@Gk2epn(With a Stopover at London)Ch26 (1)

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  • 7/24/2019 @Gk2epn(With a Stopover at London)Ch26 (1)


    Tntag ejgmpse

    .B omdlmcft l lnnl

    Segg Ln alswers sn iar..

    Sfel searjfmlc inr oaknr sngutmnls ml gmie M fave twn deimled stratecmes (a) cn tn tfe pgaje tfat

    cmves ynu peaje jreatmvmty rmses nr mi agg egse iamgs .cn tn tfe pgaje wfmjf dnes !umet tfe

    reverse. "nr oe tfat pgaje ms .appge resmdeljy.

    # typmjag omddge jgass spread ml su$ur$s serele wmtf omddge jgass iaomgmes knstgmlc inr spaje ml

    omlusjuge e%nr$mtalt aonult per s! it &'' $f*s tfat we lnw jagged fnoe

    Sfel tfe $ulcagnw suiinjates wmtf repressed alcer ald +M, wearmlc fate periuoe.tfms

    soagg lest seeoed as jn-y as tfe oalka ald jfaddar fnuse tfat we used tn oa*e as *mds wfmge

    pgaymlc cfar cfar

    jnpyrmcfted oatermag ald agg rmcfts are reserved...iree tn read $ut lnt tn jmrjugate..Bc*&epl(wmtf a stnpnver at gnldnl) $y #lupreet /aur

    2atecnry'imjtmnl 1 ln reseo$galje tn aly persnl agmve nr dead

  • 7/24/2019 @Gk2epn(With a Stopover at London)Ch26 (1)


    Ml gudn gmie we fad galded fere aiter cettmlc M'jal8t'cet'agnlc 'wmtf :oy' ml'gaws jause tfey are

    oad creedy l despntmj l nut tn *mgg oe jard.

    Mt lever wnr*ed mt wasl4t suppnsed tn jause mt ta*es twn tn talcn ald *alkar fad jnoe wmtf al

    mlteltmnl ni $umgdmlc crnulds inr dmvnrje.fe was agready seemlc snoenle al tfms partgy

    pamd $y oe fnuse was agsn fms part tmoe gnve lest..foo

    5$vmnusgy M was tfe patsy wfn pamd inr tfe setup iurlmsfed mt ald oalaced tfe up*eepsure fe

    pamd relt $ut ynu jal $et ynur $nnts fe was rejnvermlc mt irno fer

    #l aoa-mlc dar*less catfered tfe *mld M fad lnt seel $einre.tfe *mld tfat furts ynu ml ml a

    lnl pfysmjag way ml pgajes ynu lever *lnw e%msted. Tfe serele resmdeljy valmsfed al agg M saw

    was a onrnse dead pal e%pressmnl smomgar tn a druccme day ml day nutwfel M saw mt wfmjf

    was rareM was agnle..inr onst part

    9nu *lnw fnw regatmnlsfmps are ynu jagg nut ni jnljerl tn imcft snoetmoes tn jnnrdmlate

    oeetmlcs wmsf regatmnlsfmp evelts $mrtfdays allmversary feagtf etj.fere tfere was

    smgeljea$sngute smgelje.m iegt M was ml sngmtary jnlimleoelt..every tmoe M trmed tn tag* wmtf

    alynle ml fms preselje fe wnugd oa*e fms dmspgeasure *lnwl.tn fms irmelds M was agways nut

    ni tnwlevel wfel M was ml mt..sermnusgy tfat sfnugd fave ralc tfe warlmlc $eggs $ut mt

    dmdl8t.mt was a gnve oarrmaceM 3d *lnwl fmo inr aces.l tfere are smopgy ln jases ni

    mlimdegmty ml oy iaomgy.lamve as mt oay seeo.m lever tfnucft ni mt

    5f tfe getfarcy ni mt ..M iegt deadmt was a tas* tn cet up ml onrlmlc..l eiinrt tn dn evel

