Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO ...

43 Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014 DOI: 10.5327/Z0102-9800201400010006 Said Abdallah 1 * 1 Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM) – Goiânia (GO), Brazil. *Corresponding author: said.abdallah@ Abstract The Bois River Headwaters Suite of, Rosa Mara-Nova Iguaçu (Goiás, Brazil) region, are granitoids to granodioritic and tonalitic with peralumi- nous characteristics, as distinguished granodiorite VI, granodiorite MU and tonalite SJ, which host gold occurrences. Under the aspect of regional geology, these bodies are intrusive in Santa Terezinha Sequence, and cor- relate regionally through petrographic and geochemical similarities with Aurmina Suite. These rocks fall into a system collisional to post-collisional, possibly related to the evolution of the magmatic arc paleoproterozoic. Lithogeochemistry showed values in similar reasons MgO/TiO 2 , suggesting “trend” and evolutive aspect of lower fractionation of elements. In terms of tectonic setting, this suite is calc-alkaline magmatism to crustal contami- nation or collisional granites type A2, impoverished in Rb and Y. The main changes observed were biotitization, hydrothermal propylitic, sericitic and silicification. Mineral chemical analyzes of biotite and muscovite confirmed distinct generations of these mineral phases, resulting from hydrothermal alteration. The primary biotite, without rebalancing, is composed of series of granites calcium-orogenic alkaline, while the muscovites, more enriched in TiO 2 , were considered of magmatic origin. Keywords: magmatism peraluminous, biotite-muscovite-primary, system collisional. Resumo A Suíte Cabeceira do Rio dos Bois, região de Mara Rosa-Nova Iguaçu (GO), constitui granitoides de composição granodiorítica e tonalítica, com caracteristicas peraluminosas, distinguidos como granodiorito VI, granodiorito MU e tonalito SJ, os quais alojam ocorrências auríferas. Sob o aspecto da geologia regional, esses corpos são intrusivos na Sequência de Santa Terezinha e correlacionam-se regionalmente, por meio de seme- lhanças petrográficas e geoquímicas com a Suite Aurmina. Essas rochas enquadram-se em um sistema colisional a pós-colisional, possivelmente relacionado à evolução do arco magmático eopaleoproterozoico. Estudos de litogeoquímica mostraram valores semelhantes de razões MgO/TiO 2 , sugerindo um “trend” evolutivo e aspecto de menor fracionamento dos elementos. Em termos de ambiente tectônico, essa suíte representa mag- matismo cálcio-alcalino com contaminação crustal ou granitos colisionais tipo A2, empobrecidos em Rb e Y. As principais alterações hidrotermais observadas foram biotitização, propilitização, sericitização e silicificação. Análises de químicas mineral de biotita e muscovita confirmaram gerações Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Transcript of Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO ...

43Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

DOI: 10.5327/Z0102-9800201400010006

Said Abdallah1*

1Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM) – Goiânia (GO), Brazil.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]


The Bois River Headwaters Suite of, Rosa Mara-Nova Iguaçu (Goiás, Brazil) region, are granitoids to granodioritic and tonalitic with peralumi-nous characteristics, as distinguished granodiorite VI, granodiorite MU and tonalite SJ, which host gold occurrences. Under the aspect of regional geology, these bodies are intrusive in Santa Terezinha Sequence, and cor-relate regionally through petrographic and geochemical similarities with Aurmina Suite. These rocks fall into a system collisional to post-collisional, possibly related to the evolution of the magmatic arc paleoproterozoic. Lithogeochemistry showed values in similar reasons MgO/TiO2, suggesting “trend” and evolutive aspect of lower fractionation of elements. In terms of tectonic setting, this suite is calc-alkaline magmatism to crustal contami-nation or collisional granites type A2, impoverished in Rb and Y. The main changes observed were biotitization, hydrothermal propylitic, sericitic and silici�cation. Mineral chemical analyzes of biotite and muscovite con�rmed distinct generations of these mineral phases, resulting from hydrothermal alteration. The primary biotite, without rebalancing, is composed of series of granites calcium-orogenic alkaline, while the muscovites, more enriched in TiO2, were considered of magmatic origin.Keywords: magmatism peraluminous, biotite-muscovite-primary, system collisional.


A Suíte Cabeceira do Rio dos Bois, região de Mara Rosa-Nova Iguaçu (GO), constitui granitoides de composição granodiorítica e tonalítica, com caracteristicas peraluminosas, distinguidos como granodiorito VI, granodiorito MU e tonalito SJ, os quais alojam ocorrências auríferas. Sob o aspecto da geologia regional, esses corpos são intrusivos na Sequência de Santa Terezinha e correlacionam-se regionalmente, por meio de seme-lhanças petrográ�cas e geoquímicas com a Suite Aurmina. Essas rochas enquadram-se em um sistema colisional a pós-colisional, possivelmente relacionado à evolução do arco magmático eopaleoproterozoico. Estudos de litogeoquímica mostraram valores semelhantes de razões MgO/TiO2, sugerindo um “trend” evolutivo e aspecto de menor fracionamento dos elementos. Em termos de ambiente tectônico, essa suíte representa mag-matismo cálcio-alcalino com contaminação crustal ou granitos colisionais tipo A2, empobrecidos em Rb e Y. As principais alterações hidrotermais observadas foram biotitização, propilitização, sericitização e silici�cação. Análises de químicas mineral de biotita e muscovita con�rmaram gerações

Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic


Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014


The area selected for this study, called the Bois River Headwaters, located in the northwestern portion of the State of Goiás (Brazil), makes up part of the Campinorte Project, between latitudes S 14º03’ and 14º15’ and longi-tude W 49º12’ and 49º16’ (Figure 1) and represents around 75 km2. The access is facilitated by federal highway BR-153 (Belém-Brasília), for approximately 300 km2, or the highway Brasilia-Barro Alto-Uruaçu, both paved. The main towns in the area of research are Mara Rosa and Campinorte.

