GIS Modelling of Sea-Level Rise Induced

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    Natural Hazards 31: 253276, 2004.

    2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.253

    GIS Modelling of Sea-Level Rise InducedShoreline Changes Inside Coastal Re-Rntrants

    Two Examples from Southeastern Australia

    WERNER G. HENNECKESchool of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Tasmania, Private Box 252-76, TAS

    7001, Australia, E-mail: [email protected]

    (Received: 28 May 2001; accepted 7 February 2003)

    Abstract. Shoreline recession as a result of rising sea level has been recognised as a potential

    near-future hazard by a number of countries. However, the collection of high spatial resolution data,in particular elevation data, is often too costly and time consuming to be applied routinely for a

    detailed assessment of the potential physical and economic impacts of this hazard. Based on work

    undertaken for the Dutch Wadden Sea, a GIS-based coastal-behaviour model has been developed to

    formulate simple algorithms for simulating the potential physical impacts of rising sea level on the

    coastal environment, focussing here on coastal re-entrants. The GIS model developed is suitable for

    providing first estimates of potential shoreline change, based on readily available information. To

    enhance the suitability of such initial assessment, the GIS model output, that is the rate of shoreline

    change, has been analysed in greater detail using a spreadsheet-based hazard probability model.

    The advantage of using a combination of both models is a rapid assessment of the probability of

    shoreline changes, instead of a single impact zone, as modelled with the GIS. The hazard probability

    rates received from the spreadsheet model are returned to the GIS to be displayed as a grading of

    risk instead of a single impact zone. The model introduced in this paper has been applied to two field

    sites in southeastern Australia to model regional variations in shoreline response to rising sea level.

    Key words: Sea-level rise, flood-tide delta aggradation, GIS-based coastal-behaviour modelling,

    shoreline change, probability assessment.

    1. Introduction

    The subject of the present paper was to develop a method that can be utilised

    to provide gross estimates of the potential effects of sea-level rise on coastal re-

    entrants, in particular flood-tide deltas and their adjacent erodible shorelines. A

    tidal inlet is defined as the link between the ocean and a protected embayment to

    exchange water, sediments, nutrients, planktonic organisms and pollutants betweenthem (Bruun, 1978; Boothroyd, 1985; Aubrey and Weishar, 1988). The term

    coastal re-entrant used in this paper also includes barrier-island and bay-barrier

    re-entrants, and bays opening to the sea that contain flood-tide deltas (Figure 1).

    The topic of the study has arisen from the limited existing knowledge about

    the range of near-future (50 to 100 years) physical impacts on coastal re-entrants,

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    Erodible shorelines(eg. barriers)

    Erosion-resistant shorelines(eg. rocky headlands)

    Erodible or erodion-resistantshorelines enclosing theflood-tide delta, their proportiondepending on local settings.

    Sediment deposition(flood-tide delta)

    c) Baysb) Bay-Barrier Re-entranta) Barrier-Beach Re-entrant

    Restricted or nosediment transportaround headland

    Restricted or nosediment transportaround headland

    Littoral sedimenttransport


    Flood-tide Delta


    Flood-tide Delta Flood-tideDelta


    Figure 1. Schematic sketch of re-entrant conditions considered in the Flood-Tide Delta

    Aggradation Model.

    their flood-tide deltas and the adjacent erodible shorelines due to a climate-change

    induced sea-level rise (Cowell et al., 1996). The majority of studies that have ad-

    dressed the effects of sea-level rise on coastal environments to date, have focused

    on shoreline responses per se to sea-level rise (e.g., Bruun, 1962, 1988; Bruun

    and Schwartz, 1985; Gornitz and Kanciruk, 1989; Gornitz, 1991; Healy, 1991;

    Leatherman and Nicholls, 1995). This paper focuses on the effects of sea-level

    rise on the morphology of flood-tide deltas and their adjacent erodible shorelines

    in coastal re-entrants and erodible shorelines adjacent to coastal re-entrants on the

    open coast.

    Despite application of GIS for environmental hazard modelling (Brinkley,

    1997) (e.g., modelling of fire spreading) little attention has been paid to GIS-based

    coastal-behaviour modelling (Bartlett, 1999). The GIS-based Flood-Tide Delta Ag-

    gradation Model (FTDAM) has been developed to formulate simple algorithms

    for simulating the potential impacts of rising sea level on coastal re-entrants. Themodel is based on work undertaken for the Dutch Wadden Sea and has been applied

    to two field sites in southeastern Australia (Narrabeen Lagoon and Batemans Bay).

