Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)

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Transcript of Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)

  • 8/12/2019 Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)



    William Gibson

  • 8/12/2019 Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)


  • 8/12/2019 Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)


    The barte'der,s smile wide'ed* His )li'ess was the st)ff of lee'd* I' a' ae of

    affordable bea)t%( there was somethi' heraldi& abo)t his la&$ of it* The a'ti:)e arm

    whi'ed as he rea&hed for a'other m)* It was a R)ssia' militar% prosthesis( a seve'-

    f)'&tio' for&e-feedba&$ ma'ip)lator( &ased i' r)bb% pi'$ plasti&* +!o) are too m)&h

    the artiste( Herr Case*, Rat4 r)'ted2 the so)'d served him as la)hter* He s&rat&hed his

    overha' of white-shirted bell% with the pi'$ &law* +!o) are the artiste of the slihtl%f)''% deal*,

    +S)re(, Case said( a'd sipped his beer* +Somebod%,s otta be f)''% aro)'d here* S)re the

    f)&$ is',t %o)*,

    The whore,s ile we't )p a' o&tave*

    +Is',t %o) either( sister* So %o) va'ish( o$a%9 6o'e( he,s a &lose perso'al frie'd of mi'e*,

    She loo$ed Case i' the e%e a'd made the softest possible spitti' so)'d( her lips barel%movi'* )t she left*

    +3es)s(, Case said( +what $i'da &reep0oi't %o) r)''i' here9 8a' &a',t have a dri'$*,

    +Ha(, Rat4 said( swabbi' the s&arred wood with a ra( +6o'e shows a per&e'tae* !o) I

    let wor$ here for e'tertai'me't val)e*,

    As Case was pi&$i' )p his beer( o'e of those stra'e i'sta'ts of sile'&e des&e'ded( as

    tho)h a h)'dred )'related &o'versatio's had sim)lta'eo)sl% arrived at the same pa)se*

    The' the whore,s ile ra' o)t( ti'ed with a &ertai' h%steria*

    Rat4 r)'ted* +A' a'el passed*,

    +The Chi'ese(, bellowed a dr)'$e' A)stralia'( +Chi'ese blood% i've'ted 'erve-spli&i'*

    ;ive me the mai'la'd for a 'erve 0ob a'% da%*

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    Sprawl was a lo' stra'e wa% home over the Pa&ifi& 'ow( a'd he was 'o &o'sole ma'(

    'o &%berspa&e &owbo%* 3)st a'other h)stler( tr%i' to ma$e it thro)h* )t the dreams

    &ame o' i' the 3apa'ese 'iht li$e livewire voodoo( a'd he,d &r% for it( &r% i' his sleep(

    a'd wa$e alo'e i' the dar$( &)rled i' his &aps)le i' some &offi' .1/ hotel( his ha'ds

    &lawed i'to the bedslab( temperfoam b)'&hed .=/ betwee' his fi'ers( tr%i' to rea&h

    the &o'sole that was',t there*

    +I saw %o)r irl last 'iht(, Rat4 said( passi' Case his se&o'd 5iri'*

    +I do',t have o'e(, he said( a'd dra'$*

    +8iss "i'da "ee*,

    Case shoo$ his head*

    +No irl9 Nothi'9 O'l% bi4( frie'd artiste9 Dedi&atio' to &ommer&e9, The barte'der,ssmall brow' e%es were 'ested deep i' wri'$led flesh* +I thi'$ I li$ed %o) better( with

    her* !o) la)hed more* Now( some 'iht( %o) et ma%be too artisti&2 %o) wi'd )p i' the

    &li'i& ta'$s( spare parts*,

    +!o),re brea$i' m% heart( Rat4*, He fi'ished his beer( paid a'd left( hih 'arrow

    sho)lders h)'&hed be'eath the rai'stai'ed $ha$i '%lo' of his wi'dbrea$er* Threadi'

    his wa% thro)h the Ni'sei .>/ &rowds( he &o)ld smell his ow' stale sweat*

    Case was twe't%-fo)r* At twe't%-two( he,d bee' a &owbo%( a r)stler( o'e of the best i'

    the Sprawl* He,d bee' trai'ed b% the best( b% 8&Co% Pa)le% a'd obb% ?)i'e( lee'dsi' the bi4* He,d operated o' a' almost perma'e't adre'ali'e hih( a b%prod)&t of %o)th

    a'd profi&ie'&%( 0a&$ed i'to a &)stom &%berspa&e de&$ that pro0e&ted his disembodied

    &o's&io)s'ess i'to the &o'se's)al hall)&i'atio' that was the matri* A thief( he,d wor$ed

    for other( wealthier thieves( emplo%ers who provided the eoti& software re:)ired to

    pe'etrate the briht walls of &orporate s%stems( ope'i' wi'dows i'to ri&h fields of data*

    He,d made the &lassi& mista$e( the o'e he,d swor' he,d 'ever ma$e* He stole from his

    emplo%ers* He $ept somethi' for himself a'd tried to move it thro)h a fe'&e i'

    Amsterdam* He still was',t s)re how he,d bee' dis&overed( 'ot that it mattered 'ow*

    He,d epe&ted to die( the'( b)t the% o'l% smiled* Of &o)rse he was wel&ome( the% toldhim( wel&ome to the mo'e%* A'd he was oi' to 'eed it* e&a)se -still smili' -the%

    were oi' to ma$e s)re he 'ever wor$ed aai'*

    The% damaed his 'ervo)s s%stem with a wartime R)ssia' m%&otoi'* .@/

    Strapped to a bed i' a 8emphis hotel( his tale't b)r'i' o)t mi&ro' b% mi&ro'( he

    hall)&i'ated for thirt% ho)rs*

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  • 8/12/2019 Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)


    Niht Cit% was li$e a dera'ed eperime't i' so&ial Darwi'ism( desi'ed b% a bored

    resear&her who $ept o'e th)mb perma'e'tl% o' the fast-forward b)tto'* Stop h)stli'

    a'd %o) sa'$ witho)t a tra&e( b)t move a little too swiftl% a'd %o),d brea$ the fraile

    s)rfa&e te'sio' of the bla&$ mar$et2 either wa%( %o) were o'e( with 'othi' left of %o)

    b)t some va)e memor% i' the mi'd of a fit)re li$e Rat4( tho)h heart or l)'s or

    $id'e%s miht s)rvive i' the servi&e of some stra'er with New !e' for the &li'i& ta'$s*

    i4 here was a &o'sta't s)blimi'al h)m( a'd death the a&&epted p)'ishme't for la4i'ess(

    &areless'ess( la&$ of ra&e( the fail)re to heed the dema'ds of a' i'tri&ate proto&ol*

    Alo'e at a table i' the 3arre de Th( with the o&tao' &omi' o'( pi'heads of sweat

    starti' from his palms( s)dde'l% aware of ea&h ti'li' hair o' his arms a'd &hest(

    Case $'ew that at some poi't he,d started to pla% a ame with himself( a ver% a'&ie't

    o'e that has 'o 'ame( a fi'al solitaire* He 'o lo'er &arried a weapo'( 'o lo'er too$ the

    basi& pre&a)tio's* He ra' the fastest( loosest deals o' the street( a'd he had a rep)tatio'

    for bei' able to et whatever %o) wa'ted* A part of him $'ew that the ar& of his self-destr)&tio' was lari'l% obvio)s to his &)stomers( who rew steadil% fewer( b)t that

    same part of him bas$ed i' the $'owlede that it was o'l% a matter of time* A'd that

    was the part of him( sm) i' its epe&tatio' of death( that most hated the tho)ht of

    "i'da "ee*

    He,d fo)'d her( o'e rai'% 'iht( i' a' ar&ade*

    #'der briht hosts b)r'i' thro)h a bl)e ha4e of &iarette smo$e( holorams of

    7i4ard,s Castle( Ta'$ 7ar E)ropa( the New !or$ s$%li'e*** A'd 'ow he remembered her

    that wa%( her fa&e bathed i' restless laser liht( feat)res red)&ed to a &ode her&hee$bo'es flari' s&arlet as 7i4ard,s Castle b)r'ed( forehead dre'&hed with a4)re

    whe' 8)'i&h fell to the Ta'$ 7ar( mo)th to)&hed with hot old as a lidi' &)rsor

    str)&$ spar$s from the wall of a s$%s&raper &a'%o'* He was ridi' hih that 'iht( with a

    bri&$ of 7ae,s $etami'e .>/ o' its wa% to !o$ohama a'd the mo'e% alread% i' his

    po&$et* He,d &ome i' o)t of the warm rai' that si44led a&ross the Ni'sei paveme't a'd

    somehow she,d bee' si'led o)t for him( o'e fa&e o)t of the do4e's who stood at the

    &o'soles( lost i' the ame she pla%ed* The epressio' o' her fa&e( the'( had bee' the o'e

    he,d see'( ho)rs later( o' her sleepi' fa&e i' a portside &offi'( her )pper lip li$e the li'e

    &hildre' draw to represe't a bird i' fliht*

    Crossi' the ar&ade to sta'd beside her( hih o' the deal he,d made( he saw her la'&e

    )p* ;ra% e%es rimmed with sm)ded bla&$ pai'tsti&$* E%es of some a'imal pi''ed i'

    the headlihts of a' o'&omi' vehi&le*

    Their 'iht toether stret&hi' i'to a mor'i'( i'to ti&$ets at the hoverport a'd his first

    trip a&ross the a%* The rai' $ept )p( falli' alo' Hara0)$)( beadi' o' her plasti&

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    0a&$et( the &hildre' of To$%o troopi' past the famo)s bo)ti:)es i' white loafers a'd

    &li'wrap &apes( )'til she,d stood with him i' the mid'iht &latter of a pa&hi'$o parlor

    a'd held his ha'd li$e a &hild*

    It too$ a mo'th for the estalt of dr)s a'd te'sio' he moved thro)h to t)r' those

    perpet)all% startled e%es i'to wells of refleive 'eed* He,d wat&hed her perso'alit%

    frame't( &alvi' li$e a' i&eber( spli'ters drifti' awa%( a'd fi'all% he,d see' the raw

    'eed( the h)'r% armat)re of addi&tio'* He,d wat&hed her tra&$ the 'et hit with a

    &o'&e'tratio' that remi'ded him of the ma'tises the% sold i' stalls alo' Shia( beside

    ta'$s of bl)e m)ta't &arp a'd &ri&$ets &aed i' bamboo*

    He stared at the bla&$ ri' of ro)'ds i' his empt% &)p* It was vibrati' with the speed

    he,d ta$e'* The brow' lami'ate of the tabletop was d)ll with a pati'a of ti'% s&rat&hes*

    7ith the de mo)'ti' thro)h his spi'e he saw the &o)'tless ra'dom impa&ts re:)ired

    to &reate a s)rfa&e li$e that* The 3arre was de&orated i' a dated( 'ameless st%le from the

    previo)s &e't)r%( a' )'eas% ble'd of 3apa'ese traditio'al a'd pale 8ila'ese plasti&s( b)tever%thi' seemed to wear a s)btle film( as tho)h the bad 'erves of a millio' &)stomers

    had somehow atta&$ed the mirrors a'd the o'&e loss% plasti&s( leavi' ea&h s)rfa&e

    foed with somethi' that &o)ld 'ever be wiped awa%*

    +He%* Case( ood b)dd%***,

    He loo$ed )p( met ra% e%es ri'ed with pai'tsti&$* She was weari' faded

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    All the meat( he tho)ht( a'd all it wa'ts*

    +7ae(, she said( 'arrowi' her e%es* +He wa'ts to see %o) with a hole i' %o)r fa&e*, She

    lit her ow' &iarette*

    +7ho sa%s9 Rat49 !o) bee' tal$i' to Rat49,

    +No* 8o'a* Her 'ew s:)ee4e is o'e of 7ae,s bo%s*,

    +I do',t owe him e'o)h* He does me( he,s o)t the mo'e% a'%wa%*, He shr)ed*

    +Too ma'% people owe him 'ow( Case* 8a%be %o) et to be the eample* !o) serio)sl%

    better wat&h it*,

    +S)re* How abo)t %o)( "i'da9 !o) ot a'%where to sleep9,

    +Sleep*, She shoo$ her head* +S)re( Case*, She shivered( h)'&hed forward over the table*

    Her fa&e was filmed with sweat*

    +Here(, he said( a'd d) i' the po&$et of his wi'dbrea$er( &omi' )p with a &r)mpled

    fift%* He smoothed it a)tomati&all%( )'der the table( folded it i' :)arters( a'd passed it to


    +!o) 'eed that( ho'e%* !o) better ive it to 7ae*, There was somethi' i' the ra% e%es