This work was part of the dissertation conducted at the University of Brasilia and proposes a revision in geological

data, lithogeochemical and mineral chemistry. The following objectives guided the study: de�nition of the main granitic facies in the area, its spatial distribution and petrographic char-acterization and lithogeochemistry the granite host rocks of gold mineralization; study phyllosilicates major phases (biotite and muscovite) granite-related paragenesis. In this study, lab-oratory techniques were used such as petrographic analysis of transmitted and re�ected light, which served for the selection of preferred �elds to study mineral chemistry of phyllosilicates. This research was conducted at Microscopy Laboratory of the Institute of Geosciences (University of Brasilia).

Figure 1

Location map of the study area.

distintas dessas fases minerais, decorrentes das alterações hidrotermais. As biotitas primárias, sem reequilíbrio, têm composição de granitos da série cálcio-alcalinas orogênicas, enquanto as moscovitas, mais enriquecidas em TiO2, foram consideradas de origem magmática.Palavras-chave: Magmatismo peraluminoso, biotita muscovita primária, sistema colisional

50º00W 48º00W






Abdallah S.

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014


Within a focus of geotectonic search, the region is located in the central portion of the Tocantins Structural Province, whose tectonic partitioning for the eastern segment comprises: Cratonic cover, Brasília Belt, Goiás Massif and West Magmatic Arc of Goiás, as Figure 2.

The Brasília Belt occurs on the west border of the São Francisco Craton, and this tectonic entity is a member of the Brasiliano-Pan African orogenic system formed during the Neoproterozoic and comprising external and internal areas. The outer zone is composed of metasedimentary units that basically groups Paranoá, Canasta and forma-tions Ibiá and Vazante, associations volcano-sedimentary, Ticunzal formation, Arai group, Serra da Mesa and tinny granites. These rocks overlap by reverse faults the group Bambui deposited east.

The inner zone consists of basement areas and the Group Araxá associated with allochthonous units, and

its southern portion has a structure made by overlapping tectonic nappes with system Araxá-Canasta. Internally to Neoproterozoic mobile belt basement blocks occur mainly Archean, represented by Median Massif of Goiás, and the search area is located north of Hidrolina Block, possibly in the areas of contact between the median Massif of Goiás and the Arc Mara Rosa Magmatic.

The Median Goiás Massif is a complex association of rocks of various types, being interpreted as a high sialic basement in contact with mobile belt proterozoic (Marini et al. 1984), or as a complex collage of crustal fragments, including land pre- and Neoproterozoic Brasiliano areas (Fuck 1994). Comprises Archean greenstone-granite terrain, and volcano-sedimentary sequences.

The Goiás Magmatic Arc, exposed and de�ned in western Goiás, according to Pimentel & Fuck (1992), covers ortognaissics paleoproterozoic terranes and volca-

52º00W 46º00W



0 100 200(km)



Figure 2

Geotectonic map of the study area.


Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

no-sedimentary sequences Neoproterozoic, deformed and metamorphosed in the amphibolite to greenschist facies. In regions Arenópolis, Israelândia and Sanclerlândia the magmatic arc is characterized by exposures of gneiss terrains orthoderivated with composition ranging from gabbro-dioritic to granodioritic. The volcano-sedimen-tary associations are represented by metavolcanic rocks ranging in composition from tholeiitic basalts to rhyolites.

These units are intruded by granitoid metamorphic late to post-orogenics.

The continuity of the magmatic arc of western Goiás northward is con�rmed by the existence of metavolcanic rocks and Neoproterozoic metaplutonic old Rose in Mara region (Mara Rosa Magmatic Arc) with geochemical and isotopic signature similar to the west, suggesting the northern extension magmatic arc (Viana 1995).


A summary of the regional geology was proposed by Abdallah (2001) and Abdallah and Botelho (2002), which was developed to integrate geological data (Figure  3)

based on �eld work by enforcement of regional geolog-ical pro�les. Among the works that served as reference in this integration are mentioned: Kuyumjian (1994),

49º30’ 49º00’14º00’


Tqdl-Cobertura Lateriítica




SM-Grupo Serra da Mesa

Spp-seq. Psamo-pelítica

Ggt-Terrenos granito-greenstone

ESCALA0 3,5 7km



o M















Smr-seq. Mara RosaFigure 3

Regional geological map of the study area.


Abdallah S.

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

Arantes et al. (1991), Silva & Sá (1988), Ribeiro Filho (1981) and Lacerda (1986).

The main lithostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic units occurring within the Campinorte Project are: gran-ite-greenstone terrain, psamo-pelitic (Santa Terezinha Sequence), Serra da Mesa Group, Mara Rosa Sequence and intrusive granites of the Rio dos Bois Suite, this last the object of this research.

Lithological associations with typical granite-green-stone terrains occupy a vast area of the southern portion of the Campinorte Project represented by Hidrolina Dome, which, according to the definition of Danni and Ribeiro (1978), constitutes portions of granitic basement of the Median Massif of Goiás. This set features regional distribution and lithologic homogeneity, becoming the leucocratic gneisses of granodioritic to tonalitic whose gneissic banding is defined by alternating levels of quartz-feldspathic and micaceous amphibolitic narrow bands, usually observed migmatitic features. In general, the metamorphism is amphibolite facies, although min-eral parageneses indicative of granulite facies can be verified. In general the region Hidrolina is compartmen-talized into three major structural domains: shear zone, granitic Hidrolina Dome and allochthonous fragments of Araxá Group, according to Kuyumjian et al. (2004).

The Santa Terezinha Sequence is a restricted portion midwest, especially among Campinorte and Nova Iguaçu city. In this region, the sequence consists of a set of su-pracrustal metasedimentary sequence, making tectonic contacts with rocks Hidrolina Dome and drive west of Mara Rosa Sequence. The main rocks of this sequence in the region are garnet-chlorite-muscovite schists, quartz muscovite schist, biotite schist and chlorite schist.

The Santa Terezinha Sequence represents the whole volcano-sedimentary low-grade metamorphic, located north of the city with the same name and located in the central portion of the Massif of Goiás This sequence has been correlated to the Mara Rosa Sequence, the Group Araxá and also as an integral part of the upper unit of land greenstone belts. Recently, this sequence was individualized as the unit being assigned to your Paleo-proterozoic metamorphic set of low-grade metamorphic, predominantly psammitic and pelitic metasedimentary rocks. Subordinate, this sequence also contains felsic metavolcanic rocks and metaultramafic (Kuyumjian et al. 2004).

