~d to euob sUbJeot.

or lAter- Qootro.ftl'., 0.$ the valldlt'yot tl~l("" _4 81.'etII of


In .P1t~~ ot$i&oh t'et'e~en.Ott$to tr14l1:~.I$1 fatatee •.

hQft$'O"~I' ,. none et the ~ny 100(11 'Ul~rla1nl.l'1 ftgAlnat the.

11~,~----~., '."'" . ' • . ~ ... 01:1 .. h . {) . " orb.,. IP 1',2- ,tl\"" , "', "'" 0; - .- < -"

g OV,&rMfmt d-u~ln&,t.~~ p eriod; ot Spah;l.h ru;1e fWl0l"'() th$

r.volt, in 18'12 .e!re <i1 v·.ctied .. pinst 'he tli'ur.~ QP th&ll.'"

e" (i\-t.a. In ~he )'fewl t or 1,6'2 i ,.hlob ""$ 1.4'l"p11 lOCM,ll.,zed

In tal. Vll"ovll'loe ot ,Cayl te. aot1laltUltagoftltUIl &gJUll" 't'be

tr1I1retl'o •• 49 ~.t l1tsul t of tbe flAt1"'\! 4) "17" sbe:ln, l'el.epte'd

to apoRi110tl of' Interior Intluenoe ttl 'be l)4"i!d . .. 18 the 19 ., "

11>14.. I . tU,. t _ :. . ~ J .. . . T : _ FI . ~ _

suppr.',B't-oll of \be .... voll by' ,ott10.1a1. or the ' 3pa.,l'11sh

tJOv.l"nMnt lett '0 th~ Sf'1I'" .Aft exeo'ltlon or tht"~ul natly&

p:rle't, •• 19 fbi. lu)1 0; -re-p",1$41 'Oft 'he part of ~h.

. 19Iblde - - ~--' -'--" . ..,....---.,------.. -" 1

8Oy.:t'nm~n' ott.Pltd 'hQ,le Flliplno_. -lu) _roted tor re'fQlt;

anoPl>ortunl'y to lden'1fY tbelr ba.tlll',. $I41n.' .Spaniah

1'1l1$ .1~bUhctd·oc-141 an.4 1)011tlo0.1 lntl;, Of thft

.• ,/~,.,:, ....

Page 12: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


t<lpan1~ fJ'lare.

~ough the "(~v()l:t 01 1872 wf1Bl!)atlll1 eubduttd . tlflb1 f}r

\tb$ t 'QrtlS' wh1.Qh ean.tHl thtfdlaatteotlcl'1 weli'~ me:rdr a~1 •• n

beloW' the $\tJ"t.Q~ ofa'o<Util UnN~,fJ~ , Iher't!l to gat" __ nt·a

Ulll11 la.getfnen reveluti'on bX'().kfli outwhl on "o.G ,ultlt.1#.te11

toa:tpel.l, th~ doom 01' S~fU11.h rule!n ttl. ls'lgnd.Ja ot the

.ny factors In title ~.vQlutlon "hiOb. nay" ,1'.Qe1v.4 the$n,Uon or n1atL}.rli!1.tltl . one' of thff ,ao.t .lgn.lt14ant l"A

that or tbe' J",ol~ pleYftu b, $,eo1'_' . '!)oletle" 1n _ttee'lns

solldtl<J'tty 6tiJ(}ng thfY :e-evolU$loM17 toro."" . Po,.called at'

m~eret 1l'ltualG, :s.oQ·letlelJ· ("pg.alzed at thlR lime ott.a

SQi.t ned oonsJ.t1erab:l e etrfJil.f:th 'tHd'~ ~ 'tbelr.-exlt!ten 0 $ we:ll.

g$n ~)"alll ,b:CIwn .. 20

'20 . . - -----------~~§ .. , I, 5$.

Some dalr.1t of In,tlt1enee: to'" ~h(lt «eneslu o.r the· •• 'VOlt

1a o..vl'eln 18,e tDay b .. att~otl.~ to the t.~_ that a )l48O.h.l.o

Lodge) ot the 1n,,111pplneawas t\~W14«\ 1ft Cnv1te 1ft 1860,21

21 Ph111p M. ; lnru;gan, &. J.. .PblU.ppln~ X.lan.eS. , If

ge,$hQllll , lilDsr:CQ1A;PftO"h XII; t~ .

but even th" .o.rol.n.~ou, o~l n08 ot tb~ frlars hay.

~on@1"'t:1tl\'1Y' "e~n 111 the ge-~F'APb1e eonoen1iPfltlon of both

",vQlt. t.1t 1872 and 1896 1n tbis p,ro.Ulce, th.tftot ,bat

th&~e 'be t~1M"' • ••• e pos • ..,a.$4 ot 1.".fi and pt"od,UQ'U.,

'raols, ot 181"14. 22


Page 13: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -



_ . ~ I . }j! ' it- ;;'!'W~"~_""",,_,,, .• ..,.. .... ~ •. ,_ ..... _____________ ... _ .... _ .... _____ ~ ... __ ... ___ _

22 ThaouOV6 nGosevel t I. t~Th. P.hill~lntts, It 1~5 Of .<

----==-=-:=-=-~~:;::~ .. ' . .,.. .. '-.. .... , . ! " } '. ...

Dr. JQ.e EUSill,. &tl ,e4Udc4tei1 tioM lnt1\:lentlalfl11plno

J)Atr1(}t. organ! :t.c 'he a~JO~et. $oGle', known as !d.S! flllil!!

at hi. ManU.s. hO:Qs in lul" 1892.23

•"...h1p in t.h1. 2~ --'-.---~. ~-.-~---.. ~-~~~. '~~--~---~~

For'bea , ;tlP" 01 t. , I, 5($ .

organiZAtion tVlZ.!! do,nt l ned t n the "e~l'th1 and. ed\Aoated

r111plnoo .. an(! eonsequentl 1, thouah l' ne"'~r ba4 11 l aoPI.

""'f!',!be-r8bl. ·r> ~. ,. tW09 .l.ntl,.. .. n't.tal 1.I1 all t4ltt;lng to. ,>¥". t:J!'m.

W.1 t b i.n the go V f)rfUllent •

Whil.e be was a s~udt!!nt in It.,\avo:pe. lUzal 11ft!l ln4~8ura'.4

bitt Q1' PflPOo.ltlon to the tpla rlS: .1'htnepu'blloatlon

or .. 00.e1, !o,U.l«e ·f .. mgrlt 1n lasr4 "blob. watt A barah

2 • . . l.g1d.

• or-1tt·ol lilJ or tbe . x1st)" ng IJQob.l ~d pollt1oel. t-.g1tAeln

the :i:>hU,lppln88 .

It w,*u ttl ;"Q!ltponaa ~'Q G latter '.rltten 'b7 young l!U.zal

to 111fj t&.th't" · that the a nti ... rent; oa:JIlpalgn ,ot 1888 " .as ',",egull.

Wi"lt.lng trOll ~drld .10"8 Ju~al .tikitd Me t . theJil. 'he hi_tor,

of' whoae 8UOO'UJ~ On the OOJl1.nlQM· a, OAlailba E.1fta1l, w111 b~

~u~h.4 "}:IOn lfJ'el"; to "1thnola hie aniulal rent and to '-8-

othe,. t"nan;·& to tio,wlle. Un."oe." .tul 1u tihtiJ>

a'Iemt;>t. 1;,0 001180' l"enta foJ" the!'" lands, the nolllt'l1oan

tr1a.r :e t ook their ola!P.lB to t htt ()Q\It"~'. lfh1Qh WEtl"ft ~l tl_telt

uphel d by ~he Supr eto.e Oour, ln tindZ"id. The .lder R1Hl. and

Page 14: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


Q.~ta1bGthaI'· '.rUM1,ts ,...tuae4 tc abide: b, tb(f QQ\U~t ' $

d.~ls10Atbt!t t l'li)Y (tu1 t th~ ' .. iut,<b tOl' \1lU6b tlley ~etu8G' to " pJ'ill"'l)nt ti,tld 1n O~,H\ .Bequ~,rltHii t:t1.~Y \\ft\l' e exiled by the $parI181\ JJ 'CQ Mit 0'1 tb(~ ethnte' l~ltUldi3 . Mg.,dl e&sto say tbQ;t

tui til. ao .. onb, GOVQ.~l\~~-~ltnol'it.l;~ltj.,'O'n81.

~Qpq~(\8tuel tDX"th(l tb·.~ or lon whl.,b weJ:'l'e 'to Of.t

1111'ltt'G.d t hl'.e :trQf:l tts lft'f;~li' 1n 'l~e l"ebelH.on ct 1896. ~& ' 1 ' . ~. , ' 7 ' . !! • ~' - , .. . S$ ' _. . - . .1 - ' Z _ l!:i .

R.". Afftbro.e QCJlo.nlU. ~ •• IUl'h .. ~1~8' 1i;$,~.,., . 1! Am.&l" 1 Qan Q~t.h(lll..l e, QUn:rr: er:ll j{1fi;'Ili ~il . Xit~ I 67 •

.b '. at hi " f T .. .. ~ ' ,J .k ; . .t

Late in the fU.r,lIt6 yeA" t l'W.t itllBl' .9 t.l~tl. Fl1lPln8 l1f&S

(W.I~n.t'.4. Aflues llOnttac1.o., A a~l:t*'a'lght F111plnG

,r·t5voltltim\8ll'7; wbO$$ td1!aa wa-rc)' a~I:t()14-$tU1r'1.J.t:l1{;lJ..1 t (,}J?go;n1. &-.4

,a sfore' fJoolew known au: ' he KaUpunrm" wbioh WIIJloOll1(J(t to

its lIutta1)f)l"raltlp F~:U.pLnoa of H.ll o1<&.B-set! :&.ottGl.a:1mei'l an·

fts.p •• .f. ft,l,l~ la::rge adluu·~IlQ. a.ons the m&BUee . 26 'fhe :ratlp.tuum id l ' : , ' _ t 3 -d :' . _' - " ,+ l " k " !!siL " j . 1 , 'i!* ' f 1:-

W. O. i'Ql:'be.fl,. '0.12 , q~t ., I. " ef:l .. ll6 . ____ - ___ L_. _.-.-1.-, __ ~~ · ti ik-, " J~ - ;1< "

wl:tb 3 ... mb~l'''llt 'p Of' t '!'C'JInte.n, to t1tt, thouaGnd(~ '7 ;Q,$ a , t ". , : 21 " > f, . ~ . • , • ~PL >\II!I"!"'!P"- : - • , " ; ., .

'Philip lif o r1nnogftJi, 3~ J . i 8 : 9:!-.1: ., XlI . 15. ----------------. . . ..•.... -.~--.... --powerful toroe 1n tbe l~eYol\ftlon of 1896. ee ..... 13 "i l " 61 . , 6 1'1: " " £ • 1 . c . . :: ' 1

, '. C. Forb •• , lQQ . clt • • ~1 .

- I , r.· ttlO 1) ' $ 0("1 , u)( -

:Dutt'lng 1l~Htno~n~ of tb" ~~"lJlutlon, l ULidtZ' lSlu.-p ~AIS8d

,,.0" DOl\lfaole , ,iao l acktlll 4b\ll tJaIJ, a ti!lll tn.)7 l.e~i!id." , to

Erbl U. 0 , ~l.n~l·(tQ . Qn~ ot t he ~O$t pror.a1nQ'nt. of 'th@ insurgent

Page 15: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


lead_"9 dUf,'1ng tibtt .x:ol'umg{~ ot nosUll t1 es. 1.n las, Pedro

:P'.'erno; an fldu0 4l.tea M Q lnflu@nt1$,l Fl11plno, &.(\,rttag 8.S "

_edl.tO!" b.tween the ' iliplno lnslil's-nts, IIfho wet'it CUIllCOU%!"­

aged b, thelt' l<'HIIJAs, 3nd thflJ Spaniards , "nose hOfle'

p •• Uf"JllfI;nt requll!>ed al1ot ). t~ mi11 'Cary stvength tot' the

Mll'1'r'8I!f1011 I)t the Cuban revolt# JlelOtl~ted an agreement

-lllQ.h br.ou~torge.n.\.. t ed. l' tttc l t to (\11 91i d . On 61 (rt tho \

Pt.u."pOl·to~i J}~"nvl Gl~n$ Qf Ub1, .P~¢t 0'1 Sle.o-ne,- hai;O' PJl"Qvl<le.!l . "9 tor th~ expul slon or 'the h'1n.r/f .. <4

29 ..~~--.~. -~.~- . -~-... - .--~~-

ll?-M., 69.

~l,n.ofJ th ~l"c l'fCU~ a dea r t h Q't 1btm."mat i on oon~M' the

¥blll;pplne9 ul>on wld.·ah t he A!rt~:Ii'loMS \lQuld rely, fifuenot .

th-e1r ca~11 pollo)" he;~ t o b e upon I.Htoh in t ol'"mI.'I.tion as

OQUld blJ ,atht,r cd. from p er8lonl' -l1ih the'-.a.

i:'n.t. t a dtSl.'e·e ()f e!l~rs.lltt)r ana.13~t~ flo ,, lihe tAot

flnd1ng prOQ.,.8 is sno. n 1:11 theeYaluaUQi1B ot'f e:pea 'by men -

w!\ose Wt:>r:l! nroultht th t!m lnt ~ ()l,OIt" .st OQnt~Clt ~1 til tn" f'11:1plno ftM hts QlUl'blt1ons .

Adln1rikl De" tJy' a e~l'l, entll,lat& Of t he Fl111;)lno tU'lopl$

4eclar-e4 ~hl.tll to ))).e tl tar ,.upt>r1or 1n 1ntell1.ganc~ and mor« .... . 20. .

•• ,alll. of .81t .... go".J!ftuDtJnt thAn tbe Qubans. II Anel:' an ............. . : ,1 , S .,-, T .

300e07g« w. ~.w." ~~tob1>2Eaphr, 312 . ) . 114 -~ •

aoqua'lnt.$i"ZofJ ot' ,everalRl.onthG tfith .rQP)"tt~ i'$ rl11pln.os,

h • • Qdl11e<1 'h2.8 earl, QP1nl011 b1 &dyoou;tln~ 1;hta. t they be


Page 16: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

tf""a,ted. & 9 IlJdndly 4 $ you ~'ouHI. treatonl 1(lX'en tOr' 'lihef

l i tlle el $G .~ ,1 IU" ri'!b !ll . - ~i · l , ... t<

31 Ibid. " 2$6.

-Taft f ound ~ha 911191noe

If ea6111 :1 fttl u,en <)ed by rsJ)eech:e s f'1:"O$ ~ $ul.l 1318SS of aduea ted lIu,etlsoll who have t'loq\11p!;)d & good d~;t,l at ,Guper-:flo1al 'knolt'leClge ot tha gill1ij'val pr J.n()l plee of f r t\it'} ~vernt~:mt. who ~o a'ble to¥4ou~h 88litenott8 .IIt&.1)f)QGetl toetnOOdy "OfiBM. t ut 1o%'l.a1. l~w , ,') n~ wbo 11~, tQ g1vetb~ itlpr.UJ~lon ot prot.oun4 iJlalyt l mll lmO~,:!1lflo(1.e;~ of t h~ !JC1 e:fU) C 0 ~vernment. .. ~2



___ ~ _____________ •• ~~.", \ _-. . ( Hi j - .F

52 Henry F. vr1n(~l& # 'rbo L1f:~ unq . 'f""l,(l.~ ot . W;' !!2f!

liQJ&EdtatJ, 1. l'i~-r'4. ' ; , , -: ..,t- r .. . ... .

Page 17: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


ilt'tent: of' the FriArs' L8n.da.

Xnto:rltl&.tlon QOMerntng tb.e trl .• u,·&~ land holcUnglt

dar lAI the .,arlY' Y~V6 of the Ame.rtoan QOBU9&,ttnn was

b~,.d. allllQlltwholly upon evidenoe o'D'ttlned tw,m MU Y8

n l lplno,. In vlew ot'11$ t JtQt t'hst t hett' ver8.o1t, <:m.


at tlme q.uGatlonable ... it 1a indeed. 8"l"p1"'1,$1ng to tind '113t

so web 0)','184."00 wa .• 11van: t ·o th,dr 'e,.tlll!l(1InY "torI' tbe

1ar, Ootnml tfd on and: repefl tetl 1.1'1 the Attertoan PI'$'9& " Juah

state.~n' •• , IJ 11'tU1Hliftait agrtonltlU"o,l hQldln:glJ , ,\tl. . 'IlllrS. - ) -~--~~' -'----'- ~. --~ --~-~ ----~----

i 6tl9rpgt !h, tltt .gq-lfli!9n. _ a~ .

P:r09;;tl~lnt";t"~;t~ . .. 2 alta IIrellg1ou8 cvderIJ 'beoame ~. . .. . ... .... - . - .' ." . . , . ~. --" .. .. . . . I. :

X;a,ld., 1(14.

posaesRed ot mlJoh real eata te p~tlt}ultlr11 1n 'h~ 1'l'o.lnoo Bro.und Uan11i> a..nd in oatt. pr o'tlnoe tu.l t or the i~n tire

,s,oll'eage 1~ ,nt l tl 1;'0 be i)bUl"0h 'J)'-"O PC,~t7Na ~(Il ty'p i.oal j ,. , !Hi'\ ! .. lit

5 ~ Ph-&lps Whi tmarsh, '''Churoh ? t"()per'ty Intne PhUlpptn&s. It

fh'Q O,!:!'look, . 64 : "'43 • • f • • a 2

~ ' . ) t

of' lih. 8.1'ler~11z.a.tlon .. a,,:jQr1blng the extent ntthe tr1$lJ""


A mnl'e 6(?;eU'Pate "-dtlnmte of til, h'la:tl' hol!d.ln~$.a.

that by J 8ms. A. 1..11\01. M Ataerloan oO.nneoted w1th

tbe PhIlippine Comm1sdoR during the. perlon at the

e,te.bllahml!ltlt 01' 01 '9'1:1, gQve:rnme.nt. fle the ,hilippines

-<.o;- "' ., ... ~

Page 18: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


an a r ea, of 7a ;OP()f~O .m:'~g or whluh {In l.eOZi) 6,OOO.OOt)

we'r~ 1>e:1ng cul tl'Va ted. He !3on~Q,nded tba t; Cf1noe the D1O,S~ ..

l1bel'a-l t._t.1nu~tes woul~ not allOlR "01'0 tlJn,n t -wo...th1r d$ of

the tU·'fS~. tOQ·jt mtpabi. e Qf' Ctl l t.1 "litlon end the Ot-lill .... s _.r.

a t that t;11)1~ the :PQ tlltl~H'HH)~ Jri of 410 , 000 11I01.1'$lJ. t1'1:,'11' b$ld

onfl.-fU'teonth of t h.a l p.nd thGn "edfl!emeC!\ for agr'.eult.u1"'e $Ill!

one ot1 l!! .. hundJ"ed~h or ~l.l thQ.t would b~ 01.1.1 Ylvf\t&<l IJund,eJ'"

'th'e mOff.i ()p~tml $1U.(J "11awfl . 1/ 4

$, ... ~1"" .01

nteph-en 80n&-.1 , a; reportlllr to~ 'tho a.w· to:r-k K!l:rald, _. L

ohe.llltnged the eont el'lt1 on thBt 1:hlt t-!Jllg10UtJ O'l'de1"s

POSB8t;Q. d the groa1;erpf1Jl"'tlon f'Jt the best land with this

sta t ement:

'S:l"t,r"QlIl oOr!lpJI"i elng the geattr pOl't:1on of tho be.t lands In the' l.allUl4!11 as roUt been assoM.d , iUUi :monastl0 ft ,st i:Jtea amount t o le,,@ than one .one...-hundl'e4th G·' the l and under o\llUv~tl()A ant) 1.s8 t han one tlve-tbguaantnh of the part t hflt mlgtl. _. otl111YBt$d. ·

5 . $;~ph8n $oluu.\l , Ilfb. tfo);'k <>1 'he 1?li'1td'tI , It !ort:b Mft.t!2~ 1 •• leY, l1IU44i.

lfowevel." , LeJt.oy ' ,fl e.t;lmJ.,,~e thf~1 two ... thl:rd8 oft be t otAl '1ltn."tage Q~ .about 6O,OOO;000 ,*,_e. wou14 b .. an. 'otJIt, .... 'U. m&t.ot Ihe poll.n'lall.l' 0,,1'1 •• 131 ,8 land'

e1lt\nd. up r atJ'ler •• U. wbon. (lontn;nte4 .1~b the p~8t3ftnt ...

a,al .ta-1"l. ' !". wht oh {~lv. neat'1¥ ' 18,600,000 heo'. " • . 01'

M . 076,OOO 8 .1J1'" in tbe 'Ptdllpptt\~* ... pot,entl 6l

~SJ" 1 Qul t1l),,8'.1 land " II &

Page 19: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


6 Atlas or' Ph111pp1no $t a t1sU.ofl, JO'~'Pb Ha.Yden, ~. "

Pbl11pp~t\ ... § • .., . On~ h~H'tlll.l'a .,-qu/Jcls 2 . 4:71 a.cree • • f . l . _ - ¢ - (0 , eo

l'hlB to!o ~ (J~uploa:W'1 t 'b hi ~ U Be I)t the 410,000 aore

figure which aotu&lly W~$ the on.~ utJed in 'th& negotiations

betw.~n ttt~ Ptu l 1.1}f/ lne 'government fIt'lll th$ ti'lnt'fJ woul.d seem

to indlcate tMt l.eney·s 4P~1"tdSal l'"ltlaUVe to the extent

ot the tl"tara' l.AAila lB themo1"'ett.O'otU'ate on~. Furthe;rmore ,

~lno$ L.Roy Wae ldentifled '>'11th thC' !}h111rmli1t gO"trl"'l\Ql'tnl at

the time i;\ it;;t tlel:iWntfl~a be.1ng {\l)nleVt!ld t t t a fa1t'll

reasonable to, tilHium~ t rw.t M .. B t1gUI'4;Ht W!e14 0 kno~n to the

'Fl11ptno leatlol"a \ThQ »-lrcQdy reali led tha'.rpotet'!",. ali

propaB'~i\da 1n thte h~nda of t hC 6P. opPGfJ ~d to th~t~lfUl'at

The t'IlPI"f!s9ut atlvel1 or tl-"t8 o);~dera lt), tholr teutlmllnr

betoX"e the raft {)emm1tHt!cn pre,eente(\ tltstimn tt'Hll ot the1r

holdings in 'tbe ls14m(lli pl.*ior to 1893. 1he nom1n10fU'l.

pO&E;eeQ.~ flu.hout 50 ,000 hfHltGl ... . fj7. 1'he Reoolet olS owned .. . " _'1 - t . . * .;, .

'7 .. • t 1M :lAn Cgmg1i80i9U . 53. Renor ,Q ... .

............... -- $ - .1 , _'" !lit

40 , 000 heottt.~.a, tln(\ 'he August~n.tnnf! h~ld AwroXltl8t.ely . ,

8 Ibl.d ., s:s.

--~~--- - -- ----9

60 , 000 beob;t"e t1wO\.tt~out the At"ob.lpela,go_

e Ibld., '?4 .

these tlgurefJ 81 "len by tb.G frlar" were adal ttttdl.,.

Page 20: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


p:[>prox l.mat ~ and tendod ~fi) \u14QJ'r~1t(l the t~x ten.t of

the1.· l,*na.~ ~lI.I~. (.5ul;'·v@ye · 90nd.l~c'eed In.ter d\lrtnil the

neftQU;&t10llfl rnve('jlart (i. SOt!H~What lar~"'l· area. thm.\~h a

few ::rnt1l:11 "st tf.te ~. W{t't' tl\ /UlJPQ~ltid 0 'lva tely, thG .no.o.QO titO!:'fJS t1nt1l 1y p Ur'()t\ttatsd by th9 PbU l polnlll GovB},"nnte nt

10 o.Gfistl't uted tnt} ftr'eater aruwe Dr the t:r1at" holdlnfU.. . __________ ... ____ .... ____ --. i: ... ~.~........ i\> .. _---.-.. .... ~_ .... _ ...... ... __ ---___ _


--------------------,~...-..--~ ... ~-....-~~~~~ .. ,~ .... "'----~lnQtrt t he 150 . 000 .... h-eatnp e 9stl mat ll! of thllt)'ia.T'lS trD.fHlle.ted

i nti) 'f.\r, ?:'t'lI ~ li'ould ~(l\tftl 307 , 000 IitU"OS , $.Qme ofu"'1"e <l't1on of' the

to t ~}l f l f!U'r.ttSi $t;!; tte4 by

hnAl"inga Wl..t;& n ~ede<t .

1.f.q"3 at t h$ oorJ:i!1 $5i~n

t .. e.nd$ hel.a by the ~el. l gt!'tl m o1:'~e%"'S \ff)l"e f,:ood. l c.n(ls .

p'O. thel" Lc:fot) 4$!H~1"1bod. thlit Augu6t\.n1an~8 .stn.tee $oS tf. t h tl

be,zr. land:, In th~ PM.11pnlfil0lZ . ltll ~ ,. . I. -· •. ~~-11

HftP9Rl o f tht; 'Itt COmtn! rHft "p!)c 79 .

7fte ",.tem ot ton\.U~~ undet" t he tt"1 sZJIJ wa.$ .as IIlUQ!l •

GubJ ~ct ot aont rQvG1"s1 all $'li,G th~ fflX tlilllt of th01 1~ l~nd,!, .

