General Instructions: 100. 90 Minutes. Section Name … Keys/Medical...

General Instructions: • Total Questions in the Test are 100. • Total Test Duration is 90 Minutes. • You can submit your test whenever you have completed. However, if the test time elapses the system will automatically submit your test. • Do not close any Window directly when you are taking the test. Below is the list of section names and number of questions, Section Name Number of questions Professional Knowledge 60 General Knowledge and Aptitude 40 NAVIGATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: • Select the best answer for each question. Then click “Next” button to move to the Next Question. • Click on “Previous” button to move to the Previous Question. • You can Bookmark any number of Questions by clicking on “Mark” button; vice versa you can remove the Bookmark. • You can change your response for any question before submitting the test by marking the new response (Radio Button). You can clear your response for any question by using the “Clear” button to mark the Question unanswered. • Every time you select an option or a particular question, following changes can be seen on screen Attempted questions will be displayed in “GREEN” color, Questions that are not attempted will be displayed in “WHITE’’ color, Question that are attempted and bookmarked will be displayed in “BLUE” color with a tag. Questions which are not attempted and bookmarked will be displayed in “ORANGE” color. • After completion of your test, click “End Test” button to submit the test. Submit button will be visible ONLY in the “Last Question”. • Your “Test Summary” will be displayed once you clicked on “End Test”. • Keep a watch on the “Clock” on the Top Right Hand Corner of the Exam Window for Time Remaining. • Click “Start Exam” button below to start the test.

Transcript of General Instructions: 100. 90 Minutes. Section Name … Keys/Medical...

General Instructions: • Total Questions in the Test are 100. • Total Test Duration is 90 Minutes. • You can submit your test whenever you have completed. However, if the test time elapses the system will automatically submit your test. • Do not close any Window directly when you are taking the test. Below is the list of section names and number of questions,

Section Name Number of questions Professional Knowledge 60

General Knowledge and Aptitude 40 NAVIGATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS:  • Select the best answer for each question. Then click “Next” button to move to the Next Question. • Click on “Previous” button to move to the Previous Question. • You can Bookmark any number of Questions by clicking on “Mark” button; vice versa you can remove the Bookmark. • You can change your response for any question before submitting the test by marking the new response (Radio Button). You can clear your response for any question by using the “Clear” button to mark the Question unanswered. • Every time you select an option or a particular question, following changes can be seen on screen  Attempted questions will be displayed in “GREEN” color, Questions that are not attempted will be displayed in “WHITE’’ color,  Question that are attempted and bookmarked will be displayed in “BLUE” color with a tag.  Questions which are not attempted and bookmarked will be displayed in “ORANGE” color.  • After completion of your test, click “End Test” button to submit the test. Submit button will be visible ONLY in the “Last Question”. • Your “Test Summary” will be displayed once you clicked on “End Test”.  • Keep a watch on the “Clock” on the Top Right Hand Corner of the Exam Window for Time Remaining. • Click “Start Exam” button below to start the test. 

Set Id : 25298_5


Medical Officer Homeopathy

Section 1 - Professional Knowledge

1) Oxygen is transported to the fetal blood by:

A) Diffusion

B) Facilitation

C) Pinocytosis

D) Active transfer

2) Hahnemann used miasm in sense of

A) Infection

B) Influence

C) Pollution

D) Chronic Syndrome

3) “Kali bi” is antidote to:

A) Ars. Alb

B) Lachesis

C) Puls. Nig

D) All of the above

4) Menstrual Bleeding worse at night is found in:

A) Bovista only

B) Ammonium. Mur only

C) Both 1 and 2

D) None of these

5) Q fever is highly infectious zoonotic disease. The causative agent is

A) Lice

B) Coxiella Burneti

C) Epidimic Typhus

D) Bite of infected mite

6) ‘Neuralgic pain like fine thread after nerve injury’

A) China afficinalis

B) Allium cepa

C) Colocynthis

D) Pulsatilla nigricans

7) Amenorrhea with asthma

A) Spongia

B) Cal. Carb

C) Kalium Carb

D) Hep. Sulph

8) Meaning of the abbreviation BID is

A) Twice a day

B) Twice daily

C) Drink

D) A Large pill

9) “Endemic disease” means that a disease

A) Occurs clearly in excess of normal expectancy

B) Is constantly present in a given population group

C) Exhibits seasonal pattern

D) Is prevalent among animals

10) Which of the following vaccine are not to be given to a patient with AIDS




D) Measles

11) Cure is possible in

A) Sub-Physiological dose

B) Sub-Lethal dose

C) Infinte dose

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D) Too Frequent small dose

12) Nose bleeding when washing the face is a marked feature of:

A) Hamamelis

B) Belladona

C) Phosphorus

D) Ammonium corbonucum

13) “Bleeding from warts” is the characteristics symptom of

A) Nitric Acid

B) Calcarea Carb

C) Dulcamara

D) Nat. Mur

14) Headache is relieved by conversation

A) Nat. Sulph

B) Lac Defloratum

C) Dulcamara

D) Radium Brom.

