Geo-Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes · 2012. 6. 29. · ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for...

Geo-Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes Msc. Mehmet ERDOĞDU (Noda Information Technologies) Assist.Prof.Dr. Güler YALÇIN (Osmaniye Korkut Ata University) June 2012 / ISTANBUL

Transcript of Geo-Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes · 2012. 6. 29. · ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for...

Page 1: Geo-Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes · 2012. 6. 29. · ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes Basic Terminology OWL ( Web Ontology Language ) - cont Restrictions

Geo-Ontology for

INSPIRE Data Themes

Msc. Mehmet ERDOĞDU (Noda Information Technologies)

Assist.Prof.Dr. Güler YALÇIN (Osmaniye Korkut Ata University)

June 2012 / ISTANBUL

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes


• Problem Description

• Scope

• Objective

• Basic Terminology

• Related Previous Work

• Proposed Ontology

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Problem Description


• An Infrastructure for Spatial Information in theEuropean Community

• Declared in 14 March, 2007

• Member countries are obligated to share their non-confidential spatial data through interoperable webservices

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Problem Description – cont.

• 34 data themes under 3 Annexes

ANNEX ICoordinate reference systemsGeographical grid systemsGeographical namesAdministrative unitsAddressesCadastral parcelsTransport networksHydrographyProtected sites

ANNEX IIElevationLand coverOrthoimageryGeology

ANNEX IIIStatistical unitsBuildingsSoilLand useHuman health and safetyUtility and governmental Environmental monitoring Production and industrial Agricultural and aquaculture facilitiesPopulation distribution and demography

Area managementNatural risk zonesAtmospheric conditionsMeteorologicalOceanographicSea regionsBio-geographical regionsHabitats and biotopesSpecies distributionEnergy ResourcesMineral Resources

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Problem Description – cont.

• More than 100 data layers in 27 different countries

• This large existence of data increases the complexity offinding necessary data

• Almost all the data is domain specific

• A regular citizen cannot benefit without a domainspecific experience.

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes


Two main problems during INSPIRE Implementation

High complexity of reaching the necessary data.

√ Metadata Catalogs are used for this problem

High domain specific information which prevents a regular user to benefit by.

? Focus on solving data analysis complexity for regular user ?

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes


• A preliminary solution for easing the query processof geospatial data

• A model ontology vocabulary describing :

Geographical Objects

Geographical Relations

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Objective – cont.


In other words we will convert human readable queries a machine readable versionto

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Basic Terminology


• Onto -> Entity ( In old Greek )

• Defining domain specific entities in terms of their:


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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Basic Terminology

RDF ( Resource Description Framework )

• A language for representing information about resources in World Wide Web ( W3C )

<rdf:Property rdf:ID="EmptiesInto"><rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#River"/><rdfs:range rdf:resource="#BodyOfWater"/>


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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Basic Terminology

URI ( Uniform Resource Identifier )• A compact sequence of characters that identifies an abstract or physical resource[email protected]:+1-816-555-1212telnet://

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Basic Terminology

OWL ( Web Ontology Language )

• OWL builds on top of RDF Schema

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Basic Terminology

OWL ( Web Ontology Language ) - cont

Has the power of expressing richer properties :

• Symmetric Properties ( If A connects B then B also connects A )• Transitive Properties ( If A is contained in B and B is contained in C then A is contained in C )

• Functional Properties ( At most one value for the property )• Inverse Properties ( if A related to B in a way of relation X, then B is related to A in a way of relation Y. X and Y relations are inversed. )

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Basic Terminology

OWL ( Web Ontology Language ) - cont

Restrictions in property definitions :

• onProperty : Specifies that on which property the restriction will be applied.• allValuesFrom: Specifies which values are accepted by the property.• hasValue : Specifies which value is the property has to be exactly.• someValue : Specifies that the property has to have at least a value.• cardinality : Specifies the occurrence of the property.• minCardinality: Specifies the minimum occurrence of the property.• maxCardinality: Specifies the maximum occurrence of the property.