Don Fellpe Galderon, M a..Ie ~"lU. l'>lno la",et" tlftd ()n$ ot the

bltter8s.iorlt.le. of tbe tr1u1\"iJ, otte.edthls 'Ce.lli11'0ftY

which -o.s typiQlitl (}t \he aooutlll,tton& rude b, t'M natl.-elJ

tlP1.nst. t'h:tJ sY$'tetll o( t~nupe urut91' the, ft'laxoa:

"l (Hl·:pta ln amoun'; 1 tl pA1d rOf' rent ot tbe lo,nd nn4 l r on the tf!"oun<l. th(tJ'~ l fJ a WUlg0 1n~ee , t1\(t 1$/u8e. f}O.YIJ thrt!~ t'eal. • . It. 1e~ tot' t.h~ ntllngo t:ree 1M."espootl VI of hat h,q pays tor the ground. Ttie Jienta.l

must be 'Paid in '!>l"aduct G Qtt.h~ flG,tland

Page 21: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


th. use a cAVan hold1ng 26'" (8tandA~4 24 11~e);\} t4)f' measu21'lna ~nl" 0011$otad ~lS rm'lt . lt 12

1\)14.; 137. -


I' " J -•. • ". J. ) - .~ .... . ;, r ~J 1 " ~


" l,tnQ,u t (\ome et&nd,tU"'4 cf QGmf,tAt'll'!on untltn,.'rutuble _0

U $ '()~ 'h1~ syetBJO Of 1. '~m1 ~e4 l*entnl d;()~$ .. el't.(!Q htirsh, bu'

'h~n thQ$o 1'@n t hl t(tQtf8.rt lniUt!) .(·pr'~t8~1 tn tb~ l iU,om of o,~t"

Gwn m()net~(JJ' l'l\ t~m . thel X'9nt{41 t t fNl"th) a9Po~:r m04tlR1; l nd."ed .

On thf1 lmus eat flt() ()f '~h~} Heooltrtc@ ,. 'to't' G:Jt:ru~nl~ . & 'tanant

1}al d ~rl 3MU~1. ~~ntQl of thU'uy ... l;wQ C).n:ta COJi' at bouse

e:l€ one hun(tr'~e; aM n 1~ty 1'0r4s _ .~Ol" Qj tll;'UlgQ tree,

t htj, trnlt ·r> f ',thloh otten 1:):rml~ .. ht th1rt

r enta! t.<1 !)~r tf'e~ ~f,6 $"!;j\'1il'V{I! f.H!I·nt.=, _

Q 1131"6 • t: htl artJtual

Gl tttAl> -of baJflboe

tr~ee rentod to.r six 4$ntlil ~md ~h€! t.ilatl tftl~() Md, the full

i"1.~t to ou, wood 0" the .QUn~8.1.A. . fhfj lMd itself va..

Olitl;8111r1ed In'to t:nre ~ OItt:$so!'i..$S ,p.,oot)i'dl,ng to quulity lind

the r~nt Wt\t;l ~b.~rg.-d 'H~oor{U.n,l, payable 1t1 rid.. . it, 'teftllDt

hs-vlng two q;ul \ln4e~ ou1 t l"~'tl1Qn: "auld mttke ~m estl wated . ... . 13 lnQ'ame of ~l7t)O • .. -.! ,._- .... . ¢ ' f · -: P " _. .... WJt' .----..-~ "~" PC

13 It.v" AtA\)J.~Q 6e QQleUNM1 . 21? ?1.~. , 70~ A QlJlnlon: WQ,~ about

tw'lve agrel" . 1 ' _, _ , '

S • .,er nl t30tOVil J)l"esll!lntl :t.he-mliH~:1 ita ~ tor ·Qon$l. Cler~M:,on

"hi ~h \' ,j)reb~,bl.y 1n'l'UOJ~te t h.iA tneO{'te to b~ a 4f:.etl~%'()us

Ci)lle. Thotlgh th ~ l~~nt¥Jl t1gurea do l;ee1n 3,bsul"~ly 10\,1 J l t

4\u,s·t bf) 1"4tl1cnb er-edth!l\t Il,\"fcn ln th~ ' Un! te'd. iStf}J~~M the

.t:"~h~slng 'P0W tu.· of the i1oilal,'1 If'n.$ hieh !"t;j, 1905. I t 111

o~t"'Rlnly rit1lsonable to a1J,14Ul!l~ t h,.,t tll;i~ I.\la('}unte quoted had

'~. ;.

Page 22: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


.. tar g~eater l"etU tta). lU> t "r thl$ r-U1pinQ tfjn(~nt tb~n thq

'Would have tor a ,oontettlp'l()r~r'y Amer1oan. 'l'hen. tOQ. "

abundant eV1denoe wa~ given It\tet'' wbloh re',e~len, thett the

trl11p1no t&n~ot' 6 a verage h()lM.n~ WO El ~10Yfnl aor el tnstead

or the _ t~o qUinlon or f\aaldy t'\flenty,- tout' e.Ol'O plot \,4$(1<1 by

'~the,r Ooleman 1n tt6ti r.m.ttng the poedble inoo or th

JJ'111.plnt) . r1nl~,11y. $ll'H~ethf!l tonantry i n general Eihot'/ Gd

little 1IU,el,A'UVtt in th,,11" l at)Qrs and 81n..,e fAW \If!!!" e

dlsposed ,t o sa:ve t 14 1 t 1~ aJl:togeth~r probAble- t h a t the

"1. 4 Ib1d • ...............

[( ·c , ~

ft-{1Q!1omio eltat1.1S o.t thE} a "le}" 'Ftlipino t ltI'ruer we.G no'll a

happy one .

, 'l'he h1 6tOt'y ot tbli' -Rlzal tami11 wh1()h f'lf~\,~""ed

pll'otn1nently 1n. the r~belU on tntii t'o:ot th9,t

t he ente.rpl'18~tlg sattler- on tr1IiU'fJ ' lEilnds <tol~ld 1."180 to 8.

position. or 1mrluen09. Jos e Rll.w. f a t a w "" tenant

on tht!l O/'ji,l ",mb.£l ft ti t u, te or tbe nl)~1nlO;ln 8 . 'rllff €lI de!' 'R1l1fllll

an enersetl0, !ta. r(t,.·;wo~ldng Chlno~e ~ QhOie t o r a1st:!!;upr

Of\A~ whlch fI,9.6 ~ mer~ . reft tl-iDle orop th£trl t h r16e

cultlVQtod 'by most tanl.m t s . FrCh\ 1500 Aor4l& .ot lMd on

which hA l'llld &n annual :rental {?t #260 , he t ()QK A ,,1,.81'

1"otl t of tIQlny thousands of' dol1e,r.,.16 15 ., iC" . 1, ~ - . " ;"'. $ 'j ~

Ibid. , '13. ' -- - . - -'-" _ .. _-......,........

Tenants en tJl"lar e&tAt e$ passed tbetr h~ld.lng$ t1'"()1l

ta'th$%" to lI.on and lIofltet l rae6 tb~ righ t or OOCUP11nt; jpJ.'1'!

.. ,: .. :

Page 23: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


cultivating t,ll. land was sUblet to others by the one who

pos.S'esaed tenancy al'thouQb theor-etloall, the p~ac'ti(je was

tOl"bldden. 16 areat ettort. 'Were 1n$.4e 'to' seoure hold1ngs

16 lfeeUtAonyot Father l?aya , ".port of the ''l'.,tt Oomml.don , S3.

, ,

on the tl"1 81:' 8 , l.a:nde and Bome1l1raes the privl1ege of "fmunoy

IUR7 have been sold to lnsure <1.81l'ab1e tenants. l' Tenants

17 'lestUtony or !f'tf\ther Lobo, 1-bid ., '?~.

"he ouitlva-ted 1"108 "~l'e allQ'ifed \0' pa, in either money or

r1oe . Those who QulU Va.t ,ed augar alttaye paid 1n mon.el' . la


'restlmonyot Father P'ay&.lbl t'l . . -

Rent. 1ft moet CU\ 8tU were colleoted hI' 18,.." btlt 1n a t ••

ln8t~nOe8Q'011eotl on8 were made 1)y the parish prltat. 19

19 'restimoR1 of fe.tber Lobo , Abld.

GenerAlly rental$ ont1"'1e.r8' .,tAt ea dld not 4'lI'ltl URt to 1ll01-8

than halt that paid taother landlord •• $.0

20 Ibld. - _ 1 _

rb .• t atal rentals on all AuguatlnlM. elt. tea in 1891

8J'lO\lnted to 3.160,000. Rental profits deI"1 .. ~.d trolll these

land, Wel'e never as high as the l and. .hould ha't'. ,S.el de4

1n t b. oplnl·0n o.t rather Lobo •. 21

~. . .~~. -~. -~.

Ibl"., 79.

Page 24: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -



The Schurman and. T·Q·tt Oomml IJsion Reports


Wlth 'the s1gn1ng of the formal articl es of oA:p1tulatlon

ot the oity ·ot 1i&n11a on August 1.4, 1898 by .repl"'6sent. t1vf.!I9

.ot the ... er10.n land. and naval tOlOcee and representatives or

the Spanish oapt a in-general , the United St a.,tes automatioally helt" to one' ot thll kJ\o'ttIelS'ti pt'obl f!)m~, that Spain had,

t • . oed durl,ng the oloslng year s "t her rUle - the problem. of

g'IiI.uan'ee.lng proteotlon to prt vate property •. partloularly

the property of th~ t"~11g1ous orders. At'tlo1& seven of the

protoool declared:

tht. c1ty, 1t8 inhabltants, its el'mt'Qft"e and l"e11g1ou. wor$111p, 1ts eduoational .e.tablish.ent. J and 1 t 8 pr1 vate pl"'opeptl" of all 4e,01''lptlon are pl.oed under the speoial a.teguard ot t~~ faith and honor ot the Aller10an arlll1.


' .QaIll.el"oftForb •• ,op. o~'., IX" 428~

For Aaerloan:$ .110 •• re bl"Ollght up under the

oonetltuii"onal gual'antee. ot proteotlon to prlYa'* property

l"1ghta, 1:heconee,' ... s toode$pl, r OQted 1n tradIt10nal

prInoiple to ad.alt ot an &1 ternative. Furtl:wl'" eapbAd8lfae

~lven to the Unlted, St8:te8 goverruaenc'lt reBponll1'bl11ty for

gua.ranteelng proJ)$rty rlghts b1 p.n artIcle 1n the 1'l"ea t7 ot

Parts proTl(Ung th8t "rellnqu18Ment or oe&aion by the

goYernment or SpaIn'" dt d not: It1lpa1r 1n 90ny Vlay the pellC)etul

~ ~> .. ~ ,;<.~ ,

Page 25: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


PO.BelAton of propttrt-y of all Uncia oompr~henslve11

enumera;ed li1~l udlng that of t\l) f.l> ,stlofli..J; bcdlE.! f3'. g

2' 'l'roaty ot Ptlr1s, Deaembor 10, la98.; Art . VIlI . W.

Cameron Forbes , (JR- ~lt:, II, 443 . . t


I.n reaponse to aoabl edeuggest lontl'Q m aeR.:r ... AdJl'llra l

George t)ftey on January 1,. 1899 that II 0&.';1.1 ~olv111an

oOIl.l.don oomposed. pr-men sk1114ikd ill dlplomtl01 .and

eta1eeun,dllp should b"8~nt: to a t\Juat di.trer~ncell 1 3 the

S (}eorge new." A~t()bl~E4:2hl.284-285 .

1 a.oted proll'lptly and announoed1i'ttbln. a we-ek the

appoln".ent O.t an lnveet"1go;tl ng OO1Ul188ion. Xt oomprised

.f1 •• ",,,m)erl$ . 'the enu,1 J"mun. vaa Jaoob Gould $()hul"man,

:?re81d .• nt o'f Oo.r.nell Unlver$1ty . Ad ool .leagueG be had,

re-pre$co nt:lng the- nl'>.7, liear ... AdtlllralGeorge Dewey.

repreaen~lf'ig the ttt'rq , MaJoi"...oeneral 1&1.'011 S. 01;1"1 and

tro.clvl1 11te, Col·onel Chat'les .nenb, and DeaR O.

Woroeetel" o-ttho fAculty of 'lie 'O'tllYer$lty at Ul<Jhlgan . 4

r a · _.' "" , . . _. - •. • ., I .. " ,'" ' '' ' , '. _' .' - j 'L . L .

. Report o,t thePlU11pp1ne Oo_l.don (Sohurllan). Januar,- .:n, 1900" 1.

Before the ,ar1"1,Y8;1 0 t the Sobu~n CDmrnl salon 1';he

lnau'rreot.tQflat'"T 1.\1'm,les or th& Fl11plftol under Agu1naldo

a nd t he AIIe-riOt."i 10vOes had t ake:n teo thtt fiel d 1n open

h(Hl!till~lee .e Agulnllldo ' 8 eo-oe.lled f\hl1.1pp1ne Republio, ~ ------ ~-.---.--- _._----- - -,

Georp J)e.ey-, OR .. oU., 119.

Page 26: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


with heeaquAl'"tere i ,n ita l oloG , tre."ll which city the constitution

t ook 111e name . h!;tct pl AOeel on r f,oord polt 01 ot oon t':t $Cat1ng ""

p:r-opeptle& of t"'e11g1oui oorpOJl'a tl0fltJ, in an addl t ional art tole

to its const1tut!on .?

". The Oon.t1t~t1Gn of th~ $Q-O@lled Phl11'f)pin~ Re-,Rubllq ; ~ ' . _ . . • • . , .. _ . 1

:(9$";",1." IDQt'lQ Mi th, Ma lo1gJ! Cona'lt'lUQn.l of bHW,f X 21" U!i. It'f)o£t 21' the Pbl11pR1np. Qo,~ID1I!fj1on ( $onUrtilfl£lJ f 1, 201 .

I ... thesulf(mary or t1 nd1l'li 6 l"eperted by t he Sehlll"man

Commission.!ognlt1on " &6 g1ven to the popul~r ~gttat1(l1n

t ot' cQntlscat10n s.lIlong t hE! fl1ipt.:oo s . but th~' eommi salon

reeolllmended 'JlUl'nM li f ot t M land '07 the t!0vern lllent and

resal.e te Mtlve /! at reasonable prl~e8 .8 e.' .. .-- .. ... . ~

'lU.Alpp1nf'l, 2o:mm~6 !lgn Jt,eT)0t:t ! tgqh\u·.n!n) I February e., 1900. i _DeS" be. l 3S ( pt. il, 66th Conti., 1st se,s:e., (3985), 131 .

A fJt;:Oon4 oomml a51~n h~l'td.ed by 'Wl 111at!l NowB.rd Ta ft

rel!~hedMa.n!le, in June. 1900. T,o, this oo:ml!!l~e1on • lUI

entr--uI'.d 'be dlttloult t.{i.k ofraak1ng the t'ratH,,1t1oD tt-Om

e military tOil 01"11 gQ"e~ll=ent"

McK1nley' s lnetru¢t1ons to tho 14ft CO:iM!l s~10n

r Elgflll'dlng the t1"1.9.1'5 · landlJ dl r e oted

a thOrc.ugh lnv-e.'lgatl()u lnte tbe\ 1;ltl"s ot large "Cracts or lanc1 held or olalmed by 1nd!vldua le 01' r,,11g10uoorderfJ ,; In'c the JUI!'" U.oe of t')onrplalnt ••. adeaffe1n8~ .u<,h land hQld~rs by thepeoplA or t he tslands , or any part ot the people , and to seek b7 wl,t8 anA

eao9a:ble roeaaUJ"e s . a Jus t 8ettl &ment I)f th.e oontrover,etee and J"e{\r e.a ot the .POng .. 'whloh b~yeoe.u 8e{'l etrlfe M !t b1 00f);shiH1 1.11 th~ . 9

r~~:1 ~. ! * 1' _'~"'!!iOf.~_"". t ,"

W. Gluneron 'F(lrbel! ., 212. o1t., Il , 443 •

.. ~~~ .. --.-------~--~----------~~~~----------------~~----~~~~ '~~,-~'~.'~'~'~- ~'----"~'"

Page 27: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

2& '

The Comm1.sdon ae.ked to observe the prort don of the

~eat1 of' Parle, pledg1ng t he U'n1tedSta tes to the proteetloa .(

ot all f.'-l ghte ot prope1"t~1n t h e Island" a.ncl the prlnclJ)l.e

of the Uni ted St ntle sJ\overnment 'ilhioh y)roh1b l t a t he t £J.clng

of priva t e p1"operty wi thc ut dl.H~ Pr'OOtHSG\ of l aw . the

GQml:!lis.s1cn W£!.6 QCHt11flanded 't o ko th~ wd tAr e of t h$ P~o1~1.

of the XS1Mdti l)l!.t'awount eOI'lsi der .. U .on .If t hl! p ubl i o

lnt e:reets l"<iiG,u.:1t1e t 'he e'xtlnG\~i 5~ent ot prop ert y right.

lawtully eoq,ulr' sd and h e l (1 . -flue ,ooflfpensatl c,m $ru.tll b e mAd.

out ,or t h .. ~ publi C) tl'easttr y t ht!.-r ef or. 10

10 . Ibid., II, 444. -tl ~~ ~ ... ______ ~ __ .. ~ . __ .. ______ .... __ ~ .....

Ar"'Il.ed .1,th t l.! Inatru otlon8. the Taft OOl'!lm1esi(}n

ft.mhar~e(l 'Upon 1t s du.t1e s . DGI~l'l c., '~."o!'~eetel'; a

member of t he earlier !loh urmun OOlllt!.l1(S o1on; the p()l"sQnnel

Of the Oomm1s61on ln olU!!ed Henry Clay t <\& and Luke F. .

\1r1ght t l aWy(;tl"s f and Sernard Mc,sat,\, a wrl t .er o.t not e on "1 the h18~Qry or t he SpJUll·an ooloni e s 1n Amerioe. • .L

U L .

~., I, 126.

Though th~ lettletaent 01 the friar." lQnd ctue,lS t loJ\

W~U! not the only faa.Jor probl ell. eoot,ranting the Gornmlss1,on •.

1.t WI).S oona1del~ e'1 of ~ur t''101ent 1mportanp.tlW t hear 'ins. 12 2~ ,er e begun. Qn Jul y ~1 • and Qont l,nu8d th,t'ough N()vfjmb~r "- .

i2 -'''''''' .- "- ' - a.$ROZ;t of ttattOOfll.!!l1Gdon . J~l'luary Co .. 1901. t,- ~nt! 'te Doo .. 112 , 56tb Cong • . ; 2d 988S •. , (4040), 'i?

-""""'"---- -~ -==- "--'-

Page 28: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

1900 . 13 In all ~h.&te$t,1 moJ\\1 ot tnll?'t, ... elgbt ·.ltne.dlJea n-~ . jOe r " j .. . ..

. . ,.1·,' -", ('!n~ .!., .~ 1; fh, ,;;+."':) .• _,.:. o f "

~ l . ..,.".,.. ~ ~~.'

WEt $ taken an.d &, r~t:>1"t 'au),s eu.b.! tted to tha P H dt\;fltlt (J t

the Un.ued gtat~s . It oornPt"l~H~d 231£ prlnt~d page.. 01'\11

'*-&01' th-e nine,teen questa.on. ~$ked hI the O(;)~iefJ', Dn. We"e

41reoti1r Qon.l\)&rneri. !lfl til the tt'ln.~$. lanAI' . 14 'rbe .1~1;h 1.-11 ~~J~ * ) ~. ~ . " .... . 'f . ~t-, .~:t. - ~ -~ -_ ...... ' • .r. ... "'~ .i:'ifr ±-. Is : : '''-

:£.1>i(!.; eOl . 'i8!',",. f I . 7 II

<t-q~.ttn" ... kt!4 fbI! M e!! 'U,ml~~~ O.r trlar held:1ngl! 8F\d the

rt1n at~cnth .f);!!li:ed wh~.t th. at t 1 tude of th@ J'U.1J'lnott: l'1culd -\,.,

be t 01flU'd cQfi.tls¢.t1on of the'$-e land4b:, tbe ~fU!·nrA!!mt. . .

the ti.rJ/l:b of tb~eew&11i 6.Bk~d 01 nl l the WUneaA~!!t the.

la.t was Q.l11tt6d 1n lnt-ervt. ewa w1~h. t hl; ohul"oomen~


. ''l.''ha JU'tGhh tllh~m ·(}·f ~ntl~ ,...nI1. the B1 ~hoP8 f)t' Jaro ttnd

'11an to.gether with$enta'Uves '01' nine r"' '!tt£il)'Us or4._l"tJ

1.R the' .! .e:lande ... r~ i nt ern. eWltd. In y1"w o" ther~tJt 'th8t

1;he te~t,tf!!(myotte~ed by'f'!.tnesaee (>the1" tftJj.ntl:l.e QtnwBhr.len

:~a:li> overwhelmingly erl.-t1oal . ~O_ . 'ttent1on is l"equ1J'ed toto

the nu~tho4 of .tnvft.,tlg~tt(m~hat W9.e uffe4.. Fath8lfOolftJl!jM,

1'il0 $&' J.nveetlg-ation of the sltu&tlon. In b~halt of the 1'l"lato"

'91&,(1 oond.UQterd a t e, tlm~ 'OMt~mporancoufJ 'B 1th the {)lo~ng (It

tihe pll~t)M Ie ne!tot!ll t lo'ns); d t'lol nr ed the. t th.t".! 1nv·e t t .t ,gntton

conetuctee 'b1 t be t,rf,i.t''t CO{Il1ni G,£llor. Wr"r; not t,.,n l i'il~l"t1a1. one

bec~u68 ttQtt had. nn m<i'6.n l1 of. htlart ng the eentll11+J:t.l. t a of' the

1:a;)'smc& .o,.f F1.11p.1J;oS . t 1'11"'8t tlarid. . 11& ~\e4)l.atjeO; :~rthel" tha t

Page 29: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


fatt W/UI 4Url"Otl.ntled by a oli Que whoa!! obJeot was to

preJtuUO$ hitJ m1.nd a~lnst the trinrs by l"epreeentlng the .i

people a s _holly hostile to thom; thAt no e.ldenoe Waft

t a.ken t t'Olll MY na t! V9 in f QYot" orth~ trlal's, ana 11 nall y •

t hAt the :findlngs $l'iou-ld not have beenJ)ubl1ahed at all ,

or 1t ?ub11sJ::u!l d . the trlu.l'"B should have b een allowed to

answer to speq1t1o oharges. 15

15 Rev. Ant'b~os e 00lt)l'llM,. O. P • • If Do the F111.pltlos Re .. ll,'

Ha1e th~ FTlar$'" Amerlo~n Oo.t hol 10 Qua.rterll Revl~ • • XXX , 460- 461 . ' . '.

Chargee AS t o t.he val.!,dl ty of tr1ar 1Md t 1tlee by

the r ilip1no w1 toe 5BeO lfe r e almoat uniformly boattle . One

wltnesil who appeared uncertaln ot thft Tall dl ty or htl!! 0 • . '"

teatlmon, ~.mAJ"ked:

• • • but I dedUo~rJ"C)m ~he way In whloh thes'e pareei s werQ acqulred (retel"rlng to the two parae} , w1 th wblo.h he J)J'Q tef"ed t aml1.1arlty) that t1'l., gr$~~ h&ol,end.e PQ51eSsfJd 1n other ))t'o"lnoetl 07 othftr . 16 orders werono'/: 4~u1r.d in a prop~r ,way .

-~~--.. ~-- -~--'--- . -- ~-- --- .. - - -

16RepQ-l't ot ~~f( _ 1',at, . O~l,S$1o~ . 192.

50Jllturhat 18a« naive in U ·s r ••• l &tlon ot' preJudioe wa.s tbe

teBtlmon, ot Senor C.lderon who obarged tlnA t the t .rla .. , had

.JMnag:ed to ,aoqulre lands by P\ltt1ng U1) dam .. tcr water,

charg1ng tor the 1.hl8 or th& wa ter , and atter"udll 01a1..1nl 11

ownereh1pot the laJ1d. • •

17 ibtd.. , la6-136.

':;", .

Page 30: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


WbeU)aer or nat the ntllilb~l" $ <>f t he i'ar~ (lonlml,.,! Oft

cred1,eaQ..8 vEi:ua th1e tes1~1t1iu.fil of Filipino

l"elltti "0- to tho way 1n whl0h th~ tl'18l:"8 f6u!'n)l Ose<lty seou1"ea

tttle to the l~J,nds, the ~ondu$lctn reaQhed in th~ s\lmmnry

ot the t"@P Ol't support."d the OlfJlltls of tne tl!"lat:'i! toll tie .


The 11lqu l ry eandl.lf>tftd by th.e Qomm1ss1on l'~vealed 1i~t;, 'lft _h

the exoeption of tAl) Al'tgustlnlanpl'"OJ)"l"~Y tn Oagqanwhtch

was ,glven to llhe Qt:'dfJr OJ' the SpaA'1. sh g;ov:ernor ... gent~ralln

18$000<1 tbe Re(Jole~o l'J~der I B Mindoro property . 8: g1 tt trom

the $pan18h govel'"nm~J'lt 1n 1894, al l trl'aTl lands lUll" b~tE~.n

ltbeld for J'IlO'Nt thM a genera$ and 1n lome instances tor

one OJ' t .. .o t)enturle s." fh0 li'epor t further quote4 8enorPon

'ellpe oald~ran· B oplnl@R. 'that, ,lne. pl'''lol''l'PUon w()tald,

euppll 1UlY' deteot: in the ol'tg1nal t1tl" , few oa,IIUt8 lOt

Qwnel'!h1p 0$u1d be 8u6oe$$ttl).ly a'ttaolte'd in 14w. The llIeJ)Qrt

tinallY .tQte<l the. t. lAve tor a 8.11 el aim on the ()al ... ba,

eet .tl. te w'h.1«t OQul d, '0$ settlert in 3, ,Phl11FPlna O'tntPt,no

ola'lmants tQ t;. tl,e of pro:pertl, It had oo.mlt forward. 18 is ' ~~-~, -~~~-~~, . ,

Ibid ., 2'1 -.. 1u1?th.~ d :gnl tl Q&"' *,eYelatlon 'urn,.d up jon t he

exalllnal1ol'l 01 "" tile sliJes was the taot that , ,ownerahi p '01 ~he

i.ncl had been conveyed by eaOb ot the 8 e i"eltg1Q\ts o~der. to

tbre. ",epall'ate 'ooJ!'porat],QJ'uf . !bougtl .elme dtp'_. 01

clarttloatl0,n ot theBe tr~n.aotlon8 -a. r •• fu,ll.d In lat.,.

reportia, no oomplet.e d,(hSorl p ti.on ot the bUBlnes$ relaUon"

be.ween ~he QorpOl"aUCJn. and the Ol'"d'" th&y 1"ePl"e sen".

