Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great...

CHURCH LADIES by Kathy Frady

Transcript of Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great...

Page 1: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five


by Kathy Frady

Page 2: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

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Page 3: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

Church LadiesA comic monolog program

for women’s ministry

by Kathy Frady

Page 4: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

CAST(In order of appearance)










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Page 5: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five


This program of monologs offers a hilarious portrayal of seven zanyfemale personalities which are represented in many churches today.Foyer Box Betty is always collecting something in the box in the foyer. Miss Myra teaches the old ladies’ Sunday school class. Take-ChargeTess volunteers to lead every committee. Hapless Hannah can’t find aplace of service and destroys everything she touches. Mama Rosa is adeacon’s wife/Mafia maw. Do-Everything Ethel does everything there isto do in the church. Praying Patsy disguises gossip as prayer requests.The Narrator humorously ties this gaggle of church ladies together andoffers a touch of wisdom here and there. This collection would be perfectto use at a women’s conference or other ladies-only event.

The women may dress as befits their characters. For example, MissMyra may wear “little old lady” clothes. Hapless Hannah should looknot quite put together — perhaps wearing a shirt buttoned wrong ormismatched colors. Do-Everything Ethel could wear a sweatsuit andtennis shoes to signify running around all day. Mama Rosa needs a pinsignifying perfect Sunday school attendance.

Only a few simple props are needed: a cane for Miss Myra, a clipboard for Take-Charge Tess, a stack of papers for Hapless Hannah, and a very long, rolled-up list for Do-Everything Ethel. Optional is the gaudydecorated picnic basket for Foyer Box Betty as described in her monolog.

Any setting is fine. Place a podium at one side for the Narrator. A chairmay be placed at Center Stage for Miss Myra, Do-Everything Ethel (atthe end of her monolog, when she falls asleep), and any other characterto use as desired.


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Page 6: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

(NARRATOR is in place behind the podium.)NARRATOR: So many famous women have made a lasting

impact on our world. __________ , (Insert the name of awell-known Christian woman, such as an author or speaker)Helen Keller, Rosa Parks, Margaret Thatcher … thesewomen not only changed our world, but they affectedthe people around them. I’d like to introduce you tosome ladies who probably won’t make an impact on theworld, but if you go to church with them, they willmake an impact on you — whether you want them toor not. Take this lady from my church back home,Betty. We call her Foyer Box Betty, because she isalways setting out a box in the foyer to collect thingsfor one cause or another. She’s collected knit hats forsailors, umbrellas for the blind, teacups for tots,toothbrushes for pet shelters, spare tires for orphans …

I’ll bet you’re wondering about that one. SomehowBetty got it into her mind that a group of orphans inAfrica just couldn’t do without mulch under theirplayground equipment, and she got the idea to have uscollect spare tires, which would be cut up into plasticmulch for the poor little children to play on.Somewhere in Africa a group of kids are probablyheading down a slide into a pile of steel-belted radialswondering why the crazy Americans sent over tenboxes of sliced-up tires. No sooner had she shippedover the last package of tires than she was out in thefoyer with a new box collecting canned peaches for thetoothless.

Then there was the “Raisins for the Homeless”campaign. The city council actually got involved withthat one. Seems Betty was sneaking up on homelessmen sleeping on park benches and putting little boxesof raisins into their coat pockets — scaring them halfto death. The city council kindly asked her to please



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Page 7: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco.

She’d gotten a local printing company to agree toimprint five hundred balloons she’d collected. Theballoons were to be filled with helium and released,and they were expected to float as far as five countiesaway. There was a mix-up at the printers, however, soinstead of saying, “Don’t Use Drugs” and the name ofour church, the five hundred balloons that werereleased said, “Donate Rugs” and the name of ourchurch. Needless to say, our preschool classes nowhave more carpet squares than they know what to dowith! Her latest collection project is so, uh, interestingthat I think I’ll just let Betty tell you about it herself.(Calling Off-stage) Oh, Betty, these ladies would like tohear about your latest project. (FOYER BOX BETTYenters.)