    2. Background

    Coastal re-entrants have been accorded special consideration within coastal and

    estuarine science and engineering, because of their commercial, recreational and

    ecological importance (Mehta, 1996). Among the broad range of applications of

    research on coastal re-entrants, the maintenance of navigation channels has histor-

    ically been the most important, driving the research into physical processes that

    determine re-entrant flow characteristics and morphodynamics (Mehta, 1996).Sediments required for the aggradation of the flood-tide delta are received from

    ocean beaches exposed to wave action and littoral sediment transport as well as

    ebb-tide deltas. The material is transported through the tidal channel and deposited

    in lee of the channel on the flood-tide delta (Bruun, 1978). Coastal re-entrants,

    therefore, often act as sinks for sand (Curray, 1964; Swift, 1976; Eysink, 1991;

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    Nicholls, 1993). Indirect effects of sea-level rise such as sediment transport from

    open-coast beaches or barriers alongshore into coastal re-entrants are often more

    important with regard to shoreline erosion than offshore sediment transport and

    deposition described by the two-dimensional Bruun Model (Stive et al., 1990;

    Nicholls, 1993; Cowell and Thom, 1994). Those indirect effects are modelled in

    the FTDAM.

    The FTDAM (Hennecke, 2000; Hennecke and Cowell, 2000) is based on re-

    search concerned with potential impacts of rising sea level on the morphology

    of the Dutch Wadden Sea (Van Straaten, 1954; Eysink, 1991; Peerbolte et al.,

    1991; Louters and Gerritsen, 1994; Buijsman, 1997; Stive and Wang, 1998). Eysink

    (1991) and Louters and Gerritsen (1994) suggested that the sediment supply from

    ebb-tide deltas and barrier islands is sufficient to allow the floor of the Wadden

    Sea to aggrade approximately at the rate of sea-level rise, though, with some lag in


    The underlying principle here is the assumption that one of the main processes

    of sedimentation in the Wadden Sea is the vertical deposition and upward growth ofhorizontal parts of tidal flats approximately at the rate of relative sea-level rise. This

    assumption is based on work by Van Straaten (1954) and suggests that the water

    depth of the Wadden Sea remains approximately constant over time. Initially, the

    tidal volume increases, resulting from an increase in sea level, causing higher water

    flow velocities in the channels (Peerbolte et al., 1991). The sediment transport

    capacity increases, leading to higher sediment transport towards the shoals during

    flood tide. The water level above the shoals increases also, as a result of rising sea

    level. This increase is relatively large due to the limiting water depth above the

    shoals, possibly leading to a reduction in sediment transport towards the channel

    during ebb-tide, and consequently improving conditions for sedimentation in the

    Wadden Sea (Peerbolte et al., 1991). The tidal channel increases in depth first, rel-ative due to the increase in the tidal volume (Figure 2). The tidal volume gradually

    decreases with the rising shoals over time, causing an adjustment of the channel

    bed. The channel then follows the rising shoals with some lag in time (Figure 3)

    (Peerbolte et al., 1991). In summary, the sediment volume supplied from outside

    the Wadden Sea (Vext.) is sufficient for the aggradation of the floor of the Wadden

    Sea; that is Vext. = Vdem., where Vdem. is the sediment demand volume for the


    In southern southeastern Australia, however, the rate of littoral sediment trans-

    port is negligible (Chapman et al., 1982). Therefore, the assumption for the

    FTDAM here is that the external sediment supply is less than the sediment ac-

    commodation space; i.e., Vext. < Vdem.. The FTDAM then assumes that

    erodible shorelines along the flood-tide delta supply the remaining sediment de-mand volume (Vi ) to allow for the aggradation of the flood-tide delta, causing

    shoreline recession inside the re-entrant.

    In addition to the assumptions made above, the FTDAM considers the pos-

    sibility of an oversupply of sediment for locations where Vext. > Vdem.. The

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    SL 1 SL 2

    Profile 1(before sea-level rise)

    Profile 2(after sea-level rise)


    Flood-Tide Delta

    Re-entrant Channel




    Figure 2. Aggradation of the flood-tide delta following rising sea level. The floor of the

    flood-tide delta follows the rising sea level while the tidal channel deepens relatively. s

    = rate of sea-level rise; agg. = rate of flood-tide delta aggradation.

    Dagg. Ds


    SL 1 SL 2

    Profile 1(before sea-level rise)

    Profile 2(after sea-level rise)


    Flood-Tide Delta

    Re-entrant Channel


    Figure 3. Aggradation of the flood-tide delta following rising sea level. The tidal channel

    follows the rising sea level and the aggrading tidal flats with some lag in time.

    FTDAM in its current configuration then assumes an even distributed of the

    sediment surplus along the unconsolidated shorelines inside the re-entrant.

    The magnitudes of six model parameters (Figure 4) are critical for the rate of

    shoreline change (R) inside a re-entrant. These are:

    (1) the size of the flood-tide delta (A);

    (2) the rate of sea-level rise (s);(3) the volume of marine sediments available for the aggradation (Vm);

    (4) the volume of fluvial sediments available for the aggradation (Vfl.);

    (5) the length of erodible shorelines along the flood-tide delta (Les); and,

    (6) the dune elevation of erodible shorelines along the flood-tide delta (Dx ).