In the Serra da Mesa and Serra Dourada, north of Goiás, based on stratigraphic evidence, lithological and tectonic, Marini et  al. (1977) proposed the name of Serra da Mesa Group to package metamorphic granitic massifs bordering the homonyms and mapped previously as Group Araxá. In the eastern area of work there is a set of predominantly metapsamitic rocks, metamorphic mapped initially as Group Araxá and later redefined as Serra da Mesa Group, probably mid-Proterozoic age. It is a set of quartz-mica schist, quartzite micaceous with abundant quartz veins, in the case of a metased-

imentary sequence with subordinate carbonate contri-bution, as seen through the lenses of marble near the city of Campinorte. The contact with mylonitic granite is defined by extensive shear zones associated with thrust faults.

Specifically in the region of Mara Rosa, supracrustal units that constitute the volcano-sedimentary sequence are arranged in three main areas, structural directioned northeast and dips northwest, called band East, Central and West, according to Arantes et al. (1991). The eastern range was divided into four major stratigraphic units, from bottom to top: Amaro Leite Unit, comprised me-tagraywackes interlayered with mafic metatuffs; Araras Unit, metatuffs mafic to intermediate with interbedded metagraywackes, and felsic metavolcanic metacherts; Posse Unit, metatuffs felsic; and Carambolas Unit, composed of metatuffs sequence of mafic to felsic metavolcanic intercalations. All these rock types have undergone metamorphism that reached the amphibolite facies, which is the host of gold mineralization in the deposit Posse, the Posse felsic unit.

Small granitic intrusions, of approximately 2-3 km from the major axis, occur in the Bois River Headwaters, also intrusive in the volcano-sedimentary sequence of Mara Rosa and designated here Mundinho granite, Vi-uva granite and St. George granite, characterized as Bois River Suite, which are the subject of detailing. The local geology is represented in Figure 4, in which the main contacts, geological and structural features are presented. Three main lithologic assemblages distributed along the headboard of the Bois River designated metasedimentary sequence, volcanic-sedimentary sequence Mara Rosa and deformed granites were defined. Granite Viúva (type VI) is represented by a granite body of approximately 3 km2, quite hydrothermally altered and development of penetrative foliation marked by non-micaceous minerals. The Mundinho granite (type MU) constitutes a body of granite tectonite, an ellipsoid, flattened intrusive in a volcano-sedimentary sequence and variations in tecton-ic contact with quartzite and quartz muscovite schist. The features of mylonitization are quite pronounced in these granitoids, as feldspar porphyroblasts stretch and quartz, related to shear zone with north-south directions and development of foliation associated with sulphide and auriferous veins.

The granitic rocks of Bois River present U-Pb ages ranging from 2179 to 2158 Ma, and there is no Archean contribution according Giustina (2007). The TDM Sm-Nd model ages from supracrustal Campinorte Sequence and intrusive lithotypes of Bois River vary from 2682 to 2216  Ma, with mostly positive εNd values, which disclose the juvenile character of these rocks, in other words, the juvenile character with short crustal resi-dence. The granodiorite yielded from zircon fractions revealed variably discordant compositions indicating an upper intercept age of 2173±10 Ma (MSWD=0.54), interpreted as being representative of the igneous crys-


Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

tallization age. Zircon grains from metatonalite with five concordant zircon grains resulted in an upper intercept age of 2163±1 Ma (MSWD=0.76) which is also interpreted as the age of igneous crystallization. The  mylonitic tonalite five spot analyses yielded a concordia age of 2158±8 Ma (MSWD=0.5), which is taken as the best estimate for the crystallization age of the igneous protolith.

Geocronologic regional works dating U-Pb in zircon of metagranite associated with supracrustals provides a value of 2175±12 Ma for igneous crystallization (Pimentel et al. 1997). Isotopic analyzes result in Sm-Nd model ages

(TDM) into metagranitics rocks between 2.52 and 2.3 Ga and positive εNd (Kuyumjian et  al. 2004), which thus indicates the juvenile character of short crustal residence for sequence Campinorte and associated metagranitics. The data presented by Giustina (2007) is similar to other Paleoproterozoic Provinces described in the Brasília Belt, but it contrasts with negative εNd values in granitoids of west border and Serrinha Blocks of San Francisco Craton, in the same age, which have features of material with long residency and crustal contamination; hence, this study contributes to the reconstruction of the Columbia supercontinent (Abdallah 2011).
















o m



o pr







de M














Per�s geológicos


0 0.5 1km






Figure 4

Geological map location of the study area.


Abdallah S.

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014


In this section we present the main petrographic types, the most representative of the studied granites, and textural and mineralogical aspects of the rocks, which were summa-rized in the facies of hydrothermal processes preserved, and which has in biotite and muscovite granite paragenesis. Thus, it comes down to biotite muscovite peraluminous tonalite SJ, albitizated tonalite SJ, biotite muscovite granodiorite VI (biotite rebalanced), and muscovite biotite granodiorite MU (magmatic muscovite and biotite).

The tonalite SJ predominates muscovite and biotite which was possible to characterize three types petrographic whose primary composition varies in function of intensity of hydrothermal alteration, as albitization, sericitization (potassic alteration), biotitization and propylitic (propylitic alteration), designated informally as Gc, Gb and Ga, with variations in mineralogical composition in function the stage of the hydrothermal alteration and the amount of secondary minerals.

The �rst type, Gc, is a metatonalite (samples 111C and 111C1), comprises macroscopically a rock with granolepi-doblastic texture, coarse grained and foliation marked by biotite lamellae orientation. Feldspars exhibit tabular habit and oval form and reach up to 1.5 cm in diameter and is surrounded by biotite. Microscopically, it is composed of the following mineral phases, quartz, albite, biotite, and zoizite, titanite, chlorite, tourmaline and opaque include between magnetite and pyrite (Figures 5A and 5B). The predominant feldspar is albite (Ab 100%) and generally presents with an-hedric forms, with frequent mantle around the recrystallized quartz mineral and rarely presenting twinning according to the albite law preserved. As the main product change, occurs the formation of white mica and epidote. The masses of quartz is anhedral crystals with ondulation extinction and polygons contacts, biotite form plates throughout with brown coloration (Figure 5B), which may be completely chlorized. In small amounts, it is observed pyrite usually with a halo of alteration to limonite, and traces of magnetite, as products of hydrothermal alteration. The titanite may have navicular habit, but in general it is anhedric shaped, brownish color and frequently associated with aggregates of biotite and epidote.

