Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


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Transcript of Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

Page 1: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

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ARTHUR SULLIVANFull Score, Vocal and Piano (Words

and Mytic) .... SnujYAir. $1.50

Full Score, Inst (Piaae) . Toubs. . ^0

Vielin and Piaaa. No. 1,^1


Quadrilles Posm a6

Marche BrilUuris ... Baolet . .40

Vocal Gems (Selection, Words and

Music) SuzxiYAN. $ .25

WomcEu 1.00

Ubrattt (Werds only) 25



38 John Stre^, East of Nassau

IOoiirriRbt, lUO, b7 J. U. Sronuar t Otk

OwDMl fey Hin»«««mUHMW OOMMAXT, NaV TMfc.


Page 2: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance
Page 3: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance





The Slave of Duty.





LONDON.McBBs. J. M. Stoddaxt a Co., bj special and satisfactory arrangementi with oar English

poblisherg and oimelrea, have secured the exclusive aulhoritj to publish our Opera ** Th«Piraf-es of Penzance; or, The Slave of Duty," in the United Sutes of America.

We hereby ezpresH the earnest wish that they may suffer no invasion of the rights derived from

01, as the sole publuiheri of our work, through any attempt to put upon the market un-

authorized editions.

Wo make this request for the follovring reasons: First, because ve are satisfied there exists

a genei il desire on the part of the people of both continents to come to an agreement ufioa

ihe queKion of an international copyright, affording compensation to authors in their literary

and arti«tic productions; Secondly, because we are by this arrangement enabled to secure liie

publication of our work under our own peraonal supervision, greatly to the benefit of the publie

aad oamelres; and Thirdly, because by the present contract our publications will be wholly

•nnbctared ia the United States, and will be sold at as low a price, with the certainty of as

OTdr a olrealatinn. tr if tb<>T w«r» iiamed ky a number tt rival and unauthorized persons.


»n>» i<BtH . M80, by J M. SPOOOASfT Si OO.

Page 4: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


DRAMATIS PERSON>E.&iaiAXi>, A Pirate Chief

Samukl, his Lieutenant

FttEDKRic, a Pirate Apprentice . . .


. . . .

Major-General Stanley, of the British Army . .

Edward, a Sergeant of Police . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mabel, General Stanley's Youngest Daughter

Katk, ) ("'1Edith, > General Stanley s Daughters

Isabel, J

Ruth, « Piratical " Maid-of-all-work "

General Stanley's Daughters, Pirates, Po.icemen, etc



^ct 5.I Opening Chorus of Pirates anh Solo .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. it

t Song (/?«M) ty

3 Song {Pirate King and Chorus) .. . , .


. . , . .







4 Recitative and Duet (/iutA and Frederic) .. ,. .. .. ,, .. .. ..

5 Chorus of Girls .. .. .. .. ,. ,. .. .. ,. ••

6 Recitative (Edith, Kate, Frederic, and Chorus) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. S5

7 Aria (Frederic and Chorus of Girls) . . . . .


. . , . .







8 Air (Mabel and Chorus) .. .. . . .


. . , . .







9 (Edith, Kate, and Chorus of Girls) . . . . . . .


, . , , .







10 Duet (Mabel and Frederic, and Chorus of Girls) . . .


. . . . .







11 (Frederic and Chorus of Girls and Pirates) .. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. 5*

IS Recitative (Model, Major-General, Samuel, and Chorus) .. .. .. .. .. .. SS

3 Song (Major-General and Chorus) .


. . . • .






Am I. (Mabel, Kate, Edith, Frederic, Samuel, King, Major-Gttural, Ruth and Ch»rus) 6j

I Introductiow Solo (Mabel and Chorus) .. .







fl Recitative (Frederic and Major- General) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 83

3 Chorus with Solos {/or Mabel, Edith, and Sergeant) .. ,. .. .. .. .. 84

4 Recitative and Trio .. .. . • •• .. .. .. .. .. 95

5 Trio (Ruth, Frederic, and King) .. .. . .. .. .. ., .. .. 97

6 Trio (Ruth, Frederic, and King) tot

7 Recitative and Duet (Mabel and Frederic) . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1078 Duet (Mabel and Frederic) .. .. ,. .. ,. .. .. ., .. 108

Recitative (Mabel, ^c. Chorus of Police) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..11410 Song (Sergeant and Chorus) .. .. .. .. .. .• •• •• ..11711 Solo (Sergeant and Chorus of Pirates and Polite) .. ,, .. .. .. .. ..119la Solo (Samuel and Chorus of Pirates) .. .. .. .. •• •• .. iti

13 (Frederic, King, Major-General, Police, and Pirates) . . .. .. .. .. .. .. itf

•4 SOMG (Major-General and Choru$ ^Pirates and Poliei) .. .. .. .. .. itt

Page 5: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance





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OopyrtaUl. iS«0. by J. M. STODOAItT A OO.

Page 6: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

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Page 7: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



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Page 8: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

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Page 9: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

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Page 10: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

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Page 11: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

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Page 12: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

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Page 13: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


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Page 14: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


A rocky tea gkore on the coast of Cornwall, Rockt L., At the curtain rises groups of Pirates are discovered, iome Srinktiaping down to L. C. of stage. Under tlicse rocks is a cavern, ing, some playing cards, Samuel, the Pirate Lieidenamt. it

the Pittance to which is seen utJirH entrance L. A nnttind arch going fr^m one group to another, filling the cups from a fiaJik,

of roek occupies the R. C. of the stage. In the distance is a cdlm FuiiDEFtic is seated in a desponde^it aUitude al the back of Outea, on which a icliconer is lying at anclior. scene, C. RuTH kneels at his feet.



MoiUrato maesioio. A-J%L

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Pour, O King, the pi • rale

Basses. / .« *- *->

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Page 15: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

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Page 16: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


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S T?"^da - tare freed


Stione hia vnt, tod keen aU tcxoX is— U«'i Pi - mte bow ia - (Uedl

Chorus.^ ^3^ ^ :W==« ^ =5fe

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Heie'i good lack to Fred - 'ric'i ven • tares, Fred • 'ric't out of his in - den - taret.

^^^^^ r\r u r u sHeie'i good luck to Fred • 'ric'i ven - tnres, Fred • 'ric'i out of hii in - dem • tuci.

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mTwo • uid - twea ty aow he's ris - - ing, And i - lone he'i it la fly


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Page 17: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance




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Fred • 'ric's ven - tures, Fred • 'rtc'» out of hii In • den • tore*.

m :jg—#^-g= ^^ S

Pour, O King, the pi - ntc

Sauuel with 1st Bass.

s fe£ s=J!t=t ^?=-^*-

Fred • 'ric't ven - turea, Fred - 'ric'i ot <A hit ia • den


cPoor, O Kin^ the pi • nX»

^r-iTH=r^^^ ^ ; < ^


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^^^ ^ m s^ ^thet • ry, Fill, O Kiof, the pi - rate eUnl And, O King, to make u aer • ry, Let tte

? i f ITf fi f>f £

Ljir : ^ r-t

-i'i; i iii ; i i-.f^^

Page 18: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

pi - nUe buir - per pau I

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k"pi • rate bum • per paa t

S -Ckfe ^ » , f r « ^^2:z±: V 1 1 /-^li» ' I

^g^«t^- i ^ ^ 1 M •< ^ "j 1 1^=^

(Fkederic rises ani «>m«s forvard with Piraie King, wtio enters

from R. U. E.)

Kino. Yes, Frederic, from to-day you rauk as a full-blownmember of our band.

All. Hurrah


Fkederic. My friends, I thank you all, from my heart, for

your kindly wishes. Would that I could repay them as they•iserve!

Kino. What do you mean 7

Fbes. To-day I am out of my indentures, and to-day I leaTt/ou for ever.

AuL Leave us 7

Fbed. For ever I

KiWG. But this is (]ait« unaccountable. A keener hand at

scuttling a Cunarder or cutting out a White St&r never shipped

a handspike.

F^ED. Yes, I have done my best frx you. And why ? It wa«my duty under my indentures, and I am the slave of duty. Asa child I was regularly apprenticed to your band. It was thrmighan error. No matter, the mistake was ours, not yours, and I Wa$in honor bound by it

Samuel. Au error ? What error ?

Fred. 1 may not tell you. It would renec* upon my wc!l-

loved Ruth(Ruth eomet dovon C.)

Ruth. Nay, dear master, my mind has long been gnawet! bythe cankering tooth of ray?ter . Better have it wit at once-

Page 19: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

No. SONG—Ruth.



^^ -^—


3^5=i^-^r "r~r ^^ -p-r

lit - tie lad He proved so brave and da - ring,

our - s'ry maid. On break - ers al - ways steer - ing


jrond all doubt. The scope of this dis - as • ter;

His fa - ther thought he'd 'pren - tice him ToAnd I did not catch the word a - right. ThroughBut I hadn't the face to re • turn to my place, And

^^=^ i#=T^ ^ 5:



—r^3=t3=t: =t£)-

3=*=t: ^ ^ i 5^=^=^=3= l=F^^

tome ca - reer sea - far - ing.

be - ing hard of hear - ing.

break it to my mas • ter.

v^ * *

—zij-1 was, a - las ! his

Mis - tak - ing my in

A OUT - s'ry maid is

nur - s'ry maid. And so i". fell to

stmc - tions, which With - in my brain did

not 3 - fraid Of what you peo - pie

i^^^=^-m m m w-J

m—•- •—•—*- •—-^—^—m—•—• '—*—

p r i? t


\h lot ; APi - rate ! A

wmy lot To take and bind the pro- mis- ing boy Ap - • pren - tice to

gy • rate, I took and bouni this pro- mis- ing boy Ap • - pren - tice to

<all work. So I made up my mind to go as a kind Of pi - ra - ti- cal maid of all work ; And

Page 20: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



life not bad for i

sad mis - lake it . .

Ihot is how you .


har - dy lad, Though sure - ly not a high lot. Though I'm a nurse, you might do worse Than

was tr. cake And doom him to a vile lot, I bound him to a • Pi - rate— you !— In

find me now A mem - ber of your shy lot, \STiich you wouldn't have found had he been bound Ap

RcTH. (Kneeling at his feel.) Oh pardon, Frederic ! pardon


Fred. Rise, sweet one ; I have long pardoned you.

(RuTa rises.)

Ruth. The two words were so much alike!

Frf.d. They still are, though years have rolled over llicir

lioads! (B.UTU goes up teith Samuel.) But this afternoon myobligation ceases. Individually, I love you all with affection

unspeakable; but collectively, I look upon you with a disgust

that amounts to absolute detestation. Oh pity me, my belovedfriend.*, for such is my sense of duty that once out of my iiidcii-

turcs I shall feel myself bound to devote myself, beart and soul,

to your extermination.

All. Poor lad ! poor lad ! (All weep.)

King. Well, Frederic, if you conscientiously feel thatMt is

your duty to destroy us, we cjinnot blame you for acting on thatconviction. Always act in accordance with the dictates of yourconscience, my boy, and chance the consequences.

Samuel. Besides, we can offer you but little temptation to

remain w;th us. We don't seem to make piracy pay. I'm sureI don't know why, but we don't.

Fred. I know why, but, alas ! I mustn't tell you : it wouldn'tbe right.

KiiNO. \Vliy not, my boy? It's only half-past eleven, andyou are one of us until the clock strikes twelve.

Sa.m. True, and until then you are bound to protect our in-


All. Hear! hear!Fred. Well, then, it is my duty as a pirate to tell you that

you are too tender-hearted. For instance, you make a point ofnever attacking 3 weaker party than yourselves, and when youftltiwk ft stronger party you invariably get thrashed.

Kjng. There is some truth in that.

Fred. Then, again, you make a point of never molesting anorphan.

Sam. Of couree : we are orphans ourselves, and know whatit is.

Frkd. Yes, but it has got about.and what is the consequence I>

Every one we capture says he's an orphan. The last three sliipa

we took proved to be manned entirely by orphans, and so wehad to let 'em go. One would think that Great Britain's mer-cantile navy was recruited solely from her orphan asylums, whichwe know is not the case. {Crosses A'.)

Sam. But, hang it all ! you wouldn't have us absolutely

merciless ?

Fred. There's my difficulty. Until twelve o'clock I would ;

after twelve o'clock Iwouldn't. Was ever"a man placed in so

delicate a situation?

(Ruth conies douni C.)

Ruth. And Ruth, your own Ruth, whom yon love so well

and who has won her middle-aged way into your boyish heart—what is to become of her'King. Oh, he will take you with him.Fred. Well, Ruth, I feel some little difficulty about vou. Ii

is true that I admire you very much, but I have been constantlyat sea since I was eight years old, and yours is th>e only womaL ,

face I have seen during that time. I think it is a sweet face.'

Ruth. It Ls—oh, it is


Fred. I say I think it is—that is my impression. But as I

have never had an opportunity of comparing you with othuwomen, it is just possible I may be mistaken.

KiKO. True,

Pbd. Wb»t B terrible tiling it wmild he if wero tii mwiy

Page 21: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


tilts innocent person, and then find out that she is, on the whole,

plain !

KiKG. Oh, Ruth is very well—very well indeed.

S*.M. Yes, tliere are ttie remains of a fine woman about Ruth.Fk«d. Do you really think so? Then I will not be so .selfish

as to take her from you. In justice to her and in consideration

for you I will leave her behind. {Hands Ruth to King.)King. No, Frederic, this must not be. We are rough men,

who lead a rough life, but we are not so utterly heartless as to

deprive thee of thy love. I think I am right in saying that there

is not one here who would deprive thee of this inestimable treas-

ure for all the world holds dear.

All. {Loudly.) Not one!King. No, I thought there wasn't. Keep thy love, Frederic

—keep thy love! (Hands her back to Frederic.)Fred. You're very good, I'm sure.

King. Well, it's the top of the tide, and we must be oti

Farewell, Frederic. When your process of extermination begins

let our deaths be as swift and painless as you can conveniently

make them.

Fred. I will. By the love I have for you, I swear it. Wouldthat you could render this exteruiination unnecessary by accompanyiiig me back to civilization


King. No, Frederic, it cannot be. I don't tiiink much of

our profession, but, contrasted with respectability, it is compar-

atively honest. No, Frederic; I shall live and die a pirate


No. 3. SONG—Pirate King & Chorus

Allegro moderato. .^. .^


Allegro moaerato. •-•»- -»• ^ ^ i^T*l '.^**i!t3:


^'^'\r'^ :

I t^h—t,-H ^ \^ 1

ir \ UT yr-^X=T*—




.^-^H^-^H^ |pB!::Cz -^i^zr=:^^=^H^1. Oh, bet - ter far to live and die Un - der the brave black flag I fly, Thau)

2. When I sal - ly forth to seek my prey, I help my-self in a roy - al wcy ; I

^^^^^^^(^^ -0 J -»

^i ?=feEi^3=5i:S?=* ^

play a sane - ti • mo • nioqs part Wilh a pi - r:fte head and a pi - rate heart


sink a few more ships, it's true, Thnu a well - brec) rnon • arch ought to do


i^VW^^F^^^ '*^^^^m

Page 22: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance




A - way to the cheat • ing world go you,

Biit ma - ny a king on a first -cliiss throne,

WhereIf he

-x P*-I K ~r" I J.


-J J J-t^ i*- U J


:f^i=gi:C:aSpi - rates all are well - to - do. But Ml be true to the song 1 sing. And live and die a

wants to call his crown his own, - Must man - age some - how to 'get through More dir ty work than

" i^d ^ m—


f^=^a tempo.

I* 0'^ e=ai 1 1 r ^ ,

I I ^ l?=:ti:

\ Pi - rate King, ) „ever I do. (

'°' I am a Pi - rate King !


^=g -A

^-^-^ ±=ifit- ^--'^ 7 t

And it-

' Li'

I r-< ^ 1 1 ha 1 >^ -'ti ' =*-

r*=3E*^S3:r3^^ -$-^^$^

litriit lil^^S^ U



-,-= ,

pT'f -f- . »— -^(•

0—0-X-m ^tjrmzjf—^—pz

Us, it is a glo • rious thing to be a Pi - rate King! .... For 1 am "a Pi - rale

^^S ^=#1:^^ ^^^^=^^ -^-"h-^

f 5^^^

Page 23: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


Page 24: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


.J fit I Song, the King, Samuel, and all the Pirates, except Fred-Efiic and Ruth, go off R. and R. U. E. Frederic comet

dou-n C, foUoived by Ruth.)

Ruth. Oh take me with you ! I cannot live if I am left


Fred. Ruth, I will be quite candid with you. You are very

dear to me, as you know, but I must be circumspect. You see,

you are considerably older than I : a lad of t\veuty-oue usually

looks for a wiie of seventeen.

R'JiH. A wife of seventeen ! You will find me a wife of a

tl ouaand!

Fred. No, but I shall find you a wife of forty-seven, and

tliai is quite enough now. Ruth, tell me candidly and without

reserve; compared with other women, how are youf

Ruth. I will answer you truthfully, master : I have a slight

'old, l)ut otherwise I am quite well.

Fi;ld. 1 :ini suriv tor your cold, but I was referring rather

to your personal appearance. Compared with other women, are

you beautiful ?

Ruth. ^Bashjully.) I have been told so, dear master.

Fred. Ah, but lately ?

Ruth. Oh no;years and years ago.

Fred. But what do you think yourself?

Bui-H. It 18 a delicate question to answer, but I think I aj»

a fine woman.Fred. That is your candid opinion 7

Ruth. Yes : I should be deceiving vou if I told you other-


Fred. Thank you, Ruth, I believe you, for I am' sure you

would not practise on my inexperience. I wish to do the right

thing, and il^—I say, t/—you are really a fine woman, your ag9

shall be no obstacle to our union. (Shakes hands vrUh her.)

(Chorus of girls heard in the extreme distance, "Climbing otwr

rocky mountairts," etc. See entrance of girls.)

Fred. Hark ! surely I hear voices. Who has ventured to

approach our all but inaccessible lair? Can it be custom-uouse


No, it does not sound like custom-house.

Ruth. {Aside.) Confiision ! It is the voices of young girls


If he should see them I'am lost.

Fred. (Climbing rocky arch R. C. and looking off L.) By

all that's marvellous, a bevy of beautiful maidens


Ruth. {Aside.) Lost! lost! lost!

Fred. How lovely, how surpassingly lovely, is the plainest

of them ! What grace ! what delicacy ! what refinement ! and

Ruth—Ruth told me she was beautifiill

No. 4. RECITATIVE & DUET—Ruth & Frederic.



Oh, Cahe one I you have de - ceived me I


-* jr-



Fred. A 1 tempo.



iiS^^ It i^^


I have de-<xived yon ? Yes ! <1e - ceived me I


You told me you wire

A o tempo.






>^f3?"~TBfti* TiO i-=i^r5i^

S^ i -m P—•--

m ^r^Ruth.

mH r r

^T^ iFred.

s I

bir as gold t And, mas tcr. am 1 not so ? And now ] see you re


Page 25: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


m •Ruth.

w m 1: ^I I *


plain and old I I 'id sure I'm not jot to 1 Up - on my in. DC

^ 1 !^-n

RlTTH. ^ ^=^Fred.


cence you play- I'm not the one to plot «o. Your face is lined, your

!_S^I I I I—a^—i—i—i -^ n M- ^^q M "I V



I mRuth. ^^B Fred.



hair is grey. It's gra - du - al - ly got so. Faith • less wo - man

^ :3zd^rteg;R=K=^=>i^^^^


'—-^^—I—r-d ^1^^—'—


I » >


-» w~

m. ^E-* «-

I > 1 - -^=1=^1!


i iRuth.

?y~y~-j{^ r-

t2:=t E^ -*-l« F-

de-ceive me, I who trust - ed »o . Mas - ter, mas • ler.

^tr^^j^^'-^tg^ig^^K -:S. :*.-



Page 26: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


^ ^^Fred. JtuTH

do not leare me. Hear gol Faith • less wo • man I Mas «er.

m :=;_,. X:to-

"^H?" •• LlJ"i~^"~rT^3^

jg-ff-f 1 ^ v^.^^,,^- =f-^^'M-* 1 f 1

i _ i

J . * .1—


Q—g- :


-^H-^-^ 5=l^i.


*| »-j I

^•^ J ^ ^i3-J-JW^:^*=^

mas - ter, mas • ter,


e£ ^do not leave me, do not leave me, Hear me

—t- |s I1 1 (—,—p*i—


) !-

J ^ J Irp J J_J^^1——


Faith less wo - man.

