VOLXII- DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, SEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 4,1882. NO 48 THEIRONERA pDBLnWKD ETIEI SiTOBDlY Bl The Dover Printing Company, PUBLISHERS i*u PBOitlETOIta. OfTloe on Blaokwe'J Street naxt door to The National Union Bank. TRRHS UR Sl'BSCHll'TlON iHTABliBl.VlK 4.DVANCE. One Year, - - Six Months, - ,'uree moutha, - 82. OU - 1.00 - no ADVERTISING RATES. Brios. llnch ! " I " I " 6 " column. [ " i. V 1 2 3 8 f. K. an 75 25 76 50 60 .'II U) 01) a wu. $125 2 ill) 2 7f. 3 5(1 4 25 5 2S 6 50 8 (10 15 0(1 a w $ * 2 a 5 7 8 10 1)1 „. f>0 fi'l f>!> 5!) fit) Oil 0!) Oi) GEO. RICHARDS & Co., DOVER, N. J. BRANCH AT CHES'EP N, J. Dry Goods 10 00 18 0( I'l 50 1« 2fi ir. (mi ist (m ao f IS 60 lifi 00 R7 f , aa no| 41 oo «r> oi>|ni <;r> i PEDOENT&QE HJDED FOUE1TBAI T1OE8 lfi CENTB PEK LIME. PROVISIONS, TABSIOH IIOl,«K. OornBr of Bliclmll and Hra"" "'» DOVER. N. J. I, B. JOLLEY, Proprietor M JHI.ON PITNEY, ATTORNEY ATL Vff, I1I0S EM l DOVER, N. J p EO^OI fnsiMiNs, a. D., GENERAL PRACTITIONER, VtJD SPECIALIST IN THE TBEATMBN1 OF MALH1IAL DIBEASES. orFIOB AT THE STICKLE HOUSE, DOVER, K. JOIINUIIUMMKII'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, (between the MANBION HODtJEand Depot,) DOVER, K. I. The place hap Ucon ontirclv reflttod In * flem mannner. L£DIfc8' Mid OHILmtEti'8 HAIii CUTTING A SPECIALTY. T C. BIERWIRTH, E. M. DOVER, X. J. ANAH3E8 OP ORES iSD StNEIUlS, _ BDBVEVB OF MINE3. L. W. THURBER, (DPEMNTENDENT OF PUBLIC BOHOOUi OF M0RHI8 COUNTY. OFFICE AT8. H, DRESSES STORE, DOVER, N. J. Hpoolil cfllee hcuta un Buturilm from8 II. till 11 M. lT-tf M. T. ALLEN. ALLEN & PALMER, BUILDERS, Dover, KT- 3T- SHOFS ON ESSEX ST. County Collector's Notice! ALPHICHLTSHEB. p E T Y BOARDING HOUSE ANDSALOON. MRS. D. 8. NORTHEY, Piopriotrcaa. CANAL BT.,DOVER, N. 3. B0M1DIN0 m-THE DAT, WEEK on MONTH. MEALS HERVED AT ALL nODILS. WHISKEl'8 EY TliF QOAHT. Ale Lnsrr, P«riir, Cider. asrwparillfl.Snd* W.tcr und Primo flegi" aHwy" °^ m] ' FRANK GIBS, MASON AND BUILDER, tell ,i WllSra H"fclet'i .tor. .ill r careful ftnd nrnmpt ttteotlnn. A D. BEHRT, CI!E3TER, N. J., DEALER IK BEER, SAnSAPAMIXA, SODA WATER, BEOAIIS, TOBACCOS, *e. POOL AKD B1LLIAI1D TAItLE. FOR SALE. The rosidenco of (lie life Tinbbnrd filicb]c, in Ttiirknway. Tlio tot contains livn nctbt ol IftQil well cultivated md vi tbi pli^utj uf ITLILt Apply to B.H.4G.W. STICKLE, 17-tf" Rtjekaway, N. J. M. V. B. SEARING, CARPENTER and BUILDER, RLACKWELL BT., DOVER, N. J. PiftUdQJSpcciCcAtlonjfurlmlldmEi.Ooatrac taken and materials furnieliod. Slate Roofing' With hotter facilities I amenabled to pat on SLATE HOOFH cheaper than CV«T using none but tho beat quality of slate and em- ploying flrst-olase mechftnlcn. I can goor- antee material and. work in ever; partiou Ur, Tar Sheathing Felt always on band. Dated Octobnr lath. 18Hft. CHAS.C.CRIFFEN, TItl OLDBKLUILX CARRIAGE PAINTER, Shop on Clinton Bt, Dover. An uppnenw of 18 jeara in Dar«r on the finest work, ii tho gmrant«n I offer of my ability topl«aas the pnbllo. My motto u "Give Millinery! Millinery! HITS, LACES, KIBBONS, PLUMES, .GLOVES, TIES, BOWS COTFS; coi.uro, CORSETS, BOSIEBY. LAJOS' UHDEBWEAB.iod Sml«mor •IlklDdi. Alio EUtlonory,' Otmfsctlomry, mil P. Witheridge, HARDWARE—CUTLERY, Mining Materials, Gas Pipe and Fittings, IRON AND STEEL AOUNTW Foil THE Celebrated Rand Drill, tlie beat in tliucnuulry. Drafts and Passage Tickets tf> and from Bmopo. BEEMER & PALMER DXUJUis IB GWL, WOOD, MASOiNB' MATEBIALB, SLUE STOKE, FERTILIZERS UABD AND PALE BRICK, LIME, (DEMENT, OALCIHED PLA8TBU, FIIONT 11M0K, FIRE CLAY, FIRE BRICK, FI.AO STONES CURBING, CEL1AB STEPS, O0P1NQ, BILLS, LIKTELS ANB CISTERN NECKS, WHANN'S PHOSPHATE, Itone l)mt. Guano. Poudrette, LAND PLASTER. Ac. WOOD sawed in stove lengths. OOAL. STOVE, EGU, CHESTNUT. lcra maj be iditreHscil tlirongli thol'oat t/juk Hoi 2B, or loft at A. Becmer'BofQee ckwoll St., nDS( SaBBM, or»(tbe jard. iH H t'OALonetantly o MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. DOVKE. N. .T. if kji UFIOOTa IBBof MI STEAM ENGINES, Til Bill CELEBRATED AIR COMPRESSORS, [KONnml Bit ASS CASTINGS, FOBBING of all BESRIFTION^ J. II. STUMFFS RESTAURANT, BLACKWFXI. ST., TWO DOCKS FliOll POST OFFICE, DOVEH, S. . T . A GOOD IIEAL mar I'O ••lilalnnl »' >»J h.jiir orih-; (lay at rMsumilJlc prm'H. IN ICE CREAM [linve IheriinuJiiB HORTON CREAM, or CHOICE CONFECTIONERY n 71U 713 BROAO St. NEWARK, H. J. li r t r Micnrj with practicu. 8iu>U;nlB iu Mt fioii all [Mri.i HI ill'' Dnlied Hnilce, Over 15 000 vimnff iti'l inlJillc-iiRflil (H Writ t-ilflcaicd bv (tie I'r !ici|i»l or tbis Ima, (i.TiiiHi] note (tlmrt-lisiid ftte to * r HKGULAll EYEKIKO CL A8S IN KEKl'INO OPENS RF.PT. 12TO, CALL OUIVDITK V>UI OATSI.OOPE. U. COLEMAN, Prin T. ff.PAlMa.Beor Inei all lull BOOK' THOMAS B. HATH FUNEllAL DlltCCTUU AND (ilM li.AI. KUUMSlllMl UNUEUTAKKIt, DL4.LKWKLL, Iii-Hiicii Morns uml Eswi Kli. " N, .!. Tli l i l il ! IMI pot uL I llK'UKIStl. M p g liuri icuLir IIUPIIICIS, anil l b uld tiffor , a ff may bo ncctoMiimed ttrmt, lUviiifi piitL-liRMtd u-toivudliipiiuf lt»ndol[>!i tlio h nglit udnivaj AKRYSTALLOS BBfor nroBerviug tbe JeidwitlioUtmutii' _tiun uriliouMi ofioe, I would uonromuntlll or eli pnriMtatB, nH It ftiica UUnr HDd tiptunt ED<] Id bi'ttfr ibau tho ice hot, uillier at) U; uioniy, truiitlo or cBiunucy. rtliup- unit rtruom in ilii> buililiiiK lonncrly oruetl l II WeliU, lita-Uirell Hi. CauntKiitlf un Ha ml ItiintBliL'tlat aliort notion gin wuod or covered with cloth, velvet uuturial needforthe Fame. UOKFI! jI Mi* dllfcrei.1'strles. HOBES, t U B I M , GRAV1S CAPB,GLOVEfl—klil, sill. nnil cumin, OUAIKH, HfeiUBES, OARHUQE*, I0E BOXES Bud ufury tliture HIKI scrtice tcmk'i-i'tl Uy a Qvtwn\ Furuiitliltis Undertaker. I (oa lull supply orliildniK oUiira, wlit<n tho [vice or chairs aroneedttl at tlie hotisol ninth them without anytrouble ur tapdiwe to the («mily. - For 'lint coumiiuuue of oiiv whu may need mv leivU'ea in Hojaa^a.v lowu- hip I II*?B an office ill lluuku way. 1'oraoiiai Itonlioii given iuihoiny ing out and lu-enur v- ug of builiea at all lio urn, itnv ornij;lit, mv rtto LaviDg chftrgti of tbo ivmniti depnrtiticnl. THO8. B. McQHAlE. THE OLDSTAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, Blacliwoll Street, Dover, Hot Air Furnaces, Of tbe latent andmo it impruveil stylCB, foi 'armingpublic and private buildings. A Urge ROOK, PARLOR, UEATING STOVES, RANGES, KEROSENE OIL, LANTERNS AND BRECTANIA WABE, A M assortment of TIN & JAPAN WARE, FROIT CANS, be, TIN HOOFING, EAVES, TBOUGHS, _ _ i all kindB orJohblug iumy lino. dono in the bout mannor and ai the Hhorteii iDtice, fliRhcei prices paid Tor old Iron. Copper lead and powtor taken ID ezchang ° r 8 °° '' ALEXAKDEB WIGHTOK. December 24th. JB70. Mn r™it,. vrrrd anj Sav er Ilia we* Su l .l.1.1.... or U.e 1W FOR GROCERIES 00 TO TUB OLD RELIABLE STAND. ALE 1 MITCHELL, 9F0CEB8OR TO H. P . 3AHDEBi!ON, OPPOBTTE THB DEPOT, BBASONABLB PHICES. Itdoenn'lpwtoeMHrimintwllhlloDr. A .rgn»orfortk«r.«ioaa VIOLA. BRAND, WILLIAM KING PBACTIOAL BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Pcmr, 3W. if- k at 1. PROUT & CLEATE liaveopened anew Horse Shoeing and Blacksmith- ing Establishment in HIP nfiwuuilrltMj nf L.D.Schnarz.nfartlie Itivtr IlndKP, HIHSCXfit-,Dover, N. J., wlitre Kill cmlcBvor to give Ilio beet Haliafac- u all lirtnclitH nt llioir linelucas. rnohliiiriuL' will be made a specialty and -uhr iitl<-ntii>n will boh'ivcti to tbe trout- of IJLiiin ILTICI luFertaria£ h'^r^ps* irrii! ItlncbmitlilllRMIirl ItspBlHnK of all hiitdx. well done, ;it Klinrt. notice find tor ret- l*l:t>vp we r»n*Ktvit sat ii fact Inn, and wo hope rit B fliaro of pnblio natrnnBpr HTmnr- IH work. PltOUT t CLEAVE. IMPORTANT. Having onlarged their space for Ladies' Eeady-raade Woar, DAVID STRATFS is now show- ing the very best assortment and largest variety of LADIES' CLOAKS, DOLMANS, JACKETS SILK and SATIN, Marvelioux Garments, wiih Pur and Quilted Linings ever exhibited in Newark, and equal if not superior to the largest New- York establishments, with an additional inducement in price which he guarantees to be from $1 to $5 cheaper on every gar- ment in accordance with their respective qualities. His CHILDBEN'S DEPART- MENT oontains the choicest selections of new novelties in every size from 2 to 16 years with the same inducement in price. His DBY GOODS DE- ipAETMENT, as well as his entire BEY and FANCY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT, is BO well known in this vioinity that it is useless to enumerate the different advantages prooured to every purchaser. Any de- aoription of garment made to order without extra oharge. Samples sent by mail on applica- tion to an; address, DAY1D STRAUS, 635 and 637 BROAD St., The dosing of the rubber iaotories, owing to a, comer in orude rubber) and the tremendous advance that will necessarily follow this action, -will not affect us. We have instock 112 cases or over 3,000 pairs of all kinds that we bought early for cash at the lowest price that they have been for a year. They are all Woon- socket and Goodyear make, and we are prepared to offer them at prices that will cer- tainly attract the attention. of every one inthis section.- UODEREU &1IEAUAN. Opp. I)., L. & W. It. It. DEPOT. •:Nfe fl. P. SANDERSON Sells CARRIAGES and WAGONS made by the CORTLAND WAGON CO., C0RTUND, NEW YORK. The demand for their wagons have boon so extensive this year that they have been compelled to put on men enough to build 12,000 wagonu., You can find at my place everything you need in the shape of a wagon and the unco is sure to suit. Gall and see and you wilijtave the proof. H, P. SANDERSON, Dover, N. J. THAT "GRAND DEMOCRATIC RALLY." A COHOIinaUTIOX OF BOlfl FALMID <J» The "grand DeUouratie railj" ot the oai paiga qams off in Holler's Opera Homo laat Batsfdajr ewDlpg, bat tfae Riand ttpriilng or tb«fattbrnl,tocaUier wtlb raiaj tepufclloane wbo went from corlualtr, did not OH tbe ball more thau tvro-tbirdi falL Tlieflrat spoakar waa JTamei H. NeiftUbonr, E-q., who owmnled aome little time In an fffort to ehow tbat "Hr. Sir William Waltei Plielpa/'aa to wan pltaaod to term him, wu 'anew-fledged Uriff mao." He had "never LeirdorMr.PI:slp» btlnff %tariff man nntU .recently, when he wai pained opand bplitered opbjtUN.y.T;mCB and the S. Y. Horald, ontil ha cam* oat and buoame a pretty iq in." He bid "never beard of fcia baiog a tariff man from any ot Iba Bocabllcan pipen" ami ho " w a i a new-fledgod man la tlia pro teotioD of borne indnitry." The paaatfei quoted are given eiaotly ai they fell Imm tiie llpa of Ur. Neigbbour, ID ordor to aboff to what a lamentable condition the Democratic party bat come forargementa wbuD a man of Mr. Nelghbonr'a intelligence ,od oliaracter will make soch absurd declara- tions aa thoae noted. Eten ihe wdl-iatormed Demoorata in tbe andlence shrugged their ibooldera at the Idea or Ur. Pfaelps t nrgeo to oome oot fur tariff by mob notori* ouily free trade paperi aa the Herald and Timei. Tho declaratioo tliat be had never isard or a£r. Pbelpi bolnn a tariff map free an/ of the Republican papers waa equally ibsnri.for tbeEBA and the other Itepubllcio papers ID tba diwtrict hare paliUiticri tbe fol- lowing HStraqia to ahow that be has been a \inn% protiotluniit ever ilooe he enterid mbilo lire ia 1873; In hlaipeech aceepttng biafirat nomination to'OuBRreia lo 1873 Ur. Phelps deolarM tbat •' Proteelliu wan or the ntmoit importance to the lDtertnti of tble, district, and proclaimed in the itroDjteBt terms hii daro.lon to tbi iriff- Re eipUiucd vrltb aiplloitneia bia leva on tbe tariff, irhlob he regarded aa a tai onoapUiliaibeiulorertJoftliaUUoringmat]," In accepting tbe nomiDation in 1BT4 be tmpbitkally renowod hi* promise "to do what he could to protect tbe inJaitna* of thlq diitriot." In blp t MRS. KEAltN'S STOKE, MINE HILL, N. J. is olivnys well stocked with all kinds of UBOCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, FEED, &c. Everythins in the lino of NOTIONS can be l'ound in her store. WINES, LIQUORS, LAGER AND ALE of the best malic al- ways on hans!. EXPRESS delivered to any part of the vicinity. The "Iron Era" can befound on lior coun- ter every Saturday. DOVER STEAM DYEING C. S. JENSEN, Dyer and Carpet Wen e will meet ull thoir we er, would nnnonnctj to ttieo.tizona ol (Ms ptnoa and vicinity ib*l jt4 in dyeing ntid carjiot weaving. DYEING CLEA.IVIXVO : Ladles Merino anil Cashmere Dre^sm, Bhnvlfland CloaVoaBpocialty »nd ill kinds if brlcn fire neatly clenneJ, djed aud finished. Qentlemeu's garments, ooatti, pants and rests cleaned or dyod nndnently fluitshecl withont rippicp. Byoteeniag aod djeiog fade & nod worn clothing the; night ba mido servieable for & long time. CARPET W J 9 A V I N U ! - H a T i n B tho very bert Looma for Lmt »nd fins Carpet, ind everything fitted up f<r drht-clnsa work, I thick I candeliver wbnt the U4iet want, liter tlioy have taken thu troublo tncut and new tbeir rags nicaly, 0 good rag carpel. 1 jeep thevery liast w«rp lor my enntomere and all oidera an attended to with oare. Cn^ pet raps dyed any color. Areasnimttla priou paid fnr carpet MRR. Chrpat on hnnd fur, sale of hnsincBfl in thn OI.D PRE9BYTEMAN CHURCH, COR; BLACK WEIL AND PROSPECT RIB., DOVER, N. J. TBF, N. J.. Sopt. 20th. 1RS1. Si JE NSEN". WM. S. WRIGHT HAS REMOVED TO HIS NEW PLACE OF 1 BUSINESS ON BLACKWELL ST., TWO DOORS BELOW MOR- RIS ST., WHERE YOU CAN FIND THE LARGEST STOCK EVER SEEN IN THIS SECTION. WM. S. WEIGHT, DOVBR, IV. "CLAYTON IRA C. COOPEB MASON AND BUILDER! Contracta taken and materials fnrnlahid fir BUILDINGS, BRIDUEB. AIRCOMPRESSORSr^ Bdir ir" fBIUOK " OLAITOIT STEAM PTJKP W0HS3 jOOcwoa MorrU lUMt. neit to tom« ^ B t t Y r 1 fcubmiUlni.DoTir.H.J. eoh at Psteraon, Oot. 21at, 187i, Ur. PUtlpi aald: "Let ua strive to Bet pro* teolion for our industrial [ wooaoDnt compel e with Ihe panocr tabor of ibe old world, and we ibonld rota ouly for tboie who advocate this potioy. It Is a qiioilloa or life ami death with lie PiitertOD people; tbey should fute tor tho tatty Irom wltom Ihey eipvet support and mad ; and It M manlfiiat from the record tbat that it the Dt-pnulkan party." In tlie Rfpoblloin Conveotion of 1980 ho rtiw llo tatifi* i>lkuk of tbe platlorm on tbn itrcEglli o m b k h thoIJtptiLlican party gained ho victarr igsiait tke DemJorallc deolata- tlcm of " tariff for levenne only," TlicBe, wethisli, are mfflolent lo ihowMr, NelRhboor that LemlirepreaentedUr.FhBlpi, nd we re-pnbllsb them with the iiaarinne that Mr, Molgt-bour oaonot point to a tingle , iterance or not on the part of Ur. Ptiflpa buw tbal be. waa ever anyibipg else bat a UODK proicctk>Dl«t. Ur. Nelfihbonr certainly wei Hr. Pbslps an apology. Tba ont «pnak«r wm wto7erj>franUy adraltwd tlia. the position be occupied w»a uot a pleatant one oo account or BiHuailnR the Mipomltilny or aay ttg any- ttilng inlereating. Indeed, tbe rtapotwlbllitj ol Buying aoything iotereatinff on theDento- crallo side liy« like aa opprmife wdjht cm al! tbelr oratnra of tats. He laid It wai a thing to be proud or to bavo been a can when Abraham Lincoln waa elected, and admitted Ifaat ho *anthorongbl; aohamed of tbe badness ot tbe Demoeratio party at tlat time. Hetben went OD toaav tbat the Repub- lican party was wane than tbe Ecmocntto party, andwanted tbe bearora totake tlie risk o' tbe Democracy In power. Tbe racdld to- knowledcraent tliat It waa a risk to put the Democratic party ID pox-er made aotno of lili hearers thoughtful. One of tbe greatest crimt-s lie laid at (lie door or the Ilepublioin party FIBIbal they Laid tbo most money, wliioh he might liavo explained by sUtlofj tbat tbo progremiVB buBinesa cleraen. of tbo coontri, which mates money, is very tiiturally Bepublicao, Dy ami by Ford inadvertently stambled into tlia River and Harbor eioal, cot tangled, aod bail to icald Democrats wbo Toled fur It. Only ooe thing WM necdod to complete hit aiRumsnt Inthis roapect und tliatwiathat a greater prcportion if T>cm. oorata voted for It than Bepublloaui. Hie main srgnoeat waa that tbo Republicans were •teaiingovvrjithlng and that it was now neo enary for tboDemocracy lo tiavo the counh-y. The only thing nocded to roucd out bla argu- ment wai tliat Ibe present psreentage of In coliEoiing tbe rcTeones of tlie eoantrj is only abont half of what It waa wken tbe ootm- try lnit trusted tbe Democrats, Jariog thi administration or Buchanan. Tbe only other striking feitore of tbe addroas waathe telling of the itorjr which "tb* Democrats bave Died in ever? campaign for a duienyeara,aboot a man being acquitted of bogstealing became ekeb of the jury had received a piece of tbe hog, Ihe only departure from tlie wall worn original being tbat in Ur Bmilli> enlarged imagination tho Laghad grown to tbe pro- portlonaofaateer, John Byle, candidate for Oingresn. was nsit introrfueed in tbe peraon or anaged, and kindly looking gentleman, wbo began by n»k- ing a fervent appeal for kindly treatment, which wan unneiewary, for nono woold tbink ofrefflslDglttoone of his venerable apptar- ano. Hia lenurks at oace elicited tbe in> proHdan that thoie wbo hid most unkindly treated thii aged man were tbe friends who had pat him at tbe work of pnbllo speaking, for which be ia so wholly unfltted. He ad- mitted his feebleness, after bfs week's work nd iftld that on Saturday nljibu. he waa srctiBlomed to imJqlge In rest. Tbat he was holly unfitted physically for tbe long night ^ftiouaand ardaana work of Congress waa cry apparent. The main part of hii speech waiduroteil to i»lf-prai8f, allowing bow be bad entabllabod the silk IndQitry, wUbont ' ' s any credit whatever to tbe loom of other bnsy worker! who have for many years been engaged In promoting the bnslnm. AnioDg ihe bleiiingi of the war he aald was tbe eitablUhment of .a tnnnd enrreney, bnt be Tailed to aay that tbe Republican party gave it to Ihe country In tha hoe of tbe fierce opjioiltion ol tbe Democragy. Then be said that another outcome ot tin war was tho eatabllabmcnt of tfaeproiectlve tariff. Bat ho also forgot to saythat the Bepnblioin party, to which he then belonged, established It, also againtt tbe oppoaltion ot tbe Dainoeraay, after they bad deprived tbe ooontrr of it dar- ing tbe tlma they, were in pewer. To this ' "Wl, uQicto4 aytbe Repobl(oani, be credit for tbe noeeis ottheallk Industry. Next be claimed that there.tore as geod Semooralio protectionists In tbe coun- try ai Bepnbllcani, bnt fiilsd toibov ID what proportion they existed. The hot that litno- tenths of tbe Democratic party are freetrad- ers, while an equal nnmber of BopobDaana are proUoiloaliti, wonld. hare bneo too' dam* aging a abowlng toba made public laa Dem- ocratic meeting ana • Ur. Byle caroloUy .voided ft. The balanoo or bis ipeeoh was devoted to a labored correction of. tbe state- ment which be ii charged with making, tbat be waa infavor ol duty of 15 a ton onpig Iron, and to a definition of hii position onthe Uriff I question, tbe lamentable weakness of Which Is shown la aa article elsewhere In tbls paper. Cbn. A. Qillen wai nest ]ntrad,aced, told a lllja story, and wopnd qp with too MIow^Qg ab|e and argBmentatlre pica.! "J want yon all tortmember poor old Andrtw Oilleo ones lore," Hon. Aug. W. Oatier wu niorrtd for the last aa the blggon of tbe evening. Hii spaeob was almost wholly dlreoted to tnaeditor of this paper, and witb a few minor exceptions was tbe same tpeech be delirored tbronghont this section in the cmnpal^n or 1830, It wat lo tbe main a mm of glittering ffeaeralltlei, the whale burden of which was to ibawtbat the tariff waa only " a looal qaesUon," and Roverued entirely by local cnnildtratioDi-- raklngTirlnally the same ground tbat a en. Hibaoek did In that campilgo, which the people ol thecountry repnilutf a by uncb aver* wbeiminimajorities. ThronBhnntitall ibera laaaitriioed aniT libnrcil eflort to eoti»al the real attltmle of tbotwo great partita to- ward Ibis motnuDtoDu qoeatloq.. jTo. answer him Tally here woolil require loo much or bar ipaee, acd so tba adltoroftbe EBI haidectded ' " - l lenUin.Holb; ' " ;,toSOUTH 67ANH0PE. I irdoome your Mt. Olive oorrenpootont mglad to sea ibe nuraber of local wtlten ln< oreaaipg, for the moit readable parti of joor nry readable paper are the local oomra anloa tions* Of conns the editorials are always In. tereating and jonr local home newi are ao wmplste andvaried, that we find all tbe intbr. nation tbat o n be badIn tbli dopirtmen 1 mat a .ostllolion tba modern newspiperl*. Fortbeamaliaumof nreeenta %t can purchase the news from all parti of the world tbat cosla thousands of dollara to lelegranh and cable, and lilghl; paid, and aMDqjpliahea'correspondent). Veo pie ire hat i lW to tiritloiie the mamgcmenl of their newipa;«rs and to find fault with any errors tliat nay creep Into tnem, bnt tbey are ildw to commend the enUrpriae and genius, ind sometimes high moral murage, tliat is rtqolred toconduct a paper conaoietioiittnly. y courage and aelf-aacriflolog mo. tivei tbat prompted one of oar city edltori U refuse an Important roroign appointment rrorn our gortrnmeut, 10 thai ha oonld continue the management of bla paper, wbloh meant bard work and great anitety, and sometime* danger ot penonal noloiiee, wblle the other taunt one aodcomfort, and mingling with royalty and tbe aristocracy of a European Ooart, Baoh nea dfaurre blfh honor, as ID fast do ail men wbo faithfully and earnestly performihe duties that Dome to them dally, though Ibe world may now bear of them, aod no parlia- ment mayvote them a peerage. Yd many of thorn are harass, AfonryurbldifaDRbter of Richard Baiter plane boas on the canal,) waa caught under the rope on tbe Waterloo plane Iait Friday an d waa terribly mutilated, tier recovery at thii time UooQildBied doubtful. A boy wai hurt on Ibe Stanhope plane on Batnrdar; bad two of bh toes taken off by coming in <umtaot with tbe machinery ia seme way. I did not If a m bla name, Tbeae thing* ongbtto be warnings to otnllren auffictent to keep them away from machinery, especially when In motion j bat otberi will be Just aa careieis andinch and worseaoaldents will fol- low ai they always bare. Theeveatof lut week here was the!) lioan meeting held at the liotol ol Mr. Broir D, sr rather ID front of the hotel. After aom< ran«lo by toe Stinbope band tbo moellmi irai opened byavery neat little mwedh from 3. S. Wills, E.q , whowaa followeij ijD. J. of Bttii- hopo, with afuwremarks, after wlilch the ora- tor trf the eroalog, the Hon. William Walter Plielpt, candidate for OjnRresa la this district, B Introduced and rondo anHoflQentiDd coo- oilDd argument in favor or protective tariff md the neceiislty of tending Republican longressnun to represent this district. Bis speeoli waa entirelr free Irom all abtue of, or idesgainet anyparty orraon, and he spoke ft*ofibly of hiH opponent ai a Romldmen, bnt Bbuirod that however honest lifs inlonllnnB light lie to reprMebt ibe best Inlcrsda md wl-hei Df tbe pe?ple In Ilil* Onngraailoaal Dia Iriot Inreghrd toa proleotive tariff, hieeffort s ould be fntlle among Democratic CoDgrras- lett, wtere onl; one in olght hvored a pro- lotlve tariff. Mr.Phelpa ahtiwed hia bearori tbat ospec- My Muoa the election fa Ohio tbe puople of tiita district could not affird tbe Imnry of a Democratic repreientaiife. He RIHQ reviewod a very forcible manner the' imitation of tbe irlff qneotlOB In Cottgreia tloue 1887, and ibowed thBrelation uf tbetwosreatpartlea to eloee and daring tbat year. He followed e condition or the times from when in 1887 tbo price ofadtys work HMthirty oenU,to ' proBBot, and showed Ihe dlffdreat atate of .Skin daring tbe different price* paid for kbor, Ken may differ as to the acceptance of hie trgutnent,bntl think all will agree that be was well acquainted with hii mljeot, and that iln bearing toward all wba roigbt differ iritb him lalionest convictions nu Terj nourttooa md liberal. I BBW quite a natcbor at the meeting Irooi tlierplacei. Mfiari, T. J, Alien, of Morris- mn, ana Bngb Allen, of UurriiUtwn a ambor from Poit Horrla and sovoral from Inuliopo. iBlioaldliaveaddodubQvflthat Mr. Phelps' i»ceidt was followed bj Mr. Churab, or Morriu- OWD, but BB 1only beard Ilia beginning of Is Hpeecli, which was quite amneing, I cannot iv much about It. Col. B. F. Haiaos and D. 3. UcDcdo were ted toreprcaoQt Iho OddFellowa of tliia nmmunity at the meeting of tho Grand Lodgo lo bo h' 4 ld at Trenton ?ooa. I amglid tobe able toBay tbat tho child of Mr. 0 . B . Lunger, which baa beeu lonoualy licit, better, and they have strong hopes of Us recovery now. Mr. Lunger bin; .andqnitea large rein of re on the Burrows prop«rty, which he haB leased. He ta tlun working tbe Bryant mlno at BuooMunna, whlcb la noted for its valuable eaaemer ore, Thii quite an undertakes, I tod ill of bii Mend* wish himalarge meatare f UDoeoii. which he deeerveB. The bat and toei qaeilion etlll occapieit the min(ls'ortheIadlea,tbonglitbA weather In ao pleauot. Halnre seems tn fa?or those wbo are alow io prepare for the fall and winter, md It (tiring them more lime to cntiRtilt A New Railroad Acroit Now Jartey. Tha H«ir Jwkt SniqaehsBUft and Weito: Railroad, a now avonae totbe coalfield*,ex- " g from thew«at endof the Bergen : Hill tnucettoStronaBbDrgiPenu., juit above (He lelaware Water Gap, waa aniplolonslr opened on Thuraday of Laat week by an excursion over, ie line, which is now open for builnes*, Tbe lompioy, of whioh Fred A, Potts Is President, 'as organlEed under the general lawn of NBW >y and PfinnsylranU, in 18B1. Their line Inolades tbe oldUldland md Northern roads ir Now Jersoy, and the Water dap andMid- land roads of Pennsylvania, witb a connecting Ink about fo-tj-twc miles bag ettending from fwo firidites, inFassalD county, to Btroads- , Penn., forming a continuona Una for it 141 milai, with about twontyone mflea !ingB,aiidlDolad!nR abranuhtoMklJle- own, N. Y., ofal>oat tbirtoon miles, whiohie under lease. Tbo work bis ,bwn Biluntlj nBeoutod to a rapid completion, and la ro- arUble forita Bobataotlal cfaaractor, being Id for tbo moBt part on bods of solid rock. Tlie eunralon t n l n comprised »bc cara,wltl> hundred ancsts from Newark, turaonaudNefrlork, aod left Sonoy City tho arrival of tbe 9 o'clock forryboatg from luw York. It tnado a deligbttul trip, paisltiE orlUerly over the meadows to Hacketisaok, e thcoagli Pomptou, Newfoundland, Two ridgea, Frautliti Furnace, atillwator, BJmra- wci, Oolumhla and tbo Delaware Water Gap tbotinrralmiiatGravtlPlaoe.abovtiStttuiih,- irp. Onarriving there about 1:BJ u'cltick, a nxurlont collation waa Bpre*.l in tbeaullcr'E ir by Flnard, at New York, and meanwhile 're idenl Sloan, of tbe Delaward.L&ckawaiim idWaatern Company, carried into prompi 'lecution a suddenly devlied scheme or bring- ing tbe company back over the Morris and x a ranch of hi! road, ana notnithntaudlng be necessary delays they were landed at Soitokenat about fire o'clock, being an hour doftba schedule time. Tbe capital Block of tbe company ii divided ito iS.fiW.ODO preferred, and 118,000,000 com- ion, with sa,9«),O00 firat mortgage bondi, and '600,000 debenture bonds. TbeDirectors In- ilude F. A. Potts, W. S. Dunn, of Olafilnk '., N, IT,, Hon. O. A. Uobart, or Patergon, J. Eogeri, the looomutiro builder, andothers. The oompaay has nude advuntajteoui con- racn with tbeDelaware, Lukawanna and ittoru for tbe dsilrcry of coal at EoLokon, i eastern termlans, and alia at BUtians ilong the weitorn portions of Its road, and the >nalnesa has already begun, with tbe prospect it aending coal to market at tbe rate of a mil- and a half tons per year. Hadim Fnhicn. XUBT. - MOUNT FREEDOM. Fog, riln, and tome mnd is what we are xporieDCing on the moontaio-top Jmt at present. Bcv,' Dr. Btoddard and wire, from ihe plaint below, -called on bit brother minister and family at tbe Prcabyterian parsonage Monday. Uliaea HagiB and Hary Wright are on the sick Hit, bnt It la hoped that they will soon be abobt again. . Norman Hnlbart U at home from Orange Vallav, and ia pattlns; In Bomt af bia leianre time hnntlnfr tad painting the Inilde of the home reatdnDce, Janet Lon&ibaryhaa gone Vest to lea the I country, sad may extend bis joarnej aa far aa Colorado. The little H D or Ura.Bmitb, who. with hii mother, waaTlitling in this vicinity last week, bad tbe misfortune to break bla arm aoon after returning home. Thomai Wdfe and wife, of Newark, were lslling the relative! at tbe 0I4 bameitaad, lait week, rBtnroing on Monday. Si D.Allen, or UvrriBtoirn, ipent last San- day with hfa parents and (liter, Un. Neiaon Hnlbert, previona to his departare for Iowa. Jamea Wrightfaubnilt aconvenient addl* (Ion to hii reridenoe. Hla brother Henr; erected an addition to hla dwelling aome months ilnoe, ' ebepherd Btewari, Esq., one of PtatoHeid'i Attomeji, and hit,'«n, Cox, came over to tpand a lew days with U n . H. and the little dangtler who are tamporarily aojn«rnfng at Joaeph Ora.mer'a, The remalni of Bllat Benjamin were brought froc. Worriitownfbf burial In thii Preabyterian Oeneterrat'lhis place; Hondar "iternoon. That arrmoB on nttalo tupoatponed ontil next Sabbath maralng.. . STANHOPE* Ur. Wm. Oroff, of Dover, bu been hone for aboat two weeks past on acconnt of tho sick* nesi of Ilia mother. Tbe oan'didatei bave been ID oar town and •MShfli bwe been raUBpn both ildei. They were all anzlona to ascertsln on which side Ibe " political oat" waa jumping. Ur. Thelpt made a •tronjr. proteetlve tarlnT speech on the Republican side and Xr. A. W. Ontiar bade " bis kind" or a protretivs tariff ipeech tor his party and candidate, and aald among other it fall prediction was tb»t the Dem- it(o party tan yean hencs atleastwonld ba tbe B«H proteatlre pirty, and the Ropub. liean would be tbe free trade party, and tbe New England States would be the first to wheel Into the free trade line. This Hik did nol seem to create any enlbnaiism In the audlftnof, which was small, and dia nol seen t o make any "Bjla" eonrerta, as I hare not h«rd of any one Haling on tbuaobjoot jet, A tempannco ind law and. ordsr UMting wai beld Ibis wee* la tbe basement or tbe presbjtldin dfanreb. I suppose "Hark Orilio" will bave the "night mare" again and aeirob upaome more "qnotitlom" to pat In the newspaper. Hrs. Lewia A.Toong has gone West I nndtr- atindtojolaliDrbniband. Dnring tbe laat ten years tbo Uouotiotoona; Iron Ocmp«nj, of %anhope, hato taken out of theitBeittyitoWn mice TO.OOO lout of Iroqore, neirly til ofwUdhbaa ban Qaea Iu iU BWV tV^ftrnui, "V? FL0CKTOWN- Ur. Phelps paid bis visit to bla friends on 1 this mountain, who were, Indeed, happy to aea him, but lorxj to note that tbe rliit vaa nee- emrily aflyingone; ao anub ao that he dla< appointed aoreral, amnng whom wai Ur, Doorlng «ho eagerly a otiolpated bli presence. WiBhiogtou township baa boiw divided in two polling diatncii, one at tbe nanai placeID Gennao Tallej; the other at Bolmuiit Hall, Dlsy's Hoantain. At the latter tbe a bera of the Board arc Joioph Parker, David Uiller, U. T, Smokbimmsr, and Frank fltBpheaa.Clftk, I tnuat iuforiu "Oltiieu," <tt German VatUy, at Trimmer t Swaplthammer did not get me a emnggle tbeir goodi tbrongfa tbo local' Item. I beliere in adfertUicg, and would lo T. A S., bnt if they think it is not pay Ing It is their option. Ur. Henry Doering &Bra. lott agood horse recently. Sunday, owing to tbe Inolemeooy of tin weather, onr Sunday School was small, acid Ber.Dr. Hagie wai to preach, but by a mil- tuderBtasdlng of the time he arrived loo late to aee blacongregation. A.Tlletwai aislited lo bmkiog com a few laya ilnce by 1 jo] j frollo of men, or at letil they were Jovial when Umy had completed, ithers ara having "hooita" as tney call them. MR> RYLE'S SAD BLUNDER. The papers say thattoftapeaoh made at F4enooiifevaigbti iinoB Mr. Bylesald "ha waaa protaodouiat and in favor Of t duty of ( 5 aton on pig iron." Wby we already save a duty of $7 a ton, and a r«- duoUot to Mr. B>k's figure* would fairly rain this section. Thii is tba very propo- sition made by ftiorrban and Fernando Wood, Democrats, a few yean ago, which •0 greatly frigbtenad the iron men that they oombined togsther all ovet the oountry to defeat It. But we do not wish to do anlajortJot to r. Kjle, for in bU BpeeoU at Dover but Saturday evening he attempted to correct the statement in the following manner 1 He explained that bo wutalking do the subject of silk and laid: "If there was a duly of ISftpoand on rawsilk it oonld not be pro- duced inthia country aud the rascally types made me say *5 a ton on pig Iron."How, with all due regard to Mr. Kyle, we do not belieTe that the newspapers would ba so dumb u to underaUnd him to say pfg Iron (or raw silk acd 95 aton for (fiapoonA. It doM not look aenslble, and the correction ii really about Mawkward as the original blunder. As Ur. Byte himself said on Sat- urday night, he knows nothing about the Iron industry, and the gnetest blunder the Demeomts bars mads in Mats campaign is tbe patting of the poor old man onthat an a pahlie speaksx. A Minar'a Sensible Argun ant Vfiille riding along in tbe cars the other re dropped into a ecat witb an intellij m-r wbo wort a In tbn viciulty of Port Uram ur Homo temnrkt tliu aubjeot of cunveniuioi lllcd to tht Urlfl, ard our friend wl bad con«idfirtblo ciparioDcoia miuing in Itai id Ibis cciuatrT, givo Eumo Tory ici it riewB, derived from pnol day had I iipcrienca. Ho aitd that vhoa lie workedin inland if lie ea.w r>ramin &mining courniu- ty wbo bad about bie homo well dresaod it onoc know tint his oanditiuti was bolter ;hao 4 *i»t of a workinptnan, who could not afford ancb thlogaif ho had a family to aup- irt. Ho came to thii country in 1665 nn<l row tbaitimfl till 1873, under the high tariff ilob ruled in consequence of the prominto gold, he was ablo to drcsa bis children leatly and aend them to soliool, was ablo lo iralah bia home iritb comforts and elegances, md on SatnrdayB after providing for his house- old wants for a week to come, could alwajg iwe a 15 bill left out of hla week'* earuioRd Ith which toootno toDover and ocjoy blm- seif. He loved tbis oountry at once becaute protective lyitem gavo himprivileges tint oonld not obtain in an? other country of lie world. This is the troth in a nntahell. Theonly ty pledged to tbe support ol this system la be Republican party. Tbo Democrats party irywben for free trado or for tariff for me only. The Republican party is to- day fighting for eron belter protection than we bare aow, tbrongb the Tariff Oommliaion, and :h« Demooraltc party » fighting tbat Tariff TotnmliiloD tooth and nail. BveryminerinHorria Oonnty sbonld vote >tt Tneaday for Pbelpi, HcDavit, and the rhole tkpnblican tiokat. Court News. Charlotte WlUlaou, tried lor petit Uieenv, rovloUd. John Wbltaker AUII Joiopb WriRht, who irai indicted for an aisaolt with Intent to kill and murder Richard Smith at Troy last Hum- mer, tried and oonrlcted. The defence set up was Insanity ia the utispt) or OELIUKB THE- HENI. Hnlr tad Grans for dtfoDoe. Albert U. Hubert charged with maintaining a nuisance was fined ISand coata. Ibarloa Miller, charged with breaking and entering, retraotbd his plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty. Being under siiteeu jearaof ige tlie Ooart ordered bltn to be takeo to thi Bute lteform School. Margaret Campbell, Indicted for larceny, rstraoted and pleaded gnilty. Samuel SUUer.ohar-ud with grand larceny, ried and convicted of petit Inrccuj. Bentenoe ve days InCounty Jail and costa. John O'Noil, indicted laat torm for aisault isd battery upon hlfl wife, who Ii now dead, :riedand oonvictQd. Barney Leonard, for keeping a dinrderly houue iu tlie Hon. Ang. W. Ou tier's building ou Speedwell avenue, retraated hit plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty. A Rousing Meeting at Cheiter. Friday night lant was unpleasant and winy, but tbe Cheater HOUBB Hall was filledlo over- flowing with voteri wbo listened thoughtfully till a lats hour to the ipoeohei mida by Hon. Wm. WallerPhelpB, Col. E.L.Joy and John 9. Gibson. Tbe meeting was avery enthu- siastic one and ttj ipeakeri, who oonQned thsmselvei oloaely to tho question uf the tariff, were frequently applauded. - Mr. Phelpa, in particular, won tbe high regard Ot all iiii liitenflra by the able manner In which be treated thii all-ePgroHilng subjeot,andcon- vinoedall that the lntenitiof tbii great man- ufaoturlng diitriot mlgbi be safely entrnited to hlB can. Ia fact, tlie Berublkans or Ohei- tor are unitbtg strongly for bard work, and in spite of the truth that Ihe townBhip hat been a Democratic stronghold, promise to give an excellent aocoint of tbemaelvea on eleotiou Why It it ? A correspondent from rjtanbopo writes as follow! to tho N. Y. CDmniBrotal i.dTertlser: It 1B a maltor oT wondor that oar gams UWB glfttlvo to wooilcxxik allow thin bird tobe ihot 1 July and Baptotabar and tbe throa rallowlnx oDtliSi and protect it in August, yet suchis thocaae. X'^ioasaot, qoail and rabbit n a i t iot be killed ouly ia tha raontlia or November and December. This year IOT a large spanof COUQtfJ hereabout, up to the preeent, the game la more abundant than usual, especially squirrel. Foioigiro theflueit sport, and on* cm be started in thirty to lixtyminutaB with a good bound. It ie expected that itio old ntatna will ring with the (can and hors, and the "bray" of old Towasr. 7i*.UiDg for black basa and pickerel la very much enjoyed, ad every day fall bukela are caught by tha 10vice and eipert anglar. •-•-• Tha Prospects. The Republican outlook throughout the dis riot ii Rraml. In Titcraon yooDg mfn'i Be- tblloaa d a b s are organised in all the wards, id rlth the Fbelpa Unardi, tbe Boblnion itterj, and othir Bepablican arganlaationi ire doing most effective work. With all iiaasea, andwith Ihe young men lo particular, *r. Pbelps hki beoome exwedfnglj popular, the oountry dlatrioll also tbe campaign ia progressing finely, and It !B confidently be- lieved .bat tbe majority for Ur. Fhelps will reach from 1,000(o 1,300 In fasiaio oonnty, rbilethe aingnlne put it aa high aa 1.000. fbe TJembcratiQ l e a d e n in tbe oonnty are ilreadj diaeonnged; tbey give up the flghl in Oohgreiiman, and areonly hoping againal ipe that their candidate fur State Senator iay pall through. Ia the Demoontlo eooaty " Bergen, even the Bepnblloani are oonfl. dtntly expecting amajority. Mo well Informed Democrat oxrali ott more than 300 majority the Bounty, and many of the leaders con* oedaitlie county lo Mr. Pltelpf. Hnrelyweor ~ larrii Ooaaty bad not ongnt tobe frightened a amall bod; of men in Dover and mton propoa* tothrow away their votes a so-called prohibition movement whioh cannot command the recognition of tbe State Connty Alliaaees nor the support of tbe best olasB of people wbo have been temperance men for nuny years. Let as all go to work rlth awlll and roll op a majority of oot leas nn 1,000 for f helpi and MoDavlt in Uorrli 3ounty. L«ttlnc Hlmstlf Down a Little. The rapid waj In which the so-called prohl- lllonmovtmont ii collipilng baa alarmed >ho olericil ottididate for Otinjtresi m d lio biiteni in thePaterson Home Jenrnai to pn- urti tho wiv for lotting himself down easily. Be nowdeclares that be never meant to aay :kat ho would be -tiliappolnted personally if bo wai defeated, bat tbat be would be dlaap* K>lotri ia ibe people who talk and pray torn- ierao«e. Tit it ii only a Tew weeka alnoa that he said emphatically, and without any ijualifl. mlloni, "tbat bawould bs the raoft dtiap, uinted mat) In the Bute of Hew Jersey if he ram't Blefltea, 11 and he told Mr. Pbelpi " tbat ie eipeoted to b*eleatcd." Eli neamt Friends alia have told na that be waahoaeit n the belief tbat he wai going toba elected, md ithenoiir be spoke ho created among his Ittle following tbe absurd belief that he w u ire to b« rleoted. Nowhe faaateu toatiow lat be will not be disappolntM personally if heladefeilod, a partial admlialon cf what behai known |U ilons—tbat he hu not the, ghoflt of. * laotr, and obnflrming onr Uifef that he fl only tnnnlnj to deoelva and draw Uray Tbtei irom tbaRepnbllou Uekal. Bat Iht IBTM II now nevly playtd. 0 A Correction. Throagh correBpoadosce and otberwise it baa several times cropt into Iho Emtbat Ur; J. P. Stickle, of Rcxikaw&v, nas the proprietor of a pool room racentlr kept in tbat place. We never thought of the matter iu oauneotiun with our friend, J. P. Stickle, Eiq., bnt sup- posed it was BJine other penou ol that famll> iar name. We 1I»T# received front Ur. Stickle an emphatic denial that he ever otraedthe plnco, or tbat bo h&d anything to do witb It in anyrainner what ever. We algo leiro that Benjamin Dobbioa waa tbo proprietor of th» ooucera, anil wolinston to make a correction oftlio laitw made ooncorning it waa mialiid iu tlio raeb of iliall eadeavor to luaru if wo liavo been will- 'cllv impnaoj upon in tho matter, and If no liiall not Bcronn those coucoruud m it. iiBttor, Tikicli would hai eh but fur tlmfact that a memoranda m WEEKLY I RON'REPORTS. T h e EnRlnBeriPR and Mining Jonmalof last Saturday daja : AKKICAM PI«.—Tbere iaa tendensy on the part of those consumers who are not supplied by regular contracts to bang back ; bnt as tbere ia no pressure to sell, prices remainSim at oar former quotations, t25j(3t27 For stand- ard to cboice branda, ordinary lots, for N o . 1; S23i®*25ror No. 2 Foundry; sndt20i@*21i for Gray Forge. Bnnoeraer pig fa dull, and IB offered in vain at r»i@m}. In Boglaml, cable quotations remain 5fa. Gi. at shipping porti. SjilegeleUon here continues littlei! at The Bloomlngdate Rubber Company* An attachment has been put on tho workiof tbe Bobber Comb and Jewelry Company at Bloomlngdale, Morria county, in tbe Interest of the Lincoln National Bank and tbe Hanbat- tan Company, both oi* NuwYork city. Tbelr elalma anionnttoaboat 120,000. AUrge num- ber of banks in NewEngland, especially in Connecticut, have olaltni against the company. Tbe creditors ottb.6 company are endeavoring to effect a aettlemont on the baiix of seventy- Bve cent* on tbi dollar. The liabilities an said to be between 1100,000 and 1500,00]. A Walking Trophy I will put np a ailvar pitcher for a nre-mllfl walk between Uiobael Qalgley, of kit. Hope, andUiefaaelKieraan^tSover, to take ptao* ThanksgiTing Day on Sheriff HoTJavlt'B jgrounda, or any other brack they may agree 1 on in this vicinity, or on any other day tkey may agree open, 3tM. H. BULLY, Proprietor BusitxSt, Saloon. VICINITY NfcWS. Tbe b r a of tha Ute Aaron BetgU, near Waahington, brought «104 twr a«» it pnbllo lalebutveek. Tbs land In that loullty dur- ing the war sold for about I30Qparacre. ' At tbe'laat meeting of the 'Waiblngton Oommon Council, tbe Olty Attorney was lnt •Irnoted to take legal proceedings against tha parties who violated the ordlnanoe against I aeUihi eistn on Sunday. . j The United Ststes Xxpnsi Company hat extended Us lines over the "new Lebigh and Bodna River Baitroad, and h»B*,«iUbliitibd i express offices at Franklin Pornioe, Andonr, Vienn* {orDanVUIe^BotUTUlsatidBelrldere; It Is rumored that the Morrii Oakat Oo, iDttnd nmoiiog their boat shops back to I Washington arain. It wlU be nmfembmd tbby were nmovadTOFhUllpiborf four or firs yean ago. They fonnetiy Rave employ- ment to about sixty hands. Dr. Andreii, of Bparla, Bnnex eosnty,wu owalt'i attending phyaioUn throngb tbe UiteK walking match al Madison Moire GaMtti" 1 Ust week, and II wu through his riile* thai Rowell wltharew tram tba raoe oa Thursday. [after hirinsaaQWliwrly 400 nilat, '-

