gen 2.2 abbreviations and definitions used in ais publications

GEN 2.2 - 1 AIP New Zealand © Civil Aviation Authority GEN 2.2 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS USED IN AIS PUBLICATIONS 1 ABBREVIATIONS 1.1 General 1.1.1 The abbreviations used in the AIP New Zealand are generally in accordance with those listed in ICAO Abbreviations and Codes PANS-ABC (Doc 8400), and CAR Part 1 . 1.1.2 Abbreviations are correct in the use of upper and/or lower case where there is an applicable international standard, such as for units of measurement (ICAO ANNEX 5). Upper case is always used in communications on the aeronautical fixed service, such as transmission on the international AFTN, or in the text of NOTAM. 1.1.3 A shortened list of abbreviations is also available on the Airways website. 1.1.4 In the following listing: * means a non-ICAO abbreviation — for New Zealand domestic use only means abbreviations and terms are to be transmitted as spoken words when using radiotelephony means abbreviations and terms are to be transmitted as individual letters when using radiotelephony A A Amber AAA (or AAB, AAC ... etc in sequence) Amended meteorological message A/A Air-to-air AAD Assigned altitude deviation AAL Above aerodrome level ABI Advance boundary information ABM Abeam ABN Aerodrome beacon ABT About ABV Above AC Altocumulus Effective: 23 NOV 06

Transcript of gen 2.2 abbreviations and definitions used in ais publications

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1.1 General

1.1.1 The abbreviations used in the AIP New Zealand are generally inaccordance with those listed in ICAO Abbreviations and Codes PANS-ABC(Doc 8400), and CAR Part 1.

1.1.2 Abbreviations are correct in the use of upper and/or lower casewhere there is an applicable international standard, such as for units ofmeasurement (ICAO ANNEX 5). Upper case is always used incommunications on the aeronautical fixed service, such as transmission onthe international AFTN, or in the text of NOTAM.

1.1.3 A shortened list of abbreviations is also available on the Airwayswebsite.

1.1.4 In the following listing:

* means a non-ICAO abbreviation — for New Zealand domesticuse only

† means abbreviations and terms are to be transmitted as spokenwords when using radiotelephony

‡ means abbreviations and terms are to be transmitted asindividual letters when using radiotelephony


A AmberAAA (or AAB, AAC ... etc in sequence) Amended

meteorological messageA/A Air-to-airAAD Assigned altitude deviationAAL Above aerodrome levelABI Advance boundary informationABM AbeamABN Aerodrome beaconABT AboutABV AboveAC Altocumulus

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† ACARS Aircraft communication addressing and reportingsystem (pronounced “AY-CARS”)

† ACAS Airborne collision avoidance system (pronounced“AY-CASS”)

‡ ACC Area control centre or area controlACCID Notification of an aircraft accidentACFT AircraftACK AcknowledgeACL Altimeter check locationACN Aircraft classification number

* ACNZ Airways Corporation of New Zealand LimitedACPT Accept or acceptedACT Active or activated or activityAD Aerodrome

* AD Airworthiness DirectiveADA Advisory areaADC Aerodrome chartADDN Addition or additional

* ADEP Aerodrome of Departure* ADES Aerodrome of Destination‡ ADF Automatic direction-finding equipment or automatic

direction-finder† ADIZ Air defence identification zone (pronounced

“AY-DIZ”)ADJ AdjacentADO Aerodrome office (specify service)ADR Advisory route

‡ ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance — Broadcast‡ ADS-C Automatic Dependent Surveillance — Contract

ADSU Automatic dependent surveillance unitADVS Advisory serviceADZ AdviseAES Aircraft earth station

* AFFF Aqueous film forming foamAFIL Flight plan filed in the airAFIS Aerodrome flight information serviceAFM Yes or affirm or affirmative or that is correct

* AFRU Aerodrome frequency response unitAFS Aeronautical fixed serviceAFT After ... (time or place)

‡ AFTN Aeronautical fixed telecommunications networkA/G Air to ground

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AGA Aerodromes, air routes and ground aidsAGL Above ground levelAGN AgainAGNIS Azimuth guidance for nose-in standsAIC Aeronautical information circularAIDC Air traffic services inter-facility data communicationAIP Aeronautical information publication

* AIPNZ Aeronautical information publication of New ZealandAIRAC Aeronautical information regulation and control

† AIREP Air report† AIRMET Information concerning enroute weather phenomena

which may affect the safety of low-level aircraftoperations

AIS Aeronautical information servicesALA Alighting area

† ALERFA Alert phaseALRS Alerting serviceALS Approach lighting systemALT AltitudeALTN Alternate or alternating (light alternates in colour)ALTN Alternate (aerodrome)AMA Area minimum altitudeAMD AmendAMDT Amendment (AIP Amendment)AMS Aeronautical mobile serviceAMSL Above mean sea levelAMSS Aeronautical mobile satellite serviceANC Aeronautical chart 1:500 000 (followed by

name/title)ANS AnswerAOC Aerodrome obstacle chart (followed by type and

name/title)AP Airport

† APAPI Abbreviated precision approach path indicator(pronounced “AY-PAPI”)

APCH ApproachAPDC Aircraft parking/docking chart (followed by

name/title)APIS Aircraft parking information systemAPN Apron

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APP Approach control office or Approach control orApproach control service

APR AprilAPRX Approximate or approximatelyAPSG After passingAPV Approve or approved or approvalARC Area chart

* ARC Aerodrome reference code* ARFL Aerodrome reference field length

ARFOR Area forecast (in aeronautical meteorological code)ARNG ArrangeARO Air traffic services reporting officeARP Aerodrome reference pointARQ Automatic error correctionARR Arrive or arrivalARST Arresting [specify (part of) aircraft arresting

equipment]AS AltostratusASC Ascend to or Ascending toASDA Accelerate-stop distance availableASE Altimetry system errorASPH AsphaltAT At (followed by time at which weather change is

forecast to occur)‡ ATA Actual time of arrival‡ ATC Air traffic control (in general)* ATCC Air Traffic Control Centre‡ ATD Actual time of departure or Along Track Distance

ATFM Air traffic flow management† ATIS Automatic terminal information service

ATM Air traffic managementATN Aeronautical telecommunication networkATP At ... (time or place)ATS Air traffic services

* ATSC Air Traffic Services CentreATTN Attention

† AT-VASIS Abbreviated T visual approach slope indicatorsystem (pronounced “AY-TEE-VASIS”)

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AUG AugustAUTH Authorised or AuthorisationAUW All up weightAUX Auxiliary

* AVASIS Abbreviated visual approach slope indicator system(pronounced “AY-VASIS”)

