GenAss Article No.1

USJR JPIA Unveils Sweet Surprises for the 2nd Semester An Article for UJSR-JPIAs Journey in Becoming the Best Local Chap ter The secon semester of chapter year !"#$-!"#% is e&pecte to 'e a full pac(e time for Uni)ersity of San Jose-Recoletos Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants* +fficially opene ,ith a 'last uring its !n general assem'ly hel at the USJR Center for Performing Arts last  o)em'er ./ !"#$/ USJR JPIA is a'out to e&p erience loas of fun an learning in this semester* 0ighlighte in the sai opening e)ent ,ere the a,aring of the pre)ious semester’s epartmental e&am topnotchers an the State of the Boy Aress* The mighty an 'rainy ,arriors of each empire ,ere gi)en certificates to recogni1e their e&emplary performance in the 'looy e&ams last semester* The S+BA then presente to the JPIA mem'ers the )arious e)ents an acti)ities in the #st semester in the Secretary’s Report an the current staning of the organi1ation ,ith regars to the finances an is'ursements in the Treasurer’s Report* 2ueries regaring the organi1ation ,ere also aresse uring the open forum follo,ing the S+BA* 3ollo,ing these important affairs/ the ,hole organi1ation also catere a small salamat paalam for the Chairman of the Accountancy an 3inance 4epartment/ 5r* 6man 3lores/ CPA ,ho is  'oun to lea)e the institution in pursuit of ,iening his career’s hori1ons* 7ifts/ s,eet nothings an small to(ens of appreciation ,ere gi)en 'y the ifferent empires to JPIA’ s 'elo)e instructor* S,eet surprises coming in simple fugee 'ar/ nissin ,afer an C! solo snac(s ,ere istri'ute to the mem'ers for the first time in the history of general assem'lies* The 'iggest an s,eetest surprise ,as the un)eiling of the planne acti)ities for the !n semester* 3rom the usual e)ents li(e Barrio 3iesta/ A+7 pageant/ 3easi'ility stuy efense an e&hi'it an accountancy ,ee( cele'rations annually e&perience 'y the JPIAs o)er the years in USJR/ ne, e)ents an more impro)e e)ents are e&pecte to come this semester* To mention a fe,/ the impro)ements  planne are the gran ce le'ration of the Barrio 3iesta outsie the campus an the con)ersion of the ,ee(-long cele'ration of the Accountancy 4epartment into a month-long fun pac(e e)ent*  e, e)ents are also e&pecte li(e the JPIAs e&t To p 5oel/ JPIA prom an JPIA year en  party* The secon semester is inee anticipate to 'e a 'usy an stressful one/ ho,e)er the  presence of these s,eet surprises planne out for the semester ,il l certainly relie)e the stress an  'ring fun an 8oy to each JPIA*  

Transcript of GenAss Article No.1


USJR JPIA Unveils Sweet Surprises for the 2nd Semester

An Article for UJSR-JPIA’s Journey in Becoming the Best Local Chapter 

The secon semester of chapter year !"#$-!"#% is e&pecte to 'e a full pac(e time for 

Uni)ersity of San Jose-Recoletos Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants* +fficially opene

,ith a 'last uring its !n general assem'ly hel at the USJR Center for Performing Arts last

 o)em'er ./ !"#$/ USJR JPIA is a'out to e&perience loas of fun an learning in this semester*

0ighlighte in the sai opening e)ent ,ere the a,aring of the pre)ious semester’s epartmental

e&am topnotchers an the State of the Boy Aress* The mighty an 'rainy ,arriors of each

empire ,ere gi)en certificates to recogni1e their e&emplary performance in the 'looy e&ams

last semester* The S+BA then presente to the JPIA mem'ers the )arious e)ents an acti)ities in

the #st semester in the Secretary’s Report an the current staning of the organi1ation ,ith

regars to the finances an is'ursements in the Treasurer’s Report* 2ueries regaring the

organi1ation ,ere also aresse uring the open forum follo,ing the S+BA*

3ollo,ing these important affairs/ the ,hole organi1ation also catere a small salamat paalam for 

the Chairman of the Accountancy an 3inance 4epartment/ 5r* 6man 3lores/ CPA ,ho is

 'oun to lea)e the institution in pursuit of ,iening his career’s hori1ons* 7ifts/ s,eet nothings

an small to(ens of appreciation ,ere gi)en 'y the ifferent empires to JPIA’s 'elo)e instructor*

S,eet surprises coming in simple fugee 'ar/ nissin ,afer an C! solo snac(s ,ere istri'ute to

the mem'ers for the first time in the history of general assem'lies* The 'iggest an s,eetest

surprise ,as the un)eiling of the planne acti)ities for the !n semester* 3rom the usual e)ents

li(e Barrio 3iesta/ A+7 pageant/ 3easi'ility stuy efense an e&hi'it an accountancy ,ee( 

cele'rations annually e&perience 'y the JPIAs o)er the years in USJR/ ne, e)ents an more

impro)e e)ents are e&pecte to come this semester* To mention a fe,/ the impro)ements

 planne are the gran cele'ration of the Barrio 3iesta outsie the campus an the con)ersion of 

the ,ee(-long cele'ration of the Accountancy 4epartment into a month-long fun pac(e e)ent*

 e, e)ents are also e&pecte li(e the JPIA’s e&t Top 5oel/ JPIA prom an JPIA year en

 party* The secon semester is inee anticipate to 'e a 'usy an stressful one/ ho,e)er the

 presence of these s,eet surprises planne out for the semester ,ill certainly relie)e the stress an

 'ring fun an 8oy to each JPIA*