    The demand volume (Vdem.) required for the aggradation of the flood-tide

    delta in any application of the model is a function of the area of the flood-tide delta

    and the (local or regional) rate of sea-level rise; i.e.,

    Vdem. = A s. (1)

    The model assumes initially that the area of the flood-tide delta remains constantover time. However, a decrease ofA, for example as a result of land reclamation,

    can also be considered (Figure 5). Three main sources of sediment supply for the

    aggradation of the floor of the flood-tide delta are identified as:

    (1) marine sediments (Vm), being transported into the embayment by flood-tide

    currents and waves;

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    DVm + DVfl.


    Ds DLes


    Figure 4. Parameters defining the rate of shoreline change in the FTDAM, where A = area

    of the flood-tide delta, s = rate of sea-level rise, Vm + Vfl. = external sediment supply,

    Dx = dune elevation, and Les = length of erodible shorelines.

    Flood-tide Delta

    Barrier BarrierRe-entrant channel

    Lower (seaward) limit of the FTD

    Upper (landward) limit of the FTDFluvial delta / Central basin

    Land reclamation

    Figure 5. Generalised re-entrant conditions defining the FTDAM.

    (2) fluvial sediments (Vfl.), being deposited in the re-entrant; and,

    (3) a remaining sediment volume (Vi ) derived as a result of shorelines recession

    along the flood-tide delta.

    More specifically, Vm is defined as a combination of three sources of net marine

    sediment input:

    (1) littoral sediment transport (Vlit.);

    (2) offshore sediment supply (Voff.); and,(3) overwash processes (Vov.) (Figure 6).

    The total sediment demand (Vdem.) for the aggradation of the flood-tide delta can

    be defined therefore as:

    Vdem. = Vm +Vfl. +Vi

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    Offshore supply, DVoff.

    Fluvial sediments, DVfl.

    Littoral transport, DVlit.

    Overwash processes, DVov.

    DVi from erodible shoreline, DLes

    Flood-tide Delta

    BarrierRe-entrant channel


    Figure 6. Sediment sources for the aggradation of a flood-tide delta in the FTDAM.

    = Vlit. +Voff. +Vov. +Vfl. +Vi . (2)

    The model assumes that the shorelines along the flood-tide delta erode only to sup-

    ply sediment if the external sediment supply is less than the total demand volume;

    i.e., (Vm +Vfl.) < Vdem.. Hence, the larger (Vm +Vfl.) the smaller is Viand therefore the rate of shoreline recession inside a re-entrant. The magnitude

    of every component of Vdem. can vary between 0% to >100% of the required

    sediment volume to raise the floor of the flood-tide delta. As stated above, in a

    scenario where the sediment supply is greater than 100% of the demand volume,

    a sediment surplus in the re-entrant occurs according to the model. This surplus

    results in sediment deposition along the erodible shorelines in the re-entrant; i.e.,

    shoreline progradation.

    The rate of shoreline change (R) for erodible shorelines inside the embaymentis expressed in the FTDAM as a function of the sediment demand (Vi ) along the

    erodible shorelines (Les) and their dune elevations (Dx ); i.e.,

    R = Vi (Les)1 (Dx)

    1. (3)

    As such, three general trends of shoreline change are modelled with the FTDAM:

    (1) shoreline recession in coastal re-entrants where the external sediment supply is

    less than the total demand volume (Vm + Vfl.) < Vdem.; i.e., Vi > 0 and

    thus R > 0;

    (2) the shoreline remains in its position where the external sediment supply

    matches the demand volume ((Vm + Vfl.) = Vdem.); i.e., Vi = 0 and

    thus R = 0; and,

    (3) shoreline progradation in coastal re-entrants where the external sediment sup-

    ply exceeds the demand volume (Vm + Vfl.) > Vdem.; i.e., Vi < 0 and

    thus R < 0.

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    3. GIS Procedures

    The FTDAM is embedded into a Geographic Information System (Arc/Info TM)

    (Environmental Systems Research Institute, 1995) for modelling the spatial extent

    of shoreline change. The FTDAM has been designed to use publicly availablemaps such as nautical charts and 1 : 25,000 topographic maps. Also, the model

    can run with spatial data of higher resolution if these are available. However, the

    field collection of high spatial resolution data, in particular elevation data, is often

    too costly and time consuming to be applied routinely (Nicholls, 1993).

    To run the FTDAM, the user of the model must define boundary conditions,

    such as the seaward and landward boundaries of the flood-tide delta, and local

    parameter values for A, s, Vlit., Voff., Vov., Vfl., Les, and Dx . Mor-

    phological variations alongshore, such as changes in dune elevation can be taken

    into account in the GIS if such information is available. In locations where suf-

    ficiently detailed data are not available, one can utilise best estimates for those

    parameter values for an initial assessment of the potential extent of shorelinechange. The FTDAM can be simply adjusted to local conditions by re-defining

    or updating parameter values in the GIS database.