AVBL Available or AvailabilityAVG Average

† AVGAS Aviation gasoline* AWIB Aerodrome and weather information broadcast

AWS Automatic weather stationAWTA Advise at what time ableAWY AirwayAZM Azimuth


B Blue* B Bitumen

BA Braking action† BASE Cloud base

BCFG Fog patchesBCN Beacon (Aeronautical ground light)BCST BroadcastBDRY BoundaryBECMG BecomingBFR Before

* BI Bi-directionalBKN BrokenBL ... Blowing (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or

SN=snow)BLDG BuildingBLO Below cloudsBLW Below ...BOMB BombingBR MistBRF Short (used to indicate the type of approach desired

or required)BRG BearingBRKG Braking

*† BRNAV Basic area navigation (pronounced “BEE-AR-NAV”)BS Commercial broadcasting stationBTL Between layersBTN BetweenBWR Basic Weather Report

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C Centre (runway identification)C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade)

* CAA NZ Civil Aviation Authority* CAM Collaborative Arrival Manager* CAR NZ Civil Aviation Rules

CAT Category{ CAVOK Visibility, cloud and present weather better than

prescribed values or conditions (pronounced“KAV-OH-KAY”)

CAT Clear air turbulence‡ CB Cumulonimbus (pronounced “CEE BEE”)

CC CirrocumulusCCA (or CCB, CCC ... etc in sequence) Corrected

meteorological messageCD Candela(s)CF Change frequency to

* CF Course Fix (used with GNSS approaches — oftenequivalent to IF)

* CFM Confirm or I confirm* CFZ Common Frequency Zone

CGL Circling guidance light(s)CH ChannelCI Cirrus

{ CIDIN Common ICAO interchange networkCIT Near or over large town(s)CIV CivilCK CheckCL Centre lineCLA Clear type of ice formationCLBR CalibrationCLD CloudCLG Calling

* CLIAS Climbing indicated speedCLR Cleared or Cleared to ... or ClearanceCLSD Close or Closed or ClosingCM CentimetreCMB Climb to or Climbing toCMPL Completion or Completed or Complete

* CMSD CommissionedCNL Cancel or CancelledCNS Communications, navigation and surveillance

* COL ColumnCOM CommunicationsCONC Concrete

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COND Condition(s)CONS ContinuousCONST Construction or ConstructedCONT Continue or ContinuedCOOR Coordinate or CoordinationCOORD CoordinatesCOP Change-over pointCOR Correct or CorrectedCOT At the coastCOV Cover or Covered or Covering

‡ CPDLC Controller-pilot data link communicationsCRC Cyclic redundancy checkCRZ CruiseCS CirrostratusCTA Control areaCTAM Climb to and maintainCTC ContactCTL ControlCTN Caution

* CTOT Calculated Time of Departure(pronounced “SEE TOT”)

CTR Control zoneCU CumulusCUF CumuliformCUST Customs

* CVFR Controlled VFRCVR Cockpit voice recorderCW Continuous waveCWY Clearway


* d DayD ... Danger area (followed by identification)

* D DownhillD Downward (tendency in RVR during previous 10

minutes)DA Decision altitude

† D-ATIS Data link automatic terminal information service(pronounced “DEE-ATIS”)

* DCA Director of Civil AviationDCD Double channel duplexDCKG DockingDCL Digital Clearance Delivery

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* DCMSD DecommissionedDCPC Direct controller-pilot communicationsDCS Double channel simplexDCT Direct (in relation to flight plan clearances and type

of approach)DEC DecemberDEG DegreesDEP Depart or DepartureDES Descend to or Descending toDEST Destination

† DETRESFA Distress phaseDEV Deviation or Deviating

* DF Direction findingDFDR Digital flight data recorderDFTI Distance from touchdown indicatorDH Decision heightDIF Diffuse

* DISP DisplacedDIST DistanceDIV Divert or Diverting or DiversionDLA Delay or DelayedDLIC Data link initiation capability

* DLV DeliveryDLY Daily

‡ DME Distance measuring equipmentDNG Danger or DangerousDOM DomesticDP Dewpoint temperatureDPT DepthDR Low drifting (followed by DU=dust, SA=sand or

SN=snow)DR Dead reckoningDRG DuringDS DuststormDSB Double sidebandDTAM Descend to and maintainDTG Date–time groupDTHR Displaced runway thresholdDTRT Deteriorate or DeterioratingDTW Dual tandem wheelsDU Dust

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DUC Dense upper cloudDUR DurationD-VOLMET Data link VOLMETDVOR Doppler VORDW Dual wheelsDZ Drizzle


E East or Eastern longitudeEAT Expected approach timeEB Eastbound

* ECT Evening civil twilightEET Estimated elapsed timeEFC Expect further clearanceEGPWS Enhanced ground proximity warning systemEHF Extremely high frequency [30 000 to 300 000 MHz]

† ELBA Emergency locator beacon — aircraftELEV ElevationELR Extra long rangeELT Emergency locator transmitterEM EmissionEMBD Embedded in a layer (to indicate cumulonimbus

embedded in layers of other clouds)EMERG EmergencyEND Stop-end (related to RVR)

* ENDC EnduranceENE East north-eastENG EngineENR EnrouteENRC Enroute chart (followed by name/title)EPIRB Emergency position indicating radio beaconEOBT Estimated off-blocks time

* EOL Effective operational lengthEQPT EquipmentER Here or HerewithESE East south-eastEST Estimate or Estimated

* ESWL Equivalent single wheel load‡ ETA Estimated time of arrival or estimating arrival

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‡ ETD Estimated time of departure or estimating departureETO Estimated time over a significant point

* ETOPS Extended-range twin-engine operationsEV EveryEXC ExceptEXER Exercises or Exercising or to ExerciseEXP Expect or Expected or ExpectingEXTD Extend or Extending


F FixedFAC FacilitiesFAF Final approach fixFAL Facilitation of international air transportFAP Final approach pointFATO Final approach and take-off areaFAX Facsimile transmissionFBL Light (used to indicate the intensity of weather

phenomena, interference or static reports, e.g. FBLRA=light rain)

FC Funnel cloudFCST ForecastFCT Friction coefficientFDPS Flight data processing systemFEB FebruaryFG FogFIC Flight information centre

‡ FIR Flight information regionFIS Flight information serviceFISA Automated flight information service

* FISB Flight information service broadcastsFL Flight levelFLD FieldFLG FlashingFLR FlaresFLT FlightFLTCK Flight checkFLUC Fluctuating or Fluctuation or FluctuatedFLW Follow(s) or FollowingFLY Fly or Flying

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FM ... From (followed by time weather change is forecastto begin)

FM From‡ FMS Flight management system

FMU Flow management unitFNA Final approach

* FPD Flight plan designatorFPM Feet per minuteFPR Flight plan routeFR Fuel remainingFREQ FrequencyFRI FridayFRNG Firing