=^^^?=?^'-^F^'^n 1^1 * ^"=3=-"^-^

"-^ .^—ss*-^^

faith - less wo - man to de ceive me, I who


^ m. m m \ m m m ^— m\m^ ^ < m-

j«« - - (A?.

gjE^^p J J IJ J feI 1<l


1 • 1- ^=T^-^-^-:jrrii 1W: it*r ut=lJ I J- «i»^ -H fc—



s^ S*v

^ ^ f—



-^^ r Tv I -1 :i==i;J J j-


gol Mas - ter, mas - 'er, do not leave me, Hear me ere

3c==if-A 1-

r ^ J J J J—J--\ 1-

/-*—a^ -J J J-


trost ed Faith • leas wo - man to de • ceive me, I who trust^I! M N I

-d d j --^-


=!- ^a^^V i ^ r^s^ 5 s ? ^^ i r * ^

^. '-^ -I- —I 1


-^—imsm- tv:

tn * f^^ w-^—--

-J: -»-

H:A=m^ ^^ titt

I go!

^ed so!

Mt^ -f*—--

fM^U^^ p^jf^ ,

^m :^:^^^ ^^=-.T:fc=:

Page 27: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



Hfc 1 <" J- ^^


My love with- out re - fleet

-^_- y ^ , , ,-

ing, Oh, do not be re - jecl ing !


WEikL> :$: > * * * :S: T W^ ^^^^ip^^i—^

^^ «—



fc^^i^ ^ -=v—^- ^ =^=^

cxfc -J—W- K--t»^—5*

been ac - cu mu - la ting


sum - mars se • ven - teen, sum • loers se • ven

i=f t 9- i i^-^-r«r^tg

'—— I—

^531-•- -«- -* '-«



E Ruth.

^^ :*=(?: ii^ g^? ^^=Ci?

iDon't, be • lov - ed


ter. Cnosh me with dis - as


-» ^-^-^ * ^^IJ*•i^- -4JjM*-

Yes, your for - mer mas - Sives vou from dis - ter:

i ffesE^ gr=3=3=



"=-*-•'- -^—o ti l-*^- > !I^>'

^^ ^^ ^ ^=1 I'

Page 28: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


i E*3^t-m-

-«^1 -l .-grr^ P

In ting Has been ac - cu - mu la «ing for ty - se - ven year ! . .

T=^:^J=S—ft s-f^-



-^— 1 r:^fc^=5=5=X



^S* ^ "1^-*— »-

It's been ac - cu • mu - la - ting


iIf, as you are sta • ting, for • tjr - »e - ven

«zt=C^=t —i-T— I1

eiiiH; a^Ei^

E£ ^

eS^S^TT i

I ?^I AlUero vivace




for - ty - se • ven


year I

i^ ^'F^r^


fcfehl/JL^--E ^—=r: ^==I=J= =1=1=^: =e^p^year I Faith-less wo - man to de - ceive me, I who trust

, Allegro vivace.

Ei^eE^^ -I I i»q^3crF ^ M—S":rrv^ 1=^—I—K-r;^ , 1



P ' ere - - - - seen - do.

z ^^£ B^^ -I—I-

-^^--I L.

-JW 1 1-

JIS- *

5=S*; -^ tr J—



Page 29: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance




=r:^^=^ ^J J




l- I I


»-I- i*j:



Ma3 - ler. mas - ter, do noi leave me. Heai me ere i

f ^


-4 (-

-^ J--J ^ 1 UJ ^ ^ , j^-»-^

-I 1- -Ul=r-

&^-^^faith • less wo - man to de - ceive me, I who

1 1


.1 K -4- lti^=X: -F—-- -*i P—^


' ere - • scen^—''- -do.

^1> !r-*-=ji= 5^

I i--J 1-

•Jl m- 13*:--X 1^-^

-F —


-P —


s*--^ +(it -y

<^( //le ('/t(/ /(c reiiouHcts her, and tslie (joes off Ji. m despair.)

m ^e




Recit. c Fred.^S-l^-tlf- l-t.-.^.^ ^

— ' 1^—tr

What shall. I do?. Be •


i~S^. N S N > S sq S |»i js= K K 1>> f*-

^ J z:i=--^=± -^ » J 0- -^ r 1—


i)• *-

fore these gen -tie mai dens I dare not show in this a • larm -^ ing ^os* • y tume






— - • ^ 1*

Page 30: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

(^Midts in eave as Otey enter from R. and L, climbing over tht roeJa

al L. o/Oie stage and through arched rock B.)


Allegro grasioso. T-^ — r *-i

%va.-~r 1^^^^ jt *»^se: <L *i^,*^ -^




m m-^-*—m m —J—\\ •» » ' <m—•-*-»—! ——11 •—• * »»—


fe^ssfe^ •Chorus.

> s

-^—^—^-±aL 3!t=rtc



9 ^ ^nszrsTTSS" ^^^M

Climb-ing o - ver rock - y moun-tain, Skip-ping ri - vu - let and foun- tain, Pas-sing where ihe lows

— ' 1 1 ' ' '!





"j I

' ^


^ J Iij—1:

S—tr m^ s=e=^s^ m * ^ '- 11— I—






Wl "^^::'5^=S:

:»-«-E'^ stiz^

qui ver, Pas • sing^ where the ^il - lows qui - vei By the e - vei roll • ing n - ver,'

^i^< 5=s-;-»-?='=i • " it :5: .3;

tfl ==


Swo)- len with the sum • mer rain, the sum - mer

-J-.--J ^^^^—t— b-i 1 1 ; J J

:—^—3« 1 • '—-1

~ ^-?••-"#• -*^ -•» :i .g: .5:

^Thread-ing long and leaf • y ni,\i • es

I ii

Page 31: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


u=^l^S^^^^^^^^^Spot- ted with na - nura-l)ered dai- sies. Spot - ted, dot- ted with un- numbered dai


M W^-t- w -t-

t--" t

^fc^m £^^—e^ ^^ &s^

^a.^^ ^ J !2f,mm :S=:t2=-!* P-



Scat - ing rough and rug - ged pass - es, Climb iht har - dy lit - tie las- sies, Till the bright sea

^E^ I I I

:«:=:S;^^m 333qif

IS^a^ £=^£B ik_fe^j[ljg:^^-—0-m



they gain

cSeal - ing rough and rug - ged pa^^- es. Climb the har - dy lit - tie las - sies.

^^^^^I^^^^^g^i::^- 3^5irni^—=^—^-3=- ^^

cfcfc g Seg^^^^TTill the bright sea - - shore


Page 32: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

m Eatm.30

9^ ^^U^-^-^- *

ly tread the mea • sure. Make tbcLet us gai •


^s^^^^ =^^?- ^^ ^^=*E ?-*—=1-

itzzit g^g^^^g^^^^Eg^F^^


H H -r=

^1of fleet • ing plea - sure ; Hail

§?^^il ai . . a . . true al - ly.^^^^^

'^^t? r—I

I1 ^i±6=tr=t

?-^-^ ^^ =^=^ :S=W=:^-=:i ^:=fc


Though it per • - ish bye • • and - bye, Hail it as a true al • ly, . . Though ii

• ' • • • •. _ •


?E3EffES:2^-^=^ --^^=^^=&

Edith.^ =Jc:i=i?i ^^£ ^^P^^^

per - ish bye • and - bye. Ev 'ry mo • menl brings a Irea - sure Of

rr—-3-^m '-^ ^^^^^^ iS^^ s

^^^^^m^ _^ * ^own es - pe • cial plea - sure. Though the mo • menis quick ly die.

^^^^^^j^:^T^ ^^m^£j'^^^rT^'^S^^'"F"I^B'"^-^ *=^.

Page 33: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


fly I

Chohus. / ~WyHH^

-p 1^-i^a^^^^s;?=t2=^'^ =t=t > ^ r

-li*—t^-"—t^ :tzzrt2=3t:

Though the mo - mcnls quick - ly die, Greet ihem gai - ly as Ihey fly!

- 4—,

^ *—^l»—!-!^S—,3--» » » .^-__JW p_ ,JS< ^:^il=

-J. - 4=^


Solo. . Kate.

:^-3^ :Sr^-9^-

Far a • way from toil and care, Re vel.



b=e=S^*--^^|^* ->^—


*^ -^ tr*

—•—' -te«


?-*• -*- ?> ^- bir

-Jm:^r=md ^m^ ilJzzqr-^l


^^^^fe 2*1

::95t:2*i ¥S=


^^S=J2«!:: ^

q^::sJ-^^- ^^3^S

ling in fresh sea Mere

SiS: gl -^-

^^ ^ :»:



we live and reign lone.

-^—^ if--




= * s ~<—

Page 34: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


I^ *=tol ±*.^*=^ S .N


^ 1-


y <l«n, Far way from tal men. WeTl be


-"nr- -M^-"^-yj- a^^S^^ 3^^=^

•<r ^5!>«- i^ :«-



b^ 1 s—"^ -^—^ 1^

^ ^ ^^^




and make de lliqr may hon them

^ n^nJ! 1 * 1 1 P*


^^i^ 3*- &i^5»—:;•* ?^-



^ '-^=^tHz: =5*= :5iC :S^



/ Chorus.

=5^3.^ =9S- ^.^C:.^ ^^-^>- =5^ fa=

We'll be Queens and make de crees. They may hon - our them who


E^^'JS ^l^f



JJ^gE=?»:; -JUKI





SE ^ ifitifek



I 1

Page 35: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



L TmM./_

rfe::J=^ n I n J?

Ld g«i • ly tnad the

» ' # ti^*F I



mea - nuc. Make the moit

'J'>f ^m tn^ r4^ rrrr^r^ ^151r I I !

mirfc f 1 1 r f I—ffc- ^cJ CJ ' cJ C^"C^ uiJtrird: =^^ =^^ ^^^

^ 'CJ L^ 'U-f:d

I?eS <^#

E i

'f r i J: E'^5^5^


Itfc^t -^—


bye •ad bre. HaU It a» al • ly,

J-iJJ^-L- 1fe ^y

:f=t ^if ^

it. b«g- y^'^ 'cJ cJ ^ ^


Page 36: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



cJ ^ ' C^ C^

^fe=e==e: ,^. ^^ ^^^ ^S)" i* * #

?=~5» > ?"

Mftke the most fleet - ing lei - sore, Hail it * true al - I7, a trae

i>U' I


i»- mly-

• •

i ! i1 i'


l^s;« Ped.


*^£j-fat-:t= LJ 1-j ^-r^

i•*- *- i • • J^" -5. • ?"£-*• ^:ff-:^i ^-i.^

r * —^ M i 'I""

I I I I F P im \' r r r

\ ^T^nTSr

'^ J 1 ^^ij=t g t—



=S^?=£^=^=&^« * » ^ ?^ ^ M ^^ 1 *

Page 37: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

Kate. What a picturesque spot I I wond» where we are?Edith. And I wonder where papa is? We hare left hiiB

ever bo fer behind.

Isabel. Oh, he will be here presently. Remember, poorpapa is not as young as we are, and we came over a rather dif-

ficult country.

Kate. But how thoroughly delightfiil it is to be so entirely

alone I Why, in all probability we are the first human beingswho ever set foot on this enchanting spot.

I8AB]!:L. Except the mermaids : it's the very place for mer-maida

Kate. Who are only human beings down to the WMSt

Edith. And who can't be said, strictly, to aet foot anywhenTaib they may, but feet they cannot.

Kate. But what shall we do until papa and the servanti

arrive with the luncheon ? {AU listen and come doivn.)

Edith. We are quite alone, and the sea is as smooth as glass.

Suppose we take off our shoes and stockings and paddle ?

All. Yes, yes—the very thing !

{Ti<y prepare to carry out the suggestion. Tfiey have all taken oj§

fne shoe, when Frederic comes forwardfrom eave.)

No. 6. RECITATIVE—Edith, Kate. Frederic, & Chorus.

Rxcrr. Frxd. Chorus or Girls. Freix


$^E^ 3s

a Ump»moderate. Epm.

J r ^\~rzr EC -m=r.

fbut > • Uinn • ing cos tnme,

duty to Inform you that yoor pcoccedmgi \"*" » = ™ wiu».c»i.

i f i ^is*^

i m Fkzd.:e=S:

Zhosus or GiuuL

J I* •<4' J''r

Recit. Fred. ^§^r n f •^^ -^ ^ ?=?sp=^ ^—'0—9Z

r r *

who are you. Sir? ipeak I I am a Pi - rate. A Pi - rate t hor - ror ! La- diei, io not ihna nat TUi

1^ ^ i*=ici^ ^F=R *S=

IK'T ^ r ^ ^ ^3E

Page 38: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


mA An4atUt ma^trmu.^ J ^ ^^ ^ ^^.eve - ning I re - nounce my rile pro - fei - boo; And, to tluU end, O pore mi peer - lea



3^^ ^^^=p=

=?«=1 < ^

^ =F^ ±^t !«. 1


^^5^ -f—jT

:2^=Uqt:.-:^^ -r^r5^


fr^' (fl^'' P^ SkS=S^^ ^


I, Mce of bout, In - plore joat kind u - sut - ance. How pi - ti ftil his tale !


$ 5£-te3-

11/ I

^ p '

[^-K -^r S ^5^


CjioRUs or Girls.

Page 39: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

Ko. 7. ARIA—Frederic & Chorus of Girls.

Fred.s s t g J 1 J!^Andante.

Oh, is there not ooe mai-den breast Which


=^ ¥ ^ ^ ^^ P=<t^li^ i^ U


doe* not feel the mo - ral bean • ty Of mak ing worldly in • te • rest Sob -or - din - ate to sense of

i -^Hj J J~j—^4ii^j J J J J1 'I II I II I i i i J J^^ jr^H-


^ S^^^ 7SZ


e r = I ^ ^ 'gg^ f ' ITi^ 52=52 -y—



dn • ty 7 oWho would not give np will - ing . ly All ma - tri - mo • nial am • bi tion.

=I=f: 1 '^ ^ ^t==t

*Hl»l Sa# *

>n r S i

Page 40: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


5^ ^^m=r—rS^^^^^''\^J ; 1 >^l?^=g=f?=f

•OCh Ul ODC u I From his on - for - tti - nale po - li tion ! From thii


:gi^>v Tt -9 -<0-9\>^J» >-:^ :S:\^ .^j=j=l^^ ±*

:^^ I I )



> 1 rfi^ W^ ost:-^ ^r-^-v ^^ ^ ^

« t€mp».


^ ^ g-i-r- 1^ ^";


uu I .^ =^ ::?:


ttoo, to m


cne such an one m I FroB hit on - for - to - atte po -

^ ^^t^ ^9=i^'1 It ^ s

PP doUe.

#:f f f f H*- -»rcrett.

.!^!=g-rT-^4li^ =y^==P=EIS =&:t ^ i2d:

f Chorus op Gikls.

^^^^^{^ ^ ^ > »- ^S

^^^=^ : -4t-^ U" l*" g:

tion I A • Us, there's not one mai den breast Which seems to feel the mo - ral bean - ty

^^ :i=it J J J ^^^^ J W ^ * ^

-r-*- kzz«J . J' ^ :?i=^ =ff==F:^2:|c ^ d J ^ f- ^^mak iD( world-ly ia • l«- rest Sob - or - din - ate to sense of du



J»-* s=r

^ ^ tJf^

•< ri &^


Page 41: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


i^ ^=?=^

y t*s ^£ ^ 1 gig" f t- I

eaM'd all hope to dis- ap-petr

i -T~~r

Of e - TCT win-ning man'i af - fee • tion !

I IrC S -t-

To such an one- If

I !I =^HHm^±5^ * * •

! ^iilliriiUii ' if~r-

r-^ ^ ^^^^^5 J2i=^ ^ -'^H^^ ^

i;J^ rf: N-I^^^ t ^ ^ ^ :?c=^

:tz=)fc^3 f=dl«_i-^^% S^


snch there be,

1>> F

^W^^^ ::^^=^

I swear by hearen't aich a - liove yon. If jroa will cast your eyei on me. How

t ^ t4r ^^b>-*- -7 -5- -JViW^

^ ^ :M=tt« ^^^=f


^f\>\>f J"

E o tempc.

^ I^F^-u-v- ^^a ^ ^> i»

• e • Ter plain yoa be, I'll lo«« yon 1 How - < rer plain yon be. If you will cast your

^^^ ^1 r i^^: (* K^fi^ rJ '


(^)P t?t, C ^ raern: ^* y^.:^'^^ ^ b/. .

g=f^ ^^rj^P^:M^^^ i"


\^ y


eyes on me, How e • Ter plain yov be. 111 love yoo, m loTB ... yoo. Ill lo»e, . . I'U love

S^?1, ^ -J^ ^

I^ 4^ ^^ ^-^^^^E^ ^ ^rt* q '

1^Chorus or Girls.

dim.^ ^^^^ ^ ^ -^ ^ -^-•--^5^ -5^ -*:


II I I i=r 3=3

^ J # ^ -J-J-J-^^ ^^^-^-r-J-

Page 42: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


^^±e f r r5^ ^-W :^fsz

k—!>» ti* ^—1^Oh, sis -ten, deaf to pi-ty's name, for shame I


"^r r r ^ mt^—b»—tp^

It's true that he has gone a

^ ?ff=?2: ^ >^-r-g V—^r—


^r- ^^ Chorus.

iBtt sa iQp:;

-t?-^ I I

stray, but, pray, Is that a rea- son good and true why you should all be deaf to pi - ty's name ? The question is, had

^ Q PP—p --

frj^^?b < If - 5t ~^^^~br:i ^ ^. >> ^?B^ ^ 1^^^ ^


jg^^j^-^rgsj^g^^-r;^be not been a thing of beau-ty,Would she be sway'd by quite as keen a sense of da- ty ? For shame I for shame 1 for shame !

_f« --±=2: aiE I

* -

(« - "i"^ _(«—-

Page 43: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


No. 8. AIR—Mabel & Chorus.

^Ttmpc di Valu.Mabel^m ^4 ?= ^^=^ a .t ^«—(*- ^ ?^ ^

Poor wan d'rinf ooe. Tho' thou hast nuc - ly ttnye<}.

asi 5* ^^J ** * j^Jt=4 ^


f' ^







1 J I

^^b'.n J"^! T^ > 1^ 5t j^g* 1I


i-7J-:?=Hg= P—1«-

i" i*—f- H*—(*- 1" j»

f=c f»- r i"

=p=^ -»—t*-

^i^^^ -y—


^ I-


<r *r^rail.

Take heart of pmce. Thy itepi re - trace, Poor waa - d'ring one.

tlt-tll'ii l ' .^^$?2=P= ^ ^ ' -»*-*•

e^.t' r '^ ^ -<«—H*-^ ^ F r F f li=^ J ^ <"r p

£i^A o tempo.

W^=F ^ 2a=g> t C I*

f> g * J ^




wan - d'ring one. rf (Dcb poor love at mine


j=t=^ -p— —1^ ^ M M M ^^ ?^ 1"*-^ 5: :5: * * 3r*^* * * * * * * *

^ ^ ^ ^^^-.S ,

o t -W—1«- g^ t f P'


*I* r

^(* r ^-t=:^ j'P' f

r l |* |»r -J|»r >


i=!^ P—y- mm§& ^ ^^ si-

caa help thee find

-t—Trae peace of mind, why, take it, it is thine.

ji^ ^I I r I

r ! . I =I

I* f-^ J^-^ r r =^ r r ^^^«F^-*•-**^- ^ ^ ^ :S:

g^ »< |i »- =^=F^-f—p- -^—p- -r—p- -*«—I*-

^ r n-

Page 44: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


B^—J II I! M J i M :i M J i M ]

I II J 1



-I.' * ^-^C ^S ^^t ^ ^3


(j^ ^ ^mr ti* I

p*=f= =^^^p1 '—t-

Bo <Ua - ga lowen ;Tmke



a ^r-, f-

T»ke « - - »y heart


S g f , f

bot oon.


I ! TS«—«- i=t pi^^*

^ ^ g «

pg^ fcl^i-r-i-4WV -f


1 i^-f ;• I J y 1

1I i^T


/«;- -f 1 ^^ 1—


^ ? -=r



$t?=t^—r- r—»-

S i=^ =P:^C

Tak* heait,

FF^{ui day* «ril]

4 U

thine ; Take a ny heart— take mine I Ah I

c^^^^^ t* H 3B=—


Phs:F "5 "i F 1 1—

«=r^s- -fr" -^ -;


^j^~^~i^I J

^ " N "



I J ^ ^\ J ^ <L

\ J ^ ^ \'FJ=^^^



r*^*- & ^ vT^-#2-S^1^


I !

:«t V^» •-

Aht Aht



fe- <]!».

'V t-

^ i

Page 45: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

i. B


^ a * p r r:t^3^ I


wan - - d'cing one, Though thoa hast sore - - ly sUay'd,

P^'' J i Ia—


=»!=4 *! *l

^ ^-^ *r* * * * "3E—3Br * *

m^ *^ * F r ^'f I* f - F P- r -P P- f r =p^ -p—p- :p p p-

^ r # s^ -r—


^^ ^ JI

I r ' i~Tr^ It

Take heart of e^ace. Thy steps re - trace. Poor d'ling

3=ttt-^iqc -P P-S=S: dSalr: -^^

tJ f—*^ •* TT

^^ ^ i*! f p-p—p- p r -p—p- -p p- •i r r-^


:^=^ S-p p- -p p-


one I

Chorus.Ah, ah! . . Ah, ah, ah!

