General Health and Benefits

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  • 8/11/2019 General Health and Benefits



    General Health and Benefits

    Definition of health

    The most famous modern definition of health was created during a Preamble to the

    Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health

    Conference, New York, 19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of

    61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100)and entered into

    force on 7 April 1948.

    "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the

    absence of disease or infirmity."

    The Definition has not been amended since 1948.

    During the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986, the WHO said that health is:

    "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept

    emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities."

    Other definition of health

    Optimal well-being that contributes to ones quality of life.

    It is more than freedom from disease and illness, though freedom from disease is

    important to good health.

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    The term wellness was first used by a doctor called Halbert L. Dunn, USA, who published a

    small booklet entitled "High Level Wellness" in 1961. The term is much more widely used in

    North American than in the United Kingdom.

    According to the Mickinley Health Center, University of Illinois, wellness "is a state of optimal

    well-being that is oriented toward maximizing an individual's potential. This is a life-long

    process of moving towards enhancing your physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual,

    and environmental well-being."

    The University of East Carolina defines wellness as "the integration of mind, body and spirit.

    Optimal wellness allows us to achieve our goals and find meaning and purpose in our lives.

    Wellness combines seven dimensions of well-being into a quality way of living. Overall,

    wellness is the ability to live life to the fullest and to maximize personal potential in a variety

    of ways. Wellness involves continually learning and making changes to enhance your state

    of wellness. When we balance the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, occupational,

    spiritual, and environmental aspects of life, we achieve true wellness."

    According to Medilexicon's medical dictionary, wellness is "A philosophy of life and personal

    hygiene that views health as not merely the absence of illness but the full realization of one's

    physical and mental potential, as achieved through positive attitudes, fitness training, a diet

    low in fat and high in fiber, and the avoidance of unhealthful practices (smoking, drug and

    alcohol abuse, overeating)".

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    Two aspects to health

    Most people accept that health can be divided into two broad aspects - physical and mental


    Physical health

    For humans, physical health means a good body health, which is healthy because of

    regular physical activity (exercise), good nutrition, and adequate rest.

    As a country's or region's people experience improved nutrition, health care,

    standards of living and quality of life, their height and weight generally increase.

    In fact, most people, when asked for a definition of health talk about physical health.

    Physical health relates to anything concerning our bodies as physical entities.

    Physical health has been the basis for active living campaigns and the many nutrition

    drives that have swept the industrialized world. People are exposed to so much

    "physical health" data these days that it is hard to decide what is relevant and what is


    Another term for physical health is physical wellbeing. Physical wellbeing is defined

    as something a person can achieve by developing all health-related components of

    his/her lifestyle. Fitness reflects a person's cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular

    strength, flexibility, and body composition. Other contributors to physical wellbeing

    may include proper nutrition, bodyweight management, abstaining from drug abuse,

    avoiding alcohol abuse, responsible sexual behavior (sexual health), hygiene, and

    getting the right amount of sleep.

    Some people divide physical health into two separate sections:

    Structural health - this refers to sound bones, muscles, organs etc. That the

    structures in the body are performing the functions they were made for properly.

    Structural health is associated with a person's height/weight ratio, their BMI (body

    mass index), their resting pulse rate (heart rate), and recovery time after doing


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    Chemical Health - good chemical health means that the chemicals in the person's

    body are correct, that tissues contain the right balance of nutrients, etc., and there

    are no toxic chemicals.

    We may inhale or swallow natural and synthetic chemicals; they can also get into our

    body through skin. In most cases, the body can break these chemicals down or

    excrete them, so that there is no risk of toxic overload.

    Some chemicals can harm or destroy cells and tissues, while others may affect

    genetic material directly, which can increase the risk of developing cancer. Genetic

    material directly, which can increase the risk of developing cancer.

    Mental health

    Mental health refers to people's cognitive and emotional well-being. A person who

    enjoys good mental health does not have a mental disorder. According to WHO,

    mental health is "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own

    abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and

    fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community".

    No matter how many definitions people try to come up with regarding mental health,

    its assessment is still a subjective one.

