Germany TVET

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  • 7/31/2019 Germany TVET


  • 7/31/2019 Germany TVET


  • 7/31/2019 Germany TVET



    What (in detail)?Specific proposals/ Positions

    The specific recommendations of the ScienceCouncil on the future structures of teachereducation are the following ones:

    The main model to be recommended for mostparts of the teacher education (upper secondary,lower secondary) is a consecutive model that isgrounded on a broad and transversal Bachelor-phase (which is open for several options regardingthe successive specialisation) and completed byspecialisation phase at the Masters level and witha specific focus on the teachers profession.

    As a complementary model the Science Council recommends that the education of teachers forprimary education and for the Hauptschule track an integrative and modular curriculum that leads

    to a Bachelor degree. However, for this track thereis also a need to develop a progression route tohigher degrees (based on a consecutive model).

    In addition to the general support services for theGerman implementation of the Bologna processHRK launched a working group for preparingrecommendations on the future of teachereducation in Universities and HE institutes. Therecommendations were approved in the 206.Plenary session of the HRK in February 2006.

    The working group was launched to drawconclusions from the somewhat controversialdebate on the future of teacher education in thecontext of the Bologna process. The workinggroup mapped the balance between consensual vs.controversial issues and drew attention to the openquestions that need to be addressed in the furtherreform process.

    A more detailed overview of the recommendationsof the HRK will be prepared in a later section of this document.

    Additional remarksfrom the perspective of the TT-TVET project

    The Science Council didnt address explicitly thefield of TVET and most of the recommendationsare dealing with general education. Yet, the abovementioned points are important for the specificdiscussion on the future role of TVET teachereducation within changing structures.

    The service unit provides a general platform andlinks to different initiatives. The interesting pointwith the current debate and the specific inputs onteacher education is that they bring into picturefurther links between the approach of the ScienceCouncil and the field of TVET.

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  • 7/31/2019 Germany TVET


  • 7/31/2019 Germany TVET


  • 7/31/2019 Germany TVET


  • 7/31/2019 Germany TVET



    Thus, the allegation of BWP policy-makers wouldlet out the opportunity to modernise and enhance

    the qualification of TVET teachers in and bymeans of the restructuring process could be alsomade to BWP.

    governments.b) The upcoming European Qualification

    Framework will tend to unify TVET inEurope and thus pose some pressure on theunification of TVET teacher education.

    c) There is some incentive for globalisation of academic education in Germany, so that alsoin TVET teacher education opportunities forinternational cooperation will play a growingrole.

    What (in detail)?Specific proposals/ Positions

    BWP suggests 3 models for TVET teachereducation:Consecutive model: The Bachelor phase is mostlydedicated to the linked subject, teacherqualifications are mainly acquired during theMaster study.Non-consecutive model: On the basis of a

    Bachelor degree (related to the specific subject)the necessary competences are acquired duringthe Master study phase.2nd Master degree: On the basis of a Masterdegree or equivalent (related to the specificsubject) and some work experience the necessarycompetences are acquired during the Master studyphase which can be shorter than in the above twocases.

    At the moment the members of GTW areconcerned with restructuring curricula at theindividual universities to Bachelor/Masterstructures.A joint effort to unify approaches cannot beobserved at the moment (mid of 2006).However quite a number of members are

    targeting international cooperation at theirinstitutions.

    Additional remarksfrom the perspective of theTT-TVET project

    The core curriculum on vocational pedagogydefines less than 20% of a TVET teacheracademic curriculum. Even though namedberufliche Fachrichtung (vocational discipline)the studies of the (technical) subject are done intraditional academic disciplines, thus are likely to

    Because of the apparent need for activity, resultselaborated by the TT-TVET project could entereasily in the work of GTW, provided the projectresults are oriented towards the UNIP portfolio of vocational disciplines and are based on the work-process approach.

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    lack the relation to occupational work-processesand are not really linked to the field of vocational

    pedagogy. At most of the universities inGermany, however, this model seems to be theonly feasible one due to constraints for thedevelopment of real vocational disciplines.