15) Flight/fight hormones are

A) Oxytocin and ADH

B) Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

C) Parathyroid and Oestrogen

D) Sex hormones and Cortisol

16) Wilson’s disease is due to

A) Calcium metabolism disorder

B) Copper metabolism disorder

C) Iron deficiency

D) Insulin deficiency

17) The most common site of intestinal obstruction in gall stone ileus is

A) Jejunum

B) Ileum

C) Transverse whom

D) Sigmoid whom

18) Acute Otitis media in children is most commonly due to

A) Morexilla catarrhalis

B) H. influenza

C) Streptococcus pneumonia

D) Staphylococcus aureus

19) Time for administration of medicine in intermittent fever

A) During the apyrexial state

B) During pyrexia

C) At the declining phase of pyrexia

D) At the onset of pyrexia

20) What is the prognosis of third observation of Kent

A) Good

B) Bad

C) Very good

D) Very bad

21) Complication of cholera is

A) Hypokalemia

B) Fever

C) Dehydration

D) None of above

22) What is Tubectomy

A) Female Sterilization

B) Uterus removal

C) Rectovaginal fold

D) Cut of uterine artery

23) Intense sympathy for suffering of others

A) Cousticum

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B) Ignatia Omass

C) Pulsatilla

D) Amica Mantas

24) Crohn’s disease is related with

A) Kidney

B) Stomach

C) Intestine

D) Brain

25) Hormone vasopressin is secreted from

A) Anterior pituitary

B) Posterior pituitary

C) Adrenal gland

D) Thyroid gland

26) ‘Juxtaglomerular apparatus’ is part of

A) Liver

B) Pancreas

C) Thyroid

D) Kidney

27) Jaggery is rich in:

A) Vitamin B2

B) Iron

C) Niacin

D) Vitamin C

28) The adenocarcinoma of esophagus develops in

A) Alcohol abuse

B) Corrosive stricture

C) Long standing achalasia

D) Barrett’s oesophagus

29) Life is to be considered as composed of

A) Body

B) Mind

C) Sprit

D) All of the above

30) Which is not a vaccine preventable disease

A) Rubella

B) Diphtheria

C) Tetanus

D) Amoebiasis

31) Metrorrhagia in fibroid indicates

A) Ulceration of submucous fibroid

B) Ovarian tumor

C) Twisting

D) Pregnancy

32) The strong heroic medicine are used in

A) Maximum dose

B) Fatal dose

C) Physiological dose

D) Minimum dose

33) Olive oil is used in preparation of

A) Lotion

B) Ointment

C) Liniment

D) Glycerol

34) The infectivity of chicken pox lasts for

A) Till the last scab falls off

B) 6 days after onset of rash

C) 3 days after onset of rash

D) Till the fever subsides

35) Anemia from malaria is marked in

A) Ars. Alb

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B) China officinal is

C) Eupatorium Perf.

D) Carbo. Veg.

36) Mysthenia Gravis is

A) Vitamin deficiency disorder

B) Neuromuscular disorder

C) Musculosketal disorder

D) Blood disorder

37) Rectum sensation as if ball in the rectum is marked in

A) Opium

B) Bry. Alba

C) Alumina

D) Sepia

38) The fusion method is used in preparation of

A) Glycerin

B) Ointments

C) Opodeldos

D) Poultice

39) The normal life span of RBC (In days is)

A) 30 days

B) 120 days

C) 150 days

D) 180 days

40) Best time for giving an antiphonic medicine is

A) During pregnancy

B) Before Menses

C) After Menses

D) During Menses

41) Which among the following is most common type of ectopic pregnancy

A) Ovarian

B) Primary abdominal

C) Intestinal

D) Tubal

42) Venoms are preserved in

A) Alcohol

B) Water

C) Glycerin

D) Acetone

43) “Bed feels hard”

