Generational Encounters - Tanyeka Alexander - University of Baltimore (MACPA Student Member)

Alexander 1 Generational Encounters: Goodbye Boomers, Welcome Millennials Tanyeka Alexander Accounting Major University of Baltimore


A paper on generational issue facing the CPA Profession authored by MACPA student member Tanyeka Alexander after attending MACPA's Generational Symposium hosted by our New Young Professionals Network in 2013. See recap here Tanyeka presented this paper at the MACPA Board of Directors meeting in May, 2014 accompanied by her professor, Dalton Tong. In this thought provoking paper, Tanyeka provides the research and more importantly the perspective of the millennial about this generation gap which is often aimed at them. She concludes with a powerful message for us all, Understand them. Embrace them. Engage them. Retain them.

Transcript of Generational Encounters - Tanyeka Alexander - University of Baltimore (MACPA Student Member)

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Generational Encounters: Goodbye Boomers, Welcome Millennials

Tanyeka Alexander Accounting Major

University of Baltimore )

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Generational Encounters: Goodbye Boomers, Welcome Millennials

“This is the fast future… we understand how the old world worked and how to

effectively solve problems in the new one.” David Burstein

When it comes to the topic of generational differences, most of us will readily agree that

the shift from generation to generation is perpetual and inevitable. The greatest generational

transformation in three decades is taking place directly; the arrival of Millennials in the

workplace. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of what to do about

the entry of the adjoining Millennials. Whereas some are convinced that a company must

understand, embrace, engage and retain the innovative Millennial generation, others maintain

that companies must dread the arrival of the spoiled Millennials, as the "dumbest generation"

brings gloom, despair, and narcissism to the workplace. In this essay, I aim to explain

generations and their generational groups, discuss the differences of values amongst two

generational groups, speak of complaints amidst generational groups and combat the negative

assertions about Millennials. I also want confer how managers can bridge the generational gap

by proposing possible solutions and making changes to bring the generations to harmony;

including advising Millennials about what they should understand about cultural norms of the

workplace and what they need to know in order to become essential to an organization. In

conclusion, then, as I suggested earlier, change is inevitable, the Millennials have arrived.

Although the Millennial generation are a large contrast to their successors, the focus should be

on welcoming them to the workforce and encouraging the retiring Baby Boomers to relinquish

their wisdom to prepare and empower the Millennials in order to sustain future success of the


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What bought on the inspiration for this discussion?

Inspired by attending the Generational Symposium lectured by the Maryland

Association of CPAs CEO Tom Hood and held by the New Young Professionals

Network; a dynamic group within the MACPA, I left the event with a thirst to learn

more. I wanted to further explore the subject of generational controversies in the

workplace, particularly those generational cohorts leaving and approaching the

career world. Within my research, I discovered a great deal of information.

What is a generation and what divides them into generational groups?

According to the International Journal of Management Reviews, a generation is largely

interpreted as an “identifiable group that shares birth years, age, location and significant life

events at critical developmental stages” (Parry and Urwin 79). Yet, there are some variations

within the definition of generations. In her article in the Business Communication Quarterly,

Nancy Schullery asserts that a generation is usually interpreted as having been born in an

indicated range of birth years. Schullery also articulates that some even argue that those within

common developmental years share life experiences like world events, natural disasters,

economic conditions, pop culture and technology (Schullery 253). Cam Marston, an author with

exceptional experience in workplace demographics, proclaims that, “Most people born in the

same generation have very similar attitudes and value systems that they acquire while they are

young and that remain with them throughout their lives” (Marston 22). There are four

generational types in today’s workplace; listed by birth years, the types consist of those (born

1920s – 1945) called the Silent Generation, (born 1946 – 1964) termed the Baby Boomers, (born

1965 – 1980) dubbed Generation X, and the newest in the workplace (born 1981-2000) popularly

labeled the Millennial Generation (Marston, 3).