    After definition of the parameter values, the GIS is used to calculate the total

    demand volume for the aggradation of the flood-tide delta (Vdem.) as a function

    of the area and the rate of sea-level rise (Equation 1). The external sediment supply

    (Vov. + Vlit. + Voff. + Vfl.) is subtracted from the total demand volume to

    determine the sediment volume Vi required from the erodible shorelines adjacent

    to the flood-tide delta; i.e.,

    Vi = Vdem. (Vov. +Vrmlit. +Voff. +Vfl.). (4)

    Five generic scenarios of shoreline change for a modelled site are shown in Table I

    and Figure 7 to illustrate the concept of the FTDAM. Parameter values are set for

    the area (A) of the flood delta to aggrade, the rate of sea-level rise (s), and

    following Equation (1), the demand volume (Vdem.). Also, the length of erodible

    shorelines (Les) and dune elevations (Dx ) are fixed. Only the amount of the

    external sediment supply (Vov. + Vlit. +Voff. + Vfl.) varies in the scenarios

    outlined below, and subsequently the extent of shoreline change between the five

    scenarios. Scenarios 13 describe situations where the sediment supply from out-

    side the re-entrant is less than the sediment required for the aggradation of the

    flood-tide delta, causing shoreline recession along the flood-tide delta. In Scenario4, the sediment supply from outside the re-entrant matches the demand volume,

    the rate of recession equals zero and the shoreline remains unchanged. Scenario

    5 finally illustrates a scenario where the external sediment supply is greater than

    the demand volume. Here, the rate of shoreline recession is negative, resulting in

    shoreline progradation according to the FTDAM.

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    Table I. Sample FTDAM scenarios for a generic site A showing the range of potential

    impacts simulated with the GIS-based model.

    Model scenario 1 2 3 4 5

    A (m2) 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000

    S (m) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

    Vdem. (m3) 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000

    Vlit. (m3) 2,000 1,000 1,000 15,000 18,000

    Vov. (m3) 5,000 3,000 1,500 3,000 3,000

    Voff. (m3) 3,000 2,000 1,000 1,750 4,500

    Vfl. (m3) 250 250 250 250 250

    Les (m) 500 500 500 500 500

    Dx (m) 2 2 2 2 2

    R (approx) (m) 0.7 13.8 16.3 0 5.8

    Offshore supply, DVoff.

    Fluvial sediments, DVfl.

    Littoral transport, DVlit.

    Overwash processes, DVov.

    Erodible shoreline, DLes

    Flood-tide Delta

    BarrierInlet channel

    Recession Scenario 3

    Recession Scenario 1

    Recession Scenario 2

    Accretion ScenarioNo change Scenario


    Figure 7. Range of shoreline changes anticipated with the FTDAM, depending on local


    4. Application of the FTDAM and Field Experimentation

    Although the FTDAM is based on work for the tide-dominated Dutch Wadden Sea,

    it is, in principle, applicable also to wave-dominated environments. This is because

    the model considers the restriction of external sediment supplies for the aggrad-

    ation of a flood-tide delta in a coastal re-entrant, as outlined above. To examine

    its applicability in environments other than the Dutch Wadden Sea, the model hasbeen applied to two locations in New South Wales, southeastern Australia.

    The coast of New South Wales is a drowned embayed coast which is oriented

    SSW to NNE and exposed to moderately high-energy ocean waves and a small


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    Projection: UTM, Zone 56, AGD66

    Batemans Bay




    W.A. S.A.






    Sydney CBD

    0 200 400 Kilometres

    Figure 8. Location of the field experimentation sites. (Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics,

    CData 1996).

    net direction of sediment movement is normally from the inner continental shelf

    towards the re-entrant (Thom, 1974; Chapman et al., 1982). Characteristic flood-

    tide deltas formed in re-entrants where shelf sands continued to accumulate after

    Holocene sea levels stabilised about 6,500 years B.P. (Roy, 1984b). Longshoresediment transport is restricted by deeply embayed re-entrants and prominent head-

    lands extending into deep water. Fluvial sand is trapped at the upstream estuary

    margins of drowned river valleys (Roy and Crawford, 1977; Boyd and Penland,



    Narrabeen Lagoon is located within the local government area of Warringah Coun-

    cil, approximately 16 km north of Sydneys Central Business District (Figure 8).

    The re-entrant is separated from the open sea by a 3.4 km long barrier beach

    (Collaroy/Narrabeen Beach) raising to about 10 m above sea level at its northernend. The beach is bound by Narrabeen Headland in the north and the prominent

    headland of Long Reef in the south (Figure 9). Sediment transport from the south

    around Long Reef is negligible (P.S. Roy, personal communication).

    The FTDAM was applied to investigate the potential response of the flood-tide

    delta of Narrabeen Lagoon and the adjacent erodible shorelines to a rise in sea level.

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    Narrabeen Lagoon

    Collaroy/Narrabeen Beach

    Long Reef Headland

    North Narrabeen Headland

    0 1 2 Kilometres


    Collaroy Plateau

    Projection: UTM, Zone 56, AGD66

    - 2 4

    m - 2 0

    m - 1

    0 m

    Figure 9. Location of Collaroy/Narrabeen Beach and Narrabeen Lagoon. Source: Central

    Mapping Authority of New South Wales, 1978.