S^ -p p- -p p- -p p-—*

one !Poor d'ring Poor



^1- d'ring

mm^ ^I ,I J * I*

-fey- Mmm:g^ ^ r

^ ^^ f P P^ ^ * d -P P-

Ah. ah! . . . Ah, ah, ah! Fair days will thine. Take

P^ -P P- -P P-^g •9<S^


one I Take heart.

fe^y^—-r-p—p- m\ * r

V ;5r-^ -->^-:f^

1 I I ^ -^—r^—r— g*—thr-

1^ »ji>

f P P 1 r r -

Page 46: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


a,\*t f fI

f^ ^ 0-.^ .M- -^ • • • • -



r fI

r r r~"]T~7~r"gboirt I

^^ :t * 4 1:

r i Mf

i rI r I I

I r I ,J .1

>rr ^- r r r i r r r

-1 a I ,1 < 1.


^ ^:i^.!^-U-^4^^ ^ ^ I

l^ =tz^. -0-

U , U ^ I1.8-,^ t- ,c-.t.c-.


f^=M^.>_^- ^ 1 ^-^ >- 1 ^^ ^ t^ i:^ >>>!

>>^ -i^^^'i-^i^I'^'h '^i'^ ^=^=^

• •

4^ M= MM. f i .ff , .T^b^r ^


r^~^r I r *'^^ ^=^I

"^ ^ ^ l"^^"^""^^-^TT'


Take fikc heart

3 i'-? C?- * F F-«^

Take ny heart bat our« !

I^ ^^ t,f t.,fJ 52=^y " 1 p =F I* f 111= ' 1 ' -1 ' 1

^^ r T y Tbj^- ^ ^A-^ * A i: i

::f=f^3» •*- ^ ? r I £

>^>r r r iT ^ ^ ^(i^ -

I* F F F F F

Take heaitl Take

m 1' 1 *i

^ 1-^^-=^ 1 - 1' 1 1 " ^ " 1 1 • 1


* *^^ »


f fI

f ^ "^H

1 ' 1 ^ *!


Page 47: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

m$e ^ gg »

Eo dan - ger lowen


^\^r 1 ti^'-4-^1- M «9 -




S ^Snj heart t

I>nt oars.

g »#=F=

s *I I I

I i t

y T! H i r y

^ i—S—


^ -r-ar ^t^ :?a=(*

I .^

^ryi r I yiS S ^

Ahl ahl Ahl

^1^=^% i-(«—p- f I

*i» F- C f ittEt


^heart. take heart.


^S^ lit rj:Take a • ny heart but

-tar la £''•!» aai aia -t-^ r _^T~^-r-^-r-»=*->^^-,^g=g^ ^ ^-^1-^Bi—faBBha

iB^ r t

i» y ^^i-

it ^ 3^ 5^ I I ^ ^cadenaa ad lit.

i^rr nrs

Take bout.


tmn, Take heart.^ P=i=^ ^ ^rf I f rfrff^^f--^ t ^^s 1

^ f ^fg^^?:^^1^^^^

sg 5i

J^Ped. :J; :S^

-^^ ^ ^ Jt—t—S-•—•—«• 1—•—•—^



f r r i p ^ ^^ ^^=y =P=FW ^^

Page 48: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

(ALaak. mud thaoi gn tc mtnUh of emoe l^ mkA eowoortt. • b^rmbmkam itr litttn, wh» /trm in a Bemieinh around her.^

No. 9.


Edith, Kate. & Chorus of Girls.

Edith.^ lit ^ lizp: ^^^^^^^?E3^EWhat ought we to do ? gen - tie ni • ten, my I Pro - pri • e - ty, we know,

^r^^r-^ i ^ ^ Si^ 1 1 ?^ ^PUKO.staccato.

^ «^ 4=F ^^ -|^^ ? »" ' J ^ d

iK^^j^^ ^ f* ^ h ^^ i*=f^ sttr:3gz,^^f-^F^^ ^


Mjs we ongbt to itay, While sym - pa - thy ex-claims, " Free them from your te - ther;

Play at o - ther garnet,^^m i-p

iff ^ #

fee ^P =E=H^ gg:::=p::&=>^ ^ :V:

^ iKate. ^f# r y' ^^^^ ^^^^=^ ? =^=^ ^^^^w i^^^^s--

Leave them here to - ge - ther.' Her case may a • ny day Be your*, my dear, or miaei


^ * f \ f ^^umpre staccato.

-^~ -r-H:^ ^ iS ^=^ ^ ^^ ^'-rl^;^—^•

J^..^ T \

:*=JS.J 1- ^ fs S S

K. S r* :ja: V r bJ^ ^ j^ pci^SC W «>

while the nin doth «hiiLet her make her hay •hine. Let ni com-pro-mise, Our hearts arc not of lea - ther


^=^-^y .; -^i^j^j ,i' uj tJ_>j-jLi

1^^ n ^ ^

^^S it*:

1 T


^MM-^.11. - 1 A kt_ I^_ ^T' , . . .. "^M ihjrt onr eyei. And talk a - bo«t the wea-ther. Yet, yet, let't talk a • bout the wea-ther.

\>t- \^—


-'' »*—f^—T3=4. i i ' ^-^ «t—^5^

fe^^ i

Page 49: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

lO. 10.a(&XTH, Katb, tmd girU rttirt mp, and tH ttae <md Um, fmemf mm*

«<A«r, in a tine aeroM the doge.)

(OaATT^ase OoaanB (dyrinf mAmA FssDtf»^ Mabbl /wirfh.

DUET—Mabel & Frederic, & Chorus of Girls

Chorus.^ ^^

PlAMO. !

AlUgro vivace.

^ .tL Jt. Jk. ^ ^ M. ^ M. M- M. .^ M. ^-» • »—1—• H» • •—r—* P • !• 1 » *-

How beu - ti • M • ly blae the iky, Tb*

f''i' \ ^ m

''f^ >^ hi N h > m

±&gUu if lii • ing tc - ry high. Con - d - nae fine I hope it may, And yet it rmin'd but yet • ter • day ; To •

* i i^ S^;^=^^ 1 3—:i EE

gJ)g/«„ ^ ^ ^ t« >l ^^^ ^^^ £^E5 1I C ^ !g

(itfA f f* s ^ h h r^ S N f

o —fy ^*> y J -ji—*-

1^Bor - row it may ponr t - fmin (I hear the coon - try wants some rain), Yet peo - pie ay, I kaow not why, Thatm^=^=i^.=f.,=fw=i-^^^^^=^i^w

m =fe ^—s-1 i^g"T^^ ^3

&-r^^ ^ ^-1^-c

I ^ ^ ?~Ji^^r-j^pen pie say, I know not why. That we shall have a warm Ju • ly.

ATo - mor - row U may

Se»^» 9 S i g g S |'*g_^ ^ *g-» •-

^^ ^I

I ^

Page 50: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

{.Dwiny (Aw the firlt continue their chatter pianitMnmo, ^Min(f eagerly aU the time.)



-^ f i*

«>-I? V


n*~^' :p= ?=: ^-s-S,

Did e

Chorus. </.•>«.

o~^des wake From dieaaa of

^ > ,> ^ > I** K ^ «t f* > > > ^ h h h ^ ^^^^-^^ h h-.^ ^l^izKi 3tr»LzM=*r ^ ^ m \ dsmS \ m*Sm\^iim -r

poui a - gain (I hear the coon- try wants some rain), Yet peo-ple say, I know not why, That we shall have a warm Ju - ly.

¥^^ ^ -s-g—



1^^ S^ ^ :a.

iifei^ r u ^^^^ !trt ±: ^^ I I It zt ± ±-1-

To &nd her day • light break With socb ex - ceed

^--1 -h—l-du - ty^^ ing bean - ty I

VrXr^S- i ' 3 53!=1=1233 -^i ' s^



n '>^^^ g= g<- >

^:&&-P 1«- =(=: SE^ g ^^ ^ r J~^

Did e

Ber mai dcB etfiie


Her eye* oa wa king aad - ness,

ii:j^j.^^|4-jgt^fe i ^^ 3^,)


"i t J J


* 5

^s ^=i^ -«J-

is-*» =?=«g r > ^

To dream of such oeed

ing glad - aea !


PFred. C



za: ^ zn^^ Chobus.

<? '

Ah, yet t ak, yes


Hub ex - oeed^P^ i^

*=rz: fF?

i^aF i a ^

ing glad -ness. 'How


mj <, I I

'$ff« J «i ^^ 2^^^. -5 .

^^^f i.{A^#^^^S ^5^

Page 51: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

(Frederic and Mabel turn to see that the girls are listening;detected, they continue their chatter, forte.)




I^^fcHi? .j^' j'j'l gT^'^^fiSi

beao- d fui -Ij blue the skj, The glass is ris - ing we - rj high, Con - ti - nae Adc I hope it may. And jett. And yet it rain'd bat


i-fs ^^-^ ^


^ - *'

-i^-^ Js ^


|p?., Ci^i|



i l==i^js4^ J^y^T^- J l

Ji'; J'l.; J J J l J ; / -^I p rf:^5^-

yo- Icr-day ; To • mor-row it may poor a-gsin (I hear the coan-try wants lome ram),Yet pco-ple My, I know not why, That

^^ ! ^ i\^-^--i\-^ -^ ix-y j-^ i-h-i -^ il"^ i*^ J4ji_^3:^^

m^i, ' ^" ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 15c=n= ^

(^^^ ^K^M^^^M^^_^^* l k ^ M s^3t=lt d » ^ * * d z=i utit? *—^-t^"^ ^ : . . . —^ ^ .^ .

we shall have a warm Jn - ly. To • mor-row ii may pour a • gain (I heat the coun-trr wants some rain),Yet peo-ple say, I

-^ -^^^mI S S g g - -g g s s-



! r- ztz jlilEg^^• ^tt-T^- 5=^i

r.rrFr.rrr-«--*. ^>t.^.«- -tL. ^. ^ -0L ^. ^ Jt^ M-4^ rr-t-t- rr '^


t"t- r—


( I luring tliis the girls continue their chatter, pianissimo, as bejore,

but listening intently all the time.) Frkd.

^1,0, , J iJ -J-U^j-J^ *»—^"m


i^^-a-—I- ^ ^ s

?—tc ^ ji

p> > >




^-^ 4 ^ .^ ^ >

ver pi - rate roll Hi*

x^->r>-:S:3: ^ 1^ ^

It vnrknow not why.That we shall have a warm Ju- ly. To - morrow it may pour a-gain (I hear the country wants some rain).


^— ' -- ^ ^'

^' * !

1^ ' 1^ ^ tT=3ja ' £) # "^ to *-?=?"#'r"

Page 52: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

ioal. in gidl ty dream- ing, ABd wmkc to tmi

^ ^ y^if^ C^ ' -»—r

that Hwl Wltk

J J ICJ ^^^-' a —H&—I « — (O 1


(1^^ fg I

J «


r^ S< 'p :?=



j ' ;i. ' a^f^-pTf-*i£J^-f-*-P=f > m m

m j^ '"J-r^ > h ^ ^^

re - ry high. Con • ti - nne fine I hope it may, And yet it rain'd hot yet - tei-day; Con - ti - nue fine I

^: ^ ^S 1 \ I 1 ,

J i i 1I 11 I i J^ 1« *

=5=^-« •—S4—-« * « ^ -—5 Z: Z ~

^^'=^^=^^\ i l l 8- l-j g~j1^ •' f ^ ^

5F5= r i F ^ Ff

Ig g g £ ^«—^—


f F F i f £ C p iV^^I

Mabei. Frf

i IF^¥ P-



mai - den wake FroiD

i¥ W- ^^ ^ =X(«=

Did P> rate loathed For

i ^^ i^f* f^

f* "> h ^ / .N^ / J j^ ^^^1=^^ ^ d ^--

fhope . It may, And yet it rain'd bat ye« - ter - day. How bean - ti - fill • ly blue the iky, The glau ii rii - tog

I^Wf^jtf^ ,l ii

K . J fh i

g—ITpt ^ ^ i ra





Page 53: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



^n '

dreun . , ol home

:2a: ^=^^^

r >sake his hi^ -^^—y* tr*—V-

iy da - ty

r ir Jdeooi mil - nan

To fiad

:?= C ^?h

To find hiai

h s


• ry high. Coo • ti - ue fine I hope it may, And jet it rain'd bat yet - ter - day ; To - mor - row it may


' ^ I« ^ 3^

)t g,! !




E &?; ^ ?= I* l«=


*&day - lieht break With inch ex - ceed^ Ing beao • ty I Ah.

'g. r «p r P K ^?5^ ^ ?=lelf be - trothed to la - - dy of po - si - tion I Ah,

^u: ^ J- Jl''

' ^ J%U^'y \ i J' i'm J' J ."I 3

;' i jli^m* 3 g * ^ * 'g '

lall have a wann Ju • ly, Y«


poor .1- gain (1 hear the conn-try wants some rain). Yet peo-pU say, I know not why. That we shall


m^r^ ^f •ES*--»

ere - seen - tU,^^ H« «--

^ 3^:=t- -^P^-

ig„^# |

S^ ^ y 1 ^'tt g. r '1^


yes I Ah^ ^ yes. ah yes


^^ r - iryesl Ah yes, ah yes !

i 'i i \ S : h hi i^ j* h r ^ ^ j4-n r* h ^^=»g ^ I J 5 ^ ^>-Lj ; j- gjjtw ^-^-*—y- «<—"-13*

peo - pie say, I know not why, That we shall have a warm Ja - ly, a warm Ju - ly.

iHfc?Et^./f ^—*-^^*—•—



~a( ' ' *\ ^


' ' ^gto I I


I imttlte.

^^ ^4—, m ft-

fe^U -^ 1 ^ :^ ^ ^ ^^

Page 54: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


lo. II. Frederic, & Chorus of Girls & Pirates.


u AlUgrttto.Suy, wemastootloceoarsen-ses. Men who stick at no of-fen-ca Will • - noo be here I

^^ -¥—h#T^^ J a'• r-H'—


3—* 4 *fik»o.

^^., ij J >• J I* J ^«Va-r::r -=ir

i1:^ *'y g^ I*

t .jg-^"c c

^ r^* ? g f *!* it^

-t^ fco-^—-> 1* 1* »»-

Pi n - cy their dread -fol trade ix, Pray yon get yoa hence,7oaig la - diea, MfUlc the oout it clear I

fe^ i^^ f -

^^ ? f ~- ^^


Chokus or Girls.^{During thit Chorui the Pirates enter stealihily from R. U. K,and form in a temicirele behind the girls. As the girls move to

go off each Pirate seizes a girl.)

is=!szJ • J' J- J" ,^-^ 1^^ 1 * ^—


i -r-g^ji I ^

No. we Bait not low oar *en - les, If they atick at no of - (en - ces We ihonld aot be here 1


^' ^

^ ^ i '^-—F-

TItl'Vn,, J ' J^ ^^^'' r • C t rt-T~''-=g3lg^a;~g^; X J -

Pi - ra • cy their dread- fill trade is Nice com-pan-ions lor yotins; la . 4ia ; Let u« di» - tp-iTi/ysirui.)

jg'iV i-j;-= =3^^ -p—--

Page 55: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


Pirates. *

GiRis. ^ ^ Girls. Phates.IRIS. fu m^W.\S. PHATES. M- ^ M. .m.

1^—1»—f(i*^ II J^f »i<^.- I - I I I


( ^^ f* - if

I'ivut.TooUtel Ht, halTooUteJ Ho, ho, ha > ha ! ha 1 ha! ho, ho, ho, hoi

^& r^=«=4 s ti^^- g^^^^ S<g'

Z3 = < r p -p—p-

^33 *=f-*- -s^ -* -^ nr -^- *-

Chorus.^^ #—*

m- ^HE=iCf-^ i^ ^Now here'i a fint -rate op • por -ta-ni-tjr To get mat - ried with im •


g ^=s^^ ^mM SS=i^

(1^ 0" M X—^-T- -g-gr-f-> ^ ^H •g'l"-p—1»—1^ ^ ^ ^pv • ni • ty,


And in • dalge in the fe>U-d-ty Of on- bound - ed do • met - ti • d • ty I Yoa slaa

- rsI I I I I I


m »11 1


I I-

(1^ =S?e: fe-*—#-fc cf nt-gi^^?3^ ^:iz=tjc

quick t ly be par - son - i • fied, Con-ja> gal-ly ma- tri - mon-i-fi«d. By a doc - tor of di

i =^=4: T^ ^ ^^^F=^F^5F=^?^=i? ^**« »• *•—*•»— —m-* -g- ^ X *=^

i^^ J J ^ ^ J J, JI I ^I


J- J. -i J.i^S ^^=^

:S -*

(^ ^ ^ Girls. A

,fr ;/N J ^ ^t=fe: -v'-r


pr-t?.- rWe have nisied oar op • por - tn - ni - ty Of




vi • ni • ty, Who is lo - ca • ted in this ri - ci • ni • ty.


r ^ H-*-^ -T -> -> r

i Ji J'i i ^ -J-



i ^)i - t


Page 56: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

±=i > » I <* N

cap - ing with im - pa - ni - ty,


rSo ire - wi

-| /,

! J^^^=j^3=y=^ j

ell to the fe - li - d - ty Of oor • den <U


^s*-^^ lp-*~r

s -p F -

^ 4 ^~f^

:* :* if: =:

J r ^=?=


- tri - moo-i -fied. By > doc - tor o/ di


-8 *


I^ =*=S= ?f-J-J-J-?4^-gisrf^

vi-ni- ty Who U lo -ted IB this vi - d-ni-ty, By a doc - tor of di - ni-ty m<


10 re - sides ia this vi -

—<m—\—»——a » '

By • doc - tor of di - ri • ni - ty Who re - sides in this ri


^ =l«=?ci^1^—I—


:^r r r r

»* »» ^


lit . ft •^ »» »* m0-

^ -r-r- >>-^ S=k:^^f

•—•—»^ ^ rd -ni-ty, By •


V > I

—> > •


doc - tor, a doc - tor, a doc - tor of di - vi - ni • ty,

^« s/' » y : r^

^-; i f ^ g^^^ di - Tt - ni - ty.

-0—0-:5z=tc I I I

^» fca

Z2—I »5^?^

g . t :t2=tst

d-ni-ty, By a doc tor, a doc - tor, a doc - tor of di - vi ni - ty,



itd. i ' J' J-2^

of di • vi - n» • Sy.

-f«-- -1^—P-^

S^=fet: g £: ^ ^ K - ^f-f1—


ifcit I I ^ :^ ^ ^m*—p- -Ji m^

^-1 1 r—

*-i- fI i IT g r

-1 1 1 << g— » » ^SEP I L I I ?cz


Page 57: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

No. 12. RECITATIVE—Mabel. Major-General, Samuel, & Chorus.


fi', - r : :

* Itmpt

( The Major- OmenU ka» entered unnotieed on roek L. U. K) Samuel



^ j-jfyj ff ^^^nr-r -cr

Hold. MoasteiT I i ^ZH' P''^'\'^''"^'f ! wed « aU. (/"'.'*" '^ °^ 'l^ '? '"J'^l G*^« - ml • We-a•

) proceeds aguiut am will to ^ \u. Chancery, and father is a Majoi^fvre-nc nu . ne


a Uwtpe



-_« *—GlKLS.

^£^ * ^ M » » »

i-h—N P*—fc—



li :$c=;z: U L* U U ^^^^ J ^ J W -^—W-z?=

bet • ter paoK, or dan- fen naj be • fid | Their fit • tbcr it a Ma-jor-G«- ne-iall Yea, yea, be ta • Ma |or


^^m i'

\ i ''i^irV-fh^ an fe

p p=?=?=^


ISamueu Chorus.

i JI

; J / ; J J l in ;. ^ ,_:i.).:r r

# ^f r 0- y g ^^ =2=^=^E ^ 5" >» u.

Ge-n«-iall Yea, yea, I am a Ma - (at - Gc-Dc-nll For be ii • Ha • jor - Gc - oe- nU l He is! Ilui

? =F=: i J. ?! ^ ^ 1 i ;a= ^^ ^-^ T~r

^ t* -P f' ; 1 11 'F=^ g 1 g g

^^^ C ^ ^i±:

^^ mMajor-Generau

£ g e r S ^^^ 3=P<^-Jtf-^ ^rah (or the Ma - jar Ge-oe- rail *'And it

' »r =* -•—-*—:? 5-it u B K)o - rious thing To be & Ma )ur

y ^ ' i'i: i< gr i

J J JI jl J

^5P=P?= 5 X

Page 58: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

General. Yes, I am Major-General! General. And it is a glorious thing to be a Major-General'.All. ,You are ! Hurrah ior the Major-General


All. It is ! Hurrah for the Major-General


No. 13 SONG—Hajor-General & Chores.

