Giza Pyramid is the evidence for the knowledge of Ancient Egyptians in Science

Why did Giza (Khufu) Pyramid Build? Analyzed by: K. Sasikumar, B.Sc (Eng), SME Business & Technology Advisor Introduction If we say World Wonder or Egypt, the first thing comes in everyone mind is Pyramid. But if our next generation asked what it is, we do not have a proper answer. If we answer one or two questions regard it, in the third question we will be locked. Scientists are still searching for facts to define the model. As we did not have idea, we easily connected everything with Religion and Life after death. We have underestimated the knowledge level of ancient advanced civilization. But they made effort to transfer their knowledge to the future generations through inscriptions. It is believed 4500 years old ancient Egyptians had the wealth of knowledge in Astronomy, Mathematics, Human Resource Management, Resource Planning, Building Architecture, Mining, Physics, Chemistry and Medicine. Now the pyramid stands on the earth for spreading their reputation after several millenniums. The burning questions about Giza Pyramid (Khufu) are: 1. How they come up with this figures for the dimension of the pyramid- Base 230 meter & 146.5 meter (Approximately) 2. If it is a King‘s palace, why total coverage of the King & Queen Chambers inside occupying less than 30% of the Volume? 3. Why did the water channel connect with the Pyramid? 4. If the pyramid area is Royal Cemetery, Why did they mummify the Animals and Birds? 5. Why did they wind the body with Bandage like material and preserve the bodies in same body shaped coffin? “True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein


If we say world wonder or Egypt, the first thing comes in everyone mind is Pyramid. But if our next generation asked what it is, we do not have a proper answer. If we answer one or two questions regard it, in the third question we will be locked. Scientists are still searching for facts to define the model. As we did not have idea, we easily connected everything with Religion and Life after death. We have underestimated the knowledge level of ancient advanced civilization. But they made effort to transfer their knowledge to the future generations through inscriptions. It is believed 4500 years old ancient Egyptians had the wealth of knowledge in Astronomy, Mathematics, Human Resource Management, Resource Planning, Building Architecture, Mining, Physics, Chemistry and Medicine. Now the pyramid stands on the earth for spreading their reputation after several millenniums.When I went through the secondary sources in the internet published by researchers about Giza Pyaramid, I found, all of them explained their fact up to certain extents and due to lack of information and are different subject areas, none of them were able to properly connect the facts. To help each other, I made my effort to connect the facts to come up with certain reliable facts regarding Giza Pyramid. I hope, you all might agree on the following facts I brought for your concern:• House of Life means Not the human body but It is the Pyramid (House of Medicine)• Change of Life means Not the life after death but It is Metabolism (Egyptian might try to make strong human species to overcome from the Cancer as well as simultaneously treating the Cancer & other diseases)• “Horus Eye” means Mirror Galvanometer, might be the notation of Life Care, King Chamber & Grand Gallery are working on this mechanism• The Ancient Egyptians well applied their Astronomical knowledge on building the Giza Pyramid Complex They might be the inventors of Mirror Galvanometer Operational mechanism via the application of Sun Dial theories. • Pyramid Measurements: a) Pyramid was built on 0.0010 (degree) of arc on Earth’s perimeter & on sun dial concept b) Cape stone is not only the mere cap stone but also it might be the miniature architecture model of Pyramid with the proportion of measurements & angles of the same pyramid. Hopefully the Egyptian Architect first made the Cape stone before building the pyramid.c) The cape stone is 1.90 meters at the base and had a height of 1.32 metersd) Actual measurement might be 114.3 meters at the base and had a height of 147.9 meters (With Cape Stone) & Overall pyramid internal solid body (Excluding the surface stones) was in the ratio of Base : Height is 112:148 (Nearly 3: 4) e) Especially northern surface of the Pyramid might have parabolic surface like telescope disc (Southern face too may be same like) & used adaptive optical system. • The life saviors of the society such as Doctors and Other Technical Experts praised by the Ancient Egyptians like gods. They portray them with their special crowns & dresses to show their mastering field. And they might be the inventors of certain Scientific Theories/Equipment used in the House of Life. The inventor might be indicated in the inscription with their invention [ISIS may be the expert of operation of Chair Calorimeter as well as the physician] • Book of Dead: It might be a Book of Medicine NOTE: Although my facts are 100% not perfect, I believe At least certain percentage might be true & those will help to certain extent in the future studies of researchers on Giza Pyramid. Thank You.K.Sasikumar

Transcript of Giza Pyramid is the evidence for the knowledge of Ancient Egyptians in Science

Page 1: Giza Pyramid is the evidence for the knowledge of Ancient Egyptians in Science

Why did Giza (Khufu) Pyramid Build?Analyzed by: K. Sasikumar, B.Sc (Eng), SME Business & Technology Advisor


If we say World Wonder or Egypt, the first thing comes in everyone mind is Pyramid. But if our next generation

asked what it is, we do not have a proper answer. If we answer one or two questions regard it, in the third question

we will be locked. Scientists are still searching for facts to define the model. As we did not have idea, we easily

connected everything with Religion and Life after death. We have underestimated the knowledge level of ancient

advanced civilization. But they made effort to transfer their knowledge to the future generations through

inscriptions. It is believed 4500 years old ancient Egyptians had the wealth of knowledge in Astronomy,

Mathematics, Human Resource Management, Resource Planning, Building Architecture, Mining, Physics, Chemistry

and Medicine. Now the pyramid stands on the earth for spreading their reputation after several millenniums.

The burning questions about Giza Pyramid (Khufu) are:

1. How they come up with this figures for the dimension of the pyramid- Base 230 meter & 146.5 meter


2. If it is a King‘s palace, why total coverage of the King & Queen Chambers inside occupying less than 30% of

the Volume?

3. Why did the water channel connect with the Pyramid?

4. If the pyramid area is Royal Cemetery, Why did they mummify the Animals and Birds?

5. Why did they wind the body with Bandage like material and preserve the bodies in same body shaped


6. What is the Book of Dead?

Before entering to the topic, I ever obliged to thank all the Scientists & Researchers who already published their

findings regarding the pyramid to establish my facts for justification as pyramid is was more than a mere pharaoh's

tomb and what it should be!

I wish my findings should help to the Scientist and Researchers to pave the path for their studies, make the

knowledge level of future generations better than us.

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

Page 2: Giza Pyramid is the evidence for the knowledge of Ancient Egyptians in Science

HistoryAround 4500 year back (nearly 3150BC) Ancient Egypt was an extraordinary and enduring

civilization of Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the

modern country of Egypt. It is one of six civilizations globally to arise independently. The success of ancient

Egyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River valley. The predictable

flooding and controlled irrigation of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which supported a more dense

population, and social development and culture.

Till today there is a strong ethic as “The ancient Egyptians had a super intelligence far more intelligent than

humans today”. Also believed that they are the pioneers in the early development of an independent writing

system, the organization of collective construction and agricultural, trade with surrounding regions etc. Motivating

and organizing these activities was a bureaucracy of elite scribes, religious leaders, and administrators under the

control of a pharaoh, who ensured the cooperation and unity of the Egyptian people in the context of an elaborate

system of religious beliefs.