    People have always found it easier to explain what mental illness is, rather than

    mental health. Most people agree that mental health refers to the "absence of mental

    illness". For some, this definition is not enough. They argue that if you pick 100

    people who do not suffer from any mental disorder or illness that could be diagnosed

    by a psychiatrist, some people within those 100 will be mentally healthier than others.Most people also agree that mental health includes the ability to enjoy life, the ability

    to bounce back from adversity, the ability to achieve balance (moderation), the ability

    to be flexible and adapt, the ability to feel safe and secure, and self-actualization

    (making the best of what you have).

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    6 Components of health

    There are six components in the health:

    I. Physical

    Physical health refers to the way that your body functions. This includes

    eating right, getting regular exercise, and being at your recommended

    body weight. Physical health is also avoiding drugs and alcohol and being

    free of disease and sickness

    II. Social

    Social health is the quality of your relationships with friends, family,

    teachers, and others you are in contact with.

    III. Environmental

    Environmental health is keeping your air and water clean, your food safe,

    and the land around you enjoyable and safe.

    IV. Emotional

    Emotional health is expressing your emotions in a positive, nondestructive


    V. Spiritual

    Spiritual health is maintaining harmonious relationships with other living

    things and having spiritual direction and purpose. This includes living

    according to ones ethics, morals, and values.

    VI. Intellectual/Mental

    Mental health is the ability to recognize reality and cope with the demands

    of daily life

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    The effect of not taking good care of our health

    According to the statistic that have been announced by the Department of health in Unites

    States, the major causes of death have been


    Cancer, known medically as a malignant neoplasm, is a large group of different

    diseases, all involving unregulated cell growth. In cancer, cells divide and grow

    uncontrollably, forming malignant tumors, and invade nearby parts of the body. The cancer

    may also spread to more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic system or

    bloodstream. Not all tumors are cancerous. Benign tumors do not grow uncontrollably, do

    not invade neighboring tissues, and do not spread throughout the body.

    Determining what causes cancer is complex. Many things are known to increase the

    risk of cancer, including tobacco use, certain infections, radiation, lack of physical activity,

    poor diet and obesity, and environmental pollutants. These can directly damage genes or

    combine with existing genetic faults within cells to cause the disease. Approximately five to

    ten percent of cancers are entirely hereditary.

    Cancer can be detected in a number of ways, including the presence of certain signs

    and symptoms, screening tests, or medical imaging. Once a possible cancer is detected it is

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    diagnosed by microscopic examination of a tissue sample. Cancer is usually treated with

    chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. The chances of surviving the disease vary

    greatly by the type and location of the cancer and the extent of disease at the start of

    treatment. While cancer can affect people of all ages, and a few types of cancer are more

    common in children, the risk of developing cancer generally increases with age. In 2007,

    cancer caused about 13% of all human deaths worldwide (7.9 million). Rates are rising as

    more people live to an old age and as mass lifestyle changes occur in the developing world.

    When cancer begins it invariably produces no symptoms with signs and symptoms

    only appearing as the mass continues to grow or ulcerates. The findings of result depend on

    the type and location of the cancer. Few symptoms are specific, with many of them also

    frequently occurring in individuals who have other conditions. Cancer is the new "great

    imitator". Thus it is not uncommon for people

    diagnosed with cancer to have been treated

    for other diseases to which it was assumed

    their symptoms were due.

    Local symptoms may occur due to

    the mass of the tumor or its ulceration. For

    example mass effects from lung cancer can

    cause blockage of the bronchus resulting in

    cough or pneumonia, esophageal cancer

    can cause narrowing of the esophagus

    making it difficult or painful to swallow, and

    colorectal cancer may lead to narrowing or blockages in the bowel resulting in changes in

    bowel habits. Masses of breast or testicles may be easily felt. Ulceration can cause bleeding

    which, if it occurs in the lung, will lead to coughing up blood, in the bowels to anemia or

    rectal bleeding, in the bladder to blood in the urine, and in the uterus to vaginal bleeding.

    Although localized pain may occurs in advanced cancer, the initial swelling is usually

    painless. Some cancers can cause build-up of fluid within the chest or abdomen.

    General symptoms occur due to distant effects of the cancer that are not related to

    direct or metastatic spread. These may include: unintentional weight loss, fever, being

    excessively tired, and changes to the skin.Hodgkin disease, leukemias, and cancers of the

    liver or kidney can cause a persistent fever of unknown origin.