† FRONT Front (relating to weather)FRQ Frequent

* FS Flight serviceFSL Full stop landingFSS Flight service stationFST Firstft Feet (dimensional unit)FU SmokeFZ FreezingFZDZ Freezing drizzleFZFG Freezing fog

* FZL Freezing levelFZRA Freezing rain


G GreenG Indicator for variations from the mean wind speed

(gusts) (used in the METAR/SPECI and TAF codeforms)

* GA General aviation* GAA General aviation area (applies to airspace)

G/A Ground-to-airG/A/G Ground-to-air and air-to-groundGAMET Area forecast for low-level flightsGEN GeneralGEO Geographic or true

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GES Ground earth station* GG Whole hours UTC

GLD Glider† GLONASS Global orbiting navigation satellite system

(pronounced “GLO-NASS”)GMC Ground movement chart (followed by name/title)GND GroundGNDCK Ground check

‡ GNSS Global navigation satellite systemGP Glide path

‡ GPS Global Positioning System‡ GPWS Ground proximity warning system* Gp Group

GR Hail or soft hail* Gr Grass* Gr(f) Firm grass* Gr(s) Soft grass

GRASS Grass landing areaGRIB Processed meteorological data in the form of grid

values (in aeronautical meteorological code)GRVL GravelGS Small hail and/or snow pelletsGS Ground speed

* GSM Graphical SIGMET MonitorGUND Geoid undulation


H High pressure area or the centre of high pressure* ”H”, ”h” Depth of flexible pavement

H24 Continuous day and night serviceHAPI Helicopter approach path indicatorHBN Hazard beaconHDF High frequency direction-finding stationHDG HeadingHEL Helicopter

* HEL-L Light helicopter (radius of action of 50 NM andcapacity for evacuating one person)

* HEL-M Medium helicopter (radius of action of 50 to 100 NMand capacity for evacuating 2–5 persons)

* HEL-H Heavy helicopter (radius of action in excess of100 NM and capacity for evacuating 2–5 persons)

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‡ HF High frequency [3 000 to 30 000 kHz]HGT Height or Height aboveHJ Sunrise to sunsetHLDG HoldingHN Sunset to sunriseHO Service available to meet operational requirementsHOL HolidayHOSP Hospital aircrafthPa HectopascalHR HoursHS Service available during hours of scheduled

operations* HUMS Health and usage monitoring system

HURCN HurricaneHVDF High and very high frequency direction-finding

stations (at the same location)HVY HeavyHVY Heavy (used to indicate the intensity of weather

phenomena, e.g. HVY RA=heavy rain)HX No specific working hoursHYR HigherHZ Dust hazeHz Hertz (cycles per second)


IAC Instrument approach chartIAF Initial approach fixIAO In and out of cloudsIAR Intersection of air routesIAS Indicated air speedIBN Identification beaconIC Ice crystals (very small ice crystals in suspension —

also known as diamond dust)* ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation

ICE IcingID Identifier or Identify

† IDENT IdentificationIDF Initial Departure FixIF Intermediate approach fixIFF Identification friend/foe

* IFIS Internet Flight Information Service‡ IFR Instrument flight rules

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* IFT Instrument Flight Test (Initial Issue)IGA International general aviation

‡ ILS Instrument landing systemIM Inner marker

‡ IMC Instrument meteorological conditionsIMG ImmigrationIMPR Improve or improvingIMT Immediate or ImmediatelyINA Initial approachINBD InboundINC In cloud

† INCERFA Uncertainty phase† INFO Information

INOP InoperativeINP If not possibleINPR In progressINS Inertial navigation systemINSTL Install or Installed or InstallationINSTR InstrumentINT IntersectionINTL InternationalINTRG InterrogatorINTRP Interrupt or Interruption or InterruptedINTSF Intensify or IntensifyingINTST IntensityIR Ice on runwayISA International standard atmosphereISB Independent sidebandISOL Isolated


JAN JanuaryJTST Jet streamJUL JulyJUN June


kg Kilogram/skHz Kilohertzkm Kilometre/skmh Kilometres per hourkPa KiloPascal/skt Knot/skW Kilowatt/s

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L Left (runway identification)* L Litres

L Locator (see LM, LO)L Low pressure area or the centre of low pressure

* “L”, “l” Radius of relative stiffness of rigid pavementLAN InlandLAT LatitudeLCA Local or Locally or Location or LocatedLDA Landing distance availableLDAH Landing distance available, helicopterLDG LandingLDI Landing direction indicatorLEN LengthLF Low frequency [30 to 300 kHz]

* LFZ Low flying zoneLGT Light or LightingLGTD LightedLIH Light intensity highLIL Light intensity lowLIM Light intensity medium

* LL Lower limit(s)* LL CA Lower limit of controlled airspace

LM Locator, middleLMT Local mean time

† LNAV Lateral navigationLNG Long (used to indicate the type of approach desired

or required)LO Locator, outer

* LOA Length overallLOC LocaliserLONG Longitude

† LORAN Long range air navigation systemLRG Long range

* LRNS Long range navigation systemLTD LimitedLTT Landline teletypewriterLV Light and variable (relating to wind)LVE Leave or LeavingLVL LevelLVP Low Visibility ProceduresLYR Layer or Layered

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M Mach number (followed by figures)M Indicator for minimum value of runway visual range

(used in the METAR/SPECI code forms)m Metre/s (preceded by figures)MAA Maximum authorised altitudeMAG MagneticMAINT MaintenanceMAP Aeronautical maps and chartsMAPt Missed approach pointMAR MarchMAR At sea

* MAUW Maximum all-up weightMAX MaximumMAY May

* MBZ Mandatory Broadcast ZoneMCA Minimum crossing altitude

* MCT Morning civil twilight* MCTOW Maximum certificated take-off weight

MCW Modulated continuous waveMDA Minimum descent altitudeMDF Medium frequency direction-finding stationMDH Minimum descent heightMEA Minimum enroute altitude

* MED MedicalMEHT Minimum eye height over threshold (for visual

approach slope indicator systems)* MEL Minimum equipment list† MET Meteorological or Meteorology† METAR Aviation routine weather report (in aeronautical

meteorological code)METREPORT

Local routine meteorological report (in abbreviatedplain language)

MF Medium frequency [300 to 3 000 kHz]* MFA Minimum flight altitude

MHDF Medium and high frequency direction-findingstations (at the same location)

MHVDF Medium, High and Very High frequencydirection-finding stations (at the same location)

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MHz MegahertzMID Mid-point (related to RVR)MIFG Shallow fogMIL Militarymin Minute/sMKR Marker radio beaconMLAT Multilateration

* MLFZ Military low flying zone‡ MLS Microwave landing system

MM Middle markerMNM MinimumMNPS Minimum navigation performance specificationsMNT Monitor or Monitoring or MonitoredMNTN MaintainMOA Military operating areaMOC Minimum obstacle clearance (required)MOD Moderate (used to indicate the intensity of weather

phenomena, interference or static reports, e.g. MODRA=moderate rain.)