Egyptian Gods Vs Astronomical Planets

Egyptians might aware there are 11 planets in our

Solar System

Distance (000km), Radius(km), Mass(kg) , Planet (000 km) (km) (Eris

Masses) Discovered Date

1.Mercury 57,910 2439 3.30e23

2.Venus 108,200 6052 4.87e24

3.Earth 149,600 6378 5.98e24

4.Mars 227,940 3397 6.42e23

5.Jupiter 778,330 71492 1.90e27

6.Saturn 1,426,940 60268 5.69e26

7.Uranus 2,870,990 25559 8.69e25 Herschel 1781

8.Neptune 4,497,070 24764 1.02e26 Galle 1846

9.Pluto 5,913,520 1160 1.31e22 Tombaugh 1930

10. 50000 Quaoar /2002 LM60- 1,600,000,000 1074, 0.12e ,2002

11. 90377 Sedna /2003 VB12 - 150,000,000,000 9860, ~3 x 1021 kg, 2003

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Further it is believed the ancient Egyptians were experts on

systematic mathematical calculations, building constructions and

in the prediction of the astronomy etc

Time Measurement

There are lot of evidences seen they used the Sundial for measuring the time.

New Development in Time Measurement

At one stage they might be realized it can be measured through half pyramid shape.[we can see some of triangular indication mark lines for degree of rotation changes in the circular stone dial ]

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Centre of the Earth & Centre of Gravity

They might have identified a location that should be a centre of the Earth, going through the centre of the globe making 45o in angle with the Equator & 2/3 in length as Centre of Gravity Point.

Advantage of the Location

I hope after seeing the centre in the following map, If you move your eyes slightly perpendicular to the Giza pyramid location, you believe you can see almost highest proportion of the land coverage in the earth within the perimeter. (including Australia etc) in the Globe Shape map [I hope it is one and only location in the earth you can find most part of the world in a single Birds Eye View , I hope one satellite directly perpendicular to the Giza Pyramid, It will cover all the signals from the earth]. So I guess, Egyptian were so lucky to found the amazing location.

Marking the location in world Map

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

Page 5: Giza Pyramid is the evidence for the knowledge of Ancient Egyptians in Science

Giza (Khufu) Pyramid

Key facts of Architecture

1. Structure: The structure should precisely measured with every degree of earth rotation & It should be an analog indicator like permanent landmark fixed on the earth surface [Sharp Symmetrical Mountain like Structure-Peak should be perpendicular to the earth surface indicating the North]

2. Dimension: If it is built like pointer of the analog clock covering the size of 2 o (Degrees) in width at the Earth’s perimeter, then for every degree earth rotation the pointer will indicate 1 o (Degree) deviation. As it seen impossible to build a structure in kilometer width, the scale was selected 1:1000 scale [means pyramid was built in 0.001o (degree) in Earth’s perimeter] and built as miniature structure with the measurement in meters.

Actual Calculation:

Assumption: Radius (R) of Earth = 6,371 km

The Arc distance covered by 0.001 o (Degree) on the Earth Surface = (2 x Pi x Earth Radius)/ 360

= (2 x 3.142857 x 6,371)/360

= 111. 2397 m

So , 1:1000 Scale, the half-width of the basement at the centre of the pyramid is nearly 111.23 meters ( As the surface of the earth is not flat, the adjustment was considered)

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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In other way around (With relevant adjustments):

3. No Shadow casted when the sun is too higher than 52o means the actual shadow fall on pyramid face, so the Pyramid face inclination with the Earth surface is nearly 52o.

Earth Rotation Day Time Night Time

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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1.85 meters at the base and had

a height of 1.40 meters (With

minor damages)

One of the mysteries of Giza is the missing pyramidion or capstone of the Great Pyramid of Khufu.

Since modern recorded history the Great Pyramid has been topless, with several meters of its apex

missing. Egyptologists have assumed that the pyramid was originally capped by a small pyramid

called a pyramidion. If that is true, then what happened to it, and what could it have looked like? In October 1900 the guards of the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation (EAO) in the area of Dashur, a

site on the western desert that is some 20 kilometers south of modern Cairo, were attacked by a

group of armed brigands. A few days later, Gaston Maspero, the head of the EAO went to inspect

the site. It was then that he was taken to see an amazing and rather unique artifacts that had been

found embedded in the sand near a pyramid of the 12 th Dynasty belonging to the pharaoh

Amenemhet III. There, sticking partially out of the sand, was a magnificent pyramidion made of

black granite. Maspero could hardly believe his eyes at the amazing preservation of this 4000 years

old artifacts which, in his excitement, he described as “polished like a mirror”. The pyramid, which 

measured   1.85  meters   at   the   base   and   had   a   height   of   1.40  meters, was decorated with

wonderful inscriptions. On one face was a winged solar-disk flanked by two ureus (sacred cobras),

and under the solar-disk were two large eyes. Under the eyes were three lutes with a large sun disk

underneath. On each side of the sun-disk were the royal cartouches bearing the names of

Amennemhet III, and at the base of the triangular face were two lines of hieroglyphs. In an article

published in the Annales Du Services Des Antiquités in 1902, Maspero gave this translation:

-Secondary Source

****Cape stone is not only the mere cap stone but also it might be the miniature architecture model of

Pyramid with the proportion of measurements & angles of the same pyramid. Hopefully they first made

the Cape stone before building the pyramid.*****

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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****So, Now the cape stone is 1.90 meters at the base and had a height of 1.32 meters*****


Key angles Vs Lengths

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Height of the Pyramid is indicated as 146.58 m without Cape Stone & Width at the base is indicated as 230.34 m (Secondary Source)


“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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*******Actual measurement might be 114.3 meters at the base and had a height of 147.9 meters 

(With Cape Stone) ***

Note: Overall pyramid internal solid body (Excluding the surface stones) was in the ratio of Base : Height is 112:148 (Nearly 3: 4)


“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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****Especially northern surface of the Pyramid

might have parabolic surface like telescope disc.

( Southern face too may be same like)****

Stones Arrangement

The surfaces were cut in some angles and polished like mirror

The General Appearance

The Capstones of Giza Pyramids:

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Khufu Pyramid: Sun & Moon Pyramids

The Main Principle used to build the Giza Pyramids:

You can find in the picture of the

Capstone, the “Sunbird” is staying in the

middle of the Sun Dial. Samrat Yantra

************So, Pyramid was built based on sun dial concept**************

References:King of the Instruments – Samrat Yantra (1724 AD)

Samrat Yantra is the biggest instrument at Jantar Mantar, Jaipur, India. It is

also famous for its accurate construction. Time can be calculated by observing

the solar system. This instrument can calculate local time that is correct upto 2

seconds. The gnomon of this sundial is 90 feet high. There are niches in the wall

so that the storm does not affect the instrument. The gnomon of the Samrat

Yantra is located on the right-angled wall and the hypotenuse has steps to

climb up. This also has a scale, which is helpful in finding the altitude of the sun.

The hypotenuse points out towards a pole. This pole has on its either side a

masonry quadrant. The sides of the quadrant are marked in hours, minutes and

seconds. On the scale 1 minute has been divided into 30 parts. This division

helps in measuring the divisions accurately. There are steps near the quadrant

to enable the observers` climb up to the dial to check the time.

