
download gerhana_matahari_tajuk_13_2.ppt

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Transcript of gerhana_matahari_tajuk_13_2.ppt

  • Gerhana MatahariThe Sun is vanishing! The Sun is going out! The daylight is retreating!Bad Omens All! The Gods are MAD!

  • Gambaran Zaman DahuluZeus, the father of the Olympic Gods, turned mid-day into night, hiding the light of the dazzling Sun; and sore fear came upon men.

    Archilochus (c680-c640 BC)

  • Gambaran Zaman Moden

  • Bulan

  • BayangUmbra

  • Imej Gerhana Matahari

  • Gerhana Matahari Penuh

  • Gerhana Matahari Penuh dari mula hingga akhir

  • Interesting Features

  • Cincin Berlian(The Diamond Ring)

  • Kenapa Gerhana Matahari tidak berlaku pada setiap bulan?MatahariEliptikBulanOrbit BulanBumi5oMoon's orbit is tilted about 5o with respect to the Earth's orbit (ecliptic), so the shadows usually miss!