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Certain attributes closely define these generational types. For instance, the Silent

Generation also known as the Traditionalists, crowded around the radio. They were reared by

hardworking farmers and as society transformed into industrialization, it was the Traditionalists

who brought along a vigorous work ethic to the work force (Schullery 254). The Baby Boomers’

formative years were shaped by the arrival of television; it was historical for families to assemble

around the television. They had the capability to view as well as listen about protests,

movements, and assassinations such as Rev. Martin Luther King, and the brothers John F.

Kennedy and Robert Kennedy (Schullery 254). Generation X, often termed the Lost Generation,

were the first latch-key kids and grew up with Sesame Street (Schullery 254). One could assume

their childhood details were lost as well, since they spent the majority of their after school time at

home unsupervised until a parent came home. However, they are “truly a sandwich generation,

who grew up in the shadow of the 80 million Baby Boomers and the 85 million Millennial

generations” (Sujansky and Ferri-Reed 61).

Lastly, the futuristic and adaptive Millennials, fondly termed Echo Boomers; they are the

offspring of the Baby Boomers. The largest generation in history after the Boomers, the

Millennials or Generation Y, “share the characteristic of having had one foot in the pre-Internet,

pre-cell phone, pre-Facebook world, while the other foot is in the new world, as changed and

redefined by the proliferation of web, mobile and social technologies” (Burstein xv). The

Millennials came up as televisions took a back seat at to the birth of computers, where

information 24/7 is possible due to the Internet. Millennials found out about the 2001 terrorist

attacks online as well as the death of Nelson Mandela. The election of the first black President

Barack Obama is another monumental event in time largely because of Millennials. “An

emerging civic generation, Millennials, in numbers larger than Boomers, had elected him

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president” (Winograd and Hais 10). As a Millennial, I can verify that we’re most likely the last

generation have had a pen pal, to record songs via cassette player, carry a Walkman or a boom

box; now music is downloaded and carried on IPods, MP3 players and cell phones. I’ve

witnessed using Polaroid and disposable cameras and now digital cameras are everywhere; in my

youth computer games were Solitaire, Minesweeper, and Bejeweled and now you can play a

mass multitude of games with anyone across the globe. We truly have evolved in this now

futuristic, technical, and global world.

Differences of Values within Generational Groups

The focus of this paper is mainly on the generational types preparing to leave the

workplace, the Boomers and the arriving generation, the Millennials. A blog post on CPA

Success, by Bill Sheridan’s reflected on the MACPA’s 2013 Generational Symposium, where he

paraphrased CEO Tom Hood’s statement “Everyone is talking about generational issues that are

impacting the workforce… the Boomers complain to each other about the Millennials. The

Millennials complain to each other about the Boomers (“Want to Solve”). Business Credit did a

review on Motivating The "What's In It For Me?" Workforce by Cam Marston whom they quote:

There is a clash of ideals brewing in today’s workplace: on the one side is the Baby

Boomers who are in charge, experienced, averaging more than 50 hours per work week

and used to getting things done their way; on the other is the Millennials who possess

superior technical skills, are hardworking, but have different strategies for life and little

regard for becoming part of the establishment… they have different definitions of

success, are more interested in self-fulfillment and believe that a strong work ethic is no

longer mandated by a 10-hour workday. (Motivating)

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There are differences amongst the two generational cohorts; The Boomers and the

Millennials. One of Bill Sheridan’s blogs on CPA Success features an interview with author Cam

Marston, who shares that both the Boomers and Millennials have similarities, like the love for

interaction with other people (“Turning”). During that interview with Cam Marston, stereotypes

were mentioned on both groups. About the Millennials: “They’re impetuous, shortsighted,

demanding, unreasonable” while the Boomers “cling to “tribal knowledge”—all the stuff they

know that can’t be printed or learned in a book” (“Turning”). Boomers habitually grumble about

how the Millennials “just don’t have the same work ethic as they do. Well guess what? They

don’t! This doesn’t mean they don’t have as good of a work ethic, it just means that they have a

different work ethic than their parents” (Sujansky and Ferri-Reed 49). An article in Forbes

defends Millennials in saying, “This generation’s priorities are not radically different than those

of earlier generations – they are just attempting to meet their needs in different ways” (Taylor).

Which this is true, there are several different ways to achieve results.

