GIS guidelines on the Interactive Teaching Tool …... Workflow Beginning work with QuantumGIS 1. In...

GIS guidelines on the Interactive Teaching Tool „The Knowledge Transfer in the Field of Sustainable Development, Theory-Practice, the Alps-the Carpathians” Department of Geographic Information Systems, Cartography and Remote Sensing Institute of Geography and Spatial Management Jagiellonian University Kraków 2011

Transcript of GIS guidelines on the Interactive Teaching Tool …... Workflow Beginning work with QuantumGIS 1. In...

GIS guidelines on the Interactive Teaching Tool

„The Knowledge Transfer in the Field of Sustainable Development,

Theory-Practice, the Alps-the Carpathians”

Department of Geographic Information Systems, Cartography and Remote Sensing Institute of Geography and Spatial Management

Jagiellonian University

Kraków 2011


These GIS guidelines are a supplement to the contents included in the interactive teaching tool "The knowledge transfer in the field of sustainable development (Theory - Practice, the Alps - the Carpathians)", available at The content of the guidelines refers to the part of the interactive tool dealing with the exercise in feasibility studies for selected indicators of sustainable development from the DIAMONT database, and more specifically to the individual steps that must be taken while calculating the indicator of availability of settlement areas.

Key words

feasibility analysis (FA), CORINE Land Cover database, SRTM DEM, Natura2000

Data used in the guidelines

The following data has been used in these guidelines

• vector data:

• nuts3.shp – statistical territorial units for the area of the Polish Carpathians at the NUTS3 level (sub-regions - a grouping of several counties [powiat])

• nuts5.shp – nuts5.shp - statistical territorial units for the area of the Polish Carpathians at the NUTS5 level (municipalities [gmina])

• raster data:

• CLC2000.img – map of land cover / land use for the area of the Polish Carpathians from the CORINE Land Cover database, for the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first century. More information on Corine Land Cover can be found on the EEA website: (you can also download data here, free of charge)

• srtm100.img – an altitude model for the area of the Polish part of the Carpathians; more information on SRTM models can be found at: (you can also download data from this page, free of charge)

• Natura2000.img – a map of Natura 2000 areas for the Polish Carpathians (data available on the EEA website)


Quantum GIS (QGIS)

QGIS is a user friendly open (Open Source) and free GIS family software, which runs on GNU/Linux, Unix, Mac OSX and MS Windows. QGIS allows browsing, viewing, editing and creating vector, raster, and database data in different formats, including the ESRI shapefile format, MapInfo Tab, PostgreSQL/PostGIS spatial data, vector and raster GRASS-a or GeoTiff layers. Through integration with the GRASS system it also allows performing advanced analyses and provides a possibility of displaying OGC layers: WMS and WFS.

The Quantum GIS program can be downloaded from The latest version available is 1.7.0 Quantum GIS - Wroclaw.

There are also very good guidelines to the program in Polish (although written for version 1.0.1 Quantum GISKore): M. Nowotarska‘s "Introduction to Quantum GIS", available at:


Beginning work with QuantumGIS

1. In order to run QGIS click on the icon in the Start menu > Programy > Quantum GIS Wroclaw > QuantumGIS (1.7.0).

After running the program the user is shown a blank area of the map (right part of the window) and an empty legend (left part of the window) in a layout similar to that shown below (the position of toolbars visible after starting the program may be different, e.g. different position of toolbars):

2. Toolbars Plik [File] and Menadżer warstw [Layer manager] are used

to download and open/save projects:

a b c d e f ff

g h i j k l m k

a) New project - creates a new, empty project b) Open Project - opens an existing project c) Save Project - saves the project to disk d) Save Project As - saves the project to disk under a new name e) New Print Assistant - opens a dialog window where you can set up the composition of output and print out the image of the map window f) Print Assistant - opens a dialog window where you can manage the printing compositions g) Add A Vector Layer - adds an existing vector layer to the project; you must indicate the location of the file with a layer on the disk h) Add A Raster Layer - adds an existing raster layer to the project, you must indicate the location of the file with a layer on the disk i) Add A PostGIS Layer - adds an existing PostGIS layer to the project, you must indicate the location of the file with a layer on the disk j) Add A SpatiaLite layer - adds an existing SpatiaLite layer to the project, you must indicate the location of the file with a layer on the disk k) Add A WMS layer - adds a layer from the WMS server to the project; at the first time there are no specified connections - they have to be created; the QGIS server remembers the addresses even after installing a newer version l) A New Vector Layer - creates a new blank vector layer and adds it to the project m) Remove The Layer - removes the current layer from the project, i.e. the layer that is selected in the legend The Nawigacja [navigation] toolbar is used to navigate in the map window (it may be partially covered by the other toolbars; then it must be dragged to another location):

a) Moving the map b) Enlargement c) Reduction d) Adjust to the whole range e) Adjust to selected objects f) Adjust to the active layer g) Undo to the previous view h) Go to the next view i) Refreshing the view

