Geometry Short Course

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  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 1

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    2 - Corners t one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 3

    Chapt er 1: A Port ion of a Line

    Observing t he Idea

    1. Darken t he port ion of t he line from B and C.

    2. Darken t he port ion of t he line from A and B.

    3. Darken t he port ion of t he line from C and D.

    4. Describe what you have done in problems 1 t hrough 3.





    . . . . --A B C D E.

    . . . . --A B C D E.

    . . . . --A B C D E.

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    4 - Cornerst one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Naming t he Idea

    The port ion of t he line t hat you darkened is called a


    It is simply a piece of t he line.It has t wo ENDPOINTS. The LINE SEGMENT is named by it s ENDPOINTS.

    When t he symbol is writ t en above t he t wo let t ers naming t he line segment ,it refers t o t he endpoint s and all t he point s bet ween t he endpoint s.

    If t he t wo endpoint s do not include t he line above, t hen it refers t o t he dist ance bet ween t het wo endpoint s.

    For example, t he name of t he line segment in problem number 1 is BC.The dist ance from B t o C is writ t en BC.

    5. Name t he line segment s for problems 2 and 3 .

    a. Line Segment for 2: ____________

    b. Line Segment for 3 : ____________

    Expanding t he Idea Part 1

    Finding t he Dist ance of a Line Segment

    6 . The lengt h of AB is __________ .

    7. The lengt h of AC is __________ .

    8 . The lengt h of BE is __________ .

    9 . The lengt h of CE is __________ .

    . . . . --A B C D E.

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 5

    10 . The lengt h of FH is found by 126 - 122 =

    11. The lengt h of GJ is found by _______________________ .

    12. The lengt h of FJ is found by _______________________ .

    13. What mat hemat ical operat ion is used t o det ermine t he dist ance of a line segment ?

    Addit ion? Subt ract ion? Mult iplicat ion? Division?

    14. The diagram above shows a line segment AB. The numerical value of endpoint B is repre-sent ed by t he lower case let t er b. The numerical value of t he endpoint A is represent ed by t he lowercase let t er a. The equat ion used t o det ermine t he lengt h of line segment AB is

    AB = ________________

    Each point on a line has exact ly one real number associat ed wit h it .This number is called t heCOORDINATE.

    The dist ance bet ween t wo point s is det ermined by subt ract ing t he smaller coordinat e from t helarger coordinat e. In t he above example, t he dist ance bet ween A and B is

    AB = b - a

    F G H I J

    122 124 126 128 130

    . . --A B

    a b

    . . . . -- .

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    6 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

    10 15 20 25 30

    . . . --A B C

    . . . .--

    .F G H I J

    a b c

    Expanding t he Idea Part 2

    Finding t he Dist ance bet ween t wo or more Line Segment s

    15. The lengt h of FH is equal t o FG + GH which is equal t o (15 - 10 ) + (20 - 15) =

    16 . The lengt h of GI is equal t o _____ + _____ which is equal t o __________ .

    17. The lengt h of HJ is equal t o _____ + _____ which is equal t o __________ .

    18 . The lengt h of FI is equal t o _____ + _____ + _____ which is equal t o __________ .

    19 . What mat hemat ical operat ion is used t o det ermine t he dist ance bet weent wo or more line segment ?

    Addit ion? Subt ract ion? Mult iplicat ion? Division?

    20 . The diagram above shows t hree line segment s: AB, BC, and AC.Writ e t he general equat ion expressing t he lengt h of line segment AC:

    AC = _______ + _______

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 7

    Expanding t he Idea Part 3

    Finding t he Dist ance Half Way Bet ween Endpoint s

    21. What is t he point halfway bet ween t he line segment FJ? __________ .

    The dist ance from F t o H is equal t o t he dist ance from H t o J.

    22. What is t he point halfway bet ween t he line segment GI __________ .

    23 . Explain how t he point halfway bet ween t he endpoint s can be found.

    24 . B is halfway bet ween AC. That means t hat AB = BC.Writ e a mat h equat ion showing t he relat ionship bet ween AB and AC :

    AB = ______________________

    The point halfway bet ween t he t wo endpoint s of a line segment is called t he


    The midpoint is equal t o one-half t he dist ance of t he line segment .The midpoint can be det ermined by using eit her one of t wo met hods:METHOD 1:Find one - half of t he line segment and move t hat many spaces f rom eit her endpoint .METHOD 2:Find t he average of t he values for t he t wo endpoint s and divide by 2.

    . . . --A B C

    10 15 20 25 30. . . .--

    .F G H I J

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 9

    CHAPTER 2: Shapes

    Observing t he Idea

    1. Describe each of t he following shapes.Give t hree t o four charact erist ics of each shape.

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    10 - Corners t one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Which shapes have t he same charact erist ics? How are t hey alike? How are t hese shapes dif ferencefr om t he ot hers? If you were t o place t hese shapes int o t hree diff erent groups, which shapes wouldyou place t oget her?

    List t heCommon Charact erist ic. Make a sket ch of t he shapes wit h t he same charact erist ics.

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 11

    Naming t he Idea

    The shapes on t he previous page have cert ain charact erist ics.

    The first charact erist ic is t hat all t he object s are closed shapesSecondly, not ice t hat t he one group is made up of line segment s,

    while some are cont inuous.

    Closed shapes wit h t hree or more sides are called


    The number of s ides is anot her charact erist ic of t he shapes. Someof t he shapes have 3 sides, while ot hers have 4 s ides.

    Polygons wit h t hree sides are calledTRIANGLES.

    Polygons wit h four s ides are calledQUADRILATERALS.


    Line Segment s Cont inuouswit h t hree or more sides A CIRCLE isare called POLYGONS one example of t his kind of shape.

    Three - Sided Polygon Four - Sided Polygon TRIANGLE QUADRILATERAL

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    12 - Cornerst one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Expanding t he Idea

    1. Draw t hree examples of POLYGONS:

    _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

    2. Det ermine if t he following shapes are POLYGONS:

    3. Give t he major charact erist ics of a POLYGON.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    4. Why is a circle not a polygon?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    5. What is t he major charact erist ic of a circle?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 13

    Chapt er 3: Circles

    Observing t he Idea

    Mat erials:CompassPencilRuler

    Set t he compass point at point C.Set t he pencil point of t he compass at point R.

    Turn t he pencil around Point C unt il you make a complet e circle.

    C R

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    14 - Cornerst one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Set t he compass point at point C.Set t he pencil point of t he compass at point R.

    Turn t he pencil around Point C unt il you make a complet e circle.

    How is t his circle like t he fir st circle you drew?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    How is t his circle different from t he first circle you drew?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    St at e several charact erist ics of a circle._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    C R

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    16 - Corners t one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2




    Make line segment s f rom Point C t o each of t he point s along t he circle.

    Measure each line segment (t o t he nearest inch) and record your dat a in t he chart below.








    Compare t he lengt h of each linesegment of t his circle..

    Are t hey EQUAL or NOT EQUAL?

    What does t his informat ion t ell youabout t he nat ure of a circle?




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 17

    Naming the Concept

    A CIRCLE is a closed figure wit h all point s t he same dist ance from one point .That one point is called

    t he CENTER of t he CIRCLE.

    Any line segment t hat goes from t he cent er of t he circle t o a point on t he circle is called

    t he RADIUS of t he CIRCLE.

    Any line segment which passes t hrough t he cent er and has it s endpoint s on t he circle is called

    t he DIAMETER of t he CIRCLE.

    The diamet er is t wice as long as t he radius.


    r = radius







  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    18 - Corners t one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Expanding t he Concept

    Find t he RADIUS, and DIAMETER for each circle below.Make your measurement t o t he nearest one-half inch.



    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2

    FIGURE 3

    FIGURE 3

    Explain t he relat ionship bet ween t he radius and diamet er of a circle.




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    20 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Using your pencil and ruler form t he line segment s: CR1and CR2.

    Set t he compass point at point C.

    Set t he pencil point of t he compassat Point R1.

    Turn t he pencil count erclockwisearound Point C unt il you reachPoint R2.

    Using your pencil shade t he areabet ween CR1 and CR2.

    Using your pencil and ruler form t he linesegment s: CR1 and CR2.

    Set t he compass point at point C.

    Set t he pencil point of t he com-pass at Point R1.

    Turn t he pencil count erclockwisearound Point C unt il you reachPoint R2.

