Get back together with my ex – the blueprint to getting her back


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Get back together with my ex – the blueprint to getting her back

Transcript of Get back together with my ex – the blueprint to getting her back

Page 1: Get back together with my ex – the blueprint to getting her back

Get Back Together With My Ex – The

Blueprint To Getting Her Back

By Crystal Pennell

Page 2: Get back together with my ex – the blueprint to getting her back

When I was trying to win my ex back I kept telling myself over and over – there

must be an exact blueprint to get back together with your ex. I refused to believe

otherwise. I had heard all kinds of advice ranging from good to bad to worse. I

kept hearing the same things over and over again and I realized that there was a

reason for it – it worked. Chances are you already know these things or have

heard them, but it doesn’t hurt to hear them again. Here they are and why they


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Stop contact in the beginning

There is a reason to stopping all contact in the beginning of a breakup. Most

times you end up yelling and arguing with each other, which gets the both of you

nowhere. If I had stuck around in the beginning and argued back and forth, then

I really believe that I would not have been able to get back together with my

ex. You both need some time away to think and heal.

Take time to work on yourself

While you are taking some time away, what you will need to do is take a long

hard look at yourself and really think about what you need to work on and what

you need to change. No one will change for you and taking an honest look at

yourself is the first step to making that change. Work on the things that are

bringing you down and may have been making a negative impact on your


Page 3: Get back together with my ex – the blueprint to getting her back

Start off slow again

You cannot just jump right back into your relationship like nothing ever

happened. Something big happened and jumping back into things like nothing

did is a recipe for disaster. Start off slow when you reconnect and make sure

that you both are open and honest with each other about what has happened

and where you want things to go.

There is a reason why you hear these kinds of things over and over again when

you see advice about trying to get an ex back. Had I neglected these three

things back then, I can honestly say that I would not have been able to get back

together with my ex. And I can honestly tell you that you won’t either if you

choose to ignore it. If you want to get her back and get her back for good then

take some time away, work on yourself and take things slowly. Doing these

things will put you in a much better position to winning her over again. Implement

these get back together with my ex advice, and you will be on your way to


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