GENESYS Examples -\GENESYS). The...

GENESYS Examples © Copyright 1986-2000 Eagleware Corporation 635 Pinnacle Court Norcross, GA 30071 USA Phone: (678) 291-0995 FAX: (678) 291-0971 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Printed 10/2000 Printed in the USA

Transcript of GENESYS Examples -\GENESYS). The...

Page 1: GENESYS Examples -\GENESYS). The header of each example section is the filename. The required RAM is the value estimated



© Copyright 1986-2000

Eagleware Corporation635 Pinnacle CourtNorcross, GA 30071 USA

Phone: (678) 291-0995FAX: (678) 291-0971E-mail: [email protected]:

Printed 10/2000Printed in the USA

Page 2: GENESYS Examples -\GENESYS). The header of each example section is the filename. The required RAM is the value estimated
Page 3: GENESYS Examples -\GENESYS). The header of each example section is the filename. The required RAM is the value estimated

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Overview ......................................................... 3

Chapter 2: Components.................................................... 5

Components\Model Extract.WSP........................................5 Components\Microstrip Line.WSP.......................................7 Components\Stripline Standard.WSP................................12 Components\Spiral Inductor2.WSP...................................15 Components\Box Modes.WSP..........................................18 Components\User Model.WSP .........................................21 Components\BJT NL Model Fit.WSP ................................24

Chapter 3: Signal Control ............................................... 27

Signal Control\Film Atten.WSP .........................................27 Signal Control\Xfmr Coupler.WSP.....................................30 Signal Control\Edge Coupler.WSP....................................31 Signal Control\BSCouplerFinalWhole.WSP.......................32 Signal Control\ResistiveBroadband10dB.WSP..................33 Signal Control\ResistiveBroadband20dB.WSP..................34 Signal Control\Dual Mode Coupler.WSP...........................36 Signal Control\8 Way.WSP ...............................................39

Chapter 4: Amplifiers...................................................... 41

Amplifiers\Stability.WSP ...................................................41 Amplifiers\Balanced Amp.WSP.........................................44 Amplifiers\Amp Feedback.WSP ........................................47 Amplifiers\Amp Noise.WSP...............................................48 Amplifiers\Amplifier Tuned.WSP .......................................50 Amplifiers\Amplifier.WSP..................................................51 Amplifiers\SiGe BFP620 Amp.WSP ..................................52

Chapter 5: Filters ............................................................ 57

Filter\BSCouplerFinalRecomp.WSP..................................57 Filter\BSCouplerFinalRecomp.WSP..................................59 Filter\BSCouplerFinalWhole.WSP.....................................61 Filters\Contiguous Diplexer.WSP......................................63

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Filters\ComblineDesign\Final Lossy.WSP......................... 65 Filters\Coupled Stepped Z.WSP....................................... 71 Filters\Edge Coupled.WSP............................................... 74 Filters\Interdigital.WSP..................................................... 77 Filters\Tuned Bandpass.WSP........................................... 80 Filters\Two Level.WSP..................................................... 83 Filters\Xtal Filter.WSP ...................................................... 84

Chapter 6: Oscillators .....................................................87

Oscillators\NegR VCO.WSP............................................. 87 Oscillators\Coaxial OSC.WSP.......................................... 89 Oscillators\Bipolar Cavity Oscillator.WSP ......................... 91

Chapter 7: Matching ........................................................95

Matching\Ill Behaved Load.WSP ...................................... 95

Chapter 8: Detectors .......................................................97

Detectors\Simple Detector.WSP....................................... 97 Detectors\Diode Detector with Co-simulation.WSP........... 99

Chapter 9: Mixers ..........................................................101

Mixer\Low Power Mixer.WSP ......................................... 101

Chapter 10: Antennas .....................................................103

Antennas\Patch Antenna Impedance.WSP..................... 103 Antennas\Array Driver.WSP ........................................... 105 Antennas\Agile Antenna.WSP........................................ 107 Antennas\MAmmannPatch.WSP.................................... 109 Antennas\Simple Dipole.WSP ........................................ 111 Antennas\Thin Loop.WSP .............................................. 112

Chapter 11: Resonance Elimination ...............................113

LowPassWithFictivePorts.WSP ...................................... 113 MicrostripLineWithFictivePort.WSP ................................ 115 MicrostripLineWithFictivePort2.WSP .............................. 116 ResonantStubFictivePort.WSP....................................... 117 TwoLevelBPwithFictivePorts.WSP ................................. 119 EdgeCoupledWithFictivePorts.WSP............................... 121

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Chapter 1: Overview

These examples can be found in the EXAMPLES subdirectory of your Eagleware installation (commonly C:\Eagle or C:\Program Files\GENESYS). The header of each example section is the filename. The required RAM is the value estimated by EMPOWER. They are approximate and are determined by algorithm rather than a test of memory used. The execution times are for a 266 MHz Pentium II with 256Mbytes of RAM operating under Windows 98. In most cases execution time is for the discontinuity mode. When different run options are used during the example the time and RAM listed are for exercise options with the longest time and largest memory requirement.

The following extra examples are provided for your reference, but are not included in the Examples manual. Examples\Benchmarks BulkConductivityTest.wsp LossyGroundPlane.wsp MicrostripStandard.wsp ShortLengthVia.wsp Stripline Standard.wsp Stripline3Ddiscretisation.wsp UltraThinDielectric.wsp ZeroLengthThrough.wsp ZoDefinition.wsp Examples\Components ApertureCoupledMicrostrips.wsp BigPlanarInductor.wsp CrisscrossDecomp.wsp InductorDecmposition.wsp Microstrip Line ND.wsp RfilmInLine.wsp RfilmInTjunction.wsp SpiralInductor.wsp TeeAndCrossModels.wsp TeeModel.wsp ThickResonatorThickLine.wsp ThickResonatorThinLine.wsp TransistorConnection.wsp TwoStubs.wsp ViaTroughGround.wsp

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Examples\Components\Bondwires CompensatedCrossover1.wsp CompensatedCrossover2.wsp Simple3Dbondwire1.wsp Simple3Dbondwire2.wsp SimpleCrossover.wsp Examples\Components\Lines Zdefinition2unsim.wsp Zdefinition3sim.wsp Zdefinition3unsim.wsp Examples\Filters HybridCoplanarBandstop.wsp TwoLevelBPdecomp.wsp TwoLevelBPdecompThinning.wsp

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Chapter 2: Components

Components\Model Extract.WSP

Illustrates: Post-Processing, Parameter extraction, optimization, simulation/data overrides, Link to Data File.

This is a model for a VHF bipolar transistor with package parasitics. The parameters in the BIP model and the package parasitics are optimized to match the model to measured S-parameter data. This is often refered to as “parameter extraction”. The schematic for the model is shown below.

The device data is loaded using a "Link to Data File". This example uses post processing, described in the Equation section of the Reference manual. The global equations subtract the device measured data (defined in the data file link "Data") from the model (defined in "BipModel", using sweep "Linear1"):

Using Linear1.bipModel Diff=abs(.RECT[S] - Data.Data.RECT[S]) errorS11=diff[1,1] errorS12=diff[1,2] errorS21=diff[2,1] errorS22=diff[2,2]

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The variable "diff" contains a 2x2 matrix with each element containing the magnitude of the complex difference between the measured and calculated S-Parameters. The optimization targets specify that the difference of the s-parameters should be zero:

It was empirically determined that S21 needed a smaller weight, allowing the optimizer to work harder on the other parameters. This example also illustrates the ability to plot different networks on one graph (note the Smith chart/Polar Chart properties which plot, for example, "S11" [from Linear1.BipModel] and "Data.Data.S11"):

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Components\Microstrip Line.WSP


Components\Microstrip Line.WSP

RAM: 7.7Mbytes Time: 253s/freq Illustrates: Microstrip impedance, EMPOWER introductory concepts, effect of cell size, required wall and cover spacing for microstrip, extrapolating line impedance and deembedding.

This example is simply a microstrip line in a box which is 400 mils long (in the x direction, the direction of propagation along the microstrip) by 855 mils wide ( y direction) with a cover 1000 mils above the microstrip metal layer. The line is 95 mils wide on a 31 mil thick substrate with a relative dielectric constant of 2.21. The characteristic impedance reported by =T/LINE= and the circuit simulator =SuperStar= which uses analytical expressions from Jansen and Kirschning is 50.1 ohms at frequencies up to 6 GHz. Shown below is a plot from the =LAYOUT= module where the problem was defined.

The grid spacing in x=20 mils and in y=11.875 mils. There are 8 grids across the microstrip line for a width of 95 mils. The box contains 20 cells in the x direction and 72 cells in y. Also defined in the General tab of the Preferences dialog box are the x and y

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coordinates of the origin, units, and the =LAYOUT= drawing snap angle. Default dimensions for line widths, drill diameter, and drawing port sizes are also specified. You may select the General Layer and =EMPOWER= Layer tabs to view the layer setup for this problem:

The return loss is generally good, suggesting a characteristic line impedance near 50 ohms. However, when a transmission line is 180o long the input impedance equals the terminating impedance regardless of the characteristic impedance of the line. To determine the line Zo, select Show Listing File from the right-click menu of EM1. Near the end of this file is a section labeled "Line parameters at 2.000e+009 Hz" where Zo is given as 47.746776 ohms. This is an error of 4.7% with respect to the analytical results of 50.1 ohms.

Zo vs. Cell Size

If the "Grid Spacing Y" in the =LAYOUT= Preferences dialog box is changed from 11.875 to 5.9375 mils (increasing the number of cells across the line to 16), then recalculating =EMPOWER= yields a Zo of 48.810311 ohms.

Extrapolating Zo

As the number of cells is increased the accuracy of the electromagnetic simulation improves but the simulation time increases. 128 cells only requires 7.8 Mbytes in this simple problem. But such a large number of cells for typical problems such as filters would require an unreasonable amount of computer memory and execution time. EMPOWER is

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Components\Microstrip Line.WSP


asymptotically well behaved with respect to the number of cells and the following formula by Richardson allows for accurate extrapolation of Zo.

where Z(Nw) is the impedance calculated by =EMPOWER= with Nw cells across the line. For example, in the previous runs with 16 and 8 cells across the line, Z(16)=48.810 and Z(8)=47.747. From this we compute for Zo=49.873.

Given in the table below are the direct and extrapolated line impedances for this example with Nw=2 to 128.

Nw Size (mils) Z(Nw) Zo

2 47.5 41.292 -

4 23.75 45.595 49.898

8 11.875 47.747 49.899

16 5.9375 48.810 49.873

32 2.96875 49.339 49.868

64 1.484375 49.602 49.865

128 0.7421875 49.733 49.864

Notice the well behaved convergence of this data. This is an inherent advantage of Method of lines electromagnetic simulation. From this table we conclude that the correct line impedance at 2 GHz is very close to 49.864 ohms.

Generalized S-Parameters

One of the important features of =EMPOWER= and =SuperStar= is the support of generalized S-parameters. Many electromagnetic simulators write S-parameter data with a fixed reference impedance, typically 50 ohms. In the above example we see that accurate line impedances require a large number of cells. The 95 mil wide line has a Zo of 49.864 ohms, very close to 50 ohms. But electromagnetic simulation with 4 cells yields a Zo of 45.595 ohms, an error of approximately 8.6%.

EMPOWER writes and GENESYS reads generalized S-parameter data. Generalized S-parameter data is normalized not to a fixed impedance such as 50 ohms, but to an impedance which matches the deembedded line impedance of the electromagnetic simulation. This reference impedance is generally a function of frequency. =EMPOWER= writes files with

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the extension .R1,.R2, etc., which GENESYS reads when Generalized is checked in the =EMPOWER= simulation properties dialog.

This technique substantially improves the accuracy of simulations with a minimum number of cells, vastly improving the economy of electromagnetic simulation.

The following example illustrates this point. In the =LAYOUT= Preferences dialog box, change the Grid Spacing Y to 23.75 mils which is 4 cells across the line. Next, right-click EM1 in the workspace window and select Properties. Click the "Generalized" check box and press "Recalculate Now". This uses generalized S-parameter data from the =EMPOWER= run. The results using conventional and generalized S-parameter data are off the bottom of the graph, at around -160 dB.

When circuit subsections are added together the generalized S-parameter technique will result in significantly improved accuracy. To understand why this is so, consider the case of simply cascading true 50 ohm lines. If the lines are under discretized, the resulting lower impedances may strongly interact at quarter wavelength frequencies and cause significant error, even though all lines are equal width and no discontinuities exist.