    'ow that he &o)ld',t read( somethi' he,d 'ever see' there before*

    +I owe 7ae a lot more tha' that* Ta$e it* I ot more &omi'(, he lied( as he wat&hed his

    New !e' va'ish i'to a 4ippered po&$et*

    +!o) et %o)r mo'e%( Case( %o) fi'd 7ae :)i&$*,

    +I,ll see %o)( "i'da(, he said( etti' )p*

    +S)re*, A millimeter of white showed be'eath ea&h of her p)pils* Sa'pa$)* +!o) wat&h

    %o)r ba&$( ma'*,

    He 'odded( a'io)s to be o'e*

    He loo$ed ba&$ as the plasti& door sw)' sh)t behi'd him( saw her e%es refle&ted i' a

    &ae of red 'eo'*

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    He passed %a$itori sta'ds a'd massae parlors( a fra'&hised &offee shop &alled ea)tif)l

    ;irl( the ele&tro'i& th)'der of a' ar&ade* He stepped o)t of the wa% to let a dar$-s)ited

    sararima' b%( spotti' the 8its)bishi-;e'e'te&h loo tattooed a&ross the ba&$ of the

    ma',s riht ha'd*

    7as it a)the'ti&9 If that,s for real( he tho)ht( he,s i' for tro)ble* If it was',t( served him

    riht* 8-; emplo%ees above a &ertai' level were impla'ted with adva'&ed

    mi&ropro&essors that mo'itored m)tae' levels i' the bloodstream* ;ear li$e that wo)ld

    et %o) rolled i' Niht Cit%( rolled straiht i'to a bla&$ &li'i&*

    The sararima' had bee' 3apa'ese( b)t the Ni'sei &rowd was a ai0i' &rowd* ;ro)ps of

    sailors )p from the port( te'se solitar% to)rists h)'ti' pleas)res 'o )ideboo$ listed(

    Sprawl heavies showi' off rafts a'd impla'ts( a'd a do4e' disti'&t spe&ies of h)stler(

    all swarmi' the street i' a' i'tri&ate da'&e of desire a'd &ommer&e*

    There were &o)'tless theories eplai'i' wh% Chiba Cit% tolerated the Ni'sei e'&lave(b)t Case te'ded toward the idea that the !a$)4a miht be preservi' the pla&e as a $i'd

    of histori&al par$( a remi'der of h)mble orii's* )t he also saw a &ertai' se'se i' the

    'otio' that b)reo'i' te&h'oloies re:)ire o)tlaw 4o'es( that Niht Cit% was',t there

    for its i'habita'ts( b)t as a deliberatel% )'s)pervised pla%ro)'d for te&h'olo% itself*

    7as "i'da riht( he wo'dered( stari' )p at the lihts9 7o)ld 7ae have him $illed to

    ma$e a' eample9 It did',t ma$e m)&h se'se( b)t the' 7ae dealt primaril% i'

    pros&ribed bioloi&als( a'd the% said %o) had to be &ra4% to do that*

    )t "i'da said 7ae wa'ted him dead* Case,s primar% i'siht i'to the d%'ami&s ofstreet deali' was that 'either the b)%er 'or the seller reall% 'eeded him* A middlema',s

    b)si'ess is to ma$e himself a 'e&essar% evil* The d)bio)s 'i&he Case had &arved for

    himself i' the &rimi'al e&olo% of Niht Cit% had bee' &)t o)t with lies( s&ooped o)t a

    'iht at a time with betra%al* Now( se'si' that its walls were starti' to &r)mble( he felt

    the ede of a stra'e e)phoria*

    The wee$ before( he,d dela%ed tra'sfer of a s%'theti& la'd)lar etra&t( retaili' it for a

    wider mari' tha' )s)al* He $'ew 7ae had',t li$ed that* 7ae was his primar%

    s)pplier( 'i'e %ears i' Chiba a'd o'e of the few ai0i' dealers who,d ma'aed to fore

    li'$s with the riidl% stratified &rimi'al establishme't be%o'd Niht Cit%,s borders*

    ;e'eti& materials a'd hormo'es tri&$led dow' to Ni'sei alo' a' i'tri&ate ladder of

    fro'ts a'd bli'ds* Somehow 7ae had ma'aed to tra&e somethi' ba&$( o'&e( a'd 'ow

    he e'0o%ed stead% &o''e&tio's i' a do4e' &ities*

    Case fo)'d himself stari' thro)h a shop wi'dow* The pla&e sold small briht ob0e&ts

    to the sailors* 7at&hes( fli&$'ives( lihters( po&$et TRs( simstim de&$s .1/( weihted

  • 8/12/2019 Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)


    ma'ri$i &hai's( a'd sh)ri$e'* The sh)ri$e' had alwa%s fas&i'ated him( steel stars with

    $'ife-sharp poi'ts* Some were &hromed( others bla&$( others treated with a rai'bow

    s)rfa&e li$e oil o' water* )t the &hrome stars held his a4e* The% were mo)'ted aai'st

    s&arlet )ltras)ede with 'earl% i'visible loops of '%lo' fishli'e( their &e'ters stamped

    with drao's or %i'%a' s%mbols* The% &a)ht the street,s 'eo' a'd twisted it( a'd it

    &ame to Case that these were the stars )'der whi&h he vo%aed( his desti'% spelled o)ti' a &o'stellatio' of &heap &hrome*

    +3)lie(, he said to his stars* +Time to see old 3)lie* He,ll $'ow*,

    3)li)s Dea'e was o'e h)'dred a'd thirt%-five %ears old( his metabolism assid)o)sl%

    warped b% a wee$l% fort)'e i' ser)ms a'd hormo'es* His primar% hede aai'st ai'

    was a %earl% pilrimae to To$%o( where e'eti& s)reo's re-set the &ode of his DNA( a

    pro&ed)re )'available i' Chiba* The' he,d fl% to Ho'$o' a'd order the %ear,s s)its

    a'd shirts* Seless a'd i'h)ma'l% patie't( his primar% ratifi&atio' seemed to lie i' his

    devotio' to esoteri& forms of tailor-worship* Case had 'ever see' him wear the same s)ittwi&e( altho)h his wardrobe seemed to &o'sist e'tirel% of meti&)lo)s re&o'str)&tio's of

    arme'ts of the previo)s &e't)r%* He affe&ted pres&riptio' le'ses( framed i' spider%

    old( ro)'d from thi' slabs of pi'$ s%'theti& :)art4 a'd beveled li$e the mirrors i' a

    i&toria' dollho)se*

    His offi&es were lo&ated i' a wareho)se behi'd Ni'sei( part of whi&h seemed to have

    bee' sparsel% de&orated( %ears before( with a ra'dom &olle&tio' of E)ropea' f)r'it)re(

    as tho)h Dea'e had o'&e i'te'ded to )se the pla&e as his home* Neo A4te& boo$&ases

    athered d)st aai'st o'e wall of the room where Case waited* A pair of b)lbo)s

    Dis'e%-st%led table lamps per&hed aw$wardl% o' a low 5a'di's$%-loo$ &offee table i's&arlet-la&:)ered steel* A Dali &lo&$ h)' o' the wall betwee' the boo$&ases( its

    distorted fa&e sai' to the bare &o'&rete floor* Its ha'ds were holorams that altered to

    mat&h the &o'vol)tio's of the fa&e as the% rotated( b)t it 'ever told the &orre&t time* The

    room was sta&$ed with white fiberlass shippi' mod)les that ave off the ta' of

    preserved i'er*

    +!o) seem to be &lea'( old so'(, said Dea'e,s disembodied voi&e* +Do &ome i'*,

    8a'eti& bolts th)dded o)t of positio' aro)'d the massive imitatio'-rosewood door tothe left of the boo$&ases* 3#"I#S DEANE I8PORT EPORT was lettered a&ross the

    plasti& i' peeli' self-adhesive &apitals* If the f)r'it)re s&attered i' Dea'e,s ma$eshift

    fo%er s)ested the e'd of the past &e't)r%( the offi&e itself seemed to belo' to its start*

    Dea'e,s seamless pi'$ fa&e rearded Case from a pool of liht &ast b% a' a'&ie't brass

    lamp with a re&ta')lar shade of dar$ ree' lass* The importer was se&)rel% fe'&ed

    behi'd a vast des$ of pai'ted steel( fla'$ed o' either side b% tall( drawered &abi'ets

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    made of some sort of pale wood* The sort of thi'( Case s)pposed( that had o'&e bee'

    )sed to store writte' re&ords of some $i'd* The des$top was littered with &assettes(

    s&rolls of %ellowed pri'to)t( a'd vario)s parts of some sort of &lo&$wor$ t%pewriter( a

    ma&hi'e Dea'e 'ever seemed to et aro)'d to reassembli'*

    +7hat bri's %o) aro)'d( bo%o9, Dea'e as$ed( offeri' Case a 'arrow bo'bo' wrapped

    i' bl)e-a'd-white &he&$ed paper* +Tr% o'e* Ti' Ti' D0ahe( the ver% best*, Case ref)sed

    the i'er( too$ a seat i' a %awi' woode' swivel &hair( a'd ra' a th)mb dow' the faded

    seam of o'e bla&$ 0ea's-le* +3)lie( I hear 7ae wa'ts to $ill me*,

    +Ah* 7ell the'* A'd where did %o) hear this( if I ma%9,


    +People(, Dea'e said( aro)'d a i'er bo'bo'* +7hat sort of people9

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    He was less tha' a blo&$ from Dea'e,s offi&e whe' it hit( the s)dde' &ell)lar aware'ess

    that someo'e was o' his ass( a'd ver% &lose*

    The &)ltivatio' of a &ertai' tame para'oia was somethi' Case too$ for ra'ted* The

    tri&$ la% i' 'ot letti' it et o)t of &o'trol* )t that &o)ld be :)ite a tri&$( behi'd a sta&$

    of o&tao's* He fo)ht the adre'ali'e s)re a'd &omposed his 'arrow feat)res i' a mas$

    of bored va&a'&%( prete'di' to let the &rowd &arr% him alo'* 7he' he saw a dar$e'ed

    displa% wi'dow( he ma'aed to pa)se b% it* The pla&e was a s)ri&al bo)ti:)e( &losed

    for re'ovatio's* 7ith his ha'ds i' the po&$ets of his 0a&$et( he stared thro)h the lass at

    a flat lo4e'e of vatrow' flesh that la% o' a &arved pedestal of imitatio' 0ade* The &olor

    of its s$i' remi'ded him of 6o'e,s whores2 it was tattooed with a l)mi'o)s diital

    displa% wired to a s)b&)ta'eo)s &hip* 7h% bother with the s)rer%( he fo)'d himself

    thi'$i'( while sweat &o)rsed dow' his ribs( whe' %o) &o)ld 0)st &arr% the thi' aro)'d

    i' %o)r po&$et9

    7itho)t movi' his head( he raised his e%es a'd st)died the refle&tio' of the passi'&rowd*


    ehi'd sailors i' short-sleeved $ha$i* Dar$ hair( mirrored lasses( dar$ &lothi'(


    A'd o'e*

    The' Case was r)''i'( be't low( dodi' betwee' bodies*

    +Re't me a )'( Shi'9,

    The bo% smiled* +Two ho)r*, The% stood toether i' the smell of fresh raw seafood at the

    rear of a Shia s)shi stall* +!o) &ome ba&$( two ho)r*,

    +I 'eed o'e 'ow( ma'* ;ot a'%thi' riht 'ow9,

    Shi' r)mmaed behi'd empt% two-liter &a's that had o'&e bee' filled with powdered

    horseradish* He prod)&ed a sle'der pa&$ae wrapped i' ra% plasti&* +Taser* O'e ho)r(twe't% New !e'* Thirt% deposit*,

    +Shit* I do',t 'eed that* I 'eed a )'* "i$e I ma%be wa''a shoot somebod%( )'dersta'd9,

    The waiter shr)ed( repla&i' the taser behi'd the horseradish &a's* +Two ho)r*,

    He we't i'to the shop witho)t botheri' to la'&e at the displa% of sh)ri$e'* He,d 'ever

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    throw' o'e i' his life*

    He bo)ht two pa&$s of !ehe%)a's with a 8its)bishi a'$ &hip that ave his 'ame as

    Charles Dere$ 8a%* It beat Tr)ma' Starr( the best he,d bee' able to do for a passport*

    The 3apa'ese woma' behi'd the termi'al loo$ed li$e she had a few %ears o' old Dea'e(