{ .

Page 31: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


.a.1! ever giV,en., 'l'h-e RQccl~tQ6 had sold thAt %" lend", wlth

the ej( ¢l'Jpt1o~ of th~ l'(1ndor:o &gt~te , to tho nr1tj,i!h-~'ta,n"la "

£;J; t ll t es Comria ny , Ltd . f r (')'trre s.ut ed 'by Marol.\s ~cGreltor . 19

• . ~ ~ • .- a ___ :"'~-C7 ..... "~'. ,.. ... -~-rr ....... ·~ ¥ ·-:-, ___ ...... ~ .. _w·lIt_, .190-;5,. _ .,..J .. _J;; . .. , ..... ~_ . • -

Hol d.1Rgaor the Augv.stln1 ans hal'! been trans1e:rr .. d to!,$. 20 .

$Qmtedad!p' 001:& Ii,. Ultt'l.\m.a,r. aflparU. an OOlapany. 'lh.

20~1~j.d . . 210 ... 21 2 .

J:)om1n1,onn lands ~ere held by the Ph,1l1pp lntl Sugar i£stAtes

Developtllfmt Company . Ltd., a OQrpol'l'ttl on or gan i zed undel"

Ph111pplns la~ . f'l In al l th te e 1ntitances t ht'J r ol l gl Qu$

21 $ ,

Ibid • • 206 . -orders kept a oontrolling intel'est In 'he .took. of the

oorporat1.on whioh hdd the landsfol'.8r:-ly p08Se8aed \)7 them.,

but reoilrded testimony 6,9 tQQo'eual pl$,O~lilent of. posse.sdoa

r fiima1.nSVI!;8tle 1brQughn ut the hi. ~t().r,y of 'be undeJ"taklhg .

Two t'1 Jldings 1\l'hlon 'Wef'~ '1m:POl"t~llt 1n l«ter pUl"

neg'Otlo.t1Qns were establ1shed by tho fart Consmlss1cm

I"o~l"dlnl to the f/u·"l"Y of ~he ve'Port . In the tl~ .t plaoe,

tM trlal't$ln tult1111ng the adm1.R18t~tl.,e ' .• ake assigned

to thell by tho Spanish gove:rnmen.t i n af'e&$ whore they ~$:t'e

the sole t'epresentatlvesof the' 8pan:un~d., had becolBt!! 80

ldent1tted with the nattves' tUlue(l ot jpa.ln that it WAS


Page 32: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


notdoemNl ~rlv1 s abl e tM ,; th~y b ere tUl' rIthl to 'th dl" rorme);'

,,,Air i shs s , Ellul S CH)}(HHlJ.y ~ h tr()uble~Ollle attJ:· (.;r1~n dlstul'banoeG~

oould be {1 void Bii throu+Sh pnrohn fJ o 1\y ~ht) lni~ulpr Gt)VIJ1'nme.nt

of t;'ht~ fl:'! f~ t~l'I t g tee (tfl(1 in $lM!.l l ho111naf1t to the

t~nants . l~ .~- • " ' :. " 1' _ .........,.,~

22 . n"'t)$J"~ o,t. ·tl'l, e. ,~at't OOflWi).'.jS1Qn .... ;sa .

1 i1'i _ ......... ...,.... ---~--~~~~----... --.---~ __ ~~~~~.~J~,-. .... ~~~ .... ~~ ....

Tho testlrncny rurth~.r ~o1ntcd ou?; that the prov1nelale

·epli>e aent1ng the o'l"tiet's M el 1nt1nw.t eti If;. wl111 ngnesl'J to sell

tb.e1'V landa protld.1rUl a 8utlaf~lO'tlP1 prioe w~re' offered.

Al l h&d admilOted suffioien.t oontl."'Ql 1n the now corpora tiQns

t o ef 'f eot e. sale should. t e rtt}s f)~C)\1e , a ti ll f lt o1iQl'Yw On be-in,g

qU~:H!t1 one,d , the Dor.u1n1olID pt'ovlncl nl him l'tiplied tha t 1 t

wc;uld' be ntH~e~HJS1':li'f to ,oon~ul t the :Keely See in os:~(ltH" 1io

QOlllpl etf, t he e~l e t)'f t he t'l"l l:'.t' l anus ;- 23

23 Land Hel d tOl" :li;!JPJle>&ia ati-oAl PUrpQ961! tn t he Ph111pp lne$,

. .... ' " , - " 4ft'~' '" . ,,,* . - . ' - . ' "', j , ---- .' -, . ; . .. : .t MS! AQ,~8 Q.:tbe , t:O~is~19n t 8ji'm~tet . Dcto. '100" Feb~£!l:'Y 1:1e, 1901 ~ (404.0 ) j 61. . . .

Page 33: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -



A QhAll,G,ngs fer St at .eallU\nJ!h1p "

'1il'3' ,on theagenda ot the neW tunot1<>nlJ of governmont

,r equlrl,ng oOnsideration 'b1 thtl l~Klnle'1 &<imln1a:t,r atlQn a1't ,.r

the Treaty ot Parte had ,set the cQurse or emplretOf! the Ame;, repub110 Wa f) t he task of la,lng tn*, tr·rune'ftQrkr.>r

o~~onlal goYernment~

All OO.t1l1d,er ... ln .... oh!et ot the arm, and navy t 1 twas the dut y of the P~B81dent to d1reot the govor-n1ng pol l 0Y 1n the new11 aoqu1'r'.,d 1!ln.$ dur1t:1.g the ptrl o~'l, otlill11tat'1

oOCH.lpatlon . A~tu4111 the wOl'k o.f foraul utlne; a oolo:nl(:il

polley tell to lhllhu Root , tiufn 5e~re' .. ~y of ~lU' .

The doc\.l11lent u6\lal l y 1~. f)oQr<1ed the PQsl t1 ~m 01 grea t est s lgnl1'lcaAoe1 l n pol nt i ng the OOlJI'IU~ or eol on\tt l polloy 1& r~~~~~~'

SpeeQh or i(r'edd&nt 'lta i"t 'bM'oi"e 't!'tt:: Brooklyn In·gtl t;·ttteot Art sa'n{t ~Cl~tlOe8 . Novemb~~" 19 . 191(\. 'i£'ex t . in W. O.a.m~ l'Qn Forbe8 , 2» • . 0,1 t *" II • . 600

'tha.'t enUtled Il The Pl 'es1.dent.' e lust1"llot1on8 t o t h

(Jouul11 uf11on , If. April. 'l , 1000 .2

. 'thlc 1ooument ; dr a tted by

t ext 11\ W. tlame%"on F,ol:"bee,op = "s,.t . j II. 439 .. 446 . _ .... _-__ - ___ ,,...~ . ... ~ ...... ~;o.OoI. ~ ;;a l l!loi - 1 ~_ ..... ____ "

!AiO('1t And hcoept eO. easenthll. l y .&s preeen t~et. embod1&d. w1 tll!n

1t t he rr4~ork of c1v11 gClvernmont 1'01' t he Phl11pp1nes.

It. 14~a. l"8oelved 1n the p.~I'fJAge of the Oivil GovePflJhent

Aot 0 .1' July 1 , 190e, a ll oonpe QtU.onal endorsement given to

but t •• dOCWIent a 1n the lihcn., h1B t01'1 of our ootmtry . nl s: . J'_ - _ ............... _ 'f'at_

Ip!d . ,Z~, 500.

Page 34: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


'!'he author1t, tt> txe1"olse legi81at1 Vie tunotions of

goytrnafJnt " 8u'b,} eQt to 't')resldentia l a, 'pr'O\ta l tlU'Giugl:l the

. !Seot-etap,. o'f war was tran8te~.r8d to th$ Phtl:1 pp~rle

4 Commil $1,Ol1 ell:\ , Hept~mber 1 j 1900. How eYer I e.eJ.'t.oot ~ .. ~ $ _: t . - , : • 1; ' I

1=l!)l.d .. , in; 440 .


y ' ,~_oo--......... _ _ .... ________ .... __ ,~_ .... ____ ____ ...

ln410ated in hi S l:uU'nml .l"eport 1'oJ!' 1901, 1f1, Whlt')h he urged

ptls $&.ge 'Of t he 5tH~OnOl'Amfilndn1$,nt . such mili t ary pO'i!for

U)ol tlded onl y11mlt',h1 powffrs o t l egl Slatl 0n.,5

~- I ' w

!fait 'Ha s Qf th ffl opinion , tlnG i t !1taSllUlh$~£I,n tla111 6

u.philtld by' th e Supr nme Court of t l1P. Unt t~d St a.tes 1n 1904, ~~~. ~-. . ' .,...-, ' ~i .

~J'-~,_ v t Unl t~Q; ijtp. t UI,

.... .,~--~ -..,. . ~.~.~ .. -.... --... th!'.t t he tl eQnRti t ut!Ol1 di d rtot auto_t1oally follow 1lhe nag

'bu t an A()t iJ'f Conmr {'! st~ ""9,$ reqUired to ~X'fldld to thels1andll

:m$elt~e llrovi ~t orull of ottr dome 91:10 la'#. 1f. 7 " , . ", ' -_._---Phllip Q. Je isuP . ;lll}u n~ot .:r t ~49. '

,.... !1 : 1 e . • :-

ThoUgh t he oo neU.1:\ltlQJl:e.l guf',r~,n:~e e t hat "no person

.ha it i 'be dep-:r1ve(1 of 111"e ~ l lbf>rty, d )J pr oper ty ~1 th{yut due

t.'l"ooe e~~ o'f l~'\ftt was ape al,t ,1onl l y .ou.mtl en e:d In the Pl'eddont' s

1I1str~ 'tlone tc t he- Oomml ad,cm ,B nO' power t"e8t~d wIt h 'Eh.1s.

e -W. Qa."eFon l"ol~b e6, Op . ol .t. t 11, 443 . . ' , -

.............. . . - j Ii .Is, ........ _~ .. ....-..........--,_ ~_.", _ ______ ..... _________ ............

Page 35: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


n.ewly (),rgan 1Z~d governIng bo dy whioh would pemlt the

ot tunds tor t he purohase ot the triar lands , Oomm:ltted, .<

then, b, Artiole VIII of the 'tl'eaty ot Paris and the

tundamental prlnolples at Am&rl QM governtnent to " l"Qtectlng

t he tr1ar and holdings . the Comml ss1on, a tter gQl ng on

r ecol"d as reoomroend1 "6 pUroh(lse or the l _nd. by the InauleJ"

Government , 9 aVlsJ, te,d oonpe 8 e1 Qnal aQt1 on "hlch wo uld

9 Report ot the fe.ttOommlnBion , 32 •

. ,

author! z:.e the pu.roMse And p.rl;>v1 de &. mttthod. of flnanclng

the transaction .

The most powerful ally of the OO$mlssion in

Wa sh ington 1Itu. the ;!eerot Aryot War. nU1U Root. Oe t:!ply

aware .of thttnftede ot the 0010n1al goYerllrnent. but

determlnedthat the adm1nlstl"iltlon·nt ·a detinite and

p-o.g1 tl ve program, Root lIlade a oaretul study ot EuJ'OJHUUl

oolonl.ll1eyste.m9 and la1d plan~ 810w1)" tor the needed

legislation. rltlng to Henry Oabot LOdge, tue legislat" ••

spokesman 111 the :Senate; on July 1, 1:901, Ihe War

.$eoretary 0.o.n1'1 ('led bll!lmpre aal ~n t hat Oo.ngreas w()'Uld. I\ot

be roeady to.!" a gener al organic ac' at t he next .elHl l0n.10

10 P'l\111p C. Jessup, 1m- 0:1,'0 . t 361.

MeanwMie ttl .. trlu l an4 qu •• Uon .1t1\ Us

.aCo.ompMy1ng tan t are hatS l:u.9o.ome Ii 11 vel,. subject tor ttl. 1'1".... Though .ome eVidence or e.otlonAll ••

Page 36: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

3. uniteeted 1.l;Qel t 1n docls.r a Uons 1'0,1" cord':tsQation, ..

degre., of be.l~oe 'rjf&sshOilrl\ ~ the (ltost 1ntluentlal ,.-verll,

HOlfeVerj the O$utl0il 6110ttn by the ."lCUtle1 8.fltUnletration.

and t o 8 l esser extent by ROQse.velt's; . as derlv.,d in 'Ptl J;"t

t romthe n~ed rot:" pubUQ eplnlon tot' the p\u.·<lhafJe

transaction in tho ?h1i,lp'PlneB .

The ~_i\t190k h&.d d0~lal"ed edltorl a l l y, BMl'"tl;y atte1"

t he SohurmQ:n Oommission Rer::ort h~ be,;nrnade , ubll0, ~hat

land courts should: he established to determine the vaUdity

0'1' tho land. tl t lee in the archipelago And tha t l a nd h e ld

lJ1thou,t l-Awful title 6hOlillii 01 'proper legal procedure \lEI

8soh.·ated to thf! state and t hose held lawtully be puroltc!.a,,4

by the . • t8,t~ ata.n 8..ppr aisedva,luat1on . 11

11 . . . "The Wa1 Out, tI qutlQQ,k, 6~ _; ' (38-68.

Attempt1ng to present both, s1de. or the oontt'QvGJl'81.

Pub.ll0 Qplnlon qU()t lid Dr., 8 • T. !fa.l" a promia.n'

MethoU.tCle,.gyMR., 48 8UPPOl'tlng a stand tOft oonf'lacatton

Qr the trier lands. "'hl1e Archblshop X.-elAnd, when

int epvl$wed on the sul>Jeot, O'tllNH'lJttd tbe opllUon that 'he . - -. 1 . .12

IIgo·vernfl~.n~ would nC)t lend It'Jt~U' to aual't whQlesa e robbery.

12 It OhurQh Proport-l tn tbe Phl11PJ'>1.nea." ~{l 1t 0.,.18.1, Publio

C;elnlo11, 25; '166 . -

Page 37: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


In ltD eo.1t01'1al ,f a vQl"ln.s the pure.tuu~D of tl» land~,

The I.nde~end$ll t t()~R; . ,)Qs1U'le Il tan4 when it: SlAted . _. _ J ~

"But on& IJolut:l o l'l 0 t , the d1ft'loul t1 gee-tn. PO$s1ble. It ls nQteQntlsQatl~n of the e.ce-l&elaJJtloa;l 180111' \vl\lob, ~J'e l."'Yftill ly h.~la . C~ont1 t1l oa.t1on Wooul <1 b e t he WIJ;Y ••• Out' M t .i o n. .1s not only undel" tren,'1 obligations to l"e$~ ot tha eeol t:s'1t.t st'i Oalrlghts of P~()P.:r.tJ >

but 01lX- s~nse of' JtUJt t. Ott pr,"ttn t .etorolhle a11ena t1o'n . 1.4

14 '. .. .. "'.p • , , . " .. 11><">

liThe 1'~h.111p})1n~I sland l!l , ·H 71l.e Jndei,'end~nt, 53 .: 30l;l11 .


~~ __ w. __ ~ __ ~ __ ~~ ____ ~' .• '~.---.. ~".~~.~:_ .~~~~_~. ~,~,~'~· ~k~. ~ __ ~ ____ ~~"~~~~ ______ ~~~"~~ __ ~

Add ing to the Of)mple~lty of t-ht.t a.l r maft1 lnv nlve-d

que at1/l1n 17a.! the ,need tor direct negotiation wUti 'the

Vnt 1odon.. 'fhe n..Klnley a dmln}.!J"tre.:tlonkeel\ly 1'1)8.1.1:ted that

any QfflQl!il conte.ot 'tuftwfi"en WaShington and Rome w(\uld lJ& with ?Ql.1tleal d.'foorn! 'G<e . A~chb18ho:pI' or

nt . Paul early fIgured '.11 an IIdvlao~y na.:paoUy 1n pla1.\r,'.ng

tor negott«'tlons l>et llfeen t h e Va tlea.-, nnd t.h& War

DepfU"tment. as rere~r.(t t o lltl'1 httur l(!)ttg tal k nth Root

aboat the 81 t ua.tlQn tn th., lil\1311 p-plnfHI. ln one Q'f 11i e letter.

s early .. a lW.1. 1901 . 14 AI olettrl.,a"ar. e;,t1 Was t hfJ

14 lAo-ria I.. ato:re". , I n. ~.,rn:()l~lam)j'llfi<!l . l?'ol',er, 66 .

..... . ....-.__ . " f. . j

admln18tl.!~tl Q'tl or the eXl'lost "'i'm~'ss Or qlle.aUQn. touch! ':\,6

e)U ~ell1Uens lf10th th6 Vs,t los.n In thepubllD 1:)-1"e.6, the

Ari.lh'blBhoJ) 8;volded call1n& on SeoS"etal7 Root at tbe " 01"

llepartment It but met hUn at hl$ W~8htnflton or h1ft $ou'bampt1cn home . 15 1"5 .~---~~~"

Phil1pO . Jeuunrp, ~p •. Qlt." 566.

":,' .. ,'

Page 38: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


8y t he olo se of 1901 , . Theed()r~ Rooa evolt, equally

oonslliou!' or tile need f or" <','l:u.tlcm in pl'ee s lng negotiation., . . .

but ltHsS timid thC:Ul 111. is pT'edeo~s sor had b e en, db'acted troll

the Wh1 t e HOV, iH't a. 1'1~lnn~<1 f ort ''' 0 c,nl iat llh.e aupp.ort of

t.he press for n. rd.fif:11o.n to ll or..'le .

Ar~hblehop ! 'l' C'l.~n(l _ '111"1 t1ng from Washington to beHaID1

Storer, t bf\!n rtl!p l"cH!. t he Uni ted 3 t a. 1Ht$ 1n IUtdrld .

decll.u:·ed. w1 tb respect to the Pl"()Jttoted lItsdon:

II I am goIng to New Yor'k tot" .. r elit clc.1B >1}U,ll ' U . at t/:1" Pree!d.entf I> suggost1on , I shs.l1 ~ourUl out Abbott .fJ f the Out look ·and -nt'dcft t he lnd!mepdent. 1 f &lf! ' r.tlier lur e of b ath ",no' te$l t hat . rightly 19 under.,tood , t hey wi l l uphold the pro Ject. " .

W -~arla L.. Storer .qp. '. ott.. 61 .

r( ·_, T " ' .... -~-~~

The t o.ot that the Al'ohblano},) ' 8 al.,slon met 'With !,!lome

suoi)ess iDa, b. drawn tJlO.m the. tone ·of moderat! on 1n the

tol lo111rrg edltorlell

lltJens lble aM. 1nte:ll 1.gtm t .Pro~es tant 5 and CathoH.Q8 Wi 11 be i n s-y mpath1 -~1 th the )l-1!' ~etle of t his m;\.sslon to Rome ae. 1t1 ~ f).

bua1ne88 "fly ot 8sttllng d1tt1oul t1G£i ud C0!+4pl"om1s e~ nobo<1Y . It 18 no et,.Jj to elltabll s,h1ngl\ l.egatt on l l t Rome . h

17----'----~ .- -- --- --

II WI". Taft llIt 'nolXu". iI ed.l to-l"l ~l , ttle Ind l!tpendft,n..t) 54 : 1~1~-1.6 .. ~ (j!S all!" , f ' ",",~,_ oq !!!t ~,~,~ . $ ' 'I>'. ~ ....... ~, ~ , ,,~,

Ex o(j ed!.M~ ill 111Tpor t .... noe e.n4 eOlnoldi.1ng in poInt of t1me

\W1th the probl em of shapIng pu'bl1e opUtlon tavor

negl)'U e.t1.0tlS W8.~ thlt;t at Choosing repreeentati ves to oarr,.

to!'":!tta't'l. t rftntiAQt1 0ns With tbe VaUcan . 1'1,. l.'leaembel", 1901 ,

Page 39: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


Arohb1shop IrelAnd and B1shop O' Gorman , wbo WAS to b e a

me.mberot th~ lftlS 61on, were tn Waliinlngton, wMr'e JUdge ..

J a.mes F. Smith) alto an apPolntee to tbe m1ss1on, lrapre88ed '. . U the Arohbls1l0P as a man worthy of his ,.espons lbl11 t,.

11:J-- ~- - -- - --- ---- - -- --- .--- --- --~~- ~.-. ------.-----~-----~. ~- ~-----~~.

Mnr!a L. storer, Qn. of-t ., "-69.

19 Taft waeohOl 0n1ate in FebN&r1 1902 to the 1l1a$lon

19 ·- i

H.nry F • Pringle .. the"'! t"e .ad 'l'lrtle$ 01 111111.&' Ho"pel f att, 225 . ... - I . - . ---and in saT he Jo1ned h1$ ooll ftAgue. In RQ~~. 20 mr

Ibl d., 228 .

, Tart' 8 le'Cter of ln~"t'r\lot1.on8 from 'he Sl!oretAl"Y ot

Was expretll:ely stu-ted t hat the errand

wOlll d not 1n 8.ny . eftee or degree- be diplomatic in na ture, but w111 be purely a budne.s -.e-terot negotiations: by you ae Governor ot the Ph.l11pplnee tor the . 'PUroha'~l ot propert1 t'rOm the o_nera thereof. .

El--~ ~-' -------

Anm.aal. J\sport ot' $eo~tArl at \'far, 1902, 236 .

On June 5 ,. 1902 the 'ran MiSSion ba(} U. t i rst audlenoe

w1 th POP" 1.."0 XI I I s .t wh loh Tart read a 1.ngth1 paper . He

eX'pt"e$sed the nope that . upon the plls.age or an act then

pe ndi ng 1n Congress , Wh i ch would 8.\ltborlle the purC)hale of

therr-tap lEmds by tbe Insular Government, some Ba si8 toJ"

l1!&ttl ~ment might b0 reaohed . He alsO t o uQhed upon the

: ....

Page 40: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


<les1rabl11t1 of the 1If1 thdrawalot' the Spanish Friars troln

the PhilipPines . 22 At the end. or the p.udle>nQ6 with thO' . "

22 Ibl!1 .• , 238.

,~ ,

Ho11 rattle)!, 'ttl!' left 8 . oop, &1' his lnstruotloo8 trom

Seoreta%?' Root w1 thGardllU1.1 n~lI\pol18. Papal Seoretartot 2~ St atp. .

IS. . $ , .! . $7 "~ re" ' oGlE U ' ''' ,''' "£ Ie J .

I .bid., 2.40 . _. Under dat·e or June 22 ,. r,d'tz-.oelved a r epl, trom

Oardlnal.ftt\,mpclla ~xpr<esslng the oonourrenoe Qt tlie 11017

S •• w1 th t·he filed tion at the, Amer10QIl ,o'ftrnment rel .. t1 v" to

the .xped1e.n07ot ~he sal. or the trial' laAds_ 'the Hol, a.e

df.tolal"ed ltllelt disposed to furnish 'h~ new Apo.toll0

~elegate w1 tb powtl"S brClla4 enough to oal"ry t0J'W'U'd, the ,

negQtlat1QQs $t~11a oonUdorlng tbAt pree1:pltat, a,otiQR

was prevented by tbeneed fo~ a fJPeOlal stud, to determine

the value (It the lands . 24

2 .. I1>ll1., 242 .

Dl .SBPP('Htl ted-in hts bopea tor a n&llt's:,ttlement.,t

Rom" , Ta1t li"epl1e<l to the Qommunloatlon 1f1th ti letter

po1 nt:1ng out the fa.ct. th&.t in the rererrtilottb.e~ttar. '-0 the ApQ8tol1Q D~log£\.te in tEan-lln. . muoh at the· benetl t of

(Ureot t1nd~r!tb,n(Ung ')otw~en th6 Vst!Ql\J'1 &0<:1 the Phl11pp1ne

Government would be lost . ito pr opoud t.hat 8, det1n1.te

Page 41: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


"gre~",ent between tbe ~rtle s be dr •• n up lenrtng (\8. 11"118

as poulble tt') the unoertfl lntle :<; of tuture tleg.t1at1ons. 25 .. B.:~r~---~~~

Ib1d., 24:!- 249 -Taft suomi t ted with tnis me/llOl'And,um B propos",l llh1oh •

. 10 so tat' as the fria1" lc-tnds :w ere o01l.oerned. Clf111oe'l tor the

subud.liIlIlon o f the quc!etion : 01: t{U~ vCilue to $ ttve ... au"mbet"

arb1~:r&.t1on tribuna l . Two members 01' the t~l'bl1nal were to

be Ilppolnted by the 'ope, t wo by the Philippine gO'fern.ment,

and a f'U'th by Ii di8tnt er(~ "t ed party . file .axpens ee o f' t he

tribunal flere to b e 'tx))!ne 'by' the ~h1l1pplnego,.et"nment . I'

WAS to be eJilpowered to he~l' evtaenoe" vi.,-" ltmds. and &WllU"-d

a purohade prioe deter rid.ned b1 & _Jor! t7 vottt or the

tl·"bunal . fbe valua.t1 oh was to be 1'1xed ln, ,kexlca n dollars

and tho terMS ot llUi"'chll l18 suggested w.r.on .... third in oaah

th1rt1 dAY6 af~er f.i, r epo1" t; 'Of t hQ a\ltlsrd to be _de and

deli very of satlsfaQtory tlt~t't , tner thl:t'Q. nina !lIon.tho

a tter the f1l"':J.t 1nstallmcnt . and the tiMl pay.ment at the

~nd of dghte'en mcntha . Intel'".t on. dela1edpayments . 'ere

to bfl patd at the' tnt te of t.our psr. oent per annum from the

date of' t he fi r st payment .

