Georgiana and Jordan

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Transcript of Georgiana and Jordan

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    Chapter 1

    Hawthorne Mansion, Danbury, England. 1816.

    George Ashton stared out her window into the pouring rain. She sighed, longing for the

    comfort of her horse, Thane. In her current mood, she would very well have gone out fora ride just to get away from that horrid crow that she was cursed to call Aunt. Having just

    returned from finishing school, of which she was most certainly finished, she was

    shocked - no horrified to find her home under the control of that tyrant, Aunt Eileen. Herfather, whom she had always preferred at a distance, had let her aunt take over and

    despite Georges attempts to get him to force her aunt off the throne, he seemed content

    to let her rule and add his own two pence when necessary. George had never been

    particularly fond of her father and he had always returned the sentiment. He had wanted aboy and had never hid that fact from his daughter. At first George listened to her mother

    and tried to be the best daughter he could have in the hopes that he would realize that she

    was as fine as any male. But when her mother died, George, at the age of seven, stopped

    trying. It was futile and she took comfort in the fact that one day she would leaveHawthorne for good. Finishing school was merely a temporary escape route. She detested

    it but, with her only other choice being her home, it had been no choice at all. Somedayshe would get married and leave for wherever her husbands home was. She wasnt

    opposed to marriage, the right marriage; a marriage where both parties were in agreement

    and she would be regarded as a partner not an elevated servant.

    A sharp pain pulled her out of her reflections and caused her to look down in disgust atthe needle work her aunt had ordered (and her father had agreed!) her to do in order to

    improve herself. A drop of blood formed where the needle had pricked her and in a

    moment of defiance she smeared it across a half completed swan. Standing up, she smiled

    grimly and placed her work on the seat; hopefully her aunt would discover it, since sheseemed to find sneaking into other peoples rooms an amusing sport. When she looked

    out the window it was to discover that the rain had stopped. Every leaf glistened and

    beckoned her outside. Eager to acquiesce she picked up her riding crop which lay on herbed. She took in her clothing and shrugged; in her opinion she was ready for a ride in

    breeches, a white cotton shirt and sturdy black boots. She wore the breeches more to defy

    and scandalize her aunt than anything. She flicked a glance at a jacket she had thrownover a chair but rejected the idea and instead unpinned her hair and ran her fingers

    through the long black tresses with a silent apology to her maid, Ruth. After all in for apenny, in for a pound; if she was going to look like a hoyden then she might as well do itproperly. Regarding herself in the mirror on her vanity, she grinned; she really looked a

    wild thing.

    She left her room, made her way down the hallway then crept towards the stairs where

    she stopped and listened. She didnt fear a confrontation with her aunt but then again ifshe could avoid it, why bother. Hearing nothing she continued down the stairs and, taking

    the back entrance out, emerged in the dense forest that formed a semi-circle around the

    manor. She followed the path leading to the stables, enjoying the aromatic smell of wettrees. Leaving the cover of the green tunnel, she entered the stable and was surprised to

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    not see anyone there. She had expected at least one of the grooms and had been certain

    she would see little Nicolas, the chief grooms son, who could not ordinarily be separated

    from the horses. Shrugging her wonder off George headed for Thanes stall. The groomscalled her The Goddess and George agreed; the beautiful beast was snow white from

    mane to tail with a black flame on her forehead. At the moment Thane was nuzzling her

    pocket in which lay an apple which George had picked up on her way out. With a smile,George held the apple out, saying, I knew youd like that, smart girl. The horse took the

    apple from her hand and crunched it contentedly. She ran her fingers through the horses

    mane then, opening the stall, entered and set about saddling her. After which she ledThane out of the stable, mounted and urged her into a slow trot towards the woods which

    acted as a boundary between Hawthorne and Chesterfield. Feeling Thanes restlessness,

    she let the horse gather speed and go into a full blown gallop. Trees whizzed by and

    rabbits scampered in the underbrush as Thane flew over the ground at an amazing speed,winding through the woods. George was just imagining how wonderful it would be to

    continue at that pace forever with the wind tearing at her hair, tossing it wildly, when a

    loud bang came. Thane stopped so suddenly, George was nearly thrown over her head.

    The sound came again and George realized what it was; someone very close was using agun.

    Dismounting, she looped Thanes rein around a sturdy oak, waited a minute, whispering

    comforting words in her ear with the hope that she would stand quietly, and struck outtowards Chesterfield where she suspected the sounds had come from. As she walked, a

    rage was building up in her; she hated being scared and she hated surprises and the idea

    that someone, who she would bet was trespassing, had managed to do both to her irkedher and as she reached the clearing, fueled her into yelling out at the three men she saw.

    What in the bloody hell do you think youre doing!?

    They all turned in her direction obviously startled. Two of them were on horses and held

    rifles while the other was operating some sort of catapult. The one on the roan was one to

    turn heads, with auburn hair and sparkling blue eyes, the other on a magnificent blackstallion, wasshe couldnt call him merely handsome - although she grudgingly allowed

    him that - it seemed such a small description. On his horse he sat tall and proud, lean and

    superbly fit. His jaw was firm and well carved, his nose straight. The breeze lightlyruffled his hair which was blue-black and beneath equally dark brows, surprising gray

    eyes observed her with thinly veiled annoyance. George was momentarily distracted but

    the aggressive virility and uncompromising authority that he seemed to exude brought heranger back into boil. How dare the man sit there looking so arrogant when he and his

    friends were obviously prowlers of some sort!? She tossed her locks over her head,

    prepared to brow beat them into contrition when Gray-eyes asked in a voice laced withcondescension.

    Who are you?

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    She bristled at his tone and assumed a haughty look which would have sent a lesser man

    scurrying. Gray-eyes met her stare with a supercilious eyebrow raised and almost forced

    her to look away as she snapped.

    Miss Georgina Ashton.

    She had put in enough arrogance and impatience into her words to distinguish herself as

    their better but they didnt seemed impressed and instead rode forward and circled her

    like wolves would a rabbit. Auburn hair seemed to find the whole thing exceedinglyfunny, much to Georges disgust, and asked in laughter tinged voice.

    Would it be too much to ask why youre here Miss Ashton?

    George heard the patronizing tone and felt her hackles rise; she itched to wipe the grin off

    his face; perhaps a bloodied nose would do the trick. I am here, sirs, because you seem

    to be under the impression that this land is open to everyone. Now if you and your

    companion, she nodded towards the third man who she couldnt distinguish but whoseemed to be avidly watching the by-play, value your freedom then I suggest you leave

    the premises. Now. The men exchanged looks and then Gray-eyes said, You seem to beunder some misconception, Lady Georgina. You see, this land belongs to me and if you

    are extremely lucky I will refrain from pressing charges against you for trespassing. His

    eyes had raked over her contemptuously when hed said the word lady implying that hedidnt think her one and George felt her face heat up as she said more to herself than to

    either of them.

    This land is your land.

    The realization of what she had just done hit her in the stomach and she valiantly prayedfor the earth to open up and swallow her.

    Chapter 2

    George looked up; one of them had spoken. It was Auburn hair and he said, Perhaps you

    are lost, dear lady and I could take you home. Then he stopped with a smile that George

    was sure could stop hearts, not hers of course. I forget my manners. Roger Haverford atyour service. He gave a bow in the saddle then as though as an after thought. Earl of

    Wynding. It was on the tip of her tongue to say it was a pleasure to make his

    acquaintance when the ridiculousness of it hit her and stilled her tongue. Instead she

    impaled Roger Haverford with a look to freeze the Thames. He was not daunted andcontinued with. I would hate myself thoroughly if I were to allow a damsel in distress to

    wander unattended. At this point even Gray-eyes rolled his fascinating orbs at the sky and

    the hilarity of it had George struggling to hold back her laughter as she informed Rogerthat there would be no need at all to escort her home for she lived just beyond the woods.

    This elicited another look between them and had George wondering, irritated, if they

    were in some way telepathic. On the contrary, Miss Ashton, there is every need to do sosince you seem to not have a mount, I feel honor bound to take you back on mine.

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    RogerMy lord.

    No please call me Roger.

    My Lord, she insisted, I have no doubt that you have the most honorable intentions

    behind your offer but I am sure I can find my way home. On my own. I do have a mountand she is capable of taking me back the same way we came without yourmuch

    appreciated help.

    She saw the laughter flit across Gray-eyes face and once again had to struggle to keep

    her own composure; Roger Haverford was obviously a proficient flirt and juxtaposedwith her current situation his actions seemed wholly out of place. So much so that she

    had to look away from them both in order to regain her serenity. When Gray-eyes spoke

    she knew that he too had been struggling not to laugh. Roger its obvious Miss Ashton isimmune to your charms and since we have dispensed with her reason for barging in here,

    I think letting her return home would be the most expedient thing to do.

