General Safety Instruction - wearing a seatbelt properly ... Intervene when fellow...

General Safety Instruction Mondi Frantschach GmbH January 2017

Transcript of General Safety Instruction - wearing a seatbelt properly ... Intervene when fellow...

General Safety Instruction Mondi Frantschach GmbH

January 2017


The listed safety rules apply to all employees of Mondi Frantschach GmbH

and to all employees of partner companies.

In addition Mondi Frantschach is a factory, which expresses its business

philosophy by the fact that we installed a safety, a quality, a hygiene and an

environmental management system in our factory after the guidelines of

the ISO 18001:2007, ISO 9001, EN 15593 and ISO14001.

You are located in a mill, in which you are exposed special dangers due to

special process engineering in the paper and cellulose production.

In order to protect you and our mill against accidents and harm, we ask you

to keep following rules absolutely.

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important for us!

Our motto

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Mondi Safety Rules

See attachement (Safety Rules to Live By)

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Mondi Safety Rules

Rule one:

Work with a valid permit to work when required

Rule two:

Respect speed limits, keep to your travel paths, wear seat-belts and only use a

phone with hands-free equipment while driving

Rule three:

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space and ensure you take the

necessary precautions

Rule four:

Protect yourself against falling when working at heights by always wearing

fall arrest equipment

Page 5

Mondi Safety Rules

Rule five:

Test isolation before work begins and use the specified life-protecting


Rule six:

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling protective equipment

Rule seven:

Do not stand or walk under any suspended loads

Rule eight:

Conduct chemical assessments and wear specified PPE when required

Rule nine:

When working in the forest, keep a safe distance at all times

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Rule One

If you are a Permit Acceptor you shall always:

Understand the work permit and adhere to the

precautionary measures listed

Confirm that the work permit is valid

Confirm with the Person in Charge of the work

that it is safe to start the work

Stop work when circumstances change

Work with a valid permit when required A work permit describes what you must do right every time to stay safe

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Rule Two Respect speed limits, keep to your travel paths, wear seat-belts and use a phone with hands-free equipment while driving

Speeding or using a phone or getting off a travel path increases the risk of losing

control of your vehicle. A seat belt protects you and your passengers from injury in

the event of an accident while driving and keeps you safe, if always worn.

If you are a driver you shall always:

Keep your eyes and focus on your travel path

Stay at or below the maximum allowable speed

limit for the travel paths you are driving

Adjust your speed to the prevailing conditions

Avoid using a mobile phone or pager, if not


Avoid sending or reading a text message while


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Rule Two - continued

If you are a passenger you shall


Intervene if a driver is using a

phone in a moving vehicle

Intervene if a driver is exceeding

the maximum allowable speed

Intervene if the driver or other

passengers fail to wear their seat


As a driver or a passenger you shall


Use the installed seatbelt

Keep your seatbelt properly

fastened while in a moving vehicle

Check that everyone in the vehicle

is wearing a seatbelt properly

before starting to drive

Intervene when fellow passengers

are not wearing seatbelts properly

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Rule Three

Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space and

ensure you take the necessary precautions

A confined space such as a boiler, tank, vessel or pipe can contain poisonous air,

explosive gas or other hazards such as lack of oxygen, things that can fall on you or

you can fall from.

Authorised and controlled access keeps you

safe. Every time before you enter a confined

space you shall:

Confirm with the Person in Charge of the work

that atmospheric tests have been conducted

and it is safe to start work

Confirm with the Stand-by Person that you can

enter the confined space

Follow the requirements of the Permit to Work

Immediately exit the confined space if

you do not feel well and report the issue

to the Person in Charge

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Rule Three - continued

If you are a Stand-by Person you shall always:

Approve and control access to a confined space

Have means of communication with the people in the confined space

Have emergency response arrangements for rescue of the people in the confined


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Rule Four

Protect yourself against fall when working at heights

Always use fall protection equipment to keep you safe when at heights where you

can fall over 2 metres.

If you are working outside a protective

environment where you can fall over 2 metres

you shall at all times:

Have an authorisation to work at heights

outside a protective environment which

includes approved scaffolds, stairs, safety

barriers and man lifts

Be aware of which fall protection to use and

how to use it

Always tie-off when at heights outside a

protective environment

Only make use of scaffolding systems which

have been approved and tagged as safe for


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Rule Five

Test isolation before work begins and use the specified life-protecting equipment Carrying out isolations separates you from many dangers such as moving

machinery, electricity, high pressure fluids, hot/toxic materials/chemicals, poisonous

gas or radiation, and keeps you safe.