A neoe$sary oond1tlcn for 1ihep.urcna.e of thQ. l and s

by t Il" InGul ar Govelmment . to n1)ot r • 1flet~ot1ohS"

waa f1 papal ogre elJlen t t ot' the wi t .htll·,awal of all apanl E!.h

frl at'a rcpresantlng t he Pomln1o/,\n . tieHloleto, Fl"una1sloen a.nd:

August10.1an ()rdl~ra t :t"om the 11'111811<1 5. thf) del.eye tl paymen.t

Page 42: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

·0 plan V;ll t~ tied up V1 the wi t hdl"A'lfQ.l p l a n . 26

• • Ibld.., 250-261 ~

'!'he WH11'1er t o T~rt' ~ Qommu~loat1on and J)l'oposal Wall

submitted 'by Oe:1" d1nol Rampoll a on -July 9 . On the eeonomlC)

side . QQmple t . 3.0Qo1" <1 naB registered w1 th the .~eeptlon of

t h l1 s v;ggl.t1oil: tha.t the t'l tthmi,mbGl" Qt t he arb! tration

tJ"UnlM,l be ohosen bY' the, other i()1;li? Ql~ t he appo1nt'cent be

det ermined; by gpe.ementbetween 'the Pope and the PreBldent

ot the Un! tOtl Btates . However, itS to the oOfll'il tiona

propoa.,a r el a tive to the r emflVtl;l ot the 9panleh frlars; 'he

lioly Ue~ eouid non Q~nour. '01" the Va1U.cttn !Juab 0000\\rreno.

wO\ll d b~ no~ only- .8.. 'tl3,ol(tUonot th'!, prov1810n9 of the

Troatl{ of PtU'·'.a, but 8\ oonc1emnation or tt. &panlsh~1ars beto)"o t he en s or tha Cath'0110 world and would SfUJ·1\2 to

Qonr1rm t ho t al.a s M d e'taggerFlcted oMJOge& bl"9u~taga.ln8t

t hfJm. The Va t1 Qnn ' ~ plA,n ()~ l ntt'ot1n.Q1ng1l'ftUgloUfI of other

nat1.onall tl$'s . pn.r-t lou.l.arly Amer.1oan, lnto tbe I.lftnds was

hUl:"e made knotrn as also lrail the taot t hn t all rel1g1Qua

orders were to be lnetruoted to cont1ne t h e1 .. W'O 'rk st1"10'11

to the Bpirltual sphe-re 1n or de.r to f ao:l11t9.te. tll!! Ame:rloan

objective of' c:: o r.1pl ~ t " f,tew r s tlon of nhu.roh a nd sta te. 27

¥7 Ibid •• 264-266.

~~ ____ ~ ________ ~ ______ ~~~~ __ ~ __ -.~ __ ~~~ ... ~,._' ~ __ ~ ~ ____ .w~ __ ...

'1'att aubm1ttedthe ~ounttt\r-pro!)Qea16 to Root who,

ll ft ~ l' cont Ellrr ing wi th Prel11dent Rooliu~Yelt at 0rde.,. na, . 28


Page 43: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


2S- -- -PhU1pC. Jessup , ~f? C)i t., 36?


... d.l ""'oQte<\ 'l'~fi!. f~ t" R.coelip. t o th arl t~r .,t an t'td V9Jl(jAd by

ll¥'tHhlll. nall.'lpo12ft tOt· {nm'l} pt'l) traoteo negot h tions 1n Manila

b$tw8An Ta'ft 4md the Apos ·ttt)ll l~ Deleg~t e . IJ1l ft 1\'3. 8 ~leo

l ns t-rueted t o request ful l e.ni1 de t1n it e <!.e t ·'J.H morthe

orOy)6.rty wh1eh th~ orders ~(;ro wUlJ.t'tg t o 11lf:l1.1, the ~eq16e

1nter e ste held by the o.r d ftrs i" ,;:(;,~f' no.)"poratlouiJ 8.nd 1>he ~.f~;~~i~~" . 2

t ot~l etook of the land-hold! n~ c~rporat1(me . 9

~--------------------~--.-----------------------------29 Annual :Report •. <u· a $"J:'C!tarl pf War •. 1902 . 251-59

ao~te81na$J flsalgned ~h6 brealt ... (loilifn or the

·negotl.atlona '0 the tnthlence.exe):'ole·ed by the tn(ma.stl0

o.rflere1.n the Oonventlon or. Otu-dln41e whlon had been

aPPointed to oons.lder the o.riglnal 'taft Mls ~tC')n pl"oPo9als. 30

~o " --~~~ .~ ... -~-- -~-

lialvtt.tore GOl'tcs l, tUrbo V'u,t!e&n a:m the Ph111p~) i nes." fh. ·IQsllf.'t?~nsi'nt. 54:436-439.

• .<.

T&.ttthGught th-.tthe "Pope hl::n!H3l t 'Wa s anx\. OlH'j· t(,\ a ooede

1:0 tbe Am&rlce.n dem(100S 'but the lnrlutmoe or themonaat1o

ordeJ"5wae all-powt,l"f'U1.. ,,31

n Henr, F. Pringl s, a,p.r 2' t . , 230.

Page 44: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -



iAglt.14tlaft Pl"eopo,.es the \v&1 tOJ! ~h~ .i\o.qu1.s11a.on " ot tbe 1?r1o.r$ ' Land& .

8:ettlNb '1.u,'tt l~tt ROlnf!l tor t.;~11n; {JGttgtte,s ft had 'Pe.ased

an~ol Qt>n:t1t:'fll11g th, ol'eat lQn ot the ~td,ll'Ppln~ OOfltdsdon

~nfl aut 'hOl"ltlng 1t to ex/trn1.e. th.e pOf'lerfl of' goV'e.rnae:nt 4'&

Bet t~"b 1n the Pf'8ftl,4ttnt ' A letter of' In.tD\lotlonB . 'the

f,tQt aleo _de p.1",ovls1orts t'Or the at1mln lBt r-aUon .or the 1

e<ft·aJ.l"S ot 01,,11 gQvernmt)'A't lntbe I sland ...

1 UaUedi.'de. Btlttut'@fl;=:fA\ .. l"lnru...-.xXXII , pt. 1 . f591 - 101.

1".0 tttl" a$ the f'1'o1·al' I • land pUl"clwfJe, IP1 cQnberned; 'lU'·'

theelgclt1eant seo·ti1l)tlG· ·0 ,t thB a!)t~l"e the 81xty .. tM,l"(1,

8.1xty .. rQUJ'tb (Uul 81xtl .. t1fth. ·Sectl on aiX'ty-lhr$,

3\ltbat"laed t~ 't>h.lllpl~l A& .go.(n~nroQnt •• 0, aQqut. re, 1"'ooe1 ve,

hOld, 1fUl1ntaln a tl(} (J(')flite, 111 tl$ to 1'881 and peJ'sQnal

proper't7 tina to J'T'ovlde torr the acquisItiQn of V4h\1~9tat.

'bye •• :rot.eQf the :right or flfllnQnt domAIn. " Seotion

81_,t,. .. toupro'V'h1ed thaI the puwe:ra If~t tOl"~h 1n fleotion

81xt:y-thZ' a8 mlglJt b.,. ~x,"t'Q1Iu~d 1n tt.epeQt to lands wMoh

"Gn August 18 •. 100$ .~r. owned Ol' hold by a group 01"

Ind,l1fldllAl . l nQludlng r'811g1C1t;ts Oll'ders , 1n su oh l R,rgf

quant1111 ••• $ , 1ft the QPlnlonot the QOA!.frI1u."on, endanger'

the p~a(J' an!!. welt41"ft of the 'F'l .l1plno p e()ple . · !hifJ

•• 0'1.on tu1"t"bel* ppovldaa t ,op the ttfl1aln,m of fUnds tot'


Page 45: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


puroha8e by emPQ'iII&1",lng the Ph1111'oln. 8ov~'t"nment tC1l lnour

lnt1.b'.<lntt~~ tht"OU,f~h th@ la fluailoe of Mnrl,. pa,ye.ble in no' .i

lelU tl'U1A f ive ft !.)t> mOX<$ thttn thll"'t 1 YCH\ t" fJ 1,01:' a ft, It\l¥'J Unt

l a l'g1l enough tf) t'HWtj',," t11~ purohat":U~ .lof!)l ot t he ltt-nd,.

a' ·Qt,1Qf\ elltty-11vlJ empowfH"A-Q th~ Phl1lt)1>1 ne ~QvtJX"nn:ent to

dlsp();,e ot the land ''uu~d t l"(l}ll the rl"1a.l'!'g on t e-rf1lR

detel''"l(llned by t Ile goverTlm~nt 1Iit}.\tbe p.t'o'll q() thli$,t, a ll ,tno:\f.Y

r.a.ll~.4 from 8alt!' or of the~ll ItUld.~ 'Waf) to go into p

t be a1.nklng rUnt! tot" pa1ment 01' tho bond $ .t ~turl ty.·,. 2 ; ,I U" • '~ ... . ,._-- - -' - .. -, .-- --. - -. - .-- .- --.• -~ .. - - •• ~-~~-

I bid., "10a...707 . '1''' - ....,,,; .. ~ - , L -~,..". ___ -....-

7hough t ha wq fo!.' t he o,otlUl~l tton of the 14nds "~G

oleaJ"Ctd b7 the enaotment ot the 0'1 vil ()OV~l"tltll~n~ Aet (JIn,

July 1.. 1902 aotual oegot114io t1QHe We1:"4 t o ~11t1nue for

another t 'Wo '.fU" ji. before t nll last or the tl"WlSfloti ;;..'h O were

oocnpl l;t e4.

!'he new ~ostol10 Oele,pte; Mondgnor JetlD Ba ptll5te

Guidi, b ob_lehop of :eta,urpoll. . relll.lh&(\ tl'ifl PhUlppin.f)~ in

th,. t all crt 19'02 . ' a rt' II requ Bllt t01' the yalu.at1on or pf"opert7 an4the. exaot In' .. rftS~8 lIaintalned 0-1 tht) Qrd(J:r,1S

1n the newly organ1zed OOl!"p0J'"i\ t1ona Wetlt unane~'&t"ed •. Ill'th£l

fatt was to\i!l, lntc:u"mallJ br the Apostoli0 Del~8i~t, «) t 'ht.\t the

orde1'. had dO d1apD8ed oftku~l;r bQldl n~$ \ bat 'tbe,. 'l'l el:"e

unable to a rttpwt of wh&~t.l'Hd,l' tnt erest ~ war-e , it 3 , AIl7 .

"3::--~~" - . ., --~---- . . . -~ ------ -.---~---~-~

~!Fortr;)t th~ Phl1\mllne OQftJ@ludon, 1903 , 40 .

Page 46: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


HeaJ"lnga rolatlv, 'Oi) th~ vt~ltAeU()n or the lnntl,s iliaI'O

helli at -.lo.o&.n Palftce .. rlndtn$:9 ot' ~ Fl11 t>1nOGiurVf.iyor . "

Juan V111eg4$ .. who h REi been c omsl :J:,;lonecl\ W $urvey tb~

rrlat'e 'land6 between 1901. IUld 19.03 , be~s;ftle t he b~Sll 1l! for

the negGtla tl ()nt,B: . ~Ul"1n~ the hftlU'ln~. 'the Holy t~ ,o W(}$

repl"t'tsented by the Aro'bM.shc>p or. ataurp,011; the l'h111pi11ne

(loverruneQt 'by W l'llla~ Uow1!U"{l t;r:e. tt, and t h e Ph.l11ppine Su.gar

'hta t'tG aoMJ)~n,. 1»b101:1 h~l{l the l~n<.ta formerly h~ld "1 tho

Do~lnl~e.n6 .. b, .~1"Anc,lsO() Gut t:e);":rez . the mttnngitl.s tll r (tetor

an.d a. fitQni;hol d~.r f! f' theeomp,a.ny . l.dt ~OO1.,dlid/'El()Ql.. d!

Yltff"eJnat. the CQrlXlVa UOTl "hleh h~ld the former

Augu.'lnlan e0tn-toa, WitS; l"epre l1E!!flted bY' P#i~re Jua n N. YiUlet,

an. Au~.t.,tnlan tria)."' .. ~1ho wall the a ttt>rn of t or tbe compMY.

'!'he tt)'tme·~ Re101t!Jto holdl ngf; .Hi 'he tallnd s <SIf the 81";1.,\;1.td1-

.".nile. r..t,,!ltelJ Ct):1lpo.n"v WeN' rep~tsentQd by® MeG~egot""

an EnglhhMn, and the M1n4o:t"() e~t s.t",. ettll :l'."ettdnel'1 by

tl'le ntfGcletoa, waa repr~{~~t\t. ed b,. th~ proournt or ot tho

or«.,.rln tb!t Philippines .

A, thl! ~ohb13MP mintmarl zed them.. t he O'bJ'~ot1 ans

throughout ~weP$ tha t VUlegas d iEt not att6loh: suf t 101ent

l~y)!)rtl'a!r\o,.t() th~ til'Ost that'tb~ "t' l"~ c ,f th~ tr1a1"~' la,nds

-Wacl cQndl tl0llf! it by' tht impre.'ftM'len t ~, on th9nt. Villegas bad

<livid*a. ;he lJ};tld lnte 'threeqnallty elo. •• lflaa;t1 ons RnQ

/.1el f:\ "llf1Ua¥' Y'alua.'U . .Ql1 on e,ll th·st l nnd on Gfltlh

bao1eJt4& In''~O:lH,otlve of t.mprOVt;m~utts . 4;

4 I~,la ., It>S.

- .. ~~~~ i _.Rq ' j -

Page 47: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

However. sinoe -r~tt 8 1l.1 ot;h6V .. emQa~s ('it tho

OOJS1tlieR1on I!uppor'ted V!llefrll/il t /!. f,'lO$J. t ion rel ative 150


" ".luatlot\ bu.tSt)d on UlC$uAl 'lua11 \;( or the f~()11 . th. ul1U.Iu.'Ce

1)a.l e, ueed 1J\de~o:rl!lJ..nlng 'f'alulltlcns .QIi: tiheane set by

illleps. I)

6, .j j . . .' . - ~ . Ibid. ' ". "-" -.. - ---!he t()llorlna 'able i.& 'bUJUl!U on the '1110«-5 s'UJ"ve;y .

Page 48: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


Valuation or tlle .rrial's' Etftates .i

. 3 ~Y Senor Villegas

ESTATES OF THE OOtg.NIOANS i . .......,..~ .. _ , p -.. -

Blnan, Laguna Prov1nce Oalamba. " !l . . , Lolom'boy" II

Maland-al ,. Polo, Bulaoan Palol~. Polo. Bulaoan Sooaue, Dulaoan li' rovlnce Malo , Qavite Provl noe orion. Bataan Provlnce



SantaCruz de Malabon, Oavlt.e Pl'ov1nOe( Santa Marla de Pandl, Bulaoan Pro.v1noe Sanlia Rosa, Laguna ~)rovln0e Ban Juan del Monte .. R101 P'rovinoe foro . nulaaan ProVlnc$

... --- ~

Area :Of lan~(3) '8.1 ue in


1"12 ~

0 Q :; n . t1I "" ~ . e "~ • Ii

~i739~lO~l5 16,424.14.00


4,1&8.09.64 7,922. 29.00 9,109.67.24 8,902 .37.50

12,069.57.02 4, ? 50.14.2Ji

156,49.35 .58. 2.; . 30

ae)tlcan a~reno,

• 497,866.2:2 1 ,102 ,048. 2~

15,979 .5(; . • ,779.2€

7:53,985.4e 770,996.'1E 109 .342 • ()( 682~456.8~ 8 24,289. ()( 700,024.9C

18,299.0<: 8/134,.8£

-----",1 ~I!II "(1111 <!!

TQ'fAL· t 60.461.73 • 961 , 5; 4'3 ,'799 .l~

!f!5TATES OF 1F,!:rr. AUCmSTI NI ANS· ,,-_ ~, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . '. ,. n- ',

Banldad or Talamba, ProvlnQe otCebu »ampo1t QQlnloua, Bulaean Provinoe Mandolo18 , Rital Province Uuntlnluml ll .jj ~ . ~ ,

Jlllllnte.. Bll1e.oDn Provinoe Tue., Rl !al Provinoe 1'1 edad , If ,II

1,538.43.00 9'62.00.00

4,O~~.OO.OO 5 .,397.84.00 3.432 .00.00 5 J 197.00 . 00 3,604.00.00

195, 7.56~ 4f 142,911.65 37'5. ()?6. OC 1. 74,4$5. ()( -'01,100. Ot: 2Q4 , lQO. ()( 500 . 950 IV . t • "I,'-

Page 49: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -



.-------...... ' 0 ,

.l a'1'A'l'ES OJ' TK g AUGUSTI !ltANO --San Franqiaco de Mal abn.n. Cav1t~ Blng.bag, eulaoaQ .provine Ta115&Y and ulnganl11a, Cebu C.lUlllJ)~t , BulaoAD Provt noe Bar"ooain , II ·K

Sante. I ae.b.l!l .: J)agu11a J BuIacAn Ani botl. 8ula0$.n

~gulnt'o ; A.long-liang , Bulaoan Jaale;pat, B~laean Reooleto, Bulaoan

Es'ate 1n ~ppV1n(tf; af :r 6~bel8.

At"ea ot Lan4 . ..-...--. .,.......,....

~ ~ (') • .' Q . !!. () · 11~· ..... ~ ~ (J ca

13,000.00.00 294.0Q~OO

7,362. 96,00 74.B2.()O G4~29.5'

3fl.83.49 65.3~.52

241 .42. 94 7.20.08

456.96.18 23,000.00.00

V'll1tle 1n :I •• ll)~ OurponoJ

'11.111,250.00 32 ,670.00

);008;892.50 11,224. 48


6;8g5.2~ 9.800.28

49,285.88 1,080.12

68,542.'14 300.000.QO

'l'G'J'AL I 68,'1'70.26.041 ' 4,407,335. 66


San .1'uan and San IUoal" •• Oa.rt ,. Sa.n Juan. M:\ndoro ProV'1nco

!~,419 . 56 • .12 , '1.(3Q5.303.~3 ....."';266.00 . 00 600,000.00

TO'AL I 41.685.~6.12 I $2 .20~.~03.~3 UR~ND .3:tttAt.

Estate. 'Of the t>oll1nloana It':,ta.'tee 'Or the AQguetlnlana Ell!lto.tetJ '01 the Reooletoa


60,461.'13.96 68,770.26 .. 04 41,686.66.1.2


3Ib1d., 2.02-203 . One heotare equals 2.4'11aor ••


t lS,473,799.llS 4,407,336.66 2,205,303.33


Page 50: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


AtiltI' t he submission ot these tlguresby Villegas , , with tbe approval of Pr esident Roosevelt and

SeoretarT P,oot , ot:'cred to th~ Apoa t Qll0 Delet;}lte and the

l'epresen't(5.tlV'EH3 of $h6 t'e .• p~ct1 ve efl,t a t .. s t he tollowlng

" . luaUon1n gold , b Af!U!d upon the th,n pl"@'Ia.lent el':onange

r a te ot _0 }bx1oa.n toon~ Amerioan dollaN


For the Poi'dnloan lan4s • . . '. . for tbg Augustl1'11QP lande •

.2 , 73$, 899 • 57

2.2:03,667 . 83

For tile Reooleto land." •


ibid. , 42- 43.

" . . • 1 , loaJ e.51 ~ 6'

• •

- '~ ; ' ~7

• • • 6 .; 043,219 . 0'1

In .. kln.g the ofter 'aft expre ••• d the hop~ to t he

Anoato:U.o DelegAte that he would f ind 1 t 00 nelstant 1fl ttl


hla .1ew of the .ttuatton to IldvtIJe Ao,o,ptanoe ot the of tel" .

HoweYer, he J"eoelYed . • neSAt1 •• Im ttw.r '0 bill Pl'o,PQsal from

all thel"epl'eeentatiYf t:s or ~heord8r8 . 8 "- .. ,--.--.."-~-

8 . 1'b1<1., 43 .

--"~~"~~'~.~~~~.~--~--~--~--~--.---~~--~ .. ~~--~ .. ~----~----~~-'The Al'08toU.O Delegfi te t hought that a lI~le 0'0\11d bit

arranged tor the t WD or tlC)~eoo,QOO 1n gold ·wh1eb figure

\fa$ ftol1 s1dt'!:re.bll hlghe:r:- tha n t he Phil1ppine Oomm,1sdon _a.

wi lling to go . SOm.e months l a t e r MoGl"egor tolt1 , .ttl that

an attel' 9t ta ,tsoo,OOOI11gh't be Ao.oeptable . Whereupon '1'a"

~dY1aed ' ,be Apcutol10 Del egAte toot he would r ecommend an


Page 51: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

1nftl"'fate of t 1,500,000 ovel' the original price offered by

the Ph.lllpntne government. RO"8,v-er. a 00lftroverey ove!' "h.e d:1viaion of the aCini tl ona l sum o,r.10ng the or d,ars led to new

demands . Taft l"!'1fU600 to oha.nge hl !l otfer ot t7 , 643,000

and negotiations a gainst b1"oke dOwn tor f1. tim~" 9

9 101d, . -



f 11'la.llythe AUBi'Uutln1an 6st {i.Ue of 14andol.oya was sold

to tlle town or l'401g a.ntl an add1 tlonalat l'iv to a l~alJ.road

OOL1}'1any. Qmi"6 G1on of these llU'lfls and I1 towefl~y-tl.,e hundrftd

G, pa1"ot1 r~tlt1nc+d by thu ~r1l111p pine l".;t~ tata fj OOttl !'HJ..ny, wIth

the oonsequent d edu,otloi13, re~ul ted 1n the :puroh~e:,~ by the

'hi:U.ppin~ Governm~mtot' th6 remaln1tlg 410 , 000 a.ores tor , . 10

th~ gum of' t7 ; 239 , 000. ~

10tb1d• ~

Oontt"8.Qte. W'ere dri'lwn up at tlanl1a, on Deoember 22 , 1903

1. t h 8ac)hof' the t h ree oorpor~t1on8 r~present1ng t nt> orders

ana, 4> .eparateone with the lte.ooletu order tlo cave]:' tb.

pUl'oha se ot' the estl:t.te still held by tha t order. t'hese

oontraots tlxeu the purehnaG pr i ces. called for Elell'Vf)l'7 or t 1 tle . Pl',Ov1dcd tor exu,rn1na 1:1 on of tit. tl t' 9 and re ~11rV87 at

the l&llds and etl pulate d t hat tho trMIj8.0t1on waa to be

.oomplete4\ wi thin $1x Ulontha .,11

11 Ibid., 204-212 . -

Page 52: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

B)" the F'rls.l'stLand. Aot, Go,mmlsa1on

authOl'l"ed 8u.rye18 and ex"min.tione ot, t1tles., prov1ded

tor terms ot: leases to the t hen oooupants and appr.oved

the appo1ntment ot the law tlrm of Den Pan OrtlgasI

'1aoher en'gaged by the Ph11Ippine Comllli.don to deter,lI1ne 12

the legality of t1.tlos .

ie Ants O,t the l1'hJlipp1ne OommbHI10n 1,n AnnUlI R.2~rt ot

• ,.6eoretarY or 'War, 1904, XIV, 2341. '- " ,

The new Burve, dlso1Qsed IhOl'tagea 1n a nWllber of

the estate • • 13 However, the examination ot t1tle. showed

~--~" '--~-~~--~ .. , , -Report or the ;Php,1pplne Q~~lillse1on. 1904, ,Annua l

Jt!port ot S.or.~arl of ~ar, 1904, Xl, p't. 1, 1'1 - . I _ --

&11 to be in good orde r elCcept thr •• belonging to tbe

)Jlh;"\.!.lppl". S\lg~ Eat.'eta CtU21PIiR1 . Title. to t heae 'Ohl'ee.

p4\Pcels tormerll held by the Dom1n1can. aotWllly rested



1ft " ,,1" 1 " , w1 th nanto- .omas ufti've!".", t,., " , a though the admtnlstl'at1on

14 ' ' " Ib1d •. , 18.

ot the eatat.. Wa5 1n the hands ot 1be' lloIR1nlcan Order . 16

11 I ,bid.

81 'he t1me the Ann\l8;l Report ot the Seoretarl o.t War

tor thetlsoal 1!tal' ended lune 30, 1905. " ... 1"81e)'u8d, all

diff ioulties had been solYed and the land a Md been pUl'oha •• d

by the government. PaTsents 1n the eurreno1 ot the Unltect

atatee had been made a. to110"s:;'16

Page 53: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

l)a te of J!a1ment

Ootober 6, 1904

Oct ob.GZ" 24 , 1904

f ebruary 7, 1904

O.,:tll')bet" 20, 19m"


10 Whom Paid

Aeool.eto Order (tor 141ndoro .!te'bate)

t a ~oo1edad l\gJ"loo1A a,e Ultl'UlAl" (18 "tat •• tormttl" 11 Qwn e-d by the Aug\18tlnlan Or der)

British .. mAnila. r" t a te 00 . It'IIN' l£state'" 1n OAvl te to"%"!O.erly- hal(l by the Reool etos

Philippi .ne ,$\t8.r EstAl •• Development eQ . L~4. (9 89ta'.8' to,rmerly held 1,,1 the l)Omlnloalle)




t 291,782.0'




Report 01' the Ph1:l1PElne (1OWDlsalon, 1905, AnnuAl ~epQl't

'o! Seol'et_r t) ,t "Il.~. 1905 I X-, 24 .