^ I I9AlUgro vivMCt.


^>""-r r r f' l r r r :

f- .r^f^f^f^ . ^-^f-ff-., .i-fTf:^^PiAua

^i. \\ ' r r-m.—^



i i ^E g


s VIijok-Generai. ^^^ =^^^^g C g C -Mr '

ti» 1^ ' 1^ *^ kI. I un the Te 17 pat • tern of a bio- deni Ma -jor-Ge -ae- nl| Fmt. I know ont mj • thic his - to - 17, King Ar-tbsr'i, and Sir Ca • 10 • doe'i, I

ii^»»^?^^^rf^ « *

pf^ ^'^i M 'U ^ U ^' i ^^

^^^^^^S -r^-T ^ r f r r

la • fw • au • tjoo tc - ^e - ta - ble, a - ni - nal, and mi - Be • ral : I know the kings of Eng - lahd, and I

aa • (wer bard a • cto* • tict, I're a pict • Vj tast* for Pa • ta • dox : I qoote, in E • le • gi - act, all tha

i i i^i i-^ f Wi

Page 59: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


^ote tke fights hii • to - ri • cal. From Ma n - thon to W« - ter . loo, in oi - der ca • te - go - ri - c»L I'm

criiae* of He - lio - ga - ba - In I In co - nics I can floor pe - cd li - a - ri - ties pa - ra - bo - lous. I


^i 'i * 1^ f^±2:



^ ^=^iS£^ ^y^t=F ^^* U 1^ P^

TC - rr veil ac- quaint - ed, too, with mat - ters ma - the -ma-ti-cal; I an- der - itand e - qoa • tions, both the

tell m- doabt - ed Ra - pha • cli from Ge - rard Dows and Zoff - an - ies. I know the croak - ing cho • nu from the

m ^ m¥ r=^ bi^s^

1g^ i isS ^

^ ^s??t-c ^ :-r-i> ^^

am - pic and quad - m - ti • cal : A - bout bi - no • nial The • o - rem I'm teem - ing wiili a lot o' newt,

Frogi of A • ria - to • pha • dc* I" l^en 1 can hnm a hgoe, of which I've heard the ma lie'i din a • fot^

!^ m m mft

^s g s ^^^ ^


n=^ ^ ^rI. With ma - nj cheer - fol facts a - boat the square of

*. And whis - tie all the airs from that in - fer - nal




^ t


^' H

the by - po - then - ate |

non • sense, /Vn - a • ftnl





Page 60: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


i=3C^t -ft—h—


i:^iij'j^J \^

t £ 5 c g s c5i.-^with BE • D7 cheer • ful facts - boat the iquare o( the by - po thee - use. With ma • mj cheer

Aad whii -tie all the ain from that in • fer - oal non -seiue, /Hn - a fort, Asd whia • tie all

M hcts a •

the ain froca

boat the

that IB

\^Im. ^^ =?=»:e^ b^ #

/^ f^ ^ 4L ^ - ^^I

->-t?->^ U>^ >^

With ma - ny cheer - fnl facts a - bont the square of the hy - po - then - aae, With ma -

And whis - tie all the airs from that in - fer - nal non - sense. Pin • s - /frt. And whis -

ny cheer

Ue all

-fal bets a-the ain from

boat lk«

that !

;i> ri I

T-^i J : ^ 5=:Sjt=5:* •


« -0. ,—«. ^S i P5=^ ^ =F-::r

-g—*- i s C ^ s z ^'-—h!—^-—F—t-

!t—Fr-^PSiE y » >*- -F ---p-> -*"—t^—^—t^—>^ >^1^ 1^

square of the hy - po - then-ose. With ma - ny cheer -ful &u:ts a - bont the square of the hy - po - then-po-thea - •.ue all the ain from that in - fer -nal nonsense,/¥»•«- /««i ••• yfcru

^fer - nal non-seme, /Vm - a - /are, And whis

5*. -A—^; J«-_jr_ -r -T-a:-'ZXfZ

JL^^^ =tc=U: U U U" L^ U U- U > U F -

sqoare of the hy po -then- use,With nu • ny cheer - fill fiicts a - bout the square of the hy - po-then-po-then - ucfer-nal non-sense, /^ - a • /wv, And whis - tie all the airs from that in - fer- nal nonsense,Am - a - /m - a • ftrt.


^n ^ ^

* mI'm ve - ly good at in - teg - ral and dif - fer - en -tial cal -en - las ; 1 know the sci - es - ti - 6c names ofThen I can write a wash -ing bill in Ba - by • Ion - ic cs -neiform. And tell yoa ev • 'ry de - tail ef Cm




J * j *

^ ^1

Page 61: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


i :• : J J" X ^^ s ^^ t^ u^be - ingi a - ni - mal - en - lous. Bat still, in nut - ten re • ge - ta - ble, a - oi • mal, and mi • ne ral, I

nc • ta - ens - 's a - ni - form. In short, in mat • ters ve • ge - ta - ble, a - ni - mal. and mi - ne - ral, I


f^^ fir

^m ^- g j^=f ^

i^ ±«i ^Chorus.

^^f ^ J =5?=^

the ve - r; mo - del of mo - dern Ma • jor • Ge - ne - ral.

^But still, in mat - ten re - ge - la • ble,


^N iBut still, in tut • ten ve ge - ta - ble.


^-t- Z:

/ ^BEt ?^ ^^

i sE -r—ft ^^m p=^[y r I ^^ s liS^

ni - mal, and mi - ne - ral. He is the ve • ry mo - del of mo - dem Ma - jor - Ge - ne - ral


^M g "F ^ ^ ^r- » :^ "C" U l^ k=:£^ '-^^


*(*^ -=l—J



a - ni - mal, and mi - ne • ral, He is the Te • ry mo del of a mo - dern Ma - jor Ge • ne • ral !

\P i ^ =t ^^^ r^ ts-^—


J. ^^ 1S

^^^ 1* ^ --H*- ^ ^ c ^^SIOVMT,

m3. Iiv (act, when I know what is meant by " ma - me - Ion" and " r« - ve - lin ;" Whea

T-^ <' S-^^=^


*i—^—p-=4= ^^—r- i



-"1—t^ fe5




=^=F i

Page 62: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


.^ J J J ; J ; j^ ;i

j^ : j^^ r Z f-9 ^' - ^ ^^^ »»—

*c - lin ; When loch af - fun

^^g C ulI caa till at afht a cfaaae-fot ri • ie from a )a la KT • tiea aad

i»7 ! 1 ^ 7^ ^ i i1 t* 1 f ^ ^

^^ * ^I

IK ^ 1 r^ •1t* ¥::^?= =F=he:^ ^

77 .^ / J / ij^ ?S==:fs: §^^ f ai

J -JH - ri at; Wkeaph - Ki I'm more wa - ry at | And when I blow pre - dw - l)r what ii meant by com^ J ^ ' Ii ^ ^

i'^ ^

J^ 1 H1 r ^ :3=zts

^ ^^^^ 1 1 I* -^—


^?=^ ^s

(!|i^> r X c £ c : c e Sc e c c I e


I haTe learnt what pro • (itai hai bee* made is ao - den fim - ae - ly | When I know more tt tac - tic* tkan a

^ j W l\^ * { ^ * \^^=¥^ =^^^

^ ^ ft'f^

^fc^J^ ^ J^ ^ #^?=y =^=F:^ M t :^=^

>'t ^C C E >r J Jb^^ mltP^. yivm».

c ^ ^"^ff i e 'C : ff c fi E dct ; •^^'

J'J I- "P

BO vice ia a naa-ne - 17; U abJtt, when I'v« a wnti-Xa-'atg of e - le-SMB-tal itn - te • fg— YoaV

^^^^fv^-^A-** Id^W ^-1 >*I


I <IM^ \^V»U.

g^i. f-1 "

^J-^ F||jW Jl F

I JH . Jl .I


Page 63: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


3!=9: ^^ Cho«o>


ay t bet • In Ma - jot • Ge - ne - iml has ae • vet sat a gee


^J r

^r i

^ rr.

Yonll lay bet - tcr Ma - jor - Ge - ne •


j^E =Cc


You'll iay a bet - ter Ma - jor - Ge

i * 3^^ J jTTls^ 3 fe^s ^^5 3— b2 -^-—li

±lAii—-7 m -f -m 2^» m

g ; c e g s gI

'C c &g'*^^^'^^ ^

^ral hai ne - ver

i*=r JL

-0- *'

a gee, Yoall uy rel^ bet • ter Ma - jor - Ge - ne

y -1 -*/» -y- -r -g-



has ne - Ter lat a gee, Vooll

Su u :5c -U U U Cc i^ L^ U" -r—


3t=!tral has oe - Ter sat a gee, Yonll niy a bet-ter Ma-jor-Gene-ral has ne - rer aat a gee, VoaV


-r-fU £ > C » £ —


t^ W U l^" 1^ l** M %^^i tS\ g S ^ ^g=^=g

say a bet- ter Ma- jor- Ge - ne - ral has ne - Ter sat a, sat a gee.


For my

t-•--*--•- ^ -m- -0- -•-•y -g- -jr -g- -gr y -tf- g- y y y

(gj?, g U u* u u u [i^ y-^l X^U-k u [^ u u—


^^- -w- »- -

-p -^-

^^ ^ J h K ^ r h h^^C t^' c ^

-^ ^,

* ^^mi - li - ta - ry know-ledge, tho' Fm plnck - y ami ad • tcb • t« ry, Has on ly been brought down to the b* -

Page 64: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



Bat still, in mat - ten tc - ge - ta - ble.

^ ^m^ f ^^

^ #=?= g ^ r -g—


J^J^I v'- / r ^ p» >•^U k "^ t>' =tz U t^ -^—-U-

• ni - mal, and mi - ne - ral, He i* the re • tj mo - del o( a mo - den Ma • jor • G« - ne - laL

f -r u u ^ ^=£=^^ Iff" j*-

--^-^ ^^\i:2t=tz


SSmi - mat, and mi - dc ral, He it the rt - tj mo - del of a mo - dem Ma - jot - Ge - ne • ral.

I -*- TTm



f=T^^^5? ^

r $


Page 65: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

General. And now that IVe introduced mjB«lf, I

like to have some idea of what's going on.

Kate. Oh, papa ! we

Samuel. Permit me ; I'll explain it in two words : we pi»i

pcse to marry your daughters.

General. Dear me


Ona£. Against orur wills, papa—against our wills I

General. Oh, but you mustn't do that. May I aek—thiB

is a picturesque uniform, but I'm not familiar with it—what areyou?King. We are all single gentlemen.

General. Yes, I gathered that. Anything else ?

King. No, nothing else.

Edith. Papa, don't believe them. They are oirates—the

famous Pirates of Penzance


General. The Pirates of Penzance? I have often heardof them.

Mabel. Yes, all except this gentleman (indicating Fred-eric), who was a pirate once, but who is out of his indentures


General. But wait a bit I object to pirates as sons-in-


King. We object to major-generals as fathers-in-law. Butwe waive that point ; we do not press it, we look over it.

General. (Aside.) Hah! an idea! (Alotid.) And do youmean to say that you would deliberately rob me of these the

lole remaining props of my old age, and leave me to go throughthe remai~^e- o^ life unfriended, unprotected, and alone?

Kino. VV all, ye« ; that's the idea.

(iGNERAU Tell me, have you ever known what it ia te h« aarphan ?

All the Pirates. (^Disgusted.) Oh, da«h it all I

King. Here we are again 1

Gkneral. I ask you. Have you ever known what it k to b*an orphan ?

King. (Sighing.) Often.

General. Yes, orphan. Have you ever known what it ia tc

be one ?

King. I say, often.

All. {Disgusted.) Often! often! often! (Turning away.)General. I don't think we quite understand one another.

I ask you, Have you ever known what it is to be an orphan!and you say " Orplian." As I understand you, you are merelyrepeating the word " orphan " to show that you understand me.

King. I didn't repeat the word "often."General. Pardon me

;you did indeed.

King. I only repeated it once.

General. True, but you repeated it.

King. But not often.

General. Stop ! I think I see where we are getting oob-fiised. When you said " orphan " did you mean " orphan," a

person who has lost his parents, or " often," frequently ?

EIlNQ. Oh, I beg your pardon ! I see you mean frequeotlT'General, Ah, you said " often " frequently.

King. No, only once.

Generau Exactly^ you said " oft'^n, fre<)ueniiv," only onoe

Finale—Act I.

Mabel, Kate, Edith, Frederic, Samuel, King, Major-General, Ruth, S Chorus.

Rkcit. Major-Gkneral.

$ r J'J' J- J J^£ Ibte,



Oh, men of dark and dii - mal Faw-


g'i|,' i', j--^ ^3=: m ^z^ ij-

i« ttmpo.

^ l-n-«L^P-JJ=?=^^ ^=!fit

go youc cm - d em - ploy|

¥ \0 1

Have pi ty on my lone - ly ttate,

Page 66: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


i ^^^^^^ f=w^ =p= ^^S i ^n^ >' <ff 1 ^ ^ W r ^^ :i=}t ^^ffi3«=?: -t-

fc«Tl Ab or • phaa bojr?



Ab or - phu boy I How sad. u or - phaa boy I The

Chorus or Pirates.=3B*: ^^^ igs$ ^ rr

^^^How Md, or - phao boy t

^ ^3I' liT rifits 3>» r

J- ^^^ ==*:f $ 5=:t

;?=^ ^mAndante modtrato.

i ^ ^ ^Chorus or Pirates. Major-General.

-I-p iS -:t=W^ 3;=a: ^ ;> P=F= J ^ rJtzpc =^

cbil-drenwhom yon kc are all tfaat I can call my own. Poor fel-lowl

Andante moderato.

Take them a • way from me, and I shall

^ -F --

*^i ig 1 s^zrr"h-a-±

i^, j^. ^ qc T, /. ^e ii


i^ ^ ^^-:=r

Piratks. Major-Gemerau


i ai ^^^ F i^< J^i=ac «=6^s

Jl * ^::;*=«

be in - deed a • lone I Poor fel - low I If pi - ty yon can feel, leave me my sole re main-ing joyt See,

^i^^=i^=^^ ^^

B^^S^Eie ^^¥ -- ^Wi ^ ^:?=

J^'j*^^f ^ =t= ? -i«—-- ^ 1


It yonr feet they kneel I Your hearts yon can - not iteel


A gainst the sad, sad tale of the looe-ly ur-phan boy t Po

1 iI J K hT -i \ J .^ ,. -JV-J J—1


1,, r

igj j J J i-.

±=i:J J J J V 11 *

' ^^^Elt -£r-f T r-^'iirr ^

Page 67: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


Samuel, King, & Chorus or Pirates.

h=^fel - low ! See, at our feet they kneel


Our hearts we can - not steel A - eainst the sad, sad tale of the

i 'z^r^r^^-^>*^

isr^. -P—P--;


J 7^^—=i-j^-j—J—


=(== ~V~0~ i ^I ' I




25:^ —?= SSamueu

:;2=;: ^Samuel & Kino.

=;2=F !=^i=g^F=^I*' t^ t? :t?=t

lone-!y or-phanboy! The or - phan boy 1 The or phan boy ! See, at our feet they kneel I Oui


^' ^ ^-Ir-Jg:


i :*=i=*= OShearts we can - not steel A • gainst the tale of the lone - ly or - phun boy.

m zH

^^m ^^=^w—*—>-

-y—*—»—*-t;^;=ts: *—


SIffl3» «»_

^=r^ ^ ^ -S:


-?>^^ >

=^==ptr 1 r -j^3t=te: it^ ' »

Allegro vivace.

I'm tell-ing a ter - ri - ble sto • ry, But it does-n't di-min-ish my . glo • ry ; For

I I jI I I-*—I— I




^1 -*—^—^^-< lizzi: ^3=^3zi:±

Page 68: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


^iczy^3* K 1^^ » » '

1 •i-T-g-

-jr^ 1 ~v^^^^-^~^*^=^=*^

they would have ta-ken my daughters O • ver the bil • lo - w)' wa - - lers,


"-*- s^r^



=^=^ lazi 1 1 ^3^ :f^-33=azz± -^n±r jtur^r^:^I '"-'V"

ir-^z^ts 1 1

gr<^-g-^r^~F 1 -=^=^=^52

:^==:L I 3?z=3z=t -g-^-^- :*!r=^_^_Jl: -n r

^3/3 Mabel.

He is tell - ing a ter - ri • ble sto

PP Edith & Kate.

He is tell • ing a ter - ri - ble sto

pp y»BD.

If he's tell • ing a ter - ri - ble sto

pp Sam.

If he's tell - ing a ter - ri - ble stojyp King.

>« y '—1» »* 1» w c—1^-

'f he's tell • ing a ter - ri - ble sto

ry Which will tend to di - min • ish his glo - - ry ; Though

ry Which will tend to di-min-ish his glo

-j> fc k-

ry He shall die by a death that is go

ry He shall die by a death that is go

He is tell • ing a ler - ri . ble stoTenors & Basses.

ry Which will tend to di - min - ish his glo

ry ; Though

ry He shall die by a death that is go - - ry ; Yes,

ry ; Yes,

ly ; Yes,

ry ; Though

Page 69: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


one of the cru - el - lest slaugh- ters That e - ver were known in these wa It is

of the cni - el - lest slaugh - ters That e - ver were known in these wa It is

-V 1» Wone of the cru - el - lest slaugh-u^ That e - ver were known in these wa

ea - sy, in e le - gant die • • tion. To call it an in - no - cent fie - - tion, But it comes in the same ca - te •

gl>r fUea - sy, in e - le • gart die - - tion, To call it an in - no • cent fie



Vtion. But it comes in the same ca - te -

ea • sy, in e - le - gant die - • tion. To call it an in -no -cent fie - - tion. But it in the same ca - te

Page 70: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


fI - -y As tei; - LE^ a rt - gu - iir ter - ri - b.e s:o - - ry. h"s ea - »y, in e - le - gact die • - tion. To


Page 71: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



Page 72: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


%'f - ty to be - gin it


For what, w ask, is life, with-out a tonch

O ^^»*-»* #* f 'Aw^:t^ -J; :ji: Sf; rj: ^. ^. ^

li^—^ ^

——. 1-

of poe - try in it ?


a-P -- =1=1 p

|p¥;;^=3^^gigir f f-- ~9—y-

f-I (-

iChorus. Mabel & Edith with ist Sop.

ff Sopranos. Kate with znd Sop.

Hail, po - e - try, thou

Tenors & Fred, with Tenor. Sam. with ist Bass.Basses, g. ^ .,. ^ ^



=tz= :!=:

-^It rt:



bom-Tmaid !



Thou gUd

rJg, \


King & Major-Gen. with 2nd Bass.Hail, po - e - try. thou hcav'n tx>m maid I



SgUd est


i;=?^ zssz. -S«>- E^

sthe Pi rates trade. Hail, flow ing fount of



the Pi rate's trade. Hail, flow - ing fount





s it=:i^


^ ^ M-

m m r-) *

P i^£^ -T-j"

all hailt All


haill dl mol

^2. egj

-^ ?





aU hull All haill di mol cut

1^ ii i^1


1^^^ ^ (O t



Page 73: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

«=ttt* •

|g=~* ^

^ 0~—I*

tz= feriztc—1< \f^= ^ 1? tg: ±: r=^r=^,r=^sE^Ei3^tect yon


And hon - o ry mem - bers of our band we do e led

im W #3^-

m-=z=± --Y-' -m?E=??



f- -f f- -^'

M-^P^r=^= -''—^-X\

^"fe^ 4 Major-General.

^^^"^±fi-n—P- j!—Ji<avi

For he is an or - phan boy


And it some-times is a

£M-r • r >myou.

Chorus. Sopranos. /

f ',

f S p"=g=/»fiit Ei=S^f p

He is I Hur - rah for the or - phan boy 1

Basses. /.^ .^ .^ .0,' m. a. fr .m-r fr—e^ 1 I fcr—t 3^ 1-

r 1

Tenors &

Me-U U i-j^—g>- 2EE • r 1

He is! Hur- rah for the or - phan boy I

Allegro non troppo.


:5!-^S 1^' ^. -W- -S—-g-


Page 74: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


)ip^ ^±^^i^^EE^ ^^^ ^lue - ful thing to be an or • phsm boy.