A) Pyrogenium

B) Boptisia tinctoria

C) Anmica Montana

D) Opium

44) Most reliable method identification of a person is by

A) Finger printing

B) Scars

C) Anthropometry

D) DNA Analysis

45) Name of the medicine used for convulsions after vaccination

A) Silicea terra

B) Antimonium crudum

C) Aconitum napellus

D) Tuberculinum

46) Marked tenderness with severe pain at Mcburney’s point is a diagnostic feature of

A) Salpingitis

B) Appendicitis

C) Ovaritis

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D) Cystitis

47) Smallest possible dose can only be made with

A) Purified H2O

B) Globules

C) Cones

D) Tabloid

48) Belladonna is prepared from:

A) Stem

B) Whole plant including roots

C) Leaves

D) Bark

49) Which vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy

A) Diphtheria

B) Hepatitis B

C) Rubella

D) Tetanus

50) During difficult dentition children are unable to digest milk, this a characteristic symptom of

A) Magnesium-Mur

B) Nat.-Mur

C) Ars-Alb

D) Rhus-Tox

51) Silent epidemic of the century is

A) Coronary artery disease

B) Chronic liver disease

C) Chronic obstructive lung disease

D) Alzheimer’s disease

52) Cholesterol level in blood does not increase in a case of

A) Nephrotic Syndrome

B) Obstructive Jaundice

C) Hypoparathyroidism

D) Hyperthyroidism

53) Intolerance to gluten

A) Giardiasis

B) Peptic ulcer disease

C) Coeliac disease

D) Gastric malignancy

54) Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is

A) Injury to Radial nerve

B) Injury to Ulnar nerve

C) Compression of Median nerve

D) Compression of Axillary nerve

55) The patient should be advised to speak

A) Loudly

B) Slowly

C) Quickly

D) All of the above

56) Scurvy is due to deficiency of

A) Thiamin

B) Vitamin C

C) Riboflamin

D) Folic Acid

57) Mental Disease due to

A) Psora

B) Pseudo-Psora

C) Sycosis

D) Sy phillis

58) ‘Thiamine’ is a

A) Water Soluble Vitamin

B) Fat Soluble Vitamin

C) Alcohol Soluble Vitamin

D) Synthesis in human body

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59) Rheumatism associated with urticaria like eruptions

