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3 PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API Bing positions itself as go-to destination for Twitter search get more followers on twitters Through its exclusive relationship with Twitter, Microsoft said its Bing search engine will provide a front door into Twitters timeline. how to buy followers on twitter It s unclear, however, whether the company will be able to provide greater detail than what Twitteror for that matter, Googlewill provide.Microsoft said that it is rolling out an update to the Bing search engine that will quickly autosuggest users and trending topics as users type the name inside the search box. Begin typing "@a," for example, and Bing will autosuggest "aplusk," the handle of actor and investor Ashton Kutcher. And if you begin your query with a hashtag, you'll be able to quickly find tweets on the topic, such as the "USMNT" abbreviation for the U.S. national men's soccer team.Bing also said that it will show you related tweets about a given topic, as well as news about that topic or person that was shared on Twitter. Microsoft has made Bing a social destination, tapping into a number of social sites including LinkedIn, Yelp, and Facebook. Searching for a particular person, for example, will often bring up a search "card" with biographical information and links to that person's social feeds. What's less clear, however, is whether or not users will be able to use Bing to plumb the murky depths of historical tweets. One of the problems with Twitter is that, while it has been easy to discover current tweets and trending topics, it's much more difficult to go back to say, the last World Cup four years ago, and re-discover what fans were talking about. And that apparently won't change.The Bing team, however, implied that "fresh" current events are what it will focus upon.

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Bing positions itself as go-to destination for get more followers on twitters Through its exclusive relationship with Twitter,Microsoft said its Bing search engine will provide a front door into Twitter�s timeline. how to buy followers on twitterIt�s unclear, however, whether the company will be able to provide greater detail than what Twitter�or for thatmatter, Google�will provide.Microsoft said that it is rolling out an update to the Bing search engine that will quicklyautosuggest users and trending topics as users type the name inside the search box. Begin typing "@a," forexample, and Bing will autosuggest "aplusk," the handle of actor and investor Ashton Kutcher. And if you begin yourquery with a hashtag, you'll be able to quickly find tweets on the topic, such as the "USMNT" abbreviation for the U.S.national men's soccer team.Bing also said that it will show you related tweets about a given topic, as well as newsabout that topic or person that was shared on Twitter. Microsoft has made Bing a social destination, tapping into anumber of social sites including LinkedIn, Yelp, and Facebook. Searching for a particular person, for example, willoften bring up a search "card" with biographical information and links to that person's social feeds. What's less clear,however, is whether or not users will be able to use Bing to plumb the murky depths of historical tweets. One of theproblems with Twitter is that, while it has been easy to discover current tweets and trending topics, it's much moredifficult to go back to say, the last World Cup four years ago, and re-discover what fans were talking about. And thatapparently won't change.The Bing team, however, implied that "fresh" current events are what it will focus upon.

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Google and Bing Rivalry Intensifies on Facebook and TwitterBoth Microsoft and Google used the Web 2.0 Summit as a forum for unveiling new deals and plans to incorporatesocial networking and real-time search results in their respective search engines. buy twitter followers for 5 Theannouncements indicate that the Bing-Google rivalry is heating up.Microsoft drew first blood by announcing dealswith both Facebook and Twitter to index status updates from the social networking sites and provide them withinBing search results. Microsoft has already rolled out a beta edition of a dedicated Twitter search within Bing. TheBing Twitter service shows a tag cloud of trending topics on Twitter followed by clusters of shared links related to thehottest tweets. At the top is a search bar where you can enter your own search term for which Bing will display themost recent related tweets and the most popular shared links related to the search.Google followed Bing byannouncing some social network indexing of its own. Google also stated that it has come to an agreement withTwitter, but that inclusion of tweets in Google search results could be a couple months out still. The bigger Web 2.0

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Summit bomb shell was the unveiling of Google Social Search.Google Social Search, which will launch soon as yetanother Google Labs experiment, is a sort of hybrid approach to real-time search indexing. Social Search results willinclude content created by contacts in the user�s social network. For example, a search for World Series mightinclude Gmail messages or FriendFeed entries from friends related to major league baseball�s World Series.Google Social Search defines the social network as a function of the user�s Google Contacts.

Bing Adds New Twitter-Based Search FeaturesAs part of Bing�s partnership with Twitter, it is adding some new search features in order to help searchers moreeasily find relevant information on the social media platform. buy targeted twitter followers The search works like analgorithm, using a variety of signals including retweets, freshness, verified status, and tweet quality, in order todisplay relevant tweets in the search results. This is a lot more intuitive than Twitter�s own search, where everythingis time-based, although there is the option to search for "top" or "all" tweets, as well as display the search resultsbased on only those you follow and those near you. In Bing, when you search for a hashtag, it will display relevanttweets right in the search results with a small Twitter icon next to them. The results will show the tweet, who tweetedit, and how long ago it was tweeted, along with any relevant media included in the tweet, such as a link to a videowith a small accompanying image. When searching for a handle, Bing will also display whether the user is verified ornot, which can help those who are trying to find a well-known person�s Twitter account, especially for those thathave multiple fan Twitter accounts or parody accounts. Bing has announced a renewal of its long-standing deal withTwitter to include tweets in Bing�s search results.The Bing-Twitter partnership began in 2009 and was renewed in2011.Tweets are primarily available and searchable at Bing�s social search page,, but they�realso showing up in Bing�s main search results.Bing is also now including popular content tweeted about aparticular person in its search results, showing the content that is most-shared under a "Tweeted About" section inthe results.