~-,---, ,~,~, ' ~-.-' --.... ... ,.., .. ----------------_ ..... .--..... -----------

: ....

Page 54: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

OHAPfm VI Dlt1lPosal of' 'the lfrlar,. 'LAnd.

ifhQugb. the C1v11 (fovernmfUltl J\()t 'Of July 1. 1902

empowered the Philippine (jovemmont to ln4Ugtll'n tIJ



18g191 ... tlon tOl"the ,aaqU1 s,1tlt)n and d1.?os~1 of' the trtar's t

lands ; it w,as n t;)t nnt11 Je.nUAt'1, 1904. that the power "as

used. When nogotlat1ons fm: toe purob$ae 0'1 t he l.o.nda bact

:progre 8¥t ed .at1.tactoJ:ll1:y, thR Phtll},)p1'ne Gottlm1.lSaion

euthoriaBd the Seor8tar1 of \1ar to 1$ on lJeh~lt

of the government 0'1 the Phlllpptne lelands to ~he·, a:m<>ul1t

Qt $7,2.31.000 1n Unite-d St ates moneY. The bondswe.rG ti:D

be dated ' ebruary 1, 1004 And wel"(itto bf! t:e4Ieftla'ble ,tot

1f1$11 than rtve nOr I1Ore, thlU) th1Jrty 11!Ntll'e after tna.t dat,.

4a -Pl"OVl,d.4 1ft tl~e Org,anlc Aot" thu 1i'rlars' LMd Bmrth , a8'

the1"e1"~ to be CAlled . "ere tax tftfJ and .. ere to b.eal'

lnt8l"ellt at tho l'Qt~ ot tourpe:r. oent.

!lon"". reo.l vad troll the • • le 01" 1e81J8 ot the landS

Were to be klJPt in tl sinking tudd t orpay •• n' ·Qf the

'p..1'"lnolpal at M,tu~l t,. fh11 ll:utherl.at1o~ or the

Phl1tpp1ne OOlfltU e:$1on W8.8 <lil t ed .. JMtmtt1 6, 1904. 1

:1 .lot No . 1004. Aote or . the Phl.1Ur:n1ne Oonmll •• 10n. 190"

AOOU]. Repgct or the SeoreS"Plr 9' War, 1004, XIV, 80-83. . , . - . - -

'ttle bo:n4 .• 'W'ere .Qld on F"Dl-uU'J 1. 1904, to the

allount of $".000,000 and l"'ff.11~8d 1;\ premlull ot 1630,390

Page 55: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


ITo. th~ sale prine Qt $107. (1)"7 . At the olos~ or thct

t.1s<J41 yetu· . Jun'f 30, 1904 r\t> p'alm~,.t h9;~ be~n fJIl).-dtt frQrn ..

these tund; and, thfii lI1One7 r~m61rHled. on deposit .1 th the Q

ott1atal depo.d t<)l"ifU Qt the Ins:ulBl1" tl"ltlet:!t'y . ""

2 RepQrt ~f t~B: !$~g;re1:flt:l of' l!'1n~f1e8 una Justloe ln t~e

J!bl~lRn\n!t :r!l~nflfh; P~!Q2r! of thfL'1Ile J'oJDrdn~J.on, 1904, Annual1!epol',t ot .. 'b~ ao:re~f!l~X or W&r . 1904, :;9ii- ~J94 .• _ __ - ____ _ ... _ _ _ _ _____ ... _ ... J "' _'t; '0f< - , 1JII..,. :-

fhe 1ntevt)tJt tUIl(}unteu 'to !}p.aO. OOO nnnuul l r _

In 1\1'1"'1.1 , 1904, t h.e Philippine Cofaml SBlot'l pss.aed tbe

'~lf\t'a ' l.nndt Aot wh10h p lel oed the lftnds und el' t he 'Oontt'!jI"

nt of tllol1{} l~e.lldG . SonatldfJ I!ottlfi)r s ~er lit

gtvan 'Pr·ete~en(')e in th(~ otileBn(t lett- fllng of th$se lan(\~ _

'he l e.,nd$ \l l!l'A t o b~ sol d Qne~i~ t e l"J:lBl*t thei". Go at to , . 3

t h e P,;O'I1~rnment, .

1$ A9! . or ~l:!~ Ji'hiU.ppln, 2_GflWl$olo.rl . 1004, lc:.o. ott •• )(I 'V.

• & •• - •

234...2~O .

fh$Ol"et l cal ly, then . the st&~t' \fas Bet for the

disposal 0'1 t he l and 1n sWil,l traotlJ to the r1.11plno tet)..nt~

who had SO lOl1g d.eBued it . .'e" AlltOn €; the dev1 sor s or th(t

plan WtU"S oJ,lltlt11Jt 10 enough to, llredlot that th.e; land etlles

w(ltlld Va., felT" the bondas at 1.ttatuv1 ty . I n the &Ulllmf'.l'Y ot the

rapert ot the olos l ng of 1l&lOtlatlon8', th18 , t 4'.ment


rihether Any ul'u~t~ 108,1 'w111 l)('t l noul',r e4., 'by tb~G$ tr6:lUJ,,,o1U. Q.I\, OIUl. on11 })" a :me.t,tel" of oonJ .eotur-e , 'but bowe.,ep thl& may be , 1 t MUst bell 8\lb,J of r eal

Page 56: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

t)oRgra "tul a t1 000. tbat what had tht"tt3,t !Jned. to 'become a04ne@rQU:~ /ior e 00 t hebo<11 poll tio hns bean $xUrpfl'tIH1. ~



",~~- ~- ~'---.. ----, - .t . ~ ... I I ,

The iNrvayor1a wer k of pt~!"eel11ng olltthe lande

pr l)seuted d1tr!.Qult1e.s ~!iJ 1el)ml t ~ 1134 b eooma aOQUlJtomed t~

oul tiv{1,t;lng o4Jli't·a ln lr11'.~'Ul~ t'r'a!'.tt~ iUld, rurttuH" dl t t l Gult1ea

Wl!tl"" enoountereltl wtten Dt t "'1nl)t s wert! road. to pertlJ\Jtl,de. tbe~ '0

tak~ tl"aotis already laid out on .&i reot ll.ngular 'Pl an . eurua of'

t~n8.nt8. aocultQl!a·ed to llor'l-!l}&ymnnt of' rent s ~hr@ught!mt ·tiht

yearB or tIle; ootrt'l"ov.rs1'. t.tont~nded tba t the lNldA should

be 'thelrs ,,1 thou~ payment . & ..,..~ •• :-_ rille .? -i ." ........ ~~~ ., t ~ 6

.. O·,uttel"onl!torbee . 0B - ~lt. ~ 11, ea • • • U . 9t ,

14&". ~sfJedw,h!l$ the PhlU.pplnlt a~etmlR$1·3n

exerolaed 1.,g1.81~Uva funct1ons· ftnd. la.t.r b, the ?hUlp~lne

l ctgl lle.ture t oll a l".vlta11.n~ -.tory or the 41ft'S. oul tlea

eneou'nter e-d by the. Ph11 .1 ~~pine gQv.rnm~t 1n the d l ep.oeal

or t he tr1tlf' l ane10 .

13,. tin. notl. or the Phl11.p~lne Ootltttllg ei DA on OC)tobeJ!' 2 ,

1007. pt',svl s 1.on .8 s !lir~,e for (I. l e(\,n :t\1nd tJ"ru/3 1I!hl. ilh o(')uld

1 1ll~46 mOl.";g~, l ·oaniS '.)11 6t"O))$ . l~ro.e"f!-nt." or 'Pel".Qfu~l

pt'o~eJ-t1 1ft oJ'"d,er to en0O\1 '1.'.8'" t he, ."t'"a1 i)t\ 01'

eUl tl'Vat:1.ori, ?

"1'" "'-~ . " --~ . - . Aetl;of tho , 1~111pplne eOlnro1!B~On . 19Q7, 61')t\l;IA1, ,Renor;,

ot ,$C)oro"llrl ot 1f~r . 190'1. X. 403 ..

------------------.. --.. -,~

Page 57: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


'firms to r 1n $ t t.J,ll ment J.*l.Y·fltfln t G wet'e lIb erA11 ~ed tQl~

aotual bon. t'ide tefll-l.!1 t s by ~h~ of th.e fir s t PhlU:pplne

t.egls1atut"ft in If?OB . a A later act further. 111) .. ~a.l! :!led I -. . ., ! " , I i $ ' : . , ".·t ".:00; • . """ J -

Ad! At tM ~Flrst . Fhl1~111S11nn I.e-a! fJ1, tw-, F\r~tSe$Q!9n, 1908, Ml)~!*,p.J?9rl otl3.ore'f!!'l otfflllf. 190E3~ IX, 63 .


r ent {\lQ «net ln81$al llil~nt .n hy pt"'o 'f1 41ng t or l;1uspen PJ 1on ol.'

paltlulnt. 1n tAt) evetl'CQr' OalfS-l1fl t1f!U which ~.sult.d 11\ a

hUVVtfiit h."lag e. mrk~t 11!ilftl thnl'll'ml t of the avel'a~e

a lim19.1 AArV&l!t "The lmymnnt w1 thheld IfI't'l.S t o b a $,.f.1f>crt101l0d. (;'

QmQUS the r ema1ninl{ 1n Bt~lltn~nt$. O'~'

9 Acta ' ot tUG Seot>n<1 .1Jlhl11pp1nill t.0g1 $1~tur 'e & r lrs t. Si)Bslon. 1910, !!OttBtt 1)00. 116, 624 Oong . , ad SOIfB,. ~ 6~O{) , 'eo. .

' Arael'l()aJl It\t~r'e.t l ·n ·tne frla:r l and queErt1on.,aned

alta,- the J1u:rQha8e ~t ~e lande by t h s t-'hl 11Pl>lne

Govemment . .nut a'e tentlon "a8 t"evlVfJd 1n 191() lfMn

Repre •• ntative John 1l~li"t1*' of' Colorado In AtPftftoh on tbe

floor ot the Rouse ot Rep)"esent.ntl vtt s ettaoked: t ho sal._ Or a le-rg .. tra o1: of rot'mer trb.l"s ' land to E. L . l)ooll!, the

tOl"'Mt" Tala ~8tate 1'lefll" 1(an11a to Fr ank: W. Qa t"penter ,

.b eQut1.e Seoretary to ' h. Insular <:;OYerm!Jont and the l .eo.s.

ot ~ lt~l"gG ttls,ot of t l1E%'IiHi l &n('1 a. t o ll; . lit . i:VO .1i'G~8, terli the .,. . " .. .. ,.. W

"IJPhtfW Of tbe S!t6l"etnry of the l'rlt.81"l,o!" in the Ph.lllpp1ruuJ.

10 neM '0. fi'orGe6t~r , The PhU,1p?,!1n,tl! Vliet and }}.l'"e5eflt: ,

" 0' . .... • .

41 ... ' ... . . t,-· - -....-.

Page 58: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


. "14e publlC) lnter.,st "&$ ely toc"ut'Jed on both

the .ale and rttntlll tf'ansaotlons 81nOe Pool e . aoted a, 4ft ..<

agontl tot' Ror aoe Uaveme7er I a dU' eett)l" Md. stoQkhold .• 1"' 1n

the itS""ar '!'wet; It Gharolea 5eJtetf , tct"Mer Y'1o&-preddtnt

or t! aUSMl" eonoern; Md (lhru:"les J . Well'lh, 41sb l.n,terest.,c1

tn _\IIa)" productlon. 'Both n-Mk 'ft . O~nter t Executive

aecret a"" of t;htt Insulal· (JOY.~nment and. E. 1 ... . Wore."tel'-, ..

nephetlot Seor-.lory ot tJ~fJ In terlot' t Dean C. WQl"'o.estor i

wert chaus.a .1 ttl _elnglm,pllQQ1;ed: 1.1\ the deals w1th the

Phil1ppine Oov$!"ttment. Qongrelsman ll.artln d~alo:rsd, t~ t

' 001" had l,)W!'aMBe4 the r omer San .10". Estate of 'tM

R.ooletol'J, a Mlndopo i)t'iQpel'"ty oQf1:a1..tlng or 56,000 llel'6B,

tOI" 'h. sum t>f $36'7,000, an lftoroe~ue or (Loout 070 ;.000 . . 11

over the pQVoMe6 p.l"loe troll 'be tl"lM'"IJ.


For the 1uut o.t John A • • ".t1n'. speeoh It • .., tbe, Coruer •• alona' R.SlQ1:~l . 61at Oeni •• 2d 3f98 a., lCf"V. "19?5-8007. Itft. Martin he:ct uso 8pl)ken en th •• ale of th~ h-lal" lands on Ma~oh 16; Ibt(!., 3844-3849.

Aa a result o't t1N:'tln ' s all~gatlollff , th~ nouse of

a ept-e • • nto,t,"veG pM •• " a. peaolutlon au.tho~ldng the Houae

C,o_it tee on Inlul.r ANal,., to oonduat Ifa oomplete ... I'd

thot"ou.pln., •• Ug8._1on o.t 'he. Inter10r Department of" the

Phl11p~ill\e OQvet"lUlent touohlng tbe ,fltlalnlatratlQt\ ot

Philippine land. ai'ld al l _tter. or tact pe:rtalnlng 12 thereto. It

1'2- .- ,~--~-- .--------.- __ _ e •

. ltouee 8 •• o1ut:1Qtl 79&. June 25 , 1910. Oonir,1I8.1onql Re-oord.61.' Cong., 24 3eau., 9114-9115.


Page 59: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


fn ,he investiga tiQn oOhduote..10'V$1" a perioft 'ot three

IIOntJy .ore th$1'ht.J~t dOn huftdrq4 pr,1nted pages or testlm(;1l1

\fas ~ket) tMm ~uoh 1fltne$sttIJ as t)ean Q. Wbl~oeBter.

Geol"e:taJl"Y of t-he Inte:rlor in 'be Ph111f'~1ne (}ovetmment:

Oal;;t alft G. H.'r. Pll"eeto~ ot ~he ,Nureau of Land. ;

Frank 081"pent.1" , fiXet)ut1 'Vtl Seopetll1"1 ot'tbe Inlml.~1'i

(io'iemlMnt . Md ItQl;"tM). Havetnffyer, Qh&rlGs Wol <lb.. an4 E. L .

Pool.repl"e9~nt1ns the ~ug8r lflteroe:$'s.13

A4Ji!tO&.!"Ui'\'&QRt :ehl~~;S;>n1J'1" I.,and!! !ttt! All, ~~t~rsQt ~ IraQ! Ind J1!W! 'ftrJlalnlns Thftr:e~ , Ho'l@! !\epgrt No . 22§9. 61at 3rd geai .. '

, g

A. t'-!l.e was 'J)!!'oduced by t he ()ttl~la1.8o! th., Intet'1or

De:paruent ot tb.J't ?hlU.ppln~a wh10h t>rovtd conolustvel., that

the IUile: te Foole bad b.~n pl"8oed.d: by a oAreful sorutiny

43 to It 8 lepl,1 '1 e.nd ttl", I. ttkl,d only btu~n ot)JHjluded titteJ"

the atli&PQtty t()t;~ the Sureau of Land.1S • . no the tslil ted States

At torne,-O.nfltral b3:.d oonQ\&l"red In. the op1rtton that ther~ 'Wat

no 1.",1 l1ml" to t-he a:!!Il(lllDtOt' the triar.' lAnd that 8.n , ). . 14

lndt 111 dUA, atl·fJbt pUl"ab8.Jje ~

14 ~ouae 1).90 . ~1(}?1" 61atO{)n{~ ., 3d ae91$. (60e9), 35-43.

• ax , . j '

ft1~ tUlI'fte<l Oft "~.tb.r 01" not hGIM,.mtead proV'l '.Uoft. of '.Q~tOft fltteen, of tbe 01v.11 Gnvernll\ont Aot "r July 1,

Page 60: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


1902, whleh 1!1!31t el'i t i..lei sal~ ot public l arul$ to 81 ,x-~~.i\

b.o~ftr.. ~r t (),pty Ilt);t"ftt! 1';,G M . In.<tl Vltlual and on~. thflUSQn <l '"

o.b,(! ~8nt1 ... t()u.r h$QIlW'~ iil ~r t W0ntY ... f'lvQ h'l1nflrec1 l\Ql'f6$ to

at 00roO:t-,a t1t}11 ap-pl1ed 11k'~\'18e t 'o t h f) n~l~t' 1,n,Ud a . 15

'16 .. ~ !la&tli JJ~S" G it4tutithJ-at-t~~KQ , XXX!;, 69d.

- . :» -• . ~)

fb" OOwn1tt4h! Qt)fi d.U() ~l nt~ th~ he,":tolllS Ia aanolude<i "th.n1$

thece provleloo/J "do nQtMd lJ a:r~ not: In1;efldedtll apply to

the rr!al"~· l a M, ;; iU~ 'Ch& t the aot "tt~thJ no 111':1'1 t t o the

qua.ntl~v 'Or tr'lltrs- 1,e.nd 1nw t; ~lUh t; b~, SOld . 616


ii .. , L .t ~.-· '.- t(f!i . ". ' A'-. . , -

Q,9nmr'iG'.OQJa+ ntiQQr4, $l a\: Cong . , 3d He$5., XLVI , pt. 5, 4100.

~ t

00_ ,~ ... tu:rth~ OOI'H!lude.a, tMt tne ''P~e1'' "$0 U ,m'1t t hjJ

I.UilOtlDt .01'.1. ~eGted w i, ~h 't h e Phl1'l P:I'lne Legt .1~tv&. 11 17 ' r k -"' r .. « ~~ 11 ~~~ __ ~_ L._ '''-''-


1)14 . -- - " . .

In the RIIlMry bt t 1:le lnveI:l11..tion. the _lor1 ty ~~t-t

"toQ.rtlmen<lea. tI~h~ a4y'ta:~b111ty Qr let161Q'tl on pl~t11nl 19

reAltOnable l1t.'tlt6 on .~l!&& "4 Ol}tl a.l<:\(Jt"ttd bt Oongr$&ll . if i ~ I · )01;1: - L ~ ~ ~ .. ............ a ' ., .

tb1As ' 41ea

.hl1~ the 1i1.'lo:ri 1:y 're1)t)t't in 4'f mOJle pod U ve deo.l~~t1on

IIUtm.8~8d lMt "a p61101 ot ~t"(lt~ ot1n6' JoM d tJ1'iOmelmloltatlon

s~u1d be _de plii,ln 'to o:ff'lo1allf In'lthe lalftnds 'l1 plac1ng

re&s onablc l11A1 t~t.1oJJ a on the &JlIDunt acquired by 4m

Page 61: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


lnd!. vi, dual . ~ 19

19 ' ~tb~,d.. 4169. .i

O"Ci!liio" flUO '&.

Pro,V'1 I1Jlone tl}j9 11~tt1ng the cplant lty Qt frl aYIiI ' land,

~ 9.1~s \fei'u tia~lly Ulc",d & by a.uto1!' th~ l:lU.ll»P1HC

Leg! t)lQ tU f"O ()n if' ebruury 28 . 101.11 which lmp0nedaponthe 8&'

I t':.r.a. s t he IUii,Jijlt 1.1uit:At1.on6 t)laeed upon pu'bllt> l ends b.1

OQUgt"8S8 t tl ~hQ AQt t),f Jaly 1 , I 90R - 1I1X1».,en nee.t&re, or

f orty a Or-99 t f~ f~n ioni vW:u,'i'.l t1i\d one thv'.oAnd. and t went7-. 20

fo.ur h&ct ,a.rltG 01' t iVftnty .. f.,tve hUQ,<lr;ed -s,urea to a oC)JI'popa.tlon .. ·

20 the (t'hlrd

.• fill .... ~ tin' At" Sill ' I @. , j

'1lu Jon.,s Aot 'Of 1916 pl(~otld ~th the ]\)ub110 &Hl t he unsold

trleu"' 11ilndA unut'U' the ao.ntl'"ol of the l~lu.llpplne <M,.t'erhlumt

h10h Willi authol"l :tfJd~ aub'Joet to t he ~l~'PrO"il l. or the

lJ relS1dtm t ot tn~ lin! ted ut{lteo# to l~g1a:,{. .. t" ()onQel~nltl.8 'th1 tI

1ntvt ali! 11i M'" t1 ti. el On P!!<)emh61· 4 . 19~6 the r'h1HWln. :~l -- , n _ __ ,

llltlt'~ ~~a' .8 statU!!HI,-at.4~arge. XXXI X". 845 I t .

I.lottlelct fiUr e l)a{i\sod. ",,n a ot whloh l ZHu"e tued t he ar& a ot the •

fr1er!and t hAtill1ght be j;,,,ld to an In{t1V'1dual to 3fS:S.8

3 <):r'$a.22

2lr- .------- -~--~. '-- .--~-~-'---' ~.-- -~ .. ---a,t no . , 3~&. 0$4A 0' . l1oro..,lJter , ~p. 01.t ., &9an.

Page 62: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


By 1932 thfi! loan tun{l rJIrl g1:rl&11y ButhQ1"l ilR by acat

o f tIle .Pbll1pplne Ot}f.'\l'.it1. ·salon Oft OC)tt)b"l" 2 , 1907 q()unted

to 4.39 . 6114 . 15 peGQ$. ,Of the originallY f'u1"oha.sed. l?t) t 329"9& I 66 aore9 ~ntd. 12 t'Hn't'CM"'8 , the peopl0 hu.d

pm~~~af.~(i lPo , 0Bt;1 h~otll.~·eQ , 3t:s 6.0l· .. a anti £1 o&nt ti,re,$,

al.thclugh only ~. 8;:'i.r h~ctal"eHs. a6 aG J'· ... M6 ~9 oen'lll'es

W'(trq f ully (}Wn0cQ., 01 l'''111pi rH) ls . ;G';!S . . . , " .

ABn\49l Report at the Govt;rnQl!'_r()eno:rlit.l o,t ., the Pbll1ppt_ne If!MP(l~ , 193Q, Hou:s.a l1t~e = g.3~ , ti2d Cong.; 2~ SI;BIJ ••

, .


Onfl tlnal pOint of s1gnltl(hU1ae is tbe ,.et1r~ment or

tbs fJ~l ru"'ti I :Land bond,s a; th$ ~mtl otCo(t de!li5tn r..- tf,d t lUrty­

year P fU"1. ~'1 . tn l1.~Od'lt ' to, ~"1 n~ 1 Q t In '(~ fl'tf!lftn t $ tor 1936 I _. _. .

QOD:cernlng ~tlel lneul~p Govell."'n:atent, Sonds, AtoC)tnote oalls

atton~1 00, 'to the exclusion of $1.000,000 in land PUf'Oh.a;:IU'

'bonds whioh r.a.d b.en !lulX'rl,ed lnpre'110l.l. rooord,6 1M t~

f lit-it item of l~ndea l1ab1.:tlty with the tlta,t&Alent "'tAn' puX'otmse bonds ~h1oh ,llUl tUl'6(t-. Fttb1:"Utlt7 1, 1934 . lf?:4

Vo). . tv t ~v.,~eft.~

"AI " - i

Page 63: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


l)lpl olJla:tlo "Ol"re .~p()ndenQe wh1oh lntJ"Qdueed the "att fi1asl,. .on _0 the Vat1oan.

Jhlt~ Hou,e



Washington, fl., 9, 190e

In .t811 01 taUng you U~OJi1 en:tr, lAto ~w.nt, .. tlttn year 01' your Pontlt'1o$'tie. 1 \)t)g Y{)llr Aooept.ano$ of volumes whioh Governol' ran 11111 pJ"'$een.t to you 'rom me .

'hank 7011 tOll'repeafled .exprelulons of' .good. w111 to thts oountry . 1 wlah that ,,~U may have h.pp:rand p1'0.1'8r01111 ,eare ot 11te.

To IUti Boline lt'l, Pope teo IXXI

MO $t mminent Sir:

Theodore Roosevelt

a.pa1'tmentot state Washington.,. May 10, 19Q2

I take pl el1.sure in Pl"esentlAg to i!ollr- Emlnenll8 'the HtH10l'able W. H. f a: ft· • one ot 0'!1.1' 1I0e' 41 Btl ngtrt «hed oU'1~en8. whO 1B a t preaent. ana baa. b.en tor sef'eJ'al 1 ea1"s, Clv1l (}Qvllr"nQ1' 0'1 t he?hl11ppln.eI$land'1 wM.oh l mp01'tAnt Qttlo$ ne ha$ tilled 'Witb great lntelllgenoe and. fru,~OeBS . Rels noW' returning 'to the islands after e. stay in thl Si oountry . On h18W8~1 he w111 Vi.1 t Rome .tOI' . the ~ur'PQseQt reaohlng. 1t pos81ble ... bad. t .or the Jus~ eltttlemsnt Qt que~t1on. relatl ng to J"ellg.1oU5 and 01 v:il f./ropert, held in tn. Philippine lslan4s t OT' rellg1ou$ and o.h$l"ltable usee .

I 'bar to oommend him to your oonf'ldertce and k1nd con 814.1'& t Oft wi th the 81:nnere hope tot' 8.1;t 8.1. nll~nt of' t'P,flul ta whi oh shall pr&rttOte botb oly!l a.R(1 rel1g1o\l;' welfare of' tbe peopl. e of' the island ..••


Page 64: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

I proUt bT thi" QOO~8t.on , )t08t Eml.nent 811" ... to .. tender you the aB l!lUre.n() €t ot .my Pl"~}tound es teem and oonaiderntlon .

