GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories

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  • 8/14/2019 GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories


  • 8/14/2019 GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories


  • 8/14/2019 GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories


    The civilian intelligence apparatus had

    received intelligence about such an attack

    at the GHQ and informed their military

    counterparts a few weeks before the

    attack took place.

    These are the facts

  • 8/14/2019 GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories


    Aqeel, an army defector, also known as Dr


    Led an equally daring and galling attackon Sri Lankan cricket team

    Poor co-ordination between civilian law-

    enforcement and the military is obvious

  • 8/14/2019 GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories


    Our Favorite ConspiracyTheorists



    Indians Afghans


    The list keeps multiplying by the hour

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    The Symbolism of the attacks

    UN food program

    Suicide bombing in Swat

    Peshawar attack Attack at GHQ

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    Terrorists Demands

    Major Gen. Athar Abbas testified to this atthe news briefing to journalists at hisoffice

    Brothers-in-arms Other demands were dismissed and

    inconsequent ional, and not disclosed.

    Media reports suggests that one of thedemand included the trial of formerpresident Musharaf.

  • 8/14/2019 GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories


    Question about the security and safety of

    the nuclear facilities have suffered get

    again. And attack on nuclear facility is

    perhaps only a natural and logical

    progression of the way the terrorist

    masterminds would want this war to move

    towardsterrorists with Nuclear weapons ? ?

  • 8/14/2019 GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories


    Henry Clinton said she wants to point that the attackhighlights the continuing threats to the Pakistanigovernment and the 'very important' steps the civilianleadership, along with the military, are taking to root outthe extremists and prevent violence and direct assaultson the sovereignty of the state.

    The GHQ attack came as the Army was planning an all

    out offensive against the extremists in South Waziristan,a Taliban stronghold tribal region along the border withAfghanistan. (Gordon Brown)

    We are going to come [down] heavy on you, InteriorMinister Rehman Malik had said in an aftermath of theGHQ attack.

  • 8/14/2019 GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories


    The Pakistani Cooker NEWSINSIGHT INDIA

    The attacks on the military, especially thesuccessful storming of the general headquarters(GHQ), was not the work of "scared "villageboys" and would-be suicide bombers, as

    Pakistani analysts have noted, but of hardenedcommandoes (special type of terrorists). Theirlong stand off in GHQ was facilitated partly bythe fact that they hid themselves in and knewtheir way around the warren of underground

    tunnels in GHQ meant for the protection andevacuation of Pakistani generals inemergencies, pointing to internal armyconspiratorial aid to these terrorists.

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    Liaquat Baloch of JI

    He said the jihadis killing Pakistans

    civilians and military were misguided and

    were only doing so because the

    Americans were in Afghanistan. It all startswith if the Americans were not in


    Marvi Memon of PML-Q

  • 8/14/2019 GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories



    The military needs to understand that we NEEDmore counterinsurgency troops, equipment, andtraining. And not tanks, submarines, and otherhigh-priced items which are being peddled.

    This is a battle which requires agility, mobility,and lucid minds.

  • 8/14/2019 GHQ Attack Beyond Conspiracy theories


    Despite the militarys past track record with

    regard to interference in political affairs and

    pursuance of illegitimate foreign policy goals

    through non-state actors, Pakistan needs adisciplined, cohesive and efficient today more

    than ever before.

    Anything less than a full-on counter terrorism

    effort from the Pakistani military will attract moreserious challenges tomorrow than those it

    confronted yesterday.

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    The Army and Air Force are carrying out theirduties splendidly. They have cleared swat andare now in the process of eliminating the Talibanfrom South Waziristan. Once these areas arecompletely secured the Taliban will become

    history. Despite a BOMB a day, people have notlost hope yet. They believe that it will be oversoon. They understands that Pakistan andTaliban can not co-exist one has to yield andthat is not Pakistan. Since its inception, Pakistanhas been under the Indian threat, a neighborthat is 10 times bigger than Pakistan, so howcan a band of desperados (Taliban) makePakistan do its bidding?

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