    Specific constellations of systemic symptoms, termed paraneoplastic phenomena,

    may occur with some cancers. Examples include the appearance of myasthenia gravis in

    thymoma and clubbing in lung cancer. Symptoms of metastasis are due to the spread of

    cancer to other locations in the body. They can include enlarged lymph nodes (which can be

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    felt or sometimes seen under the skin and are typically hard), hepatomegaly (enlarged liver)

    or splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) which can be felt in the abdomen, pain or fracture of

    affected bones, and neurological symptoms.

    Cancers are primarily an environmental disease with 90-95% of cases attributed to

    environmental factors and 5-10% due to genetics. Environmental, as used by cancer

    researchers, means any cause that is not genetic, not merely pollution. Common

    environmental factors that contribute to cancer death include tobacco (25-30%), diet and

    obesity (30-35%), infections (15-20%), radiation (both ionizing and non-ionizing, up to 10%),

    stress, lack of physical activity, and environmental pollutants. It is nearly impossible to prove

    what caused a cancer in any individual, because most cancers have multiple possible

    causes. For example, if a person who uses tobacco heavily develops lung cancer, then it

    was probably caused by the tobacco use, but since everyone has a small chance of

    developing lung cancer as a result of air pollution or radiation, then there is a small chance

    that the cancer developed because of air pollution or radiation.


    A stroke is a condition in which the brain cells suddenly die because of a lack of

    oxygen. This can be caused by an obstruction in the blood flow, or the rupture of an artery

    that feeds the brain. The patient may suddenly lose the ability to speak, there may bememory problems, or one side of the body can become paralyzed.

    The two main types of stroke include ischemic strokeand hemorrhagic stroke.

    Ischemic strokeaccounts for about three-quarters of all strokes and occurs when a

    blood clot, or thrombus, forms that blocks blood flow to part of the brain. If a blood clot

    forms somewhere in the body and breaks off to become free-floating, it is called an

    embolus. This wandering clot may be carried through the bloodstream to the brain where

    it can cause ischemic stroke.

    A hemorrhagicstroke occurs when a blood vessel on the brain's surface ruptures and

    fills the space between the brain and skull with blood (subarachnoid hemorrhage) or when

    a defective artery in the brain bursts and fills the surrounding tissue with blood (cerebral


    Both types of stroke result in a lack of blood flow to the brain and a buildup of blood that puts

    too much pressure on the brain.

    The outcome after a stroke depends on where the stroke occurs and how much of the brain

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    is affected. Smaller strokes may result in minor problems, such as weakness in an arm or

    leg. Larger strokes may lead to paralysis or death. Many stroke patients are left with

    weakness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking,incontinence,and bladder problems.

    Causes of stroke

    Ischemic strokes are ultimately caused by a thrombus or embolus that blocks blood flow to

    the brain. Blood clots (thrombus clots) usually occur in areas of the arteries that have been

    damaged byatherosclerosisfrom a buildup of plaques. Embolus type blood clots are often

    caused byatrial fibrillation- an irregular pattern of heart beat that leads to blood clot

    formation and poor blood flow.

    Hemorrhage strokes can be caused by uncontrolled high blood pressure, a head injury,oraneurysms.High blood pressure is the most common cause of cerebral hemorrhage, as

    it causes small arteries inside the brain to burst. This deprives brain cells of blood and

    dangerously increases pressure on the brain.

    Aneurysms - abnormal blood-filled pouches that balloon out from weak spots in the wall of

    an artery - are the most

    common cause of

    subarachnoid hemorrhage. If

    an aneurysm ruptures, blood

    spills into the space between

    the surfaces of the brain and

    skull, and blood vessels in the

    brain may spasm. Aneurysms

    are often caused or made

    worse by high blood

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    Diabetes, often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus, describes a group of metabolic

    diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin

    production is inadequate, or because the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or

    both. Patients with high blood sugar will typically experience polyuria (frequent urination),

    they will become increasingly thirsty (polydipsia) and hungry (polyphagia).

    There are three types of diabetes:

    1) Type 1 Diabetes

    The body does not produce insulin. Some people may refer to this type as insulin-dependent

    diabetes, juvenile diabetes, or early-onset diabetes. People usually develop type 1 diabetes

    before their 40th year, often in early adulthood or teenage years.

    Type 1 diabetes is nowhere near as common as type 2 diabetes. Approximately 10% of all

    diabetes cases are type 1.Patients with type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin injections for

    the rest of their life. They must also ensure proper blood-glucose levels by carrying out

    regular blood tests and following a special diet.