    Roger grunted a reply, gave a final bow to George and rode off towards their stables

    leaving herself and Gray-eyes alone. George resisted the urge to chew at her lower lip; ahabit of hers which would surely reveal to him how nervous she was. Why she was

    nervous was beyond her but the question did little to bolster her courage. Perhaps it was

    his being on the horse and her having to look up at him. He remedied this soon enoughand George took an involuntary step backward as she took in his height. He must have

    been about six feet and three inches. He raised one supercilious eyebrow and George

    realized she had been staring. She felt the blush rise up her neck and silently berated

    herself for her brief weakness. She took one more step backward so she would not haveto look right up to him and said, I suppose I must apologize for my behavior.

    I should think so. As he said this George saw that his eyes seemed to be laughing at

    heror with her. She finally let go and burst into hysterical laughter which he soonjoined in. When she stopped laughing she looked at him, shook her head and said, I truly

    do apologize for walking in here. I was under the impression this place was empty and

    that you were her voice trailed of as he raised a hand to silence her. Thank you for

    that and I suppose I must apologize for my behavior; I am not accustomed to beingaccused of trespassing.

    I suppose I should be getting home; I wouldnt want to trouble you any more than I

    already have. She said this with as much equanimity as possible; the man had an effect

    on her which she was not prepared to explore.

    You said you had a horse so I assume you can ride and wont need my assistance.

    George bit back the sarcastic rejoinder on the tip of her tongue. His arrogant assumption,

    obvious from his raised eyebrow, that she would be unable to get back home without his

    assistance had her between boiling animosity and shocked incredulity; for one moment

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    she had actually been enjoying his company then he had to show that supercilious

    chauvinism of his.

    As though a minute had not just passed in silence, she said, I can find my way and if Isomehow loose my ability to ride, you can be sure I wont come begging for your help.

    With that she turned and marched back into the woods, incensed because she could hear

    suspicious laughter behind her. She found Thane just as she had left her, perhaps slightly

    calmer. Untying the mount, she heaved herself unto the saddle and set of in a brisk trottowards Hawthorne.

    As the stable grew clearer she could hear voices. One of them was the unmistakable

    Scottish brogue of the chief groom, Thomas McKinley and the other undoubtedly

    belonged to Anthony Hovers, her riding instructor and one of the few friends she had leftin Hawthorne. Not surprisingly their voices were raised in argument and although George

    was unwilling to eavesdrop, she was loath to sit atop her horse, waiting for them to either

    finish their discussion or for one of them to leave the stables and discover her presence.So she dismounted, and led the beast towards the stable; it was better for her to barge in

    on them, at least they would no she had no intention on listening in on them.

    Are ye sure about what yer saying, man?

    Yes Im sure! Ive been telling you that since I started talking. Honestly one would think

    you Scottish were hard of hearing.

    Now look ere Im jes askin cause da lass has a special place in me heart an A wouldna

    be wantin nothin bad happennin to her.

    Yes, I know you have Lady Georginas interests at heart, Anthony sighed wearily. We

    all do but you must see the other side of this, if that woman has her way, there wont bemuch reason for her to be here anyway.

    George stopped as a cold feeling washed over her; she had planned on interrupting an

    argument on the best way to saddle a horse or something of that sort; they were always at

    loggerheads over the horses. The fact that they were discussing her, combined with theimplication of what they were saying had her wanting to run far away, perhaps back to

    the safe enclosure of Madame Eleanors Finishing School. Her predicament left her tying

    the horse to a post by the stable someone would undoubtedly see her and running full

    speed towards the house. She practically knocked Hamilton, the butler, over in her hasteto get to her fathers study. She didnt care how much he wanted a boy; he was not going

    to let that evil tyrant force her out of her home.

    Chapter 3

    George burst into her fathers study, startling his secretary but apparently notsignificantly bothering her father. Biting her tongue to keep from apologizing to the man,

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    she stared Henry, her fathers personal secretary, out of the room; he seemed grateful to

    be able to leave. She waited till Henry had closed the door behind him and had possibly

    gotten to the end of the hall, all the while glaring at her father who had an impassiveexpression on his face, no doubt waiting for her explosion so he could kick her out.

    But George wasnt going to brushed away today; not today and never again.

    I overheard a conversation today. She began.

    One would think that at that finishing you would be thought not to eavesdrop.

    It was really quite funny actually. She went on with a sardonic smile as though he hadnot spoken. Can you guess what I heard?

    No, but Im sure youre going to tell me soon enough.

    I heard that if that woman has her way there wont be much reason for me to stay here.She put enough scorn into the word woman as to make it an epitaph. Why is that

    father? She spat out the word as it left a bad taste in her mouth.

    How should I know? And more importantly why should I explain what ever gossip you

    might have heard from the servants?

    Its funny you of all people should say that; especially when the servants word usually

    counts for more than yours.

    I will not be spoken to as such by a mere child. Her father ground out.

    Then how would you have this mere child speak to you? I find it hard to stop myself

    from speaking to you like the lying hypocrite that you are.

    Her father got up from his chair so fast; it fell back with a thud. You are my daughter

    and I will not allow you to insult me thus! He yelled at her.

    You consider the truth an insult? You gave me your word as a gentleman on the day Ireturned from finishing school that that woman would not make any decisions concerning

    my life. You gave your word to the daughter youve suddenly remembered I am and like

    all promises youve ever mad to me you broke it.

    The slap snapped her head to the side and brought furious tears to her eyes.

    How dare you come in here and insult me

    How dare I, she bit out turning murderous eyes to face him. You horrible, evil

    monster. I never understood what mother saw in you or what could have possessed her to

    wed such a demon but even for her sake I will never forgive you; for this and for

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    everything you have ever done to me. With that she spun around and slammed her way

    out of the room. She burst into her room and threw herself on the bed, letting furious

    tears pour out of her.

    Jordan Harthorn, Duke of Langford, Earl of Collingwood, Fourth Viscount Hargrove,

    Viscount Trotwood and Baron of Ellintonwood sat in plush armchair in his study with aglass of whiskey in his hand. He swirled the remnants in the glass, staring at it without

    really looking, his mind filled with thoughts of flashing green eyes and long ebony hair.He remembered the way shed yelled at him, boldly charging him with a crime he had not

    committed and he remembered as well his reason for coming to the country; it was

    unlikely that he would find any peace or quiet with her around. A small voice told himshe was the perfect person to get his mind of London; she could no doubt match him in

    conversation. He should get to know her; she was probably a lovely person. He must be

    drunk. Why hadnt he told her who he was? Because she might have turned into asimpering idiot? He doubted that but he really must get to know her. Or not. Roger

    seemed smitten with her already. How many times had they gone after the same girl?

    How many times had he let him win when it became too easy? Georgina Ashtonwouldnt be too easy. He must be very drunk. He smiled with relish as he thought of whata competition for her might be like. He would enjoy it and he could always pull away and

    let Roger have her if he wanted. It would be so perfect. He must be very, very drunk. The

    door opened and Roger walked in. No two Rogers walked in.

    This really is too bad of you. If youre going to get yourself drunk, you should wait till

    were playing cards.

    Why had he brought Roger along anyway?

    George lay slumped in her bed, hating herself, her father and her aunt. The latter had hadthe audacity to come into her room and had attempted to give her a lecture on the properbehavior of a young lady. The operative word was attempted; George had not let her

    finish before politely but firmly asking her to leave. She had reigned in the more colorful

    phrases on the tip of her tongue; why resort to childish name-calling when it would onlygive her aunt more reason to remain in her room. Besides that she felt exhausted. Too

    much had happened today. It was hard to believe that only this morning she had gone out

    for a quiet ride. Now the sun was setting and had lit up the sky in purple and orange huesand she was in her room looking forward to nothing but a house filled with cold frigidity.

    She felt sick because she knew it was partly her fault and no matter how her father had

    done, there was no justification for her temper tantrum. She d thought it was gone but

    hearing other people talking about her and talking about Shed interpreted theconversation to mean her aunt doing something to make her life even worse but perhaps

    she had been wrong. Perhaps it was just a rumor that had spread and was probably

    garbled and was more than likely not true. She had never felt any strong affection for herfather but had never hated him; she didnt see him long enough to. Now she hated herself,

    her guilt and the cold feeling of loneliness which was chilling her to the bone.

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    Chapter 4

    Golden rays filtered through the windows in Georges room, throwing life and light into

    every nook and cranny and waking the raven-haired beauty who had, only a few hourssince, forced herself into a fitful sleep. She knew Rose had opened the window and knew

    also that she was probably waiting for her mistress to arise with her usual cheerygreeting. This knowledge did little to encourage her open her eyes and instead forced her

    to remember that she had to see other people that day.

    Wake up Georgina; this isnt London and we must all keep country hours.