    'o'e of them with the be'efit of s&ie'&e* He too$ his sle'der roll of New !e' o)t of his

    po&$et a'd showed it to her* +I wa't to b)% a weapo'*,

    She est)red i' the dire&tio' of a &ase filled with $'ives*

    +No(, he said( +I do',t li$e $'ives*,

    She bro)ht a' oblo' bo from be'eath the &o)'ter* The lid was %ellow &ardboard(

    stamped with a &r)de imae of a &oiled &obra with a swolle' hood* I'side were eiht

    ide'ti&al tiss)e-wrapped &%li'ders* He wat&hed while mottled brow' fi'ers stripped thepaper from o'e* She held the thi' )p for him to eami'e( a d)ll steel t)be with a leather

    tho' at o'e e'd a'd a small bro'4e p%ramid at the other* She ripped the t)be with o'e

    ha'd( the p%ramid betwee' her other th)mb a'd forefi'er( a'd p)lled* Three oiled(

    teles&opi' seme'ts of tihtl% wo)'d &oilspri' slid o)t a'd lo&$ed* +Cobra(, she said*

    e%o'd the 'eo' sh)dder of Ni'sei( the s$% was that mea' shade of ra%* The air had

    otte' worse2 it seemed to have teeth to'iht( a'd half the &rowd wore filtratio' mas$s*

    Case had spe't te' mi')tes i' a )ri'al( tr%i' to dis&over a &o've'ie't wa% to &o'&eal

    his &obra2 fi'all% he,d settled for t)&$i' the ha'dle i'to the waistba'd of his 0ea's( with

    the t)be sla'ti' a&ross his stoma&h* The p%ramidal stri$i' tip rode betwee' his rib&aea'd the li'i' of his wi'dbrea$er* The thi' felt li$e it miht &latter to the paveme't

    with his 'et step( b)t it made him feel better*

    The Chat was',t reall% a deali' bar( b)t o' wee$'ihts it attra&ted a related &lie'tele*

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    +8a%be i' the Namba'* 8a%be two ho)rs ao*,

    +;ot some 0oebo%s with him9 O'e of ,em thi'( dar$ hair( ma%be a bla&$ 0a&$et9,

    +No(, 6o'e said at last( his smooth forehead &reased to i'di&ate the effort it &ost him to

    re&all so m)&h poi'tless detail* +i bo%s* ;raftees*, 6o'e,s e%es showed ver% little

    white a'd less iris2 )'der the droopi' lids( his p)pils were dilated a'd e'ormo)s* He

    stared i'to Case,s fa&e for a lo' time( the' lowered his a4e* He saw the b)le of the

    steel whip* +Cobra(, he said( a'd raised a' e%ebrow* +!o) wa''a f)&$ somebod% )p9,

    +See %o)( "o''%*, Case left the bar*

    His tail was ba&$* He was s)re of it* He felt a stab of elatio'( the o&tao's a'd

    adre'ali'e mi'li' with somethi' else* !o),re e'0o%i' this( he tho)ht2 %o),re &ra4%*

    e&a)se( i' some weird a'd ver% approimate wa%( it was li$e a r)' i' the matri* ;et0)st wasted e'o)h( fi'd %o)rself i' some desperate b)t stra'el% arbitrar% $i'd of

    tro)ble( a'd it was possible to see Ni'sei as a field of data( the wa% the matri had o'&e

    remi'ded him of protei's li'$i' to disti')ish &ell spe&ialties* The' %o) &o)ld throw

    %o)rself i'to a hihspeed drift a'd s$id( totall% e'aed b)t set apart from it all( a'd all

    aro)'d %o) the da'&e of bi4( i'formatio' i'tera&ti'( data made flesh i' the ma4es of the

    bla&$ mar$et***

    ;o it( Case( he told himself* S)&$ ,em i'* "ast thi' the%,ll epe&t* He was half a blo&$

    from the ames ar&ade where he,d first met "i'da "ee*

    He bolted a&ross Ni'sei( s&atteri' a pa&$ of strolli' sailors* O'e of them s&reamed

    after him i' Spa'ish* The' he was thro)h the e'tra'&e( the so)'d &rashi' over him

    li$e s)rf( s)bso'i&s throbbi' i' the pit of his stoma&h* Someo'e s&ored a te'-meato'

    hit o' Ta'$ 7ar E)ropa( a sim)lated airb)rst drow'i' the ar&ade i' white so)'d as a

    l)rid holoram fireball m)shroomed overhead* He &)t to the riht a'd loped )p a fliht

    of )'pai'ted &hipboard stairs* He,d &ome here o'&e with 7ae( to dis&)ss a deal i'

    pros&ribed hormo'al triers with a ma' &alled 8ats)a* He remembered the hallwa%(

    its stai'ed matti'( the row of ide'ti&al doors leadi' to ti'% offi&e &)bi&les* O'e door

    was ope' 'ow* A 3apa'ese irl i' a sleeveless bla&$ t-shirt la'&ed )p from a white

    termi'al( behi'd her head a travel poster of ;ree&e( Aeia' bl)e splashed with

    streamli'ed ideorams*

    +;et %o)r se&)rit% )p here(, Case told her*

    The' he spri'ted dow' the &orridor( o)t of her siht* The last two doors were &losed a'd(

    he ass)med( lo&$ed* He sp)' a'd slammed the sole of his '%lo' r)''i' shoe i'to the

    bl)ela&:)ered &ompositio' door at the far e'd* It popped( &heap hardware faili' from

  • 8/12/2019 Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)


    the spli'tered frame* Dar$'ess there( the white &)rve of a termi'al ho)si'* The' he was

    o' the door to its riht( both ha'ds aro)'d the tra'spare't plasti& $'ob( lea'i' i' with

    ever%thi' he had* Somethi' s'apped( a'd he was i'side* This was where he a'd 7ae

    had met with 8ats)a( b)t whatever fro't &ompa'% 8ats)a had operated was lo'

    o'e* No termi'al( 'othi'* "iht from the alle% behi'd the ar&ade( filteri' i' thro)h

    sootblow' plasti&* He made o)t a s'a$eli$e loop of fiberopti&s protr)di' from a wallso&$et( a pile of dis&arded food &o'tai'ers( a'd the bladeless 'a&elle of a' ele&tri& fa'*

    The wi'dow was a si'le pa'e of &heap plasti&* He shr)ed o)t of his 0a&$et( b)'dled it

    aro)'d his riht ha'd( a'd p)'&hed* It split( re:)iri' two more blows to free it from the

    frame* Over the m)ted &haos of the ames( a' alarm bea' to &%&le( triered either b%

    the bro$e' wi'dow or b% the irl at the head of the &orridor*

    Case t)r'ed( p)lled his 0a&$et o'( a'd fli&$ed the &obra to f)ll ete'sio'*

    7ith the door &losed( he was &o)'ti' o' his tail to ass)me he,d o'e thro)h the o'ehe,d $i&$ed half off its hi'es* The &obra,s bro'4e p%ramid bea' to bob e'tl%( the

    spri'-steel shaft amplif%i' his p)lse*

    Nothi' happe'ed* There was o'l% the s)ri' of the alarm( the &rashi' of the ames(

    his heart hammeri'* 7he' the fear &ame( it was li$e some half-forotte' frie'd* Not the

    &old( rapid me&ha'ism of the de-para'oia( b)t simple a'imal fear* He,d lived for so

    lo' o' a &o'sta't ede of a'iet% that he,d almost forotte' what real fear was*

    This &)bi&le was the sort of pla&e where people died* He miht die here* The% miht

    have )'s***

    A &rash( from the far e'd of the &orridor* A ma',s voi&e( sho)ti' somethi' i' 3apa'ese*

    A s&ream( shrill terror* A'other &rash*

    A'd footsteps( )'h)rried( &omi' &loser*

    Passi' his &losed door* Pa)si' for the spa&e of three rapid beats of his heart* A'd

    ret)r'i'* O'e( two( three* A bootheel s&raped the matti'*

    The last of his o&tao'-i'd)&ed bravado &ollapsed* He s'apped the &obra i'to its ha'dlea'd s&rambled for the wi'dow( bli'd with fear( his 'erves s&reami'* He was )p( o)t(

    a'd falli'( all before he was &o's&io)s of what he,d do'e* The impa&t with paveme't

    drove d)ll rods of pai' thro)h his shi's*

    A 'arrow wede of liht from a half-ope' servi&e hat&h framed a heap of dis&arded

    fiberopti&s a'd the &hassis of a 0)'$ed &o'sole* He,d falle' fa&e forward o' a slab of

    so% &hipboard2 he rolled over( i'to the shadow of the &o'sole* The &)bi&le,s wi'dow

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    was a s:)are of fai't liht* The alarm still os&illated( lo)der here( the rear wall d)lli'

    the roar of the ames*

    A head appeared( framed i' the wi'dow( ba&$lit b% the fl)ores&e'ts i' the &orridor( the'

    va'ished* It ret)r'ed( b)t he still &o)ld',t read the feat)res* ;li't of silver a&ross the

    e%es* +Shit(, someo'e said( a woma'( i' the a&&e't of the 'orther' Sprawl*

    The head was o'e* Case la% )'der the &o'sole for a lo' &o)'t of twe't%( the' stood

    )p* The steel &obra was still i' his ha'd( a'd it too$ him a few se&o'ds to remember

    what it was* He limped awa% dow' the alle%( ')rsi' his left a'$le*

    Shi',s pistol was a fift%-%ear-old iet'amese imitatio' of a So)th Ameri&a' &op% of a

    7alther PP5( do)ble-a&tio' o' the first shot( with a ver% ro)h p)ll* It was &hambered

    for *== lo' rifle( a'd Case wo)ld,ve preferred lead a4ide eplosives to the simple

    Chi'ese hollowpoi'ts Shi' had sold him* Still( it was a ha'd)' a'd 'i'e ro)'ds of

    amm)'itio'( a'd as he made his wa% dow' Shia from the s)shi stall he &radled it i' his0a&$et po&$et* The rips were briht red plasti& molded i' a raised drao' motif(

    somethi' to r)' %o)r th)mb a&ross i' the dar$* He,d &o'si'ed the &obra to a d)mp

    &a'ister o' Ni'sei a'd dr%-swallowed a'other o&tao'*

    The pill lit his &ir&)its a'd he rode the r)sh dow' Shia to Ni'sei( the' over to aiits)*

    His tail( he,d de&ided( was o'e( a'd that was fi'e* He had &alls to ma$e( bi4 to tra'sa&t(

    a'd it wo)ld',t wait* A blo&$ dow' aiits)( toward the port( stood a feat)reless te'-stor%

    offi&e b)ildi' i' )l% %ellow bri&$* Its wi'dows were dar$ 'ow( b)t a fai't low from

    the roof was visible if %o) &ra'ed %o)r 'e&$* A' )'lit 'eo' si' 'ear the mai' e'tra'&e

    offered CHEAP HOTE" )'der a &l)ster of ideorams* If the pla&e had a'other 'ame(Case did',t $'ow it2 it was alwa%s referred to as Cheap Hotel* !o) rea&hed it thro)h a'

    alle% off aiits)( where a' elevator waited at the foot of a tra'spare't shaft* The

    elevator( li$e Cheap Hotel( was a' aftertho)ht( lashed to the b)ildi' with bamboo a'd

    epo%* Case &limbed i'to the plasti& &ae a'd )sed his $e%( a' )'mar$ed le'th of riid

    ma'eti& tape*

    Case had re'ted a &offi' here( o' a wee$l% basis( si'&e he,d arrived i' Chiba( b)t he,d

    'ever slept i' Cheap Hotel* He slept i' &heaper pla&es*

    The elevator smelled of perf)me a'd &iarettes2 the sides of the &ae was s&rat&hed a'd

    th)mb-sm)ded* As it passed the fifth floor( he saw the lihts of Ni'sei* He dr)mmed

    his fi'ers aai'st the pistolrip as the &ae slowed with a rad)al hiss* As alwa%s( it

    &ame to a f)ll stop with a viole't 0olt( b)t he was read% for it* He stepped o)t i'to the

    &o)rt%ard that served the pla&e as some &ombi'atio' of lobb% a'd law'*

    Ce'tered i' the s:)are &arpet of ree' plasti& t)rf( a 3apa'ese tee'aer sat behi'd a C-

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    shaped &o'sole( readi' a tetboo$* The white fiberlass &offi's were ra&$ed i' a

    framewor$ of i'd)strial s&affoldi'* Si tiers of &offi's( te' &offi's o' a side* Case

    'odded i' the bo%,s dire&tio' a'd limped a&ross the plasti& rass to the 'earest ladder*

