IFGF Pinole Monthly Newsletter January 2015 I Am Ready Interview with Kevin Go Devotional by Andrea Pangemanan How to Keep Your Resolutions (Realistically) Find Your Care Group Now


IFGF Pinole Monthly Newsletter

Transcript of GENESIS: I Am Ready

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IFGF Pinole Monthly Newsletter

January 2015

I Am ReadyInterview with Kevin Go

Devotional by Andrea PangemananHow to Keep Your Resolutions (Realistically)

Find Your Care Group Now

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I like traveling with my family. That is when great memories are made.

That is where relationship among my family members are strengthened,

enjoyed, and cherished. The downside is that traveling can be expensive

sometimes, especially if you are traveling overseas. You have to count the

cost, and then save enough money so you can complete your journey with

relative comfort without worrying whether you can eat during the journey

or whether you can buy returning ticket to go home.

Following Jesus on the journey of life also has its cost. It

does has the reward when we arrive at our destination, but

it does have a cost. Those who are wise will count the cost

and be ready to pay it, less we will be stranded half way on

our journey. Jesus warns us to count the cost in his story of

someone who wanted to go to the battle and someone who

wanted to build a house.

What is the cost in the journey of life? How do we pay for it? Do we have

enough resources to complete the journey of life successfully? Those are

the questions that we need to try answer this month as we are preparing

our journey into year 2015. Hopefully when we can answer the questions,

we will be prepared to pay the cost when requested or required. Let’s get

ready for the next stage of our journey.

When God is with us, who can be against us?





Shown on Front Cover: Melanie and Melody Thio

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Hi Go, What have you been busy doing?

Recently, I have just been elected for the Indo DVC

committee. Indo DVC is a community of Indonesians at

DVC, and I was chosen as an offi cer in the Credit Score

Committee. What I do is design posters, invitation cards,

and many other things that are related to communication

and publication. The election has been really tight, and

because of that, I’ve been really busy. Plus, I also just got

a design job from my friend in Indo, quite a huge project

as well, so it’s double the work.

I see. I wonder how you were able to get to this point, working in the design fi eld and so forth?

When I fi rst moved from grade 11 to 12, I had a really hard

time to adjust. The student body government that I was

involved in chose me to be the Head of Yearbook for my

class. For me, it was probably the biggest responsibility

that I have ever obtained. First, the committee has the

highest number of people of committee members in my

high school. Secondly, I truly learned how to manage time.

As you all know, in grade 12, we have so many exams and

exam preparations for national exam. And on top of that,

I have the Yearbook to take care of. The Yearbook planning

really helped boost my skills in design. Every aspect of it

has something to do with designing, from page layout,

content, and many others. Furthermore, I also got to know

more people, such as external designers, who contributed to

the Yearbook planning. It was really cool to be able to learn

more about design from those people.

So after a semester at DVC, what do you think and how do you feel so far?

It’s really fun! It has been really a life-changing experience

at DVC. I used to be really dependent on my parents and

my family, fi nancially and in terms of daily living. But here

in the United States, I have full control and ownership of

my own life, which is really good. I can manage my own

time and fi nances for a month. And I feel that as I obtain

more responsibilities, I begin to learn how to be a more

self-dependent, mature and responsible person.

Also, I joined Caregroup Pleasant Hill (CG Hoper) at IFGF.

And ever since then, I have been really dependent on

This Is Our Church

Kevin GoStudent at DVC / Guitarist Co-op / Care Group: Hoper

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them, my friends from Care Groups. My Care Group is my

second home. For international students like me, Care

Group is the most needed thing and the best experience

of IFGF so far. We really need a community to share our

lives with, to have a family and a home. I just cannot

imagine my life here without Care Group. I feel that Care

Group makes me feel safe and alright. My life has really

changed because of Care Group and because of the

responsibilities that I obtained as I am away from my

parents. I believe these experiences have really changed

my life.

Can you share with us any interesting stories from when you’re growing up?