When EMPOWER computes the electromagnetic fields of the microstrip line in a box, the simulation emulates a true physical configuration including side walls, end walls and the cover. Many of the circuits that EMPOWER simulates will be used within other circuits away from walls. The sidewalls and cover may be set at an adequate distance such that they do not significantly impact the results. However, the lines must approach the end walls to be launched. For this reason, =EMPOWER= includes deembedding routines to remove the effect of the end walls before reporting results. This is the normal operating mode. On the other hand, if the circuit being simulated is the entire circuit in a box and the effects on end walls are desired, then deembedding may be turned off. To do this, double-click on all ports of the circuit in the =LAYOUT= module and select "No Deembed" in the Port Type option.

Given below are the return loss responses of the line with 16 cells across. The line impedance at 2GHz with deembedded ports is 48.8103 ohms. The plots below are with a normalizing impedance of 48.8103 ohms and the trace which dips to over

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100 dB return loss at 2 GHz is the deembedded line. The second trace is the same line but with non-deembedded ports. As can be seen the capacitance to the end walls degrades the return loss. Although it may not be not obvious through 6GHz, at higher frequencies this problem becomes more severe.

Zo vs. Wall Spacing and Cover Height

Given below are Z(16), Z(8) and Zo for various box widths and cover heights. The original box width of 855 mils is (855-95)/2 or 380 mils spacing between the edge of the microstrip and the sidewalls of the box.

When the cover is well removed, Zo drops 0.5% at a box width of 475 mils, and with well removed sidewalls Zo drops 0.5% at a cover spacing of 310 mils. These spacings represent an edge to wall spacing of 6X the substrate thickness and a cover spacing of 10X substrate thickness.

Width Cover Z(16) Z(8) Zo

855 1000 48.810 47.747 49.874

475 1000 48.537 47.473 49.602

285 1000 47.712 46.641 48.783

166.25 1000 44.304 43.134 45.475

855 310 48.554 47.491 49.617

855 133 47.573 46.512 48.634

475 310 48.537 47.473 49.601

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Components\Stripline Standard.WSP

RAM: 18.2Mbytes Time: 776s/freq Illustrates: extrapolating line Zo, accuracy vs. cell size.

It would seem that benchmarking the accuracy of em simulation is simply a matter of comparing measured results to computed results. Several examples of this form of benchmarking are given in other examples. However, the difficulty here is the identification and extraction of measurement errors.

An effective method of eliminating this difficulty is to compare electromagnetic simulation results for a system for which an exact solution is known. This is the basis of a benchmark proposed by Rautio [1994]. It consists of a zero metal thickness stripline of width 1.4423896mm in a box with a ground to ground spacing of 1mm and length in the direction of propagation (x) of 4.99654097mm which is 90 degrees at 15GHz. The filling material has a relative dielectric constant of exactly 1 (the relative dielectric constant of air is 1.0006). The sidewall spacing is 10X the strip width which is sufficiently removed to not impact the line Zo to several significant digits.

Even this "simple" test configuration is not a pure first principle system. To launch a signal the line must approach the end walls which increases the capacitance of the line to ground. The process of removing this effect is deembedding and in the following results the automatic deembedding routines in =EMPOWER= have been utilized.

The line Zo and transmission phase are taken from the =EMPOWER= listing file. In each case the cell size in the x direction is 0.156142mm which is 128 per wavelength at 15GHz. The following table gives the computed Zo and transmission phase vs. the number of cells across the line.

Ny Zo(ohms) Error(%) ANG[S21] ( o) Time (sec)

2 39.969 20.06 90.0094 <1

4 45.059 9.88 90.0094 <1

8 47.575 4.85 90.0094 1

16 48.806 2.39 90.0094 7

32 49.413 1.17 90.0094 39

64 49.715 0.57 90.0094 202

128 49.865 0.27 90.0094 1455

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Components\Stripline Standard.WSP


To enhance accuracy, thinning is turned off. Execution time includes line and deembed modes on a 266 MHz Pentium II with 256 Mbytes of RAM.

Increasing the number of y cells improves accuracy at the expense of execution time. A sufficient number of cells for good accuracy is practical in this small problem. For larger systems, a small cell size results in unacceptable execution time. There are several methods available for improving accuracy while using moderately large cell size.

Richardson's Extrapolation

This technique was introduced in the Microstrip Line example. The results for this benchmark are given below. This significantly improves accuracy and large cell size provides small errors. Successful application of Richardson's extrapolation requires well behaved asymptotic results from the EM simulator, which is one of the advantages of =EMPOWER='s MOL technique. While this technique may be used to determine more accurately the Zo of a line, it requires two runs and it has little direct impact on the precision of an EM analysis of a compound circuit.

Ny Zo(ohms) Error(%) Zo (ohms) Error (%)

2 39.969 20.06 - -

4 45.059 9.88 50.149 0.30

8 47.575 4.85 50.091 0.18

16 48.806 2.39 50.037 0.074

32 49.413 1.17 50.020 0.040

64 49.715 0.57 50.017 0.034

128 49.865 0.27 50.015 0.030

Edge Positioning

Singularities exist at the edge of metal strips. When the EM solution is well behaved as it is with the MOL, improved accuracy can be obtained by modifying the position of the edge [Schulz, 1981]. Significantly improved accuracy will result if the line is analyzed with the edge moved toward the center of the line by 25% of the cell size. Alternatively, the system can be analyzed with a given line width and later constructed with edges moved away from the line center by 25% of the cell size.

In the table below the line was analyzed with reduced width lines. The accuracy is significantly improved for relatively large

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cell size. In fact, increasingly smaller cell size results in little improvement and may even increase the error although the error at this point is small. The difficulty with this method is that adjusting cell size and line widths is tedious for circuits with arbitrary metal. Although it is not mathematically pleasing, the circuit may be analyzed and when the layout artwork is generated from =LAYOUT= an etch factor is entered to widen the lines by 25% of the cell size. This method works well and is simple to implement when the x and y cell sizes are similar.

Ny y cell size Zo(ohms) Error (%)

2 0.5408961 50.749 1.50

4 0.3155227 50.074 0.15

8 0.1690300 50.014 .03

16 0.087332218 50.013 .03

32 0.044370383 50.014 .03

64 0.022361265 50.015 .03

128 0.011224651 50.015 .03

Generalized S-Parameters

Generalized S-parameters are perhaps the most user transparent method for improving accuracy while using larger cell size. It is easily implemented using =EMPOWER= and GENESYS Version 7.0 and later because they support generalized parameters. Few competitive EM/circuit simulator environments support these parameters. For additional details on the theory please refer to the Deembed chapter of the =EMPOWER= manual and for an illustration refer to the Microstrip Line example.

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Components\Spiral Inductor2.WSP


Components\Spiral Inductor2.WSP

RAM: 12.9Mbytes Time: 380s/freq Illustrates: Spiral inductors, lumped elements, accuracy vs. cell size, co-simulation of circuit and EM simulation

Shown below is the layout on a 5 X 5 mil grid of a spiral inductor in series with the transmission system. The small squares near the center and on the left are landing pads for a bond wire to connect to the center of the spiral. The WIRE model in =SuperStar= was used for this bond wire and in =LAYOUT= the BONDWIRE 100 X 20 mil footprint was selected. The bond wire is longer because it is a loop that must clear the spiral. This total system consists of an input microstrip line, the bond wire, the spiral, and an output microstrip line on a 62 mil thick substrate with a relative dielectric constant of 4.8.

The graph below shows the S21 responses from GENESYS circuit theory (top trace) and S21 from =EMPOWER=. Metal loss was included in the =EMPOWER= run.

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On the next graph are input reactances, IM[I1], using =EMPOWER= (peak trace) and circuit theory (smaller excursions). At 100 MHz, the circuit theory reactance of 13.07 ohms corresponds to an inductance of 20.8nH and an =EMPOWER= reactance of 15.52 ohms corresponds to 24.7nH.

Spirals are notoriously difficult to model in circuit theory simulators and the =EMPOWER= data is assumed more accurate. Notice that near resonance (1400MHz) the reactances are more divergent. In general, the accuracy of spirals in a circuit

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Components\Spiral Inductor2.WSP


theory simulator is useful at low frequencies, but expecting these models to be accurate at higher frequencies where the capacitance is significant is risky at best. Fortunately, =EMPOWER= runs for spirals generally do not require more than one or two cells across the lines and simulations are relatively fast.

To illustrate this given next are the same responses with only one cell across the line for the =EMPOWER= run. You may duplicate these results by running =EMPOWER= after changing the cell size from 5 mils to 10 mils. Notice that the reactance at 100 MHz is now 14.19 ohms corresponding to an inductance of 22.58nH. This is within 13% of the value with 2 cells across each line. Considering the excellent convergence properties of MOL electromagnetic simulation, we can assume the results with 2 cells are more accurate and is closer to the actual inductance than the 8.6% difference determined with 1 versus 2 cells. Those of you with sufficient memory (about 100Mbytes) could run this problem with 4 cells and compare results.

The inductances reported above are the effective inductances of the entire systems including the two microstrip lines, the bond wire and the spiral. The inductance of the microstrip lines could be removed by moving the reference planes in =LAYOUT=. The inductance of the bond wire could be manually removed by finding the inductance of just a bond wire in =SuperStar=.

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Components\Box Modes.WSP

RAM: 0.35Mbytes Time: <1s/freq Illustrates: Box modes, surface modes

Have you ever designed an amplifier, paying careful attention to the stability factor, only to have it oscillate despite all your precautions? Have you fought poor ultimate rejection in filter stopbands? Have you been unable to obtain flat gain in your amplifier? Have you fought large spurious signals in your system? A common cause of these problems is often box modes. These effects are often poorly understood but they are easily studied using =EMPOWER=.

Shown below is the simple system of a 3.6" by 1.96" box with a cover 0.250 inches above 50 ohm microstrip lines 1 inch long on a 62 mil thick substrate with a dielectric constant of 4.5. The grid is 40 X 40mils. The input and output lines are broken by a gap of 1.6 inches, far too large for any significant transfer from input to output. So it would seem.

Given next is the forward transmission, dB[S21], for this system with the box cover on (the top trace) and the top cover off (the bottom trace).

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Components\Box Modes.WSP


Notice three peaks of transmission in the covered case at 3150, 4125 and 5250MHz. The peaks at 3150 and 5250MHz illustrate almost no attenuation from the input and output! These transmission peaks occur at the resonant frequencies of the box acting as a cavity. The first peak is the dominant (k101) mode of a 3.6 by 1.96 inch cavity partially loaded with the substrate dielectric. The remaining peaks result from higher order modes and additional peaks would exist if the sweep were extended. The transmission zero near 4500MHz is the result of two equal magnitude components from different modes vector adding out of phase.

How is a transfer attenuation of nearly zero decibels possible? Consider this LC circuit:

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Without the two parallel LC components the effective series capacitance is 0.005pF and the transmission in a 50 ohm system would be approximately -40 dB at 3150MHz. The addition of the resonant lossless LC pair reduces the attenuation to zero decibels. The ends of the microstrip lines in the original box radiate sufficiently to couple fully into the resonant cavity.

Clearly, the consequences of packaging circuitry in an enclosure are significant. First of all, even at a frequency as low as 1500MHz, it is unreasonable to expect stopband performance to exceed 60dB rejection. At higher frequencies, stopband rejection is totally destroyed. Poor stopband performance can devastate filter performance. When an amplifier is placed in a box, feedback near resonant frequencies may result in oscillation. When subsystems are enclosed in a box, spurious signals generated at one location may appear at another location with little attenuation, completely bypassing a filter designed to remove the spurs.

The lower response trace in the responses displayed by is with the cover removed. Actually, a layer with 377 ohms impedance was used for the cover. Sufficiently thick absorbent material on the cover would approach this condition. The Q is destroyed by energy lost from the cavity and fortunately the resonant peaks are removed. However, notice that the stop band performance remains less than -60dB across the sweep range and it worsens with increasing frequency.

The most effective weapon against these problems is a smaller box. Shielding of subsections within one enclosure is notoriously ineffective and careers have been wrecked by confident attempts.

For additional information on Box modes please refer to Chapter 8 of the =EMPOWER= Manual, Box Modes.

