Genre of Children’s literature Traditional Fantasy Fantasy Modern Fantasy (Science Fiction)...

Genre of Children’s literature Traditional Fantasy Fantasy Modern Fantasy (Science Fiction) Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Prose or Contemporary Poetry Realistic Fiction (Auto) Biography Nonfiction Informational


Fiction - springs largely from the author’s imagination Fantasy - one or more elements are not found in our world Traditional – fantasy that is as old as humanity, is part of human tradition, has an oral origin, and has authors who are unknown Modern - has an identifiable author so the story originated in print: Science Fiction - deals with scientific possibilities, contains story elements not found in the known universe, and contains otherworldly elements that are based on extrapolated scientific facts pushed into logical but unproven possibilities

Transcript of Genre of Children’s literature Traditional Fantasy Fantasy Modern Fantasy (Science Fiction)...

Page 1: Genre of Children’s literature Traditional Fantasy Fantasy Modern Fantasy (Science Fiction) Realistic…

Genre of Children’s literature

Traditional Fantasy Fantasy

Modern Fantasy (Science Fiction) Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Prose or Contemporary Poetry Realistic Fiction (Auto) Biography Nonfiction Informational

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Prose or Poetry Prose - writing that resembles everyday speech

Poetry - language being used for its aesthetic qualities in addition to or in lieu of its meaning

Fiction - springs largely from the author’s imagination

Nonfiction - wholly factual with no fictional elements


Page 3: Genre of Children’s literature Traditional Fantasy Fantasy Modern Fantasy (Science Fiction) Realistic…

Fiction - springs largely from the author’s imagination

Fantasy - one or more elements are not found in our world

Traditional – fantasy that is as old as humanity, is part of human tradition, has an oral origin, and has authors who are unknown

Modern - has an identifiable author so the story originated in print:

Science Fiction - deals with scientific possibilities, contains story elements not found in the known universe, and contains otherworldly elements that are based on extrapolated scientific facts pushed into logical but unproven possibilities

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Realistic - an invented story that takes place in the world as we know it :

Historical Fiction - tells a story about people in our world that happened in earlier times

Contemporary Realistic Fiction - tells a story about people in our world today

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Nonfiction - wholly factual with no fictional elements

Biography - tells the story, or part of the story, of someone’s life

Autobiography – a person is telling their own life story

Informational – provides information about a topic

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Pseudo-Genre of Children’s Literature = Picture Books

ABC Counting Participation Concept Wordless Picture

Predictable Beginning Reader Picture

Picture Story Engineered Board

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Newly Considered Genre

Multicultural - concerning diverse cultures and nations