My family has a strong background in music. My brother

used to work for a music company, and then started his

own company later on. My dad also was very active at

church playing keyboard. In the end, I became highly

infl uenced by them. I do play guitar and drum. Grade 9 was

the year I learned to play drum at church. Then, I started

playing drum throughout the years. And then with guitar,

I was not serious at fi rst. I looked at my friends, thinking


poses at poses at


Kevin with his band in Indonesia.

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how cool it would be to be able to play guitar— they look

cool, and girls like them. And then, I moved here. And as I

saw that the drummers here are already really talented, I

focus more on sharpening my guitar skills. I really want to

learn how to play electric guitar, like ko Alus. I am happy

that I come from a family that implants in me a musical

background. Music is really broad, and if you take the time

to explore it, it can be really interesting.

So, your whole life is fi lled with music, and design. Do you think this will continue to be the case as you grow older?

Well, yes. Actually, since I was young, my hobby has

revolved around art, music, and guitar... and since I was

young, my parents have been supportive. And as I keep

on learning and keep on getting feedback from people, I

begin to grow more skilled in music. And with these skills,

and talents that I obtain from God, I begin to understand

that it is no longer for myself, to make myself look cool. on

the other hand, I hope to use this talent from God for God.

I don’t only receive it for myself, instead, I want to use it

and refi ne my talent to bring it back to God. I hope I can

please God and bring God’s glory. For instance, back home

in Indonesia, I also joined the multimedia ministry. Here in

Pinole, I am happy to help Hoper and Favor in multimedia

team. In terms of my ministry in music, I am currently still

a Co-op, but I am really hoping that I can join the music

ministry in the future. I hope that my talent does not only

stop for myself.

I heard that you are studying EECS (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)?

Honestly for me, it’s more like, I don’t feel that I am fi t for

any other majors. Funny how I want to do EECS, because

since I was in high school, the most interesting and fun

subject has been Math. Math is not only hard, for me it

is challenging. The challenge has motivated to study. I

had been thinking for a while what I wanted to major in,

between Math and EECS. But I realized that Math major

may be too hard and theoretical. On the other hand, EECS

can really help me to be more critical and open-minded.

I am required to be more detail-oriented through EECS.

Well, honestly, in the long-term, I am more interested

to have a career in business. However, I feel that for

undergrad, I should pursue something that interests me,

that can be applied to my long-term dream.

This might sound far-fetched, but how do you see yourself 5-10 years from now?

Well, 10 years from now, I have promised to myself that

I will go back to Indonesia. I was born in Indo and I hope

that I can serve in Indo. It is where I want to work. I am

studying abroad to gain skills and knowledge, but I don’t

want to work abroad. I feel that working in Indo is a must

for me, since it is where I was born. In the future, I want to

see myself as someone who can direct a company, well,

maybe not that fast; however, I hope that in the long-run,

I can direct a company that can represent Indonesia well.

Were there any turning points in your life that urged you to pursue God even more?

It was when I joined the Fall Retreat recently, I felt that

every session with Pastor Joey was directed to my life. I

felt that God was reminding me again, really that my life

has been in the wrong. I felt that God was telling me to

repent. I was also able to chat with ko Wilhan about how

I want to build relationships more with God and be closer

to him. I particularly enjoyed the session whereby the

Pastor Joey talked about enjoying God. Why do we enjoy

worldly things when in reality, God is more enjoyable than

these things? Also in the end, it is for our own benefi t.

After the retreat, I felt more refreshed; now I am more

aware of God and how he can be relatable to my life.

Last but not least, is there any thing that you want to share with your friends in the current generation?

I want to say that ministry is not a must or a

responsibility, or even something that should give us

burden. Instead, ministry, or serving God in general, is an

act of our thankfulness and everything comes from the

heart. God gave us everything and ministering is only

reciprocating everything that He has already given us. We

only live here temporarily, if we get the chance to sharpen

our talents, why not? If you have the opportunities, you

should go for it. Everyone has a talent, even a little bit of

talent is still something in God’s eyes. If God moves your

heart, take the chance and just go for it. •

Kevin Go is a Student in DVC. He is majoring In Kevin Go is a Student in DVC. He is majoring In Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He joins Care Group Hoper in Pleasant Hill. He is in joins Care Group Hoper in Pleasant Hill. He is in training to be guitarist in Pinole’s music to be guitarist in Pinole’s music ministry.