Millennials hold a multitude of different values. For instance, in the book review on "The

2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop, And Keep Tomorrow’s

Employees Today" Futurist depicts that the authors describe unique values of the Millennial

generation, such as “freedom, personal choice, collaboration, corporate integrity, and

innovation—and how these priorities will influence their professional lives” (The 2020

Workplace). Speaking of their professional lives, authors Sujansky and Ferri-Reed emphasize

how “Millennials look for companies that take an interest in their employees; companies whose

leaders inspire and challenge them… Millennials relate best to companies that provide

opportunities for advancement, interesting work and regular training. They want flexibility and

control over both use of time on the job and time spent off the job” (Sujansky and Ferri-Reed

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49). As a Millennial utilizing on-campus career search resources, we’re taught we have to prove

that we’re the best fit for the position and demonstrate what we can bring to the culture of the

company. However, we’re also taught that we interview the company to be sure that the position

is a good fit for our lifestyle. We’re taught to negotiate time, pay, and benefits; we’re also taught

to ask about chances for advancement and many other values that may be of importance us. In an

article on the study of the Millennial generation, the authors state “it is more important than ever

for employers to understand the expectations that young people bring to the labor market…

we’re not interviewing [Millennials], they’re interviewing us” (qtd. in Ng Schweitzer and Lyons


Work-life balance is a value that Millennials hold dear. Values such as work-life balance

means the same, if not more to the Millennial generation than it did to previous generations

(Sujansky and Ferri-Reed 5). Millennials have witnessed their Boomer parents work those long

hours just to fall prey to corporate downsizing and frequent layoffs (Ng, Schweitzer and Lyons

282). Due to this result, the authors Ng, Schweitzer and Lyons believe Millennials have become

wary of being put in the same position, and choose “making a life” over “making a living” (qtd.

in Ng, Schweitzer and Lyons 282). To some Millennials, work-life balance can mean over and

above their salary. The intense grasp of work-life balance seems to have come from the remorse

over the nonappearance of their Boomer parents from occasions significantly important to them

while growing up. Therefore their way of life does not include any of the substantial dedication

to work that their Boomer parents have lived by. “They truly work to live rather than live to

work” (Sujansky and Ferri-Reed 6-7).

Time is treasured to the Millennial generation; it is costly and needs to be controlled as

strictly and securely as money itself. “Time has become a very real currency” (Marston 122).

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This reminds me of one of my first mandatory college courses termed Becoming a Master

Student. In this course, we learned about time management by being assigned to keeping a log of

what we did every hour for one week. Upon completion, many of us found that while working,

we may not have spent enough time studying or spent too much time sleeping or hanging out

with friends and family, or more astonishing, found that we didn’t incorporate enough time in

our schedules to even sit down to eat. Overall, we learned just how valuable those 168 hours

were. “Time has always been a currency. But different generations value this currency in

different ways. For Boomers, time has always been something to invest in the future…

Millennials regard time as something they want to control, just like their money…. to them, time

has an equal value to money” (Marston 5). Hence the common cliché “Time is money.”

Millennials just don’t value the same things the way that previous generations deem as

significant to them on the job. “Whichever generation you’re from, you can assume Millennials

won’t necessarily be motivated by the same things that turn you on” (Lancaster and Stillman 72).

The study by Parry and Urwin found that Boomer “employees were found generally to want to

progress in terms of income, responsibility and influence within the organization” (Parry and

Urwin 86). Their study also found that “members of Generation Y [Millennials] were attracted to

organizations that invested heavily in training and development, cared about their employees as

individuals, provided clear opportunities for long-term career progression, allowed variety in

their daily work and had a dynamic forward-looking approach to their business” (Parry and

Urwin 87). Within their article titled New Generation, Great Expectations: A Field Study of the

Millennial Generation, authors Ng, Schweitzer, and Lyons discovered that Millennials “will

have a high degree of choice in selecting the organizations for which they want to work, based

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on the kind of working conditions, opportunities, and flexibility employers can offer” (Ng,

Schweitzer, and Lyons 282).