    Her aunts voice hit her like mallet; what was she doing here? Refusing to open her eyes

    to the world particularly to her aunt she feigned a deep sleep in the hopes that Eileen

    would leave. Why did she always have to find a way to exacerbate issues? And why, forheavens sake, did she constantly refer to London? It seemed she was constantly trying to

    remind everyone that she had once lived there, had once been a debutante acclaimed by

    all and knew its ways like the back of her hand(this George learnt on the day she firstmet her mothers sister, for the woman could hardly keep her mouth shut). Now though,

    George knew her aunt was divorced but had never thought to inquire as to why; no doubt

    this was because she would have been put down with some supercilious rebuff for being

    impertinent. But even so the concept of a divorce, so rare in Englands best families, hadseemed almost normal to her when associated with someone like her aunt Eileen;

    someone who, from the moment George had actually conversed with her, had seemed

    unbelievably vapid and shallowShe felt something cold on her cheek and wascompelled to open her eyes to find the source of the nuisance. Instead of her aunt she

    found a giant crow leaning over her bed with something red dripping of its wings onto

    her face. She screamed, she must have but then a clap of thunder jerked her awake.

    What a perfectly horrendous dream to have. She said, rubbing her upper arms that weecovered with goose bumps. Looking out the window she saw not golden rays but a solid

    gray sky within which lightening bolts could be seen. How very apropos; the weather was

    proving itself capable of matching her moods. She decided not to wait for Rose andswung herself out of her bed in a very unladylike way and went to seat at her desk upon

    which was a letter she had received just last week from her friend, Eloise Carstairs. It


    Dear George,

    I must say it is most odd to have to communicate with you like this. Letters! How verymundane; I almost feel like Andrew as I write this. By the way he, as well as all the restof my family, is very well. I however am feeling despondent; it is extremely lonely here

    without you to cheer me up. But I have a plan to end my period of loneliness. I know you

    are probably thinking oh dear, what is she up to now. Yes I can just see that long

    suffering expression on your face right now. Be that as it may, this time my plan is mostdefinitely full-proof. I cannot tell you what it is now in case this letter is intercepted but I

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    will send you everything soon. Be sure to check for my letter in you-know-where nextfortnight and do try to reply speedily for only then can my plan be set in motion.

    P.S I wont address the letter to you of course because it will probably be delivered to

    your home notwithstanding the address so you will recognize it as the one without any

    name on itof course since it will probably be the only letter being sent there, it shouldbe quite easy. Is not my plan perfect? You must admit it, no matter how grudgingly.

    Yours truly,


    Soon to be Duchess of Somewhere.

    George smiled to herself at her friends closing title; Eloise had always wanted to be a

    duchess, ever since they were younger she had been playing at being a duchess or a

    princess or some other woman of lofty title. She was about to get up when something oddabout the letter drew her back and she scanned it anxiously. What absurd forces were

    working against her? She thought in half hilarity. She had not looked at the letter since

    Eloise had sent it but now that she did she realized that the empty house she had subtly

    referred to in the letter was not empty at all. If she had to retrieve the letter, she wouldhave to somehow get herself in there or perhaps it had not even arrived, it was supposed

    to come todaybut if she were to intercept the mail. Oh blast and damn! Why did she

    have to deal with this problem as well as everything else? At that moment of quandary,Rose walked in expecting to see her mistress in bed.

    Good Morning, Lady Ashton. Would you like your tea now?

    Good Morning, Rose. George said, distracted. Yesyes just put it beside the window

    and Ill get to it.

    Rose acquiesced reluctantly as she wondered what could be bothering her usually high-spirited mistress. She left the room after placing the tray on the table by the window and

    George leaned back into her chair. I sometimes wonder, she thought, what I did to

    deserve this.


    Would you like some more tea, my lord?

    No, no more, Hartford. Is there any mail?

    Expecting something, Jordan? Roger asked, half busy with a plate of sausages.

    Nothing really important. Was his brief reply. I plan to go into town this afternoon if

    youd care to accompany me.

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    Oh no thank you. I have plans for this afternoon. And dont raise that eyebrow at me;

    our agreement only involved my ending my rakehell ways. We never discussed actually


    Surely you cant be serious, Roger. The duke retained an impassive expression

    knowing Roger would only try to infuriate him into some ridiculous argument if he evenshowed a mild interest in his affairs.

    Of course Im serious. You said yourself that I should settle downwell you didnt usethose words but I got the general message. What better way to do that than with a

    beautiful thing like that.

    I didnt get the impression she found your advances appealing.

    Shell come around. All this situation needs is a little encouragement. A ball! Thats

    what we need.

    Im not throwing a ball, Roger. I came here for some quiet. He was about to get up

    when Hartford returned with a single package and an odd expression on his face.

    The mail, my lord.

    Is something wrong, Hartford.

    No, of course not, my lord. Willerthat be all?

    Yes, that will be all.

    Hartford, old man, be so good as to tell the cook tat this meal was exquisite.

    Of course, Lord Haverford. He turned to leave but Jordan stopped him.

    Is your mother well, Hartford?

    Yes, my lord and she thanks you for your kindness over the winter.

    Tell her I was glad to be of service.

    Very good, my lord. He left the room with a distinctly renewed pride and glared adawdling maid out of the hallway. He took pride in his ability to keep his lordships

    household running smoothly and more than that, he took pride in the close relationship he

    had with the duke.

    Capital man. Roger intoned, as he pushed away his now empty plate.

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    Yes, quite irreplaceable. Jordan was only paying his friend marginal attention as he

    scanned the contents of a letter within the package.

    You look as though youve just seen a ghost. Anyone I know?

    No, fortunately not.

    What the devil do you mean by that? Are you hiding something Jordan, old man? Somecoquettish young mistress? Is that where youre going this afternoon?

    Do you enjoy being irritating? Even if that were true, why in heavens name would I tell

    you? If you recall I did ask if you would like to accompany me. Jordan said, stilldistracted.

    You wound me. Your greatestwell one of your greatest friends.

    I only know that you would find some way to engender a competition, which I am in nomood for.

    So there is a mistress.

    I never said that. He refolded the letter and smiled, knowing he would infuriate theyoung lord.

    But you implied

    I did no such thing. He turned to leave. I must finish some things before I leave this

    afternoon so Im sorry but I cant be very entertaining.

    No offense, Jordan, but I think you dont try very hard. Either way Ill be too busybringing a lovely lady around to miss your boring conversation.

    Of course. Dont try to hard though, she might see right through you.

    He left the dining room with a faint smile on his face. The Ashton girl would not be at

    home to be called on. She would be too busy herself.

    A/N: Heavens! That was a long while. I suddenly remembered why I loved Jordan. Im

    sorry for the inconvenience if there was one but I kind of lost track of my stories andkept starting new ones. To think I started this last year! Nehoot. Cheers!


    Chapter 5

    Chesterfield, England. 1816

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    George regarded the mansion with sundry feelings. The all that was left of the rain was

    gone since noon and the sun shone hot and bright upon the grass covered plains of

    Danbury and upon the lone rider. She sat ramrod straight upon her stead and ignored theskittish movements of the horse, still deep in thought. A few moments later she

    dismounted; she didnt want to be overly conspicuous when she approached the house.

    The manor was as quiet as it had been before its re-occupancy and for a few seconds

    Georgiana wondered if shed been right to assume the worst about those men. Shedismissed the thought though when she espied someone at the doorway. Reverend

    Whitney Davis came out fully, blinking in the sunlight. He addressed some words to the

    person at the doorway then left, walking briskly up the garden path and then out the gate.The residence was most definitely occupied but the problem still remained about how to

    get herself in it.

    She had no intention of breaking in as the ruckus that would be involved were she caught

    did not appeal to her. And yet approaching the house as a passing caller did not appeal to

    her either. She would have to see that arrogant man again and worse still, would have tosomehow explain her friends usage of his current address. Or perhaps not. She could

    always come up with something close enough to the truth to be believed and could leaveas soon as possible. After all, hed only just moved there and had no real reason to be


    After tying the reins of her horse to a nearby tree, she strode purposefully towards the

    main doors, reducing her stride as she went. She had donned a riding dress in attempt atsome ladylike appearance. Perhaps Mr. Harthorns chauvinistic ego would be appeased

    and he would be more willing to part with the letteror was it a package? The dress was

    a leaf green that accentuated her eyes and although she had not picked it with the idea of

    beguiling Harthorn, the stunning lady that she looked would indeed have done just that,had she met him.

    Having reached the doors and having decided to confront Harthorn, she rang the bell, and

    waited for someone to come and attend to her.

    The door opened soon enough to reveal a portly man of over forty who she assumed to bethe butler and to whom she made a ghost of a curtsy before stating her business.

    I would very much appreciate it if you would tell him that a friend of his wishes to see

    him. Why tell him Mr. Harthorn had only just met her yesterday and in a very

    mortifying way?