    Using your pencil shade t he areabet ween CR1 and CR2.

    C R1


    C R1


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 21

    Using your pencil and ruler form t he line segment s: CR1and CR2.

    Set t he compass point at point C.

    Set t he pencil point of t he compassat Point R1.

    Turn t he pencil count erclockwisearound Point C unt il you reachPoint R2.

    Using your pencil shade t he areabet ween CR1 and CR2.

    Using your pencil and ruler form t he linesegment s: CR1 and CR2.

    Set t he compass point at point C.

    Set t he pencil point of t he com-pass at Point R1.

    Turn t he pencil count erclockwisearound Point C unt il you reachPoint R2.

    Using your pencil shade t he areabet ween CR1 and CR2.

    C R1


    C R1


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    22 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

    Using your pencil and ruler form t he line segment s: CR1and CR2.

    Set t he compass point at point C.

    Set t he pencil point of t he compassat Point R1.

    Turn t he pencil count erclockwisearound Point C unt il you reachPoint R2.

    Using your pencil shade t he areabet ween CR1 and CR2.

    Naming t he Concept

    An ANGLEis f ormed when t wo line segment s or rays have a common endpoint .

    The common endpoint is called t he


    An angle is measured in degrees. A prot ract or is t he inst rument used t o measure t he size oft he angle. In t he drawing above t he VERTEX is at A. AB and AC are t he sides of t he angle.

    The symbol is used t o represent an angle.The not at ion m means t he measure of t he angle.

    C R1R2

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 23

    Expanding t he Idea - Part 1Measuring an Angle

    An angle is represent ed in one of t hree ways: By t he let t er of t he vert ex, By t he number or let t er locat ed in t he int erior of t he angle,

    By t he t hree point s t hat make t he t riangle.

    The angle in t he diagrams above could be represent ed in any of t he following ways:

    SYMBOL BY The C Let t er of t he vert ex.

    read angle C.

    1 or c Number or let t er locat ed in t he int er ior of t he angleread angle 1 or angle c.

    ACB or BCA Three point s t hat make t he angle,read angle ACB or angle BCA.

    An angle is measured in degrees. A PROTRACTOR is used t o measure t he size of t he angle.Reading a Prot ract or:The numbers along t he each of t he prot ract or are t he degrees.

    To measure an angle place t hecross-hair at t he vert ex .

    Align t he st raight edge of t heprot ract or t o one of t he rays.

    Not ice where t he ot her ray crossest he prot ract or. The number t hataligns wit h t his ray is t he measurementof t he angle in degrees.





    6 0 8 0




    0 18 0

    Cross-hair at Vert exof t he angle.

    Align t his edge alongone side of t he angle.

    C B C B

    A A

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    24 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Measuring an Angle

    6 . A = __________

    Using your pencil shade Angle A.Next , using your prot ract or,measure Angle a.

    7. 1 = __________

    Using your pencil shade Angle 1.Next , using your prot ract or,measure Angle 1.



  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 25

    Measuring an Angle

    Using your prot ract or measure t he following angles:

    8 . ACB = __________

    Using your pencil shade Angle ACB.Next , using your prot ract or,measure Angle ACB.

    9 . a = __________

    Using your pencil shade Angle a.Next , using your prot ract or,measure Angle a.





  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    26 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Measuring an Angle

    8 . A = __________

    Using your pencil shade Angle A.Next , using your prot ract or,measure Angle a.

    9 . 1 = __________

    Using your pencil shade Angle 1.Next , using your prot ract or,measure Angle 1.



  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 27

    It is import ant t hat you become very familiar wit h t he size of cert ain angles.You must be able t o recognize t he following angles.

    30 angle 45 angle 6 0 angle 90 angle 120 angle 18 0 angle

    10 . Wit hout using your prot ract or, make a rough sket ch of each of t he following angles:

    A. 30 angle

    B. 45 angle

    C. 6 0 angle

    D. 90 angle

    E. 120 angle

    F. 18 0 angle

    11. Using your prot ract or check how close your drawings are t o t he correct angle. If you aremore t han 5 degrees off, redraw t he angle.

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    28 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Expanding t he Idea - Part 2

    Using your prot ract or measure ABC in Figure 1.

    You should have found t hat ABC was equal t o 90 .

    What is one-half of 90 ? __________

    In Figure 2 const ruct DBC = 45.

    This new angle split s ABC in half.

    Several relat ionship result from Figure 2.

    How does ABD compare t o DBC?Writ e = or in t he box.


    How do t he sum of t he t wo smaller angles compare wit h t he larger angle?

    ABD + DBC = ___ ___ ___

    The line segment DB is said t o BISECT ABC.

    What are t hree charact erist ics of a line segment t hat BISECTS an angle?

    B C

    AFigure 1 Figure 2

    B C


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 29

    Measure each angle.Using your prot ract or and ruler draw t he angle bisect or.Label t he bisect or CD.

    Figure 3

    ABC = _____

    DCB = _____

    Figure 4

    ABC = _____

    DCB = _____







  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    30 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2







    Figure 5

    ABC = _____

    DCB = _____

    Figure 6

    ABC = _____

    DCB = _____

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 3 1

    Chapt er 5: More Angles

    Observing t he Idea

    Mat erials:PencilProt ract or

    Using your pencil make line segment AB.and line segment CD.How many angles were formed?

    St art ing wit h t he t op angle and moving clockwise, label t he angles 1, 2, 3 , and 4.

    Measure each of t he angles. Be very precise in your measurement s.

    1 = __________ Look at t he relat ionships bet ween t he four angles.What do you observe? _____________________ 2 = __________

    3 = __________ Shade t he equal angles wit h t he same color.

    4 = __________





    C D


    Figure 1

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    32 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

    Using your pencil make line segment AB.and line segment CD.How many angles were formed?

    St ar t ing wit h t he t op angle and moving clockwise, label t he angles 1, 2, 3, and 4.

    Measure each of t he angles. Be very precise in your measurement s.

    1 = __________ Look at t he relat ionships bet ween t he four angles.

    2 = __________ What do you observe? _____________________

    3 = __________ Shade t he equal angles wit h t he same color.

    4 = __________





    C D


    Figure 2

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 3 3

    Using your pencil make line segment AB.and line segment CD.How many angles were formed?

    St art ing wit h t he t op angle and moving clockwise, label t he angles 1, 2, 3 , and 4.

    Measure each of t he angles. Be very precise in your measurement s.

    1 = __________ Look at t he relat ionships bet ween t he four angles.

    2 = __________ What do you observe? _____________________

    3 = __________ Shade t he equal angles wit h t he same color.

    4 = __________

    When t wo lines int ersect , four angles are formed.St at e t he relat ionship of angles t hat are across f rom each ot her.







    Figure 3

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    34 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

    Naming t he Idea

    When t wo lines int ersect , four angles are formed.The angles t hat are across f rom each ot her are called


    All ver t ical angles are EQUAL.

    Expanding t he Idea - Part 1

    Place t he dat a from t he previous act ivit y on t he chart below.

    Figure 1 TOTAL





    Add 1 t o 2 and place t he t ot al in t he t op box labeled TOTAL.

    Add 2 t o 3 and place t hat t ot al in t he middle box labeled TOTAL.

    What was t he TOTAL of t he t wo angles? ___________________

    Add all four angles and place t hat value in t he bot t om box labeled TOTAL.

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 3 5

    Place t he dat a from t he previous act ivit y on t he chart below.

    Figure 2 TOTAL





    Add 1 t o 2 and place t he t ot al in t he t op box labeled TOTAL.

    Add 2 t o 3 and place t hat t ot al in t he middle box labeled TOTAL.

    What was t he TOTAL of t he t wo angles? ___________________

    Add all four angles and place t hat value in t he bot t om box labeled TOTAL.

    What pat t erns do you see?

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    36 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Place t he dat a from t he previous act ivit y on t he chart below.

    Figure 3 TOTAL





    Add 1 t o 2 and place t he t ot al in t he t op box labeled TOTAL.

    Add 2 t o 3 and place t hat t ot al in t he middle box labeled TOTAL.

    What was t he TOTAL of t he t wo angles? ___________________

    Add all four angles and place t hat value in t he bot t om box labelled TOTAL.

    What pat t erns do you see?

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 3 7

    If you know one of t he angles, is it possible t o det ermine t he ot her t hree angles?

    IF Angle 1 is equal t o 125 , predict each of t he ot her angles.

