General Body Parts

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Transcript of General Body Parts

  • 7/28/2019 General Body Parts


    General Body Parts

    body le corps

    beard la barbe

    size la taille

    head la tte

    hair les cheveux

    eyes les yeux

    face le visage

    freckles les tches de rousseur

    mouth la bouche

    tooth, theeth la dent, les dents

    nose le nez

    ears les oreilles

    cheek la joue

    cheek bone la pommette

    shoes les chaussures

    clothes les vtements

    arm le bras

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    legs les jambes

    hand la main

    mole le grain de beaut

    moustache la moustache

    wrinkles les rides

    glasses les lunettes

    topPhysical Appearance - Le Physique

    agrable pleasant

    short petit

    small petit

    tall grand

    medium-sized de taille moyenne

    sun-tanned bronz

    paile ple

    long arms des bras longs

    wrinkled rid

    with a moustache moustachu

    topA Persons Build
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    anorexic anorexique

    thin, slim mince, fin

    slender svelte, mince

    skinny maigre

    muscular muscl

    fat gros

    obese obse

    chubby (fat and cosy) potel(e), rondelet(te) (plutt femmes et enfants)

    corpulent corpulent

    strong fort

    stout (fat and short) corpulent (pour les hommes)

    well-built bien bti(e)

    Beauty - Beaut

    She's quite good-looking. Elle a un physique agrable.

    He is a handsome man. C'est un bel homme.

    attractive sduisant

    cute mignon

    handsome beau, bel (homme)

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    good-looking beau, belle, sduisant

    pretty joli

    sweet mignon

    ugly laid

    spotty boutonneux

    topEyes - Yeux

    She has green eyes. Elle a les yeux verts.

    blue eyes yeux bleus

    brown eyes yeux marron

    green eyes yeux verts

    grey eyes yeux gris

    hazel eyes yeux noisette

    black eyes yeux noirs

    big eyes de grands yeux

    small eyes de petits yeux

    round eyes les yeux ronds

    almond-shaped eyes les yeux en amande

    beautiful eyes de beaux yeux
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    dark eyes yeux noirs

    sparkling eyes yeux ptillants

    piercing eyes yeux perants

    slanted eyes yeux brids

    doe eyes yeux de gazelle

    crows' feet pattes d'oies

    topEyebrows - Sourcils

    arched eyebrows sourcils arqus

    bushy eyebrows sourcils broussailleux, sourcils touffus

    thin eyebrows sourcils minces

    topNose - Nez

    He has an aquiline nose. (Roman nose) Il a un nez aquilin.

    She has a straight nose.(Greek nose) Elle a un nez droit.

    John has a broad nose. John a un nez large.

    Jane has a hawk nose. (hooked nose). Jane a un nez faucon. (nez busqu)

    I have a snub nose. (small with upturned tips) J'ai un nez retrouss.

    My Sister has a turned-up nose. Ma soeur a un nez retrouss.

    flat nose un nez plat
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    big nose un gros nez

    small nose un petit nez

    topMouth - Bouche

    small mouth petite bouche

    wide mouth large bouche

    thin lips lvres minces

    full lips lvres pleines

    pouting lips les lvres boudeuses

    pursed lips lvres pinces

    blubbery lips grosses lvres molles

    swollen lips lvres gonfles

    topHair - cheveux

    The order is 1. Length 2. Texture or Color.

    He has short, curly, fair hair.

    Se has long, light brown, curly hair.

    She is red-haired, She has red hair. Elle a des cheveux roux.

    He is fair-haired, He has fair hair. Il est blond.

    blond hair cheveux blonds

    fair hair cheveux clairs
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    ash-blond hair cheveux blonds cendrs

    auburn hair cheveux auburn (chtain + roux)

    light brown hair cheveux bruns clairs

    ginger-haired rouquin

    red hair cheveux roux

    dark brown hair cheveux marrons foncs

    chestnut hair cheveux chtains

    dark hair des cheveux foncs.

    black hair des cheveux noirs

    She has short hair. Elle a les cheveux cours.

    He is long-haired. Il a des cheveux longs.

    crew cut cheveux en brosse

    curly hair cheveux friss

    wavy hair cheveux onduls

    straight hair cheveux raides

    frizzy hair cheveux crpus

    messy hair cheveux en ptard

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    tousle-haired bouriff

    tangled hair cheveux emmles

    a ponytail queue de cheval

    bold chauve

    bleached hair cheveux dcolors

    dyed hair cheveux teints

    highlighted hair des mches

    permed hair cheveux permanents

    weaved hair les cheveux tresss

    topFace - Visage

    Her face is oval. Son visage est ovale.

    He has a round face. Il a un visage rond.

    My face is chubby. Mon visage est joufflu.

    long face visage long

    square face visage carr

    freckled face un visage plein de tches de rousseur

    She has a freckled face. Elle des tches de rousseur sur le visage.
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    wrinkled face. un visage rid

    spotless face visage impeccable

    rosy face un visage rose

    ruddy face un visage rougeaud

    tanned face un visage bronz

    pale face un visage ple

    dark-skinned peau brune

    tan-skinned peau mte

    fair-skinned peau claire

    light-skinned peau claire

    topChin - Menton

    clog chin menton en galoche

    double chin double menton

    pointy chin menton pointu

    prominent chin menton saillant

    receding chin menton fuyant

    square chin menton carr

    topCheeks - Joues
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    hollow cheeks joues creuses

    round cheeks joues rondes

    pinky cheeks joues roses

    red cheeks joues rouges

    sagging cheeks joues pendantes

    dimple fossette

    prominent cheek bone pommette saillante

    topHow Old is She/He? - Age

    baby bb(0 - 2)

    toddler bambin (2 - 5)

    child enfant (0 - 10)

    teen, youth adolescent, teenager (10 - 19)

    young adult jeune adulte (18 - 30)

    adult adulte

    middle aged d'ge moyen

    mature d'ge mr

    elderly g, troisime ge

    old vieux
  • 7/28/2019 General Body Parts



    What does he/she look like?

    She is wearing glasses.

    Who wears glasses?

    She has freckles.

    She has no beard. :)

    What colour are her eyes?

    She has big green eyes.

    Is he wearing a hat?

    Yes, he is. (Yes, he is wearing a hat.)

    What colour is his hair?

    Has he blond hair?

    No, he has grey hair.

    He has a moustache.

    How tall is he?

    He is 6 foot 7. (6 foot 7 inches)