JANUARY 2015 • 05

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with Joan Wirolinggo

New workers and leaders

in the house of God

(1 Thes. 5:12-13)

The new church building

for God’s glory (Haggai 1 :8)

Ps. Sugi and Ps. Jeffri and

their family as well as all the

church leaders (1 Tim 5:17)

A conviction that we are

God’s Children and also a

loving and caring heart

towards one another that

the world wil l know we are

His disciples (Romans 8:15)

The passion and drive to

pursue God’s holiness

(Hebrew 12:29)

Healthy growth in Care

group’s members and more

quality workers

(Acts 2 :46-47)

The families of AirAsia

QZ8501 victims. Pray for

God’s supernatural strength,

comfort and peace in the

midst of this extremely dark

and difficult time. (Job 13:15)

The nations of Indonesia

(Prov 28:2), United States

where we live (Jer 29:7 ),

Nepal (Matt 24:14), and

Israel (Psalm 122:6)

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

“So let go my soul and trust in Him.

The waves and wind still know His

name...” Throughout this whole entire

week, I’ve been listening to the

song “It is Well” by Bethel. Listening

to this specifi c lyric reminded me

about my walk with God. In the past,

I have struggled a lot with trusting

God. I was born into a Christian

family but before 2012, I was never

really a “Christian.”

During my high school years, I

used to place my security in what

I look like, what others think of me,

and what boys would want.

I remember during those times, I

would always feel so exhausted

and angry. No matter how hard I try,

why is it that nothing works for me?

Cliche but it happened. I felt very

depressed during my freshmen and

sophomore year and I have never

felt so insecure and heartbroken in

my life. That’s when God came to the

rescue. One of the verses that really

spoke to me was Matthew 11:28.

“Come to me, all you who are weary

and burdened, and I will give you

rest.” He really meant these words

but the question is, “Do I trust Him?”

The Holy Spirit convicted me and I

decided to give my life to him. But

when I trusted my life to Him, I still

had a lot of expectations. I expected

my life to completely change right

away. It took me a very long time to

understand this but I realized that

it takes faith and time, as we are

imperfect and are prone to wander. •

“No matter howhard I try, why is it that nothing works for me?”


Let Go and Trustby Andrea PangemananCare Group: Warriors


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How to Keep Your Resolutions(Realistically)How many times have you had New Year’s Resolutions yet fail once again? “I have

to lose weight, but Korean BBQ is more appealing. Or I have to procrastinate less,

but your mindset says #finalswhatfinals.” Here are some tips on how to keep your

New Year’s Resolution:

Base your resolution on something

you want, not others.

Is it something that other people

are telling you to do or is it what

you really want? Ensure that your

resolution fi t with your own personal

values. If it is something you want to

achieve, you are more likely going to

achieve it.

Work with a partner.

Having a friend to encourage you

can be a great way to keep you

going. Try fi nding a friend who has

a similar resolution, and check in

with each other every week to talk

about your progress and challenges.

They can also keep you accountable.

Start small and be specific.

If your New Year’s Resolution is

to exercise more, schedule twice a

week as opposed to exercising every

day. Also, be specifi c and determine

which days of the week you want to

exercise and what time.

Tell one or two people about it.

Having someone to keep you

accountable on fulfi lling your

resolution can help. If you tell one

or two people that you will achieve

your resolution, verbally publicizing

your goals give you more motivation

and more reason to stay committed

to your resolution.

Limit on the number of things you

want to accomplish.

Let’s be realistic, there are so many

different ways to improve ourselves

but changes require time and

commitment. It’s probably best to

stick with three resolutions that

you want to keep as opposed to ten.

That way, you’re truly focusing your

efforts on the goals you want.

Reward yourself along the way.

Once you achieve each small

goal you set to accomplish

the resolution, reward yourself.

This will keep you motivated in

accomplishing the bigger picture.