MON Above mountainsMON MondayMOV Move or Moving or Movement

† MOPS Minimum operational performance standardsMPS Metres per secondMRA Minimum reception altitudesMRG Medium rangeMRP ATS/MET reporting pointMS Minus

* MSA Minimum safe altitude (non-ICAO usage, based onCivil Aviation Rule 91.423)

* MSA 25 NM Minimum sector altitude (ICAO definition based on25 NM obstacle clearance)

MSAW Minimum safe altitude warningMSG MessageMSL Mean sea levelMSSR Monopulse secondary surveillance radarMT Mountain

* MTOW Maximum take-off weight* MTP Maximum tyre pressure

MTU Metric unitsMTW Mountain wavesMVDF Medium and very high frequency direction-finding

stations (at the same location)* MWARA Major world air route area

MWO Meteorological watch officeMX Mixed type of ice formation (white and clear)

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N No distinct tendency (in RVR during previous 10minutes)

N North or Northern latitude* NA Not authorised† NASC National AIS system centre

NAV NavigationNB NorthboundNBFR Not beforeNC No change

‡ NDB Non-directional radio beacon* NDT Non-destructive testing

NE North-eastNEB North-eastboundNEG No or Negative or Permission not granted or That is

not correctNGT Night

† NIL None or I have nothing to send youNM Nautical milesNML NormalNNE North north-eastNNW North north-westNOF International NOTAM office

* † NORDO Non-radio equipped† NOSIG No significant change (used in trend-type landing

forecasts)† NOTAM A notice containing information concerning the

establishment, condition or change in anyaeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard,the timely knowledge of which is essential topersonnel concerned with flight operations

NOV November‡ NOZ Normal operating zone* NPA Non-precision approach

NR Number* NRCC National Rescue Coordination Centre

NRH No reply heardNS NimbostratusNSC Nil significant cloudNSW Nil significant weather

* NTL National‡ NTZ No transgression zone* NU Not usable

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NW North-westNWB North-westbound

* NWFC National weather forecasting centreNXT Next

* NZ New Zealand* NZA... Controlled Airspace (followed by identification)* NZB... Mandatory Broadcast Zone (followed by

identification)* NZC... Common Frequency Zone (followed by identification)* NZD... Danger area (followed by identification)* NZDT New Zealand daylight time (UTC plus 13 hours)* NZG... General Aviation Area (followed by identification)* NZL... Low Flying Zone (followed by identification)* NZM... Military Operating Area (followed by identification)* NZMS... New Zealand Mapping Service map series number

(followed by identification)* NZP... Parachute Landing Area (followed by identification)* NZR... Restricted area (followed by identification)* NZST New Zealand standard time (UTC plus 12 hours)* NZT... VFR Transit Lane (followed by identification)* NZV... Volcanic Hazard Zone (followed by identification)


OAC Oceanic area control centreOAS Obstacle assessment surfaceOBS Observe or Observed or ObservationOBSC Obscure or Obscured or ObscuringOBST ObstacleOCA Obstacle clearance altitudeOCA Oceanic control areaOCC Occulting (light)OCH Obstacle clearance heightOCNL Occasional or Occasionally

* OCR Oceanic Radar SectorOCS Obstacle clearance surfaceOCT October

* OEI One engine inoperative† OFIS Operational flight information service broadcasts

OFZ Obstacle free zoneOHD Overhead

† OKTA Eighths of sky cover* OL Overland† OLDI On-line data interchange

OM Outer marker*† OMNI Omni-directional

OPA Opaque, white type of ice formation

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OPC The control indicated is operational control† OPMET Operational meteorological (information)

OPN Open or Opening or OpenedOPR Operator or Operate or Operative or Operating or

Operational† OPS Operations

O/R On requestORD Indication of an orderOSV Ocean station vehicleOTLK Outlook (used in SIGMET messages for volcanic ash

and tropical cyclones)OTP On topOUBD OutboundOVC Overcast

* OW Over water


P Indicator for maximum value of wind speed orrunway visual range (used in the METAR/SPECI andTAF code forms)

P... Prohibited area (followed by identification)*† PAL Pilot activated lighting

PALS Precision approach lighting system (specifycategory)

† PANS Procedures for air navigation services† PAPI Precision approach path indicator‡ PAR Precision approach radar

PARL ParallelPATC Precision approach terrain chart (followed by

name/title)PAX Passenger(s)PBN Performance-based navigationPCD Proceed or ProceedingPCL Pilot-controlled lightingPCN Pavement classification number

‡ PDC Pre-departure clearancePDG Procedure design gradientPER PerformancePERM PermanentPIB Pre-flight information bulletin

† PIREP Pilot’s reportPJE Parachute jumping exercisePL Ice pelletsPLA Practice low approach

* PLA Parachute landing areaPLN Flight plan

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PLVL Present levelPN Prior notice requiredPNR Point of no returnPO Dust/sand whirls (dust devils)POB Persons on boardPOSS PossiblePPI Plan position indicatorPPR Prior permission requiredPPSN Present positionPRFG Aerodrome partially covered by fogPRI PrimaryPRKG Parking

† PROB ProbabilityPROC ProcedurePROV ProvisionalPS PlusPSG PassingPSN Position

‡ PSR Primary surveillance radarPSYS Pressure systemPTN Procedure turnPTS Polar track structure

* PVT PrivatePWR Power


‡ QDM Magnetic heading (zero wind)‡ QDR Magnetic heading‡ QFE Atmospheric pressure at aerodrome level (or at

runway threshold)‡ QFU Magnetic orientation of runway‡ QNH An altimeter sub-scale setting to obtain elevation

when on the ground‡ QTE True bearing‡ QUAD Quadrant

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R Indicator for runway visual range (used in theMETAR/Speci code forms)

R RedR Right (runway identification)R... Restricted area (followed by identification)

* R... VOR Radial, e.g. R345RA RainRAFC Regional area forecast centreRAG Runway arresting gearRAG RaggedRAI Runway alignment indicator

† RAIM Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring† RASC Regional AIS system centre

RB Rescue boatRCA Reach cruising altitudeRCC Rescue Coordination CentreRCH Reach or ReachingRCL Runway centre lineRCLL Runway centre line light(s)RCLR Recleared

‡ RCP Required communication performance* RDARA Regional and Domestic air route area

RDH Reference datum heightRDL RadialRDO Radio

* RDPS radar data processing systemRE... Recent (used to qualify weather phenomena, e.g.

