GFS Marketplace - Glazed Mixed Fruit

Glazed Mixed Fruit Ingredients: 1 Bag GFS Frozen Fruit ½ cup dry Jell-O (Use your favorite flavor, but if you don’t want the fruit to change color, use Peach Flavored Jell-O) Directions: Pour frozen fruit into a large bowl. Add dry Jell-O and stir often as the fruit begins to thaw. This creates a delicious glaze on the fruit that sweetens it as well. Using the diet Jell-O flavors will make it a great treat for anyone that may not have sugar in their diet without adding calories as well. If there are leftovers, puree them in a blender and freeze. They make a great sorbet to eat later.


Glazed Mixed Fruit

Transcript of GFS Marketplace - Glazed Mixed Fruit

Glazed Mixed Fruit Ingredients: 1 Bag GFS Frozen Fruit ½ cup dry Jell-O (Use your favorite flavor, but if you don’t want the fruit to change color, use Peach Flavored Jell-O) Directions: Pour frozen fruit into a large bowl. Add dry Jell-O and stir often as the fruit begins to thaw. This creates a delicious glaze on the fruit that sweetens it as well. Using the diet Jell-O flavors will make it a great treat for anyone that may not have sugar in their diet without adding calories as well. If there are leftovers, puree them in a blender and freeze. They make a great sorbet to eat later.