Transcript of GEO. RICHARDS & Co., · on SLATE HOOFH...

Page 1: GEO. RICHARDS & Co., · on SLATE HOOFH cheaper than CV«T using none but th o beat quality of slate and em-ploying flrst-olase



The Dover Printing Company,PUBLISHERS i*u PBOitlETOIta.

OfTloe on Blaokwe'J Street naxt door toThe National Union Bank.



One Year, - -Six Months, -,'uree moutha, -

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I1I0S E M l


p EO^OI fnsiMiNs, a. D.,









DOVER, K. I.The place hap Ucon ontirclv reflttod In * flem

mannner. L£DIfc8' Mid OHILmtEti'8 HAIiiCUTTING A SPECIALTY.








DOVER, N. J.Hpoolil cfllee hcuta un Buturilm from 8

II. till 11 M. lT-tf



BUILDERS,D o v e r , KT- 3T-


County Collector's Notice! ALPHICHLTSHEB.


MRS. D. 8. NORTHEY, Piopriotrcaa.



Ale Lnsrr, P«riir, Cider. asrwparillfl.Snd*W.tcr und Primo flegi" aHwy" °^m]'



tell , i WllSra H"fc l e t ' i . tor . . i l l rcareful ftnd nrnmpt ttteotlnn.


CI!E3TER, N. J.,



FOR SALE.The rosidenco of (lie life Tinbbnrd filicb]c,

in Ttiirknway. Tlio tot contains livn nctbt olIftQil well cultivated m d vi tbi pli^utj uf ITLILt •

Apply toB.H.4G.W. STICKLE,

17-tf" Rtjekaway, N. J.


RLACKWELL BT., DOVER, N. J .PiftUdQJSpcciCcAtlonjfurlmlldmEi.Ooatrac

taken and materials furnieliod.

Slate Roofing'With hotter facilities I am enabled to pat

on SLATE HOOFH cheaper than CV«T usingnone but tho beat quality of slate and em-ploying flrst-olase mechftnlcn. I can goor-antee material and. work in ever; partiouUr, Tar Sheathing Felt always on band.

Dated Octobnr lath. 18Hft.



Shop on Clinton Bt, Dover.An u p p n e n w of 18 jeara in Dar«r on the

finest work, ii tho gmrant«n I offer of myability to pl«aas the pnbllo. My motto u "Give

Millinery! Millinery!



LAJOS' UHDEBWEAB.iod Sml«m or•IlklDdi. Alio

EUtlonory,' Otmfsctlomry,

m i l P. Witheridge,


Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,tlie beat in tliucnuulry.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

tf> and from Bmopo.







F I . A O S T O N E S C U R B I N G ,




Itone l)mt. Guano. Poudrette,LAND PLASTER. Ac.

WOOD sawed in stove lengths.OOAL.

STOVE, EGU, CHESTNUT.lcra maj be iditreHscil tlirongli thol'oatt/juk Hoi 2B, or loft at A. Becmer'BofQeeckwoll St., nDS( SaBBM, or »(tbe jard.

i H H t'OALonetantly o



if kji UFIOOT a IB B of


T i l B i l l CELEBRATED





DOVEH, S . .T.

A GOOD IIEAL mar I'O ••lilalnnl »' >»Jh.jiir or ih-; (lay at rMsumilJlc prm'H.

IN ICE CREAM[linve Ihe riinuJiiB


n7 1 U 713 BROAO St.


t rMicnrj with practicu. 8iu>U;nlB iu Mtfioii all [Mri.i HI ill'' Dnlied Hnilce,

Over 15 000 vimnff iti'l inlJillc-iiRflil (HWrit t-ilflcaicd bv (tie I'r !ici|i»l or tbisIma, (i.TiiiHi] note (tlmrt-lisiid ftte to



Ine iall lull




UNUEUTAKKIt,DL4.LKWKLL, Iii-Hiicii M o r n s uml E s w i Kli." N, .!. Tli l i l i l

! IMI potuL I


M p g liuriicuLir IIUPIIICIS, anil

l buld tiffor, a ff

may bo ncctoMiimedttrmt, lUviiifi piitL-liRMtdu-toivudliipiiuf lt»ndol[>!itlio



AKRYSTALLOSBB for nroBerviug tbe JeidwitlioUtmutii'

_tiun uriliouMi ofioe, I would uonromuntlll• or eli pnriMtatB, nH It ftiica UUnr HDd tiptuntED<] Id bi'ttfr ibau tho ice hot, uillier at) U;

uioniy, truiitlo o r cBiunucy. rtliup- unitrtruom in ilii> buililiiiK lonncrly oruetl l

II WeliU, lita-Uirell Hi. CauntKiitlf un Haml ItiintBliL'tlat aliort notion

gin wuod or covered with cloth, velvetuuturial need for the Fame. UOKFI!jI Mi* dllfcrei.1 'strles. HOBES, t U B I M ,

GRAV1S CAPB,GLOVEfl—klil, sill. nnil cumin,OUAIKH, HfeiUBES, OARHUQE*, I0EBOXES Bud ufury tliture HIKI scrtice tcmk'i-i'tlUy a Qvtwn\ Furuiitliltis Undertaker. A« I• (o a lull supply or liildniK oUiira, wlit<n tho

[vice or chairs aro needttl at tlie hotisolninth them without any trouble ur tapdiwe

to the («mily. - For 'lint coumiiuuue of oiivwhu may need mv leivU'ea in Hojaa^a.v lowu-hip I II*?B an office ill lluuku way. 1'oraoiiai• Itonlioii given iu iho iny ing out and lu-enur v-ug of builiea at all lio urn, itnv or nij;lit, mvrtto LaviDg chftrgti of tbo ivmniti depnrtiticnl.



UNION HALL BUILDING,Blacliwoll Street, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of tbe latent and mo it impruveil stylCB, foi'armingpublic and private buildings. A Urge





AM assortment of



_ _ i all kindB orJohblug iu my lino.dono in the bout mannor and ai the HhorteiiiDtice, fliRhcei prices paid Tor old Iron.Copper lead and powtor taken ID ezchang

°r 8°° '' ALEXAKDEB WIGHTOK.December 24th. JB70. Mn

r™ it,.

vrrrd anj Sav er Ilia w e * Sul .l.1.1.... or U.e 1 W







Itdoenn'lpwtoeMHrimintwllhlloDr. A.rgn»orfortk«r.«ioaa



BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,P c m r , 3W. if-

k at 1.

PROUT & CLEATEliaveopened anew

Horse Shoeing and Blacksmith-ing Establishment

in HIP nfiwuuilrltMj nf L.D.Schnarz.nfartlieItivtr IlndKP, HIHSCX fit-, Dover, N. J., wlitre

Kill cmlcBvor to give Ilio beet Haliafac-u all lirtnclitH nt llioir linelucas.rnohliiiriuL' will be made a specialty and-uhr iitl<-ntii>n will boh'ivcti to tbe trout-of IJLiiin ILTICI luFertaria£ h' r ps*irrii! ItlncbmitlilllRMIirl ItspBlHnK of all

hiitdx. well done, ;it Klinrt. notice find tor ret-

l*l:t>vp we r»n*Ktvit sat ii fact Inn, and wo hoperit B fliaro of pnblio natrnnBpr HT mnr-IH work. PltOUT t CLEAVE.

IMPORTANT.Having onlarged their space

for Ladies' Eeady-raade Woar,DAVID STRATFS is now show-ing the very best assortmentand largest variety of LADIES'CLOAKS, DOLMANS, JACKETSSILK and SATIN, MarveliouxGarments, wiih Pur andQuilted Linings ever exhibitedin Newark, and equal if notsuperior to the largest New-York establishments, with anadditional inducement in pricewhich he guarantees to be from$1 to $5 cheaper on every gar-ment in accordance with theirrespective qualities.

His CHILDBEN'S DEPART-MENT oontains the choicestselections of new novelties inevery size from 2 to 16 yearswith the same inducement inprice. His DBY GOODS DE-ipAETMENT, as well as hisentire BEY and FANCY GOODSESTABLISHMENT, is BO wellknown in this vioinity that i tis useless to enumerate thedifferent advantages proouredto every purchaser. Any de-aoription of garment made toorder without extra oharge.Samples sent by mail on applica-tion to an; address,

DAY1D STRAUS,635 and 637 BROAD St.,

The dosing of the rubberiaotories, owing to a, comerin orude rubber) and thetremendous advance thatwill necessarily follow thisaction, -will not affect us.We have in stock 112 casesor over 3,000 pairs of allkinds that we bought earlyfor cash a t the lowest pricetha t they have been for ayear. They are all Woon-socket and Goodyear make,and we are prepared to offerthem at prices that will cer-tainly at t ract the attention.

• of every one in this section.-


Opp. I)., L. & W. It. It. DEPOT.



WAGON CO., C0RTUND, NEW YORK. The demand fortheir wagons have boon so extensive this year that they havebeen compelled to put on men enough to build 12,000 wagonu.,You can find at my place everything you need in the shape ofa wagon and the unco is sure to suit. Gall and see and youwilijtave the proof. H, P. SANDERSON, Dover, N. J .



The " grand DeUouratie rail j " ot the oaipaiga qams off in Holler's Opera Homo laatBatsfdajr ewDlpg, bat tfae Riand ttpriilng ortb«fattbrnl,tocaUier wtlb raiaj tepufclloanewbo went from corlualtr, did not OH tbe ballmore thau tvro-tbirdi falL

Tlieflrat spoakar waa JTamei H. NeiftUbonr,E-q., who owmnled aome little time In anfffort to ehow tbat "Hr. Sir William WalteiPlielpa/'aa t o wan pltaaod to term him, wu'anew-fledged Uriff mao." He had "never

LeirdorMr.PI:slp» btlnff % tariff man nntU.recently, when he wai pained op and bpliteredo p b j t U N . y . T ; m C B and the S. Y. Horald,ontil ha cam* oat and buoame a pretty iq

in." He bid "never beard of fcia baiog atariff man from any ot Iba Bocabllcan p i p e n "ami ho " w a i a new-fledgod man la tlia proteotioD of borne indnitry."

The paaatfei quoted are given eiaotly aithey fell Imm tiie llpa of Ur. Neigbbour, IDordor to aboff to what a lamentable conditionthe Democratic party bat come forargementawbuD a man of Mr. Nelghbonr'a intelligence,od oliaracter will make soch absurd declara-

tions aa thoae noted. Eten ihe wdl-iatormedDemoorata in tbe andlence shrugged theiribooldera at the Idea or Ur. Pfaelps tnrgeo to oome oot fur tariff by mob notori*ouily free trade paperi aa the Herald andTimei . Tho declaratioo tliat be had neverisard or a£r. Pbelpi bolnn a tariff map free

a n / of the Republican papers waa equallyibsnri.for tbe EBA and the other Itepubllcio

papers ID tba diwtrict hare paliUiticri tbe fol-lowing HStraqia to ahow that be has been a\inn% protiotluniit ever ilooe he enteridmbilo lire ia 1873;

I n hla ipeech aceepttng biafirat nominationto'OuBRreia lo 1873 Ur. Phelps deolarM tbat•' Proteelliu wan or the ntmoit importance tothe lDtertnti of tble, district, and proclaimedin the itroDjteBt terms hii daro.lon to tbi

iriff- Re eipUiucd vrltb aiplloitneia bialeva on tbe tariff, irhlob he regarded aa a ta i

onoapUiliaibeiulorertJoftliaUUoringmat],"In accepting tbe nomiDation in 1BT4 be

tmpbitkally renowod hi* promise " to dowhat he could to protect tbe inJaitna* of thlqdiitriot."

In blp



MINE HILL, N. olivnys well stocked withall kinds of UBOCERIES,PROVISIONS, FLOUR, FEED,&c. Everythins in the linoof NOTIONS can be l'oundin her store. WINES,LIQUORS, LAGER ANDALE of the best malic al-ways on hans!. EXPRESSdelivered to any part of thevicinity. The "Iron Era"can be found on lior coun-ter every Saturday.


C. S. JENSEN,Dyer and Carpet Wen

e will meet ull thoir weer, would nnnonnctj to ttieo.tizona ol (Ms ptnoa and vicinity ib*ljt4 in dyeing ntid carjiot weaving.


Ladles Merino anil Cashmere Dre^sm, Bhnvlfland CloaVoaBpocialty • »nd i l l kinds i fbrlcn fire neatly clenneJ, djed aud finished. Qentlemeu's garments, ooatti, pants and

rests cleaned or dyod nnd nently fluitshecl withont rippicp. By oteeniag aod dje iog fade &nod worn clothing the; night ba m ido servieable for & long time.

C A R P E T W J 9 A V I N U ! - H a T i n B tho very bert Looma for Lmt »nd fins Carpet,ind everything fitted up f< r drht-clnsa work, I thick I can deliver wbnt the U4iet want,liter tlioy have taken thu troublo tn cut and new tbeir rags nicaly, 0 good rag carpel. 1

jeep the very liast w«rp lor my enntomere and all oidera an attended to with oare. Cn^pet raps dyed any color. A reasnimttla priou paid fnr carpet MRR. Chrpat on hnnd fur,sale of hnsincBfl in thn OI.D PRE9BYTEMAN CHURCH, COR; BLACK W E I LAND PROSPECT RIB., DOVER, N. J.

TBF, N. J.. Sopt. 20th. 1RS1. C» Si J E NSEN".











Contracta taken and materials fnrnlahid f ir



^ B t t Y r 1 fcubmiUlni.DoTir.H.J.

eoh at Psteraon, Oot. 21at, 187i,Ur. PUtlpi aald: "Let ua strive to Bet pro*teolion for our industrial [ wo oaoDnt compel ewith Ihe panocr tabor of ibe old world, and weibonld rota ouly for tboie who advocate thispotioy. It Is a qiioilloa or life ami death with

lie PiitertOD people; tbey should fute tor thotatty Irom wltom Ihey eipvet support andmad ; and It M manlfiiat from the record tbatthat it the Dt-pnulkan party."

In tlie Rfpoblloin Conveotion of 1980 hortiw l l o tatifi* i>lkuk of tbe platlorm on tbnitrcEglli o m b k h thoIJtptiLlican party gainedho victarr igs ia i t tke DemJorallc deolata-

tlcm of " tariff for levenne only,"

TlicBe, wethisl i , are mfflolent lo ihowMr,NelRhboor that LemlirepreaentedUr.FhBlpi,

nd we re-pnbllsb them with the iiaarinnethat Mr, Molgt-bour oaonot point to a tingle, iterance or not on the part of Ur. Ptiflpa t«buw tbal be. waa ever anyibipg else bat aUODK proicctk>Dl«t. Ur. Nelfihbonr certainlywei Hr. Pbslps an apology.Tba o n t «pnak«r wm

wto7erj>franUy adraltwd tlia. the positionbe occupied w»a uot a pleatant one oo accountor BiHuailnR the Mipomltilny or aay ttg any-ttilng inlereating. Indeed, tbe rtapotwlbllitjol Buying aoything iotereatinff on theDento-crallo side liy« like aa opprmife w d j h t cmal! tb elr oratnra of tats. He laid It wai athing to be proud or to bavo been acan when Abraham Lincoln waa elected, andadmitted Ifaat ho *an thorongbl; aohamed oftbe badness ot tbe Demoeratio party at t l a ttime. He tben went OD to aav tbat the Repub-lican party was wane than tbe Ecmocnttoparty, and wanted tbe bearora to take tlie risko ' tbe Democracy In power. Tbe racdld to-knowledcraent tliat It waa a risk to put theDemocratic party ID pox-er made aotno of lilihearers thoughtful. One of tbe greatestcrimt-s lie laid at (lie door or the Ilepublioinparty F I B Ibal they Laid tbo most money,wliioh he might liavo explained by sUtlofjtbat tbo progremiVB buBinesa cleraen. of tbocoontri, which mates money, is very tiiturallyBepublicao, Dy ami by Ford inadvertentlystambled into tlia River and Harbor eioal, cottangled, aod bail to icald Democrats wboToled fur It. Only ooe thing WM necdod tocomplete hit aiRumsnt In this roapect undtliatwiathat a greater prcportion if T>cm.oorata voted for It than Bepublloaui. Hiemain srgnoeat waa that tbo Republicans were•teaiingovvrjithlng and that it was now neoenary for tbo Democracy lo tiavo the counh-y.The only thing nocded to roucd out bla argu-ment wai tliat Ibe present psreentage ofIn coliEoiing tbe rcTeones of tlie eoantrj isonly abont half of what It waa wken tbe ootm-try lnit trusted tbe Democrats, Jariog thiadministration or Buchanan. Tbe only otherstriking feitore of tbe addroas waa the tellingof the itorjr which "tb* Democrats bave Diedin ever? campaign for a duienyeara,aboot aman being acquitted of bog stealing becameekeb of the jury had received a piece of tbehog, Ihe only departure from tlie wall wornoriginal being tbat in U r Bmilli> enlargedimagination tho Lag had grown to tbe pro-portlonaofaateer,

John Byle, candidate for Oingresn. was nsitintrorfueed in tbe peraon or an aged, andkindly looking gentleman, wbo began by n»k-ing a fervent appeal for kindly treatment,which wan unneiewary, for nono woold tbinkofreff ls lDglttoone of his venerable apptar-a n o . Hia lenurks at oace elicited tbe in>proHdan that thoie wbo hid most unkindlytreated thii aged man were tbe friends whohad pat him at tbe work of pnbllo speaking,for which be ia so wholly unfltted. He ad-mitted his feebleness, after bfs week's work

nd iftld that on Saturday nljibu. he waasrctiBlomed to imJqlge In rest. Tbat he was

holly unfitted physically for tbe long night^ftiouaand ardaana work of Congress waacry apparent. The main part of hii speech

waiduroteil to i»lf-prai8f, allowing bow bebad entabllabod the silk IndQitry, wUbont

' ' s any credit whatever t o tbe l o o m ofother bnsy worker! who have for many yearsbeen engaged In promoting the bns lnm.AnioDg ihe bleiiingi of the war he aald wastbe eitablUhment of .a tnnnd enrreney, bntbe Tailed to aay that tbe Republican partygave it to Ihe country In tha hoe of tbe fierceopjioiltion ol tbe Democragy. Then be saidthat another outcome ot t in war was thoeatabllabmcnt of tfaeproiectlve tariff. Bat hoalso forgot to say that the Bepnblioin party,to which he then belonged, established It,also againtt tbe oppoaltion ot tbe Dainoeraay,after they bad deprived tbe ooontrr of i t dar-ing tbe tlma they, were in pewer. To this

' "Wl, uQicto4 ay tbe Repobl(oani, b ecredit for tbe noee i s o t t h e a l l k

Industry. Next be claimed that there.toreas geod Semooralio protectionists In tbe coun-try ai Bepnbllcani, bnt fiilsd to ibov ID whatproportion they existed. The hot that litno-tenths of tbe Democratic party are freetrad-ers, while an equal nnmber of BopobDaanaare proUoiloaliti, wonld. hare bneo too' dam*aging a abowlng to ba made public la a Dem-ocratic meeting ana • Ur. Byle caroloUy.voided ft. The balanoo or bis ipeeoh wasdevoted to a labored correction of. tbe state-ment which b e i i charged with making, tbatbe waa in favor ol duty of 15 a ton on pig Iron,and to a definition of hii position on the Uriff Iquestion, tbe lamentable weakness of WhichIs shown la aa article elsewhere In tbls paper.

