GFS Chemicals Bulk Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing

GFS remains focused on what we do well. Our production environment provides the flexibility to offer cus- tomers solutions to their problems. We have a development staff ready to support your application need and the manufacturing capabilities to support you long term. GFS is the perfect busi- ness partner for your specialty chemi- cal need. Our flexibility is an asset. We would be happy to talk directly with you about your individual require- ments. Please contact us and learn the advantages of working directly with the manufacturer for any of your inorganic production needs. For more informa- tion call toll-free at: Custom Products GFS Chemicals, Inc. Specializing in High Quality Bulk Inorganic Manufacturing (Kilos to Metric Tons)

Transcript of GFS Chemicals Bulk Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing

Page 1: GFS Chemicals Bulk Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing

GFS remains focused on what we dowell. Our production environmentprovides the flexibility to offer cus-tomers solutions to their problems.We have a development staff ready tosupport your application need and themanufacturing capabilities to supportyou long term. GFS is the perfect busi-ness partner for your specialty chemi-cal need. Our flexibility is an asset.

We would be happy to talk directlywith you about your individual require-ments. Please contact us and learn theadvantages of working directly with themanufacturer for any of your inorganicproduction needs. For more informa-tion call toll-free at:

Custom Products GFS Chemicals, Inc. Specializing in High Quality Bulk Inorganic Manufacturing(Kilos to Metric Tons)

Page 2: GFS Chemicals Bulk Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing

Decades of both chemicaland engineering experienceallow GFS to address oppor-tunities in highly specializedcustom inorganic manufac-turing. The recent expansionof our Research andDevelopment Division is adirect result of our desire tosupport the complex needsof our customers. Our goalis to help solve problems ina unique manner that makeour customers even moresuccessful.

As science advances, GFSChemicals is committed tothe ongoing development ofproducts and technologiescritical to the interests oforganic and inorganicchemists alike. While mostof the periodic table hasbeen integrated into the GFSinorganic manufacturingoperation, we have outlinedthe significant areas of corecompetency as follows:

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The backbone to GFS Chemicals hasbeen based on Perchlorate chemistry.Perchlorates are used in applicationsfor oxidations, catalysis, electrolytes,and desiccants.Perchlorates are stable, provide anexcellent source of oxygen, completelydissociate from the supporting cation insolution, and are uniquely soluble innon-aqueous environments.Our main products include:• Perchloric Acid – catalyst, oxidizer,

etchant, analytical reagent• Magnesium Perchlorate – dessicant,

batteries, catalyst

• Lithium Perchlorate – batteries, catalyst

• Potassium Perchlorate – oxidizer, propellants

• Sodium Perchlorate – propellantsAsk us how perchlorates might helpsolve your problem today. Additionalinformation is available.

LLiitthhiiuumm SSaallttssLithium is well known for its uses in theprimary and secondary battery market.GFS has supported a variety of lithiumsalts with an assortment of anions. Wecontinue to explore the use of lithiumfor hydrogen storage applications andnew species of catalysts.

We are an experienced manufacturer ofhigh purity, specialized lithium saltsused as key materials for battery elec-trolytes, single oxide crystal production,catalysts and polymer additives.

We have exceptional experience in turning common lithium salts intoanhydrous specialties for select applications.

Our main products include: • Lithium Carbonate – ceramics,

catalyst, pharmaceuticals, single oxidecrystal development

• Lithium Phosphate – batteries, additive

• Lithium Perchlorate – batteries, propellants, free radical scavenger

• Lithium Iodide – batteries, catalyst

RRaarree EEaarrtthh CCoommppoouunnddssGFS brings an element of stability torare earth chemical production. Weremain one of the few manufacturers ofa full line of rare earth salts and solu-tions. Utilizing raw material sourcesfrom all corners of the globe we contin-ue to manufacture high purity productsfor catalysis and emerging nanoparticleapplications in the United States. Ourcustomers benefit from consistent qual-ity, more immediate availability andflexible specifications coupled withpricing that remains aggressive.

We support applications in the semi-conductor, pharmaceutical, ceramics,coatings and power storage markets.

Our main products include:• Ceric Ammonium Nitrate – catalyst,

oxidizer, etchant• Cerous Chloride, Anhydrous –

fuel cell research, catalyst, Grignardinitiator

• Lanthanum Nitrate – metal additives,glass mfg.

• Yttrium Nitrate – thermal coatings,superconductive components

IIooddaatteess aanndd PPeerriiooddaatteessWe routinely produce iodic and period-ic acid at 99.99%+ purity to supportsensitive catalytic, electronic (CMP) andanti-fungal applications. Our experience dates to the 1960’s withchemical and electrolytic processing tosupport a wide variety of industries. Weengage in new product developmentopportunities through product develop-ment and application specific needs.

Our main products include:• Iodic Acid – catalyst, etching,

analytical reagent• Periodic Acid – catalyst, cleaning,

etching, CMP slurry, analytical• Sodium Periodate – catalyst,

cleaning, CMP slurry, anti-fungal• Potassium Periodate – catalyst,

cleaning, CMP Slurry, anti-fungal

Manufacturing Core Chemistriesto Customer Specifications

SSuurrffaaccee TTrreeaattmmeenntt aanndd AAnnttii--CCoorrrroossiioonn PPrroodduuccttss

With the help of licensed technologyGFS continues to build our technologybase. Recent developments in the areaof polyoxometalates (POM), or het-eropolymetalates (HPM), have beenexpanded at GFS Chemicals. Materialdevelopment for the replacement ofchrome based products in anti-corro-sive applications are underway at GFS.This technology also supports a widerange of surface treatment applicationsand specialty catalysts. Contact us formore information on this exciting areaof product development.