Genre Research Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the...

Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the genres I am going to talk about is the Stalker/ Slasher sub genres.


Definition: Slasher Horror Slasher film is a sub-genre of the horror film genre typically involving a psychopathic killer stalking and killing a sequence of victims in a graphically violent manner, often with a cutting tool such as a chainsaw or scythe.

Transcript of Genre Research Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the...

Page 1: Genre Research Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the genres I am going to talk about is the Stalker/ Slasher.

Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the genres I am going to talk about is the Stalker/ Slasher sub genres.

Page 2: Genre Research Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the genres I am going to talk about is the Stalker/ Slasher.

Slasher film is a sub-genre of the horror film genre typically involving a psychopathic killer stalking and killing a sequence of victims in a graphically violent manner, often with a cutting tool such as a chainsaw or scythe.

Page 3: Genre Research Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the genres I am going to talk about is the Stalker/ Slasher.

One of the earliest slasher films go way back all the way to 1930’s. Films as old as these are usually based on novels such as a film called Thirteen Women. This is because not many people in that time had the imagination or creativity of gruesome ways of how to kill people.

Page 4: Genre Research Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the genres I am going to talk about is the Stalker/ Slasher.

Slasher films became extremely popular during the 70’s and 80’s and was known as the ‘Golden Age of slasher films’. This time period is when very popular slasher film franchises such as Halloween and Friday the 13th was born and extended to many sequels because both financially and socially successful and became very popular.

Page 5: Genre Research Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the genres I am going to talk about is the Stalker/ Slasher.

This time period is when a lot of sequels to popular slasher films from the past has sprouted and dominated the cinemas. At this point, the sequels were starting to become a little too repetitive and predictable because there was not much originality. However there were slasher films that also made a name for itself such as Scream.

Page 6: Genre Research Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the genres I am going to talk about is the Stalker/ Slasher.

After many decades of releasing slasher films, the audience wanted something fresh. In this century, slasher films have been looking to find many gruesome ways to murder their victims instead of the old stabbing someone in the back. This made slasher horrors unique up to this day. Also, with the return of 3D technology, it can further increase the scare when sharp objects start flying towards your face.

Page 7: Genre Research Horror films has been around quite a long time. There are many sub genre. One of the genres I am going to talk about is the Stalker/ Slasher.

Because of the decades of hundreds of slasher films, there has been so many clichés developed. Cliches such as:

-The Killer is always somehow very stealthy

-The victim always trips over and does not bother standing up

The list goes on and because of this there has been many spoof films about the stupid cliches found in slasher horrors such as ‘Scary Movie’

Another cliché to point out is that, the last remaining survivor is ALWAYS a female and also important to point out is that the police or authorities ALWAYS arrive later which became very annoying for me personally. Slasher horrors became too predictable and that is why most slasher horror films are failing to interest the audiences today. The story has to be unique and there must be a twist to the story to keep it interesting.