Another type petrographic, Gb (samples 111B and 111B1), it is metatonalite, probably a more altered facies observed in this area. It corresponds to a rock of light gray, medium grained presenting an incipient banding. The mineralogy is mainly represented by more altered feldspar, mainly albite, and quartz and actinolite. This rock has disseminations of sulphides as pyrite and chalcopyrite, and pyrite displays euhedric shapes and coloformic.

The sample Ga is biotite muscovite metatonalite (samples 111A2 and A3) that have under microscopy presents inequi-granular texture, medium to coarse grained and grayish white. It develops discrete foliation marked by micaceous minerals, mainly biotite. Sample is less deformed among the other rock types granite. The mineralogy consists of plagioclase (albite), K-feldspar, biotite, white mica, epidote, quartz and magnetite (dashes). Petrographically characterized by higher amounts of white mica, generated by intense sericitization which was submitted and the modal proportion of biotite subordinate. The latter are presented as isolated plates with pleochroism brown tint and represent remains of magmatic biotite. The feldspars have become quite sericitized.

In the body biotite muscovite granodiorite VI were char-acterized petrographic types that host gold mineralization and variations are hydrothermally-altered granodiorite, with deformation features developed, as can be seen in Figures 6A to 6D. Basically, this body hydrothermally granodiorite VI hosts auriferous veins showing variations in the relative intensity of hydrothermal alteration.

The sample VIA, muscovite biotite granodiorite cat-aclastic, corresponds to grayish rock, coarse to medium grained texture and granolepdoblastic foliation marked by the preferred orientation of micaceous minerals. The miner-alogy essentially comprises albite, K feldspar, biotite, white mica, epidote, and in proportions subordinated, there is ilmenite and pyrite, and tourmaline, zircon and titanite as accessories. The plagioclase is mainly albite (Ab 100%), showing xenomor�c habit with oval form, often showing albite twinning law. The fenoclasts feature heavily stretched and rotated (Figure 6D) usually surrounded by a mantle of change consists of white mica, quartz and epidote or only with halo of recrystallized quartz. The quartz grains present

Figures 5

Petrographic aspects of biotite musco-vite metatonalite SJ (Gc): in (A) textural

relationship between crystals of albite, quartz and secondary biotite, and in (B) detail of plates secondary hydro-

thermal biotite and epidote aggregates; acronym Kretz (1983) minerals, biotite

(Bt), muscovite (Ms), quartz (Qtz), plagioclase (Pl).



Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

in this lithotype are xenomor�cs habit, heterogeneity in size and exhibit wavy extinction, with contacts polygon. The bi-otite shows up as plates or lamellae well developed, primary type rebalanced (Figure 6B), with brown pleochroism, and occurs associated with hydrothermal white mica and epidote aggregates; often these minerals form shear bands marked by irregular and narrow bands, where they alternate with bands mainly composed of recrystallized quartz.

In type VI4A1 it constitutes variation from the previous sample, and also checked deformation and hydrotermal ef-fects, with higher modal proportion of biotite and titanite. Aplitic dikes are observed in sectioning this lithofacies where lodges by gold-bearing quartz vein, always with substantial amount of chlorite. The sample VIVI represents

a coarse-grained to pegmatoid biotite granodiorite texture inequigranular with reddish due to weathering, and pres-ents features of cataclasis as fractured feldspars and drawn according to a foliation of biotite primary rebalanced (Figure 6C), and twinned twinning twisted. This sample is granitic texture with better preserved.

The lithofacies granodiorite are represented by sample 53C, designated biotite muscovite granodiorite MU, the more preserved lithofacies, with both primary and magmatic biotite. This is characterized by strongly stretched porphyroclasts of feldspar and quartz surrounded by alteration mantle of quartz (�ne aggregates), epidotes and white mica. The essential mineralogy comprises phenocrysts of feldspar (microcline) and plagioclase (albite), the latter in greater quantity, and

Figures 6

Biotite muscovite Granodiorite VI. In (A and B) aspects of bio-tite rebalanced, type 2, granodiorite protomilonitic feature ori-ented lamellae associated with muscovite, quartz and armored in lamellae well developed; in (C) with biotite primary mag-matic features, characteristics presented as the more brownish pleochroism typical of magmatic biotite; and in (D) fenoclast twining of albite and showing deformation features.






Abdallah S.

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

white mica, biotite and epidote. Magnetite and pyrite occurs in trace amounts. Micas occur as isolated lamellae (biotite) or as oriented aggregates of white mica (muscovite). Furthermore occurs subordinate amounts of carbonate (greater than 90% percent weight by calcite) (Figure 7B).

In the facies biotite granodiorite mylonitic MU, sample SA5A, rock is light gray, very altered/hydrotermal effects, with millimeter strips of dark gray coloration consisting primarily of

biotite and muscovite (biotite foliated), featuring a prominent foliation. We highlight some aspects mineralogical as chloriti-zation of biotite and quite common the presence of alteration minerals such as calcite carbonate. The chlorite shows lamellar habit or form aggregates of thin lamellae with pleochroism ranging from light green to colorless and presenting anomalous interference color. It is observed in this rock the presence of relict material mylonitic granite (Figure 7).

Figures 7

Granodiorite MU hydrothermal facies; In (A) secondary magnesian biotite, bi-otite type 3, thinner lamellae in hydro-

thermal paragenesis associated with carbonate, quartz and chlorite and

sulphides; and in (B) textural aspect of muscovites dispersed in granite.


This topic studies, through mineral chemistry, the major phases of phyllosilicates observed in granitic rocks, mainly biotite and muscovite. The chemical analyzes were made using electronic microprobe, Cameca SX-50® model, in the Laboratory of Electron microprobe of the University of Brasília. Preliminarily, we performed a study and a petrographic analysis of the optical prop-

erties of minerals and separation fields preferred for chemical analysis.