    Table II. Sediment demand volume required for the

    aggradation of the flood-tide delta in Narrabeen La-

    goon for a mid-range 50-year (0.2 m) and 100-year

    (0.49 m) sea-level rise scenario.

    Scenario s (m) A (m2) Vdem. (m3)

    50 y 0.20 458.295 91,659

    100 y 0.49 458,295 224,564

    A 1 : 25,000 orthophoto map was utilised to digitise relevant sections of the area

    and to determine the surface area of the flood-tide delta (458,295 m2, or 22.2% of

    the total area of the lagoon) (Figure 10). The erodible shoreline along the flood-tide

    delta was calculated as approximately 5,800 m with an average elevation of about1.5 m. Estimates for near-future sea-level rise published by the Intergovernmental

    Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 1996, 2001) were utilised for a mid-range 50-

    year (0.2 m) and 100-year (0.49 m) scenario. The demand volumes (Vdem.) for

    the aggradation of the flood-tide delta for both scenarios were calculated following

    Equation (1) and are shown in Table II.

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    Projection: UTM, Zone 56, AGD66

    0 10.5 Kilometre

    Ocean Street

    Narrabeen Lagoon

    North Narrabeen Headland

    Flood-tide Delta

    Approximate areadredged in 1995






    Figure 10. Area of the flood-tide delta in Narrabeen Lagoon. Figure based on Figure 9.

    The entrance of Narrabeen Lagoon is located at the northern end of Col-

    laroy/Narrabeen Beach and frequently infills with marine sediments, causing its

    closure approximately every three to five years (Public Works Department, 1990).

    Flood waters can re-open the outlet naturally, but at the same time threaten to

    flood properties adjacent to the Lagoon if the entrance remains closed. As part

    of their coastal management, Warringah Council dredges the lagoon in a cycle ofapproximately three to five years to ensure good water quality in the lagoon and

    reduce the risk of flash flooding (Public Works Department, 1990). The entrance of

    the lagoon and part of the flood-tide delta was dredged early in 1995 (Figure 10) but

    littoral sediment transport along Collaroy/Narrabeen Beach into the lagoon again

    caused its closure in November 1997. The entrance to the lagoon was re-opened

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    Table III. Estimate rate of shoreline erosion along Col-

    laroy/Narrabeen Beach as a result of flood-tide delta aggrad-

    ation in Narrabeen Lagoon.

    Scenario Vdem.

    (m3) Les

    (m) B (m) R (m)

    50 y 91,659 3,400 2.5 11

    100 y 224,564 3,400 2.5 26

    during the Easter Weekend 1998, when heavy rainfall threatened to flood properties

    adjacent to the lagoon.

    Based on current sediment regimes, it is anticipated for this modelling exper-

    iment that the present sediment transport conditions will continue over the next

    50 to 100 years. Therefore, the external sediment supply (Vext.) is expected to

    match the demand volume (Vex. = Vdem.) required for the aggradation of theflood-tide delta in the next 50 to 100 years even under near-future sea-level rise

    conditions. The erodible shoreline adjacent to the flood-tide delta (i.e., inside the

    re-entrant) is not expected to recede under these conditions (Vi = 0). There-

    fore, properties located along Narrabeen Lagoon are considered to be safe from

    shoreline recession. It is anticipated that the littoral sediment transport along Col-

    laroy/Narrabeen Beach causes shoreline recession along the barrier-beach since

    Long Reef Headland obstructs northward sediment transport and therefore the sed-

    iment supply for the beach. The average rate of recession along Collaroy/Narrabeen

    Beach was determined here as a function of the sediment volume required for the

    aggradation of the flood-tide delta (Vdem.), the length of erodible shoreline along

    the beach (Les) and the average beach elevation (B). The average recession rateswere calculated as approximately 11 m for the 50-year scenario and 26 m for the

    100-year scenario for this model configuration (Table III).


    Batemans Bay is located on the south coast of New South Wales about 300 km

    south of Sydney (Figure 8). The south-east facing, funnel-shaped drowned river-

    valley estuary is approximately 8 km long, 500 m wide near the Princess Highway

    Bridge, and 5.7 km at its mouth (Figure 11). The Clyde River, one of the larger

    rivers on the New South Wales south coast with a catchment of approximately1,800 km2 discharges into Batemans Bay (May et al., 1996). The bay has a total

    shoreline length of approximately 25 km from Moscito Bay in the south to Three

    Islet Point in the north, excluding Cullendulla Creek. The total length of erodible,

    sandy shoreline in the embayment is 12 km. Erosion-resistant shorelines as well

    as training walls are approximately 13 km long in total. The fluvial and littoral

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    0 1.5 3.0 Kilometres

    Erodible (sandy) shorelines

    Non-erodible (rocky) shorelines

    Projection: UTM, Zone 56, AGD66


    Three Islet Point

    Moscito Bay

    Cullendulla Creek


    Caseys Beach

    -5 m

    -15 m

    -10 m



    Figure 11. Erodible and non-erodible shorelines in Batemans Bay. Map source: Hydrographic

    Service of the Royal Australian Navy, 1985.

    sediment supply into the re-entrant is negligible within Batemans Bay (Chapman

    et al., 1982).