    Between 2001 and 2009, the prevalence of type 1 diabetes among the under 20s in the USA

    rose 23%, according to SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth data issued by the CDC (Centers for

    Disease Control and Prevention).

    2) Type 2 Diabetes

    The body does not produce enough insulin for proper function, or the cells in the body do not

    react to insulin (insulin resistance).

    Approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes worldwide are of this type.

    Some people may be able to control their type 2 diabetes symptoms by losing weight,

    following a healthy diet, doing plenty of exercise, and monitoring their blood glucose levels.

    However, type 2 diabetes is typically a progressive disease - it gradually gets worse - and

    the patient will probably end up have to take insulin, usually in tablet form.

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    Overweight and obese people

    have a much higher risk of

    developing type 2 diabetes

    compared to those with a

    healthy body weight. People

    with a lot of visceral fat, also

    known as central obesity,

    belly fat, or abdominal

    obesity, are especially at risk.

    Being overweight/obese

    causes the body to release

    chemicals that can destabilize

    the body's cardiovascular and metabolic systems.

    Being overweight, physically inactive and eating the wrong foods all contribute to our risk of

    developing type 2 diabetes. Drinking just one can of (non-diet) soda per day can raise our

    risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 22%, researchers from Imperial College London

    reported in the journal Diabetologia. The scientists believe that the impact of sugary soft

    drinks on diabetes risk may be a direct one, rather than simply an influence on body weight.

    The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is also greater as we get older. Experts are notcompletely sure why, but say that as we age we tend to put on weight and become less

    physically active. Those with a close relative who had/had type 2 diabetes, people of Middle

    Eastern, African, or South Asian descent also have a higher risk of developing the disease.

    Men whose testosterone levels are low have been found to have a higher risk of developing

    type 2 diabetes. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, say that low

    testosterone levels are linked to insulin resistance.

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    3) Gestational Diabetes

    This type affects females during pregnancy. Some women have very high levels of glucose

    in their blood, and their bodies are unable to produce enough insulin to transport all of the

    glucose into their cells, resulting in progressively rising levels of glucose.

    Diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made during pregnancy.

    The majority of gestational diabetes patients can control their diabetes with exercise and

    diet. Between 10% to 20% of them will need to take some kind of blood-glucose-controlling

    medications. Undiagnosed or uncontrolled gestational diabetes can raise the risk of

    complications during childbirth. The baby may be bigger than he/she should be.

    Scientists from the National Institutes of Health and Harvard University found that women

    whose diets before becoming pregnant were high in animal fat and cholesterol had a higher

    risk for gestational diabetes, compared to their counterparts whose diets were low in

    cholesterol and animal fats.

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    Benefits of regular physical activity

    a) Exercise controls weight:-

    Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When we

    engage in physical activity we will burn calories. The more intense the activity, the

    more calories you burn. You don't need to set aside large chunks of time for exercise

    to reap weight-loss benefits. If we cannot do an actual workout, get more active

    throughout the day in simple ways by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or

    revving up your household chores.

    b) Exercise combats health conditions and disease:-

    No matter what your current weight, being active boosts high-density lipoprotein

    (HDL) or "good," cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This one-two

    punch keeps our blood flowing smoothly, which decreases your risk of cardiovascular

    diseases. In fact, regular physical activity can help you prevent or manage a wide

    range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2

    diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer, arthritis and falls.

    c) Exercise improves mood:-

    A workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk can help. Physical activity stimulatesvarious brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. You

    may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise

    regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

    d) Exercise boosts energy:-

    Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your

    endurance. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues

    and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and

    lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy to go about your daily chores.

    e) Exercise promotes better sleep:-

    Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. Just

    do not exercise too close to bedtime or you may be too energized to fall asleep.

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    f) Exercise puts the spark back into our sex life:-

    Regular physical activity can leave you feeling energized and looking better, which

    may have a positive effect on your sex life. But there is more to it than that. Regular

    physical activity can lead to enhanced arousal for women. And men who exercise

    regularly are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction than are men who

    do not exercise.

    g) Exercise can be fun:-

    Exercise and physical activity can be a fun way to spend some time. It gives you a

    chance to unwind, enjoy the outdoors or simply engage in activities that make you

    happy. Physical activity can also help you connect with family or friends in a fun

    social setting. So, take a dance class, hit the hiking trails or join a soccer team. Find

    a physical activity you enjoy, and just do it. If you get bored, try something new.