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Components\User Model.WSP


Components\User Model.WSP

Illustrates: Tuning, User Models

The crystal oscillator shown above was synthesized using the =OSCILLATOR= program. To pull the oscillation frequency the varactor network to the right of the crystal was added. We created a model for a varactor diode so that the frequency versus tuning voltage can be studied.

The capacitance of the varactor versus the tuning voltage is given by the expression: Cv=Co/(1+Vt/0.7)^Gamma

Vt is the varactor reverse tuning voltage. Co is the capacitance at Vt=0. Gamma is the power of the C vs V curve which is controlled by the varactor doping profile. It is typically 0.5 for abrupt varactors.

There are parasitics associated with the varactor. The schematic shown below depicts the series loss resistance which results in finite varactor Q. Package capacitance and package inductance are shown as Cp and Lp.

To create a new user model:

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1. Right-click on Designs in the Workspace Window and select "Add User Model (Schematic)". Enter the global name for the model ("Varactor" for our example.. You can choose to save this model into the MODEL directory.

2. Enter the parameters which will be passed to the model:

3. The opening screen looks like a regular =SCHEMAX= screen. Use the same techniques you would use to draw a circuit schematic to draw a schematic of the model. If a component value is a constant, simply enter the value in that component’s dialog box. If a value is computed by equations or is to be passed as a parameter in the model, choose and enter a variable name in the dialog box field.

4. If equations are used in a model, right-click the model icon in the Workspace Window and select "Edit Model Equations". For the varactor example, enter equations in the Equation Text Editor window shown here:

Cv=Co/(1+Vt/0.7)^Gamma C4=Co/(1+4/0.7)^Gamma Rs=1/(3.1416E8*C4*1E-12*Q)

Here the series resistance, Rs, is computed from the varactor Q which is typically specified at 4 volts bias and 50 MHz. In this way the model finds the effective Q at the desired tuning voltage and operating frequencies. The oscillator open loop cascade gain and phase are shown in the sample GENESYS screen for a tuning voltage of 2.64 volts.

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Components\User Model.WSP


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Components\BJT NL Model Fit.WSP

Illustrates: How to compare and optimize a nonlinear SPICE model to measured S-parameters.

As nonlinear models are complex, it is always a good practice to compare S-parameters derived from the nonlinear model to actual measured S-parameters. In this way, you can be sure that you have good parameters and that they have been entered properly. In addition, nonlinear models characterize devices over all frequencies and all bias levels. To improve accuracy, it is usually a good idea to optimize the parameters of the model for the particular bias condition a designer has selected for a given application.

In this workspace are three schematics, "Meas MMBR," "Test MMBR," and "MMBR Before Opt" Meas MMBR is a simple circuit that uses measured S-parameters for a Motorola MMBR941. Test MMBR contains the SPICE model for the intrinsic device and a set of parasitic inductors and capacitors, the values of which have already been optimized to fit the measured data. MMBR Before Opt contains the nonlinear SPICE model, before optimization has been run on the parasitic elements.

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Components\BJT NL Model Fit.WSP


In the Equations window, the difference between Meas MMBR and Test MMBR is calculated. Then, optimization targets were defined that drives the differences to zero. Note that the S21 target weighting is set to 0.1 so that minimizing the errors of this large number will not overwhelm the errors in match. Weighting can be adjusted depending on a given design's requirements. The initial model for the device is shown in MMBR Before Opt. Inductances and capacitances were included to bond wires inside the package and lead inductances from the package itself. Capacitances were added between each junction. Initial values were estimates based on the modeling engineer's experience. As the optimization was run, values for several of the parasitics became very small. So small, in fact, that inductor L6 and capacitors C3, C5, and C7 were removed in the final model. As the plots of match and transmission show, the simpler model, using the optimized values, results in a much better fit.

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To experiment with this example, tune some of the parasitic values to move the curves from ideal. then use Actions/Optimize/Automatic to have the optimizer adjust the values back to improve the performance.

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Chapter 3: Signal Control

Signal Control\Film Atten.WSP

RAM: 31.7Mbytes Time: 3324s/freq Illustrates: Resistive films, deembedding, benchmark

Given below is a broad bandwidth resistive film 20dB attenuator developed by Res-Net Microwave Inc., of Largo, Florida, which offers a number of high performance resistive microwave products.

This attenuator works well through 12GHz and benchmark data is available through 20GHz. Metal is the darkest color and the mid-tone sections are 50 ohm/square resistive films on a 40mil thick BeO 100 by 200mil substrate with a relative dielectric constant of 6.70.

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A much larger grid than 1.25 by 1.25mils could have been used except it was desired to match the dimensions of the attenuator closely. Had an electromagnetic simulation been anticipated the original dimensions could have been fit to a larger grid and the desired DC resistance of the films could still have been achieved. This example would then run quickly.

The launching connectors have a strip width of approximately 25mils while the input and output lines are 70mils. To simulate this discontinuity, the 70 mil lines were not brought to the edge of the board. In addition, deembedding was turned off in this =EMPOWER= run to include stray capacitance from the line to the face of the launching connector. The net capacitance is 0.24pF as computed from the 0.003024mhos 2GHz susceptance reported in the listing file line analysis. These careful precautions would be unnecessary were it not for the desire to compare =EMPOWER= results with measured data to 20GHz.

=EMPOWER= results are given as the traces below and the circles and squares are measured data.

For the resistive film dimensions from the constructed attenuator, the series DC resistance is 43.905 / 53.175 * 50 = 41.283ohms and for the shunt resistors are 10.669 / 27.675 * 50 = 19.276 for each shunt half. This results in a DC attenuation and return loss of 20.4 and 109 dB. The on-grid =EMPOWER= values are 20.4 and 30 dB.

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Signal Control\Film Atten.WSP


At low frequencies it is difficult to rationalize the measured 20 dB measured attenuation with the predicted 20.4 dB value other than dimensional errors or film resistivity. The on-grid return loss of 30 dB in combination with the dimensional or resistivity error are potential sources for the disagreement in the return loss.

When ports are not deembedded the normalizing impedance is defined as 1 ohm. Therefore the S-parameter data displayed in the =EMPOWER= log window will not indicate good return loss and 20 dB attenuation during the EM run. The ports can be set at 50 ohms normalizing impedance by adding the option -NI50 in the Cmd Line cell in the =EMPOWER= setup dialog box.

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Signal Control


Signal Control\Xfmr Coupler.WSP

Illustrates: Transformers/MUI, Equations

Common but puzzling components used in HF through UHF circuits are broadband transformers and couplers. They are hybrid mode devices which operate as magnetic transformers at low frequencies and as coupled transmission lines at high freqs.

In this example, the coupler is simulated assuming the magnetic transformer mode. The equations are used to tune the coupling value. We specify the primary turns and the equation block calculates the closest integer secondary turns. The analysis provides insight which is elusive without simulation; the optimum unused port termination resistance isn’t equal to Zo and capacitance improves the return loss.

In the figure below, the solid curves are with R1=39 ohms and C1=1.2 pF. Using tune, you will discover the optimum R and C are functions of the coupling value and whether the through or coupled port is optimized.

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Signal Control\Edge Coupler.WSP


Signal Control\Edge Coupler.WSP

Illustrates: Microstrip, substrates, =LAYOUT=

This example illustrates a 10dB microstrip coupler with three sections for improved bandwidth. Coupled-line couplers in microstrip do not achieve 3 dB coupling without exceptionally close lines. Therefore Wilkinson and branch-line networks are often used when equal splits are needed.

In the layout below, the rubber band lines which connect the three coupled microstrip sections were left unresolved. It is not absolutely neccesary to resolve rubber band lines if the metal is connected by a footprint or by a polygon of metal which you may add. In this case the lumped element capacitors, which improve the directivity, were used to close the natural gap between line sections caused by different line spacing.

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Signal Control


Signal Control\BSCouplerFinalWhole.WSP

Illustrates: =EMPOWER= ML, Decomposition

=EMPOWER= Example: Development of a microstrip surface mount 3-dB directional coupler for Mike Giacalone from Americal Technical Ceramics. This example uses advanced =EMPOWER= techniques to allow easy tuning and optimization of circuit performance. Notice in the design that at the center of the coupler, the lines are separated for a small portion. Adjusting the length of this section allows fine adjustment of the coupling.

There are three files in this example:

y BSCouplerDevelopment.wsp - Implements coupler using tuned capacitors and decomposition. This allows a quick analysis of the file, plus the coupler can be tuned.

y BSCouplerFinalRecomp.wsp - The coupler's capacitors have been replaced with patches. This file still uses recomposition, allowing line length adjustments.

y BSCouplerFinalWhole.wsp - In this final file, the coupler is simulated as a whole. This file validates the decompositional simulation in the previous file.

The simulation results from the final coupler:

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Signal Control\ResistiveBroadband10dB.WSP


Signal Control\ResistiveBroadband10dB.WSP

EMPOWER Example: Thin Film Attenuator

Illustrates: Analysis of a structure with thin resistive film and comparison with measured data.

10 dB Broadband Resistive Attenuator, developed by Res-Net Microwave Inc., of Largo, Florida, which offers a number of high performance resistive microwave products.

Simulation details: The structure is simulated with the solid thinning out (because of large areas of metal and film).

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Signal Control\ResistiveBroadband20dB.WSP

EMPOWER Example: Thin Film Attenuator

Illustrates: Analysis of a structure with thin resistive film, simulation without de-embedding, and comparison with measured data.

20 dB Broadband Resistive Attenuator, developed by Res-Net Microwave Inc., of Largo, Florida, which offers a number of high performance resistive microwave products.

Simulation details: The structure is simulated without thinning out (the most accurate analysis). Two external ports are marked as No Deembed to take into account actual reactance of the sidewalls. Option -ni50 sets normalization for the EMPOWER simulation.

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Signal Control\ResistiveBroadband20dB.WSP


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Signal Control


Signal Control\Dual Mode Coupler.WSP

RAM: 1.9Mbytes Time: 68s/freq Illustrates: Dual mode couplers, solid thinning, viewer

Given above is a directional coupler laid on a 25 X 25 mil grid centered at 3GHz which a first glance resembles a branchline coupler. Port 1 was placed at the lower left, port 2 at the upper left, port 3 at the lower right and port four at the upper right.

For reasons discussed momentarily we refer to this device as a dual mode coupler. The sides are roughly half wavelength. This results in undesirably large size at lower frequencies, but at the higher microwave frequencies the smaller size of a branch line coupler introduces difficulties. 3GHz is normally the lowest frequency indicated for the dual mode coupler [Kawai and Ohta, 1994].

This version was designed for equal splits at ports 3 and 4. Transmission and reflection responses including losses as computed by =EMPOWER= and displayed by GENESYS are given below.

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Signal Control\Dual Mode Coupler.WSP


Notice that unlike the conventional branch line coupler the dual mode coupler is solid in the center. The large metal area requires solid thinning which was specified in the =EMPOWER= Properties Dialog box. Fortunately, the dual mode coupler has symmetry in both the XZ and YZ planes which compensates for the slower execution of solid thinning.

In conventional pseudo-TEM mode microstrip, current is maximum at the edges of the strip. In this coupler energy launched at port 1 soon transitions to TE10 in the large patch area, thus the term dual mode. This is evident in the Viewer

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screen given below. Notice that the maximum current is located at the center of the structure. The Viewer is particularly useful in designing structures of this type. In a preliminary run, it was observed in the Viewer that the signal transferred to port 4 was significantly less than signal at port 3. The idea of placing an obstruction (notch) in the line between port 1 and port 3 immediately bore fruit. As an exercise, use the Viewer to observe the dynamic behavior of this coupler.

The previously cited reference gives additional information on these couplers including broadbanding techniques.

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Signal Control\8 Way.WSP


Signal Control\8 Way.WSP

RAM: 124.3MB Time: 11067s/freq Illustrates: Power dividers, large =EMPOWER= runs, lumped elements

The task is an 8 way power divider. It will be based on the cascade of Wilkinson equal dividers. This divider was tested first to verify and optimize the performance of this building block before the much larger, and slower executing, 8 way divider is tested.

The input is on the left and the outputs are on the top and bottom walls. The Wilkinson operates by transforming the two 50ohm terminations to 100ohms through quarter wavelength sections of narrower 70.7ohm lines. The two 100ohm impedances in parallel at the junction provide a 50ohm match to the short 50ohm input line. After the test and optimization of this single Wilkinson they were assembled in the 8 way unit shown below.

