Genetically Modified Organisms

Genetically Modified Organisms Kathleen Berry-Hebert

Transcript of Genetically Modified Organisms

Genetically Modified Organisms

Kathleen Berry-Hebert

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have made their way into our world, on our shelves, without us knowing it.

There are many implications for the introduction of GMOs into our food system and ecology. There are also a few concerns!

1. GMO species have the ability to interfere with or decimate a natural

species within a system

For example: Genetically modified salmon are stronger and larger than salmon in nature. If these engineered salmon

escape into the wild, the genetically modified salmon’s genes could take over the population!

2. Genetically modified organisms are loaded with pesticides.

Usually organisms are modified to become resistant to pesticides, allowing for a greater volume of pesticides to be

used. This will negatively impact the soil and greater environment, allowing more (than usual) toxic chemicals to

reach the groundwater, streams and soil.

3. GMOs reduce genetic diversity, a crucial part of survival for organisms and the health

of ecosystems.

4.!The health implications of GMOs in our bodies have been

debated. Those that argue GMOs are not harmful to our health tend to be the producers of these products.

In the US it is currently legal to produce food containing genetically modified plants and animals. But how do you


Food producers are not required to label the GMOs. !Some states do require it but there is no federal law. !

Some states are trying.

As consumers we should at the LEAST have a right to know whether or not we are consuming genetically modified