RERA=recent rain)* RE Rolled earth

REC Receive or ReceiverREDL Runway edge light(s)REF Reference to ... or Refer to ...REG Registration

* † REIL Runway end identifier lightsRENL Runway end light(s)REP Report or Reporting or Reporting pointREQ Request or RequestedRERTE Re-routeRESA Runway end safety area

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* RESTR Restriction(s)* RF Radio frequency

RF Constant radius arc to a fix* RFDPS radar and flight data processing system* RFS Rescue fire service

RG Range (lights)RHC Right-hand circuitRIF Re-clearance in flightRITE Right (direction of turn)RL Reporting leavingRLA Relay toRLCE Request level change enrouteRLLS Runway lead-in lighting systemRLNA Request level not availableRMK Remark(s)

† RNAV Area navigation (pronounced “AR-NAV”)RNG Radio range

‡ RNP Required navigation performance* RNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force† ROBEX Routine OPMET Bulletin Exchange (scheme)

ROC Rate of climbROD Rate of descentROFOR Route forecast

* ROL Route operating limitationRON Receiving only

* RPA Remotely piloted aircraft* RPAS Remotely piloted aircraft system‡ RPI Radar position indicator

RPL Repetitive flight planRPLC Replace or Replaced

* RPM Revolutions per minuteRPS Radar position symbolRQMNTS RequirementsRR Report reachingRSC Rescue sub-centreRSCD Runway surface condition

‡ RSP Required surveillance performanceRSP Responder beaconRSR Enroute surveillance radarRTE RouteRTF Radio telephoneRTG RadiotelegraphRTHL Runway threshold light(s)RTN Return or Returned or Returning

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RTODAH Rejected take-off distance available, helicopterRTS Return to serviceRTT Radio teletypewriterRTZL Runway touchdown zone light(s)RUT Standard regional route transmitting frequenciesRV Rescue vessel

‡ RVR Runway visual range‡ RVSM Reduced vertical separation minimum

RWY Runway


s Second/sS Indicator for state of the sea (used in the

METAR/SPECI code forms)S South or Southern latitudeSA SandSALS Simple approach lighting systemSAN SanitarySAP As soon as possibleSAR Search and rescueSARPS Standards and recommended practices [ICAO]SAT Saturday

† SATCOM Satellite communicationSB SouthboundSC StratocumulusSCT ScatteredSDBY StandbySE South-eastSEB South-eastboundSEC SecondsSECN SectionSECT Sector

* SEIFR Single-engined IFR† SELCAL Selective calling system

SEP SeptemberSER Service or Servicing or ServicedSEV Severe (used to qualify icing and turbulence reports)

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SFC SurfaceSG Snow grainsSGL SignalSH... Showers (followed by RA=rain, SN=snow, PL=ice

pellets, GR=hail, GS=small hail and/or ice pellets orcombinations thereof, e.g. SHRASN=showers of rainand snow)

SHF Super high frequency [3 000 to 30 000 MHz]† SID Standard instrument departure

SIF Selective identification featureSIG Significant

† SIGMET Information concerning enroute weather phenomenawhich may affect the safety of aircraft operations

SIGWX Significant weatherSIMUL Simultaneous or SimultaneouslySIWL Single isolated wheel loadSKC Sky clearSKED Schedule or ScheduledSLP Speed limiting pointSLW SlowSMC Surface movement controlSMR Surface movement radarSN SnowSNOCLO Indicator for the aerodrome being closed due to

snow on the runway (used in the METAR/SPECI codeforms)

† SNOWTAM A special series NOTAM notifying the presence orremoval of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice,slush or standing water associated with snow, slushand ice on the movement area, by means of aspecific format

* SOT Start of take-off run available† SPECI Aviation selected special weather report

(in aeronautical meteorological code)† SPECIAL Special meteorological report (in abbreviated plain

language)SPOC SAR point of contact

† SPOT Spot windSQ Squall

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SQL Squall lineSR SunriseSRA Surveillance radar approach

* SRC Standard Route ClearanceSRE Surveillance radar element of a precision approach

radar systemSRG Short rangeSRR Search and rescue regionSRY SecondarySS SandstormSS SunsetSSB Single sidebandSSE South south-east

‡ SSR Secondary surveillance radarSST Supersonic transportSSW South south-westST Stratus

* St StabilisedSTA Straight-in approach

† STAR Standard instrument arrivalSTD StandardSTF StratiformSTN StationSTNR StationarySTOL Short take-off and landingSTS StatusSTWL Stopway light(s)

* SUA Special Use AirspaceSUBJ Subject toSUN SundaySUP Supplement (AIP Supplement)SUPPS Regional supplementary proceduresSVC Service messageSVCBL Serviceable

* SVFR Special visual flight rulesSW South-westSWB South-westboundSWY Stopway

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T Temperature* T True (bearing, heading, track)

TA Transition altitude† TACAN UHF tactical air navigation aid† TAF Aerodrome forecast* TAIC Transport Accident Investigation Commission† TAIL Tailwind* TALO Touchdown and lift-off area (located at a heliport)

TAR Terminal area surveillance radarTAS True air speedTAX Taxiing or Taxi

* TBA To be advisedTC Tropical cyclone

* TCAD Traffic alert and collision avoidance device* TCAS Traffic alert and collision avoidance system* TCH Threshold crossing height — ILS, PRA, PAPI and

VASIS glide path (measured in feet above runwaythreshold)

TCU Towering cumulusTDO TornadoTDZ Touchdown zoneTDZE Touchdown zone elevationTECR Technical reasonTEL Telephone

† TEMPO Temporary or TemporarilyTFC TrafficTGL Touch-and-go landingTGS Taxiing guidance systemTHR ThresholdTHRU ThroughTHU Thursday

† TIBA Traffic information broadcast by aircraft† TIL Until

TIP Until past ... (place)TKOF Take-offTL... Till (followed by the time by which weather change

is forecast to end)

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TLOF Touchdown and lift-off area* TM Transponder mandatory (used after text listing of

airspace)TN Indicator for minimum temperature (used in the TAF

code form)TNA Turn altitudeTNH Turn heightTO To ... (place)TOC Top of climbTOD Top of descentTODA Take-off distance availableTODAH Take-off distance available, helicopter

† TOP Cloud topTORA Take-off run availableTP Turning pointTR TrackTRA Temporary reserved airspaceTRANS Transmits or Transmitter

† TREND Trend forecastTRL Transition levelTROP TropopauseTS Thunderstorm (in aerodrome reports and forecasts,

TS used alone means thunder heard but noprecipitation at the aerodrome)