    Web links (to original sources in German language)A. Key actors/Platforms

    1) Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) The Standing Conference of Cultural Ministers

    2) Wissenschaftsrat (WR) The Science Council

    3) Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK ) (HRK Main page) (HRK Service-Stelle Bologna)

    4) Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspdagogik (BWP)

    5) Gesellschaft fr Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Sektion Gewerblich-Technische Wissenschaften (GTW)

    6) Bundesverband der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer an beruflichen Schulen e.V.

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    7) Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW)

    B. Positions on Teacher education

    B1) Wissenschaftsrat The Science CouncilEmpfehlungen zur knftigen Struktur der Lehrerbildung (Presseerklrung , Empfehlungstext als pdf-Datei , Anhang zur Empfehlung)

    B2) Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) The Standing Conference of Cultural Ministers10 Thesen zur Bachelor- und Masterstruktur in Deutschland (Beschluss der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 12.06.2003) - The KMK theses on Bachelor-Master structures in GermanyEckpunkte fr die gegenseitige Anerkennung von Bachelor- und Masterabschlssen in Studiengngen, mit denen die Bildungsvoraussetzungenfr ein Lehramt vermittelt werden (Beschluss der KMK vom 02.06.2005)- The KMK cornerstones on mutual recognition of Bachelor-Master programmes in teacher education

    B3) Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK)Empfehlung zur Zukunft der Lehrerbildung in den Hochschulen Beschluss in der Kurzfassung und Beschluss Lehrerbildung (lang)

    B4) Reactions to the KMK positions (Teachers and educationalists in General education)

    Bachelor qualifiziert nicht fr Lehrerberuf , Stellungnahme des Deutschen Lehrerverbands , des Allgemeinen Fakulttentag , desMathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakulttentag , des Philosophische Fakulttentag und des Deutschen Hochschulverbands , 11.07.05

    Der Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakulttentag der Hochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Beschluss 3/2004Beschluss zur Einfhrung konsekutiver Studiengnge in der Erziehungswissenschaft. Stellungnahme 19.11.2004 Konsekutive Studiengnge

    GEW-Stellungnahme zum Bologna-Prozess Dok-HuF-2004-11.pdf (160,55 KB)

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    9/ 2003 Gemeinsame Stellungnahme des Bundesverbandes der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer an beruflichen Schulen e.V. (BLBS) und des Bundesverbandes

    der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer an Wirtschaftsschulen e.V. (VLW) August 2003

    C. Positions with a focus on TVET teacher education

    C1) Wissenschaftliche Kommission NiedersachsenForschungsevaluation an Nds. Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen / Berufswissenschaft der Lehrerbildung /Stand: Mrz 2002 (575 KB)

    C2) Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE), Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspdagogik (BWP)

    Frankfurter Beschluss: Stellungnahme der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspdagogik zum Abschlubericht der KMK-Arbeitsgruppe"Neustrukturierung der Ausbildung zum Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen"

    (21 kb)

    Stellungnahme zur Einrichtung gestufter Studiengangsmodelle als Ersatz fr die existierenden berufs- und wirtschaftspdagogischenDiplom- und Studiengnge fr das Lehramt an berufsbildenden Schulen

    (Beschluss der Mitgliederversammlung in Zrich am 22. Mrz 2004) (41 kb)

    C3) Gesellschaft fr Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA), Sektion Gewerblich-Technische Wissenschaften (GTW)

    Stellungnahme vom 6.1.2003 Beschreibung: Stellungnahme der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gewerblich-technische Wissenschaften und ihreDidaktiken (GTW) in der Gesellschaft fr Arbeitswissenschaft e. V. (GfA) zum Entwurf fr eine neue KMK-Rahmenvereinbarung fr dieAusbildung und Prfung der Lehrmter fr berufliche Schulen vom 6.1.2003

    Hamburger Erklrung Beschreibung: Hamburger Erklrung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gewerblich-Technische Wissenschaften (GTW) inder Gesellschaft fr Arbeitswissenschaft e.V. (GfA) zur Professionalisierung der Berufspdagogen im internationalen Kontext und zur aktuellenSituation des deutschen Berufsbildungssystems vom 5.10.2004