    The &ompo)'d was roofed with &heap lami'ated matti' that rattled i' a stro' wi'd

    a'd lea$ed whe' it rai'ed( b)t the &offi's were reaso'abl% diffi&)lt to ope' witho)t a


    The epa'sio'-rate &atwal$ vibrated with his weiht as he eded his wa% alo' the

    third tier to N)mber F=* The &offi's were three meters lo'( the oval hat&hes a meter

    wide a'd 0)st )'der a meter a'd a half tall* He fed his $e% i'to the slot a'd waited for

    verifi&atio' from the ho)se &omp)ter* 8a'eti& bolts th)dded reass)ri'l% a'd the hat&h

    rose verti&all% with a &rea$ of spri's*

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    +Iff%(, he said( +it,s all loo$i' ver% iff% to'iht*,

    Case wal$ed i'to the Chat a' ho)r before daw'( both ha'ds i' the po&$ets of his 0a&$et

    o'e held the re'ted pistol( the other the al)mi')m flas$*

    Rat4 was at a rear table( dri'$i' Apollo'aris water from a beer pit&her( his h)'dred a'd

    twe't% $ilos of do)h% flesh tilted aai'st the wall o' a &rea$i' &hair* A ra4ilia' $id

    &alled 5)rt was o' the bar( te'di' a thi' &rowd of mostl% sile't dr)'$s* Rat4,s plasti&

    arm b)44ed as he raised the pit&her a'd dra'$* His shave' head was filmed with sweat*

    +!o) loo$ bad( frie'd artiste(, he said( flashi' the wet r)i' of his teeth*

    +I,m doi' 0)st fi'e(, said Case( a'd ri''ed li$e a s$)ll* +S)per fi'e*, He saed i'to the

    &hair opposite Rat4( ha'ds still i' his po&$ets*

    +A'd %o) wa'der ba&$ a'd forth i' this portable bombshelter b)ilt of boo4e a'd )ps(

    s)re* Proof aai'st the rosser emotio's( %es9,

    +7h% do',t %o) et off m% &ase( Rat49 !o) see' 7ae9,

    +Proof aai'st fear a'd bei' alo'e(, the barte'der &o'ti')ed* +"iste' to the fear* 8a%be

    it,s %o)r frie'd*,

    +!o) hear a'%thi' abo)t a fiht i' the ar&ade to'iht( Rat49 Somebod% h)rt9,

    +Cra4% &)t a se&)rit% ma'*, He shr)ed* +A irl( the% sa%*,

    +I otta tal$ to 7ae* Rat4( I***,

    +Ah*, Rat4,s mo)th 'arrowed( &ompressed i'to a si'le li'e* He was loo$i' past Case(

    toward the e'tra'&e* +I thi'$ %o) are abo)t to*,

    Case had a s)dde' flash of the sh)ri$e' i' their wi'dow* The speed sa' i' his head*

    The pistol i' his ha'd was slipper% with sweat*

    +Herr 7ae(, Rat4 said( slowl% ete'di' his pi'$ ma'ip)lator as if he epe&ted it to be

    sha$e'* +How reat a pleas)re* Too seldom do %o) ho'or )s*,

    Case t)r'ed his head a'd loo$ed )p i'to 7ae,s fa&e* It was a ta''ed a'd forettable

    mas$* The e%es were vatrow' sea-ree' Ni$o' tra'spla'ts* 7ae wore a s)it of

    )'metal sil$ a'd a simple bra&elet of plati')m o' either wrist* He was fla'$ed b% his

    0oebo%s( 'earl% ide'ti&al %o)' me'( their arms a'd sho)lders b)li' with rafted


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    +How %o) doi'( Case9,

    +;e'tleme'(, said Rat4( pi&$i' )p the table,s heaped ashtra% i' his pi'$ plasti& &law( +I

    wa't 'o tro)ble here*, The ashtra% was made of thi&$( shatterproof plasti&( a'd

    advertised Tsi'tao beer* Rat4 &r)shed it smoothl%( b)tts a'd shards of ree' plasti&

    &as&adi' o'to the tabletop* +!o) )'dersta'd9,

    +He%( sweetheart(, said o'e of the 0oebo%s( +%o) wa''a tr% that thi' o' me9,

    +Do',t bother aimi' for the les( 5)rt(, Rat4 said( his to'e &o'versatio'al* Case la'&ed

    a&ross the room a'd saw the ra4ilia' sta'di' o' the bar( aimi' a Smith G 7esso'

    riot )' at the trio* The thi',s barrel( made of paper-thi' allo% wrapped with a $ilometer

    of lass filame't( was wide e'o)h to swallow a fist* The s$eletal maa4i'e revealed

    five fat ora'e &artrides( s)bso'i& sa'dba 0ellies*

    +Te&h'i&all% 'o'lethal(, said Rat4*

    +He%( Rat4(, Case said( +I owe %o) o'e*,

    The barte'der shr)ed* +Nothi'( %o) owe me* These(, a'd he lowered at 7ae a'd

    the 0oebo%s( +sho)ld $'ow better* !o) do',t ta$e a'%bod% off i' the Chats)bo*,

    7ae &o)hed* +So who,s tal$i' abo)t ta$i' a'%bod% off* 7e 0)st wa''a tal$

    b)si'ess* Case a'd me( we wor$ toether*,

    Case p)lled the *== o)t of his po&$et a'd levelled it at 7ae,s &rot&h* +I hear %o) wa''ado me*, Rat4,s pi'$ &law &losed aro)'d the pistol a'd Case let his ha'd o limp*

    +"oo$( Case( %o) tell me what the f)&$ is oi' o' with %o)( %o) wi or somethi'9

    7hat,s this shit I,m tr%i' to $ill %o)9, 7ae t)r'ed to the bo% o' his left* +!o) two o

    ba&$ to the Namba'* 7ait for me*,

    Case wat&hed as the% &rossed the bar( whi&h was 'ow e'tirel% deserted e&ept for 5)rt

    a'd a dr)'$e' sailor i' $ha$is( who was &)rled at the foot of a barstool* The barrel of the

    Smith G 7esso' tra&$ed the two to the door( the' sw)' ba&$ to &over 7ae* The

    maa4i'e of Case,s pistol &lattered o' the table* Rat4 held the )' i' his &law a'dp)mped the ro)'d o)t of the &hamber*

    +7ho told %o) I was oi' to hit %o)( Case9, 7ae as$ed*


    +7ho told %o)( ma'9 Somebod% tr%i' to set %o) )p9,

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    The sailor moa'ed a'd vomited eplosivel%*

    +;et him o)t of here(, Rat4 &alled to 5)rt( who was sitti' o' the ede of the bar 'ow(

    the Smith G 7esso' a&ross his lap( lihti' a &iarette*

    Case felt the weiht of the 'iht &ome dow' o' him li$e a ba of wet sa'd settli'

    behi'd his e%es* He too$ the flas$ o)t of his po&$et a'd ha'ded it to 7ae* +All I ot*

    Pit)itaries* ;et %o) five h)'dred if %o) move it fast* Had the rest of m% roll i' some

    RA8( b)t that,s o'e b% 'ow*,

    +!o) o$a%( Case9, The flas$ had alread% va'ished behi'd a )'metal lapel* +I mea'( fi'e(

    this,ll s:)are )s( b)t %o) loo$ bad* "i$e hammered shit* !o) better o somewhere a'd


    +!eah*, He stood )p a'd felt the Chat swa% aro)'d him* +7ell( I had this fift%( b)t I ave

    it to somebod%*, He iled* He pi&$ed )p the *==,s maa4i'e a'd the o'e loose &artridea'd dropped them i'to o'e po&$et( the' p)t the pistol i' the other* +I otta see Shi'( et

    m% deposit ba&$*,

    +;o home(, said Rat4( shifti' o' the &rea$i' &hair with somethi' li$e embarrassme't*

    +Artiste* ;o home*,

    He felt them wat&hi' as he &rossed the room a'd sho)ldered his wa% past the plasti&


    +it&h(, he said to the rose ti't over Shia* Dow' o' Ni'sei the holorams wereva'ishi' li$e hosts( a'd most of the 'eo' was alread% &old a'd dead* He sipped thi&$

    bla&$ &offee from a street ve'dor,s foam thimble a'd wat&hed the s)' &ome )p* +!o) fl%

    awa%( ho'e%* Tow's li$e this are for people who li$e the wa% dow'*, )t that was',t it(

    reall%( a'd he was fi'di' it i'&reasi'l% hard to mai'tai' the se'se of betra%al* She 0)st

    wa'ted a ti&$et home( a'd the RA8 i' his Hita&hi wo)ld b)% it for her( if she &o)ld fi'd

    the riht fe'&e* A'd that b)si'ess with the fift%2 she,d almost t)r'ed it dow'( $'owi'

    she was abo)t to rip him for the rest of what he had*

    7he' he &limbed o)t of the elevator( the same bo% was o' the des$* Differe't tetboo$*

    +;ood b)dd%(, Case &alled a&ross the plasti& t)rf( +%o) do',t 'eed to tell me* I $'owalread%* Prett% lad% &ame to visit( said she had m% $e%* Ni&e little tip for %o)( sa% fift%

    New o'es9, The bo% p)t dow' his boo$* +7oma'(, Case said( a'd drew a li'e a&ross his

    forehead with his th)mb* +Sil$*, He smiled broadl%* The bo% smiled ba&$( 'odded*

    +Tha'$s( asshole(, Case said*

    O' the &atwal$( he had tro)ble with the lo&$* She,d messed it )p somehow whe' she,d

    fiddled it( he tho)ht* ei''er* He $'ew where to re't a bla&$bo that wo)ld ope'

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    a'%thi' i' Cheap Hotel*

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    s&rewed )p( Case* I showed )p a'd %o) 0)st fit me riht i'to %o)r realit% pi&t)re*,

    +So what do %o) wa't( lad%9, He saed ba&$ aai'st the hat&h*

    +!o)* O'e live bod%( brai's still somewhat i'ta&t* 8oll%( Case* 8% 'ame,s 8oll%* I,m

    &olle&ti' %o) for the ma' I wor$ for* 3)st wa'ts to tal$2 is all* Nobod% wa'ts to h)rt


    +That,s ood*,

    +,Cept I do h)rt people sometimes( Case* I )ess it,s 0)st the wa% I,m wired*, She wore

    tiht bla&$ loveleather 0ea's a'd a b)l$% bla&$ 0a&$et &)t from some matte fabri& that

    seemed to absorb liht* +If I p)t this dart)' awa%( will %o) be eas%( Case9 !o) loo$ li$e

    %o) li$e to ta$e st)pid &ha'&es*,

    +He%( I,m ver% eas%* I,m a p)shover( 'o problem*,

    +That,s fi'e( ma'*, The flet&her va'ished i'to the bla&$ 0a&$et* +e&a)se %o) tr% to f)&$

    aro)'d with me( %o),ll be ta$i' o'e of the st)pidest &ha'&es of %o)r whole life*,

    She held o)t her ha'ds( palms )p( the white fi'ers slihtl% spread( a'd with a barel%

    a)dible &li&$( te' do)ble-eded( fo)r&e'timeter s&alpel blades slid from their ho)si's

    be'eath the b)r)'d% 'ails*

    She smiled* The blades slowl% withdrew*


    After a %ear of &offi's( the room o' the twe't%-fifth floor of the Chiba Hilto' seemed

    e'ormo)s* It was te' meters b% eiht( half of a s)ite* A white ra)' &offeema$er

    steamed o' a low table b% the slidi' lass pa'els that ope'ed o'to a 'arrow bal&o'%*

    +;et some &offee i' %o)* "oo$ li$e %o) 'eed it*, She too$ off her bla&$ 0a&$et2 the

    flet&her h)' be'eath her arm i' a bla&$ '%lo' sho)lder ri* She wore a sleeveless ra%

    p)llover with plai' steel 4ips a&ross ea&h sho)lder* )lletproof* Case de&ided( sloppi'

    &offee i'to a briht red m)* His arms a'd les felt li$e the% were made o)t of wood*

    +Case*, He loo$ed )p( seei' the ma' for the first time* +8% 'ame is Armitae*, The dar$

    robe was ope' to the waist( the broad &hest hairless a'd m)s&)lar( the stoma&h flat a'd

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    hard* l)e e%es so pale the% made Case thi'$ of blea&h* +S)',s )p( Case* This is %o)r

    l)&$% da%( bo%*,

    Case whipped his arm sidewa%s a'd the ma' easil% d)&$ed the s&aldi' &offee* row'

    stai' r)''i' dow' the imitatio' ri&epaper wall* He saw the a')lar old ri' thro)h

    the left lobe* Spe&ial

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    ra4orirls to ha)l m% ass )p here( is all* I,m 'ever o''a p)'&h a'% de&$ aai'( 'ot for