First steps with QuantumGIS

1. Using the icon load vector layers with statistical territorial units for the Polish Carpathians at NUTS3 level into the program (sub-regions - groupings of several counties [powiat]) and NUTS 5 (municipalities [gmina]): nuts5.shp and nuts3.shp.

2. Next, using the icon load raster layers: CLC2000.img, Natura2000.img i srtm100.img.

Loaded vector and raster layers will be listed in the legend window and displayed in the map window.

a b c d e f g h i

Attention! Layers are displayed in the order in which they are located in the legend window. To change the display order of the layers, select a layer in the legend window and drag it with the mouse onto a place chosen by us on the list of layers.

Task: Place vector layers on top of the list of layers in the legend window.

3. To enable / disable the display of a given layer in the map window, check/uncheck a cross on the left side of the layer in the legend window.

4. To view and / or change properties (e.g. display properties) of a layer, highlight the layer in the legend window and select Właściwości [Properties] with the mouse right button:

For vector layers, the dispaly mode of a given layer can be changed in the Styl [Style] tab. Information on a given layer (the so-called metadata) is to be found in the Metadane [Metadata] tab.

Geographical information systems allow you to store not only information about the location of objects, but also about their various characteristics - attributes. The list of attributes assigned to a given layer can be seen in the Pola [Fields] tab. However, the same information is stored in the so-called table of layer attributes.

5. To see the table of attributes associated with a given vector layer, click on a layer in the legend window and right-click the mouse button to select Otwórz tabelę atrybutów [Open table of attributes]:

6. In the Properties for raster layers, the display mode of a given layer can also be changed in the Style [Styles] tab, and information about a given layer (the so-called metadata) ca be seen in the Metadane [Metadata] tab. Additionally, we can change the transparency of the layers displayed in the Przeźroczystość [Transparency] tab, and view the histogram of the distribution of values in the Histogram tab.

Change the display mode of individual layers to the one most suitable for you.

7. Save a newly created project under a name, e.g. Obliczanie_wskaznikow [Calculating_indicators].

8. QGIS has been designed in such a way that it is possible to continuously expand the portfolio of tools available through the so-called plug-ins. Plug-ins are add-ons to the program broadening its capabilities or automating tasks. With plug-ins the user can decide which features he wants to have in the program, and which he does not.

Plug-ins can be divided into internal and external. Internal plug-ins are managed by the QGIS Development Team and are an integral part of any distribution of the QGIS program. They are activated using the Menadżer wtyczek [Plug-ins manager] (Wtyczki > Zarządzaj wtyczkami) [(Plug-ins> Manage plug-ins)]. The external plug-ins can be downloaded by using the command Wtyczki > Pobierz więcej wtyczek [Plug-ins> Get more plug-ins]. Plug-ins can be also created by users themselves.

Among the plug-ins available in the Plug-ins Manager we can find the GRASS plug-in.

GRASS GIS is a free, open source system that has been developed since 1982. It has a modular structure and all commands are executed using scripts running on the level of the system. In standard distribution the GRASS system contains approximately 350 modules for working with raster and vector data.

The GRASS data are stored in a 3-level structure of files: Baza danych > Lokacja > Mapset [Database>Location> Mapset]. In the Baza danych [Database] the projects are defined by their area and stored in subdirectories called Lokacje [Locations]. Each Location has a defined mapping, reference system and position in the geographic space. Catalogues and files of a given Location are automatically created when you first define a new Location. Each Location can have many Mapsets, each of which is a subdirectory of a Location.