/ >—fs- r-^ ^5^^ i2=k 1 f-

It is I hv • rah for the or - phan boy! Hur-rah fgr the or • phaa

fJ^J-S :^=^

t-^-r>-- r-'

%szhf -tEU feg l^




^^•^^^^^s^^^It is 1 Hu' • rah for the or - phan boy 1 Hur- rah for the or - phan

* Hai La . I



^Ff=^"^9^ 3Ek^;£± 1^3^ j^=i^=j^^ '

g3^S=F 1

F Ma

Oh, hapEdith & Kats

py day, with joy • ous glee We vill a - way and mar • ried bel

Oh, hap - py day, with joy - ous glee They will a • way and mar - ried be!KlHC

Major-Gbnbral,They will a - way ind mar - ried bel

Page 75: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


Should it be fal au • 'ip: - cioos

Should it be • fal au - spl - cioos

day» with joy - ous glee They will a - wav and mar - ried be


lee, My sis - ter all will brides - maids be.~


- lee, Her sis - tere »U will brides - maids be.

- lee, Her sis - ters all will brides - maids be.

Page 76: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

^ 1 i^ i' ^ ^ i>M ^ 1

;.< i l u i icOh, hap - py day, with joy - ous glee We will a • way and mar - ried be. Should it be -

Oh, hap - py day, with joy - ous glee They will a - way and mar • ried be. Should it be •

Oh, hap - py day, with joy - ous glee They will a - way and mar • ried be. Should it be -

Oh, hap - py day, with joy - ous glee They will a • way and mar -ried be. Should it be

all will bridesmaids be. Oh, hap - py day, with joy - ous glee They will a - way and mar- ried be. Should it be <

all will brides-maids be. Oh, hap - py day, with joy - ous glee They will a - way and mar - ried be. Should it be

fal au - spi - Gfous - lee. Her sis - ters all will bndes-maids be! Her sis - teis

fal au - spi - clous - lee. Her sis - ters all will brides - maids be !

fal au • spi - cious - ke. Her sis - ters all will brides - maids be ! Her sis - ters

fal au - spi - cious - lee. Her sis - teis all will brides - maids be


Her si» - ters

- fal au - spi - cious - lee. Should it be - fal au - spi • cious - lee, Her sb - ters

l"? S 3?- JL A ^f

fal au - spi - cious - lee. ShouM il lie - fal au - spi • cious - lee, Her sU tan

Page 77: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


IRegit. Ruth.

^AiUgru aetata.

Oh, mas- ter, hear one word, I do im-plore you I



Ke-mem-ber Ruth, your Ruth,who kneels be • fore you!

Chorus op PnuiTBS.

H a tempo.


-1 1-

Yes, yes, re-mem - ber

yy-—• * r

Page 78: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


Frkd, Chorus or Piraths.

£=Ruth. Pirates. Fred. Pirates.

( e-, r ^ —IfI N-JS-

:S==St: ^^^ HZ i^S5 I ^ k«* r !*

ceive him.«J

Oh, do not leave me. Oh, do not leave her A way, you grieve me. A - way, you grieve him.

-» ^^,

^^ f ^P ^ . 1«-^^ ,— P f'*


i^' ' -"'. :=Jt*^Pirates.

, _

T wish you'd leave me.

-r^ #-We wish you'd leave him.

rS=^ -^=1-*^ ^P



^U—UU-L_^Utr±g^ ^/


r^Si-m- ^ we-

ns ^mFred., Samuel, King, Major-General, & Piraies.



iJ Allegro risoluto.

Pray observe the mag-na - ni - mi- ty We dis -

i^^ -P-P—P?:-:5^- I I—j-*^ 1—1-'—






^ 1 "-^—al—^- ^^ ^—*—







1 1-

^^En^=g= iffrprpi:^=tc -<^-n^

- —^--iz


play to lace and di • mi- ty ! Ne-vcr was such op - por • tu - ni- ty To get mar - ried with im - pu - ni • ty ! But we

tJl m =i=pJ I i

-j»'«_«W_**=»i^^rr^ IIi=n :ti:

!-~^*~:|r—|:~;^^ 1 i^jT^ :Sj=i^^=i=

J 1-

> -a^ -»»• -*




w—^ =a—W—J- -*—J' ji J"


I i-^rJ

Page 79: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


IS ft^nt:tic:*ti -P



-^*- T- •feS^ -f* 1^ x*


j;ive ii!> the fe • li • ci • ly Of un- bound-ed Jo- mes • li - ci- ty, Thro* a doc - tor of di » vi - ni - ly Vho is lo

^ -*--*- *•

i^l^Tg. V -J- V

Mabel, Edith, Kavk, & Girls.

•^^ 1 1 l-r—?^-


-*—V- I*Z=*t=^ifcsnn^rj^J=f H_^—»-*-

ca-led in this vi ci ni • ty ! Pray ob - serve the mag- na • ni- mi- ly They dis - play to lace and di-mi-lyi Ne-ver

K2=|: T=T- ^=-I-

-^ ! !-



mj s-r ^5?^«f^* * # g-^

-p—-- -p—--

^ ^ -IT T»l-

;ti—r:i £g?^^ssagJ^ ^::^=^=l: T:» '• > ^

was such op - per • tu - ni ty To get mar-ried with im - pu - ni - ty ! But they give up the fe - li • ci • ty


Of un



i^ v%^ 5J:^=*=r




e^ =f=p= -j—p I r -^*—-- -* r -



(V-^-t'h-NH^- ^ q^^^ r S S


' bound-ed do - mes - ti- ci -ty,


• . ::S-=^^^¥-- =«=SC^ ^

Thro' a doc • tor of di --vi-m-ty. Who is lo - ca-ted in this vi - ci-ni-ty. But they

Men with Pirates, as before.^^

But we

t =?=


I I I-» 0-


-l 1L—J-

1 ^ 1 n--T>l 0-

I r 1 :J=J^=^=t3

P- -P—-- 1 \rri r. !



J^ glv<


-A-tU- -J^L-pl

^^^-P-^ I h^-^^-JIt



up the fe - li-ci-ty Of un-bound -ed do -mes - ti - ci - ty, Bui they give up the fe - h-ci-ty Of»B

.#. .,«. .«- ^ 0.0.0. 0.0^ .0. -0L .0. -*. .0- -M- -0- -0-0- .0- M- 0. M. f--0--e- ^-f-=Cz





^-^-^ _f!»-V-



i^ I** r H*^i*-!"^^tigive up the fe - li - ci • ty Of un -bound-ed do - mes - ti - ci • ty. But we give up the fe - li-ci-ty OT la -

*=t0- -We-


Page 80: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

Mabel with ist So?.Edith & Kate with 2nd Sop.


M Mabel (top notes only).

, *V2.Edith with istS.^ ^

' ^. :^ '^ ^ W J- -^d—


Mabel & Edith with ist Sop., Kate with and.

Thro' a doc-tor of di -

m rJ - \cJ1^.^^.fel^-^^fe

Page 81: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


1—^->->n- Z [*'

vi ni - ty Who re - sides ' in this vi - ci • ni • ty, Thro' a doc-tor, a doc - lor, a doc - tor rf di - vi - ni - ty,


«^-^^^^^^riMh{fcit2^: Hi-ti=nz: 5e£

:^ic:t£•r » ,T-

tz=U= II



VI - ra - ty Who re -sides in this vi - ci • ni - ty. Thro' a doc - tor, a doc- tor, a doc • tor of di - vi - ni - ty.

1 I — rt=^

I f- I— I 1 '

^ +; 1 ,

I ' I -t" * r=r3

^ ' -^\m

of di - vi - ni - ty.

^ g—g-# *:


di - vi - ni - ty.

Tempo prima.

1^r:^:U:W^^« i^^ii^



' ' '' Red. —


(Girls and, General go up rocks L. Group while Pirates in-

dulge in a wild dance of delight on slaije K. and R. C. TheGeneral produces a British flag, and the Pii;atk King (oiv

arched rock R. C.) produces a hUxvk flmj with skull and cros»-

bonei. Picture^


k N-D 01' AOT fc

Page 82: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

ACT II.8<;emf.—A rtiined ehapd by nuxmligkt. Aislaa C, E., and L.,


Gekeral Stanley dwco»«re<f aeal«<f iZ. C.ptfngivdy,turrmtn//si

divided by pillars and arehet ; ruined Go>hi*vindow» at bach. \ h) his daughters.

No. I. INTRODUCTION. SOLO—Mabel & Chorus


m AHegro con ttturezza.

fi^ IJ^^-J=3rr;;:3zzq=!=.=:^ii:33^1




p dotce.

^^^s«^ ^» ^ • \^ -»—=1

^ - .rr^^^^^^^g^^^Fn^^=a

=^_L» m » » m »

:^M*H* ^=gi-=^


TPed. p

t f-- ^ 1 •-» ^ 1 I *

\ In*—'^•


2^ zsj^ri i^^-^

n^ ^ -^



Ped. aq « Ped. dim.

B Chorus or Girls

1 jb^' q- 1 1 g-

Page 83: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


#w r n ;\i : ^mUnit.



^ ^ ^^•X.

bear, la Uca thy oon • fort aek. Whli ijrm • pa • the • tic care Their ann* t - moad diM

^^Thh^^^^-&^^J ! Vl1 rj5^^^=? ^ I I ^-^^^^-^^5: T

^ 'PF=P

-J— -jp -jp- -jj^ ^—


^ * »

i¥J. J- ^ '^^ _-^ v_ _J '

Solo. M, Marl.

^^=3^ " 1 9Far elt, they caa • aol bcai To we theit b

"UiVJ ' ^^Qthat waep



IM 1 H V


—m a


Irn*W . J. H ^ ^ fSMfli^^y.

3t=^i3^ ^^


ji=^^ m i ^^j y- ^ 1

fa ther, why leave yow bed At thta BH-tiau - ly hoar f When hap • py day - light U dead. Aad

tJAr ii^r J" '^=^=^ r ' f ar r^: r j^ \J=J=^i^'i^^=^:,:^:S=J:

dark iobm daa gen lower I

mi^ ^ f">.fr »

See, hear'a has lit her lamp, The mid night hour is

^ ^7";I



Page 84: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

\iA^ J.^.rir^s

a^ «

Chorus or Gikls.

bed When bap - pj daj • Ufbt • ilcad Oh, dry the gUi - t'ning tear That dewi that

I*' ^- .1.-^1. . Tn._ 1 : l-l j„_ V T- .uT— .V._

Unii^^>-' * *_9 * -^ ^—^-

cheek I . . Tbjr lov - ing clul - direo beat. In them thy com - fort eki With



a>^^-ff- =t=i:P=t: 'H^ ^Ti

I g^i i^ *iI


! J Jg I g t t %t # ' # g ! 8 g^* ' #

^^ J7T7T ^:r=F

V ^9^ V ^-*- ^ ^ V V

i^^^W g7~g^ :5t:^J J'JJ'

I J ^ ^i/i^

qrm - pa - the - tic care Their arms a round thee creep


For oh, they can - not bear To tee the*

^^^^-^jr^jT\r^u i

^jrJ.-'' u^^J^^



^^ j^_^^~j^ ' j^^;^ -^

ther weep I .

i& =C=f:


^D> « ,-^_


Page 85: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

( Kred »nter» E. U. E. and down C.)

Mabel. Oh, Frederic, cannot you reconcile it with your con-•dence to say something that will relieve my father's sorrow?Fred. I will try, dear Mabel, but why does he sit, night

•fter night, in this draughty old ruin ?

General. Why do I sit here ? To escape from the pirates'

dutches I described myself as an or|)lian, and I am no orphan.I came here to humble myself before the tombs of my ance.'^tors,

and to implore their pardon for the disgrace I have brought uponthem.

Fred. But you forget, sir. You only bought the propertya year ago, and the stucco on your baronial castle is scarcely dry.

General. Frederic, in this chapel are ancestors;you can-

not deny that. I don't know whose ancestors they were, but I

know whose ancestors they are, and I shudder to think that their

descendant by purchase (if I may so describe myself) should

have brought disgrace upon what I nave no Oouut mu aa uastained escutcheon.

Fred. Be comforted. Had you not acted as you did, tluHreckless men would assuredly have called in the nearest clergj-man, and have married your large family on the spot.

General. I thank you for your proffered solace, but it is un-availing. At what time does your expedition march agsiniithese scoundrels ?

Fred. At eleven, and before midnight I hope to have atonedfor my involuntary association with these pestilent scourges bysweeping them from the face of the earth.^And then, my Mabetyou will be mine I

General. Are your devoted followers at hand ?

Fred. They are ; they only wait my orders.

(Enter Police, marchivg in dngle file from L., 2d £., andJiUin line, facing audience.)

No. 3. RECITATIVE—Frederic & Major-General.


t > J |« 1 aI f» f>

J .^ >^ jk 1 J J J J j^^^'' ^v pJ J r

Now Fred n • ic, let four a - cort li - oa • heait-ed Be iammoa'd to re - deve i gen'-ral'i ble

i IPiano.

^^ Fred.

tkey dc - pot oa ther dread ad


^^' c • a 1!

Deu tU, thir


Page 86: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

Ho. ;. CH0R15—With Solos for Mabe:. Edith, S Serjeant.

^ t -

.^-jyir M-STTii-/

W- fci 3C

*^' ^•v^*^

^^ • *» • *• ^

^ jr


'» ^'• * 9

Page 87: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

g l> - fc - »« --

1 ' •



* * 9 .-«—

S^ 3: 3: ^

* »1—


;ik-f^- >>-h- "• "^ i>-.w fc

-. fc j-

t-s-j^-i A J. 4L^ J. -i. -1 ~Tsr

'^^ ^ » V —_* k k k

Page 88: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

:?^ -T—--[^ 1 ly 1 U-


::ai S^ ^m- g (—

Page 89: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



, and ry. 'ry Cornish dangh - ter

P E:5zrfei m ^ Tfrr]

With her tean jour grave ihall wa

^ster I Go, je Be- roes,fo ('

4=^-^^^ jg^^::^ -si-P- -^=1-p- iJjJ-JsJ:Uj3<


[;#•#*»•*•*• .^^

P ^^^&^-A- *f*trs0^.

^=^i^ ^ IS^ &F S^a-.

t die!

IEdith. t

'^ ^-- g I r ^ :e=3fcy=^ ¥—ig-

Go, ye he - roei, go and die I Go, ye he - roect go and die I

Chorus OP GI1U.S. '^ \ "^s""

i =r=*: t ,Ii 9 t i t t —f—I—t-

P mSergeant.

3Ci mg I u 5^g2-gi£-i^—^—t^


Kate with 2nd Soprano.Go, ye he - roes, go and die I Go, ye be • toes, (o and die I Tko' to as it's e • vi-dent

Chorus op Police.

Ta-r>B • ta •

YtJi} iif >*V \

i tL*f 7 iiJTi IJ fH f^ f'yw i'^

-^ -^-i 4^ -r'b^-

m/ dim. . . . p^. M- A.. M- Jt. JL -«-•-«- .«.

These at - ten - tions are well meant I Bach ex • pres- sions don't ap-pear

^0 1 f f~fr f^ ^t-g- M- *(I

! U ^ 1/ i£t p P u ^ 1'^ u

ra, ta- ran • ta - ra. Ta-ran - ta - ra, Ta-raa - U

^^5^ ^nr -* PTP-

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^W^ ^^ 1 "Ti j'l p'fi bJ"

^^ FT > ^

^ ;'i]i;iI

J 1 b/iJ^ =3= *^

Cal -en - la - ted men to cheer Who an going to aeet their &ite In a

ra, ta- ran • ta- is. Ta - ran - ta • rs,

:^^ 1 1 I ^ '^ * 1



R^ 1 ^1 * ^

gE^ ^J 1 j 1 J 1

>«^ ^ :*—




^^ ^^ ft &^^^3 i'l J^i f^^ ^

Page 90: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


^/C li'f^ &ic=s

' F ..


kifh - Ij Der -root stmte ) StiS to «s k'l e - n-iaa TWv C '

W== isfeiI C: -=f»- r r —* i » * « # » . * * > ^ —


Ta-tma-U - cm, ta-nu-u-n, ta-nm-U - r»,

P 1 , ri hi -j^^ M >- hi 1 ^1 J'r^-^ ^^) < ' bt>*-

gjt j"t ^N ^ ic==fae <it^^.ri;f^^ M M ^I 1


* -S

»f ^*>^ . eLi* ^ r

tunu are weU meant I

IFfagJ" u b r ' g

>» g-^ g r ' gp s '^ s :M

1^ ^Ta - nui - ta - ra, ta - raa - ta - ^^ ta - ran - ta - n.

E » ^f P=^ P :^=S^ :«: II I IS^;^


^ i^^ -=i—p«-


i ^^ !!Sf: /I ''* r^, i) .1.-^ 1

*^ j>i>w '


* ,^, r, i^—.. n M?^ J j''^^ +--^^^-^ #V * ""** *v* ~^VrGo . . . aad do fooi best . . en-dea - tout, And, . be fore all links we

L J I I I I J ! I J J J ! |u i M I M J I I M i|u J J J J J J J J ; J I I

I 'Y

mini uiiu ^ismiiiimmuiii^4i4u^^ ^^^

M fI?«i :»:

T?r bJ J

f *

Page 91: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


CHORUS or Gntu.

i 3d ^ ^ -I J y—-fc-?^^:hr7*' • •' -*. ^ b # ' »^ ' i^

ft r* fe

J. J^^ ^'J^^fi g* *V- # ^


mer - d • (ill, and tnitb - less ;Yonng and ten - der, old and tooth - less. All in rain their aer • cj cn«e I

[.egg f f f I ^TTj rrr [ \ r r r ri

r r ^ r ri

l ' li*-^^—=+

Solo. SERCEAm-.^3 -r^-g-T^'-g-w ^ '^ i» ^ fr»-l

. 1

u g u g^ ^g

Jy^We ob - serve too great a stress On the rislts that on u press, And ti

M *9trr &-nrfr> 'UL'^ir *

|1 "1 1 J"! f

* fe4=^£

gj; ^M^ 1 j^i g t; h 1 °r 1 M ^^^ T

-:i 5r ^=? •^ u-r-' ^

1 ^ 1 K f 1 f 1 J^l (i I

Page 92: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

V. , 1 J. J.^^ mcarp or cii • ti - cue, Foi b i »• • ry • • *»-den«


Tbew at - ten • tiooi wc veUmouiL Ye«, lift


1^ 0^0 ^iir* I »l

re • 17 e • Ti>dent

(^= fe :AJt

B - vi - dcBt, « • ri • dent, Ah,

» ^ ^weU

^ > *t # • #' ^ SEi*-nr ' y ^ =?:=r=^ trr

ThcK at • ten - tioni are well meant. yes, well meant


Ah, yes, well

)^ j^lIJ'lhi ^ 1 r 1 j=^ ^^=^ 1 ,.

h 1 w w hi M^^^~1 3W -J^-^T^^H J 1 S H rqi^:^ J ^ J > ^ 1 K 1 J 1 :fC^ N 1 .% 1 is T >k ^=^ J ' J ' J ' ^



ye he • roes, go • to glo • ry


Though . . ye dw in com-ba'.

Go, . ye he • roes, go . to glo - ry I Though . . ye die in com • bat

When the foe-manbares his steel.Taran • ta - ra, ta-nu> - ta-ral We on -com- for- ta - ble feel, Ta-ran • U

Page 93: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

Ye . . . shall live in song . and sto Go . . to im - mor-U • 11

rj. Ye . . . shall live in song . and sto Go to im - mor-ta - li

nl And we find the wis • est thing, Taran • ta - ra, ta-ran - ta- ral b to slap oui chests and sing, Ta-ran-ta'

m J-j-'.J-j-ij-'.r- y I' \ j' : ' j ' ;-'


j'';^ v -j-^

Go to death, . . and go to slaugh - tec ( Die, . . and ev - 'ry Cor- niik

sto - ry, Go to death, and go to slangh • ter


Die, and 'ry Cor - nish

n\ For whe« threaten'd with ementes, Taran - ta - ra, tarac - ta-ra! And your heart is in your boots, Taran - ta

daugh • ter With her tears your grave shall wa ter


Go, ye he - roes, go and

daugh - ter With her tears your grave shall wa ter ! Go, ye ke roes, go and

rat There a no - thing brings it round Like the trum-pet's mar - tial sound. Like the tnmi - pet's mar - tial

Page 94: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

4fel G«, je be roei, p> im - mor U - li -ty I Go, jre he • tori, go

die! im - mor-ta - li - ty ! Go, ye he - roe», go toGo, ye he - roes, go toSgKGEANT ft TkNOBS,

Ta-ran - ta- ra, ta-ran • ta - n, ta-ran - ta- ra, ta-ran - ta - ra, ta-ran - u • ra, ta-na- ta

ta • li - ty I Tho' ye die in com- bat go - ry, Ye shall live i* song and sto - ry ; Go to im • mor - ta - li

im - mor-U - U -ty I Tho' ye die in oom-bat go • ry. Ye shall lire in song and sto - ty ; Go to im - ta

ra, ra, ^^ Ta-ran -ta-ra, ra, ra, ta, ta, ra, ra, Ta-ran - to - ra, ta-ran - ta- ra, U-ran - ta

Page 95: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

m r£^m • m^ ^^ ^=»=Sf F F

Yf», for - wm4Edith.