    1 = 125

    2 = __________

    3 = __________

    4 = __________

    Carefully measure each of t he angles.

    1 = 125

    2 = __________

    3 = __________

    4 = __________

    Was your predict ion correct ? Yes No

    If not , why not ?





    Figure 4




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    38 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2


    When t wo lines int ersect

    Four angles are formed.

    Vert ical Angles are equal.

    1 = 3

    2 = 4

    The sum of t he angles t hatare adjacent is equal t o 18 0 .

    1 + 2 = 180

    2 + 3 = 180

    3 + 4 = 180

    4 + 1 = 180

    The sum of all four angles is equal t o 36 0

    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 3 6 0




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 3 9

    Expanding t he Idea - Part 2

    Measure 1 _______________ .


    2 = __________

    3 = __________

    4 = __________

    Measure angles 2, 3, and 4.

    2 = __________

    3 = __________

    4 = __________

    Did your predict ions mat ch yourmeasurement s?If not , why not ?

    A 90 angle is called a


    A RIGHT ANGLE is designat ed as follows:

    The t wo lines are said t o be


    Complet e t he chart below:


    1 + 2 =

    2 + 3 =

    3 + 4 =

    4 + 1 =

    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 =




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    40 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2




    Measure each angle as precisely as possible.

    1 = __________

    2 =


    3 = __________

    4 = __________

    5 = __________

    6 = __________

    7 = __________

    8 = __________

    PREDICT t he sum of

    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = _________

    ADD t he sum of

    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = _________

    Did your predict ions mat ch your measurement s? If not , why not ?

    PREDICT t he sum of

    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = _________

    ADD t he sum of

    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = _________




    Did your predict ions mat ch your measurement s? If not , why not ?

    How many degrees are t here in a complet e circle? ___________

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 41


    Using your compass:Place t he compass point at Point C.Place t he pencil at Point R.

    Rot at e t he pencil around Point C one complet e t urn.

    What shape did you make? __________

    How many degrees did your pencil t ravel? __________

    Draw several line segment s t hat pass t hrough Point C and have endpoint s on t he circle.

    Measure t he angles t hat are formed.

    Add all t he angles t oget her.

    The sum of t he angles is equal t o how many degrees? __________

    The sum should have been 36 0 .

    If your measurement s are not precisely 36 0 , at least t hey should have been very, very close.

    The t ot al number of degrees in a circle is

    3 6 0

    R. .

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    42 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2




    Using your knowledge of t he number of degrees in a circle, andusing your knowledge of t he symbol for a r ight angle,

    PREDICT t he sum of

    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = _________

    Explain your reasoning:

    Measure each angle:

    1 = __________

    2 = __________

    3 = __________

    4 = __________

    CALCULATE t he sum of

    1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = _________

    Did your predict ions mat ch your measurement s? If not , why not ?

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 43

    Expanding t he Idea - Part 3

    Measure Which angles (1, 2, 3 , 4) are VERTICAL ANGLES

    1 = __________ 1 and _____ 2 and _____

    2 = __________ What do you know about VERTICAL ANGLES?

    3 = __________

    4 = __________

    MeasureLine Segment AC __________

    Line Segment BD __________

    Since AC = BD,

    THEN AB is parallel t o CD.


    5 = __________

    6 = __________

    7 = __________

    8 = __________

    1 2


    5 6


    A B

    C D





    Which angles (5, 6 , 7, 8 ) are VERTICAL ANGLES?

    5 and _____ 6 and _____

    Connect t he t wo diagonal lines in t he above problem.

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    44 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

    In t he figure on t he previous page, line segment s AB and CD are parallel, andt here is a diagonal line t hat cut s across t he parallel lines.

    Shade all t he angles t hat are equal t o t he BIG ANGLE, 1 , wit h one color.

    Shade all t he angles t hat are equal t o t he small angle, 2 , wit h a different color.

    Summarize t he relat ionships among t he BIG ANGLES:

    1 = _________ = _________ = _________

    Summarize t he relat ionships among t he small angles:

    2 = _________ = _________ = _________

    Does t his relat ionship always exist ?

    Make t he following measurement s

    SINCE AC = _______ BD = _______ , THEN AB is parallel t o CD.

    Shade all t he angles t hat are equal t ot he BIG angle, 1 , wit h one color.

    1 = ___ = ___ = ___

    Shade all t he angles t hat are equal t ot he small angle, 2 , wit h a different color.

    2 = ___ = ___ = ___

    1 2


    5 6


    A B

    C D





  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 45

    When a diagonal line cut s across t wo parallel lines,what is t he relat ionship bet ween t he BIG ANGLES?

    When a diagonal line cut s across t wo parallel lines,what is t he relat ionship bet ween t he SMALL ANGLES?

    In t he figure below one angle is marked B (for BIG angle)and t he ot her angle s (for t he small angle.)

    Label t he ot her angles B or s based upon t he pat t ern.

    B s


    A B

    C D




    _____ _____

    _____ _____

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    46 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    A B

    C D



    Line segment s AB and CD are parallel and are cut by a diagonal line.

    Shade t he BIG ANGLES in one color.

    Shade t he small angles in anot her color.

    Wit hout measuring How do you t hink t he BIG ANGLES are relat ed? Equal or Not Equal

    How do you t hink t he small angles are relat ed? Equal or Not Equal

    Using your prot ract or, measure each angle.

    Were t he BIG ANGLES equal? YES NO

    Were t he small angles equal? YES NO

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 47

    A B

    C D



    Shade t he BIG ANGLES in one color.

    Shade t he small angles in anot her color.

    Wit hout measuring How do you t hink t he BIG ANGLES are relat ed? Equal or Not Equal

    How do you t hink t he small angles are relat ed? Equal or Not Equal

    Using your prot ract or, measure each angle.

    Were t he BIG ANGLES equal? YES NO

    Were t he small angles equal? YES NO



  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    48 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    In t he diagram below lines l1and l

    2are parallel and are cut by a diagonal line.

    Of t he eight angles formed only one angle is known.Is it possible t o det ermine all t he angles knowing t he one angle?

    Use what you know about BIG ANGLES and small angles , about t he degrees of a st raightline, and t he degrees in a circle t o predict all t he unknown angles.

    PREDICT each angle:

    a = __________

    b = __________

    c = __________

    d = 45

    e = __________

    f = __________

    g = __________

    h = __________

    MEASURE each angle:

    a = __________

    b = __________

    c = __________

    d = 45

    e = __________

    f = __________

    g = __________

    h = __________

    Were your predict ions correct or incorrect ?

    d = 45

    a b







  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 49

    In t he diagram below lines l1and l

    2are parallel and are cut by a diagonal line.

    Of t he eight angles formed only one angle is known.Is it possible t o det ermine all t he angles knowing t he one angle?

    Use what you know about BIG ANGLES and small angles , about t he degrees of a st raightline, and t he degrees in a circle t o predict all t he unknown angles.

    PREDICT each angle:

    SINCE a + b = __________

    and since b = 80

    THEN a = __________


    a = __________

    Was your predict ion correct ?

    YES NO

    How are b and c relat ed? _____________

    SINCE b = 80 ,

    THEN c = __________ .

    PREDICTSINCE b + d = __________

    and since b = 80

    THEN d = __________


    d = __________

    Was your predict ion correct ?

    YES NO


    a b = 80







  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    50 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    PREDICTSINCE b and c are small angles (or VERTICAL ANGLES),and since b = 8 0

    THEN c = __________


    c = __________

    Was your predict ion correct ?

    YES NO

    PREDICTSINCE c and f are small angles (or VERTICAL ANGLES),and since c = 8 0

    THEN f = __________


    f = __________

    Was your predict ion correct ?

    YES NO

    PREDICTSINCE f and g are small angles (or VERTICAL ANGLES),and since f = 8 0

    THEN g = __________


    g = __________

    Was your predict ion correct ?

    YES NO

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 5 1

    The diagram below is of t wo parallel lines cut by a diagonal line.Of t he eight angles formed only one angle is known.Is it possible t o det ermine all t he angles knowing t he one angle?


    h = __________

    Explain how you made t his predict ion.On what basis do you t hink so?


    h = __________


    a = 70 b





    The diagram below is of t wo parallel lines cut by a diagonal line.Of t he eight angles formed only one angle is known.