Cbn. A. Qillen wai nest ]ntrad,aced, told alllja story, and wopnd qp with too MIow^Qg

ab|e and argBmentatlre pica.! " J want yonall to rtmember poor old Andrtw Oilleo oneslore,"

Hon. Aug. W. Oatier wu niorrtd for thelast aa the blggon of tbe evening. Hii spaeobwas almost wholly dlreoted to tna editor ofthis paper, and witb a few minor exceptionswas tbe same tpeech be delirored tbronghontthis section in the cmnpal n or 1830, It watlo tbe main a mm of glittering ffeaeralltlei,the whale burden of which was to ibawtbatthe tariff waa only " a looal qaesUon," andRoverued entirely by local cnnildtratioDi--raklngTirlnally the same ground tbat a en.Hibaoek did In that campilgo, which thepeople ol the country repnilutf a by uncb aver*wbeiminimajorities. ThronBhnntitall iberalaaaitriioed aniT libnrcil eflort to eoti»althe real attltmle of tbo two great partita to-ward Ibis motnuDtoDu qoeatloq.. jTo. answerhim Tally here woolil require loo much or baripaee, acd so tba adltoroftbe EBI haidectded' " -l lenUin.Holb; ' "

;, to •

SOUTH 67ANH0PE.I irdoome your Mt. Olive oorrenpootont

mglad to sea ibe nuraber of local wtlten ln<oreaaipg, for the moit readable parti of joorn r y readable paper are the local oomra anloations* Of conns the editorials are always In.tereating and jonr local home newi are aowmplste and varied, that we find all tbe intbr.nation tbat o n be bad In tbli dopirtmen1

mat a .ostllolion tba modernnewspiperl*. For tbeamaliaumof nreeenta

%t can purchase the news from al l parti ofthe world tbat cosla thousands of dollara togatl lelegranh and cable, and lilghl;paid, and aMDqjpliahea'correspondent). Veopie i re hat i l W to tiritloiie the mamgcmenlof their newipa;«rs and to find fault with anyerrors tliat n a y creep Into tnem, bnt tbey areildw to commend the enUrpriae and genius,ind sometimes high moral murage, tliat is

rtqolred to conduct a paper conaoietioiittnly.y

courage and aelf-aacriflolog mo.tivei tbat prompted one of oar city edltori Urefuse an Important roroign appointment rrornour gortrnmeut, 10 thai ha oonld continue themanagement of bla paper, wbloh meant bardwork and great anitety, and sometime* dangerot penonal noloiiee, wblle the other t a u n to n e aod comfort, and mingling with royaltyand tbe aristocracy of a European Ooart,Baoh n e a dfaurre blfh honor, as ID fast do ailmen wbo faithfully and earnestly perform iheduties that Dome to them dally, though Ibeworld may n o w bear of them, aod no parlia-ment may vote them a peerage. Y d many o fthorn are harass,

AfonryurbldifaDRbter of Richard Baiterplane boas on the canal,) waa caught under

the rope on tbe Waterloo plane Iait Friday an dwaa terribly mutilated, tier recovery a t thiitime U ooQildBied doubtful.

A boy wai hurt on Ibe Stanhope plane onBatnrdar; bad two of bh toes taken off bycoming in <umtaot with tbe machinery ia semeway. I did not If am bla name, Tbeae thing*ongbtto be warnings to otnllren auffictent t okeep them away from machinery, especiallywhen In motion j bat otberi will be Just aacareieis and inch and worseaoaldents will fol-low a i they always bare.

Theeveatof l u t week here was the!)lioan meeting held at the liotol ol Mr. Broir D,sr rather ID front of the hotel. After aom<ran«lo by toe Stinbope band tbo moellmi iraiopened by a very neat little mwedh from 3. S.Wills, E.q , who waa followeij i j D . J. of Bttii-hopo, with a fuw remarks, after wlilch the ora-tor trf the eroalog, the Hon. William WalterPlielpt, candidate for OjnRresa la this district,

B Introduced and rondo anHoflQentiDd coo-

oilDd argument in favor or protective tariffmd the neceiislty of tending • Republicanlongressnun to represent this district. Bis

speeoli waa entirelr free Irom all abtue of, oridesgainet any party orraon, and he spoke

ft*ofibly of hiH opponent ai a Romldmen, bntBbuirod that however honest lifs inlonllnnB

light lie to reprMebt ibe best Inlcrsda m dwl-hei Df tbe pe?ple In Ilil* Onngraailoaal DiaIriot In reghrd to a proleotive tariff, hie effort s

ould be fntlle among Democratic CoDgrras-lett, wtere on l ; one in olght hvored a pro-lotlve tariff.Mr.Phelpa ahtiwed hia bearori tbat ospec-My Muoa the election fa Ohio tbe puople of

tiita district could not affird tbe Imnry of aDemocratic repreientaiife. He RIHQ reviewod

a very forcible manner the' imitation of tbeirlff qneotlOB In Cottgreia tloue 1887, and

ibowed thBrelation uf tbetwosreatpartlea toeloee and daring tbat year. He followede condition or the times from when in 1887

tbo price o fadtys work HM thirty oenU,to' proBBot, and showed Ihe dlffdreat atate of.Skin daring tbe different price* paid forkbor,Ken may differ as to the acceptance of hie

trgutnent,bntl think all will agree that bewas well acquainted with hii mljeot, and thatiln bearing toward all wba roigbt differ iritb

him la lionest convictions n u Terj nourttooamd liberal.

I BBW quite a natcbor at the meeting Irooitlierplacei. Mfiari, T. J, Alien, of Morris-mn, ana Bngb Allen, of UurriiUtwn aambor from Poit Horrla and sovoral fromInuliopo.iBlioaldliaveaddodubQvflthat Mr. Phelps'i»ceidt was followed bj Mr. Churab, or Morriu-

OWD, but BB 1 only beard Ilia beginning ofIs Hpeecli, which was quite amneing, I cannotiv much about It.Col. B. F. Haiaos and D. 3. UcDcdo were

ted toreprcaoQt Iho Odd Fellowa of tliianmmunity at the meeting of tho Grand

Lodgo lo bo h'4ld at Trenton ?ooa.I am glid to be able to Bay tbat tho child of

Mr. 0 . B . Lunger, which baa beeu lonoualylicit, 1« better, and they have strong hopes ofUs recovery now.

Mr. Lunger bin; .and qnitea large rein ofre on the Burrows prop«rty, which he haB

leased. He ta tlun working tbe Bryant mlno atBuooMunna, whlcb la noted for its valuable

eaaemer ore, Thii quite an undertakes,I tod ill of bii Mend* wish him a large meatare

f UDoeoii. which he deeerveB.The bat and toei qaeilion etlll occapieit the

min(ls'ortheIadlea,tbonglitbA weather In aopleauot . Halnre seems tn fa?or those wboare alow io prepare for the fall and winter,md It (tiring them more lime to cntiRtilt

A New Railroad Acroit Now Jartey.Tha H«ir Jwkt SniqaehsBUft and Weito:

Railroad, a now avonae to tbe coal field*, ex-" g from the w«at end of the Bergen: Hill

tnucettoStronaBbDrgiPenu., j u i t above (Helelaware Water Gap, waa aniplolonslr opened

on Thuraday of Laat week by an excursion over,ie line, which is now open for builnes*, Tbe

lompioy, of whioh Fred A, Potts Is President,'as organlEed under the general lawn of NBW

>y and PfinnsylranU, in 18B1. Their lineInolades tbe old Uldland m d Northern roadsir Now Jersoy, and the Water dap and Mid-

land roads of Pennsylvania, witb a connectingInk about fo-tj-twc miles b a g ettending fromfwo firidites, in FassalD county, to Btroads-

, Penn., forming a continuona Una forit 141 milai, with about twontyone mflea!ingB,aiidlDolad!nR a branuh to MklJle-

own, N. Y., ofal>oat tbirtoon miles, whioh ieunder lease. Tbo work b i s ,bwn Biluntlj

nBeoutod to a rapid completion, and la ro-arUble for ita Bobataotlal cfaaractor, beingId for tbo moBt part on bods of solid rock.Tlie eunralon t n l n comprised »bc cara,wltl>

hundred ancsts from Newark,turaonaudNefrlork, aod left Sonoy Citytho arrival of tbe 9 o'clock forryboatg from

luw York. I t tnado a deligbttul trip, paisltiEorlUerly over the meadows to Hacketisaok,

e thcoagli Pomptou, Newfoundland, Tworidgea, Frautliti Furnace, atillwator, BJmra-wci, Oolumhla and tbo Delaware Water GaptbotinrralmiiatGravtlPlaoe.abovtiStttuiih,-

irp. On arriving there about 1:BJ u'cltick, anxurlont collation waa Bpre*.l in tbeaullcr'Eir by Flnard, at New York, and meanwhile

're idenl Sloan, of tbe Delaward.L&ckawaiimidWaatern Company, carried into prompi

'lecution a suddenly devlied scheme or bring-ing tbe company back over the Morris and

x a ranch of hi! road, ana notnithntaudlngbe necessary delays they were landed at

Soitokenat about fire o'clock, being an hour

d o f t b a schedule time.Tbe capital Block of tbe company i i dividedito iS.fiW.ODO preferred, and 118,000,000 com-ion, with sa,9«),O00 firat mortgage bondi, and

'600,000 debenture bonds. Tbe Directors In-ilude F . A. Potts, W. S. Dunn, of Olafiln k

'., N, IT,, Hon. O. A. Uobart, or Patergon, J.Eogeri, the looomutiro builder, and others.

The oompaay has nude advuntajteoui con-racn with tbe Delaware, Lukawanna and

ittoru for tbe dsilrcry of coal at EoLokon,i eastern termlans, and alia at BUtians

ilong the weitorn portions of Its road, and the>nalnesa has already begun, with tbe prospectit aending coal to market at tbe rate of a mil-

and a half tons per year.

Hadim Fnhicn . XUBT.

- MOUNT FREEDOM.Fog, riln, and tome mnd is what we arexporieDCing on the moontaio-top Jmt at

present.Bcv,' Dr. Btoddard and wire, from ihe plaint

below, -called on bit brother minister andfamily at tbe Prcabyterian parsonage Monday.

Uliaea HagiB and Hary Wright are on thesick Hit, bnt It la hoped that they will soonbe abobt again. .

Norman Hnlbart U at home from OrangeVallav, and ia pattlns; In Bomt af bia leianretime hnntlnfr tad painting the Inilde of thehome reatdnDce,

J a n e t Lon&ibaryhaa gone Vest to lea theI country, sad may extend bis joarnej aa far aaColorado.

The little H D or Ura.Bmitb, who. with hiimother, waa Tlitling in this vicinity last week,bad tbe misfortune to break bla arm aoonafter returning home.

Thomai Wdfe and wife, of Newark, werelslling the relative! at tbe 0I4 bameitaad,

lait week, rBtnroing on Monday.S i D.Allen, or UvrriBtoirn, ipent last San-

day with hfa parents and (liter, U n . NeiaonHnlbert, previona to his departare for Iowa.

Jamea Wright fau bnilt a convenient addl*(Ion to hii reridenoe. Hla brother Henr;erected an addition to hla dwelling aomemonths ilnoe, '

ebepherd Btewari, Esq., one o f PtatoHeid'iAttomeji, and hit,'«n, Cox,came over to tpand a lew days with U n . H.and the little dangtler who are tamporarilyaojn«rnfng at Joaeph Ora.mer'a,

The remalni of Bllat Benjamin were broughtfroc. Worriitownfbf burial In thii PreabyterianOeneterrat'lhis place; Hondar "iternoon.

That arrmoB on nttalo t u poatponed ontilnext Sabbath maralng. .

. STANHOPE*Ur. Wm. Oroff, of Dover, b u been h o n e for

aboat two weeks past on acconnt of tho sick*nesi of Ilia mother.

Tbe oan'didatei bave been ID oar town and•MShfli bwe been raUBpn both i ldei . They

were all anzlona to ascertsln on which sideIbe " political oat" waa jumping. U r . Thelptmade a •tronjr. proteetlve tarlnT speech on theRepublican side and Xr. A. W. Ontiar bade" bis kind" or a protretivs tariff ipeech tor hisparty and candidate, and aald among other

it fall prediction was tb»t the Dem-it(o party tan yean hencs atleastwonld

ba tbe B « H proteatlre pirty, and the Ropub.liean would be tbe free trade party, and tbeNew England States would be the first towheel Into the free trade line. This Hik didnol seem to create any enlbnaiism In theaudlftnof, which was small, and dia nol seento make any "Bjla" eonrerta, as I hare noth « r d of any one Haling on tbuaobjoot j e t ,

A tempannco ind law and. ordsr UMtingwai beld Ibis wee* la tbe basement or tbepresbj t ld in dfanreb. I suppose "HarkOrilio" will bave the " night mare" again andaeirob up aome more " qnotitlom" to pat Inthe newspaper.

Hrs. Lewia A.Toong has gone West I nndtr-atindtojolaliDrbniband.

Dnring tbe laat ten years tbo Uouotiotoona;Iron Ocmp«nj, of %anhope, hato taken out oftheitBeittyitoWn mice TO.OOO lout of Iroq ore,neirly til ofwUdhbaa b a n Qaea Iu iU BWVtV ftrnui, "V?

FL0CKTOWN-Ur. Phelps paid bis visit to bla friends on

1 this mountain, who were, Indeed, happy to aeahim, but lorxj to note that tbe rliit vaa nee-emrily a flying one; ao a nub ao that he dla<appointed aoreral, amnng whom wai Ur,Doorlng «ho eagerly a otiolpated bli presence.

WiBhiogtou township baa boiw divided intwo polling diatncii, one at tbe nanai place IDGennao Tallej; the other at Bolmuiit Hall,

Dlsy's Hoantain. At the latter tbe abera of the Board arc Joioph Parker, DavidUiller, U. T, Smokbimmsr, and FrankfltBpheaa.Clftk,

I tnuat iuforiu " Oltiieu," <tt German VatUy,at Trimmer t Swaplthammer did not get me

a emnggle tbeir goodi tbrongfa tbo local'Item. I beliere in adfertUicg, and would

lo T. A S., bnt if they think it is not payIng It is their option.

Ur. Henry Doering & Bra. lott a good horserecently. Sunday, owing to tbe Inolemeooy of tinweather, onr Sunday School was small, acidBer.Dr. Hagie wai to preach, but by a mil-tuderBtasdlng of the time he arrived loo late

to aee bla congregation.A.Tlletwai aislited lo bmkiog com a few

laya ilnce by 1 jo] j frollo of men, or at letilthey were Jovial when Umy had completed,ithers ara having " hooita" as tney call them.

MR> RYLE'S SAD BLUNDER.The papers say that to ft apeaoh made at

F4enooii fevaigbti iinoB Mr. Bylesald"ha waa a protaodouiat and in favor Of tduty of ( 5 a ton on pig iron." Wby wealready save a duty of $7 a ton, and a r«-duoUot to Mr. B>k's figure* would fairlyrain this section. Thii is tba very propo-sition made by ftiorrban and FernandoWood, Democrats, a few yean ago, which•0 greatly frigbtenad the iron men that theyoombined togsther all ovet the oountry todefeat It.

But we do not wish to do an lajortJot tor. Kjle, for in bU BpeeoU at Dover but

Saturday evening he attempted to correctthe statement in the following manner 1 Heexplained that bo wu talking do the subjectof silk and laid: "If there was a duly ofIS ft poand on raw silk it oonld not be pro-duced in thia country aud the rascally typesmade me say *5 a ton on pig Iron." How,with all due regard to Mr. Kyle, we do notbelieTe that the newspapers would ba sodumb u to underaUnd him to say pfg Iron(or raw silk acd 95 a ton for (fiapoonA.It doM not look aenslble, and the correctionii really about M awkward as the originalblunder. As Ur. Byte himself said on Sat-urday night, he knows nothing about theIron industry, and the gnetest blunder theDemeomts bars mads in Mats campaign istbe patting of the poor old man on that

an a pahlie speaksx.

A Minar'a Sensible Argun antVfiille riding along in tbe cars the other

re dropped into a ecat witb an intellijm-r wbo wort a In tbn viciulty of Port Uramur Homo temnrkt tliu aubjeot of cunveniuioilllcd to tht Urlfl, ard our friend wl

bad con«idfirtblo ciparioDcoia miuing in Itaiid Ibis cciuatrT, givo Eumo Tory ici

it riewB, derived from pnol



Iiipcrienca. Ho aitd that vhoa lie worked in

inland if lie ea.w r> ram in & mining courniu-ty wbo bad about bie homo well dresaod

it onoc know tint his oanditiuti was bolter;hao 4*i»t of a workinptnan, who could notafford ancb thlogaif ho had a family to aup-

irt. Ho came to thii country in 1665 nn<lrow tbaitimfl till 1873, under the high tariff

ilob ruled in consequence of the prom intogold, he was ablo to drcsa bis children

leatly and aend them to soliool, was ablo loiralah bia home iritb comforts and elegances,

md on SatnrdayB after providing for his house-old wants for a week to come, could alwajgiwe a 15 bill left out of hla week'* earuioRdIth which toootno to Dover and ocjoy blm-

seif. He loved tbis oountry at once becauteprotective lyitem gavo him privileges tintoonld not obtain in an? other country of

lie world.This is the troth in a nntahell. The only

ty pledged to tbe support ol this system labe Republican party. Tbo Democrats party

irywben for free trado or for tariff forme only. The Republican party is to-

day fighting for eron belter protection than webare aow, tbrongb the Tariff Oommliaion, and:h« Demooraltc party » fighting tbat TariffTotnmliiloD tooth and nail.

BveryminerinHorria Oonnty sbonld vote>tt Tneaday for Pbelpi, HcDavit, and the

rhole tkpnblican tiokat.

Court News.Charlotte WlUlaou, tried lor petit Uieenv,

rovloUd.John Wbltaker A U I I Joiopb WriRht, who

irai indicted for an aisaolt with Intent to killand murder Richard Smith at Troy last Hum-mer, tried and oonrlcted. The defence set upwas Insanity ia the utispt) or OELIUKB THE-HENI. Hnlr tad Grans for dtfoDoe.

Albert U. Hubert charged with maintaininga nuisance was fined IS and coata.

Ibarloa Miller, charged with breaking andentering, retraotbd his plea of not guilty andpleaded guilty. Being under siiteeu jeara ofige tlie Ooart ordered bltn to be takeo to t h iBute lteform School.

Margaret Campbell, Indicted for larceny,rstraoted and pleaded gnilty.

Samuel SUUer.ohar-ud with grand larceny,ried and convicted of petit Inrccuj. Bentenoeve days In County Jail and costa.John O'Noil, indicted laat torm for aisault

isd battery upon hlfl wife, who Ii now dead,:riedand oonvictQd.

Barney Leonard, for keeping a dinrderlyhouue iu tlie Hon. Ang. W. Ou tier's buildingou Speedwell avenue, retraated hit plea of notguilty and pleaded guilty.

A Rousing Meeting at Cheiter.Friday night lant was unpleasant and winy,

but tbe Cheater HOUBB Hall was filled lo over-flowing with voteri wbo listened thoughtfullytill a lats hour to the ipoeohei mida by Hon.Wm. WallerPhelpB, Col. E.L.Joy and John9. Gibson. Tbe meeting was a very enthu-siastic one and t t j ipeakeri, who oonQnedthsmselvei oloaely to tho question uf the tariff,were frequently applauded. - Mr. Phelpa, inparticular, won tbe high regard Ot all iiiiliitenflra by the able manner In which betreated thii all-ePgroHilng subjeot,andcon-vinoedall that the lntenitiof tbii great man-ufaoturlng diitriot mlgbi be safely entrnitedto hlB can. Ia fact, tlie Berublkans or Ohei-tor are unitbtg strongly for bard work, and inspite of the truth that Ihe townBhip hat beena Democratic stronghold, promise to give anexcellent aocoint of tbemaelvea on eleotiou

Why It it ?A correspondent from rjtanbopo writes as

follow! to tho N. Y. CDmniBrotal i.dTertlser:It 1B a maltor oT wondor that oar gams UWB

glfttlvo to wooilcxxik allow thin bird to be ihot1 July and Baptotabar and tbe throa rallowlnxoDtliSi and protect it in August, yet such is

thocaae. X'^ioasaot, qoail and rabbit n a i tiot be killed ouly ia tha raontlia or November

and December. This year IOT a large span ofCOUQtfJ hereabout, up to the preeent, thegame la more abundant than usual, especiallysquirrel. Foio ig iro theflueit sport, and on*c m be started in thirty to lixtyminutaB witha good bound. It ie expected that itio old

ntatna will ring with the (can and hors,and the "bray" of old Towasr. 7i*.UiDg forblack basa and pickerel la very much enjoyed,ad every day fall bukela are caught by tha10vice and eipert anglar.

•-•-•Tha Prospects.

The Republican outlook throughout the disriot i i Rraml. In Titcraon yooDg mfn'i Be-tblloaa dabs are organised in all the wards,id rlth the Fbelpa Unardi, tbe Boblnionitterj, and othir Bepablican arganlaationi

ire doing most effective work. With alliiaasea, and with Ihe young men lo particular,*r. Pbelps hki beoome exwedfnglj popular,

the oountry dlatrioll also tbe campaign iaprogressing finely, and It !B confidently be-lieved .bat tbe majority for Ur. Fhelps willreach from 1,000 (o 1,300 In fas ia io oonnty,rbilethe aingnlne put it aa high aa 1.000.fbe TJembcratiQ leaden in tbe oonnty areilreadj diaeonnged; tbey give up the flghlin Oohgreiiman, and are only hoping againal

ipe that their candidate fur State Senatoriay pall through. Ia the Demoontlo eooaty" Bergen, even the Bepnblloani are oonfl.

dtntly expecting a majority. Mo well InformedDemocrat oxrali ott more than 300 majority

the Bounty, and many of the leaders con*oedaitlie county lo Mr. Pltelpf. Hnrelyweor~ larrii Ooaaty bad not ongnt to be frightened

a amall bod; of men in Dover andmton propoa* t o throw away their votesa so-called prohibition movement whioh

cannot command the recognition of tbe StateConnty Alliaaees nor the support of tbe

best olasB of people wbo have been temperancemen for nuny years. Let as all go to work

rlth awlll and roll op a majority of oot leasnn 1,000 for f helpi and MoDavlt in Uorrli


L«ttlnc Hlmstlf Down a Little.The rapid waj In which the so-called prohl-lllonmovtmont i i collipilng baa alarmed

>ho olericil ottididate for Otinjtresi m d liobiiteni in the Paterson Home Jenrnai to p n -urti tho wiv for lotting himself down easily.Be now declares that be never meant to aay:kat ho would be -tiliappolnted personally if

bo wai defeated, b a t tbat be would be dlaap*K>lotri ia ibe people who talk and pray torn-ierao«e. Tit it i i only a Tew weeka alnoa that

he said emphatically, and without any ijualifl.mlloni, "tbat ba would bs the raoft dtiap,uinted mat) In the Bute of Hew Jersey if heram't Blefltea,11 and he told Mr. Pbelpi " tbatie eipeoted to b* eleatcd." E l i n e a m tFriends alia have told na that be waahoaeitn the belief tbat he wai going to ba elected,md ithenoiir be spoke ho created among hisIttle following tbe absurd belief that he w uire to b« rleoted. Now he faaateu to atiowlat be will not be disappolntM personally if

he ladefe i lod , a partial admlialon cf whatb e h a i known | U ilons—tbat he h u not the,ghoflt of. * laotr, and obnflrming onr Uifefthat he f l only tnnnlnj to deoelva and drawUray Tbtei irom tba Repnbllou Uekal. BatIht IBTM II now n e v l y playtd. 0

A Correction.Throagh correBpoadosce and otberwise it

baa several times cropt into Iho Em tbat Ur;J. P. Stickle, of Rcxikaw&v, nas the proprietorof a pool room racentlr kept in tbat place.We never thought of the matter iu oauneotiunwith our friend, J. P. Stickle, Eiq., bnt sup-posed it was BJine other penou ol that famll>iar name. We 1I»T# received front Ur. Sticklean emphatic denial that he ever otraedtheplnco, or tbat bo h&d anything to do witb Itin any ra inner what ever. We algo leiro thatBenjamin Dobbioa waa tbo proprietor of th»ooucera, anil wolinston to make a correctionoftliolaitwmade ooncorning it waa mialiid iu tlio raeb of

iliall eadeavor to luaru if wo liavo been will-'cllv impnaoj upon in tho matter, and If noliiall not Bcronn those coucoruud m it.

iiBttor, Tikicli would haieh but fur tlm fact that a memoranda m


The EnRlnBeriPR and Mining Jonmalof lastSaturday daja :

A K K I C A M PI«.—Tbere ia a tendensy on thepart of those consumers who are not suppliedby regular contracts to bang back ; bnt astbere ia no pressure to sell, prices remain Simat oar former quotations, t25j(3t27 For stand-ard to cboice branda, ordinary lots, for No. 1 ;S23i®*25ror No. 2 Foundry; sndt20i@*21ifor Gray Forge. Bnnoeraer pig fa dull, and IBoffered in vain at r » i @ m } . In Boglaml,cable quotations remain 5fa. Gi. at shippingporti. SjilegeleUon here continues l i t t le i ! at

The Bloomlngdate Rubber Company*An attachment has been put on tho workiof

tbe Bobber Comb and Jewelry Company atBloomlngdale, Morria county, in tbe Interestof the Lincoln National Bank and tbe Hanbat-tan Company, both oi* Nuw York city. Tbelrelalma anionnttoaboat 120,000. A Urge num-ber of banks in New England, especially inConnecticut, have olaltni against the company.Tbe creditors ottb.6 company are endeavoringto effect a aettlemont on the baiix of seventy-Bve cent* on t b i dollar. The liabilities a nsaid to be between 1100,000 and 1500,00].

A Walking TrophyI will put np a ailvar pitcher for a nre-mllfl

walk between Uiobael Qalgley, of kit. Hope,andUiefaaelKieraan^tSover, to take ptao*ThanksgiTing Day on Sheriff HoTJavlt'B

jgrounda, or any other brack they may agree1 on in this vicinity, or on any other day tkeymay agree open, 3tM. H. B U L L Y ,

Proprietor BusitxSt , Saloon.


Tbe b r a of tha Ute Aaron BetgU, nearWaahington, brought «104 twr a«» it pnbllolalebutveek. Tbs land In that loullty dur-ing the war sold for about I30Q par acre.' At tbe'laat meeting of the 'WaiblngtonOommon Council, tbe Olty Attorney was lnt•Irnoted to take legal proceedings againsttha parties who violated the ordlnanoe against

I aeUihi eistn on Sunday. . j

The United Ststes Xxpnsi Company hatextended Us lines over the "new Lebigh andBodna River Baitroad, and h»B*,«iUbliitibd

i express offices at Franklin Pornioe, Andonr,Vienn* {orDanVUIe^BotUTUlsatidBelrldere;

It Is rumored that the Morrii Oakat Oo,iDttnd nmoiiog their boat shops back to

I Washington arain. It wlU be nmfembmdtbby were nmovad TO FhUllpiborf four orfirs yean ago. They fonnetiy Rave employ-ment to about sixty hands.

Dr. Andreii, of Bparla, Bnnex eosnty,wuowalt'i attending phyaioUn throngb tbe

UiteK walking match al Madison Moire GaMtti"1

Ust week, and II wu through his riile* thaiRowell wltharew tram tba raoe oa Thursday.

[after hirinsaaQWliwrly 400 nilat, ' -

Page 2: GEO. RICHARDS & Co., · on SLATE HOOFH cheaper than CV«T using none but th o beat quality of slate and em-ploying flrst-olase

i'HE [RON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,

y, Nov. -t, 1882.






1st Dlst.»Se3. Walker Jenldns,

2d Dist,"Amzi P. Weaver,

Jobii B5I* is ia a woefnl jilfijht,Ao so proclilrai in awful fright,

"Oriron tntn'k'.lKi-11 ha"" nnne."Bat Pliil|)B clf'in boliily tn the Cure,IVilii "R tariflon ftinisn irnn ore

Of a. dollar Bnii n linl'ft Inn "

Get out tli« ItppuliliPin vo'fi-

Vnte for Pbolps aua "»"»j»»lflo duty ol

$1 COn ton on iron ore!" ^

Tim n«mnamcv iilwnvs o r w lutf lly bef<tho election nnd flit crow iif*i>r wards,

Drni't forget thai tho importantthing nexTue'&iy UloRPtontl l ia Hcpiihlioan vote.

Votn fawUuDATif if .von want a Rurrogntwho cnn niw.irs l-e found al tbepost or duly

Tlmtime fur urguinent has parsed. Litlio succeeding diya be devoted to earneslwork. _ _ _ .

N> ftidfl \-*w* or hGnloMns wxt Tuf«d«jLet MvrjUppiibliconvolcbecoslfoiPbelf

The Rflplillein pirty is tbe only parly i:thlBcoiinlry flint is everywhere committeito protection.

Tho efflo* of Sir r grte need-* ft man of nntilpumliril rlmrncler and correct babitflVoto for MoDivlt. ^ _

Amzi F. W « « r should receive every Repiilil cnn vnfr> nn'1 many Domoeratio ones iithe Second DMr-let.

" I bilteve ia and bball advueaie a upeoiflcduly of ntlenrt SI.60 per ton on iron ore."—Wm. Walter rhfilpB. ^

On fl full voto Monia Counl.v is Itepubli

can Ijvfun.vl.oooiuniorily- Bringoutyour

vote for Fhelps nnd MuDav.t.

There isn't n belter B*pnbliwn or apqiiarfr mnn in Merris County than Wm. HMi-Davit. Gi"1 him your lienrtv support

If you w«ke tin Bppoiuliueut with you:SurroRnte and go tn meet him It is net pleasnut tc Hod U ra nff flshtn (?. Vote fm McDavit.

Lf-t every ltijuiMicau wbo has a team <eeto it lli-it hi^CKsfiirtuanteIiepnb]icf.DDff(jh.born have au opportunity of getting to tbeprill .

A clear-bunded, sound mid sUblo protectirtDist ia Iho verdio'. of tho people who haveheard Ihe speeches of Mr. Ptalpn incampaign.

Let 110 ptrsotml eytnpniby prevent youfrom voting for Weaver or Jenkins for tbeAsiemMy. A Hutted States Senator de-pends upon it,

Hr. Amri P. Weaver ia working hard inhis district. Ho should have the vote orevery mnn wbo desires a capable repiesen-

Let every Iteptiblican who reverences tbememory or Jas- A. Garficld vole (.gains!0 . A. Gillen, the man fflio circulated theMotey letter fr>rRpry.

The Drwocwtio parly iu Congress voted•Mildly agninht the Tariff Commipsion. Canyou trust them to vola for tbe leoommond.i-tiois of tbnt Oommission ?

Tho greaiest conumlruiu of tlu> BRB is,"llow the protected American worhitjgmancan b ing hlmfo-lf to votu Ihe ftoe-tnide-fet.tired DwnmmHe H.-W?"

Nearly every Dpoiocmiio ctrtttsmannBiriytvcry Denioeraliouewttpiipcrof proin-inenoft in this coiinlrj freror* fr»» irVote for Vh< lp« und MnPnvit.

If you would 1IHT6 a Surrogate whokeep liin appointmfnU witti you when brinnlaps tlipm, nnd rot compel ymi to mnalter hint, TO'C f<r Wm. H Mi-Dnvll.

Tha Ippt nHticH Mate l int Mr. Fhelp*will have 1 ,BtlO m< J-itity in PiiMtifo, findbn hni a %n-A rhnvr fcr carrjinjt BerL-tM-riH Rive tiolh liini nod MoDnvit nXull 1,000. |

Tlift np['ulilicrtii l'«rty crcuttd the presenttariff nnd have imin'nined it in thbfnco o<D mnrrMie orPo l i i l i l ) n illT t w p n l y ye f l r 8

'WorhinRtnpo, s t u d by the friends of labot

ext T

Pj.-Cfl Mr V.\h'n frath ndminfion that bktinwa nolliiuft about our iroa latcrn-tsthem ought (0 be uo hwitunny a'^ont «"to v i e lor to repreaent us lo Congress.Vote for Phelps.

Dare Iho people truot the Demoeralicparty wilh llie onntrol of Oonnress and th?consrqiient power tn burden the people xitfathe |;»yment (f tbs monstrouB Uouthernclulon? Volef.trPhelpB.

In vMli'g ou the qneKiiouB purtniuing t<tbe iron interecta Mr. Hyle eayi be " will bifjovprhed l»y l i e Committee." But«npp,>BiAba Hewitt sbnuld be on tbs CommllteeVote for Plieipn nnd be mf«.

A frfo trade dub, composed entirely ofDemocratic member*, wni orgnnized in tbepresent 0 ncreaa. Can yoa trust them dedopt tbo rppnrt of the Tariff Commluion?VoU for Phelpa and UoDivit.

If Mr. Gillen waa tqnare in bis argrjmentnhe would Bay that tbe EBA, instead of per-aecotlag blm,*A bs eayi, has eierdr-ed noinccwiderable amount of charity whenhandling him and bis pretenriona,

Ei-CoDgTeBsmanCutloria engiRtd In tn-licltlnff Republican vot«<i for Itylv. Tbecolored m u seemB to bold a higher pistes IDthe estimation of Ihe nolle OmcAHian An-gu taa than bs did at the close of ths wi

A potent argument in fi*«-or of the contin-aance of thB Republican party in power iifound in the public debt tnVfiment for Oato-bsr. Tbe statement tbowi that Ihe debt warednced during Ibat month $IJ!,029,180.&5.