    tfe esseltmags ni *eepmlc fnuse..tfe nlgy tfmlcs tfat *ept oe sale was oy wnr* .wfmjf M

    gnvedsnoe aoa-mlc oeonrmes ni cnnd tmoes wmtf oy parelts l sm$gmlcprayers..l tea

    (Tea fegps oe tfml*.m tfml* mt4s tfe jaiiemle mlmtdmttn inr jniiee wfel M ao nut..al

    ulgm*e mts mltelded mopajt mt rega%es oe.+y omld ms fyper ajtmve l $y lature M ao a very ga-y

    persnl..wfmjf jreates inr snoe mlterestmlc jnltrasts wmtf oy omld pusfmlc oe tn wnr* al rest

    ni oe kust ta*mlc mt easy as tfnucf nl a vajatmnl .sn tfe omddge crnuld ms tea wfmjf jagos oy

    omld l *mj*s oe tn ajtM ao laturag inr a des* kn$.as M pretty oujf tfml* agg tfetmoe.mts jnoes as laturaggy as $reatfmlc )

    #f iaomgy.tfe tfmlc a$nut cnnd oeonrmes ml ynur jfmgdfnnd ms gm*e a 6 tfmlc..ynu

    elkny wfel ynu are tfere ynu elkny wfel ynu regmve tfnse tmoes as oeonrmes #L6 tfey ajt as

    a strelctf cmver ml tmoes ni sadless l gnss..ynu jal gmteraggy dermve strelctf irno tfeo..a

    $mc tfal*'ynu tn oy iaomgy inr prnvmdmlc a treasure trnve ni aronur acamlst jylmjmso l

    segimsfless ni gmie snoetmoes..

    Tn tfms day M jal lever moacmle tfat pgaje ml jngnurfey mt8s a dejelt gaynut aestfetmj $umgdmlcjeltrag gnjatmnl wmtf oaldatnry creels $mts tfat kaj* up tfe prmje evel iurtfer..tn oe tfe


  • 7/24/2019 @Gk2epn(With a Stopover at London)Ch26 (1)


    vmsuag tfere ms agways ml $gaj* l wfmte..wmtf gnads ni crey..tfere were smopgy ln cnnd

    tmoes..evel $y treldmlc M sfnugd fave soegt a rat.$ut agg M soegt was tfe oa'ml'gaw..wegg

    sfe was nlgy part ni tfe stml*..tfe ntfer fagi was a dar* s*mlled easy tn gay ml a gmve ml

    =reed dnes lasty tfmlcs tn penpge mt jfalces tfeo.al mt seeoed tn nn-e nut ni *alkars every

    pnrewfel tfere was al e%pressmnl nl mt. ;asy way tn jfej* penpge8s fmddel ieegmlcs..ml a

    jnligmjt sjelarmn tfe laoes tfey jagg ynu are tfemr nwl ieegmlcs cettmlc reigejted nutwards.

    0ee alcer ms al eontmnl ald a strnlc eontmnl at tfat . 0n $einre M nr alynle jal celerate mt M

    fave tn ieeg mt. #l tfe nlgy tfmlc tfat M jal ieeg ms wfats mlsmde oe ald tfat ms agg M jal prnkejt

    ;ver seel al 57? ml ajtmnl mt kust prnkejts tfe sgmdes nl tfe jnoputermt dnes lnt jreate

    data smomgargy alcer ms a prnkejtmnl ni mlterlag ieegmlcs.0n mi snoenle says aap carm$ fn

    yaal aap pamsa *fa rafe fn nr ynu are lnt iamtfiug mt ms a reigejtmnl ni tfeosegves tfat tfey are

    prnkejtmlc.< tmoes nut ni > tfe spea*er ni sujf wnrds ms dnmlc wfat fe ms ajjusmlc tfentfers niA