The Meaning of inscription in the Cape Stone might be:“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

Page 14: Giza Pyramid is the evidence for the knowledge of Ancient Egyptians in Science

The Sun Disc


The outer circle on the diagram represents the horizon and the inner circles are lines of constant elevation, drawn at 15° intervals. The radial lines are lines of constant azimuth drawn at 15° intervals also.

The Autumn Equinox, usually on March 21, is when the Sun raises exactly east, sets exactly west and we have approximately equal day and night.

The Winter Solstice, usually on June 22, is when the Sun is furthest north and we have our shortest day; and longest night.

The Spring Equinox, usually on September 23, is identical to that of March 21, except that the Sun rises 16 minutes earlier on September 23.

The Summer Solstice, usually on December 22, is when the Sun is furthest south and we have our longest day and shortest night.

On Feb 27, the sun appears perpendicular to the Sphinx Paw.

The Rays

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Apparatus Used to Measure the Angles and Build the Pyramid:

North & South Surfaces might have Parabolic Surfaces

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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1. Adaptive Optical System

2. Back Body Radiation & Infra-Red Radiation

Why is the spectrum of black body radiation continuous?A black body in thermal equilibrium (that is, at a constant temperature) emits electromagnetic radiation called black-body radiation. The radiation is emitted according to Planck's law, meaning that it has a spectrum that is determined by the temperature alone. However, why the black body can emit all frequency electromagnetic waves? What's the mechanism for the black body radiation? The quick answer to the black body radiation is the motion of atoms due to the non-zero temperature. Why the states for the motion of atoms cannot be quantized? If yes, then the atoms jumping from one state to another should emit discretely distributed electromagnetic waves.

Metal Hook & Black Granite Sarcophagus

in Red/ Pink Granite Room

This says that the wavelength (color) where the curve peaks is inversely proportional to the

Temperature. As the temperature increases the peak moves to shorter wavelengths of radiation. And

so we see the color of the object change as it is heated or cools. When you turn on the burner of an

electric oven it starts out glowing a red color and as it heats up goes from red to orange to yellow. The

burner is emitting radiation even before you first see it glow red. It starts out emitting IR radiation

because it's temperature is initially around 300 K

peak = 2.898 x 10-3 m*K/(300 K) = 9.7 x 10-6 m

No object is perfectly opaque (absorbing and re-emitting all light that falls upon it), but most of the

objects we'll encounter in this class will approximate perfect thermal emitters.

Two rules to remember about thermal radiation:

1. Hotter objects emit more total radiation energy per unit surface area

2. Hotter objects emit photons with a higher average energy (which means shorter

wavelength/higher frequency).

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Usage of Lenses and Mirror:

Radio Telescope Model:

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Adaptive Optical System:

Internal Structure of the PyramidChambers of the Pyramid:

King’s Chamber

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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King’s Chamber & Mirror Galvanometer:

King’s Chamber built with Red/Pink Granite Stones might be used to read the Infra-Red wave radiation (Radio waves) through air shaft. MIRROR GALVANOMETER should be fixed in the King’s Chamber.

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Mirror Galvanometer:As it is the key equipment used to control the signals and to control the cooling system of the pyramid, It might be defined as the logo for the Pyramid Technology in the form of “Eye of Horus”


Thomson mirror galvanometer of tripod type, from around 1900.

A mirror galvanometer is an electromechanical instrument that senses electric current by deflecting a light beam with a mirror. The beam of light projected on a scale acts as a long mass less pointer. Wikipedia

Basic design was to hang a mirror on the compass needle and deflect a spot of light onto a distant scale; this would increase the sensitivity by many factors. The “Mirror Galvanometer”, attributed to William Thomson (1824-1907) later Lord Kelvin, who patented his device in 1858, after Johann Christian Poggendorff (1796-1877) had first developed it in 1826. Instead of magnetic needles, permanent magnets are hung by a silk thread between a coil, fixed to the magnets is a mirror. This is a 'moving iron' type instrument with the advantage that the coils can easily be changed for different sensitivity. A further feature was added by Thomson; above the instrument a magnetic bar was added which could be moved up down and around further cancelling out any effect by Earth’s magnetic field.

Calibration of Mirror Galvanometer

The legs of the galvanometer properly set on vertical position to the horizontal surface

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Mirror Galvanometer and ControllerGalvanometer: Controller:

Theory References:Ref 01:

Ref 03:


“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Grand Gallery (Wavelength Sensing Unit/Galvanometer Controller)

Queen’s Chamber (Galvanometer driven X-Y Axis Scanner)

Queen’s Chamber was built with beautifully finished lime stone & walls are made in Black Colour.

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Theory Reference:

Schematic representation of time-resolved 4D photo acoustic tomography

3-D spatial phase-controlled algorithm was used to reconstruct the imaging. A series of 2D images at various projection angles, θ and time steps t can be obtained to construct the 4D movies of objects in motion. rmk is the distance between photoacoustic source at position m and No. k detector.

Subterranean Chamber:

The causeway from the Great Pyramid can be seen leading down to the location of the ancient Nile River. The causeway was a hollow structure nearly half a mile long. The retaining wall is an accepted part of the pyramid structure. This retaining wall would have been as high as the entrance door.

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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The prism stone as water seal

Nile were connected by an underground tunnel system it was quite easy to carry the water to the lower pyramids like the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Giza Plateau itself never flooded due to the high altitude, but it is known that the water of the river Nile, during the floods came to the front paws of the Sphinx (Herodotus 435 B.C.) through the appropriate location of the Sphinx Temple. The water of life from the Nile, equal to the power of the Sun, manifesting through the Sun god ‘Ra’ or ‘Re’ and destined for the complex of Giza. The pure water was used as raw material for the Great Pyramid. Through the subterranean chamber the water came into the Great Pyramid and through the pressure the excess water was led back through the descending passage to the outside of the pyramid. A special valve in the form of a hinged prism stone (image 6) and the completely closed pyramid ensured that a vacuum could emerge above the water surface remaining in the Great Pyramid after closing the water supply.

The strong vacuum above the water surface ensured that the water was boiling without the addition of heat, and in this way, the completely closed pyramid was further filled up with the resulting water vapour. The various vertical shafts and wells on the platform support this theory and the attachment points of the prism stone in the descending passage are still visible. The water that is allowed in the Great Pyramid is pure water. The formation of water vapour occurs in a natural manner without the use of heat. The next stage in the process is the commitment of the element of Water with the element of Air through sound. The influence of acoustic resonance and vibration in water molecules is very special and this property plays an important role in the process technology of the Great Pyramid. Implosion technology instead of explosion technology.

Detail of drop-eight feed-valve and arrangement of outside cooling circuit. The water enters at A, and the flow is regulated by the needle-valve at left-hand side. Rate of flow can be seen at end of exit tube just above the union. The water flows out at C and compressed air is admitted at B, regulated by the pet-cock.