Specified life-protecting equipment such as

breathing apparatus, electrical arc flash

protection or chemical-resistant suits protect

you from danger and you shall at all times:

Understand the various isolations that protect

you from harm

Confirm with the person in Charge of the work

that isolations are in place

Confirm with the Person in Charge of the work

it is safe to start work

Ensure by test that the right equipment has

been isolated

Attach your personal lock to the isolation and

lock out before commencing any work activity

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Rule Six

Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety-protective equipment

Working in or around moving or rotating machinery can pose a threat to your safety

when exposed to unprotected nip points. Safety-protective equipment must work

correctly to keep you safe. Examples include guards, trip/interlock systems, isolation

or lockout/tag out devices, alarms, level controls or in-vehicle monitoring systems.

In order to keep you safe you shall at all times:

Avoid engaging in any work that exposes you to

unguarded nip points

Obtain authorisation from the Person in Charge

before overriding or disabling a safety-protective


Report any damaged or missing safety-

protective equipment

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Rule Seven

Do not walk or stand under a suspended load

Working or walking under a suspended load is unsafe as the load can fall onto you.

A suspended load is an object that is

temporarily lifted and hangs above the

ground. You shall:

Never cross a barrier controlling an area with

a suspended load without an authorisation

Follow the instruction of the Person in Charge

of the lift

If involved in the lifting activity, make use of a

tag line to keep you clear of the suspended

load and warn others to stay clear

Page 15

Rule Eight

Conduct chemical assessment and wear specified PPE when required Chemical assessments are necessary where hazardous substances are handled, stored

and transported to keep you safe from chemical exposure that can cause fire or


In order to keep safe at work you shall always:

Confirm with the Person in Charge of the

chemical handling that the chemical assessment

is carried out and up-to-date

Confirm with the Person in Charge of the

chemical handling that it is safe to start work

Stop work if you detect or suspect chemicals

being above the common nuisance levels

Know where the designated escapes, safe

refuges, assembly areas and emergency

response equipment are located

Intervene if you see someone handling or

disposing of chemicals without wearing the

prescribed PPE or endangering the safety of


Page 16

Rule Nine

When working in the forest, keep a safe distance at all times

Entering a designated harvesting area is unsafe as a tree can fall on you or a vehicle

can hit you.

Maintaining safe distances from felling

activities, vehicles and equipment keeps you

safe and you shall at all times:

Avoid entering a harvesting area without an


Follow the instruction of the Person in Charge of

the harvesting operation

Understand what the defined safety distances


Ensure you are in visual sight of the operator of

the equipment

Wear the required high visibility equipment

Page 17

Alcohol and smoking ban

Absolute PROHIBITION OF ALCOHOL at Mondi Frantschach!

It is forbidden to drink alcohol within the factory grounds during

work time and during breaks but also outside work time.

• Persons who are apparently affected by alcohol, drugs or

narcotics have to leave the factory premises.

Smoking is forbidden within the entire

factory premises.

The exception to this rule are areas

marked as smoking areas and where

there is an ashtray.

Page 18

Access Regulations

You have to pass the reception or turnstiles with chip card in order to

get access to the factory premises.

The entrance with car to the factory premises and private bicycles is


On the way to and from work you have to use the marked „access

paths“ (blue markings on the floor). They can be used without wearing

safety shoes.

The marked “access paths” have to be used

from all people.

Exception: in the course of direct action

Prohibition of passage Hall 5 and Paper Warehouse.

Enter only for people who carry out the work. For all other persons the

passage is forbidden.

Before enter to the Recovery Boiler 4 building call 04352 530 403

Page 19

Personell protection equipment

Helmet Safety glasses Safety gloves Protective clothing (Chemical resistant suit) Ear protection (> 85 dBA compulsary, > 80 dBA recommendation) Safety shoes

Page 20

Permit to work

For each work a completed and valid permit to work is required (incl.

necessary certifications, e.g. “works in confined spaces”)

Before starting the work you should always think which dangers and consequences can be occurred It is only alloweded to entrance the operational areas after registration in the control room Machinery and equipment have to be locked out before all maintenance works. Pay attention to the safety instructions and signed pipes. Don’t open pipes if you don’t know what substances are inside!

Concentrated work is definitely a basic requirement for safety.