    %o) or a'%bod% else*, He &rossed to the wi'dow a'd loo$ed dow'* +That,s where I live


    +O)r profile sa%s %o),re tr%i' to &o' the street i'to $illi' %o) whe' %o),re 'ot loo$i'*,


    +7e,ve b)ilt )p a detailed model* o)ht a o-to for ea&h of %o)r aliases a'd ra' the

    s$im thro)h some militar% software* !o),re s)i&idal( Case* The model ives %o) a

    mo'th o' the o)tside* A'd o)r medi&al pro0e&tio' sa%s %o),ll 'eed a 'ew pa'&reas i'side

    a %ear*,

    ++7e*,, He met the faded bl)e e%es* ++7e, who9,

    +7hat wo)ld %o) sa% if I told %o) we &o)ld &orre&t %o)r 'e)ral damae( Case9,Armitae s)dde'l% loo$ed to Case as if he were &arved from a blo&$ of metal2 i'ert(

    e'ormo)sl% heav%* A stat)e* He $'ew 'ow that this was a dream( a'd that soo' he,d

    wa$e* Armitae wo)ld',t spea$ aai'* Case,s dreams alwa%s e'ded i' these

    free4eframes( a'd 'ow this o'e was over*

    +7hat wo)ld %o) sa%( Case9,

    Case loo$ed o)t over the a% a'd shivered*

    +I,d sa% %o) were f)ll of shit*,

    Armitae 'odded*

    +The' I,d as$ what %o)r terms were*,

    +Not ver% differe't tha' what %o),re )sed to( Case*,

    +"et the ma' et some sleep( Armitae(, 8oll% said from her f)to'( the &ompo'e'ts of

    the flet&her spread o' the sil$ li$e some epe'sive p)44le* +He,s &omi' apart at the


    +Terms(, Case said( +a'd 'ow* Riht 'ow*,

    He was still shiveri'* He &o)ld',t stop shiveri'*

    The &li'i& was 'ameless( epe'sivel% appoi'ted( a &l)ster of slee$ pavilio's separated

    b% small formal arde's* He remembered the pla&e from the ro)'d he,d made his first

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    mo'th i' Chiba*

    +S&ared( Case* !o),re real s&ared*, It was S)'da% after'oo' a'd he stood with 8oll% i' a

    sort of &o)rt%ard* 7hite bo)lders( a sta'd of ree' bamboo( bla&$ ravel ra$ed i'to

    smooth waves* A arde'er( a thi' li$e a lare metal &rab( was te'di' the bamboo*

    +It,ll wor$ Case* !o) ot 'o idea( the $i'd of st)ff Armitae has* "i$e he,s o''a pa%

    these 'erve bo%s for fii' %o) with the proram he,s ivi' them to tell them how to do

    it* He,ll p)t them three %ears ahead of the &ompetitio'* !o) ot a'% idea what that,s

    worth9, She hoo$ed th)mbs i' the beltloops of her leather 0ea's a'd ro&$ed ba&$ward o'

    the la&:)ered heels of &herr% red &owbo% boots* The 'arrow toes were sheathed i' briht

    8ei&a' silver* The le'ses were empt% :)i&$silver( reardi' him with a' i'se&t &alm*

    +!o),re street sam)rai(, he said* +How lo' %o) wor$ for him9,

    +Co)ple of mo'ths*,

    +7hat abo)t before that9,


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    toes of his shoes* He bea' to sear&h his po&$ets for &iarettes* +I' %o)r shirt(, she said*

    +!o) wa't to a'swer m% :)estio'9, He fished a wri'$led !ehe%)a' from the pa&$ a'd

    she lit it for him with a thi' slab of ;erma' steel that loo$ed as tho)h it belo'ed o' a'

    operati' table*

    +7ell( I,ll tell %o)( the ma',s defi'itel% o' to somethi'* He,s ot bi mo'e% 'ow( a'd

    he,s 'ever had it before( a'd he ets more all the time*, Case 'oti&ed a &ertai' te'sio'

    aro)'d her mo)th* +Or ma%be( ma%be somethi',s o' to him***, She shr)ed*

    +7hat,s that mea'9,

    +I do',t $'ow( ea&tl%* I $'ow I do',t $'ow who or what we,re reall% wor$i' for*,

    He stared at the twi' mirrors* "eavi' the Hilto'( Sat)rda% mor'i'( he,d o'e ba&$ to

    Cheap Hotel a'd slept for te' ho)rs* The' he,d ta$e' a lo' a'd poi'tless wal$ alo' theport,s se&)rit% perimeter( wat&hi' the )lls t)r' &ir&les be%o'd the &hai'li'$* If she,d

    followed him( she,d do'e a ood 0ob of it* He,d avoided Niht Cit%* He,d waited i' the

    &offi' for Armitae,s &all* Now this :)iet &o)rt%ard( S)'da% after'oo'( this irl with a

    %m'ast,s bod% a'd &o'0)rer,s ha'ds*

    +If %o),ll &ome i' 'ow( sir( the a'esthetist is waiti' to meet %o)*, The te&h'i&ia' bowed(

    t)r'ed( a'd ree'tered the &li'i& witho)t waiti' to see if Case wo)ld follow*

    Cold steel odor* I&e &aressed his spi'e*

    "ost( so small amid that dar$( ha'ds row' &old( bod% imae fadi' dow' &orridors of

    televisio' s$%*


    The' bla&$ fire fo)'d the bra'&hi' trib)taries of the 'erves( pai' be%o'd a'%thi' to

    whi&h the 'ame of pai' is ive'***

    Hold still* Do',t move*

    A'd Rat4 was there( a'd "i'da "ee( 7ae a'd "o''% 6o'e( a h)'dred fa&es from the

    'eo' forest( sailors a'd h)stlers a'd whores( where the s$% is poiso'ed silver( be%o'd

    &hai'li'$ a'd the priso' of the s$)ll*

    ;oddam' do',t %o) move*

    7here the s$% faded from hissi' stati& to the 'o'&olor of the matri( a'd he limpsed

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    the sh)ri$e'( his stars*

    +Stop it( Case( I otta fi'd %o)r vei',

    She was straddli' his &hest( a bl)e plasti& s%rette i' o'e ha'd* +!o) do',t lie still( I,ll slit

    %o)r f)&$i' throat* !o),re still f)ll of e'dorphi' i'hibitors*,

    He wo$e a'd fo)'d her stret&hed beside him i' the dar$*

    His 'e&$ was brittle( made of twis* There was a stead% p)lse of pai' midwa% dow' his

    spi'e* Imaes formed a'd reformed a fli&$eri' mo'tae of the Sprawl,s towers a'd


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    +Hilto'( selli' beads to the 'atives or somethi'* 7e,re o)t of here soo'( ma'*

    Amsterdam( Paris( the' ba&$ to the Sprawl*, She to)&hed his sho)lder* +Roll over* I ive

    a ood massae*,

    He la% o' his stoma&h( arms stret&hed forward( tips of his fi'ers aai'st the walls of the

    &offi'* She settled over the small of his ba&$( $'eeli' o' the temperfoam( the leather

    0ea's &ool aai'st his s$i'* Her fi'ers br)shed his 'e&$*

    +How &ome %o),re 'ot at the Hilto'9,

    She a'swered him b% rea&hi' ba&$( betwee' his thihs( a'd e'tl% e'&ir&li' his

    s&rot)m with th)mb a'd forefi'er* She ro&$ed there for a mi')te i' the dar$( ere&t

    above him( her other ha'd o' his 'e&$* The leather of her 0ea's &rea$ed softl% with the

    moveme't* Case shifted( feeli' himself harde' aai'st the temperfoam*

    His head throbbed( b)t the brittle'ess i' his 'e&$ seemed to retreat* He raised himself o'o'e elbow( rolled( sa'$ ba&$ aai'st the foam( p)lli' her dow'( li&$i' her breasts(

    small hard 'ipples slidi' wet a&ross his &hee$* He fo)'d the 4ip o' the leather 0ea's

    a'd t)ed it dow'*

    +It,s o$a%(, she said( +I &a' see*, So)'d of the 0ea's peeli' dow'* She str)led beside

    him )'til she &o)ld $i&$ them awa%* She threw a le a&ross him a'd he to)&hed her fa&e*

    #'epe&ted hard'ess of the impla'ted le'ses* +Do',t(, she said( +fi'erpri'ts*,

    Now she straddled him aai'( too$ his ha'd( a'd &losed it over her( his th)mb alo' the

    &left of her b)tto&$s( his fi'ers spread a&ross the labia* As she bea' to lower herself(the imaes &ame p)lsi' ba&$( the fa&es( frame'ts of 'eo' arrivi' a'd re&edi'* She

    slid dow' aro)'d him a'd his ba&$ ar&hed &o'v)lsivel%* She rode him that wa%(

    impali' herself( slippi' dow' o' him aai' a'd aai'( )'til the% both had &ome( his

    orasm flari' bl)e i' a timeless spa&e( a vast'ess li$e the matri( where the fa&es were

    shredded a'd blow' awa% dow' h)rri&a'e &orridors( a'd her i''er thihs were stro'

    a'd wet aai'st his hips*

    O' Ni'sei( a thi''er( wee$da% versio' of the &rowd we't thro)h the motio's of the

    da'&e* 7aves of so)'d rolled from the ar&ades a'd pa&hi'$o parlors* Case la'&ed i'to

    the Chat a'd saw 6o'e wat&hi' over his irls i' the warm( beer-smelli' twiliht* Rat4

    was te'di' bar*

    +!o) see' 7ae( Rat49,

    +Not to'iht*, Rat4 made a poi't of raisi' a' e%ebrow at 8oll%*

    +!o) see him( tell him I ot his mo'e%*,

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    +")&$ &ha'i'( m% artiste9,

    +Too soo' to tell*,

    +7ell( I otta see this )%(, Case said( wat&hi' his refle&tio' i' her lasses* +I ot bi4 to

    &a'&el o)t of*,

    +Armitae wo',t li$e it( I let %o) o)t of m% siht*, She stood be'eath Dea'e,s melti'

    &lo&$( ha'ds o' her hips*

    +The )% wo',t tal$ to me if %o),re there* Dea'e I do',t ive two shits abo)t* He ta$es

    &are of himself* )t I ot people who,ll 0)st o )'der if I wal$ o)t of Chiba &old* It,s m%

    people( %o) $'ow9,

    Her mo)th harde'ed* She shoo$ her head*

    +I ot people i' Si'apore( To$%o &o''e&tio's i' Shi'0)$) a'd Asa$)4a( a'd the%,ll o

    dow'( )'dersta'd9, he lied( his ha'd o' the sho)lder of her bla&$ 0a&$et* +

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    +5eepi' stra'er &ompa'% tha' )s)al( Case9, as$ed 3)lie*

    +3)lie( she,s o'e* !o) wa''a let me i'9 Please( 3)lie9,

    The bolts wor$ed* +Slowl%( Case(, said the voi&e*

    +T)r' o' the wor$s( 3)lie( all the st)ff i' the des$(, Case said( ta$i' his pla&e i' theswivel &hair*

    +It,s o' all the time(, Dea'e said mildl%( ta$i' a )' from behi'd the eposed wor$s of

    his old me&ha'i&al t%pewriter a'd aimi' it &aref)ll% at Case* It was a bell% )'( a

    ma')m revolver with the barrel saw' dow' to a ')b* The fro't of the trier )ard had

    bee' &)t awa% a'd the rips wrapped with what loo$ed li$e old mas$i' tape* Case

    tho)ht it loo$ed ver% stra'e i' Dea',s ma'i&)red pi'$ ha'ds* +3)st ta$i' &are( %o)

    )'dersta'd* Nothi' perso'al* Now tell me what %o) wa't*,

    +I 'eed a histor% lesso'( 3)lie* A'd a o-to o' somebod%*,

    +7hat,s movi'( old so'9, Dea'e,s shirt was &a'd%-striped &otto'( the &ollar white a'd

    riid( li$e por&elai'*

    +8e( 3)lie* I,m leavi'* ;o'e* )t do me the favor( o$a%9,

    +;o-to o' whom( old so'9,

    +;ai0i' 'ame of Armitae( s)ite i' the Hilto'*,

    Dea'e p)t the pistol dow'* +Sit still( Case*, He tapped somethi' o)t o' a lap termi'al*

    +It seems as tho)h %o) $'ow as m)&h as m% 'et does( Case* This e'tlema' seems to

    have a temporar% arra'eme't with the !a$)4a( a'd the so's of the 'eo'