“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Theory References:

Water Speed Control

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Water Circuit for Heat Absorbing:

The “Water Shaft” is a multiple room structure located under the middle pyramid's causeway (see Figure 27, 29). It took 4 years of continuous pumping to remove the water3. The “dead end” shaft is at the same elevation as the lowest chamber of the “Water Shaft”. In the northwest corner of the lowest room a small tunnel heads towards a possible juncture with the dead end shaft. This may be a mere coincidence but it strongly suggests the existence of a labyrinth of tunnels at this depth.

Schematic diagram of water circuit for heat-absorbers of calorimeter. A, constant-level tank from which water descends to main pipe supplying heat-absorbers; a, valve for controlling supply from tank A; B, section of piping passing into cold brine; b, valve controlling water direct from large tank A; c, valve controlling amount of water from cooling section B; C, thermometer at mixer; D, electric heater for ingoing water; E, thermometer for ingoing water; d d d, heat-absorbers inside calorimeter; F, thermometer indicating temperature of outcoming water; G, can for collecting water from calorimeter; f, valve for emptying G.

Fluid dynamics model:

This model (model #4) has a glass top and glass eastern wall, which enables viewing of the water flow.

Details of resistance thermometers for water-circuit. Upper part of figure shows a sketch of the outside of the hard-rubber case. In lower part is a section showing interior construction. Flattened lead tube wound about central brass tube contains the resistance wire. A is enlarged part of the case forming a chamber for the mercury bulb. Arrows indicate direction of flow on resistance thermometer for ingoing water.


“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Metabolism (from Greek: μεταβολή metabolē, "change") is the set of life-sustaining chemical transformations within the cells

of livingorganisms. These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and

respond to their environments. The word metabolism can also refer to all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms,

including digestion and the transport of substances into and between different cells, in which case the set of reactions within

the cells is called intermediary metabolism or intermediate metabolism.

Metabolism is usually divided into two categories. Catabolism, that breaks down organic matter and harvests energy by way

of cellular respiration, and anabolism that uses energy to construct components of cells such as proteins and nucleic acids.

The chemical reactions of metabolism are organized into metabolic pathways, in which one chemical is transformed through a series of steps

into another chemical, by a sequence of enzymes. Enzymes are crucial to metabolism because they allow organisms to drive desirable

reactions that require energy that will not occur by themselves, by coupling them to spontaneous reactions that release energy. Enzymes act

as catalysts that allow the reactions to proceed more rapidly. Enzymes also allow the regulation of metabolic pathways in response to

changes in the cell's environment or to signals from other cells.

The metabolic system of a particular organism determines which substances it will find nutritious and which poisonous. For example,

some prokaryotes use hydrogen sulfide as a nutrient, yet this gas is poisonous to animals. [1] The speed of metabolism, the metabolic rate,

influences how much food an organism will require, and also affects how it is able to obtain that food.


“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Respiration Calorimeters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man

Mirror Galvanometer helping to control the water cooler (heat absorbing system) to absorb the heat loss in the chamber

Egyptians might be aware the RAT’s immunization system is like human, they may be tested the Rat in parallel with human in Chair Calorimeter.

Theory Reference:

Neurovascular photoacoustic tomography

Three major embodiments of PAT for label-free cerebral vascular imaging.

(A-1) Schematic of PACT. (A-2) Schematic of dark-field AR-PAM. (A-3) Schematic of OR-PAM. (B-1) PACT image of the cortical vasculature in a living adult rat with both the scalp and the skull intact. Excerpted from (Wang et al., 2003 ). (B-2) Dark-field AR-PAM image of the cortical vasculature in a living adult mouse with both the scalp and the skull intact. Excerpted from (Stein et al., 2008 ). (B-3) OR-PAM image of the cortical vasculature in a living adult mouse with the scalp removed and the skull intact. All scale bars are 1 mm.

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Spherical Scanner / internal reflection fluorescence microscope

Recent clinical studies have demonstrated that photoacoustic imaging (PAI) provides important diagnostic information during a routine breast exam for cancer. PAI enhances contrast between blood vessels and background tissue, which can help characterize suspicious lesions. However, most PAI systems are either not compatible with commercial ultrasound systems or inefficiently deliver light to the region of interest, effectively reducing the sensitivity of the technique. To address and potentially overcome these limitations, we developed an accessory for a standard linear ultrasound array that optimizes light delivery for PAI. The photoacoustic enabling device (PED) exploits an optically transparent acoustic reflector to help direct laser illumination to the region of interest. This study compares the PED with standard fiber bundle illumination in scattering and non-scattering media. In scattering media with the same incident fluence, the PED enhanced the photoacoustic signal by 18 dB at a depth of 5 mm and 6 dB at a depth of 20 mm. To demonstrate in vivo feasibility, we also used the device to image a mouse with a pancreatic tumor. The PED identified blood vessels at the periphery of the tumor, suggesting that PAI provides complementary contrast to standard pulse echo ultrasound. The PED is a simple and inexpensive solution that facilitates the translation of PAI technology to the clinic for routine screening of breast cancer.

Scanning Parts of the Bodies:Four types Jars are the indication of body parts.

Imsety: who had a human head - guardian of the liver

Hapy: who had the head of a baboon - guardian of the lungs

Qebehsenuf: who had the head of a falcon - guardian of the intestines

Duamatef: who had the head of a jackal - guardian of the stomach

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Common type of stresses:Albrecht’s four common types of stresses are:

1. Time stress2. Anticipatory stress3. Situational stress.4. Encounter stress

Anesthesia & Power of Mandrake

The mandrake is one of the plants which still grow widely in the Middle East, and which has claimed magical associations from a very remote period. It is generally assigned the botanical name of Mandragora officinarum L..

1. Mandragora officinarum L: It is a perennial of the order Solanaceae. It claims affinity with the potato and eggplant, and is closely allied to the Atropa belladonna L.

2 Atropa belladonna L : The modern Arab knows it by a number of names, including Tuffah£ el Majanin (‘Madmen’s Apple) and Beid el Jinn (Eggs of the Jinn), apparently a reference to the ability of the plant to invigorate and stimulate the senses even to the point of mental imbalance. The former name may perhaps be a survival of the belief found in Oriental folk-loreregarding the magical herb Baaras, with which the mandrake is identified by some authorities.

3 According to the legends associated with this plant, it was highly esteemed amongst the ancients on account of its pronounced magical properties. But because of the potency of these attributes it was an extremely hazardous undertaking for anyone to gather the plant, and many who attempted it were supposed to have paid for their daring with sickness and death.

4 Once the herb had been gathered, however, it availed for a number of diseases, and in antiquity it was most reputed for its ability to cure depression and general disorders of the mind. As a result it was frequently sought after by magicians and others who attempted the treatment of insanity in the ancient world, and was probably used most of all in the form of a potion. The mandrake grew abundantly in Palestine, and was found flourishing in neglected fields and waste land. A thick, forked stubby root produced a short stem on which grew glossy oval leaves attaining a length of anything from six to sixteen inches, depending largely on the fertility of the place where it was to be found growing. The plant bore a flower, whose colour is variously described as bluish, purple, or greenish-white, and in appearance was rather flat and broad, being about two inches in diameter. In the Spring the blossoms gave way to round, sweetish red berries, which became ripe about May. The young plants had a thick tapering root very much like that of a parsnip, which went down into the ground for a distance of two feet or more. As the plant matured, the root altered its shape, becoming more bulbous, and from it there emerged a number of short brittle outgrowths. To the imaginative mind, the forked stumpy appearance of the root would suggest a crude human shape, to which many of the ancients were already accustomed in the worship of Ishtar and other fertility deities. For centuries it was the custom in the East to manipulate, pinch or carve the mandrake root until it assumed a vaguely human form.