Tbe Tariff Commission will recommend toCongress an increased duty on iron ore. AEepubliom Congress would h«ed that rec-ommendation ; a Democratic Congresswould Btab it lo thn death. Vote for Phelps.

"WorkiDgmen, yoar vote next Tnesdayhas a direct reference to your bre ta »ml h*t\-Kr. A Demooratio OongresB, in the beatlight yon can view it, maana largo reductionsIn import datlei and in all probability freetrade.

Hepnblicaiu of Kandolpb, the most per-•iitcnt enetiiy you luve ever bad has beenOhm. A. QUlen- When you lay him on the•heir you do much to promote tbe futuremccen of the Bepublican party. Do Itnext Tneaday.

Voters, reflect I Two years of free-trad*or the rsvenne tariff of tbe Democrats, would•o flood this coantry with Iron and foreigno n that we would not get baok to where we•re now in ten yeaw. Don't you set thedanger? Vote for Phelps aad UoDnrit.

Efen If Mr. Byle knew nil nbint onr Ironlolerettg-wbfob ha Jnnfely admitted lastSalardaj gU he did not—what good conldba An tui ID tba ODDOIIA of a free tradeiwrtv? Hi* li'Ue I roteotioa «nd!e wonld be

d d P C K n a o f r ^ l A ^ b i u b e l




One of tbe ablest auil most earnest advo-calei of the Iron ore Industry of this sectionis Mr. J- Wesley Pullman, of Philadelphia,wLo aa Tre&iurerof tbe Oheeter Iron Com-pany, and in other wajB, is proutDtntly in-terested b our great local indaa'ry. Re-speedng this subject he Is also one of thtbesi infortnfd genttemea of this coimd bis argument* before tbe Crttssoa IronConvention, and before tbe Tariff Commis-iioo for the better protection of ore, shehim a perfect toaster of tbe lubject. Scdeep Is the interest he take* that he wrote hthe two cBDdidatea for Congress in this Distrial for their views on the subject of proteetinn to ore, and after receiving their re.plies writes as as follows;

PaiUDELFHii, Oot- 28th. 18S2.Ep TOB of I 'BK ICON EB* :—

DiAEBra; Being impressed with the im-porUnee of having the views of candidntesfor conRrenaiODkl honors in our 5tb NewTersey District CLEIDLY set forth, emvclallyi» to BDpjKJrlioK an adequate specific dutym iron ore, I addreswd fctttw of inquiry toW. W. phelps and John Ityle, tad I b m'bi> pleasure of now liandife you tba nn•wera uF both gentlemen. Wit bra t irapiigu-iit{[ in nuy d^firee the good inten'fonH nf MrJohn Rf\e, it in evident that Mr. Phelps'

[uare deoliralion uroiiig a minimum duly'$1,(50 perlOD npeoific on nil foreign oreti

is a far morenaH'sfjictory and pnsittve eiprr>s-ilve f'H the endone-jwit of voters of Ike BtbUfHtriot. I will cheerfully and earnestly pport Mr. Phelps candidacy tn the Eitant ofmy small ncEjuHinlnnca in Horrid Ounly.tlowover dofotfd to p t n t i inten'filB M T

oimty DKMOOIIAT-I m»y be tbey annnnt vofor John Ityle, taking hid own decUratin~itbout junpArdiziriK thplr ciunty'it p irlount clnini to ''AI>E<JUATE PROTECTIONION OEE," on which rents all the futur<wss und developaeut of tbii great Jro

diBlrict.Vours verv truly,

J. WEBLRV PDLI.»AH,Seerelarv National Executive Comuiiitnn OrsProJuoers.In hie Jetler Mr. Fdllman inclosed thee)g«o w&icli be bail receivrd from tbo two

CoDgreaiiooal candidates. That given byMr. Ityle h as follDWR.

" I nm in favor nf imposing on iron oreml pit; Iron a duly to tha pxtent of tbe dif-'rence iu nmount bttweeo tha value ofibor bera to produce n ton nf iron nreor |»igMII, and 'ho amennt required to produce

this quautity of iron «re or pig iron in Eu-ipe, (Signed) JOQH B I L E . "

We ask our readers If there la uuythiug•Suite or satisfactory about tbie ? It tuny

be well meaning, and jet there are conttn-encles where such a course would notbepiu

lo proteit our interest1). Here is B case inpoiut: The wages of the labor engiged intbe iron industry about here is nnw 91 GOper day. Suppose we oreate, as Mr. Byte

, a duty on iron ore which willumiurt to Ihe differenca between Ibis rnta of

ngesond tbe ratenowprevailinginEnrtpe.hen suppose that the wages In otbor indua-

;rio» of tiia coaotry take a rise and wo wnntto advance our miners !o $2 per day. Cun-not tbe slmplfBt see tbat under Ur. Kyle'nsystem ve will bt unable to do it, for thereason tbat the amonot of proteotion we

ave only allows m to pay $1.51 par day?Such ft tariff would be subject to everyohange in wages, a thing to be shifted abouttud constantly tinkered, and next to freeimde would be ubout tbe most dangerousthing we could liave. Tbs admera whorged Mr. Itylo into this course did the

worst thing possible for him a n l hia ioter-terests.

Now what doea Ur. Fbelpi say in bit com-mittal to Mr. Pullman ? Simply this:

lam in favor of a swei/ic duly m ironarts of not I&ts than ontadlar anil My cents

ton." (Signed) Wu W A I T S * P a n ™ "There it all is in a few terse words, right

to the point, which need no explanation.While tbe position of Mr. Hyle is Buhject IDall sorts of twisting that of Mr. Phelps ia anclear as Ihe noon-day sun. Everybodyknows that if we had a npeoiflo duty ot ateast $1,50 a Ion on foreign ore we would be

beyond tbe reach of foreign competition,nd lhat tbe onpaclty of the treti mines of

Morris Ouuoiy would very soon be vastlyincreased.

What a dtfferenoe IMr. Hyle says he will help ns in some

vague and uodtflced way.Mr. Pbelps sayx be snows onr needs, that

npfcifio duty of at least $1 50 a ton WILL'R0TECT OS CTOU rOBEIOK ODUFtIlTI"N. and

to go to work at once to eucoui-ilieb that o'ject.

Miners and workingmen of Morris County,i<t it a difficult Ihlag for you to cay wtich of

icse men will best represent you ?

NO NEED FOR HESITATION.In nne putt of hi* Fpeecb last Riilmday

ight Mr. Rjlo snid he did n^t exudly hnnwwhat our need* nre in tbii irnc srotinn, bu<

i»t '* be would be guverned b j the Com-ilitee." What c>nimllUe be meant be did

not say nnil no one knows. Can we nfFord10 iruntfuoh unmeaning proicitwe as \\itae?(t bus been wefks RIUOS Mr. Kyla wiia noiu-

lied, md he haa been all through thin iroiection. Why bnau't he posted hluiself andfound out what we needed ? Tbe plen nJ

ce is a lame one for a man to maltt-who wants our voles. Abe Hewitt, tho per

isient eoem of n duly on foreign iron orewy be on " (be committee" for all wahnowmm what be telh ua.

I/>ok at tbe other Ride. Hon. WilliumIVntter Pbelps crwaea araoag ua, discuss*"ibly tha whole tariff qaeatioD, lelU ui aa wt-new tbnt liia money in invested in tb«-

mines of Morris County, and makes tbflean-cut declaration Ibat he will strivn lo

is Interesls and our Intercuts bjiv ring to secure A spscino DQTT OF

iTtiAST$l 50 PKB TOH ov rnauoit IB»H OBK !Pole snd work for Pbelpa with all yom

MR. RYLE'S SAD BLUNDER.The New York Tribune of Friday last

pnblirted in an editorial the following state-ment;

*' In a Rpeech lust week Rt a DejnocrntiaserlinK. tlie D fin "CM lie candidate f ni Cmi-

..ress in tlw Vth NW Jerm-y Distriot, Ur,Kyte. prooljiimci himself nn itHaul pnitcc-•<ii i«t, Hiid nbcerveii tlwt he V>MH in tnvnr ofduty o( J 5 a \<m <m )<\a iron, Kow to a

tou tiappeuB to 1)H precis ly the duty pro.prated lor pifi iron in Ur. M.rrihou'a treetmde latiff, WIIPII he van (1l>»irt) au of theCommitipe nf M'UVN anil M-IKIK IU a Dem-

lIoiiKn, nnd hv Mr. Woo To free IriuletiirifT. WIIPE be was C hair mm 1 iu A Deinrv

of iirotention, VliEdtliernr nnt it ttiiitu work-amea in New Jenny in fur them to my."The local papers quote tbe siiue rsmark

nnd assert tbat it was made at a meeting iPateraoii, when, Mr, Itjlo, in an unguardimomtnt bt-gm (ulhint; 011 a queut.OD wiliiwliifh be was not fimilinr.

The Dt-aiocritB of this'section fltooiighastttttbe fearful blntider Mr. B y b hadIUHIJO, and when be appeared in tnwa lastSitnrilay it noaa beenma bruited about thathe would put biaisulf right on the record iils speech that cveuiug. Dut Mr. Kyle'sip.atiation wna ubout na ULHuilnfflcloo ^

tlie originft! lilnndiT. JU fcatd tbat he waitalking ubout tho rdititig nl «ilk cooonnsthat he nrndt) (lie remnrk " tbnt we couhnot pmdiioe mwflilk in Ibis country if tvi

>dadnly i.f f 5 H pound nn il, and IbeHolly typsa ina-ie him Riiy $5 a ton on pl|m." Now, wecldm, Ibntit docBnotlooli

reftiouable that Iniued r»port-*rs wouldnake tho mislika of underslnndiDg him toie lulkifgon pif,' iron when he wiatnlkiopitinut (lie MiNin^ of tiilk oncnoas, norindi>rKtiir,(ling him tr> nny $5 a ton duly on>ig inxi tt-lif ii he Raid $5 n pouui] dulytwsilk. The Riippoition it titntctnd too

far ami is n very liune eimieo for a veryvlMVnrd I'lmiilpr.Hut (he old gentleman did make nn honestiiiffBHiiin when be «aid be wns not famili trilh whai duty wm needed on iron, but bia>»rpra wire badly mystified when he sf.ic

" he woubl be governed by tbe committee.'ht-lliHrtie meaut that n committee wouldive to be appointed to keep him straight1 this Biihjiu't, or whether some 'umi>w in existence »-as to govern him he did

uotwiy. But in order Ibat ha might mekiiber niifilnlieH tic rend a written J e o

laratioc tbat ba would nuppnrt & tariff tbatwould rqin)iz> the diifart-noe between Ihemien of tbe wage* pnid in >bis country Andabroad. As it wax known Ibat Ur. E ImundCnnGold bid been with him during Ibedny,and us tbe paper Bounded very much like MrOrttiCeld, some sbrewd BUspielouH were atonce raised as to the nutliorsbip of it, And

Mr. Kyle 1*ft l ia bporers ju«t about aticb mptifled Mb to whit be would do forwbeu be went away as they were before

Ibey heard him.Tho whnjo Ibing was n blunder from be-

inning to end, nud wbntover kindly feelingse may have fnr Mr. Ryie on ncoount of bis

YOUTH, we cannot help thinking that it wouldbe di-nslrouB lo (tend him to Congress to

; nn industry about wlnoh he'ntnkly acknowl-dges he knows nothing.

OUR GREAT U-NGER.Morris Ooanly produce*, about 8 per eett.

nt nit Ihe iron ore raised in tbe UtiileriBliteH. Ber Bhare ot tbe foreign iron onibipped lo this omntry last year, if It had

>en produced here, wonld haw amountedover GO, 000 tons. Tbat is, if foreign iroii

A bad! been kept out we might have pro-duced 60,000 toni more than we did. As-suming HOT ore to be worth only $4 per too,

id we find that Ihe county of Aforna alonewas rolbed laat year of a produot valued nt$300,000. Within a few yean tha ship-

itnts of foreign ore to this country haveIncreased from 80,000 to over 700.000 totw!If we are not entirely rained ws must have

RpeclAo duty like Unit which Mr. Phelpscontends for—it least $1.50 per ton* Canwe trust the Democratic party—tbe mass offhich la eommltlad to free trada or else a

low tariff for rerenne-to give ua this ID.crease I I t Is tb» ibeenat fully to hope forit. Vote for Hoa. Wm. Walter Phelps m>

BFEomo ntrzx or AT L I U T 81.C01 TON OHrOBZIOH IBOK OBI

Tbe position of ths two pmties on thetariff question is well defined ID tbe 18tbDistrict of Illinois, where an earnest Uepnb*Ucan protectionist, Gen. Kneffner, to run.ning agaiost one of tbe greatest Democratic]free trade demagognei in the country, Mr.Morrison. Tho issie t hen and altniHteverywhere ehw in tbla country, onMde otthis section, ia cloeoly defined, Democracymeaning free trade and Bcpoblieanismtng prolection. Vote for Pbolps and Mc-Davit, tbe candidates of a puiy tbat deolarohfor protection everywhere.

All the eminent free traders of the country,such as TTurd, Hewitt, Cos, Belmoot, Mor-ison, Hooker, Tucker, Hancock, and others

are candidates for Oongreat on DtmomUetickets in this campaign. Can Itboringmen and thoie engaged In the indtulriBS ofthis section trust (party like tbii to maintainthe tarifl. Vote for Fbelps and UoDarit

ait 'Xaesday.

Of Eflventaen Demooratio Stale platforms1 this campaign 7 ore in favor of free trade,straddle the question ia a meaningless

manner, 2 are "for revenue only" and fiIgnore it all together. Is It not a hollow

ockery to try to uako people believe tbatDemocracy favors protection f ToU for

Ptalpt tad HaDnvls, .

THE SMALLEST TH1NC YET.A poster wss issued Tbureday aad circu-

lated in Dover and Boocton, of whiob thefollowIoR is a copy;

" A DodgeII Prohibitionists Beware 1The Tempernnoe meellng to h- held In M"1-I V H Orera HonHe, nn Fridnv, Nw. 3d. 1882.xud to bo Bddremrd ly William E. Dodge,h golten tip tiy tlie Rupiihlicn p i r ty in t t i eintereata of Willium Wiltor Phflpa, who innnrikratood lo be uriephuwof Mr. Dodge.Doiiotbedec«ivedl"

This EM certainly B nmali and Billy piece ofwork and Ibe reverend gonllem'in who engi-neered it shows conclusively that be Ea nfraidto have bia voters bear tbe President of the

THE QUESTIONS OF THE HOUR*Firit—Dare the people trust tbe Demo-

cratic party witb control of Ihe next Con-gress and tbe consequent power to declarethe next Presidential count

Second—Dare (he people ' endorse thiDemocratic party Jo itn deniil to the peopleoCnne-thtrd of ibe Slates tbe right to votennd to have that vote fnirly counted?

Tliird—Dire tbe people trout tbe Demo-•at [>arty nf ttee trade with the control of Con

gresg nnd the aonsequeDt revision of tba tar-iff aguinat tho inleresiB of proteoted lahor?

F.mrlb—Date tbe people trust tbo Deircrnlic party with tbe control of Congreuj

tfae Nutional Tumperancti Sonietj, a man a n d t h e o o n B 8 q i , e m p o w t ( r to burden tbewho has given aixly years of service to lUe p e o p , e w j , h t h e paymeat Df tbe monstrous

trust bis own Judgment. AH for f heir lead'em, their frantia effort to keep their peopl*iwsy from tho meelinfr sb'>ws Ibut they

must have very lilt)*1 fiitli in Ibeni.

"DEMOCRATIC PROTECTIONISTS."The following, from tha New YorkTribum

of Uv-tFriday, RIIOWB bow piwerloRB B ' ' Dem-oonitic prQleotioniat" will be in thaCongress :

" But where .herP is no posnibility ofdoubt OR tu the inieution of tbe onndidnteif elected, it in rtill a very dangt-rous ntop t'

nd a Dem cmt to GnngrcHt oa the pleattmt ba Is n protTilnni-'t. F^r Hur>h a oantil-rtatfl, if elpdled by Dpinocnittc vntrs, wouldbn bound t" rote for the Ptminrntio onndi-dft'e fnr Speaker. That enndidate will bonamed by a Dem"cra'lo cincus, in which nolmorn lhan nne-eightli or nne-lentb

'illbeevpn untninall'its. If tbe ov*>r«'brtn>in£{ mnj Mtj HPPB Rt

ndidile cuoli an Mr. Oirlisle,p ,

bn lmt loi'g experience nntl many friends,bnnRh bolh are pronounoefl frfietrnderB,je Democratic member onunnt vote asafnititbpr wltbou" violating bin ol>lig»tir>n t<>

those who eleola I him. But Ihe Plate ofparlleo in mich tbnt one mar* vnte for nnob

candidtrn may make htm Rpenker. It iafit nnlikflv t)iat Ihe next Howe ni'iy be t=o

nlosely divide tli >t R sinclo vnte will tnr-»b l Thine who voto fnr aDamner 1H0

candidaB for Connresii, because they hearthat tie ia personally n pro'coMnnint, aret h f ti i all p l i l i t y t i

WVI.H MoDAVlT-The friends of Mr. Gillen are attempting

lo rapture votes by silly assertions, makinghe Dreleme Iliftt Mr. MrDavlt is not a gen-

nrons or libenil man. II is true that Mr.MoDuvit dofsu't make as much blow aboul

good deed* aa his opponent, but thosewho hive lived near bim and know him cnutestify that he U one of the largeat henrtedmen they ever knew. In Dover be baa been, liberal contributor for every good tbinft,•om hrlp to the oh a rob to nasiBtBnce to thennr. JUny B poor norklnffman In grateiul

10 him for hnlp ia time of need. Even Ihetemperance people, wbo have made n nom-

ngalni-t him have been largely ic-l-bt,:d to him for Ihe rent of bis hall iniraea gono by when ba has freely forgivenlera their di'bU wbtn they OOQIIJ cot paylem. While he wa^ Sheriff be never hes-

luted to make conce«Bions to the poor andneedy whom bis office noraetines compelled

Bell out. Oue iustanco we recollect veryW; A poor wnman W*B to be Bold out at

Mine Hill, atid when an effort wns made t"ve her property he fnelj gave all lii«es. These nre only a few of mnny in.

lances which have given to Mr. McDavite well earned reputition of being one of

Iho largest-liparted tnpn in tliis comraunily.!H in not a hhoddy liberality, made far tbe1 rpose of bringprnted nround the country,

l>ut Is *hrlo-Rnuled nnd Mncere, Besides,> i« a Fqtiarc, cnnBcienciouB gBDtlem in,id bin cnrtful rdmimritmiioa of tha men-ffiduit office of Sheriff, Bhows him to beFflfe mnn to look af'er tbe fntates of

idows and nrphant. He is not the kind ofmnntoRlonp (o a menn thing n

know i> better than wine of ihe friends ofMr. Gillen who are circuiting bn»e false-Imodd agalnB- bhn. V-te for William H.MoDnvit. HflirtdBnfa man and will neverinune th* people wbo elect him to fpei

bara-d ol bia 0 >uduct either in bis 1 fB e: cat of IU

CHAS A. GILLENIn Moller'n Opent Hnu-e last Sitnrdnyplit Sir. OHUn told a llltlo utory BQ'1

w'luid up vitli ihna'Nice, " I wantynu tomrmber poor old Andrew Gitlen onceiore.M Thi>u, after l lr . CuUer hnd cm

eluded his attack on Hie editor of the E RMr. Gillen accprit<>d it as a defence of hlm-i*-ir and ruatied forwnrd lo conpratalato

Tbnt seem? to be nbc t his only argu-ment in thio campalftn—tbnt the EEA per-ccutea blm permnally and he runs aroundwith nilly nppenlfl f <r nympitby on tbin

Now, Mr. Oillon knows na wellinybo'ly Ihitfbn ERA ban *A$ nothing ofiln pern^nal chnraoier in Ibla o a pn>pn what's tbe use of his whining? Whyinii't be aland up like mnan nod flgbt thebi"g out on tlie prinniplea cif his parly?

He known Ibat hi*oninp«lilnr, Mr. McDnvitin in every way bia p»er, wliether for ohai-

t r r , liberality, or nines* for tbe officeDut tha great Iroubte witb Mr. Gilicn latbat he imng'nes tbat he has the right to bpelected whether tbe people want him lo be

not, and he gets tbe Billy notion In bishead tbat anybody wbo exercises bis rightla tbifl country to oppose him ia penecutlna;him. But that UUle game Is about playedoat, and tbe sympathy dodip won't work aswell an it used to. Every Republican knnwBthat his party has no worse enemy in thiisection thnn Mr. Gillen and should t ike tbegreatest pleasure in laying him oat cold thisfall.

The fierce Democracy of South Carolinaive again taken heart from the Ohio elec-

tion and have resumed 1fa>lr old policy ofviolence. AH ever the State tbey a n juatnow engaged in breaking up tbe meeting* oftbe Independent* by cursing and bullyingtbe speakers. X*st Friday night E. M.Bnyton, BepnMioan nominee for QangrewIn Ihe Third DUtr ot, wiu to Rpesk a l E ^Beld, but the cowardly fire enters met him

hla way, surrounded the hotel wharo hewai Btoppinn and b j threata of death p n

ted bin going farther. Republicans, thework of your party wilt not be aocomplifttdtill the right* of men are fully protected intheBonth. Vote for Phelpa and UoDavit.

David A. Pell, ex-Sherifl of Bergen coun-ty, bai received the Republican nominationfor Surrogate of that county. From thefact tbat be ia Ihs only Kepnblic&D everelected lo the Shrievalty in that hot-bed ofDemocracy, his name lands addition*!Rtrength to the ticket headtd by the Hon.Willium Walter Pbelps, and once mare, thenatal Democratic tunjority of more than

,000 will be wiped out at the coininglion. Wr.PeUiB well kno»n aa the "Abo

" of Btrgen County, both from bisBppBaranoeandpersoQilchiraotcrisUos. Althe signs are encouraging; posh an tha goodwork In Uonia.

The comity of Morrli on a fall iota IB Ra-pullican by at least 1,000 majority. What,then, h there to discourage us ? Tnra outtarn, next Tuesday, overcome all youienemies, and plaae i t on rec rd Ibat *onroonnty i i f o r a prjtectita U l B aaHUpob-


hat t e ia p r a y p r ,herefore votinfl, ia all prnlmuility, to giv

all Ihe w t power of the Pjieakfr lo n freernder—lo the very man whom the extremeFree triders of lbs Bonlb rnny p'ok out aalout rareti cirry ont their nVin'i".What po«-er has n. Speaker? Rxtber.whut

power baa be not. under the present nilex ?He cnn appoint alt tlie conirait'ecH. Tbo«fl

ilt u hich ll i d u t r i a l end1 npo't which all industrial endpgiHla<ion depends he will take

care to select BO ax to innure the unooa^s nfthe legislation tbat he dfhirea Tbe oom-rnltieee report only nucb nie\surpaaa thetplewej tbev onn'rol llie flu r in dfbaie uponthem, panelling out ihe time AS tbey nee fttto tbe sapporler* of 'heir motvwe*, andleaving to tbe nppoBite ptirty a par t ; theycontrol nmendmeniw, and cnn done tbs de-bate apd force a vote when they think theoccasion favorabia I t is virtually Impnn-sible to pasB nny measure noain«t a hoHtildcommiitt39 having charge of tbe siibjeot, andthe control of the bnniaeivq in worth minyvotes in RHonritig favorable ac'ion nn Hmeamire offered. Ni»r doen Ihn pnwpr ofthe Speakfr end with the Be!f>oti"n of onm-mitters. He has absolute nnd irreHp^ORible

>wer to rerogniee f>uca members an heeases, nad can muzzle u man RO thi t bn111 never get A chance to Hpeftk, if it ia

cause of temperance and Is to dny the mosthonored temperance man ia this great coun-try. Why be has done more for tbe cautethan fifty snoh men combined nn these whoare trying to prevent people from benrhuhim. Are the temperance votern in thintown so weak thnt they cannot be fruited tohear Ihe remarks of this universally esteem-ed Ohri'tian gentleman ? Besides the impu-Ution tbat Mr. Dodge U an unola of Mr.Phelps 1M not true, and we nre sorry to see ;clerical Renllemen Boil Iheir bands by eoat-

Sonthern claims 1Fifth—D^re the people trant Ibe Deato

crHtlc party with ibe co.trol of Congressaod er n sequent power to again display tbe'•iigbtive incompetence wliichdittingnishedtbtt recent ye in in which Ihey held it ?

SJnh-Dure tbe people trust Ihe Demo-cratic pnrly witb the control of Oongrammd the consequent power to throttle an

starve tbe Government into Bnbiniaaion totheir revolutionary demands ?

teriog a Msebood e « n by impuUtion, for I p n r ( y , o

wilb very lUtlo Iroubla they crald bar mty

If Ibe people dare trust the Demooratio

ascertained the fnota in tlie case. It*ery muoh as if they did not cire to preseu

the truth to the peopla He is not the nndof Air. Via. Walt-r Pbelpa, aud if connectedBt HII tbe relattoniibip is very distant- He isIhe uncle of the sons of the late Ansnn O.Pbelps. wilb wbom be 1B associated in IUB[-

ess.At tbe meeting tonight there will be on

the pliitfnrm witb Mr. Dorige a numbetbe life-long temperance men nf thisreunify, and any min wbo la afraid t't hparMr. Dodge munt bs 1 wbn does not dai

lec ta cnndd•bo 1R now pro-min

l' t , nr Mr.

wy farewell to Pmoe, Prosperily, Freedomaud the Rt'p ibllcan aorcrument. Tbat isa i l -bu t it is evervlhtog.-Httcken8aek Be-publicau.

Probably a score of temperance ^actingshave been held Dover during this campaign,and yet tbe managers have, become BOalarmed (is to warn their followers by handbills Against tbe fipnech which Hon. Wm.E. Dodge, President of the National Teiperance Society, 1B to deliver this- -Fr iday-evening. Tbey must feel that their follow-ers niuRt be weak indeed, If a few brief romarks from Mr. Dodge will upset the effectof twenly temperance meetings. Bat Ihelamentable part, of it ]H tbat a clergymanlike Rev. Mr. Opdyke saouM ba engaged inmaking the false Impression tbat Hoo. WuWaller Plielps la a npphew of Mr. Dodge.

In bis xpeech before tba Bergeo CountyConventinn in Hitkenaaek Mr. Pbelpa stat.ed unqiinliflediy that whenever in publiclegislation tberewnsa question between acorporal Ion and a private individual, be«wiW in the fulnre, an he had in Ihe part,ilvavi fiivor tbe individual, Tbis clenranlfn juopoly declnrotion worries the Democr*.*i-bo hnve been opposing him ns a railrrad

favorite. Mr. Phelps bos at all times jeol-iu<)y guarded Ibe interests of the people,

and be will not now depart from thatpclloy.

There are a great many Democrats In thisOounty wbo feel lhat Mr. Gillen is not justthe sort of a man who ought to be In obargeof the reFpopsibla and important office ofiurrogate. They bave now the opportunity

of replacing him with a thoroughly capablemm to whom no fair objection cm be urged,

id thpy shoulii be prompt to embraoe it.Every good citizen, whitevcr bis partynmne, who desires to Bee the Surrogate's

™ la itt flmt-olaw hands, should vole forWm. H..McDavit.-Jeraoyman.

ne Rirorithat bU


o apeak, f it Inmight hinder thealby tlifl Shakerire liivoraiiby tlifl Shaker.

Such ennrinous power and renp nsitiility «ruro bn given In tbf nmnt dangeriiua free

tderinttinHni'sa. if a n-mnontin ei'iou»decides, b j Ihe votni of DemocrntR elen'ed

in the plea that they are pernoiinil.v proteii-ionis'a.


Tbe following, from tlio Ei«t Orang«Onielte, in reference to the campaign in thp

ixib District, villnpply to tkis district anwell:

rea Trifle and a tariff f-p revenue nalwiiyo been tlic r 'living cry of ilie D

neratlo p irly thronahnut tlm conn'ry at «1PO-•<nt Ihe BRtionlliirfl. d Rtiloln and in tl»SoutViprn fitnt"1", where D'mnoi-iicv !< utrmijtc fit, hut thnt ory will nnt d i *n ^ O""B'"1")

'onal diolHet like E«t-x Cnnnty. wlioifrfi-ippri'y d^p^nd-i RI ]nrg ]y upon lit ra 'itf'lCtuHnR itidu'lrlfl", oli>-Tn Ihe npmtwalFirn Pp"tfi>iioiii«t*( to oft'o1! th* m> chntii-nMo, ad"pt ft pHforni dJMkri»a Tor fr-f

n d " and prnt<>ftinn in Hw damn plank. B-<C

lominilinn nnd en^ir*!1 g Ihp pl»tf>rm v -lemnitly JeclarPS for a prntpotiv^ tiriff. An.onert der'aMtlmi of such Bentimpnls ifjrimraendaiili*. and if. iu C*RO nf a Diimocrfttio majority in 'hn nmt Onniirtnm. iwould he nn«siblfl fnr n. Demooriilc reprttgenta'ive from tHs dlntrint tn m'the a«y HIICCRi-ful oppO'illon In tlie free trode pnnriplpiol trut purtv, merbania* niiuht ^atoly votifor "hoDpm'CDitlo randilitte. but neither f<po^Bihlc and thepi»n who«e d'ily br«id dfppnflB upon the proleelin" of hrnne in >«-«triea In not likely to hnzird it in vntins wilba partv whroe prenfl'|t phinilBe-and dpolaredprinciples are so at variance with their pant

There In an especial effort thi* yenr t<»lert Dflmocrniic Oougreawmpn in N ' r h e r n

B»pnblicnn diftricts. on tbn pretcit that thecmdict-itpfl are proteo'ionintR. la ifme OJISPRtbe preleit in ot>ly a prele"O«. Std c ipTlfnoe 1IB« InuRlit that U in impossible to forp-tell brtw Demfwrnts wlio, are pleated AH pro-tectionists will vo'e when thpy R«t witblnthe influence of their party orRnnilfttion »tWashington. The cry ot "P- l l t . DUIIHH,and the tariff ol MS" elfo'ed Mr. Daltax.and byhiH casting vota tbe tariff ot 1842wan mnrdered. and tfae tariff of 1846, with80 per cent duttaa on Iron, woollen, oottouacd silk goods, waa adopted.

W. H. McOormlci, whose prefix fa'Eev.", and W.H. Bertram are laborini!

tesloosly iu tfae iotereat of Mr. Kyle, Dua-ocratio oandidsto for Congress. They firemder the Prohibition cloak, Ihe "Bev."

being the supposed candidate of that partyfor Congress. Tiuue two men bave visitedmany towns iu the district, nod H Is assertedlhat mere ohilledsteel lied bave been utler-odby them ngiinxt *he RepuhHoma thanby alt ihe Denitwratto speakers combined.Of Baiiratu not bins belter was to be ei-peotedj but Ibe (ieo^nt people ofconntiea are dUgmtted nt tbe aoiions of acKrgvmin whi thus debar s life e tiling

man MoCormlck asserted En Hacken-tack lhat he would be "tbe mast dis p-poibted man that New Jersey over saw ifnot elected," and when tnken to task by the

ID people of bis home lor Hiicb b irs-faced falsESuatiou, bo utienked out of tbepredioiaient with tha eiplanntlou tbat hmeant that be "would be disappointed litemperance men." Thiu is tba si>rt of manthat Obristlatis are especially appealed to loiupport—HackeuBsek Bepublican.

Tbe Bftcner tbii momiug aUemplflto an-er the Esk'a cballenga tbat it oannol

ahow b j any word or aot in tbe life of Mr.tbat be ever was iu favor of free

trade. It does ont offer either word or act,bnt iimplf reitera'es the now thoroughlythread-bare lie, and goes nn the record as awilful defarnvr. Aud it is by Buoh bosh asIbis that theDdmooratf) faope to make voteofor John Hyle. Tue llanner is also very re-ticent in regard to tbe already proven chargeibrtt Mr. Byle a few yrara since imparted alarge quantity of foreign machinery for his•-ilk mill, and tried to get a bill thrnuahCongress to relieve it of duty, Iliat be wightget Ihe product of foreign cheap kl>orat tfaeexpense of home labor and deprive thegovernment of Its just duos under our policyof protection. A baouliiui exemplificationthla of Ur. Bylo'tf professed prelectionprinciples |

Coming Again-The Stanford Ciimi any, vhicb town tiino

ago proSfn'ed Undo Toin'n Cabiu in Defer Iumauncr than It was t-ver nreeinted Iu

tbliplacu Lefnre, aB cnuounctd by ailvx-riue-ment e!»e»htre, will aguiu appear viib tintpopular |ila? in Uullyr'a Opera House on Wed-!esday eveuiug n< i t . Bcfldes baring a first- {

class company, snpiKtrtod in nil the cocoes by \i colored (icopla frum lla South, tbey j

avo bfoudlioundu, auperb reentry <iud oil theqiplflntotifftryiorpreBentlng tltligrtat

Moulberc Dmma in nil IU force and p >wer.IIOJO wbo hure seen CTuolo Ti)Ui'» Cabin ren-ered brmiuor oumpanlcB, will tiardly recnj{.lzelt as tlio same pluy nrben tliDf see tin-auuiflaaut effect f{ivou by the Standard Com-

pany. Everybody in tlilB section nuould in-prepared to go an scoit on WcdnoudayoTetiluj!QPIL Secure your seats early ai VooglitAE l l ' I

Thfl beat iuformud Depoerats of Ihe coun-t.V are not backward iu admitliog that tbeyhive uo nhow to elect Jobn Ryle to OongresB.but tbey nm tnakiun a dexperate fight to pnllIhrough OhM. A. Qlllen, thuir candidate forSurrog ite. A Republioan should heidlate a

rc>it while before be gives Ibis mm bis vole.He was n bitter Democrat in tbe most ilin-sracetul diys of Damooraay, and that he baH

profited nothing by eipnrlence was ehownsy bis circulating the Morey letter forgery'oyeinnga

While engaged in bis canvass at Milton,:he other day, Mr. Wm. H. MoDavit, ourcandidate for Surrogate, wbo seised withanother chill. Ilia frequent attacks haveprevented him from seeing aa mny of thepeople as he would have Been, and thismust ba his excusa. Under ths circa m-

DH every frieud of Mr. MoDavit Bbouldbuckle Into the fiSut and secure the electionof a gentleman who as Surrogate wonld bea credit to bid friends and the people of thecounty.

