Germany Pre-World War II Describe two ways Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles. How did Great...

Germany Pre-World War II Describe two ways Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles. How did Great Britain react to this violation? How was this inaction an example of appeasement? What justification does Hitler give for world expansion? What country finally stood up to Hitler’s expansion? What demand by Hitler caused this stand? Why/when did Germany and the USSR join in an alliance? What was the name of this le/adolf-hitler-9340144/video s/adolf-hitler-predicted-by-n ostradamus-3752003620

Transcript of Germany Pre-World War II Describe two ways Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles. How did Great...

Germany Pre-World War II

Describe two ways Hitler violated the Treaty of Versailles. How did Great Britain react to this violation? How was this inaction an example of appeasement? What justification does Hitler give for world expansion?

 What country finally stood up to Hitler’s expansion? What demand by Hitler caused this stand?

Why/when did Germany and the USSR join in an alliance? What was the name of this alliance? What did this union leave Hitler open to do?

German Offensives

When/why did World War II officially begin?

Describe Germany’s tactic for quick victory.

By June 22, 1940, how much land had Germany occupied?

  What plan did the Germans have for

defeating the British? Was this plan successful? Explain.

Why did the Germans invade the USSR in June of 1941? What was the outcome of this invasion? 

German and Italian Downfall

After forcing the Axis forces to surrender in North Africa, the Allied powers had two more fronts to concentrate on. The decision by the Allied powers, was to defeat the Italians and Germans in Europe first, then turn to Japan in the Pacific. Explain the Allied invasion and defeat of the Italians.

Part of the Allied plan to defeat the only other major threat in Europe, the Germans, was to free the French from German control. Explain the plan to liberate the French. Was this plan successful?

Who was the U.S. commander of this invasion?

Explain how/when the Germans were defeated. What was the fate of Adolf Hitler?



Map of German Offensives and Downfall

Japanese Offensives

Why did the United States object to Japanese expansion, especially southward? What did the U.S. threaten to do if expansion continued?

  Why did the United States finally enter World War II in December of 1941?

When the United States entered the war in December of 1941, who were the 3 major Allied powers? Who were the 3 major Axis powers?

Defeat of Japan The End/Aftermath of World War II

After V.E Day (Victory in Europe Day), May 8, 1945, the Allied powers had only the Japanese to defeat. How/when were the Japanese finally defeated?


Describe 3 facts about the aftermath of WWII.

What was the Holocaust? Why might the Holocaust have taken place? What was the impact of the Holocaust on history? What lessons does the Holocaust have for us today? What other holocausts have taken place in the world?

What was Japanese Internment?