This entire assemblage of 7 Wilkinsons and connecting lines was then run in =EMPOWER=. Initial runs indicated significant non-flatness near the center frequency due to box modes. The ports were spaced closer and the box size was reduced. The final design has what are believed to be box modes above and below the band of interest. Some of the initial runs were lossless to conserve execution time. The final runs were lossy and the required memory and time are for the lossy case.

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The final transmission and selected isolation magnitudes are given here. Because =EMPOWER= generates all port data, the graphs in GENESYS may be modified to display data for any set of ports without rerunning =EMPOWER=.

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Chapter 4: Amplifiers


This example illustrates stability circles and designing an amplifier for stability. The first step is to examine the stability characteristics of the selected active device before adding additional circuitry. Stability should be examined over as broad a frequency range as possible, and not just over the range desired for the amplifier.

Shown above are the input and output plane stability circles for an HP/Avantek AT41586 bipolar transistor biased at 8 volts and 25 mA. The shaded regions of the Smith chart represent regions of instability. To insure stability, the impedance presented to the device at its input terminal should avoid the shaded region of the input plane stability circles. Similar conditions should be satisfied at the output. In this case, since the circles above represent the lowest frequency and since the top half of the Smith chart is inductive, stability is enhanced by insuring that the device is capacitively terminated at low frequencies. Therefore, we will use a series capacitor at the input and output with the smallest value which does not disturb the desired amplifier. To further enhance stability, resistors to RF ground are added at the input and output. These will also be a part of the bias scheme.

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These capacitors and resistors are evident in the schematic shown above. The microstrip tee and transmission line models are added to account for the physical structure which is necessary to add the resistors to the amplifier. The remaining microstrip models comprise the matching networks which were optimized for 10dB of gain and best flatness.

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The results after optimization of the lengths of lines in the input and output matching networks are shown in the GENESYS screen shown above. Notice that the entire Smith chart region, which represents any possible passive load, is stable for both the input and output. Also notice that the sweep range for the amplifier gain and match is from 2000 to 2800 MHz, but the sweep range for the stability analysis is from 100 to 6000 MHz, the entire range for which S-parameter data was available. The layout after resolution of the rubber band lines is given below.

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Amplifiers\Balanced Amp.WSP

Illustrates: Microstrip design, the branch line coupler, the NET component, using two different networks in a workspace, and the =LAYOUT= module

This example is 2100-2900 MHz balanced amplifier. The single-ended (SE) amplifier used in this balanced circuit is shown at below. It is given the name AMP at its input. The return loss of the SE amp is shown on the Smith chart below. Notice the poor return loss.

The balanced amplifier shown below is built using branch line couplers to split the input signal and later to combine the signals. The SE amp is duplicated in the balanced amplifier using the

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Amplifiers\Balanced Amp.WSP


NET component. NET is given the designator AMP. As components in the SE amp are optimized they effect both amps in the balanced circuit. The branch line couplers deliver reflected signals to the terminating resistors so the return loss of the balanced circuit is improved, as shown in the response below.

Shown below is a finished layout of the balanced amplifier. This layout was created by selecting “Edit Layout” from the Layout menu in =SCHEMAX=. Footprints for the lumped elements and dimensioned metals are automatically placed on the layout page. You then select objects and snap nodes together to resolve rubber band lines.

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To duplicate the single ended amplifier in the layout, a few extra steps are required:

y Initially, the single-ended amplifier components and two NET objects are placed in the layout. First, return to =SCHEMAX= and double-click on each NET object. In the dialog box, select the LAYOUT button and then choose Replace with Open Circuit. This removes NET objects from the layout.

y Next, finish laying out the one SE amp. Draw a box around the SE amp portion of the layout and select Copy and Paste from the Edit menu in =LAYOUT=. Move these duplicated components to the desired position.

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Amplifiers\Amp Feedback.WSP


Amplifiers\Amp Feedback.WSP

This example illustrates four feedback amplifier topologies. It is interesting to compare their gain, reverse isolation and match. Properly placed inductors and capacitors can typically improve the responses. This is also a good example of using multiple schematics on multiple graphs.

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Amplifiers\Amp Noise.WSP

Illustrates: Noise Figure, Microstrip, Circles, Layout of Microwave Circuits

This example of low-noise amplifier design is based on an article by Rob Lefebvre published in the March/April 1997 issue of Applied Microwave and Wireless magazine. It is a 9.5 to 10 GHz LNA using an HP/Avantek 10135 GaAs FET.

The amplifier schematic includes an extra FET with only the viaholes to ground the FET source leads. This portion of the schematic was added to display the noise circles of the FET alone. The center of the device noise circles is the impedance which should be presented to the device to achieve the best noise figure for the amplifier. This is the impedance seen looking toward the source at the input to the device.

Narrowband low-noise amplifier design is more straightforward than broadband design: 1) The device is stabilized with source inductance and or shunt resistors at the device input and output, 2) the input network is designed to present the correct

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Amplifiers\Amp Noise.WSP


impedance to the device and 3) the output network is designed for maximum gain.

For broadband design the concept is the same. However, presenting the correct impedance to the device across the band and a flat gain requires balancing multiple goals. This is best accomplished using a modern simulator such as GENESYS to optimize all of the requirements simultaneously. The short arc inside the first noise circle is the locus of impedances versus frequency which should be presented to the FET. For even broader bandwidth, the =MATCH= synthesis program can be used to find a network which presents near optimum impedance to the device over the entire band.

Shown on the left above are the noise circles of the amplifier with the input network present. Notice that the center of the optimum noise arc passes through the center of the Smith chart. This indicates that the input network has been optimized so that at the middle of the frequency band a 50 ohm source will provide the optimum noise performance. This is verified by examining the noise figure versus frequency plot on the left in the =SuperStar= output screen. The gain flatness was acheived by optimization of the output matching network. Better output return loss could have been acheived by optimizing for match instead of gain flatness. The match at the input falls where it must because the input network is optimized for best noise and not best match.

The layout below was generated for the completed amplifier. The microstrip lines and discontinuities were automatically generated in =LAYOUT=.

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Amplifiers\Amplifier Tuned.WSP

Illustrates: Automatic integration of lumped elements into the electromagnetic simulation and combined EM and circuit co-simulation.

This example is an optimized variant of Amplifier.wsp, a 2.3-2.5 GHz Bipolar Common Emitter amplifier.

Simulation details: EM frequency sweep has four points, co-simulation sweep is the same as the circuit one. External ports are de-embedded to remove sidewall reactances and normalized to 50 Ohm. Other parameters are default, including the following: Planar internal ports are used to hook up capacitor and resistors. Tree Z-directed internal ports are used to simulate transistor connection.

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Illustrates: Automatic integration of lumped elements into the electromagnetic simulation and combined EM and circuit co-simulation.

This example is a 2.3-2.5 GHz Bipolar Common Emitter amplifier.

Simulation details: EM frequency sweep has four points, co-simulation sweep is the same as the circuit one. External ports are de-embedded to remove sidewall reactances and normalized to 50 Ohm. Other parameters are default, including the following: Planar internal ports are used to hook up capacitor and resistors. Three Z-directed internal ports are used to simulate transistor connection.

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Amplifiers\SiGe BFP620 Amp.WSP

Illustrates: The analysis of an amplifier designed, built, and measured by Gerard Weaver using Infineon's new BFP620 Silicon-Germanium bipolar transistor. This device is a high performance, low cost device housed in a 4-lead ultra miniature SOT-343 surface mount package. With a transition frequency (Ft) in excess of 70 GHz, the device is ideal for high performance applications such as portable wireless communications products. The amplifier was designed to operate between 1930 to 1990 MHz. Design goals included 15dB of gain, unconditional stability, and an input referenced third order intercept of +10dBm. Low part count and PCB area were also desired. The schematics "Dev NL Test" and "Dev Lin Test" were used to verify the nonlinear model. The nonlinear device was biased at 2V and 8mA, and S-parameters of the device were simulated. The outputs "Dev Refl" and "Dev Trans" compare the S-parameters of the nonlinear device to the measured S-parameters. Excellent correlation is seen, indicating that the model was well extracted for the device (model parameters were supplied directly from Infineon). Once the model parameters were verified, the device was entered as a User Model in "BFP620," allowing for easy reuse in future designs. The user model was then placed in the overall design found in schematic "Amp NL." Mr. Weaver took extra care in his simulation model to include parasitics as part of his lumped components. He also included transmission line segments to model the parasitics of the PC board. The S-parameters of the overall amplifier were simulated and graphed on output "S-params." At 1960MHz, the gain is 15.4 dB, slightly better than the design goal. The overall response shape was very close to the measured results (available from Infineon).

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Amplifiers\SiGe BFP620 Amp.WSP


Large signal analysis was then completed on the circuit. "Spect 1-tone" shows the output spectrum of the amplifier when driven with -20 dBm of available power. Note that the power measured at Port 1 (P1) is less than -20 dBm due to the mismatch of the port. The output spectrum is quite clean.

"Compression" plots the gain compression of the amplifier as it is

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driven from -20 dBm to 0 dBm. The blue trace shows the gain compression. The 1dB compression point is approximately -5 dBm. The red and green traces show the output and input power versus drive level.

"Wave 1-tone" shows the output waveforms at each point in the power sweep.

"Spect 2-tone" shows the output spectrum around the center frequency when the amplifier is driven with two -20 dBm signals. This spectrum was used to calculate the input referenced TOI

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Amplifiers\SiGe BFP620 Amp.WSP


level, shown to be +9.3 dBm, very close to the 10.3 dBm measured on the built circuit.

Convergence controls were adjusted for this circuit. Full Jacobian calculation was set to "always" which speeds convergence as is typical when analyzing BJT circuits. In addition, the number of harmonics in "HB 1-tone" was increased to 16 so that the signals were adequately sampled during the power sweep.

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Chapter 5: Filters


Illustrates: Development of a microstrip surface mount 3-dB directional coupler for Mike Giacalone from American Technical Ceramics. Specifications: Coupling: -3dB (S21 and S31) Return loss (S11): less then -20 dB. Isolation (S41): less then -20dB Simulation details: All elements are simulated with the solid thinning out technique to increase accuracy. CoupledLine: A segment of broadside coupled microstrip lines (conductors are in different levels) is simulated and optimized to get Ze=120, Zo=20 (see listing file). Inputs 1 and 2 are coupled as well as inputs 3 and 4. The program automatically goes to the mixed analysis mode (line+discontinuity). 50toCoupledJunction: A tee-like connection of two 50-Ohm microstrips in three-layered media with the coupled microstrip line (design CoupledLine). The inputs 3 and 4 on the right side form two-mode coupled input. CPJunction: A segment of coupled microstrip lines (design CoupledLine) is connected with a segment of a similar line with the same conductor widths but less coupled (to reduce overall coupling). The reference plane of the coupled inputs are shifted in the center. Recomposition: The coupler is assembled from two tee-like junctions of 50-Ohm microstrip lines and coupled line segments (design 50toCoupledJunction), two coupled microstrip line segments (line empower.l3 from the design 50toCoupledJunction, length L1), two step-like junctions with less coupled line (design CPJunction), and the less coupled line segment in the middle (line empower.l2 from the design CPJunction, length L2). Descriptors of all segments must be

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precalculated. Run simulations EM2, EM3 to simulate the components. Goal coupling -3 dB (S21 and S31) and return loss and isolation below -20 dB could be achieved by tuning lengths (L1 and L2) of coupled line segments and capacitances AuxCap of capacitors Tuning Cap.

Design is not finished because capacitors are only circuit level solution and must be implemented physically (see possible solution in BSCouplerFinalRecomp.wsp).

