GENG106 Project1 [Inception] Jamal Hannun Bader Abdulrhman



The first C++ project is a Database that manages the employees.Employee’s Management System is an .exe file allows the user to add, delete, edit, search, list old employee and current employee information's to the data base. A class is used which keeps the main data private.It consist of 18 function tabulated.

Transcript of GENG106 Project1 [Inception] Jamal Hannun Bader Abdulrhman

  • Employees Management System

    This program allow the user to add, delete, edit, search, list old employee and current

    employee information's to the data base.

    The program is very flexible in a comparison for other program, for instance it allow the user

    to enter job number as "w1298" and the experience as "10" or "ten", because it is build of

    strings which takes any value.

    The program is strongly validated it dose not all the user to cross the borders like what

    happen in an array[x], in addition it uses a class which keeps the main data private.

    void main()

    Main menu, repeat tell exit

    void spaceto_(string&,int); Change space to _ int showChoices();

    Display Choices and call takeChoice();

    int takeChoice(); Validate choice void anotherEmployee(bool&, string&);


    void WriteToFile(employees&, ofstream&);

    Write from obj To File

    void Insert();

    Add new employee

    void search();

    Search for employee

    int choicesOfEdit();

    Gives choices Of Edit function

    int takeChoiceOfEdit(); Take Choice Of Edit function void editEmployee1(employees&, int);

    editEmployee name

    void editEmployee2(employees&, int);

    editEmployee designation

    void editEmployee3(employees&, int);

    editEmployee experience

    void editEmployee4(employees&, int);

    editEmployee salary

    void Edit();

    Main edit function

    void Delete();

    Delete employee and move to archive

    void ListCurEmployees(); List all the current employees void ListArcEmployees();

    List all the archived employees