FOYER BOX BETTY: Oh, I’d be glad to share. We’re goingto send picnic baskets to Canada! Each basket willcontain an American flag, and we’ll also include apainted heart with the precious little message, “Jesusloves all of North America.” Thousands of families inCanada don’t have their own picnic baskets. If theselittle families up there get the chance to eat outdoors,they have to pack their food in a Wal-Mart bag, or onefrom whatever store the little Canadian families go to,and how can we expect to win these people to Jesus ifwe won’t help them rebuild their families by gettingthem outside for a meal once in a while? Can youimagine walking toward a lake in Canada, finding ashady spot, unfurling your blanket, and setting outplastic bags of picnic food? Now girls, this just won’tdo.

I want each of you to stop by the Dollar Store assoon as this meeting is over. I’ve made a list of supplies:



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Page 8: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

baskets, of course; miniature American flags; red andwhite paint for the hearts; and thread and numberseven needles to sew the flags to the inside covers ofeach basket.

Now as for the contents of each picnic basket: Ithought we’d send them some good old-fashionedAmerican food. Since home-cooked picnic foods wouldspoil on the way up there, I’ve decided to send somesubstitutes, which are really just as good as the realthing. Instead of sending hot dogs and baked beans,we’ll pack cans of beanie-weenies. Instead of sendingpotato salad, we’ll pack cans of shoestring potatoes andindividual packets of mayo so they can make their ownpotato salad. Of course, no picnic would be completewithout fried chicken and apple pie, so I thought we’dpack cinnamon-flavored applesauce instead of real pie,and for the fried chicken, we can pack bags of friedpork rinds. The fried part is, after all, the best part offried chicken! Now girls, I’m placing a box in the foyer,and we’ll need to get it filled with these items by nextSunday. What a blessing we will be to our northernneighbors! (FOYER BOX BETTY exits merrily.)

NARRATOR: Foyer Box Betty certainly has a lot of energy,doesn’t she? You know, speaking of energy, I’ve got tointroduce you to Miss Myra. She teaches the oldSunday school class. She’s a little slow these days, anda trifle hard of hearing. But every Sunday she meetswith her ladies for her special brand of Bible study andsharing. (MISS MYRA enters slowly, using a cane.) Oh,here she comes now.

MISS MYRA: Good morning. I’m Miss Myra. I’d like towelcome you all to the “Ladies of Methuselah” Sundayschool class. Let me just get over to my chair here, andwe’ll take the roll. (She sits.) We used to have a muchlarger roll, but back in ’27, Esther Jones got married



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Page 9: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

and moved away. Then in 1942, Mabel Eghert joinedthe singles Sunday school class. In 1947, Joyce Tellerstarted teaching in the young people’s class. That justleft me and Fannie and Effie until 1993, when they builtthat new senior citizens’ home across the street fromthe church and Eleanor joined our class. Course wehad to convince Eleanor that even though we were amature ladies class, we were also modern — but sheinsisted on using her 1611 edition of the King JamesVersion Bible, even though we told her that the rest ofus in the class used the new large-print 1900 edition ofthe King James Version Bible. She said she was goingto keep using her older edition because she wasn’tgoing to take any chances.

You know, my mother started this class a long timeago, when the church was first built — before theyadded the fellowship hall. She passed away when shewas one hundred and twenty-seven years old. Nevermissed a Sunday. I’m turning one hundred this year, soI figure I’ve got another good twenty to twenty-fiveyears or so of teaching left in me. And I am determinedto teach right here in this room, as long as my anklesdon’t swell so bad that I can’t get my church shoes on.Course my doctor says if I’d let him take out mygallbladder, that would help. But he’s already taken outmy appendix and half of my large intestine andreplaced my hip, my knee, and my liver, and that’s justmy regular doctor. I go see my heart doctor, my lungspecialist, my chiropractor, and my nerve doctor onMonday, Wednesday, and Friday, and my urologist,podiatrist, neurosurgeon, and internist on Tuesday andThursday. I try to keep my Saturdays open foremergency visits. They’ve got me taking so many pills.I’m so full from them that I end up not being hungryfor my meals. I know it won’t be long now. I’m on my



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Page 10: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

way out. I’ve already asked the pastor to have themsing “When They Ring Those Golden Bells” at myfuneral. I’ve been teaching this class for a long time.I’ve been through five pastors, twenty sets of deacons,and ten sets of deacons’ wives.