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Care Groups of IFGF PinoleKing Solomon once said two are better than one. If either of them falls, one

can help the other up. It does not matter who you are and where you’re from–

belonging to a Care Group will help you grow alongside your local community.

Read up on the available Care Groups in our church and plug yourself in!


HeroesWho Comes Here:

UC Berkeley StudentsIndonesiansGuys Only

Location (Freshmen):

Berkeley, CA

Hillside Apartment

Location (Transfers):

Berkeley, CA

New Californian Apt.

Day and Time:

Every Friday

6:30 pm


Alus (408) 904 8001(Freshmen)

Nicholas(650) 417 8228(Transfers)

Upcoming Event:

Heroes and Legends Spring WelcomingFriday, Jan 23 at 6:30 pm

LegendsWho Comes Here:

UC Berkeley StudentsIndonesiansGirls Only

Location (Freshmen):

Berkeley, CA

2116 Allston Way

at rooftop

Location (Transfers):

Berkeley, CA

New Californian Apt.

Day and Time:

Every Friday

6:30 pm


Shirley (415) 990 8178 (Freshmen)

Evelin (925) 289 6785 (Transfers)

Upcoming Event:

Heroes and Legends Spring WelcomingFriday, Jan 23 at 6:30 pm

“We fellowship

every day, study

together, and take

classes together. We

enjoy each other’s

company just as we

enjoy discussing

about Jesus!”


“We love to cook,

bake, drink boba,

and pray for each

other on a daily

basis. Our secret

hiding place is the

Bechtel Engineering

Library and Asian

Ghetto (you know

where to find us).”


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Tips onChoosinga Care Group:

HoperWho Comes Here:

DVC StudentsIndonesians


Pleasant Hill, CA

Northridge Apt. D263

Day and Time:

Every Other Friday

7:00 pm


Karen(925) 577 6634

Melvin(510) 708 0540

Upcoming Event:

Hoper FavorWelcoming Partyin January

FavorWho Comes Here:

DVC StudentsIndonesians


Pleasant Hill, CA

Northridge Apt. O219

Day and Time:

Every Other Friday

7:00 pm


Rebecca(925) 482 5562

Jessica(925) 334 2011

Upcoming Event:

Hoper FavorWelcoming Partyin January

“We hang out

at one another’s

places, play Head’s

Up over sushi, do


walk-thrus instead

of a drive-thru.

Whatever it may be,

there’s always

something up at



“We accept you

for who you are

cause family

means no one is

left behind.

Besides our

random outings,

we eat and

have fun!”


Don’t hesitate to try on more than

one Care Group! Finding the right

community is going to take time, so

don’t feel obliged to be married to a

Care Group if you’re not sure yet.

If possible, pick a Care Group that

is local to where you go to school

or work. That way, it’s more likely

for you to have a support system

available at hand.

Different Care Groups have different

people and culture to reach out to.

That is why every Care Group has

their own “lingo” and feel. Make sure

you communicate your needs and

expectations with the leaders to

avoid misunderstandings!

Be patient. As exciting as it is to

gain a new family, it takes time to

adapt. So keep an open heart and

mind in the process!

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Who Comes Here:

American LocalsCollege StudentsHigh Schoolers


Pinole, CA

4885 Pinole Valley Road


Who Comes Here:

USF and AAU StudentsIndonesians


San Francisco, CA

1545 Eddy St Apt. 432


Who Comes Here:

AAU and South SFStudentsEnglish-Speaking


San Francisco, CA

35 Buckingham Way

Day and Time:

Every Wednesday

7:30 pm


Chris (510) 837 7867

Max (510) 374 2686

Day and Time:

Every Other Friday

7:00 pm


Vincent (925) 356 1375

Jessica (415) 758 8645

Upcoming Events:

WelcomingCare GroupFriday, Feb 13

Outing will be on the following week

Open Arms Club:

We are at Pinole Valley High School every Thursday at lunch time(12:18 - 1:05 pm)Room 54

Upcoming Events:

Welcoming PartySaturday, Jan 24

Day and Time:

Every Other Friday

7:30 pm


Melanie (925) 586 7770

Jason (510) 305 1278

“We are blazing a trail in our church right now. We’re sailing new

waters and going through uncharted territory as a Care Group by

reaching out to the locals of our community.” –Max

“King is a satelite for USF and AAU students to fellowship in Christ

in non-conservative ways. We apply this concept of ‘Church is not a

museum of good people, but hospital for the sick’.” –Vincent

“We are barbarians when it comes to food! CG FOOD!!!” –Melanie


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Who Comes Here:

ProfessionalsYoung Families


San Mateo, San Jose,



Who Comes Here:

Families with KidsIndonesiansAmericans



Day and Time:

Every Friday

7:30 - 9:30 pm


Antony (408) 685 1540

Adi (415) 463 9010

Day and Time:

4th Saturday

of the Month

Time Varies


Ps. Sugi (510) 724 5400

Upcoming Event:

First Care GroupDinner of 2015 Friday, Jan 9

“Frontier Care Group is created to serve the San Francisco

Bay Area’s Young & Professional individuals who loves God in a

fellowship with others!” –Adi

“You will find us in the Conference Room after each Sunday

service praying for newcomers and other needs. We make food for

special events, and invite friends to come over to have dinner and

fellowship.” –Pastor Sugi

I Belong to a Care Group. Do You?

Hoper is the one thing in my life I am most grateful about. Ever since coming to States, I knew I was going to be alone for quite some time. But as I found this new family, I felt comfortable and protected. Most importantly, I felt like I was at home.

We are able to relate more to others about being a family. There are differences as we grow together. But we are still one in the end– just like a family.

FreddieCare Group Hoper

MannyCare Group Warriors

JuliethaCare Group Family

Being in Care Group is more than just being part of a church. Being in Warriors gave me a family. A family who keeps me in track and loves me unconditionally even though they know what the have to say may hurt me but in the end will make me a better person.

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PINOLE, CA 94564

(925) 609 4343

[email protected]









Melanie (925) 586 7770

Jason (925) 305 1278



Vincent (925) 356 1375



Maxwell (510) 374 2686

Chris (510) 837 7867

FAITH (Every Thursday & Friday)

Melody (925) 788 5078

KING (Every Saturday)

Vincent (925) 356 1375

HEROES (Every Thursday)

Alus (408) 904 8001

James (206) 331 8409

LEGENDS (Every Thursday)

Shirley (415) 990 8178

Evelin (925) 289 6785

WARRIORS (Every Tuesday)

Maxwell (510) 374 2686

FAVOR- HOPER (Every Thursday)

Melvin (510) 708 0540

Documentation - Eric Timotius

Genesis Newsletter - Irene Chandra

Men’s Ministry - Christian Liong

Multimedia - Melanie Thio

Praise & Worship - Adi Julianloo

Prayer & Intercession - Joan Wirolinggo

Refreshments - Nathalia Prasetyo Jo

Revelation Videos - Jessica Tjahjady

Sound System - Fendy Soegiono

Sunday School - Jen Hendric

Sunday Service Coordinator - Emmanuel Calica

Transportation - Leonardo Saerang

Ushers - Renaldi

Website - Yosia Urip

Women’s Ministry - Karen Liong & Elissa Irma

SUGI HENDRIC Senior Pastor

JEFFRI HALIM Associate Pastor,

Biblical Teaching

Jan 10 Corporate Prayer Meeting

Jan 16 & 20 Care Group Gatherings



Shirley (415) 990 8178 (Freshmen)

Evelin (925) 289 6785 (Transfers)



Alus (408) 904 8001 (Freshmen)

Nicholas (650) 417 8228 (Transfers)



Ps. Sugi (510) 724 5400



Rebecca (925) 482 5562

Jessica (925) 334 2011



Karen (925) 577 6634

Melvin (510) 708 0540



Antony (408) 685 1540

Adi (415) 463 9010

07 Billy Tjiptoning

13 Ronald Arnanjaya

17 Jessica Sanjaya

18 Jusuf Merukh

28 Michelle Handoyo

30 Florencia Kristiani