OB the ioe, Thfy go, they jo ! Yei.

E£*E y-TT S ^5«=P


Yet, for- wardCbokus or Gnu.

cm At ht. They gt, they (o I

W=9 ^ ^i £ i >-g I f r =F itc*

^^Sbrokamt.Yet, for • ward on the fee. TT"T B^i 'J'^ 8° ' Yet,

-^^H*-aftzts: r-tfrj^ ^^-^VW r r r|j ^ ^^>^tf:l

mga I Vet, fcr-vkid ca the fee, Yta, for-waid oa the be,Cbokus of Police.

They g* they f^ I Yet, forwud oa the

iiZI^ E»Cr r r- f ; -ng*i'"^\ r * ^^jm^I^EgiSg^fcrr i!trjs:


fo ! Yes, ior-wan] on the foe, Yet, (or-ward on the foe,


iThey go. laey go I Yes, for-ward on the

I* e.\d ddiIE =1=

Yet, tnt yon don't go 1


^ m 3*3«i *'i ^=3*I. ^ ^.

1f^mg^-TT 1I i

!:=*:r-g' T ^:r-r

^^ ^I

*-1* ^ e S

e r:?ce:

^ ±: ±r t^^=g=5^

for ward on the foe 1 At last they go, at last they go, at last they

P ^^^E:^^^^fr=^ g5z=^for - ward on the foe At last they go, at last they go, at last thej

fat • ward

i '^=w^ :?cz^-rrg~P^r^TPgo, at last they go, at last theyon the foe ! At last they

^^ -t^^ g^ It

foe. Yet, for-ward on the foe !

(^ -V—


>-*^^We go. we


go. go.^foe. Yet, for-ward on the foe I We ro.

i =f^=e:^ :?:^ ^Yet, bat yon don't go ! At last they go, at la« ther

IP3CWCS ) . Wp0 *0mi m -^Lu/ Efe


±=t= =62::^

S ^ H i


^ ^ I

Page 96: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

go ! At last they real - ly, real - ly go I

^Et m ^B^ -i^—^-U—^V b ^ ^go ! At last they real - ly, real - ly go I

^=E ^go ! We go, we go, we go, we go !




go I We go, we go, we go, we go !


N K ^ s ?i ^ '

1^ ^fS X

: «! • J ji' S - J m - ^9

go ! At last they real - ly, real - ly go I

IYTi «




1^ ?T •-:

i>» ig ^-1*|g- ^


Page 97: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

"lo. 4

(Mabsl tears fierseif Jrvm Fkeu, and exit* R., jollowd by kmiider$, consoling her. The General and other* JoUou ikaPoUee off L. Frederic remain* alone.)


^Rkcit. Fred.K—& & hiz^

^c c ^ir ^ ig g g.J jr d ^ ^^=W=f^«


\^ '* ^if

Now for the Pi- rate'i lair I Oh, joy nn • boond -ed I Oh, iwect re - lief I Oh, np-tnre on - ex -

Maestoso. :p"' f "f: p"*^^" t'lp^-^£^ r m ^ ^£^«-— s ^£


S ^ w I^.r^r - ^

^^ K >» fen: J J ^ j^^VModerate. KiKO.^J y > r r : s=^ ^ )>


^f >^

iwnse of dn-ty'itteni die- ta- tkm, I, cir-cii)ii-«tao-Ge'i vie - tim, have been goilt - 7


Yooiif^ ^3ESi-Ir-

W=^ ^sc =S ^^^ :^^ ^E: b^^ ^ ^9=


i ^g >t *) h l» -


And I, yoor lit - tie Rath I

f f.z\z>r g=iz=»t tz=btt^

WlwcalU? Oh, oud in - tra-den I Hew dart jroa

m t^;g p'' '^^^ i\r r-

Fred'ric I Your late comman - der 1



Page 98: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


(Knre and Buth hold a piMol to

^^ ^^ rt. ^ a«= sKm


bcc nel Know fe not, oh, r«sh oocs, Thit I hmre doomed ro« to ei - ter - mi - n» • tioa ^ II»»e

fH' -\^ m m M w=^

M. ». JK=t t r s c rFrko.

^^m l^ U Ibi

^c; OB *


i'"i>i^iijji-r^• ^r"r

Hear u a* yoa ilaiigh - tcr


I do ad

^ ^ ^lCC'E" ^rg^

I^ g

t^ UMTJl ^r_^. i

n» i»» i» p fe-^ ffOtZiK


i ^V ^^^ & >. fc 3» ^ 3S C " '^ S p

acxW^ ^i*=^J—p-

Stkiak I ooght to lu - ten to yoa


Yet nwr • cy shoold al - Uy oar mre re - lent - meat. And

$?^^ H.jJJ ^ J J =y^ II r

ii ^ i i i:fe=

—' '


•** * :^

s ^a= ^I

F bJg f bJ


Page 99: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


AlU^o groMiesa.

i^TRIO—Ruth. Frederic, & King..

.«-:(• £^:^=i:

O ^M—Jt^ ^£ * w ^ :^PTANa

m X-Kt^ %%x e:^

JPtit4 tx

I rI I I


-CCT1 r 1M L-


=PI=?C=S=^=P==i^ -K r* J- # : =s->-af


itt verse. When you had left our pi - rate fold, We tried to raise our spi


1^ -x=^-^—•-


r-Tu* r u- -g-



rits faint Ac • cording to our




cus - torn old, With

-^-r ,

2od verse. knew your taste for cu-rious quips, For cranks and con- ira - dic-tions queer; And with the laugh-ter on our lips, We

5Af-S ^^ P» H= ^ *^\ d d ^ J =^ ^ * S ^ • *-

quip and quib - ble quaint ; But all in vain the quips we heard. We lay and sobb'd up • on the rocks, Un

^ it"^ r pa-^ ^ g=w

wisb'd you there to

Page 100: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


/;Vt i-s K ,H N ^h h >* *

> h h -'-^n






^e - mous pa • ra- dox I We're quips and quib • bles he«d in Bocks, But none to beat this pa-ra^-dox!

\ I' 1>

tfg- y^ *—^—^-

ly 'd> t^f r

y> y ^ ^zw-^. f


iioui pa - ra • dox ! We've quips and quib - bles heard in flocks, But none to beat this pa - ra - dox !

\ »^ m,» *» m.»-

L-'O ^> n 1 1




I i


gA1st (i 2iid verse.

--rj\ s^ > ^ n -:^=^ =f5=tlM S \ m s > -y- 3t=t2= i,

*"t„ > =^

MA pa • ra • dox, a pa - ra -dox, a most in ge- nious pa • ra - dox. Ha,

Fred, ist 6 ;nd verse. fha, ha, ha, ha, ha.


ha, ha, this

—)» >»—


3=fc:^ 3 zf=^1** ^ y y


L^ ^ 1^—»>-U" ^

52=:»t: ^^E


A1st &

pa • ra - dox, a pa - ra - dox, a most in - ge -nious pa -

nd verse.

ilax. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, a

2. thu


->—f^K K[r > 1*1 Iz: U" u r


J * ^r-3^= N N N "-^ =^P^pa • ra -dox, a pa • ra dox, a most in - ge - nious pa ha, ha, thit

^ ^ JZZ!£ time. ind time.

Bpa dox.

5 \ - ?>,

E=IZ= B«/

pa dox.

^^^ 3^ Si;ricpa dox. We

ifcS ^* ^*-

:f: ^^ ^. tj/ time.










-r-r-ir*-»> ' * afc^±±

-ti—»^^-r^FF ^



Page 101: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

99C King.


-rr^ — 1 '

... .... ,, f -'oyal, Some person in ) f Koyal, Has decided thai, although ^ ( plenly : One year in even 'IVo^ ome nd.culous leason, to, \ ,uthonty-I don't know who- ( 5 for such a beastly month as lel,r«. ( ) (lur his days shall be reck- (

}however, I vj no desire to be dis-

( ^ very likely the Astronomer j [-ary.twenty-eightdaysasarulearej ( -oned »s mne andj


^sa^-c^ -^r


1^ /^I




were '.wing

Through some singular

-I shouldn't be surprised

to the agency of an ill-nat

, /fairy, Vou are the victim of this ,

e ., /J clumsy arrangement, having been Mlured)]

bom in leap year on the f|-'

v^twenty-ninth of Feb- '

• ruary. And so, by a' simple arithmetical

you'll easily dis

., by aJ


process, V < I

is- ) (.

cover Thattho' you've lived twenty


one years, yei, if we go by ' irthdays,

you're only five and a little bit

Sr=g= Ulsz: ^"0?=^

^S-^r :m^


3ZInz=z= -isr

iRuth. ^ Fred.

^ K^

Ifg 9.

f St 3=^ ^ "^Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha I Ho. ho, ho, ho I

Wa tempo.

Dear me, let's lee I

gJ.=g,Vj; ^1 C i P ^ ; CiD,;'/;'!/ ,v^-^


o-verl Ha, ha, ha, ha. ha, ha ! Ho, ho, ho, hoi

D *: £^^. «-^ :«=*i ^^C-l;||ULj'-15-*-

1^=^=^=^ iT 1Kdim. P

^ . .

ilflt*: ^^^Ruth.

Page 102: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


3^ iFred.

r* J #. h ,^

^ y^ J * ^ -g K^^ lif

How quaint the ways of Pa - ra - dox I Al com - mon sense she gai - ly mock*. The',

—^^g—»i ^ ji I ji J J—' =F^ "T Fl^"St'

Jim. P

--f=w^ ^ifsiSi -^1—P-=^3=

i ^ K h Iv ^ra//.

-X K-K > J ^ :?5=^ S^ ^ J' :if=^ * s -m 1«- J »-

SS S1^

count • ing in the u • sua] way. Years twen - ty - one I've been a • live, Vet, re'-k-'ning by my na • tal day, Yet,

^ U"

1* ** 3 f' 1 r =fs=^ ^ ^^^ ^ n l=j^



=S=^ »i 1 r -



*' 1 =^=-=1—p-



>^ F 1 tempo.

mRuth.^^P^ ^ S

reck • 'ning by my na • tal day, I am a lit - lie boy of 6ve ! He is


^& ^fe

iHe is^

9yz a tempo.

^^ ^ ^ittz:

^^ P^ r

J^ j^ J^ l J^ /-Ji-tur-*—t^

lit - tie boy cf^ five ! Ha, ha,

Fred.ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha'

io »—v=^That

•a r>^ ^ Z ^Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ! That

c c c c-

^lit • tie t)oy of five I Ha, ha. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,

P. .». -*.




S ^^:^

^^ ^dim.

Page 103: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance




H h oj h ^ ^ >,=*•' •' -it-r-^—wt—i^—i^ ^ ^ I ^ *^

^ i" i-^* :

^=^-^ <f ^ \ J ',

],, f^

^3^»-;?-*: -it

pa - ra-dox,that pa -ra.dox,That most in - ge-nious pa - ra • dox. Ma, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha I That pa ra

• ^-^ 1 (»T P<—>»—^—Is^—^—=—=—'-=—'^


^ '-^ y ' K'—»»—


' "-** —pa- ra- dox, that pa - ra - dox,That most in - ge-nious pa- ra-dox. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. ha ! That pa ra •

pa • ra- Jox.that pa- ra-dox. That most in - ge-nious pa - ra • dox. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha IT'iat pa - ra

:^^ ^ k ^^^ ^ "> -^4 ^:S:

rrrrrrrfn:~^u^f-^ s if -wz

l^ U U" k: ^^5A

dox. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ! cu - rious pa • ra - dox. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ! Thai

If *'-s—#—r—^

r- ^^S^ i^^ '* * »~ ^ 0--^—jKZ^ U > U'


y ^ ^ =6^

^dox. Ha, ha, ha, ha, h.-i, ha, ha, ha! That cii lious pa - ra - dox. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hk, ha, ha. That


j; g ^ > 1^ '.^ —y—io—»> y= ^ * ^^=;;p-'^—^ ± ^ ^ W— 1^ K» i*" 1^


dox, Ha, ha, ha. ha, ha, ha, lia, ha ! That cu - rion» p« - ra - dox. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, That

tfe55^ m ^t-jzFXiit-I L

_S *| <_<:


:: ^ ^ * * I ^,


•- :e jr rp- :?


:jcE -^-- ^ :^most in - ge • mous pa ra - dox.

^ I*

-r i-

5=2= :^


most m - ge - nious


pa ra - dox.

3= il

-p— r*-^

most in pa ra - dox.

Sy^^^^^;^ ± -H 1*" 1^

^.Jm J l~l c! I

»"• ^ I ._L— h-h-F=

Ii I a::J~

^=S V

Page 104: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

iAL thrtm themgelves back on seals, exhavaUd tcilh laughing.)

Fred. Upon my word, this is nios*^ curious,

Most absurdly whimsical. Five and a quarter


No one would think it to Lok at rae.

Ruth. You are glad now, I'll be bound, that you spared us.

Ifou would never have forgiven yourself when you discovered

that you had kOlcd two of your comrades.

Fred. My comrades?King. I'm afraid you don't appreciate the delicacy of your

position. You were apprenticed to us

Fred. Until I reached ray twenty-first year.

King. No, until you reached your twenty:first birthday

(producing document), and, going by birthdays, you are as yet

only five ana a quarter.

Fred. You don't mean to say you are going to hold me to


King. No, we merely remind you of the fact, and leave the

rest to your sense of duty.

Fred. ( Wildly.) Don't put it on that footing. As I wasmerciftil to you just now, be mercitui to me. I implore you not

to insist on the letter of your bond just as the cup of happinessis at my lips.

Ruth. We insist on nothing. We content ourselves with

pointing out to you your duty.

Fred. Well, you have appealed to my sense of duty, and myduty is only too clear. I abhor your infamous calling, I shudder

at the thought that I have ever been mixed up with il, >hiI dot/

is before all. At any cost, I will do my duty.

Kino. Bravely spoken ! Come, you are one of us onoe more.

Fred. Lead on, I follow ! (Suddenly.) Oh, horror]

King and Ruth. What is the matter ?

Fred. Ought I to tell you ? No I no I I cannot do it ; and

yet, as one of your band

King. Speak out, 1 charge you, by that sense of cooaateti

tiousness to which we have never yet appealed in vain.

Fred. General Stanley, the father of my Mabel—King and Ruth. Yes ! yes


Fred. He escaped from you on the piea that Le wae &4

orphan 7


He did.

It breaks my heart to betray the honored lathei of

the girl I adore, but as your apprentice I have no alternative

It is my duty to tell you tliat General Stanley is no orphan.

King" a7i(/ Ruth. What?Fred. More than that, he never was one


King. Am I to understand that to save his contemptible

life he dared to practise on our credulous simplicity ? (Fkednods as he weeps.) Our revenge shall be swift and terrible. Wewill go and collect our band and attack Tremorden Castle this

very night.

Fred. But

KiMO. Not a word ! he is doomed I

No. 6. TRIO—Ruth. Frederic, & King.

i_Allegro molto. KlTTH. ^3E a^ ,<ut-P>. I* r #aF^ P-^VF- ^-r*-*- M-^i—Mi

Away, a - way, my heart's on fire I I burn this base de-ception to re • pay. This re- ry

I ws^sKing.m^ r ''.?m # • <-


:tz^g: rrrr >ir-r^

^ I K*-

AlUgro molto.

Away, a • way, myheart'son fire! I bum this base de-ception to re - pay. This ve- rr

Piano. <

^FrTr^5^Pg^:PL-:gT^JJll^N_^yjg±^j J^^^.^



Page 105: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


P e^^^^^ :£S:^=»=:*«= -^ •

^•'•11 ^

day . . my vengeance dire . . Shall glul it self in gore. A-way, a - way ! .

m Fred.

^ ^S^-^—»hV-

A-way, - way, . . ere I ex

#.r%^"=^^^ -^ ^ »-

j** I t^- =e?=trt2:± U-1 1 r =^

day , my vengeance dire . . Shall glut it • self in gore. A-way, a - wayl

ma===l*c=t==3rpc:i==jr=z=ftr:t=:ftxp:* „ 1:= p

t^l^^ ^H

i t^1*l»^

pire ! . . I find my du - ty hard to do to • day. . . My heart is fiU'd . . with an - guish dire; . . It strikes i

m^ ^^^i


'^—rr:I N


I I K* W ^V ^

£B ^ 53^ ^^ ^t:e=?t =pz^#=I U -t—k-^ *^-^ ?^

i^/i r c r-?^^s;^s?

to the core! A-way, a • way!

s f—g:f->-l-f«-^ :i2r

i ^ 1 r l^I w—I

^ f"' -grg 1With falseh'ood foul he trick'dua of our brides;... Let vengeance howl,the Pi - rate lo de-

- -*¥* r9-0-*-0 -


^ igfl

' ; ^ /tr^

-*-# ^ L-LT


J=Sl: f3=|r?35iij?:fifc?i?3'** 0-^ »0 ' #^# LJU—'



S' .-- ' u

1 o !

* rJ2*-

Page 106: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance





^fc ^^ rzt^ ^ ^ ^ #


-ii^ I l» ^ I '^ ^ •r, #:a3_^=1

•Jdei I . . Our na • tores stem he «oft-ened with hi* lies I . . And in re • tuni to-night the trai - tor dies I . .



-"M- -wk \f

:±±J^ J^


I-—.^N H 1.^ m J:

xs /»_

-3-3ir--—* r-

^^3^r Pr ri^iB r _, Ir

1 >^ 11 :S?^p ^ p^^t^ I t^

I n 1 ^P=^^s . ^ -T^—1-^'

yes, to -night the trai - tor dies I . . Yes, yes, to-night the trai • tor dies I . .To-night he

^^ ^^=^^^f~i \ 1 .j-ii-^-H^iTTTr

rI Mif^ i-j ^^^tig^

SAJ' • »

ytt, to-night the tiai • tor dies! . Yes, yes, to-night the trai • tor dies!

^^ 2zSStefJt r T r 1 r=^^m 1 ^-=i-p-


^)g jn'n' 1 r 1^^^


Yes, yes, to-night the traiAor dies! . .

-N'1 1 r •; r—=h

-^1-=!- 1 1 r 1 r—-^ ==^=1-^-!^

it^ ; —^ 41-* -^t* > » I* •-»-i—I—• »—


y rflWJ.

i ^r 1iF§?^^7" ir-

sw—r—i^ r-#


i*iS^^ 1 F 1

-^-^ > s >

i_l 1^ ' g-^—Eg^ r I

dies! They will welter in sor - row. In their natures to

•^-^.^f^^-f-P ^-^ '1-^-^ 1

His girls like • wise.

-=1- 1 r 1 ^:;;=^^fc^,1

*^"^ 1 -1 f- 1I *

Yes, orear-ly to - mar - row. The one soft spot

^M^^^^^^^^^^^^^ '^' '.-^'m

Page 107: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


9m^S2P^ f I P ^ jj» ^ ^~>-^-^^H—


che - riih


*if< «» ?^-i^

m. =P=?c f=m:3t3r(t


9-9-0 m -0—r :

Tc - night he dies I jres, or ear -ly to • oior ow His

V^ -^ ^^n^.:jf=ti ^^33Z 3r±z3iPr

And all the plot^ To - night he dies ! yes, or ear -ly to - mor- row. Hi»

MiC C ! ",f^^ ^ * ^^ xwtz 53^3=::^

>> )». K—K^P^—N-Ji»TeI^^HTo a-b<ise it shall f* - risfa. To - oight he dies ! yes, or ear -ly to - mor • cow. Hu

ll^ j^ J-J35^G7^ ^^^ 1» i^ i>' > 5» ^—

^I j'*_^_'*

, ^J* _f*l i--'J^^-^^ ^^^-iJ I Ml J I

' V->» V ii~f»n^~» -

girlslikewise,theywillwelter in sor - row ; The one soft spot in their natures they che - risb, And all who plot 10 a-buse it shall

^ S d-v- d d d d d-d-d-d- ^^d^^^-d-^'^-^



»f* S N ,S >[

5^ > > h :;y~>'>

^i it 9 m 9 9 'r^- 33=

girlslikewise.they will welter in sor - row ; The one soft spot in theirnatures they che - rish. And all who plot to a-buse it shall

^S ^ S N h K > N

± -r-rrr- -r—r r r r^r^r^r--y K» 'i^

* i<« i^ -l^->»-r^rffre

girls likewise, they will welter in sor- row; The

r h r I'fJ r.^

one soft spot in their natures they che - rish. And all who plot to a-buse it shall

-f-r-f,9 *I r^>-;:ig^

rST^r^'-r-^1t*-tT^:-t»»-^- §

:ff- :e-S P* > -P 5-

^y. g.r s^i 1511

1jl3u 11^11 ^ * 1 1 '^1 1


^gT^C^ll^ 'il l u ^1 r^^ 1

i:^.^^p=^S^^^^ A^^H^

slit* f r =g= ^

Ppe - rish ! A-way, a • way,

ff ^-


»ay I To-night the trai tor


dies! A-\ray. a

^^^g=g-r^ i>-^-p-

pe - rish ! A-way, a - way.