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    Benefit of health-related Physical Fitness:-

    a) Good physical fitness can help an individual work effectively and efficiently:-

    A person who can resist fatigue, muscle soreness, back problems and other symptoms

    associated with poor health-related fitness is capable to of working productively and

    having energy left over at the end of the day. While, employes involved with fitness

    programs at work have improved their sense of well-being. People with good skill-related

    fitness may be more effective and efficient in performing certain jobs.

    b) Physical fitness is essential to effective living:-

    Every person requires enough fitness to perform normal daily activities without undue

    fatigue. Whether, it be walking, performing, household chores or merely feeling good and

    enjoying the simple things in life without pain or fear of injury, good fitness is important to

    all people.

    c) Good physical fitness can help an individual enjoy leisure time:-

    A person who is lean, has no back problems, does not have high blood pressure and has

    reasonable skills in a lifetime of sports is more likely to get involved and stay regularly

    involved in leisure-time activities than one who does not have these characteristics.

    Enjoying our leisure time may not add years to our life but can add life to your years.

    d) Physical fitness is the basis for dynamic and creative activity:-

    The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activity of the mind is subtle

    and complex. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when

    the body is healthy and strong and that hardy spirits or toughs or tough minds usually

    inhabit sound bodies. Physical fitness is the basis of all activities in the society. If the

    body grow soft and inactive, if we fail to encourage physical development and prowess,

    we will undermine our capacity for thought and for work. A recent research suggest that,

    though modest, the effect of activity and fitness n intellectual functioning is positive.

    e) Good physical fitness help to function safely and assist in meeting unexpected


    When they do arise, they often demand performance that requires good fitness. For

    example, flood victims may need to fill sandbags for hours without rest and accident

    victims may be required to walk or run long distance for help. Besides that, good fitness is

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    required for such simple task as safely changing a spare tire or loading a moving van

    without injury.

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    Health and Wellness Benefits of Physical activity and Fitness

    a) Improved Cardiovascular Health:-

    Some benefits are produce stronger heart muscle fitness and health, lower heart rate

    better electric stability of heart, decreased sympathetic control of heart, increase oxygen

    distribution to brain, reduced blood fat including low-density lipoproteins (LDLs),

    increased protective high-density lipoproteins (HDLs), delayed development of

    artherosclerosis, increased work capacity, improved peripheral circulation, improved

    coronary circulation, resistance to emotional storm reduced risk for heart attack, reduced

    risk for stroke, reduced risk for hypertension, greater chance of surviving a heart attack

    and also increased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

    b) Enhanced mental Health and Function:-

    Relief of depression, improved sleep habits, fewer stress symptoms, ability to enjoy

    leisure and work as well as improved brain function.

    c) Opportunity for successful experience and social interactions:-

    Improved self-concept, opportunity to recognize and accept personal limitations,

    improved sense of well-being, enjoyment of life and fun and then improved quality of life.

    d) Improved appearance:-

    Better figure or physique, better posture of the body shape and enable to manage fat


    e) Greater lean body mass and less body fat:-

    Greater work efficiency, less susceptibility to disease, improved appearance and less

    incidence of self-concept problems related to obesity.

    f) Improved Flexibility:-

    Greater work efficiency, less chance of muscle injury, less chance of joint injury,

    decreased chance of developing low back problems and improved sport performance.

    g) Bone development:-

    Greater peak bone density and less chance of developing osteoporosis.

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    h) Reduced cancer risk:-

    Reduced risk for colon and breast cancer and also possible reduced risk for mental and

    prostate cancers.

    i) Reduced effect of acquired aging:-

    Improved ability to function in daily life, better short-term memory, fewer illnesses, greater

    mobility, greater independence,greater ability to operate an automobile and then lower

    risk for dementia.

    j) Improved wellness:-

    Improved quality of life, leisure-time enjoyment, improved work capacity, ability to meet

    emergencies and improved creative capacity.

    k) Resistance fatigue:-

    Ability to enjoy leisure, improved quality of life and improved ability to meet some


    l) Improved strength and muscular endurance:-

    Greater work efficiency, less chance for muscle injury, reduced risk for low back

    problems, improved performance in sports, quicker recovery after hard work and

    improved ability to meet emergencies.