Awhile back they decided to pay someone to workwith the young people. Back in my day, we’d just takeour hay wagon and load the youngsters up and cartthem here to church for all-day revivals and dinner onthe grounds. Now you’ve got to pay a man to be theminister to the youth. What need do young people havetoday that causes us to have to pay someone to ministerto them? Most of them just play that video game boxwhat-you-call-it, rotting out their brains pushing thosesilly knobs and blowing people up on their televisions.

When we were young, we were happy to have a ragdoll or a ball to play with. We didn’t need fancy gamesto keep us happy. We had our front porches to sit onand fields to run in, and we didn’t talk back to ourelders. We knew a thing or two about respect, and if wedidn’t, our mommas and daddies introduced our hindends to the backside of a hickory stick, and we learnedright quick! That’s what’s wrong with kids today. Wedon’t have any hickory trees around anymore. They cutthem all down to make the knobs for those fool videogames.

And another thing … what’s that? This isn’t myclassroom? Well, I must have turned wrong when I wascoming around the corner. (To NARRATOR) If youcould just point me in the right direction, honey …(NARRATOR points Off-stage.) I’m sure my ladies arewondering where I am and why I’m so late for class.(Waves.) Toodle-oo! (MISS MYRA slowly shuffles off.)

NARRATOR: Good-bye, Miss Myra. She really does have aheart of gold under that pruney exterior. And she is



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Page 11: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

normally on time for her class, and she usually ends upin the right room. You’ve probably heard that there’s ameeting after church services today in the fellowshiphall. I suppose you already know that Tess is going tobe there. You do know Tess, don’t you? She’s a realtake-charge kind of gal. (TAKE-CHARGE TESS enters,walking briskly and carrying a clipboard.)

TAKE-CHARGE TESS: I see that everyone is here for ourcommittee meeting. I’d like to volunteer myself as thechairwoman of this committee! I’m retired, so I don’thave a job that would keep me from devoting onehundred percent of my time to this cause. My childrenare grown and rarely visit, and that frees up more time.Besides, I have been told by several people that I havereal leadership potential, and I am known by everyonein this church as a person who really cares whathappens around here.

Now that I’ve been placed in this position of power — I mean, this position of service — I think afew rules are in order. Number one, as chairwoman, Imust be present at all meetings. Number two, aschairwoman, I must be given a full twenty-four-hoursnotice of a called meeting. Number three, aschairwoman, I have the deciding vote on all matters.There’s no “I” in “team,” so I’m counting on all of youto follow these rules so we can keep things movingalong smoothly. Are there any questions? (Withoutwaiting for any) Good.

I propose that we meet at my house next Sundaymorning before the service for an early morningbreakfast meeting. I will, of course, prepare my famousrutabaga pancakes with apricot syrup in honor of ourfirst breakfast meeting. I know several of you havesmall children, and since we’ll be getting together forour meeting at six a.m., I’ll have to ask you to please



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Page 12: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

leave your little ones at home. As you know, I have allthose crystal Nativity scenes I bought while I wasvisiting the Holy Land, and I sure don’t want myshepherds covered with sticky fingerprints or any ofmy wise men to end up missing an arm from beingattacked by an unruly two-year-old. Now, as yourchairwoman, I feel it is my duty to inform you that ifyou miss any of our committee meetings, I will have toreport you to your Sunday school teacher, thechairman of the deacons, the pastor, and the headusher. I take my role as your leader very seriously, andI expect that you’ll do the same.

Also as your chairwoman, I’m going to be reviewingyour tithing contribution statements. Now, I know whatyou’re thinking, but my husband’s cousin Bill is thechurch clerk, and he won’t have any trouble findingthose records for me. I will absolutely keep theserecords in the strictest confidence — unless, of course,I see that you are not tithing properly. If that turns outto be the case, I will, as your chairwoman, have toarrange a specially-called business meeting and presentcopies of your records to the church body for a vote ofmembership revokement. But I’m sure that in thisgroup, everyone is all paid up.