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EMPOWER Example: Microstrip surface mount 3-dB directional coupler designed for Mike Giacalone from American Technical Ceramics. Illustrates: An advanced multilevel example with decomposition. Parts of the coupler are simulated with EMPOWER in one work space, then recomposed (coupled sections in the mode space) and optimized to achieve desired performances. Specifications: Coupling: -3dB (S21 and S31) Return loss (S11): less then -20 dB. Isolation (S41): less then -20dB Simulation details: All elements are simulated with the solid thinning out technique to increase accuracy. CoupledLine: A segment of coupled microstrip lines (conductors are in different levels) is simulated and optimized to get Ze=120, Zo=20 (see listing file). Inputs 1 and 2 are coupled as well as inputs 3 and 4. The program automatically goes to the mixed analysis mode (line+discontinuity). 50toCoupledJunction: A tee-like connection of two 50-Ohm microstrips in three-layered media with the coupled microstrip line (design CoupledLine). The inputs 3 and 4 on the right side form two-mode coupled input. A rectangular patch was added to achieve 3-dB coupling, and return loss and isolation below -20dB. The dimensions of the patch were estimated using a couple of auxiliary capacitors hooked up at inputs 2 and 4 of the preliminary structure of the coupler (see BSCouplerDevelopment.wsp) CPJunction: A segment of coupled microstrip lines (design CoupledLine) is connected with a segment of a similar line with the same conductor widths but less coupled (to reduce coupling). The reference plane of the coupled inputs are shifted to center. Recomposition: The coupler is assembled from two tee-like junctions of 50-Ohm microstrip lines and coupled line segments (design 50toCoupledJunction), two coupled microstrip line segments (line empower.l3 from the design

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50toCoupledJunction, length L1), two step-like junctions with less coupled line (design CPJunction), and the less coupled line segment in the middle (line empower.l2 from the design CPJunction, length L2). Descriptors of all segments must be precalculated. Run simulations EM2, EM3 to simulate them. Goal coupling -3 dB (S21 and S31) and return loss and isolation below -20 dB could be achieved by tuning lengths (L1 and L2) of coupled line segments.

Simulation details: Solid thinning out is used to increase accuracy. Option -O2 is used to reduce line simulation time. Simulation EM2VIEW contains data to visualize current flow at the central frequency. For the final EM simulation of the whole structure, see BSCouplerFinalWhole.wsp).

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EMPOWER Example: Microstrip surface mount 3-dB directional coupler designed for Mike Giacalone from American Technical Ceramics. Illustrates: An advanced multilevel example

Here is the final EM simulation of the whole structure, optimized with decomposition in the example BSCouplerFinalRecomp.wsp. Specifications: Coupling: -3dB (S21 and S31) Return loss (S11): less then -20 dB. Isolation (S41): less then -20dB

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Simulation details: Solid thinning out is used to increase accuracy. Option -O2 is used to reduce line simulation time. Simulation EM2VIEW contains data to visualize current flow at the central frequency.

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Filters\Contiguous Diplexer.WSP


Filters\Contiguous Diplexer.WSP

This example illustrates the design of a contiguous diplex filter. It was designed by the following steps:

1. Design a 7th order singly-terminated Butterworth highpass filter using the synthesis program =FILTER= and write a file named CONTIGUS.SCH.

2. Return to =FILTER=. Design a 7th order singly-terminated Butterworth lowpass and write a file named LP.SCH. Then run GENESYS and display the lowpass response.

3. Open the schematic and draw a box around the entire lowpass schematic. Selecting “Cut” and “Paste” from the Edit menu places the lowpass schematic in the buffer and back in the schematic.

4. Next, load CONTIGUS.SCH, open the schematic, and select Paste from the Edit menu which drops the lowpass over the highpass. Drag the lowpass schematic off of the highpass schematic using the mouse.

5. Connect together the two filters at the singly-terminated, zero-impedance ends and modify the port impedances and graph properties to display the desired information. The resulting schematic is shown below:

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The responses, isolation, and return loss are shown on the graph below. Notice that the RL is excellent through the entire crossover region. This is a natural and desirable consequence of designing diplexers by connecting together singly-terminated filters with identical cutoff frequencies (contiguous). With lossless, ideal components, the RL is theoretically infinite at all frequencies. Similar results are acheived using Chebyshev filters with contiguous 3 dB corner frequencies.

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Filters\ComblineDesign\Final Lossy.WSP


Filters\ComblineDesign\Final Lossy.WSP

Illustrates: EMPOWER Example - Design of combline filter.

This is a multi-step example and starts with ComblineDesign\Step 1.wsp.

Filter specifications: Type: 5-resonator combline on a PTFE substrate. Center frequency: 1800 MHz Passband: 1700-1900 MHz. Step1: Optimization of the synthesized filter - Step 1.wsp Simulation details: The filter was synthesized with the M/FILTER. Capacitors values and resonator lengths where specified as tunable variables and optimized to get proper passband and return loss. There is no EM simulation yet, because the layout of the filter fits only a grid with excessively fine grid (1x1 mils).

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Step 2: Initial EM simulation - Step 2.wsp Features: Fitting results of the synthesis to a grid and subsequent interactive optimization. Filter specifications: Type: 5-resonator combline on a PTFE substrate. Center frequency: 1800 MHz Passband: 1700-1900 MHz. Simulation details: The filter optimized in the Step 1 example is adjusted to a grid with cell size 6x6 mils. All microstrip line widths and spacings are rounded off to be multiples of 6 mils. It made the passband of the circuit theory model a bit wider and shifted it a bit. The values of the capacitances adjusted to get the center frequency back. EM analysis results: The passband is shifted to lower frequencies about 8% and 10% wider then expected. The return loss are also no good.

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Filters\ComblineDesign\Final Lossy.WSP


Step 3: Shifting the center frequency - Step 3.wsp Features: Fitting results of the synthesis to a grid and subsequent interactive optimization. Simulation details: The filter adjusted to the grid in the Step 2 example. The lengths of the coupled line segments are made shorter by direct shifting them up and down in the layout. The input line segments are completed by tapered line segments. Results: The center frequency is shifted.

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Step 4: Narrowing down the passband - Step 4.wsp This step illustrates the fitting results of the synthesis to a grid and subsequent interactiveoptimization. To make the passband narrower, the spacings of the coupled line segments are increased. Results: The passband is adjusted.

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Filters\ComblineDesign\Final Lossy.WSP


Step 5: Improving matching - Step 5.wsp Features: Fitting results of the synthesis to a grid and subsequent interactive optimization. Simulation details: The tap point is moved up a little bit to improve matching. Results: The return losses is improved.

Last Step: Final simulation and tuning with losses - Final Lossy.wsp Features: Fitting results of the synthesis to a grid and subsequent interactive optimization.

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Simulation details: Only the capacitances where adjusted a little bit to tune passband of the filter. Notes: The structure is very sensitive to the capacitances values. So, it will be necessary to tune a fabricated filter.

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Filters\Coupled Stepped Z.WSP


Filters\Coupled Stepped Z.WSP

RAM: 1.0Mbytes Time: 7s/freq Illustrates: Filters, =EMPOWER= thinning, stopbands, multiple =EMPOWER= runs

This filter illustrates filter design techniques which would not be feasible using conventional circuit theory simulation because it involves coupling between complex shaped resonators. The final filter design is shown below.

The filter is a bandpass centered at 2950MHz which utilizes three stepped impedance resonators (SIR). SIRs are physically shorter than uniform impedance resonators. The inductance is increased in the narrow sections near the viahole ground and the capacitance is increased at the open end. Both effects decrease the resonant frequency for a given physical length. With uniform impedance resonators this structure would be interdigital.

The filter was originally designed also using =EMPOWER= and the general technique described beginning on page 379 of the book "HF Filter Design and Computer Simulation". The resonant frequency and external Q vs. tap point were first determined using =EMPOWER= with a single resonator. Next, the internal coupling coefficient vs. resonator spacing was determined using two resonators. The filter was designed from this data and the technique described in the reference. The input and output taps reduce the frequency of the end resonators. The center resonator frequency is reduced by the addition of loading metal at the open end. This compensation was determined empirically.

Adequate resolution in the passband in combination with a wide sweep to observe the stopband requires a large number of frequencies. To conserve execution time, =EMPOWER= was

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first run from 2500 to 3400MHz with 31 points ("EM Passband"). Next, an =EMPOWER= simulation ("EM Stopband") was run from 1150 to 10500 MHz with 61 points. The final GENESYS screen after this second run is given below. The critical frequency was set at 4000 MHz for accuracy through the passband but precision was not required in the stopband. A critical frequency of 4GHz allowed thinning with accurate passband results.

To further reduce execution time, the above data was taken without Viewer data. One simulation was then modified, requesting three frequencies from 1000 to 5000 with "Generate Viewer Data" checked. The top view of the current magnitude at 3000 MHz is given below.

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Filters\Coupled Stepped Z.WSP


Notice that the lines leading to the input and output taps appear as thin lines in the Viewer. This line was one cell across and the edges were not aligned with the edges of the cell. It mapped and displayed onto one grid line. =EMPOWER= calculates current along lines and not the space between lines. In this case, the results are useful but improved precision would have resulted from a more careful grid alignment. The input and output lines also are not exactly aligned with the grid. This inexact alignment has caused a nonsymmetrical mapping. This is due to the edge of the line being exactly centered in a cell.

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Filters\Edge Coupled.WSP

Files: EdgeCoupledOpened.WSP and EdgeCoupledBenchmark.WSP RAM: 2.0Mbytes Time: 15s/freq Illustrates: Benchmark, filter loss, phase, fitting grid to existing design, reference planes

This 3-section edge-coupled 12 GHz bandpass filter is analyzed in =EMPOWER= and compared to measured results [Wolff and Gronau, 1989]. This paper presented a practical method for deembedding the effect of connectors from measured data and it presented measured results for the 3-section edge-coupled bandpass filter of interest in this example. Since the connectors were deembedded from the presented data we will run =EMPOWER= with the automatic deembedding routines invoked.

This paper was selected because the authors have an record of reliable work. The circuit of interest was only a portion of the paper and a description of this circuit was brief. We chose appropriate box dimensions to complete the description for the =EMPOWER= run.

The filter dimensions were fit to a grid of dx=0.105 and dy=0.105mm. For a definition of these dimensions please refer to the original paper. The original and on-grid values are given here to illustrate the dimensional errors introduced by placing the filter on grid.

Parameter Original On Grid

L1 4.612 4.620

L2 4.519 4.515

L3 4.502 4.515

L4 4.599 4.620

S1 0.100 0.105

S2 0.340 0.315

S3 0.325 0.315

S4 0.100 0.105

H 0.508 0.508

Wa1 0.815 0.840

Wb1 0.331 0.315

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Filters\Edge Coupled.WSP


Wa2 0.387 0.420

Wb2 0.381 0.420

Wa3 0.380 0.420

Wb3 0.393 0.420

Wa4 0.329 0.315

Wb4 0.806 0.840

Hbox 5.080 5.080

The largest percentage errors are with the microstrip widths. In bandpass filter structures there is a large sensitivity of the responses to the resonant frequency of the resonators. This is predominantly determined by the resonator length and the percentage errors in length associated with placing the metal on the grid were small. The width of resonators has only a small impact on the resonant frequency but they impact filter bandwidth.

In this example the reference planes were shifted from the edge of the box to the edge of the input and output coupling lines. They are shifted by selecting the port and dragging the reference line in the desired direction. The shifted reference lines may be observed in the =LAYOUT= module for this example.

Given below are plots of S21 and S11 linear magnitudes and phases as computed by =EMPOWER= and displayed by GENESYS.

Excellent agreement with measured data (not shown, see the reference above for measured data) was achieved. As stated earlier, the choice of grids introduced small percentage errors in the length of metal but width errors were significant. While the center frequency appears to be slightly higher in the simulation

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this is possibly the result of bandwidth shrinkage with most of the shift occurring on the lower side of the passband. An interesting exercise for those with adequate memory would be to run this filter with gridding closer to the original dimensions.

Edge coupled filters are susceptible to radiation loss. Given below are responses of the previous this filter in an enclosure with the height (y direction) doubled to 18.9mm and with the cover removed. Notice that the insertion loss on the low side of the passband has increased. This is due to radiation. Can you predict why radiation increases the loss primarily below the center frequency? Notice the non-monotonic response in the lower transition region. This is probably due to box modes. Would you expect radiation to occur in the original width enclosure with the cover removed? Answers to these questions are given in Section 5.9 of HF Filter Design and Computer Simulation.

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RAM: 19.6Mbytes Time: 1227s/freq Illustrates: Low loss filters, non-resonant simulation, wall grounding

The requirement for this exercise is a low loss printed 5th order bandpass filter with a center frequency of 1178MHz and a bandwidth of approximately 50MHz. This is a bandwidth of 4.2% and a loaded Q of 23.6. Low insertion loss dictates a high unloaded Q so a suspended stripline structure with a large ground to ground spacing of 500 mils was selected. The metal is etched on a 32mil thick teflon PWB with a relative dielectric constant of 2.2. The metal is centered between the grounds and the teflon is below the metal. The layering setup may be viewed in the layer tabs of the =LAYOUT= Properties dialog box. The metal pattern is shown below.