Your obed1en.t aervant,

John Ka,y

1'0 hil imlnenoe, Oard1nal M. Ro.mpolla De 71ndo1"o, aeo t)'. 01' state to IU., Ho11ne ... , Pope Leo XII I

II Exoell,noT , it

I have the gl"atlt1.aatlon to slgn1tr to YOU!" ExoelleRol thAt lOU w111 be 1'8081.9<1 b7 HIs nollne.! In pr1vate aud1enoe, togeth • .rW'lCh the .. ember. 01 the hOR01",,;\)le IItU don 1n YOUZO Pal't7, tomo~row, 'thursday ; the t1tth Instant , at the bOllTot halt ,past twelve.

M. Ca.-tUna l ftampolla.

Rome, June -4 1902 To 'if . H. fAt! - Governor PhilIPpine IRlandlJ

.. ; 1: " • ' . 8epOr1l 91th!? SeerQtary !!!. lfg.r ~!Ul"e8.\l C,hlets.

V:ol. I, Annual 1\epQ;t't o.f the "'&,):" Depo.rtmftnt; 1902, 238. (4443)

: ...


Page 65: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


~p·IeNltrx 11

Inetl'Ue'lansot th~ Seol"'ettU7 Gf W&:r- $0 Wl11.16JU lit . fat' ..; 1n 'the llattel' ot th~ Purchase or the rr. l fit"s LMdu In. the Phl11l>pinft s .

Wap lle,tU'tmon.' Waah1ngt<tn, l4a1 9, 1902

Slr: It 18 :now &'W~p~nt tIm1 Oongr •• a .111 not bAve anted upon t ho- :Phl11pp1ne eOl1$1jLJol {')n i 8, . regAl"dlng ptlrohallf'i ot trla.l'"lJ t land! befor e tl1iJe tor Y'fiur 4epaJ6tur e toP ~l&. whl.oh oan no lO.ngell' 'be dela1e4. YOll OAn. not. 1Ul"~fjtO'I". , 416 We !Won Mpecd, ,now reoel.,. !l.nnit:e In$tl"Uot­.iona, and p1"'oo.88d to t ake i!u obll1ie),:HI In tke exeoutlon ot aJ)ttoltl0' author1 ty_ trom 001'1.($1" .&& a& 8hou14 tie ,tak~ betore to\l -ret\U"A to Manlla. 1'b$ OOJllrnltttt~. of botb HouRel :haT., however" :.'t"$J)Ol"ted t a .. ora))l, ~n OOWll18111on ~eoomm.,nt1at-10oe , an<l it a:pp.,~tJ! 'P"rob4lal~ th3t OOh{9'.'8 w111 ~C'mrlft1 their atlt1olt . In vti'tW, thet>etov*. or the c~l U.C)al $ltU81-len of tb1tl 1J.\t\)Jei)t 1n the Philipp!" •• , and of tile . ,ppal".nt I B1l>oss1b1.11t)" of d18~QS1ng ot UbOi matter thtJJ!"~ b, na8~t1 ... aUon. wlth the tr1tl1's. t:he!ll8~lve,17 Ii. tbePl'e .• S.4ent 40fJfI not tenl .. t 11b~ptJ to leae thn CJPV()~tunlt, tor ftt :t~otl¥. tlot.lon .trG~d8d b, your ,pl'e • .,noe 1n the' we,t it Hlt 11'1 she. yc>u to take t he 6t1bJf)o~ U'P1fl .th the eoole.taBU.oal sup.r ... l(.lr~ Who must ult1rnately 4.t.~.taln. tho ~ll1l".f OOUJ"Re 01 aon<1tlQ', and endftavof\' 1:.0 li'eaQh at l~ast a bAa! .. of &egot1-s.tioJltl alont11n~$wblot\. w111 bR fJa'"lt,aotorJ' to the. and t o 'the Ph:lllpplne Oo •• rnment, MQom.nt&tl by' a tullundel"­.tlanding of negQt.1ltt i one on 'bo'h 814ed t 80 t hat when Oon­f!':l'elle ... 11 have &.ctod, the bualncuJil _,. pJ:!'()oeed, tc) a aonoiue1on .1 t houttl6'lay.

You ~f) anoordlftg114utho~lltft4 l:n th. 00\lJ""8" of '1~ roet·ur"*, J01:Ui·ne-y to * 1.\114 , tG 'l'l s1t ;nome and t h(! .... e t o ·aIJo.JI'Qln WM.t tt.tltho~1tl",ha.e th.$ PQ~.T 10 tlego~l ltte tor aDd d.tlr ... mine u pon . ' •• 1tt ot thea l,anda 0.1 the l'e,1.1g1ous o~dera 1n 'Che Fh l11p;pltte I slu.n(\e t .an4 U'yOut1ntt, a, we ore 1ntonef., t htl.t the Qt'tl0.1"~ or tneOhu:rch at ROil. have $Uoh ~o1feJ' a.,4 Autbo~lt,V. lOU w111 endeavor to atta1n thc above lndlcu.ted. AJ\y negotiations tfhloh IOU 1M1enter Uf,i 0!l a!te a1.$1" .libJsot to gr 4ntlng .ot POltB. \)1 congr.~. '0 tol,1,·PW' the ,RcgQU&t1ono 1If1t'h blJ'ld1ng 3.otton. In any

Page 66: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


oent.renoe and negQt1at!Ql1s ., yO\! 1f11l b.,ar in ralnd 'he tollolltlnt; pr,f)·poll1 ttona wblLoh a,r~ deemed ,u b" tundl1J1enttoll . f!\,i'ltl "h1Qb shl)ul<t lo)t) ta1.11 ann trlJll1kl, &i·t a,ted. ~o tb~ ath.*," ~de .11\ nu~ .Jiogotl.atlona. .

(1) One 0'1 'he o'Ont~olllttg$)'t'1J1 ,o1pleG of our government letho ooroplf,tte liSP£«:'­a'tlon ot ol\Ul"M and .'Q;t~ . w1 th ·th nt1~e t reedom ot .J1Qb t;t.'ttl M1' oQ.rrtr.ol

or lnte1-te)!len.~. by '!:i.e otbfJr. 'M., pr1nQl'Pl~ is .1tn91tlr"tttlvG 'll'b.IJreyet'" J\1li~7'lQan Jurl~(14)~lotl '(~l(tt'ntb ana no m()~lit'lQ£i:tloft O)i' S~d.1H.if tl\t~ll' ~Ot' QAA l;t) the obJect ~t tUaaU0Id .·OfHh

( 2) It 1.9 nno~atuu"1 now to dCH ... l w'lth the l"~ault s 01' ee.t aoll.sh1nfS ~ ttQ"e~"nmQllt. oootl"oll gd by t hl c PJ'ltlOl pl.fJ' ifl tb~ Ph111rJP1n~ Isla.nds ; ~h1cl~ have fOJ!f Bentur1fube~n. i!:()vex'rutd unaer. An tfn­tlrely tU t t t)t ,s¥,stein w1th ob~(Jh stat& oj(l$.ul y un:t~$d. tUld ru....vtns 'h~!t,nt)t1 ont! 0.1 one ·e)cero! tU,a by ~.nt$ o.f the other.r; 'fl'heve the Qhurob haD long eontf"o1lod ' .ai'ul tu)t~d v1t"tuall,,. as ttl. ag.nt .of tlle ' (lt~tE In the '1eld of vub-

10 It)ltl''tlotlons' t\nd publ10 chut'ltla •• and baa, troQt UJ.!f! ~.o 'tlmll a'!)qw...ft~ la~«a

\ p1"Op el"tl~e hltld bl 1t (U' b'1 8uDoJ."'"i lna'. Qorp ol'"l1<t 1,etts ~r ·01' \'"1 ·00:08 toJ'! 'theae pUl.). 11Q Q~U$4g . A nQv~l GUUn.t1QA has 'btl!le.n oro~ted unellll" tthloh a<lJuQt!lll'tlt of .hllS to' eiftd.fs a:p~t"Qprlnt8 to the tormel'" .ItVat" ent1p.e1yt'n,111f to }trod,,!)., tbe In'.n4.d resul t" under the new 81'St." and the t!lGpt!f"a,Uun o~ ohtn~oh .nd state t'eqy;1"~8 to bat()llt:,ffeil ., III read.Juetllen'f;. al\(l ,~.­z\it-rangemoflt 1n thu- In.'tfn''·.sts or hoth Qhuroh6nd sta t., .-nd f or th~ at tr-r1nsen't, oi the gt:-~at enda orcs. vl1 .g.ovOl"flmc.nt , at 6du.eal!ilon , t),tol~1t,. and of' l'1tll,f5'lon.

(a) 81 reaGon (J., t bee.opat;\at1ch 'he J!'e.U"s­lema .()t"dt')~a .,an no lon~r ,IH,rfol'J1l 1.n b, .. h t\.l f l')1 the g·t ut . the dutl,es In to p"bl10 lns~"ut)_lon ao<l t>ubllo Qharl­tl~1 tormerly l'.s~lng upert tho, a~d tbe pow'~ Which 'i\t;1 tOJ'ftH&:rly tilx@l.'ioiae4 t.hr0146h. t l'.ud.J7 relatlons to tbe 01 v11 ~vernlU$nt j be1n« now Witbdrawn, t ll.,

Page 67: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

t ,l ,nd th,' ,tnS~, vet% tho obJect f>t .\lOh, h()tfU,11 ty , ~.n t he pal"t of t.htll,ftten-antl*, $ga, l nstt}\ell1 ita landlOl~d,_ fl " Al\d on 'tho (J9it't of 't hE't pl;f,opltl 0' tho ~rlJ)h~~ tt.Rl~ln$t th~r.t G.G pept·eGent" ...

tl'lJ'es ot tb~ fnl'mev St)vel:'nm$nt ,t tha,t t he), t~r(jl nGlouga~"' ~avubl~ or $~rv .. tn,g any u'GGtul purpOGi1 tor the o.nu1"oh . No :rent s OI-\n ~e C()lleu'l;ed t l"O r{l t ile populace emznun11~l~g OQeUI~y~ng tlltdr lMdu unl@$s l~ be by t he lntcf"ceB'" fJ10n of t.~e Am{U"lC)eJlgovemment .,1 tb the arCj~d foroea . Spft~kj.t'1g generall,., fQ~ e'8w,rul )"(H~l!"S P~gt th~ fN,'nl'~ _ fot'Ul()rly lnat &\lle.>d. OV'4~ 'he l)Il1"iBnOR, have b'oen \1,nAbl t) tQ r $tJ'W\ll\ at their POlS'to$. . a.ntl ar e aolleatod, 1n ~.nl1n 11t;h fib,a v tl.ln hm)C ot r$tul'n~ng . '!l'lI:>,. w11,l not be V'oluntft4:1.l,y 4c()el,te4 b1 thupcople. , ~ld ;liun .-.ot be rest c'V'ei!l to th~1~ poGttlo,ll1J ~1tGept 01 t i"l fio1blt!! In ... t ".,r vemt1o}i on 10be pil;~t ,ut 'en'! ai ,vil

V1ilmwe.!lt , ffht oh the prl noiple~ 01 ow,­tfOV~f'tt!t.e.rt:e tl)l;'bld ..

It i tl manifest th~t~~ t'h~J!e oond! ... tiona '1~ i ll ("Oll t he l n t $p$s', s o't th ohWi'Qb Q. Q wel l as thA ~tp;t~ , t-hat , t il l:lndlof'd PI'{IPl"l .,t:O~Ilh1p ottbe , rdlg.,.. i()Ufl 01"Q,fJl1!} 1n t he FhU .. t Pfl1n"e Iele-nile ""h QlIld oeM.tJe •. 3ntl tl:w.t 1t the ohur'oh

""',"shes , .a !:l at C0UJ:"tUI) ltdOfUIl'fllh to contlnue i.t.1i i1f4ot\S 'he peOl)io of t he lalattdil aR4'o ,eonauCit 1n. I t a own Y,'Ml f a $y.~eJl! of loatnt'l"­ien " -l:th whl o.h .$ l)av~ no de d~tt to .:1nt(ttJf.~ I'J " 1t flhoul.d iiillelt «)tl'H'" agents t )1f)Te: twe .

(4( It 1$ tllt) lJ1sh CIt ~~vell'nmeftt 1n (\t$ tte a1}rtgl:'8SG $na:ll ts.~n't a1lthot'1. ,-y. th~t the t1 t 1!);s of tile '~ells1tl1iG ol~dfJt"& '0 1&1'$'. t1:'aQt s of agt"1oulturDJ. lanaI Whlohth.,. f'W1f hol d .lh .. 11 b~ e)[~lng~l$b.a:, but t bat tull Mti tall" eo.rnpe.naa.t1 01\ .h~u,l 'bel'l»J,d. ~h.1"et.ol1' ••




Page 68: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

( .5) It 1s not , hQwevet.'.4.~iI!ed to be tor 'the lntarfJstf!t Q,t the peOJ;)le ()t tbe. Pb t.llf)1plne IJJJ.l'!.nd1l 'hA~. lnthe tr'8h& ... tor.lng Qr wholly unpt.'odQot1 ve tr~o'. f')t lM<tl.nfio mnney o8.f,able Qt l nvlIt't .. . ~enf$,s . a tund .flo\Jld thereby be t'pea' ... ad fiC) be used tot:" 'the at temptM ".Ito-atlon of thf;l rr1at"1!l1 '-QtHl~J)a;rl ahlJ.

tli'Gtn whlob th~1 ltl1ctnow Itepa,rn,ted. . w1t}" the co.nfJequent (Utltllrbanee or l&.w t\nd o;rd~~ 0;

(6) fbe t1tl ea 'Of the gr~a;t amount of' ohul"Qh l Eilll4a f.'tn rt buildlngs In th$ t$". l&1\(le , ot.be1" '!;~n ~htHut of 1!he 1"e11a-1~.uf,J. ortlftl"$ (me. now .~pp3r"entl,. (:)l$tHtd by the state, $hould be ,(J(lttl,ItCl t~l.1"ll.

( ?) Pf,"oV1 don ehoulil b e IiXAdfJ tor ~.oel'tll.ln ... went what ~ent,'a.lIJ I' U' att1 t ou.ght '0 be 1')11.1<1 trJ'r conventos (l1\d othe)l' l:lh~ci\ bUl1(U.nga '!IllS,on Mye h~ctn occupltt4 by Uni t&d ,3t n.ten troc'l)$ <lW'llng t he 1¥l,Wl!'­r.()tlon ~ th1.a b alns. (tt oour~G . $'\1~'.hlu,t to turthel-' '5Ptte1t1o aot.161\ bl

(8} ?h@ %.'1gh1H, and eoll'gatlorts ramal-Illtl" 1Ul­a"J!f ~i.\rlQlh! ,sJ)t'olf'1 c 'U'\tst$ tor «!ducat ... lOll @d oht1.rl ~.' Whloh ~lJ A 01'f ln dou", ana ,eontrovel"'l!fy 'ougbt to be •• "".<1 b1 ap-eeltuml 1t :POsslble ~ .. ~h.l' the by .1bw and h'4t(j1lently d11O.8troWl proo ••• of U"t1gt\tlon, ~t) tMt thebenetlQlent J) or tb!j.~ rCl)un44tlona ., not t all.

un loUl" er~AAd " .11l. no~ be: 1ft oar '«tnfUJor degree ,41plomat.1o 1n 1t. l:tAtUJte, but will bepUl'ely a bue1nestJ IMttel" ot ftogotl &­tl,Qn " 7Q11 48 Uo .... r.ft02J!at the Phllip. pines tw the puvohali. of pl."opea:-ty' tt'0Il t wnel'S thepeot. and the "e'tle:lI1oRt ot land titl e. in Buch _nn.~ aato 0()ftt.rlb­ute to 'ne best lnter elfts of "ho peopl. ot 'Chs l al&naa.



Page 69: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


.AlIT a'Sl.stanoe whltlh 1~l~ mal . desli1'et .hQtll.el' 'OA . 'lb:. ptU"t qt ott1oer lll Gt the el.1:1 g ()<Y(tl!'nll.ent or. all.l,tar, otUO"!",8-t to en~bl& you to pe:rtorM t-n$' t1tttl~9 aboy, dtraol!'}bedln a manner, ea.t1f1.taofioJ'Y '0 1ou1'8elt, will. U." attQNedl b1~t t h:e'bu31nl'tfl's ). tt lett en1l1ri.tly 1n ,ou.r bandJJ, fNbJe r)t to etton (\otion «lim., be t aktu\ p\!ll'eUM' 'I> 1$. UPbl\ your' .1"6pO-1:·' ..

To Ron., if . Jt~ fart

Vert r ,(tgpeottul ly.


' $~el1 . of "~.r

01,vli Gov4l"n{)~ otthe Phil1pplne s t'tashlnltan. P. ell

, .~n\ll1l. neS()!'t, or th~ '/far" Vllpfu.'tment, Vol. I. 1902 APpebdlx ' t i!3i}, ~,35




Page 70: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -



F'QR~ ()~") iUlRl~l:.:M'i;;~ ~~""" 'J1 . i!t .....

Thl ft ~eement bet1fef;ll Oal""d ln.l.l ~fll~l.lfll ; i1SsQJI'ettU'y ftt S't:a tft t o H:11i llollnetUi ,LBO XIII . 'rdp1"()centln(& Hill ~oll­a·6Ss. . IUit'i ~ll11a. lto;llQvd I,(iutt , \)1 v11 Oove%'fK)l" of tbe 'Ph111:pplne tolatlt\Q.; r$~':santln€( t hu President ot the Uolt,d S"bates and thfJ }"hl11pplno Uo"fornment w1 ~n!U$.t11 tha't ...

~"1l".t _ . _ ... _ e \'f1be PhlU.pp1n$ cove~maent Q~$.e. to tnt7 all ~21'lt.)Ultul"al landt'S.; aul1dlng& • . 1rrl­~at'l():t\ JIIlantB antI ottu.t1l.t l mpr'Q11elt1ents th.rtlol1 e1tuated ln the Phllippine. Areb$! .... pol.llgO of the 1){)m1n1cani Au~st1I'd,3n

it(t ftOGol~toOrd-el"s Md to 'Par therefore lI"ea$onabl e and tall' ~V'1 o.a t'l)rGd 11\

eX'ltu~n"1.1 br ( .. t.rthunnl of arb1-tl"a t1ofl to be aompasud, of rive m$ltlber. ~ two ~o be a.prmt ntod b'1 the 'Po,pe , t\fe h.l · tb~ PhlU.J~1n.e uovlt:r;nmont and e. ritth 'D1 tb6' {it>V'er'nol!'-a~tH!ft'~,l r;f IndiA. 1bfJ tl1'lbuno,l ah-"l l l\Htijlft .1tSIJ&lJsllJill. JanufU")' 1 , 190:$ , sMll " '8081"e .,vldenoe on th~ qu.sst1(!.l1l of value '0f land t'obe 4dduoe~ bt t he tW£) pall't ,l .eB to th<t 00n ... t l"O",tIU"SY .. ..,.1." suoh lfUHls as t1'1-bunal «eoma n~oea$art and Q~tltr ~W~l'd ot value ·Qf '6Ueh lMds to the 01v11. goverfle»:" or th$ Ph111pl)lne ll ~nd th~ ~oh .. b1fPhOf> of )(an11fl. or t ho Apoato11¢ n.le. gat, ot fi t . 1t.()1.'n~8~ .

II. ,maJorl',ot 1;Ji;tbwlal :lUI uk$a.$rd. LM~B 1;;0 be &PtJralsed' a!l<l PUVOhiH.ttd '(thal! l tlnlude ~11 l.ndaotmed. b1 t f:\otbrea­ol"dftra Oil the t1.l'Gt of .Mar tn. 1898 1ft vrbloh slt.14 orders 01'"- &S$()ellit1 on.~ , lSU\).. Jeot ~Q the oontral or th~ hoed Oct the QathoU.o OhUfioh shall retain n. _Jori " I n .. eve,.t ~1 vl,,'tueo!" oW'nttl'$h1'p 0'1 IltQok in tl~ oompan,. or ooll:ll'anle Gt 02:" 1:»7 otJn­'~aot ~ltb'~ l :l\t\l vlduala 1ft whO. now kl'4ist. 'h~ les«l t1 '1 • •


Page 71: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


"'1M • _ J1 k

Ft:!l.trtl l

.:" ....

'tbct Phl11J)Pltl$- Uo"l1:1:-nm~n. ape~jJ til.) ~(Jlea ll. b1 l.elll!Jlat l Vff 4e~ to th~ t:"t:.,. lPl'fHlentat1 Yes ' c,t' t he ft()~n Oe,th~110 $;.ulI"'Qh, d~dt~ila. 1; Etd b, HI. fi011fH:t~ ,(!! , t b ff Pqpe, all llutds (>l' 8nclosur'e i 'Upon whloh 'Rutn.OO C41'Jhol.l.o OhtU"oh·e llJ 6n4 QOl1-Vctbt (M· .nillt: s1'i~n(!t t>¥h lCcb ~n}re n~V!!ll." 1), <1"4 or rQr~l ~£l.rlt o~rntfl'1l't(l t>1 rspa.ln to' t~ ftO!rl~n Of.(i;J~o110 <Jh\lr'oh , t he tHll.1!le. t '$ be held bl Guoh J!"'J}:lf> esettt,fi,1;l ife rOll" th~ mitt;! f) f 1l0C'it.1i.n (lutholl olJ of the Pt~ .. 1~h(U3 t n ~'h1.eb lsmlh oh';.\1~Qhfts 0" QOJlf/~n­tQa nOl\? att;Ul t! wi th out pr.JuCU.~~. how .... (jV{lIr ,to t h ;(: tl t l. i9 , 1t t ot the tilll",.. n1il,,:pnll ; yln ~h1 oh liuuh OhlU'!',.he a ot" OQfW¢t'l't<:itl I:1££J e t aml iP tl 'Jl e~ to f1\\l cb. l~nd t o ~ a~fH)·rt~ ttl ol."<Unary OOUi"1)s of l ei ••

!h~t l)1U lllr'plthl~ve;vnJtent t\ndl the tt~17 $~B w111 by o'Q~p;!:"o~1!(.fi, lt postJ.l'ble, :t"a:a:(!!u l.t:tl 8tgt~()~fIl tllH'1t W1 th ree:psQ't '0 the ~ha1111H;, ~au(J&:tlon~l.,u\d oth~r tcr,;aat a onnoevnlng wh:1 obtut):t'(' 1, nD~


41 fl1')ute as to th~ Pl"f)pq1" tNtit.~Q, 'by t1@ tr~:t~mln1n1 whl <*L Qt the tl?fllS", 1t an1, shrt,ll b~ (l)l·,"i1 1>,. t:h." oJ. 9'11 g OY ... ~t" 4nd wh1 en ot the 'VIUlIt,$ , 1t ~n'1 f by tlle R'om~n t1a~hf,)l1.o Ohuroh, or b:1 '.1 $ ltf1;ent·s . tltHl Oft ta11ur~ to );oen6n an~ ..... metrt ~t aU,ld!!,ri ~telpoJ. 6 -.t,ll abl d.e bJ the­f :h1d111S.$ I)fthe t~lbtJnal of t.\rbUa~atlon men t1.()n ed. 11~ #h~ f1r~t 'p":r'~~apb 1-0 whom al l sue:h queGt lcila shc.tll b e $\.lhmt t. ted. as u. ()OUll"t of ti:n(1.1 JU31"i f:i(llct1on t a~tl. sb.«.ll l fiol ude thttt.sSY~ ~l.ftlng 1.n r'er~~t!Qt to the aan Jc,ae tnun<la.t·l onn,ow pi.fndl .ng 1.0: 1!:he ~u~r""ut~ GOtlt't I gliUt(}$ . ' .

fh~ l;"eaeon~'tble ,toftn~l,\l R. it a,ny; wh1ob 0ught" tp be. psi a, tQl·· th~ oanvantofJ: Md other ohurob bU11 d.ll1irBwh10h h.av. b-eet\ oQeUpied 'br the UnUoft(\ a'6Jl.te~ tl"'o~9 dtn'1n.rt t he lhsta.rr (JQUon., . $lml l bt;a.I;Q:'~ .. ttt1n!lfd... t or t he lntol'"mtlon of 1)0.11 Pfir'­tle~. bJ' ~~h t't Ptl~SOntl whr; tt:Ofl$tU1U'. the _bo,,~ mGn.t1p ll'~d tl'"luU1\sl or al"~lt1"aU.on . In ~I:leh t~("'8~ th~rll4'1lt:ll tak &- lnto co.n­s1dettl'lit1cUl tho 'tllo*'t,lnn whetbe:r or net


Page 72: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

1he chul"eh or OOflV.nto~ 'fIas. (\.ru~my · a pfl()pe.~t1 I1ft4 was prop. ttly oooupled tn t1:t1u~ of w~ wIthout l nOU1"l"ing obliga­tlon to pay rent . It i s undGr~too<1 thllt the r.en'Oil · to be ~sewtlil1.ned M Y lnelude allow!IJJo~ tQ:~1nJ'u" d(;nlSl . a:p aJ. t ,er8.tlcms Rlade In {!Our 4JC ot oeau'r;a n an , to the bUllt\ '1ngl$ oe.cuplEJd tfhen ~~pl"a""dlt OJ' 1,m'" pl1~dl1 f:,utllo.,,, .\ ZGd pY 'OQllUllMd1ng ottt<)er of oCQ.U1<yll1g tr.'oa!)i/$ , bu,", :an(nald flot In .... ~lud\$ 1nJw:"1 o.rlr:.1ng .fr¢Ul t ,fi.6 tOli"t\i1 til'" W'lv'thorlzed f\O"C:'J or Q~1~11er8 , an,4 should. not 1nuhH~~ d(MlIat!G ~,th~ l"eS'ult) or tV't11t) Qt ~~t\ti!l \Vttl.· ~ t~l.~ ~~-oretary of' ~tal1" un ... derta..%:es to,p.t·i)K~nt to tht) CGn~eGg or tne UI11 t~d i:lto. t e s th3r'eltul t~ uf tiU1 In ... q::u.U·Y nOl'o!n Pl"ov!(led to);" , with r.eqil€Hst t(n~ .• mtbol'·lty and Me-AR$ to pe..;y the ~el&'" tal .• 80 ,8.uoertu,ln-e(1 tQ hedu~.



