Getting started with DataStax .NET Driver for Cassandra


Transcript of Getting started with DataStax .NET Driver for Cassandra

Cluster cluster = Cluster.Builder() .AddContactPoint("") .Build();

var authProvider = new PlainTextAuthProvider("username", "password"); var queryOptions = new QueryOptions() .SetConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LocalQuorum) .SetPageSize(1000); Cluster cluster = Cluster.Builder().AddContactPoint("") .WithSSL() .WithQueryOptions(queryOptions) .WithAuthProvider(authProvider) .Build();

ISession session = cluster.Connect("killrvideo");

// Use the Cluster builder to create a cluster

Cluster cluster = Cluster.Builder().AddContactPoint("").Build();

// Use the cluster to connect a session to the appropriate keyspace

ISession session = cluster.Connect("killrvideo");

// Register both Cluster and ISession instances with Windsor (as

// Singletons since it will reuse the instance)





var statement = new SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = ?"); statement = statement.Bind(145);

PreparedStatement prepared = session.Prepare( "SELECT * FROM user_credentials WHERE email = ?");

BoundStatement bound = prepared.Bind("[email protected]");

BoundStatement bound = prepared.Bind(video.VideoId, video.Name); var simple = new SimpleStatement( "UPDATE videos SET name = ? WHERE videoid = ?" ).Bind(video.Name, video.VideoId); // Use an atomic batch to send over all the mutations var batchStatement = new BatchStatement(); batchStatement.Add(bound); batchStatement.Add(simple);

var batch = new BatchStatement().SetBatchType(BatchType.Unlogged);

IStatement bound = prepared.Bind("[email protected]") .SetPageSize(100) .SetConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LocalOne) .SetRetryPolicy(new DefaultRetryPolicy()) .EnableTracing();

RowSet rows = await _session.ExecuteAsync(boundStatement);

RowSet rows = _session.Execute(boundStatement);

• IEnumerable<Row>

• GetValue<T>

• IEnumerable<Row>

• foreach

RowSet rows = await _session.ExecuteAsync(boundStatement); foreach (Row row in rows) { returnList.Add(new VideoPreview { VideoId = row.GetValue<Guid>("videoid"), AddedDate = row.GetValue<DateTimeOffset>("added_date"), Name = row.GetValue<string>("name") }); }

• IEnumerable<Row>

• Select()

RowSet rows = await _session.ExecuteAsync(boundStatement);

var returnList = rows.Select(row => new VideoPreview


VideoId = row.GetValue<Guid>(0),

AddedDate = row.GetValue<DateTimeOffset>(1),

Name = row.GetValue<string>(2)


• IEnumerable<Row>

• Single()SingleOrDefault()

RowSet rows = await _session.ExecuteAsync(boundStatement);

Row row = rows.SingleOrDefault();

var statement = new SimpleStatement("INSERT INTO user_credentials (email,

password) VALUES (?, ?) IF NOT EXISTS");

statement = statement.Bind("[email protected]", "Password1!");

RowSet rows = await _session.ExecuteAsync(statement);

var userInserted = rows.Single().GetValue<bool>("[applied]");

boundStatement = boundStatement.SetPageSize(100); RowSet rows = await _session.ExecuteAsync(boundStatement); foreach (Row row in rows) { }

[Table("user_credentials")] public class UserCredentials { [Column("email")] [PartitionKey] public string EmailAddress { get; set; } [Column("password")] public string Password { get; set; } [Column("userid")] public Guid UserId { get; set; } }

public UserCredentials GetCredentials(string emailAddress)


IEnumerable<UserCredentials> results =


.Where(uc => uc.EmailAddress == emailAddress)


return results.SingleOrDefault();