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Permit to work - Combustible activities

- Confined spaces

- Scaffolding

- Pipes

- E-filter

- High voltage distribution unit

- Radiation source

Page 22

Employees who work in the work cage must wear a safety harness,

and attach it to the appropriate points in the work cage. The stand

must not be raised. Employees that use a lifting platform, must

demonstrably have undergone training.

The danger zone below has to be cordon off.

Work cage

Mobile platforms

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Each contractor must ensure that he has

his personal lock, and that he uses it in accordance with the Mondi Frantschach regulations.

Log out – Tag out – Test - Try

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Mobile equipment

The operation of cranes and vehicles (trucks, mobile cranes ...) is only

permitted with an internal driving license.

The traffic management applies Railed vehicles have always priority

Each person takes responsibility for his own safety in the work and pay attention to his colleagues!

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Working at Heights

All scaffolding activities are in

accordance with the Austrian standards

and regulations and in accordance with

the "Mondi Scaffold Requirement"!

Page 26

High Pressure Water Washing

Special safety regulations for High

Pressure Water Washing according our

Requirement“ (>200bar)

Page 27

The person in charge of the lift must take precautionary measures to:

Warn persons of the lift (verbal or signs)

Barricade the area off

The person conducting the lift shall stop all lifting activities should a

person enter the Danger Zone or Drop Zone

Drop Zone

Its the area directly under the

suspended load.

Danger Zone

Its the area around the

suspended load an or the

route that the load will



„Drop Zones“and „Danger Zones“

Page 28

“Tag Lines or Tag Sticks” must be used when conducting a lift to prevent:

Load swinging

Persons having to enter the “drop zone”

Persons having to handle the load by hand when placing in a position

Crane Operators must not commence with a lift if the tag line is not


Tag Lines and Tag Sticks

Page 29

- Areas of radiation and radiation sources are labelled with yellow signs!

- One must not remain in the radiation protection area for any longer than

absolutely necessary!

- If operations have to be carried out in the area of radiation sources, these

sources have to be closed before work commences!

- The closure of the radiation source is carried out by the EMRT master.

Special Regulation Radiation Sources

Page 30

Special hazards

Inform you of the places of emergency showers, first-aid-cases, fire and alarm

systems and the marked escape routes and keep them always free access

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Precautionary prevention of water pollution as well as the storing and handling

of water-endangering liquids have to be paid special attention to!

In case of smaller incidents (e.g. leakage of a liquid product) immediate

measures have to be taken in order to limit the damage

Drainage systems situated within the factory premises

are marked as follows

green-yellow green-red green

Drainage system for faecal matter

(Reinhalteverband Lavanttal)

Drainage system for waste water


Pure water system


Pure water system

Page 32

Prior to every work that produces sparks a welding permit has to be filled in duplicate. One copy

has to be forwarded to the responsible control room, the other remains with the person who carries out

the task. All safety instructions of this permit have to be complied to very strictly!

ATTENTION! Individual operational areas are equipped with automatic fire detection systems!

Autom. Fire detection to the reception!

Upon completion of the task the (unused) fire extinguishers have to be put back in their place or

brought back to the maintenance department!

Fire extinguishers have to be taken from the central storeroom preventively!

Permits can be obtained at the

production planning office!


Powder fire


CO2 – fire


Combustible Activities

Page 33

Natural gas station

Be aware of electrostatical charged working clothes!

Switch off mobiles and radios!

Safety regulation according to natural gas danger have to be accepted

Before starting the work you have to get the permitment of the management

pulp mill, maintenance and KELAG

During working on pipes or fittings of the gas station it is only allowed to use

sparkless tools!

Special Regulation

Page 34

Gas measurements

Gas measurements have to be made only by trained personnel.

Before each sparking work a welding permit has to be fill out in the

mechanical department

The foreman of the mechanical and operation department

specify the safety measurements which have to be kept.

Necessary gas measurements are performed by the R&D


The approval for the welding permit may take place only if the

appropriate gas detectors indicate no more increased values and/or

the oxygen measurement results a normal value.

Page 35

Acids and Liquors

In dealing with acids and alkalis the appropriate protective clothing has to be


If nevertheless a chemical burn occurs, an emergency shower shall be used


A long douching is absolutely essential.

Eye showers and emergency showers are located in all installations concerned.

Page 36

H2S warning device Kamyr building, sorting,

evaporation facility When entering the building, EVERYONE must

wear a H2S warning device. When grinding and cutting with angle grinders,

wear the necessary additional PPE (face protection with safety goggles, long-sleeved working clothes, leather gloves)

Mondi Frantschach Specific Safety Rules

Page 37

Special hazards in the pulp mill

At the wailing of the siren the building has to be left immediately by using

the marked escape routes and is not allowed to be


In case of an alarm it is forbidden to use the lift!