P^way I



To-night the trai


dies ! A-way, • •

A 1—


K-g§ ^ 53 ;^E^r • ^. : =Sz^igi^tt-J-^—J-3:jiar itzit L^—


g-Lpe - rish ! A-way, a • way, ... a way ! . . To-night the trai dies I A-way, 1

u*• TT =^FW^

Page 108: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


^\ J j^

ti^^^way I to - night.

i 5=^ ^, . to • oigbt, . . to • night

* r? •








• r



way ! to • night, to • night. to • night the irai toi dies !

T~^~P" S^—0—a-- Bf2= A-^^^m I \/ i

-T ^way ! to - night, . , .

-4W^to - night, .

^ tir±

to • night the trai


•'f u ' I-

^^^?te^ —


dies I . . to

g • i>» • '—, • f:—:~




p^p^=#|E±=d^i±^EsdESg^p^^S=^s^1 • *-



3*"^ ^« *:g

Page 109: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

(.£mu>U £.iMa and Ruth. Frkd throws himself mi a tUme lj.(X

in bloTik detpair. Enier Mahbt.)

No. 7. RECITATIVE & DUET—Mabel & Frc<Ieric.

^fesRecit. Mabeu

if^r*^-—ih£flp^a53ii ^^=W=^^- > -w \< \ i^^All is prepar'd I Your gallant crew a-wait you I Mv Frede-ric in tears I It can -aoi be that li-oo keaft

|S5 m4m r --:;=!=

^- iPIAMO.




r --


IgJk* ^^'=^^-^ i


j;Fp=^i/-Jj:^<z Umpo moderati.

5^r'» ' ^-^ V r r I "('pr ^;f~y -tf^-^*-^

\ m ^

P Ik at-b^tg:


quails at thecam-ing con- flict ? Vo, Ma bel, no! A ter • ri - ble dis-clo-sure has just been made ; Ma - bel, my dear • iy

a tempo tnoderato.

%3=t«—--53:W- -«-

Si^ -p——



r^^lg \<' f fZM^t 1^ ^:i;^ !• 1 3^^^kJ—^'—^-»^



^ -^ - ^ '^ -1^—1»-

lov'd one t T bound my - self .0 serve the Pi - rate Cap - tain Un - til I reach'd my one and iweo- lirt*

iAT=^^=^ m m: d^


mgfjf:^ s¥ ^

-Mabel. Fred.

p*i-jL^j=±4: ] r J-J-Jixw^h^nfanizj;^^ 'itf^ ^birth - day I But you an Iwen - ty - ooe ! I've just dis - co- ver'd that I was bom in leap - year. And that

frj >»m5ff«:

Page 110: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


^^Ti^T^rfT^^ r^ ("a


Ji^f-H^j^^^fT^.l J^^'^-^biitb-dav wiU no« be reach'd by me till nine - teen .'or • ty I

—1<J B-*— ij—'—r——I ' ' •—


1-—(/ > -**


•—+» 3 -^tr—'—I——



1 ^-t 1"^

77 -«- '-«- -•

Oh, hor - ri - ble ! Ca - tas-tro-pbc ap-pall-hig I


«^^P :«!= W =5=

f?^ ii ^ bJ



No 8. DUET—Mabel & Frederic

- Mabel.


I ! I -rJ > ^: =^=?=

Ai/ci;ro agi/ato.

Stay, Fred • ric, stay I They have no le - gal claim 1 No

izHz3^ ^^i?3-"^l^^*-'





I 11 ^^T^^^ 1



1] ^—


1 —


r^^^T^-1 '1 1 I «- •—"•-T

r !-p- -^* ii


^Egzfe =^= ^r~^J—t-





shadow of a shame Will fall up on thy name ; Stay, Fred - 'ric, stay 1


± 11Nay, Ma - bel, nay; To

^ K -

Page 111: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



M^^ ^—p—p- :q=1:^ -»—m-


J^^c^ -rs i» -»


night I quit these walls I The thought my soul ap • pals; But when stern du - ty calls. 1 must o • bey I






-I jr-i-


-»*- F =rr^^ 3!=^=::=::

.I>^' r r 'f

acrpe ^^ iEfE:?«—s—^a:

r -I r -I . 1

-p—-- ^=ri -±.

Stay, Fred -'ric, stay I They have no claim


No sha





dow ol a shame Will fall


Nay, Mabel, nay; But du-ty's name. The thought . . my soul ap - pals ; But when

^^^^^^^^^^^mwm^f—^J i



P 1 P

zcrzc: E^Jl—g

i£fc3- s q*^r=?E ?3-p—--

^ :4

up • on thy name ; Stay, Fr«4-'ric, stay !

i^^=^^=f^m -p—-- iP—^^

±=1: g^stem du - ty call*, I must o bey !


Page 112: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



t)ZX.— . ^ ^

^ -*-.-^ ^ rw—1»»

B Ah, leave me not to pine A- lone and de - so- late !

ry-r-t^—v^ :^c3t:

ei^*i ^

t8^3=*:1^=5J3No fate seemed fair as mine. No hap - -pi-ne»s so great; An

H 4-^-^-^ —f ,l^^i^

I ^r-n 1

-* * *—g t^il-^i-^ 1 f

«^;9p </<7/£-^.

^ y y' "•




I* ^ :S=* i;S=

^ J It* f=?»^j&c

=^^=^^^^i^=»«= ^^ jtztc Jg- 1 I

na - ture, day by day. Has sung . ^^ in ac - cents clear This joy-ous round- e - lay—-4—*'^«'J J—^-

He loves thee— he is


-r^i ^^ ^^^ ^ef«—•—«—•—•

iplr^i^J^J J r^ *T^.S^

^=P=e: ri

"-^i J J J -i—t=pf


^^=ts i=r==F =f5:=S=-r-# aizist -^ ^--^here! Fal la la la, Fal la la la ! He loves thee— he is here! Fal

I—) 1 4 1—»-


U U U, Fal UI


dim.\J^ -y-


?33^ I g h g-S-l^f^t y I

*.. ?—»^—•

^ ^ ^=FCj i^"

•I' >



^^-y-r =R=F ^^ Kl I

:5=it ^ m I*

=t-!=^ IW-«-y b^

Ab, I must leave thee here In end - less night to dream. Where joy is dark and drear. And


I , I . ! I I J:^ ^ ssor - - row all su - preme ; When

j_H4-J-^'-4-i-d-k/^rT^^g-j-j-.-/-m «—•—"1



m^ »\

. » *- y=^H= SlO^^^

-f^-tr-^•t =i>= ^ 1;= ^ ^^ * ?^^

;- - -1

na - lure, ilay by day, will smg in al - tered tone This wei- ry round - e - lay:



He loves thee - he is

1H !



-5 —* ' CJ 7"?



F=^±=Jf^^S^^si^ll^-T r I C-i!^^^^S^b7T J I J . /rgg^S

Page 113: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


^ Mabel.

r r t' :^z

-^m^^mz EFal la la la, Fal lat


^^E^E^^^-^^^E a^Lr^ ^mr rir^-p^^p

gone. Fal la la la, Fal la la ~S*» He loves thee, he is here. Fal U la la, Fal la



f=», be^-ft

^ r* fj^J,^ -<S»-»'E


C Recit.

IS , ^ j-|gzciz

It seems so long.

i EEE-iSt—^-

J ////;:j^^ ^I* ^^=^

In 1940 1 ol age shall be; 111 then return and claim you, I de - clare it. S irear that till then you will be

i^^s^ ^^




«_ :^ ^S^^Se^^^ ^-p r i ^ E3&



1^:3= =t;*1—p-

Yes, ni be strong; By all the Stan - leys, dead and gone. I swear it 1

true t< me '

i-fc^— o- rz3i





-p ili^

-f=—-- S

Page 114: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



zmzz^lzm.'E=S= S^ -^^^ni r ^

^^iOh, here ii love, and here is truth, And here is food for joy - oa« laugh - ter ; He will be

-T-—y—^j 1



PAllegro vivace.


Oh, here is love, and here is Irutli, And here is food for joy - ous laugh - ler ;6he wiU be

^^=^-Jfp^^S :r=?^ 5^id^d_a^a>bi 3E^ m

d W


ff «/

^^^ i* . i• T ^ rp^ ^*—*-^ I I J I J--•—1-*—t-^


t 4r-:^r^izi r i I I ^1^^^ 'Mp=F^==i^?=

=t2=tE nCizi^ ie:4=it i


faith - ful to his sooth. Till we are wed, and e - ver af - ter I Oh.

5^t itzzJt::e=^I6i?=^ 5f=^

T—»- f ' tf(*- -=g-4t#u-i»u» 1^

tkith • ful to her sooth. Till we are wed, and e - ver af • ter


Oh, here is love, and here is truth.

i?3EE3 |=i=-=t^^I t 1 s— '




te^^i^r^11:=- I S

J3^ 4=5-

I?*: ^ -rtTir:

i2==*=k=i> K h r ttjg

3—g-=ifclW *^ ^^ u s*=

Vhere is love, and here is truth.



He will he faith-ful to his sooth.


J^ig -<^-^C::tga?c =^=J-

She will be faith-ful to her sooth, Till we are wed, and e - ven


"^ -^ * 3ft:is- ^ -P ai^


gC 41 ^ ^ f r--

S=*=^ ^a^ ^^i5==F ^»c

?^ =l*3t«: -^z. :^=^

and here is

S^iVt^nu: -i'^-k-i^

Till we are wed. Yes, e - ven af ter I. Oh, here is love,

• *- r-^f--



S tz=^ =SC!tI t» -J^-Jg-


utet:«f - ter. And e-ven af- ter t Oh, here is love, and here is

I ^ l^^P^^Sf^^ f ^i=^=i

-r i'

—t- ^ Tl* I*-

^ ^ V!*

*l ^f

Page 115: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


te» r- ^-f> ?*=>= :fCF:^^=S?=

truth. And here u food for joy • oas laagb - ter



He will be faith - lul to his sooth. Till we are

9 *e *—*=

d W'-^r-r-f-^^i U '

^ \ y =ii^Z ^—?-


iy i t

And here is food for joy - ons Uogh - ter



She will be faith • fill to her looth.

S=F^ ^ :3t=t=-i— I I r f=|=i=»j:J--i<=i


H ? ^s j=p=:tz=^=Sz: IL

-y m f ft

- ter, e - »en ter! Oh, here is love. and here b truth, Oh, here ii

Mf m^ ^=^ » mIt

ter. ter I

i^Oh, here is Io»e, and here is truth. Oh, here it



IJ 1

— J i

, J ' I- I I

J I— ,—


I .

—^ —I ^ *p=g= 3t V *-

ereV ' *


IP do.

^ » r -I—^—-^^

^5^^^^ ^


ig5=q!t:^ ^ , f

love, is love I


love, K love I

Fred. Farewell 1 Adieu 1

Mabel. The same to you


Both. Farewell 1 Adieu 1

(Fbed nuhet to windoto and leapt ouL)


• /

g: *: - ^^^tltitrrn:

^:^^-.o "11



' i-ip-

:C=izc:;r ' r ^-^-T-w-^iK-r^



St=x: ^Et

=g-"^^ H

Page 116: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


No. 9. RECITATIVE—Mabel. &c. Chorus of Police.



r^FHliSEI j?E m m

:lz=Cz:r^^-3^=tz: Y . ^ r r l-l'^::^'^^:^^^^^^^^

Yes, I »m brave I Oh, fam - i - ly de - scent, How great thy charm, thy sway how ex- eel-lent!^> ^—





1 tempo. Moiieralo.

{Enter Police from R. L E., marehiny in tingle file.')

Solo. Sergeant.

mTho' in bo • dy and in mind

Chorus of Police.We ar«

Ta-ran ta - ra, a-rao - ta- ra.


-gS I f-g=F

^ u u ^ -^ -» -»^ -* -y -» -»^

M 1^1 =f 1 h i M^-« « "-i :2 rfl—=cresc.

^' L J * •^ '1 •! •! •>—T^r^

^"T^^r"^ :S=:p=i?=?^^ :5:i:iS-

ti - mid -ly in-clin'd. And a - ny-lhing but blind To the

^t-!_#_#_±-^:::#-'f^ -, ^— ^^^ m .W »


Ta-ian . U • ra. Ta-ran - la • ra, la - -an - ta - ra.

i ,^^ .^'^,r-

?^f3^ p=^

rt^ ir # i ^ * ^_*—(^—Ik——^



f» , h h ^ h .. I^^§

Page 117: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


m S TtrrV

>dan - ger that's be-hind ;

r » f gr£ mYe», when the dan - ger's near

^TT^-ir :?=: T- -r:~


it 5^33Ta-nn • U - n.

^i^T«-ran - ta • ra, ta-ran • tj • rm,

i in u

^-^ r* 1—^^

-» -a^ •» -y ^-


TT -* ^ TT ^ J: ^ .i ^^f=^-1-^^h

a-^-^ l=3i)-JZmIt:

-S -St


^ -T-ff(t f ' ^

ti=ifii==e=^^^. M=^|Efe^

ma - nage tOi ap - pr«i


As in - sen - si ble to fear a • ny • Inj • dy here, at <


Ta ran • U • ra t

*? :«: * * * :«: ift

..•I—^.jj—^']_p>-'H- 3?31^

'V?l5=2*^Js:^ ^S^^ ^

^^-J^-j^ iP ^ ^^ ^3^:-^-^ a!::a iU=t«j:=3i *-=l-



-=t:^ -^ -^ ^ 5 - 5

1^ 3^ zar -W=f^v> u >#• 0- m—M-m, it-w^^9==^


nj • bo - dy here I Ta-ran • U • ra, ta-ran - ta - ra, ta -ran - la • ra, ta • lau -ta-ra, la-ran-ta-



* , p-p-r-^-r *> • m^ it . J*d' ^». y^f-»)—S k |g U |g k: ^ nzgn gTa-na • ta - la, ta • ran -ta-ra, ra, ra, fa.

i ^^em* ^^ ^=^=^=1=^

» a1 1 1 B^^^^^^3^E^3^^^I


I ^^^=^^ -=r-* -jr -=r

-^ * ••


I* f ^ I

* •«* r-' ^ T' ' ^-^^^g;

m • ^ m t m ' t :

"jS 1^ P U p—y:=z^ ^ ig u =^ii=^y^=^

-> 9^

ra, ta - ran - ta - ra. la • ran -ta-ra, ta-ran-ta-ra, u-ran-U-ra, U-ran-_ta-ia, ta-mn-

zA^^.=^r=J^^=J^,=^J^ ^ \=A^=W^


*j ->^ r ^^ra.

1^ra. ta - ran - ta

=ir^ ^33:

-P 11^^^^—


> ^ ^ 1—r-=^ 1 zr^ W—


' «* —a m»—


m.» «"• ^m-^.~*- 1*

-^ N^^

Page 118: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


Mabel. " Death and glory.

ra, ta - ran - U • ra, u - ran - ta - ra, U - ran ta - ra, ta - ran ta - ra I ^Dialogue goes on. )

qg r- %-—»ra, ra.

^^^-|* • ^ 1*=

^;f=-^:=i^'=-^—A jgt— U! gL-^ f^

ra, ta -ran • ta - ra, ta - ran_ - ta - ri, ta - ran - ta - ra


1? •* ^ 3




1 < 1

^^—J I j( I* ;* M-

* r

<dd "acted nobly.

^/? Chorus of Police.

(i: 321 221

That >s not a pleasant way of putting it t He has acted shamefully I He has acted nobly !


"go ye and do yours." Sergeant. "This is perplexing." "sense of doty.

(W 321

Very well I We cannot understand it at all !

m" we joined the force.


' Too late now.


I£2Z -P2=

It isl

iIThat makes a difference, of course, but at the same

time, we repeal, we cannot understand it at all


We should I


Page 119: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

Mahcl. Sergeant, approach. Young Frederic waa to havel(vl you to deatli and glory.

.\i.i. That is not a pleasant way of putting it.

.NIaui'T,. No matter. He will not so lead you, for he has

allied himself once more with his old as-'^ociatea.

Am.. He has acted shamefully!

Mabki,. You speak falsely;you know nothing about it. He

li.ii acted nobly


A 1,1.. He has acted nobly


Mabel. Dtarly as I loved him before, his heroic sacrifice to

his seuse of duty has endeared him to me tenfold ;' but if it wa.s

his duty to constitute himself my foe, it is likewise mi/ duty to

regard him in that light. He has done his duty ; I will d>,

"uine. Go ye and do yours. (_Exit Mabi:u R. J. E.)

Ai.t.. Very well.

.Serokant. Tln< is perplexing.

Ai.i,. \Vc cannot understand it at alL Still, if he is actuated by a st-iise of duty— «

All. That makes a diHereiice, of course. At the same timawe repeat we cannot understand it.

Seroka.nt. No matter. Our course is clear; we must lo

our best to capture these pirates alone. It is most diitressing to

us to be the af:cnt.< whereby our erring fellow-creatures are d*prived of that liberty which is so dear to all, but we should have

thought of that before we joined the force.

Ai-L. We should.

Sergeakt. It is too late now.

All. It is.

Sergeant. ^P^^S


^^^^^=:^ 5

No. 10 —Song—Sergeant & Chorus.1. When a felon's not engaged in his em.2. When the en-ter-prising burgiar's nol a -

S5; 1Allegro moderato

^^ f-p—--

:^=:s^*^ :?!=:-F




s >- f—^s P p ^ m—a • ^ I

"" -•—*—EEE52 1^

. ployment, Or ma • tur - in^ his fe - lo-nious lit - tie plans,

- burg-ling, When the is -n't oc - cu-pied in crime.

Chorus of Police.

His ca - pa - ci - ty for in - no - cent en •

He loves to hear the lit - tie brook a •

^g=fe±±3^ g^gg mhis em-ployment,not a- burgling.


lit - tie plans,

pied in crime,



f r?=^=t2r


r # *_|f-ulS^ZSfZZ^LI^SfZ

Is ju>i .IS' great as a - ny hon - est mans.And lis - ten to the mer - ry vi! - lage chime.

Our feel- ings we with dif - fi - cul - ty

Wnen the cos- ter's fin-ished jump-ing on hi»

S-h-t*-5=^-*— 1-=


^ ^ €> * ^ -t-r-

cent en - joy-ment,

brook a- gurg-ling,

hon - est man's,

vil- lage chime.


Page 120: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

) ii8


$mc -ther

mo -Lh«r,

WTiflj.jscm - sta • bu • la - ry du - ty's to be done,j

lovei to lie a • bask -ing in the son. (HeOh, tmke <me .con-sid • er - > - tion with an




^. -y—



-cul - ty smother,on his mo ther,

^ ^ ^flf

^ W ^tr*-

to be dooe.

in the son.


^J . I

fe^^^-;-.^o • ther,

1 ^ r-lU^rt^

-t?->^r i: r ^ M Js=f5:

r r ^ ^ —>^ U"-

T" 1^i^^A po - lice-man's lot is not a hap - py one


When con - sta • bnjr la • ry du ty's to be

-r-fig^isJi=i- -^ ^



*—*- :?J^.


with an • o iher I Ah, when con • sta - bu - la • ry du - l/s to be

^"^=if i I r "


^ ^ ^ 3?=:«——


-¥«^ :^


»-m ^ U t^ -»

»—py one Idone, to be done. The po - lice - man's lot

(^not a hap - py

_ ^—otte, hap

mdon; be done, The po - lice - man's lot is not hap - py

W~one, hap

-» *

py one I

r—y-5=ic ^^s B=



s^J ^ / ^ 1


[PF^"-^^§^—^ i ^ ^EE^ i6c=3= £^3 -V=#^

Page 121: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


No. 1 1. SOLO—Sergeant. & Chorus of Pirates & Police.