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    The FITT Formu la:-

    A formula used to describe the frequency, intensity, time and type of physical activity

    necessary to produce benefits. As well as, the formula for achieving health, wellness and

    fitness benefits.

    a) Frequency:-

    It is about how often physical activity must be performed regularly to be effective. The

    number of days a person does activity in a week determines frequency of exercise.

    Most benefits require at least three days and up to six days of activity per week.

    However, frequency ultimately depens on the specific activity and the benefit desired.

    b) Intensity:-

    It related to the how the condition of the activity. Which, physical activity must be

    intense enough to require more exertion or overload then mormal to produce

    benefits. The method for determining appropriate intensity varies with the desired

    benefit. For example, metabolic fitness and associated health benefits require only

    moderate intensity, cardiovascular fitness for high-level performance requires

    vigorous activity that elevates the heart eate well above normal.

    c) Time:-

    Based on the duration of the exercise conducted. Which, physical activity must be

    done for an adequate length of time to be effective. The length of the activity sessiondepends on the type of activity and also the expected benefit.

    d) Type:-

    What kind of activity conducted. Which, the benefits derived depend on the type of

    activity performed. Each, activity has a different frequency, intensity and also time.

    For example, moderate activity must be done at least five days a week, while muscle

    fitness activity may be done as few as two days a week.

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    The Healthy Eating Pyramid

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    Components of Nutrient


    We need protein for growth, to repair body tissue, and to keep our immune systems healthy.

    When the body not get enough protein, it might break down muscle for the fuel it needs. This

    makes it take longer to recover from illness and can lower resistance to infection. People

    with cancer often need more protein than usual. After surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation

    therapy, extra protein is usually needed to heal tissues and help fight infection.

    Good sources of protein include fish, poultry, lean red meat, eggs, low-fat dairy products,

    nuts and nut butters, beans, peas and soy foods.


    Fats play an important role in nutrition. Fats and oils are made of fatty acids and serve as a

    rich source of energy for the body. The body breaks down fats and uses them to store

    energy, insulate body tissues, and transport some types of vitamins through the blood.When

    considering the effects of fats on your heart and cholesterol level, choose monounsaturated

    and polyunsaturated fats more often than saturated fats or trans fats.

    Monounsaturated fatsare found mainly in vegetable oils like olive, canola, and peanut oils.

    Polyunsaturated fatsare found mainly in vegetable oils like safflower, sunflower, corn, and

    flaxseed. They are also the main fats found in seafood.

    Saturated fatsare mainly found in animal sources like meat and poultry, whole or reduced-

    fat milk, cheese, and butter. Some vegetable oils like coconut, palm kernel oil, and palm oil

    are saturated. Saturated fats can raise cholesterol and increase risk for heart disease. Less

    than 10% of calories should come from saturated fat.

    Trans-fatty acidsare formed when vegetable oils are processed into margarine or

    shortening. Sources of trans fats include snack foods and baked goods made with partially

    hydrogenated vegetable oil or vegetable shortening. Trans fats also are found naturally in

    some animal products, like dairy products.

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    Carbohydrates are the bodys major source of energy. Carbohydrates give the body the fuel

    it needs for physical activity and proper organ function. The best sources of carbohydrates

    like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and also supply needed vitamins and minerals, fiber,and phytonutrients to the bodys cells.

    Whole grainsor foods made from them contain all the essential parts and naturally

    occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed. Whole grains are found in cereals, breads,

    flours, and crackers. Some whole grains, such as quinoa, brown rice, or barley, can be used

    as side dishes or part of an entree. When choosing a whole-grain product, look for the words

    whole grain, stone ground, whole ground, whole-wheat flour, whole-oat flour, or

    whole-rye flour.

    Fiberis the part of plant foods that the body cannot digest. There are 2 types of fiber.

    Insoluble fiber helps to move food waste out of the body quickly, and soluble fiber binds with

    water in the stool to help keep stool soft. Other sources of carbohydrates include bread,

    potatoes, rice, spaghetti, pasta, cereals, corn, peas, and beans. Sweets (desserts, candy,

    and drinks with sugar) can supply carbohydrates, but provide very little in the way of

    vitamins, minerals, or phytonutrients.