John Byle presents his compliment towhom it muv concern with the Infomallonthat he has bto Mne sole proprietor nf B newlad of Democracy indigenous to Northern

Now JiTiiey. wbloh will proceed at once to•iltoliKb the free t n d e Damooracy of Ab

l, G » , Hflrd, Morrison, Belmont &Co. He propose at the next Boston of theL'Rislature lo bave the name<<f this peculiarkind or Demoaraoy oba-iged to Kyleorcraov.

TUB PrtuH says "almost evfiTy-b tiy .itrerB tbat WJllia-ji Walter Phelpi in

iry pnpuUr in his owa (Barren) County>md lhat th t Damocra'lo Gibraltar will qlvthim n mnjirity. This rMtonluhing proof of

• good opinion of tbe people among whoahe liven and who kmw him beit, Bcultlevery camp lign 4nn 1 r th it Ua? been fl Mtedgtinst him. Xt IB the verdict of the ' j iryf the violoage/ thn best In the world."

The minitgerx of me probibiuou Bide snowIn tbe D nncrntEc parly bave warned tlteirfollowers »g*\mt a meeting ia "tbe interestof WIllliM Phelps." But has anybodyhtxrd of them uttering warnings agilnsl

linns in the interest of John Ityle andOlias. A. Oil Jen? No doubt If tbey shouldsucceed in electing ihono. two men tbeyff.'uld crow over it na a great prohibition'ictnry. And what a prohibition victory it'ould bs, t» be Rure.

Thelrtboriug m»u of Pfttoraon a n dig.u^Bing a very damaging ohnrge against MiItyle, Ihe Detcocritia oaniiilate for Oon-

, which it appears lhat the old gentleis nut, t.fler M, the great proiecliauU

and friend of the laboring m.m clilmed b.the party paper*. A nun who will attempltn Ret fi>ra!gn miahinery through free olduty, to ihe in] <ry of borne labor, isdoubtful wnrkiiiv'mnn'i friend.

A great labor mealing was held in Fater-wn on Wednesday night, at whloh Mr. JobnByle was severely handled by tbe speakers,Tbe PutersoD Lnbor Standard, the organ oftfae laborl- g men of that city, BIBO Issued anpxtro en Wednetdav, which we bave beforeus. It Ia filled with-proof tbat Mr. Byle hiunever been tba friend of labor, and p irtion-larly oosdemnB him for working children atthe smnllest WBgea. Thb sounda strangeafter Ur. HIIB'B pmfeaoInnB in Moller'aOpera House la«t Maturity night. Vote for

m, Walter PbelpB, wbo donated $20,000to the laboring men ot Uackanftuik, whentheir savings bank failed.

In their last terrible agon; tbe Democrat*or this section are howling that Wm. WalterPbelps Is a free trader, but not one of Ibemalicious tlnndenrs can point to a single

rd or sot In his life tbat will give thefaintest evidence of what they say. Whenlbs Demoornta strive to carry the Bleotlan byBuoh bmxen and Impudent Uea ao Ihis itshows lhat they are terribly hard up for ar-guments.

The Peterson papers ahow that vhen JobnRylfl built a new Bilk mill some yean ago beimported the machinery from Europe, whereit could be made by cheaper kber than inIbis country, and then tried to get a rpeolalbill through CcBRreta to get it Into Ihhcountry free of duly. That's the kind of aprotectionist Ur. Ryle 1st Do you wanthim to represent you F

Every Bepublican vote iu Morris CountyBfaonU txi polled for Wm. H. MoDavir, 0 lifoIongRapablioantagentlBman ot irreproacb>able ohnncler and tbe hiRbest quaUaottlonsfor ihe office, a^wellaaagrcithaarttd, geerous c i t i s > i K "

Ma ofttncii high per-hovntfl* lor biu> * ill

Wro.H UcD^vlt !• acharm t-r that

In ihe 8 e >ml Dis m tit Unst tbungfat of nominating E. 0. Blot-

ham for Surrogate, but caanged their mtodamid got.tfae Democrats to nominate him foithe As-e i.bly. Bo Democracy and Prohibi-tion are lyiug dowu together like tbe lionHU-1 tbe lamb. When they rise up the Pro-hibition lamb will be inside tbe Demooratio

Tbe How Jersey Bute Temperance ,ance and tbe Morris County TempennaAlliance, as well as the beat temperancemen of tbe county and state, have no sym-pathy for and will not reoognlte the bogusso-called prohibition movement which watinstituted in malice and carried on in bate,in ordtr to help the D'tnoaratio party.

Mr. Byle said hut Saturday evening thathe didn't understand tbe iron interests ofthis seetioo, bnt would be "governed by thicommittee." What under the heaveimeant by this no one oan tell Ur. Phelpssays be knows what we need and ihow*by declaring FOR 1 BPEDino DOT or AT U U

Let every Rjpublioin Irotn the blgest 0did t'a on the tlukot to thB laat private in thenmkB work from now on w if Ihe whole r j• wmibility of the canmi rested on his iuirllual shoulden. Tbat la ihenortof feeliogthat brings victory, and pleasant thoughafter election.

would not stoop to domean or low thing even If It wonld securehia election. That's the kind of a man yiwant in nn office when the estates of wid-ows aud ubiMreti are tn be looked afler.

Ur. Byle • ijs tbnt on lbs questions of toriff he will be "governed by thfl Ccatmittea."Then we had batter know before the electionwho this Committee will be composed of.

" I could maintain my pnaltion on thifence witb more eemforlnndgreaterdlgatyif Ibis ioffraal top rail didn't keeabout BO."—Temperanne D*moor»t,

Every Democrat iu Congresa voted againstz be c*llal uj o J to bltbb, Lc hi* 00 jtluot the Tariff Oommltoiun Huw can jou trust

niU in otto* [wot Ibtmto support fa


DOVER, II. J..otin in tb« oitr lll.t pal. JP


rieooenot ni'ratiar. L'*e. 'aetive men earu1 g«o.l wane-. 8*Ury ftwl^pmjw^pwfl^^jw

Talo'vAti!! 'Cherry Hill' Mamerlei, ^ " i ^ * *

Stale Sunday School Association.Tlie 2Sth auoual convention or the New

erney Ulatft Sunday Suhoj) AtfODialluu will:3 hfld it Hie First BaptistChurch, JMdge-jn, Nov. H1I1, 151b and lOib, 18S3. Every !ranfie merit has becu m»0e to insnre au ''ttrcBiiOR and profitable ncueiou. Tbe fol-iwing eminent laoorers in this fital.1 haveEPufnviled »ndaro eipoctod to bo present:ev. H. O. HoOook. D. I)., ol Fbilultlpbli,

lev. J . L. Hurlbnt, of FLtinJield, Itev, T. E.Vasaar, of Newark, Ror. J . A. Wurdon, otPrinceton, &ov, J . B . Tbompsun, of JprseyOitv,Bev. J. B. Gi'atr, D. D., of Oiaden, BIT.P. P, LeTan*. of Passatc, Rev. P . B. Qrcnl, ul

ipe Mav, H(>ir»rdtltiftl,E-q.,of PliilstltlpliiR,. 0. Hft«ird, Erq., if PmlaJiIpbi*. Tht-mpHetilieo of lliei-itleeuB of BnUficlt-n atejntronsly u-nd^rtd, mnl permins mieuilmtftil be cbpfrfml.v fottTtiined. Tickun 011ie West Jersof Rn'mail ul ball fare, 00

>rdcn procured of Goomy SeerelariM, aud>a ibe Utti Jersey Huuthern Bulroail, freeeturu 011 payment or full fare goiug,

10c. Goods.We bare Oat Heal Soap three cakes for 10c.

lond Dyes, lOo, package, bosatifol Dolorn.Oumpbur Ice, 10c. box. Siu^lling Salt, lOtt.

title, CaeboQR, 10a. boi. Tooth Aclie Dropnc. bottlo. Bandoline nnd Bandoline Powder,c. bottle and package, Tuath Putrdur, 10c.>UIB. Ask to ibe oar 10c. goudi. Voagbt &

Complimenury Notloe,WUWODI'I ca'l siii-iiil a'tonti >n to theart-'rtUemdiit tu Hii' is>itu or Hoopes Hen. k

TlinmaH, rue woli-lmnwu Knr<»fri-ni.-n uf ff^ntGlister, Pa., wlu urn in wjtu »r a lav nw-ftle^raou to Btll tUuir tpoonlih-i la NaraerySlORHt


Wednesday Even'g, Nov. 8.Tbe Standard Combination

UNCLE TOM'S CABIN!wi b ihB nitmiNAL L0UI8HN4 SLAVETIH)UU\DDUH8. Qfuuinn HODtlifrncnli.ri-0fnlk-, mtn trnmea aud children, iu a iioiWav011 tli*>old t'niRCiitioupliniatlon^DlrrHlaciDfithe anEAT oorroN PIOKINQ HOENE, thi'irnitlve plan'atbn refrxiut. sum* and tiancex,ifhlng avirid picture or "Life among tbeLowly."



« - Rcjprvpd 6Pftie may DOT bo Beaured atVOUKIII AKilljcro'a oniR etore.








M Orer 75 fan,

GOAL' nil ItiniUaiil nts^.snUI at tliblowest poiail>Fc rutm *.n-\ On*

llvered nntmpllv brOEO. MoOltACKES,

Dover, N. 3.

LIVERY!ood tarn-out can at all times

at a m u t a t e

prise at

aao. MomicKEwa,D.vor.N J.



WEDNESDAY'Nov. 8th,1883, his entire (took of FARMING IMPLB-

UENTS, consisting of

Horses, Cattle and icrrel boriei, 3 bar roaros, 3 cows, 5

head younn cattle, 4 plga, t#o withyoung 8ve weeks old.)

Hay, Grain and I'.! tons ol hiy, 200 tmahotn oilB( 80 bmtl -i^pi.tatoM, 50 bnnbi-lii rye, 150 bniliels small

iuli corn. 1,000 biiBUelacoru *ta"tB. "" ° '

Wagons, Buggies and Harness,2 fHrm ivaRonB, 1 top biipcy, I tbree-Rpripe

WIBM. 1 csrl, » BHi. Pin^lo liariieu: I W• - B power nnil I twixbuno n-ei\ dtllN. 5

n, 9 larrows. 'I rer..lnnff rakes, 9 i.ajr bub'. 1 liulit nip nl), 1 munriug miL'hipe, and(•olu-rBninHci-nrticl e.

1ERM8 i)P 8 i L E - \ l i piiroliABPR o»er 111iinMiionltia nun unpruv.-il Bo-iuntv—noto »L

bai.k. SIIP to ro iimtnne at 10 nVfnck A. M,prompt. No poatpoaemeut on Roconnl nf tUi— ' 1 ' r. * H. K. VASKIBR.

W . S. OOIiLABD,Carriage Trimmar ana IHirni-

ture- MOrmiS STOEET, DOVER, H. J .

Hair H»tlraMni nrxift tn order nnd old rait-;r»»»es mmln ovnr. Wlndiw «hiil"« mule andhiiDo;. OnWm for nil k>ml* of m.hf. . t .mnetvlv indpronptlyDnont-l. Otrriaue trlimlnir In all it* brinca0". Prlc^n mmlprtio.

L«ttere rei i iHining i i i ic la l inedIn t h e Post OiTce a t Dover . N. J .

DOVED. N. J., NOT. Sd, 1883.nan *nderson, ,T*g. M^ni't.

IVr.oP;' Bmly, li>**vu McTioroin,H.A DcHarl, MavE,Srn..nniib, AnidvPjlwr.MTN. J -PHer , XIIIH tttmhtl.P-nnlMV. FiPlit*r, EmMy H-ntm,t.nnilnliili HHIISOD, riien »<t SITWICK,aim*. Hi'ihlcn, M'i H. rtlmrp,U E Hani, J. .L. Npi,lermtpllnibprt, O-o. Smith.A. O.J^cubieii, n-l^n R .Tubr ,H. Ji hmmii. Hart T-'IUUJRO,Tlim. Lu'k, J.^ Vtn-Wrlioir,•l.U. Warner, F OirrUDn.

To obtain uny nftlie abim> IBIIBTB ia J "»d.rtrtiHed"ani] Rive d»te of thi* list.


PUNERA1S!LTY svitem of Small Proats appreciated.J X Quality and workroansbip or tbe boat.My tbanki Tor liberal patronage in Ibe piat,Orders by telegraph meaienger or telepbon

attended to,JOHN JONES, Undertaker,

Boekawav, N.J .

MA mm: i).HAllEIBON-ifoOOBMICK- At tbs lirlde'

renlftpnce, Out 24th, bv Rnv. VI. 0 NQIHOUJoel 11 HarriKcin, nf Newark, ind Bimh DMoCurtuiek, of C»I(IWD!1.

MoOHVE-MO0BB-A.t tbereddencp nflhlinda's iiarentu. Bint OMnn»>,aept.a0lh.byHOT, 8. J . McPhTucm, Win H McOlave.Jrof Npwirt, anil Alviretu P. B., d»n tilerUbarlea F. B, Moore, rormerljotDiter,

KAim-Octoiwr 81*1. h» BOT. B. B,COIIIDP, Jtcnb W. Bird *nl Mfai Sarah A,Karn, both uf Pluokiown.rfJEnOPPLUlNoTetnbpr l<t, by IW, IIB. Oollioi, Jnhn Biia und Hi-i LoulnaHap.plar, both or Koh'»le.i'a Houutiln.

8TEPSEN8-AtMl. Hope, October 81st, JOB*Inriat »on or Philip and M « j iJtcpb


YRALE-At Port Oram. Drlober SStb, Mn.Eltnbeth Veale, aged 87yean.

FOR RENT.A nouie on Gold atmet, with a!x roomi, and

In flrat-claig condition. Oood wtlor andother eonvtnlEincei. Apply tu

P. 0. REAGAN,<B-lw al Itoderer k BiWfrt

MINERS WANTED.A numbir or good niiiert, loonilomed to

ntanlng 4ir drills, an wtnted 1o workEplltrook. Ipiillillh.

«-l»P ino

DOG LOST!A IjEi^HErrEIJ •oswerfpf; lo tlii>nsm«nf

'," Tu" Qmlirvill tie lUJUlly ntwi.1= f t . <hg w BIDgPF,


i m KXKCUTOU'S S A L Eof property ot the esUln of Morris Trimmer,deceatert, atauda adjonrned fur two Bcetu

til PATU11DAY, NuTcaiber ltli, 1832, at (be

rricin Hnnse, HucUcltatoirn, N, J,

SHERIFF'S SALE.In CbMicei? nfNwwJcrany-Wheretn Gcrtrmic

Ami Dun ai II anil ArnhpiU Field uera com-plulnHUt". and Elmlra Vicrhml. iot1ivl( at J^xticutrlK i>r Jsvoob H. VrcehttijUichRd Vrcclaud and Ju*nua hi* wife, Vf,\iliHtn B. Vi-ecUml and A one IIIH wi'e. E;\laJuno Van flura ami Hpnrv K V«n Horn her1-HKbnml, Sinh IT. Befitrino ftnd Wllium

-Hegelian her Imxband, Mary HnddieBicD*u<l Juliu H. Bmlilloilon lier liu«l<anil. de.ifndHUl". Fl. la. for ta'n of unrleecfdrw-pminei. UetnriialilH lo OoiobprTiTm. A,D. 1*81. WILWAUB & OOHLEB, Uui'rH

EIY virtue or the nhove stnled writ of S*nt raolBBiuniyhandH,l8tiall exponolbrmli

tt public vonilua, i t tbe Court Houke, In MorriHiown.N. J . c nMONDAY, the 4th day or EE0EUBER Best.A. p . 1883,bctWQen tlie hours nr 12 M. and fl•I'elook P. H., tlml la to aay nt 9 o'ol.ick iu theIttrnonu of said dav, tbe folliitnng described

pr< nilKt-% lo be e»ll in Iwoseparate pirctl,• ' mentioned in tafd itoree, to-wit:

PiB>T-Alltbi«ecertsio trnotBurparcelBor'anu and pretntfea liertinader parilt-ularlTiiracrll>ed, Bllu*te, tying mid bt-iup; In tlielownahln ol tbeConnij or Hor-ri« and Stale u| N-w Jwriie.?, o- P«mpt™PlniR.. beturr the IxiniMond form n' f»rui r>vttmnnot Biir.T.dereaved, the flrnt bcdiinhiu inIbBiiiMidloiifibe rond 'lorniarlv ibe Kew.ttkand Pumpkin inrnpiV^ roijt) xt tbn naoltiv^Mtcoruep or !a.nii rt-lprZ-NO (Jiircliawl i.f UUIHTH. Butty, now owoml by flrtniccl DeMoli •ineice rnnnmc nhag a line of I lie min<' amuli

ublvflftht depren ttiil rurU-Sve minut.afast iiiw tern cliuim m l tlitrtMltmi linko toi m-n->ror fjm<+ O-alt.m'R 1 n<:; tlit-nei- (8)tHtMli rurtvflveniiuuips wont wroncbntiwa-idron.v-liiifOinhMo^oiliorurtiiKManiHi.itii"ti[ Miti-tin J»bn lUortnih'a laml; llionui- (3)tloiiHUIalnBanuib vlnbty^tgbt u>gr«eaanda balr eaat wren chains and eighty-two 1IDV>to aoothei corner of uld Orafaam B land :ihMice (4) along hb tlu» louth one dejjre.'ait fonrleeii uhalnx and forty links to tbe

muldlo ortliMoadlflsdiutrfrom rwmerlirM*p.liii J. B-rrj's w Peqoiwac river; tbeuce (fi;il«ngtbe BNtnc nortb eiKbiy-elgbtdegreeaan jrunvtlvB minutes west twftilj.«e»en ubilnsinrt ten links In tue middle or tho aforesaidlurnpUo road; tb«no« (6) along the a«n>eoorttionedfgrue aod roru-dve ro[-Qto*»ent"even cuaina tn tbe pl«ce ur beginning cm-iRloinB twentj-Ioiir acreg and aaTeot»-n»ebDniiffdlhi of an acre. ExccpllnR, ho«en>r.icd deducting therefrom i-iiteen buuilreihlmnUnarreeouToyd by Ava Ne,l ami wif« oMrfttm J. Berry, by d-ed dated Ma; 9ib, 1825n-Cirtteil is tlie Olerk'a nm-;e of the Omin'v orU-'rrlx.lnBioliRBnrDdrda. pa«e S7S,nine-i*en buuJreiliha ut in *cre convwed bvSiM.nt-1 in-rrj anri wf e t» SNrtin l.ti'ttn Iwileed. ait.l Jinoanr 19tb. 1B37, tnd reronled in tb"'hinviail nfflei' in BJOS H 3 p 231 dr 19tb

i', in tnd reronled in tbH 3, p.go 231, aud

kc. >o ibit llirre rrmMDi nred»-ronrVrtgluoreorle... Alioill that tract or pircel i.rmod .od premiie., il.tane. Uiog iDdbrtg. tDih» Inwiiibip, a ionl j >nd Blitg . lor, . . i j» " • « »'„» P « ' ""ndlns In I No Hot, „(M.tlln Julio llsenon'« Int u • corner ol ..IdV/EettDJ'. Und; running «l;iM ",„

H n l M l n l U It] nnrtli «ial,ijeiKhl i m £*nd u tnilr well len olulni u d m link.-ili«nr« 13) .onih nns degree p<«t .evno obtiu.

flf!l<td»reei md t cu t leo cbiiniftudrour link.; ibenee «) no,lh d r em- we,lWVPD rurt.-ilx Sink, to tlie piHQe"f Urglunlnft, oonUmlng .afea tore, ftud aball, Binci tnr.»nie,

&BO DDLT-AU tbat liact or parcel of landa»<] prciutaiw, aitnalp. king ana boing jn Ibetfmn.wp ot Peqn•o«^ In ibe Oonnlr or Mor-rii and Male or Hew Jeraw, on hnp, belnt part or a Iraol or lorl,.ro™04-100 .era* coirmed bj Gennie Oirler Hod•He to Ualpb V.n Honk ti, h. dctd dntt'l"hiaotll « , , ; r (larcb A p . IMS. and raonbd"'Ire CTrH-i ..On rnrUorna Onnnti,In II ol za piael l l , 4c , Mlnati-at tbu loamnealeHfrorn.r or .aul Iracl; bn1nnin« al a corn«r orI W Boome'. land (mni de»..ed), and Irantbsneo tntimne (I) norlbtrlj >ionj, bia line toateecDi 01 ea.toH; along aald fiVnoe lo >t.olber reni-e; (8) atnlberlj alonz aald ranos toIln. or roraerl.. Oil,. lUnd.rtli," la.-d™(«along bl. Iln. 10 tbi, Ufjlnnlng,oontalnlns Oiilorwi, be th . .»tn« mor. or 1PM.



GOK. B u c i « > u . »n> Bcaizx GT...D0VXB, » . i.

J.a.Snraatm. 1:0. Sain,


-FALL TRADEwilh a new ond eioepti<io«H.» flm slick nf gooa», wbioll U oarlala lo bo Of

inlore»t to Indies in making ""eif f«U piimliMW ao it contains fall lines ol

LADIES DRESS GOODSin nil fubrios nnil colon. A Hue assort me ut ot

Plushes, Velvets and Velveteens,IN D L i t K AKD COLORS.


These ire lupplemeated by a coraplde line at

LADIES' UNDERWEAKin Wool nnd Musi in ; n full lino of

^IKIIID GILIOIVIETST^tbat will BUHtaia oufjiircvioas reputation in these goode,

A flne (lisplnv of Liflim'nnd Cliildreu's LACE COLLARS, nnd 0 toll msorlm«nl of FANCY ARTICLES, tugmlur ivillj unr nlimjs loplolo slook of







where especial pjthis liuve boon tiiken to arcme slicli n stock of

|fALL MtESS GOODS,!awill be sure to meet tbe weeds auH Ibe tastes ol tbo for tlie cool BBMOU,

togctbGr willi largo and corajilute liuca of


A varied Hue, oomprieiDg nil tbe oe<r designs in

offering castomois the opportanity to sclent from 50 different grades, runningfrom tbe cbeapest to tbe lii^bcst iu pticp. Aud aa always

replete nfisortment of everything in


PAHTMENTS, urn ki>pt np with nur m-n\ CUM mrl offer ndvintiRwi to purr,hf>=eri*.





Dolmans, Cloaks, Paletots,Jackets, Havelocks,

Trimmed lo all tho NEWEST MOVELTma IN PLUSH, PDH, PAB3HE»irBIE3. t o .



Hn.ntxnnn , '


Page 3: GEO. RICHARDS & Co., · on SLATE HOOFH cheaper than CV«T using none but th o beat quality of slate and em-ploying flrst-olase




HON. WILLIAM E. DOBGB,Pre.ltl.iit of Uu Nntioo«l Tempemaoe 6«-

cielj, «ill <peal tl»i» (Friday) eieniig in

Jli.ller'H Opera House. Afl Mr. Dodge goee

to Boontoo tbB same evening to speak the

meeting will btgin AT 7 o'oMJCK BHABP. At

8 o'ifa* c Republican TOting will be held,

" JOHN S. GIBSONwill answer tbe argumentBaad questions put

to him last Saturday nlpbtby HOB. Ang. W.

Culler, nnd will endeavor to demonstrate

that ft Demoomt U jnatified in abandoDing

faia p«rtj by reason of ita attitude to tlie

Tariff qnutlon. DemocraU are respectfully

ioviled to be present ^


Tbo enemy Is i t mir iluitrTo fight OH BI Iboy'ro fought of yore;Lcl'n meot them *» In <layi before,

WltbBolicI wokwdfila.Then will we •boatonTaeidiy night,Tlic ficiory 1« with the right,And !><•« T'J« «u'h b M t*;"eD fligbt

With Oilltn tnd vlili Kjle.

Mil" everyIlrpiiUlicnn *otoCount on Tuenflty nextFor FbripB, McDavit nod prolectiou,November h n inlvtd wltlout 1 killing

frost yd.The F^BOD for shooting ribbitt opeDi next

WediiEbdny."Araln red" id the gay »nd ftetionablo tint

among tbo ladles.Inn 1 iRpnt B«pdb1to»iiii ire claiming for Mr.

rhelpBEm^orlt; of 9,000.Mayor Dnniel F. tietttv, or WialtinKlon, bac

his llir inmwd hi 1110,000.Ililie rrd cap mptwrrfci been picked

along tlie rcadsiOei this week.Kt. Vii-Riins Clmrth in the mint! of the new

O.aholii' Cburrh i t Burnt Pisini.Fi Mayor MiHir mil Fred. Mfrrell captured

B Bne hurt tn Pike comity l an neck.Dr. J- L. Farrow, or FIBIKI.TP, lwt a valuable

cow ln»» overcstins fluntliiift corn.lUMMlHinplentilul nmnlwru BTO prcdlotfd

for thin Fall l-j iln'ltu'iwLiis«pwiHiiicn.Ritlmp FOBS IIBB bi'i n nppuntdl to taliP

clmrgeitf thcncit Bftsion of tbo Tviwnrk M.E Coufcreiice.

rrtaitli-ttt Arthur linn ii^afil <* piwl»m»tfopippomtln? Thnniiy. tbo SOM. u a dsy orTim tiki's! vine.

\rier iliiR wot* we BIIKII be able to pay morefthpril.t)n to local armi thro we tnw tor «07-m l vrerkB past-

Mr. Bond*, Iho fltatfon njietit i t New Fnnnri-!a,n(1fnrthpp«Bttbree y Bars, has been trans-ferred to BbnuiitiBtWe.

TBO riiotlipm, Thomas tad DarM ft'! e,have been arrested en Hie charge of bnrniitffVanDnrpn'BmillK,atPe»pack.

H i p d n t h In iDonnncedat 5'orfti.e*. Italy.onthelflih of Oeiober.of Be-T.Gtffn Lang-mnir, rormcrly brMorrlitoffn,

TlieD.. 1. * W. tralm on Tneidsy-Tren-filled wi-h sjwrtunun on their wi» to theemjntrj for tlw opening of the staootlno; sea-•on.

Thro Kern of Dover, and Wm. Earl, of Newton. brr»nRht bon* rrom Pise Connty, P» , 85plcberol weighing 81 IUB. Font of Ibom woiRhndSO Uu.

STr Wtn Wood, nf Morris town, won ll>o firstpriv'at a Uwn ti-nnlMoinnraeni at H.MIOKP.H.Y.,lii>t Satnrday. Tlio prize wan • hand-

Bel, W. A. Hooper wai Instilled {tailor ofUieFmnvterlanOhuchat H«w Provldenaa,l u t week.

Ur. Wm. B. DcC« tup bu opened and l> woft-log at Split Book a new vein of on .which lithirty feet wide.

The widow of the late J. B . Bjanoo diediudd«n!y,ofparatvite ofllio beart,*t Pomp-' Plains on Tueidsy.

r. D. B. Orerton is in (own for 1 few dayi•peak! biablyof M» urospeota of bi. new

w»tlonatHonlresl,CaniiIt.The father of engineer gunnel Harris, of

Ibam.oolebratcdbliSlstblrthdirbjwtJl.*rrom Newark to Chatham.

Jon't scratch a pane on the BepublfcaosxtTueidav. Every ont pliced Uwre

wortnv jonr heartj support.'be New Ban has evidently taken a ooofatMtiliohftaud Mr. Pbelpi every day. Lot a idnly thtnkrul thai it doog not praise btm.

fcemember thit there ire hot a few notetira for ictlve work. Pa* in ran time whenwill do tlie greatest good to tbe flepnblloan


[OD. Tlieodui* t. Randolph B U gifeD 1600 totie eadownaent fond of Hatgers OolleRe.

Jloan, Jay Qonnd and John I. Blair givelescb.

'bat sensible temperance mm, Judge JohnEIDCUIB, will at Ibe meeting Inmton to-Dixht at wUlob Hon. Wm. E.

Bpeiki,Tbe manner In wbloh lbs Oheiter oorrei-

ideut of the Banner derates time and ipaube editor of tba Em, danotei tbe fact tbatiebod> Feels tore,

Tbit sound and able rniigtoiii and temper< Journal, Ibo New Yotk lofapeadMl, v a ntemperance people are itrikiDg their bait

•lends In itrlking tbe BepabUosn party.on. i b n m B. Hewitt wai snncnooed toikalaDemocratlo meeting in Newark 01Ineeday evening. Tbe Democracy ouirbt

bring tbe uoble free trader np bere to belpm.

fudging from tbe Banner1! labored effortsBemocraoy have decided to conceotrate

ieir forces oil a desperate attempt to ISTSiter township I The reat of the eoantjt

py imagine, has gone by the board.The Anniversary of tba Huiloniry Bocietv

Ibe t=uodij Boliool ot the PrfibyterliDireb, will bo bcld on Babbalh ntening Incharob at 7:80 o'clock. Bov.W. W.Hallo-', 8r., will addreis tlie children ind friendi.

Tbe literary locletln of Draw flemlDiry ati hire be<n initrneted by Ibe faonltr:lve puiilio entertainments tbii tear,

reason of tbo change lieiog tint the pnbilelags engendered rivilry and antagonism.BPacaio Herald, a Democratic ne«epi«(biob is opposing Mr. Ryla on the gronnd

it be ii not a good Democrat, sara Mr.


E fl.

evt-r. Ibat FiWie'H pole tithat pernimtnnn.

Ttio fnuiPiIsMon for I11*11. at Bnfpannnna.lf'fi\vtc in expert*^ to be DIwra'ht. tel* <»•

Jc tii." r»*'nn> Mid ncicKrnwiuofBr«p«.

A W.R H, WMtet ontrain Unit pnwd "*er tof lent irocb. «oi1 wade

T V flnndnv frfciol "

votcfi* McOa*:t. Tnot pr«vi-»B a. ROOI)

MnrrWown, wnntti to beIran It l i not Iik"l«, hnw-

«ir.h to knock


bc nr>w 0,1(1 FmpVte.l. Tl.cicr roir before

il'l»l<..«nll.PN Y. R.

arcf nf erf a)ell attended

:lm n»it flvo V'<UM.i* n<i ri&tiwr or tiiifife yours tiflooea-

P<\ in iho yi>rm(ina i>r c f l <>r n oiaa\,., 15 vpaworaee i• bail li-w tor sir

Hlfllo.fur IIThe putliprmBoto'ear

'ndnsTvIn N"W Tort. »"il" h«™« • Au™BRIIIE ifli-ct upon wnotacra of tbo a-iineteiRarettf. ;

The farmer* hive be-n fnvnrfd ihU ^iarBiitliPrlnRlbfircropniMioiit.pJnrvfnifnlrtThUwMMMPtHi! •dviniRBC in 'bo »nwlnat crni>, wbirt w « nDflnaUf goo.l igem-tt'ty enrly.

We aro cars onr porirn[>nr.dPDts w«n Jtftfdnnux ior sn l B R nnt ol tba Din<l ennrso this week•nd comlpnfiTiit tbHr fivers, 1b«l wa mvmnt tally U'" Hit"1'1 tlera.acls of the listmeek nMbpnmpllsn.

TIIP nffi -ial ne<*M.Rpfr of the \ifwr psrtr iiFa''T«>n b»B cump out gtmnply inof H n. Wm. WsHw Plie'pi. The lahmmen ol the whole ilislriot are rallying tostan<1ird of proieotlon.

Mr. Ry!e rimplf s»y», " I'll do something foryon VI net to UonRrm." Mr. Phelpi ny i , Iknow ttbat you w»nl-» BpfolBo duty orlent 11,80 a ton on iron or«—*ni I pledge ibeit efforta to eecara it."

Dr Arthur W. Oondict bai rctnraeilDrver and wilt berearicr be asnockUd wWhit fither, Dr. I. W. Condint, in the praotiiol roedioice. Hii rflttirn to town will be plo*ftntnewa to ranuy friendi.

Wbpu Ilio Democrat »t p» np to ttko taocoMomfid "iniile," bo donl»te» np by amliiia Hflad Rrin at Ibe airapl-nesN nf Ilia Tew wbiars being dnnfd into snnp»rtlnR tba Demooracy by voitnfi a prohibition ticket,

Tim Bepctilicani had a ne'1-aHcnded ientbiiBiasiic meeting at Beikiblre V-llerTucrday eveninR. Tlio Republicans ot JelTei•on townBhip sro tit™ sntt will gire a- gocaccount or themeelTei next Tuesday.

Wnbaie Inqnlred of well-lnfotmed menOheiter and Oerroin Valley whit Uu probiltion movf meat It dnlng in their localltiei,cash place It is aald tbere Is only one mikno«n who will rote a prohibition ticket.

HonWm. E. Dodge, the President of th.National Teropersnos AKsoclitiun, is ipeakir-today si Port Morrta, Doror and BooDtnn,and showing tbe peoph tbe folly or mtitotempennae with po!ltiei in tnli eampalga.

At a great archery tonrnament lait wtAPhiladelphia In o»Doeo1.on with tbe bl-centeiDial celebration, Ur. J. X. Hard, of Dorru p l a n d tbs third prixft, a faandionenlam<•ntltled^TheFirendoEnflyrfopodUorPoetr

We understand that Ue "Mite gooiity"the Stanhope Presbyterian ebsroh will *(<an Haborate entertalnmeat Io tb* parlorstbe Stanhope Hone, OD Toetdaj aTenlflfr,lmt. ProgramnatoBatuistori'Ft4kllbteri,A debate, nuitationi, tniile, etc.

A great many penoerata In Taiiooi pirtithe conoty bare announced thcmteUei l i ft-atKoDHUnrfittrrofkte. They n o t ftoftbehighutpanoBalBluracter and emUblti In ta offlos whare ihe iitensti cf

- t tobeundnr .

One of tbe gnittat eoriotitlu wi ban^ k i U b b l l k• i B t n i B U a ^ p

- hiianmrn Mnnteea tertNtlj formedHwainlHdb|ltr.JobnBo».Dr Mine HiWho b u IK hb giaMen a> number or olbtr atn-

h telb A b k or tigbt toidi.

A Speolmen Falaehood.The PateraoQ Borne Jonrnal, the paper of

Bertram, publishes tbe following ID Its l u tme;" Tbe Dover IBOV ERA, wblob Is milted by a

-ftbodMolMM Iwd-r, aa« thit none of thetemperance poople fn V»iersin dn« oot men-lion Ibe prohibition umwment In tbto di;trtot."bftt'i a pretty big He for a olais leader."