Most of these minerals have signi�cant compositional vari-ations, i.e. rebalancing physicochemical related to hydrothermal processes that have acted on the granitic rocks. Especially phases micaceous white mica and biotite, as well as albite and chlorite, which are relatively abundant in hydrothermal granites VI MU and SJ types.

5.1. Biotite

The study of the chemical composition of biotite formed auxiliary tool in the de�nition and characterization of the granitic rocks in the region of research. The ferromagnesian mineral primary, often in the composition of granitic rocks, so with distinction, re�ects the nature and physicochemical conditions of this magma. Metasomatic-hydrothermal con-ditions in the presence of biotite can be characterized a zone of enrichment potassium granite or potassium alteration.

The micaceous mineral is biotite with trioctahedral structure, with the general formula X2Y6Z8(OH)4 in which X=K, Na, Ca; Y=Fe+2, Mg, Mn, Li, Fe+3, Al, Ti+4; Z=Si+4, Al. Basically we analyzed the major elements in the form of oxides. How stands the chemical composition of magmatic biotite are diagnostic of the types of magmas generated from different sources and different petrogenetic histories, according to Nachit (1986) and Abdel-Rahman (1994).

The biotite from two mica granites studied usually oc-curs in the form of lamellae and has preserved when brown coloration brownish, and are common in transformation to chlorite (chloritic). In the diagram proposed by Nachit (1986) for different types of biotite granitic rocks (Figure 8), where the vertices are 10TiO2, FeO+MnO and MgO, we de�ne the primary �elds of brown biotite, biotite domain

of primary rebalanced green-brown and �nally the �eld of secondary biotite of green.

The three types of biotite granites can be identi�ed in the study: biotite I, primary found in biotite muscovite metagranodiorite MU, variety richer in TiO2; biotite type II primary rebalanced in an intermediate position, identi�ed in SJ metatonalite biotite muscovite, biotite muscovite granodi-orite VI and biotite granodiorite VI. Biotite is nearer to the secondary type III, in a more advanced stage of hydrothermal transformation identi�ed in biotite muscovite SJ and biotite muscovite MU hydrothermalized, and only the primary bi-otite can be used for the granites tipology. The recognition of these different biotite phases constitutes essential point in the development of this study.

The replacement of Ti in octahedral sites has been stud-ied in biotite metamorphic having consensus in the literature that the content of Ti in biotite increases with metamorphic grade, i.e. with increasing of temperature. The decrease in Ti studied biotite is related to hydrothermal processes that acted on granitic rocks area, so that titanium was extracted from the structure of biotite rich in titanium by these hydrothermal solutions and crystallization as a new mineral phase rich in titanium as titanite and/or rutile and/or ilmenite.



Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

In the diagram of classi�cation of biotite from Deer et  al. (1992 – Figure 9), where the poles are positioned trioctaedrics non-litiniferas micas, it can be distinguished �elds of biotites and phlogopites, and the iron rich series an-nite-siderophyllite and magnesian series phlogopite-estonite.

From the Figure 9 it is characterized that three types of biotite was designated types I, II, III, related to the phases of development of this granitic magmatism. The biotite type I observed in samples 53C and 111A2 represents the primary biotite in granodiorite MU and tonalite SJ, whose analyzes are concentrated in the �eld iron richest biotite of annite-siderophyllite series. The biotite type II, primary rebalanced, observed in muscovite biotite granodiorite VI, is located in the �eld of biotite Fe richer, but concentrated on the intermediate portions between annite and phlogopite, and have brown coloring and lamellar habit.

The biotite type III, near to the secondary field, belongs to the phlogopite-estonite series forming trioc-taedrics micas more enriched in MgO. It is often asso-ciated with �lms biotites foliated (granodiorite MU) or as disseminated plates in metatonalite SJ, samples 111C. It presents brownish coloring tending to greenish to color-less pleochroism and found often chlorited associated with sul�des mainly pyrite and chalcopyrite. These variations in the composition of biotite can be seen in the graph TiO2

x MgO (Figure 10), in which the type III biotite is typically depleted in TiO2 and typically more magnesian biotite in relation to types I and II.

The study of the chemistry of primary biotite granitic rocks have been used for classi�cation into different types of associations or magma magmatic series according to Nachit (1986). The positioning of the biotite in diagram Mg vs. Al (afu is atom per formula unit) proposed (Figure 11), in which can be distinguished different groups of magmatic biotite, based on the relationship between cationic Mg and Al, is both in the �eld of alumino-potassic high MgO granitic series (biotite II, primary rebalanced), as the �eld of calc-alkaline series (biotite I, primary). Note that the biotite rebalanced should be interpreted with caution in this diagram, consider-ing that the biotite II clearly had an enrichment of aluminum, moving into the alumino-potassic domain.

Abdel-Rahman (1994), using a database containing 325 analyzes biotite granite of the various locations, showed that the composition of biotite depends on the nature of the magma from which crystallized, and on the types of granitic suites including alkaline anarogenic suite type A, calcium alkaline orogenic suite type C and peraluminous suite type P.

In the ternary diagram MgO x FeO x Al2O3 (Figure 12), it appears that the investigated biotite granites �eld con-centrates on the calcium alkaline series (type C), in the case of primary biotite I of granodiorite MU and granodiorite VI, it was also con�rmed in the diagram of Nachit (1986) the calcium alkaline character. Others biotite tend to �eld peraluminous series as samples of tonalite SJ, showing that there was a rebalancing effectively with enrichment in alu-minum, positioning them in the �eld peraluminous domain.

Figure 8

Graphic ternary (Nachit 1986), which visualizes the three types of biotite granites found in the Bois River Suite. Granodiorite VI (biotite type B, rebalanced), granodiorite MU (primary and secondary biotite), metatonalite SJ (biotite rebalanced primary and secondary), total n=67 analyzes.

bio granodiorito grosso VI

10 x TiO2




FeOt+MnO MgONachit (1986) A: biotitas primárias

C: biotitas secundárias NeoformadasB: biotitas primárias reequilibradas

bio+musc MU

bio+mus MU

bio+mus SJ

bio+musc Vl bio+mus SJ

bio musc hidrotermalito MU

biot musc metatonalito SJbiot musc metagranodiorito MUbiot metatonalito SJ

bio musc granodiorito VI


Abdallah S.