    #lyways ynu gmve l gearl l gnss ms agsn a $gessmlc ml dmscumse. 5lgy twn tfmlcs gead ynu tn ynur

    true destmlatmnl >) mi everytfmlc cnes ynur way &) mi lntfmlc cnes rmcft1 ml tfms jase ynu onve

    nl a dmiierelt patf tfat imts egse ynu ajjuougate gnsses l e%permelje..l imlaggy selse tn

    jfalce jnurse.inr tfe $etter nijnurse

    0n imlaggy selse *mj*ed ml..l snoe oeasure ni segi respejt M onved nut dmdl4t as* inr

    agmonly nr aly settgeoelt l fe get oe cn peajeiuggy.$ut mt tnn* aces l gnads ni feart$rea*tn cet tferel M lever watjfed a rnoaltmj onvme nr read arjfme jnomjs inr a very gnlc tmoe

    aiter tfat..oy twn iav pastmoes fad $ejnoe very pamliug

    . ..

    .. !

    "# $ !.

    %!& ...'&%'&%'&%'&%

    !& ( '&% $..,,,,

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    - .. )* #


  • 7/24/2019 @Gk2epn(With a Stopover at London)Ch26 (1)


    Zn wfelever tfmlcs cn had........m jnoe fere .....tn reoeoher tfey jnugd

    fave heel oujf wnrse......l peaje desjelds. Nf al heinre geavmlc m cave

    @alkar a tfrasfmlc ni fms gmie.....tfe `mld tfat wmgg `agpan wfatever rnnf fms

    ontfer fas.....ald tfe stu ni fms lmcftoares......reoehermlc tfms hrmlcs a

    somge tn oy iaje...... l hesmdes.......snoe tfmlcs are prmjegess

    (fms agsn steos irno oy parelts !s teajfmlc......rmcft irno

    jfmgdfnnd.......heta gar `e aan yaf oar `e an , per cfar oe `ahfm rn `ar oat

    aala....tfms was agsn tfemr attmtude tn gmie...tfnucf agg "cfts were lnt "st


    $uestmnl tn penpge nl adugtery .jno

    %# &fat oa es ynu tfml` tfat ynu ynu wmgg cet nver tfms ald ever he

    iamtfiug acaml'..lmrvala ms lnt `lnwl tn fappel nl smtes''nr ms

    mt a gmietmoe oeohersfmp sjfeoe ''gm`e drucs'..nlje fnn`ed cnle

    inr gmie''nr inr onst part ni mt''tfe heinre vmacra part''l

    aiterwards dn ynu tfel vmsmt tfe smte knmltgy''.ms tfere a jnupges


    *n iurtfer +uestmnls ''.

    -ypntfetmjaggy ml a jnltest wfn wmls'..lnw tfat tfemr outuag eleoy oe msnut ni tfe ni iraoe

    ''depelds nl tfe nutput

    %# i `alkar oarrmes acaml e/ 21 fas wnl'.a# fmcfgy mlsejure 81 h#

    assnrted huljf ni `mds j# evel onre paddmlc inr fer hal` hagalje:# i jurrelt 81 survmves %4 21 wmgg gald ml al ngd penpge5s fnoe, aiter

    favmlc duegy falded nver agg fer prnps l a9j tn fer snl '.nr hetter

    stmgg oeet wmtf a iatag ajjmdeltNle ni tfe ahnve ms cuaralteed'..as per e/mstmlc data trelds'.wfat

    ms lnt cuaralteed ms survmvag ni tfms oarrmace 3#

    6tfmjs'..wfat ni mt '.= ;e ela de `mse `ulke wmjf etfmjs laao dm

    jfmrmya fuldm te nf aak es ou`ao te fulde''.pamsa te lalm

    ou`ferkee le wm `aoa gmya'..per hajfya `aul elkny `aral

    vaste''.jfnral lu onr fm ta`arde le'..rah tfndm tap`eca''.

  • 7/24/2019 @Gk2epn(With a Stopover at London)Ch26 (1)