A) Rhus Toyiodendren

B) Graphites

C) Urtica Urens

D) Dulcamara

60) Breast feeding is contraindicated, if mother is receiving

A) Saline

B) Broad spectrum antibiotics

C) Antithyroid drugs

D) Streptomycine

Set Id : 25298_5


Section 2 - General Knowledge and Aptitude

61) When was the Indira Gandhi canal project launched

bafnjk xka/kh ugj ifj;¨tuk dh 'kq:vkr dc gqbZ Fkh

A) In 1930

1930 esa

B) In 1952

1952 esa

C) In 1958

1958 esa

D) In 1960

1960 esa

62) Which of the following cities is regarded as the financial capital of India

fUkEUk Eksa Lks d©UkLkk 'kgj “kjr dh O;olkf;d jkTk/kkUkh gS

A) Pune


B) Bengaluru


C) Delhi


D) Mumbai


63) What is the full form of AYUSH

vk;q"k dk iwjk uke D;k gSA

A) Ayurveda, Youth, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy

vk;qZosn] ;wFk] ;wukuh] fl)k vkSj gksE;ksiSFkh

B) Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy

vk;qZosn] ;ksxk ,oa uSpqjksiSFkh] ;wukuh] fl)k vkSj gksE;ksiSFkh

C) Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy

vk;qZosn] ;ksxk] ;wukuh] fl)k vkSj gksE;ksiSFkh

D) Allopathy, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy

,yksiSFkh] ;ksxk, ;wukuh fl)k vkSj gksE;ksiSFkh

64) Full form of EMRI

EMRI dk iwjk uke gSA

A) Emergency Management and Research Institute

bejtaslh eSusteSaV ,aM fjlpZ baLVhV~;wV

B) Emergency Medical and Referral Initiative

bejtaslh esfMdy ,aM jSQjy bfuf’k,fVo

C) Emergency Medical and Referral Institute

bejtaslh esfMdy ,aM jSQjy baLVhV~;wV

D) Emergency Management and Referral Initiative

bejtaslh eSusteSaV ,aM jSQjy bfuf’k,fVo

65) MCH Services includes

MCH lsok,a lfEefyr djrh gSa

A) Pre natal & postnatal care

izlo iwoZ ,oa izlo i'pkr~ ns[kHkky

B) Family planning

ifjokj fu;kstu

C) Care of Children below 5 years

Ikkap o"kZ ls de mez ds cPpksa dh ns[kHkky

Set Id : 25298_5


D) All of above

mijksDr lHkh

66) The Millennium Development Goal 4 was associated with

feysfu;e MoyiesaV xksy 4 dk fdlls laca/k Fkk

A) To improve Maternal health

ekr` LokLF; esa lq/kkj ds fy,

B) Reduce Child Mortality

f’k’kq eR;q nj ?kVkus ls

C) Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases

,pvkbZoh@,M~l]eysfj;k ,oa vU; chekfj;ksa ls yM+us ds


D) Develop a Global Partnership for Development

fodkl ds fy, vUrZjk"Vªh; lgHkkfxrk cukus ds fy,

67) Generally, an Anganwadi serves a population of

lkekU;r% ,d vkaxuokMh dsUnz fdruh tula[;k ij lsok nsrk gS

A) 2000

B) 3000

C) 1500

D) 1000

68) Saina Nehwal won which medal in World Badminton Championship 2015

lk;Ukk Uksgoky Uks fo'o csMfeUVUk pSfEi;Ukf'ki 2015 esa d©Uk lk

ind Tkhrk Fkk

A) Gold


B) Silver


C) Bronze


D) None of above

mij¨ä esa Lks dksbZ Ukgha

69) Which International Agency looks after the programs related to child health

dkSulh vUrZjk"Vªh; laLFkk cky LokLF; ls lacaf/kr dk;Zdze ns[krh








D) Red Cross

jsM dzkl

70) After the delivery KMC is given to

izlo ds Ik’pkr~ KMC fdldks nh tkrh gS

A) Neonate

uotkr dks

B) Lactating mother

/kk=h ekrk dks

C) Child up to 1 year

,d lky rd ds cPps dks

D) Malnourished children

dqiksf"kr cPpksa ds fy,

Set Id : 25298_5


71) Which oral dose is given to the infant at 9 months of age

f’k’kq dks 9 ekg dh vk;q ij dkSulh nok fiykbZ tkrh gS \

A) Iron


B) Vitamin A

foVkfeu ,

C) Polio


D) None of the above

dksbZ Hkh ugha

72) Nirmal Gram Award is related to

fueZy xzke iqjLdkj fdl ls lEcfU/kr gSA

A) Education


B) Health


C) Drinking water and sanitation

is;ty ,oa LoPNrk

D) None of the above

fdlh ls ugha

73) What is the time period of post delivery care

izlo ds Ik’pkr~ ns[kHkky dh le;kof/k D;k gSA

A) 6 months

6 ekg

B) 4 months

4 ekg

C) 42 days

42 fnu

D) 40 days

40 fnu

74) Which vaccination is given to the infant at 9 months of age

f’k’kq dks 9 ekg dh vk;q ij dkSu lk Vhdk yxk;k tkrk gS \


Vh Vh


Mh ih Vh

C) Measles


D) Polio


75) Which district is well known for the fairs of Gangaur and Teej

d©ulk fTkyk x.kx©j v©j Rkht d¢ fy, çfl) gS

A) Ajmer


B) Jaipur


C) Jodhpur


D) Naguar


Set Id : 25298_5


76) Hydrophobia is related to which disease gkbMªksQksfc;k fdl fcekjh ls lacaf/kr gS

A) Swine Flu LokbZu ¶yw

B) Chikungunya fpduxqfu;k

C) Rabies jscht

D) None of above

mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugh

77) World Health Day is celebrated on

fo'o LokLF; fnoLk dc eUkk;k Tkkrk gS

A) March 24

ekpZ 24

B) December 1

fnLkEcj 1

C) April 7

vÁsYk 7

D) January 1

TkUkojh 1

78) What is MAS

MAS dk iwjk uke D;k gS\

A) Mahila Ayojan Samiti

efgyk vk;kstu lfefr

B) Mahila Arogya Samiti

efgyk vkjksX; lfefr

C) Mahila Ashwasan Samiti

efgyk vk’oklu lfefr

D) Mahila Adhikarita Samiti

efgyk vf/kdkfjrk lfefr

79) What is the full form of LHV

,y-,p-oh- dk iwjk uke D;k gS

A) Lady Health Volunteer

ysMh gSYFk okWyfUV;j

B) Lady Health Visitor

ysMh gSYFk fothVj

C) Lady House Volunteer

ysMh gkml okWyfUV;j

D) Lady House Visitor

ysMh gkml fothVj

80) Amitabh Bachchan and Priyanka Chopra will be the brand ambassadors for which campaign