Now, on to the business at hand. As your leader, I’dlike to recommend that in addition to next Sunday’searly morning breakfast meeting, we also plan to meetfor dinner on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, andFriday. I’m busy on Thursdays, so we’ll just have tomake do with four evening meetings next week. Ofcourse, I can’t be expected to open my home fourevenings in a row, so I’ll be contacting several of youworking moms to host us. I figure if you’re a motherand you work outside your home, you would be theperfect choice for hosting two or three evening



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Page 13: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

meetings because your life is in such chaos that acouple more busy evenings won’t affect you one way orthe other. Of course, you host working moms will needto find your own child care on the nights that my —uh, our — group meets at your home. Well, now, I thinkwe’re off to a fine start, and I look forward to leadingthis committee to new heights of excellence as we worktogether in unity over the next several months decidingwho will be in charge of changing the light bulbs in themen’s room! (TAKE-CHARGE TESS strides off.)

NARRATOR: Some of you look worn out just from listeningto Take-Charge Tess. Do you remember that old song,“I’m in the Lord’s Army”? Tess is the kind of gal whomakes herself the general, you know what I mean? Ofcourse if you’ve got a Take-Charge Tess at one end ofthe church lady spectrum, you’ve got a HaplessHannah on the other end. Hannah was trying to takenotes at Tess’s meeting just now, but as usual, shestarted daydreaming and one thing lead to another.Well, I’ll let you hear Hannah’s thoughts from Hannahherself. (HAPLESS HANNAH enters with a disorganizedstack of papers. She drops a few on her way in and stops topick them up.)

HAPLESS HANNAH: Yes, Tess. I made notes of everythingyou said about the breakfast. I do hope I can keep allof this straight. I remember the last time we had achurch breakfast. I was supposed to make cinnamontoast for the preschoolers, and I got distracted andsprinkled on chili powder instead of cinnamon. Poorlittle things. Their faces got so red, and there weretears streaming down their cheeks after just one bite. Ifelt just terrible. I offered to make them all somechocolate milk to wash away the taste, but by that timeI was so flabbergasted that instead of adding chocolatepowder to the pitcher of milk, I added coffee grounds.



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Page 14: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

I discovered my mistake after one little boy took a gulpof his coffee milk. Apparently that didn’t sit too well onhis tummy with the chili-powdered toast, because hegot sick all over himself. I felt just terrible, so I offeredhim a wet dishcloth to wipe his face with, only I’dforgotten that I’d used that particular dishcloth to wipeup some mayo that I’d spilt earlier that morning whileI was looking for a tub of butter to go with the toast.Of course, when that poor child put that mayo-coatedcloth to his mouth, it just added to his troubles.

After that incident, I was politely asked to step downfrom the kitchen committee and find another place ofservice within the church. I thought I’d like to try thechoir. I made it to the first rehearsal on time, so I wasfeeling pretty happy with myself, so when the choirdirector asked for someone to pass out the sheet music,I offered to help — but I didn’t know how sharp theedge of a piece of sheet music could be, and I got anawful paper cut that made me drop my piece of music.The two ladies sitting closest to me both reached downto pick it up at the same time, and one lady’s headaccidentally hit the other lady’s lip and busted it open,and as soon as one of the sopranos saw the blood, shestood up and fainted, and when she did that, her chairsomehow got pushed backward and it hit the bad legof the piano. Well, the next thing you know, there’s anawful crack of wood, and that big old piano justtoppled over onto its side. After that, I was politelyasked to leave the choir and find another place ofservice within the church.

I thought I’d like to try the landscaping team. I wasvery encouraged because all the landscaping takesplace outside of the church building, and the team ismade up of two teenage boys who mow the grass andone other lady who waters the flowers. So on the first



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Page 15: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

Saturday of the month, I watched as one of the boyspushed the fertilizer spreader-thingy and the other boyrode the lawnmower and the lady watered the flowers.They had asked me to please just stand in the shadeand watch over the lemonade. When they took a breakat lunchtime, I was sure I’d be able to help them out. Ithought that if only I could get the fertilizer into theriding lawn mower that I’d save them all so much time.My plan was to hold the hose in one hand so I couldwater the flowers and steer the mower with the otherhand so I could fertilize the grass and then cut it.

Well, let’s just say that when they got back fromlunch, I was politely asked to please step down fromthe landscaping team and find another place of servicewithin the church. I’ve been advised to consider theprayer ministry, as food, people, and machinery are notinvolved. (HAPLESS HANNAH walks off, shrugging hershoulders.)