The GRASS plug-in available in QGIS provides access to GRASS tools. When it is enabled in the Plug-ins Manager, a new toolbar appears:

a) Open Mapset b) Create New Mapset c) Close Mapset d) Open GRASS vector layer - adds an existing GRASS vector layer to the project; you have to indicate the location of the file with the layer on the disk e) Open GRASS raster layer - adds an existing GRASS raster layer to the project , you have to indicate the location of the file with the layer on the disk f) Create new GRASS vector layer - creates a new blank GRASS vector layer and adds it to the project g) Edit GRASS vector layer - edit an existing GRASS vector layer added to the project h) Open GRASS tools - opens the portfolio of available GRASS tools (functions) i) Display the current GRASS region - dispalys (in the form of a rectangle) the position of

a b c d e f g h i j

a given Location in the geographic space j) Edit the current GRASS region - edits the position of a given Location in the geographic space

9. Tools available through the GRASS plug-in will allow us to calculate the indicatior of availability of settlement areas for the sub-regions and municipalities of the Polish part of the Carpathian Mountains.

The first step is to create a new Mapset (using the icon ) and import into it the vector and raster layers that are in our project.

In the first window of creating a new Mapset, we have to specify the name of the Database where all data from the GRASS system will be stored (please select the appropriate folder using the Przeglądaj [Browse] option ...).

In the next window, we provide the name of the new Location and then choose for this Location the current mapping and reference system. Since our data contained in the project have a defined UTM reference system (Universal Transverse Mercator), zone 34N, on the WGS84 ellipsoid, we choose from the list Projected CoordinateSystems> Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)> WGS 84 / UTM zone 34N.

The next step is to define the so-called region and thus the position of a given Location in the geographic space. After selecting Ustal bieżący zasięg QGIS [Specify the current QGIS range] the Location is automatically adjusted to the position of the data already displayed in QGIS. Then, we provide the new Mapset with a name. The final window displays a summary of the data structure developed by us. Once approved, it will be created and a message similar to the following will be displayed:

10. Another step is to import vector and raster layers already open in the project into the mapset created by us. For this purpose, using the icon

we open the set of GRASS tools. It includes three tabs in the first of which all GRASS functions organized by the tasks they do are available. The second tab contains a list of available modules along with a convenient search engine. It is especially useful when we know what function we are looking for. The names of respective modules begin with the letters representing a group of modules, e.g. r.* for a raster, v.* for a vector. When you run a corresponding module, its tab is added. One of the elements available under this tab is the Podręcznik [Manual] detailing the way the module operates.

The functions for importing data can be found in the first tab under the Zarządzanie plikami > Importuj do GRASS [File Management> Import into GRASS].

11. In order to import vector data, which are already listed in the program, select Importuj do GRASS > Importuj wektor do GRASS > – Importuj wczytany wektor [Import into GRASS> Import vector into GRASS > - Import loaded vector.

In the added tab, in the Warstwa wektorowa OGR [OGR vector layer] box we select from the list the NUTS3 layer. In the next box, we give the name of the output layer: nuts3_grass, and then click Uruchom [Run]. When the import process is completed, using Zobacz wynik [View the result] we can add a new layer to the map view. In a similar way we import and add to the map view the nuts5 layer.

12. In order to import raster data, which are already listed in the program, we select Importuj do GRASS > Importuj raster do GRASS > Importuj raster do GRASS z widoku QGIS > – Importuj wczytany raster. [Import into GRASS> Import raster to GRASS> Import raster to GRASS from QGIS view > - Import loaded raster]. In the added tab, in the GDAL raster layer box we select the CLC2000 layer from the list. In the next box, we give the name of the output layer: CLC2000_grass, and then click Uruchom [Run]. When the import process is completed, using Zobacz wynik [View the result] we add the new layer to the map view. We import and add to the map view the Natura2000 and srtm100 raster layers in a similar way.

13. The information in raster layers is stored in each pixel. These are most often values recorded as integers or real numbers. For the CLC2000 layer, in each pixel a code of the class of land cover/land use, to which a given pixel belongs according to the CORINE Land Cover database, is recorded as an integer. The CORINE database distinguishes 44 such classes, 31 of which are present on the territory of Poland.

A list of all classes in Polish can be found at:

The indicator of availability of settlement areas is described using the follwing formula:

[(Az + Ar)/Ag]*100 (%)


Az – the area of built-up areas

Ar – the area of land intensively used for agriculture

Ag – the area of the reference unit (in our case sub-regions or municipalities)

Thus, we are interested in marking on the CLC2000 maps of land use/land cover those pixels that belong to classes of built-up areas (i.e. grades 1 -11) or areas intensively used for agriculture (i.e. grades 12 - 21). For this purpose, a so-called reclassification will be carried out i.e. the values of the defined ranges will be assigned one total numerical value, which will be inscribed on the map, wherever there will be pixels with values falling within a certain range. All the pixels belonging to classes 1 - 21 will be given the value of 1, and the rest will be set to 0.