The lines terminate in ground at the sidewalls rather than through via holes. The filter may be designed using the technique referred to in the Coupled Stepped Z example, or in this case by designing a stripline filter in =M/FILTER= and entering a relative dielectric constant based on a filling factor, a dielectric constant of 1 + (32/500) * (Er-1)=1.08. This serves as a reasonable starting point.

The small 4.2% bandwidth increases the sensitivity of the response to small errors in the analysis. Therefore, a fine grid is necessary. In this case a grid of 24mils in x and 18mils in y was used. This results in 13 cells across the width of the lines which is generally more than necessary. However, this cell size was selected because the spacing to the input/output coupling lines is

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small. The small grid in y is required to satisfy the need in narrowband filters for precise control of resonator frequencies.

This problem contains 225 cells in x and 136 cells in y for a total of 30,600 cells. This in combination with the need for several frequencies in the passband and the probable need for several runs to iterate the design would result in a tedious and time consuming effort were it not for a number of tricks employed with this filter. Listed in order of importance they are:

TIP 1: The interdigital filter behaves simultaneously as multiple coupled lines and resonators. It is the resonant process which is frequency selective. The frequency dependence of the coupling coefficients is slow and monotonic. The lines were terminated in ports rather than ground so that they are nonresonant. GENESYS then reads this data and terminates all ports except the input and output with a direct connection to ground. This manifests in resonance and the filter bandpass behavior is observed. Because =EMPOWER= is analyzing a monotonic nonresonant structure only 5 frequencies were used. During the interactive design process 3 frequencies were used and then for the final plot given here a final =EMPOWER= run with 5 frequencies was used. The results for 3 and 5 frequencies in this example agree within hundredths of a decibel at every frequency in the 101 frequency GENESYS plot. The schematic to ground the nodes is shown below along with the circuit response. Notice the use of the NPO8 block with the filename "WSP:Simulations\EM1\EMPOWER.SS". This instructs the NPO to get it's data from the Current workspace (WSP:), "Simulations" Folder, Simulation "EM1", file EMPOWER.SS. This is the method to get raw =EMPOWER= data from a simulation. For more details on this method, see Appendix B in your =EMPOWER= manual.

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TIP 2: Once the resonator grounds are replaced with ports it is possible to add a line model from the port to ground. If these line models are also stripline with a similar substrate description then the line lengths may be tuned or optimized with immediate GENESYS display of the results. Resonator length corrections for a new =EMPOWER= run are thus found quickly.

TIP 3: A similar circuit can be analyzed entirely as a circuit theory file in GENESYS to estimate the source of response errors in the =EMPOWER= run. For example, if GENESYS shows that end spacings which are narrowed match =EMPOWER= results then the spacings are increased for the next =EMPOWER= trial.

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Filters\Tuned Bandpass.WSP

RAM: 5.3Mbytes Time: 92s/freq Illustrates: Tunable filters, non-resonant simulation, lumped elements, correlation of lumped/EM simulation

Filters may be electronically tuned using voltage variable capacitors (varactors). While varactors may adjust the center frequency, the remaining element values are generally not optimum for the new center frequency. Adhering to the following principles mitigates these difficulties:

y Use like-kind resonators for each section. Avoid the classic BP with alternating series and shunt resonators.

y For constant bandwidth vs. frequency, internal coupling between resonators should decrease with increasing frequency. Series coupling capacitors are common in filters but are a very poor choice for tuned filters.

y As above, external coupling should decrease with frequency. Series coupling inductors may be used for both internal and external coupling.

The filter is a 2-section microstrip combline bandpass. Combline structures are grounded on one end and are capacitively loaded at the open end. If the lines are a quarter wavelength long, magnetic coupling near the grounded ends and electrostatic coupling at the open ends are equal in magnitude but opposite in phase, resulting in no coupling (an all-stop structure)! With capacitive loading at the open ends, the electrostatic coupling sections are shortened and coupling is predominantly magnetic.

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Filters\Tuned Bandpass.WSP


In the case of a tunable bandpass, the length of the combline is selected such that the coupling between resonators is reduced at the proper rate as the frequency is increased. A similar technique is used for external coupling. The outside line sections are not resonators but provide external coupling which decreases with frequency.

The responses on the left are circuit theory simulations by GENESYS and on the right are =EMPOWER= results. The traces are with the varactors at 0.55pF. You can tune the varactors to shift the frequency.

Notice the transmission ripple and return loss predicted by =EMPOWER= are somewhat higher. The circuit theory simulation does not include the capacitance of the varactor landing pad footprints. This stray capacitance is a higher percentage of the total capacitance at higher frequencies and the resulting frequency differences are more significant at higher frequencies. An inherent advantage of electromagnetic simulation is that more of these strays, not only capacitance but path length and others, are incorporated in the simulation thus resulting in improved accuracy.

This example illustrates an important concept which can save significant execution time. The above responses were generated from =EMPOWER= data for only only 4 frequencies! Furthermore, =EMPOWER= data does not need to be retaken to tune this filter using the varactors! The length of the coupled lines are less than 90o long and they are not resonant. Resonance is achieved with capacitive loading. The =EMPOWER= data is taken without the varactors present and the line impedances and couplings change very slowly with frequency. EM data is only required for a few frequencies. This technique can be directly applied to all combline filters, thus

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saving significant execution time. It can even be applied to interdigital filters by performing the EM analysis with the via holes replaced with ports. After the EM run, the ports are replaced with circuit theory via hole models to achieve resonance. This technique is should not be overlooked!

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Filters\Two Level.WSP


Filters\Two Level.WSP

=EMPOWER= Example: Two level microstrip bandpass filter. Features simulation of a filter with coupled microstrip resonators in two metallization levels and comparison with published results of simulation and measurement [1].

Three side-coupled microstrip resonators are on a substrate. An additional resonator is placed on an inverted substrate and over the three resonators to achieve coupling with the input resonators (through one). Both substrates have the same height 0.51 mm and dielectric constant 2.33. They are separated by a foam dielectric with height 3.3 mm and dielectric constant 1.07. Microstrips are 1.49 mm wide (rounded off to 1.5mm). Whole structure is in a box 40 mm by 20 mm.


1) A.A. Melcon, J.R. Mosig, M.Guglielmi, Efficient CAD of boxed microwave circuits based on arbitrary rectangular elements, IEEE Trans., v MTT-47,1999, N 7, p.1045-1058

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Filters\Xtal Filter.WSP

Note: This crystal filter requires very high precision components. We strongly recommend changing the "Digits right of decimal" in Options from the Tools menu to 6. You may want to change it back after you are done with this example.

A 4th order Chebyshev filter with a center frequency of 9.001 MHz, a bandwidth of 3 KHz and 300 ohms terminating impedance is designed using a crystal with the following parameters:

Rs = 31 ohms Lm = 24.54 millihenries (24.54E6 nH) Co = 4.18 pF Cm = 0.0127429 pF, which resonates with Lm at the crystal series frequency

=FILTER= was used to design the shunt-C coupled bandpass, specifying 24.54E6 nH for the inductor, and then writing the GENESYS file. The shunt-C coupled bandpass filter topology is similar to ladder crystal bandpass filters. Since the shunt-C filter allows specifying the series inductance, designing ladder crystal filters is straightforward. Each series inductor-capacitor pair is converted to a crystal XTL model as shown in the circuit above. The response is shown in the figure below.

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Filters\Xtal Filter.WSP


The 2.4 pF crystal parallel capacitance causes the high side selectivity to be greater. This places an upper limit on the bandwidth of this type of ladder crystal filter. Placing an inductor in parallel with the crystal to resonate out Co may allow a wider bandwidth.

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Chapter 6: Oscillators

Oscillators\NegR VCO.WSP

Illustrates: Post processing, negative resistance

This is a UHF negative resistance oscillator designed by the synthesis program =OSCILLATOR=. It tunes from 750 to 950 MHz. The graph on the left is the resistance and reactance looking through the transmission line/varactor resonator. If the resistance is negative, when the left side of the resonator is grounded, the circuit will oscillate at the frequency where the net reactance is zero.

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The graph on the upper right plots 1/S11 on a Smith chart. Post processing was used as shown on the lower-right above to calculate 1/S11. The first line, "USING Linear1.NegR" sets the default Simulation/Data for the equation. The next line gets the reciprocal of S11 in complex (rectangular) form. Two important things to notice about this equation:

y The period (.) before RECT is absolutely necessary. All post-processed measurements must have a period, and even though there is a USING statement, there must still be a period in front of the operator. If there was no USING statement, the line "InverseS11 = 1/Linear1.NegR.Rect[S11]" would have been used.

y The operator RECT is required.

The solid traces are for a tuning varactor capacitance of 1.65 pF (oscillation at 950 MHz) and the dashed traces are with a capacitance of 4.5 pF (oscillation at 750 MHz).

Please refer to Oscillator Design and Computer Simulation for additional information on oscillator design.

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Oscillators\Coaxial OSC.WSP


Oscillators\Coaxial OSC.WSP

Illustrates: Post-Processing, Loaded-Q, Phase Noise.

The circuit above is a coaxial resonator oscillator, designed to be tunable between 800 and 900 MHz. The desired oscillation frequency for this example is 850 MHz. In this example, we will use post-processing to calculate the phase noise of the oscillator. The equations we will use for this are:

Cv=?7.343 Fo=850E6 PdBm=?7 kT=4E-21 NFdB=?6 F=10^(NFdB/10) Flicker=?10000 Ps=1E-3*10^(PdBm/10) 'The function of the next line is not obvious: It gets the frequencies of the baseband simulation. ssbfreq=1e6*freq+0*baseband.loop.db[s11] 'Get the loaded q of the loop at the oscillation frequency. Q=GETVALUEAT(linear1.loop.QL[S21],Fo) 'Calculate Leeson's equation to determine the noise. ssb=10*log(0.5*(Flicker/ssbfreq+1)*((Fo/ssbfreq/2/Q)^2+1)*(kT*F/Ps))

There are a few lines which are of special interest:

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1. ssbfreq=1e6*freq+0*baseband.loop.db[s11] : This line is a trick used to create a new sweep for post-processing. The linear simulation "Baseband" was created solely to provide a sweep for post-processing. This line gets S11 from the Baseband sweep, then promptly multiplies it by zero. This clears the values, but it will retain the independent frequency data. Next, by adding it to FREQ, this creates a "unity" sweep, where each point in the sweep contains the frequency in Hz (orignally in MHz, then multiplied by 1e6).

2. Q=GETVALUEAT(linear1.loop.QL[S21],Fo) : The GetValueAt function takes a measurement as the first parameter and the frequency as the second parameter. This statement gets the value of linear1.loop.QL[S21] at frequency Fo (850 MHz).

3. ssb=10*log(0.5*( Flicker/ssbfreq+1)*((Fo/ssbfreq/2/Q)^2+1)*(kT*F/Ps)) : Calculates Leeson's equation. Notice that since ssbfreq contains swept data, the result of this calculation is swept data. The results of this equation are shown in the graph below:

This example shows the power of post-processing in GENESYS. Additional things that could be done include:

1. Optimization of SSB and circuit simulation simultaneously.

2. A function could be written to determine the actual oscillation frequency when the capacitor is tuned. Fo would be set to this value, and then the phase noise calculations would be at this frequency.

3. The entire phase-noise calculation could be put into a function, stored into the model directory, then used for any circuit.

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Oscillators\Bipolar Cavity Oscillator.WSP


Oscillators\Bipolar Cavity Oscillator.WSP

Illustrates: How to complete nonlinear oscillator analysis in GENESYS using HARBEC. The oscillator simulated is a cavity oscillator taken from "Oscillator Design and Computer Simulation" by Randy Rhea, Noble Publishing, pages 225-231. A different device is used which results in slightly different component values.

The first step in the analysis is to examine the open loop Bode response. The schematic "NL Open Loop" is constructed. Port 1 is the input port and port 2 the output port. In final configuration, port 1 will connect with port 2. The device was built with a nonlinear device model, allowing the DC bias points to be verified and displayed on the schematic.

The frequency is swept over a narrow range as this is a particularly high Q oscillator. L1 was adjusted so that the gain peaked at the same frequency that the phase crosses zero degrees. This frequency, approximately 1100 MHz, should be near the frequency of oscillation.