Page 122: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



^It: ^ r r. r. -c e H 1 I

* ^^fif - tjr • fold I We Kck > pe • Ml • ty Wc Kck • pe- sal - ty

^ r f m--""—t?- ^^ I h

eek pe - naJ • t;

:?crz|s^^^»—* *-

fif • tjr bid I Tbc7 teA a pe • nal - t}

[i ^^/-«•-«• J=rK: ^^3 rT-JiT

JE^* * * -*^ « « «

^ E^ * 1 1 ar^y- iSii-* ^—


i i i *

/^p M .'i.;i>. N


j^i 1 IE** ' ^ y-

fif - ty - fold Far Ge - dc ral Stan - ley's Mo - ry





&. t t %r l^BtL ^H=^ : ^T=^^ r • c r—?=?pP V g_pc:=g: 3S -p—--

fif - ty • fold Foi Ge - ne - ral Stan - ley's sto - ly ! They come in force with steal<thy atride


[i EVP

S '

> g-


=§=ri^Chorus, n^o/ this, and dim. till next Chorus.

m J « J" ^ ^ s-J" J • J ^ »=^5=ti :a=JE 3I

* Jl Ji . Ji *l V »* *

Oni ob Tioos coarse is now to hide !

99Ta - ran - ta - ra, ta • ran ta - la I

jP ->=>- ^ ^


Page 123: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

{Police eoneeal Oitmselvet in aitU L. A» (hey do to the Pirates, ,low C. They enter eautiouily, ofwl eome down stage on HpUit.iisiith Ruth and Frederic, are seen appearing at ruined win- The KinjO m laden xvith burglariotu *•«& and piMoU, etc ete.)

No 13 SOLO— Samuel, & Chonis of Pirates.

Xhorus or Pirates


^^tzE::^ J J J -r-nti^on our prey we steal


Iq n - lence dread our caa-tious way we feel


No soood at al}.

I 5:^ -H-^i-|»-


liT^ J^^ iT.-^i-ip^ ?^=1- ^ :5=V-

?^^» 1 [» ^ ^

-A Tt=c ^

-g. ^

3* f^

1 i» 1 >:=^

^ »' '!

»' ^- -)» 1^

5 =5'=«S= * • ^'

nc • ver speak a word ; A fly"* foo< . fall would be dis -1 tinct - - It heard !

Chorus of Police.

\^^ > .^ 4=^ 1 • ^^ .

ta-nm - U



j^i ji ^^'''^

^^"^^^j ^I £ ^ n=B^ -{^"^ 1 j-j *^.Kv-}-»r^ 1 ^1 >H^

S ---^4-U|.^.=A^-^E^/*i

• ,^,

i«z= '?*--

So steal -dii - ly the Pi- rate creeps.While all the house-hold sound-ly sleeps.

^i==j:m Siat:


I^Y7T~K=7T~^i i-5—»—*-


a^^^^3 3^:3 ^=::a "^-* r

Page 124: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


/JZ 2L.

^eeS^ It"gr ^^^^^^^

Come, friends, who plough the sea. Truce to na - vi - ga • tioi^ Take an - o - tner ita - tion |

PP S J. ^S JS,

^ ^i -]'

, -]$ I ' l \s ' ''"Tg 1 "^"Tl^

Ra, ra, ra, n, ra, ra, ra, ra. ra, ra,

—>ra, ra, ra, ra.



gli, ra.

g i2i:



plough the sea,


:^i=^:^=^r-*^ • » •»

t*=^'Truce to na - vi-ga - tion. Take an-o - thersta - ti( Let's ry pi



^ 1'*! Tf^ g -1 g 1 g=q^

ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra. ra, ra.

^ -^—


ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra,

A .-. § :r :^' ^: :^ #• *-

m^ i » '* :i i»-



£ It3—I


=5==^; r-i-*a j-T r~^—^-rj-Se

ere - • seen do.

-f^^-^m ^^=^ -=i-t—


-q-^-^*—*^ I



1^ >

C Solo. Samuel.

I* *- -P


With a lu "le bur • ela • ree !

r—r^r^ "^r-^:^7"~rHere's your crow -«r, And . your ,

=^=f=g r -


t* ^ '' I i"*

ra, 1 a-ran - ta - ra, ra, ra !



^^^^^^E^ 1^ 3 13 n

3. ijjiL^ P

Page 125: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


i5iP=5c=^fc:i^^ *_«> ft-

<xc u« bit,


Your life .

-S* . f K -

pre • ser


^-You may want to hit I



» i >'t f

>^ m->s^—


v^-^ *i IZ^q=4

S*teE;t;^*—^>—^~»^ ^'- -—^jrngJZTg





1 i* 1 k7i r 1 ^?'i i

* 1 PT^^-j^S-g;

^-^P^y-^^^oj^ir^^—^^jv^^i^=5=s: * ^ '^^—'1^-t?— t?-

lil-—S :sr

i ^5:?3: S* f f• 0^:^=^- Wi ^m


-I' Hi..^—*-

si • lent match - es.

J i^ fi*

".*^f f^ 1=:^

Your dark Ian- tern seize I

I sr-^—t 1 r-i i—


Take your

s* >- ,8»- -f-^" »--.—i-

file .... And youi

:^= lez;

i? ^ V> !* I?

* 1 _g 1 ^TT^I"]

Cir-ti?=tz=:'^l? «1 ^'T~f i7*! •l"^-^^-^^^=^1 f 1 V^


-*— *-g?F»^»-^

U" *^

i::fc=^ :t:

q=^* ^3T

ske - le - ton - ic keys


/ Pirates.

rrg-gzz -*-H«-

^^HE =SE=t2= x:

With cat - like tread. in si - lence dread.

s / Police. u^r r • g


Ta - ran - ta - la. ta-ran - ta ra

^ tr ^

:3^3E S1^

P^ 5

S '

'i <l ar—i.—< 1 1— I 1 1 1

i -g-:-r:b<z±g:g m\%=%-±=% 3-L

ei-(^_* ^>-

'i^,r*'^'^='-^ ^~in^> (^ . # * . -0-1^ -0—0- £m


I Zi >—

I I—'- I -< ^^—^t^^^^l^^as- -^n-lg"1*"^1g*s-


Page 126: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


^ ^^m < m IE


4o«ad at all, we ne-ver speak a word ; A By% foot - fall would be dis r tinct - ly heard ! Come, frieodi, who

35rPt:* ^^L-^

:g 1 r 1 -g-t^

^ ^F^^^g^jggjiigiriiSih'

j M-

ff p / 7r=r^3^3=i=5r:




Ta-ran • ta - ra, ra, ra, ra,

t E z:^ r • g:


- f 1 ^ 1 f 1 * 1 h^=??i i n s n ->—=1-

iI :^:izk: =£ r^'r±^i1^ -t ^ 1^—


-^^I I ±


With a lit - tie bui - gU - reel With cat - liketread up - on our . prey

* f g , psteal




11221 ^SS-


In si - lence dread


our cautious way


we feel !

Ta-raa • t» - ra. ta-ran- ta • ra, ra, ra !

Page 127: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


No. 13. Frederic, King, Major-General, Police, & Pirates.

Frederic.-I >—^-^IIATE^

=JsqPmi ^ I*


I* —^--W—


1^=^. ^^=?^-^=? -^—j' -u - u u k~rHush» hushi not a word ; 1 sec a light in • side ! The Ma - jor- Gen- *ral com^ so quick* \y hide ! Yes,



IS*- ^^A

ye-^ ^ H*—f=^


-> ^ Ji=SlMajor-GenerauS ^^SEEgj^iS

S^ 1^ m-

:^=tc:ati3^^ ?=n=

^ii^-J^^ 1 <<--*-^-J^S=^^ r—*-


yes, the Ma- jor-Gen-'ral comes! He comes, the Ma - jor- Gen- 'ral coiUes! Yes, yei, the Ml - jor- Gen -'raJ comei I Tor

=l=r: F^=^'^m.9—I r T=p= 4:=P=

^^ir -i«^ ^fr

H P- ^^ H P~

iy^ tempo moderato.

^ '^ 1^ >-^V—


^.-,?^N . j-| j-^z^r^ J j.7-7rT^gE^=^fe?=E?E£E -*—»-

men-ted with (he anguish dread Of falsehood un - a-ton'd, I lay up -on my sleep-less bed. And toss'd,and turn 'd,aiid groan'd ; The

A tempo tnoderato.m ^^^^^^^^=^^^^ ^^-^-—^-=1-

-X—^sF» **»-

:3=^=3z"1*~ ^ "8^

^ '^r^-fi g ^=^^-^-P—^^ 1 «t=^^ . jj1 ,

=¥=^^ a—•—q—

:35=35=qic=qv fi==f5= ^ ^ S Kb * f f f 1 J d- m m d- m h h

jcr u u -^—t*^ y J-

man who finds his coo- science ache No peace at all en - joys


And M I lay in bed • - wmke, I

Oe ^m -M—J—^- =E ?—^ ?=4: 3=3u^ ¥

.^r^ ^ 1v'^

'4- 1 W *| s 1 f^ 1 ij__1 * 1 >_m

Page 128: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


iChorus or Pirates.

. N N N Nff REcrr. Major-Gkmkkal,

>—f- ^-»-^—


s"1^^ s


J ^ V-nczM

I I^ 'i 1 q i*

r-j .,,^^^ ^^wTenors'&Basses. /^

thootfht I heard a ooise.


He tbonght he heard a noise ; Ha, ba 1


X^-1 ^

Now^aU ia itiU, In dale at hiU, Mjr mind is act at

-'I—^—^1—J-q P--=1 H'i-P-1«:


"i—f^ i";9

^^3E -«1_^,>H^ 1 t* - =t

W^ f*• ^tf

^So still the scene, It might have been The sigh - ing of the

=q=T W= ^

^= -tt s_


No. 14. SONG—Major-General & Chorus (Pirates & Police).




Allegro f^razioio.

fr, f *

* :

-r •




:*' <^ „ ^^ J W- ~/t^I Soft - ly sigh - ing to the ri - ver, Comes the lone - ly breeze


2. Yet ihe breeze is but a ro - ver ; When he wings a - way,





Page 129: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


m^ ^ —>—*-»—»-r 1

* Set • ting na - tore all a - qui - ver, Rust • ling thro' the trees.

Brook and pop - lar mourn a lo - ver. Sigh- ing, "Well • a - day 1'


^•F^ ££ _And the biook, in

Ah. the do - ing


Thro' the trees. . .

"Well- - day!" . .

m -^=h-^

Thro' the trees. .

• Well a - dayl'

S^^^-^^-^ ^^tf^ -^^-^--*3*- 5S=«



isz*!:: 1rip - pling mea-sure, Laughs for ve - ry love,

•and un - do - Ing That the rogue could tell;

While the pop - lars, in

When the breeie is out

their plea • sure,Wave their arms aa • woo • ing Who can woo «o



^^^^^^ ^=^. S^V- -Sft,

Page 130: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

, Major-GenERAL with i*t Tbnoks.128

Page 131: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

129"' (J&U«r Oi« Ueneral's daughters, ltd by Mabkl, all m wAito

CHOkUt or Girls. j>tignoir$ and nightcaps, and carrying oandlet.')

f Sopranos.:?crfs^^ =^=?«= ift^^ ^E^

"7* K K*^^v:jij: ^ ^*


f* [)f

Allegro vivaci


Now what is this, and what a thai ? And why does fa - iher leave bis b«d At such a °.ime of mght as this. So


^T^iE^^ 7 9rrtr^fV^gg^^

i^e -r*^-^i—r—T-r 1 I* r 1 ^^ j<_gL ^

^,^3^ J' J-^^^q^"| J' ; ^ ^^^^^^^U_r=^:^^,-^=^sgve • ry in • com- plete ly dressed ? Dear fa - tber is, and al - ways was. The most me • Iho - di cat of men ; It's

=ts=^ ?=^=?^ =!£i^=1--* -^ j^


S ^ S3=3: I* 1 5^3^^

s== ^ ^^jH^r-g-^:-!::^^^ ^^c:^ -I*—<L

his in • va • ri - a - ble rule To go to bed at half- past ten. What strange oc - cur - rence ran it hr Th«'

=r ^1=3^ > 1 [* 1 r*-^--

•3- -i -j-

5E3i 5^= =:? EE^IS -=i—f«= L^-«: ^ S-— T

jE^r^T'^^^^'^H^-HF^^^^ ^p ^*^—^—d-

*c -*—


-j^ S--i—*- —y-^ p« n ^^ s

icalls deal fa • ther from his rest At such a time of night as this. So ve - ry in - com - plete • ly dressed !

V -^:


m « J ;^«=^-1

*^ 1 ^ -^:

^:~T~7^ zwti^Mz 3 ^=3?:IX5=± ^

^ 'f=t=^<s>-

^^^ ^m^ ?s-^H-- -»*—=^

At such a time of night?o ve-nr in- com-plete-ly dressed.



?^^ rJ^

^^^^^^ i^^gr^-^J^^

^ yd'^^ ^^^^^^^m

Page 132: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

Kica. (Sprui^xny up. ) Forward, my men, and sei«; that


federal there I

His bfe is over.



*) >i^ > |S gs

rhe pi-rates ! the pirates ! oh, des pair I

—' •-— ^—


^^^^ ^^a^^m

.-^_-*-_-^ sr*---"^^


bg? »> r r h h f^

?-i[^> ^ s m s

Yes, we're the pi-rates; so des - pair I

iMajor-Gkneral.:4=tOs: =CC3=


b - -g' g' ^ - ^i M * ^ (

*'g->_^_ 'P »


I* i- U U*"

3fi«: 1I U" UFred - e-ric here I oh joy! oh rap - ture ' Summoa your men. and ef feet their cap tiue. Fred e - ric, save u» I

J -^. -^ zg. :g 9 w T^ i^. _^. .^. m 9 "^1 r-


m. ^^C 1 pi[!i|giCi/i/ir -

Fred.=?«=?«^H Cgi^ c ^

I1^ 1^


Beau - ti - ft: M- • bcl I woold if I could. But I am

S^fe -r-r-r



Page 133: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


l^^^i^^P~^ .!fy—»>- r~g* r "T r


* ir^—^ .fcy^** §fla-vourt all oar deal - ings ; With cou-rage rare. and re • so - lu - tion man - ly. Foe death pre - pare. •

@^ ^ ^

(S 3c=e ^t1^-^

i. i^ '3^€iQ Mabel.

^ ^^ -r—




Chorus or Girls. Mabxi.

=^^=^^t^ ;^ ^ \ <^ ^ \ \ \ ^K\^\f I i

hap . py Gen • 'rai Stan - ley I


i isd^t

he to die, on - shri • ven, un • an - neal'd ? Oh, spare him I wm

32 IJ3.

-^f- -n;*-^^

r • r r ' r r ii.Girls.


=^ 32=52= :t2=t25i&i^&=^^?y^ i»» ij'-t^- t" I I y-t a?tg=p

no one in his cause a wea - poo wield ? Oh, sparehimi


Yes, we are here, though bi-ther-to con-ceal'd I Oh, rap • ture !


m ^^ I^



I > U" > > U U I B: ^

3 ^.


* ,

W^T'^B^ zst fr3\


(.4 slruffgfe ensues between Pirates and Police, Roto tackling

Sergeant. Evetd^iaUy the Police are overcome and fall pros-

trale. Ihc Pirates standing over them with drawn swords.)

S :^= ^Lo I to our pow.ers pi- rates quick - ly yield I Oh, rap- ture I

a-£2- -^=5-


^^ T .1

' I ^ L ' ' r

^ f^^^^ ^^^*-it* i? 1~l


Page 134: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


H Allegro modtraU.Pirates.

a—il- ^^^ \^: ? ;^^=& =g^^ ::s=^ S ^^^i^ z^r:^'"—lylrt -J— *L

tJ- .. 1

We iri - amph now, for well we trow

Police, ff ^ .,



Your mor

S^35 ^--3

ca -reer s cut short


No pi • xtX

r 0-

^^^^^ ^? ic ^ t=g= ^Et ^^^-y—U-^ i<» ^-*--ir" 1

You tii umph now, for well we trow Our<^3

:?==tz= 3: 3=

tal ra - reer's cui short : No pi . rate

H Allegro moderato.

Page 135: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


r;>H-fr , r- r r ,^ _,

Cj:./ I ^ ^ '^ \^ f::


-j^—r -p=t:-w—^—k**

On youi al.- le-giance we've a stron • ger claim


We bid roa yieU.

^^^^^ 1 h^3^3^^^E«5F^«--^^^a,r^ ^ -F -- -F ^

^ I—I-—^—I—I—I—I

?^ -i I I


slatwer.KtNat poucb:

S ^^^^^Fs: ±n -«^

lot We clorge yoa yidd' in QneeD Vic - to - ria'i '. n.imc !

^ 1 %c4gI I =#:

* ^ ^Ei^ IC^ ~P"

e: iza:


Z3^ •Cr"^ {Piroteg kneel; Police stand over them triumphantly.')

^ m^4=

We yield

L L' ooce with hum • bled mica. Be - canie, with all oof

^Sl: ^^ ^ lei: £


Page 136: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

•34i^Poliee, holding Pirates by the eollar^talce out liandkerehiefo and


I1st Soprano. M Recit. Major-Generai-

I^^E^ mKorm.

3 --^=x^ S K':Isi=k:U f r g= J J i^S)±:^; 3t:i=^

Yes, yes, with all their faults, they love theii Queen t A- <c»y withthem, and place them at the baz ! Oat,

2nd Soprano.


Yes, yes, with all their faults,they love their Queen I


'-, \-



±»ya=v: * £3


Yes, yes, with all their faults.they love their Queen !


g^g^-Sgig^^pEg W- m \ r-J .

Qufen4 Yes, yes, with all their faults, they love their Queen I



" ±»V-<si-



^-i ' V

i« tempo.

A- -m mh4:^^:fe*:r 1^ '' r- N IK N^ :^=3: =5

f=:!ti 1- 55

-J-=F fr^'^^TJSC^E^^* -g--g-

=1=^ w • » ' » • ' -S '—I 1—'—'—-^^^ —


^-'—= —t-

let me tell you who they-are : They are no members of the com- mon throng, They are all no- ble- memoment,


^r r r

^^^—^ ^^^


f r '

za ^^ 2?2-



UnpocopiU Animato. Chorus of Girls.

-bw f^-^ir^=r-


O Major-Generai.

3cipt=¥^ •^r ir, n # I

* k$S=^ =tz=t2

^±^ 31

^ :*=^ -F^p—


ewho have gone wrong. Oh, spare them ! they are all no- ble- men «ho have gone wrong. Wh«»,

Un poco piu Animato.

Page 137: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

KlN& Major-Cenerai.=f:

KiNa p ^>f';: i :

' & ^all no-ble-men? Yes, ai/ no- ble-men 1 Wbit, all?.. V,f[l, oeu-ly all I


S^±I-I U

yj•^ * .*

w -J—I


T * ^ .-5:

-I 1-

-^""S^^in * i '

:^ * * *-^2^±=*:il«=t±:



^ 9<i JT=ra t^^^

t^*• t>»- -* -* t^

MaJOR-Gen'erau Moderate.

&^-+ -I 1-

=t==f:=5^ e^e-g—j- I I



i ^J4o Eng • lishman un - mov'd that state-meot bean


Be - Cous^ with all ooi

^^^^ ir^\f

f 1^ > |T -

?^-p -P

I^J^PF^"-*m^M^^ f f — ^ i ^.=^^ r=t: ^—e—f——




ferzf- ^ 1 S h ^^^:^ gt ^»J

=P —f» *\ i^

9*=F^ -»i-r-

faults, we love ooi Home . . of Peers




I pray you par -don me. ex - Pi - rate King ! Peers will be Peers, and

53=^ ? -

^—5 1=^1=*

^ I r r -- -m m —~- ^2:121

^SE^^Sg^bgB=^ E^=^ ::?5Z=SC=K=SI" r ^ N H >


-J N--•—W—W—^fC^ ?^ sa

yonth will have its fling 1 He - siune year rank and le • gis • la- tive du- ties. And take my daughters, all of wnom art

^S^ I I p^^:j-^-^^=3=^

|Ff=t3EEEE^-* -* ^-\

^^3 -^-r-''—Ff=r^-:r


Page 138: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance



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cr:ss aoss.

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^^TSXS bcKt of gT>C£,

:?::$: :t :t :^ :£ :t :J^


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Yair £= c nag «ws:

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Caa kdp joc ax: a, 11

1 1 — _> >

:$ ^-»•—*^

Page 139: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


p-.c» -J-JS ««.

Page 140: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


lake mine ! Take heart!

Kate & Ruth.

Take/ Chobus.

ny heart. take

Page 141: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance




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Page 143: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


Page 144: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


Page 145: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance


Page 146: Gilbert &Sullivan -The Pirates of Penzance

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The Twentieth Century

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.^.-^^i*—^»- >> , —,, .I,. —. — ,., .... -^— - . ..—,». ..->.^..- — .^..p. ^.y ^.^ .^...g -j..^..,..,..^ l i t f-t- ts» I

iiSi>ii»>> >i»^^i»i»iieii>^ii»^i^M»i^ » ^#nen#»aii» is^"*'-*'*"^'^ m e i»"»*iieiiei#» >i »ie ieii»i»ia M»i^ii#iiii>,»,^i» ^» < ai.«i Bm u •"9"%»