    Is it possible t o det ermine all t he angles knowing t he one angle?


    b = __________

    Explain how you made t his predict ion.On what basis do you t hink so?


    b = __________

    a = 120

    b = _______




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    52 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Shade all t he angles in t his diagram which are equal t o 35 .

    Explain how t hese angles are relat ed t o one anot heron t he diagram in t erms are t heir relat ive posit ions.

    Shade all t he angles in t his diagram which are equal t o 145.

    Explain how t hese angles are relat ed t o one anot heron t he diagram in t erms are t heir relat ive posit ions.







  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 53

    When t wo angles are across from one anot her like t his t hey are equal.Angles which are opposit e one anot her in t his way are called

    VERTICAL ANGLES.All vert ical angles are equal.

    Since t hese t wo angles are opposit e on anot her also

    Then t hey are also VERTICAL ANGLES.

    Therefore t hey t oo must be ___________ .






  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    54 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2



    The t wo angles shaded in t his diagram are locat ed inside t he t wo parallel linesand on opposit e sides of t he diagonal line. These angles are called


    All opposit e int erior angles are equal.

    The t wo angles shaded in t his diagram are locat ed out side t he t wo parallel linesand on opposit e sides of t he diagonal line. These angles are called


    All opposit e ext erior angles are equal.







  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 55

    How do you t hink a is relat ed t o d ?




    THEN a = c because bot h of t hese angles are equal t o b .


    THEREFORE a = d because bot h angles are equal t o c .

    MEASUREUse your prot ract or t o verify t hese relat ionships.

    a = __________

    b = __________

    c = __________

    d = __________

    Do t hese measurement s confirm t hese relat ionships? YES NO







  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 57

    Chapt er 6 : Three-Sided Shapes

    Observing t he Idea

    Remember, closed shapes wit h t hree or more sides are called


    Polygons wit h t hree sides are calledTRIANGLES.

    What are some charact erist ics of t riangles?


    Mat erials:PencilProt ract or

    Using your prot ract or precisely measure t he angles of each t riangle.

    Triangle 1

    a = __________

    b = __________

    c = __________




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 5 9

    Triangle 4

    a = __________

    b = __________

    c = __________

    Triangle 5

    a = __________

    b = __________

    c = __________





    b c

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    6 0 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Transfer your measurement s t o t he chart below:


    1 2 3 4 5




    a + b + c

    Charact erist ics of Triangles

    A t riangle has how many sides? __________

    A t riangle has how many int erior angles? __________

    The some of t he int erior angles of a t riangle is __________ ?

    Naming t he Idea

    The word TRIANGLE means THREE ANGLES.

    Every t riangle has t hree int erior angles.

    Consequent ly, every t riangle has t hree sides.

    The sum of t he int erior angles of a t riangle is always 18 0 .

    The symbol used t o represent a t riangle is .

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    6 2 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Lines l1

    and l2are parallel.

    SINCE a = d,

    we can replace d wit h a, and

    SINCE c = e,

    we can replace e wit h c,

    THEN bce becomes abc .

    SINCE a + b + c = 18 0

    THEREFORE t he sum of t he int erior angles of a t riangle is equal t o 18 0 !

    Expanding t he Idea - Part 2

    Using what you know about angles of t riangles and st raight lines, predict t he missing angles.

    ANGLEPredict ion

    1. x = _____

    St at e t he principle t hat youused t o make your predict ion:

    Now act ually measure t he angle using your prot ract or.



    x = _____

    Was your predict ion correct ? Yes No

    If your predict ion was not correct , explain why?

    a b c


    50 30

    x =



  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 6 3



    y =


    50 x =


    ANGLEPredict ion

    2. x = _____

    y = _____

    St at e t he principles t hat youused t o make your predict ion:

    Now act ually measure t he angles using your prot ract or.


    Measurement s

    x = _____ y = _____

    Was your predict ion correct ? Yes No

    If your predict ion was not correct , explain why?


    Predict ions

    3. Predict t he sum of

    x + y + z = __________

    St at e t he principles t hat youused t o make your predict ion:

    Now, act ually measure t he angles using your prot ract or.


    x + y + z = __________

    Was your predict ion correct ? Yes No

    If your predict ion was not correct , explainwhy?

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    6 4 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2


    4. x = _____

    St at e t he principles t hat youused t o make your predict ion:

    Now act ually measure t he angles using your prot ract or.



    x = _____

    Was your predict ion correct ? Yes No

    If your predict ion was not correct , explain why?

    Lines l1

    and l2are parallel.


    5. x = _____

    St at e t he principles t hat youused t o make your predict ion:

    Now, act ually measure t he angles using your prot ract or.


    x = _____


    10 0







  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 6 5

    Lines l1

    and l2are parallel.


    6 . Find x + y = _____

    St at e t he principles t hat youused t o make your predict ion:

    Now act ually measure t he angles using your prot ract or.


    x = _____ y = _____ x + y = _____

    Was your predict ion correct ? Yes No

    If your predict ion was not correct , explain why?


    Predict ion

    7. x + y less t han, equal t o, or great er t han 90 ?

    St at e t he principles t hat youused t o make your predict ion:

    Now act ually measure t he angles using your prot ract or.

    ANGLEMeasurement s

    x = _____ y = _____ x + y = _____

    Was your predict ion correct ? Yes No


    135 x






  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    6 6 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Lines l1

    and l2are parallel.


    8 . x = _____

    y = _____

    St at e t he principles t hat youused t o make your predict ion:

    Now act ually measure t he angles using your prot ract or.


    x = _____ y = _____

    Was your predict ion correct ? Yes No

    If your predict ion was not correct , explain why?

    110 y




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 6 7

    Expanding t he Idea - Part 3

    Observe each t riangle belowWit h a ruler measure t he sides of each t riangle.The first t riangle is done for you.

    1 inches









    Triangle 1 Triangle 2 Triangle 3

    Triangle 4 Triangle 5 Triangle 6

    Triangle 7 Triangle 8

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    6 8 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Which t riangles were alike?

    Triangle 1 was like _____________________________________

    How were t hese t riangles alike?

    Triangle 2 was like _____________________________________

    How were t hese t riangles alike?

    Triangle 3 was like _____________________________________

    How were t hese t riangles alike?

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 6 9

    Triangles can be grouped according t o t heir s ides.

    A t riangle wit h all t hree sides equal in measurement is called an


    The t riangle is marked t o show t hat all t hree sides are equal.

    A t riangle wit h t wo sides equal in measurement is called a


    The t riangle is marked t o show t hat all t hree sides are equal.

    A t riangle wit h no sides equal in measurement is called a


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    70 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Mark t he sides which are equal in lengt h wit h t he slash marking.Ident ify each t riangle as Equilat eral, Isosceles, or Scalene.

    1 inches12







    Triangle 1 is an

    _________ t riangle.

    Triangle 2 is an

    _________ t riangle.

    Triangle 3 is an

    _________ t riangle.

    Triangle 4 is an

    _________ t riangle.

    Triangle 5 is an

    _________ t riangle.

    Triangle 6 is an

    _________ t riangle.

    Triangle 7 is an

    _________ t riangle.

    Triangle 8 is an

    _________ t riangle.

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 71

    Draw t hree examples of each of t he t hree kinds of t riangles.




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    72 - Cornerst one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Expanding t he Idea - Part 4

    Did you find it difficult t o const ruct any of t he t riangles on t he previous page?Const ruct ing a specific t riangle requires t hat you use your knowledge of t he charact erist ics of

    each t riangle.

    Rest at e t he major charact erist ic of an equilat eral t riangle:

    The problem is t o const ruct an equilat eral t riangle using only a st raight edge (if you use a rulert urn it over so t hat you are unable t o read t he markings) and a compass.

    Connect Point A t o Point B using your st raight edge.

    Is it possible t o make line segment XY exact ly t he same lengt h as line segment AB wit houtusing a ruler t o measure t he dist ance? You may use your compass and s t raight edge.

    A B


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 73

    Do you need some help?Using your compass measure t he dist ance bet ween Point A and Point B by placing t he endpointof t he compass on Point A and t he pencil point on POINT B.

    Next , wit hout expanding t he dist ance of t he compass place t he end point of t he compass onPoint X. Now draw an arc (a par t of a circle). Every point along t he arc is equal dist ance fromPoint X which is t he same dist ance from Point X as Point B is away from Point A. You can nowuse your st raight edge t o connect Point X any where along t he arc. Mark t his as Point Y.

    Next , using your ruler measure t he line segment AB and line segment XY.Are t hey equal or not equal?

