Getting hired using social media by Steven Lastres & Nathan Rosen

Getting Hired Using Social Media LLAGNY – Employment Series #3 Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013 Steven A. Lastres Director of Library & Knowledge Management Nathan Rosen Library Research Manager
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Steven A. Lastres and Nathan Rosen presentation at Law Library Association of Greater New York education event on February 27 2013.

Transcript of Getting hired using social media by Steven Lastres & Nathan Rosen

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Getting Hired UsingSocial Media

LLAGNY – Employment Series #3

Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2013

Steven A. LastresDirector of Library & Knowledge Management

Nathan RosenLibrary Research Manager

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• Developing a Social Media Strategy

• What LinkedIn Can/Can't Do for You

• The Importance of 100%

• Your Personal Brand

• Making Connections• Making Connections

• Tips / Best Practices

• Pinterest: A Different Approach

• Facebook for Personal Networking

• Twitter: Establishing Yourself as an Expert in Your Field

• Q&A


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Developing a Social Media Strategy

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Social Networks


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Have a Social Media Strategy?

• Who do you want to connect with?– Family, friends, co-workers, business prospects.

• About what topics? What topics are taboo?– E.g., kids' names, school, spouse.

• How will you mix personal and professional?– And in what channels?

• Privacy versus Permissions– Assume what you say is public.


– Assume what you say is public.– Note when you share your location.– Be careful about private information and activities.

• Do your homework– Know the hot topics for the technology you are using (Pinterest recognizing original source


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5 Types of Social Media Influencers

The Networker(Social Butterfly)

has the biggest contact list and is found on all platforms. He or she knows everybody andeverybody knows him or her.

The Opinion Leader(Thought Leader)

can become the best ambassador of a brand. He or she has built a strong authority in his or herfield through credibility. His or her messages are most often commented on and re-tweeted.

The Discoverer(Trendsetter)

is always the first to use a new platform. Constantly on the lookout for new trends, he/shebecomes the “hub” in the sector.


(Trendsetter) becomes the “hub” in the sector.

The Sharer(Reporter)

distributes information to the bloggers and journalists through specialized webzines. He or sheusually amplifies messages.

The User(Everyday Customer)

represents the regular customer. He or she does not have a network as large as the networker,but his or her network remains equally important.

Footnote: Five Types of Social Media Influencers

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What LinkedIn Can Do for You

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• Attract employers and recruiters

• Establish you as a subject matter expert

• Help you build your personal brand (be known distinctively)

• Research companies and people

What LinkedIn Can Do for You

• Ensure that you exist in the eyes of others

• Disseminate relevant information

• Facilitate networking

• Help you proactively conduct a job search

• Groups: professional contacts, information, build community

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What LinkedIn Can't Do for You

• Actual networking

• Conduct a job search

• Substitute for Outlook or other contacts database


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Where Do You Begin?

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Define Your Employment Goals

– Where do you want to go with your career?

– What do you expect from a new job?

– What kind of function or role do you want?

– What kind of organization do you want to work for?

– Which industry appeals to you?

– Where do you want to work?


– Where do you want to work?

• Then ask yourself: who are the people in the best position to help mereach my goals?

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Fundamental Principle of Networking: The REAL Poweris in the Second Degree

• The real power of the network is in the second degree.

• The real power is in the network of your network.

• So don't focus on your own network, but ask them to introduce• So don't focus on your own network, but ask them to introduceyou to their network!


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Reach Out

Group connections




My connections 713

2nd level connections

Group connections



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Single Most Important "Feature" of LinkedIn

• LinkedIn shows the connections between people.

• LinkedIn shows you which of your own contacts can introduce you totheir connections, who know them.

• LinkedIn allows you to easily tap into the power of the 2nd (or 3rd)degree.

•• LinkedIn eliminates "cold" calling.


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5 Steps Success Strategy

1. Define a specific goal

2. Think of the people in the best position to help you reach your goal

3. Use "Advanced Search"

4. Look at the list for common contacts

5. Ask the person you have the best relationship with for an introduction5. Ask the person you have the best relationship with for an introduction


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Build Your "Basic" Network

• BECAUSE you need a "basic" or first degree network first before youcan tap into the power of the second degree / the power of LinkedIn.