Before starting the reclassification tool we need to create a special text file, in which we will define the rules of reclassification. In the Notepad we will thus create a new document,, r1.txt, with the following text describing the reclassification rules:

14. The reclassification tool can be found in GRASS tools, in the first tab at Raster > Zmień wartości kategorii i etykiety > r.reclass [Raster> Change the categories and labels>] or by typing the r.reclass name into the search box in the second tab. In the added tab, in the Mapa rastrowa [Raster map] box which is to be reclassified we select CLC2000_grass from the list. In the Plik zawierający reguły klasyfikacji [File containing classification rules] box we select the r1.txt file. In the last box we type in the name of the new layer: CLC2000_reclass:

After completing the process and selecting Zobacz wynik [View result], the new map will be added to the window view.

15. In order to calculate the indicator of availability of settlement areas, we must find out what area is occupied by built-up areas and those intensively used for agriculture in a given statistical territorial unit (sub-region or municipality). In other words, we want to find out what is the number of pixels belonging to classes 1 - 21 of the CORINE database in a given unit, so we want to add up all the pixels with a value of 1 in a given unit on the CLC2000_reclass raster map created in the previous section.

A tool that calculates the basic statistics for respective objects of the vector layer based on a raster map is v.rast.stats, available in the set of GRASS tools at Wektor > Aktualizacja wektora na podstawie innych map > v.rast.status – Oblicz statystyki z rastra dla obiektów wektorowych [Vector>Vecotr update based on other maps> v.rast.status - Calculate statistics from the raster for vector objects], or by typing in the name in the search box in the second tab.

As a result of running the tool, the following statistics (based on the CLC2000_reclass layer) will be calculated for each object of the nuts3_grass layer (or nuts5_grass):

- n - the number of pixels within a given layer object (within a given unit) - min - the minimum pixel value occurring within a given layer object (within a given unit) - max - the maximum pixel value occurring within a given layer object (within a given unit) - range - the range of pixel values occurring within a given layer object (within a given unit) - mean - the mean value from the pixels occurring within a given layer object (within a given unit) - stddev - the standard deviation from pixel values occurring within a given layer object (within a given unit) - variance - the variance of pixel values occurring within a given layer object (within a given unit) - coeff_var - the coefficient of variation of pixel values occurring within a given layer object (within a given unit) - sum - the sum of pixel values occurring within a given layer object (within a given unit)

In the added tool tab, in the Name of raster map to calculate statictics from box we choose the CLC2000_reclass layer from the list. In the Name of vector polygon map box we choose the nuts3_grass layer. However in the Column prefix for new attribute columns box, we type in the prefix that will be assigned to each new column with calculated statistics, for example, clc. After the tool has completed its task the nuts3_grass layer must be removed from the map view and add it again to update the information in the attributes table.

16. A similar analysis is performed for municipalities using the nuts5_grass layer.

17. As a result of the analyses carried out, columns with statistics calculated based on the CLC2000_reclass layer have been added to the attributes table of both vector layers. To view the table of attributes for the nuts3_grass layer (or nuts5_grass), after right-clicking on the layer name in the legend, we should select Otwórz tabelę atrybutów [Open table of attributes]:

From among the calculated statistics we will take a special interest in two interesting cases, sum and n. From the sum statistics we will obtain the information about the total value of pixels in each unit, and thus about the number of pixels in areas that are developed or intensively used for agriculture (i.e. those with the value of 1). The n statistics, on the other hand, will allow us to specify the number of pixels in a given unit. Dividing the value of the sum statistics by the value of the n statistics and then multiplying it by 100% we will get the value of the indicator of availability of settlement areas.

In order to calculate the indicator value of the availability of settlement in the table of attributes, first we have to export the nuts3_grass and nuts5_grass GRASS layers to the ESRI Shapefile format. To do this, from the set of GRASS tools run the v.out.ogr tool available at the Zarządzaj plikami > Eksportuj z GRASS > Eksportuj wektor z GRASS > v.out.ogr – Eksportuj wektor do wielu formatów (biblioteka OGR) [Manage Files> Export from GRASS> Export vector from GRASS > v.out.ogr - Export vector to many formats (OGR library)]. In the Nazwa wejściowej mapy wektorowej [Name of input vector map] box we choose nuts3_grass from the list, and ESRI_Shapefile in the OGR Format box. Then, we type in nuts3_nowy as the output file name (remembering to choose the appropriate file location, so you can easily locate it


A similar procedure is performed for the nuts5_grass file. We then add both files to the

map view using the icon . 21. In order to calculate the indicator value for individual subregions, we open the

table of attributes of the added nuts3_nowy (or nuts5_nowy) layer and select Edit to

start editing the layer using the icon , and then select Area calculator using the

icon (both icons are visible in the lower part of the table of atributes).