1'ho toreg.o t ng $tl.pulatlQn~ Ql'\i ,,1fiti,(1 ~m 'tne tol .lowlng oan­dlU,on, ....

( 0 )


.arhAt t .ltl~s of th, three Ql'\l4!rs 'Q the ngf'1cul ­tu,,-U:l, lands mont1 on.ed lrt one ~nd ot am1 sub.l.\e~uent gr.~,ntJ. ~tj tbet'00t , stw.l1 bet duly

o'nvaY'e¢!. by (l(t@d~ of U~uala..lld pJ."$per. torm: to Ph11d.J; t}cvern:nent , and no part o,t t!lll P1U'¢l" .. 1).6tll }'>1"10e shil..ll b e p$1.,1. Un.tin thl$ 1>1"0-vi ~ton 1 f~ cOlllpl l ~d wl th ,

~.(tt ~~:n mr;;U!bel"s Qf> tout" li'~11g1Qu& Q:rd.~r'8 (} t ' . 1"ugust1n\ l\l},p , n0'Oole~oe andfrrut­olse.tnt> n Ot! l.n th;e t'hl11pp1ned shnll w1th<\ra;w, one .. ha::Vf' ~;l'tth1i1 nin~ 'Illonth$ from Mt,~ of f'1ret p.uyment ~tld olle --ha1.f wUl>11n 61ghteen Ulonthi thef'eltft:o~ f ~t1d !ne~nt1n~ th~y ahall n.ot t tHi.OO t t>t"fH~0h ot" 00 pal"1 Ghr.m1"k. Olf work of inspeot­ion In the Pflj:.T1-.hli)s of the a.l"Obtpe1fltto; (txcept tbat for (1 perioo 01' t wo ,e~f' n ttttel' t ho f1rst 'PllYmcnta 6uttlol ent nut'lb~~' of uuoh m$mb~N:I . .., ~erJUiln to QC)nductl!oil()o1.G" tm1vGt'u1 t.l~a t QQtlV'cntual t}hur(J:tuH~ nO\J't)oll(l\lct'~d b:r ttulm,. W1 'th<lx'u'liI1ng fi'Qt:t th:e l alMttnt t;ha ,Ol.Q8 f:! wt eUQb p~),"lo(1; md ~..toer; tru)'tlH"'·. thAt AU, aua n ,members shuil hn.v(Ji o~ntlttu.cusl,. d.1!11{l:n({X"ge4 thlltl~ QI'.t!~a Ill) ~nN.shp1'1ost s I t'}. tiny };ml'l sh Ql1t nl d e of' Manil~ , fr'om J\,u~; lSea, to tbe

Page 73: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


dQ.'to hereof , maY eontlnue #11 S'uoh. an4 Dot wi t ,hdlN);'If bora. 'fie lG1An<'1SJ ('ndi thut • no ~panl ,3h melilbAra or sald tOUl'" Q~d .. rt'l ~,kll herearter ~~ lent to the 'islands.

(0) .!CXoapt ~i$ p1."QV1d.ed Lit (b) and :1n tnl.slon­arty parlshel3lloi'l (lOtl4tloted b1 the tf.sul te t on11 a'ie0ulfW },"u:'!est,a Of' non-Span1sb=.nembflrll of l"e:U.g loul ordfn'9: wbNht J)'I"ot!utnQe in the ~arll$be$ 'W1.11 fl"t; dle'urb the poAoe $ndi order the~QtehQ.ll b".ppolnt,d tl.pari$b pvl estl th Tbt term IIII.oular p~'le9t:Q;u a. ailed ln thla pn;rAfPJ&pb. ,hr.,11 not lnolui\e $eoul4l"13e4 &p4l'l1 sb. JlfunUel'$ of reULu..~\lS OMer, •

lU I Hol1nelSson b,t . p:{t~t httl""by AfPfO.1S: .0 the ,stlJ)ula:t ... 1&1U. fttld oondltlontl fte1"elntuttur ,eeet t or'b an4 QontJto,Qt. t.he.\ the four peli_auu ,o~e.d herein named and th$lr memo, ... *, "ha ll Cf),l1ilply " ,t;'h the ,Ilpulat1ofUJ and. conditione on tbell" f)Sil"t to be ~&rtoJ" ... 4.

Appe:niU,x 0 : 250-252. Mnu~l. :neRo),!'t or the Wav 1lepa~tmel'\tj .l90~ , L . . , . L ' -.

Page 74: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

A.rt101~ l'


'~e Phllippine Gove1"~tlt buy. \he r.-11i10\48 O~4ftPQ - l»mlnloana. Augu$tln1~n8" and R"QQ1.~tud o-.ner's ,...ellb.y the inter ... ve,ntlon and ~t.ho,rl ty Qt t htt il011 See . 1)ho lu.nch to> t ,nem l.H~loAg1ng 1n the l?bl11~l>1fie


4*"101..0 l lrhl fJ fl·Qnt1"~ot ~o'fijp~ehends all ap,lcul tUl"al ! • . l.cul(iti ln GpQn,l sh hao:l end.a with bous.a . 11"­

rlgation \Yor ks ., .o.hlne.ry toJ' 'Iarlou8 In<ht.l& ... til'les th~r~n o\.1n~<l by tne t hJ"e ... a ' .. 't'.1.o,ned ordtu'<J, but @66 nott)C)mJ>"hitUld notuse $tId, Qh\JI-OOff., . PQ1~i ()hl~\1 o.J!" oonv.nttte.1, w1 th or' ,w1tbout gar.'d:en . fl(U" (JOW1tq htnl~~S wlth -ol" ~11, t 'hout ~nne:;(e(l J)r"Oportl, Wh1'Ub th. ••• order!! ·nmt' oWn ou.tsldeot tWD" tor' their p_'I"&ona.1 U$ft.


Ar' III It ~h~ owner$htp ntthoae ha()1"l'l4-A1I tuua b •• n ., ! " -t,r.ans i -eJ"t'ed, by 5h~"' s to lnd.ustr1t1l1 ()Ql't)OI' ....

t ,lonu: Bondltut,ttd tor the exploitation 'beJ"~ ot i thf;,n t h e object qt t'b1. oontract. sball be a l l thesho.re9 1"e1)alAea: bF 'ho thr • ., ordejla; ant} th.,X'8tor., /Ju.oh lIo'«1:rell .b~ll b$ paRGed over t o 1:,h$ Pb111ppl .nc; gO".JiJnMnt ..

At"U~~e .u The ~qut tabl., ,PJ;"lee tQP tb.,@eland8 !ha.ll. be fixed """ a t1" ot a rb1 t1"a tio:t\ oompo&e4 ot t i Y" members . of It'h!on t"o ehall be ' nllmed. by t he Hol .1 ~·ft·e , tW'o b1 t he ' b1111)r>lnQ, Q,o,. .. e:rn91Gnt, .and t ha tu"th by tih'Ose. t$\U"' or. by agre.e.ftt(j.nt betwe"n :JU,a Hol1tH~8 B . the Pope, and, t ,he Pr (te:ldt'Jllt 0t 'the Unl'.d str,.t~$ •

.$I.rtlo1oV The trlbuMl ot a r t-d tJ'at lcn sl~ll begin ltd .os8.10,ns on January 1. 1903; slUlll gGltn.J'I' l 'n­t'tl~metl()n at) to v~lue or the l ands; sball evan lIlt Judge. J')l'OP ttJ:'; inspect l), the l M dff •. gnd n tt.fWWtUl'd shall r .mlt to the elvl1 government or the Ph11J.,pplnes tU'ld: to t h" ApoBto110 1}Qle~t & «' dO·OU1AMte.d oata11.J.lgue Qr t he ltm;d$ ff1 th tb'e11!' ll".,at~ctl va p1"10e8 .. !he priGe 6httll h I) t'lx fCl b,- a maJor.1t., ot the trl.bwml.. flnti Buah dec1s10n GIlD'll btl '1 thout a:ppftal .


Page 75: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

!Et!al~ !l; " be Gb3rtta 01'" t he ,tt tle deeds fl.1 the J..nd" fill10h A.1"G thd: t'fbJ~et' B ottfJls oontrUQ~


sball be tPMKt:&rrtd 6Q<to,r41ng to <

t ,Q%'ms utJef"tln "me".! (Jan Jut''' a~rut\t.lne&'o tn. l"b.l1! GoY,e1l"ilmfmt betptf'e ~fiV 'Pattlu~n' tbOl'"-ttol"'e e'b$ill. " llail.,.

&!~t1()l e nt. !lh(t}.\l'\te~ ah~ll 'bg ll'nld by' the PM11Pt.llne fu)'1(t}f'nment tn Jt8lt1 ,e.t~n dollars tn tb~t)'tlf/ft1'" In-ents , on,e .... tl:U.rt}, th1rty days, Qfter notl,fl ... oat"on Qtpl"'loe tmd del1v,ar1 01" 'fJ'twtre$ or tltla de,t:4s, onf~ ... th11'"t:l. MntHia after tlrli"t pa1Illen1; e.;n<1 tilt" final y:ul1lfittnt.t.,F~.~fi mo,n'U19cd1hltr t;ne tit"d.ftetw{) l~$t pq­tUQin'ts 3hall b$fW 1nto'!'Gat 'at t 'he 1'~t9 QI tru{~"p$r eent frem t ,hf dAt~ of ,tnft til's' paynu~nt . 'tht) ~a.ymfln' ~mtl1 It*-' ilUltie tore ....

.. p)r~u<.mlt;l.t..t,YCillt$ pf the Qb;~~ohd~d«nat,"d u, m,lJ 1tolln!)~. ~n4~~o..lil'c;t ~a.0e tm~ll bfl 10 Bald 3}ld.-U.pp l.lta' ,·GoverDffHJn1l 3 IN!O~11)t of 8\aJl ,a-Id.

&rti24f V~lf. ~~ P.htl1Pt>ln~ ~9~1n.tfB'hl .1ltl(1)Jlat t if. f1~' 81mll 't~9;n" t." , 'C) lttJl'fJon t1,.lgnntG4 br IU.. Hol.tncsa ~$ 1"'Gl,rfSt.!lttnt~tlv .. of ~b.ul"'-on •. tull t>wn"~i)h1p ot landO o~ tlnolt)m.t~.$ Gli "hlo11 acre obur(ih~8,_ o.~.tltli"l~!'J tJi' OGnv.n~ tea" ~t\1Qfl w""a n:eYer $0 'l'annt(Jrv$4 »r Sprt!"A t~J1',mo;lly ,or lty 1ifl!"1'tt,tUl ·a.ed.. RHl&in, i1.ow*"vQ.l:' . tUltlW~Ua}?d~4 the rights of 'm\l'rllc:1-pall \1 tiS l:n~he: 17IX"$,.. i*hl()l\ a~,ll lie {tnl, ~rov ... il 1n OlNUti'U'Y ()Olll"1}f~ ot 1&1f.

&r.t,191.~.1" " ' he . 1~111pplne ~o..reF:nr!ent and _~ Hoi)" Ih~tI shAll oatlle ~o .n.nttJlfl.Ml)le accord 4$ tottx .... 1 stlng trutit~ of' utm1"1 t, 01' eduaa. Utltl whot oh ~:tl;l 1n 41~p"te j aft<!lshall dE)''m1.f\~ "'h1ch

814'111 h0'l\'$" lie· ai1ml:Jd.$'~~d 'by Illv1..1 gQv$rnm~nt and tih1eh h)"t,ne eh\R'*cb ot" 1, t. ,agentl)' 1.f s'Q~ll ~QOCl"'t1 4iInMt l'l~ 1'8aoh:ed ln Any g1Vl!!n08t1e, the: trlbuno.l tlt arol1: ....... 'U,Qnsb!l..ll bi; ct9mpa,l0-nl. ~tlJ)~elall¥ 1n t;.'h q tt$t1tlol'ls rel1il.U. n 'to t Ug S.tUl Jeee Truitt tl.owpendlng In the, ~Upr\laH; Dour' ~:r t;he Island,.

, .~

Page 76: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

Alit 1911 1£

Al'tt 'C)l~ n


1'be; ~tll~ trlbutf31l >!ihall tlxth9 ~ul ta:~l. " t'~nt tf>'l!' C,)QUYj';ntoff a nd other relt.~lou 8 b~il(nn~s tl~t "~l"eecou!)1.ed by the Amot'·lcnn tr-O()pi) dur lnR ,the l nstlt"f.'"o1rl·on . ;n 1.$ undoX'­:J1;o~d th(-ifi such J!"~nt shttll aompr..,hend " Ju~t\ . \lowp..6n~rlt),Dfl fin<- th.e ~~ter· l or'tft!.on es.u~'-i!d to oueh;tJ 01 th~ An:pr'lann: t rcoPEJ . tn dQubtful. Qa t;'f}.a, filwtrll)un.n.l sh6J.l 4eotde -bother t be l."t(Tl t 4i>.u(! oompe.nsa.:t s.on tU'··e due •

.. he t!.$ot'Qtary Qt lh;.t' "1.11 f.11·0 1:Hm~to the ;Jem,€p"Oi'!. 8 the (JQ nclu,,!oJls of th'1e. lnvf~ 'tlga ... t lon ftnd ask ~\lthoril' ... t1on antl th.o rU.m1s to PU.l thf) sum tlJMd b1 tlh~ trl bu.naJ. .

e qtt1 tal)l~ tWl a ry to t 'hl!l $e1li'bel"$ Qr tho trib.ul\.(u ot' tu:-bl'tir:"t l un . fill! Wt1l1l an :all ~ .... t ) Qr,l,4i(l ff, ot th~ l!ia-tl'lu 10 1lbQ .,xe(mtl~n 01 'tll" .

,t)vn a1~t.1 01~'$ , ~llE;~ ll be pnld by t .hfl PhIli p.. p l fl11 nOve~mmtl'nt .

~l"tAt!?,;t .. ;:It 'l'h@ » 011 Be l} .1n t hAt 'BI~h(trft or antl·on wh10h 1a It$ eorJPQt!ll'no~ sht!.ll~Qe all ot lt ~ in'" tl.u~nc~ 1n 1);h& p.ao1t'lcfttlon of the At'ehl pel,... ,;\ ~~Q 8,1'1<:\ ltl r~v\t)~ of a dhe41 lO n t<> t h(:! f!J~ '&b.. l1. lil.h~d gov&l'tl.ment Iolnd sl},.o.1.11 pI"eVent al.l liH>" 1.1 t 10al ()P~o' Ult)n on th1l' par t or t~~ 010l"87 re:I~u.l.~rand ce{!lul a.r ' II

~"Qlli .Regt'Wi o .. t thB \f~l" J)~};Iat:"tm.e.llt, Vol. l , 1902 pt)en , I x " . A54 .... P.lS6 •

. ,-.

Page 77: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

A.P'EffDli< V ( Act 1034)


An 40t pt-QYldlng tor the lsoue otbon<i.a tnt" the . Goy.rnllent ot the Phl11pplne IslAAd. to the amoun1}: ot , 7,237,,000 1n th& gold oo1n of the Unl ted state. of pre.,nil etandard ot value, tor the pUJ!tpoae fJt a04Ul~lnl f unds· to!' tbe pfqntent of the ptl .... uha.a pl'lce ot o .. taln la»p tra ats ot land tn the Phi lIpp1ne lalande , 00$rAOn11 lmo"n as the P'l'"1$.J'l La'nde i p11rsuan' to the pl'oylsiona of SeaUon.63. 64 , and 66 or 'the Aat or Oongr'IJ' ent1tled \t An Act tempor'lIll'U,yto pro'f'ldiJ tot' the Admln1atratlon of Affa ir. of' 01y11 iOyeNllllentln the Phl .1tp:p1n.e tsl8JldS,. ~nd torothe-r 'U1I"P~ue.,1t approved July 1, 1902.

here~! the GoYernment or the Phl11pplne Xala nd8 tind. 1 t, to 10 sue o.nd .ell bonds lit 01" (1e1" to rAi •• t he .um req,u1red 'toJ.(' s.ald (Frlarn') land. 11\ pursuanae of ... ld oQritr~ots : Uow there:tQr.' tt Il !b! ~~t~orl tl !! tlle ~nlte4a.'ate8. be 1 t en.aated 2l ,the ' 111R:->1ne OQfftinl1u1on t hat:

. I

Section 1 - The Seorett\f7 of' Wtw 1.8 httreby' authorized, to 1s lue, in the name' ot and on bebalf of the Government of the Phllippine l.l.~nd., 1 t I bQnl1, t 0 ~h& amo unt ot ''1, 2~?,OOO, 1n the ,lQ(mey ot the United s t a tes. 'th.e})Qnda thu8 Authorl%8d to b e l aGufld 8b",11 08 dated trom F.bruary 1, 1904 • • ha ll b&a!' interet' at 'he rate, ot ,f, peroentu,(ll per annum, payabltt quarterly, shall be rec1.~1Il3ble at 'the plea.woe ot the Governroent ot the Ph'. 1 1 rmlne Ia16nd a. at'er ten yenrSl , and pn.y,8.o1 " :\n tl'ltrt, yeAr4 aft.tar· date 1n gold N)ln o f the tIn 1 ted stat.,., or the prtHlemt sta.n(\f- r-d of .,al'l18.

Both p.rlnalrpal a nd interest . hallOt pay,.blft t the treaSUl"7 ,ot the United $tis.tes. ?he

1111d bend . "hall be 1n l'eg1stered t Ol'8l, 1n 'pr.o" nr'Uon.s to $~lt purohalerB thereot, and shall be :r~-61.8tered: and tJ'.nst~l"roable at the Qtt1o~ of the Reg1s'ter- of the freasury tlepl)rtmlilnt of the, l1nlted St 4'es, Wa .IJh1ngton, O. O. Th, sa1d boM .• ~l"e d.eolCU'ed b,. Seot ion 64 of aa1d Aot of Congress to b


Page 78: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

exempt trOlll ,the 9a.ymr~nt t.">t 8,),1 t ax •• o.t' <1v.1}.1es of the GC'Vernment or the l?hl11~pln.e lelands. as w~11 as f:rOllt t.ltAtlOi\ in ,anr torm 'hr. 'o:r unde-l" st~te.ml1nl,"l ,,.l 0. 1000,1 .uthor, '1 1ft th~ United St~t •• 0.1" the Phl1tppl,nt; Ielnnds , pl~r,Bufllnt '0. nbioh Aot ~t CotlpoetU and t h 1. & . tlv,a:.g bondil arl ' 1sstte4. wh10h faot,e. shfl.ll 'tile etAted en thelr tA;()e .

Section 2 .. 'the Seolt'eta.t"y 0,1' \Val:' 1& tUl"tber authorized toeell ·sftold 'bQndll Qft .,",oll tf'JPnlS asal'e 1'll.3f\t tavorable to t h,e GOV&f\,nment 0'£ the l't\U1J)J)lne leland.; ,Fronti"; tfmt no bond 0:1" oOI'tds fJM11 bt't llo.!1!at!e'8 th&n tbelr p~ or taoe "tal'll. i and .hal.l t\ep.oal1 tbe prooeeds or. '6U cb sal e ~1. t h tbe GU4l"tul 'Y Trust Co. at' f4ew Yorl{ .. ttl. authol"i 7,; ~dd~JM)sl to.ry 'or the Government of t h e r~h111tmlnB 18+& iHllS ., to the Gf'edl1l of.' t he ~tl'.aau~er nf t h~ )l)' Islands .

Sec,n.on .3 ... 1'l\e S-oretar7 Qr 'A~.hall ""Poltt to t:he: Aud1 tor, and, t l" f.?(iI"sU1"et- of the Ph1l.1pplne I tllands thl!l amount of eald 'bonds 1 s6ued fln4: ;oGld by hl.m together w11; h th&b- R\.11:2~0~ altO; d,enQmino.U,on anti the &f!lQunt; t:"f) lll..1~d tl?OmiJuch s a.le O~ ealee 'therfof., ~Uld t be 4 Z;<\.!l1$ fJhall b e mad.~ a _tt erQ·f reo~ d. 1n ''line ofi'1cea ~f' the


Au (\1 t or. and (tt"eAGtlrero! the Phill .~')p1 nel.Glnnds .

Sect1£;'rt 4,... I.n the evento:ft he leasEI. sale or ot l\$:' tt1 o'Pn$1 thm, by' the (lovtrnIllent ott he Phl11pr1nf,i IRllH'lt1$ 'of s;n:y PQ' ,or ,,11 1i) f sald l~nd~ centra~ted to b ~ pureh~8ed" ,..bllYG set r't) '?th~ all m~!le1a r "cetve", from suo:h le.fl:il1Jlf' sel11t'~ or Oth$l" d1 1!1.podtlon ebal1 oon.utu .. e 9.. trust fund to S80W'"e the tm111ent 01 tbe pl" tmi'l t nt el"~!iJt Gte.Ald; bonds a ntl shnll.

.l(J.Q o on~tltut\ e Q; ~1nlt1ns tund tot" the p~ffl@nt of s41d b~nda at ,tn,o,tllr1 tr antl ahall Ue ' 4e.o~.d to TlG other put-page . f1hen and asrecnte ar'o oolle()tad tr'om any l e n.ds eo li\laaed tlnd when 3.fl{1 as proe(t~dtf ot sa18 Ol" other dlspoS'ltloA's at !-my !la.ld lan4,f;!, T1n~m Bold or dtspos.ed 01 J,

nt'(t 1'0ce1 v*,d b¥ t he GoverMr of t he, If'h111pplJ!le



Page 79: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

Ielande; the same eba.U. be depoltlted in the 'lretl,Bur,ty of the Phl11pplne lelands and shall b. 'her~ held as a trust tund and Ifhal l b.t invested and r-e!nve'ted as It II1nklngtuM .tor th\!t ~&Yl1lent of the prlnOlp_l and Inters$t of' ea~d b()nda as they mature 1n sucb launner as the Pbl1ip? lne Oomml$s10n shall pl'o'

.SeoUon 5 - 'the publ 10 good requlrlng the apeedJ ene.otmentGt 1Ihls bill. the passage 01 the '8me 13 hereb, eXpedited 1n a.ooor4&1\0. w1th GeotlOfl 2 ot "An ;\otpr.,cl'lblng the ord.,. a.nd prooAdure by the OQlllmlruton 1.n the enaotment ot l:awfS pastle<1 SepteMber B6, 1900.

lJeotlQn 6 - th1s Aot ahAll take .ttect on 1ta passage. &na ot,d JanuarY' 6, 1904.



Ao·' • . of tiePh11leoln •. OOU1.81()ftJ.}904it . fJlnual Siijirf or 'eol'"eiar1 or WD, tltA. vol. x '. SO::S3.



Page 80: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


Oo.rr.8spondenoe 8ubm1 tt.,cl a t tho lnveu,·tlga tlon ae :proot 'hn:1; the- quest10n ot the 'legall t, of th e .. 8Al~ 0.' the l tlnd 1n t he size of tl"&ot PUJ.!'Oh·lued b, Poole had b.en thoroughly oanva s sed pl:" l or tothtt tr'U'l8e,otl(')ft.

,MBntle;; Fb,111pplne tslands Ootobe'p 12 , 19($

"I tUn -of the op inlGHl that the direotor tit If.'nd. IIftT EI 'l)ll and a.n lMtl Y16u41 puroh&fte1'" may ,acquire •• 0Ant and unoocupl .ed fri a r' lands 71thQut a ny reetrlot1on ae to aJl'ea . I; .

L,,,"l. G. Kn1ght Attorn·.y, IlUl"eAU of Lands

ManU.a, Phillppine Ielands Octob.r 18, 1909

"In vl.w of all the provisione ot l.w .tte.ting .. 'ttel" ot 10UI' lnqul., i I aa of the opln10n that the 1". 1. no ppoYl'lon ot law U.1I1t1nl the ar •• 01' 'he trial' lands wbloh :1iIA, b. 8014 to ~n lndlvldUA1. or whloh an 1n41vldual .,. .aoqulre from the GoVemment and that there ...... ftO reetrlctlon • ... to ~ho ¥OUJ'lt ot' IUQh lanth '''''loh may be 8014 10 01" be aoqulJ'ed by 8 oOl"':Pora,tton .soep' provtelona ot said •• otlon ....... nty ... tl". ot the PbllS.PP1ne bUl and paJ'!agrAph tlv. , a.etlon tblrtJeen ot 001'",,0I'&11on law a'bQ" •• "


Signed: 0.0. fl. Mllrve, So11 01 toJ" Gen ertll

Approved: Ignaoio V111amor A~to~nt1 Gerl(~ral

Page 81: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

(Gable) 10 Seoretary of Wa~


Manila , Philipplne Islands Oot ober 22 , 1909

t'renl1a and Poole dedre to puroh~8e Wtoccltpled. sugar land. on .San 10". Friur lliatate. .Ra811nond 'lntt"fl"s through 13ureau ()f Insular Aftairs that an lnd1vl(tufll cannot puroru\fa~ nw'e than fort,. aore8 . ;'ot8184'1 Qnd 1933 glvf! gove!'nment rIght to ael1 Without f'estr1ctlon . Attor'ney (jeneral Qemours .