vferk“ cPpUk v©j fÁ;adk p©iM+k fdLk vf“;kUk ds czk.M

vEcsLkMj g¨axs

A) Great India

EkgkUk “kjr

B) Good India

vPNk “kjr

C) Amazing India

xTk+c “kjr

D) Incredible India

vrqY; “kjr

81) Which health related Act was made in India in 1971

Hkkjr esa 1971 esa LokLF; ls LkEcfU/kr dkSulk vf/kfu;e cuk;k



ih lh ih ,u Mh Vh vf/kfu;e

Set Id : 25298_5


B) RTI Act

vkj Vh vkbZ vf/kfu;e

C) Consumer Protection Act

dUT;wej izksVsD'ku vf/kfu;e

D) Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act

fpfdRldh; xHkZ lekiu vf/kfu;e

82) Which of the following is not covered under ‘4D’ of RBSK

vkjch,lds ds vUrxZr ‘4D’ fuEukafdr esa ls dkSulk ugh gS

A) Defect at birth

fMQsDV ,V cFkZ

B) Deficiency


C) Development delay

MoyiesaV fMys

D) Dietary delay

Mk;Vjh fMys

83) When is National Deworming Day organized

jk"Vªh; d`feuk’ku fnol dc euk;k tkrk gS

A) 7 March

7 ekpZ dks

B) 19 April

19 vizsy dks

C) 10 February

10 Qjojh dks

D) 12 July

12 tqykbZ dks

84) MAPEDIR is related to which of the following

MAPEDIR fuEu esa ls fdlls lEcfU/kr gSA

A) Maternal and Infant Death Inquiry

ekr` ,oa f’k’kq eR;q dh tkap ls

B) Post partum maternal Death inquiry

izlo i'pkr ekr` eR;q dh tkap ls

C) Maternal and Perinatal Death Inquiry

ekr` ,oa uotkr e`R;q dh tkap ls

D) Ante partum maternal Death inquiry

izlo iwoZ ekr eR;q dh tkap ls

85) What is R in RMNCH+A

vkj-,e-,u-lh-,p- + , esa **vkj** dk D;k rkRi;Z gS

A) Rajasthan


B) Rajya


C) Reproductive


D) Regional


86) Goli Ki Hamjoli Campaign is associated with

xksyh dh getksyh vfHk;ku tqM+k gSA

A) Immunization


B) Child care

f’k’kq ns[kHkky

Set Id : 25298_5


C) Maternal care

ekr`Ro ns[kHkky

D) Family Planning

ifjokj fu;kstu

87) The COTPA is related to

COTPA fdlls lEcfU/kr gS A

A) Prevention of female feticide

dU;k Hkzw.k gR;k dh jksdFkke gsrq

B) Right to information

lwpuk ds vf/kdkj gsrq

C) Consumer protection

dUT;wej laj{k.k gsrq

D) Regulation of cigarette and other tobacco products

flxjsV o vU; rEckdw mRiknksa ds fu;eu gsrq

88) What is AHS

,-,p-,l- D;k gS \

A) Annual Health System

,uqvy gSYFk flLVe

B) Annual Health Society

,uqvy gSYFk lkslk;Vh

C) Annual Health Survey

,uqvy gSYFk losZ

D) Asha Health Survey

vk’kk gSYFk losZ

89) Which of the following is a water soluble Vitamin

fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk foVkfeu ty esa ?kqyu’khy gksrk gS