NARRATOR: Do you ever feel like Hapless Hannah? Youwant to find your place of service, you mean well, butsomehow you just can’t find a place to fit in, and everyso often you are politely asked to find another place ofservice within the church? Well, if you ever need helpfinding a particularly sought after place of service inthe church, you might find yourself paying a visit toMama Rosa. (MAMA ROSA enters.)

MAMA ROSA: So, what can Mama Rosa do for you? I knewthis day would come. I knew it was just a matter oftime before the former deacon chairman would meetwith an untimely accident and my Mario would becomethe new head deacon. What an unfortunate accident,too. Who knew that Brother Joseph would slip on adeviled egg at last month’s deacon dinner and throwhis back out? Good thing my Mario was there to stepin as interim deacon chairman until Brother Joseph is



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Page 16: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

able to fulfill his duties again. My Mario had waited along time for this opportunity. I have a feeling myhusband is going to be the interim deacon chairman forquite some time. And so if he has power, the family haspower, and if the family has power, Mama Rosa haspower.

So what can I do to help you? You want to sing inthe choir? I’ll get my nephew Pauly to rough up a fewtenors, if you know what I mean. No? You want to beoff the nursery rotation list? I’ll get my cousin Angeloto permanently erase your name. No? You want to be acommittee chairman? I’ll get my brother Veto to makea place for you on the Long-Range, Strong ArmPlanning Committee. No? Well, then what is it you wantMama Rosa, the interim deacon chairman’s wife, to dofor you today?

You don’t like the black garbage can liners ourchurch janitor uses? They break too easily, eh? So thechurch down the road uses scented garbage can liners,and you want the janitor to rework his budget and buythose? You know of someone who is interested inbecoming our scented garbage bag supplier? Yourcousin is in the scented garbage bag liner business?Yes, yes — send him by next week and we’ll talk. If thepeople at the church down the road throw theirgarbage out in rose-scented bags, we have every rightto do the same. That’s the kind of action we can allexpect around here now that my Mario is the InterimDeacon Chairman.

Now, if you are finished — what’s that? You have asecond request for Mama Rosa? Oh, you young peopleare so bold! But I am feeling generous today. What isyour request? You want for you and your family to beable to move from the fourth pew to the last pew sothat you can get to the lunch buffet before the rush,



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Page 17: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

huh? Hmmm. Now, wait — it can be done. It is just adelicate matter, this switching of Sunday morningseating. But I like your face. And I tell you what I’mgoing to do. I’m gonna do this thing for you. Perhapsin the future, I will call upon you to do a small favorfor me. Now if there is nothing else, you may kiss mySunday school perfect attendance pin. (MAMA ROSApoints to pin, then flounces Off-stage.)

NARRATOR: Ah, Mama Rosa. You know, not every churchis blessed to have such a dedicated interim deaconchairman’s wife. She might be the neck that turns thehead of the interim deacon chairman, but Ethel is thelady who really gets the work done. You know Do-Everything Ethel, don’t you? She gets more work donefor her church than anyone else. Of course, that’sbecause she can’t say no, and she refuses to let anyonehelp her do anything. (DO-EVERYTHING ETHEL runs inwith long to-do list.)

DO-EVERYTHING ETHEL: OK, where is my to-do list?(Unrolls long sheet of paper.) OK, I have to make andserve egg casserole at the Mother-Daughter MissionsBreakfast on Saturday. Oh, and I need to bakebrownies for the Tiny Tots Bake Sale that afternoon. Ipromised I would stop by our church’s tutoringministry before lunch, and I told Mama Rosa I’dvolunteer a few hours sorting shirts in the clothingcloset tomorrow, too. I’ve got to find some time topunch out my flannel board Bible characters andrestaple the flannel to the flannel board so I’ll be readyto teach the preschool class on Sunday. And tonightthere is that church softball game. I said I’d work inthe concession stand to help them out. And since theafter-game fellowship for the youth group is at ourhouse, I’d better stop by the store and pick up somechips and dip and two-liter bottles of soda. And I need



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Page 18: Girls, Find Yourself!stop helping our city’s homeless so much. Then of course there was the great balloon fiasco. She’d gotten a local printing company to agree to imprint five

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by Kathy Frady.

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