TS... Thunderstorm (followed by RA=rain, SN=snow,PL=ice pellets, GR=hail, GS=small hail and/or snowpellets or combinations thereof, e.g.TSRASN=thunderstorm with rain and snow)

* TSO Technical standard orderTT TeletypewriterTUE TuesdayTURB Turbulence

† T-VASIS “T” visual approach slope indicator system(pronounced “TEE-VASIS”)

TVOR Terminal VORTWR Aerodrome control tower or Aerodrome controlTWY TaxiwayTWYL Taxiway-linkTX Indicator for maximum temperature (used in the

TAF code form)TYP Type of aircraftTYPH Typhoon

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* U UphillU Upward (tendency in RVR during previous 10

minutes)UAB Until advised by ...UAC Upper area control centreUAR Upper air routeUAS Unmanned aircraft system

* UAV Unmanned aerial vehicleUDF Ultra high frequency direction-finding stationUFN Until further noticeUHDT Unable higher due traffic

‡ UHF Ultra high frequency [300 to 3 000 MHz]UIC Upper information centre

‡ UIR Upper flight information region* UL Upper limit(s)

ULR Ultra long rangeUNA UnableUNAP Unable to approve

*† UNICOM Universal Communication ServiceUNL UnlimitedUNREL UnreliableU/S Unserviceable

‡ UTC Co-ordinated universal time


V Indicator for variations from the mean winddirection (used in the METAR/SPECI code forms)

VA Volcanic ashVAAC Volcanic ash advisory centreVAC Visual approach chartVAL In valleysVAN Runway control vanVAR Visual-aural radio rangeVAR Magnetic variation

† VASIS Visual approach slope indicator systemVC Vicinity of the aerodrome (followed by FG=fog,

FC=funnel cloud, SH=showers, PO=dust/sandwhirls, BLDU=blowing dust, BLSA=blowing sand orBLSN=blowing snow, e.g. VCFG=vicinity fog)

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VCY VicinityVDF VHF direction-finding stationVER Vertical

‡ VFR Visual flight rules‡ VHF Very high frequency [30 to 300 MHz]* VHZ Volcanic hazard zone‡ VIP Very important person

VIS VisibilityVLF Very low frequency [3 to 30 kHz]VLR Very long range

‡ VMC Visual meteorological conditions† VNAV Vertical navigation† VOLMET Meteorological information for aircraft in flight* VNC Visual navigation chart‡ VOR VHF Omni-directional radio range*† VORSEC VOR/DME Minimum Sector Altitude Chart† VORTAC VOR and TACAN combination

VOT VOR airborne equipment test facilityVPA Vertical path angle

* VPC Visual planning chartVRB Variable

* VRP Visual reporting pointVSA By visual reference to the ground

* VSM Vertical separation minimumVSP Vertical speed

* VSS Visual segment surfaceVTOL Vertical take-off and landingVV Vertical visibility (used in the METAR/SPECI and TAF

code forms)


W West or Western longitudeW WhiteWAC World Aeronautical Chart — ICAO 1:1 000 000

(followed by name/title)WAFC World area forecast centre

* WAFS World area forecast system — ICAOWB WestboundWBAR Wing bar lightsWDI Wind direction indicatorWDSPR WidespreadWED WednesdayWEF With effect from or effective from

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WGS 84 World Geodetic System — 1984WI WithinWID WidthWIE With immediate effect or effective immediately

† WILCO Will complyWINTEM Forecast upper wind and temperature for aviationWIP Work in progressWKN Weaken or Weakening

* WMO World meteorological organisationWNW West north-westWO WithoutWPT Way-pointWRNG WarningWS Wind shearWSPD Wind speedWSW West south-westWT WeightWTSPT WaterspoutWWW Worldwide webWX Weather


X CrossXBAR Crossbar (of approach lighting system)XNG CrossingXS Atmospherics


Y YellowYCZ Yellow caution zone (runway lighting)YR Your


Z Coordinated universal time

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2.1 List of Definitions

2.1.1 The definitions listed below are used in AIS publications:

Accelerate stop distance available (ASDA): Accelerate stop distanceavailable for an abandoned take-off. ASDA is the declared length of therunway available, plus the length of the stopway (if provided).

Aerobatic flight: Any intentional manoeuvre in which the aircraft is insustained inverted flight or is rolled from upright to inverted or frominverted to upright position, or manoeuvres such as rolls, loops, spins,upward vertical flight culminating in a stall turn, hammerhead or whip stall,or a combination of such manoeuvres.

Aerodrome: Any defined area of land or water intended or designed to beused either wholly or partially for the landing, departure, surfacemovement, and servicing of aircraft. This includes any buildings,installations and equipment on or adjacent to the area used in connectionwith the aerodrome or its administration.

Aerodrome elevation: The elevation of the highest point of the landingarea.

Aerodrome ground services: Services provided at an aerodrome,including Aeronautical Information Service pre-flight briefing, Air TrafficServices (aerodrome control, aerodrome flight information service, alertingservice), Rescue Fire Service, Aviation Security Service, and MET service.

Aerodrome reference point: The designated geographical location of anaerodrome.

Aerodrome traffic circuit: The specified path to be flown by aircraftoperating in the vicinity of an aerodrome.

Aeronautical fixed telecommunication network (AFTN): A worldwidesystem of aeronautical fixed circuits provided, as part of the aeronauticalfixed service, for the exchange of messages and/or digital data betweenaeronautical fixed stations.

Aircraft operating agency: The person, organisation or enterpriseengaged in, or offering to engage in, an aircraft operation.

Air taxiing: Movement of a helicopter/VTOL above the surface of anaerodrome, normally in ground effect and at a ground speed normallyless than 37 km/h (20 kt).

Note: The actual height may vary, and some helicopters may requireair-taxiing above 8 m (25 ft) AGL to reduce ground effect turbulence orprovide clearance for cargo sling loads.

Air traffic control (ATC): A service provided for the purpose ofpreventing collisions between aircraft, preventing collisions on themanoeuvring area between aircraft and obstructions, and expediting andmaintaining a safe and efficient flow of air traffic.

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Air traffic services (ATS): A set of services including air traffic control,flight information service, aerodrome flight information service (AFIS),alerting service, and any other service considered by the Director to benecessary or desirable for the safe and efficient operation of the civilaviation system.

Alerting service: A service provided to notify appropriate organisationsregarding aircraft in need of search and rescue aid, and assistance for suchorganisations as required.

An alerting service is provided to aircraft that:

(a) are provided with an air traffic control service; or

(b) file a flight plan; or

(c) submit a SARWATCH; or

(d) are known by any air traffic service to be in need of assistance(includes unlawful interference).

Altitude: The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object consideredas a point, measured from mean sea level (MSL).