    A bathymetric chart (1 : 50,000) was utilised for the modelling due to the lack

    of more detailed bathymetric data. Since precise information was not available for

    the area of the flood-tide delta, two modelling scenarios were conducted, using

    different seaward boundaries for the flood-tide delta (10 m, and 15 m depth

    contours). The landward limit of the flood-tide delta was defined as the shorelineof the embayment and the Princess Highway Bridge for both modelling experi-

    ments. The delineated areas for the flood-tide delta for both scenarios are shown in

    Figure 12.

    Again, mid-range near-future sea-level rise estimates by the IPCC (1996, 2001)

    were utilised for a 50-year (0.2 m) and a 100-year (0.49 m) scenario. Based on

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    Projection: UTM, Zone 56, AGD66

    0 1.5 3 Kilometres

    Cullendulla Creek

    PrincessHighwayBridge Three Islet Point

    Moscito Bay

    Sb = 10 m

    Sb = 15 m

    Area of the flood-tide delta

    Figure 12. Areas of the flood-tide delta for different modelling scenarios in Batemans Bay.Figure based on Figure 11.

    Equation (1), the demand volumes for the aggradation of the flood-tide delta for

    both scenarios were calculated (Table IV). An average dune elevation of 3 m above

    Mean Sea Level (MSL) was employed for the entire re-entrant, based on work

    undertaken by the New South Wales Department of Public Works (Public Works

    Department, 1989). Assuming a negligible marine and fluvial sediment supply, the

    assumption following the FTDAM was that the sediment demand for the aggrad-

    ation of the flood-tide delta under sea-level rise conditions will be supplied fromthe erodible shorelines along the flood-tide delta. The average rate of shoreline re-

    cession inside the re-entrant for both scenarios was determined following Equation

    (4). Parameter values employed in this scenario as well as the modelled rates of

    recession for the 50-year and 100-year sea-level rise and the 10 m and 15 m

    seaward limit of the flood-tide delta are shown in Table V.

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    Table IV. Estimated demand volume for the aggradation of the

    flood-tide delta for the 0.2 m and 0.49 m sea-level rise scenarios.

    Seaward Area (m2) Demand volume Demand volume

    Boundary 0.2 m slr (m3

    ) 0.49 m slr (m3


    10 m 19,628,498 3,925,700 9,617,964

    15 m 26,612,168 5,322,434 13,039,962

    Table V. Parameter values and simulated rates of shoreline change in the Batemans

    Bay experiment.

    Scenario 1 2 3 4

    s (m) 0.2 0.2 0.49 0.49

    h (m) 10 15 10 15A (m2) 19,628,498 26,612,168 19,628,498 26,612,168

    Vdem. (m3) 3,925,700 5,322,434 9,617,964 13,039,962

    Vm (m2) 0 0 0 0

    Vfl. (m2) 0 0 0 0

    Vi (m3) 3,925,700 5,322,434 9,617,964 13,039,962

    Les (m) 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000

    D (m) 3 3 3 3

    R (m) 109 147 267 362

    Limitations of the GIS-Model

    The GIS-based FTDAM is designed to model morphological impacts of rising sea

    level on erodible shorelines in coastal re-entrants, and the model is capable of

    accounting for morphological variability alongshore. However, the limitation of

    the GIS model is that the outcome of a model run provides only a single impact

    zone at a fixed distance from the shoreline (Figure 13). This value, at the same time,

    is surrounded by an area of uncertainty (Cartwright, 1993), but the GIS model in

    its current configuration is not yet capable of considering probabilities of shoreline

    change within a single GIS model scenario. The use of sharply defined boundaries

    of recession, however, is regarded as misleading especially for coastal manage-ment and planning purposes. This is because the probability of shoreline recession

    does not diminish immediately landward of the calculated impact zone (Cowell

    et al., 1996). A decision not taking the gradual decrease of impact probability

    into account may be inappropriate and would not have been made if probability

    distributions were known.

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    Cullendulla Creek


    Shoreline Recession

    Projection: UTM, Zone 56, AGD66

    0 1.5 3.0 Kilometres

    Figure 13. Single impact zone of shoreline recession modelled with the GIS for Batemans

    Bay. Figure based on Figure 11.

    Determining the probability of the hazard, here shoreline recession, provides

    decision makers with a better understanding of the potential range of hazard im-

    pacts. To assess the probability of the hazard, the recession rate modelled with

    the GIS is utilised as the statistically most likely value for the hazard probability

    modelling. The probability assessment procedure is shown in Figure 14 and an

    example outlined below for Batemans Bay.