Millennials want jobs with meanings. In the article New Generation, Great Expectations,

the authors quote Lancaster and Stillman affirming that “Millennials are seeking much more in

return for their hard work than a paycheck. They are also looking for work that is meaningful and

fulfilling” (Ng, Schweitzer and Lyons 283). The authors also assert that Millennials “have a low

tolerance for less-than-challenging work” (qtd. in Ng, Schweitzer and Lyons 283). A survey

piloted by Millennial Branding revealed that 60% of Millennials left their corporation in under

three years… “Millennials increasingly require some aspect of personal fulfillment from their

jobs, and are willing to walk if they do not find it” (Meister).

This is a problem that companies must face. Within an article in the New York Times,

authors Smith and Aaker finds data which paints the picture that “Millennials appear to be more

interested in living lives defined by meaning than by what some would call happiness”

(Millennial Searchers). Their data also consists of a commissioned report by the Career Advisory

Board which surveyed that “of nearly three-quarters of [Millennials] meaningful work was

among the three most important factors defining career success… workers who find their jobs

meaningful are more engaged and less likely to leave their current positions” (Millennial

Searchers). The 2020 Workplace book review finds that “as dissatisfaction with their boss has

become the number one reason they quit, they often switch from job to job… The Bureau of

Labor Statistics reports that the average [Millennial] employee leaves his or her job every 1.3

years” (qtd. in The 2020 Workplace). Authors Lancaster and Stillman proclaim that the outlook

of changing occupations isn’t at all intimidating to Millennials. Many of them anticipate finding

employment fairly easily (Lancaster and Stillman 4).

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Another important value amongst Millennials is immediate feedback and advancement in

the workplace sooner, rather than later. Authors Lancaster and Stillman state “we will need to

pick up the pace of feedback and rewards if we want to maximize their value” (Lancaster and

Stillman 73). The authors also place an emphasis on the importance of feedback. “When a

Millennial turns in an assignment, you’re likely to get an email ten minutes later asking of you

received it and a text message five minutes after that asking if you got the e-mail” (Lancaster and

Stillman 73). When speaking on rewards, the authors say “rewards don’t have to be BIG to be

meaningful… small things go a long way” (Lancaster and Stillman 72-73). They suggest gift

cards or gadgets, a personal day off, decorating a deserving Millennial’s chair, letting them plan

the next party. They also suggest that managers “reward while it’s still rewarding… [A reward]

isn’t half as meaningful a month later as it would have been on the day of the accomplishment”

(Lancaster and Stillman 73).

Other facts on the Millennials’ career-related expectations involve the prospect of rapid

advancement. In their field study, authors Ng, Schweitzer and Lyons find that “more than two-

thirds of respondents [Millennials] expect to be promoted within the first 18 months in their first

job. The average expectation for promotion was 15.1 months” (Ng, Schweitzer and Lyons 285).

In Keeping the Millennials, Sujansky and Ferri-Reed proclaim that Millennials expect to

progress along their career paths more swiftly than their parents. They watched their moms and

dads wait for years on end to receive the advancements they earned. “Millennials want

promotions, too, but they want them now; not 5, 10, or 20 years from now (Sujansky and Ferri-

Reed 7). This reminds me of the movie Click, with actor Adam Sandler who plays Michael, a

workhorse trying to impress his thankless boss and earn a much deserved promotion. In the

movie Michael finds a magical remote that can accelerate time, in which he utilizes to skip

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forward pieces of his life to his promotions. Motivated by promises of advancement from his

ungracious boss, he skipped one year of his life to become partner and skips another 10 years to

become CEO. The moral learned by Michael was that he sacrificed time with family and that he

wasn’t there for his wife and children. When thinking of this significant amount of time spent

waiting on a promotion, the vision brings to mind Kimberly Wilkins a.k.a. Sweet Brown whose

YouTube video went viral because she exclaimed “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” As stated

earlier, time is valuable to Millennials, more valuable than money. The time that Boomers have

sacrificed, we Millennials don’t want to sacrifice that kind of time. While we value work, we

want to attend to life as well.