5 After this, it was generally sold as a charm to protect the wearer from the attacks of demons, or to stimulate sexual vigour. It is improbable that the entire plant was utilized in this manner on the person, since the root alone was often more than two feet in length. If the complete mandrake was used superstitiously, it would probably be kept hung up on an inner wall of the house, or in

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Sansevieria trifasciata, also called snake plant, mother-in-law's tongue or Saint George's sword is a species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae, native to tropical West Africa from Nigeria east to the Congo. WikipediaThe Snake Plant, or Mother-in-Law's Tongue, is one of the most recommended plants for improving air quality. The optimal place to keep this relatively inexpensive and low-maintenance plant is the bedroom, because it converts CO2 into oxygen at night. Snake plant in the bedroom will improve the air quality while sleep.In its roundup of the best cheap plants for improving indoor air quality, Wisebread notes that Mother-in-Law's Tongue is recommended by a NASA study (which lists at least a dozen air-improving plants) and researcher Kamal Meattle, who has shown us that just three common houseplants can improve indoor air.

Theory Reference:Nueroplasticity:

Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity, is an umbrella term that encompasses both synaptic plasticity and non-synaptic plasticity—it

refers to changes in neural pathways and synapses which are due to changes in behavior, environment and neural processes, as well as

changes resulting from bodily injury.[1] Neuroplasticity has replaced the formerly-held position that the brain is a physiologically static organ,

and explores how - and in which ways - the brain changes throughout life.[2] Neuroplasticity occurs on a variety of levels, ranging from cellular

changes due to learning, to large-scale changes involved in cortical remapping in response to injury. The role of neuroplasticity is widely

recognized in healthy development, learning, memory, and recovery from brain damage. During most of the 20th century, the consensus

among neuroscientists was that brain structure is relatively immutable after a critical period during early childhood. This belief has been

challenged by findings revealing that many aspects of the brain remain plastic even into adulthood. [3] Hubel and Wiesel had demonstrated

that ocular dominance columns in the lowest neocortical visual area, V1, were largely immutable after the critical period in development.[4] Critical periods also were studied with respect to language; the resulting data suggested that sensory pathways were fixed after the critical

period. However, studies determined that environmental changes could alter behavior and cognition by modifying connections between

existing neurons and via neurogenesis in the hippocampus and other parts of the brain, including the cerebellum.[5]Decades of

research[6] have now shown that substantial changes occur in the lowest neocortical processing areas, and that these changes can profoundly

alter the pattern of neuronal activation in response to experience. Neuroscientific research indicates that experience can actually change

both the brain's physical structure (anatomy) and functional organization (physiology). Neuroscientists are currently engaged in a

reconciliation of critical period studies demonstrating the immutability of the brain after development with the more recent research

showing how the brain can, and does, change

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Air Thermometer-Measurement of Body Temperature

AIR THERMOMETER:  While it is possible to control arbitrarily the temperature of the calorimeter by increasing or decreasing the amount of heat brought away, and thus compensate exactly for the heat eliminated by the subject, the hydrothermal equivalent of the system itself being about 20 calories—on the other hand the body of the subject may undergo marked changes in temperature and thus influence the measurement of the heat production to a noticeable degree; for if heat is lost from the body by a fall of body-temperature or stored as indicated by a rise in temperature, obviously the heat produced during the given period will not equal that eliminated and measured by the water-current and by the latent heat of water vaporized. In order to make accurate measurements, therefore, of the heat-production as distinguished from the heat elimination, we should know with great accuracy the hydrothermal equivalent of the body and changes in body temperature. The most satisfactory method at present known of determining the hydrothermal equivalent of the body is to assume the specific heat of the body as 0.83.[14] This factor will of course vary considerably with the weight of body material and the proportion of fat, water, and muscular tissue present therein, but for general purposes nothing better can at present be employed. From the weight of the subject and this factor the hydrothermal equivalent of the body can be calculated. It remains to determine, then, with great exactness the body temperature.

Recognizing early the importance of securing accurate body-temperatures in researches of this kind, a number of investigations were made and published elsewhere[15] regarding the body-temperature in connection with the[Pg 49] experiments with the respiration calorimeter. It was soon found that the ordinary mercurial clinical thermometer was not best suited for the most accurate observations of body-temperature and a special type of thermometer employing the electrical-resistance method was used. In many of the experiments, however, it is impracticable with new subjects to complicate the experiment by asking them to insert the electrical rectal thermometer, and hence we have been obliged to resort to the usual clinical thermometer with temperatures taken in the mouth, although in a few instances they have been taken in the axilla and the rectum. For the best results the electrical rectal thermometer is used.“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Electrical Activity of Human Body

Galvanometer coil used in connection with recording apparatus for resistance thermometers in the water-circuit of bed calorimeter. A, anti-vibration tube; P, pointer.


Theory Reference:


A manometer is an instrument that uses a column of liquid to measure pressure

The difference in fluid height in a liquid column manometer is proportional to the pressure difference. 

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Chair Calorimeter

Vertical cross-section of chair calorimeter from front to back, showing structural steel supporting the calorimeter and the large balance above for weighing the subject inside the calorimeter. The chair, method of suspension, and apparatus for raising and lowering are shown. Part of the heat-absorbers is shown, and their general direction. The ingoing and outgoing air-pipes and direction of ventilation are also indicated. The positions of the food-aperture and wire mat and asbestos support are seen. Surrounding the calorimeter are the asbestos outside and hair-felt lining.

Respiration Chamber

The air is taken out at lower right-hand corner and forced by the blower through the apparatus for absorbing water and carbon dioxide. It returns to the calorimeter at the top. Oxygen can be introduced into the chamber itself as need is shown by the tension equalizer.

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Theory Reference:

Water (blue), water vapor (yellow) and hydrogen and oxygen (red)

The water molecules are ‘broken’ and the chambers and passages located above the grotto (water seal or valve) in the well shaft of the Great Pyramid are filled with the hydrogen gas and oxygen gas mixture (image 9).

In the resonance chamber (King’s Chamber) of the Great Pyramid, which is completely filled with water vapour, the water will decompose by resonance instead of electricity, but finds the same reaction as for the electrolysis of water: 2H2O → 2H2 + O2 (hydrogen and oxygen from water).In a fuel cell a reverse reaction takes place and therefore we call it reverse electrolysis. In this case hydrogen and oxygen are guided to a cathode and an anode that are separated to each other by a membrane, and there an electric current starts to flow from the anode to the cathode. Chemical energy is converted into electrical energy using heat, and water is released. The water is thereby the waste or residue. This reaction takes place in the two shafts of the reaction chamber or Queen’s Chamber. The two electrodes (cathode and anode) are still present in the shafts An important application of the fuel cell is the oxyhydrogen cell in which oxygen and hydrogen react with each other directly without membrane. This application without membrane takes place in the reaction shafts of the reaction chamber (Queen’s Chamber) and the two shafts act as oxy hydrogen cells.The gas flow of hydrogen and oxygen is led along both electrodes with the conductive connecting liquid (electrolyte) water vapour, which contains dissolved sodium chloride or table salt NaCl.An electrolyte is the conductive medium that forms the connection between the two electrodes (anode and cathode), and in this case it is sodium chloride NaCl dissolved in water (vapour), which is a very strong electrolyte. Salt (NaCl) is very well soluble, and that portion which has been dissolved in water is completely split into ions so that the solution can be electrically conductive.