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Next, the loop was closed, as shown in the schematic "NL Closed Loop." In addition, a source was attached to the loop, passing through a high-Q LC tank. The purpose of this source is

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Oscillators\Bipolar Cavity Oscillator.WSP


to stimulate the circuit to incite oscillation; the purpose of the tank is to allow the signal to be fed at the fundamental but to otherwise isolate the source from loading the circuit.

Then the frequency and amplitude of the source are adjusted until no current is being supplied through the LC tank. At that frequency and amplitude. In that state, the source will not be affecting the circuit, indicating that the state of oscillation has been found.

To get the best starting point, a guess is made for the amplitude and the frequency of the source. The frequency is taken from the open loop analysis; the amplitude is set to 1 Volt as the voltage tap is base of the transistor. Then the a harmonic balance sweep is completed for both frequency and amplitude. The current supplied by the source is plotted for both sweeps ("Freq Sweep" and "Level Sweep"), showing a minimum current at about 1102 MHz and 1.02 Volts.

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With this starting point, the optimizer can be used to find the exact amplitude and frequency. Right click on "Opt1" and select "Optimize" to start the process. Open "Error Current" to watch the error current reduce as the frequency and voltage are adjusted.

This same process can be used with any oscillator. It provides a very good estimate of the output amplitude frequency that can be combined with the phase noise calculated by using Lesson's Rule with loaded Q calculated from open loop analysis. (See CoaxialOSC.WSP for an example.)

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Chapter 7: Matching

Matching\Ill Behaved Load.WSP

In this example, we attempt to match a 50 ohm source to an antenna represented by an R-X data file, ANTENNA.RX. The antenna load is highly frequency dependent. The resistance is approximately 33 ohms and increases slowly with frequency. The antenna resonates between 14 and 14.05 MHz, and the reactance increases rapidly with frequency. This data is typical for narrow band antennas. The frequencies, resistances and reactances in this data file are:

Frequency (MHz) Resistance (ohms) Reactance (ohms)

14.00 31.6 -6.6

14.05 32.0 4.7

14.10 32.4 16.0

14.15 32.7 27.2

14.20 33.1 38.4

14.25 33.5 49.5

14.30 33.9 60.7

14.35 34.3 71.7

Matching resistive terminations is fundamentally easier than matching between terminations where either or both have a reactive component. Theoretically it is possible to match purely resistive terminations over an arbitrarily wide bandwidth, although it may take a very large number of components and be impractical.

When either or both terminations are reactive, there are fundamental relationships between the nature of the terminations, the required bandwidth and the required quality of match. A 4th order L-C Bandpass network was designed using =MATCH=. The ill-behaved nature of this load is well handled by

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=MATCH= even though the element values are certainly difficult. The response is shown below:

As an exercise try a Monte Carlo analysis of this circuit with the default 5% tolerance on components. Clearly this circuit would need tuning after construction. Tuning all components would be undesirable. As a second exercise, try placing the capacitors on the nearest standard value and optimizing the three inductors for a return loss of -18 dB.

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Chapter 8: Detectors

Detectors\Simple Detector.WSP

Illustrates: A simple diode detector circuit.

A blocking capacitor separates the applied DC bias from the input signal; a inductive choke separates the DC supply from the RF supply. The diode is used to peak detect, the capacitor holds the charge, and the resistor sets the bandwidth of the detector.

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Shown in the graphs are the spectra and waveforms at the input and at the detector.

"Vout vs. Pin" shows the DC output voltage as a function of the input power level. Note that the detected voltage shows the typical square-law shape.

The final graph shows the detected voltage as a function of the detection capacitance. Note that the voltage is largely independent of the capacitance as long as the RC time constant is sufficiently below the input 1GHz signal.

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Detectors\Diode Detector with Co-simulation.WSP


Detectors\Diode Detector with Co-simulation.WSP

Illustrates: EM-harmonic balance co-simulation to analyze a simple diode detector including the effects of the metal traces that interconnect the ports and the lumped components. The circuit is shown in the schematic "Detector."

The layout is in "Layout1." The circuit is driven by two signals that form the complex waveform shown in "Time Input." In addition to detecting the DC level of the signal, the nonlinear character of the diode results in a mixing--a down-conversion--of the two signals.

The "Time Output" shows the detected output, showing a DC level proportional to the level of the input waveform and a ripple that is the product of the two input signals. Higher order feed-through terms are also visible riding on the waveform.

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The spectra of the input and output waveforms are shown in "Sch Spectrum" (for the circuit based results) and "EM Spectrum" (for the EM-circuit co-simulation results.

Note that the time waveforms are nearly identical in the detected signal. Since the inputs to the diode are relatively low in frequency, the parasitic effects are small.

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Chapter 9: Mixers

Mixer\Low Power Mixer.WSP

Example: Low Power Mixer

Illustrates: The design of a single transistor mixer designed, built, and measured by Ken Payne of Artetronics. It is a typical design used in low cost, low power applications such as pagers and wireless remotes. The mixer is barely biased on, which operates the transistor in a very nonlinear region. Then, a relatively low power LO is lightly coupled onto the base, together with the RF signal. The transistor then effectively mixes these two signals together.

The Smith charts in this show the port matches of the mixer as calculated using linear and nonlinear device models. Measured results are also shown. Note that the RF and IF ports are well matched at their operating frequencies and mismatched at the other mixing frequencies. The LO port is intentionally mismatched so that the LO will only lightly couple into the mixer.

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Graphs are included that show the spectra and waveforms in the mixer. Two spectral graphs are shown where the Maximum Mixer Order was set at 5 and 10, resulting in 31 and 61 frequencies, respectively. This test was run to make sure that a sufficient number of harmonics were specified to model the circuit. Since the data moved so little, Maximum Mixer Order of 5 is sufficient. Two power sweeps were completed. The first shows the effect of LO drive level on conversion gain. The second shows gain compression resulting from RF drive level.

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Chapter 10: Antennas

Antennas\Patch Antenna Impedance.WSP

RAM: 16.0Mbytes Time: 236s/freq Illustrates: Patch antenna impedance and resonance, solid model thinning, benchmark

Shown below is a microstrip fed patch antenna originally investigated by Wolff and Gao [1998]. The substrate is 0.79 mm thick with a relative dielectric constant of 2.2. The original dimensions and dimensions after placement on a 0.18 mm grid are:

Parameter Original (mm) On-Grid (mm)

Substrate Height 20 20.16

Substrate Width 20 20.16

Patch Height 7.2 7.2

Patch Width 3.59 3.6

Microstrip Feedline Width 0.715 0.62

Feed below top 2.9 2.88 (top of microstrip line)

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=EMPOWER= was run in a 1.0mm tall box with an open cover to simulate free space. Given below are the real and imaginary components of the input impedance of the patch antenna with a reference plane at the junction of the patch and the microstrip feedline. The reported operating frequency of the antenna is 13.12GHz. The frequency of maximum resistance found by =EMPOWER= is 13GHz.

This problem involves metal with a large number of cells in both x and y. The default wire thinning mode of =EMPOWER= is stressed by this class of problem and =EMPOWER= reports a maximum radiation resistance at 12.35GHz. Therefore solid thinning was specified in the =EMPOWER= properties dialog box. Solid thinning runs faster and requires less memory than no thinning and accuracy is compromised very little if at all. Solid thinning requires significantly more memory and execution time than wire thinning. Wire thinning generally works well with filters and other structures which are a composite of narrow and medium width lines. When wide lines or large patches of metal are involved solid thinning is suggested.

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Antennas\Array Driver.WSP


Antennas\Array Driver.WSP

Shown below is the schematic for a transmission line match and phasing network to drive a 3-element phased array of loop antennas for receiving. Each loop has a terminal impedance of 560 ohms in series with 4700 nH. Although =SuperStar= handles complex terminations, in this case we simply placed 4700 nH inductors at the output of the driver.

In order to produce low sidelobes, it is desired to drive the array with a binomial amplitude distribution; the center element should be driven with twice the amplitude of the end elements. For maximum broadside gain all elements should be driven in phase. Results after optimization are given below. Note that the phases are within 20 degrees and the gain and reflections are good.

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Antennas\Agile Antenna.WSP


Antennas\Agile Antenna.WSP

A microstrip patch antenna loaded with two varactor diodes.

Illustrates: combined EM and circuit theory simulation of a frequency agile antenna, manual connection of lumped element in =EMPOWER=, comparison with measured data.

The design contains one common layout with one external and two internal z-directed ports. Schematic "WithParasitics" (shown below) takes data from the EM1 analysis and hooks up two models of the varactor diodes.

Schematic "WithoutParasitics" (not shown) simulates the same structure but the parasitic circuit elements which took the diode

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case into account have been removed. The result is closer to the experimental (2.35 GHz) [1], which can be explained by the fact that z-directed ports themselves have physical dimensions similar to the diode case, so the corresponding inductance and capacitance which must be taken into account in an equivalent circuit of a lumped element are already inherently included in the =EMPOWER= simulation.

Reference: R. Gillard, S. Dauquet, J. Citerne, Correction procedures for the numerical parasitic elements in global electromagnetic simulators. - IEEE Trans., v. MTT-46, 1998, N 9, p. 1298-1306.

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Illustrates: Simulation of different kind of patch antenna feed and comparison with published measured data [1].

This example is a patch antenna simulation.

Problems: EM1(Layout1) - patch antenna 36.85 x 36.85 mm x mm on RT Duroid 5870 substrate fed by a coaxial prob. Antenna is made of 1 oz. copper. Substrate height is 3.18 mm, dielectric constant is 2.33. EM2(Layout2) - patch antenna 33.7 x 33.7 mm x mm on two layer substrate composed from 3.18 mm RT Duroid 5870 and a substrate with dielectric constant 4.5 and height 1.54 mm. The antenna is fed by a 2.9 mm microstrip line deposited on the interface of the two dielectrics. The metal parameters are the same as in the prob-fed antenna. Simulation details: The key parameters that must be chosen properly for an antenna simulation are box size and position and boundary conditions at the top cover of the box. A rule of a thumb is to chose the box size as 4-5 of a critical patch size and to remove the top cover on at least one size of the critical size of the patch and put 377 Ohm boundary conditions their. Usually it works like here. The solid thinning out is recommended for the patch simulations. The grid

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cell size was chosen to make the patch smaller on a quarter of the cell size, that increase accuracy of the simulation according to U. Schulz. The problem is the prob-fed patch is simulated as z-directed internal port with size 2.8x2.8 mm. It made thicker to reduce the internal inductance that roughly corresponds to the inductance of a viahole with the same size or to an inductance of the central conductor of the feed coaxial. Simulation results: The prob-fed patch has central frequency 2480 MHz that is about 1% higher than in the experiment [1], the bandwidth of lossless patch is 2.8% (3.1% in the experiment). The microstrip-fed patch has central frequency 2400 MHz that is 2% lower than in the experiment [1].

Reference: 1) M. Ammann, Design of rectangular microstrip patch antennas for the 2.4 GHz band, Applied MicrowaveWireless, Nov./Dec., 1997, p. 24-34.

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Antennas\Simple Dipole.WSP


Antennas\Simple Dipole.WSP

=EMPOWER= Example: Simple Dipole Antenna in Open Space. This example features simulation of open space boundary conditions, internal port, and description of the electromagnetic analysis results as multiport for a co-simulation. The layout is a thin dipole 58 mm long and 1 mm wide in open space.

Simulation details: Cell size 1x1mm, Box size 150x151 mm in the dipole plane and two surfaces with resistance 377 are placed 50 mm off the dipole plane to absorb EM fields. An internal port with current direction along X is placed in the center of the dipole to simulate excitation. The simulation results are shown below:

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Antennas\Thin Loop.WSP

=EMPOWER= Example: Thin Loop Antenna in Open Space

Features simulation of open space boundary conditions, internal port. The antenna is a thin square loop is 32x32 mm made of 1 mm wide strip line in open space.

Simulation details: Cell size 1x1mm, Box size 150x150 mm in the dipole plane and Two surfaces with resistance 377 are placed 50 mm off the dipole plane to absorb EM fields. An internal port with current direction along X is placed in the center of the dipole to simulate excitation. The input impedance and reflection are shown in the graphs below.