Negative Assertions

Some claim that Millennials are troubling. Even make claims that the

Millennial generation is an entitled bunch. Joel Stein calls Millennials the “Me Me

Me Generation” in the Times magazine (Stein and Sanburn). Stein claims “poor

Millennials have even higher rates of narcissism, materialism and technology

addiction in their ghetto-fabulous lives” (Stein and Sanburn). Stein says his claims

have proof, which are based on facts like studies, statistics, and even quotes from

esteemed academics as to why he can call Millennials “lazy, entitled, selfish and

shallow” (Stein and Sanburn). In the Times article, Stein clams that “Millennials got

so many participation trophies growing up that a recent study showed that 40%

believe they should be promoted every two years, regardless of performance” (Stein

and Sanburn). On the topic of socializing, he says they [Millennials] socialize every

hour via cellphones, “they send and receive an average of 88 texts a day… they’re

living under the constant influence of their friends” (Stein and Sanburn). Stein even

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goes as far as to quote an English professor at Emory, Mark Bauerlein, who wrote

The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and

Jeopardizes our Future (Or, Don’t Trust Anyone under 30) who says that “Peer

pressure is anti-intellectual. It is anti-historical. It is anti-eloquence” (qtd. in Stein

and Sanburn). Stein quotes Bauerlein again “To develop intellectually you’ve got to

relate to older people, older things” (qtd. in Stein and Sanburn). To Stein,

Millennials are connecting all day but mostly through a screen. “Seventy percent of

them check their phones every hour… they’re deeply anxious about missing out on

something better” (Stein and Sanburn). According to Stein, “What they

[Millennials] do understand is how to turn themselves into brands, with “friend”

and “follower” tallies that serve as sales figures” (Stein and Sanburn). Mark

Bauerlein expresses how several books have joined his book The Dumbest

Generation, claiming that together they form an “alliance to slow the headlong rush

to technologize learning, reading, writing, and social and intellectual life”

(Bauerlein viii). Bauerlein declares that “Maturity follows a formula: the more kids

[Millennials or people under 30] contact one another, the less they heed the tutelage

of adults” (Bauerlein ix). Utilizing Sheridan’s blog post on solving generational

issues to provide insight to Boomers such as Stein and Bauerlein, “Millennials are

not selfish, lazy and uncaring job-hoppers. They just don’t look at a job as a career

until it helps them make a difference. Research shows most Millennials would

prefer not to job-hop” (Want To Solve).

I have to agree with the authors of the M-Factor who say “It’s too easy to go negative

and sound a warning cry about the troubling generation… the negativity trap is appealing, but

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it’s a big waste of time (Lancaster and Stillman 12). David Burstein, a Millennial, stated in Fast

Future “Millennials are not strangers to criticism-- or, for that matter to having our power and

influence overlooked, ignored, or doubted” (Burstein xix). I concur that negativity and

complaints are big waste of time because the Millennials have arrived, change is inevitable.

Burstein said it best in his book, “Change is fast and constant” (Burstein xv). Forbes staff

member Kate Taylor wrote that Millennials are deemed as the generation faithful to change


Implications for Managers

It’s time to communicate and work together to figure out exactly how to work together.

Management must address this situation appropriately, or they lose out deeply. Forbes

contributor, Jeanne Meister posted in the Leadership section in reference to hiring managers,

“After all, they can’t simply avoid Millennials – 40 million of them are already in the workforce,

and by the year 2025, they’ll make up three out of every four workers worldwide, according to

Time magazine” (Meister). An article within the CPA Insider provides insight as to how

managers can get the most out of Millennials. Share meaning; help Millennial employees see the

bigger picture as to how their work fits into the overall process and affects the work of others

within the company (Griffiths). The article also shares that managers need to contemplate

altering older hierarchical models that are intended to control and restrict the flow of information

(Griffiths). This makes perfect sense, I mean, why have a company with an “open door policy”

yet the flow of information is restricted? A most favored suggestion on how to engage

Millennials as they need to feel that company managers have an interest in their career

development and are open to sharing their wisdom. The implication is for managers to “share

your knowledge and perspective… what is your firm doing to transfer knowledge and

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perspective from experienced partners to younger generations?” (Griffiths) Meister also gives a

few action steps for managers to address in the employee on-boarding process:

! Making training and mentoring a main concern; you’re dealing with a cohort that’s

accustomed to getting a lot of feedback and one-on-one treatment.