Bed Calorimeter

Cross-section of bed calorimeter, showing part of steel construction, also copper and zinc walls, food-aperture, and wall and air-resistance thermometers. Cross-section of opening, cross-section of panels of insulating asbestos, and supports of calorimeter itself are also indicated


“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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DELAFIELD DU BOIS— EUGENE F. DU BOIS 77 whose area has been measured is small. In 1879 Meeh° finished his painstaking and time-constiming work which has remained the standard ever since. He measured six adults and ten children, using a variety of methods. Some parts of the body were marked out in geometrical patterns, which were then traced on transparent paper. The areas of these were then determined by geometry, or, if the pieces of paper were very irregular, by weighing. Some of the cylindrical parts of the body were wound with strips of millimeter paper like a bandage. Funke** in one case covered the skin of a cadaver with adhesive material and pasted over this squares of paper. Fubini and Ronchi'^ measured one man by marking out the anatomical regions of the body and determining the areas geometrically. Bouchard^ used this same method in measuring a number of adults. He speaks of a plan of clothing the body in tights made of some thin, flexible, inelastic sort of paper, the area of which could be determined by weighing. Apparently, he was not able to find the right material. He mentions the fact that M. Bergonie measured surface area by means of plates of lead, and that M. Roussy used a very ingenious cylinder with a revolution counter which he passed over the whole .surface of the body. Bouchard also states that D'Arsonval determined the surface area electrically by clothing the man in silk tights and charging him as one would charge a Ley den jar, calculating the surface by applying a ■ metal plate of known area. Lissauer^ measured twelve dead babies by covering the skin with colored adhesive material and then applying silk paper and measuring the area of the paper geometrically or with a planimeter. Meeh^ as a result of his own measurements, based his formula for determining surface area on the fundamental mathematical law that the surfaces of similar solids are proportional to the % power of their volumes. Using the body weight to represent volume he determined that the constant 12.312 when multiplied by the cube root of the square of the weight in kilograms gave results which came within 7 per cent, of all his measurements of adults and older children. The constant for infants was 11.9 and for various species of animals still different. Miwa and Stoltzner^" felt the need of introducing linear measurements.

Energy transfer tested in the Animals

Preservation of the parts of the body:

By using the Mirror Galvanometer, Egyptians maintained the water cooling system (Water Speed) to maintain certain temprature of the pyramid to preserve the body parts without damaging.

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Pyramid Surrounded by Cemeteries:


Egyptian Mummification :The Ancient Egyptians believed that when a person died they made a journey to the next world. They believed that in order to live in the next world their body had to be preserved. A preserved body is called a mummy. After death a body begins to decompose. In order to prevent a body from decomposing it is necessary to deprive the tissues of moisture and oxygen. The earliest Egyptians buried their dead in shallow pits in the desert. The hot, dry sand quickly removed moisture from the dead body and created a natural mummy. However, the Egyptians discovered that if the body was first placed in a coffin, it would not be preserved. In order to ensure that the body was preserved the Ancient Egyptians began to use a process called mummification. This involved embalming the body and then wrapping it in thin strips of linen. MummificationThe mummification process took around 70 days and involved the following steps:1. The body was washed2. A cut was made on the left side of the abdomen and the internal organs - intestines, liver, lungs, stomach, were removed. The heart, which the Ancient Egyptians believed to be the centre of emotion and intelligence, was left in the body for use in the next life.3 A hooked instrument was used to remove the brain through the nose. The brain was not considered to be important and was thrown away.4. The body and the internal organs were packed with natron salt for forty days to remove all moisture.5. The dried organs were wrapped in linen and placed in canopic jars. The lid of each jar was shaped to represent one of Horus' four sons. The picture (right) taken by Nina Aldin Thune shows from left to right –

Imsety: who had a human head - guardian of the liver Hapy: who had the head of a baboon - guardian of the lungs Qebehsenuf: who had the head of a falcon - guardian of the intestines Duamatef: who had the head of a jackal - guardian of the stomach 6. The body was cleaned and the dried skin rubbed with oil.7. The body was packed with sawdust and rags and the open cuts sealed with wax8. The body was wrapped in linen bandages. About 20 layers were used and this took 15 to 20 days.9. A death mask was placed over the bandages10. The bandaged body was placed in a shroud (a large sheet of cloth) which was secured with linen strips.

11. The body was then placed in a decorated mummy case or coffin.

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Mummies of Human

Egyptians began to bury their dead in stone tombs and, as a result, they made use of artificial mummification, which involved removing the internal organs, wrapping the body in linen, and burying it in a rectangular stone sarcophagus or wooden coffin. Beginning in the Fourth Dynasty, some parts were preserved separately in Canopic jars. Everything required was packed in the tomb along with the body. Writing materials were often supplied along with clothing,.

Mummies of Animals & Birds

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Theory Reference:Genetics:

Genetics is the study of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms.[1][2] It is generally considered a field of biology, but it intersects frequently with many of the life sciences and is strongly linked with the study of information systems.

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“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Human-animal hybrids and chimeras

Human Skull Sea Lion SkullParahumans have been referred to as "human-animal hybrids" in a vernacular sense that also encompasses human-animal chimeras. The term parahuman is not used in scientific publications. The term is sometimes used to sensationalise research that involves mixing biological materials from humans and other species.[1] According to Daily Mail, as of 2011, more than 150 human-animal hybrid embryos were created in British laboratories since the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008

RationaleThere are several reasons for which parahumans or chimeras might be created. The current forms of chimera exist for medical and industrial purposes, e.g., production of drugs and of organs suitable for organ transplantation. Other experiments aim to reveal knowledge about the function of the human body, e.g., by creating mice with a human-likeimmune system to study AIDS or with a brain incorporating human nerve cells. Restrictions on cloning and stem cell research have made chimera research an attractive alternative.If a line of parahumans could be created using germline engineering, if they also bred true, and if they were different enough from ordinary humans to be unable to breed with us, then they would qualify as a species. Parahumans created using only somatic genetic engineering would have human children. Another key difference is that a germ-line parahuman would have to be modified before birth, while a somatic parahuman could be an adult human who chooses to be modified. Which one is more ethical is a matter of debate. An argument for the former is that no harm is done to a person born with modified genes because the person would have had no control over their genes in the first place. An argument for the latter being more ethical is that the changes would be made with informed consent. Reference

Biological anthropologyBiological anthropology, also known as physical anthropology, is a scientific discipline in which research is concerned with the biological and behavioral variation of human beings, other non-human primates, and extinct hominin ancestors of the human species.[1] It is a subfield of the broader discipline of anthropology, and it provides a biological perspective to the systematic study of human variation.As a subfield of anthropology, biological anthropology itself is further divided into several branches. All branches are united in their common application of evolutionary theory to understanding human morphology and behavior. Paleoanthropology , the study of fossil evidence for human evolution, studying extinct hominid and other

primate species to determine the environment into which modern humans evolved, and how our species dispersed to eventually cover much of the earth's land mass.