In the Kalkulator pól [Area calculator], we type in the Wskaźnik [Indicator] as the Nazwa pola wyjściowego [Output Area Name] and as the Typ pola wyjściowego – Liczby dziesiętne (real) [Output Area Type, Decimal numbers (real)]. In the Długość pola wyjściowego [Output Area Length] box we select 5, and in the Dokładność [Accuracy] box (number of decimal places) we select 2.

In the Wyrażenie kalkulatora pól [Area Calculator Expression] box we type in the clc_sum / clc_n * 100 formula using the attribute names in the Pola [Areas] box and the mathematical operations available in the Operatory [Operators] part.

Once approved, a new column with the calculated value of the indicator of available settlement areas is added to the attribute table of the nuts3_nowy (or nuts5_nowy) layer .

Remember to finish editing the nuts3_nowy (or nuts5_nowy) layer after

performing the calculations by unchecking the icon !

22. In the DIAMONT project the indicator of the availability of settlement areas was

calculated for the subregions, and its values were divided into the following classes:

<= 6,1 %

6,1 – 13,5 %

13,5 – 23,9 %

23,9 – 43,6 %

> 43,6 %

In order to implement the division of indicator values into the above classes in QGIS, we have to open the nuts3_nowy layer properties (under the right mouse button) and in the Style tab select from the drop-down list the Symbol stopniowy [Gradual symbol] option. Then, in the Kolumna [Column] box on the attribute list select Wskaźnik [Indicator] and in the Paleta kolorów [Color palette] box the one that we are interested in (you can also define your own color palette). In the Liczba klas [Number of classes] box we select 5, and in the Tryb [Mode] box (method of classification) - Równe przedziały [Equal ranges] (we will change the range of individual classes ourselves soon).

Next click Klasyfikuj [Categorize] in the bottom of the window and the division of indicator values into equal-sized classes will appear in the main window. In order to change the range of values in each class, click on values in the Zakres [Range] column and manually type in the range of classes in accordance with this division. You should also change the values in the Etykieta [Label] column (description of classes).

After introducing the changes the layer Properties window will look like this (or similar):

Since, however, after introducing such a division into classes it appears that all the values of the indicator of availability of settlement areas for the sub-Carpathian region belong to the last class (> 43.6%), the map created by us will look like this:

23. In order to improve the readability of the map we have to change the limits of the ranges into which the range of potentially obtainable indicator values is divided.

The suggested limits are the following

<= 10 %

10 – 25 %

25 – 50 %

50 – 75 %

> 75 %

After introducing the changes (i.e. changing the ranges of individual classes in the layer Properties), the map will look like this:

Task: Test how the appearance will change with a change in the range of values of individual classes and/or the number of classes.

24. The values of the indicator of availability of settlement areas has also been calculated for smaller computational units - municipalities. Let us then display the indicator values for municipalities (using the procedure described in section 22), first using the class division proposed in the DIAMONT project:

And then according to the class division proposed in section 23:

Please note the improvement of the possibilities of interpreting the spatial distribution of the indicator compared to the information provided on the previous maps.

25. Test how the appearance of the map will change with a change in the range of particular classes and/or their number.

26. Until now, to calculate the availability of settlement areas we took into account only built-up areas and those intensively used for agriculture (according to the defininition of the indicator in the DIAMONT project ). However, the location of available settlement areas will change if we adopt other, more complex criteria determining the possibility of development.

Such criteria could be:

• Excluding NATURA 2000 areas (data source Natura2000.img)

• Excluding areas of slopes above 10º (data source: srtm100.img)

• Excluding areas located higher than 1100 m above sea level (data source: srtm100.img)

27. The first step will be to create the slope maps for the Polish part of the Carpathians, which will be done using the r.slope.aspect.slope GRASS tool available in the set of GRASS tools, in the first tab at Raster > Analizy przestrzenne > Analizy terenu > r.slope.aspect.slope – Utwórz mapę spadków z NMT [Raster>Spatial Analyses> Land Analyses > r.slope.aspect.slope - Create a slope map from NMT] or by typing its name in the search engine available in the second tab.