    &hr%sa'them)m have wa%s of s&ree'i' their allies from the li$es of me* I wo)ld',t have

    it a'% other wa%* Now( histor%* !o) said histor%*, He pi&$ed )p the )' aai'( b)t did',t

    poi't it dire&tl% at Case* +7hat sort of histor%9,

    +The war* !o) i' the war( 3)lie9,

    +The war9 7hat,s there to $'ow9 "asted three wee$s*,


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    bit of patrioti& %o)' flesh i' order to test some 'ew te&h'olo%* The% $'ew abo)t the

    R)ssia's,B defe'ses( it &ame o)t later* 5'ew abo)t the emps( ma'eti& p)lse weapo's*

    Se't these fellows i' reardless( 0)st to see*, Dea'e shr)ed* +T)r$e% shoot for Iva'*,

    +A'% of those )%s ma$e it o)t9,

    +Christ(, Dea'e said( +it,s bee' blood% %ears*** Tho)h I do thi'$ a few did* O'e of the

    teams* ;ot hold of a Sov )'ship* Heli&opter( %o) $'ow*

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    +Shit(, he said* He loo$ed at the o&tao'( the' at her*

    +Eat it* Eat a do4e'* Nothi',ll happe'*,

    He did* Nothi' did*

    Three beers later( she was as$i' Rat4 abo)t the fihts*

    +Sammi,s(, Rat4 said*

    +I,ll pass(, Case said( +I hear the% $ill ea&h other dow' there*,

    A' ho)r later( she was b)%i' ti&$ets from a s$i''% Thai i' a white t-shirt a'd ba%

    r)b% shorts*

    Sammi,s was a' i'flated dome behi'd a portside wareho)se( ta)t ra% fabri& rei'for&ed

    with a 'et of thi' steel &ables* The &orridor( with a door at either e'd( was a &r)de

    airlo&$ preservi' the press)re differe'tial that s)pported the dome*

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    from the ar&oloies* He s)pposed that mea't the are'a had the approval of some

    &orporate re&reatio'al &ommittee* He wo'dered briefl% what it wo)ld be li$e( wor$i'

    all %o)r life for o'e 4aibats) .1/* Compa'% ho)si'( &ompa'% h%m'( &ompa'% f)'eral*

    He,d made 'earl% a f)ll &ir&)it of the dome before he fo)'d the food stalls* He bo)ht

    %a$itori o' s$ewers a'd two tall wa% &arto's of beer* ;la'&i' )p at the holorams( he

    saw that blood la&ed o'e fi)re,s &hest* Thi&$ brow' sa)&e tri&$led dow' the s$ewers

    a'd over his $')&$les*

    Seve' da%s a'd he,d 0a&$ i'* If he &losed his e%es 'ow( he,d see the matri*

    Shadows twisted as the holorams sw)' thro)h their da'&e*

    The' the fear bea' to $'ot betwee' his sho)lders* A &old tri&$le of sweat wor$ed its

    wa% dow' a'd a&ross his ribs* The operatio' had',t wor$ed* He was still here( still meat(

    'o 8oll% waiti'( her e%es lo&$ed o' the &ir&li' $'ives( 'o Armitae waiti' i' theHilto' with ti&$ets a'd a 'ew passport a'd mo'e%* It was all some dream( some patheti&

    fa'tas%*** Hot tears bl)rred his visio'*

    lood spra%ed from a 0))lar i' a red o)t of liht* A'd 'ow the &rowd was s&reami'(

    risi'( s&reami' -as o'e fi)re &r)mpled( the holoram fadi'( fli&$eri'***

    Raw ede of vomit i' his throat* He &losed his e%es( too$ a deep breath( ope'ed them(

    a'd saw "i'da "ee step past him( her ra% e%es bli'd with fear* She wore the same

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    dippi' for his throat li$e a dowser,s wa'd*

    The fa&e was erased i' a h)mmi' &lo)d of mi&ros&opi& eplosio's* 8oll%,s flet&hettes(

    at twe't% ro)'ds per se&o'd* The bo% &o)hed o'&e( &o'v)lsivel%( a'd toppled a&ross

    Case,s les*

    He was wal$i' toward the stalls( i'to the shadows* He loo$ed dow'( epe&ti' to see

    that 'eedle of r)b% emere from his &hest* Nothi'* He fo)'d her* She was throw' dow'

    at the foot of a &o'&rete pillar( e%es &losed* There was a smell of &oo$ed meat* The

    &rowd was &ha'ti' the wi''er,s 'ame* A beer ve'dor was wipi' his taps with a dar$

    ra* O'e white s'ea$er had &ome off( somehow( a'd la% beside her head*

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    PART T7O




    Home was A8A( the Sprawl( the osto'-Atla'ta 8etropolita' Ais*

    Proram a map to displa% fre:)e'&% of data e&ha'e( ever% tho)sa'd meab%tes a

    si'le piel o' a ver% lare s&ree'* 8a'hatta' a'd Atla'ta b)r' solid white* The' the%

    start to p)lse( the rate of traffi& threate'i' to overload %o)r sim)latio'* !o)r map is

    abo)t to o 'ova* Cool it dow'* #p %o)r s&ale* Ea&h piel a millio' meab%tes* At a

    h)'dred millio' meab%tes per se&o'd( %o) bei' to ma$e o)t &ertai' blo&$s i' midtow'

    8a'hatta'( o)tli'es of h)'dred-%ear-old i'd)strial par$s ri'i' the old &ore of


    Case wo$e from a dream of airports( of 8oll%,s dar$ leathers movi' ahead of him

    thro)h the &o'&o)rses of Narita( S&hipol( Orl%*** He wat&hed himself b)% a flat plasti&

    flas$ of Da'ish vod$a at some $ios$( a' ho)r before daw'*

    Somewhere dow' i' the Sprawl,s ferro-&o'&rete roots( a trai' drove a &ol)m' of stale air

    thro)h a t)''el* The trai' itself was sile't( lidi' over its i'd)&tio' &)shio'( b)t

    displa&ed air made the t)''el si'( bass dow' i'to s)bso'i&s* ibratio' rea&hed the

    room where he la% a'd &a)sed d)st to rise from the &ra&$s i' the dessi&ated par:)etfloor*

    Ope'i' his e%es( he saw 8oll%( 'a$ed a'd 0)st o)t of rea&h a&ross a' epa'se of ver%

    'ew pi'$ temperfoam* Overhead( s)'liht filtered thro)h the soot-stai'ed rid of a

    s$%liht* O'e half-meter s:)are of lass had bee' repla&ed with &hipboard( a fat ra%

    &able emeri' there to da'le withi' a few &e'timeters of the floor* He la% o' his side

    a'd wat&hed her breathe( her breasts( the sweep of a fla'$ defi'ed with the f)'&tio'al

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    elea'&e of a war pla'e,s f)silae* Her bod% was spare( 'eat( the m)s&les li$e a da'&er,s*

    The room was lare* He sat )p* The room was empt%( aside from the wide pi'$ bedslab

    a'd two '%lo' bas( 'ew a'd ide'ti&al( that la% beside it* la'$ walls( 'o wi'dows( a

    si'le white-pai'ted steel firedoor* The walls were &oated with &o)'tless la%ers of white

    late pai't*

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    seemed to fill the doorwa%* He wore a somber Italia' s)it2 i' his riht ha'd he held a

    brief&ase of soft bla&$ &alf* The Spe&ial

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    shot thro)h with s)dde' eddies of 'eed a'd ratifi&atio'*

    He sat beside 8oll% i' filtered s)'liht o' the rim of a dr% &o'&rete fo)'tai'( letti' the

    e'dless stream of fa&es re&apit)late the staes of his life*

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    "ifeless 'eo' spelled o)t 8ETRO HO"O;RA

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    solid sa'dwi&h of &ir&)itr%( 'earl% a &e'timeter thi&$* He helped the ma' lift it a'd

    positio' it i' the doorwa%* ?)i&$( 'i&oti'e-stai'ed fi'ers se&)red it with a white vel&ro

    border* A hidde' eha)st fa' bea' to p)rr*

    +Time(, the ma' said( straihte'i' )p( +a'd &o)'ti'* !o) $'ow the rate( 8oll*,

    +7e 'eed a s&a'(

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    +A'd %o),re sa%i' this is',t for his be'efit9,

    +!eah* I saw %o)r profile( Case* A'd I,ve see' the rest of o)r shoppi' list( o'&e* !o)

    ever wor$ with the dead9,

    +No*, He wat&hed his refle&tio' i' her lasses* +I &o)ld* I )ess* I,m ood at what I do*,

    The prese't te'se made him 'ervo)s*

    +!o) $'ow that the Diie

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    )ptow'* Tihter tha' a' eel,s ass( Case* Now( Se'seNet( the% ot all their 'ew material

    for the fall seaso' lo&$ed i' there too* Steal that a'd we,d be ri&her tha' shit* )t 'o( we

    otta et )s the

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    +The matri has its roots i' primitive ar&ade ames(, said the voi&e-over( +i' earl%

    raphi&s prorams a'd militar% eperime'tatio' with &ra'ial 0a&$s*, O' the So'%( a two-

    dime'sio'al spa&e war faded behi'd a forest of mathemati&all% e'erated fer's(

    demo'strati' the spa&ial possibilities of loarithmi& spirals2 &old bl)e militar% footae

    b)r'ed thro)h( lab a'imals wired i'to test s%stems( helmets feedi' i'to fire &o'trol

    &ir&)its of ta'$s a'd war pla'es* +C%berspa&e* A &o'se's)al hall)&i'atio' eperie'&eddail% b% billio's of leitimate operators( i' ever% 'atio'( b% &hildre' bei' ta)ht

    mathemati&al &o'&epts*** A raphi& represe'tatio' of data abstra&ted from the ba'$s of

    ever% &omp)ter i' the h)ma' s%stem* #'thi'$able &ompleit%* "i'es of liht ra'ed i'

    the 'o'spa&e of the mi'd( &l)sters a'd &o'stellatio's of data* "i$e &it% lihts( re&edi'***,

    +7hat,s that9, 8oll% as$ed( as he flipped the &ha''el sele&tor*

    +5id,s show*, A dis&o'ti')o)s flood of imaes as the sele&tor &%&led* +Off(, he said to the


    +!o) wa't to tr% 'ow( Case9,

    7ed'esda%* Eiht da%s from wa$i' i' Cheap Hotel with 8oll% beside him* +!o) wa't

    me to o o)t( Case9 8a%be easier for %o)( alo'e***, He shoo$ his head*

    +No* Sta%( does',t matter*, He settled the bla&$ terr% sweatba'd a&ross his forehead(

    &aref)l 'ot to dist)rb the flat Se'dai dermatrodes .1/* He stared at the de&$ o' his lap(

    'ot reall% seei' it( seei' i'stead the shop wi'dow o' Ni'sei( the &hromed sh)ri$e'

    b)r'i' with refle&ted 'eo'* He la'&ed )p2 o' the wall( 0)st above the So'%( he,d h)'

    her ift( ta&$i' it there with a %ellow-headed drawi' pi' thro)h the hole at its &e'ter*

    He &losed his e%es*

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    A'd flowed( flowered for him( fl)id 'eo' oriami tri&$( the )'foldi' of his dista'&eless

    home( his &o)'tr%( tra'spare't >D &hessboard ete'di' to i'fi'it%* I''er e%e ope'i' to

    the stepped s&arlet p%ramid of the Easter' Seaboard

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    +7hat for9,

    +I have',t ot a &l)e* 5'ow I,m fitti' 8oll for a broad&ast ri( tho)h( so it,s probabl%

    her se'sori)m %o),ll a&&ess*, The

  • 8/12/2019 Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)


    &ompe'sated a)tomati&all%* l)e alpha')meri&s wi'$ed the time( low i' her left

    peripheral field* Showi' off( he tho)ht*

    Her bod% la')ae was disorie'ti'( her st%le forei'* She seemed &o'ti')all% o' the

    vere of &ollidi' with someo'e( b)t people melted o)t of her wa%( stepped sidewa%s(

    made room*

    +How %o) doi'* Case9, He heard the words a'd felt her form them* She slid a ha'd i'to

    her 0a&$et( a fi'ertip &ir&li' a 'ipple )'der warm sil$* The se'satio' made him &at&h

    his breath* She la)hed* )t the li'$ was o'e-wa%* He had 'o wa% to repl%*

    Two blo&$s later( she was threadi' the o)ts$irts of 8emor% "a'e* Case $ept tr%i' to