    My apologies, my lady, but His Grace isnt in at the moment. He answered her as

    though hed expected her call all morning.His grace? But he did leave a message as he

    expected your call.

    I see. And what did his grace say, may I ask?

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    He told me to inform you that he would be dining at theRapierand he hoped that you

    could join him sometime before two oclock.

    Join him? She asked, incredulous at the man's gall.

    Yes, my lady, he wishes that you not distress yourself as there will be ample chaperonespresent. He says he would have come by your residence himself but he had matters of

    import to attend to.

    His Grace doesnt do things by halves does he? she asked, a sarcastic edge to her


    No, my lady, he does not. There was a hint of pride in the mans voice - he was

    obviously oblivious to her insincerity - as he said this and when she said good bye and

    turned to leave, she couldnt help wondering if the package was within the house; it

    seemed silly to imagine that she should have been allowed in but the closed door behind

    her left her with the urge to search the place herself. Another thought, slightly lessimportant than the first flashed across her mind.His Grace indeed! He would hope shecould join him. Well he could cool his heels waiting. She had no intention of arriving at

    the Rapier anytime before three oclock!


    The Rapier.

    A quarter after three oclock.

    His Grace, the Duke of Langford, Earl of Collingwood, Fourth Viscount Hargrove,Viscount Trotwood and Baron of Ellintonwood allowed his gaze to rest on MissFortesque as her mother continued her monologue on the excitements that one might

    enjoy in the country, despite popular opinion. He was almost sure that that had been the

    topic shed begun with but after only thirty minutes of her gratingly loud speech he wascontemplating some means of shutting her up. A cutting set down came to mind but while

    that would accomplish the task of keeping her away from him, he had no intention of

    estranging himself from the crop in Chesterfield. If the rest of these people turned out thisway however, he might be forced to do just that. He almost pitied the daughter as shed

    tried twice to gain her mothers attention, the second time nudging his foot instead. Shed

    turned a bright red and muttered something incomprehensible. Her mother hadnt noticed

    this and had continued gaily adding, at opportune moments, little snippets on darlingMarias accomplishments. And she didnt even know of his titles, he thought, somewhat

    amused by her conspicuous efforts to marry her daughter off. He smiled lazily at Maria

    who had only just raised her head having spent the better part of twenty minutes bentover something in her lap. She blushed once more and resumed her inspection of her


    An annoying spot, Miss Fortesque?

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    She looked up at his voice and he saw laughter in her eyes. She looked about to reply

    when Mrs. Fortesque asked, confusion apparent in her voice. Of what do you speak, Mr.


    I was merely remarking on Miss Fortesques continued quiet. One is usually hard

    pressed to find a woman who is appreciative of silence.

    He bit his tongue the moment he let the words slip from his mouth; he was not usually


    What I meant was that I am often given to long bouts of reflection and have yet to comeacross many who enjoyed this pastime. That was hardly better but Mrs. Fortesque's

    smile hadnt wavered, it even bordered on a predatory nature.

    Yes, many have remarked on Maria darlings becoming silence. She is indeed a rare


    Miss Fortesque who had looked affronted at Jordans words now looked incredulously at

    her mother who seemed to be intently examining the duke. She looked, to Jordan, torn

    between amusement and outrage.

    I think, mother, that wed best leave if we are to meet Mrs. Darborough for tea. Shesaid quickly hoping to draw her mother from her supposed prey.

    Of course, my dear. She smiled dotingly on her daughter. Oh. Mr. Harthorn, perhaps

    you could be induced to join us country folk this evening. I happen to be hosting this

    years Opening Harvest ball. It will doubtless be a small affair compared to what youre

    used to in London but I do pride myself on my balls; theyre said to be quite lovely. Andlater you might enjoy Maria dears music. She is quite accomplished in that area, you


    Jordan held his smile in check at the apologetic look Miss Fortesque cast him at hermothers proposal.

    Of course. I should be delighted. A friend of mine will enjoy the merriment also Im

    sure.Ifhe will be welcome.

    Oh, surely. She replied, her smile widening at what Jordan could only suppose was the

    news that two males were to be added to her party. If you could both come at eight to theTerlberry House. You really cannot miss it. Its right beside the parsonage.

    Well be there promptly. He affirmed quietly, watching them rise and rising also. They

    both exchanged genuflections and Mrs. Fortesque led her daughter out of the restaurant.Jordan reseated himself and, taking a golden watch from his pocket, leaned forward on

    his elbows and stared at the time. Gideon, his hostlers apprentice, had come to the

    Rapier over two hours ago with the news that Miss Ashton had indeed arrived at his

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    home and had been given his message. When hed noticed the carriage outside the

    restaurant hed thought shed arrived but that vehicle had only brought Mrs. and Miss

    Fortesque. Now it was a quarter to three and still the chit hadnt come. Maidenly outrageat his suggestion seemed unlikely unless hed misjudged her. And it was doubtful that he

    had. That female Bonaparte was probably making him wait with the misguided notion

    that she could bring him to heel. Annoyance and amusement battled within him as hepondered over whether he should allow Miss Ashton that pleasure. The impudent miss

    needed a lesson in manners. Just what to do however was the question.

    The door opened, he looked up and was oddly disappointed when it was merely a

    gentleman in an overcoat who entered. His horse, tethered outside, was strangely familiarand he was still considering this when a shadow darkened the table and the gentleman

    whod arrived moments before seated himself in the seat previously occupied by Mrs.


    Jordan looked quizzically at the man and puzzlement turned to shock as the man threw of

    her cloak and revealed a woman with a decidedly smug expression on her face. She worea plain white shirt that dipped at the neck to reveal an alluring vee of creamy white skin.

    The shirt stretched across her ample chest when she raised her hand to untie her hairletting the wild locks run down her back.

    You look stunned, sir, or should I say Your Grace. I must say it is a most fitting


    You little heathen. He said slowly. Who could have possibly let you ride out like


    Like what,your Grace?

    You can stop reminding me of my title, Miss Ashton. It was my intention that you

    become aware of it as I hardly consider it a secret. And to answer your question, like a


    Would you and the lady like something to drink? The boy addressed Jordan but hisgaze rested on the soft mounds pushing at Georginas shirt. Glaring pointedly at him,

    Jordan stood abruptly and, walking around the table, pulled Georginas chair out.

    No. He bit out. The lady and I are leaving.

    The lad scurried away not willing to annoy the tall gentleman anymore than he had. Hedonly looked at her, he thought indignantly as he bumped into a table earning a frown

    from his employer.

    Get up, Miss Ashton. Jordan said in a clipped tone from behind her.

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    I have no wish to leave, Your Grace. She said in a bored tone. I do wonder why you

    frightened that boy away. You shouldnt have told him we didnt want anything either.

    That was badly done of you especially since I am quite famished. She continued lookingaround as though searching for someone else to take her order. If you would be so kind

    as to hand me my package,you can leave and I can enjoyOw! What on earth do you

    think you are doing? She asked pulling away from the biting grip on her upper arm thathad pulled her up from her seat.

    As I said, we are leaving. He threw that over his shoulder as her pulled her towards the

    door. She grabbed her coat which shed worn to ride through the town and which this

    odious duke might not give her the chance to put on.

    I am notgoing anywhere with you." She snapped."And will you let go of my arm,youre drawing attention to us.

    You do not need my help in that area, Miss. He snapped, pushing the door open when

    they reached it. He pulled her towards an unmarked carriage with four black purebredsreined to its front and practically pushed her in. She started to get out when his voiced

    lashed out. Dont you dare. Sending a fulminating glare his way she sat back in the

    squabs and crossed her arms. Dont forget my horse, sir. She called out to him. She

    watched him untie Thane and lead her to the back of his carriage. She almost expectedhim to enter but he walked by and, taking the front seat, clicked the four into a brisk trot.

    They drove for a considerable while before George glanced out the window. She almost

    leaned back before she realized that she didnt recognize the scenery.

    Where are you taking me? She asked, angry at how frantic her voice sounded. Hedidnt answer.

    A/N: Im truly sorry for not updating for what has it been. Months? Surely not years.

    Nehoot. I made it nice and long to make it up. I rather like this story. Do you? Let meknow what you think. More reviews will egg me on you know. Thanks a lot Kate for

    your review. Im sorry I didnt update after APs but the Regents came right after and I

    really didnt get much time. My exams were all great though so Im happy enough to

    actually lookat my stories. Ive been doing a lot of research reading so I might actuallyget better. One can only hope.



