Geography in Linked Ancient World Data

{ Geography in linked ancient world data Tom Elliott, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World Linked Ancient World Data Institute, New York, May 2012


Presentation at the NEH-Funded Linked Ancient World Data Institute, ISAW/NYU, New York, May 2012. Discusses the use of RDF and linked data in representing geographic information relationships between resources.

Transcript of Geography in Linked Ancient World Data

  • 1.Geographyin linked ancient world data{ Tom Elliott, Institute for the Study of the Ancient WorldLinked Ancient World Data Institute, New York, May 2012

2. { J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania,British School at Rome, 1952, enhanced electronic reissue, 2009. 3. { J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania,British School at Rome, 1952, enhanced electronic reissue, 2009. 4. { J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins, Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania,British School at Rome, 1952, enhanced electronic reissue, 2009. [ ] | | []For the good fortune of our lords; Asclepiades (set up) a thank-offering to thegod Asclepius.Pro uic|toria | domi|norum | nostro|rumFor the victory of our lords.Aretes cau|sa dio Aescu|lapio Ascle|piades Ascle|[piadis filiu]s marmorari[u]s |Nicomed[ia]Because of his excellence, to the god Asclepius; Asclepiades son ofAsclepiades, marble-merchant from Nicomedia. 5. { RDF and TurtleResource Description Framework standard model for data interchange on the Web [that]extends the linking structure of the Web to use URIs to name therelationship between things as well as the two ends of the link(this is usually referred to as a triple). Using this simple model, itallows structured and semi-structured data to be mixed,exposed, and shared across different applications.Turtle: Terse RDF Triple Language textual syntax for RDF that allows RDF graphs to becompletely written in a compact and natural text form, withabbreviations for common usage patterns and datatypes. 6. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (saying *what* it is) a . The IRT 264 web page 7. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (saying *what* it is) a . The IRT 264 web page is a 8. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (saying *what* it is) a . The IRT 264 web page is a web page where web page is defined by the Bibliographic Ontology 9. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (saying *what* it is) a .subjectpredicate object 10. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (saying *what* it is) a . The IRT 264 web page is a web page where web page is defined by the Bibliographic Ontology text/html . The IRT 264 web page has the format text/html where the notion of format is defined by the Dublin CoreMetadata Initiative Terms list. 11. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (reduce verbosity) ; text/html . 12. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (reduce verbosity even more)@prefix bibo: .@prefix dcterms: . bibo:Webpage ;dcterms:format text/html . 13. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (adding bibliographic description)@prefix bibo: .@prefix dcterms: . bibo:Webpage ;dcterms:format text/html ;dcterms:creator Joyce Reynolds ;dcterms:creator J.B. Ward Perkins ;dcterms:title IRT 264. Dedication to Asclepius ;dcterms:date 2009 ;dcterms:license . 14. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (adding bibliographic description)@prefix bibo: .@prefix dcterms: . bibo:Webpage ;dcterms:format text/html ;dcterms:creator Joyce Reynolds ;dcterms:creator J.B. Ward Perkins ;dcterms:title IRT 264. Dedication to Asclepius ;dcterms:date 2009 ;dcterms:license . We could also use terms from Bibo or other ontologies/vocabularies. 15. { aside: GAWD = the Graph of Ancient World Data a controlled vocabulary for expressing classes of relationships (or evenassertions) between web-based resources in the context of Linked Dataand Atom+GeoRSS feed applications. Its original version was a projectdeliverable for the NEH- and JISC-funded Concordia Project (2008-2009)wherefindspotoriginobservedAtattestsTodepictsisEditionOfalternateEdition 16. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (geography using GAWD terms)@prefix bibo: .@prefix dcterms: .@prefix gawd: . bibo:Webpage ;dcterms:format text/html ;dcterms:creator Joyce Reynolds ;dcterms:creator J.B. Ward Perkins ;dcterms:title IRT 264. Dedication to Asclepius ;dcterms:date 2009 ;dcterms:license ;gawd:findspot Lepcis Magna ;gawd:attestsTo Nicomedia . 17. { aside: Pleiades ( 18. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (geography using GAWD terms andPleiades URIs)@prefix bibo: .@prefix dcterms: .@prefix gawd: . bibo:Webpage ;dcterms:format text/html ;dcterms:creator Joyce Reynolds ;dcterms:creator J.B. Ward Perkins ;dcterms:title IRT 264. Dedication to Asclepius ;dcterms:date 2009 ;dcterms:license ;gawd:findspot ;gawd:attestsTo . 19. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (geography using GAWD terms andPleiades URIs)@prefix bibo: .@prefix dcterms: .@prefix gawd: . bibo:Webpage ;dcterms:format text/html ;dcterms:creator Joyce Reynolds ;dcterms:creator J.B. Ward Perkins ;dcterms:title IRT 264. Dedication to Asclepius ;dcterms:date 2009 ;dcterms:license ;gawd:findspot ;gawd:attestsTo . 20. { aside: Pelagios and OACPelagios Project aim is to help introduce Linked Open Data goodness into onlineresources that refer to places in the Ancient WorldOpen Annotation Collaboration (OAC) facilitate the emergence of a Web and resource-centricinteroperable annotation environment 21. { aside: Open Annotation Collaboration Data ModelAn Annotation is a document identified by an HTTP URI that describes anassociation created between a Body resource and a Target resource. TheBody must be somehow "about" the Target for it to be considered the bodyof an Annotation.Both the Body and the Target of the Annotation can be any resource on theweb, identified by a URI. As such, they can have representations in anyformat or language (or no language), or have no representations at all, suchas for abstract resources that denote a concept. 22. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (Pelagios geography using OACannotations)@prefix dcterms: .@prefix dc: .@prefix oac: .@prefix ass: .ass:a1 oac:Annotation;dc:title IRT 264 mentions Nicomedia ;dcterms:creator ;oac:hasBody ;oac:hasTarget . 23. { Modeling IRT 264 in RDF using Turtle (Pelagios geography using OACannotations)@prefix dcterms: .@prefix dc: .@prefix oac: .@prefix ass: .ass:a1 oac:Annotation;dc:title IRT 264 mentions Nicomedia ;dcterms:creator ;oac:hasBody ;oac:hasTarget .ass:a2 oac:Annotation;dc:title IRT 264 was found at Lepcis Magna ;dcterms:creator ;oac:hasBody ;oac:hasTarget . 24. { Thoughts for Discussion (from Leif)1. HTTP URIs are more important than ontologies for connectivity2. A Little Ontology Goes a Long Way3. We should grow the Web of Data, not build it4. The Web is designed for scale. Scale requires Openness.