A) Vitamin A

foVkfeu A

B) Vitamin C

foVkfeu C

C) Vitamin D

foVkfeu D

D) Vitamin K

foVkfeu K

90) Kayakalp program is related to

dk;kdYi dk;Zdze fdlls lEcfU/kr gS

A) Health Management in Hospitals

vLirkyksa esa LokLF; izcU/ku ls

B) Information Management in Hospitals

vLirkyksa esa lwpuk izcU/ku ls

C) Communication Management in Hospitals

vLirkyksa esa lapkj izcU/ku ls

D) Cleanliness and Waste Management in Hospitals

vLirkyksa esa lQkbZ ,oa dpjk izcU/ku ls

91) AFHS program is for

AFHS dk;ZØe fdlds fy, gS

A) Mothers

ekrkvksa ds fy,

B) Infants

f’k’kqvksa ds fy,

Set Id : 25298_5


C) Adolescent boys and girls

fd’kksj fd’kksfj;ksa ds fy,

D) Lactating mothers

/kk=h ekrkvksa ds fy,

92) With which border states Rajasthan shares the maximum border line

fdl jkT; d¢ lkFk jktLFkku dh lcls T;knk lhek yxrh gS

A) Madhya Pradesh

e/; Áns'k

B) Punjab


C) Uttar Pradesh

mÙkj çns'k

D) Haryana


93) MUAC tape is used for

MUAC Vsi D;k dke vkrk gSA

A) Measuring height

yEckbZ ukius ds fy,

B) Examining pregnant woman

xHkZorh dh tkap ds fy,

C) Finding malnutrition in child

cPps esa dqiks"k.k dk irk yxkus ds fy,

D) Applying on injury

pksV ij yxkus ds fy,

94) On what problem do ICTC work

ICTC fdl leL;k ij dke djrs gSa

A) HIV test of pregnant women

xHkZorh efgykvksa dh ,p vkbZoh takp

B) Counseling on STI

;kSu jksxksa ij ijke’kZ

C) Testing and counseling on HIV

,p vkbZoh dh tkap ,oa ijke’kZ gsrq

D) All of the above

mDr lHkh ds fy,

95) SBA services are given to

,l-ch-,- dh lsok,a fdldks nh tkrh gSa

A) Adolescents

fd’kksj dks

B) Pregnant woman

xHkZorh dks

C) Lactating mother

/kk=h ekrk dks

D) Elderly person

ofj"B ukxfjdksa dks

96) Out of following which policy was implemented in 2002 in India buesa ls Hkkjr Uks 2002 esa dkSulh uhfr ykxw dh Fkh

A) National Ayush policy jk"Vªh; vk;q"k uhfr

B) National Nutrition Policy jk"Vªh; iks"k.k uhfr

C) National Population Policy jk"Vªh; tula[;k uhfr

Set Id : 25298_5


D) National Health Policy jk"Vªh; LokLF; uhfr

97) What was the period of Digital India Week launched by Prime Minister

iz/kkuea=h }kjk pYkk;s x;s *fMTkhVy bafM;k ohd* dh le;kof/k

D;k Fkh

A) 24th June to 1st July 2015

24 TkwUk&1 TkqykbZ 2015

B) 2nd to 9th July 2015

2&9 TkqykbZ 2015

C) 1st to 7th July 2015

1&7 TkqykbZ] 2015

D) 3rd to 10th July 2015

3&10 TkqykbZ 2015

98) Which bird is the State bird of Rajasthan

jktLFkku dk jkT; i{kh d©ulk gS

A) Falcon


B) Peacock


C) Great Indian Bustard


D) Parrot


99) The desert area of Rajasthan is known as

jktLFkku d¢ e:LFky d® D;k dgk tkRkk gS

A) Sahara


B) Thar


C) Gobi


D) Kalahari


100) In which condition zinc is given to children

fdl fLFkfr esa cPpksa dks ftad fn;k tkrk gS \

A) In TB

Vh-ch- esa

B) In Respiratory tract infection

’olu ufydk esa laØe.k esa

C) In Malnutrition

dqiks"k.k esa

D) In Diarrhea

nLr esa

Set Id : 25298_5


Answer Key

1. A

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. A

11. C

12. D

13. A

14. C

15. B

16. B

17. B

18. C

19. A

20. C

21. C

22. A

23. A

24. C

25. B

26. D

27. B

28. D

29. D

30. D

31. A

32. D

33. C

34. B

35. A

36. B

37. D

38. B

39. B

40. A

41. D

42. C

43. A

44. D

45. A

46. B

47. B

48. B

49. C

50. A

51. D

52. D

53. C

54. C

55. B

56. B

57. A

58. A

59. C

60. C

61. C

62. D

63. B

64. A

65. D

66. B

67. D

68. B

69. C

70. A

71. B

72. C

73. C

74. C

75. B

76. C

77. C

78. B

79. B

80. D

81. D

82. D

83. C

84. C

85. C

86. D

87. D

88. C

89. B

90. D

91. C

92. A

93. C

94. D

95. B

96. D

97. C

98. C

99. B

100. D