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Basic Terminology

OWL ( Web Ontology Language ) - cont

An OWL class definition

<owl:Class rdf:ID="Kyoto-Protected-River"><rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#River"/><owl:oneOf rdf:parseType="Collection"><geo:River rdf:about=""/><geo:River rdf:about=""/><geo:River rdf:about=""/><geo:River rdf:about=""/>


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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Related Previous Work

A Geographic Knowledge Base for Semantic Web Applications

• University of Lisbon• Approach for creating and maintaining an geo-ontology• For relating geographical names only• No complete description for spatial relations between features

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Related Previous Work

Semantic Search Engine for

Geographic Data

• CSI Piemonte / Italy• Focused on describing a conceptual model to improve the data usefulness

• Ontology equivalent to metadata catalog• No description for spatial relations between features

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Related Previous Work

Semantic Integration of Thematic Geographic Information in a Multimedia


• Phd Thesis in University of Pompeu Fabra / Spain• Working on geodata regarding data classifications.• For instance palm trees etc.• No georeferenced data relation defined• VideoGIS

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Proposed Ontology

• The main scope is all INSPIRE applied geographical area

• Within concept of the presentation we will focus on some of the water bodies located in Turkey

River, Sea

Corresponding to Hydrography, Land Cover and Sea Regions themes of INSPIRE Annexes.

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Presentation Concept

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Proposed Ontology Diagram


FlowingSource WaterBody

Brook River Tributary Lake Sea Brook

Basin Dam

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Proposed Ontology ( Some Classes )

Water Source<owl:Class rdf:ID="WaterSource">

<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Thing"/></owl:Class>

Water Body<owl:Class rdf:ID="WaterBody">

<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#WaterSource"/></owl:Class>

Sea<owl:Class rdf:ID="Sea">

<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#WaterBody"/><rdfs:subClassOf>

<owl:Restriction><owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#FeedingFrom"/><owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#FloatingSource"/>



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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Proposed Ontology ( Some Classes )

Floating Source<owl:Class rdf:ID="FloatingSource">

<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#WaterSource"/></owl:Class>

River<owl:Class rdf:ID="River">

<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#FloatingSource"/><rdfs:subClassOf>

<owl:Restriction><owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#EmptiesInto"/><owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Sea"/><owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="#Lake"/>



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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Proposed Ontology ( Properties)Empties Into

<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="EmptiesInto"><rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#River"/><rdfs:range rdf:resource="#WaterBody"/>


Feeds From<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="FeedsFrom">

<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/><owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#emptiesInto"/><rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#WaterBody"/><rdfs:range rdf:resource="#River"/>


Connects To.....Contained In.....Established On......

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Proposed Ontology Diagram ( Cont.)

River Sea

Empties Into Event

Feeding From Event

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Defined Objects for POC

• Objects that are subject to this presentation will be specified :Rivers : KızılırmakSea : Black Sea

• RelationsEmpyties Into : Kızılırmak -> Black SeaFeeding From : Black Sea -> Kızılırmak

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

<River rdf:ID="Kizilirmak"



<EmptiesInto rdf:resource=""/>

<ContainedIn rdf:resource=""/>


<Sea rdf:ID="BlackSea"



<FeedingFrom rdf:resource=""/>


Finally – RDF RDF Description

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Finally – Graphical Description

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Further Proposal

• All INSPIRE data themes needs to be investigated anda general INSPIRE Ontology Language(INSPIRONTOLOGY) needs to be prepared.

• An ontology reading engine should be prepared whichwill read the INSPIRONTOLOGY and producequery results for regular citizens through web searchengines.

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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Further Proposal Cont.

Annex I

Annex II

Annex III


Web Search Engines

Regular Users

INSPIRE Ontology Reader


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ERDOĞDU, GÜLER / Geo Ontology for INSPIRE Data Themes

Thank you...

- This is where Kızılırmak empties into Black Sea -