    Due to the absence of specific information for the probability assessment pro-cedure in Batemans Bay, a normal frequency distribution was applied for all

    analyses. Standard deviations (S) for all parameters were based on estimates, due to

    the lack of detailed data. However, every parameter value can be updated if more

    detailed information becomes available. Input values and standard deviations for

    all parameters of all four modelling scenarios are listed in Table V.

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    Parameter values(Ds, DA, DV


    Shoreline Recession(crisp line)

    Probability assessmentof shoreline recession

    statistical probability

    of shoreline change


    Spatial displayin GIS

    Figure 14. Generic probability assessment procedure based on a GIS model result.

    The model was run with 15,000 iterations in this experiment to ensure reliable

    statistics being generated for the modelling output. Running a sufficiently high

    number of iterations means that output distributions become more stable because

    the statistics describing each distribution change less and less with additional itera-

    tions. Choosing a high number of iterations therefore ensures the quality, accuracy

    and stability of the results (Cartwright, 1993). Statistical probabilities of shoreline

    change for all scenarios employed in this experiment are presented in Table VI.

    These probability values were then returned to the GIS model to be displayed as

    a hazard map, showing hazard in a grading of risk probability classes instead of a

    single impact zone (Figure 15).

    5. Results and Discussion

    The potential impacts of rising sea level on coastal re-entrants for the next 50

    to 100 years have been discussed widely in the last few decades for example

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    Table VI. Hazard probability model parameters and standard deviation for the simula-

    tion experiments in Batemans Bay.

    0.2 m sea-level rise FTD10 S FTD15 S

    A 19,628,498 5,000 26,612,168 5,000

    Vfl. 50 y 0.2 0.05 0.2 0.05

    Les 0 500 0 500

    Vm 0 50 0 50

    s 12,000 50 12,000 50

    D 3 0.5 3 0.5

    Recession 50 y 109 147

    0.49 m sea-level rise

    A 19,628,498 5,000 26,612,168 5,000

    s 100 y 0.49 0.05 0.49 0.05

    Vm 0 500 0 500Vfl. 0 50 0 50

    Les 12,000 50 12,000 50

    D 3 0.5 3 0.5

    Recession 100 y 267 362

    Where FTD10 = area of the flood-tide delta with a seaward limit of10 m; FTD15 =

    area of the flood-tide delta with a seaward limit of15 m; S = standard deviations for

    individual model parameters, based on estimates.

    for the Dutch Wadden Sea. The main concern of coastal scientists and engineers

    investigating the Wadden Sea has been the recession and protection of shorelines

    outside coastal re-entrants along barrier islands. The prospect of shoreline reces-sion inside coastal re-entrants as a result of rising sea level, however, has not been

    previously addressed in detail. De Ronde (1993, 1996) showed that the sediment

    supply from barrier islands and shallow zones of the North Sea is sufficient for

    the aggradation of the tidal flats in the Wadden Sea, even under sea-level rise con-

    ditions anticipated for the next 50 to 100 years. Similar suggestions can be made

    for Narrabeen Lagoon according to the FTDAM. The littoral sediment transport

    along Collaroy/Narrabeen Beach at present is sufficient to cause the closure of

    the entrance to Narrabeen Lagoon approximately every three to five years. The

    outcome of the modelling experiment undertaken here suggests that the rate of

    littoral sediment transport along Collaroy/Narrabeen Beach is sufficient to raise

    the floor of the flood-tide delta approximately at the rate of sea-level rise over thenext 50 to 100 years, causing shoreline recession along the barrier beach.

    The application of the FTDAM to a location like Batemans Bay, where the

    sediment supply from outside the re-entrant is negligible, suggests that erodible

    shorelines inside this re-entrant are likely to recede severely under conditions

    defined in this experiment. The probability assessment for Batemans Bay suggests

  • 8/2/2019 GIS Modelling of Sea-Level Rise Induced



    Projection: UTM, Zone 56, AGD66


    Cullendulla Creek


    < 554 m

    < 368 m

    < 238 m

    < 225 m

    < 208 m

    < 174 m

    < 82 m

    < 61 m

    Impact Scenarios

    0 1.5 3.0 Kilometres

    Figure 15. Hazard probability modelling, based on results shown in Figure 13. Hazard

    probabilities are displayed in grey shades. Figure based on Figure 11.

    a statistical chance of 5% that the rate of recession is 61 m for the 50 year sea-

    level rise scenario and a 10 m offshore limit of the flood-tide delta. The statistical

    worst case scenario suggests a 95% probability that the rate of shoreline recession

    for a 100 year scenario and a 15 m seaward boundary of the flood-tide delta is

    554 m (Table VII).