Primatology , the study of non-human primate behavior, morphology, and genetics. Reasons via homology and analogy to infer how and why similar human traits evolved.

Human behavioral ecology , the study of behavioral adaptations (foraging, reproduction, ontogeny) from the evolutionary and ecologic perspectives, (see behavioral ecology). Human adaptation, the study of human adaptive responses (physiologic, developmental, genetic) to environmental stresses and variation.

Human biology , an interdisciplinary field of biology, biological anthropology, nutrition and medicine, concentrates upon international, population-level perspectives on health, evolution, adaptation and population genetics.

Bioarchaeology the study of past human cultures through examination of human remains recovered in an archaeological context. The examined human remains usually comprises bones, but may include preserved soft tissue. Researchers in bioarchaeology combine the skillsets of human osteology, paleopathology, and archaeology, and often consider the mortuary context of the remains in the final analysis.

Paleopathology is the study of disease in antiquity. This study focuses not only on pathogenic conditions observable in bones or mummified soft tissue, but also on nutritional disorders, variation in stature or the morphology of bones over time, evidence of physical trauma, or evidence of occupationally derived biomechanic stress.

Forensic anthropology , the application of osteology, paleopathology, archaeology, and other anthropological techniques for the identification of modern human remains or the reconstruction of events surrounding a person's death.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Human Biology

By GeoPedia Expert

By S. O. Y. Keita, Senior Research Associate, National Human Genome Center, Howard University; Research Associate, Anthropology, Smithsonian Institute

Based on fossil and DNA evidence, modern humans may have existed in Africa as many as 140,000 years before they successfully colonized other parts of the world. Considering this from an evolutionary perspective, we should expect great diversity among indigenous Africans, and this is what has been found, even when northern African populations have been excluded from the research. All human populations exhibit biological variation in one way or another, and there is no single way to be biologically African—not by DNA, skin color, hair form, blood type, or variation of face and nose.

Fossil remains of modern humans have been found in the Nile Valley, including those of a child from Taramsa, in Egypt, believed to date to 60,000 to 50,000 years ago, though perhaps to as much as 80,000 years ago. The Nazlet Khater skeleton, also from Egypt, dates to around 33,000 years ago. Excavations in Egypt have also produced skeletal remains that date back to the cultures immediately preceding and following the first kings of a united Egypt, around 3100 B.C. By carefully using various scientific techniques, one can determine changes over time in the skeletal pattern of a particular place. The pattern of the craniofacial region and long bones is believed by most investigators to be helpful in understanding the forces of evolution on a population and, in some cases, when the pattern can be combined with other information, the population's region of origin. A similar pattern among different groups may indicate either a common ancestral origin, population interactions via intermarriage, and/or a common adaptive pattern related to the environment. Other information may help in assessing the meaning of similarity.

There has been scholarly interest in the biological variation and genealogical relationship of the ancient Egyptians to other populations outside of the Egyptian Nile Valley. There is no scientific reason to believe that the primary ancestors of the Egyptian population emerged and evolved outside of northeast Africa. Skeletal analyses have figured prominently in research. When comparisons to non-Egyptians are made, depending on which samples and methods are used, the craniofacial patterns of ancient Egyptian show a range of similarities to other African populations, Near Easterners, and Europeans. Overall, these studies can be interpreted as suggesting that the Egyptian Nile Valley's indigenous population had a craniofacial pattern that evolved and emerged in northeastern Africa, whose geography in relationship to climate largely explains the variation. Dental affinity studies generally agree with the craniofacial results, though they differ in the details. The body proportions of ancient Egyptians generally are similar to those of tropical (more southern) Africans.

Very little DNA has been retrieved from ancient Egyptian remains, and there are not many studies on the modern population. However, the results of analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the Y chromosome in the living Egyptian population show the existence of very old African lineages that are consistent with the fossil remains and of younger lineages of more recent evolution, along with evidence of the assimilation of later migrants from the Near East and Europe; mtDNA is passed only through the female line, from mother to offspring, and the relevant part of the Y chromosome, the nonrecombining section, passes only from father to son. The basic overall genetic profile of the modern population is consistent with the diversity of ancient populations that would have been indigenous to northeastern Africa and subject to the range of evolutionary influences over time, although researchers vary in the details of their explanations of those influences.

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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Ancient Medicine-Egypt

This wood and leather prosthetic toe was used by an amputee to facilitate walking

The medicine of the ancient Egyptians is some of the oldest documented. From the beginnings of the civilization in the c. 33rd century BC

until the Persian invasion of 525 BC, Egyptian medical practice went largely unchanged but was highly advanced for its time, including simple

non-invasive surgery, setting of bones and an extensive set of pharmacopoeia. Egyptian medical thought influenced later traditions, including

the Greeks.

Until the 19th century, the main sources of information about ancient Egyptian medicine were writings from later in antiquity. Homer c. 800

BC remarked in the Odyssey: "In Egypt, the men are more skilled in medicine than any of human kind" and "the Egyptians were skilled in

medicine more than any other art". The Greek historian Herodotus visited Egypt around 440 BC and wrote extensively of his observations of

their medicinal practices. The ancient Egyptian word for doctor is "swnw". This title has a long history. The earliest recorded physician in the

world, Hesy-Ra, practiced in ancient Egypt. He was “Chief of Dentists and Physicians” to King Djoser, who ruled in the 27th century BC.[16] The

ladyPeseshet (2400 BC) may be the first recorded female doctor: she was possibly the mother of Akhethotep, and on a stela dedicated to her

in his tomb she is referred to as imy-r swnwt, which has been translated as “Lady Overseer of the Lady Physicians” (swnwt is the feminine

of swnw).There were many ranks and specializations in the field of medicine. Royalty employed their own swnw, even their own specialists.

There were inspectors of doctors, overseers and chief doctors. Known ancient Egyptian specialists

are ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist,proctologist, dentist, "doctor who supervises butchers" and an unspecified "inspector of liquids". The

ancient Egyptian term for proctologist,neru phuyt, literally translates as "shepherd of the anus". Institutions, so called HOUSE OF LIFE, are

known to have been established in ancient Egypt since the 1st Dynasty and may have had medical functions, being at times associated in

inscriptions with physicians, such as Peftauawyneit and Wedjahorresnet living in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. [17] By the time of

the 19th Dynasty their employees enjoyed such benefits as medical insurance, pensions and sick leave.[16]

Doctors and other healers-Ancient Egypt

Physician Name

Other names Kings service & Dating Titles Gender

Medical practice

SiteMedical legacy Non medical legacy Burial site

Imhotep Egyptian ỉỉ-m-ḥtp *jā-im-ḥātap meaning "the one who comes in peace, is with peace", Immutef, Im-hotep, or Ii-em-Hotep; called Imuthes

Djoser circa 2650–2600 BC

Chancellor of the King of Egypt, Doctor, First in line after the King of Upper Egypt, Administrator of the Great Palace, Hereditary nobleman, High Priest of Heliopolis, Builder, Chief Carpenter, Chief Sculptor, and Maker of Vases in Chief.