    Chapter 6

    George stuck her head out the window hoping he just hadnt heard her. What the devildo you think youre doing? She called to him trying, as she did, to remember the forest

    they had entered. While she was certain she had ridden through it on at least one occasion

    her infrequent visits home from Madame Eleanors had provided little more

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    entertainment there were many such woodland areas in Danbury each one almost

    identical to the other. She looked up at the duke and considered throwing her pocket

    watch at his head; it wasnt a very valuable piece and if it struck true would be worth theeffort. The conceited oaf was either quite deaf or was simply ignoring her. From what she

    knew of him, she was certain it was the latter.

    I wouldnt be too surprised to learn that youre quite enjoying yourself in this sadistic

    fashion, my lord duke, but if it is your intention to frighten me with your silence then letme assure you that you are failing miserably. In fact your silence is much appreciated;

    having never been treated to such unwarranted arrogance before, I might react quite

    violently if you were to speak now. Yes, your silence isOw! She jerked back into thecarriage and rubbed the side of her head where a protruding branch had struck. She fairly

    boiled when she heard what was unmistakably the dukes laughter. The bounder. Well

    she would maintain a dignified silence from now. If he wanted to get lost he was welcome

    to doing so. The second he stopped, she was leaving; she would jump out if she had to

    and be gone before he even realized it. Let him find his way out the dense forest, she

    would find some landmark and leave through a shortcut. Danbury was as famous forthem as it was for its forests.

    She didnt bother looking out the carriage again but leaned into the plush squabs

    calculating how long it would take her to get back home. Getting Thane, she thought,

    might be a risk but she couldntrisk leaving her mare with this man. She wasnt evenaware that theyd stopped until the door was pulled open and Harthorn looked to be about

    to enter. She blinked then threw herself at the opposite door only to be jerked back by an

    arm around her waist. An odd almost nauseating feeling went through her and she

    extricated herself from his grip only to fall back unto his lap. And his cursed arm wasnow firmly around her.

    Would you let me up, sir? She said through gritted teeth, the last word coming out like

    an epithet.

    I find I rather like you in this position. He drawled, his voice close to her ear. His warmbreath at her cheek was disconcerting and she squirmed in an effort to loosen his grip.

    Dont. He sounded strained and squeezed her middle until she stopped her movement.

    Will you let me up then? she asked, becoming more and more conscious of their close

    proximity and not keen to find out just how intense the feeling below her abdomen could


    How about you promise not to try one more daring escape. His voice, at its normal

    timbre, was affecting her in ways she was loathe to understand so her answer was an

    almost high pitched no.

    He sighed resignedly then said, I didnt think you wouldhowever I think I can manageyou if you do try some escapeunless you now care to stay. Her face flamed and she

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    practically jumped from him to the seat opposite. She hadnt realized hed let her go and

    had sat there longer than she should have.Like some ninny! She cursed under her breath

    at that weakness and refused to look at him. Manage her indeed! The conceited

    chauvinist! She kept flicking at an invisible speck of dirt on her coat until she realized he

    wasnt talking. Surely he doesnt expect me to say something. She finally looked up, blue

    eyes glinting. She had to work to keep the blush from creeping up her cheeks. He was sorelaxed, his left elbow resting on the seats arm, his chin resting on fingers which he bent

    towards him. But his eyes. They looked soheated. So alive, they spoke to her and

    spoke such words she was hard pressed to keep from leaping out the window.

    Do you intend to turn back anytime today,your grace? She snapped, angrier withherself than with him.

    I see were back to that. He sighed once more. But yes I do intend to return. What to

    do with you though... He stroked his chin contemplatively.

    Do with me? She asked, slowly. Do with me? Her voice rose slightly. Let me assureyou sir that you need not do anythingwith me.

    Hmmm. Yes, I suppose youre right. Very anti-climatic dont you think? His dry tone

    belied the lightness of the question. He pulled a watch from his pocket and flipped it

    open. A frown crossed his forehead and he replaced the timepiece before looking back ather. Or perhaps not. She couldnt stop her eyebrows from rising slightly at that.

    Ill assume that youre familiar with the area. It wasnt a question but she nodded

    slowly. Then you will have no trouble finding your way home from here. Yet another

    statement but to this she didnt remain silent.

    Find my way home?! She began heatedly. After it wasyourshortsighted decision togo on this escapade that brought me here? You really can't be serious. Not that I would

    have any trouble getting home but Hed raised a hand to silence her but her quiet was

    more flabbergasted than compliant.

    I really hate to interrupt one of your more enlightening diatribes but I must say thatthisescapade, as you called it, was hardly shortsighted yet was really never my

    decision. You quite took it out of my hands with your childish behavior

    My what?! Me?! Childish?

    Which caused me, He went on as though she hadnt spoken. To miss an appointmentof a rather delicate nature.

    This. This despotic attempt topunish me is because I kept you waiting for a few


    Then you admit to that being your intent?

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    Of course I admit it! Why the devil wouldnt I? After your arrogant assumption that I

    would meet you anywhere after one days acquaintance.

    She couldnt determine if his flush was in embarrassment or anger but it humanized himenough for her to say, I know nothing of you Mr. Harthorn but I would rather not

    become one more appointment of a rather delicate nature. If the implication of herwords didnt do it, her condescending, clipped tone as she added the rest was sure to send

    him over the edge. You will take me home and will avoid any more contact with myperson.

    His eyes turned into a deadly tempest for the barest second then closed off into


    Get out. She almost flinched at the biting chill in his tone but made no move towardsthe door.

    Much as I would rather enjoy tossing you out, Miss Ashton, I draw the line at causingbodily harm to children.

    It didnt cross her mind to remain to see if he would follow through on that since he

    looked, no seemed ready to kill. It wasnt written anywhere in his expression but thestiffness with which he held himself was quite obvious. Biting her tongue to keep from

    saying anything that might enrage him further, she stood as much as was possible and

    with careful dignity swung the door open and stepped out. Her feet had only just touchedthe ground when the door closed behind her. She glared with as much animosity as she

    could muster at the vehicle. It was disconcerting to find that she couldnt muster as much

    as she would have liked. There had been something in his eyes then that made her now

    feel guilty about her slight. It was just barely but it still niggled at her as she started backthe way she was sure theyd come.

    A/N: Oh wow. You guys are really awesome. Thank you all for the reviews. I loved

    every single one of them and Im truly sorry for not posting this earlier but I kept beingthwarted by school. Nehow, I hope you enjoyed that. It didnt exactly go as planned but I

    saw some more that I could add to the whole story with this. Id really appreciate your

    opinions so feel free to review. Hehe. Now that the formalities are overCheers! Luvyall. The next one will be soon I promise.

    Chapter 7

    Terlberry House

    My uncle brought it back with him from London. Its so very entertaining, Im sure

    youll love it. Maria said, as they both observed the dancing couples. Or, thoughtGeorge with a wry smile, as Maria kept her company and avoided any gentleman who

    would have sought her hand. Emma you said it was? Well Im sure Ill enjoy it if you

    think so. The two stood some way into a low balcony that looked onto the ballroom of

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    the Terlberry house and had been there for sometime after Maria had managed to

    extricate herself from her mothers side. You know, your mother might try to intervene

    if she thought you werent hunting on my account.

    Hunting? Oh George, you really make it sound quite awful. And dont say it is! I only

    couldnt stand Dustan staring at me in that way any more. She added as Georgina startedto open her mouth. So youre starting to read my mind? George asked, with a small


    No, Maria observed slowly. Ive only known you long enough to know what route

    your mind is taking.

    You should just let me shoot him in the foot; hes unlikely to ask you to dance if he

    cant do it himself. George said after that statement. She appeared deep in thought,seemingly contemplating her glass of punch. Maria glanced sharply at her. Youre not

    serious, George. Are you? She pressed when, her friend didnt reply immediately. I

    willtell my father if he does anything more.

    Of course you will, dear, George said with a smile. I was only teasing. Besides, withmy aim, I might endanger the Dustan dynasty.

    George! Maria had turned a bright red at Georginas boldness and now looked around

    to see if anyone had joined them on the circle. Where do you hear such things? Shaking

    her head at Georginas unrepentant grin, she stared resolutely at the descending balconywhich the balcony faced. Her cheeks, just returning to their normal color, flamed as she

    turned back towards Georgina.

    What is it? George asked, concern over her friends discomfort written on her classicfeatures.

    HimNo dont turn around! She grabbed Georges arm as she started to turn towards

    whoever Him was.

    Alrightwho is Him? She asked.

    I dont know! Maria snapped, her color blooming. I only know hes been staring at me

    for the past ten minutes and now I actually looked at him and he raised his glass to meandOh George, hes gorgeous!

    Georgina raised one amused brow and asked, in a laughter tinged voice, If Im very

    careful, can I see this gorgeous gentleman?

    Well I supposebut be very inconspicuous about it. I would hate for him to think wewere talking about him.

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    Of course. George said, mentally shaking her head at her friends sudden fretfulness

    over some man. She turned and allowed her eyes to run over the ballroom before

    glancing noncommittally at the staircase. She felt her heart lurch.