    Overall, results derived with the FTDAM, in particular for locations like Bate-

    mans Bay, must be regarded as estimates of potential shoreline recession only.Climate change modelling is inherently difficult (Henderson-Sellers, 1993) and

    GIS model inaccuracies, such as data capturing and processing, add to modelling

    uncertainties. Further, the simulated rate of recession is potentially higher for the

    Batemans Bay site than it may experience in reality. This is because the actual

    sediment volume available from beaches along the flood-tide delta is potentially

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    Table VII. Probability range of shoreline recession for Batemans Bay according to

    the Aggradation-Risk Model.

    Scenario Seaward limit s 10 m 15 m

    5% 95% 5% 95%

    50 y 0.2 m 61 m 174 m 82 m 238 m

    100 y 0.49 m 208 m 368 m 225 m 554 m

    less than the calculated sediment demand. Bedrock close to the surface may limit

    the sediment volume available to feed the aggrading flood-tide delta. If the required

    sediment demand is not available; i.e., the floor of the flood-tide delta cannot follow

    rising sea level, then an increase in the height of the water column is likely to

    occur. Larger waves inside the re-entrant can be expected as a consequence of

    the rising water column (resulting from reduced wave breaking and bed friction).

    The implication is that more frequent overtopping and destruction of protective

    structures or other assets could occur as a result of a progressive rise in sea level.

    6. Conclusions

    The potential impacts of rising sea level over the next 50 to 100 years have been

    recognised by a number of countries as a potential future hazard. Detailed in-

    formation, in particular elevation data, however, is often not available for such

    hazard assessments. The use of existing information, in combination with coastal-

    behaviour models, appears to be an appropriate way to simulate shoreline recessionunder such circumstances.

    The primary aim of this study was to develop a simple but at the same time

    widely and easily applicable GIS-based model for simulating shoreline change

    inside coastal re-entrants. The model had to be applicable to readily and publicly

    available information, such as topographic maps and boating charts at medium

    scales. The FTDAM accommodates a range of re-entrant types (barrier-beach re-

    entrants, bay-barrier re-entrants and bays). In combination with data, GIS was

    utilised to run the model based on parameters values in accordance with local

    conditions. Nevertheless, the simulation results derived from the modelling ex-

    periments served only as an illustration for the potential range of feasible impacts

    between different locations.GIS-based models may be used as modelling tools that allow users, such as

    local or regional government authorities, to combine available data from different

    sources (topography, geology, bathymetry, cadastral data) into a single software.

    However, issues of uncertainty remain and must be addressed in any model

    application. Three aspects of uncertainty need to be addressed here:

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    (1) the definition of parameter values, such as the rate of sea-level rise or the know-

    ledge of local/regional sediment transport regimes. A best-practice protocol

    here is simply to adopt information readily available, such as the range of IPCC

    recommendations for sea-level projections;

    (2) data-resolution and accuracy. This includes map resolution and GIS-related

    factors such as inaccuracies in digitising, data conversion and interpolation, as

    they contribute to the uncertainty and generalisation of the modelling results;


    (3) the validity of models (Oreskes et al., 1994), as they are highly generalised

    approximations and representations of the real world that often cannot be


    Overall, the main messages emerging from this study can be summarised as fol-

    lows: (1) readily available data often provide sufficient information for the initial

    assessment of sea-level rise impacts on coastal re-entrants. The FTDAM can serve

    as a tool to simulate and map a first overview of regional variation in re-entrant sus-

    ceptibility to sea-level rise; and, (2) the capabilities of GIS allow for the simulation

    of a range of scenarios based on changes in parameter values.

    The application of a probability assessment, however, remains crucial in dealing

    with the unavoidable uncertainty inherent in the results of the modelling. Once the

    uncertainty has been evaluated, hazard results can be used not only to map impact

    probabilities, but also to assess economic or ecological vulnerability. Modelling

    output can be used by (local and regional government) authorities for decisions

    regarding re-entrant management and planning. Based on these results, coastal

    managers can decide if further, more detailed investigations with higher spatial

    resolution data are necessary.Credibility of analyses such as that undertaken in this study is required to make

    the FTDAM suitable for application. The credibility of this analysis would be en-

    hanced through further study of areas potentially at risk according to the modelling

    results achieved here. This would be accomplished through the systematic applic-

    ation of the model referred to above. However, this was beyond the scope of this

    paper and remains future work.

    Utilising GIS-based models for the evaluation and mapping of hazard impacts

    can assist local and state authorities in defining the appropriate zoning for an area

    and describing the conditions for future development and building standards for

    different coastal settings. This information can be incorporated in the preparation

    of local and regional plans (such as Local and Regional Environmental Plans (LEPand REP) in Australia) or in the establishment of general setback limits for build-

    ings from the foreshore to reduce the risk of damage or loss in the future. The

    examples presented here show that GIS-based coastal-behaviour modelling based

    on readily available data for the gross estimation of sea-level rise impacts is a vital

    part of coastal re-entrant management in the near future.

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    The author wishes to acknowledge the useful comments provided on this manu-

    script by Prof. Michael Roberts, A/Prof. Richard Whitlow and Dr Ray Merton.


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