Apron: A defined area on a land aerodrome intended to accommodateaircraft for purposes of loading or unloading passengers or cargo,refuelling, parking, or maintenance.

Area minimum altitude (AMA): The minimum altitude to be used underinstrument meteorological conditions (IMC), that provides a minimumobstacle clearance within a specified area, normally formed by parallels andmeridians.

Note: The minimum vertical clearance is 300 m (1000 ft) or in designatedmountainous terrain 600 m (2000 ft) above all obstacles located in thearea specified, rounded up to the nearest (next higher) 30 m (100 ft).

Area navigation (RNAV): A method of navigation which permits aircraftoperation on any desired flight path within the coverage of ground- orspace-based navigation aids or within the limits of the capability ofself-contained aids, or a combination of these.

Note: Area navigation includes performance-based navigation as well asother operations that do not meet the definition of performance-basednavigation.

ATS surveillance service: A term used to indicate a service provideddirectly by means of an ATS surveillance system.

ATS surveillance system: A generic term meaning variously, ADS-B,PSR, SSR or MLAT.

Automatic dependent surveillance — broadcast (ADS-B): A means bywhich aircraft, aerodrome vehicles and other objects can automaticallytransmit and/or receive data such as identification, position and additionaldata, as appropriate, in a broadcast mode via a data link.

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Barometric vertical navigation (baro-VNAV): A navigation system thatpresents to the pilot computed vertical guidance referenced to a specifiedvertical path angle (VPA), nominally 3°. The computer-resolved verticalguidance is based on barometric altitude and is specified as a vertical pathangle from RDH.

Baro-VNAV approach procedures utilise a DA/H and not an MDA/H, andneither a FAF nor a missed approach point (MAPt) is identified, instead theyutilise a final approach point (FAP) only. They use obstacle assessmentsurfaces similar to those for ILS, but based on the specific RNAV lateralguidance system.

Ceiling: The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowestlayer of cloud below 20,000 ft covering more than half the sky.

Change-over point (COP): The point at which an aircraft navigating onan ATS route segment defined by reference to very high frequencyomnidirectional radio ranges is expected to transfer its primarynavigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft to the nextfacility ahead of the aircraft.

Note: Change-over points are established to provide the optimum balancein respect of signal strength and quality between facilities at all levels to beused and to ensure a common source of azimuth guidance for all aircraftoperating along the same portion of a route segment.

Controlled aerodrome: An aerodrome at which air traffic control serviceis provided to aerodrome traffic.

Note: The term controlled aerodrome indicates that air traffic controlservice is provided to aerodrome traffic but does not necessarily imply thata control zone exists.

Controlled airspace: An airspace of defined dimensions within which anair traffic control service is provided to IFR flights, and to VFR flights, inaccordance with the airspace classification.

Controlled flight: Any flight that is provided with an air traffic controlservice.

Decision Altitude (DA) or Decision Height (DH): A specified altitude orheight in the precision approach, or approach with vertical guidance, atwhich a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual referenceto continue the approach has not been established. DA is referenced tomean sea level, and DH is referenced to the threshold elevation.

Domestic: A term pertaining to either an aerodrome which is not adesignated international aerodrome, airspace, Air Traffic Services, or flightoperations contained wholly within the New Zealand Flight InformationRegion and between New Zealand and the Chatham Islands.

Elevation: The vertical distance of a point or a level, on or affixed to thesurface of the earth, measured from mean sea level.

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Estimated off-block time (EOBT): The estimated time at which theaircraft will commence movement associated with departure.

Note: The EOBT is the estimated time at which the aircraft will commencemovement associated with departure and is specified in field 13 of theICAO flight plan. Airlines consider this time to be doors closed, or parkingbrake off, or disconnection from the air-bridge.

Estimated time of arrival (ETA): For IFR flights, the time at which it isestimated that the aircraft will arrive over that designated point, defined byreference to navigation aids, from which it is intended that an instrumentapproach procedure will be commenced, or if no navigation aid isassociated with the aerodrome, the time at which the aircraft will arriveover the aerodrome.

For VFR flights, the time at which it is estimated that the aircraft will arriveover the aerodrome.

Estimated time of departure (ETD): The estimated time at which theaircraft will commence take-off.

Estimated time over (ETO): The estimated time over a significant point.

Flight information service: A service provided for the purpose of givingadvice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flights.

Flight level: A surface of constant atmospheric pressure which is relatedto a specific pressure datum 1013.2 hectopascals (hPa) and is separatedfrom other such surfaces by specific pressure intervals.

Note 1: A pressure type altimeter calibrated in accordance with theStandard Atmosphere:

(a) when set to a QNH altimeter setting, will indicate altitude;and

(b) when set to a pressure of 1013.2 hPa may be used toindicate flight levels.

Note 2: The terms “height” and “altitude” used above indicate altimetricrather than geometric heights and altitudes.

Height: The vertical distance of a level, a point or an object considered asa point, measured from a specified datum.

Heliport: Any defined area of land or water, and any defined area on astructure, intended or designed to be used either wholly or partly for thelanding, departure, and surface movement of helicopters.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): The United Nationsspecialised agency established under the Convention on International CivilAviation (Chicago Convention). New Zealand is a signatory to theConvention. Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained inthe Annexes to the Convention form the basis for the New Zealand aviationregulatory regime.

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Landing area: That part of a movement area intended for the landing ortake-off of aircraft.

Level: A generic term relating to the vertical position of an aircraft in flightand meaning variously height, altitude or flight level.

Manoeuvring area: That part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-offand landing of aircraft, and for the surface movement of aircraft associatedwith take-off and landing, but does not include areas set aside for loading,unloading, or maintenance of aircraft.

Minimum descent altitude (MDA) or Minimum descent height (MDH):A specified altitude or height in a non-precision approach or circling approachbelow which descent must not be made without the required visual reference.MDA is referenced to mean sea level and MDH is referenced to the aerodromeelevation or to the threshold elevation if that is more than 7 ft below theaerodrome elevation. MDH for a circling approach is referenced to theaerodrome elevation.

Minimum enroute altitude (MEA): MEA is the lowest altitude at whichadequate NDB signal can be received on an NDB route.

Minimum flight altitude (MFA): The lowest level at or above the routesector minimum safe altitude/MRA/MEA or upper limit of Volcanic HazardZone or Danger/Restricted Area, as appropriate, in accordance with thedirection of flight as prescribed in CAR 91.425.

Minimum fuel: The term used to describe a situation in which an aircraft’sfuel supply has reached a state where the flight is committed to land at aspecific aerodrome and no additional delay can be accepted.

Minimum reception altitude (MRA): MRA is the lowest altitude at whichadequate VOR signal can be received on a VOR route.