    Maria, She started slowly. Please tell me he isnt the man youre talking about.

    Who? Maria asked, surprised at Georginas sudden pallor.

    The gentleman in the black evening dress. She intoned in reply.

    Oh not him. Maria said, some relief entering her voice. That would be Mr. Harthorn.

    Mother invited him. I meant the gentleman speaking to him in the tan.

    Harthorn is here? George asked, slowly.

    Are you acquainted with him? Mother and I met him earlier today in theRapierand

    wellhe was compelled to attend. George seemed oblivious to her friends humor asthe one person she would rather never had seen again seemed to be about to turn her way.

    She pulled Maria by the arm, deeper into the balcony, so that the shadow of the curtainmight hide them.

    George! Why ever did you do that?

    Lets just say, Mr. Harthorn and I are not the best of friends. Giving her a puzzled look,

    Maria asked, What did you do, George?

    It seemed so serious a question to Georgina who was starting to see the humor in the

    situation that she promptly burst out laughing.

    What didIdo? Heavens, Maria, what are you imagining I did? Looking slightly

    sheepish, Maria said, Well, I dont know but it cant be anything good if youre hiding

    from him.

    Im not hiding from him. I merely dont wish to see him.

    She earned a quizzical look for that vague statement.

    Oh look, theyre going down. Do you think perhaps he would ask me to dance? I know

    its unlikely with all the

    Oh bosh! George said, knowing her friend was eager to somehow meet her gorgeousgentleman. Go on down, hes probably hoping you will.

    If you think so Maria said, hesitantly.

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    Go! George said, allowing exasperation to enter her voice and watched her friend leave

    the balcony in haste to be beside her mother beforeHe asked someone else for the dance.

    George edged towards the balcony edge after a time and was just in time to see JordanHarthorn leave the ballroom for the gardens. So we dont enjoy frivolities, do we my lord

    Duke. She thought and told herself that it was only a desire to inquire about her packagethat led her out into the gardens after him some moments later. It had nothing to do with

    the strange feeling in her stomach that had been bothering her since shed left him thatafternoon and had intensified when shed seen him in the ballroom.

    She had to go deep into the maze-like garden before she heard the striking of a match as

    she neared the center where she knew there was a large pond. Some ducks floated across

    its surface and the duke stood at its bank, one gleaming booted foot resting upon a rock.Hed lit a cheroot and a soft trail of smoke traced the air.

    Good evening. Her voice sounded odd to her and she swallowed painfully as he turned

    towards her. He didnt seem too surprised at her presence and only raised onesignificantly bored eyebrow and nodded a greeting in her direction.

    Iperhaps weI would like to apologize MrI mean, Your Grace. Why did she have

    to sound so caustic? He said nothing for some moments before taking the cheroot in two

    fingers and letting a trail of smoke slip from his mouth.

    Apology accepted. She sighed; glad they were on some firm ground. Though I dothink you could work on your apologies. I cant say, of course if it is your lack of

    propriety that allows you to turn an apology into an insult but

    She didnt let him finish but turned in a furious huff out of the clearing and back into themaze. She had gone several steps before his laughter stopped her. He was laughing! Heddone that only to raise her hackles.As you probably did his. She shook the tempering

    thought away and turned back towards the pond, intent on giving the duke a word or two

    about his own manners. She stopped as she reached the clearing and revenge entered hermind.

    He had his back towards her and George knew it was this that brought the wicked and

    somewhat infantile thought into her head. She wasnt sure she could do it but if she were

    extremely quiet, she couldmanage it. Raising her wide skirt that it would not brushagainst the grass and alert the duke to her presence, she moved towards him. She stood

    behind him a while later and allowed a slow breath to escape her before shoving himforward into the water.

    It would have gone quite splendidly had he not heard her, a hairs breadth before shepushed, and grabbed her arm, shock written on his face. They both plunged into the knee

    deep water and rose spluttering.

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    You little witch! Jordan cursed as he wiped the water from his face with a soaked

    handkerchief. A duck swam by him and quacked in his face. George who was attempting

    to stand let a small chuckle get passed her lips.

    Dont you dare laugh! You ought to be horse whipped. The duke glared in her direction

    just as the duck swam back and attempted to steal his handkerchief. It quacked angrily ashe splashed it away. This time George didnt try to hold back her laughter. She let it

    bubble forth and it wasnt long before the duke joined in albeit somewhat reluctantly.

    They got out of the water and, sitting on the bank, laughed like two old friends whod just

    shared some joke from their past. Jordan stopped first.

    That was irresponsible. Very childish, if I do say so myself.

    Oh, dont. Georgina got out, still laughing. I suppose I should apologize this time.

    This time? He asked, incredulous. Yes, I suppose you should. He added in a dry tone.

    She giggled. A slight breeze blew and she shivered. He must have noticed because hisnext words were laced with concern. Now youll doubtless catch a cold, silly brat. Lets

    get inside. Hed already begun to rise. There must be some way to explain this. He

    was muttering to himself and George shook her head vehemently.

    No, no, we cant go in. Mrs. Fortesque would have a fit and my aunt would have a fitand well lets just say this would turn quite ugly.

    He seemed to consider this before, pulling her to her feet none too gently. Or perhaps

    you could take me home. George wasnt sure why shed suggested it and a feeling ofdread ran through her but was gone before she could examine it. He said nothing forsome time, and then nodded.

    Come on then. Youve been exposed to this cold for too long as it is. He led her by the

    hand, out of the garden not saying a word and George let herself be led just as silently,thinking up a story to explain her sudden leave taking to her aunt. Theyd reached the

    front of the Terlberry house and were some feet from a plain black carriage she

    recognized from earlier in the day when she heard a shout. She turned, surprised to hear

    Maria when she saw her aunt, Mrs. Fortesque and Lady Branleigh, a woman ofconsiderable girth at the top of the front steps. They bore down on the two of them and

    her aunt moved to her side, casting a furious glare at Harthorn. He frowned, turning fromthe glaring matron to his quarry. Then his face lost all expression and his eyes bored intohers with chilling fury. She shivered, puzzled at his reaction. He dropped her hand as

    though it were something filthy hed been touching.

    I trust we will discuss this tomorrow,sir. Her aunts voice was perhaps even colder

    than was Harthorns look and George, frowning at the both of them turned to an ashenMaria.

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    Im sorry George; I thoughtI was trying to

    What the devil are you talking about?

    Chapter 8

    Nothing too difficult for you to comprehend, Madam. My lords voice was clipped and

    contempt seemed to drip from his words. George cast him a wondering look, and thenshrank from the cold fury in his eyes. A sickening wave ran over her and she shook her

    head, her mouth opened in horror. She jerked out of her aunts grip and stepped back

    facing the two. She heard Marias sniff behind her and stiffened at the sound.

    Will you stop being a goose, Maria; there surely is no need for this melodrama. She

    met her aunts eyes and let that woman see that she would not be cowed by censure and

    then said, Since you are here, Aunt, there will be no need for his...Mr. Harthorn to

    accompany me home.

    But surely...child, you must understand... Lady Branleighs patronizing speech was cut

    short when George spun and turned a withering glare upon her person. I did not think

    this detestable situation could be exacerbated so I must thank you for correcting me on

    that notion. I trust however that there are other more tantalizing gossips for you toentertain yourself with.

    The lady blanched then turned a furious rouge before sweeping away with an offended

    sniff Ghastly creature. George hissed through clenched teeth. Mrs. Fortesque noddedand followed rather hastily.

    George, dear, you mustnt be so fierce. Now she is sure to turn this into classic for themills. Maria had come beside her and now placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

    Do not touch me! She swung upon her friend, her eyes spitting fire and her person

    shaking with the effort to hold back the tumultuous emotion within her. She opened hermouth to say more when strong hands tightened around her shoulders. She stiffened but

    before she could protest, was whipped around and crashed into the dukes solid frame.

    Georgina control yourself. No, dont fight me. He added the latter as she began

    struggling in earnest. She raised a mutinous face and eyes that had just moments beforeglittered dangerously now brimmed with tears. Sending one final kick at his shin, she

    buried her face in his coat front.

    Oh you horrid, detestable man, why did I ever set eyes on you?

    She shook in his arms and he felt an odd tightening in his chest. Cracked sobs seemed totear from her and he tightened his hold.

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    Dont cry, brat, He intoned softly, his hand running slowly down her back. She

    stiffened and made to pull away from him but he allowed her only half a step back.

    Not yet, he said, drawing his handkerchief out. Georgina only barely suppressed agiggle as he wrung it out before handing it to her. She accepted the slightly dry cloth and

    blew into it, avoiding his eyes and staring at his ruined cravat.

    An irritated cough broke the silence and George, finding herself released, moved to

    Maria who looked a picture of hurt indignation.