    Now you know how t o make a line of equal dist ance t o anot her line.Because an equilat eral t riangle is a t riangle wit h all t hree sides equal, it is now possible t o drawan equilat eral t riangle wit h only using a st raight edge and a compass. Complet e t he diagrambelow by making an equilat eral t riangle ABC.

    Do you need some help?See t he direct ions on t he following page.

    A B

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 75

    Given t he Point X and t he Point Y const ruct anot her equilat eral t riangle XYZ

    X Y

    Given t he Point D and t he Point E const ruct anot her equilat eral t riangle DEF.



  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    76 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Rest at e t he major charact erist ic of an isosceles t riangle:

    The problem is t o const ruct an isosceles t riangle using only a st raight edge (if you use a rulert urn it over so t hat you are unable t o read t he markings) and a compass.

    Connect Point A t o Point B using your st raight edge.Let t his be t he side of t he t riangle t hat is not equal t o t he ot her t wo sidesand let t his side of t he t riangle be short er t han t he ot her t wo sides.Using your compass find Point C.

    Then connect line segment s AC and CB.

    A B

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 77

    Do you need some help?Line segment AB is t o be short er t han line segment s AC and BCLine segment s AC and BC must be equal.Using your compass measure a dist ance great er t han line segment AB by placing t he endpointof t he compass on Point A and t he pencil point some dist ance beyond POINT B.

    Moving count erclockwise draw an arc (less t han a half circle).Next , wit hout expanding or short ening t he dist ance of t he compass place t he end point of t hecompass at Point B and t he pencil point beyond Point A.Moving clockwise draw an arc (again less t han a half a circle).

    Where t he t wo arc meet is Point C.Connect Point A t o Point C and connect Point C t o Point B.Wit h a ruler measure each side of t he t riangle.

    Is line segment AC and line segment CBequal or not equal?

    Is line segment AB less t han, great er t han, or equal t o line segment s AC and CB?

    Given t he Point X and t he Point Y const ruct anot her isosceles t r iangle XYZ.Let t his be t he side of t he t riangle t hat is not equal t o t he ot her t wo sidesand let t his side of t he t riangle be longer t han t he ot her t wo sides.

    Wit h a ruler measure each side of t he t riangle.

    Is line segment XZ and line segment YZ equal or not equal?

    Is line segment XY less t han, great er t han, or equal t o line segment s XZ and YZ?

    X Y

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    78 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Rest at e t he major charact erist ic of a scalene t riangle:

    The problem is t o const ruct a scalene t riangle using only a st raight edge (if you use a rulert urn it over so t hat you are unable t o read t he markings) and a compass.

    Connect Point A t o Point B using your st raight edge.Let line segment AB be t he longest side of t he t riangle.Using your compass f ind a Point C such t hat AC is not equal t o AB, AC is not equal t o CB, andCB is not equal t o AB.Then connect line segment s AC and CB.

    Wit h a ruler measure each side of t he t riangle.

    Is line segment A B and line segment A C equal or not equal?

    Is line segment A B and line segment CB equal or not equal?

    Is line segment AC and line segment CB equal or not equal?

    A B

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 79

    Rest at e t he major charact erist ic of each of t he t hree t riangles:




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    8 0 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Expanding t he Idea - Part 5

    In addit ion t o grouping t riangles according t o t he measurement of t he lengt h of t he sides,t riangles are also grouped according t o t he measure of t heir angles.

    Observe each t riangle below.Wit h a prot ract or measure t he angles of each t riangle.Record your dat a in t he chart on t he next page.

    Triangle 1 Triangle 2 Triangle 3

    Triangle 4 Triangle 5 Triangle 6

    Triangle 7 Triangle 8




    a ba














  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 8 1

    Angle a Angle b Angle c

    Triangle 1

    Triangle 2

    Triangle 3

    Triangle 4

    Triangle 5

    Triangle 6

    Triangle 7

    Triangle 8

    Place t he t riangles int o four groups based upon similar angles.

    List Triangles Describe t he charact erist ic you used t ot hat go t oget her: group t he t r iangles. (HINT: Wat ch for angles t hat are

    equal t o 90 , less t han 90 , or great er t han 90 .)

    GROUP 1:

    GROUP 2:

    GROUP 3:

    GROUP 4:

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    8 2 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Just as t riangles can be grouped based upon t he lengt h of t he sides, t hey can also beclassif ied based upon t he int erior angles of t he t riangle.

    A t riangle t hat has a right angle (90 ) in it s int erior is called a


    A t riangle having an int erior angle great er t han 90 but less t han 18 0 is called an


    A t riangle having all int erior angles less t han 90 is called an


    A t riangle having all int erior angles of equal measurement is called an


    In t he chart on t he previous page, name each of t he 8 t riangles based upon t he int erior angles

    of each t riangle.

    Triangles may be grouped or class ified in one of t wo ways They may be grouped according t o

    1 - _________________________________________________ , or

    2 - _________________________________________________ .

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 8 3

    Expanding t he Idea - Part 6

    Special Names for Sides of Triangles

    Triangle 1 is an ISOSCELES TRIANGLE.

    The short side is called t he BASE.

    The t wo equal sides are called t he LEGS.

    Triangle 2 is a RIGHT TRIANGLE.

    In a right t riangle, t he side opposit e t he right angleis called t he HYPOTENUSE.

    The ot her t wo sides are called LEGS

    Triangle 1


    b c

    Triangle 2


    a b













  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    8 4 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 8 5

    Chapt er 7: The Same

    Observing t he Idea

    Mat erialsprot ract orruler

    Using your ruler and prot ract or precisely measure t he sides and angles of t he t wo t rianglest hat are drawn below.

    Triangle 1 Triangle 2

    AB = __________ DE = __________

    BC = __________ EF = __________

    AC = __________ EF = __________

    a = __________ d = __________

    b = __________ e = __________

    c = __________ f = __________

    Using t racing paper, t race vvABC . Then lay it over v DEF.How are Triangles 1 and 2 alike?

    Triangle 1 a


    Triangle 2 d


    B EC F

    A D

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    8 6 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Using your r uler and prot ract or precisely measure t he sides and angles of t hese t wo t rianglest hat are drawn below.

    Triangle 3 Triangle 4

    AB = __________ DE = __________

    BC = __________ EF = __________

    AC = __________ EF = __________

    a = __________ d = __________

    b = __________ e = __________

    c = __________ f = __________

    Make t he following comparisons: Writ e = or in each box.

    AB DE

    BC EF

    AC EF

    Using t racing paper, t race vvABC . Then lay it over v DEF.How are Triangles 3 and 4 alike?

    Triangle 3 Triangle 4a




    B C E F

    A D

    a d


    c f

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 8 7

    Naming t he IdeaSome t riangles are exact ly t he same size and shape. When t he t hree sides and t he t hreeangles of one t riangle have t he same measurement s as t he t hree sides and t hree angles of asecond t riangle, t he t wo t riangles are called


    The symbol t o show t hat t wo t riangles are congruent is .

    In t he previous problem vABC v DEF.

    The part s of t he t wo t riangles t hat have t he same measurement s are called


    It nat urally follows t hat Corresponding Part s of Congruent Triangles are equal.

    To indicat e which sides are t he same , small markings are placed upon t he corresponding sides.St raight lines are used t o show congruent sides.Curved lines indicat e congruent angles.This is demonst rat ed below.

    The single line crossing AB indicat es t hat it is congruent t o DE.

    The double line crossing AC indicat es ______________________________________ .

    The t riple line crossing BC indicat es _______________________________________ .

    The single curved line indicat es t hat a is congruent t o d

    The double curved line indicat es __________________________________________ .

    The t riple curved line indicat es ___________________________________________



    Triangle 3 Triangle 4



    A D



    b f




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    8 8 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Expanding the Idea Part 1

    Is it possible t o const ruct a t riangle congruent t o a given t riangle wit hin t racing it ?

    Using only a st raight edge and a compass const ruct vXYZ in such a way t hat it is

    congruent t o v ABC.

    Begin by const ruct ing line segment XY t hat is congruent t o line segment AB.Using your knowledge of const ruct ing lines, cont inue const ruct ing vXYZ .

    Measure t he corresponding sides and angles of v ABC and vXYZ.Are t he t wo t riangles congruent ? Yes NoHow do you know?Using t racing paper, t race v ABC . Set t hat image on t op of vXYZ. Are t hey ident ical?

