George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family

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Transcript of George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family

  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


    Chapter IGeorge Welton Ward

    George Welton Ward An n TrulockFirst Wife)

    George Welton Ward Mary HankinsonSecond Wife)


    Family Historian-I 9 5 0

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  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


    l ived i n Su f fo lk Co un ty , Eng land , t hei r f i rs t t hree moved to N or th W i l l a rd Creek . s i nce know n ssons w ere bo rn ; namely W i l l i a m, G eo rge an d R ich -ard Tru lock O n t h e t w e n t y t h i r d d a y o J a n ua r y 1 8 5 4 , J o h nI n 1 8 4 7 oui grandpa ren t s moved to S o u t h - J o s e p h , t h e s i x t h s o n , w a s b o r n a t N o r t h W i l l a r dhampton H amsh i re , Eng la i i d and o n A p r i l 1 1 , 1 8 4 9 , C r ee k , B O X E l d e r C o u n t y . A n n E l i z a b e t h , t h e i rA l f red W ar d t he fou r ih son , and a l so m y fa the r w as f i r s t daU ghte r, was b o r n M a r c h 2 1 , 1 8 5 6 at w i l -bor n rThree years later In Jan uar y 1 8 5 1 a t t h ree l a rd C i ty , BO X Elde r Co un ty . Char l e s Robe r t , t heo

  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


    Other Interesting Stories In The Life OfGeorge Welton Ward And His Family

    Seven years after their marriage George Welton Marys father died the 4th April, 185 1 , succeedingand An n Trulock War d) the restored gospel was her mothers death on 6th March. same year. Apresented to them by the missionaries of the Church brother Will iam, a sister Ellen and Mary emigratedof Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. After thorough to Ut ah with the C. A. Harper Company, arrivinginvestigation, they accepted it and were baptized in Salt Lake City the 29 th of October, 1 8 5 5 . T w oint o the Church. George Welton Ward was the first years later Mary was married to George Weltonand on ly k now n one of his fathers family to em-brace Mormonism. When he did so he was requiredto make a choice between his share of his fathers Mary Hankinson Ward completed her earthlyestate and his newly found religion. Like Mar y of mission and Passed away 1 March, 1882 a t theold he chose the better part and stayed with hiq

    T h e greatest accomplishment of George Weltonhurch. He was baptized the 12 day of July, 1849 Ward wa5 his large family, which numbered 1 5 chil-y Elder Thomas D. Stenhouse.George Welton Wards second marriage took dren. He went to his reward five and a half monthsplace in Salt Lake City, Utah. He married Miss Mar y afte r the death of his good wife, Mary, 18 August,Hankinson, June 30, 18 57 in President Brigham 188 2. He was buried in the Willard Cemetery, a tYoungs office, the ceremony being performed by Wil lar d, Utah .President Young himself. T hey were later sealed fortime and eternity in the End owment House by Newspaper clipping from Deseret News Files:Daniel H. Wells on 20th June, 1863. Feb. 18 , 1858-At Wil low Creek, Box ElderMary Hankinson was the daughter of James and Coun ty, a Committee was appointed by the peopleAnn Wych Hankinson. She was born 1 2 Jan. 1840 to draw u p resolutions approving of the present gov-at Didsbury, Lans, England. T h e family of Han- ernment of the Territory. Those selected for thiskinson accepted the gospel in England. T h e mission- dut y were: Salmon Warner, Dwigh t Hard ing, Josephary who baptized them told them that the father L . Lish, William Bradbury, William M. Dalton,and mother would not migrate to Ut ah , but that William Brewerton, Joh n Robinson, George Wsome of the children would come. Th i s was fulfilled. Ward, Jacob Lundel.


    h o m e *

    SAMUEL WARD AND JOHN WARD BRIEF HISTORYT h e earliest kno wn ancestor in the Ward fam- Templ e. Owen D. Ward and Eunice A . Ward Har-ily at the present time is that of Samuel Ward. He ris received their Endowments for them on the 28thwas born about the year 17 53 . His wife was Eliza- of May, 1924. They were sealed for Time and

    beth Iffe. She was born about the year 1 7 6 5 . Their E t e r n i t y the same day, and the children wereresidence was The bur ton , Suf folk, England. sealed to them.We know little of his l i fe, except that he wasinterested in political life. He served as a ForeignCommissioner. ton, Suffolkshire, England.

    J O H N WA RD , son of Samuel and Elizabeth1 7 8 6 a t Theber-He married Susannah Welton about the year

    Iffe was born 2 5

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  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family


  • 8/12/2019 George Welton Ward & Ann Trulock Family