    Maria, dear, I am so dreadful at times, arent I? She sighed, standing a step from herfriend. But that is no excuse. She gave her a wavering smile and the other returned it,

    eager to be over with the business. She pulled George into a hug and murmured words of

    understanding into her ear. The broke apart and Maria said softly, I shall cometomorrow, dear. Dont let them bully you. She didnt have to say who them was;

    George knew what she would have to bear from her aunt and her father. Maria squeezed

    her hand then nodding civilly to Harthorn and Lady Ashton, she started back to thehouse.

    Lady Ashton coughed again, and said, Georgina, you will come home with me and we

    can inform your father of this happenstance. I am sure Mr. Harthorn must understand the

    extreme delicacy of this matter. George cast a baleful look her way for those autocraticwords and announced with much asperity that she was going to their carriage. Having

    made this shocking statement, the good lady started for the road.

    Dont be a fool, Georgina. My lords voice cracked in the air. Youre soaked to the

    bone. His quarry halted for some seconds, after which, having obviously determined that

    Harthorn was no threat, she continued. She was after allreally going to their carriage,waiting at the end of the estate. A worthy parting shot sprang into her mind and she spoke

    it, glad to be able to leave with some dignity.

    I am quite capable of walking, sir, asyou should know. She had only taken three moresteps before she felt herself leave the ground and found herself tossed over my lords


    You, my dear, are an insolent chit. He turned to Lady Ashton whose horrified

    expression and choked expletives didnt deter him. Where is your vehicle that I maydeposit this baggage. Finding no suitable words to reply this calmly spoken request,

    Eileen pointed him towards the end of the drive.

    I will not give you the satisfaction of struggling, sir, but I am perfectly capable

    Yes, I know you can walk, brat, He snapped. I have no intention, however, ofallowing you to die of pneumonia when there are far less idiotic ways of dealing with this


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    Shut up.

    I wasnt

    Georgina He began, the warning clear to her ears. She pursed her lips but fell silent.

    He let her down at the front of the carriage, allowed the liveried footman to open the doorand watched her enter the vehicle.

    I wasnt going to walk, She said stiffly. I was coming here.

    He gave her a cursory glance, his face inscrutable but said nothing. Her aunt reached the

    carriage, nodded to him and entered. He closed the door and stepped back as the driver

    flicked the horses into a brisk trot.


    The duke arrived early the next morning, his black coach drawing up in front of the house

    sometime before nine. Georgina watched his driver, in deep blue and gold livery, open

    the door and his grace walk briskly up the front path. His black jacket stretched over wideshoulders and opened to a snowy white shirt that tucked into form-fitting grey breeches.

    Appropriately somber, she thought, grimly. He stood at the door, slapping a pair of

    gloves in his hand. Go away. She thought weakly. Go before they come. The door musthave been opened for he disappeared from view. She sighed and wondered when

    someone would come and open her door.

    She had been locked in her bedroom after her father had exhausted his tirade last night.

    She wasnt sure what had kept her silent throughout the angry ten minute rant but she hadbeen glad to sink into her bed when he was done. Her aunt had kept silent after divulging

    her version of events. Her father hadnt wanted to hear hers. She had disgraced herself,

    would be the talk of the village. Was a wanton, willful child who would be the death ofhim. She was, he had said, a disgrace to her poor mother. That had, perhaps, hurt the

    most but she knew any words on her part would only incense him more and ten minutes

    would undoubtedly turn into twenty.

    She turned from her window as she heard her door being unlocked some thirty minutes

    later and steeled herself to face her aunt or her father. Eileen entered and shut the doorbehind her, meeting the unwavering stare of her niece with something akin to admiration.

    Shes just like her mother, the woman thought, a dull ache in her chest as she

    remembered her sister-in-law. The woman had had the same inborn strength. Strengththat, interpreted by her brother as defiance, had been weakened by his overbearing nature.

    Georgina, She began. I would speak to you before you go down.

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    I have nothing to say to you. Green eyes glittered at her in open challenge and she bit

    back a smile at the hauteur in those eyes that was a forceful reminder of Jocelyn

    whenever she was piqued.

    Well I have much to say to you, She said briskly moving to the four poster bed in the

    center of the room. She seated her self then patted the space beside her. Georgina,instead, sat back on the window seat. Eileen sighed, knowing that ifshe moved, her niece

    would doubtless do the same.

    Why will you not concede? She asked. I am your only friend in this debacle so you

    might as well trust me.

    Friend?! George seemed to choke on the word and stared incredulously at her aunt. If

    you are my only friend

    Dont be so quick to burn your bridges, you silly child. She snapped. Your father has

    as good as sold you to that man. It would only be in your interests to know what youregoing to face.

    Sold? She paled considerably and confusion played across her face.

    The duke has agreed to marry you and has settled on us verygenerously. The disgust inher aunts voice as she said the word was palpable and distracted George from the fact

    that she had called Harthorn the duke. She gave her a puzzled look before speaking.

    I dont understand what you mean by sold, Aunt. I have no intention of marrying

    Harthorn, of course, but if he did discuss marital plans with father, a settlement would

    have come up

    It wasnt merely a settlement. Eileen broke in grimly. It was meant to keep this quiet.

    Once Harthorn told your father who he was, the issue became not whether he would

    marry you but how much he could pay to keep this imbroglio from reaching London orthe courts. There was no need for that, of course; Harthorn had been ready to accept

    responsibility but your father threatened to drag his name through the mills. Harthorn

    knew why he did it which is why your father is now three hundred thousand poundsricher as we speak.

    Three George couldnt voice the amount and stared, staggered as her aunt continued.

    Your father

    But Im not marrying Harthorn! I just have to let them know

    The cleric was just sent for.

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    Why do you look so grim? Cant you see that this wont happen? I cant marry him! He

    doesnt want to marry me! Nothing happened for goodness sake! Her aunts now

    sympathetic gaze was more than she could bear and she jerked to her feet determined togo and end the farce that was being played out below stairs. Shed reached the door when

    her aunt caught her and stopped her from slamming out of the room.

    You, neither of you, has any choice in the matter, Georgina.

    But I must have some

    Dont go down there and prove yourself a henwit! Eileen said. Harthorn is notbacking out of this and neither are you. He has been treated to your fathers ingratiation

    and he has borne it admirably but you cannotgo in there and embarrass him by

    suggesting he not act honorably.

    Honorably George said weakly. Eileens face softened at the defeat she saw in her

    nieces eyes.

    You cannot go out of here expecting to change anything. You must only face this with

    dignity. Harthorn is a good man She finished somewhat lamely. Your father has

    actedbut never mind that. You will not accept blame for this debacle and you will notgo in there looking like a little lamb. You were silent last night and I was proud of you

    and now you will do this with pride and that arrogance I saw in your eyes a few moments



    Not Harthorn, you goose. Your father.

    They stared at each other as understanding dawned in one and approval at the resolve that

    followed lit the other. A bond formed between the two and as Georgina left the room, it

    lifted her head and let her march down the hallway.

    A/N: Heavens, you dont know how much I love you guys. Reviewing when Ive been

    such a terrible poster. sigh Well I hope this is good. Cheers!


    Chapter 9

    There was silence as she entered her fathers book room but Georgina knew the two hadbeen talking just moments before; shed heard her fathers ingratiating voice from some

    distance away down the hallway and the look on Harthorns face upon seeing her was

    one of utter gratitude at having rescued him from what was undoubtedly a distasteful

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    task. She nearly smiled as conversation with her father invariably caused that reaction.

    Jordan rose and nodded a brief greeting to which she returned a ghost of a curtsy

    before he began.

    There are matters in need of discussion, Miss Ashton which I believe and your father

    agrees require our immediate attention, he said. I trust there is a room in which wemay find the necessary privacy.

    Well that certainly makes my part much easier; I thought I should have to engender some

    excuse to get him alone.

    Of course, Mr. Harthorn. If you will follow me.

    She had ignored her father with what she felt was admirable equanimity and was glad he

    had made no effort to change that. If Harthorn found this odd, he gave no indication of it

    and followed her in silence. The room opposite what was once her mothers reading

    room would be appropriate, she decided and, after shutting them both in that room,turned to my lord ready to begin a speech she had rehearsed to some extent on the way

    from her bedroom.

    Mr. Harthorn, she began.

    Are you well? The interruption distracted her and she paused giving him a quizzical

    look before saying, slowly, Well? Why yes, I am well. But why should youdo you

    mean because of the water?

    No, not the water. Not that that did not cross my mind, he said somewhat impatiently.

    After talking with your father, besides wishing he were not so many years my senior, Igot the impression you were blamed for all that transpired last evening and I could not

    help but worry. I cannot say that I like your father, Miss Ashton.