I B the firit p k « , although onr eilaeatlooal.JruUftei bare txon oomewbat llnUud. wedo oot believe we wonld fas guilty or making•nab a horribly .noorreot expression s i " «<"»of tbe temperaooe people io Faurson Aon notmeotion," eto. In the eeoond place we nereruld any mob tbiun, and we oballeofce eitherone or the clerical backers of (Us H Q I ra<usalto prore ft from onr fllea. And yet these twonrennd leaUemeu top on bolding op thehstda of tbla man, and furnishing Urn in-fojmatloc, that be may be able to Ue aboutand traduoe the character of thoie who maybotdoffloulposillouilD t te ohnnb to whiobthsy bUoBR. But the putor ot the olinrcb towUeh tbe indiridaal referred to belong*, andwho koowi tbe abore statement to bf a wlokerfand malirinu 11B, keeps ou olronlillm tblspaper without a word of dliaeu*, and allowsths pablio wbo read it to believe tbat onewhom be ha» kept io an official position slooebt has been here li nothing abort of a liar.Be either ongbt to defend the efaartoter orbit pirlibloner or invite him to step down andont of bla eharefa.

i pa will n 1,000 to 1,600 majoritymaicmnnty loa certainty, aod porbipi

many more,ic rnlD« of Iho past mouth bare

Btlli IB »iure flrlds Iiresult cattle have

g arouDila for tevBral weeknmpjn have buon ablo to save oocBidot-v and leido iuilQHtrioit" Amerioin wnrliingmanclunaa to loir around (he itrent cor*

he div tlmo and go hntne at nlftht toife ami children In ruff' and tean, then lotvote for Free OommiraoT, and tbeiean nball eurel; bippea to hint.aWcdnewiayiiiBbt. atbfet dtolo a browne from Mr. Jacob Ronine, or Panlppany.horseliMa white spnt on Itr DMr bind•nd aBtarln the foteheail, Ur.Bamlne

^ >aa unttahlerflvrird for the retorn uf thame and nppreliensioD of tbo thief,[be vote of every man of lawtal aee frleodlfmr nomireei ifitwl bfl brnnght ont. Afle-hive cant jnnr DWO ballot see to U thatr ndghbor does not remain at home. Get, to the nnll«. Kollun the Urgest posit-mijorlly iu CTFTJ TOUUR dlUriot.

The anilely that msntft'otea ittcH In theimncr.Ho narty or title dletriot whPD Mr.

'In* was nnrainated bit denloprd IntollWiuit nutht sweat) or dVspsir, and thicianp announce that tbe putleot has tn

D* improvement nntll Ibe frutfl ol early'cmborare pant.-Pat«reon Presj.lie rleir York Or a pit Io prints nlotnrea of

p great dlsmfiudB of tbe world." Thereibnut thirl? of thnie preclons iton«a,andnnxtidrprhlnittliiDeab'int them U t h e1 list not n sfPRle one uf tbem li owned brDilltnr, NowRpap*"" i1-1*11 nrvtr Hid care

icli lor Jewelry »Dyh w.—Norrin town Herald.'Din* T'Pff^wn, who in chitrgfd wilb tlie[tpr of Mmnif Chirgwin. wevati to be *ilnat'iretl vnnth. ti«p-r ell ih. tlmn'andal all reallzn? llx-'dnngTOr h'n sltiiutinocoroinly nut vcrv bright In intr-Uoot. He

•mr nnt luvintr nny moncv for bin dcTeoie?ut what mav bf vclnatanlv given for thitpone.-Jorwy man.

r»ni)Trlon will probuhly hrlnpr 15 nercraleire GhriKtmas, The crop ia a fiiinre oniv imRB, cfltnfi to thn ncald and to irornn< entire con of ND?' Jnr'ev is enllmnted i tKM hurtiel*, aRnio t 157.014 ban!i"lB la»rr. The mnrlirt rioges to«il»j IV Rcocl Irnttn »2 %' n M.50 par crale. MConllDg to color,fJ io fit fur wild berries.nrkinJ fricntl, R.». A. J.Freli .oll l i tbtt an editor U slwuys more imiead of Bending himi mark i>f t-Mtecm n bonqnet of out Bnwentill-are hiK fyc, ho em-pn up oto« Io bisrt by eupp'ying Inn ilomaoli wiib a Imti orflneBt l'i'.kinc mid m^alirst potatoes that

bia mtn in minr •> hag dty.ha trnpemnce pfonln-thut In, the fi>»n nioliP nciminntlnn* f»r tbe trrnperanooip'p lovote-bfirc *n'1"r»eil Dr,

A Nice Lot of Defsndin-Tfae Demoorstlo presi ii defoodlug tbe lead-

n of ths temperance mofemunt iimplj be*eauae Ibty know that ths (blent aiilitantitbayhsre to belp them in tblseampalgn aretbsee lameso-oillcd probibilloniiti, who arerunning a little aide show to tbe Democracywhich bat not tha mnntBUtnoe of tbe Bute orOonntr Tomperaooo AIUaDoen. wit thi sop-port of tbe belt tempmoee olergyraeo orlaymen of theoonnty. Tbelr principal argu-ment ii that the Eiu ia Wlllfylng those en*giged In tbe work. Ibty specify notfalnr fortlie reison tbat they eannot xbow an fnstaneilu oar eolomni of my thing of the kind. WeLave engaged only In fair oritlolBtn, and nottfaeu till we bid been denouooed by teapor-sore people as in nlterer of lfes and a vilecreators generally. Andwhu are tbi defend

•• ofthotefawclerRymenaortleaderaT 81mply DetnoontB,who woald flgbt tbo tentperancfl

etuent to the deilh ir it bail a show oflococii, or wai doing anything olio eioipt todimifta Ihe Republican party. One fellow,wbo Is amonf the londeit engaged in thiswork, la one cltbo most profana and vo"beings we know or, and any clergyman wouldbe borriflBd to bear tbe profanity wltb wblebhe aploea even bli moit ordinary oonrerse.

Ths Clergy Well Thought Of.That Bev. Mr. McOormlok libeled the R

publlcini of Dover wbun he Bttd they "thonjrhtronre of an old dlsrepaUble woman nrreslen"fnrkteplnfc a dliordeily houw than all tinclerR.vtnwi'' ii clearlv provpn by a few ficts.Now, irt do not claim for the Republican part;all the goodaeB* «nd tlrtue In tlieoonimnni (y

we dn aay that at least tbrec-ronrtha osunport given tho c.-v.tngclktl clergy nfer Is given t>y Itepnblioins. N>w Iheai'n gelioal clergymen rerolva in niWIes abuul

tl,800 per year and enongli in bnuse tents t<itiring tha amount np to IS.OO0. As thera irenot overiOO fimiliea or those denominationsin the plooe, vn Bud the tvertge icannnt con'tributod by each Tamlly Io tbe Bii|<port of ihn:largv li 114 pur year, and wo tlo not believiliere l* a town of Us else in (bia part of thBlatB tbat does morp, IT si much. Bud lea athe ehnrcliea are prnspnrons anil ilu not lioUror fnoda to carry oo thalr work. Mr. MoCor-mlck lino kiiotra, despite bia extraviganllinement«, ttiat 11 the Repnbilcam bere dienot think well ot tbeir clergy they wonld liaviluor grnbblog Indeed. Uuwever, iLej do notdo more lhan tber ought to, allboogh Ur.MeC. does when be goes away from liowe toiradnwtbem.

How It Elates Mr- Cutler.Ur.Ootler wai In tonn la«t Salnrdtf tod

wore bia acooalomed imlle, which never de-f ertB liim, even 1P the face or defeat. "Why.HidMr.Ontlfr,rabbin* ble hantia gleefully,"the t*-mper*no8 tiokel's flolng to poll a lh»n<ttnd votei, a.od thry're all BepnbilcaDB." Tbft•bowi tbe whole object and design of the

lovement, and Ur. Ontler riunbtleia ipsik*by antbortir.»" be only a abort ti JIB ago en-tertained Bartnm at bia home. And Ur.CnllM lain hlmieirthe beat authority Ior thetmtb that Demoerati will not vote a temper-

ice ticket. He 1B a tempuranen man am) baaild tbe htghPBt oltlce In oue at tlie temper-

ance oisaulzallouB of Iho Stute, hut lievoninVt touch a. trmperauce ticket with tpiir ur long!. TflPpnraucti Republican! aredaily coming to a Lnow!edj;o of ilie deceptionmd are nuw faying bea/uly Ibut ihty will aupmrt their own iicietinBir«d of turowlugawayheir vnteu to belp Democrat!.

b nrnnluc" Tnr APMT(be R"pnl>1lc*


BOONTON-WLeo tba Iron bHdge wai Inllt over tbe

pond at lbs lock, % wood d«ok of light male*rial wsa placed over the chordi. To tlgbttnuptU»bolte.twaifaiinrt neoauary breuoTewnieor it, but it wai nerur wpUoed. Nowibe reintiolng portion IB being torn off orbroken by mslielmu people.

Daicnport t Welch, tbe new « » « ! n>m,hate put up a neat e!gn at theoarnerofMaloand Division 3ti. , ai an aaverbaement or tbelrbailom.

Wm E'llott has the eellir dog for » newfaonie tt Old BooDton.

P.Iriok Pnrcfli !• smn to bare a house boilton Ibe site ot the one tint wt^ barnsd dawn

few yeari ago, at the upper end of libertyItKft.

A fast train, oonalsting of three paaietstrcoaohea au3 ft baggage oar, from off tha HawTork,Basquebauna & Western B. R., pauadthrongb Boouton Thursday afternoon of laitweek, Their occupants were Samuel Bloao,T. i . Potti and otbert, all bavlaji been to Iheformal opening or the above road.

JTnmerons ciimplMnm am bHng made re-ardtDKsalooD keepers arlhng ll^aoraodbeeri miDon,In the nist week carpenters hare been plac-

ing In poiitfon angle braces on top of Ibatpart of the railroad bridn thftt'span* tbo o mat.

The fences about a w of tha plaoei hers Intown areio adilapldste>) umdllton.

Thfwe wbo tonk advantage of the dry spelltod cleaned oot tbelr cisterns nnw have tbemfilled with good wholeiome water.

A number of pupils rrom oiber towaablpiattend the Boon.on public eohoil.

Tbe prohibition olal) held a buaineia meet-Ing lait Saturday evening.

Saturday evening being a dark one peoplewere oUlx«J to carry lanterns, ai tnu streetEampi were liglttpit.

It 1« reported tbat tbe rubber works atUnntvllle will soon suspend operations for aperiod of ninety diyi . .

The uinfeome p'anti that hftvA idoroed tbefront yardi of eomn of oar olti^tu liave dli*appeared, Since ihelrdisiippearanoe the yardshave avaeant rnd drear? Irjok.

At the residence or Prof. D. V. Wood, in thepark, there Is on exhibition one of bis pstentcnmprfM>nt air drllla. Ita mMjbaolBni ahnwaOut It ti woll able to do all thit la requiredrit.It fi Interesting to wo tbe different political

poilera. Tbay Ire all color* and BIBUB andeach one with a 61ffereut ptank in their plst.form. But to plioe tbem ildeand tide overtbe political itream tUe Bepnbllctn plankwould lie tbe Barest one Io cn»« over.

The entertainment to be given by Frot H.E. Moore, rims off at tbe newOatbollo Hall,Friday and Salnnlav e?enlmn, as ailvertiaed.

While they were rolling la the mill lu tSaturday niirnlog nue or the large oaitlronipnr wheel*, fourteen foot tn dismeiBr, ID*Blaotly ur<>kn Into piuoci. Before the mschln-ery could be stopped tbere was aothlug leftiu the Ptinft bnt .be hub. IU brcBkaffe partlylemnltshci! IWD ottier Bnul'or i-pur wheeli,Tlie cause nf t i e accident hi Pupposud to baveit-en a dLfiiQtire tooth. It being on tbeiierchunt mill tldn It will neoePaiUte the

•tupping or iblt patl of thp mill for B ibortime.

H.W.OratieliaaAbnlldinit under way at thecorner of Main and Liberty Sts. It is Io beI'eil forabtoro whni) onoiplctecl.The other d»; two m«o, one with an Inntrn.

ment( that Imre the reirmlilauce nf a gnat'tnrne'd npuldndnwn, (which mint linvo liuvnabNR|>lpi-),andth<i oibar Kl'U a flitf, tbatlooked like an old faslilonnd Ml-mmi od guu,(iroarcd Ibe town tn stt\roli or pen DIBS. Theirmosieal powers were centered in one tone,ind only one, ubich to U\l tlie troth unithave onroo Irom a<imn Ilia « t - r some snn

It me reiientnd tine and tine again irttTey paosed from p'acs to nUou, probably roriltitpneri to'ooraralt it to meranrf. The fowpennies ttat were given them they pocketed

ly, and ai Ihe rontiotnnnuB strain* oflit tune died away In tbo dmtinoe a

peculiar Bonud WNB left tn oue's ear which

j.en.bledtliator.iitwirinofboinljltfbot'B.J. Huak IB carrying on tlia bakery bnt-itieis

In nne tf F. Haokele'a bnlllirff- no Brook fit.Re l m placed on tbo routu two new delivery

annul,Lut Sutnrday evening, at or abont hoU-pastbe o'clock, three yonng men, namtd George

Morgan, Jr., James- Pnrcetl and Wm. SooH,took poiBexmon of a borse and carriage tbatWH hliched ID front or tha United Samuel DoMolt,ttie owner, IB soon a« It was mlteed, sooRbt

entce^ of OnnntaMe Hller, and in oom-with 3, VVf lib, tlie livorrman, iiarted ia

nit. The trin wer^ iwcrUki-n this Mleof

H I*(.- In this ilintHrl the leranara>ce ratn-r, h»vn nnmlnalfil a. ro«0 nt i hi, It order to ii'tu a»aT ""t*1' "^ m'

R.r. Mr. H«'i<i<Mvf-< i»rmon, in thu onnrw• Creitinn." l i« Sunday pvenlnit.waiillfi-M) n> l>y a deeplr Inlcmlerf andipnce. A li. Wctily f<l!a*d in an exp"*liion of Ibe

..mi* nf itilnH Mf<>, T'i» neit xennnn Inieoo«r"B«il LI-3OIII1»* fwrlnc; after next,

Invok being «* ni-ed by llt« Bt...WercarynfSnndnv Hcfaool Mmainniry B»ol«lj naxthalh evening. • , .Pirmiih n.Ploo, llinAibnryFirll l i o h W ,

rbtiwnR rwenilv a will known enndnntoronD..L- «- W »• *•• w n 0 n% I " * * * tor

Him hlft Ilium no tiro. ""I * b o olalnie-l,at he bid been robbed nf II.00O. rHracl^d

pica nrnnl KHillyintheSTonuwothOoiint*irt at PrwlHill ThUMdsy ind pUadediltr. Re w«" Hflntftired to pty a 6ne of

[OOamlthbCnutiorcoort.Thfl WaabiHRtoQ A«Dolatlon b » pnrohuodthe Ford eitate addition*! gronnd adjoining

.ujH«silqnHrt«rs,B9reet rnnt by 375 deep.The AMMtttlrm sm aim pnttlrg • new roofm tbe bnilillnfr-Schenok A Tonnes doing the

,k. New .now sa«ei w e teinR pnt In forrelics,

OBITUARY.Mi-a. Mary D, Graff, widow or the Ute Win.

Qr« ff, and mother or our towni-msn, Mr. 6l IIDF liorao !s

a'rlick yesterday—Thnndav~niorninR.Bbo nan aluo tun si«ter or Street UomntU-tiuoer 8. D. Bone, orthii town. Her hn«band«af> one <.t tbe be*t known men ol thin two-tior, having been tor forty Tfirs SDuerviaor ofthe Morris Clout, and at the time or bli death*ai A*ritt»tn Snneriutendent. JJJI Oroff,nbn waa abont n vean of age, w u a lady In...*ry sense of Ibat hnnonble term and hadentiratnd htmll In mtoy waji to ill her_.^.jb«r ,aod to inany people in Dover andoiber ptaoea of ihu aeotlon, who will learoKith deep sorrow of ber death. Tbe fnueral

oeB will tako plsce at ber honseta-mot-row-Batardiy-morofng. at 10:30 o'clock.

Ths Campalgn>Tbe elrntglp will noon bo nver, and the hal<

ht bnx wilt dfKiidn who fi elected. In mar beV, or B , U. or O , Imt Hi. N Is nure In be.Now, another question aiUtw-who will bellibechfmftBor'bi»t ol.tliinit tbia Ml amiwlnirrt The answer I* reived by *ay|Dfr,goto Qcorafl Vedrr, the relnlilo roflrotiant tailurind alotbior, eiamine bu stnok belnre goltigcNewhere, auil twenty-fire cents oo tbe OolUrniUmreivbewTod to you. Bmts and over-eoals will be made Io order almnat aa low i tyou can tret them ready made Dta>tray. The placed Gi>o. Fedec'i, q^tt donrIo tbe post-cBlee.

Tayloriown 0<irn«r. .Tbt-y werewithout any rpniwlance ind l.rnatrht back toDiutninn mid plic-'rt In tlie rttatiHn li m-fo.

i.mtng Jiiillra Tin OnJen, w'thontpinrn'i each nudsr »eparain biji,

Ilitt nf K-trgon boiOB fHOH, fioirtt 1800 andPoroillttOO. Tbeflnl l*<i nuropil wt-re lullediot hr llielrpareiit»} Purcell't [larent^ rsfnpedlogo Ibe mnfinut rpieifiud, in ennKqnonee beI*I* oummftlpd tn tbeonu<ityjalt.

UondAy •fiprn.non 1li« PmhibliiinlBts held a[H*«i meetlcR at "bu renldeooi of J. H. Lyon,>t Partfptuinv. DJIIO? tho meolinp an oikpciieim raiMii.

rt U'JIII Ihut SOO Inm of muck iron will besbii>nedpar wet* from tlie rolling w

Tiie umall boy amnaod himself Toeedayevnnlng byp'lting nnmeront doorways witheahliagefltalki, it being H'lloweeo. It fiinr-mUed that tn Impact tbe eabliase patoliesotsome ot onr ctt!sens one wonld not only findHID ntstki ^nne bai tbe bciili aa well.

U l f uuderatood tbat the 11. £ . pjraomgeit) neon Io be newly painted.

A Rt-pnblicau meeting waa held at Washing-ton Hill Tumdiy evouing. B^peoliai werernmV by J«bn fi. 0 uaon, eilltor of the ImvRBA.8 . IhGituhno, fdlturof tbe Bulletin, 8S. '.ton anil Gen. B.Bmllii.of Troy.N. J. Tb'

B lisleopd to by HD apiireoiattve

PORT MORRIS.Htm. Wm. E. Dodge Is an*n for a botur* In

the sobool honae bera oo Friday afternoon atB o'dook. Tbui notice will oat be of aojr nsito him, but Mr. E E. Potter is going to ipattit Bonlb Stanhope on next Tbonday evenluy,itBrownlBhot«l.at7i80olofook P. •£., under

tbeaniploesortbfl Hational Partr-wbatMtrthatlr

Mr. Wm. Walter phelpi was at South B t » -bop* » week ago Thnradiy, I thtnk, and mtdaan •loellent speech from Ihe baiwny ofBrown'* hotel, tbe people llotenfoff patiently•ml exprtsiinir tbelr pntbaslim only wbsn beflolabed. Wbll" arguing well Ur bit own c u -rias, be did not forget to apeik » good wordto tbe Buisex Oomly folki wbo tiPard him Inravor of bli friend m i eollege mate, Wm. A.Slltti, who i i ruonlng for State Btuator In theneighboring county of floswi. Ur. Phelpidid not blackguard the candidate of the otberaide, nor make montha at his Hater-It1 be liuone—trat mod Mr, aqure argument, andnothing else. Hr. Fbclpi may htm t, bar1),bat be did not bring it along, I guest. Atleast I did not aee anything <hat Uwkrt likehis bar*). IB tbe reason for tie Sos's savage

OD Ur. PbBlpi, Ibe oilier day, bneauie pnbliiber Engliab, nai a hankering lorOongnaalonal honors and did not get-eren theDemooratlo nomination 7 Perhapa not, batthus fir the candidate! uf either tlila bave notdone any dirty work tbat I know or. I am in-formed that Ur. BylB ip«aki very blitblv ofUr. Phelpi auri I know Ur. Pbelps speake inwords of hearty oommendation or Ui . Briepenonally. It wai left for the N. Y. SUM to bet i e boii blaakgnard of tbo campaign and itmay enjoy wi*t reputation It oan make ontbat,

I t o sirry to aay tbat on the ism* day onwblch Mr. Phtipi wu at flunth StinUopo i ill-tlei four year old gitl belonging to BlobardBaxter got her drew caught In tbe rope ofplane Nn, 3 West, and the rope sawed her, legInto the brne. severing no arterv, however,and though it may be a very painful wound,Ibe child will get over It, I hope, 01 couriotbe man who tendi plane stopped the oar asROOD ai he oonld when be aaw what was thsmatter, bat the muohlef wai dona before heconldftel it stopped.

I km sorry that Mr. Lewis Coobran 0"nMont bare been at 8tanho|ie Tuesday night 1wnnldiikcdioharehetrdbim. It was advorthed that Bon. Atftmtm W. Dutlor, of U irrlatowD, and Lewis Cochrin.ofNawton, woaldiddren s meeting In OIatk*i Hill on Tuesdayevening last. Ofcourea yon know tbat LewCochran and John Nsldeu were ont eleotion-euring.oranmethlnK. They bad Heldou's team,wblob began to kick going down some or thesleep bills ol Sussex. Lew undertook to Jumpont of tliB wagon, having more faith in NeldenI I Surrogate, doubilemi. ttiao be hid In falmM a horaemaD, and fell, breaking one or twoof bis HUB. At loait tbtt Is ttie Dory they tellover tn Buaiex. Of coarse I do not know any-thing abont It penonally. Well, I went to tkebill on Tondav evenlog. Mr. Stephen M,Oroison wai apeaking iron Ibo plairorm as Ientered, l o t very leleat taw who Ilitened' tohim. ' I conlil not make oat wbat he was drlv*.ngataiidbueloppedvBry soon after I wentin. I do not want It to go abroad tbatStephen H, is a Democrat; on tbe conlnry haIt in old fubioned Bepuljlioaa—slnanst aiblack as they muMo them. We«t ,and cat,aadcama tery near got tint; lired noH RoinR

ie, when In! Ur. Cntlnr came wilkltiRIlic aUle, accnmpinleil hyO. J. OottrT,id-. B H « and some othura I noticedt Ur. Cutler WIB dreued In a mil oflicil black tlila time-unlike, too yean

•o, when s gentleman In front of me eialaim-•My God! Ia tbat Gq» Ontler?"

tnflke tbat time, wtian Turn Kiyi tookirjre of OUI'I meeting and mide a prettyid free trade foil to AugastnVB tarlVapeecb.

•peeofa raalting waa all done by BoQ. Au-latui W, Cutler. He is the same old tariff

be wai two years ago. and mtda u* nearlysame oM speech bnrolthej tip a, little ti>tbe time* ol to diy. Ha mklamuogotliermi tbat ten yenra rrom nnw. UuMchuMntts.

iode Mand anil Vermont anil part of Yorkite would be howling for free trade, wlillsorgltand other Snatliprn 8 u K "blob tia

iroed, woald be far tariff-and D)i»ncrallclhope to lire to aee that day and ttll Ur. Oat*

that be waa a false proptnt-ir be iraa one.did not ratie mneh sothuslum, and theI was not mare than two third* full, mwiy

ne-halfoftfaoBB preaent being Bepnbicam.0, J. Cotimll was elected Obiirmin of the

neeting and introduced the loeiker, afternnuR Mr. Bet'ollread a lettor from Ur. Oooli-

espblulnsTtbeoiuie nr bis absence smlan an slot of taffy btwldea. Ur. Hetsel

icn relired, leivlng Ur Cutler and theilrman to dn the real or the Ink Mr. Oharto AnU wis unnMe a InrIn relutioB; the Bt-pnhllcanuominitlon. He

jt preient the efficient and eapnblrt fluper-lendont or tho 8a*«ei Biilnad and tintly-blni a better salary <ban thn other oQco'nld,fTeair lie WKH elected to it.

i i v W n , B , UcD.vIt np here Ibe other!, snd tt tanks very mnob si though he wu

nlng tr/bire enough vnlee to make hi n th(il8nrrnRiiteorM(irrl«OoDoty. At leisthi

r>n't wpm to bare tost any of bio good l*ikiinae " i r i w u the ranker klni

D.'mn;nt t wnt<ld vnto for UflDavit."#a.d igrnilcnian tlie otber diy, "for lie wai a in-otlc

tiu iu tlio fth« iffi offlcfl ati'l will make a jrnodirragate I betteve." Thin was not a pointa

hOffHtlier, bnt waaaatlingooil faith, notet-peeling It wonld be pnblisbed.

Tbe Mineral Wool factory ia putting a rotniver HB oven.

Hr.JtkeHhirei bieaentln his resignation,undenUnd, which wai accepted ItalBai

alnonnderstiDdthitllr. Oollim, at prei-ftDperintendont of the Warren fnraaee al

bought tbe furnace al

About Paintt.Wbita lead applied alone wasbei off. White

Ino peels off1. Bnt when ground togMber inht proporttimi and of pare raateriala uit for aile only H tbe Brluk Ura? Store, for

<n tbe best paint that can be used; It i>w wlillfl has a floe glo-s and Is warrantedlait twico «a loog aa either of the above

iasd aJaae.

FintDiaplftf of Umpi .76 different styles or lamps at tbe Bnekmg Store. __

Vary Important-Boy yoor meniclnea anil get vonr preiortp*

piepared at tbe old reliable aUnd, thei Drug Store.

What ex-Senator John Y. Oatir Sftyi-

The Fall Trade.


F w t i r iu country plioen havemade ancb preparation* lor the fall nod wlntartrade, aa bai tbal of Trimmer % Bwackbtmmerat Qi-rmin Valley. In dram gooda and allkind* or dry goodi ind noveltiea they haveeverything iMionabte ror tbe ladlci, an wellaa a complete linn or Tall millinery. Their

d l I 1 t ll tbpgrortry drparlmpnt, F


eto. The nnmber cfriilioraat the HMiiqnirtr-ra tnm July lat to

tember lat if 4.1M, or over 1000 ft mo»tb.liii-ft>irgpriti<'^Mi«lb»nanvr*rilnce

oOenlfnmU.atid ahowi a arnwlng Inlereatin ibiavaluibleaniliuteK*ilogSlate property.TUB grcnndB < bla w m wire maintained Hr.

i f l l a n a M t n e f l a r l e n p r

y« np to all tbe

UB grcntinii'Brtpolaiionaiiafln^lanaMtneflarlenpr,

,nd ablfl and obliging Bop.rinUndent.-BM.

U B inK to a npw contract made by the PoiiOfflce Deparimrnt. liamped envelopes will belolrl to the pnbllo after the lat ol January nextit a reduction of abont 10 per oeat. OB preienlnrieea. Tboleller liiBior the envelope jrill

«nld at IIJS per 1,000 In aadltlon to tbeatagc. TbeDapartmenthualioarraBRed

EpriDtipedal ntvn irqacri Dntieea uponIbe envelope, without addlllonal ohaWB whenorderfd in qnntittti crtoir hnndrpdor more.The Department atalei that "it 1* a fcet notgeneratty known tfaftt liamped en»elope«,Jben ipolled Ihronfih mWimUon or ethercauei , w be w a n t e d tor a poalage iumpof the aarae denomlnftUon, at ths oeareal poit

jreda of the family, snd they have Jnat liin in immense itook of i n n »nfl barfware foralt ptirp(iB*i-Be««ner steel, t o n e »hofe,naili and bliolamttha* and bnlldera hardwireof ev»rydeaeription. Bottom pricci prevail.

EniiUjfl.In the EkU a couple of woeks ago we copli i

an lli>m which u ld that Ur. Obis. W. M'll-, ofPomptoi], wai the inventur of the enilliga•vstem rf preserving food for caltlf. Mr.Mil'p h " suoceufnily practiced the syiteta,butlheinvsnlorwaBUr. H. a Sterena, pro-prietor of "Echo Dilfl Farm," Dover, Uam. Areader who calla our attenUon to tbe mlaake,hai Mao kindly sent us t copy of Mr. Stevens'valuable book on ensilage, from which we willquote lor the benefit of our lanasra when weget bevona tha preient preiiura of polltlca onoarreadiog apace.

Tb« Prohibition Campaign.The Piobilitbillet Teninarance men bavi

uuttill; bppn a convenient teuiler to ibaDeraiwtttio parly ^nd takrn Itibi aoconnt aa a po-tent laeiot in Ihn defeat or Hpphbiluana. ~wntly William E. Dmlge, th» Pre«id-a( of IheNaiioa-1 Tt-mpenmre Lea (mo, pud forNDtlvtiveirB thu moil prominent flgurelo theorginlsatiun, pnltiixhed a lettfr dt«ll»gni<ili*'dLyb.nuiQBl bnilnetii> leoae. Bo ailruH-TerapfranoeallltBloalop giviug away aotne-

or nothiDp-.acd to do the beri they c*nbe circumstances, this year, without at-njttocraiba parly iulo Ibe ibandon-

mil ite other aim*. Mr. DIMIRB f« <old man, anl*n man, and a remmkiblr actl'

in. Be will leave Nuw Yurk Friday nocninrak at Port Morris at 8 ; lake a loEomotlve

' apeib at Dover al 7; take a loootuotiveIn and »p?ak at Btxinion at !iaU-pmt s.aml

liotalb.y return t» tuwn that uigbt. Tbejecb II to give hi* opinion to the local tempet

ice incterle* as to tha witdont or rum ' .teparate Temperauoe ticket In Morrrli conut;tbls year.

It ii easy, enough to gams one of the tenmotives or that expedition. He meansgolds BppnbllosnProteotiouUts In tbe rlgfaljnsd, and nn one oau do It more aareiy thanUr. Dodaje.—Newark AilTprtlaer.

Fooling thi Boyi Agiln-Qnlteamoberot Ibe boyi w«e made to

raelTeryiroodUit Bslorday bv Ur. OoUer'sauonDcei or Demoimtlfl sneoeu. Vet wedlrttoflily remember that only two short jeanu o Kr. Cutler cima up bere and In the tana

rwaySronUledamonglbeboyssad told Ihemtbatbawaa»ieartalnorb.logile0 l .atcOon.

a aatbal to . inn wonld r i » the next

Fatally Injured on tho Railroad.A yonngmmbj tbo name of JimeaHill,fell

between tbe can of tbo gravel Irain ol tbeBl ib Bridge Branch yeiterdiy-Tbnndsy—morning, and both legi ?ere run o»«r, ftbovetbe koeti. Be wai trndonbltdly fatally lo-jnwd, aa when we lait beard Irom him, a Tewboon after tbe accident, he waa Josl alive•Od had no perceptible pnl«e. He was mar*rted in Jnlv hat and bli wife live* at Handera.fle bad only btftao work on the railroad, ia alaborer, yeilerday morning, and w u aboottwenty jeara of ftge.

SSl. Anathetaf-wresM d began maklag beti of two Io ono on Mr.

l r t l t l Bnt there wu sorrow In th»Decaoemt'acftmpwbejitbe rotes weretfoontodu l i t w a i fonnd that Ur. Oatler bad beent i l e - by o«r 1,800 nLtJority. for tt. Bepab.l|M*s were fstberiiut tn many sbeksle thlobL D.»ocr.U birl invested en tb. .trenjhoUr. Ontiert aifurauoai. Uora-Mr. CntlerUnotinfilllble.

F u »n »ool »earlit medicated nnderwe»ral PUiioa'i. opptwlta tb* bank, Pornr.

Ore Shipment! for October-Darin? tbejnontb ending Tneiday Ibe High

DrrfRe Branch or the Oentrat fi. B. made thefollowing iblpmenU or Iron o n : Through tnPfalllipibnrg and polnti beyond, 99.121 tornind SI ewt.J Incal, to Obeiier, Hackettatowo,JUnhope and Booqton, 8,830 and lOowt-t to-tal, M.SBS toni and 4 ewt, groia,

For Sale,A good work bone | or will exehftofe for a

sow, bnggy, bock-boardor«arriige. AddreiaJ B h H J

Clfan,I Oapadera Cigars In cne bni ror ten eanti,

ToaibtAKlllgore aold MM ID on*day. Verypopular. T t h

Pltrwo, the bsltar and elothlir, bat a tre-mindou itook or inlte and ovenoata wbkhbe U offering ftt prkeai thai aasnet bit to


Padaatrlanitm,Tha ipoond race lor the Darcty belt tool

phceatMt. Bope on PtUnUy last andwon by Patrick Pjan, who covered themi!n In TO miuntei and 48 leoouds, TOM.WllUima w«i aecond, ia 71 minntei »nd 8 seondi, Joseph Ba<ke third in 71 mmate# andaecondi, anilOeorRaSlurderHnt Toertb, withmlle*and8!ap»io77mioat«iaod t»sscon<P. 8. Bsyi n n 1 mile snd elAren lips andgai

ip theraceibelug oat of couditlon; aitboug]tliev t»y be Is nne of tbe strongest ruonitbat ever appeared on that track. Tbii la thisesoud tine tbit Ryan bai won tbe belt amaccording to Ihe conditions It nnw becomesbut own property. Joteph Bnrke challengedthe winner tn a ten mlla raw Tor IIS, and ~posited IS ror felt in the bands ol J. H. Ballto nnkB the match, but Bjan t iyi he will noran toy more. Tbn belt he ba» woo 1* a Cmne and IB totnelfalng to be proud of, Th

winner and the print were at Beflly'* on Satmday and had quite a number of adialrers.

Even Revival Sanlcst Mutt Give Way.SntxuiDHNA. Oct. Slit, 188J,

Ma. EDRost-Onr tmially qnlet townsomewhat moved by polhlei ur various MndiTbere Is poasibty one Greer.liac.ttr hi rperhaps tome three or fcor others will throwaway tbelr votea lor a so-called temperanoticket wbieh oannot conmand the supporttha tempoanoe prg»piwdotn of Ibe connt;and Stite. We bave oommenood a protmetedmeeting in tbe U . X. Church, bnt annmmotment rrom Ihe pttlplt in form J ui IIt will be interrupted by a temperance leotnrOD frldtr enining In Toncg's Ball, fcow moitpeople wonld have eome cot trolbfnlry atwonld bave called It a po'ttloal ipseob br Be<W, U. UcOonnlck, on wblab aoooant tbo


will bo abandoned for

i are wiU worth IT.

Irakeovllle, and <rl!irdiately.

pal It in tunning orderD.J.