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

bio granodiorito grosso VI

bio musc hidrotermalito MU

biot musc metatonalito SJ



Flogopita Biotita



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6


0.8 1.0





Al a


biot musc metagranodiorito MUbiot metatonalito SJ

bio musc granodiorito VI

bio granodiorito grosso VI

bio musc hidrotermalito MU

biot musc metatonalito SJ

Biotitas Alto Mg




0 5 10 15 20





biot musc metagranodiorito MUbiot metatonalito SJ

bio musc granodiorito VI

Figure 9

Classi�cation of biotite of the search area, according to Deer et al. (1992),

where we highlight two distinct groups: biotite series annite-siderophyllite

enriched in Fe characterized in granodi-orite VI and granodiorite MU; mag-

nesian biotite of phlogopite-estonite series (magnesian biotite) typically

rebalanced found in the granodiorite MU and metatonalite SJ, on the more

hydrothermalized portion associated of late alteration minerals.

Figure 10

Diagram MgO vs. TiO2 for the biotite of granite Bois River Suite, demonstrating enrichment in MgO and TiO2 decrease

in the magnesian biotite near to sec-ondary phlogopites mica in both the

granodiorite MU and metatonalite SJ.


Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

Al a







Mg afu







FeO Al2O3A-Série alcalina; C-Calcio-alcalina;P-Peraluminosa Abdel-Rahman (1994)




Figure 11

Distribution of the biotite Bois River Suite according to the magmatic series of Nachit (1986), with the primary biotite calc-alkaline series in granodi-orite MU, the biotite granodiorite VI and tonalite SJ are located in the area alumino-potassic; legend as previous.

Figure 12

Diagram ternary MgO x FeO x Al2O3 according to Abdel-Rahman (1994) for biotite of the Bois River granites, where the primary biotite granodiorite type MU positioned preferably in the �eld of calc-alkaline series, legend as previous.


Abdallah S.

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

5.2. Muscovite

The muscovite mica represents important mineral phase in the paragenesis of granitic rocks and also geological sig-ni�cance in the context of the mineralized areas, designated generally as white mica. The investigations led to distin-guishing different types of white mica, textural differences being observed as well-developed lamellae or also in the form of aggregates of �ne lamellae. Regardless of habit, the pleochroism can vary from colorless to slightly pale.

Based on the ternary diagram represented by poles, Al, M+2 (Fe+Mn+Mg) and Si (Figure 13), which de�nes the extremes of mica white as a solid solution consisting by muscovite and celadonite according to the classi�cation of Rieder et al. (1998). Micas analyzed are located near the pole of phengite and can be classi�ed as muscovite-phengite, both the primary and the secondary.

The incorporation of Ti in the structure of dioctaed-rics micas has been widely used to study the evolution of granites. An important conclusion from this study refers to increasing the titanium solubility with increasing of the grade metamorphic, i.e. of the temperature (Monier and Robert 1986). Muscovites in the two-mica granites, Ti has been used to distinguish magmatic muscovites of the muscovites post-magmatic or late, the �rst typically more enriched in titanium, due to the greater availability of Ti in the early stag-

es of crystallization. Such that the more enriched micas may occur either in metamorphic rocks such as in granitic rocks.

Based on Figure 14 Al2O3 x TiO2 boundary between primary and secondary muscovite corresponds to around of 0.6% TiO2, from which we can characterize three types of muscovites designated I, II and III, type II intermediate between I and III.

The muscovite type I corresponds to the typical pri-mary magmatic phase, occurring mainly granodiorite MU, appearing as aggregates of plates in paragenesis with mag-matic biotite. The muscovite type II, intermediate between the two types of TiO2, has values between 0.4 and 0.6%, occurs predominantly granodiorite VI in the form of lamellar, aggregates oriented phengite and represents an intermediate stage in the evolution of hydrothermal sometimes in para-genesis primary biotite rebalanced.

The type III represents fengites aluminous compared to other, occurs in the form of thin lamellar masses and characterized by lower values of TiO2, forming white mica hydrothermal example, both the tonalite SJ (in paragenesis with magnesian biotite), as well as granodiorite VI. Indis-tinctly, muscovite varieties have signi�cant values between 0.3 and 0.6% BaO, not �nding correspondence with other types of muscovite in the literature.

bio granodiorito grosso VI

bio musc hidrotermalitoMU

biot musc metatonalito SJbiot musc metagranodiorito MU

granito hidrotermal SJ




Fe+Mn+Mg Si



bio musc granodiorito VI

Figure 13

Classi�cation of white mica, according to Rieder et al. (1998), for the granites of the Bois River Suite. The white mica is phengite type, focusing on the pole in the muscovite-phengite series, both the primary and the secondary. Total

analysis n=100.


Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

bio granodiorito grosso VI

bio musc hidrotermalito MU

biot musc metatonalito SJbiot musc metagranodiorito MU

granito hidrotermal SJ

Muscovita magmática > 0.6 TiO2








25 30 35

bio musc granodiorito VI


The lithogeochemistry study aimed to characterize the chemistry of the granitic Bois River Suite, host of gold mineralization, through the analysis of major elements, trace elements and rare earth elements. Note that the selection of granite types for analysis was to test the petrography, which were less altered and hydrothermalized. The chemical analyzes were performed at the Laboratory Bondar-Clegg, Canada, the major elements by X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and trace elements analyzed by neutron activation (INAA).

The chemical composition of the rocks will be used in order to establish criteria to diagnose the type of original granite, since in petrography, the studied rocks were subjected to hydrothermal and metasomatic processes from highest to lowest intensity. However, the performance of metasomatic processes implies that the geochemical characteristics of these documents have changed, especially in relation to mobile elements. Given these observations, the geochemical compo-sitions will be used in a qualitative manner, especially in an attempt to identify the composition of granites and tectonic environment. The samples selected for analysis in general do not present the effects of weathering and represent granitic types most characteristic of each lithofacies. The results of chemical analyzes performed are presented in tables, which we used for the preparation of diagrams petrochemicals.