    While mentally suppress the tiny leap of her heart at his concern for her, and a grin at hiswish, she said, Well dont be so put out about it; I cant claim much affection for him

    either. But he has not sunk so low. A fact for which I remain glad.

    There was some bitterness in her voice which Jordan could not help but note and so he

    did not grin as he wanted to at her bluntly spoken words but asked, Do you understandthe circumstances which mow surround us, Miss Ashton? She frowned, coloring slightly

    and looked away from him; her aunts words were still fresh in her mind.

    Yes, perfectly, Mr. Harthorn. And you may rest assured they are as repugnant to me as

    they must be to you. He looked, for a moment, shocked and almost embarrassed asthough hed been caught doing something he ought not before his features became, once

    more, inscrutable. All these Georgina missed but she didcatch the ironic tone as he said,

    Oh certainly, the feeling must be mutual.

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    Glancing sharply at him, she said rather hurriedly, I dont mean you, of course. I know

    that you could not have wished for such an imbroglio as this. And then the She could

    not bring her self to mention that dreadful settlement; her frankness did not reach suchheights and continued, still more hurried and with her hands fidgeting in an effort to

    explain. Well it must be very inconvenient and I must say now that I dont mean to hold

    youI mean that you need not

    I dont intend to back out of this, Miss Ashton. He said slowly but firmly. I assumedyou knew that marriage is now a necessity for us both but do not think I wished for

    privacy in order to excuse myself from my duty.

    She felt as though she had just been slapped but, oddly, as though she had deserved it.

    She hadforced him to bring the ugly but very real words necessity and duty into thematter.

    I hadnt

    It is irrelevant in any case as the matter is decided, he continued. I only wished to

    know how soon you are able to ready yourself, and an abigail if you wish, as we will beleaving for Hargrove within an hour of the ceremony. We will obtain a special license


    George had been reining in a growing anger at his words but was unable to keep her

    indignation from her voice when she spoke.

    No the matter is not decided!

    She had turned an endearing pink in the futile effort and her eyes flashed dangerously.The effect on my lord, however, was far from what had been intended and the slight

    smile which touched his mouth only incensed her further. Before she could let loosesome well chosen words that would soon knock his grace from his pedestal, he stopped

    her with words which were equally well chosen to disconcert.

    Do you know how very delectable you look just now when you are quite about to fly at


    Her shade deepened and she swallowed trying to remember her set down. Delectablenonsenseyou must be serious for I wish to be

    He wasnt so far from her anymore and now closed the distance coming between her and

    the door. Taking her chin in his fingers, he said, But I find I dont want to be. That

    feeling from the carriage had begun again in earnest and she drew away from him, underhis arm, moving as far as the window were she feltwell it must be safe, she thought,

    angry at herself. And at him, she thought further, glaring at his broad back.

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    He sighed and turned to her, then smiled at the baleful eyes that pierced him. You

    neednt glare so, mdear, I wont attack again.

    I am not your dear, Mr. Harthorn, she said, stiffening at his familiarity.

    Ah, but you will be. He returned with no loss of phlegm.

    That is yet to be

    It is quite decided Georgina. He reiterated firmly. And I believe we may dispense

    with formalities at this point.

    There is no need for

    Can you be ready within the hour? He asked, ignoring her words.

    That is besides the point...

    No, it is precisely the point and the only point upon which there will be discussion.

    She had moved a little from the window as shed argued and now walked up to him, one

    finger raised. Poking him in the chest, she said, with emphasis on every word, I refuse to

    marry you, Harthorn. For a moment I had hoped that we could come to some decisionafter, and only after discussing it but I see now that you have obviously never discussed

    anything with anyone because

    What point would a discussion have been if we were to come to the same resolution as


    The point would have been thatIwould have consented, you odious man. She replied,jabbing at him. He held her finger and played his thumb over it in a manner she found too


    And you dont consent? His amusement was palpable.

    No, I refuse to marry you. Her eyes, unbeknownst to her, told a different story andJordan was quite decided.

    But, my dear, you have no choice.


    And so it was that when my lord led her back into the book room, where the parson

    already stood waiting, she looked anything but the indignant young miss but was asflushed and nervous as any new bride and the reverend quite believed Lord Ashtons

    explanation of the couple being too much in love to wait for a license. And so it was that

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    on that Wednesday morning with her father and her aunt as witnesses, Miss Georgina

    April Ashton became Lady Georgina April Harthorn, Duchess of Langford.

    They did leave some time in the hour following the union, much to Lady Ashtonsdistress for she took it upon herself to pack numerous items which she felt were

    necessary for such a journey. Jordan was firmly against most of them and a quarrel nearlyensued when he refused to carry and she would not leave without a large collection of

    Mrs. Radcliffes works. In the end it was decided that some would be allowed in theircarriage and the rest must come in with the dukes parcels.

    With five bandboxes they left and it wasnt long before they reached the highway.

    How far is it to Hargrove? Georgina asked sleepily.

    Not too far, we shall be there sometime before nine. He answered, his eyes watching

    the passing scenery. Glancing at her he saw that she was already nodding off, her bonnet

    in danger of being crushed as she leaned against the squabs. He moved to her side, andgently took the item off, to some protest on her part which he ignored. Drawing her closer

    with one arm around her, he let her use him as a pillow and it wasnt two minutes beforeshe succumbed to sleep.

    They reached the mansion sometime later than expected and Jordan led his wife inside to

    the welcome of only, Barns, his butler. It was almost lucky since the lady was still half

    asleep and could only murmur a greeting to the portly yet extremely dignified man beforemy lord half carried her up the stairs and into his bedroom. He did the undressing, much

    to his discomfort and she while she was asleep in mere seconds he paced the room

    several times before collapsing in a large chair by the crackling fireplace.

    A/N: Hello again. Yes I updated finally. Yay! And now Im going to sleep. Please feel

    very free to review. Cheers!


    Chapter 10

    She looked like a child in his bed.

    Hed been awake for long now, since dawns light actually and had since readied himself

    for the days activity to his disgruntled valets satisfaction; Hans had appeared wounded

    when Jordan had refused his service on his sojourn in Danbury and had spent the betterpart of the morning muttering animadversions and attempting to correct the errors of

    those he grouped together as Incompetents! My lord had asked him politely but firmly

    to leave when he either hadnt noticed the sleeping figure or had deemed her presence as

    secondary to imperfectly polished Hessians. Harthorn now stood at one of the three long

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    arched windows and stared unseeing at the horizon, mulling over the events that had

    bound the woman in his bedchamber to him.

    And you may rest assured they are as repugnant to me as they must be to you.

    Such sweet words, he thought with a wry smile. But they were confirmation of herfeelings on the matter; he could not have expected more and now knew she had not

    expected less. And they had after all excused him from considering any injury to her

    affections once he left. He should be glad for that. Perhaps this nightor the nextorboth? The thought warmed his blood. They would do well together, he and his passionate

    minx. He could well imagine the tutelage of her. Shaking himself from such thoughts

    even as he began to feel a distinct discomfort he reminded himself that there would be no

    time for that. He had no intention of remaining in Hargrove for too longperhaps later.But he would decide on that when he was done in Danbury.

    She still slept; he noted as he turned from the window and walked into the adjoining

    reading room, having decided that a letter must be written. Seating himself at theescritoire, he began. Minutes later, the correspondence appeared:

    Dear Emily,

    I trust you and Mama are well. The season must be at its peak so she is doubtless verymuch in her element. I write with news that should please you both considering your

    determined efforts while I was in London: I am wed. The affair was conducted in

    Danbury and we traveled to Hargrove soon after. We will remain here for some time

    before coming to London. In spite of any curiosity you may have regarding this event ormy bride, I hope that you resist the temptation to visit and that you will expend all efforts

    in convincing our mother of the wisdom of this course.

    He had thought to end there but after some thought added:

    Georgina is a delightful girl of amiable disposition (He could only hope), andnumerousaccomplishments and you will love her on sight.

    You may address your congratulations to Hargrove Manor and we will reply in due

    course. Give my love to Mama.

    Your loving brother,


    He read the script over, judged it to contain enough information to receive a veritable

    tome in reply and, resigned to this, sanded, folded and addressed it then reached for thewax. He poured a circle over the fold he had lit the candle before writing and pressed

    his ivory handled seal into it, wondering how long it would take to reach his sister.

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    A noise from his bedchamber drew his attention and then he heard, Oh dear! It wasnt a


    So his bride had awakened, and with very little improvement in feeling. He smiled grimlyas he rose and entered the room.

    Good Morning, Georgina.

    Oh Lord! I had almost convinced myself that I was still asleep. But you are far and away

    too real.

    She sat against the large and elaborately decorated headboard, her knees drawn up to herchest beneath layers of bedclothes and seemed to have been surveying the room in horror

    or something like it. He felt, strangely, rather angry at her reaction.