Instructions of the operational staff have to

be carried out under all circumstances!

Page 38

Special Regulation Recovery Boiler

The breakdown of the alkali burner can result in a significant formation of smoke

in CK3 and RB 4!

Before entering RB 4 please contact central control room 4352 530 207

When the alarm is set off, a siren‘s wailing, alternating between rising and falling

noise levels, can be heard in the entire building!

At the wailing of the siren the building has to be left immediately by using the

marked escape routes and is not allowed to be re-entered!

In case of an alarm it is forbidden to use the lift!

The breathing air bottles inside the lift may only be used in

case of an emergency!

Instructions of the operational staff have to be carried out

under all circumstances!

The release of the building is carried out by the

master foreman!

Page 39

In order to have an overview at a plant-wide emergency (evacuation), how

many people remain in our mill, there are as per fire protection plan

Meeting places

for employees and persons, which stay in the mill at the moment of the


• Waste water treatment plant

• Woodyard

• IBM Office/Canteen

• Fire Brigade

It is forbidden to leave these assembly areas without

informing the supervisor!

What to do in case of a plant wide emergency

Page 40

In case of emergency

Emergency Numbers

Fire 122

Police 133

Ambulance 144

Emergency doctor 141

Mountain rescue 140

Rescue on water 130

Europe-wide emergency

number 112

Poison hotline 01-4064343

• WHERE is help needed?

• WHAT has happened?

• HOW many injured are there?

• WHO is calling?

In case of an accident call

the in-plant emergency telephone number

214 (mobile phone: 04352/530214).

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Evacuation – meeting places

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The alarm and emergency plans are visible located in all departments!

Alarm Plans, Emergency Plans and Safety Data Sheets

Page 43

Fire Safety Regulations Mondi Frantschach GmbH

Fire Safety Regulations

General Fire Prevention Measures

Keeping order and cleanliness in the building is a basic

requirement of fire and accident prevention.

The existing smoking prohibitions must be heeded.

Smoking is strictly prohibited everywhere on the entire factory

premises and in the buildings with the exception of designated smoking areas.

Combustible waste, e.g., oil and solvent saturated rags, must be stored safely

so they cannot catch fire.

Tobacco waste or materials prone to self-ignition may only be stored in non-

combustible containers with tightly sealed lids.

Page 45

Fire Safety Regulations

General Fire Prevention Measures

Work with flames and sources of heat (welding, cutting,

soldering, etc.) may only be done with prior authorization from

the supervisor responsible for the operational area.

Exceptions to this are workshops set up for this purpose.

Electrical systems must be operated according to the

regulations. Combustible materials and decorative materials

may not come into direct contact with lighting fixtures.

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Fire Safety Regulations

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Hygiene Regulations Mondi Frantschach GmbH

Ban on eating and drinking

Washing your hands

Before the start of work, after breaks (eating, drinking, smoking), after visiting the

toilet and carrying out dirty work, you should always wash and/or disinfect your


Glass ban

There is a glass ban in the production area. Drinks, yoghurts etc. may only be

consumed from plastic containers or cans.


Refuse should be disposed off in the waste separation containers with a lid,

provided for this purpose.

Orderliness and cleanliness

The work area and environment should always be kept in a clean condition. Work

surfaces, equipment, containers, machines must be kept clean.

Knife / tool

No knives with breakable blades (Stanley knives) should be used. The tool must be

cleared away immediately after use.

Hygiene regulations (Area of paper factory and flash drying)

Page 49

Work clothing

Company or private clothing can be worn, as long as it is clean. Work clothing must

be changed immediately in the case of soiling. Sleeveless shirts may not be worn.

Hair / nails

Nails must be cut short and kept clean.

Artificial nails may not be used in the production area.

Long hair must be tied up.

Personal property

Wearing jewellery (exception: wedding ring) and visible piercings is not allowed in

the production area. Personal property must be stored in a safe place.

Using telephones

Using telephones is only permitted in the control rooms or on the blue marked visitor

paths of hygiene zone 3.

Otherwise, mobile phones should be stored in a safe place.

Injuries / illnesses

Open wounds must be tended to immediately.

Medications must not be taken into the production area

(Exception: emergency medication e.g. asthma inhaler).

Hygiene regulations (Area of paper factory and flash drying)

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