'orbe. ,


War Department W.lhlngt;on , Ill. O. Ootober 22 , 1909

'l'hol"ough11 undel'tttood ~ere unooauplt1Jd tria%!' land ma1 be 8014 to lndlyld\lal 1fltllo\at ll.1tatlol'1 •• to area .


e A~t1ng Seo', . 0 " War)

U. s. Dept. of Juatloe Walh1ngtlon , 1).0. 18. 1909

*1 all of OP1n10n that, llm1t,e tlonD!1 n iiI"otton ttfteen do not apply to estates purobal 'sed t r QtJI rell.g1ous order. und,e,l" sl!,otlcma 63, 64 and 65 of Philipp ine Aot .

(}eo. 11 • "1 Q,ke""haftl

Attorne, General

~eport !!Z lhe Commit, tee !m Insula,. Aftairs o! !!!.! .Mouee !! • • > -. •• •

Repr •• entatlve8 .!!I!8 Investlsatlon !! the Ifltez.l01'

: ...

Page 82: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

D~2ar~ra"~~!d.ttl;e P'1l111Epill$' ~OVernl:l)on' Touching t;he

Admln:lstr,alli,onot Isla.nd,s and all Katte~. _ . _. - _ . ~ ..... J _ ~. . ' . M,


ot Facti, tu\d ,1 .. aWIJ PflJrte.lnltlg 'hereto. Ii<)\l,iJ" ne2ort~289, el.~ Gong., ~4 Sess •• 35-43~


Page 83: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

JU&Ll'QOOA.Plft .

PrltzlQl"1 t~~u~c".

AO'"., .Qf ~h. e.. Phl11:1' .. cP1ne Co. mm1g$i.,onJ.1904 , MIt"l nepo~1) 2t .SIOl'!'f!7 Qt ' f!:", 1904~ Vol. ~,IV.

It oonta.lru. the .ot AuthOi"l dng the bond i.sue tor tbe pure'baa. ,of' the trl3,1'.- lana. and tbtt h-la.r.' t.m1d A.a' 1Irh1oh P1l'O'f'1d:ed ' the pr'Qcedure to.r the aoqulsl.Uon and: dlspoeal ot the lana.~. .

,Aota ot tbe PbU.lifl11. ao.nunladon .. 1907, Annt&&l~eport at; at! ,190'. -Vol. ' . .

It Ilontalna the 4.0t (')onoel'nlngthe loan tuftd to enootlragfl exten$lon ot Qul,tlYatlcm of friar.- land.


tiMet thl, FAr!tfblt'P!ft;, .ld\!G!}4fl'!f '11'."" .seldon, " , . 6Il!Uf!1 .!portG l:1.01'8t~7Q , 8:t:. 1901. ,.,1. XX.

- . . - \ " ' .

fbl. 'fC;lwal ~on'61n. the aot 11'b.l"al1·111\1 1n.t.l~lmttntlJ to ·*14 tllmanta in'.1ng l.n(l.

AG!~OA · 1bg $I.n4Phl1&l!ln!1"!fltf'+tsr! •. 'lr"tl& .. 1I6.1on. 1910, . ()u!!eDo!h 11~& e2d aong., 2 . SeSB. (6200)

fbi. volume oontQin. the: aoippoYldlng to .. su'1iIf'1'ud,on of In.etal.lmentpfltG0D.1. 1ft the eyen.t ·of a national 0&1·1; •• 1;7 d •• _roving 01"'OJ)'.

The 1"'epo1'"t oontain.datA ... 1.A tty. to ~, t\~.po •• l ot tho trlars· land ••

91&11!1, ,_all.,. and Ro\)e"t.oft,; 1 •• ,1 A •• Ids., ft' 'bl11pmlne : 1,1..,"4' •. 1493 .. ,.1898, :bploJl",Uona 1)1 ~l a.·ytS'oPk 6 •• 0,.1,11011& or t .t,landa and, Their 'IU)P~'. :;.!lll~dC)rraruJ ,"t(., aa~lio~lo


Page 84: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

!ideA • . al. ~lal'd ~n ·9.g9$eIPO!ap,w* l}gg!lp And ~Q'QJ!'lpts ~o"lt\s ~ 01'1 tlQ41, £1)ofta.l0.eOMel'ol_~,

~ . . ._ _. ¢ c .. .......

'94 J\el&KloJ!!, ,"O~ntUt!o,fl' _ lntl'lf' l!Jl.oon', _.!J"P~ ,~)lel,' hrll,a' Relat}on.! ~U;b 1I1urOl?sa-ncrGuntt-!e,$ 1;2 ttl" e!td."FiRf -:9t tl?! J;1nrtft~nib_ C!l!.;\lU,. ~ .. nil8;ted fro • . - . 0 g, ftAl,edit ... d alta (ln12Qt .. 1).4 by Jr.rama H. Ble.11" fln4 lame. A. Rol)er'taon with blatnl"loal In'~dUotlon an4 a.ddlU>onn,l not •• . br F;d"A~d G. hurn., Cl .... land, Arthur .a. 01 ark , la03-19~ . "" yollI.

''lheae volume. or gr.flt YU Uf) tor ;tud1i?a ~orH).vU.f!t(l ~ U ,}} t,l()·ndl'UOlltf }'))'.~1Qt' to Ibe A'#!le~iCl." 000",p3t.1011 •

OonEe',!l.ona; . Rectot!1. 61s,t;ong., 2d se,sa... and &1" aone., ~aii •• & .

~.! ~~~ =~!!r . Ke.;:e~h. '.14~ 0i,j ::::::::=!i< fii!:tr=t¥_=aiihf!b ••• donl, ()o1iob.J!' 16, 191~ tebruarr .28, 191.. lenate iP', QU. 134 eong., 2d a.,8. (6ase).

It, . o~"taln$ the Il;ct 11tft1t1na the quanti.,.. ot l~nd. to b.e .ald '0 an In.41,,1.t1,ual ot" to &; 00rpGI'8. t1 on •


!hla, the 9 Qhur,caan Co'iuttllulon aeport, oem'alba tbe ia111\'l1lli Re~ort .,or th:e . ~!!!fIlll!"10~. d~ttt4 love.f 2,. t~n. Ai !ii!51rUo~ .!nrii ot 't11!

. . );& I[ • PEI'ren&to the COIQmis,$10,n, (lft.'" 3an·\l,u', . 20,1899 an . ·S. . ... tleiituiion of i6" ~· .. O~.ll.e4 nll1pi1ne Jh, l1611n tb'fl.i';ti~ (fiQWiitt!l(h .. M~6s . . .•

ntt ~u J-lon} ' Hnttnry nr; 'liRW. - • GoburltfU\ otQl'!\.SS.o" wall appo1nt.d by, ~r'8.1d.,nt Mt)Klnla1 1n

J3nu.~YI 1999 to erlf.~ne into the oondltton& exS..tlng in 'hePhl11pp.>lne ••


Page 85: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


'Ipgp; pt tbo Pbl3;lPR1nl QOU1tIHiSgD.'ebruar, 2. 1900. sSn!~apg9. l~at 56th Oon~ • • 1MJ .se,a. (aees). "

, These _ et"e _ e!':!on~ the b~:~o!"tenll de~lU!!ent e ~8t'<1 a.s thl!l1 «l. ff(1<l:'it tnt<}1."mati!J:In l"~1~;t1, ~l!f to lftJ,4t' and, t ttl.e,. 8n1 tlOliile lnterp1"et~'~on ot t he land oontl"(}v(U'-sJ . l' W4l4e: neQ •• 8u7 to u •• 'b.~6~ dooum~n1iB 9li'lth oau1:1oft . bowe'Yer. a. a d.,t11\1 ,. degree or bla8 1 ••• 1denoed 1" tbe testlJtion, and: even the _ noel" 0' questioning ..

i'Tjio ;( 1ti~ P~U1~~""; rmmw!t~lQn , 1903, MoW,it 8.9£1 _" l"~At" _ Sif!! If - w_'" -

r.xh1blts P\ G; Lind. fl, 1n thi' ~.por' atter valuabl$ and oo.mplet .. dO"Uliutntiat7 .Yldlllli.)' oonoevn1ng the Yalua1:l1on of b"lAI"8' l)'t'opert, {Uld the oonlt" apee •• nt. drawn up " , Che oooolu,8io" Qr '~h" n~\!ot1 ~t!(\ne . 1he lHUi.r1ru~s whl.oh pr'"oedttd ",he 6oiltu4l>.1 "P'.wohn$~ or Che3e l~,nd.!l OM b& found 1n th1a VQ1':lfti&_

!P~! ~f~beM'111W'nO Qoam.,lJ1g", 190' ~ ADOMl, BtpAE. o~i,i8Q;;i@~x !l!f 'Wer, 1904,. '10:. X<. ,Pt. 1.

!hi" r&pl)l!'t g1 yes the re~t~l te of. the sur • .,. pro'Ylded · to'¥! l 'ft t h.e tilont .. &otuA.1 4V'Men~l!I and ot t he title ~Mm1.n .. t lon8 f),nll indl 0", tee l)r~~)" "IC~ iflad. (:\$ ne~t 16ti1 ons progre 6 •• a ~ow/u'd oOIGpl&'tlon.

8ep9n at iha ~l?hl11Rs;m.~ Qomm&.mft~ofh lOO~ , ,&nnuAl 8eDQ~" or t\l, Sft9~eta!Z pt W,t', 1905. Vol. x.'

Tho t"oPOl'"t ~Ji. ve., t he ttnal de't tt.1.]"e Qf n_got.1Atl0,:U, t Ot(ethtP wlth t ables 8UItv.1.ut l-ldns 'th. t 'lna1 tl,~an6aQt1 ona . -

_ And All n"tters . . -~~

OrWfl()t Q:nd L£twF,I ref'ta1.nin1~ 'l'h~'1 ~t\o , HOilGO' napcr" 2299 , elo t Gon~ .l ~4 SeslS . .• •

Page 86: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


Donor" ot _'eM b~lirX ·1U' !fer J IDd l'ur.iU&, 1901, 6J!nuf!l nl)~~rt.nt_ .Se~Ket~1'"l pt ;-1~~ , 19014 Vol. X.

!'h~ .~ re;po::ot GUwlWll"l ia8E; tb" find.ings ~Ul~ 1'6cmntaendet1oru; c:t ~h';. Tatt · and Sohtlr-ma.n Commi ssi on r OpCl"t.e .ena l!e1nt a t .he ntt8d fo~ . "'1'11 .aotion. Xt 1·~"'6t?1 tn~ 1,(Jf811 Ob8.t .e.ol es 'to 'be ol eo.t-ed tH.r1"ore .. tf't},n t,1 iio't · ort: oould. t ,JUt pla()e.

'!B::t'i SRO(_t Il1t ie!x:!~!g:. Slt ;!A£ .MJ!S"!!.9ll1,r" 1902,

Qp1i'll tal)'~~Jl StAtU.''',! I t hnru. Vol. 32.

United stat •• aunr~!pe q~Hrt R,,·pol!"!,!. Vol. 191).


Thi s VQlumtJ oontain" t h e mUff! Uorr Y. Unl'.' St at ••• ~

·$E.eONDAA:! f!JotmQ'E3

801'14$1,. fSt epl"u!tll1 " ~h{l Wort of tbeF7"lH:t"111! Ii ~Ol'ttt Am,rlun ftev1evt t , t)o1'Jo'bet", 1902. 17fh 449-."(".. .

A valuation or t1?lctrs' aontrlb-~t1Gn whtm MIC)$t . 1"1 t1ngwll.s of Q ot."l t ,loal eh(ir(~ctffr4

IIOhur-~h t~I"(}tH)l"t:l in t he 1~ntl1'Pp1. l\ EI'Ii . ll edt', PUbllc . £Rinton , Daceomb tol" , l S9th _ '~6~ 78.6 . .. .

\'be . '%"1 t !'r ".. octrunehda t h& r\.trob~e~ or t ha lan<4s. '!'he IU;·t1dl e r eyenls th~ e arly l nt f!f'~ ". t 1,tl t he proD1.8h1 a,s shown I n. 'the. 'Pr~sa .

Ooleman, Re". ~r)l.·lO!.':!e , 0 .. :P ., It ,J:jo t he i'll1p1nQ& neall, Hate 1i1'111l'D7 t

' '&1ll81"io1J.n. Ct .. choU.q Qu~t:'.~l;y ~eY1,8., Jul Y'. 1908, 30: 460- 401 .

,(lolel' , H ~v . Al!lb:r' tH'8. f> . l> ., ri.1'hft 1t-~e~" ' ~li';tu tfit 9 ;!' Ak:Uel"lofJl 0(;,'111:\0110 Quarter l y R.o,,1n\t , J anU/l1--Y; J.~I)5 ; :50 : f}?- 7a ..

11{. : 1$1 ,. .

'1'h \;HJ~ lAl;t1c;l.ea. wrl t t en by FF~thGt' Cole~iUin# ,an t r 1 eh l;l(}'l1inioa n, .e.ftt!r' a trip t o t;he ?h1 H :ppln!Hi , . Gon6 t ltute t.h", on1:r pt"el!u)ntAt lon of the friar g '

Page 87: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

poa'l 'tlon )'f.,lafi1 Y~. t o t.h~ l!'e .. olutd.on Gt 1890 tnat X . ba •• been i\1)'l., to t1nd otb.w ~b4Ul $uQ,h f)ketoh.7 . IlQ GOUtlts g1 .. ,n 1>, ' the t-el)reaent~U, .,tH5 of 'he orders auring the Tan Oomntls81on 'tlfult'lngl.



COJ'lt •• l '. $fl'l/V'a't()r~ ~"'he'laU cmn a nd the Phlllpplnett" it Th. InAepnal.!!!. "ebruary 20, 1902, 641436"

t't\1 ,8 18 a t1r,' Mnt! AC0Cnll\'tl ot the TAtt M18610n 'b.f A nelf .... t) 1ft 'R,offt& . I't lnolud's the 11.8t of ~.JI'41n.l. pal"tlo1patt hg and .,~lill •• th. oQllar>'" of' 1n taPI'" t)t the Ot'de,..·.,.' lntlueno.

1n the ootlY,nt,lon.

QOl"te8,1, SalvAtore • . !!l'h!l'tl Xer.ot Frl,ndstd.p •• M." York; Harpel'i 1927. .. . . .. j . •

Cortelll.l . :repre/len.ted tb" A •• ,oo1&'t.<1 PlI'.'$ 1n Roftle . At tbe tll1e ot the . !att ·'U .. ~lon. Thou;hlt • . AS

Wl'1 t ten attin- tbe lap.. ot man,. Y"~3, ' hls· t40t8 1'01At1 •• to the ttl'lAl!'S* land. art 'ho •• in 00I'1t".p01l'o.1"7 _il"aUle 1. .. '1.01... It baa a YQ.l"e in tbe descl"'lptlon. or tb.' t 'lgur •• 1)1"'0"ln8n'1n the "elot1."1011 ... • phs.'. I\ot .,on.l-deredlnso-vel"'J1IMR' do ()WIent ••

D ••• ,. (Jeor-p, A"'Ol:i1ollP,ot GeQPll,a ... r, Ad.IIl1".lot 'he J!I!X., No. XQrl(, ,SOl' . ner If 1013.

ftli velull. oontalna ttr., 1~1"'.1i81oR' of tbe rl11plftoeto.getbel'wUb an .ooouni. of tbe oondl tlon. ttll*-tl.,d Adtalral Dew., to &4.1 ... '.,edd.n, lf~Jtt.nlft'·" appolntllttnt 0' ttt. tll'st Philipp1.n. COIIUlltlS!.n.

Egall, .",ur1Q. r.. .. ul01 •• fteg,011., 21 tlHeW1Lttl" ... . YOl"'k, Goo,rote' H. Do,l"'~n. II! '.

I'beauttmr was pt'Qt •• iior at the 04'ho110 Un1 .. .,.r~lt, or ARlerol0. at tbe thUt the tripa' lan4 pur0h4C1., 'Was bell'll negot!8-t e4.. )Ct .. WIllA Waa called Into oont."eno .. bf 'both Pr."laentll Wotlnl., ana Roo •• ".lt.!he ll!Octlt five. an .p',..~lat.l()n or thelntl"enoe ot tn. Amet-loG Oathelle,. , upon the adml nletrat1ol'lI,t -pollcy.

finnegan. R ... ~Ph111~ If., S.J.. "Pb1111mlnife,j II 9t\t~~U.c ~o;YolQRe!!1a, XII, 12. .

Page 88: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

fhlll &1't101e 8.nI\.17&". tJ,.e t",t) l f.i 01' •• ~., eOoleU,&G In f"evolu 'tJ,O!IQ.Jl'7 Ao'tton aga1ntlt Spain.

Forbe.~ W. Qameron, Tn, Si11'BPln~ b,U,nde ., .Boeton, Housh,on tllttlln. §. vat ••

'!hi,1! 19 t,he .. 08U valuabl.e .eoondar1 '!'I'Q:rk an the pnora1 l\latory ,0 " the Phil l pplne • •



Ha,den , Jo' R. J Th, 'hl11J?o1ft8,~ , I.e. 1'01':'_, RaamJ,11an, 19~9.

An a:latbQ1"ltnti ve t'..nd cQ1nprehen slvt; pt()turo or 'be, ,Ph1Upplnes . Useful. tot' :reoent a'&,\18" 10&1 data.

I •• sup, 11l111p 0 ., Elihu ll;Qot. Me. York, :Docid iii_ad, 1938. 2 ' .. 01.. '

'fble , work ott8r s valuable 'baok!P'ound mate~lal tor unde~.tantUng the pr.oblems Q,r a4111nl 1'terlns 0010n1al IO •• 1"n,l!utntwhlO:h.: 1Iel" an af".rmath of the Spanl,h .. Amerloan W'cr-. 4ftIIUP' 8 ' .. 4m11'a'10n to» 1\00t<l01l1"ao"8 'OftGwhat trOll it" ... 11ab.11.11;1 &.. a blop~pht.

LatAne. JOM H •• Amlrl.o ••• s World '.11', 189' .. 19O? He. York, ftaltper, eliO"~ . . ) .. '.'

ft, author St. •••• bokpoun4,lotu. •• of dlpiollatle r.latlon, ot tlie tJltlted s tatle, '.1'" foreign .tt:.telil which tlgwoed pl'Olllnent1., 1n cplgQd~eoQcurrlnl S,J'l -thft O'h1n..,Phllll1'Pln •• .,. •• l Altue<11atel, preoedlns wa.l'" 14 tb Spatn.

1...el\o7 .J •••• A.; tI'the frl,. ... 'Ln the Philipplne ,s , If, ~o11 '10a1 SOl,ng' S'WtU;:1i,rlr. Deodbel' , l~" , 1B: ,467-680. .'

filS .• art101e l'r ,~.en~. Rt 'fJ't&'I.U.ctal analJ'ss.. of ;he hol dllliS ot trlat"a ' lftndlJ . Ittl1row" light 'On tbo ,oonolll0 f a otor .• In thlt oontt"ovftrq. .

. :ito.ll'~.lCG are re11e,ble btit the lnl..rpretf-t.tton.. ot thetA aPe, biased.

k l 11i e;zo4 , H81ph J., An ,1(1~~8tlga'lQn . o.t t~ .. PhU,11P'l 'l\. Frl(U"s ·' 1.on5 ~IU~ ana J~81Atd miur(fiPl'"Obtep..!.' -df'i1QllffO . £0101a (jniy.~ait1 'res,. . tUi!. ' ,

llr . tta1 11.1Qrd ' ~ dot.)toX'81 d1. ssertntl on de-018 lIti th: the ctuesttGft ()f th" trls:r llmdl!l M~1 r ele.t.d "burGh fU,'oblcttns. :U;. Qhlet vAiiolue tor p Ul"p.otleB of 'hi.

Page 89: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -


B11lud1 oonsta.t,(td Qt lead-a tfuggestfHl by the h1bl1 clSra..pby. "

Hoodz ' 11 lfan~tlt~ .• ,ot' Inv~ l!tro~ntG; New YOl'k t mCo~7 ' ;; In.ea:t~)l"8' Sel'vloe. U};16. Fart 4 , · pov~r'nmp. n1j ~"OlU·,tt!!.!.:.

Tlilll Y-oluije Wnt5 llr;.,~t't11r(),· verityi np, t h l!i" date or the r,etl l'tJtIlNlt M~ £1:'10:1:'0 · Purchase londs..

Ot"01111t Rev. J!el"na l"d , 'tt'l" Qt LeQ XX!t •. ,t,'t'om an .l\\.tthentlp ,Mf!1lW1,.. New York ~ Ohnrl~B 1~ . !ttJ6rJt Gt' , Dm".

An ala to ttn~er..t.tartl11ng otth" I\:pI,~eeltdU;. v. o"pac:1 .Ulft~ wh10h the' HOi,,. J'athe,. bSl'01'l~ht to the .mJU1J dltt'leul t prcib.l .. m8 ot bis 10Ag pontlficate.. .

Pl"lnSle,, '0, The()dor~ RO(}~.".lt, • JUOP8.:phz:. New Yor.k, Ha,rOOllrt'i'f).(!\e, · t 9!tt. - . .

I ,'. u.etulne~9 1, 11 .. 1 ted , but 1 t htl1!1 a dep •• at .alUff in that l' re .... ~16 Roo,u,yel t' Ii oontld.enG' 1ft attao1d.n, the new eXJ,lerlonoe. 1n to:relp pollOt' pow 1 I1gout of the ,~t>d,lfth-A"r"lcmn WPLr ...

P'1"lng18" li~nl"71., 'Th. I .. lteAntl ,111:1&0' ?r flf111.1l\JQ ftotf,\rd l!.t1. Hilt York, ttifri' I RMKtfiiR, 193.9.

Chapter XIY 4efll" W1th tho "an '1Il1'lS ton . to Ro.e and ort81'"' f), %'0 •• 8,.11", pl0tUl'8 of' 'att t. pr.'Jut'l1,oe., that do rU':)tr • • oh ~. eurtAC. 18 ott141al dooument lS . ltcontulnfl tb~ 1108 ' ·deta,ll,e(l 4e8cJl'1ptl~n8 of th1t l)l"'oc •• ctlnga balled on 'latt' II (!orreaponden.oe,ott'lcl1,1 ana per,onal.

Roo,e,y.l' f fbeo4fU-". 'J)f!. PbUlppln,8, Ne" lork, 'ne outloo)(, \J<Jf!l'PltA1 . 1'U02 .. ... . -,

'he 'book r,Teal" . 'the gene:r~l g%'fluiP 0' 'he ,.,.·*14.n, 1ft 4eAllng - 1 'h the problem to be ·t\.Qlv"d.

s t."her:uI; . rtte , H .•• an~ ~olton. Jf."b~l'" hi., The 'P.91t19 . .. ; - .

999ft» 1n 1I1"orr, If._ !t1t'k. ft8.Qlal11n.n. 1tl17.

ObArle$ Cuttnlnghi>".' 8 eaga, "!t3cl" '11.1 t 4tlon 'ln ~h., Phll,1pplnee lf l.n tht ft vol\111te 1s useful tor thft de,or1p'ltu\ ot e#11trlaJ" .• t l'U1 1'. oontl\'ovf!!l-'fil fHa .

Page 90: Glad1s E. Caughlin. B. S. -

'The cI)t"t'espcndfittOt9 prIHH~~t 9 tln 1ntlftlt~'tf\! -pil)1ure of thr: ff}&111 oosta oles a.nd gl"fHlt d~l loa~y ot th., ear;oly Q~~()\1~tl0n& . 'l'M t'"1f).i)~i$~ 'Of th6 o.o~t"eGPontlttnoe In 1909 oauite4 'Pt-esld$nt Rt'OtuJ'V'.lt~ aema :polltlo~l '$mb~rrr..$ fH~{·mt . Glt t"~cup,h 1n S(i; tM" I.'H! t he BubJ~,Gt of thllJ pA~.l1" 1. oot\I~· evl1"d.tbe Qont llute ct th'~ li" t t ltt' ,$ n~", {1 not hr.,',., been A WJ.t t6r' of 9n~1 ~t1.


WhUauu,·"h. ~ldl1-p 0., I'Ghtlrc'h 1:r.b1ema in thtt Ph111pplneti" II the Qutloo;, r.brtU.l.l'Y' 24, 1900, 64; -IH 3 .. ·H8.

'l'h • .rolt.? wt\l!ocn."t'sspondent r(.lr t he rt{~w tork ,~?o.)i and C·PPoAl·ed a B.' A' w ltn4u bef' the

et E Q:um1t;s lon . IntOl"matlQn 1, 'bl Ao tted and bl1'f.t t1 on hett~5}l.:),:f 1nt81".leJf! with ,r11 1.'pl",o$ .

lOl'o"'e1', Dean.-U •• !bf Pb.l1!~u'ntl.P£,,-,t ~ns Pr!f!tfn$, tfew YOJ!'lt. '*0.IlU1A11, 1.9~O . '

crhe authol' presents 3 d~t ,Q.l1etJ ~Qf~~unt of 1;he 6o~gr •• slcnQ.l lnveGtlgatlon or the; Phl11lmlne neputtlQeJ:ltot the tBteJ'lQ1" . '1'11.. ~OlttDU3t be \I\i~4 with QAutLon atno.; it i8 -detena1ve in q,ba.rae-ttn°. 'fIQrOe6t t;r b ean Seoretatt'y .t thet Inte.rlor- in ~ho P.hl11pr ~'HjifJ lIat the t l ine ot th" lnv(tGti l?;at1nn. .