The rocks studied were classi�ed using the diagram Debon and Lefort (1983), which uses the parameters P and Q (Figure 15), to indicate the tonalitic granodioritic composi-tion. In granodiorites VI and MU predominates granodioritic in composition and only tonalitic in type SJ. Three samples

were positioned outside of the petrographic �elds, being those most hydrothermalized. This diagram was preferred naming regarding classic petrographic classi�cation due to mineralogical transformations suffered by these granites.

For geochemical study of the granites were used varia-tion diagrams of major oxides and trace elements, in order to describe the behavior and evolution of these granites. In the diagram MgO x TiO2 (Figure 16), there is similarity between the ratio MgO/TiO2

of the samples despite hydrothermal al-teration developed, i.e., these elements were not signi�cantly modi�ed in relation to magmatic concentrations. The rocks analyzed show an evolution of the less evolved granitic to terms with little MgO and TiO2 in chemical composition.

In binary type Harker diagrams showing variations of the different oxides in relation to the silica for the granites of Bois River Suite, the content of SiO2 ranges from 57 to 81%, the one of Al2O3, from 10 to 16%, the one of K2O, from 0.2 to 3.0%, the one of Na2O, from 2.2 to 4.7%, the one of CaO, between 0.3 to 3%, the ratio of K2O/Na2O is lower than 1, and the ration of MgO/TiO2 ranges from 2 to 7%. Additionally, it is shown a negative correlation between silica and CaO, TiO2, MgO, P2O5, with a trend of increasing Na2O with silica, while the relationship with K2O shows a more random distribution. Thus, in terms of which is richer in silica, there has been a decrease of Ti, Mg, Ca and P2O5.

Regarding the alumina saturation index, ISA=Al2O3/CaO+Na2O+K2O molar or A/CNK vs. A/NK or alumina index according Maniar and Piccoli (1989 – Figure 17), the rocks analyzed show predominant feature peraluminous.

Figure 14

Diagram TiO2 x Al2O3 of muscovites (fengite) granites studied, the boundary between the two main types I and II, is close to 0.6% TiO2.


Abdallah S.

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

bio musc granodiorito MU

granodiorito alterado VI

milonito SJ

to adgd

dq mzdq mzq



Debon & Le Fort P-Q 1983







-300 -200 -100 0 100




metatonalito alterado SJhidrotermalito MU

biotita musc metatonalito SJ

bio musc granodiorito VI biotita metatonalito SJ






Figure 15

Classi�cation of granites of the study area, according to the diagram of Debon

and Lefort (1983) for plutonic rocks, leading to main �elds: to (tonalite), gd (granodiorite), ad (adamelito),

gr (granite), dq (quartz diorite), mzdq (quartz monzodiorite), mzq (quartz

monzonite), sq (quartz syenite).

bio musc granodiorito MU

granodiorito alterado VI

milonito SJ










1 2 3 4 5 6MgO



metatonalito alterado SJhidrotermalito MU

biotita musc metatonalito SJ

bio musc granodiorito VI biotita metatonalito SJ

Figure 16

Graphical MgO x TiO2 for the granitic Bois River Suite, where the samples

show a tendency for a positive correla-tion between these major elements.


Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

6.1. Tectonic setting

Aiming to investigate the genesis of the granitic Rio dos Bois Suite and the environment of formation of these granitic rocks, drew up discriminant diagrams of lithogeochemistry. In  the multicationic graphical R1- R2, Bachelor Bowden (1985) the granodiorite VI samples show characteristics of peraluminous magmatism system syn-collisional to post-colli-sional, and SJ tonalite with geochemical signature of post-col-lisional granites (Figure 18). This interpretation agrees with the analysis using the graphics Pearce et al. (1984), where they present post to syn-collisional characteristics.

Applying content (Nb/Zr)N vs. Zr normalized to prim-itive mantle of Sun and McDonough (1989) and according with Thiéblemont and Tégyey (1994), (Figure 19), the Rio dos Bois Suite, falls largely in the �eld of calc-alkaline mag-matism to crustal contamination (�eld B) or A2/colisional

granitoid type with crustal sources, whose ratio Y/Nb is above 1.2. Granitic type A1 ratio Y/Nb is less than 1.2 and is characterized by continental intraplate environment or Rift (�eld C). Within a system of convergent plate margin, this granitogenese corresponds to the later phases of the Arc collisional system. Thus, some samples plots in �eld on the edge of the calc-alkaline magmatism derived from subduction zone, considering that they evolved from the continental margin Arc of the primitive type of Paleop-roterozoic age.

In Figure 20 the best preserved specimens are in the �eld of syn-collisional to post-collisional granitic, where it is emphasized that types of samples over hydrothermalized are in the �eld intraplate granites due to Y enrichement in during the hydrothermal process.

Only in samples Gb and Gc of tonalite SJ, the composition is metaluminous. The difference with this character geochemi-cal metaluminous in SJ types, since their biotite compositions are indicating peraluminous, should chemical changes and rebalancing suffered by biotite, re�ecting metasomatic-hy-drothermal process in the rock, with enrichment of alumina during this process.

Papers in granites of Australia developed by Blevin and Chappell (1995) relate ISA values<1.1 to I-type granites and

ISA>1.1 to S-type granite. The tonalitic rocks Gb and Gc of the SJ tonalite show ISA values <1, while the other rocks values are equal or close to 1.1. In terms of minor elements, granitic rocks have content BaO between 100 and 670 ppm with great variation to the terms more acidic. The content of yttrium ranges of 10 to 100 ppm, and the highest levels found in granodiorite intensely hydrothermalized type VI and MU. Zirconium ranges from 80 to 350 ppm with higher values associated with granodiorite VI and MU.

bio musc granodiorito MU

granodiorito alterado VI

milonito SJ












0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

metatonalito alterado SJ

hidrotermalito MU

biotita musc metatonalito SJ

bio musc granodiorito VI

biotita metatonalito SJ

Figure 17

Diagram aluminous, alumina index of granites of Bois River, according to Maniar and Piccoli (1989).


Abdallah S.