    0er$ her e%es toward la'dmar$s he wo)ld have )sed to fi'd his wa%* He bea' to fi'd the

    passivit% of the sit)atio' irritati'*

    The tra'sitio' to &%berspa&e( whe' he hit the swit&h( was i'sta'ta'eo)s* He p)'&hedhimself dow' a wall of primitive i&e belo'i' to the New !or$ P)bli& "ibrar%

    a)tomati&all% &o)'ti' pote'tial wi'dows* 5e%i' ba&$ i'to her se'sori)m( i'to the

    si')o)s flow of m)s&le( se'ses sharp a'd briht*

    He fo)'d himself wo'deri' abo)t the mi'd he shared these se'satio's with* 7hat did

    he $'ow abo)t her9 That she was a'other professio'al2 that she said her bei'( li$e his(

    was the thi' she did to ma$e a livi'* He $'ew the wa% she,d moved aai'st him(

    earlier( whe' she wo$e( their m)t)al r)'t of )'it% whe' he,d e'tered her( a'd that she

    li$ed her &offee bla&$( afterward***

    Her desti'atio' was o'e of the d)bio)s software re'tal &omplees that li'ed 8emor%

    "a'e* There was a still'ess( a h)sh* ooths li'ed a &e'tral hall* The &lie'tele were

    %o)'( few of them o)t of their tee's* The% all seemed to have &arbo' so&$ets pla'ted

    behi'd the left ear( b)t she did',t fo&)s o' them* The &o)'ters that fro'ted the booths

    displa%ed h)'dreds of slivers of mi&rosoft .1/( a')lar frame'ts of &olored sili&o'

    mo)'ted )'der oblo' tra'spare't b)bbles o' s:)ares of white &ardboard* 8oll% we't to

    the seve'th booth alo' the so)th wall* ehi'd the &o)'ter a bo% with a shave' head

    stared va&a'tl% i'to spa&e( a do4e' spi$es of mi&rosoft protr)di' from the so&$et

    behi'd his ear*

    +"arr%( %o) i'( ma'9, She positio'ed herself i' fro't of him* The bo%,s e%es fo&)sed* He

    sat )p i' his &hair a'd pried a briht mae'ta spli'ter from his so&$et with a dirt%


    +He%( "arr%*,

    +8oll%*, He 'odded*

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    +I have some wor$ for some of %o)r frie'ds( "arr%*,

    "arr% too$ a flat plasti& &ase from the po&$et of his red sportshirt a'd fli&$ed it ope'(

    slotti' the mi&rosoft beside a do4e' others* His ha'd hovered( sele&ted a loss% bla&$

    &hip that was slihtl% lo'er tha' the rest( a'd i'serted it smoothl% i'to his head* His

    e%es 'arrowed*

    +8oll%,s ot a rider(, he said( +a'd "arr% does',t li$e that*,

    +He%(, she said( +I did',t $'ow %o) were so*** se'sitive* I,m impressed* Costs a lot( to et

    that se'sitive*,

    +I $'ow %o)( lad%9, The bla'$ loo$ ret)r'ed* +!o) loo$i' to b)% some softs9,

    +I,m loo$i' for the 8oder's*,

    +!o) ot a rider( 8oll%* This sa%s*, He tapped the bla&$ spli'ter* +Somebod% else )si'

    %o)r e%es*,

    +8% part'er*,

    +Tell %o)r part'er to o*,

    +;ot somethi' for the Pa'ther 8oder's( "arr%*,

    +7hat are %o) tal$i' abo)t( lad%9,

    +Case( %o) ta$e off(, she said( a'd he hit the swit&h( i'sta'tl% ba&$ i' the matri* ;host

    impressio's of the software &omple h)' for a few se&o'ds i' the b)44i' &alm of


    +Pa'ther 8oder's(, he said to the Hosa$a( removi' the trodes* +

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    s)rer%( a' a'r% d)sti' of a&'e a&ross pale 'arrow &hee$s* The Hosa$a released the

    free4e2 the bo% moved( flowi' with the si'ister ra&e of a mime prete'di' to be a

    0)'le predator* His bod% was 'earl% i'visible( a' abstra&t patter' approimati' the

    s&ribbled bri&$wor$ slidi' smoothl% a&ross his tiht o'epie&e* 8imeti& pol%&arbo'*

    C)t to Dr*B iri'ia Rambali( So&iolo%( N!#( her 'ame( fa&)lt%( a'd s&hool p)lsi'

    a&ross the s&ree' i' pi'$ alpha')meri&s*

    +;ive' their pe'&ha't for these ra'dom a&ts of s)rreal viole'&e(, someo'e said( +it ma%

    be diffi&)lt for o)r viewers to )'dersta'd wh% %o) &o'ti')e to i'sist that this

    phe'ome'o' is',t a form of terrorism*,

    Dr*B Rambali smiled* +There is alwa%s a poi't at whi&h the terrorist &eases to ma'ip)late

    the media estalt* A poi't at whi&h the viole'&e ma% well es&alate( b)t be%o'd whi&h the

    terrorist has be&ome s%mptomati& of the media estalt itself* Terrorism as we ordi'aril%

    )'dersta'd it is i'atel% media-related* The Pa'ther 8oder's differ from other terroristspre&isel% i' their deree of self-&o's&io)s'ess( i' their aware'ess of the ete't to whi&h

    media divor&e the a&t of terrorism from the orii'al so&iopoliti&al i'te't***,

    +S$ip it(, Case said*

    Case met his first 8oder' two da%s after he,d s&ree'ed the Hosa$a,s pre&is* The

    8oder's( he,d de&ided( were a &o'temporar% versio' of the i S&ie'tists of his ow'

    late tee's* There was a $i'd of hostl% tee'ae DNA at wor$ i' the Sprawl( somethi'

    that &arried the &oded pre&epts of vario)s short-lived s)b&)lts a'd repli&ated them at odd

    i'tervals* The Pa'ther 8oder's were a softhead varia't o' the S&ie'tists* If thete&h'olo% had bee' available( the i S&ie'tists wo)ld all have had so&$ets st)ffed

    with mi&rosofts* It was the st%le that mattered a'd the st%le was the same* The 8oder's

    were mer&e'aries( pra&ti&al 0o$ers( 'ihilisti& te&h'ofetishists*

    The o'e who showed )p at the loft door with a bo of dis$ettes from the

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    rese'ted havi' to leave the de&$ to )se the &hemi&al toilet the%,d set )p i' a &or'er of

    the loft* I&e patter's formed a'd reformed o' the s&ree' as he probed for aps( s$irted

    the most obvio)s traps( a'd mapped the ro)te he,d ta$e thro)h Se'seNet,s i&e* It was

    ood i&e* 7o'derf)l i&e* Its patter's b)r'ed there while he la% with his arm )'der

    8oll%,s sho)lders( wat&hi' the red daw' thro)h the steel rid of the s$%liht* Its

    rai'bow piel ma4e was the first thi' he saw whe' he wo$e* He,d o straiht to thede&$( 'ot botheri' to dress( a'd 0a&$ i'* He was &)tti' it* He was wor$i'* He lost

    tra&$ of da%s*

    A'd sometimes( falli' asleep( parti&)larl% whe' 8oll% was off o' o'e of her

    re&o''aissa'&e trips with her re'ted &adre of 8oder's( imaes of Chiba &ame floodi'


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    as a diversio' for the Se'seNet se&)rit% people* His 0ob was to ma$e s)re the i'tr)sio'

    proram he,d writte' wo)ld li'$ with the Se'seNet s%stems whe' 8oll% 'eeded it to*

    He wat&hed the &o)'tdow' i' the &or'er of the s&ree'* Two* O'e*

    He 0a&$ed i' a'd triered his proram* +8ai'li'e(, breathed the li'$ ma'( his voi&e the

    o'l% so)'d as Case pl)'ed thro)h the lowi' strata of Se'seNet i&e* ;ood* Che&$

    8oll%* He hit the simstim a'd flipped i'to her se'sori)m*

    The s&rambler bl)rred the vis)al i'p)t slihtl%* She stood before a wall of old-fle&$ed

    mirror i' the b)ildi',s vast white lobb%( &hewi' )m( appare'tl% fas&i'ated b% her

    ow' refle&tio'* Aside from the h)e pair of s)'lasses &o'&eali' her mirrored i'sets(

    she ma'aed to loo$ remar$abl% li$e she belo'ed there( a'other to)rist irl hopi' for

    a limpse of Tall% Isham* She wore a pi'$ plasti& rai'&oat( a white mesh top( loose white

    pa'ts &)t i' a st%le that had bee' fashio'able i' To$%o the previo)s %ear* She ri''ed

    va&a'tl% a'd popped her )m* Case felt li$e la)hi'* He &o)ld feel the mi&ropore tape

    a&ross her rib&ae( feel the flat little )'its )'der it the radio( the simstim )'it( a'd thes&rambler* The throat mi$e( l)ed to her 'e&$( loo$ed as m)&h as possible li$e a'

    a'alesi& dermadis$* Her ha'ds( i' the po&$ets of the pi'$ &oat( were flei'

    s%stemati&all% thro)h a series of te'sio'-release eer&ises* It too$ him a few se&o'ds to

    reali4e that the pe&)liar se'satio' at the tips of her fi'ers was &a)sed b% the blades as

    the% were partiall% etr)ded( the' retra&ted*

    He flipped ba&$* His proram had rea&hed the fifth ate* He wat&hed as his i&ebrea$er

    strobed a'd shifted i' fro't of him( o'l% fai'tl% aware of his ha'ds pla%i' a&ross the

    de&$( ma$i' mi'or ad0)stme'ts* Tra'sl)&e't pla'es of &olor sh)ffled li$e a tri&$ de&$*

    Ta$e a &ard( he tho)ht( a'% &ard*

    The ate bl)rred past* He la)hed* The Se'seNet i&e had a&&epted his e'tr% as a ro)ti'e

    tra'sfer from the &o'sorti)m,s "os A'eles &omple* He was i'side* ehi'd him( viral

    s)bprorams peeled off( meshi' with the ate,s &ode fabri&( read% to defle&t the real

    "os A'eles data whe' it arrived*

    He flipped aai'* 8oll% was strolli' past the e'ormo)s &ir&)lar re&eptio' des$ at the

    rear of the lobb%*

    1=J1=J as the reado)t flared i' her opti& 'erve*

    At mid'iht( s%'&hed with the &hip behi'd 8oll%,s e%e( the li'$ ma' i' 3erse% had ive'

    his &omma'd* +8ai'li'e*, Ni'e 8oder's( s&attered alo' two h)'dred miles of the

    Sprawl( had sim)lta'eo)sl% dialed 8A E8ER; from pa% pho'es* Ea&h 8oder'

    delivered a short set spee&h( h)' )p( a'd drifted o)t i'to the 'iht( peeli' off s)ri&al

    loves* Ni'e differe't poli&e departme'ts a'd p)bli& se&)rit% ae'&ies were absorbi'

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  • 8/12/2019 Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)


    b)ildi',s ve'tilatio' s%stem( were &o'veri' o' the Se'seNet P%ramid* The% were

    r)''i' f)ll riot lihts* A A8A Rapid Deplo%me't heli&opter was lifti' off from its

    pad o' Ri$er,s*

    Case triered his se&o'd proram* A &aref)ll% e'i'eered vir)s atta&$ed the &ode fabri&

    s&ree'i' primar% &)stodial &omma'ds for the s)b-baseme't that ho)sed the Se'seNet

    resear&h materials* +osto'(, 8oll%,s voi&e &ame a&ross the li'$( +I,m dow'stairs*, Case

    swit&hed a'd saw the bla'$ wall of the elevator* She was )'4ippi' the white pa'ts* A

    b)l$% pa&$et( ea&tl% the shade of her pale a'$le( was se&)red there with mi&ropore* She

    $'elt a'd peeled the tape awa%* Strea$s of b)r)'d% fli&$ered a&ross the mimeti&

    pol%&arbo' as she )'folded the 8oder' s)it* She removed the pi'$ rai'&oat( threw it

    dow' beside the white pa'ts( a'd bea' to p)ll the s)it o' over the white mesh top*