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Chapter 11: Resonance Elimination

ResonanceElimination\ LowPassWithFictivePorts.WSP

EMPOWER Example: Microstrip Low Pass Filter - resonance elimination technique

Illustrates: Comparison of the EM simulation with measured data and data obtained by the method of moments [1]. Demonstrates also effectiveness of the resonance elimination technique. Description of the problem: The filter consists of six microstrip stubs connected symmetrically on both sides along a microstrip line. Box size: 335 x 365 mil. Substrate height: 25 mil Dielectric constant: 9.6 Input and output microstrip line widths: 25 mil. Distance from the microstrip plane to the box top cover: 250 mil. The problem is lossless. Cell size: 5x5 mil. For other dimensions see Layout1.

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Resonance Elimination


Simulation details: Design Layout1 describes the whole filter that is simulated in EM1 in 181 frequency points to catch narrow resonances. Design plus8port is the same as Layout1 but with 8 additional internal ports created to break resonances in the structure. The simulation of it needs only 19 frequency points over the frequency range from 2 to 20 GHz to get the resonances back in the design fictiveShort. S-matrices are generalized for all problems. Simulation results: The en-block simulation of the filter is very close to the simulation and experimental data obtained in [1]. The resonance elimination technique gives 10-times acceleration in comparison with the en-block simulation on the equidistant frequency grid.

Reference: 1) J.E. Bracken, D.-K. Sun, Z.J. Cendes S-domain method for simultaneous time and frequency characterisation of electromagnetic devices. - IEEE Trans., v. MTT-46, 1998, N9, p.1277-1290.

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ResonanceElimination\ MicrostripLineWithFictivePort.WSP


ResonanceElimination\ MicrostripLineWithFictivePort.WSP

EMPOWER Example: One-cell long internal input investigation

Illustrates: That an one-cell long internal port does not affect calculated characteristics of a microstrip line segment when short circuited in a co-simulation. The port width is equal to the line width.

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Resonance Elimination


ResonanceElimination\ MicrostripLineWithFictivePort2.WSP

EMPOWER Example: One-cell long internal input investigation

Illustrates: That an one-cell long internal port does not affect calculated characteristics of a microstrip line segment when short circuited in a co-simulation. The port width is equal to the line width.

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ResonanceElimination\ ResonantStubFictivePort.WSP


ResonanceElimination\ ResonantStubFictivePort.WSP

EMPOWER Example: A resonant stub in a microstrip line - resonance elimination technique

Illustrates: Comparison of the EM simulation with experimental data [1] and data obtained by the method of moments[2]. Demonstrates also effectiveness of the resonance elimination technique. Description of the problem: The microstrip line is 0.23 mm wide is on a 0.254 mm thick substrate with dielectric constant 9.9. The microstrip stub is 0.51 mm wide and 1.5 mm long (1.53 in the papers). The structure is in a 2.8028 mm by 3.105 mm box. The top cover is 24.5 mm from the signal layer. Simulation details: Design Layout1 describes the whole structure that is simulated in EM1. Design plus1port is the same as Layout1 but with an additional internal port created to break resonance in the structure. The simulation of it needs only 7 frequency points to get the resonance back in the design fictiveShort. The cell size is 0.0637 x 0.0575 mm and S-matrices are generalized for all problems.

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Resonance Elimination


Reference: 1) F. Giannini, G. Bartolucci, M. Ruggieri, Equivalent circuit models for computer-aided design of microstrip rectangular structures. - IEEE Trans., v. MTT-40, 1992, N2, p.378-388.

2) J.E. Bracken, D.-K. Sun, Z.J. Cendes S-domain method for simultaneous time and frequency characterization of electromagnetic devices. - IEEE Trans., v. MTT-46, 1998, N9, p.1277-1290.

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ResonanceElimination\ TwoLevelBPwithFictivePorts.WSP


ResonanceElimination\ TwoLevelBPwithFictivePorts.WSP

EMPOWER Example: Two level microstrip bandpass filter - resonance elimination technique

Illustrates: Simulation of a filter with coupled microstrip resonators in two metallization levels and comparison with published results of simulation and measurement [1]. Also demonstrates a resonance elimination technique that uses fictive loaded internal ports to expand S-matrices, to interpolate it and then reduces the expanded descriptor to the initial one. Description of the problem: Two side-coupled microstrip resonators are on a substrate together with an input and output line segments. An additional resonator is placed on an inverted substrate and over the two resonators to achieve coupling with the input and output resonators (through one). Both substrates have the same height 0.51 mm and dielectric constant 2.33. They are separated by a foam dielectric with height 3.3 mm and dielectric constant 1.07. Microstrips are 1.49 mm wide (rounded off to 1.5mm). Whole structure is in a box 40 mm by 20 mm. Simulation details: Design Layout1 describes the whole filter that is simulated in EM1 at 101 frequency points (3 min 40 sec per frequency point). S-parameters are generalized. Design plus3ports is the same filter but with 3 additional internal ports breaking resonators in halves and eliminating resonances when they are 50-Ohms loaded. Corresonding simulation EM2 is done only for 5 frequency points in the same frequency range as the initial filter (S-matrix is very smooth). Design fictiveShort takes 5-port data from the simulation EM2 and sets proper boundary conditions in fictive port areas (short circuit conditions). The external ports are normalized to impedances calculated in the EM2 simulation to have generalized parameters of the filter. Thinning out type for both simulations is wire with coefficient 5.

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Resonance Elimination


Simulation results: The simulation results obtained by the resonance elimination technique is almost on the top of the en-block simulation results. 20 times acceleration is achieved with simple interpolation technique ( without any loss of accuracy.)

Reference: 1) A.A. Melcon, J.R. Mosig, M.Guglielmi, Efficient CAD of boxed microwave circuits based on arbitrary rectangular elements, IEEE Trans., v MTT-47, 1999, N 7, p.1045-1058

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ResonanceElimination\ EdgeCoupledWithFictivePorts.WSP


ResonanceElimination\ EdgeCoupledWithFictivePorts.WSP

EMPOWER Example: Edge-Coupled Filter - Resonance Elimination Technique.

Illustrates: EM simulation of a filter with edge-coupled microstrip resonators and comparison with published results of simulation and measurement [1]. Also demonstrates a resonance elimination technique that uses fictive loaded internal ports to expand and interpolate S-matrices of the filter and then reduces the expanded descriptor matrix to the initial one. Description of the problem: The three-resonator edge coupled filter is described in [1]. Transverse dimensions of the coupled line sections were rounded to the nearest integer number of discretisation distances. The discretisation distances along and across lines were 0.105 mm. Dimensions of the Grounau and Wolff filter and (rounded) values are:

l1 = 4.612 (4.62) l2 = 4.519 (4.515) l3 = 4.502 (4.515) l4 = 4.599 (4.62) Wa1 = 0.815 (0.840) Wb1 = 0.331 (0.315) Wa2 = 0.387 (0.420) Wb2 = 0.381 (0.420) Wa3 = 0.380 (0.420) Wb3 = 0.393 (0.420) Wa4 = 0.329 (0.315) Wb4 = 0.806 (0.840) s1 = 0.100 (0.105) s2 = 0.340 (0.315) s3 = 0.325 (0.315) s4 = 0.101 (0.105) w = 1.580 (1.575)

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Resonance Elimination


Simulation details: Design Layout1 describes the whole filter that is simulated in EM1 at 49 frequency points (about 20 min per frequency point). S-parameters are generalized. Design plus4ports is the same filter but with 4 additional internal ports breaking resonators in halves and eliminating resonances when they are 50-Ohms loaded. Corresponding simulation EM2 is done only for 7 frequency points in the same frequency range as the initial filter (S-matrix is very smooth). Design short4ports takes 6-port data from the simulation EM2 and sets proper boundary conditions in fictive port areas (short circuit conditions). The external ports are normalized to impedances calculated in the EM2 simulation to have generalized parameters of the filter. Thinning out is off for both simulations. Option -O4 is used in all simulations to enforce de-embedding line segment to be shorter then default and to reduce de-embedding simulation time. Simulation results: The simulation results obtained by the resonance elimination technique is almost on the top of the en-block simulation results. 7 times acceleration is achieved with simple interpolation technique and without considerable loss of accuracy.

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ResonanceElimination\ EdgeCoupledWithFictivePorts.WSP


Reference: 1) Gronau G., Wolff I. A simple broad-band device de-embedding method using an automatic network analyzer with time-domain option. - IEEE Trans., v. MTT-37, 1989, N 3, pp. 479-483. The filter shown in Fig.11 of the paper.

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1 1/S11, 87

2 2-section microstrip

combline , 80

3 3-section edge-coupled , 74

8 8 Way.WSP, 39

A Agile Antenna.WSP , 107 Amp Feedback.WSP , 47 Amp Noise.WSP , 48 Amplier , 44 Antenna , 107, 111 ANTENNA.RX , 95 Array Driver.WSP , 105 Attenuator , 27

B Balanced Amp.WSP , 44 Benchmarking , 12 BIP, 5 BipModel , 5 Box , 112 Box Modes , 39, 74 Box Modes.WSP , 18 Box Width , 7 Branch-line , 31 BSCouplerDevelopment.wsp ,

32 BSCouplerFinalRecomp.wsp ,


BSCouplerFinalWhole.wsp , 32

C Cell Size , 7, 112 Chebyshev , 63 Circles , 41, 48 Coaxial OSC.WSP , 89 Combline , 80 Connectors , 74 Contiguous Diplexer.WSP ,

63 Convergence properties , 15 Cosimulation , 15 Co-simulation , 111 Coupled lines , 74 Coupled Stepped Z.WSP , 71 Coupled-line , 31 Cover Height , 7 Crystal , 84

D Data File , 95 Decomposition , 32 Deembedding , 7, 12, 74 Diplexers , 63 Dipole antenna , 111 Discontinuities , 48 Dual Mode Coupler.WSP , 36

E Edge Coupled , 74 Edge Coupler.WSP , 31 Edge Positioning , 12 EdgeCoupledBenchmark.WS

P, 74 EdgeCoupledOpened.WSP ,

74 Edit Menu , 44 EMPOWER, 32, 36, 39, 71, 83,

111, 112 Equations , 5, 21, 30 Etch Factor , 12

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EXAMPLES subdirectory , 3 Extrapolation , 7

F Film Atten.WSP , 27

G Generalized , 7 Generalized S-Parameters ,

12 Generate Viewer Data , 71 GETVALUEAT , 89 Grid , 7

I Ill Behaved Load.WSP , 95 Instability , 41 Interdigital , 71, 80 Interdigital.WSP , 77 Internal Ports , 111, 112

L Layout Menu , 44

M MATCH, 95 Measurements , 87, 89 Microstrip , 7, 31, 41, 48, 83 Microstrip Line.WSP , 7 Microwave Circuits , 48 Model , 21 Model Extract , 5 MOL electromagnetic

simulation , 15

N Negative Resistance , 87 NegR VCO.WSP, 87 NET, 44 Noise Circles , 48 Noise Figure , 48

Non-deembedded , 7 Non-resonant simulation , 77,

80 Nonsymmetrical , 71

O Operators , 87 Optimization , 5, 48 Optimization Targets , 5 Output matching , 48

P Parameter extraction , 5 Parasitics , 5 Patch Antenna

Impedance.WSP , 103 Phase Noise , 89 Poor stopband performance ,

18 Port Impedance , 63 Post-processing , 5, 87, 89

R RAM , 3 Reference Plane , 74, 103 Resonators , 71, 77, 83 Richardson , 7 Richardson's Extrapolation ,

12 Rubber Bands , 31, 44 R-X, 95

S Sidelobes , 105 Simple Dipole.WSP , 111 Single-ended , 44 Singly-terminated , 63 SIR, 71 Smith Chart , 48, 87 Snap Angle , 7 S-parameter , 5, 41

difference , 5 Spiral Inductor2.WSP , 15

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Stability , 18, 41 Stability.WSP , 41 Stopband performance , 18 Stripline Standard.WSP , 12 Subsections , 7, 18

T Terminations , 95, 105 Thin Loop Antenna , 112 Thin Loop.WSP , 112 Top Cover , 18 Transformers , 30 Transistor , 5 Tuned Bandpass , 80 Two Level.WSP , 83

U User Model.WSP , 21

V Varactor , 21, 80, 107 Viaholes , 48 Viewer , 36

W Weights , 5 Wilkinson , 31, 39 WIRE, 15

X Xfmr Coupler.WSP , 30 Xtal Filter.WSP , 84

Z Zo, 7, 12

Extrapolating , 7