    Do you need help making your const ruct ion?Place t he endpoint of t he compass at Point A and t he pencil point at Point B.Move t he compass point t o Point X. St rike an arc across t he line segment .

    Where t he arc crosses t he line segment becomes Point Y.Move t he compass point back t o Point A and t he pencil point t o Point C.Move t he compass point back t o Point X. St rike an arc above t he line segment XY.Move t he compass point t o Point B and t he pencil point t o Point C.Move t he compass point t o Point Y. St rike an arc so t hat t his arc crosses t he ot her arc.The place where t he t wo arcs int ersect becomes Point Z.Connect Point s X and Z. Connect Point s Z and Y.Measure t he t hree corresponding sides and angles of v ABC and vXYZ.Are t he t wo t riangles congruent ? Yes No

    A B



  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 8 9

    Using only a st raight edge and a compass const ruct vDEF in such a way t hat it iscongruent t o v ABC.

    Begin by const ruct ing line segment XY t hat is congruent t o line segment AB.Using your knowledge of const ruct ing lines, cont inue const ruct ing vDEF .

    Measure t he corresponding sides of v ABC and vDEF.Measure t he corresponding angles of v ABC and vDEF.Are t he t wo t riangles congruent ? Yes No

    How do you know?Using t racing paper, t race v ABC . Set t hat image on t op of vDEF. Are t hey ident ical?

    Do you need help making your const ruct ion?On t he line wit h endpoint D const ruct a segment congruent t o line segment AB.Label t he ot her endpoint E.Draw an arc wit h cent er D and radius congruent t o line segment AC.Draw an arc wit h cent er E and radius congruent t o line segment BC.

    Make t he t wo arcs int ersect . Label t he point where t hey int ersect Point F.Connect DF and EF.

    You now have const ruct ed vDEF t hat is congruent wit hv ABC.

    A C


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    9 0 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Expanding the Idea Part 2

    Is it always necessar y t o measure all six pairs of corresponding part s of a t riangle t odet ermine if t he t riangles are congruent ?

    PREDICTIONIF each side of one t riangle is congruent t o t he corresponding side of anot her t riangle,THEN what would you predict regarding t he corresponding angles?

    Equal Not Equal I Do Not Know

    MEASUREUsing a ruler measure t he sides of each t riangle t o det ermine if t hey are equal.Put = or in each box below.


    The single line perpendicular t o AB and DE indicat es t hese corresponding segment s are equal.The double line perpendicular t o BC and EF indicat es t hese corresponding segment s are equal.The t riple line perpendicular t o AC and DF indicat es t hese corresponding segment s are equal.

    For t he t riangles t o be congruent t he t hree corresponding angles must also be equal.


    Measure t he corresponding angles of each t riangle t o det ermine if t hey are equal.Put = or in each box below.

    a d b e c f

    THEREFORE it can be concluded t hat vvABC is congruent t o v DEF.

    This may be writ t en as vABC v DEF.

    Triangle 1is a scalenet riangle.


    a b

    Triangle 2is a scalenet riangle.


    d e

    A B D E




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 9 1

    PREDICTIONIs t his relat ionship t rue for t he ot her t ypes of t riangles?IF each side of one t riangle is congruent t o t he corresponding side of anot her t riangle,THEN what would you predict regarding t he corresponding angles?

    Equal Not Equal I Do Not Know

    MEASUREMeasure t he sides of each t riangle t o det ermine if t he corresponding sides are equal.Put = or in each box below.


    Mark t he corresponding sides t hat are equal as on t he previous page.

    Triangle 1 is an _____________ t riangle. Triangle 2 is an _____________ t riangle.

    MEASUREMeasure t he corresponding angles of each t riangle t o det ermine if t hey are equal.

    a d b e c f

    SINCE t he corresponding sides are equal,THEN t he corresponding angles are also equal,

    THEREFORE it can be concluded t hat vvABC v DEF.

    From t hese t wo examples, what pat t ern do you see?

    IF each side of one t riangle is ___________________________________________

    THEN t he corresponding angles are _____________________________________

    THEREFORE, t he t riangles are _________________________________________ .

    Triangle 1

    a c

    Triangle 2




    d f




    b e

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    9 2 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

    TESTING YOUR IDEAIF each side of one equilat eral t riangle is congruent t o t he corresponding side of anot herequilat eral t riangle, THEN what would you predict regarding t he corresponding angles?

    Equal Not Equal I Do Not Know

    MEASUREMeasure t he sides of each t riangle t o det ermine if t he corresponding sides are equal.Put = or in each box below.


    Mark t he corresponding sides t hat are equal as on t he previous page.

    Triangle 1 is an _____________ t riangle. Triangle 2 is an _____________ t riangle.

    MEASUREMeasure t he corresponding angles of each t riangle t o det ermine if t hey are equal.

    a d b e c f

    THEREFORE it can be concluded t hat vvABC v DEF.

    THE IDEAIF each side of one t riangle is congruent t o t he corresponding side of anot her t riangle,THEN t he corresponding angles are also equal,THEREFORE, t he t riangles are CONGRUENT.

    This is known as t heSIDE - SIDE - SIDE RULE.

    Triangle 1

    a c

    Triangle 2




    d f




    b e

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 9 3

    APPLYING t he IDEATo det ermine if t wo t riangles are congruent is it always necessar y t o measure all t he sides andall t he angles t o see if t here are equal? Yes No I Do Not Know

    IF each side of one t riangle is congruent t o t he corresponding side of anot her t riangle,THEN corresponding angles are

    Equal Not Equal I Do Not Know

    THEREFOR t he t wo t riangles are ____________________________ .

    Det ermine if t he t wo t riangles below are congruent by measur ing t he sides.

    MEASUREMeasure t he sides of each t riangle t o det ermine if t he corresponding sides are equal.Put = or in each box below.


    Mark t he corresponding sides t hat are equal as on t he previous page.

    Triangle ABC is _______________ t o Triangle DEF

    based upon t he ____________ - ____________ - ____________ Rule.

    If you are uncert ain as t o whet her t he t wo t riangles are congruent ,Then measure t he t hree corresponding angles.

    B C


    E F


    Triangle 1 Triangle 2

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    9 4 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Triangle 1




    Using t he SIDE- SIDE - SIDE Rule det ermine which t riangles below are congruent t o vv ABC.

    v ABC is congruent t o ____________________________________________________ .

    Triangle 4

    Triangle 5

    Triangle 3Triangle 2

    Triangle ABC

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 9 5

    Measure each side of Triangle 1.Try t o const ruct a second t riangle wit h t he sides equal in lengt h t o Triangle 1,but not congruent t o Triangle 1.In ot her words, t ry t o const ruct a second t riangle in such a way t hat t he angles are not equal.

    Are t he sides of Triangle 2 equal t o t he corresponding sides of Triangle 1? YES NOMeasure t he angles of Triangle 2 and Triangle 1.Are t he corresponding angles EQUAL or NOT EQUAL?

    Were you able t o const ruct a second t riangle wit h corresponding sides equal t o t he first ,but t he corresponding angles not equal t o t he first ? YES NO

    IF you measure t he sides of t wo t riangles, andIF t he corresponding sides are equal,THEN how are t he cor responding angles relat ed? EQUAL NOT EQUALTHEREFORE t he t wo t r iangles are _________________________ .







    Triangle 1 Triangle 2

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 9 7

    Expanding the Idea Part 3

    From t he previous act ivit y you saw t hat is it not always necessar y t o measure all six pairs ofcorresponding part s of t he t wo t riangles t o det ermine if t he t riangles are congruent .

    PREDICTIONIF t wo sides and t he angle bet ween t hem in one t riangle are congruent t o t he correspondingpart s in anot her t riangle,THEN what would you predict regarding t he t hird side and t he ot her t wo angles?

    Equal Not Equal I Do Not Know

    MEASUREUsing a ruler measure t he sides AB and AC t o det ermine if t hey are equal t o sides DE and DF.

    Also, measure a and d t o see if t hey are equal. Mark t he t riangles appropriat ely.

    Put = or in each box below.

    AB DE AC DF a d

    MEASUREUsing a prot ract or measure t he remaining angles of each t riangle and using a ruler measuret he lengt h of t he ot her s ide of each t riangle t o det ermine if t hey are equal.

    b e c f BC EF

    THEREFORE it can be concluded t hat vvABC v DEF.