In the added tab, in the Nazwa rastrowej mapy wysokości [Name of altitude raster map] box, the srtm100_grass layer is automatically selected. However, in the Nazwa wyjściowej mapy rastrowej spadku [Name of output slope raster map] box we type in the name of the output map: nachylenia [slopes]. Then, we click Uruchom [Run], and when the calculations are over we display the resulting map using View the result:

The most inclined slopes are presented in dark color on the map (blue - violet).

28. Another step will be to reclassify the slope map in such a way that in the output map the pixels representing slopes below 10 degrees will be set to 0, and the pixels representing slopes above 10 degrees will be set to the value of 1. First, we have to create a text file that specifies the rules of reclassification, which we shall call r2.txt:

Then we open the r.reclass GRASS tool and in the Mapa rastrowa która ma być przeklasyfikowana [Raster map to be reclassified] box we select the slope layer. As the Plik zawierający reguły klasyfikacji [File containing the classification rules] we attach the r2.txt file and we name the output file nachylenia_reclass [slopes_relcass].

When the calculations are over we display the result using Zobacz wynik [View the result]:

29. We have already obtained a map showing one of the additional criteria to be taken into account when calculating the indicator of availability of settlement. The next step will be to create a map in which the areas located below 1100 m.a.s.l. are assigned the value of 0, and those located above 1100 m.a.s.l. are assigned the value of 1. Once again, we will use here the tool of reclassification.

We will name the file specifying the rules of reclassification r3.txt and it will look like this:

Next, again using the r.reclass tool we will do the reclassification of the srtm100_grass layer, using the rules stored in the r3.txt file and naming the output map srtm100_reclass:

We will display the resulting map by clicking Zobacz wynik [View the result].

30. Next, we have to combine the Natura2000_grass, srtm100_reclass, and nachylenia_reclass maps with each other to obtain a map of areas that should be excluded from the areas that we have so far qualified as potentially subject to development (pictured on the CLC2000_reclass map).

Here we will use the r.mapcalculator tool available in the GRASS tools at Raster > Analizy przestrzenne > Algebra mapowa > r.mapcalculator – Prosta algebra mapowa [Raster> Spatial Analyses> Algebra mapping> r.mapcalculator - Simple algebra mapping] in the first tab or by typing in the name in the search box in the second tab.

We select Natura2000_grass as Layer A, nachylenia_reclass as Layer B, and srtm100_reclass as Layer C. In the Formula box we type in A + B + C, and we name the output map kryteria_dodatkowe [additional_criteria].

31. Next we will reclassify the kryteria_dodatkowe [additional_criteria] map so that all areas that should be excluded will have the value of 1, and the remaining ones 0. The file with reclassification rules should look like this:

We save it as r4.txt.

Using the r.reclass tool again, we reclassify the kryteria_dodatkowe layer, using the rules from the r4.txt file and we name the output file kryteria_dodatkowe_reclass.

32. Our final step will be to subtract the map showing the areas which cannot be developed (kryteria_dodatkowe_reclass) from the map showing the areas which potentially can be developed (CLC2000_reclass). We will use the r.mapcalculator tool here again.

As Layer A we select CLC2000_reclass, and as Layer B - kryteria_dodatkowe_reclass. In the Formula box we type A-B, and name the output map mapa_wynikowa.

On the resulting map the pixels will have one of the following values:

-1 – when a given pixel does not belong to developed areas and those intensively used for agriculture and it simultaneously meets the criteria of point 27

0 – when a given pixel belongs to developed areas and those intensively used for agriculture and it simultaneously meets the criteria of point 27

1 – when a given pixel belongs to developed areas and those intensively used for agriculture and it simultaneously does not meet the criteria of point 27 and belongs to areas which potentially can be developed.

33. The last step will be then to reclassify the resulting map from the previous section, so that pixels with the value of -1 and 0 are assigned the value of 0 and leave the value of 1 to the pixels with this value:

We save the Reclassification rules as r5.txt.

Next, we use the r.reclass tool to perform the reclassification of the resulting map from the previous section, saving the output file as mapa_wynikowa_reclass:

We display the result by clicking Zobacz wynik [View the result].

The resulting map looks as follows (the red color - areas that can potentially be developed):

34. In order to calculate the value of the indicator of availability of settlement areas for municipalities we have to use the procedure set out in sections 18 - 21 again, and then visualize the results using layer nuts5.shp Properties (as it has already been done in sections 22 - 26).

We present below an example of visualization using the division of indicator values into 5 classes:

<= 10 %

10 – 25 %

25 – 50 %

50 – 75 %

> 75 %