Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan...


Transcript of Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan...

Page 2: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015


underscoreCuriosity Driven DeveloperFront-end Developer

It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native)

Page 3: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015

@_gespositoWho am I

● Mobile Developer● Android/Kotlin Developer● iOS/Swift Developer

Page 5: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015

@_gespositoSo, why Native?

It’s 2015, we have evergreen Browsers/WebViews.Don’t we?

Page 9: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015

@_gespositoHow Hybrid Mobile performs...

“[...] best known Android score for this benchmark is right at ~400ms on a Samsung Galaxy S6. That doesn't seem too bad until you compare..

iPhone 5 → 340ms[...]iPhone 6s → 60-70ms”Source

Page 10: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015

@_gespositoHow Hybrid Mobile performs...

“[...] It seems the Android manufacturers are more interested in slapping n slow CPU cores on a die than they are in producing very fast CPU cores. And this is quite punishing when it comes to JavaScript.”


Page 11: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015

@_gespositoHow does Native feel

Isn’t Native more Hostile for Developers?

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“We built React to solve one problem: building large applications with data that changes over time.”

Enters React


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UI = f (state)

Enters React

Page 15: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015

@_gespositoHow does React feel

var Component = React.createClass({

render: function() {

return (

<div />




module.exports = Component;

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@_gespositoDeveloper Experience

UX = f (DX)

Page 19: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015


var Component = React.createClass({

render: function() {

return (

<View />




module.exports = Component;

How does React Native feel

Page 20: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015

@_gespositoHow does React Native feel

Page 21: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015


$ npm install -g react-native-cli

$ react-native init AwesomeProject

Get started

Page 22: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015


To run your app on iOS:● Open

/Users/gesposito/Code/AwesomeProject/ios/AwesomeProject.xcodeproj in Xcode

● Hit Run button

To run your app on Android:● Have an Android emulator running, or a device

connected● cd /Users/gesposito/Code/AwesomeProject● react-native run-android


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render: function() {

return (







render: function() {

return (








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render: function() {

if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {

return (

<View />



return (




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var styles =


container: {

padding: 20


debug: {

borderWidth: 1,

borderColor: 'red'














Style Sheets

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<View style={styles.item}>










container: {

flex: 1,

flexDirection: 'row',

alignItems: 'center',


item: {

flex: 1


item2: {

flex: 2


var styles = StyleSheet.


flexContent: {

textAlign: 'center',



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uri: ''










image: {

width: 40,

height: 40


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componentDidMount: function() {


(response) => response.json()

).then((data) => {


list: data




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{'Last refresh: '}





$ npm install -S moment

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"name": "CodemotionMilan2015",

"version": "0.0.1",

"scripts": {

"start": "node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.


"bundle-ios": "react-native bundle --entry-file index.

ios.js --platform ios --bundle-output ios/main.jsbundle --dev


"bundle-android": "react-native bundle --platform android

--dev false --entry-file --bundle-output

android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-

dest android/app/src/main/res/"

}, [...]




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● Window Phone(hints: css-layout has C# support; React Native is OS; can still fallback to web in the meanwhile)

● Cutting edge

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@_gespositoBut... but why?

Page 44: Gianluca Esposito - It's time to go Native! (with JavaScript and React Native) | Codemotion Milan 2015

Thank you!Leave your feedback on!

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Codemotion Milan 2015 Conference App