• Upload the contacts from your email program to LinkedIn.

• Connect with (old) colleagues and (old) classmates using LinkedIntools.

•• Join the Groups which are in line with your goals, for example:

1. People with the function/role that interests you

2. Professional organizations

3. Trade organizations

4. Recruiters

5. Alumni associations of your college or previous employer(s)


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Find the People that Can Help You

1. Search on their name (if you know their names)

2. Use Advanced Search with the parameters you have used to makeyour goal clear (for example: location, industry, function, key words)

3. Browse in the network of your connections

4. Look in the member lists of the Groups you joined4. Look in the member lists of the Groups you joined

5. Use "Companies"


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Find People

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What's up with the Company?

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What's My Score?

• < 10 points - Time to get started

• 10 to 20 points -

• 21 to 30 points -• 21 to 30 points -

• > 30 points -

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Tips / Best Practices

1. Be proactive. Just making a Profile is not enough.

2. Build relationships. Even if they are not the right person, they might be able tointroduce you to the people who hire or recruit you.

3. Aim for 200+ connections; 500 if you’re conducting a job search

4. Be active in Groups and help others: this will raise your visibility and credibility.

5. Use JobInsider and other free LinkedIn tools.

6. Start building your network NOW and spend each week expanding andmaintaining your network.

7. Link to twitter.


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Tips / Best Practices

• For optimal branding, synchronize your resume and L.I. profile

– It's OK to leave out some work experience

– It's OK to list a non-profit role as a job listing

• Check off "Career Opportunities" to enable employers/recruiters to findyou

• Give to get• Give to get

• Use advanced search to find people and jobs faster

• Adjust your settings for privacy as needed

• Adjust your settings for frequency of email messages from your groups& connections


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Who Is Looking at You?

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Tools: Job Seekers Premium


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Using Pinterest to Get a Job


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How Is Pinterest Different?

• It provides a fresh way to market yourself. Not just a static list ofprofessional materials.

• Pinterest encourages users to pin ideas, materials, objects,inspirations. This can give employers, colleagues, creative-finders away to get to know you and your personality outside of "workplace"mode.


• Opportunity to reinvent your resume by making a cool info-graphic/timeline about your experience, creating a brand for yourselfand show off projects you have completed.

• CareerBliss is a job board. They're thinking about your workplaceexperience and culture, suggesting great companies to work for, andoffering inspirational comments and quotes to keep in mind.

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Finding a Job on Pinterest

• Optimize your Pinterest profile. Adjust account settings to allow yourprofile to appear in results of searches on Google and load your profiledescription with keywords that match the job you want.

• Set up an online resume and portfolio. Gather samples of your workonto one or more boards to use as an online resume.

• Dedicate a board to careers you're curious about. If you're


• Dedicate a board to careers you're curious about. If you'researching for your next act, use Pinterest to find information on jobs orcareers. Use the search box – located in the upper left-hand corner ofthe site's front page – to enter related words or phrases. Pin anythingthat comes up that you want to save for future reference.

• Create boards for companies or industries you'd like to knowbetter. Pinterest can give you a glimpse into a company's culture thatyou can't get from reading their "About Us" page.

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Finding a Job on Pinterest

• Follow experts. Keep up with employment trends by following theuniversity career centers, jobs web sites, outplacement specialists andcareer coaches that have set up shop on Pinterest.

• Leave comments. Strike up a conversation with a career expert orsomeone who works in a field you're interested in by commenting onone of their pins. As with any other type of online or real-worldnetworking, you never know where it could lead.


networking, you never know where it could lead.

• Protect your work. If you're sharing your original work on your boards,use watermarks to protect individual images just as you would whendisplaying them on other websites.

• Be professional. If all you do on Pinterest is share pictures of puppies,think twice about sharing your Pinterest profile with potentialemployers. But if you are using it for a job search, it is an impression ofwho you are, so when you're creating your boards, make sure they lineup with your professional appearance.

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Facebook: Leveraging Personal Networks

• If you decide to use Facebook for professional networking, take a closelook at your Profile and decide what you want business contacts orprospective employers to see – and what you don't.

• Create a simple profile (or clean up your existing one) with minimalgraphics and widgets.