    Water and liquids or fluids are vital to health. All body cells need water to function. If you do

    not take in enough fluids or if lose fluids through vomiting or diarrhea, can become

    dehydrated (your body doesnt have as much fluid as it should). If this happens, the fluids

    and minerals that help keep your body working can become dangerously out of balance. We

    should drink about eight 8-ounce glasses of liquid each day to be sure that all the body cells

    get the fluid they need. We need extra fluids if you are vomiting or have diarrhea. Keep in

    mind that all liquids (soups, milk, even ice cream and gelatin) count toward fluid goals.

    Vitamins and minerals

    The body needs small amounts of vitamins and minerals to help it function properly. Most

    are found naturally in foods. They are also sold as supplements in pill and liquid form. They

    help the body use the energy (calories) found in foods. Some people with cancer take large

    amounts of vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements to try to boost their immune

    system or even destroy cancer cells. But some of these substances can be harmful,

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    especially when taken in large doses. In fact, large doses of some vitamins and minerals

    may make chemotherapy and radiation therapy less effective.


    Antioxidants include vitamins A, C, and E; selenium, and zinc; and some enzymes that

    absorb and attach to free radicals, preventing them from attacking normal cells.

    If take in more antioxidants, health experts recommend eating a variety of fruits and

    vegetables, which are good sources of antioxidants. Taking large doses of antioxidant

    supplements or vitamin-enhanced foods or liquids is usually not recommended while getting

    chemo or radiation therapy.


    Phytonutrients or phytochemicals are plant compounds like carotenoids, lycopene,

    resveratrol, and phytosterols that are thought to have health-protecting qualities. They are

    found in plant products such as fruits, vegetables, and teas. Pill or supplement forms of

    phytochemicals have not been shown to be as helpful as eating the foods that contain them.

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    Benefits of Good Nutrition

    The benefits of good nutrition are multiple. Besides helping maintain a healthy weight, good

    nutrition is essential for the body and all of system function. The good nutriton intake will

    provide the physical and mental health. This is because the health diet will provides energy,

    promotes good sleep and others benefits for health.

    Bone and strength

    A diet rich in calcium keeps bones and teeth strong and helps prevent bone loss associated

    with osteoporosis. We can avoid the bone condition that providing our bodies with enough

    calcium in diet. For example, low-fat dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt; dark

    green vegetables, such as bok choy and broccoli; and fortified foods, such as soy products,

    fruit juices and cereals are good sources of calcium. Vitamin D helps the body absorb

    calcium; choose products fortified with vitamin D to balance of nutrition.

    Growth and repair of tissues in the body

    A good nutrition has the advantage that it ensures growth during childhood and also

    pregnancy which for healing and the maintenance and build-up of muscle mass. For these

    essential processes to take place, the body needs energy, certain vitamins and minerals, but

    especially protein on a daily basis.

    Benefits ofgood


    Bone andteeth


    Growth andrepair of




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    The components of nutritient like protein which also (supplies 17 kilojoules of energy per

    gram) can be obtained primarily from animal products such as meat, eggs and milk. Most

    plant foods are relatively poor in protein, with the exception of legumes and beans. The other

    advantage is that, if some people who suffer an injury, the body will be ready and able to

    repair the damaged tissue. From this it also be able to maintain muscle mass and increase it

    when do some exercise.


    Increased energy levels are the immediate benefits of switching to a healthy diet. Eliminating

    excess fats, sugars and refined carbohydrates helps prevent blood sugar fluctuations.

    Examples of refined carbohydrates include candy and white breads. Unprocessed

    carbohydrates including whole grains, fruits and vegetables are most nutritious. This allows

    to maintain steady blood sugar and constant energy levels as a result. Small, frequent meals

    also help maintain energy. In addition, eating a healthy breakfast helps keep energized for

    people throughout the day.

    Brain health

    Proper nutrition increases blood flow to the brain, protecting brain cells and helping to

    prevent Alzheimers disease. For a brain healthy diet, avoid fried foods and favor baked,

    steamed and grilled foods and also eat dark fruits and vegetables such as kale, spinach,

    broccoli, prunes, raisins, blueberries, raspberries, plums and cherries. The others example

    food like almonds, walnuts and other nuts are great sources of vitamin E, which along with

    other vitamins, also helps fight Alzheimers disease.