Minimum safe altitude: The lowest altitude, rounded up to the nearest100 ft, which provides the terrain clearance required by CAR 91.423. Notethat this is not the ICAO MSA (minimum SECTOR altitude) which in NewZealand is referred to as MSA 25 NM — see below.

Minimum sector altitude (MSA 25 NM): The lowest altitude that may beused that will provide a minimum clearance of 1000 ft (2000 ft indesignated mountainous zones) above all objects located in an areacontained within a sector of a circle of 25 NM radius centred on a radionavigation aid or, where associated with GNSS procedures, the AerodromeReference Point.

Movement area: That part of an aerodrome area to be used for thetake-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, consisting of the manoeuvring areaand apron(s).

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Multilateration (MLAT) system: A group of equipment configured toprovide position derived from the secondary surveillance radar (SSR)transponder signals (replies or squitters) primarily using time difference ofarrival (TDOA) techniques. Additional information, including identification,can be extracted from the received signals.

Navigation specification: A set of aircraft and flight crew requirementsneeded to support performance-based navigation operations within adefined airspace. There are two kinds of navigation specifications:

(a) Required navigation performance (RNP) specification. A navigationspecification based on area navigation that includes the requirementfor performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefixRNP, e.g. RNP 4, RNP APCH.

(b) Area navigation (RNAV) specification. A navigation specificationbased on area navigation that does not include the requirement forperformance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefixRNAV, e.g. RNAV 5, RNAV 1.

NOTAM: A notice containing information concerning the establishment,condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure orhazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concernedwith flight operations. NOTAM are distributed by means oftelecommunications.

Performance-based navigation (PBN): Area navigation based onperformance requirements for aircraft operating along an ATS route, on aninstrument approach procedure or in a designated airspace.

Note: Performance requirements are expressed in navigation specifications(RNAV specification, RNP specification) in terms of accuracy, integrity,continuity, availability and functionality needed for the proposed operationin the context of a particular airspace concept.

Procedure Altitude: A recommended altitude established to accommodatea stabilised descent profile on a prescribed descent angle in the finalapproach segment. Procedure altitudes may also be applied in theintermediate segment. A procedure altitude will never be less than thesegment obstacle clearance altitude.

Radar: A radio detection device which provides information on range,azimuth and/or elevation of objects.

Note — The term “radar service” may be interpreted as an “ATS surveillanceservice” provided by PSR, SSR, MLAT or ADS-B systems if such service isprovided.

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Rated coverage: The rated coverage of an NDB is the area surroundingthe NDB within which bearings can be obtained with an accuracy sufficientfor the nature of the operation concerned. The area is defined by a radialdistance from the NDB. This is similar to the ICAO term “effectivecoverage”.

Remote pilot: The person who manipulates the flight controls of aremotely-piloted aircraft during flight time.

Remote pilot station: The station at which the remote pilot manages theflight of an unmanned aircraft.

Remotely-piloted aircraft: An aircraft where the flying pilot is not onboard the aircraft.Note — this is a subcategory of unmanned aircraft.

Remotely-piloted aircraft system: A set of configurable elementsconsisting of a remotely-piloted aircraft, its associated remote pilotstation(s), the required command and control links and any other systemelements as may be required, at any point during flight operation.

RPA observer: A remote crew member who, by visual observation of theremotely-piloted aircraft, assists the remote pilot in the safe conduct of theflight.

Runway end identifier lights (REIL): Comprise very high intensityuni-directional light projectors located on either side of the runwaycentreline, on or outside of the line of the runway edge lights, and at ordownwind of the landing threshold. The lights are aligned to be visible fromthe approach direction and are syncronised to flash simultaneously brilliantwhite at a minimum rate of 60 flashes per minute.

Runway end safety area: A cleared and graded area off the end of therunway strip intended to minimise damage to aircraft in the event of theaircraft undershooting or overrunning the runway.

SARTIME: The time nominated by a pilot for the initiation of alertingaction.

Segment OCA: An altitude that provides required obstacle clearance for agiven segment of the approach. It is a minimum altitude established by theprocedure designer and is meant to be a “do not descend below” altitude.

Simultaneous operations — instrument conditions: RESERVED (notcurrently applicable at New Zealand aerodromes).

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Simultaneous operations — visual conditions: Operations usingparallel runways where both may be in use at the time, in accordance withthe following criteria (excluding provision for wake turbulence separationrequirements):

(a) Uncontrolled aerodrome — simultaneous-independent operations,with displacement between parallel runway centrelines not less than210 m.

(b) Controlled aerodrome — aerodrome control service on watch:

(i) simultaneous-independent operations: where ATC controlsaircraft with displacement between parallel runwaycentrelines not less than 210 m (not less than 165 medge-to-edge if grass runways); or

(ii) simultaneous-dependent operations: where ATC controlsaircraft including sequencing or staggering operations (toavoid side-by-side parallel flight or side-by-side manoeuvringon a parallel runway); or

(iii) simultaneous-segregated operations: where ATC controlsaircraft departures on one runway and aircraft arrivals on theparallel runway.

Taxi: Movement of an aircraft on the surface of an aerodrome or on water,excluding take-off and landing, but including, in the case of helicopters,operation over the surface of an aerodrome within a height bandassociated with ground effect and at speeds associated with air-taxiing.

Terminal control area (TMA): A control area normally established at theconfluence of ATS routes in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes.

Transition altitude: The altitude at or below which the vertical position ofan aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes.

Transition level: The lowest flight level available for use above thetransition altitude.

May also be known as the Lowest Usable Flight Level.

The transition level is FL150, except that:

(a) when the zone area QNH is 980 hPa or less, FL160 is to be used; or

(b) within the area of a circle of 20 NM radius centred on Mt Cook,FL160 is to be used if the aircraft is in IMC.

Transition layer: The airspace between the transition altitude and thetransition level.

Vicinity of an aerodrome: An area around an aerodrome where aircraftcarry out manoeuvres associated with entering, leaving, or operating withinan aerodrome traffic circuit.

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Visual departure: A departure by an IFR flight when either part or all ofan instrument departure procedure is not completed and the departure isexecuted in visual reference to terrain.

Visual meteorological conditions (VMC): Meteorological conditionsexpressed in terms of visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling equal to orbetter than specified minima.

VMC varies according to the type of airspace, and is equivalent to the METrequirements for VFR flight in that class of airspace (Refer ENR 1.2 VisualFlight Rules).

Visual reference: Continuous reference to terrain (land or water).

Visual segment surface: Applicable to straight-in instrument approachprocedures only — a surface 1.12° below the promulgated approach angleprotecting the visual component of the approach from the point where OCHis reached to the threshold.

Effective: 15 SEP 16