Ir Quest of a Doj.One aftflrnona laU week wnile JmtgeMT

Rtanillng In ihe front tor or tbe Secon•rednet Polio* ftitlon. be wan accosted bytapping yonng fellow, with bia rania Iu hu

bnotf, and many other indiOMtloni or rnitfrrarmit. with, " Biay, Water, sir this Ih* doi,nnod?" The Jndge amllrd LliQd'y on 1h<rustic, and aaleil why h« propoandfhi the Iiinirr. "Waa'," he replied, "I live apbicl

Pine Brook, and I want Io git a good doranrabblts." ThnJadge milld

wmirked that while they bad l g

itflj enitomeri tbereiomelimei it wai mitriotly vpeakino; a dog pound. "VIM," later

the roatlo, " I beard about a honery plown yere wot eat np a jickasi, and darl'e Broin mule that he wonldo't bar chewednt air wav for an acre or fntt claai Wlni

pippins. Hawaomever, Tin ROID1 down streigft erme new eloie, and mebby yon'il hi

some good rabbit dogs in by the tlma I cmback," Again the Judge smiled blindly,the long-geared, wlry«bnlU countryman laroeiijonble heel and strode rapidly away.-He-

art Advertiser

Mr- Phelpi in Paterton*The Pateraon Press or yesterday tells oreat ftepablioan meeting bald tn that oltj

Wednesday evening:Last nljht perbapi tlie moit effective in

omtntioo ever held la Punic toot pUoeTha Opera Hunae wia crowded and illitanding room ocanpied in every part. Neveibrfare wuaeen Bnoh a Jam. PlemyorDenocratR w»re preient. Tlte apeeat BB wereJodicloasand appealed to tbnoottrnonieniof tbnae praient. Ur. Phelpa'a' ipeech wi

leof the belt ever heard from bu lips aihe wai vocUeronily spplaodcd and whenooncloded was cheered again and again,man ever bad anch a reception ia PsiulUr. Onton made a few remarks and waicheered, u wai tbe Dime of Hr. Oilggi WQPever mentioned. Tiie Piterson Pbelps QOleo Gtnb UDB; witb ROOI efftflt. OiptaiiWander an'l bis PhMps Qoard wera paradftha street), and thn wbrila plice was wild wftUhnalasm. Ur. Thoe. U. Uoore prealdiTUB meeting brole np ft< a Ute hnnr,

ton. BIB : - I have had maUrb for the paityears, hi couieqaenae of wbiok I bftvei compelled to give up my bniineaa, andiirtrrmvhpaitb. I liava tH«.| mvny rem-it ami h»"o Imd Ihi b^lof mealed attend--, but nUtalund no n-iiuf, A abort timeo l WM ft'Jvli'jd by a punoual rn»aJ,Ur.ryDumardsl, of Haokamaok, BdrganOc,

J., to try "Dr. Hamilton1.! UJarial Spe-<," which I harti dnae. I bare Ukeo threelet or it, and am happy to n y 1 am oared.) tike great piuuure iu reonmmentliujr i till wbo are aQ cied whd ma'arla or feveragoe. Yours Very Beipuotfnlly,

'•iw XiBH Y. SATKB.


Sclinol houses l'arntsued

oinplete with DESKS,



OOKS, BELLS and erery-

thtne required In a school.

1 hare taken tlie agency


•ESKS, and am now pre-

lared to fnrnlsh schools

iroughout. Also seats for

iectare Itooms, &c. Also

gent for the " American"

Jhool Furnitnrc. Prices

and terms given on appli-

Health of First Irportince.[owls (he time to bepin ualng CompoundCough Srrap BB it wi'! prevent to well ie

re aouflba. oottli, iBihmiv anil bid only at the Brick Drug Btore,

Dr- Craen'i Oxyganated BittenIhe beat remedv for dyspep-ila, bilioosnesa,ilaria, imllgoitlao ami diReaioa uf tho blood,

idnoTs, liver, nklD, oio.

How to Secure Health,Is vtratiRe any one will snEfrr from do*;Hmetiti>bmURfit on bylmnuru hloiid.wheuIll's Karsupnrlila ami 8tillio«lB, or Jjlood

. . Liver Hynifi will resturo hcnllli to tin-lyalcal orgauleitiou- U I H H utrBimtlmoliiKrun. pleaxant to Like, and the beat falnodiriflar ever [ll«tiovcred, ctiriog Somfula.lihilitiodixirderH, weiikiinHS or tlte kldnov-i,

iiM-l«fl. niaUrla.; ni>rri>an ilminleri. dubil-biliouH otimplainU auil 0i8i^«s or tlio

(I, liver, ktdnnyi. tt-nnnoli, skin, utc.

ir. Rogei'a Worm Bjrup Instantly destroy!us.iker*B Pain rinteca caret pain in man and



Teeth extracted for 25 ceuti at the Brisk)tng Store.

Oall and see the $19 hanesi nt A. TaylorBon'i, onr own make,Hone blanket* from tho obeapeil to tbe

wtatA. TnylorAflon'B.Bnbbf>r' horn blnokata and robber lap

'erfl.fttA. T.ylori Sou's.The hrgent Una of Blnnttetit to be found

his county h at A. Tuylor & Bon's.Buffalo, wolf, goat and bear robed, from

ohenpast to Ihe fioeat, et A. Taylor &m'a.

An old umn ot graT«l \nik wnelc WIB enretr relieve 1 In a very tow days by tbe

ie.Always n complete and fresh itook of alliitBot groceries Bt Qeo. Plereon'a, UUI.


When yoo want a pair of Book Gloves oritta, qn to PleHoa'a and see bis Urgeitooknew goods.Whoever desires to fliva twenty-flre per

t. will ploftse rnad AD article referring toi. EVtler, on thin page.

Tbe largest and finest lot nf hump** inorrtsJOannty In to be fo ind at A. TuylorSon's, Briok Block, Dover.A. Taylor 4 Ron h tye J'let received a fine

of Plush Lap Bobea, whiob (hey are sell-cheap. 0 ill and nee them.

Plersoa lbs hatter and clolhiar ia reodj

compare prices on ha'a, clotlifng and far*ing good-i, with any house In tbe

Lunger A; Mownry, Rt Bonth Staonope.tve the largeatatid mo't oompleta nlook ot

for the fall trade tbat they havelownj which l i nyinir, a good d-al for

hra> denterprla.DR merchants.A Q>!>IB fellow hud deliriummid tmt lie in 1-fd, walki-d in Ibe air tb<hole alglit. Next day WAS aboat collapned

ill In ii tremor. Re retgortsd to the Greatodyne. *!*• pt well the flr«t night and waswork thoneitdny.,

Allen ft Monlngtan have the largeat aa-irtment In tin omuty of oinkin? atoveiid Pinged, parlor KtoTeo and rarlar tor-les, einbrftainrrnll nf tbe oewand muttiirable featurai- Frioe« as low as any

Liter h"Ute. Don't fail to Mo intr lurgelock before purchasing.Headqunrterfi for bowa boob, horse clip-

tha Derby horse bandage, hone suit,feed bags, ths best axle grease In use, hai-

oil, soap, pollshei, Eandal'scura; stock feed, the beat appatlier known'orborsaanil outtloj whips, halten, a ll>r<xdd'en, In foot everything kept in aflrii

•hop, at A. Taylor &, SonV






and Canned GoodsIKIIYXD IM IK! .TILS.

LAGERS, ALES, SEGARScan always be found In Us uloon department.






o.3, Brick Block,DOVER. N" J.

E. Lindsley & Son's,DOVER, N. J.



saac N. Doty & Go.159 & 161 MARKET St.,

NEWARK,lmve completed ths alterationand enlargement of tbeir p.Hn^iies and oov bave Ibe largest'•nd handsomest DRV GOODSBIORE in tbe Slate. Our•M.mment of RICH DRESSGOODS, DRESS SILKS, T I L -VETjandPLUBHBtisuDsurpuwed.Wo tave new Btjles In "rrXP


.-JACKETS.To reaoh tbis depurtiaent lobetlio elevator, Inerpased 8|iac8given room lohceitn larger stockof BBE38 BILKS, wliiuli wesell s i lower pnuas tlian anyother house iu Ibe trutle, Wohave rande large additiuus tooar stock of



Tbla week we add Ladies 'andChildren's Muslia Uurlerwear,boat m<ido aud cheapest goodsin tbo oity. An unequalled OB-Bortmflnt of ladies' CBIIMODIPD'Sand o'lil'Jten'fl J1EUINO UN-1>EROLOTHINO; tliesegoodalira displayed on tbe secondfloor wliicti ie (be llcrbleat andmost couvenieat sales-room iutbe city. Call and inspect thestore oad stoob.

SAAC N. DOTY & Co..159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark. N. J


Mmts for Fairbanks' Scales andTer.

wUliget'i Safes,




Igrlonltura Impleraenti, Seeds, Fertflliors,in . PaiMi, Oils, Olais. eto.



Uorriatowu, Dec. lBtb. IMS.


ilnler In DHY GOODS, OltOCEMES iKDPBOTIHIOHB, LBATEIIB iND EI>DIN38BOOTS AND imOKD to onltr; olgtn, IDblGOB, BDd la hot evervtbiaff nhluh I, geasnlL* ipt in I eonatrT More. I acll all tu/ Rnoui

. low atnrei. Cult and « e m; Btook Mid birotlnced. «-lv


H. KENNEDY, • - • Prop'r,Ererjtblos s resttnnot ftila for eta bi





8 K C A R S

of th« bnndi,

Meals served at all hoursAttention will be given to pleite all c i -

InmerB wlio la*or me wtth tbelr patronafie.PartiBN. Bockbles, Aa., (applied at tbo l ! '

SUSSEX St., DOVER, N. J,is alwaji welt itockad with the belt of

Wines, Liquors, Ingcr,

Ale, Sogars, &c.j «-| M I L L I N E R I




ii alwaya open to lorara of the gam a.

J . J . BACKOFF, - - - Prop'r .

SUCCASUrtNA.Tbe HelbodlaU bad an oyator lupper at the

psnousge, Wedwtdsy evening of last week.Tbe proceeds aranunled to $38.

The H.E . Ohnrcb bid antnmnal aervires ononday. Tbere wna a bsndrome disolay of

dried gniBea, autumn l*atei. flowers andrrnila artistically amnfied. Bev. I. Tbomastook ror bla lest for Ibo morning and eveoiUKieniwi, "We all do fade ai a Icar." Thuyire hnldlng revival leivieei tbls week.

WehaTeanawooaldeilir. Ur.T.E.Boel lbai laseeadBd Ur. John B . DoerEng la tb»tburineal. Mr, DaeriBjr Is trafellng for a Newfork flrm and buying scrap tin. F.

Political Movement*.

DOVER. N. J.j bai lost received an Immemalook ol FALL MILLINERY wlnrh ibs is

leilinfftt unori M luw as Ifae loweil,•nil iDtite* Ibe people In ueneril

*bo wart iDTlhlnH In her lino •to call and are nnw cbesp

»h» aetltt. Bhe bis avery large slock of


r Slip can give, sstliiutlao to all li

I1 patent^ .... . ,

trade-marba, eopyrichta. etc.,fortbaCnltcd Suiee, audio onUln pat-

' '- Oanada. England, Franco', and all other oonntriee.,T>«lx7Mra>practlce, Wo

chargn for examination of models or draw-ings. Advice by mail frea.

Patella obtained through us aro noticed Inths SClBltTXPIC AHBftlOA*, Which haathfllargeet drcnlation, and Utha most influ-ential uwspaperoritaiind pabliahedlatbftworld. Tboa^TanUfiMoffucbaDotlooeTeryadTaatges

erttands.and flpltmdiIlhlVK

y illustrated Bf L Y l W »

bo tha best piper dnrtadMlnTrattoili an^eeiing

ThB candidate! aw all ont and worklpgbard d ^ i * r & H v .for anocess, wblob can only be brought about' | £ A B M I W 1 i n

work^ and other departaemt- of lndutrialprogrwi, pnblkbedin any oonntry. BlnglaSopffls by mail, 10 cent*. %old by all new*

bj hard work. Akx. Kanoose, for instance,bai bntlt up a very •oeeeiardl bosfuM byworking ti»rd to inpply the daalors of ibis SM-tion wUb bfit brindi or liKeri, i lei . porteri1

snd all kludsal faotlUa goods. Aautomerwbo Wei him onu always romalnia ooitomar.He baa tha b u t taoUlUw lor Uu bujtwii and«M oflte tba bert luduotmanti.

Saadboek aloot jatenta nailed free.

Notice to Absent Defendant.IN CHANCERY 0 ? NEW JERSEY,


BYvlrlueoranorderofthe Onnrtorchsieery of New June.v, niadu on the day

ihe date hereof, in acaoite wherein ilargDurrv la onmpuinant, anil yon and otare (WoBihmti.. fca are repaired to appea;pleatl. demnr.or amworto tliecomptaiaan'*bill, OD orbefora the flrteentb davufDectfbcr next, or tbe aald bill will be taken ai cfeaacd against von.

The laid billi. filed to foracloie a mortgigiven by Aaron Dlekennn and Luoetta A.,iben wife, to " The Doverfiavlnai Inatltntiiindbf the lalii "Tbe Dover Ravings IoMUinn/'aBiloned to the Mid UnTRaret &-rry,ibn complstnint, on landi nitmto, Ivincan "being in tbe Townahip of ftocliiway, ia tlOountr nf UnrriK. and flute of N«w Jiditeri K«y Sih,lS77; and yrmthe i.Kl 1 .bftfa Ulckerson, n1herwi«e Kiln bet d Aitham<nerare made a defendant beoinMiyai 'io be Ibe wife of aaid Aaron Diakerwnmob. claim to b a n an inolwat* tlriitIs ii id pnnlMi in qneillotit



85 cts. PER YARD!WORTH $1.25

- A T -


PIERSON, llie ecjiiarp-ilt'iiiiiu o otliicr oED»^er, bas jnaboponcrt foi IUDncl Winter u stuck »f OVERCOATS, <o wiiicli lie callsejjiei-itlaUentiou.b^.iiiaa

the (inblio will dgvee witb liim it is tbo largegi, nvnt vurieii, audoa-tieal uasuritn^nt of ovt-taoiitg ID all atjlose/af seoa it) tins BeoHn'j, All weremde to bis order ihia saisou, uad IIR knows tlioy po33e.<H till tbe rec]iiiiites ofDud mntenalB, caraliilifliko up auil prcvjiling Blyle. By a vary large imrflt*tent for casli lie i-» ulso ublo to givu bis patrons tlie gi-eutust beuefila iu prices*biob tliey will find is true by RIVIDR Uim a oall.



HAS AUKIVKOuiti.xiiNo roit





AND SCOOPS, MECHANICS' T001A lltOSAN1> STEEL, which he is selling at










Complete warellibliitoekoHawalrj andOhtlDjoftUdescription. Tirtffe'iajtMnrtaHilt ot

SILVBR-'WARE.Noroltioa and Staple Goods, including Borers' Spoons, Forks and

Knives, unBurpiinnea in quality, stylo and naiah. Solo agent for thecelebrated EOCKFORD WATCHES. Also Walthara, Elgin andSpringfield Watches, of nil trades. Speotoobs and Eye Ohisses, AsI buy in lame quantities and got the lowest possible cash prices, I onncompete with any house in this section of the Statn. My speoial su-pervision is given to fine watoh repairing. CLOCKS and JBkVGLR?denned and repaired in the best manner. ;


UBI lust received an Imuem•tack al

which slu U MU1U« ntr cheap.

NOTICE.1rBrahMed lh« riRol tor thsaaasaU

to bant for gams on the lann ofEllaba Sksl<•, all persons are heml>y warnetl not toiss on itald premisei — "(vra'ty nr tin t««,

Iroola, Oot.iatli.18B3.



DOVER, N. I,[Omoiorui A V

Page 4: GEO. RICHARDS & Co., · on SLATE HOOFH cheaper than CV«T using none but th o beat quality of slate and em-ploying flrst-olase

SHERIFFS SALE.l a Cbanoen* of Sew tetter-fittwees Tbe

Mutual Life Xmnranoe Oompmj or NewTork. ootnpUinanti, and Tliaodare W.tmenn, Laura H. Gmrto, Cbu. E . Oaerln,fcliza E. G'.ieriu. 8nwo Onann, Dtui.l V .fiuorln. K«nm« E. MaQowab, rtar&U C Aber,Mlac A. Alwr. Jobn E, Gufirio. KiUn J .i.nerin, George B. Ottnrln, Riflhtnonil L.Ou«rm. Joba H. Schmidt, aod The Inhabit*intu of the Tnrnahtp ol Morri". iu Iliaf-riDir n( Moum, defendant*. Fi- ia. tor• ale nf mortgaged pruning • Bctur n*blf to(VTtofcfr Trrra.i.D.ISSa.


BY virtue nf ths above stated writ ot fierificia* ia ror bindt, I elmli eipoao for site

at Pnblio Vendae, at tbe Court Homo, iu Mt>r-riiiowu, K. J., DDMONDAY. tUeSOIb tU)r of KOVEMBEB utit ,A. D. 1BB2, between (bit liouri or 12 M. ami 5o'clock P. M., that is la nav at So'iiluck in tlieafternoon of Bald dav, ill tliono tracts or pir-tfl* of laud and proinUt'n lierciuattor psrtlc-iilarly deMriued, iltn«tc, lying and 1'i'ins Intbe towusliip of Morri*, in tbo Comity of Mor-ris aud Btate of New Jersey.

Tac FIBBT TBALT, bORiuntDgat A corner postollaudof JQBIILU Guertu, deceased, lit *lln«ivMaudforwDflyof P « l Farver eleven clmi™and arij-fivo l ioh on tbe first course from lliobeginning onrrer ol tho whole tract purchasedby TbomtaGoerm. dccoawl, of Jobn Wood-riifi ; theuee ( t ) aonlb BHy-flve degrcce Midfifteen miuntca went nineteen chu'na and KV-enty links in lino of uid Jun'nna Ouerin, do-denied, to MB corner in liw* of Henry Wiuk,decca«i)d: tbeneo (2) in said Wick line unrlhtlilrlv-three dogroon and thirty rainutun wont

Wu'k line; thence (S) nortb fifty-five dejjreoBeist two chains ami tbirty-flva links to nhiakory eipllng', thenco (1) north twenty-onedegrees weit fanrteou chains anil glxly liukuto an oik t ree; thence |5) uortb si lit'up d<_-grcca ami illteen mlcuf* e»n uitiit cliMne andfifl.v links; thonco (0) sunlh neventv-Uvo d.;-Kretg cast twobe chains and rortv-flva liubu jtlieuec (7) BOUIU twflvo define went nluety-tiireo liuko; ihftnco (8) eolith thirty-otic do-urcta aud tliict? minutes east twenty-onechains and six links lo ibo |>laoo of iH^loning,coutainifR forty-L'tRbt acrca and ttirce-quar-Ura, bo tbe sania tuoro ar U'BS.

TOE SECOSD LOT, liegioiiliiE at a liicki-ryaapliug mtirked on four eli]t* with a blaze audthren iiutchsH uudur each blazi't Btaiullligr onthe top of nusjar ]<.sr bill. Lwniij a onruur nfJoin. ArnoM'i land iu EtwufKer ll'nculuv'*IIUB ; Ibuuce (1} miuib ttiiriy-r>Udegru«B ctstxevenclialiK; liieuci' (2) north BHVUUUCII ilo-grceBdfiBlbirt-t-Doliilmtiuanrtyllata; tSu'sico(!) north Iweuty-ttireu ile«retii an.I thirty

to'dvudeureee west eluvtiu utimiistu Hie placeof ueKiunliiir. coutnluiBR five aoriM ami tweutynil linudreiltlK or an soro, it riot measure.

Tan THIBB TBACT, lit-uiuniiip at a bind; oaktrio nlitiicliifif by the IIUK <if ilie ro;ul wlilclil.mils to John A xvoli'*; tiiom-u Bnutli neymty-«ii (IcffrocM and forty-live minutojeHBt tliirltenelm in- and twrnily-ai^bt Hok*; ibenco aortblliirtroD aud a In If dBgrws east Tuiir ciialnaand ten linkn; llionoo tiorlb ronrtocii iifRrceawust tlirco cluing; lliouco north thirtoou anila half dcgrutiE cast lour oimtna ami tiinciylltihn; Iboncp nortb Bevenl?-«li (l- rDCB and •forty-firo mimitea wtgt eioven clmms mid !ninety-four links lotlio ruft'l; thenuo HHUIUtliirtucn aud a naif dugrooB weat elurcu ci.aiiiaand tl fly-four liuta to tli« plion of liogmniHR,onntalalni; fourtson aud alttlfauros, strictmeasure.

THE FOUETB TaiuT, bffiinolng at o, ntnnehi>&pla linen! Und turmery of Benry Wick,dooeiicil, and & traot ot land tabou u;i andmrvernfl by Eliorii-ifr Dlaehley,(k-ci>aml, tliulaiit twos heap tt&tiiUng on ibo soiit'i^gtci lyHide or «ucar loaf; theaoo earth!cKr«c» jtru-j Qfkon miautci west twenty-ninecliainsand fifty link* to a lUkb; thence northfony.four degree* cast olowu cliainti and lav-enty links tn a sUko BUnding iu lino of landformerly of Robert Arnold, deceistnl; iliencolouib iulrtj-llirco doerees mil thirty inluiilone.iat tnontj-niuochains aiiJ fifty liuka to aHtake for a corner; thenco sontli tliirty-suvendrgreci weit all chains ami fifty links to tbepUcaorbeglnuins, coutaiolDR Lvronty-BiXacreaand one-qturter ot an acre. The fjur tr icuabuve tle*cri»ett, taken tojtither, CDUUIDninetT-foqr acres and »evont)-sii one bun-drwlthaefinflere.

g tba f a n e presilieB conreyed to the— _ jeodore ff, Oaenn and Ohta. fi. Guerinly Samel VI. Gm-rln and otliers.

WILIJAJI 3 . HOWELt , Sheriff.Dated Sept. Ifiib, 1B92. (IB 00

-•' DOVER TIME TABLE.Trilns arrive and ctepirt froic tbU (taUos

i ai follow*;Kilt BQUKD A. U. WUT BQOTD

'InllipibarK Spec. 4:35 i«O KIPTOH 6.2H

Durer Eipiex** 7:00llukutt Blown Ei|).7:32W&lor Qsp Spooiil 6:31New fork Eip. 8:43D r A c o o m . 11:10

amtpQ Eip.' 1:67TorklUil 3:U


Ba-liey" l d


irt Oram . . . .

. . . -nuiVallej .Middle Valloy..

tanRBund BrookElizuletbSewatkTrcuUn

PUlleing t

d TlieodD l

SHERIFF'S SALE!la ChiDcerj of New Jenej—Betweec Ororge

StnttOD, compUintot, and Ifinot Bliaiior.Alice Smith. Willltm Bmitb, FriDcen Bias-•sr, Peter Hhtiur, Isnot Bbasser, Jr., AnnieHhttier, Eliutwtn 6n»ner, John Sbuier,WilllMn BhaHsr, Mtrr Bbasier. Robert F.Oram, John Btnce iod William Q. LstlKop,w«redefemUalB. Pi.f«.forMleof mortgagcapremltwB. Beinrnahle to October Tetm, A.£). 1882. NEIQHliODB * 8UITH, BOITB.By virtue of tbe above lUhrl writ of fieri

fteiai in ray hittii, I abill expose for salfl t tPoblic Venaoe, apon the premlieB berejn»tterdeacriberl, on

MONDAY, Ibe SOtb da ; or Nofembtr noit.A. D.1883,bet*een tbo hoart of 19 U. and Bo'clock F. II., tbat la to n j , at ao'olook In tlisafternoon of »M day, til that tract orparcel or land and premhen, hereinafter par-Itcnlarlj deionbed.iltoite, iTing and beiOR intbe townsblp of Biodolpln In the count; ofHorris and Hta\e of Hew Joraey, bnnaded anddencribedMfollowB.Tlii:

Buing part of tbe iim* trust of land that wasconveyed b j AlBsaoder WiRbton lo JoasieBobertton, wlte of aald. Jobn Robertian, bfdeed dated April Bib, 18C2, and recorded inthe UorriH ConDty Becord of Deeds, in BookD 6 or deeda, Pigei 3S6,4c.t and tho tract andparcel of land berebr conveyed ia cornnoeedof lota No. 11. U, IS, 14,15,1C, 17,18,10, 20,31 and 33 »s (iniigmied an tlie map of landmads for said Jobn RoWrtBot, by J. L. Ln'rencc, Snrrejor Jane 20tti, 1H73, and the Sr..ooane thereof bej;in» at a st i le Blinding int h i l l i n f l d * h ( l t r b l (

. Leave 7.01 i.M C-21::.". I .M1.H C.83

,,, 7.10 4.1H 6.89' . . . . 7.28 1.23 G.4S

.•„... Arrive 7.8fi 4.3S (1.SH.. " 8.S0 S.8B 8.2H I

. . . . » fl.16 0.17 fi.OT I" 19.42 C.4S fl.80 :

'.'.'.'.'. " 0.33 O.«

CcirMiDSBiirta <• 10.« 8.24", 8th and Green " " •£?* • " ' . „

NewTork , " 9.52 8.60 9.87Oonvmnoei can b« piocnrod kt Oerown

a.* sst asiKB'ssrirt... «*«**t Old cloak lo BlRh Bridge Button. ThrOom-

..iiij r w n a t t* rifiht to Tarr the rannlog o!trains from tbl* time table « oircamstaueean^*iroil Oomticmojia.-Oonneotion It matlfit Hish Bndse to and from Euton,

H. P. BALDWIN, Gpn'l Pasd. Aftent^ B t

thaweBierljl ineof«»ld*h(jlotraot,belna*(8oa coiner or lot So. 33 and Horn on tlio aortlierljB™S it Dc!! ' t r m t *» ihoffD on HAUI m«ji AL>?mentfonofl, and tbenoe ri%)o along Ibe westerljr HUD or Hid ffnole t r tc t (1) nortb thirtytwo depreei eiat one tiomlre<l snd forty andone-balr feot to a stako, beiag also the secondoornrr of lot No. 9 9 ; thence along the toerlv line of lot 31 (3) loutti a r ty -c^h l and - - .half degreea e i i t three liandfed ant] Iliirtyfeet to a stake, belo? also ibe third corner oflot Ho. 9 3 ; tb6Qc« along the easterly line oflot K (3) north thirty-out: t nd one-half degreeseast two chains to a stake, being tbe fourthcorner of said lot 33 ; thence along tbe north-urlv line of Mid lot No. 33 (4) north arty-right• i d oae-half ilegreea west five ohaioB to astake standing in the first line of said wholetract, being also the first corner ©Mot No, 9 3 ;thence aluns i t ld first line of atid whplo tract(5) north thirtj-two degrees east two oliainst o a stake, being ihe first corner of ta td uliolet r a c t ; thsnes along the Toorth, Jinfl o l n i dwhole tract (6) scnlh *iilj-on» denreei easttwenty cbatus to a etak^, being tlio finrtbcorner of «aid whole t r ac t ; thence along theeasterly line of said whole tract (7) auntoIhirtv-tno dej(rees ves t three hundred andelshty-olKbt foot t o a . s l a k e i t and ln^ ln saideasterly line o | «ald irhole tract on the north-erly lino of Dell street, being alsn a corner nflo t So. 1 1 ; thonpe along tbo nortlierly *ido ofsaid Dell street (8) north i l i t j-ono degrwest twenty ohilna to the plioo of begiuainu,contiininE ebjrfin icree and. flftj-one Una-dredthsofan asre b a t h e name more nr less ,

WILLIAM H. ROWELL, (Sheriff,Dated Sept- 801,1882. 119 60

Morris Orphans' Court.OOTOBBIt TEAM, 1883.

In the matter'of Andrew Phithower, Adistrator of Philip Ptillhower, dewised.Bole to ihoff raoiP why ther« aboald not bea sale ol land!.

A NDBEW PHOQOWEB, AdDilolxtiatorJ% Philip FlillfaoKer, Ute.of the Conny . .MorH«, deceased, havinc: made and exhibitedtu tbi« Coari, under oath, a jnst and Iruo ac-oonnt of the peraonal estate inrj debts of stilldeceased, aa far as he baa been able to dliqoterthe tame, by which It appears tbattho perionalestate of said deceased is insufficient to \ny allbigjuat dsbti. and ttatini; that said deceaseddied i e ^ ofUnds, tenements, beredf lamentsand real estate, sitnite In the County of Bon-ttrdon.acd prtjinji tba aid pf tbe. Court In tbememiici. fcierefTrre, it i t „ ordered h; tbuoiirt,tbatAUpenoD«|ntereBt0dlntneluida.tenements; tawtdltitaBals and nal eitats ofitaidilnaeuad, do itppear before theJudfioa ofthin Court, a i (he umrt finxd itnrtUtnwn,on MONDAY, the"4th daj offlecehiber, k.V,1881, and BOOW came, if any they nate,why so innoh of tfae said laoos, tenements,hereditament! »na real eiUte o| said deooaied•honld not be iolo as will be lafflolent to payhis debts. And it u further ordered that acopy at thus oider be published In ths IaonEai , a newspaper primed and pnblliUeel Inaaid State lor sit weeks iaoeeuirely once ineach week.

CHABLZB JL.GILLEN, Snrrogite.AtroecDpyframlha nbiatH. l5-6w

laa Horrii W j Siriaii Sifli,(MOOBnilt».TED MABCII 3tft 1174.)


B. T. HTJUJ, SM'7 and Treum»A0EB8!

HnaxO.PiTitiT, A.B. Huu*JAMU S. OOLKIAS, Am. O. OurniLS,B u m O. Hum, f n t n H. Hornu,

a, O. Y. B»«», H. B.

Onen daily from S A. M. to 4P. M. and an Salurday r ™ 'tram 7 to 9 o'clock.

neDbiMs maiie on or before theT B I J T S UAY OFyTANUABV.and remalnlBK. In Bank, on theF1K8T I»AV OP JCl,Y,'wlll beentitled to 6 nionthi' lntemt.

Depoilla made on or Detorc thePlllST BAY O*" APHIl,,aii* K-malnlqc in Bank on the MUSTWAV OFJUL,Y,WUI be entitledto 3 tnonlba' lnternt.

Oepoilti made On or Iterore thTKNTH DAV O P J Ut,V,BHd re-malnlnVin Bank on the FIRST5 " « OT JANUAKV, will »eentiaed to 6 moatbi' lntereit.

be SiStted to 8 m«itni' Uterut

Notice to Trespassers.

-X*. Plewt, ft J., 0«L »th, 1881

Euton Moil

BoVMicomi. l i «K«al«ii ~B'giiani.»u »-r. —™£ta lon E i p r e s i 5:29

| W a t o t a a p W « / "Dover Bxpress t»il7H'ko 'Eip.7:22.„„„... _Eip.7:22Oawcgo E x p / K:B4Dover A

•Via. Boon ton Brausb.


i 6J



UoOaJnsrilltPort OramDover

KiSTWABD.A.M. I'.M8.00 4.10




FABSEKaaa STATIONS :[N N«ff YOKK, faotorLIbertySl., North rlviT.IN B«oo«LY», Josel l ' l Wharf, loot or Fnllon Bl.In Pwi. j, •lfp»t> F . 4 I I . B. 11. mil »IJ<1

Gruon, and 8tl and Burks Stg.BrTBAlKR.


iew Vork iJ.OU 4.00

'°I0»"Sc™aoaOroonBtl. gag 3.4i" M..dB»ta " OJJ»

1 ." ' ' . . , o.oi *.0(itotii'""..'".i.» a-311 4-3?

.IBrrok 10-09 s-a!t

BridS::;."....'."..-- I B I » . « «.»»

lev T.llia.aO 11.354.IS Iive 7.30B.*8U.60J.aO '

B.a'ill.3fiB.4111.438.4H! 4!Bfillll.SOB.58U.6So.oa ia oaU.O712.U7

. . , Arrive 01612.15VH XBAINS:

17 5A.K, P. M. Tfl.20 B.2f6.21) B.28 (0.3.1 U.88 1fl.43 3 . :fl.44 9.44 iG.40 3.4H I0,53 8.53 i0,60 3.M i7.00 4 B"

n Valley2 8 . o 5 n . o o a c

8.20 ll.164.Ofi fi.ili





Dress, Business and School Suits,Dress and Working Pants,


We liavo paid more tban usual attention (his seanon to lha flolection of materials andnkinu up of our stock. nuJ cnu Raffly HJIJ, (bat no HOUSE in tbe city, will, ot can ttbowlino of H K A I > V - , H V1>K C L O T H I N G tb . t will surpass i t In nuiBtj of Htylo.

reliability of miitarialH, thoroughness of workmiinnbip, porfootion of lit, ar elegmr*eoffinish. TO PAUIiNTS:-Wo would cull mixial aiteutiou to onr HOYS'a-d CFJIL-l)HEN'S CLOTHING, Tbese \;n<Kh. .H wdl an oar entire stouk, are EXCLUSIVELY ofOUU IIANUFAtllUltE—of tbe very latent and most fashionable ntylos mi Hhnpert, andare ftninbeil througbout iu a 8ubstan!i4 und elegant nmnnor. Wo would resp&otfullyinvite iuBptotiou, before purchasing. We cbeorfully refund moaoy, if you buooiuu din-satiiiStd.

'THE IRON FRONT,"850 and 852 BROAD St., NEWARK, TS. J.


C T MR. WILLIAM C O C n i l A N biiying 886ociatEa himself wiib the MmVe Brm, usSALESMAN, would l o pleah'd lo *ee liisfrieBdn (mm Sussrx and Worrcn CoimiiaH.

Located arrow Llio river from ibo AmirlpanictropoltB. Mew York, Md jot vrlicra tint pupil H

Xuaca sro IfBB tlinu io nor other Urtfe city. IDImmtKlKate rto b l t r - K n ?oifc. Ilrooklirn, Long

lil*nd City, Hpbokcu, Jnr.ej City, kc. wlitre moreXHlneM li done HiaD .nywhDro rlw on tbli oou.tttBot, Ihore !• • oomtant domind (or young nientrd jouuu women to Dtl virtoua pciiltloti', ind wo»vJiii"ra.pplI»tlou- for iucb tb*n wo <w inp-lv. TIIMB wlihiim Bituatlom ID tbe diy .lioultl\mt here and uka * tbotougli bus I net* collie

^durte. Wrlla (or (all pirtleDtort. AdiUm PBOP.O A GuiKLL, PriuripiJ.N&wYorkP. O. Baxl&31.