    Case,s vir)s had bored a wi'dow thro)h the librar%,s &omma'd i&e* He p)'&hedhimself thro)h a'd fo)'d a' i'fi'ite bl)e spa&e ra'ed with &olor-&oded spheres str)'

    o' a tiht rid of pale bl)e 'eo'* I' the 'o'spa&e of the matri( the i'terior of a ive'

    data &o'str)&t possessed )'limited s)b0e&tive dime'sio'2 a &hild,s to% &al&)lator(

    a&&essed thro)h Case,s Se'dai( wo)ld have prese'ted limitless )lfs of 'othi''ess

    h)' with a few basi& &omma'ds* Case bea' to $e% the se:)e'&e the

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    Case flipped i'to the matri a'd p)lled the trodes from his forehead* He was dre'&hed

    with sweat* He wiped his forehead with a towel( too$ a :)i&$ sip of water from the

    bi&%&le bottle beside the Hosa$a( a'd &he&$ed the map of the librar% displa%ed o' the

    s&ree'* A p)lsi' red &)rsor &rept thro)h the o)tli'e of a doorwa%* O'l% millimeters

    from the ree' dot that i'di&ated the lo&atio' of the Diie

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    8oll% &losed the lo&$er door2 Case flipped*

    He withdrew the li'e thro)h the librar% i&e* It whipped ba&$ i'to his proram(

    a)tomati&all% trieri' a f)ll s%stem reversal* The Se'seNet ates s'apped past him as

    he ba&$ed o)t( s)bprorams whirli' ba&$ i'to the &ore of the i&ebrea$er as he passed

    the ates where the% had bee' statio'ed*

    +O)t( rood(, he said( a'd sl)mped i' his &hair* After the &o'&e'tratio' of a' a&t)al r)'(

    he &o)ld remai' 0a&$ed i' a'd still retai' aware'ess of his bod%* It miht ta$e Se'seNet

    da%s to dis&over the theft of the &o'str)&t* The $e% wo)ld be the defle&tio' of the "os

    A'eles tra'sfer( whi&h &oi'&ided too 'eatl% with the 8oder',s terror r)'* He do)bted

    that the three se&)rit% me' 8oll% had e'&o)'tered i' the &orridor wo)ld live to tal$

    abo)t it* He flipped*

    The elevator( with 8oll%,s bla&$bo taped beside the &o'trol pa'el( remai'ed where

    she,d left it* The )ard still la% &)rled o' the floor* Case 'oti&ed the derm o' his 'e&$ forthe first time* Somethi' of 8oll%,s( to $eep him )'der* She stepped over him a'd

    removed the bla&$bo before p)'&hi' "O!*

    As the elevator door hissed ope'( a woma' h)rtled ba&$ward o)t of the &rowd( i'to the

    elevator( a'd str)&$ the rear wall with her head* 8oll% i'ored her( be'di' over to peel

    the derm from the )ard,s 'e&$* The' she $i&$ed the white pa'ts a'd the pi'$ rai'&oat

    o)t the door( tossi' the dar$ lasses after them( a'd drew the hood of her s)it dow'

    a&ross her forehead* The &o'str)&t( i' the s)it,s $a'aroo po&$et( d) i'to her ster')m

    whe' she moved* She stepped o)t*

    Case had see' pa'i& before( b)t 'ever i' a' e'&losed area*

    The Se'seNet emplo%ees( spilli' o)t of the elevators( had s)red for the street doors(

    o'l% to meet the foam barri&ades of the Ta&ti&als a'd the sa'dba-)'s of the A8A

    Rapids* The two ae'&ies( &o'vi'&ed that the% were &o'tai'i' a horde of pote'tial

    $illers( were &ooperati' with a' )'&hara&teristi& deree of effi&ie'&%* e%o'd the

    shattered wre&$ae of the mai' street doors( bodies were piled three deep o' the

    barri&ades* The hollow th)mpi' of the riot )'s provided a &o'sta't ba&$ro)'d for the

    so)'d the &rowd made as it s)red ba&$ a'd forth a&ross the lobb%,s marble floor* Case

    had 'ever heard a'%thi' li$e that so)'d*

    Neither( appare'tl%( had 8oll%* +3es)s(, she said( a'd hesitated* It was a sort of $ee'i'(

    risi' i'to a b)bbli' wail of raw a'd total fear* The lobb% floor was &overed with

    bodies( &lothi'( blood( a'd lo' trampled s&rolls of %ellow pri'to)t*

    +C,mo'( sister* 7e,re for o)t*, The e%es of the two 8oder's stared o)t of madl% swirli'

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    shades of pol%&arbo'( their s)its )'able to $eep )p with the &o'f)sio' of shape a'd &olor

    that raed behi'd them* +!o) h)rt9 C,mo'* Tomm%,ll wal$ %o)*, Tomm% ha'ded

    somethi' to the o'e who spo$e( a video &amera wrapped i' pol%&arbo'*

    +Chi&ao(, she said( +I,m o' m% wa%*, A'd the' she was falli'( 'ot to the marble floor(

    sli&$ with blood a'd vomit( b)t dow' some bloodwarm well( i'to sile'&e a'd the dar$*

    The Pa'ther 8oder' leader( who i'trod)&ed himself as ")p)s !o'derbo%( wore a

    pol%&arbo' s)it with a re&ordi' feat)re that allowed him to repla% ba&$ro)'ds at will*

    Per&hed o' the ede of Case,s wor$table li$e some $i'd of state of the art aro%le( he

    rearded Case a'd Armitae with hooded e%es* He smiled* His hair was pi'$* A rai'bow

    forest of mi&rosofts bristled behi'd his left ear2 the ear was poi'ted( t)fted with more

    pi'$ hair* His p)pils had bee' modified to &at&h the liht li$e a &at,s* Case wat&hed the

    s)it &rawl with &olor a'd tet)re*

    +!o) let it et o)t of &o'trol(, Armitae said* He stood i' the &e'ter of the loft li$e astat)e( wrapped i' the dar$ loss% folds of a' epe'sive-loo$i' tre'&h&oat*

    +Chaos( 8r*B 7ho(, ")p)s !o'derbo% said* +That is o)r mode a'd mod)s* That is o)r

    &e'tral $i&$* !o)r woma' $'ows* 7e deal with her* Not with %o)( 8r*B 7ho*, His s)it

    had ta$e' o' a weird a')lar patter' of beie a'd pale avo&ado* +She 'eeded her

    medi&al team* She,s with them* 7e,ll wat&h o)t for her* Ever%thi',s fi'e*, He smiled


    +Pa% him(, Case said*

    Armitae lared at him* +7e do',t have the oods*,

    +!o)r woma' has it(, !o'derbo% said*

    +Pa% him*,

    Armitae &rossed stiffl% to the table a'd too$ three fat b)'dles of New !e' from the

    po&$ets of his tre'&h&oat* +!o) wa't to &o)'t it9, he as$ed !o'derbo%*

    +No(, the Pa'ther 8oder' said* +!o),ll pa%* !o),re a 8r*B 7ho* !o) pa% to sta% o'e* Nota 8r*B Name*,

    +I hope that is',t a threat(, Armitae said*

    +That,s b)si'ess(, said !o'derbo%( st)ffi' the mo'e% i'to the si'le po&$et o' the fro't

    of his s)it*

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    The pho'e ra'* Case a'swered*

    +8oll%(, he told Armitae( ha'di' him the pho'e*

    The Sprawl,s eodesi&s were lihte'i' i'to predaw' ra% as Case left the b)ildi'* His

    limbs felt &old a'd dis&o''e&ted* He &o)ld',t sleep* He was si&$ of the loft* ")p)s had

    o'e( the' Armitae( a'd 8oll% was i' s)rer% somewhere* ibratio' be'eath his feet as

    a trai' hissed past* Sire's dopplered i' the dista'&e*

    He too$ &or'ers at ra'dom( his &ollar )p( h)'&hed i' a 'ew leather 0a&$et( fli&$i' the

    first of a &hai' of !ehe%)a's i'to the )tter a'd lihti' a'other* He tried to imai'e

    Armitae,s toi' sa&s dissolvi' i' his bloodstream( mi&ros&opi& membra'es weari'

    thi''er as he wal$ed( it did',t seem real* Neither did the fear a'd ao'% he,d see'

    thro)h 8oll%,s e%es i' the lobb% of Se'seNet* He fo)'d himself tr%i' to remember

    the fa&es of the three people he,d $illed i' Chiba* The me' were bla'$s2 the woma'

    remi'ded him of "i'da "ee* A battered tri&%&le-tr)&$ with mirrored wi'dows bo)'&edpast him( empt% plasti& &%li'ders rattli' i' its bed*


    He darted sidewa%s( i'sti'&tivel% etti' a wall behi'd his ba&$*

    +8essae for %o)( Case*, ")p)s !o'derbo%,s s)it &%&led thro)h p)re primaries*

    +Pardo'* Not to startle %o)*,

    Case straihte'ed )p( ha'ds i' 0a&$et po&$ets* He was a head taller tha' the 8oder'*+!o) o)hta be &aref)l( !o'derbo%*,

    +This is the messae* 7i'term)te*, He spelled it o)t*


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    Ni'sei had bee' a lot simpler*


    The medi&al team 8oll% emplo%ed o&&)pied two floors of a' a'o'%mo)s &o'do-ra&$

    'ear the old h)b of altimore* The b)ildi' was mod)lar( li$e some ia't versio' of

    Cheap Hotel( ea&h &offi' fort% meters lo'* Case met 8oll% as she emered from o'e

    that wore the elaboratel% wor$ed loo of o'e ;ERA"D CHIN( DENTIST* She was


    +He sa%s if I $i&$ a'%thi'( it,ll fall off*,

    +I ra' i'to o'e of %o)r pals(, he said( +a 8oder'*,

    +!eah9 7hi&h o'e9,

    +")p)s !o'derbo%* Had a messae*, He passed her a paper 'ap$i' with 7 I N T E R 8

    # T E pri'ted i' red feltpe' i' his 'eat( laborio)s &apitals* +He said --, )t her ha'd

    &ame )p i' the 0ive for sile'&e*

    +;et )s some &rab(, she said*

    After l)'&h i' altimore( 8oll% disse&ti' her &rab with alarmi' ease( the% t)bed i' to

    New !or$* Case had lear'ed 'ot to as$ :)estio's2 the% o'l% bro)ht the si' for sile'&e*

    Her le seemed to be botheri' her( a'd she seldom spo$e*

    A thi' bla&$ &hild with woode' beads a'd a'ti:)e resistors wove' tihtl% i'to her hair

    ope'ed the

  • 8/12/2019 Gibson W. - Neuromancer (1984)


    bod% as tho)h it miht eplode* He made a si' Case did',t $'ow( o'e that &o've%ed a

    mit)re of impatie'&e a'd l)m resi'atio'* He stood )p( br)shi' &r)mbs from the

    fro't of his battered tweed 0a&$et* A lass 0ar of pi&$led herri' stood o' the table beside

    a tor' plasti& pa&$ae of flatbread a'd a ti' ashtra% piled with the b)tts of Partaas*

    +7ait(, the

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    +A'd %o) thi'$ it,s this AI9 Those thi's are',t allowed a'% a)to'om%* It,ll be the pare't

    &orporatio'( this Tessle***,

    +Tessier-Ashpool S*A*(, said the

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    approa&hed fetishism* Smith shr)ed( showi' 3imm% his )pt)r'ed palms i' a est)re

    old as paw' shops* He &o)ld tr%( he said( b)t he do)bted he &o)ld et m)&h for it*

    7he' 3imm% had o'e( leavi' the head( Smith we't over it &aref)ll%( dis&overi'

    &ertai' hallmar$s* Eve't)all% he,d bee' able to tra&e it to a' )'li$el% &ollaboratio'

    betwee' two 6)ri&h artisa's( a' e'amel spe&ialist i' Paris( a D)t&h 0eweler( a'd a

    Califor'ia &hip desi'er* It had bee' &ommissio'ed( he dis&overed( b% Tessier-Ashpool


    Smith bea' to ma$e prelimi'ar% passes at the To$%o &olle&tor( hi'ti' that he was o'

    the tra&$ of somethi' 'oteworth%*

    A'd the' he had a visitor( a visitor )'a''o)'&ed( o'e who wal$ed i' thro)h the

    elaborate ma4e of Smith,s se&)rit% as tho)h it did',t eist* A small ma'( 3apa'ese(

    e'ormo)sl% polite( who bore all the mar$s of a vatrow' 'i'0a assassi'* Smith sat ver%

    still( stari' i'to the &alm brow' e%es of death a&ross a polished table of iet'ameserosewood* ;e'tl%( almost apoloeti&all%( the &lo'ed $iller eplai'ed that it was his d)t%

    to fi'd a'd ret)r' a &ertai' artwor$( a me&ha'ism of reat bea)t%( whi&h had bee' ta$e'

    from the ho)se of his master* It had &ome to his atte'tio'( the 'i'0a said( that Smith

    miht $'ow of the whereabo)ts of this ob0e&t*

    Smith told the ma' that he had 'o wish to die( a'd prod)&ed the head* A'd how m