    What t ype of t riangle is Triangle 1? _________ Triangle 2? _________

    What appears t o be t he relat ionship in t his sit uat ion?

    Triangle 1


    a Triangle 2


    B Cb




    E F


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles fr om Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 9 9

    TESTING YOUR IDEAIF t wo sides and t he angle bet ween t hem in one t riangle are congruent t o t he correspondingpart s in anot her t riangle,THEN what would you predict regarding t he t hird side and t he ot her t wo angles?

    Equal Not Equal Not Possible t o Tell

    MEASUREUsing a ruler measure t he sides AB and AC t o det ermine if t hey are equal t o sides DE and DF.Also, measure a and d t o see if t hey are equal. Mark t he t riangles appropriat ely t oindicat e t he equalit y of corresponding angles and sides.Put = or in each box below.

    AB DE AC DF a d

    MEASUREUsing a prot ract or measure t he remaining angles of each t riangle and using a ruler measuret he lengt h of t he ot her s ide of each t riangle t o det ermine if t hey are equal.

    b e c f BC EF

    THEREFORE it can be concluded t hat vvABC v DEF.

    THE IDEAIF t wo sides and t he angle bet ween t hem in one t riangle are congruent t o t he correspondingpart s in anot her t riangle,THEN t he corresponding angles and s ide are also equal,THEREFORE, t he t riangles are CONGRUENT.

    This is known as t heSIDE - ANGLE - SIDE RULE.

    Triangle 1 Triangle 2


    B C


    E F

    e fb c

    a d

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    10 0 - Cornerst one Curriculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

    APPLYING t he IDEATo det ermine if t wo t riangles are congruent is it always necessar y t o measure all t he sides andall t he angles t o see if t here are equal? Yes No I Do Not Know

    IF t wo sides and t he angle bet ween t hem in one t riangle are congruent t o t he correspondingpart s in anot her t riangle,THEN corresponding angles and corresponding side are

    Equal Not Equal I Do Not Know

    THEREFOR t he t wo t riangles are ____________________________ .

    Det ermine if t he t wo t riangles below are congruent by using your knowledge of t heSIDE - ANGLE - SIDE RULE.

    MEASUREMeasure t he sides of each t riangle t o det ermine if t he corresponding sides are equal.Put = or in each box below.


    Mark t he corresponding sides t hat are equal as on t he previous page.

    Triangle ABC is _______________ t o Triangle DEF

    based upon t he ____________ - ____________ - ____________ Rule.

    If you are uncert ain as t o whet her t he t wo t riangles are congruent ,Then measure t he each corresponding side and each corresponding angle.

    B C


    E F


    Triangle 1 Triangle 2

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    10 2 - Corners t one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2




    b cc


    IS IT POSSIBLE?Try t o const ruct a second t riangle wit h sides congruent t o AB and AC and t he angle bet weent he t wo sides equal t o a, but t he t hird side and t he t wo ot her angles not equal t o t hose ofTriangle 1.

    Measure AB, AC and

    a of Triangle 1.

    Were you able t o const ruct a second t riangle not congruent t o Triangle 1?

    YES NO

    IF t wo sides and t he angle bet ween t hem in one t riangle are congruent t o t he corresponding

    part s in anot her t riangle,THEN t he corresponding angles and s ide are also equal,THEREFORE, t he t riangles are CONGRUENT.

    This is known as t he __________ - __________ - __________ RULE.

    Triangle 1 Triangle 2

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 10 3

    Expanding the Idea Part 4

    Is it always necessar y t o measure all six pairs of corresponding part s of a t riangle t odet ermine if t he t riangles are congruent ?

    PREDICTIONIF t wo angles and t he side bet ween t hem in one t riangle are congruent t o t he correspondingpart s in anot her t riangle,THEN what would you predict regarding t he ot her t wo sides and t he ot her angle?

    Equal Not Equal I Do Not Know

    MEASUREMeasure t he side AC and b and c t o det ermine if t hey are equal t o side DF and d and f. If t hey are equal, markv DEF t o show t hat t hey are equal.

    AC DF a d c f

    MEASUREUsing a prot ract or measure t he remaining angle of each t riangle and using a ruler measure t helengt h of t he ot her s ides of each t riangle t o det ermine if t hey are equal.

    b e AB DE BC EF

    THEREFORE it can be concluded t hat vvABC v DEF.From t hese t wo t riangles..... you can begin to formulat e a relat ionship....IF t wo angles and t he side bet ween t hem in one t riangle are congruent t o t he correspondingpart s in anot her t riangle,THEN ________________________________________________ .THEREFORE, t he t riangles _______________________________ .This relat ionship would be descr ibed as

    ANGLE - __________ - __________ RULE.

    Triangle 1 Triangle 2






    A D

    FC E

    c c

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    10 4 - Corners t one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2


    Triangle 1

    From t he previous observat ions you saw t hat ....

    IF t wo angles and t he side bet ween t hem in one t riangle are congruent t o t he correspondingpart s in anot her t riangle,THEN t he remaining sides and angles are also congruent ;THEREFORE, t he t riangles are congruent .

    This relat ionship would be descr ibed asANGLE - SIDE - ANGLE RULE.

    IS IT POSSIBLE?Using your compass, st raight edge and your knowledge of making const ruct ions, is it possiblet o const ruct a second t riangle (Triangle 2: vv DEF) in which t wo angles and t he side bet weent hem are congruent t o t hose of Triangle 1, but t he remaining angle and sides are notcongruent ?


    Triangle 1 Triangle 2 a = d =AC = DF = c = f =

    b = e =AB = DE =BC = EF =

    In my at t empt t o const ruct a second t riangle (vv DEF) in which

    d = a and f = c and AC = DF

    I found t hat it was (possible, or not possible) t o const ruct t he second t riangle in such a wayt hat t he t wo t riangles were not congruent . Thought t his does not prove t he relat ionship, onecan conclude t hat t he ANGLE - SIDE - ANGLE RULE will result in congruent t riangles.





    Triangle 2






  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 10 5

    Expanding the Idea Part 5

    If a person t old you t hat If t wo angles and a s ide not bet ween t hem in one t riangle are congruent t o t hecorresponding part s in anot her t riangle, t hen t he t riangles are congruent

    would you believe him or not ?


    CONSTRUCTIONUsing your compass, st raight edge and your knowledge of making const ruct ions, make a secondt riangle (Triangle 2: vv DEF) in which t wo angles and a side not bet ween t hem are congruentt o t he first t riangle.

    a = d c = fAB = DE

    Then det ermine if t he t wo t riangles are congruent or not .Measure t he ot her angles and sides t o det ermine if t hey are = or . Writ e = or in t he box.

    b e

    AC DF vv ABC is (congruent , not congruent ) t o vv DEF

    BC EF

    If t hey are congruent , t hen at t empt t o change t he second t riangle in such a way as t o maket hem not congruent . (However, t he original condit ion - t hat is, ANGLE - ANGLE - SIDE - must

    remain congruent .) Is it possible t o change t he second t riangle, t o make it not congruent ?YES NO

    Triangle 1 a




    Triangle 2

    cc .C



  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    10 6 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

    Expanding the Idea Part 6

    From t he diagrams below det ermine why t he pairs of t riangles are congruent .St at e t he corresponding rule regarding congruent t riangles:

    RULE 1: vv ABC vv DEF by t he SIDE - SIDE - SIDE RULE

    RULE 2: vv ABC vv DEF by t he__________ - __________ - __________ - RULE



















    b cc




    C E F


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 10 7

    RULE 3: vv ABC vv DEF by t he__________ - __________ - __________ - RULE

    RULE 4: vv ABC vv DEF by t he__________ - __________ - __________ - RULE






    A D

    FC E

    c c




    b cc




    e cf




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    10 8 - Corners t one Curriculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

    Expanding the Idea Part 7

    From t he diagrams below det ermine why t he pairs of t riangles are congruent .St at e t he corresponding rule regarding congruent t riangles:

    RULE 1: vv ABC vv DEF by t he SIDE - SIDE - SIDE RULE

    RULE 2: vv ABC vv DEF by t he__________ - __________ - __________ - RULE

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 10 9

    Expanding the Idea Part 8

    vv ABC is an isosceles t riangle.Bisect vv ABC by drawing a line segment AD such t hat BAD = DAC.

    Compare vv ADB t o vv ADC .