Queenstown, Liverpool,

Norway, Sweden, &c,OH

White Star Line,Inmnn Line,

Canard Line,National Line,

State Lino.Aim DIUIIS hnod

ftble auywlmre in E lNoru&v op Rwedc

«t lovosl rain, p>v-nl, Irelanil, Hcotlna

E, Lindslsy&SSon, Agents.


SUSSEX St. GROCER,ilill oontlaaea to ko cp * fnll ind fresli quao-

tlty or

Groceries and Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS,foreign tnd domestic, the beet grades ofCANNED GOODS, and all gappUes of thehousehold in bia line.

Gave will always be taken to secure goodSof the beat rjvaUty aad eqa&I painn to nelithem at Ihe'most reasonable marclnH onn-filstent with tho purchasing prion. 8O83EXST., near the oamor of Black well. Dovt



Wall Papers, Borders,

Dados, Ceiling Decorations,•nd e*cry thing in that line, oomprisinR hardred or nev and eleaant deaigoi, from the.flhexpeat .to.the.flottlloit, u d reotesentlnr,tbouasndi of itolUrs i t n l u e . A view of tUn•twk will conduce anf that I an tbe largestdeileHn Northern New Jeney. I h»re mideamngementi with tbe, manufacturers for »Urao Dumber of job lota of papers, whioli Inave Ion over from prey Ions joirn, in coldand flat, wtiieb I can sell for twenty-flfe percant, below tfae regaltr prisa*.

I bare ongaKed a. Qrnt-cliia paper-hanger,for Ihtt work ezclDiirelr, and feel conQdentofgivlnBthBfutloBt Bitiifaotion.

ao a great line or

PICTURE FRAMESoj evarj ilasenptton,iok(le la>oy lise to order

Oil Paintings and Chromos,

STATUARY,Center Pieces in Plaster

of Paris,of new designi, and many other articles forH O O M Desoratioa. An tmmcDiie line of

Stair and Floor Oil ClothsOF NEW PATTERNS; Table Gofers. WindowSbidni and Fiitnrei, ail or tho litcit andmolt imorored dailgui, Freacomg, Graining»od Piloting dODe in tus hlgbeit tula ofthiart.. I Uve Jail r«»Wed a oolendid lite osaoplesortrcaooei. H1OS8 piloted to ordsiin *nnrj atjla and form. Dealing with th imroufaetaron direct and puronailng pita,lead and ptlnt by tbe ton, I am thns enable^to tako contract* i t the lowest flgnrci, wblleptilorm tbe work in the b«st miuner.

Dor, Btiikwell k Z I M Z 8ti. , Donr, H. J;



OFFICE adjolniiigtht Sorer Lumber CoraMDT*IIIIU1. Do'atracti taken, ind pl*ns,

iwoifldUom »nd mtUriali of »Tory kind for-niibad for bulldingi. Jobbing . ipeoiftltr.

SLATE. ROOFING.lilftta foiDlihed from the tout qaarnen _v

th* *nu01 ntuntltj or eu ioid, tail Uld, II de>orad, br eipBrienoed workmen kt low rmtBi,

a w«ck la jour own town. T«rm» m*& S6«tflt tny, AidnM H. I t t U t r . ft Oo

Spring Dress Goods!Best line of Dress Goods

and Trimmings at


B U O K V E L L S T . , DOVER.

TH0S. BOLITHO'SCity Restaurant and Saloon.


Meals served at all hours.

ICE CREAMsold to parties wanting 25quarts and upward for 28ots. per quart. Opposite thenewBriok Block, Dover.

SHERIFF'S SALE!In Chmtifry «f New Ji'i-Bpy-IJetwi't-n WuMi.

liiKtunB, Williams. I t t cmin ' f t l i cMK' l i an .icB'tiid Lnliomre' SiivineH Uiiult, cimiphln.unt and Juruinlili C. Sweeney nnil MaryBircenuy bin wife, >1u'eutlantn. Fi. In. forfftlo uf iiiortRnjiud unmiBts . Ruturuublo toOL-lobcr Term, 1882.

E . B, CCrtVLEB, Sol'r.T>Y virliio of tlin nbore itnieil writ of fieri

HI 1'uMi" Veuiliie.'at tli'oOo-irl House, in Mor-'BIQWJI, N . J . , o u

MONDAY, the 13lb day of Nccmber n e i t ,A. D. 1882, between llio bourn u(f 13 it. nnrt 6cfe)ock P . fll., tlmt ]R to pay at 2 cjTt!)rx!k in ibo

ruixin if naitt duy, nil 111 at eerldn limuc-J rnrm rituato lynw mid bi ing in the IOIVII-of l'am\e (Fotmcrly tbo tawiiHUlp »t M T

Iu tbe County or M-url* nml Smu- or NHWcv, ciHivtWfi l>v II rrtfl Cdnhliii Mifl He" tv11'nn'rcli/S.iiiiU'llN-crtH ami David U,

.. ..I 'IIK, all clnldrfi) and burn at l i w » i !•&•»•m l llrt lfri i , (IHCUUMCII, bv iln.'d diip<l 2DTIIAiJnl.lBTl.aiul ri'C(ird''(l Mi ihcCltTl.'n OSWavotMuriiB County, !ti liber Q H utU.-L-.U, [IHKM13H »iu) 131, A J . , ami i.viuR mi Imtli t.M» uf Umiir I'IIU' l im ik , inuliiilini! all tbo m\p mi 1 ouiidand mill iirlvilfcuea ami (bv a, survey ( iMietiHinc, made In April, 1871,) Iu butted -ndboumledaH follonii:

Ih-HiliniiiR at it pnint hi llm lui'lill" of tlie>naJ from Grt«u Tillage, pint J . T. Frost'*, toNcffTernon, »t tbo corner or J . T. Proif*lionnntoad farm, und ram tbeiioe (}) oa tuidroadnor th t-iubty ciKhtdrerseii and twentyniiuntee mat tbree chains nnd forty-hT.j lltikawlli tho l iDcorpar t ol said H.imuel It»licrta((]i'Cf-at.ed)laDds. rulu^cd 1Q tbis dlvHiOQ toHairi t l W.Conklin, to a turn of the n n d ;tlicuce (2) willi ber line ofnBidlotBimtb e i i t jti^lit dturctB nod tliirtv minutea east Iwoclinine to a turn or the road ; tbenco (3) withtier line or said lot smith liitj-ciclit dogrteKand tliirtv wfuiileH r m tvu e b i u s to a turnu t l b e r o a d ; ilieace (1) with tier line snutbuliiy-alnedcerke.'iaiid forlytive rolualcf eastilii'tifjcbaica sod alilj-ono Imha to a turn oftlie road a l tlie wenttrly comer of Hetty Much-'moru'u bonBo lot n\vaw<\ to tbis AMAon ;tLpnca (5) willi the line of Hetty Muuhmore'alioase Int south seventy-five dtgicet andllf-ieea nicntDB eaut two chaiod and fart; link*to a. turn of the road tnd ber lino ; tlienco (0)witli licr line on tlie road norili serfnty-iiincdegrtaa and forty &ie minutes east threecliaini to A torn of tho road and ber l ine ;UiencD (7) wilh her line on the road oortlistttv-tbreo decrees and lorty-Svt minutea oasttwo chains aud Iwo links to her norlberly tor-ner uud to ibe tveBlcrlv corner ot Cniirlea W.Bnrol'M lionee Int. late Churlet Oroweli'a;tlicncD (8 ou the road pagilng the body of anelm tree in the line north fifty dORree* andtlitecu mlmiUa o&tit tbree cbalnsand ti iootj-9ve links lo a pnlnt in rlie mtddln of l b s roadlending from Green Village past Satrnci Itoii-

r aw il l n y of said elm tren a t the

d l b

illage po liokainks pinttbe mil

junction of tlio troadB; tlitnco (9)oo tbe lai t named roail fortvrii'firci B ami fifty inlniitcB vest with lamle latoWillinin Cnnkliii, deceased, len olminti andlony-flve linbu to a turn or the road ; tlieoau(10) nu the road with bis lands, Into WilllnmCUDtilin noi th twenty-seven degrees •• nd fortyminnioa v e n t three cliaiPB to p point thirty-

links lo iho rlglil «f and i i i feel short of

m and roud with h>s landa north fourtei-n do-;rers anu twentv. minnlcs went live oliairj*nd tblrtv-two links to a point in range vrltli

Jaraoct Itolieru' tiouno lot thlrty-nlno links tothe rlplit or a. marked fltn tree; tbenoe {12| onlie rcftii with bis hit north twenty-eight de-reen uud art eon miuutee went two ch iO andlie rcfti with bis hit north twentyeight dereen uud art eon miuutee went two chaiOB and

l ib II t l ld f

gh t or tliB easterly corner of tbo hiklco overmid lirook; tbence (l3)*tcr»fllnRanrt easterly side of U>e brnok norili twent j .— dfgreen and forty relnntea wost fiveckilriH

pmety-Bii linhH lo a stake and atones furacron the easterly edito of tba b iooh :

tht i et- (14) turning to tlierlRlitubliijnelv frnmt e tuaH nortb no desroea and tblrt j minutCH -w st two cualuB nnl thirty-two HuUn lo a

eaod i tonen for a oornar ona otiainaudlink f " '

AFOtlTI¥ECDRErOHFEMALECO»Tlits renwdy will act In barmouy with the Fe-

male sj»U)in at all times, and alwi ImniedlatelyopontbB.bdomlimlftod ntcrlne mmdeis uidie--,OM thorn io a heiUUiy and itrnng condition. •

Dr. Marcliisi* Ut.-ri,,.- Uatt^lcoD «l)l euro fitt-Inc ot the wntnb, UnoinhnM, CtirimlcIilUDina-' • - ' - - - ' ' ! - of Hie Womb, JucMMla l

PMnfnl, tuppteeiBd

Inc o( the wntnb,tton and Ule»ra1lnemab Fand i

il anpcht

t l a CltiorDMoothw.


VOUGI1T & K 1 L L G O U E ,

Bl-ly DOVER, N. J.


oe {12|-eighthaiOB al ld

a b*=l



IMPROVED AIR COMPRESSOR!Ciinadi, Bpraee tnlinff

. TbeypWe tbo best ofl o koopinutoott




fitli stool chain and Ciinad. spraeewlnoL in uatoiOBH. They - " "

gaOsraction. Tboyalso

"THE NEW EMPIRE"DT-HH avsAKDB*8E-BtntiiniaoooK-

,WO S T O V B , t t o ba-Bt b»>lnB »tovo In tlioworld A l w . « l»r«o .MnrtmoDt of oilier . I j l o .if OookinB StoTPB, Ilaiino* I'arlor S to«B. &0.,M SUlIMEB A S D W I S I E B OBE. A U O , allluiCO RlOCk Of

HARDWARE,li™, Wooden, Copper, Plain aad Japanned


Oil Olothi. Oarpoli, l amp; , PalntJ «ii|i OIli.Inl Cagea, Feathen, Cralt'i Ailral 011 (nonoxploilve.) Alao.


Hooting, Plumbing and JobWork promptly a t t ind«d to .


HnB poaitlro movlugBctary Valrea. WIIIRIVO better rcBuIU thnn inv comproiiKor built atm i i ieient l ime, wliioh eau be autliontioalcd by pirtlea now unins tliem. Tlioy ara alsonoil to<lr lvopnmpsint}repmlm'9. Vltllt forty pouuds of Btcnm will giro fifty pounila a i rri'UHiirp. Sfrnl for dcmriplive clronlar.

T H E DOVEK LUMBER CO.offurs to buildois the best opportunities iu tbe purcliaBe of LTJMBEEof evory grade uuil deflnriptiou iucludiag LOW PRICES aud tbe greatadvantage of haviug

Hiumber Worked to Orderby maohiuary at the place whore it is purchased, greatly lessening the

cost of Tiuilding by tlio grout saving in manual labor. Onrstock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBER of evory description, and especial pains are taken

to give satisfaction in every particular,OEOHQE ltJOfUBua, President.

WM. H. LAHBEBT, Pao'y and Treas

I. W. SEARIHO, Gen'l Manager.

Scales at Manufao-turer's prices;

They aluo litre one of tlie above scales infront of tbeir plato or bmlaesl lor

public neighing.Old Iron. Copper, Braai, Lcadj Rags and

Oreeubloaa taken tn nxoliaDge foi1 Koods.llltOEB k llHSriELL.





PAttLOR WATER WHITE 130°; PRIME W H I T E KEROSENE 112°.mr MACHINERY 0 I L 9 . - W e tako pleasnro in introJuonifr to tho t ta ju oa r vtriooa —• •>»•

of Michiui-r.y and other Heavy Oils, Tlieaegooda i . . .Kequeutly w«give ttiam the uuanfit of our pucnaualper lee t saUxUotioa, botb in qmli ty and price, or m

Extra Engine Oil,


oBitivcly BestorGS tlio Hearing, and m theOuly A L s d a l e Care Tor Deafness kiionn.

TLIB OU is abstracted from poonlinr spocids^rsmal l White Bbark. caujflif In tlio Ii-llnwBea, known aa OABOBABOUOS RUNDELBTH." --y Chincso flsiief muD knows it. l ie virtues

restorative of bearing was discovered bva Daiidhiat Priest about tbe year 1110. I tsuoroB woro io numerous aud many so seem-ingly miracnlous, ttiat the remedy was officiallyproclaimed ever Ibe entire Umpire. I t s usebecome so uaivenal that tor orer 300 years nodeafness h a i eilalcd amoup tbo Chinese pco-ilo. Sent, oliarges prupald. to any nddrcss at•l.OO per bolUo.

Hear What the Deaf Say:It hit performed » miracle in toy cane,I liave no unearthly HOIBCS In my noad and

icar mnoh better .I have beon gre t t ly lieneflted.My deafness bdped . g n » t deal—thlnic an-

atlier bot t le will cure me.

ItB Tlrtnes are unquestionable anil itscurative ctutraelcr absolute, as the writer can

irsomlly testify, botb I>om e l peri on 00 mi l..jHervation. Write at once to Hayloch iJCDDOV, 7 Dey St., New York, eoclnaliiB tl.Ofl,md yon will rceciro by r e tu rn mail a remedyI t a t will enable yon to haar like anybody else,n<l WIIOBD curative effects will bo permanent,.'on will never rec;rBt doing BO."—EDITOB OF


gf To avoid IOPH In Uio maflH, please sendmoney by BEGIBTERSD LETTER.

Only imported by UAYLUOK 4 JEHNEY' agents for America, 7 Coy St . , N. Y,

Tnllow Engine Oil,Dark EuRiue Oil, Bporm Mncliiaeiy Oil,Dnrk Lubricating Oile.- Enilroad Lubricalor,

No. ] Engiae,No. 1 Mucbinery Oil,SliaftiugLabrioatur.Slcnm Refined Cvliuder Oil,Brick Pressed Oil,Prime Neatsfoot Oil,W. Strained Prime Lanl Oil,W. White (Jotton Heed Uii,W. Yellow Cotton Seed Oil," Crown" LiRht Oompouud,"Piissaio" Dnrk Oompotmtt,B. Bendligbt Oil, 150",

UUOUDB. ot", R. Headlight Oil, 150°,Dcodorizad Kftptlias, all Gravities.

Turpentine, Oil Tunlu, ARentt for HOfllK Lfuiir Oil,. All our OILSguaruntutuiitriotly pare. MoKIRQAN &• On, WHAIU1 FOOT OF THIRD ATE., NEWARK, N.J.

West Virginia Oil,StainleatiSpimileOil,\V. B. Bperm Oil,Nn. INeatafoot Oil,W. Pure Sabd Otl,BpciinFonkiDgOi],PatutflrB' Oil,Sperm BigDul OU,

Crown" Wood Oil,No. 1 Spiadlo Oil,W. B. Wbale Oil,No. 1 Lartl Oil,i;nrk Car uii,Extra Fucking Oil,Rolling Mill Grease,Axle Grease,Sperm £ __

H. Ii. Heuillight Oil, ISO" Gasoline, 90°,Gasoline, 88J , O l i 8G°

a the f icj Rud eusterly lino oln to tlis KBW mill pond ; tlienoi-mnol Bolicria' t nd Htrri^l W.

Wo ate now exhibiting and aellingGENTS1 and LADIES' UKDERT\'EAKin ull sizes ncd all binds. A large andchoice lino of PRINTS, embracing over20,000 yardB, may be seqn and purchasedfrom, We are lelling GOOD PBISTS forfonr;oents a yard. Our assortment olFLANNELS of all kinds IB constantlyreceiving additiona BO that the line re*mains UDbroken; many batgnins of adecided nature may bo fonnd bere i i

gbL A more complete line of colorsin tba best qnnlities of FLANNELSUITIN03 cortnicly oaoaot be foundin Morris County, not in fiict in Nortb-eru Now Jorsoy, and eur prices ore low.WINTEU DRE9S GOODS in all tbepopular flbades, and nil tbo now FABRIOS,imported and domestic, with trimnunga

utch. "We hn\e lately received anlavoioe of neiv DBE3S FABRICS, whichare both darnblo and pretty.

Oar BLANKETS were paraliased longbefore the ride and va are able to sell)?etter BLAWOCM for the eomo moneythan onr coatemporariei. Oar COM-FORTABLES we nHUtttfflotoTe ourselvesand RDiranlee. • CLO.tEING MATE-RIAL aoa CLOAKS are already to begold aofl a large assortment awaiU in-

'nwetion. Our SHAWLS are both mBDjand aheap. OH* OLOTHS from IBIneliea to 18 foet in wiJth and 1L pat-terns for Btores. Onr

A 3 - OABPETS -©Iare continnolly being replaced by otbers.Wo itlil have o large asBorlmeDt and are

wirjR tlie prettiest •pattern's of tbebest manufactarere.


luniIB) iili Sain _ _

nklin't. land lale Willfom Conklm'a up at f tuh i l l north thirty-eight degree* end flf-cn minutea cant eight ubalnt and auvouty

ink« ti> a marked pint aL tho angle nf tlmen a t ber corn or on th« linn or DWIDH

r WDIIV lnnd , itienso [16) "I'll bin line n n n hort -ont* dcgML's and Iliiny mluntos fnur

H and tun link* to BH anRlo of tbo fumeor liiB corner, Dennia Crow ell's j tliincu (17)tl ih h i i line north tbirty-four dcRrets amiUrlyminuU'B ea»t eight chain* and thiriy

llnks to a marked post i t '.be angle nf thefor & corner ; Lbetioe (18) whli line nf

Olnifteari'a land north tlnbty-Mi deRreoh autlthirty minuteawet>tlhirtf-ench&lnBanduiDutyseven links to tliBinclesof t*ii Htonanniipnvand rail fcnctiB and la • uocorusr nf [chahod FOucbren'nIniidn; ilicnce (10) with h b linn an<)Fence tawh ek-vou desmes am) tvoo iymln -ni tg west nine cluioa ami e v e n t f lioka t» astake and Mum-* near nml tin tbe tdito uf ttiosaw mill pond; Ibencr <2u) nitli binline tinribviit j t ix deftrcea and twenty rninntea wtetrour clmiDB and efRliiy-UTe links to a make nn" edgo of the pond iwo feet to the leftnf and

r r i u t e h o i t o r * marked BawBTras tree a t MwliDeBs;ibencB(ai) wllli bin line along tboedeeof tbe nood n n n h foriy-elglit riogroesc i s t two chains and fiity-feven links to aslake and stones at the edRe of the pood ;thtuce (33) wilh h l i l m e orostintt a pitlntofland north (even d e g r e e eaBt one obalo andtwcnty-fi™ links ti> a stake on the bank aboutftlUen feet to the rlRht of the water in Ibepond; thenoe (38) eroR'loR the point irllh bisl inetoath eKtjr-two d o n e e s and thirty ram-ntct west tbroa chaini ind elxty-scvcn linkn(by tbe measure of Ichibod P . Oocbret's deed)to asmall itona heap lor bis onmer betweenthe mill pond and the last named road cnatIhesaw mi*! of Samael Robert•; tbonei (21)wltli bis line BOUIII thlrty-flFe degrees »itweutT ninnt ra east two oLaln* and elglitelinks to i l p h i k y t d b t t



HPItINU WAtiONS and nil lending HIVICB m a d e to order.We msike a Hperialtyof flrst-claaa custom w o r k and

guarantee «mr w o r k to equal iu DURABILITYanil PIINISH the best city mauufncl i i re .

In addition to our own mttanfactiiriast imHiiiow we liavo just mndo iiirangeraenlH liraa of tha Lar^eit Wholesale Manufacturera iu the country whereby•o ren^ly to w l l -mil have o n houil u I t r^o htnok nl lVmly-mnile Ourriiieos, E i i p R ,liiOtomtHLdBuMiiOBH Wagons lit i i c i c o ^ a low iw t\ny » 1 H I W in tlio conn l r j , uud whioh

will dsly ooiapatitiun. Call and nee oarhtDck bol'oro purolniHiugelHOwhyre.


Jos. H. Beach & Son,ROOKAWAY, 3NT. T.

pond and ilin wn|theace (J5) with bii

it tfar •

a east t o oLaln* and elglitet..fl hickory BtandiDB between the

ngoa 'IB.Hoe


. . j d lor Hi ooro1

loatli forty-tbtelirteen cbaioi and .lity-tlirco

llnbitatho anglcofafeuco at nil corner onthe line of J .T . Fruit's Imd ; Uieaoe (20) nlluLit line aud fence Bonib fortj-flve dttgreoieaat nln*ty-fl?o linis to an angle of tbe teacat the, corner ofEfohlel Froarpfarm: tuen..127) willi J. T. Frail's line and fence small)forty-eight doffreei and flrtoen tnlnatei eaitIxcliafcs and arty-four links to an angle oihe foDce and a tnrn of tbe l>no[ thence (38ilti. J . T. FroBt'a line and fence sontb fifty'Qvcn dfgreei and forty mlnntei east ten

cbalm anu seventy I Ink* to an angle and turnof tbe line; thence (29) witb bio lino and (cansouth sixty-two degrees anil furty-Sve minnteaweit five cbtins and forty-roar 4lnbs to anangle of Ibofanec - - - -corner] thence (1__, .... __Romh tnnnty-threu degroei west Four obaln*and tblttT-eiRlit llnHi; tlience J31) with lit)line and fence monlh slity-tbree Hegrecs iniSfti-eo mlnmes east twenty-two links to atangle ol the fences for bti corner; thaooe {33]Kiln his linti and fence sonth twenty degrojiweitelDhtehaiDslo the pi aw of botrlanlne,

lUlolnp Beventy-elRhl acres and tbirtj-QveQdredui* qtan»orDofltnii, tr ' —

cnDtaohnndrcdtlis of

NoTe.-ThelinomrAlio there is a f>trant id d fc

f UnA, more or !e*mainredontbegroilocal attraatlon an Iroul t i l l the

Alio there is a f>tran& local attraatlonstone ridges and fcllli, particularlynortherly and westerly ilda.

Beiod tlm fame promiaci conveyed to Jere-tnuh O. BweotiBy by John Billiard and Jann Ahii wife, by deed cated slmaltaneomly tntb >mortgage thereon to him by inid Sweeney,whtoh moitgiRe was siren to secure a part ol

Dated AQR, 17th, 1883.HOWELL.Bherift,



PORT OEAM, N. J.T71OB all tho principal lines of Blaunir from Neir f o r k to Liverpool a t LOWEL.B4TEB. A l w D Q A i T B ON QBEAT BRITAINAKDII1ELAND.




PIANO STYLEI 31itid UTRO fancy moulding, full Iron rr•Very improvf^meiit wbtoLi cnx\ m any w-ilded. mr Our prlco for tbU lustrniLt New York, wltb fine piano cover, nc

Jast reduced fr

se. elegantly SuiBlmJ, 3DRri, 71-3 Ootuvcf, full pitont cintante.iitil carved lnpa and lyre, heavy serpontluc

mil, Froucb Grand Aotiou, Grand Hamoiert, In * "

oat, boied and delivered oo board curt ' ~iland hook, only

:$245olcBale, fictorj pricu, *205, for CO days only. T L I B ia now, by

• tlie nreateit bargain evrr offereil tbe muelcal public. TJnprucedontod Ruccessl I r e -lendoCB denmnd for this atylel Een<\ in your nrrtor a t onco.Till* ptaDO will be sent on IB days test trial. N o n e Bend reference If you do not send money

wllb Order. Caul) scut witli order will bo refunded and rreiRbt cliarRos paid by u i botli W I J Ii r p U D O i a n o t t n s t a i r e p r c a e n t e d . Several otlmr Hjpncial bargaiDB : PIA.VOS, *16t) op . O i e rlSUOOln use and not one dissatisfied pnrcbaaer. Don't Fail to writs UH bofnrebayhff. Hind-lS,UO0lnBO mo ill

av pia43-jy

, astrate)! plu DO oatairjR^ef m t p ^ j D B i tstiniQQlalfl ovur award o

mannfBCtDror. £?f<ry ninno fall? tvtrranlod Tur 6 yeir*.MENDELSSOHN PIA.NO CO., P, O. HOI 2058, NEW YORK OITT.




NEXT TO THE POST-OFFICE, DOVER,ll prepared to meet it. Ho lin> a large nnil elegant line of allkindB of Summer fnbrici, suitable for Men, Boys anil Children^bas a first-class carps of workmen, and is making and HellingCLOTI11JVG at prices which suit every customer. It will alsoAe worm your while to see his new SUMMER STOCKS in


CARPET WEAVING, DYEING AND CLEANING!goofimMbrnfliand nring tho beat materiala, we i r e »b

Andrew Eracson & Co..on Wirreo Bl., aaar D., L, * W. a . B. Dapot, Dow, NJ






DENTIST.Go to McDAVIT, tlie Dover Dentist, and got

.flrKt-clauB 125 net ot i c t t h for t lS , ii $15 not!or HO. When teotli ere extracted to bo re-" il witli no'v (inuH no oxtra eliatfjo is made

ai . Ollioo over WIGHTON S tin utore,Dover, N. J-

• • H A A



Blackwell St., Dover, N.J.


Spring Trade.AprcRt BIIII nncquillcil Htocii of now Mi l

LINEIIY GOODS, luclutlinff

Hats and Bonnets,in i l l tho noneHt a

all thel in th a

complete li

st faFlncmublo articlt BPRINO BTVLEBn in ll th

FANCY ARTICLESin Ronern! uso for the LADX'S TOILET andWOIK BASKET. It would Lo impcnsibleto emimemtc all the leading articles iamj great stock, but BTJ experience ot 32yeara providinn for tbe tastes of theladies of Dover and this part of MorrisCount;, bits nmdo me competent to kaowand antfeipatp their wants, and liosgiven mesucti facilities for baying thatI am enabled to offer goods at the yerylowest prices. I t will give me pieasdreto show my Spring stock to those whocall, and all are respectfully invited.



r r t H B BnbBoribBr h i i opoaed a now yard nearX the coraor of B b A C K W B L L A l s o" " » - - • - lsprepartdtofomlj'i

d il] othor work ID hii lino. Cemttry lntacioBed with firuite >nd marble posts. WitliBK flipermnoe ind romonatile prices I Tcol

daat thit 1 m aatistj (be publicK ipermnoe

oonfldaat thit 1 c tj (be publicTHOS. JOHNSON.


Improved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparatus—FOR—

Swellings, Stores, Scheols. Glarelies,•nd Mlminnor i>f prlrtte u d pnblio balldingi,





BoT«r,8«ilM»ber Mth, U7S.


Dover Rolling MillsBV THE

Dover Iron Company.


" F I N E POOL TABLEanil a well fitted *m3 cotnplote

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEY„„ „„. . and In porfect ordor. Also, tlio bestU 0 E B 8 and citbor drluks, and tbo clio,cp«t8EOAIIS. All who favor mo with a oillwiilfind tUemselvoa Bgrneablr entortaii|Brt anwell treated. QEO. MANN.




Dr. EamUton'a Malarial Specific.

flion, and iflperfcetlr barmlenB.tlio Wirit fMcs of Malaria or Fever an J Acne,whether acute or chronic, and it will effuat e.oura wh*re botb Qttinine and ATBPDIC rail. Tt

non beipg preRoribB* by physicians, and iUUDo IUIB boea lollowod by the moat firatirylngBDCCBBB In every instance, I t 1B libenlso annoBllani Toulo and E b o d Purifier.



EEFBEKNOEB :D B . HEHIIT MosrEH, ProBident of Btcvom

Inatituto ol Taalinologv, Hobokon, N. 3.D B . P . P . FDLMKE, DlnRinan'B Ferrv, Pa.B o s . WiMOHErrEB BBITION. 210 Carroll St.,

Bmoklyn, S , Y.H E H U I 8 H K I L , 2 8 8 Carroll Ht, Brooklyn, N. Y.J . N. KALLET, 201 Moatagun Bt., Brootlj0 . H. CLAHK, 124 " "D B . DAVID H . SXIKNEB, 124 MontaKiio St.,

Brooklyn, N. Y.Jaus T. G o r a n , i l l Fleet Place, llroolilyiW M . E. B A T E , Eanitablc Vuildfug, Bom.

Mess,,n!llfi(lnlo1N, J .BUHH H. 1?BEEMAU, Donellcii, N. J .




NEW GOAL YARDon tbo property adjoining ttioir calling mill ,

and ftro prepared t o uupply


Lowest Market natescither at










7-Sm DOVER, m. J,

Farm at Private Sale!Tlie subscribers offer nt Frivnte Snli

tlie farm now owneil by tbo Crime Iioi.Iron Co., sittmto iu tlio tonnslip ofEoxburj, m t ie Conuty of Morr;H amiState of New Jersey, containing 207)ncrea, and known us ibo Ililts' property,lying on the road leading from Sluuhoptto FInntlera, three miles from Stimliope,and will be sold in two lots or in ooe iiawill boat Btiit ruircliasero. That theminesand mineral rigbta will bnrescrvpd.Fora view ot Hjupnijiertj uud terms ofsale call upon


88-tf Hacketlelown, N. J.



You can tapply all yonr needs at



HORSE C0LIARS.N. I I . Huptino b i s removed io New York

31 a io . TbU in not

N. HOPKINS,The Harness Maker,

OF SUCCASUNNA.HB I K not 5on», but Ii .1111 mklrnj Hop-

S i ! 8ol5SPer*linK " " "»?'!»•' Seoiitle. " - j t in vuuiuuy m«uo IO order

., .„.• the oddeit,Hi3at diffionltand ten-dDreatnoolt. Will warrant a cara for old and•Mnttlap aaros b j the QIA of thcoe collar*.Boader abow t h i / t o John . He baa m " eu r e h o n e i time iho u x t m B D . only twoeornplainti evrr enUrod. One vaa whore thef o i l " fflg pnt on backward and the bata

jtnonitlit be waa golcR t o Dover i a i t e td of18tanboPB._ T h e other tnrneil ont lo be »

nuou «ro raiao ana Kept to lell .ThOM who bny are told aa well.


SAMUEL MORSE,Practical Boot and Shoe Maker

M o r r l i St., D o v e r , W. J . '!•• •

BaaahrraiiawitockcfmdT-iaad 'anaIIOEdcsbandai.4 tSVai.™£pilrtoj prompUj aDd ohiaplj dona.

.SOOTSip.: Sa-

lt you want your shod

in good style, send them to

Chas. T. Clark & Son,Cor. BilncUw?II aud Btirgtn Ble.

Thvy give the bent of eaUHtac-

tiou iti Ilie way of tvoikniuu-

fillip. Tlity IIIBO do all kinds of

Itliu kMiiith ivork.







Joseph York,M-tf "H>HIII»TI>\V«. ». j .





Tor all kinda of buildingB, and tho construction

ifbulldinqs nniierlQLcndoil.

Will lio itt lila ollicc in Dover, Si! Floor or

T H E Inns EHA Buildiiig, on FRIDAY OF 1!ACH

WEEK, from fl:30 A. M. to B;3n p. M.

lElSfllfn l i t a b i n d fur o u f r v m e n t iu lliin . e t t lu i i i .


D O V K l t , JS. J.Jus t recoivcil aiul placctl in position THItEl!



Fool Tablesfrom tlio ccle brut "(I manitlactnry of J . M.


0K0HESTKI0Ilian BIHO \mt been enpnlicil with new ronBiourn] will il£:!ifilit tho [mtiuntt uf the house motethan <;vt'i', tuiiiialiiujj inutic cqnal to a branImnd of CO p i t ies .


LAGER BEERalwajB on drangkit and tlio beat of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalwajB provided fur the pit toDi nf



Choice FruitsOF T H E arjMMEIl SEAflOH,

gnTng Maflg nnnffirtjnnfiPV.COUCH DROPS,



B } ^ . TOYS, «®>jlinclcdinf; everything for tbo children, go to


Freeman Wood,



X. J.Legally lUlhorizod i gon t c f tho followlDgfirst-

cliBacampitiilCB—thH best in tlio n o r l d :


GLOBE, Capital 420,000,000.


Capital 810,000,000.


Capita] 410,000,000.


OapitaUC, 000,000.


Capital S300.UOO.

PEOPLE'S . Newirk. " 800,000.


of Philadelphia, AiseU leoo.OOO.TItQ Loudon Asimranoe Oorporatioo of

London, capital $5,500,000.Springfield Fire InBnrnnoo Oo., MaaBftohn-

•otta, cnpitol fl.SOO.OOO.Wcntoheator Fire InauraBca Company fo

New York, capital JfiOO.000.

u i s AuEnioiir $1,000,000

Fire Assail if PH.AESTTS, - - - $9,E00.0«

. . . . coo.ooc

Freeman Wood,Jnatlo or the Pei


Carpenter and Builder,bas roratiTBd toTbnrber'enewbaildinfi.ia tlie

•arof theCentnl Rill^ad dnw bridge,

NEAR THE OANAL BASIN.« T tabling and repftirtnR promptly

attended tn. A Icog expertcnOB in the bail-D888,will,I1ie[leTB,Bn»bta mo to cirettttli-

ior, to ill cantomen, Oontnoti taken nieriili rarnlihed.

MARTIN & BUCK,BflQBB, St£a and OraameBial Paiaiers,QRAUiKBa, OILDEBS lod PAPEE ttUiU"KB9. Centrist! taken indmatermnmrolibrt.Rlionn dnontea In frusoa atjlei; HajloB »llwronih knowladRi of boon ann il«o J«l"f-inR. WB feelconipeteut to meet the deniaoasor.II, ihon oier MI«.Wllte'inilllHnfr•ton, ou t loVoBgkt*KJU«ore'idnniU»«.i

i , p u[WUBTO,