Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a...

Genesis Chapter 29&30

Transcript of Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a...

Page 1: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.


Chapter 29&30

Page 2: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.
Page 3: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.
Page 4: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• From Beersheba to Haran

• The Vision and a promise

• God Stand in the top of a ladder

• Angels are Ascending and descending.

• God’s promise and Jacob’s Vow.

• The Rock= The house of God= Gate of heaven

Page 5: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Jacob’s Change the name of the city

• Luz

• Bayth-ale‘= house of God

• Jacob’s Vow

Page 6: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

Jacob meet Rachel

• These three flocks, that lied by the well, waiting for the Messiah, were:

1. The natural law;

2. the Mosaic law, with its symbols;

3. and the prophecies.

Page 7: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Heb 1:1-4• God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in

time past to the fathers by the prophets, 2 has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; 3 who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

Page 8: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

The Well

• Gen 24:13-14• 13 Behold, here I stand by the well of water, and

the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water. 14 Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say, 'Please let down your pitcher that I may drink,' and she says, 'Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink' — let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac.


Page 9: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Gen 29:2

• 2 And he looked, and behold a well in the field, and, lo, there were three flocks of sheep lying by it; for out of that well they watered the flocks: and a great stone was upon the well's mouth.


Page 10: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Ex 2:14-16• 15 When Pharaoh heard of this matter, he

sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Midian; and he sat down by a well.

• 16 Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters. And they came and drew water, and they filled the troughs to water their father's flock.


Page 11: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• John 4:6

• 6 Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour.

Page 12: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• John 4:13-14• 13 Jesus answered and said to her,

"Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."


Page 13: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• 1 Cor 12:3

• No one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.

• Rev 7:17

• 17 for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

Page 14: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

Sermon on the Baptism of Christ St. Gregory of Nyssa

• Jacob also, hastening to seek a bride, met Rachel unexpectedly at the well. And a great stone lay upon the well, which a multitude of shepherds were wont to roll away when they came together, and then gave water to themselves and to their flocks.

• But Jacob alone rolls away the stone, and waters the flocks of his spouse.

• For what is the stone that is laid but Christ Himself? for of Him Isaiah says, "And I will lay in the foundations of Sion a costly stone, precious, elect :" and Daniel likewise, "A stone was cut out without hands,"

• That is, Christ was born without a man. For as it is a new and marvelous thing that a stone should be cut out of the rock without a hewer or stone-cutting tools, so it is a thing beyond all wonder that an offspring should appear from an unwedded Virgin.

Page 15: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Mark 16:2-4• 2 Very early in the morning, on the first day of

the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen. 3 And they said among themselves, "Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?" 4 But when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away — for it was very large.


Page 16: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Rachel (raw-khale') = "ewe“ or “Sheep”.• Gen 29:12• 12 And Jacob told Rachel that he was her

father's brother, and that he was Rebekah's son: and she ran and told her father.

• Gen 29:15• 15 And Laban said unto Jacob, Because thou art

my brother, shouldest thou therefore serve me for nought? tell me, what shall thy wages be?


Page 17: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Gen 13:8• 8 So Abram said to Lot,"Please let there be no

strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren

• Gen 14:14• 14 Now when Abram heard that his brother was

taken captive, he armed his three hundred and eighteen trained servants who were born in his own house, and went in pursuit as far as Dan.


Page 18: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Mark 6:3• 3 Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James,

Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?" So they were offended at Him.

• John 19:25• Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother's

sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.

• Mark 15:40• 40 There were also women looking on from afar, among whom were

Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the Less and of Joses, and Salome,

Page 19: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• yapheh (yaw-feh'); beautiful (literally or figuratively): -+beautiful, beauty, comely, fair (-est, one), goodly, pleasant, well.

• to'ar (to'-ar); outline, i.e. figure or appearance:

• beautiful, comely, countenance, fair, favoured, form, goodly, resemble, visage.

Page 20: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Le'ah (lay-aw'); weary;

Page 21: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Gen 29:20

• 20 And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her

Page 22: Genesis Chapter 29&30. From Beersheba to Haran The Vision and a promise God Stand in the top of a ladder Angels are Ascending and descending. God’s.

• Re'uwben (reh-oo-bane'); see ye a son. “behold a son“

• Shim` own (shim-one'); “hearing”

• Leviy (lay-vee'); “attached”,”Joined to”

• Yehuwdah (yeh-hoo-daw'); “Praised”,”celebrated”.