    Weight control

    To prevent weight gain, the people must eat no more calories than burn each day. For

    weight loss, must eat fewer calories than the body burns daily. Healthy and nutrient-dense

    foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, typically contain fewercalories than sodas, sweets and fast food meals. Shedding excess pounds reduces your risk

    of obesity-related conditions such as type-2 diabetes, clogged arteries and thyroid

    dysfunction. To maintain weight, the calories must eat equal the energy you burn. A weight-

    control strategy might include:

    -Choosing low-fat, low-calorie foods

    -Eating smaller portions

    -Drinking water instead of sugary drinks

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    -Being physically active

    The Effects of Physical Activity and Nutrion Toward Health

    Overall Mortality:-

    Higher levels of regular physical activity are asso-ciated with lower mortality rates for both

    older and younger adults. Even those who are moderately active on a regular basis have

    lower mortality rates than those who are least active.

    Cardiovascular Diseases:-

    Regular physical activity or cardiorespiratory fit-ness decreases the risk of cardiovasculardisease mortality in general and of coronary heart disease mortality in particular. Existing

    data are not con-clusive regarding a relationship between physical activity and stroke. The

    level of decreased risk of coronary heart disease attributable to regular physical activity is

    similar to that of other lifestyle factors, such as keeping free from cigarette smoking. Regular

    physical activity prevents or delays the development of high blood pressure, and exer-cise

    reduces blood pressure in people with hypertension.

    A diet low in fats, cholesterol and sodium can lower risk of heart disease. The types of fat in

    your diet play a major role in your level of risk. Saturated and cholestrol are commonly found

    in red meats, fried foods, coconut oils, palm oils, margarines and packaged snack foods .

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    This increase risk and must be avoided. Diets could reduce the risk of heart disease are rich

    in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy. Aim for four to five servings of fruits and

    four to five servings of vegetables per day.


    Regular physical activity is associated with a decreased risk of colon cancer. There is no

    association between physical activity and rectal cancer. Data are too sparse to draw

    conclusions regarding a relationship between physical activity and endometrial, ovarian, or

    testicular cancers. Despite numerous studies on the subject, existing data are inconsistent

    regarding an association between physical activity and breast or prostate cancers.

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    NonInsulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus:-

    Regular physical activity lowers the risk of developing non insulin dependent diabetes


    The excess weight gain, overweight and obesity and physical inactivity account for the

    escalating rates of type 2 diabetes, worldwide. Diabetes leads to increased risk of heart

    disease, kidney disease, stroke and infections. Increased physical activity and maintaining a

    healthy weight play critical roles in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.


    Regular physical activity is necessary for maintaining

    normal muscle strength, joint structure and joint

    function. In the range recommended for health,

    physical activity is not associated with joint damage

    or development of osteoarthritis and may be

    beneficial for many people with arthritis. Competitiveathletics may be associated with the development of

    osteoarthritis later in life, but sports-related injuries

    are the likely cause.

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    Weight-bearing physical activity is essential for normal skeletal development during

    childhood and adolescence and for achieving and maintain-ing peak bone mass in young

    adults. It is unclear whether resistance or endurance type physical activity can reduce the

    accelerated rate of bone loss in postmenopausal women in the absence of estrogen

    replacement therapy. Fragility fractures are a problem of older people. Adequate intakes of

    calcium (500 mg per day or more) and of vitamin D in populations with high osteoporosis

    rates helps to reduce fracture risk,


    There is promising evidence that strength train-ing and other forms of exercise in older

    adults preserve the ability to maintain independent living status and reduce the risk of falling.


    Low levels of activity, resulting in fewer kilocalories used than consumed, contribute to the

    high prevalence of obesity in the United States. Physical activity may favorably affect body

    fat distribution.

    The imbalance between declining energy expenditure due to physical inactivity and high

    energy in the diet (excess calories whether from

    sugar, starches or fat) is the main determinant of

    the obesity epidemic. Reducing intakes of foods

    high in fat and foods and drinks high in sugars,

    can prevent unhealthy weight gain. Taking these

    simple goals to concrete action requires major

    social and environmental changes in order to

    effectively promote and support healthier

    choices at the individual level.

  • 8/11/2019 General Health and Benefits



    1. Corbin, C.B, Welk, G.J, Corbin, W.R. & Welk, K.2011. Concept Of Fitness and

    Wellness. A Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach.9thed. New York: McGraw Hill