! Provide feedback frequently and promptly; Millennials are familiar with constant


! Pause before responding; generational indignation does not lead to the behavior

transformation you’re looking for in the workplace. (Meister)

What Millennials Need to Know

A few suggestions for Millennials to understand workplace cultural norms are in order as

well. Millennials will need to learn a lot of skills that aren’t taught in the classroom. Jenna

Gourdreau shares a few to the Millennial generation entering the workforce:

! You are the future; you have to situate yourself to take one of these chief leadership

roles when the workforce switches and older generations retire.

! You’ll need to collaborate with people from other generations; by learning how to

manage relationships with those in other generations, you will become more


! You’ll need a lot of skills you possibly don’t have right now; it’s never been

uncomplicated to obtain hard skills — and those abilities will only get you so far.

Companies are looking for leadership, organizational, teamwork, listening, and

coaching talents. (Gourdreau)

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Conclusion: What I Say

The point Jeanne Meister and Jenna Gourdreau is trying to make along with Bill

Sheridan, Tom Hood, and even Cam Marston is that communication is key and preparation for

changes should be in order. Ignoring problems retaining the new Millennials or complaining

about generational issues won’t fix the problem. As an aspiring accountant, approaching

graduation, I concur. An article within the Journal of Accountancy expresses that the supply and

demand for accounting talent is at its highest levels. This is great news, for the article reports that

this extremely high hiring activity has also lead to a recruiting competition for the up-and-

coming accountants’ talents. The author of the article Chris Baysden affirms that “With so many

members of the Baby Boomer generation set to retire in the coming decade, it is important for

firms to retain all the new hires they are making… Generation Y [Millennials] will continue to

ramp up its presence—bringing with it the need for more coaching on how to work together as a

multigenerational workforce” (Supply and Demand).

Thinking of Turning Generational Issues into Opportunities, where Cam Marston shares

with Bill Sheridan that the Boomers leaving the workplace should shift their wisdom to the

succeeding generations by taking the first step, which is mentoring (Turning). “They need to be

thinking of the legacy of their practice, and that will be gained through mentoring” (Turning).

Upon reading this, I immediately pictured Dennis Haysbert from the Allstate commercials

popping up behind complaining Boomers asking “Is the future of your organization in good


Which is a great question—inquiring minds would like to know, why would managers,

directors, or those who hold higher positions who’ve invested time and worked their way up the

ladder go search for “fresh and innovative talent” (terms I’ve seen stressed during searches for

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employment) and then complain when you get diamonds in the rough? It would make sense to

find ways to help those jewels to shine in ways that they can feel great about improving the

company and the improvement of themselves within the company. This should be viewed as a

gift that keeps on giving. Preparing to leave the company, one should engage, nurture and share

wisdom with the succeeding generation that will eventually be running the company. Time is

being wasted resenting and complaining; eventually the predecessors have to go. Why not leave

your organization in good hands?

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Bauerlein, Mark. The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and

Jeopardizes Our Future (or, Don't Trust Anyone Under 30). New York, NY: Jeremy P.

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Burstein, David D. Fast Future: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaping Our World. Boston:

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Griffiths, Dan. “How to Get the Most Out of Millennials.” CPA Insider. American Institute of

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Marston, Cam. Motivating the "What's In It for Me?" Workforce: Manage Across the

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Parry, Emma, and Peter Urwin. "Generational Differences In Work Values: A Review Of Theory

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Schullery, Nancy M. "Workplace Engagement And Generational Differences In Values.”

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Sheridan, Bill. “Turning Generational Issues into Opportunities.” CPA Success. MACPA, 03

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Sheridan, Bill. “Want to Solve Your Generational Issues? Talk to Each Other.” CPA Success.

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Stein, Joel, and Josh Sanburn. "The New Greatest Generation." Time 181.19 (2013):

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Employees Today." Futurist 45.2 (2011): 59. Business Source Premier. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

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