    Wit hout measuring any angles or dist ances, On t he basis of what principle do youwould you say t hat t hese t wo t r iangles give your answer?are congruent ? YES NO

    Measure t he legs and angles of each of t he t riangles.

    Writ e t he mat hemat ical relat ionship

    vv ADB vv ADC .


    CB D

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    110 - Corners t one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Two ot her relat ionships follow from vv ADB being congruent t o vv ADC .See if you can see deduce t hese relat ionships:

    Number 1:If t wo sides of a t riangle are equal, t hen how are t he angles opposit e t hose sides relat ed.

    Number 2:If t wo angles of a t riangle are equal, t hen how are t he sides opposit e t hese angles relat ed?

    Using t he above t riangle, a rule and prot ract or det ermine if you st at e t he above t worelat ionship correct ly. If not , rest at e t he proper relat ionships.


    CB D

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 111

    vv ABC is an equilat eral t riangle.Bisect vv ABC by drawing a line segment AD such t hat BAD = DAC.

    Compare vv ADB t o vv ADC .


    Wit hout measuring any angles or dist ances, On t he basis of what principle do youwould you say t hat t hese t wo t r iangles give your answer?are congruent ? YES NO

    Measure t he legs and angles of each of t he t riangles.

    Writ e t he mat hemat ical relat ionship

    vv ADB vv ADC .



  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    112 - Cornerst one Curr iculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

    Two ot her relat ionships follow from vv ADB being congruent t o vv ADC .See if you can see deduce t hese relat ionships:

    Number 1:If a t riangle is equilat eral, t hen how are t he angles relat ed?

    Number 2:If a t riangle is equiangular, t hen how are t he sides relat ed?

    Using t he above t riangle, a rule and prot ract or det ermine if you st at e t he above t worelat ionship correct ly. If not , rest at e t he proper relat ionships.


    CB D

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 113

    Wit hout using a ruler or prot ract or det ermine t he missing sides and angles of vv ABC below:


    A +

    B +

    C = _____

    and in t his t riangle

    A = B = C


    A = AC = 6 inches

    B = AB = _____ inches

    C = BC = _____ inches

    Therefore Therefore

    vv ABC is what vv ABC is whatt ype of t riangle? t ype of t riangle?

    ____________ _______________ .









    ________ inches

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    114 - Corners t one Curr iculum - David Quine - 2 0 0 2

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 115






    Chapt er 8 : Similar But Not t he Same

    Observing t he Idea

    Look at t he diagram below.

    Suppose t his is a map view overlooking a land and pond area.Line segment DE represent s a bridge t hat t he Boy Scout s need t oconst ruct over a small pond. Line segment s AB and DE are parallel line segment s.

    However, t he Scout s do not know t he dist ance from D t o E.All t he point s are on land. Except for t he dist ance from D t o E, you have a measuring device t o

    det ermine all ot her dist ances.

    How could t he dist ance for t he bridge be calculat ed?Give your suggest ions:

    As you look at t he diagram what shapes t o you recognize?How are t he shapes alike?

    How are t he shapes dif ferent ?


  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    116 - Corners t one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Observe each t riangle below.Using your knowledge of t he sum of t he angles wit hin a t riangle, det ermine missing angles.Using a ruler measure t he sides of each t riangle.Look for similarit ies and dif ferences among t he four t riangles.

    Descr ibe how t he four t riangles are alike:

    Descr ibe how t he four t riangles are not alike:

    Are t hese four t riangles congruent t r iangles? YES NO

    Triangle 1

    Triangle 2

    Triangle 3 Triangle 4

    90 26


    6 4

    1 inch


    11/8 i


    4 inches






    inch _


    _____ inches

    __________ inches






    90 26


    6 4

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 117

    Naming t he IdeaSome t riangles are exact ly t he same size and shape. When t he t hree sides and t he t hreeangles of one t riangle have t he same measurement s as t he t hree sides and t hree angles of asecond t riangle, t he t wo t riangles are called CONGRUENT TRIANGLES.

    In t he four t riangles on t he previous page t he t hree angles are t he same,however, t he sides of t he t riangles are diff erent . They are similar in shape, but not exact ly alike.These t riangles are called


    The symbol t o show t hat t riangles are SIMILAR is .

    In t he previous problem v 1 v 2 v 3 v 4 and is read

    Triangle 1is SIMILAR t o Triangle 2 which is SIMILAR t o Triangle 3 which is SIMILAR t o Triangle 4.

    Expanding t he IdeaLook at t he sides of each of t he four t riangles on t he previous page.Record t he measurement s of t he sides in t he chart below:

    BASE SIDE HYPOTENUSETriangle 1 1inch 1/2 inch 11/8 inches

    Triangle 2 4 inchesTriangle 3Triangle 4Triangle 5

    Do you not ice any mat hemat ical relat ionship bet ween t he sides of t he four t riangles?If so, explain t hat relat ionship:

    Look at Tr iangle 5.Is it similar t o t he ot her four t riangles? YES NOPredict t he measurement s of t he sides.

    Finally, measure each s ide.Was your predict ion correct ?

    YES NO



    3 inches




    6 4


    Triangle 5

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    118 - Corners t one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    Mat erialsprot ract orruler

    Observe Triangle 1.Precisely measure t he sides and angles.


    a = __________ b = __________ c = __________

    AB = __________AC = __________BC = __________

    Observe Triangle 2.The dashed lines indicat e Triangle 1. DF is parallel t o AC of Triangle 1.


    d = __________ e = __________ f = __________

    DE = __________DF = __________EF = __________

    Is Triangle 1 CONGRUENTt o Triangle 2?

    YES NO

    Is Triangle 1 SIMILAR t o Triangle 2? YES NO

    Express t he mat hemat ical relat ionship bet ween Triangle 1 and Triangle 2:

    v 1 v 2

    Complet e t he chart on t he following page.

    Triangle 1a


    B C


    Triangle 2 d




  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    Principles f rom Pat t erns: Geomet ry - 119

    Comparing Triangle 1 and Triangle 2 on t he Charact erist ic of Angles:


    Angle Measurement Angle Measurement

    a d

    b e

    c f

    What mat hemat ical relat ionship exist s bet ween t he corresponding anglesof Triangle 1 compare wit h Triangle 2?

    a d b e c f

    Comparing Triangle 1 and Triangle 2 on t he Charact erist ic of Line Segment s:

    TRIANGLE 1: TRIANGLE 2:Line Segment Measurement Line Segment Measurement

    AB DE

    AC DF

    BC EF

    What mat hemat ical relat ionship exist s bet ween

    AB and DE? _____________ AC and DF? _____________ BC and EF? _____________

    How is Triangle 2 similar t o Triangle 1?

    How are t he t riangles not alike?

    Which mat hemat ical relat ionship best describes t hese t wo t riangles? Circle your answer.

    v 1 vv 2 v 1 v 2=

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course


    120 - Cornerst one Curr iculum - David Quine - 20 0 2

    = = =

    Perform t he following mat hemat ical operat ions:


    Then compare t he answers by writ ing = or in t he box.


    In general, if t wo t riangles are similar, t hen1 - all pairs of corresponding angles are equal,2 - t he corresponding sides are not equal, but2 - all rat ios of each pair of corresponding sides are equal.

    Look at t he diagram below.How does Triangle ABC compare wit h Triangle DEC?AB is parallel t o DE.Use your knowledge of t riangles t o come t o your conclusion. Do not use any measur ing devices.


    1. ACB = DCE

    2. CAB = __ __ __ alt ernate int er ior angles

    3. ABC = __ __ __

    4. The corresponding sides by observat ion.of t he t wo t rianglesare not equal.

    5. Therefore,

    vv ABC vv ECD

    A B


    D E

  • 8/8/2019 Geometry Short Course






    Let s ret urn t o t he Boy ScoutBridge problem.

    vv ABC vv ECD

    This is a map view overlooking aland and pond area. Line segment DErepresent s a bridge t hat t he BoyScout s need t o const ruct over asmall pond.

    Line segment s AB and DEare parallel line segment s.

    However, t he Scout s do not know

    t he dist ance from D t o E. All t hepoint s are on land.

    All t he dist ances can bemeasured except t he dist ance from Dt o E. You have a measuring device t odet ermine dist ances.

    Knowing t he relat ionshipsbet ween similar t riangles, det erminet he lengt h of t he bridge (t he line

    segment DE).

    HINT In Similar Triangles



    Boy Scout Bridge Problem