M Memphis author ofEdwin Smith papyrus. Two thousand years after his death, Imhotep's status was raised to that of a deity of medicine and healing.

Imhotep was one of the chief officials of the PharaohDjoser and Egyptologists ascribe to him the designed the Pyramid of Djoser (the Step Pyramid) at Saqqara in Egypt in 2630 – 2611 BC. He may have been responsible for the first known use of columns to support a building. The Egyptian historian Manetho credited him

Probably Saqqara

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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with inventing the method of a stone-dressed building during Djoser's reign.

Hesy-Rare-hesy, Hesire, Hesira

Djoser ca. 2670 BC

Chief of Dentists and Physicians and Chief of the King's Scribes, Elder of the qedhetep; father of Min, Fashioner of the cult image of Mehyt, king's acquaintance, Overseer of the royal scribes; Great one of the 10 of Upper Egypt

M N/Apossibly the first known Physician in history

Wooden panel set of Hesy-Ra

buried in an elaborate tomb at Saqqara

Merit-PtahBeloved of the god Ptah

ca. 2700 BC the Chief Physician F N/A

possibly the first known female Physician and scientist in history

Her image in a tomb in Saqqara


Penthu N/A Akhetatenca. 1350 BC

The sealbearer of the King of Lower Egypt, the sole companion, the attendant of the Lord of the Two Lands, the favorite of the good god, king's scribe, the king's subordinate, First servant of the Aten in the mansion of the Aten in Akhetaten, Chief of physicians, and chamberlain

M Aten

Chief Physician to Akhenaten, but may have survived the upheavals of the end of the Amarna period, and served under Ay, after being Vizier under Tutankhamun

Vizier to king Amarna Tomb 5

Peseshet N/A Fourth Dynasty of Egyptca. 2500

lady overseer of the female physicians


?Midwife, 2nd earliest known female physician in ancient Egypt

A personal stela atAkhethetep her son's tomb


Qar N/ASixth dynasty of Egypt ca. 2350-2180 BC The royal physician M N/A

The oldest Bronze or copper surgical tool in the world

His mummy in the limestone sarcophagus and 22 bronze statues of different deities and statuette of Imhotep the physician

He died at the age of fifty years and was buried in his tomb at Saqqara, which was re-used several times

Psamtiksenebmay King Psamtik be healthy

Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egyptca. 664-525 BC

The Head of Physicians, the scorpion charmer, chief physician and chief dentist (wr ἰbḥ) of Psamtik Seneb, an admiral of the royal fleet


Ushabti of the Head of Physician Psamtik-seneb, photo in relief of Ankh-ef-en-Sekhmet Entertained by a Harpist

His tomb discovered atHeliopolis in 1931/32 AD

Udjahorresnet Wedjahor-Resne or Udjahor-Resnet

00 The Head of Physicians, supervisor of the medical schools -the 'Houses of life'; the prince, the royal chancellor, the unique companion, the prophet of the one who lives with them, the chief physician, the one truly known and loved by the king,

M N/A Wedjahor-Resne composedCambyses' new royal name, Mesuti-Ra ('born of Ra')

His titles are preserved on a beautiful statue(Vatican inv.196)

His tomb[18]has been discovered in 1995 atAbusir [19] [20] [21]

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

Page 45: Giza Pyramid is the evidence for the knowledge of Ancient Egyptians in Science

the scribe, the inspector of the scribes of the dedet-court, the first among the great scribes of the prison, the director of the palace, the admiral of the royal navy of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt Khnemibre [Amasis], the admiral of the royal navy of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Ankhkaenre [Psammetichus III], head of the province of Sais Peftuôneit

Harsiese son of Ramose 00 fromAmasis toDarius I

The Head of Physicians, chief physician of Upper and Lower Egypt, leader of Aegean foreign (troops) and admiral of the royal fleet


mentioned in Instructions of Chasheshonqy (P. BM 10508) as the source of the plot that led to the imprisonment of the unfortunate Onchsheshonqy (P. BM. 10508 col. 1 to 3)

Saqqara [20]

Petuaneith N/ASaite period during the reign ofAmasis [20] The Chief physician M N/A N/A

A naophorous statue of the chief physician Petuaneith (Louvre A 93), he restored the temple of Abydos


Iwti N/A 19th dynasty ca, 2500 BC

The Chief physician M N/A N/A He had a statue at Lieden[22] N/A

Djehutyemheb N/A Ramesses II The wise scribe & physician

M Khonsu temple?



“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

Page 46: Giza Pyramid is the evidence for the knowledge of Ancient Egyptians in Science

When I went through the secondary sources in the internet published by researchers about Giza Pyaramid, I found, all of them

explained their fact up to certain extents and due to lack of information and are different subject areas, none of them were

able to properly connect the facts. To help each other, I made my effort to connect the facts to come up with certain reliable

facts regarding Giza Pyramid. I hope, you all might agree on the following facts I brought for your concern:


CHANGE OF LIFE means NOT THE LIFE AFTER DEATH but IT IS METABOLISM (Egyptian might try to make strong human

species to overcome from the Cancer as well as simultaneously treating the Cancer & other diseases)

“HORUS EYE” means MIRROR GALVANOMETER might be the notation of LIFE CARE, King Chamber & Grand Gallery

are working on this mechanism

The Ancient Egyptians well applied their Astronomical knowledge on building the Giza Pyramid Complex They might

be the inventors of Mirror Galvanometer Operational mechanism via the application of Sun Dial theories.

Pyramid Measurements:

a) Pyramid was built on 0.0010 (degree) of arc on Earth’s perimeter & on sun dial concept

b) Cape stone is not only the mere cap stone but also it might be the miniature architecture model of Pyramid

with the proportion of measurements & angles of the same pyramid. Hopefully the Egyptian Architect first

made the Cape stone before building the pyramid.

c) The cape stone is 1.90 meters at the base and had a height of 1.32 meters

d) Actual measurement might be 114.3 meters at the base and had a height of 147.9 meters (With Cape Stone)

& Overall pyramid internal solid body (Excluding the surface stones) was in the ratio of Base : Height is

112:148 (Nearly 3: 4)

e) Especially northern surface of the Pyramid might have parabolic surface like telescope disc (Southern face

too may be same like) & used adaptive optical system.

The life saviors of the society such as Doctors and Other Technical Experts praised by the Ancient Egyptians like gods.

They portray them with their special crowns & dresses to show their mastering field.

“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein

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And they might be the inventors of certain Scientific Theories/Equipments used in the House of Life. The inventor

might be indicated in the inscription with their invention [ISIS may be the expert of operation of Chair Calorimeter as

well as the physician]

Book of Dead: It might be a Book of Medicine

NOTE: Although my facts are 100% not perfect, I believe At least certain percentage might be true & those will help to certain

extent in the future studies of researchers on Giza Pyramid.

Key Reference:

Respiration Calorimeters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man BY FRANCIS G. BENEDICT and THORNE M. CARPENTER


“True sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination”-Albert Einstein