• Limit the photos you post.


• Limit the photos you post.

• Post content relevant to your job search or career.

• Use Facebook email to build relationships with your Friends.

• Choose your Friends wisely. Remember your Friends can seeinformation about your other Friends in your Profile.

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Using Twitter to Job Search

• Put your "elevator pitch" in your bio.

• Have a custom background giving more detail about your qualifications.

• Have a link to your online resume.

Employers and job sites post job openings on Twitter. Job seekers can geta leg up on using Twitter to help facilitate their job search by:


• Follow industry experts in your industry on Twitter. Tools like Twellow.comcan help.

• Establish yourself as an expert in your industry. Use your status updates totweet about industry topics, tips, advice. You don't have to create all thecontent, you just need to be viewed as someone "in the know".

• Get targeted job tweets sent to your Twitter feed or mobile is a job search engine that searches Twitter for jobs bykeyword.

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Other Social Media Tools:

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Other Social Media Tools:

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More Tips: Web Site Articles

• LinkedIn: Job Seekers,

• Bryce Christiansen, How To Get Noticed By Recruiters on LinkedIn,

• Maria Peagle, 64 Google+ Content Strategies,

• Elisha Hartwig, How to Effectively Use Twitter as a Job Search Resource,

• Nathan Rosen, Lessons learned, lessons relearned, and lessons learned the hard way,

• Lindsey Pollak, The Top Job Search Trends of 2013,

• Blue Sky Resumes, How to Write a LinkedIn Profile,

• The Savvy Intern, The Top 5 Ways to Get Noticed on LinkedIn,

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More Tips: Web Site Articles

• Are law firms using social media for recruiting?, Kevin O'Keefe's Real Lawyers Have Blogs,

• Hit and miss in the internet hiring line, Financial Times, Sept. 4, 2012,

• How recruiters use social networks to make hiring decisions now, Time, July 9, 2012,

• Social recruiting guide: How to effectively use social networks, Oracle, July 2012

• Global social media check up: A global audit of law firm engagement in social media methods,Martindale-Hubbell, 2011,

• Global social media check up: A global audit of law firm engagement in social media methods,Martindale-Hubbell, 2011,

• Social job seeker survey: 2012, Jobvite,

• 7 Tips to Help You Stand Out On LinkedIn,Tim's Strategy,

• The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Mastering Linkedin -

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More Tips: Books

• Daryoosh Dehestani, Social Recruiting for Employers and Job Seekers: Investigation behaviors andperspectives of employers and job seekers among Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter

• Robert Hellman, Your Social Media Job Search: Use LinkedIn, Twitter, and other tools to Get the JobYou Want!

• Kristen Jacoway, I'm in a Job Search – Now What?: Using LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter as Part ofYour Job Search Strategy

• Tim Kitchen, How To Get Your Ideal Job: Using LinkedIn, Social Media and the Internet

• Chris Perry, LinkedUp: The Ultimate LinkedIn Job Search Guide

• Brad Schepp & Debra Schepp, How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+

• Dan Sherman, Maximum Success with LinkedIn: Dominate Your Market, Build a Global Brand, andCreate the Career of Your Dreams...

• Michele Somody and Claire Hunter, A Simple Guide to Finding a Job with LinkedIn

• William Ward, Use The Internet and Social Networks to Find Your Dream Job

• Steve Weber, Wired for Work: Get a Job FAST using LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter

• Greig Wells & Jonathan Green, LinkedIn Insider Secrets to your Job Search

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More Tips: Web Programs

• Social Media for Career Enhancement, Laura Young & April Kessler,April 13, 2012, Dallas Association of Law Libraries,

• "How to REALLY use LinkedIn (2nd edition)":

• Building Your Professional Network with LinkedIn and How To Use It• Building Your Professional Network with LinkedIn and How To Use ItFor Your Job Search by John Crant, New York Public Library, April 22,2010.

• Upcoming live presentation on April 10, 2013 from 6:00 to 7:30pm atScience, Industry and Business Library (SIBL).

• Getting Interviews 2.0: Using LinkedIn and other social media on May1, 2013 from 6 to 7:30 PM at SIBL. See generally the NYPL JobSeekers site at

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