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014









A - campo do magmatismo cálcio-alcalino manto-derivado em zona de subucção

Diagrama discriminante Zr vs (Zr/Nb)n de Thieblemont e Tegyey (1994)com normalização de Nb e Zr ao manto primitivo de Sun & McDonough 1989)

D - campo do magmatismo hiperaluminoso/colisão continente-continenteC - campo do magmatismo das rochas alcalinas e transicionais intraplaca/granitos tipo A1

B - campo do magmatismo cálcio-alcalino com contaminação crustal/rochas alcalinas e granitos tipo A2/colisional


100 1000 2000

Figure 19

Classi�cation geotectonic of granitoides of Bois River Suite,

using the contents of (Nb/Zr)n vs. Zr (Thiéblemont and Tégyey 1994),

normalized to primitive mantle of Sun and McDonough (1989); legend

as before.

bio musc granodiorito MU

granodiorito alterado VI

milonito SJ

-1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000











metatonalito alterado SJhidrotermalito MU

biotita musc metatonalito SJ

bio musc granodiorito VI biotita metatonalito SJ

Figure 18

Geotectonic Diagram R1 x R2 by Batchelor & Bowden (1985) for the

granitoids of Bois River Suite.


Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

bio musc granodiorito MU


Rb/100 Nb/16




(Thiéblemont and Cabanis, 1990)


granodiorito alterado VI

milonito SJmetatonalito alterado SJhidrotermalito MU

biotita musc metatonalito SJ

bio musc granodiorito VI biotita metatonalito SJ

6.2. Trace and rare earth elements geochemistry

The total content of rare earth elements (REE) in these granites range from moderate in gran-odiorite VI (105–206  ppm) and granodiorite MU (69–330 ppm) and low in the tonalitic metatonalites SJ  (69–124 ppm). The REE patterns of Bois River granite (Figures 21 A, B, C) show light rare earth ratios for heavy light rare earth element (LREE)/heavy rare earth element (HREE) values through the ratio La/Lu. In granodiorite VI (Figure 21B), values are presented from 8 to 10,6 showing small fractionation, and the sample VIA has negative Eu anomally, as observed qualitatively.

The granodiorite MU (Figure 21C) has values from 1.8 to 5.6 featuring small fractionation between light and heavy, while the sample 109 shows larger to moderate fractionation. In tonalite SJ REE values show up moderate to weak fractionation, ranging from 41 to 257, with posi-tive Europeum (Eu) anomalies due to analytical problems.

In the most altered granitic rocks it can be observed lower fractionation between LREE and HREE, probably indicating that the process of hydrothermal alteration decreased the relative concentrations of REEs due to the homogenization that occurred between the elements.

In multilementar diagrams samples were from a plot-ted area of Bois River which are characterized generally by negative anomalies of Nb, K, P and Ti, observing a slight to moderate standard large-ion litophile (LIL) fractionation relative to Y and REE. Rb concentrations are low in these rocks tending to decrease in more hydrothermalized granites. Despite the few analyzes, these geochemical patterns mon-itored to large-ion litophile elements (LILE) and high �eld strength elements (HFSE) and negative anomalies incompat-ible elements are similar to those observed in granitogenese collisional magmatic arcs and con�rming the similarity with calc-alkaline and peraluminous granites.

Figure 20

Graphical ternary by Thiéblemont and Cabanis (1990) for the granitoides of Bois River Suite.


Abdallah S.

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014

Figure 21

Distribution of rare earth elements to the granitic Bois River Suite;

(A) tonalite SJ, (B) granodiorite VI and (C) granodiorite MU.

bio musc granodiorito MU

normalizados manto primitivo Boynton (1984)

La Ce




Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu










normalizados manto primitivo Boynton (1984)

granodiorito alterado VI

milonito SJ

metatonalito alterado SJ

hidrotermalito MU

biotita musc metatonalito SJ

bio musc granodiorito VI

biotita metatonalito SJ


Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

Geochimica Brasiliensis 28(1): 43-64, 2014



In the area Bois River were characterized granitic bod-ies, mainly granodiorite VI, MU and tonalite SJ; intrusions are small- to medium-sized, well-deformed and intrusive in sequence Campinorte, and occur as NNE-trending elongate plutons showing varied degrees of deformation. The main granite bodies are represented by Mundinho and Viúva intrusions, which host gold deposits related to Au Porphiry in paleoproterozoic transcorrent shear zone.

The classi�cation of these rocks indicates granodioritic to tonalitic composition. The Bois River Suite exhibit character-istics of magmatism, predominantly peraluminous, that are in the �eld syn-collisional to post-collisional granitic. The sam-ples of more hydrothermalized type are located in the �eld of granite intraplaque due to enriched in Y, Yb and Ta. The MgO/TiO2 ratios in granites are similar, despite the hydrothermal alteration developed, i.e., these elements have not been signi�-cantly modi�ed from the magmatic concentrations. The rocks analyzed show an evolution from the less evolved granites to terms with little MgO and TiO2 in chemical composition.

Studies of mineral chemistry in biotite and muscovite showed that these minerals have signi�cant compositional variations, i.e., rebalancing physic-chemical related to hy-drothermal processes that have acted on the granitic rocks. Three types of biotite designated type I, II, III has been characterized, related to different phases of development of these granites: biotite I, primary, is richer in variety TiO2, biotite type II is primary biotite rebalanced, and type III (magnesian), secondary impoverished in TiO2.

In the ternary diagram MgO x Al2O3 x FeO the biotite of this Suite focuses both on the �eld of calc-alkaline series, type C (biotite granodiorite MU), as the peraluminous series in tonalite SJ. The white micas analyzed are located near the pole muscovite fhengite, and may qualify them as phengite, both the primary and the secondary. It has been possible to characterize three types of white mica, muscovite I, II and III. The muscovite I is primary magmatic muscovite and II, III type are secondary and intermediate a more aluminous and characterized by lower values of TiO2.

Special thanks to professor PhD. Nilson Francisqui-ni Botelho for guiding this research work in 2002, the University of Brasilia for the use of laboratories during

the Masters and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for the support of this research.


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Geology and geochemistry of Bois River Suite, Mara Rosa (GO): evidence of magmatic arc paleoproterozoic

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